Wanted in Rome 2012-12-05

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5 December 2012


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in Rome

Art & Culture eNtertAINMeNt News useful NuMbers

Poste Italiane S.p.a. Sped. in abb. post. DL 353/2003 (Conv. in L 27/02/2004 N.46) art. 1 comma 1 Aut. C/RM/04/2012 - Anno 4, Numero 18

no. 18 / wednesday / 5 December 2012










WHAT’S ON Linda Bordoni





Christmas Card 2011 Edith schloss ink on paper see Cover art exhibition, details page 9.

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Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012



5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

thE mYstErY OF thE BamBiNELLO The Bambinello at the Ara Coeli has a mysterious history of miracles, theft and duplicity. The “real” statuette was stolen almost 20 years ago and still hasn’t been recovered


he true symbol of a traditional roman Christmas is the well-loved the princess wanted to keep the precious Bambinello for herself, so Bambinello, an ancient wooden sculpture of the Christ Child in she craftily commissioned an artist to make an identical copy, which she the church of s. maria in aracoeli, which vanished without trace sent back to the aracoeli church. she might have got away with it, but for in 1994. it does, however, have a venerated twin. Could this, in the fact that the Bambinello objected to the ruse and miraculously made fact, be the true original? its own way back to take its place beside its twin. Giulianello, a charming mediaeval walled hamlet near Velletri, doesn’t the two Bambinelli were sent away for safety during the Napoleonic feature on every map. in fact, it is not considered a village in its own invasion of rome in 1798. One was entrusted to the nuns of the Convent right, but a “frazione” (a kind of satellite settlement) of the ancient town of s. Cosimato in rome and the other was taken to the religious house of Cori some 35 kms south-east of rome. of the santissima Genetrice in the castle at Christmas and Epiphany, however, it of Giulianello, where it was eventually comes into its own, when hundreds of transferred to the parish church of s. people from all over flock there to pay Giovanni Battista around 1860. But which homage to the legendary Bambinello. one was the original and which one the For most of the year, the carved copy? it’s still open to debate. wooden image of the Christ Child, is kept Eventually, the s. Cosimato carving under lock and key in a chapel in the was returned to s. maria in aracoeli and right-hand nave of the church of s. for almost 200 years was the fulcrum of Giovanni Battista, at the far end of the traditional roman Christmas and Giulianello’s main street. a smiling, Epiphany celebrations. But unfortunately chubby little figurine with shiny cheeks, it Er Pupo, as the romans affectionately is perched on an altar draped with coils called it, is no longer there. of ex-voto coral necklaces donated by the rich cache of gold and gemstones grateful recipients of its benevolent interheaped on it by grateful donors made it a cession. the Bambinello is credited with choice target for thieves. in 1994 the miraculous powers of healing and is held church was broken into and it was stolen, in great veneration. during the festive along with its valuable vestments and season it is brought out of its recess and, ornaments. the theft of the beloved adorned with priceless gold and bestatuette shocked rome. Newspaper jewelled swaddling clothes, appears reports of the time say even the inmates before the faithful in all its glory. of rome’s regina Coeli and rebibbia the Giulianello Baby Jesus is the twin prisons were filled with indignation. italian of the more famous Bambinello that police have been hunting for it ever since. belonged to the church of s. maria in shortly before their statuette was aracoeli on rome’s Campidoglio, beside stolen, the Franciscan brothers of s. the Victor Emmanuel memorial. it was maria di aracoeli had commissioned a a copy of the ara Coeli Bambinello is revered in Giulianello. stolen almost 20 years ago and has copy from italian sculptor maurizio Orsini, never been recovered, despite worldwide identical in every detail and complete investigations by carabinieri of the Nucleo per la tutela del Patrimonio with an exact replica of the gold embroidered swaddling clothes as they artistico, a police corps dedicated to the protection of italy’s artistic and were depicted in an 18th-century print. cultural heritage, based in nearby Piazza s. ignazio. in 2003 police investigators were given a tip-off that led them to believe But which is the true Bambinello and which is the copy? the people that the Bambinello was in a remote sanctuary in northern argentina. the of Giulianello are convinced that their holy infant is the original sacred sculptor was asked to identify whether it was his work by some secret image carved out of olive wood from the Garden of Gethsemane and marks he had made on the inside of the carving. disappointingly, he was dipped in the river Jordan by a devout Franciscan lay brother. No one able to verify that the argentine version was in fact the duplicate he had knows how old the original statuette is. its arrival at the aracoeli is created. shrouded in mystery. according to legend, the ship that was bringing it When the Franciscan brothers became resigned to the fact that their to rome from the holy Land ran into a bad storm and the crate containstatuette was not going to turn up, they decided to fill the empty niche ing the carving was washed overboard. however, it was miraculously near the altar and yet another copy was made. this is the Bambinello found on the beach at Livorno, where it was recovered and conveyed to that appears in the manger of the church’s nativity scene at Christmas rome amid great rejoicing. and blesses the city at Epiphany. so far, it doesn’t appear to have its fame as a miracle cure worker soon spread. One story tells of a wrought any miracles. maybe the Giulianello bambino is a surer bet. 17th-century roman noblewoman requesting the loan of the image to take to her seriously ill cousin, Cardinal scipione Borghese. and this is where the mystery begins. margaret stenhouse Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012



5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

Pierluigi Bersani

Beppe Grillo

matteo renzi

mUddLEd POLitiCs, mUddLEd ELECtiONs

The government is trying to guide the country through the economic crisis while the political parties stumble their way towards elections


here are two distinct tracks in italian politics at the moment; they are parallel and show few signs of connecting. in the prime minister’s office in Palazzo Chigi, there is mario monti and his government. they negotiate with the labour unions, employers and banks; they pass budgetary laws and pension reform, often with heated debate and stiff opposition. they meet with their European partners and discuss italy’s position, and contribute solutions to the wider issues. their activities are highly political in that they decide on the distribution of resources and the overall wellbeing of the whole country, but they are defined as tecnici or technocrats. On the other track there are the traditional parties, usually described (or dismissed) as la politica. they are increasingly embroiled in scandals and internal fights over who is going to lead which party. Just outside the ring of traditional parties lies the Genoese comic, Beppe Grillo with his movimento 5 stelle (m5s), or Five star movement, which terrifies the other parties. Grillo scored almost 15 per cent of the vote in October’s regional elections in sicily. Opinion polls give the m5s as much or more over the whole of italy. in most countries, as elections approach, issues become clearer and the choices more defined. in italy today, the opposite is true: with about four months to go until a general election and just over two months until Lazio and Lombardia – two of the country’s biggest regions – go to the polls, the choices of leaders, policies, parties, even the electoral system itself, are more muddled than ever. that is one paradox. the other is that there is a good chance that, whatever comes out of the muddle, monti or his policies will continue after the elections. First the electoral system: it is as if we knew there is going to be a match in april but didn’t know whether it is going to be rugby or football or something else again. the choice of rules and the type of game condition the campaign tactics and the makeup of the team, but no one knows yet for certain what the game will be. Voters are clear that they would like a system under which they can choose who represents them. Under the current system it is the party leadership that decides on the party list. it is a proportional, fixed party list with a premium for the coalition that wins the most votes. it was dubbed a pig’s dinner (porcellum) by the very deputy who proposed it in 2005, and has been vilified by just about everyone since it was passed. But while everyone agrees that it is terrible, they cannot agree on how to replace it, so there is a good chance that it will be used again in the general elections in the spring, or that it will be only slightly tweaked again to reduce the winner’s premium and damage the m5s’s score. in the meantime, the existing parties have been trying to line up in election formation. Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012

the centre-left parties have gone furthest. in 2005 they introduced a system of primaries simply to give the then leader romano Prodi greater legitimacy. today their primaries offer real choice. in many recent local elections, the Partito democratico (Pd, the largest single element among the parties on the centre-left) did not succeed in imposing its candidate. But for the election of its leader, it did. the present secretary of the Pd, Pierluigi Bersani looks set to win the job of coalition leader and candidate after he won the first round of the primaries against four other candidates on 25 November. as we go to press he faces a run-off against the 37-year old mayor of Florence, matteo renzi who came second with 36 per cent of the vote to Bersani's 44 per cent. the Pd by itself is the biggest party on the centre left and is scoring over 30 per cent in the opinion polls, with Nichi Vendola’s sinistra, Ecologia, Libertà (sEL) following at around six per cent. at the moment, whichever electoral system is used, the centre-left is the most likely government and Bersani is the most likely prime minister. the centre-right would love to have the same chances, but it is riven by internal divisions. Last year, silvio Berlusconi appointed angelino alfano as his successor and secretary of the Popolo della Libertà (PdL), but implicitly Berlusconi maintained control. Over the last couple of months alfano has tried to carve out a role of his own and would like to see centre-right primaries later this month in order to establish his own legitimacy. But as Berlusconi’s power wanes, the PdL divisions increase and its poll ratings collapse, and former party faithfuls look for new homes. in the centre, meanwhile, the crowd grows as would-be moderates try to take advantage of monti’s success. Pier Ferdinando Casini’s Unione democratici Cristiani e di Centro (UdC) still only polls around six per cent, but would like to bring in the alleanza Nazionale (aN), the party led by the speaker of the chamber of deputies, Gianfranco Fini, and maybe Ferrari boss Luca di montezemolo, as well as others. With every scandal and every attempt to push the budget or the electoral law in their favour, the old parties give a fillip to Grillo, and support for him could grow even more before the elections as long as the m5s does not implode. it has no formal structure and Grillo himself is responsible to no-one. if and when the m5s gains real power, there will be internal opposition and discussion. the movement’s best allies are la politica, but it too has its weaknesses. Looming over all the electoral shenanigans is italy’s debt and the broader economic crisis, which means that – whoever governs – the policies will not be so very different from today’s. James Walston 5


5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

the German minister of culture (third from right) with his italian counterpart (third from left) at the inauguration of the Casa di Goethe extension in september.

GOEthE's itaLiaN draWiNGs


Rome’s newly-expanded Casa di Goethe provides a chance to examine the poet's Italian legacy

ovelist, playwright, poet, saxony’s minister for military affairs, mines, transport and taxation, Goethe is one of history’s most formidable polymaths, up there with some of the leading figures of the renaissance. he was also a naturalist, taking an active interest (and notes) in anything from optics to cloud-formation, botany to geology: “We walked along the beach,” confides an extract from the diary of his friend and host tischbein. “most people lay down on the sand. Goethe had gone off by himself and was chipping pieces off a boulder that lies here to break the surf, and examining the rock types.” Once Goethe had slipped into italy, there came another incarnation: Goethe as painter, if drawing in pen and ink qualifies for the term. in a splendid quote, he reports: “art for me is becoming second nature, emerging from the head of geniuses like minerva emerging from that of Jove.” a bust of the same god still dominates a shelf of the room where he stayed now part of rome’s Casa di Goethe on Via del Corso 19, “not 300 paces from Porta del Popolo”. “i could not resist buying a colossal Jove. it now stands in a good light facing my bed, so i can say prayers to it every morning.” With tischbein always on hand to guide his eye, Goethe must have had his prayers answered, given the 900 drawings produced during his twoyear italian visit. released from 200 years’ storage back in Weimar, 51 are here on display, most for the first time ever, a pen and ink Jove’s head and issuing minerva included. as Goethe notes: “From morning to evening i draw, paint, shade, as a professed artist keeping myself busy.” and then, come nightfall, “as soon as the landlady has put the three-branched brass lamp on the table with the words Felicissima notte!, we sit in a circle and each brings out his drawings which he has made during the day.” Or in Goethe’s case often at night. some of the pieces here are moonscapes; what is lost in detail more than made up for in atmosphere: “Of the beauty of going up and down rome in the full moon, only those who have experienced it can have a full idea,” he writes in a letter home, an observation with which Edward Gibbon, whose decline and Fall was conceived after a midnight stroll on the Capitol, would have agreed. “Every detail gets swallowed by vast masses of light and shade and the eye perceives only immense and total images.” this, of course, before “light pollution”, the disenchanting effects of modern neon. another room contains mostly landscapes, some more tentative than complete. Goethe remained doubtful about his painting ability right into old age, writing that “i have drawn a lot, yet will never be an artist.” some 50 years later he went on to say, “in italy i was forty, and smart enough to understand that i had no talent for the figurative arts and that my efforts in that direction were a mistake.” (as tischbein suggests in his diary, Goethe was also, for all his talents, surprisingly modest.) at the museum entrance Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012

an andy Warhol painting of Goethe’s head (after the famous tischbein portrait) is not a bad endorsement, although, naturally, Goethe’s efforts have to stand by themselves. Finally any judgment must be left to the viewer. in his triton and Nymph, the two protagonists in the foreground are so small as to be almost incidental. as in Claude Lorraine (Goethe’s leading light) and subsequently turner, the surrounding landscape is the thing. Black and white, though, is an over-simplification, particularly in rock arch and Path into the Park. Putting into effect the three shades technique learned from the German artist Jacob hackert, then working for Naples’ ruling family, Goethe depicts a stairway winding hauntingly up and away into the mist. in another piece a wash of blue breaks out above a pyramid while one work is actually in colour throughout: a figure perches below a half-tumbled portico and gazes downwards while olive trees writhe bucolically and a miniature ship offsets the blue of the bay. it is with a smile that one reads in the sumptuous catalogue that, as the back of the picture evidently states, the colouring was only added years later by the poet’s son, Julius, as a game. One might cavil that, whether in rome, the Campagna romana, Naples or sicily, there is a lack of people – unless you count a whole room of painstakingly depicted giant hands (of the Borghese boxer, so called). But then, for human portraits one can always read or re-read the sorrows of Young Werther or Faust or, for that matter italian journey, for which many of these drawings might originally have been intended as illustrations. “i cannot say to what extent my eyes have been liberated from the blindfold that covered them,” writes Goethe, newly arrived from the grey north. On show until 9 december are some glimpses of what he meant. this exhibition is a wonderfully apposite way of celebrating the opening of the museum’s second floor, originally a private apartment now acquired courtesy of the German parliament by Casa di Goethe and redesigned, complete with library and state-of-the-art lighting, by italian architect alessandro Casadei. the floor space in the museum has now been doubled, and a part will host an exhibition of high-quality facsimiles of Goethe’s paintings and drawings from 15 december until 28 February. here in the museum you will also find, as the catalogue points out, a temporary haven from rome’s ever rising tides of traffic. towards the end of Via del Corso, just 300 paces from Piazza del Popolo, look for the twin red flags and ring the bell. martin Bennett Casa di Goethe, Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412, www.casadigoethe.it. 10.00-18.00. mon closed. Free guided tours in italian every sun at 11.00. Library tues-Fri 10.00-18.00.


For more details see www.museiincomuneroma.it and www.beniculturali.it. Below is a list of thE major musEums and arChaEologiCal sitEs in romE; in general, ticket offices shut approximately one hour before final closing time. in most cases admission is free for EU citizens under 18 and over 65 and reduced for those aged 18-25. Book tickets for many rome museums and archaeological sites on tel. 060608 or online at www.060608.it. Book tickets for the Borghese museum, Etruscan museum at Villa Giulia, Palazzo Barberini and Palazzo Corsini online at www.beniculturali.it.

vATICAN museums Viale del Vaticano, tel. 0669883860, mv.vatican.va. Not only the Sistine Chapel but also the Egyptian and Etruscan collections and the Pinacoteca. Mon-Sat 09.00-

18.00. Sun (and bank holidays) closed except last Sun of month (free entry, 08.30-12.30). All times refer to last entry. For group tours of the museums and

Vatican gardens tel. 0669884667. For private tours (museum only) tel. 0669884947. Closed 26 December and 6 January, Easter Sunday and Monday.

Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums, tel. 0669881814, www.vatican-patrons.org. For private behind-the-scene tours in the Vatican Museums.

Italian tools, crafts, clothing, furniture, musical instruments, jewellery. Tues-Fri 09.0018.00, Sat-Sun 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on prior booking.

Italian artefacts and ethnological material from various cultures. 10.00-18.00.

sTATe museums Baths of Diocletian Viale Enrico de Nicola 78, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Part of the protohistorical section of the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Baths of Diocletian plus the restored cloister by Michelangelo. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed.

l Crypta Balbi Via delle Botteghe Oscure 31, tel. 0639967700, www.archeologia.beniculturali.it. Museum dedicated to the Middle Ages on the site of the ancient ruins of the Roman Theatre of Balbus. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian.

Borghese Museum Piazzale Scipione Borghese (Villa Borghese), tel. 06328101, www.galleria.borghese.it. Sculptures by Bernini and Canova, paintings by Titian, Caravaggio, Raphael, Correggio. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Entry times at 09.00, 11.00, 13.00 15.00, 17.00. Guided tours in English and Italian.

l Etruscan Museum at Villa Giulia Piazza Villa Giulia 9, tel. 063226571, villagiulia.beniculturali.it. National museum of Etruscan civilisation. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed.



Castel S. Angelo Museum Lungotevere Castello 50, tel. 066819111, www.castelsantangelo.com. Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum used by the popes as a fortress, prison and palace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.


Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum Colosseum: Piazza del Colosseo. Palatine: entrances at Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53 and Via di S. Gregorio 30. Roman Forum: entrances at Largo Romolo e Remo 5-6 and Piazza di S. Maria Nova 53, tel. 0639967700, www.colosseo-roma.it. 08.30-19.15. Single ticket gives entry to the Colosseum and the Palatine (including the Museo Palatino; last entry one hour before closing). Guided tours in English and Italian.


l Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 06322981, www.gnam.beniculturali.it. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. l MAXXI Via Guido Reni 6, tel. 063210181, www.fondazionemaxxi.it. National Museum of 21st-century art, designed by Zaha Hadid. Tues-Sun 11.00-19.00, Thurs and Sat 11.00-22.00. Mon closed.

Museo dei Fori Imperiali and Trajan’s Markets Via IV Novembre 94, tel. 060608, en.mercatiditraiano.it. Museum dedicated to the forums of Caesar, Augustus, Nerva and Trajan and the Temple of Peace. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. l

l Museo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari Piazza G. Marconi 10, EUR, tel. 060608, www.popolari.arti.beniculturali.it. Traditional

l Palazzo Corsini Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica Via della Lungara, 10, tel. 0668802323, www.galleriaborghese.it/corsini/en. National collection of ancient art, begun by Rome's Corsini family. Tues-Sun 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. l Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale Via Merulana 248, tel. 0646974832, www.museorientale.it. Interesting national collection of oriental art with some special exhibitions from its own collection and special loans. Tues, Wed, and Fri. 09.0014.00. Thurs, Sat, Sun. 09.00-19.30. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian on Sun (11.00 and 17.00). l Museo Nazionale del Palazzo Venezia Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0669994285, www.museopalazzovenezia.beniculturali.it. Residence of Pope Paul II in the 15th century, it was the embassy of the Republic of Venice and then of the Austrian Empire. Paintings, sculpture, bronzes by Pisanello and Bernini. 08.30-19.30, Mon closed.

Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico L. Pigorini Piazza G. Marconi 14, EUR, tel. 06549521, www.pigorini.beniculturali.it. Prehistoric l

l Palazzo Altemps Piazza S. Apollinare 46, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Ancient sculpture from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Ludovisi collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. l Palazzo Barberini Via delle Quattro Fontane 13, tel. 064824184, www.galleriabarberini.beniculturali.it. National collection of 13th- to 16th-century paintings. 08.30-19.30. Mon closed. l Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Largo di Villa Peretti 1, tel. 0639967700, www.archeoroma.beniculturali.it. Important Roman paintings, mosaics, sculpture, coins and antiquities from the Museo Nazionale Romano, including the Kircherian collection. 09.00-19.45. Mon closed. l Scuderie del Quirinale LVia XXIV Maggio 16, tel. 0639967500, www.scuderiequirinale.it. The museum opposite the residence of Italy’s president stages major exhibitions. Sun-Thurs 10.0020.00, Fri-Sat 10.00-22.30. l Vittoriano Piazza Aracoeli, tel. 066991718, www.museiincomuneroma.it. Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II and Italian unity. Also Museo Centrale del Risorgimento. 10.0016.00. Mon closed. Entry free.

CITY museums ACEA (Montemartini) Art Centre Via Ostiense 106, tel. 060608, en.centralemontemartini.org. Over 400 pieces of ancient sculpture from the Capitoline Museums are on show in a former power plant. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English for groups if reserved in advance.


Capitoline Museums Piazza del Campidoglio, tel. 060608, en.museicapitolini.org. The city’s collection of ancient sculpture in Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, plus the Tabularium and the Pinacoteca. 09.00-20.00. Mon closed. Guided tours for groups in English and Italian on Sat and Sun.


l Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna Via Francesco Crispi 24, tel. 060608, www.museiincomuneroma.it. The municipal modern art collection. 10.00-18.00. Mon closed. l MACRO Via Reggio Emilia 54, tel. 060608, www.macro.roma.museum. The city’s collection of contemporary art, plus temporary exhibition space. Via Reggio Emilia 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Also MACRO Future, Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4, tel. 060608. Open for temporary exhibitions only 16.00-24.00. Mon closed. l Museo Barracco Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 166, tel. 0668806848, www.mdbr.it. A collection of

pRIvATe museums

Doria Pamphilj Gallery Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 305, tel. 066797323, www.doriapamphilj.it. Residence of the Doria Pamphilj family, it contains the family’s private art collection, which includes a portrait by Velasquez, a sculpture by Bernini, plus works by Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto and Caravaggio. 10.0017.00.



l Galleria Colonna Palazzo Colonna, Via della Pilotta 17, tel. 066784350, www.galleriacolonna.it. Private collection of works by Veronese, Guido Reni, Pietro di Cortona and Annibale Caracci. Sat 09.00-13.00 only. Private group tours are available seven days a week on request. For wheelchair access contact the gallery to arrange alternative entrance.

mainly pre-Roman sculpture. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. l Museo dell’Ara Pacis Lungotevere in Augusta, tel. 060608, www.arapacis.it. Home of the Roman altar to peace commissioned by Emperor Caesar Augustus in the 1st century AD. The museum was designed by American architect Richard Meier. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.

l Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi Via S. Pantaleo 10, tel. 060608, en.museodiroma.it. The city’s collection of paintings, etchings, photographs, furniture and clothes from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in English and Italian on prior booking tel. 0682059127.

l Museo Napoleonico Piazza di Ponte Umberto 1, tel. 060608, www.museonapoleonico.it. Paintings, sculptures and jewellery related to Napoleon and the Bonaparte family. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English.

l Palazzo delle Esposizioni Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500, www.palazzoesposizioni.it. Large space which hosts several travelling exhibitions each year. Tues, Wed, Thurs 10.00-20.00. Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30. Sun 10.00-20.00. Mon closed.

l Keats-Shelley Memorial House Piazza di Spagna 26, tel. 066784235, www.keats-shelley-house.it. Museum dedicated to the lives of three English Romantic poets – John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. Mon-Fri 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00; Sat 11.00-14.00, 15.00-18.00. Guided tours on prior booking.

l Museo Canonica Viale P. Canonica 2 (Villa Borghese), tel. 060608, www.museocanonica.it. The collection, private apartment and studio of the sculptor and musician Pietro Canonica who died in 1959. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed. Guided tours in Italian and English (book ten days in advance).

5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

by Linda Bordoni

ExHIBITIONS The Bird Trap by Pieter Brueghel the Younger in an exhibition of 16th- and 17th-century Flemish art at Chiostro del Bramante.

STEPHEN BALKENHOL CUPIDO 25 Nov-20 Feb The German sculptor Stephan Balkenhol is influenced by traditional sculpting techniques of ancient Egypt and Rome as well as figurative church imagery. Balkenhol’s principal medium is wood. From a distance, his sculptures seem sensual and sturdy, however, on closer inspection, their splintered and chiselmarked surfaces suggest a raw fragility. 15.0019.00, Sun and Mon closed. Valentina Bonomo, Via del Portico d’Ottavia 13, tel. 066832766, www.galleriabonomo.com. NEW THE LUSTFUL TURK 24 Nov-16 Dec Patrizio Di Massimo’s solo exhibition inaugurates a project of three personal exhibitions, which complete an itinerary that began with the Theatre of Expositions #3 earlier this year. Here he presents a new series of canvases, wall paintings and drawings devised as the project of an exhibition unit. As in the past, Di Massimo’s present works make use of corporal and sexual figures. 10.45-13.00, 14.00-19.00, Mon closed. Villa Medici, Viale Trinità dei Monti 1a, tel. 0667611, www.villamedici.it. NEW

BRUEGHEL MERAVIGLIE DELL’ARTE FIAMMINGA 18 Dec-2 June Over 100 works trace the history and the exceptional significance of Flemish art between the 16th and 17th centuries. The exhibition shows paintings, drawings and illustrations by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, David Teniers and others. 10.00-20.00, Sat and Sun 10.00-21.00. Chiostro del Bramante, Via della Pace, tel. 06916508451, www.chiostrodelbramante.it. NEW PIETER HUGO THERE’S A PLACE IN HELL FOR ME AND MY FRIENDS 17 Nov-19 Jan This is the third time the Rome gallery presents a solo exhibition by the representative South African photographer, Pieter Hugo. This new series of photographs (2011–2012) consists of nearly 100 close-up portraits of the artist and his friends, all of whom come from South Africa or have made it their home. Through a digital process of converting colour images to black and white while manipulating the colour channels, Hugo emphasises the pigment (melanin) in his sitters’ skins so they appear heavily marked by blemishes and sun damage. These images denounce the contradictions of racial distinctions based on skin colour; discriminations that, from Hugo’s point of view, remain even in hell. 15.30-19.30. Extraspazio, Via S. Francesco di Sales 16a, tel. 0668210655, www.extraspazio.it. NEW VISITOR’S BOOK: OSPITI A CASA PRAZ 23 Nov-24 Mar The Museo Mario Praz at Palazzo Primoli presents an exhibition comprising portraits by American photographer and art critic Milton Gendel, as well as letters, archive documents and signatures from illustrious guests in the


visitors’ book of scholar Mario Praz, such as Princess Margaret of England. Gendel himself was the last to sign the visitors’ book, on 17 February 1982, when he made the final photographic portrait of Praz who died the following month. This exhibition spans 20 years of the life and guests of Mario Praz. Tues-Sun 09.00-14.00, 14.30-19.30. Mon closed. Museo Mario Praz, Via Zanardelli 1, tel. 066861089. NEW LUIGI ONTANI ANDERSENNOSOGNO 21 Nov-24 Feb There is a bit of everything here from Ontani; early photographs, cardboard cut-outs, drawings, ceramic busts and statues, painted masques. There could not be a more perfect space for this exhibition. On the ground floor, Ontani’s colourful and delicate masques hang from Hendrik Andersen's massive statues, offsetting their plaster whiteness. Upstairs, in the labyrinth of rooms, Ontani’s works pop out from unexpected places, part serious, part playful. During the exhibition entry to the museum is at set hours, in small groups (not more than 15) and accompanied by a guide. Go to this dreamland exhibition (even the names of the works are masterpieces) and you will understand why. Check the website for times and telephone bookings. Museo Hendrik Andersen, Via Pasquale Stanislao Mancini 20, tel. 063219089, www.museoandersen.beniculturali.it. NEW

Mario Praz and Viviana Della Porta in a photo by Milton Gendel at Museo Mario Praz.

MARIO SCHIFANO CORRISPONDENZA PRIVATA 6 Dec-31 Jan About 150 works on paper, almost all of them on envelopes ready to be mailed or that have already been posted. The yet un-exhibited works illustrate one of Schifano’s central themes – the landscape – in a different context. 10.00-13.00, 16.00-19.30. Mon 16.00-19.30. Sun closed. Galleria La Nuvola, Via Margutta 51a-62a, tel. 0636005158, www.gallerialanuvola.it. NEW STREETS OF ROME AND OTHER STORIES 29 Nov-10 Feb An exhibition by Jimmie Durham, a Cherokee, born in Arkansas in 1940. He is a visual and political activist and essayist for the American Indian Movement. In the 1960s and 1970s he dedicated his time to theatre and performances, and since the 1980s he has been creating strange objects, assemblages and installations inspired by his native culture. He is recognised as one of the international artists influenced by anthropology and so-called “post colonialism”. 10.00-19.00, 11.00-22.00, Mon closed. Macro, Via Nizza 138, tel. 060608, www.museomacro.org. NEW COVER ART COVERS FOR WANTED IN ROME 28 Nov-19 Dec This exhibition of covers for Wanted in Rome is in memory of Edith Schloss, artist and art critic, who died in December 2011. On two occasions, in 2010 and 2011, she invited her guests to create covers for the magazine based on the theme of Rome. The idea was to promote a different sort of space – magazine covers – for those she considered to be the best living artists in the city to show their work. This exhibition displays the 23 originals as well as some of the covers that Schloss herself created for the magazine. The show is curated by Antonio Capaccio and organised by Silvia Stucky. 17.00-20.00 except Sat and holidays. TRAleVOLTE, Piazza S. Giovanni 1, tel. 0670491663, www.tralevolte.org. NEW

5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

GRAZIA TODERI MIRABILIA URBIS 31 Oct–3 Mar Grazia Toderi was awarded the “Leone d’Oro” at the Venice Biennale in 1999 and is considered one of the most representative members of the Italian generation of the 1990s. The work from which the exhibition takes its name was created by Toderi in 2001 and joined the MAxxI Arte permanent collection this year. The city of Rome plays a focal role in the three works on show: three video projections for three different visions of the capital from above, teeming with lights or cloaked in darkness. 11.0019.00, Sat 11.00-22.00, Mon closed. MAxxI, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del xxI Secolo, via Guido Reni 4/A, tel. 0639967350, www.fondazionemaxxi.it. TAVOLE MIRACOLOSE LE ICONE MEDIOEVALI DI ROMA E DEL LAZIO DEL FONDO EDIFICI DI CULTO 13 Nov-15 Dec Fourteen “Miracolous Tables” or mediaeval icons have been taken from their homes in churches scattered across Rome and Lazio, and put on show together for the first time. Many of them have been restored. The icons include the “Imago Antiqua” kept at the church of S. Maria Nova and the “Madonna Advocata” from the church of S. Maria del Rosario. The icons highlight the link between traditional Roman devotion and the origins of western sacred art. 08.3019.30, Mon closed. Palazzo Venezia, Via del Plebiscito 118, tel. 0669994284, 0669994388, www.poloromano.beniculturali.it. AKBAR IL GRANDE IMPERATORE DELL’INDIA (1542-1605) 23 Oct-3 Feb Works have been loaned from across the globe to tell the story of Akbar the Great, the third emperor of the Mogul empire. More than 300 works on show include paintings, drawings, manuscripts, miniatures, ancient carpets, jewellery and arms decorated with precious stones. The exhibition recreates the splendour of the Mogul court and the richness of Indian culture during the years of Akbar’s reign. 10.00-20.00, Mon closed. Palazzo Sciarra, Museo Fondazione Roma, Via Marco Minghettti 22, tel. 0639967888. PAUL KLEE AND ITALY 9 Oct-27 Feb A major exhibition dedicated to the relationship between artist Paul Klee and Italy. The show comprises about 100 works – both by Klee and other Italian and foreign artists such as Kandinsky, Moholy Nagy, Max Bill, Albers, Licini, Soldati, Perilli and Novelli – and examines the influence of Italian culture and landscapes on the artist’s work. This show highlights the effect that his six Italian visits had on Klee and the influence that four key elements had on him: nature, architecture, classicism and music. 08.30-19.30, Mon closed. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Viale delle Belle Arti 131, tel. 0632298221, www.gnam.beniculturali.it.

Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012

WILLIAM KENTRIDGE VERTICAL THINKING 17 Nov-3 Mar This exhibition rotates around the installation The Refusal of Time, produced on the occasion of Documenta 13 in Kassel and presented in Italy for the first time at MAxxI. Reconfigured for the spaces of the museum’s Gallery 5, the installation is made up of music, images and Chinese shadows, with a pulsing Leonardesque machine at the centre. The Refusal of Time was born out of a long-term reflection on the concept of time developed by William Kentridge together with the physicist and scientific historian Peter L. Gallison and has been realised in collaboration with the composer Philip Miller and with Catherine Meyburgh for the video processing and editing. Dancer and choreographer Dada Masilo worked on the choreographies. The work proposes a universal reflection on time and its many metaphors. 11.0019.00, Sat 11.00-22.00, Mon closed. MAxxI, Museo delle Arti del xxI Secolo, Via Guido Reni 4/A, tel. 0639967350, www.fondazionemaxxi.it. RACHEL FEINSTEIN 17 Nov-5 Jan Born in Arizona, Rachel Feinstein is a longtime New York resident best known for her baroque, fantasy-inspired sculptures like “The Snow Queen” drawn from a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale. For her Rome exhibition, she presents a site-specific project that addresses the traditions of sculpture and architecture, the landscapes of Rome and the theme of travel. 10.3019.00, Sun and Mon closed. Gagosian Gallery, Via Francesco Crispi 16, tel. 0642086498, www.gagosian.com. ON THE SILK ROAD BETWEEN EAST AND WEST 27 Oct-24 Mar Organised in collaboration with the American Museum of Natural History in New York, this exhibition documents the hazardous journey undertaken by merchants, pilgrims and soldiers more than 2,000 years ago across the mountains and deserts of central Asia to trade in luxury goods, to unearth sacred texts and to encounter and dominate distant peoples. A unique section produced exclusively for Italy explores the relationship between certain Italian cities, particularly Venice and Genoa, and the Far East in the final centuries of the Middle Ages. 10.00-20.00, Fri and Sat 10.00-22.30, Mon closed. Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Nazionale 194, tel. 0639967500, www.palazzoesposizioni.it. L’ITALIA DI LE CORBUSIER 18 Oct-17 Feb This exhibition illustrates the significance and the role played by Italy in Le Corbusier’s artistic training and architectural thinking. Following a chronological and thematic journey, it traces the changes in points of view and interests from which the artist – painter, architect and sculptor – examined Italian culture over the course of his life. It highlights the years of his youth in which he travelled to Italy to study art and the Roman civilisation. The exhibition features the two most important projects that Le Corbusier worked on in Italy after the war: the new hospital in Venice and the Olivetti Electronic Calculation Centre at Rho, both left unbuilt due to the architect’s death in 1965. 11.00-19.00, Sat 11.00-22.00, Mon closed. MAxxI, Via Guido Reni 4/A, tel. 063225108, www.fondazionemaxxi.it.

ROBERT DOISNEAU – PARIS EN LIBERTÉ 29 Sept-3 Feb This exhibition includes over 200 pictures taken by Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) between 1934 and 1991. It is the same city portrayed by other great photographers of the 20th century, yet Doisneau’s Paris is messier than Cartier-Bresson’s, less nocturnal than Brassaï’s. Doisneau admired Atget, yet his city, far from the emptiness of Atget’s images, is populated by doggies, children, lovers, artisans, performers, tramps, prostitutes, socialites, pedestrians, all caught in streets, fairgrounds, bistros, in the Halles markets, by the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Seine. Looking at Doisneau’s humorous observation of people – such as the pedestrians running through the Place de la Concorde – one thinks of him and Jacques Tati as kindred spirits. Doisneau’s photomontage La maison des locataires (1962) reminds one of Georges Perec. His photographs have something of the poetic realism of the 1930s. Doisneau is interested in ordinary people, observed with affectionate irony. No matter how destitute the people depicted, the images are never harsh or ruthless. “The places that are the scene of human suffering seem to me full of nobility,” Doisneau wrote, “over there, the gestures of life are made with simplicity, and the faces of those who wake up early in the morning are moving. One must have the courage to stop at a place and remain there motionless, not just for a few minutes, but for an hour at least, maybe two… To look means to build, with the means at your disposal, a small theatre and wait for the actors. Wait for whom? I don’t know, but I’ll wait. If one believes strongly, it is likely that someone will eventually come.” Sun, Tues-Thurs 10.0020.00, Fri-Sat 10.00-22.30, Mon closed. Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Nazionale 194, tel. 06696271, 0639967500. Jacopo Benci

MUSIC ENSEMBLE MODERN 5 Dec A prestigious event organised by the German Academy in Rome in collaboration with S. Cecilia. The Ensemble Modern is conducted by Michael Boder and accompanied by Sade Bartling mezzosoprano and Marisol Montalvo soprano, in a programme of music by Bartling, Berheide, Maderna, Mozart and Trojahn. Founded in 1980 and situated in Frankfurt, the Ensemble Modern is widely acclaimed as one of the world’s leading ensembles of contemporary music. It comprises 19 soloists from different nations, all of whom provide the ensemble with its rich cultural background. The Ensemble Modern is famous for its special working and organisational form which is unlike any other. All the members are responsible for jointly selecting and dealing with projects, co-productions and financial matters. Its unique and distinctive programme consists of music theatre, dance and video projects, chamber music, ensemble and orchestral concerts. Its programme has given life to extraordinary and often longterm cooperative ventures with renowned artists, such as Goebbels, Hans Werner Henze,



The outstanding Russian virtuoso pianist Daniil Trifonov performs at Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti.

Kurtág, Ligeti, Stockhausen, Steve Reich, Frank Zappa to name but a few. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel. 068082858, www.santacecilia.it. DANIIL TRIFONOV 15 Dec This 21-year-old Russian virtuoso musician is hailed as one of the brightest names of the next generation of pianists. His reputation for outstanding performances, musical insight and expressive intensity has already surpassed the attention he received when last year he won medals at three of the world’s most prestigious competitions: the Chopin Competition in Warsaw, the Rubinstein Competition in Tel Aviv, and the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. He has already debuted with such orchestras as the Vienna Philharmonic, the London Symphony Orchestra and the Marinsky Orchestra. In the words of the great pianist Martha Argerich “he has everything and more. What he does with his hands is technically incredible. It’s also his touch – he has tenderness and also the demonic element. I never heard anything like that.” In his Rome recital Trifonov plays music by Schubert, Chopin and one of his own compositions. Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Concert at Aula Magna, Università La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5. For booking and information tel. 3610051, www.concertiiuc.it. VATICAN CHRISTMAS CONCERT 15 Dec The first Vatican Christmas Charity Concert was in December 1993 thanks to a Prime Time Promotion collaboration with the Roman Curia. Proceeds went towards the building of new suburban churches. The success of the initiative was such that year after year the Vatican has continued to collaborate with Prime Time Promotion with proceeds going towards the worldwide Don Bosco Foundation. From its very first edition, the formula has stayed the same: Italian and foreign artists of different generations, with different music backgrounds, different cultures and different languages come together to celebrate and raise funds for the poor. Many big names stand out from past editions including B.B. King, Simply Red, Andrea Bocelli, Bryan Ferry, Noa, The Cranberries to name but a few. Auditorium Conciliazione, Via della Conciliazione 4. For booking and information tel. 0668136738, www.concertodinatale.it. CAPPELLA AUGUSTANA 20 Dec This concert is part of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana’s sophisticated chamber music season offering a rare performance of music by Bach and Biber inside the Basilica di S. Lorenzo in Lucina. The concert is by the acclaimed Cappella Augustana ensemble con-


ducted by Matteo Messori with the participation of violinist Lina Tur Bonet. Cappella Augustana was founded in 2000 by the harpsichordist and organist Matteo Messori to deepen the study of the relationships between Italy and other European countries (many of which were of the Protestant creed) during the late Renaissance and the baroque era. Basilica di S. Lorenzo in Lucina. For information Accademia Filarmonica Romana, tel. 063201752, www.filarmonicaromana.org. S. CECILIA CHRISTMAS CONCERT 21 Dec The Orchestra and Choir of the Academy of S. Cecilia conducted by Lorin Maazel, with Maria Luigia Borsi soprano, Ekaterina Metlova mezzosoprano, Steve Davislim tenor and Samuel Youn bass, perform Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. A second-generation American, born in Paris, Lorin Maazel was raised and educated in the United States. An internationally acclaimed conductor, Maazel is also a composer. His opera, “1984,” received its world premiere in 2005 at London’s Royal Opera House. In over 70 years on the podium, Maestro Maazel has conducted nearly 200 orchestras and made over 300 recordings. He has also found time to work with and nurture young artists, based on his strong belief in the value of sharing his experience with the next generations of musicians. He founded a major competition for young conductors culminating in a final round at Carnegie Hall. Lorin Maazel is a returning guest conductor to S. Cecilia. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. For booking and information tel. 068082858, www.santacecilia.it.

PIU’ LIBRI PIU’ LIBERI 6-9 Dec Every year in Italy over 50,000 books are published. Of these, 25 per cent are published by small or medium publishing houses, and many of these books encounter great obstacles in finding their way to the bookshelves of commercial bookshops. That is basically why this national book fair, at its 11th edition, exists. The event offers a literary programme of conferences, performances and presentations with readings, theatre workshops, lectures and of course, book stalls. Backed by regional and state bodies including the ministry for culture and heritage, the book fair has become an important date on Italy’s literary calendar and attracts large crowds looking for Christmas gifts. EUR, Palazzo dei Congressi, Piazzale Kennedy. For information www.piulibripiuliberi.it. NATALE ALL’AUDITORIUM 8 Dec-6 Jan Open doors at the Parco della Musica that hopes to welcome visitors of all ages and interests with a wide-ranging programme that caters for every interest. Music, theatre, circus, ice-skating, games, exhibitions and a Christmas Fair come to life outside and inside Rome’s Auditorium which is transformed into a kind of a “metropolitan village”. The varied programme offers all sorts of activities, many especially geared for children. The sophisticated music halls inside offer Victoria Chaplin’s magic Cirque Invisible, performances by the great puppeteer Mimmo Cuticchio, and lots of different music concerts ranging from pop to classical. Children of all ages will enjoy the Cartoon Heroes music event and a very particular The Nutcracker during which the Open Trios ensemble will take spectators by the hand to explore Tchaikovsky’s masterJean-Baptiste Thiérrée in Cirque Invisibile is part of the Auditorium's Christmas programme. See more details page 15.

ASSOCIAZIONE ROMA SINFONIETTA “ITINERARI MUSICALI” Until 19 Dec Founded in 1993, this interesting musical association immediately began collaborating with Rome’s “Tor Vergata” University where most of its concert activity is performed. It is also regularly hosted by the Accademia Filarmonica Romana and by the Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. The Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra has toured extensively and performed together with star musicians of the calibre of Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz, Michael Nyman, Nicola Piovani and many others. It also boasts a stable collaboration with composer Ennio Morricone and records his work for Emi, Sony and Universal recording labels. This season sees a continuation of the association’s “Musical Itineraries” project conceived as a journey through diverse musical genres, from baroque to contemporary, from jazz to opera. Upcoming events are Pergolesi’s opera La Serva Padrona performed by soprano Damiana Mizzi and baritone Dario Ciotoli together with young singers from S. Cecilia’s “Opera Studio” (12 Dec), and a Christmas Concert conducted by Luciano Pelosi (19 Dec). All these events take place at Teatro Tor Bella Monaca, Via di Tor Bella Monaca 451 at 19.00. Tel. 063236104, 0632111712, www.romasinfonietta.com.

5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com piece. The traditional Chiarastella concert by the Orchestra Popolare Italiana presents Christmas music from different Italian regions, and Rome’s own “Gospel Festival” is also back to contribute to the Christmas cheer, as is the rather exclusive Christmas Fair with its interesting and sophisticated range of handmade crafts and vintage objects and clothes for sale. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com.

ROMA GOSPEL FESTIVAL 20-31 Dec Organisers claim that this festival has become the most important festival of its genre in Europe. It certainly features an impressive line-up of choirs from the United States who showcase the tradition of Gospel music in continuous evolution. The programme this year presents a couple of novelties including the presence of Grammy Award winner Dr Bobby Jones, the well-known singer and televi-

sion presenter. It also features the New York Choir, the Harlem Gospel Choir, the Chicago Gospel Choir, the Songs of Solomon, the Spirit of New Orleans, Light of Love and Gospel Victory of Chicago as well as soloists Craig Adams and Monica Lisa Stevenson. One of the best loved traditional formations, The Johnny Thompson Singers from Philadelphia, starts the festival. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com.

DANCE FERRARA RADHOUANE EL MEDDEB/CIE DE SOI 9 Dec In Je danse et je vous en donne à bouffer, choreography by Radhouane El Meddab. The Tunisian choreographer combines cooking and dancing with all the grandeur and poetry of these two dynamic art forms. While he dances, the couscous simmers and the audience is drawn in to his culture thanks also to the wonderful aromas wafting through the theatre. Teatro Comunale, tel. 053220275, www.teatrocomunaleferrara.it. ST PETERSBURG BALLET THEATRE 9 Jan In The Nutcracker, choreography by Marius Petipa. Amongst the many offers of the Christmas season, ballet is a classic. Especially The Nutcracker with its tale of festive magic that unfolds under the Christmas tree. The St Petersburg Ballet Theatre, which boasted a central role in the former Soviet Union’s tradition of excellence in ballet, stages this seasonal favourite to maintain the jewels of the Russian classical tradition enhanced by the work of contemporary choreographers. Teatro Comunale, tel. 053220275, www.teatrocomunaleferrara.it.

FLORENCE MAGGIODANZA 19-23 Dec In The Wizard of Oz, choreography by Francesco Ventriglia. This is a new production for the Florentine ballet company by director Francesco Ventriglia with music by Poulenc. Nuovo Teatro dell’Opera, tel. 0552779350, www.maggiofiorentino.it.

MILAN MATERIALI RESISTENTI DANCE FACTORY 11-23 Dec In Waterwall, choreography by Ivan Manzoni. The performers in Materiali Resistenti’s spectacular performance dive, swing and soar using ropes and nooses under a deluging waterfall. At the centre of the stage a huge metal structure pours out a continuous waterfall allowing for an athletic display that defies gravity. Ivan Manzoni’s choreography plays out to a hypnotic soundtrack with Indian undertones. What is interesting is the relationship of the performers’ bodies to the waterfall itself: they can slice through it with their bodies and they can temporarily displace it, but they cannot break it or transform it. The liquid remains as invincible as a concrete wall. As critics have observed: “Humanity can make no imprint or lasting mark upon it”. Whether the idea pushes the boundaries of performance and dance is another matter. Teatro Nuovo, tel. 02794026, www.teatronuovo.it.

Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012

Tunisian choreographer Radhouane El Meddab combines couscous with dance. Image Antoine Tempé.

BALLETTO DEL TEATRO ALLA SCALA 19 Dec-8 Jan In Roméo et Juliette, choreography by Sacha Waltz, music by Berlioz, with guest artists Aurélie Dupont and Hervé Moreau. Sasha Waltz’s 2007 version of Roméo et Juliet is set in an abstract, fractured universe. The ballet was created for the Paris Opera and it has been acquired by the Milanese ensemble that performs it for the first time with the help of the two original protagonists: Dupont and Moreau. This Roméo et Juliette lacks many of the original play’s hallmarks: there’s no Benvolio, Paris, or Rosaline; no Mercutio or Tybalt. Instead, there are three main characters – Roméo, Juliette and Père Laurence – along with a corps de ballet of nine women and ten men, three opera singers, and a large, singing chorus. In her vision, Waltz has given equal importance to love, hate and violence, and the piece’s abstraction is thought-provoking. However, despite the emphasis on removing the narrative, some of the most interesting parts of this piece come from clear references to the Romeo and Juliet story. The actual Roméo and Juliette sections of Waltz’s work are captivating, but when they stop dancing, it’s hard to be captivated by what’s going on around them. Even in an abstract version of Roméo et Juliette, Romeo and Juliet remain the focal point. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744, www.teatroallascala.org.

ROME BALLETTO DEL TEATRO DELL’OPERA 22 Dec-5 Jan In Don Quixote, choreography by Petipa/Gorsky. Based on the epic masterpiece by Cervantes, the original version of the ballet was conceived by the legendary choreographer Marius Pepita in 1869 and was first performed in Moscow at the Bolshoi Theatre where its opportunities for virtuoso dancing by its principals, made it both a crowd-pleaser and a careermaker. When Rudolph Nureyev danced it he brought a new energy that ensured it became a

favourite both at the Kirov Ballet and then in the west. With all its fast footwork, Spanish fire and lots of fun, the story of the eccentric old knight on a quest to find the love of his life provides good material also for an unspecialised public. It is to be seen, however, whether the Rome ensemble is up to task. Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 0648160, www.operaroma.it.

VENICE ESTONIAN NATIONAL BALLET 18-22 Dec In The Nutcracker, choreography by Ben Stevenson. The Nutcracker version chosen by the Estonian Ballet this Christmas is the highly traditional, frosty, magical one created by Ben Stevenson, current artistic director of the Texas Ballet. It is exactly what you would expect as Tchaikovsky’s beautiful music takes Clara and the spectator on a magical journey to the world of sweets, meeting with the Mouse King, engaging with an army of toy soldiers, under the giant Christmas tree on snow-white Christmas. A real seasonal treat. Teatro la Fenice, tel. 041786511, www.teatrolafenice.it.

VERONA BALLET DU CAPITOLE DE TOULOUSE 20-21 Dec In Symphony of Psalms, choreography by Jiri Kylian. Based on the music of Stravinsky’s magisterial choral work “Symphony of Psalms”, Kylian’s 1978 award-winning ballet for the Nederlands Dans Theater is charged with electrifying power. Now 35 years old, it speaks to those who hunger for a profound treatment of the themes of exaltation and despair. All 16 dancers – eight women and eight men – remain on stage throughout but Kylian’s emphasis on varying parts of the space distracts one from thinking that everyone is on stage. Without question a master-work. Teatro Ristori, tel. 848002008, www.teatroristori.org.


by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

OPERA Ekaterina Scherbaschenko. Teatro Comunale, tel. 05527791, www.maggiofiorentino.com.

ROME SIMON BOCCANEGRA By Verdi 27 Nov-11 Dec Conducted by Riccardo Muti, directed by Adrian Noble, with George Petean, Maria Agresta, Dmitry Beloselskiy, Dario Solari, Riccardo Zanellato, Saverio Fiore. Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 0648160, www.operaroma.it.

A new production of Simon Boccanegra at Rome's opera theatre directed by Adrian Nobel.

MILAN LOHENGRIN By Wagner 7-27 Dec For the opening of the new La Scala season. Conducted by Daniel Barenboim, directed by Claus Guth, with René Pape, Jonas Kaufmann, Anja Harteros, Tomas Tomasson. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744, www.teatroallascala.org. See Opera Notes. FALSTAFF By Verdi 15 Jan-12 Feb Conducted by Daniel Harding, directed by

Robert Carson, with Ambrogio Maestri, Fabio Capitanucci, Francesco Demuro, Barbara Frittoli. Teatro alla Scala, tel. 0272003744, www.teatroallascala.org.

FLORENCE DIE WALKURE By Wagner 15-22 Dec Staged in semi-scenic form with video projections, costumes and lighting. Conducted by Zubin Mehta, with Jennifer Wilson, Enrico Cossutta, Giacomo Prestia, Jorge de Leon,

IL NASO By Shostakovich 27 Jan-3 Feb Conducted by Aléjo Perez, directed by Peter Stein, with Alexander Teliga, Alexey, Sulimov, Andrey Popov, Leonid Bomstein, Elena Galitskaya. Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B. Gigli, tel. 0648160, www.operaroma.it.

VENICE I MASNADIERI By Verdi 18-26 Jan Conducted by Daniele Rustioni, directed by Gabriele Lavia, with Andeka Gorrotxategui, Artur Rucinski, Maria Agresta, Cristiano Olivieri, Antonio Feltracco. Teatro la Fenice, tel. 041786511, www.teatrolafenice.it.

OPERA NOTES Wagner’s Lohengrin opens La Scala’s new season on 7 December and marks the bicentenary of the composer’s birth. The opera debuted in Weimar in 1850 but was only performed 20 years later in Bologna, the first time that Wagner’s music was heard in Italy. It triggered a hot debate over which was better; the progressive and symphonic German music or the more traditional and melodic Italian tones, epitomised in the works of Verdi. In Milan Lohengrin is conducted by Daniel Barenboim, a Wagnerian expert, and directed by Claus Guth, who has recently been responsible for a fascinating psychoanalytical interpretation of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Strauss at La Scala earlier this year. The cast includes Jonas Kaufmann, the tenor of the moment, whose voice ranges from Bizet to Wagner, Verdi to Puccini with equal ease. At the Carlo Felice in Genoa over Christmas and New Year Daniela Dessì debuts as protagonist in Puccini’s Turandot, one of the composer’s most difficult roles. Her debut seems to be a declaration that she is at a crossroads in her career, now that it has reached full maturity, as she is taking on new challenging and dramatic roles such as Turandot and Gioconda, the protagonist in the opera of the same name by Ponchielli La Scala di Milano inaugura la stagione 2012-13 con Lohengrin di Richard Wagner (7-27 dicembre) aprendo così i festeggiamenti per il bicentenario della nascita del compositore tedesco, coetaneo di Giuseppe Verdi. Lohengrin ebbe la sua prima assoluta Weimar nel 1850 e nel 1871 fu rappresentata a Bologna, fu così che la musica di Wagner si sentì per la prima volta in Italia, accendendo la “querelle” su quale musica d’opera era migliore: se quella tedesca progressista e sinfonica oppure quella italiana tradizionale e melodica, di cui il maggior portavoce era Verdi. A Milano Lohengrin sarà diretta da Daniel Barenboim, un esperto e apprezzato interprete wagneriano, e avrà la regia di Claus Guth, autore lo scorso marzo alla Scala di un affascinante allestimento in chiave psicoanalitica di Die Frau ohne Schatten di Strauss. Protagonista sarà il tenore del momento Jonas Kaufmann che spazia con disinvoltura da Bizet a Wagner, da Verdi a Puccini; gli altri interpreti saranno Anja Harteros, Evelyn Herlitzius, Tomas Tomasson e René Pape. La prova generale di Lohengrin del 4 dicembre sarà aperta e riservata esclusivamente a un pubblico giovanile, più informale e meno presenzialista di quello che solitamente frequenta la serata inaugurale del 7 dicembre. Per le feste natalizie al Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova va in scena Turandot di Giacomo Puccini (23, 27 e 30 dicembre) con Daniela Dessì che debutta il ruolo della protagonista. Una sfida che la cantante genovese sembra lanciare alla propria perizia tecnica affrontando uno dei ruoli più temibili e insidiosi del repertorio pucciniano, dalla difficile vocalità per gli intervalli tonali e per gli acuti spesso da eseguire “scoperti” e di getto, nonché per il fraseggio che deve essere incisivo e tagliente. Un debutto che manifesta anche l’intenzione di Daniela Dessì di imprimere una svolta alla carriera, ormai giunta alla completa maturità, perché dopo i tanti ruoli di soprano lirico (è stata nel passato e più volte un’eccellente Liù, la dolce e tenera rivale di Turandot) sta affrontando adesso parti per soprano lirico spinto e drammatico, come appunto Turandot e anche Gioconda la protagonista dell’omonima opera di Ponchielli che Daniela Dessì ha debuttato l’anno scorso al Teatro Massimo di Palermo. Gli altri interpreti saranno Fabio Armiliato (Calaf), Roberta Canzian (Liù) e Ramaz Chikviladze (Timur); la direzione d’orchestra spetterà a Donato Renzetti e la regia a Giuliano Montaldo. Teatro alla Scala, Via Filodrammatici 2, tel. 0272003744, www.teatroallascala.org. Teatro Carlo Felice, Passo Eugenio Montale 4, tel. 01053811, www.carlofelice.it.


Paolo Di Nicola

5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

Laura Morante and Gigio Alberti star in Martin Crimp's thrilling play The Country.

THEATRE THE COUNTRY 27 Nov-16 Dec By Martin Crimp with Laura Morante and Gigio Alberti directed by Roberto Andò. In Crimp’s captivating psychological thriller, protagonists Richard and Corrine move to the country for a fresh start, but it is far from rural bliss. Richard is a successful doctor who discovers a young girl, Rebecca, on the side of the road unconscious and brings her back to the family home. The question is why she was on the side of the road, who is she and why did he bring her home? As the play unfolds these questions are answered. The three characters only occupy the stage in pairs in this game of secrets and lies. Crimp’s plays tend to ensure that not all the audience come out with the same answers, leaving you to make up your own mind, while the questions raised ensure you continue to think about the play long after the curtain falls. In English. Teatro Eliseo, Via Nazionale 183183, tel. 064882114, 0648872222, www.teatroeliseo.it. ARLECCHINO SERVITORE DI DUE PADRONI 4-16 Dec By Carlo Goldoni, directed by Ferruccio Soleri from Giorgio Strehler, with Ferruccio Soleri. Giorgio Strehler was the founder (along with Paolo Grassi) and director of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano. He is acclaimed by some as the father of modern “commedia”. In 1947 Strehler staged a forgotten Goldoni classic Arlecchino: Servant of Two Masters which would become the longest running play in Italian history, as well as the play that resurrected “commedia” from the rejects of history. Written in 1745, Goldoni's play marks an intermediate stage in his mission to make the Italian actors of his time take off their masks and turn away from the quasi-improvised “commedia dell'arte”, the conventions of which had by then grown stale. But the postworld war two Italy in which Strehler's Piccolo Teatro di Milano emerged as a major artistic force had enough reality to contend with in the misery of its bombed-out streets. Accordingly, Strehler created this version staged wholly within the stylised conventions of “commedia”, choreographed down to the

Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012

smallest syllable. We see at the sides of the stage the actors getting ready to enter, plus the musicians and the "prompter" (who gets caught up in the action when it spills over). Since its first staging Strehler's production has been brought back countless times. Teatro Argentina, Largo di Torre Argentina 52, tel. 06684000311, www.teatrodiroma.net. LE CIRQUE INVISIBLE 11-23 Dec By and with Victoria Chaplin and Jean-Baptiste Thierrée. Jean-Baptiste Thiérrée and Victoria Chaplin have been performing together for four decades, first in Le Cirque Bonjour, then Le Cirque Imaginaire and now Le Cirque Invisible. It’s a “contemporary circus” for romantic lovers of the sublime, the surreal and the whimsical. Chaplin’s work focuses on the creation of complex prop costumes that are constructed on stage and, often reconstructed, to become something entirely new. The show alternates between herself and Thiérrée’s fast, jokey magic and his clownesque humour. If you’ve never seen it, Le Cirque Invisible offers a glimpse of an enchanting world, a dreamscape full of heart-pleasing pranks. Fishy tales, beautiful visions, impish humour and imagination. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com. LOVEPLAY 7-9 Dec The English Theatre of Rome presents Loveplay by Moira Buffini, directed by Douglas Dean. Described as a “serio-comic look at two thousand years of human folly in 90 minutes” the play is a search through time and history, and challenges the whys and ways we aspire to love. The ten scenes that make up the play take place in one London location: over the centuries it changes from Roman temple to mediaeval abbey, elegant town house, Victorian studio and 1960s squat, eventually becoming a modern dating agency. Loveplay expresses a uniquely philosophical view about the need and desire humans have for carnal and spiritual love. The constant factor is the quest, often doomed, for love and sex. In English. Teatro l’Arciliuto, Piazza Montevecchio 5. On 7 Dec (20.00), 8 and 9 Dec (17.00 and 20.00). Info tel. 066879419, 3489355626, www.rometheatre.com.

CHILDREN TEATRO VASCELLO COMPAGNIA NOMEN OMEN 8-16 Dec In The Emperor’s New Clothes, from the fairy tale by Hans Chrstian Andersen, adapted by Annette Muggianu, directed by Danilo Zuliani. COMPAGNIA IL SENTIERO DI OZ 22-30 Dec In Il Grinch che rubò il Natale, directed by Linda Flacco. Bitter and hateful, the Grinch is irritated at the thought of the nearby village having a happy time at Christmas. So, disguised as Santa Claus, with his dog made to look like a reindeer, he raids the village to steal all the Christmas things. The village is sure to have a sad Christmas this year. Both plays are part of the theatre’s successful “Vascello dei Piccoli” season with matinée performances and special reductions for schools. Teatro Vascello, Via G. Carini 78, tel. 065881021, 06589803, www.teatrovascello.it. MIMMO CUTICCHIO’S PUPPETS 4-6 Jan In Guerrin Meschino, by Mimmo Cuticchio. This historic Sicilian puppet theatre – or “Teatro dei Pupi” – re-enacts the history and legends of the land with Sicilian pupi – marvellous 1m-high wooden puppets, celebrating the rich and ancient traditions of Sicilian culture. The pupi theatre repertory comes from a large body of stories that originated in mediaeval France and combines both the British legends featuring St Arthur, and the tales that had sprung up around the figure of Orlando (Roland), an obscure 8th-century French knight in the service of the Emperor Charlemagne. The pupi tradition of the early 19th century in Sicily embraced both the literary and popular versions of chivalric romance as a model for telling the long and varied history of the island. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin, tel. 892982, www.auditorium.com. cont on page 16


by Linda Bordoni

for up-to-date what’s on listings see www.wantedinrome.com

CHILDREN 3D REWIND 3D Rewind, a few steps from the Colosseum, offers a virtual journey through the history of Imperial Rome. Kids aged five and older and their parents are welcomed by a young and professional staff, dressed as ancient Romans. Supported by sophisticated audio guides, available in eight languages, participants are conducted through the wonders of ancient Rome as true protagonists. A series of spectacular special effects, modern digital technology and a unique scenic machine, accompany visitors through a subterranean tunnel and a room, underneath the Colosseum, where gladiators kept their weapons as well as food, beverages and healing ointments. This underground path, faithfully reconstructed and decorated with frescos and stuccos, used to connect imperial buildings near Claudio’s Temple on the Celio to the Colosseum in 310 BC. A 3D cartoon reveals some of the secrets of daily life in ancient Rome and explains the functions and sites of buildings, temples and places. Spectators can enjoy gladiator performances at the Colosseum, a walk through the crowded Roman Forum and Rome’s poorest suburb, the Suburra, and take a look at senate and at the temple of the Vestal Virgins. 3D Rewind also organises children’s birthday parties, cocktails, aperitifs and dinners for adults. It is possible to rent Roman costumes and watch gladiators fight. Mon-Sun 09.00-19.00. Via Capo d’Africa 5, tel. 0677076627, www.3drewind.com.

AUDITORIUM DELLA CONCILIAZIONE 6, 7, 8, 31 Dec The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky with the Balletto di Roma. This family show returns to Rome, in a reworking by Riccardo Reim, choreographed by Mario Piazza. Sat 17.00. Via della Conciliazione, tel. 0690375236, www.ballettodiroma.com. TEATRO SETTE 8, 15, 22 Dec Popular fairy tales for kids aged 3-10. These traditional Italian stories tell of an ancient fantastic world, inhabited by fairies, princes, ogres and castles. The books focus on the traditional tales of our ancestors. Sat 17.30. Via Benevento 23, tel. 0644236382, www.teatro7.it. TEATRO ARCOBALENO 8 Dec-6 Jan The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, written by L. F. Baum in 1900. Kids are the real protagonists of this famous fairy tale and participate in the well-known musical repertoire, which leads the narrative of this fantastic story. Sat 16.00, Sun 11.00. Via Francesco Redi 1a, tel. 064402719, 0644248154, 3202773855, www.teatroarcobaleno.it. TEATRO DUSE 9, 16, 23 Dec Alice in Wonderland for kids of all ages and their families. While hunting for the white rabbit, Alice faces the most unlikely misadventures. She encounters objects that change their shape, doors that do not open, marvellous gardens, wicked queens, strange friends of all types, games and metaphors. In this imaginary adventure, fantasy and reality weave without ever unfolding. Sun 10.30. Via Crema 8, tel. 0670305976, 3406485291, www.duseteatro.it. TEATRO ELISEO 20 Nov-6 Jan Magic journey in the world of Charles Darwin for kids aged 4-11. The dinosaur Squib accompanies the young public through Darwin’s adventurous discoveries. The show is followed by a workshop on Grandpa Charlie, in which kids learn how to create their own puppets and masks. Sun 11.00. Via Nazionale 183, tel. 064882114, www.teatroeliseo.it. GB

Gabrielle Bolzoni

FILM FESTIVALS INTERNATIONAL ROME FILM FESTIVAL The rain falling on the red carpet did little to dampen the spirits of the winners of the seventh International Rome Film Festival at the Auditorium Parco della Musica on 17 November. The US came top of the heap with Marfa Girl winning Best Film and The Motel Life winning the Audience Award. However the Italian media’s favourite, A Glimpse into the Mind of Charles Swan III by America’s Roman Coppola left empty-handed. Italy also did well. Paolo Franchi won Best Director for E la chiamano estate, whose graphic sex scenes saw Isabella Ferrari heckled when she won Best Actress; while Alì ha gli occhi azzurri by Rome’s Claudio Giovannesi won Special Jury Prize. France scooped two big awards: Jérémie Elkaïm got Best Actor for Main dans la main; and Marilyne Fontaine won Best Emerging Actress for Un enfant de toi. Ticket sales were down from last year but there was a 50 per cent increase in the attendance of foreign media, reflecting the global reach of this year’s festival. Batting off local criticism over a lack of Hollywood stars, newly-appointed artistic director Marco Müller said he was “thrilled” with the event, which hosted 59 world premieres and films from 26 countries.


Celebrated Irish actor Fionnuala Flanagan is special guest at Rome's IrishFilmFesta.

ROME'S IRISH FILM FESTIVAL 6-9 Dec The sixth edition of the annual IrishFilmFesta takes place at Rome’s Casa del Cinema in Villa Borghese. Showcasing features films, documentaries and short films, the programme includes acting master classes, conferences and public interviews with this year’s special guests, Irish actors Stuart Graham and Fionnula Flanagan. Among the other Irish actors and directors attending are Una Kavanagh, Terry McMahon, Gerard Barrett and Laurence McKeown. The annual festival, which is supported by the Irish embassy to Italy, screens cutting-edge, contemporary Irish movies which are regularly toasted on the international circuit but tend to

remain largely unknown to Italian audiences. There are ten short films in competition and there will be three screenings without subtitles. The festival founder and director Susanna Pellis told Wanted in Rome : “There are some movies not to be missed, such as Grabbers, which is very entertaining despite playing with a risky stereotype, namely the Irish drunk.” Pellis also highlights Stella Days as a sure crowd-pleaser, and the “charming documentary” by Pat Collins Tim Robinson: Connemara, set in the one of the most picturesque regions in the west of Ireland. For details see www.irishfilmfesta.org. Andy Devane

5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012


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accommodation vacant in town aventina. 100 sqm, 2nd floor, semifurnished, recently restored, living room, 2 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, furnished kitchen, maid’s room, balconies. € 2.500. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International tel. 065743170. aventinO. Newly restored, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, balconies. €2.000. REF 1345. Tel. 063212341. aventinO. Newly restored: 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, living room, balconies. €2.000, REF 1345, tel. 063212341.

COlOsseUm / aPPia antiCa villa aPartment. Two bedroom, two bathroom, two floor apartment with 40 sqm terrace in 1920 villa overlooking the ancient Roman walls in the archaeological park of Appia Antica in Rome at the Terme di Caracalla, 1 km from Colosseum, 500 m from FAO. Apartment fully renovated in recent years and luxury furnished with fireplace in living room. Direct bus in walking distance that takes you to Piazza Venezia in 10 mins or biking to city centre in 10-15 mins. €1.900 / month. Tel. 0041793559741; email: gg@ggalli.ch.

CamPO de’ FiOri. Furnished, restored, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, large terrace. €2.200. REF 667. Tel. 063212341.

COrsO FranCia - viGna stellUti. Fully furnished apartment. WiFi, 2 single bedrooms, a little single bedroom, a bedroom for 2, bathroom, kitchen, balcony, concierge service, €1.400. Bus 224 connection to Metro A Lepanto. Mary3.jp@gmail.com.

Cassia - mld. 200-sqm apartment in elegant condominium complex: entrance, living room with dining corner, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large terraces, €2.500, tel. 065916760, mld@customercare@gmail.com.

eUr - andrea del CastaGnO PentHOUse. Exclusive building w/pool, tennis, remodeled: living room, 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, breakfast room, €1.600, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.

Castel di leva. Castel di Leva. Inside private green compound, furnished villa 120 sqm + garden, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room €2.000 / month. info_rent@yahoo.it. Tel. 3496451790, 3482600764.

Castel di leva. Castel di Leva. Inside private green compound. Unfurnished villa 180 + garden, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room. €2.200 / month. info_rent@yahoo.it, tel. 3496451790, 3482600764. Castel FUsanO PentHOUse. Exclusive 185-sqm villa, 250 sqm garden, remodeled living room, fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms kitchen, pool, tennis, €2.200. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. COlOmBO ClOse tO PiaZZa dei naviGatOri. Panoramic, fully furnished flat, two bedrooms and bathrooms. Well connected, doorman service, parking facilities, €1.450. Tel. 068602749; 328 / 6139209, giorgio.n@hotmail.it.

eUr - mOstaCCianO PentHOUse. 3-floor apartment: living room, dining room, fireplace, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, €2.000, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr - vivanti - PentHOUse. Elegant, bright, remodeled apartment: living room, fireplace, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 balconies, double parking, €1.500. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr Centre - PentHOUse. Tecnica adjacent lake, 200 sqm, elegant flat, double living room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, terrace parking. €3.000. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr Centre - PentHOUse. Adjacent lake Umanesimo: remodeled, unfurnished, bilevel, prestigious flat, double living room, 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, parking, €2.500. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr laGHettO - PentHOUse. 4th floor, bright apartment: double living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, storage, 2 balconies, €1.700, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.

eUr UmanesimO - PentHOUse. Exclusive high rise foyer: triple living room, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, terrace, parking, pool, tennis, €3.800. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr valleranO - PentHOUse. Very bright 2-floor villa: garden, parking, living room w/fireplace, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, den, €2.100, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.

eUr laUrentina, seismit dOda, PentHOUse. Elegantly furnished, bright penthouse: living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, garage, €1.700, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr mOntaGne rOCCiOse PentHOUse. Very bright, remodeled, triple living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balconies, parking, metro Laurentina, €2.200, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr mOstaCCianO - PentHOUse. Exclusive, beautiful, 3-floor villa w/garden, parking, 2 living room, 2 kitchens, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, fireplace, €3.500, tel. 065919125. info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr mOstaCCianO, PentHOUse. 3floor apartment: living room, dining room w/fireplace, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, €2.200, tel. 065919125. info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr mOstaCCianO. Furnished or unfurnished apartment on two levels with garden of 600 sqm. Living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, terrace, A/C, hobby room, garage €2.900, for photos: www.casaitaly.it. Find us on Facebook, tel. 068419827. eUr siC - PentHOUse. Elegant new apartment: living room, eat-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, garage, €1.500. Tel 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. eUr siC, PentHOUse. Elegant new apartment: living room, eat-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, garage, €1.500, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.

Fidia - Prati - via riZZO. Empty penthouse: entrance, living room, studio, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, equipped kitchen, beautiful terrace, €3.000. Fidia Immobiliare, tel. 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it Fidia - trevi - HistOriC Centre. Wonderful location, renovated, elegantly furnished: living-dining room with beautiful open-plan kitchen, bedroom, small bedroom, 2 bathrooms, Available from January 2013, €2.200. Fidia Immobiliare, tel. 0639736426. FOr rent - s. saBa. 60 sqm furnished flat on a third floor with lovely view over quartiere Miani. One big living room with kitchen and balcony, one bedroom, one bathroom. independent heating. Please call Orsina tel. 348 9055959. Orsinasforza@gmail.com. Genesi - PariOli - villa BOrGHese. Nicely furnished: livingroom, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, balcony, short – long terms, tel. 0637517066. Genesi - trieste. Completely restored: 180 sqm, 4 rooms, living room, 2 bathrooms, very large kitchen, balcony, storage, €3.200 monthly, tel. 06737517066. HistOriC Centre - PentHOUse. S. Lorenzo Lucina, luxurious, prestigious 300-sqm flat overlooking square: triple living room, 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. HistOriC Centre. Unique view over Castel S. Angelo, important penthouse, two levels, furnished, modern, living room, family room, study, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, maid’s quarters, terrace / balcony. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. HistOriC Centre. Bright, 90 sqm, 2nd floor, beamed ceilings, furnished, living room, dining area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen. €2.000 negotiable.

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5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

Do you want to aDvertise your apartments in paris, Berlin, lonDon or maDriD? Do you have a joB to offer in DuBlin, Barcelona, Brussels or amsterDam? then go to www.wantedineurope.com and place your ad directly online. or come to our office at via dei falegnami 79 and we can place it for you. tel. 06 6867967 or e-mail us at advertising@wantedinrome.com Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International tel. 065743170. HistOriC Centre. Renovated, 120 sqm on 2 levels, walk-up, furnished, large living room, dining area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished kitchen, small terrace, €2.400. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International, tel. 065743170. HistOriC Centre. Nice furnished apartment 60 sqm: living-dining room, kitchen with balcony, bedroom, bathroom, €1.350, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. HistOriC Centre. Furnished, top floor, 95 sqm, on two levels. Nice view, parquet floors. €2.200, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. HistOriC Centre. Charming penthouse 80 sqm: entrance, dining with kitchen, living, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace 40 sqm, €2.900, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. internatiOnal POint PantHeOn. Furnished, beautiful apartment, 50 sqm: sitting room, nice kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, €2.000. Tel. 0654211074, info@internationalpointgroup.com. laUrentina / eUr. Penthouse (2 & ½ bedroom) Laurentina / EUR. Furnished, 115 sqm metro connect, 15 min: walking to IFAD, car to WFP, metro to FAO, supermarket, sunny view (silent), security door, terrace 45 sqm & balcony, 2 wc, wc and wlk in closet inside master bedroom, 2° bedroom wlk in closet, electric shutters, studio, double living room with parquet floor and sleeping sofa, eat in kitchen, washing machine, dishwashing, microwave, American fridge, wine cellar, BBQ, central heat, air cond., satellite TV ant, lift, car space & storage available contact: tel. 335-7409289. English spoken. manZOni area. Furnished studio flat for single person, €500 monthly for minimum of 6 months or more. Email: murray771@hotmail.com. mld - ardeatina - viGna mUrata via millevOi. Residential two-storey penthouse: living room, two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Top floor: 70 sqm with gazebo equipped with oven and barbeque. A/C, intercom with video. Monthly rent €1.300 + €250/term expenses fees. Tel. 065916760, email: mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - Castel di leva. Semidetached villa, ground floor: large living room w/fireplace, kitchen w/fireplace, bedroom, bathroom, patio and terrace, 1st floor: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, storage, basement: large garage with 4 parking spaces and 500-sqm garden. €4.000, tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - eUr - via dell’elettrOniCa. Apartment on 3rd floor: living room, 3 bedrooms, 1 single bedroom, eat-in kitchen, large balconies, A/C, garage, €2.800. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - eUr CentrO viale eUrOPa. Renovated, empty, 160-sqm apartment on 3rd floor: equipped kitchen, large entrance, living room, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, storage, 2 balconies. €3.000 + expenses. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - HistOriC Centre - via della FreZZa. Renovated apartment: entrance, living room, dining corner, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom.

Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012

€1.500 monthly, tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - nUOvO salariO. 150-sqm apartment in condominium complex with swimming pool: entrance, lounge, kitchen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, garage. €1.700. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - POGGiO del tOrrinO - via deGli astri. 75-sqm apartment in elegant condominium complex: 3rd floor, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroooms, kitchen, comfortable terrace, garage. €1.300 + €100 condominium expenses / monthly. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. mld - via PerOGliO. 80-sqm renovated apartment: entrance, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, fully furnished, €1.300 monthly. Tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. mOnteverde veCCHiO - GianiCOlO. Large, 2 bedrooms, living room, bath, kitchen, balcony. €1.250. Ref 1360. Tel. 063212341. mOnteverde veCCHiO - POeriO PamPHili ParK. Park Villa Sciarra: unusual cottage-like, living room, 1 bedroom, vertical garden, well furnished. Quiet. €850. Pamphili Park: penthouse, terrace, living room, bedroom, €1.000. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. mOnteverde veCCHiO - POeriO. Park Villa Sciarra, excellent top floor, lift, porter, small terrace, 2 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, well furnished. Lovely views. Quiet. €1.600. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. mOnteverde veCCHiO. 100 sqm, top floor with view, fully furnished, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, € 2.000. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International 065743170. mOnteverde veCCHiO. Near AUR, American Academy: well furnished apartment, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen and terrace, WiFi, anna.abba@fastwebnet.it. mOnteverde veCCHiO. Charming apartment, 80 sqm, completely furnished, newly restored, 3rd floor with lift, living room with kitchen corner, 2 bedrooms, located close to Villa Pamphili Park. Well connected to centre. No pets, non residents only. €1.500 monthly. Tel. 0668308885, 065810005, 338 / 6109722, email: e.girard@alice.it. mOnteverde veCCHiO. Renovated, 90 sqm, ground floor with small garden, semi-furnished, living room, dining area, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, furnished kitchen. €2.000 negotiable. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International tel. 065743170. mOnteverde veCCHiO. Renovated, bright, quiet, 110 sqm, 4th floor, semi / fully furnished, large living room, dining area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, balcony. €1.800. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International tel. 065743170.

bedroom, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, available from January, €1.350. Fidia Immobiliare, tel. 0639736426. mOnti - near via naZiOnale. Bright apartment, 2 double bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, living room, bathroom / shower, A/C, washing machine, dishwasher. monti35@fastwebnet.it, 339 / 5381750. mOnti. New, modern, 1 bedroom, living room, restored bathroom and kitchen, parquet floors, €1.250. Ref 1147. Tel. 063212341. mOnti. New, modern, 1 bedroom, living, restored bath and kitchen, parquet, €1.250, REF 1147, tel.063212341. near FaO. Cozy 90-sqm apartment plus 45-sqm garden: 2 bedrooms, dining room, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, terrace, satellite TV, adsl, tel. 335 / 6464222. nOmentana. 200 sqm, 5th floor with 150 sqm terrace, quiet, bright, semi furnished, large living room with dining area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, eat-in kitchen, guest bathroom. €2.500. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International 065743170. Ostia antiCa. Near the sea and next to Ostia Antica metro stop, 2nd top floor, 55 sqm apartment, entrance with kitchen dining / living room, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom 60 sqm terrace, cellar, storage, recently furnished € 700 monthly. Viboval@yahoo.it. Ostiense statiOn. Three bedrooms, large living room, two bathrooms, kitchen, top floor, elevator, furnished, €1.350 (security required). Tel. 338 / 1564574. orlandoi@tin.it. PiaZZa BOlOGna. Bright, semi-furnished 90-sqm, 4th floor, living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious furnished kitchen, balconies, parquet, alarm and basement storage, €1.500. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International, tel. 065743170. PiaZZa di sPaGna. Very special, private garden, 2 levels, living room, fireplace, 1 bedroom, quiet. €1.800. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. PiaZZa Farnese. Modern, 1 bedroom, living room, study-dining room, 2nd loft bedroom, kitchen and bath, 80 sqm. Ref 900, tel. 063212341. PiaZZa Farnese. Modern, furnished, 2 bedrooms, living, dining, kitchen and bath, 80 smq, €1.900. REF 900, tel. 063212341. PiaZZa FiUme. Spacious, renovated semi-furnished apartment in period building, 5th floor, large living room, study, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, equipped kitchen, large balcony, cellar, built-in wardrobes and bookshelves, fireplace, air conditioning. Monthly rent €2.500, tel. 066874464, email: ione.c@tiscali.it.

mOnteverde veCCHiO. Near Villa Sciarra park, charming living room, 1 bedroom, garden, well furnished. Quiet. €850. Pamphili park penthouse, terrace, living room, 1 bedroom. €1.000. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it.

PiaZZa navOna area. Charming, living room, 1 bedroom, fireplace, €1.350. Also Piazza di Spagna: charming studio, €800. Colosseum, interesting 1 bedroom apartment, 75 sqm. €1.100. S. Giovanni, living room, 1 bedroom, terrace, just redone, elegant, €900. Vatican area, lovely studio, balcony, high floor, lift, €950 all included, max 4 months. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it.

mOnti - HistOriC Centre. Semifurnished, living room, 1 bedroom, single

PiaZZa sPaGna. Studio €800. Colosseum, interesting 1 bedroom

apartment, 75 sqm. €1.100. S. Giovanni, living room, 1 bedroom, terrace. €900. Vatican area lovely studio, balcony, high floor, lift, €950 all included, max 4 months. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. PiaZZa veneZia. Elegant 220 sqm-apartment on 3rd floor of period building with lift. Large entrance, 4 double bedrooms, a small bedroom, equipped kitchen, 3 bathrooms, €4.500 monthly, plus utilities. Possibility of having parking space, email: info_rent@yahoo.it; tel. 349 / 6451790. PiaZZa vittOriO. Via Bixio, 62. 10 - 15 min. from the Colosseum: 70 sqm, 3 bed - sitting rooms, live- in kitchen, bathroom, TV, WiFi, sun-flooded airy rooms with roman sky and casbahlike views, with elegant and delightful period touches. To let monthly €1.700 plus utilities. Contact: +39 388 / 8274775; +39 347 / 1885266. POrta latina - near FaO. Delightful apartment, ground floor, double and single bedroom, living room, study, large lovely terrace, parquet floor, grated windows, porter, internet access, very quiet, well connected. €1.000 monthly. Non residents. Tel. 338 / 8152224, 339 / 5956502, 340 / 9632865, cristianacecchetti@virgilio.it. POrta latina. Unique elegant penthouse, terrace, view over Old Rome Walls, fully furnished, living room with fireplace, spacious designer’s kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. €2.500. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. Prati. Near metro, furnished apartment on the second floor, living room with balcony, bedroom, kitchen with balcony, 2 bathrooms, €1.500, for photos www.casaitaly.it, find us on facebook, 068419827. Prati. 80 sqm: entrance, sitting room, dining with balcony, live in kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, modern furniture, €1.500, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. Prati. Third floor, 90 sqm: entrance, living / dining, equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, box, €1.800, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. Prati. Elegant, 130 sqm: entrance, living, dining, equipped live-in kitchen, two bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bright, €1.900, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. QUiet trastevere. Cozy apartment in the heart of Trastevere. Very peaceful. Fully furnished, heating and AC. Available for six months or one year from January 2013. viacaracciolo@hotmail.it. residential area, CamillUCCia. 30-sqm studio apartment in residential area, newly furnished with double bed, sitting area, kitchenette, bathroom, plus high speed internet, sky TV, microwave,


fridge, large wardrobes, many other comforts. Weekly linen and towel change. Private parking, good bus links to centre. €600 monthly, all included. Mid - long term rentals. Only with references. Call. 339 / 5293254.

rOme sWeet HOme - HistOriC Centre. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.travelbusinessapartments.it, info@romesweethome.it. Tel. 0690288130; 335 / 7713580. s. GiOvanni. Bright, nicely furnished, 90 sqm on 7th floor with gorgeous terrace on floor above, high ceilings, living room, eat-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom. €2.000. Other excellent properties on www.propertyint.net. English, French, German mother tongue assistance. Property International 065743170. s. GiOvanni. Nice furnished apartment, 65 sqm: entrance, living, live-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, €850, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. sPaGna - PentHOUse. Elegant, remodeled, furnished: living room, kitchen, dining area, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, €4.000. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. sPanisH stePs. 40 sqm well furnished apartment: bedroom, living room, kitchen, A/C, independent heating, €1.350. Tel. 333 / 7952115. terraZZO Geranei. Semi-furnished 70-sqm apartment, top floor with big terrace overlooking country view: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living-room, kitchen, outdoor parkings, independent heating, internet, garden. €1.100/month + utilities; no agency fees. info_rent@yahoo.it or 349 / 6451790. trastevere - s. maria. Elegant penthouse, large terrace, spacious living room, fireplace, 1 bedroom. Quiet, €1.550. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. trastevere - s. maria. Spacious penthouse, large terrace, living room, fireplace, 1 bedroom. Sunny, quiet, view. €1.550. Also Trastevere, quiet, elegant, living room, 1 bedroom, romantic condominium. €1.350. Tel. 065813458, jbalsano@virgilio.it trastevere FienarOli PentHOUse. 2nd floor, no lift, furnished, bright, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, 2 lofts, balcony, €1.500. Tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it. trastevere. 90 sqm, well furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, spacious kitchen, balcony. €1.650. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. trastevere. Very special townhouse on 2 levels, private garden, living room, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Romantic atmosphere, Quiet, €2.200. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgolio.it. trastevere. Characteristic, semi-furnished apartment 65 sqm: living / dining, kitchen, bedroom, study, bathroom. €1.400, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. trastevere. Characteristic apartment of 160 sqm on 3 levels: beamed ceilings, parquet floor, €3.200, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. trastevere. Fascinating villa, 300 sqm, completely restored, garden, box, €6.500, tel. 0669941681, www.enricavereniimmobiliare.it. trastevere. 90 sqm, well furnished, living room, 2 bedrooms, spacious kitchen, balcony. €1.650. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. trastevere. Lovely studio apartment, fully furnished, modern, quiet. €950. Tel. 065813452, jbalsano@virgilio.it. trieste - PentHOUse. Bright, 4th floor, near Park Foyer, double living room, kitchen, breakfast room, 3


bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, €2.500, tel. 065919125, info@penthouseimmobiliare.it.

accommodation vacant out of town Castelli rOmani, marinO. 1/2 hour from Termini. 65-sqm flat, central: living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom fully furnished, panoramic terrace. Tel. 347 / 0136777. eugenio.faina@alice.it. mld - FrasCati - via enriCO Fermi. 250-sqm villa with 600-sqm garden, empty, with furnished kitchen, large living room with fireplace, dining corner, eat-in kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, upper level: studio, bedroom, bathroom, 1st floor: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. €2.500, tel. 065916760, mld.customercare@gmail.com. sHOrt let. Trevignano Romano near lake central sleeps 4, panoramic, terrace, garden. poemaleo@gmail.com. ZaGarOlO - 30 Km FrOm rOme. Furnished cottage: sitting room, bedroom, eat-in kitchen, bathroom, private garden, tennis, and parking within the large property in Zagarolo, 30 km from Rome. Good rail connection, €700 monthly, tel. 347 / 7037894, drroversi@virgilio.it.

bed & breakfast navOna. Antique art gallery, now charming flats. Superb location, quiet, cosy, sleeps 8 people. Also short lets. Tel. 347 / 3884032, spartacusrome@hotmail.com, www.navonaloft.com.

events FOrWard. There's only a way to help the President to rule the govern, stand by Obama, stand by American Nation. Standing ovation. Marco Sernicoli.

health & fitness OsteOPatH sPeCialiZed in POstsUrGery reHaBilitatiOn, chronic back pain, sports injuries and general physiotherapy. Flaminio / Trastevere, www.studiomedicobiondi.it; info@studiomedicobiondi.it; dario.cutropia@yahoo.it; 347 / 3036935.

jobs vacant assOCiate PrOFessOr, dePartment OF internatiOnal relatiOns (FUll time). The American University of Rome invites applications for the position of Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations. The position is full time for two years, beginning in September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in International Relations, Political Science, Modern Political History or associated disciplines, will demonstrate international excellence in research, and will have a strong commitment to teaching at undergraduate level in areas of relevance to the Department’s curriculum. Proven capability to work and teach across disciplines is a plus. A specialization or interest in Italy and the wider Mediterranean area is an advantage. Recent experience within the American university system may also be an advantage. The successful candidate will teach an average of three courses per semester, advise and monitor the progress of students, and contribute to the development of the curriculum (such as field trips and internships) and extracurricular activities (including conferences). S/he will also serve the University through membership of committees and other functions coordinated by the Chair of Department, Provost or President. The person appointed will report to the Chair of Department. Interested candidates should send a letter of application and CV with three referees to facultyrecruitment@aur.edu

(Ref. PROV 2/2012 and candidate’s full name in the subject field). The letter of application should include a reasoned statement of why the candidate wishes to be in Rome. Applications without this statement will not be considered. This well established department currently offers a BA in International Relations and Global Politics, and minors in Global Politics, International Relations, and Social Science, and the person appointed will contribute to the further growth of the Department by raising its academic profile through an active program of scholarship and building upon a reputation for excellence in teaching. FURTHER DETAILS. Level: Associate Professor. Salary: €38,000-€43,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Start Date: September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. Main Duties: Teach six courses per academic year, including undergraduate upper level courses in the area of specialization and lower-level course within the broader range of courses covered within the Department; Maintain and pursue an active research agenda; Contribute to and ensure outcomes assessment for courses and the program as directed by the Chair of Department; Advise up to fifteen students; Provide institutional service through, for example, service on university-wide committees; Assist with recruitment and promotion of the International Relations Department; Such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair, Provost or President. PROCEDURE. Review of applications will begin immediately. Candidates on the long shortlist will be interviewed by phone or skype and will be asked for three reference letters. Shortlisted candidates will be called to interview in Rome during the Spring semester. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit three samples of their recent work. CHair OF art HistOry dePartment (FUll time). The American University of Rome invites applications for the position of Associate Professor

and Chair of its Art History Department. The position is full time for two years, beginning in September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will have a PhD in Art History, will demonstrate international excellence in research, and will have a strong commitment to teaching Art History at undergraduate level across a range of areas from Medieval to Modern. A specialization in Renaissance or Baroque art may be an advantage. Recent experience within the American university system may also be an advantage. The successful candidate will chair the Department and will lead in the development of the curriculum and extra-curricular activities in Art History. S/he will teach an average of three courses per semester, advise and monitor the progress of students and carry out the full range of duties required to manage and develop the Department of Art History, including ensuring high quality outcomes assessment procedures for the program. The Chair of Department will play an important role in the recruitment of students for Art History and in promoting the Department and will also serve the University through membership of committees and other functions as directed by the Provost or President. The person appointed will report to the Provost. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, a CV, and three reference letters to facultyrecruitment@aur.edu (Ref. PROV 1/2012 and candidate’s full name in the subject field). The letter of application should include a reasoned statement of why the candidate wishes to be in Rome. Applications without this statement will not be considered. This young department currently offers a BA in Art History, and a Concentration in the Business of Art, and the person appointed will contribute to the further growth of the Department by raising its academic profile through an active program of scholarship and building upon a reputation for excellence in teaching. FURTHER DETAILS. Salary: €38,000- €43,000

5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

depending on qualifications and experience. Start Date: September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter. Main Duties: Teach six courses per academic year, including undergraduate upper level courses in the area of specialization and lower-level courses on the broader span of western art; Carry out the duties associated with the position of Chair of the Department; Maintain and pursue an active research agenda; Ensure high quality outcomes assessment for the program; Advise up to fifteen students; Provide institutional service through, for example, service on university-wide committees; Assist with recruitment and promotion of the Art History Department; Such other duties as may be assigned. PROCEDURE. Review of applications will begin immediately. Candidates on the long shortlist will be interviewed by phone or skype. Shortlisted candidates will be called to interview in Rome in Spring 2013. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit samples of their recent work (in English, not more than 10,000 words). CHeerleadinG COaCH. American school in Rome looking for head coach of high school varsity Cheerleading. Coaching experience and knowledge of cheer technique and rules required. Season runs November through February. Please forward resume to sports@aosr.org. eFl Part-time teaCHers urgently required for children and adults. Celta or equivalent plus some experience preferable. fleming@britishschoolroma.it, tel. 0633220960, www.britishschoolroma.it. enGlisH mOtHer-tOnGUe stUdent. Required for individual lessons and conversation. 4 hours daily on a flexible schedule. Call: 335 / 8135235, valerio@studiopalmigliano.it. enGlisH mt trainers reQUired. We need English trainers to work in the banking / finance sector, English mother tongue only. Must have university degree, TEFL or CELTA certificate, work permit and exp preferably in the finance sector. Part-time positions available in Milan and Rome. Please apply with cv and photo to info@thelanguagegrid.com. enGlisH teaCHers needed. Established English School currently seeking full / part-time English mothertongue teachers for adult and children courses. Full training provided. Contact us on 0647823253 or send your CV to teachers@angloamerican.it. enGlisH tUtOr. Looking for an English tutor for my two sons age 16 and 18 for SAT preparation and conversation once per week, afternoons or Saturday. Contact: ilaria@diananet.it. estaBlisHed PrestiGiOUs lanGUaGe School Rome seeks mothertongue English teachers. Offering good weekly wage, professional environment, immediate start. Tel. 063611508, newbritishcentres@gmail.com. eXPerienCed mOtHer-tOnGUe enGlisH teaCHers. Qualified and experienced English mother tongue teachers required for Rome Language School available for Rome and Vermicino / Frascati area. Fax or email C.V. to fax 0669792114 info@trainingclub.com. FrenCH mOtHer-tOnGUe stUdent required for private lessons at

Wanted in Rome 5 December 2012

student’s home. Call: 346 / 0181711, email: valerio@studiopalmigliano.it. FrenCH teaCHer. Private school seeks to appoint a qualified and experienced mother tongue French Teacher for January 2013. Part-time contract for 8 hours (over two days). Casalpalocco area. human_resources@southlands.it. FUll time enGlisH teaCHers reQUired, immediate start. Berlitz Italy is among the world leaders in the field of language learning services. We are currently seeking full-time English Language Instructors available immediately. Candidates must be native speakers and have a degree, preferably with some teaching experience or teaching certification. Would you like to work in a dynamic, international environment, then this is the job for you! Interested? Please contact Louise Thorne at: workinrome@berlitz.it or louise.thorne@berlitz.it. mOtHer-tOnGUe enGlisH teaCHers eUr / POrtUense. Language school in the centre of Rome is looking for serious, motivated and qualified mother-tongue English teachers for courses for children in Eur and Portuense areas. Send an e-mail to: direzionedidattica@londoninrome.com or call: 064818210 Website: http://www.londoninrome.com. Send Email or call tel. 064818210. tOUr manaGer and PrOmOters. Seeking a tour manager and promoters. The job will be in Rome. Contact Valter, tel. 380 / 2965424. UrGent enGlisH mOtHer tOnGUe teaCHers required for state schools. KET/PET/FCE, 2 - 4 pm Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays. Send CVs: audreyjones@libero.it, tel. 333 / 7813026. yOUnG dynaniC enGlisH teaCHer. Looking for a young dynamic English teacher for my 12 year old son. He would need help in spelling,

writing, particularly conversation. His English level is already quite good. Once or twice per week, afternoons or Saturday in Trastevere. Contact: ilaria@diananet.it.

lessons enGlisH lady QUaliFied teaCHer. All exams, business English, voice training, pronunciation. Your studio or her residence. Reasonable, tel. 0676966961. Private italian lessOns FOr FOreiGners. Certified Italian lan-

guage teacher for private and group lessons: grammar and conversation in Monteverde (near Tram # 8, S. Camillo or Largo Ravizza stop. Tel. 339 / 2111541.

property for sale in town aPartment in CristOFOrO COlOmBO - naviGatOri. Owner sell apartment in modern building. This spacious apartment (180 sqm) in south zone of Rome (Via Cristoforo Colombo Piazza Navigatori) is a nice space for a comfortable life. This property, on first floor, comprises reception room, dining room, studio room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, large private roof terrace (135 sqm) with modern vertical sundial. Also comprises large garage (17 sqm). Price €730.000. Real estate agencies do not like. rkforvac91@libero.it. BriGHt 2Br (70 sQm) aPt in testaCCiO. Restored apt in 1930s block on quiet street. Open-space living area, two bedrooms, small balcony. anne@laverzura.com. Fidia - trieste - sOmalia. Overlooking park, top floor, beautiful view: living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom (needs renovation), €450.000, Fidia Immobiliare tel. 0639736426, fidia@fidiaimmobiliare.it. Flaminia, in FrOnt OF ParK. Private sells a two-floor villa and a one floor villa plus pertincies, situated in a 3.800-sqm panoramic garden with trees. Visits on appointment, tel. 0633610802; 348 / 4210658.

property for sale out of town BraCCianO laKe - treviGnanO rOmanO. Apartment in Trevignano Romano, near Rome, overlooking Lake Bracciano. Close to the Town Hall Square: living room with kitchen corner, bedroom, bathroom, (paved garden or


house, finely restored by an architect, on 2 levels, all facilities. Beautiful panoramic view, well connected to the road, equipped with solar panels, a traditional wood - brick oven. The property is surrounded by a large olive grove / park of about 6.500 sqm. Tel. 346 / 8791824, lau.brun2012@yahoo.it.

rooms and flats shares Castel s. anGelO - 1 BedrOOm. Period: 07 Jan. – 09 Feb. 2013. Double bedroom + private bathroom within luxury, big apartment where owners live. €1.300 (1 person); €2.000 (2 people). Prices include: use of kitchen, utilities, towels & sheets. info@beavita.info, 349 / 6433728 (English), 339 / 8027594 (Italian). GarBatella. Ten minutes walk from metro B station. Large room available from mid November. €440 monthly (rent and expenses included). There is a cat in the flat. Call 329 / 0073305. GarBatella. Room in apartment with doorman: parquet, living room, wireless, A/C, parking. Available weekly or monthly. Tel. 328 / 4335310, email: mariateresaromeo@inwinf.it. HistOriC Centre - attiC. Private room and bathroom, shared large kitchen, washing-machine, WiFi, €650 monthly, all included; short term rentals. Tel. 333 / 1598130. HUGe rOOm BalCOny metrO a POnte lUnGO. € 550 all in. Steps from metro, market. 10 min and you are in Piazza di Spagna. Must like cats. Openminded, international only. Tel. 3331393626, teriannef@yahoo.com. mOnteverde. Flat share with young man. Room with bath, from January to April in Monteverde, €350 monthly, email: cmcbride@libero.it.

balcony). (Private negotiation no compensation for mediation). andreaconti@tiscali.it. BraCCianO laKe - treviGnanO rOmanO. Near Rome, semi-detached villa, farmhouse style, overlooking Bracciano Lake. terracotta flooring, exposed wooden beams, stone facade, living room with fireplace, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, porch, garden, private beach. (Private negotiation, no compensation for mediation). andreaconti@tiscali.it. GUaldO CattaneO, UmBria. Unique ground floor apartment, historic centre,

hall of the building in Pompeian style and garden 275 sqm. Lounge, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, cellar, 150 sqm. Private negotiations: phone 347 / 1141091, email: shortrental.rome@gmail.com. No agencies. mOnteFalCO, UmBria. Farm of 11 hectares, lovely location, vineyard of about 6 hectares: Sagrantino and Rosso di Montefalco. Olive grove: 2.5 hectares, arable 2.2 hectares. Large, 2 storey rural farmhouse, cellar. Private negotiations. Mobile 347 / 1141091, email: enzoc1314@gmail.com. No Agencies. OlevanO rOmanO. 65-sqm old stone

Aeroporto Ciampino Aeroporto di Fiumicino Arrivi Airterminal Fiumicino Anglo American Book Shop C.so Italia, 34 Corso Francia, 228 Corso Trieste, 90 Feltrinelli International L.go Argentina L.go Chigi L.go del Colonnato Largo Arenula, 12/B Largo Argentina, 14 P.le Albania P.le Cola Di Rienzo P.le Flaminio P.le Ponte Milvio P.zza Barberini P.zza Campo De’ Fiori P.zza Cola Di Rienzo P.zza Colonna P.zza del Parlamento P.zza della Balduina P.zza della Minerva

s. GiOvanni - metrO. Panoramic topfloor, view of S. Giovanni statues, bright, comfortable, restored room, €600 monthly, including bills, linen, maid service. Free wireless adsl connection and local calls. Shared kitchen and bathroom, 25 sqm terrace. Pictures on request. Tel. 333 / 7490206, retablo@tiscali.it. s. maria maGGiOre. Single room, near metro A/B, shared bathroom, kitchen, washing-machine. Tel. 335 / 6803908. st Peter’s - FeW metres. Large room, independent entrance, quiet, shared kitchen, bathroom. Females only. €520 monthly, €160 weekly. Tel. 327 / 4541214, giomontanaro@hotmail.it.

P.zza di Porta Pia P.zza di Spagna, 57 P.zza Euclide, 31 P.zza Farnese, 105 P.zza Giochi Delfici P.zza Mastai P.zza Pitagora, 6 P.zza Regina Margherita P.zza Repubblica, 6 P.zza Risorgimento P.zza S. Jacini P.zza S. Silvestro P.zza S.M. Trastevere P.zza Testaccio P.zza Trilussa P.zza Vescovio P.zza Vittorio P.zza Zanardelli, 16 P.zza in Lucina, 31 Salita De Crescenzi (Pantheon) Stazione Termini V.le Beethoven, 90/9 V.le G. Cesare Civ.17 V.le Parioli, 2

trastevere - via della lUnGara. Large bright room with private bathroom, comfortable and well equipped including internet. €700 utilities included, tel. 339 / 7857565.

short lets aPartments - HOUses. Linen service, minimum deposit. Tel. 0648930557, tel. / fax 0648976525 office hours, info@flatinrome.com, www.flatinrome.com.

CamPO di FiOri - sPaGna navOna. Pantheon, Trastevere, Prati. Fully-furnished apartments, 1 week minimum. Many other possibilities. Tel. / fax 0648905897, info@shortletsassistance.com, www.shortletsassistance.com. PantHeOn and POnte milviO. Nice studios, period building, new and well decorated, fully equipped kitchen corner, double/triple bedroom, bathroom, A/C or fan, internet, TV. Long-term too. Tel. 348 / 9792106, inroma@libero.it. rOme sWeet HOme - HistOriC Centre. Lets to companies and private individuals. Exclusive locations. Apartments, 1 - 2 - 3 bedrooms, completely furnished, maid service, utilities included, special rates for monthly lets. www.romesweethome.com, info@romesweethome.it. Tel. 0690288130 - 335 / 7713580. st Peter’s. Furnished studio apartments: bathroom, kitchen corner, TV, A/C, WiFi, garden. To rent daily, weekly or monthly, €800 - €1.000, tel. 329 / 8041115; 340 / 3106079; email: clotilde.salustri@libero.it. trastevere - PiaZZa s. COsimatO. All inclusive, 2 adults (sleeps 4 max), cycle park, TV, WiFi Internet, A/C, €450 weekly, €1.400 monthly + cleaning. Tel. 339 / 6149317, risvil@mclink.net, www.risvil.it. trastevere s. COsimatO. Nice apartment, fully furnished, living room, two bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, max 4 people. Tel. 333 / 3250906, cprosperi@libero.it. See more classifieds on our website www.wantedinrome.com

V.le Parioli, 54 V.le Trastevere Via Cassia 1839 Km.1 Via Cassia 993/995 Via Cassia Km 19.400 Via Cassia, 623 Via Cassia, 698 Via Cassia, 876 Via Cavour, 257 Via Celimontana, 5 Via Del Babuino, 150 Via della Magliana Via della Pace Via Flaminia 229 Via Gramsci, 1/B Via Gregorio VII, 55 Via Isola, 53 C. Palocco Via Marmorata Via Nazionale 7 Via Nomentana Via Orti Farnesina Via Valadier Via Veneto Viale Aventino/Fao

For further details check the full distribution list on www.wantedinrome.com.


5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

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st Francis Xavier del Caravita (roman Catholic)

american international Club of rome

The following cinemas show films in English or original language when available – see daily press for programme details.

s. silvestro Church (roman Catholic)

Via Merry del Val 14, tel. 065880099 in original language on Mon

Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 0642014554, Saturday service 18.00. Sunday service 09.00 and 10.30

tel. 0645447625 – www.aicrome.org

american Women’s association of rome tel. 064825268 – www.awar.org association of British expats in italy britishexpatsinitaly@gmail.com

association of malaysians in italy

Via del Caravita 7 – www.caravita.org Piazza S. Silvestro 1, tel. 066977121 Sunday service 10.00 and 17.30


s. susanna Church (roman Catholic)

Fiamma multisala

st andrew’s Presbyterian Church


Via XX Settembre 7, tel. 064827627 Sunday service 11.00

Canadian Club of rome


Via Boncompagni 31, tel. 064203121 Sunday service 10.00

Circolo di Cultura mario mieli

nuovo Olimpia

tel. 389 / 1162161 – malaysiansinitaly@gmail.com

Caledonian society

info@caledoniansocietyofrome.org canadarome@gmail.com

Gay and lesbian international contact group tel. 065413985 – fax 065413971

Commonwealth Club of rome ccrome08@gmail.com

Via Bissolati 47, tel. 06485526 Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c, tel. 0668192987 www.filmstudioroma.com

st Patrick’s Church (roman Catholic)

Via G. Bordoni 59, tel. 065745825

st Paul’s within-the-Walls (anglican episcopal)

Via in Lucina 16/g, tel. 066861068

Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339 Sunday service 08.30,10.30 (English), 13.00 (Spanish)

Largo Ascianghi 1, tel. 065818116 in original language on Mon when available

Via di Monserrato 45, tel. 066868546. Sunday service 10.00.

nuovo sacher

venerable english College (roman Catholic)

international Women’s Club of rome tel. 0633267490 – www.pwarome.org

irish Club of rome

irishclubofrome@gmail.com – www.irishclubofrome.com

luncheon Club of rome tel. 0636307249

Patrons of the arts in the vatican museums tel. 0669881814, www.vatican-patrons.org.

Professional Women’s association www.pwarome.org



• ambulance tel. 118 • Carabinieri tel. 112 • electricity and water faults (Acea) tel. 800130336 • Fire brigade tel. 115 • Gas leaks (Italgas-Eni) tel. 800900999 • Police tel. 113 • rubbish (Ama) tel. 8008670355

alcoholics anonymous

United nations Women’s Guild tel. 0657053628 – unwg@fao.org www.unwgrome.multiply.com

Welcome neighbor


tel. 347 / 9313040 – dearprome@tele2.it www.wnrome-homepage.blogspot.com

all saints’ anglican Church


anglican Centre

The following bookshops and libraries have books in English and other languages as specified.

Bibliothèque Centre Culturel saint-louis de France (French) Largo Toniolo 20-22, tel. 066802637 www.saintlouisdefrance.it

Herder international Book Center (German) Piazza di Montecitorio 117-120, tel. 066794628 bookcentre@herder.it – www.herder.it

la librairie Française de rome la Procure (French)

Piazza S. Luigi dei Francesi 23, tel. 0668307598 www.librairiefrancaiserome.com

libreria Feltrinelli international Via V. E. Orlando 84, tel. 064827878, www.lafeltrinelli.it

Via del Babuino 153/b, tel. 0636001881 Sunday service 08.30 and 10.30 Kids Rock children’s service every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at midday. Piazza del Collegio Romano 2, tel. 066780302 www.anglicancentreinrome.com

the almost Corner Bookshop Via del Moro 45, tel. 065836942

the anglo american Bookshop Via della Vite 102, tel. 066795222

the Open door Bookshop (second hand books – english, French, German, italian)

(Support for cancer patients and their families) tel. 065349622/0658204580 www.ryderitalia.it

astra (anti-stalking risk assessment) tel. 066535499 – www.differenzadonna.it

Caritas soup kitchen

(Mensa Giovanni Paolo II) Via delle Sette Sale 30 tel. 0647821098. 11.00-13.30 daily

Caritas foreigners’ support centre

Via Zoccolette 19, tel. 066875228 – 066861554

Caritas legal assistance

Church of sweden

Celebrate recovery Christian group

Lungotevere Michelangelo 7, tel. 069870464

Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a, tel. 0669886369

Via A. Beroloni 1/e, tel. 068080474 Sunday service 11.15 (Swedish)

tel. 338 / 1675680

South Rome, tel. 0650917621 – 333 / 2284093 North Rome, tel. 0630894371, akfsmes.styles@tiscali.it

Comunità di s. egidio soup kitchen

Footsteps inter-denominational Christian international Central Gospel Church Via XX Settembre 88, tel. 0655282695

international Christian Fellowship

Via Guido Castelnuovo 28, tel. 065594266 Sunday service 11.00 jesus.cares@usa.net

Tempio Maggiore, Lungotevere Cenci, tel. 066840061

Jewish reform Group in rome

Congregation Lev Chadash, Piazza della Libertà 10 tel. 339 / 3824815, Shabbat services at 10.00, Friday night service once a month

lay Centre at Foyer Unitas

Largo della Sanità Militare 60, tel. 067726761

lutheran Church

Via Toscana 7, corner Via Sicilia 70 tel. 064817519, Sunday service 10.00 (German)

Ponte s. angelo methodist Church Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, tel. 066868314 Sunday service 10.30

Pontifical irish College

(Roman Catholic) Via dei Santi Quattro 1, tel. 06772631. Sunday service 10.00


Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 35, tel. 066876652 – 066876211, Sunday service 10.30, 13.00 (Filipino), 16.00 (Chinese)


associazione ryder italia

Via Marsala 109, tel. 064457235

Via della Lungaretta 23, tel. 065896478 www.books-in-italy.com

24-hour, multilingual information line for services in Rome, run by the city council.Tel. 060606.

(Jesuit refugee centre) Via degli Astalli 14/a tel. 0669700306

Church of all nations

libreria spagnola sorgente (spanish)

Via XX Settembre 15, tel. 064827510 Opening times: Sat & Sun 10.00-12.30 Tues 10.00-13.00, Wed 15.00-18.00, Fri 13.00-16.00

associazione Centro astalli

Caritas hostel

Jewish Community

s. susanna lending library

(HIV+ children and their families) tel. 0677250350 – www.arche.it

Via Stresa 41, tel. 063014425

Jesus Cares ministries

Piazza Navona 90, tel. 0668806950 www.libreriaspagnola.it


Christian science services

libreria Quattro Fontane (international) Via delle Quattro Fontane 20/a, tel. 064814484

tel. 064742913 – www.aarome.info

rome Baptist Church

rome Buddhist Centre vihara Via Mandas 2, tel. 0622460091

rome mosque (Centro islamico)

Via della Moschea, tel. 068082167 – 068082258

Comunità di s. egidio

Piazza di S. Egidio 3/a, tel. 068992234 Via Dandolo 10, tel 065894327 17.00-19.30 Wed, Fri, Sat

information line for the disabled tel. 800271027

Joel nafuma refugee Centre

St Paul’s within-the-Walls Via Nazionale, corner Via Napoli, tel. 064883339

mason Perkins deafness Fund

(Support for deaf and deaf-blind children) tel. 0644234511 – masonperkins@gmail.com www.mpds.it

Overeaters anonymous tel. 064743772

salvation army (Esercito della Salvezza) Centro Sociale di Roma “Virgilio Paglieri” Via degli Apuli 41, tel. 064451351

support for elderly victims of crime

(Italian only) Largo E. Fioritto 2, tel. 0657305104

the samaritans Onlus

(Confidential telephone helpline for the distressed) tel. 800860022

TRANSPORT • atac (Rome bus, metro and tram) tel. 800431784, www.atac.roma.it • Ciampino airport tel. 06794941, www.adr.it • Fiumicino airport tel. 0665951, www.adr.it • Taxi tel. 060609 – 065551 – 063570 – 068822 064157 – 066645 – 064994 • traffic info tel. 1518 • trenitalia (national railways) tel. 892021 www.trenitalia.it

5 December 2012 Wanted in Rome

AccommodAtion mAde eAsy

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