The Expat Guide to Rome 2019

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HEALTH CARE: SERVICE OR SUFFERANCE? A guide to the ins and outs of the Italian health system Studio legale Annino

In the world health organization’s last health care ranking in 2000, italy’s health care system was regarded as the second best in the world after france, and according to the cia world factbook 2004 italy has the 10th highest life expectancy, “thanks to its good healthcare”. Italy is host to many acclaimed medical professionals and supports a high level of medi-cal and research excellence. unfortunately, as is the case in many countries, spending on health care has been cut over the last couple of years resulting in decreased services, bottlenecks and increases in waiting time for visits to specialists and surgical operations, which often force people to turn to private medical care at their own expense.

through the co ordination of local health agencies, Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL). Although tourists have access to all emergency services it is advisable to take out travel insurance to cover any prolonged therapy or hospital stays due to any accidents and misfortunes. all foreigners have the right to claim for damages through an italian lawyer for any accidents they suffer while in italy. Foreigners who are resident in italy with a valid residency permit (permesso di soggiorno) which is obtained at the local

The Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) or na tional health service was established in 1978 to provide italians and foreign residents with tax-funded health care provided by a mixed public / private system. the system is governed by the ministry of health on a national level but is administered on a regional basis Wanted in Rome 19 15

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