Ismael – July – Sept 2024 (English)

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An Educational Magazine for Waqifeen-e-Nau

Consider the Service of Faith as a Blessing from God



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Subscription Contacts:

To subscribe to the Isamel Magazine contact your National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau

UK- Anas Ahmad Rana

Canada - Basil Raza Butt

USA - Mirza Harris Ahmad

Australia - Ataul Awal

Spain - Qaiser Malik

Belgium - Munir Ahmed Anjum

Ghana - Hafiz Abdullah Mohammad sani

Switzerland - Jariullah Zafarullah

Ireland - Attaur Rehman Khalid

Mauritius - Mohsin Ahmad Ramjeet

Sierra Leone - Shahid M. Korjie

New Zealand - Muhammad Yaseen

France - Ashfaq Rabbani

Chief Editor & Manager: Luqman Ahmed Kishwar

English Editor: Talat Syam

Urdu Editor: Farrukh Raheel

Editorial Team: Touqeer Tanvir

Farukh Arshad

Musharraf Ahmed

Talat Syam

Content manager:

Noman Ahmed

Raheef Ahmad Muslun

Cover design:

Labeed Mirza

Farhad Ghaffar

Designing Team:

Talat Syam (Lead Designer)

Ehtesham Ul Islam

Asim Javed

Danish Ahmad

Proofreading: Sadiq Ahmed

Anas Mahmood

Dr Mahmood

Jalees Khan

What is the Ismael Magazine?

By the grace of Allah Ta'ala, Waqifeen-e-Nau are now spread across the globe, many of whom are studying in their respective fields while others have already fulfilled their pledge of dedicating their lives for the Jama’at. There are many who are Missionaries, practising Doctors, Television producers, Architects, Graphic designers, Engineers, Accountants and much more.

Ismael is an international magazine, which was launched in 2012 by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih the fifthaba specifically for the Waqifeen-e-Nau around the world. At this auspicious occasion, addressing the Waqifeen-e-Nau Huzoor-e-Anwaraba wrote:

“The magazine has been named as “ISMAEL”, which reminds us of the sacrifices made by Hazrat Ismaelas and by Hazrat Hajiraas who spent their lives in a desolate and barren place and instituted exceptional standards of sacrifices for the sake of religion. Likewise, it is expected of every Waqf to uphold the covenant of Waqf (dedication) made by their parents even before their birth, who have in turn themselves reaffirmed the same.”

Waqifeen-e-Nau can contribute by sending articles regarding their respective fields of studies. This magazine is published on a quarterly basis as a platform for the Waqifeen-e-Nau to get in touch and express what they have always wanted to. To subscribe to this magazine, you can contact your National Waqf-e-Nau Secretary. You can also read the magazine online at:

Remember, this magazine is for the Waqifeen-e-Nau, prepared by the Waqifeen-eNau. Everyone is welcome to send their articles, contributions and comments. Ismael magazine is the central magazine for Waqifeen-e-Nau from around the globe.

The Holy Quran

And as for those who strive in Our path — We will surely guide them in Our ways. And verily Allah is with those who do good.

The Holy Qur'an 29:70


Narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet of Allah (May peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said: Verily, Allah does not look at your shapes and your wealth but He looks at your hearts and your actions.

(Sahih Muslim, Book of Righteousness and Relevance, Chapter: The prohibition of Muslim oppression, neglect, contempt...)

The Promised Messiahas

“I am grateful to my Kind Master for the fact that He has instilled such a great passion in my faith for the propagation of Islam, that even if I have to sacrifice my life for this cause, it will not weigh me down, by the Grace of Almighty Allah. I do not expect any help from the worldly people, rather I have firm faith in God Almighty. So, I am aware that though I am alone, I am still not alone; since that noble Lord is with me. No one could be closer to me than Him. It is only by His Grace that I have been granted a loving soul; ever willing to serve His religion in the face of suffering, and to render services for the cause of great [spiritual] expeditions of Islam, with zeal and sincerity. He has commissioned me to accomplish this task, and none can make me desist from pursuing this cause.”

(Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 5, p. 35)

Pearls of Wisdom

“No matter how often one claims to be a believer, until and unless one follows the commandments of God Almighty and His Messengersa with complete conviction and full certainty and becomes steadfast in the face of every test and trial, one cannot be granted success. Thus, in order to attain true success and triumph, it is incumbent upon us to show complete obedience to God Almighty and His Messengersa. In order to attain the pleasure of God Almighty, it is incumbent to follow His commandments with the fear that lest one may incur the displeasure of God due to some action of his. Likewise, it is incumbent to uphold righteousness. Every good deed and excellent moral needs to be adopted as this is a commandment of God Almighty. When one fulfils these conditions, only then can one attain success and be granted the protection of God Almighty.”

(Friday Sermon 24th May 2019)

Address by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa at the Concluding Session of the Waqf-e-Nau UK National Ijtema UK 2024

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Bismillah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:

‘Today, with the grace of Allah, you have had the opportunity to participate in the National Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema. I hope and pray that whatever positive and beneficial things you have learned come to form a permanent feature of your life.

Certainly, for the perpetual progress and well-being of any nation or community, it is of the utmost importance that its youth are well-educated and of high moral standing. Unquestionably, the followers of the Holy Prophetsa must always strive to live according to Islam’s true teachings. Only then can they be considered true Muslims.

The Promised Messiahas repeatedly emphasised this point to the members of the Jama’at. For example, on one occasion, he stated that Allah the Almighty desires to make his community an example for all others. This means that Allah desires the followers of the Promised Messiahas to uphold and abide by Islamic teachings in all aspects of their lives.

Of course, to faithfully act upon any teaching requires you to have knowledge of it and understand what it represents. Consequently, every member of Waqf-e-Nau should carefully read the Holy Qur’an, as it is the ultimate source of guidance for all mankind. You should study the Qur’an every day and identify the commands of Allah the Almighty. Likewise, many precepts of Allah the Almighty have been conveyed to us through the noble words and blessed practice of the Holy Prophet sa – the Ahadith and Sunnah.

Moreover, in this era, we are incredibly fortunate that the Promised Messiahas has expounded upon and explained Islam’s teachings to us. Thus, in addition to studying the Holy Qur’an and learning from the Hadith and Sunnah, Ahmadis must regularly read the books of the Promised Messiahas. It is particularly important that you, as Waqf-e-Nau, consistently strive to increase your religious knowledge, because you have all solemnly pledged to be ever-ready to serve your religion and faith. Certainly, you can only fulfil this convent with God if you understand your religion and its teachings.

One key point I wish to bring to your attention today is the importance of obedience. Obedience is the chief means of strengthening the bonds of unity amongst communities. In fact, the Promised Messiahas has said that no nation or community can thrive until its members possess the qualities of devotion, sincerity and loyalty to their Imam.

When a person reaches a certain age, sometimes questions arise regarding their faith. In particular, young people sometimes ask, “Why should we do this?” or “Why should we not do that?” If such questions or doubts ever arise in your mind, seek to find the answer by reflecting upon the Qur’an’s teachings and studying relevant Jama’at literature. If needed, ask a missionary to explain the matter, or you can write your question to me. However, it should never be that you think, “Why should we accept or follow the instructions we have received?”

Especially as Waqf-e-Nau, you should never fall prey to such thoughts, as you are the people who have pledged to live your lives in the service of Islam and

according to the direction of the Jama’at. Indeed, the standard of obedience of the Waqifeen-e-Nau should be far higher than others, and you should strive wholeheartedly to fulfil whatever is asked of you by the Jama’at.

History attests to the fact that those nations or communities who lacked obedience became divided and weak. In fact, the Promised Messiahas has written that a lack of obedience caused the downfall of the communities of all the prophets who came before the Holy Prophetsa. Similarly, after the blessed era of the Holy Prophetsa and the Khulafa-e- Rashideen, the level of obedience and unity amongst the Muslim Ummah decreased over the course of time. This led directly to an age of spiritual darkness and decay within Islam, whereby Muslims departed entirely from their religious teachings. As a result, they were deprived of

the blessings and pleasure of Allah the Almighty. It was then that Allah the Almighty sent the Promised Messiahas to revive and rejuvenate Islam’s true teachings. And so, never forget that all of you have pledged to be at the forefront of serving his divine mission. Hence, I reiterate that obedience to your faith and Jama’at is a prerequisite.

Another injunction of the Promised Messiahas is that a true Muslim must always seek to excel in virtue and beneficence. He taught that a single act of kindness or goodness invariably leads to another. If you exhibit grace, integrity and piety, you will gain the nearness of Allah the Almighty and become the recipient of His blessings and rewards. Thus, as a Waqf-e-Nau, always seek to excel in goodness and ensure your act is well-intentioned, kind and virtuous.

You may wonder what conduct and acts are considered good by Islam. In this regard, I reiterate that you must carefully study the Holy Qur’an as Allah the Almighty has stipulated what is right and what is wrong. Indeed, at one place, the Promised Messiahas stated that there are approximately 700 commands of Allah the Almighty given in the Holy Qur’an. Certainly, foremost amongst all virtues and duties of a believer is to fulfil the rights of Allah by discharging the rights of His worship, and the fundamental means of worshipping Allah is Salat. As Muslims, we must offer every namaz [prayer] with deep concentration, in a pure state of humility and with the utmost respect and etiquette. If we pray in this way, we will naturally draw closer to God and form a strong and lasting bond with Him. In addition, if our spiritual connection with Allah grows, we will instinctively be in-

clined towards other acts of goodness and virtue.

Alongside His worship, Allah the Almighty has commanded us to fulfil the rights of all of His creation. We are taught to be kind, compassionate and sympathetic towards others. Though there are some younger children here, most of you sitting before me have reached an age of understanding and relative maturity. Indeed, many of you are now Khuddam and have families of your own. As a result, you no longer have the excuse of youthful ignorance and nor do you have time to waste.

Instead, you must recognise that now is the time to stand up and discharge the sacred vow initially made before your birth, which you have since independently renewed. Now is the time for you to prioritise serv-

ing your faith above and beyond everything else. Pivotal to this is that you must cultivate a sincere and pure bond with Allah the Almighty.

Never forget that the Promised Messiahas said that the greatest cause of fear and anxiety for any Ahmadi should be whether they possess taqwa – true righteousness. If this is the standard expected from all Ahmadis, surely, the burden weighs even heavier upon you as Waqifeen-e-Nau to be constantly restless and fearful about whether you are righteous. Do not think that you are too young to be concerned about such things. Do not wait for tomorrow; rather, now is the time to ensure that your every moment, every thought, and every act is governed by the fear and love of Allah the Almighty. If you strive to be close to Allah, rest assured that His choicest blessings will Insha’Allah rain down upon you, and He will keep you in His protection.

Ensure that all faculties, abilities, and talents that Allah has blessed you with are utilised for noble purposes – that is, in essence, what taqwa is. For example, taqwa is when one’s eyes are used only to see what is good and pleasing to Allah and never to view immoral and indecent things. Taqwa is when one’s hands are used to benefit and aid others and never cause harm or injury. Taqwa is that one’s legs, feet and every step lead them in the direction of God Almighty and far away from sin and transgression. Taqwa is that one’s mind should remain pure and free from evil or impure thoughts or intentions. In this era, corrupting influences lie at every turn and corner, each wilfully drawing people away from morality and forcefully pushing them towards evil and vice. In particular, extremely harmful, indecent and violent content proliferates the internet and social media. Similarly, in-

credibly immoral and toxic content is also widespread on streaming services, online gaming and television. As a result, we see distressing stories in the news of children or young people whose lives have been destroyed due to their online activity and exposure to horrific content. So, every Ahmadi, and especially the Waqifeen-e-Nau, must be aware of the risks.

You must exhibit moral courage and fortitude and guard yourselves from such dangerous and destructive influences. Only view programmes that are educational or which have a positive impact on your mind. Stay far away from all immoral, indecent and illicit programmes. Otherwise, be in no doubt that consuming vile content will profoundly damage you and your personality. It will drive you away from righteousness, it will push you away from your faith and it will prevent you from fulfilling your pledge as a Waqf-e-Nau. So, take time each day to self-reflect and analyse your conduct, as you have here today. It should be your firm intention to identify the commands of Allah the Almighty and to act upon them with sincerity and devotion. Only then will you truly fulfil your pledge as a Waqf-eNau, and only then will you prove of benefit to the Jama’at.

In fact, Waqifeen-e-Nau often ask me, “How can we benefit the Jama’at?” The simple answer is you must act upon Allah’s commands, fulfil the rights of His worship, serve His creation and save yourselves from all forms of immorality and impropriety. Furthermore, if you are a student, you must fully engage with your studies and make every effort to excel and attain the highest possible level of education. Indeed, the distinguishing feature of a Waqf-e-Nau ought to be that they excel in their studies and chosen fields. It is not enough just to

have targets or goals, but you must strive to achieve them.

Whilst it is not essential that every Waqfe-Nau will directly come into the service of the Jama’at full-time, it is necessary that every Waqf-e-Nau strive to attain excellence and distinction in their education. Further, if you are instructed or permitted to work externally, you should pursue those professions that will enable you to draw closer to Allah the Almighty and be a means of serving humanity and benefit to the world. Where hard work and professional success will personally benefit you, it will also open up many opportunities for tabligh and enable you to present the immaculate teachings of Islam to people with-

in your circles of influence. And so, with these words, I pray that Allah the Almighty enables all of you to forever uphold, defend and act upon the true teachings of Islam. May you recognise the true status and value of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, live your lives in an exemplary fashion and excel in all good works. May you always be a source of pride for your Jama’at and of outstanding benefit to your society and nation. May you protect yourselves from the dark shadows of materialism, vice and godlessness that have taken root in the world. And may you take refuge under the eternal shade of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet of Islamsa. May Allah the Almighty grant you the ability to do so, Ameen’



On 4th May 1944 Hazrat Musleh Maudra had a dream which was eventually published in the Al-Fazl newspaper dated 11th May 1944. As the dream is very extensive and lengthy in nature I only wish to quote one part that is the baseline of this article. Hazrat Musleh Maudra writes:

“Albeit we undeniably know that the new avenues for our preaching that Allah the Almighty is going to open, South America is also included within them, because I saw that our government has been established in one part of South America, there are ten (or) eleven states in South America, Allah Knows better for which part this dream is destined.”

In 2022 post-Covid, under the instruction of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya UK undertook its first Waqf-e-Arzi journey to the South American country of Argentina. As the delegation was departing for their journey Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa imparted a very simple yet profound message in the words of the Promised Messiahas that he penned in the form of a couplet

of the Holy Prophetsa to the corners of earth until my dying breath.”

To call out in every direction is our mission today; Those of righteous nature will ultimately join us

In the following year another delegation of Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya UK visited Guatemala in Central America and were able to distribute a total 20,500 leaflets to the native population.

At the MKA UK National Ijtema 2023, our beloved Imam Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa took a historic pledge from Ahmadis across the globe that they would “endeavour to convey and propagate the teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat and the blessed name

Alhamdulillah once again whilst travelling to Chile, six members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK had the privilege to undertake this momentous obligation of conveying the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat to the local population.

Chile is a country in western South America and shares it borders with Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. Spanish is the national language with 78% of the 19 million plus population identifying themselves as Christians. In terms of the Jama’at structure Respected Marwan Gill Sahib (Murrabi-e-Silsilah and National Sadr Argentina) is supervising this country. At present there are 3 local Ahmadis in the country.

The trip took place from Sunday 14th to Monday 22nd April 2024. Below is a brief report of our daily Tabligh activities in Chile.

DAY 1 & DAY 2 (Sunday 14th & Monday 15th April):

All Waqifeen-e-Arzi arrived at Islamabad by 11:20am and were blessed with an audience with Huzoor-e-Anwaraa. As Huzooraa was making his way to the MTA Studios to have Mulaqat with Canadian National Amla and Regional Qaideen delegation.

Mohtamim Sahib Tabligh, Nassar Bhatti sahib, informed Huzoor-e-Anwaraa about the program in Chile. Huzoor-e-Anwaraa graciously asked everyone to remove their masks and introduce themselves. Thereafter, Huzoor-e-Anwaraa graciously led all the Waqifeen-e-Arzi in a long silent prayer and bid them farewell with the words of “Allah Hafiz Ho” [May Allah be your Protector].

Respected Sadr Sahib MKA UK gave some standing instructions in relation to travelling.

As the flight was scheduled for 10:20pm all the Khuddam met up at Heathrow Airport T3 at 7:40pm. After check-in we offered our Maghrib and Ishaa prayers in the Multi-faith prayer hall of the airport. Other non-Ahmadi Muslims also joined us in namaz. We then boarded our flight which arrived in Sau Paulo Airport in Brazil after 11 hours and 40 mins. All the Khuddam offered their Fajr prayer on the plane.

We had a two and a half hour stay in Brazil in which we also had the opportunity to try some Brazilian coffee and pastry. As Brazil is a Portuguese speaking country we did have some difficulty in communicating with the airport staff.

At 8:45am (GMT-3) we boarded our flight destined for Santiago, Chile. After a flight time of 4 hours and 19 mins we arrived in Chile at around 12:45pm local time and were received by Murrabi Ata-ul Mannan Sahib, who is currently serving as Missionary and National President Bolivia. We

were then taken to our accommodation for the duration of our stay here in Chile located in Las Condes which is a 20 minute drive from the airport.

We offered all the remaining prayers within the accommodation.

DAY 3 (Tuesday 16th April):

In spite of being jet-lagged Khuddam began the day with Tahajjud prayers. Thereafter the Fajr prayer was offered in congregation within the accommodation which was followed by a short Dars that was delivered by Murabbi Rabeeb Mirza sb.

At a walking distance of few mins, we used the Metro to make our way to our first destination for leafleting in Chile. From the Alcantara station we travelled for over 30 minutes to Universidad De Chile which is the 10th stop.

Starting at 10:00am and concluding at 4:15pm we covered the area of Plaza de Armas. A Local Argentinian Ahmadi who was staying with us for the duration of the trip also accompanied us. A total of 3800 leaflets were distributed and 2 banners including ‘‘I’m a Muslim do you have any questions’’ were also used to draw the attention of the public. Some incidents are as follows:

After having read our leaflet a local man asked about the ‘equality of men and women’ as written on the leaflet. He was informed about how both men and women are equal in Islam and how Islam has illustrated Mary as being an example for both believing women and believing men. He was then given the contact details of Marwan Sb as he desired to further learn more about Islam.

Another local Chilean read our leaflet and what struck out to him more from the pam-

phlet was the word ‘Mahdi’. He said that he was very interested in the concept of the Messiah and Millennialism. He was shown the picture of the Promised Messiahas and told about Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Whilst being told about the Promised Messiahas he came to the conclusion and remarked that “It must mean that you are boycotted and persecuted amongst the Muslims”. He was also provided with Marwan Sahib’s contact details for further info.

General Discussions: Misconceptions regarding women in Islam, Polygamy, education of women, the Hijab, women’s rights, Jihad etc. were removed. Discussions about the current geopolitical situation were also held and the Jama’at’s perspective was also given.

Majority of the response received was very receptive. We did receive some negative

responses to the extent that someone remarked “Terrorists” whilst another person said “Go back Home” but overall, the Chilean nation seems intrigued and eager to learn about Islam.

We returned to our accommodation at 4:30pm to offer the Zuhr and Asr prayers in congregation.

Meeting with the British Ambassador: At 5:50pm we made our way to the residency of the British Ambassador to Chile Mrs. Louise De Sousa which was located at a walking distance of 3 mins. During this meeting Murrabi Marwan Gill Sahib thanked the Ambassador for granting us time as she had to move her schedule around to accommodate us. Marwan Sahib then spoke about the need for peace to which she remarked

“I could not have agreed with you more

with your message for global peace especially in the middle east. I don’t think there is anybody in my government that would disagree with this message. We need more organizations like you to come and meet us and remind us of our responsibilities as politicians.”

A gift bag was prepared for her which included a certificate of appreciation, the English Translation of the Holy Quran (which she remarked as being extremely beautiful in its design), the book ‘The Great Western Revival’ and also a folder containing Huzoor’saa address at Peace Symposium 2024 and a ‘Legal Analysis’ of the ongoing Palestine-Israel War prepared by the International Ahmadiyya Muslim Lawyers Association.

We then made our way back to our accommodation to offer the Maghrib and Ishaa prayers in congregation at 7:30pm.

After dinner we also had the chance to meet an Ahmadi husband and wife that had converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat in 2011 and in this way, they are the first Chilean converts to Islam Ahmadiyyat.

DAY 4 (Wednesday 17th April): Khuddam began the day with Tahajjud. Thereafter the Fajr prayer was offered in congregation within the accommodation which was followed by a short Dars.

After breakfast we once again left for distributing leaflets at 9:45am. From Alcantara Station we travelled to Universidad Catolica. Alhamdulillah, we finished today’s leafleting program by 4:15pm where we distributed 5600 leaflets.

Apart from this during the day between 2pm- 2:50pm Marwan Sahib and Mohsin Sahib met with Deputy British Ambassador and the same message regarding ‘Voices for Peace’ was conveyed.

Today some Khuddam also used the speaker facility in Google translate to have conversations with the locals. Some incidents of today’s leaflet distribution is as follows:

Incident 1: A teacher met one Khadim and due to being overwhelmed by the message she became very emotional to the degree that her voice began to crack and she thanked us immensely for the message that we were delivering.

Incident 2: A New Non-Ahmadi Muslim convert who wasn’t an Ahmadi was intrigued to hear our message and was very inquisitive about Ahmadiyyat and the Promised Messiahas.

Incident 3: A lady asked about the message we were delivering and was interested about Ahmadiyyat. This was an opportunity for a more detailed definition to be given regarding Ahmadiyyat.

Incident 4: A man whom a Khadim had met the day before and was interested in the Messiah and ‘Millennialism’, came up to the Khadim to meet him once again. The Khadim presented the sign of the Chile Earthquake of 1906 which the Promised Messiahas stated was a sign of his truthfulness. Although he did remark that this particular country is prey to seismic activity however this matter did intrigue him. His contact number was taken.

DAY 5 (Thursday 18th April):

Khuddam began the day with Tahajjud. Thereafter the Fajr prayer was offered, in congregation, within the accommodation which was followed by a short Dars.

After breakfast we once against left for distributing leaflets at 9:45am. From Alcantara Station we travelled to Los Heroes station. Today we distributed 4000 leaflets.

Some incidents of today’s leaflet distribution are as follows:

Incident 1: One Khadim Waqas Ahmed was leafleting and came across a Columbian woman who is a Human Rights lawyer and part of the ‘Fundacion Derechos Humanos Sin Fronteras’ or Foundation of Human Rights without borders. After seeing the message she said that she had been searching for Muslims locally but was unable to find them. She then took the Khadim to meet her boss and consequently he invited us to a Human Rights Event being held a few hours later that day entitled ‘II Encuentro Internacianal de Defensoras/Es de los DDHH. The event was going to also be attended by the Palestinian Ambassador to Chile Vera Baboun. She also requested for a copy of the Holy Qur’an with Spanish Translation which she had been searching for over the past 2 years and she even had

travelled to 3 Latin American countries to search for it. Prior to the event she reminded the Khadim once again regarding a copy of the Holy Qur’an. At the event she was presented with the Holy Quran to which she become overwhelmed and emotional. She also said that she wished to convert to Islam.

DAY 6 (Friday 19th April):

Khuddam began the day with Tahajjud. Thereafter the Fajr prayer was offered in congregation within the accommodation which was followed by a short Dars.

At 8am we congregated in one of the apartments to watch the Live Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa.

Before Jummah Marwan Sahib and Nassar Sahib met with Omar Cortes who is the Director of Faith. Marwan Sahib introduced

the Jama’at to him and also spoke to him about the registration of the Jama’at here in Chile.

Jummah prayers were offered at 2:15pm on the first floor of the residency. Usman Dean gave the Azaan whilst Marwan Sahib delivered the Friday Sermon. In his sermon Marwan Sahib mentioned that he was not fully aware as to whether this was the first Jummah led by the Jama’at in Chile and thereafter expounded upon different aspects pertaining to Allah’s Hamd. Nine people were present during Jummah. Marwan Sahib then led the congregation in Jummah and Asr prayers.

Thereafter we retired back to our accommodation for lunch.

At 4:40pm we left for Estacion Pio Nona Funicular Santiago which was situated at a distance of 20 mins. This is a touristic place and the Khuddam travelled to one of the highest points in Santiago known as Cerro San Cristobal via cable car. After having enjoyed the captivating and scenic sites we left the area at 6:30pm as we had to reach another engagement. At 7pm we headed to the house of the Lead-

er of the Enoc Foundation Nestor J. Soto Godoy. One of their members picked us up from the accommodation. The Enoc Foundation is a sect within Christianity here. Their beliefs tally to Roman Catholicism more so however they term themselves as a different sect. Nestor had kindly invited us for dinner. We were able to engage with their members during this period of time. This dinner was in honor of the Sabbath Day as Nestor explained that according to his understanding this particular sacred day was not exclusive to the Jews rather it was a means for all the family to come together and learn about their faith. After food both Nestor and Marwan Sahib each thanked each other for their friendship. Nestor expressed gratitude for being hosted at the Jalsa Salana UK and remarked that Huzooraa was “A simple man with a special heart.” Marwan Sahib thereafter presented the Islamic teachings in relation to how Allah has enjoined the Muslims within the Holy Qur’an to invite the people of the book to come to a common ground. Hibatul Muhsin Sahib also gifted Nestor with a certificate of appreciation on behalf of MKA UK. After dinner Nestor gave us a tour of his home.

DAY 7 (Saturday 20th April): Khuddam began the day with Tahajjud. Thereafter the Fajr prayer was offered in congregation within the accommodation which was followed by a short Dars.

After breakfast we left at 10:15am for Vina Del Mar situated 130km from our accommodation. We had hired a van to take us. We reached at around midday. Here we distributed a few leaflets and also had the chance to do some sightseeing as this was the first time for some Khuddam in seeing the Pacific Ocean. Throughout the trip,

whilst distributing leaflets to the locals the Khuddam were able to seek permission from the locals to use their pics/videos for our Tabligh content and in doing so they were able to exchange the details of the AMYA UK Instagram account which was somewhat beneficial.

Thereafter we then broke for Namaz and lunch.


Thereafter at around 5:15pm we travelled to the city of Valparaiso which was at a distance of 8km from Vina Del Mar. Historically speaking this city has a connection with Ahmadiyyat in the sense that the earthquake of 16th August 1906 that occurred here was cited by the Promised Messiahas as a sign of his truthfulness in his book Haqiqatul Wahi.

The Promised Messiahas wrote:

“I had announced in the newspapers on many occasions prior to the earthquakes, that major earthquakes shall strike the world to the extent that the earth shall be turned upside down. Everyone knows about the earthquakes which struck San Francisco and Formosa in accordance with my prophecy. But the terrible earthquake that recently hit the state of Chile in South America on 16 August 1906 was no less devastating than the earlier ones; it destroyed fifteen cities and towns of varying sizes and thousands of lives were lost.

A million people are still homeless. Those who are ignorant might object: How could this be a Sign since these earthquakes did not touch the Punjab? But they do not know that God is the God of the entire world and not merely of the Punjab. He has given these warnings not just to the Punjab, but to the entire world. It is indeed unfortunate not to pay heed to the prophecies of God Almighty, and not to read the Word of God with careful consideration, and to try all the time to somehow conceal the truth. But the truth cannot be concealed by such denials. Bear in mind that God has informed me about the coming of earthquakes in general. So know it with certainty that just as, in keeping with the prophecy, there have been earthquakes in America and also in Europe, so will they occur in different parts of Asia, and some of them will be like the Doomsday. There will be death on such a large scale that streams of blood will flow. Even birds and grazing animals will not escape this death. Such destruction will overtake the earth as has not happened since man was created. Most places will be turned upside down as if they had never been inhabited. There will also be other terrible afflictions, both in heaven and earth to the extent that every sensible person will realize that they are not ordinary phenomena, and no trace of them will be found in books of physics or philosophy. Then people will be seized by anxiety and they will wonder what is going to happen? Many will be delivered, and many will perish. Those days are near, indeed they are at the door, when the world shall witness the spectacle of

a doomsday.”

Although Chile is a country that falls under the ‘ring of fire’, in other words it is hit by an abundance of seismic activity yet what is interesting to note is that after the birth of the Promised Messiahas more earthquakes have been recorded to have occurred in the last century alone in comparison to the period of 1420 to 1835 where only 19 earthquakes including tsunamis struck Chile. Whereas up till now 110 earthquakes have struck Chile with a majority of them being over 7 on the seismic magnitude scales. (https://

The earthquake of 1906 which the Promised Messiahas quoted was recorded as having an intensity of an estimated 8.2 magnitude on the Richter scale.

In 2010 an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 hit Chile. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned this in his Friday Sermon dated the 5th March. In that Friday Sermon, Huzooraa presented various details of the earthquake including how it was recorded as the seventh most dreadful earthquake since records began and also how it had taken off 1.26 milliseconds from Earth day. Huzooraa also mentioned about how these were earthquakes were signs in support of the Promised Messiahas.

118 years later, we had the opportunity to spread the message of the Promised Messiahas in a city that manifested a sign in support of his truthfulness. We distributed a few hundred leaflets here.

At 7:30pm we left Valparaiso and returned back to Santiago. We reached our residency at 9:00pm and offered our Maghrib and Ishaa prayers at 9:30pm.

Our local Chilean Ahmadi Brother Alejan-

dro became very emotional knowing that we were leaving the next day. He expressed that he was the only Muslim in his area and that he had no one with him in Chile.

We gave him a prayer mat, a topi and pen and reassured him that Insha’Allah as more people will join the Jama’at his loneliness will also subside.

DAY 8 & DAY 9 (Sunday 21st & Monday 22ndApril):

Khuddam began the day with Tahajjud. Thereafter the Fajr prayer was offered in congregation within the accommodation which was followed by a short Dars by Murrabi Atta-ul Mannan Sahib.

At around 9:00am Khuddam travelled to a local supermarket to buy some gifts etc.

After winding up in both apartments, all of us left for the airport as our flight and the flight to Argentina were close in timing. At 12:15pm we departed for the airport with a silent prayer. We then bid an emotional farewell to brother Alejandro. We arrived at the airport at 12:40pm.

After checking in to our flight we then headed to the food court for lunch. After lunch we bid farewell to Marwan Sahib, Mannan Sahib and Brother Abdullah. We headed to our gate which was an 11 mins. walk from the food court area.

After boarding, our 14 hour flight departed on schedule at 3pm local time. Alhamdulillah we landed at Heathrow Airport T5 at 9:45am on Monday 22nd April. After collecting our baggage we then parted our ways. Alhamdulillah this was indeed a most blessed and soul cleansing journey for us all.

May Allah the Almighty enable the hearts of the Chilean nation to accept Islam and the Holy Prophetsa and may they be enabled to enter the fortress of security that has been erected by the Imam of this age. Ameen.

In the end it would only seem befitting to end with the words of the Promised Messiahas where he has expressed how God desires to bring people of all different backgrounds under the banner of Islam.

Hence heas writes:

“God Almighty desires to draw all those who live in various habitations of the world, be it Europe or Asia, and who have virtuous nature, to the Unity of God and unite His servants under one Faith. This indeed is the purpose of God for which I have been sent to the world. You, too, therefore should pursue this end, but with kindness, moral probity and fervent prayers.”

(The Will pp. 8-9 2005 Edt.)

Ask a Murrabi

Missionary serving in the Philippines

•Where are you posted and what is your daily routine?

I have been posted in the Philippines since 2015. I graduated from Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada in 2013. We had an internship period of 6 months in Ghana and 3 months in Rabwah. After that, I was posted in Washington, DC Jama’at as a Murabbi to serve in the Public Affairs department of the Jama’at. This posting lasted for 10 months and then I was posted in the Philippines. In the Philippines, I am the only Central Missionary, and I also have some administrative responsibilities as well.

•Was there anyone who inspired you to become a Murabbi?

I was blessed that my parents dedicated me to the blessed Waqf-e-Nau scheme before my birth. Hence, I always had it in my mind that I wanted to dedicate my life and serve the Jama’at. I remember reading a book when I was young which mentioned the incidents of various earlier missionaries and, as an adolescent, I would always imagine myself in their shoes. But to be honest, I did not intend to become a Murabbi as I was growing up. Even when I was finishing High School and I had to decide what to do with my life I struggled between decid-

ing to be a Murabbi or to pursue a career in science. I wrote to Huzoor-e-Anwaraa for further guidance and was told to pursue science. So, I enrolled in a university. It was there that I realized that it would be very difficult for me to keep my spirituality let alone fulfill my waqf in that situation. I don’t mean to say that it cannot be done, but that it was a very personal realisation for me. So, after a lot of prayers, I wrote again to Huzoor-e-Anwaraa, requesting permission to leave university and attend Jamia. Alhamdulillah, Huzooraa gave me permission and I was accepted in Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada.

•Please give a brief history of the Jama’at in the Philippines

Jama’at Ahmadiyya Philippines has a very interesting and long history. The continuous presence of the Jama’at began in 1955 when Haji Muhammad Ebbah Sahib, living in an extremely remote island, learned about the Jama’at through the Review of Religions along with other literature. Thus, accepting the Imam of the age. However, we also have statements from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra dating as far back as 1924 about people joining the fold of Ahmadiyyat in the Philippines though unfortunately we do not know who these individuals were.

There is another interesting aspect of history which goes even further back. Alexander Russell Webb, who is considered one of the earliest Anglo-American converts and corresponded with the Promised Messiahas even before his claim and continued to do so even later, was a Consul General of the United States in the Philippines from 1888. Hence, someone who knew of the Promised Messiahas was in the Philippines as early as 1888. Then in 1891 or 1892, Abdullah Arab Sahib, who later accepted the Promised Messiahas and hence was a companion who visited the Philippines to convince Mr. Webb to come to India. Thus, a future companion of the Promised Messiahas had visited the Philippines, although he was not yet an Ahmadi at that time. But we have a

continuous presence of Jama’at in the Philippines since 1955 and various missionaries from America, Borneo, Indonesia have visited and served in the Philippines.

•Describe some of the challenges you face in the field and how have you tackled them?

The Philippines is a relatively old Jama’at, but in terms of administrative structure, it is relatively new. It is impossible for a single missionary or, even dozens of missionaries, to fulfill their duties alone. That is why Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra and other Khulafa have mentioned on various occasion that the job of a missionary is to train and guide the Jama’at so every Ahmadi becomes a Mubaligh and Murabbi.

Adjusting to a different country and culture, and training members to understand and implement the system of the Jama’at, can be challenging. However, this challenge is made easier by the immense love of the Jama’at members for the Promised Messiahas and Khalifatul Masihaa, as well as their willingness to learn and become part of Nizam-e-Jama’at.

•Can you narrate to us some faith inspiring incidents that you have experienced whilst serving in the field?

The love of the members of the Philippines’ Jama’at for the Promised Messiahas and Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa has been faith-inspiring for me personally. Seeing that the message of the Promised Messiahas has not only reached, but also taken deep root in such faraway areas is truly a sign of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas. Another aspect that has been truly faith inspiring for me is to see the blessings of Allah upon those who sacrifice in His cause. Before coming to the Philippines, I had heard and delivered many speeches that if one sacrifices in the way of Allah, Allah multiplies their wealth many times over. I believed in it, of course. I had experienced it in my own life as well. However, it was still somewhat theoretical for me. But in the Philippines, I have seen so many examples of this, with such regularity and clarity, that it is no longer a matter of faith for me but rather I can say with certainty that Allah blesses the smallest sacrifice beyond one’s imagination.

•What is the most rewarding aspect whilst serving in the field?

For me, the most fulfilling aspect is to see positive impact on individuals’ lives. It is extremely difficult to gauge the progress

on a macroscopic scale. However, sometimes, if you are blessed, you can witness a positive change in the life of an individual. This change might be spiritual in nature, or social, or you may get to help someone in a difficult situation. The feeling that Allah allowed you, despite your weaknesses, to be the instrument to help a person in need through Nizam-e-Jama’at is truly a special blessing.

•Can you please share with us any special memorable moment with Khalifatul-Masihaa which stuck with you?

Growing up in the United States and studying at Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, I did not have many opportunities to meet Huzooraa I think my most memorable moment with beloved Huzooraa has to be during the daftari (administrative) mulaqat right before I came to the Philippines for the first time. After receiving my posting, I traveled to the UK as soon as I could. Once there, I was asked to familiarize myself with the Jama’at in the Philippines and, once ready, to have a Mulaqat with Huzooraa. Alhamdulillah, it was an amazing experience, as it was my first time spending so much time with Huzooraa and seeking his advice on various issues.

One interesting thing I remember is that Huzooraa gave me some advice regarding Tarbiyyat (spiritual training of members). I initially thought the advice was general in nature, but once I reached the Philippines, I realized that it was very specific to a particular issue. This truly amazed me, as it showed that Huzooraa was not only intimately aware of the situation in a small Jama’at like the Philippines but also understood the nature of the individuals and how to best conduct Tarbiyyat in such circumstances.

However, the highlight of the meeting was when I had exhausted all my questions, and Huzooraa lovingly allowed me to seek prayers for myself and my family members. After I had done so, Huzooraa lovingly asked, “That’s it?” I humbly replied, “Ji, Huzoor.” At that point, Huzooraa asked me to go and put a certain CD in the 6-disk CD player but not to touch any buttons. Once I had done that, Huzooraa asked me to sit down and said, “You might have heard this before but not in such clear quality.” When Huzooraa pressed play, the voice of Hazrat Musleh Maudra filled the room, reciting the famous and awe-inspiring quotation from his speech, later published under the title Ser-e-Rohani (A Spiritual Journey).

Then, Huzooraa began working on the stack of documents in front of him, as if I were

not even in the room. This gave me the opportunity to finally look at Huzooraa without hesitation. It was one of the most surreal moments of my life: the words of one Khalifa ringing loud and clear in the office, and the present Khalifatul Masihaa sitting right in front of me.

•How important is it for a Murrabi to keep in constant contact with Khalifatul-Masihaa?

It is of utmost importance. This is something I cannot emphasise enough. We have all heard and understand the importance of being in the company of the righteous. But this goes beyond that. The only way I can describe it is as seeking light and warmth from the source. Having a relationship with Khalifatul Masihaa rejuvenates you and gives you new life.

•What advice would you give to anyone who wants to join Jamia to become a murrabi but is unsure about this life changing decision?

I often say that no matter how much one explains Jamia and being a Murabbi to someone, it can never fully prepare them for the experience unless they go through it themselves. The only thing I can say with certainty is that there is no one more truthful to His promises and more loyal (Ba-Wafa) than Allah, the Exalted. Therefore, if a person makes this decision with sincere intentions and shows loyalty (wafa) to Allah and their oath, then Allah will not abandon them and will not let them seek fulfillment of their needs elsewhere.

•Not every Murrabi/Waqif-e-Zindagi will be posted near Huzooraa. What advice would you give for those Waqifeen-e-Zindagi that are posted far away from Markaz

I think one should write regularly to Huzooraa and seek his advice on everything. Often, Huzooraa would reply that you should make the decision yourself after dua but in my experience this practice brings many blessings. Just asa we regularly talk to our parents or family members regularly through video calls to stay in touch, we should similarly write letters, in the same manner we should write letters to Huzooraa to develop that personal connection and stay in touch.


My name is Hamaad Muin Ahmad and I am 25 years old. I recently graduated as a doctor and I am working as an F2 Doctor in Croydon University Hospital. I have been living in London ever since I was 5 years old.

What inspired you to become a doctor?

From as long as I remember, I've always wanted to be a doctor. The driving factor for this was that my great grandfather who was also a doctor and a pioneering honourary missionary posted by Hazrat Musleh Maudra in Borneo, Malaysia. His name was Hafiz Dr Badruddin Ahmad Sahib. From a young age, I had a strong love for my ancestors. My appreciation for him; him being my role model and of course Huzoor'saa wish for me to be a doctor pushed me towards this career path.

Can you describe your journey to becoming a doctor? What steps did you take?

As I stated above, I always wanted to be a doctor. However, due to the sheer love I had for Islam and Ahmadiyyat, I also wanted to be a missionary. I went to Huzooraa with this predicament I was now in. In a Mulaqaat, Huzooraa lovingly instructed me that I should go into Medicine. From then on, my goal was set. I attempted for many years to boost my University application. Unfortunately, I was not successful in getting a place to study medicine in the UK, despite my efforts. I was extremely disheartened hearing this news and thought all hope was lost. I then did further research and heard of some Ahmadis who studied abroad, particularly some Ahmadis studying medicine in the Czech Republic. I immediately booked a Mulaqaat to meet Huzooraa who very graciously agreed that I may go to the Czech Republic to obtain a medical degree from there. The next 6 years of my life were now spent living in another country in rigorous study.

As a Waqif-e-Nau what creates passion and motivation when you are carrying out your work?

Huzooraa has always instructed us that service to humanity should be a hallmark of every believer. When working as a doctor and dealing with dozens of patients, I am reminded of what Islam teaches me: to serve all of humanity diligently. I feel a great deal of empathy for patients who, a lot of the time, cannot even do basic simple tasks for themselves. It is the teachings of Islam that instilled this empathy for humanity inside me. Additionally, as a young boy my late Grandfather, Khawaja Rashiduddin Qamar Sahib used to invite me to come with him to Baitul Futuh Mosque where he would regularly carry out his work in numerous Jama’at offices. He would regularly invite me to assisst him with computer work. Thus from a young age, this passion to serve and give importance to Jama’at work, was instilled.

Describe your daily routine?

A lot of Waqifeen-e-Nau would be wondering what a doctor during the day. In the General Medicine ward (where I am currently working), the day starts with a morning Multidisciplinary meeting to discuss patients. After that, doctors review all patients on the ward and then discuss what will be done for each patient during the day. Later, we carry out our plans for the patients and monitor them. More often than not, we are required to think quick on your feet for any patients who may be very sick and have life threatening problems. If needed, we will escalate any cases to more senior doctors. However, my work is not solely limited to working just as a doctor. My evenings are frequently spent doing Jama’at work as I volunteer for Analyst News,

Al Hakam, MTA and other local Khuddam work.

What are three things you love about your Waqf and how important is it alongside your profession as a doctor?

Knowing that I have dedicated my life to Islam Ahmadiyya and Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya gives me eternal happiness. I personally do not believe there is any better way to live than in lifelong service to Islam-e-Ahmadiyyat. This goes hand in hand with my lifelong service to all of humanity as a doctor.

The love and importance Huzooraa gives to Waqf-e-Nau should never be taken for granted by any Waqif-e-Nau. It’s always seen during pleas for prayers by Huzooraa that he always requests prayers for all life devotees of the Jama’at. This love and knowing that Huzooraa remembers us in his pre-

cious time motivates me daily, especially during difficult demanding shifts.

Purely being part of a blessed scheme launched by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IVrh, is a blessing in itself. I am always reminded of similar sacrifices that previous holy individuals in religion have performed such as when Hazrat Maryamas was dedicated for the service of religion. It is a noble practice, performed for millennia.

How are you still keeping in touch with Khalifatul-Masih Vaa with regards to your Waqf?

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t in touch with beloved Huzooraa. I remember reading somewhere that writing a letter to Khalifatul-Masih is equal to half a Mulaqaat. I have always written letters regularly to Huzooraa requesting for prayers, seeking guidance and often informing him of good news in my life. Regularly writing letters to Khalifatul-Masih is a lifeline which cannot ever be taken for granted by any Ahmadi Muslim.

Can you share with us any guidance you may have received from Khalifatul Masihaa in relation to your work as a doctor?

Prior to attending university, I was extremely anxious about moving abroad and far away from family, friends and Jama’at but most of all, away from dearest Huzooraa.

Huzooraa very graciously gave me invaluable advice for university which I personally believe resonates to all Waqifeen-e-Nau university students. He informed me that during university I should do the following:

- Always offer my 5 daily prayers on time

- Always read the Holy Qur’an daily

- Make good friends

- Stay away from all immoral things in university

I am convinced that Huzoor’saa continuous guidance and Allah’s blessings is the reason I got through university and that I am now a doctor. Alhamdolilah

What advice would you give to any of our Waqifeen who are considering a career in Medicine?

It is definitely not an easy career and extremely demanding. In many ways, it is a lifelong service to humanity. Many doctors in the UK are currently quitting their jobs due to discrepancies over pay however myself and many other Ahmadi Muslim doctors know that this does not matter, due to the invaluable service to humanity we provide. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an, in

chapter 3 verse 111: “You are the best people ever raised for the good of mankind.” If one finds that they enjoy serving humanity, then becoming a doctor is something I would recommend.

Please share a story or event you had with Khalifatul-Masih Vaa?

During university, I would meet Huzooraa upon returning to the UK. I would regularly see that Huzooraa would always get up for me at the start of Mulaqaat’s (which he normally does for all Ahmadis of course). I would feel so embarrassed that Huzooraa was going through all this trouble getting up for me. This reminded me of all the things Huzooraa consistently does for us such as praying for us day and night, thinking of all Waqifeen-e-Nau and always showing us patience whenever we present our life difficulties to Huzooraa. This showed me that Huzooraa is the ultimate life devotee we should all look up to.

Consider the Service of Faith as a Blessing of God

Hazrat Musleh Maudra, who is the founder of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, said, "my purpose for establishing Khuddamul Ahmadiyya was to somehow inspire within our youth that level of spirituality by which the responsibility of a nation can be carried on their shoulders."

(Expectations from Khuddamul Ahmadiyya by Hazrat Musleh Maudra, page 7)

Moreover, he said, "The purpose [for creating] Khuddamul Ahmadiyya was that if ever the need of sacrifice arose, its members — not 99 from a hundred but all of them would be ready to sacrifice everything for its sake. If this spirit is instilled in you then no one in this world can bring you harm and no earthly power can stand in your way."

(Khuddamul Ahmadiyyah and the spirit of sacrifice by Hazrat Musleh Maudra, page 3)

Furthermore, Huzoorra said, "It is your duty to ready yourselves to dwell in such places, so that when the time comes, you will not display any weakness."

(Khuddamul Ahmadiyyah and the spirit of sacrifice by Hazrat Musleh Maudra, page 4)

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said “it was then that Allah the Almighty sent the Promised Messiahas to revive and rejuvenate Islam’s true teachings; and so, never forget that all of you have pledged to be at the forefront of serving his divine mission. Hence, I reiterate that obedience to your faith and the Jama’at is a prerequisite.”

(National Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema 2024)

Jalsa Salana is the time when people come from all over the world, and they are the guests of the Promised Messiahas. It is our duty to ensure that we provide our best services as hosts to the best of our abilities.

Moreover, as Khuddam, we need to work tirelessly and make sure that they are provided with everything they need.

Khuddam from all over the world have been coming together to perform duties for the Jalsa. These duties can include Waqar-eAmal, Khidmat-e-Khalq, and Amoomi. We need to perform these duties with a smile on our faces, as Huzooraa wants us to, and think of it as a blessing from Allah that we were given the opportunity to do so.

People from all over the world come and do Waqfe Arzi, forgetting about their lives and responsibilities to devote their time to the service of the Jama’at. Khidmat-e-Deen should always be prioritized and treated as a responsibility rather than as volunteering. Every moment spent in the service of Jama’at and Deen, InshAllah, will be rewarded by Allah. We have members working tirelessly without asking for anything in return because they know in their heart that they are doing this for the service of Allah and are happy to do so with all their hearts, MashAllah and Alhamdulillah.

The Journey of Devotion


In all of my life, there is no commitment that resonates as deeply as the decision to dedicate my life ,wealth ,health and honour to a cause greater than myself. For us members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, our pledge represents an unwavering devotion towards our faith. It is a testament to our belief in the teachings of Islam as interpreted by the Promised Messiahas.

To sacrifice my life for Ahmadiyyat is my greatest act of devotion. It is a decision that reflects my understanding of life as a precious gift from Allah, which can be served with utmost devotion as his creation. Members of our community often engage in forms of service, from spreading the message of Islam via tabligh to participating in humanitarian efforts worldwide. The sacrifice of life is about prioritizing our faith and what we can do to help our jama’at over our own personal needs and ambitions.

In an age where material wealth is seen as a measure of success, Ahmadis often give up their wealth by giving sadqah and charity events, such as the one I partook in last year to help raise money to build a model town in The Gambia. The act of sacrificing our wealth is a powerful statement. For Ahmadis, wealth is not viewed as an end but as a means to serve humanity and spread the true message of Islam. Our community has given financial contributions towards many causes, this financial sacrifice is voluntary and stems from a deep seated belief that wealth, when used for righteous reasons, can be a source of blessings and fulfilment.

The collective sacrifices of life, wealth, and honour by members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have had a profound impact on both the community and the world at large. Their commitment to education, healthcare, and humanitarian aid has

transformed countless lives. Their peaceful propagation of Islam has fostered interfaith dialogue and understanding.

Moreover, these sacrifices have strengthened the community's internal bonds, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose. They serve as a living example of the teachings of Islam, showcasing the power of faith to inspire selflessness and service.

InshaAllah our community will continue to grow and these sacrifices will lead us all towards righteousness.

Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada Visit Report - May 2024

National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau USA

By the grace of Allah, the National Waqfe-Nau Department USA, in collaboration with Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya USA, the National Waqf-e-Nau Department Canada and Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, organized an annual visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada from May 24th to 26st, 2023. This visit brought together Atfal and Khuddam (14-18 year olds) from the USA to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada.

Throughout the visit, participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a rich program that combined spiritual, educational, and recreational activities, fostering a sense of unity, learning, and inspiration to attend Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada.

The total attendance for this visit was 58. The breakdown of attendees was as follows: 22 Waqifeen-e-Nau boys, 14 Non Waqf-eNau boys, 10 parents/guardians, 5 National Team members, 4 local/regional volunteers, and 3 Murabbian.

Waqf-e-Nau USA department in conjunction with the Canadian hosts provided comprehensive logistical services to the trip participants that included 6 shuttles and 4 private cars from 8 different locations within the USA, airport pickup and drop off in Toronto and accommodation to all 58 guests.

The visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada commenced on Thursday, May 23, 2023, with

guests arriving and checking in by 7:00 PM. A dinner was served to welcome the participants. All visitors were provided accommodation upon their arrival by the Canadian Jama’at and were provided lodging in various guest houses across Peace Village.

The following day, Friday, May 24, began with Fajr prayers at 4:45 AM, followed by a designated time for participants to catch up on sleep or engage in exercise until 7:30 AM. The day started with a live Friday sermon at Baitul Islam Mosque at 8:00 AM, followed by a breakfast at Tahir Hall. Preparation for Friday prayers took place at 10:00 AM, and lunch was served at Tahir Hall at noon. After Friday prayers at Baitul Islam Mosque at 1:30 PM, an opening and orientation session was conducted at 2:30 PM. .

In the opening session, the attendees were given an overview of the weekend’s events and reminded to maintain focus on opening themselves to the experience of being at Jamia Canada.

After the opening session, the participants drove to the new Jamia building in Innisfil, Ontario for a visit where they offered Asr prayer. Jamia administration shared details of the facility and multi-phased expansion plans for the academic, administration and accommodation buildings. National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau Canada, Murabbi Basil Raza Butt sahib addressed the boys and

explained how they are witnessing history and were at the threshold of the next evolution and advancement of Jamia Canada. Boys were given some time to enjoy the gym and partake in various sports. Then the boys were divided into 3 groups, led by current Jamia Students in discussions and letter writing to beloved Huzur. At 7:15 PM, the group returned to Aiwan Tahir for dinner at 8:00 PM. Maghrib/Isha prayers were performed at 9:00 PM.

On Saturday, May 25, the day began with Fajr prayers at 4:45 AM, followed by breakfast at Tahir Hall at 6:30 AM. Participants arrived at Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada for a full-day session at 7:30 AM. The visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada encompassed an engaging program filled with enlightening experiences and insights into the institution’s rich heritage and educational offerings. Participants gathered in the morning in Jamia auditorium where group formations took place and 10 Jamia students were assigned to each group. The day began with an assembly in the Jamia auditorium at 7:50 AM, where attendees joined the students of Jamia Ahmadiyya in their morning assembly.

A guided tour of Jamia Ahmadiyya commenced at 8:10 AM, led by knowledgeable group leaders. Participants had the opportunity to explore various aspects of the institution, including an interactive tour of an exhibition in the halls of Jamia Ahmadiyya , visits to the classrooms, and lastly, the library. This immersive tour allowed them to gain a firsthand understanding of the institution’s academic and cultural environment.

A short break was held, facilitating valuable interactions between the Jamia Faculty, students of Jamia Ahmadiyya, and the visiting participants from the USA. This informal setting fostered meaningful exchanges of ideas, experiences, and insights.

A group Arabic class was held followed by a visit to the dining hall used by Jamia students. From the dining hall, the boys were led to Masjid Baitul Islam, where arrangements were made to watch the live concluding session of the Waqifat-e-Nau Ijtema with beloved Huzur (aba) address. All Jamia students also joined the USA delegation in watching the address from Baitul Islam.

Zuhr prayers were held at Baitul Islam Mosque at 2:00 PM.

After Zuhr prayer, lunch was offered at Ansar House at 2:30 PM. Following lunch the boys were taken to a local bowling alley and treated to an hour and half of bowling. All participants returned to Peace Village by 6:30pm and were given some time to freshen up and meet at Masjid Baitul Islam at 7:30pm for a special Sobat-e-Saulheen session.

Local Jama’at had organized a Sobat-e-Saulheen session with respected Additional Wakilatul Tabsheer, Abdul Majid Tahir Sahib. Local Jama’at graciously extended an invitation to the USA delegation to attend and participate. The session concluded with Maghrib/Isha prayers at 9:00pm.

Following the prayers, a closing session was held, presided over by Naib Ameer Canada Farhan Khokhar Sahib.

A group photograph was taken.

Overall, the visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada offered a comprehensive and immersive experience, allowing participants to gain valuable insights into the institution’s history, educational practices, language learning, and daily routines. The program fostered a deeper connection with Jamia Ahmadiyya’s mission and values, leaving a lasting impression on all those who participated.

Kids Corner

An Appeal of prayers from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa

In order to safeguard ourselves from the onslaughts of Satan and to attain refuge in an invincible and tall citadel of Allah’s protection, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa encouraged us all to pray these particular prayers

“‘Holy is Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great. O Allah, send down Your blessings upon Muhammad and upon the progeny of Muhammad.’

I seek forgiveness from Allah, my Lord, for all my sins and turn to Him

“‘O my Lord everything serves You. So O my Lord, protect me and help me and have mercy on me.’

“Those of middle age, from 15 to 25 years old, should recite it at least 100 times. Children should recite it at least 33 times. Little kids should be helped by their parents to recite it three or four times. Additionally, everyone should seek forgiveness (Istighfar) 100 times.




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