Nay, whoever submits himself completely to Allah, and is the doer of good, shall have his reward with his Lord. No fear shall come upon such, neither shall they grieve
Waqf in the field
From Notepad to Newsroom: LiFe as a JourNaList
Surah Al Baqarah Verse 113
testimonies of Waaqifaat-e-nau oN the occasioN oF 100 Years oF FazL mosque
Kids’ spread: Jesus iN iNdia
“Waqifeen-e-Nau, as I said are very special. But they will have to prove that they are ahead of others in their relationship with Allah; only then they will be called 'special'. They will be called special if they have fear of God more than others. They will be called special if their standards of worship are a lot higher than others. They will be called special if they offer supererogatory prayers along with the obligatory ones.”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba Friday Sermon: The Essence of Waqf-e-Nau, 28 October 2016
from the editor
We are immensely blessed to belong to a community that has accepted the advent of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam AhmadPeace be upon him, and to beneft from the ongoing guidance of Khilafat. The prophecies affrming the truth of the Promised Messiahas are undeniable and clear, serving to deepen and fortify our faith.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih VMay Allah be his helper said:
“The Promised Messiahas did not merely make his claim, rather, he also presented countless signs to support his truthfulness. In one instance, he stated: ‘One magnifcent sign is that 23 years ago today, the revelation was written in Barahin-eAhmadiyya, that ‘People will attempt to destroy this movement, and they will try to implement all kinds of plots and schemes. However, I shall cause this movement to grow and perfect it… I shall make your name renowned in all corners of the earth…’” (Nuzul-ul-Masih, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 18, p. 384-385)
Hazooraba continued: “Even today, the progress of the Jama’at, hundreds of thousands of people entering the Community… In spite of the opposition of our enemies, Allah the Almighty has strengthened the faith of the members of the Community, and continues to do so… There is no one who can stop God’s work.”
(Friday Sermon 24th November 2023, English Translation by The Review of Religions)
Addressing Waaqifaat-e-Nau, Hazooraba said: “…Having dedicated your lives for the service of your religion, you have an even greater responsibility than other Ahmadis to ensure that you give precedence to your faith over everything else. Each of you must play your role in seeking to fulfl the grand objectives of the Promised Messiahas, which, in simple terms, are to fulfl the rights of Allah the Almighty, the rights of His creation and to strive to establish His teachings in the world. Hence, you must inculcate the highest moral standards and set an example for others to learn from and follow.” (National Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema UK, 29th April 2023)
May Allah the Almighty enable us as Waaqifaat-e-Nau to embody the guidance of beloved Hazooraba and strive to instil those virtues within ourselves which refect the true teachings of Allah the Almighty, Ameen.
In this issue of Maryam Magazine, our readers can enjoy articles such as ‘Report: Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema Islamabad 2024’, ‘Testimonies of Waaqifaat-e-Nau on the Occasion of 100 Years of Fazl Mosque’, ‘Waqf in the Field: Life as a Journalist’ and ‘Healthy Eating in Ramadan’.
Hina Ahmedi
Do you have any comments, suggestions or want your article featured in our next edition?
Email us at:
Zanubia Ahmad
Dure Jamal Mala
Nayla Muzamil
Hina Ahmedi
Hamooda Arif
Sabah Un Noor Tahir
Hibba-Tul Mussawir
Maleeha Mansur
Meliha Hayat
Salma Manahil Malik
Tahmeena Shamim Tahir
Mashel Chaudhry
Samina Yasmeen Arif
Amatul Wakeel Maha
Sameera Mirza
Kashifa Qamar
Safna Nabeel Maham
Hina Farooqi
Soumbal Qureshi
Naeema Amjad
Atiyya Wasee
Naila Fowad
Hina Farooqi
Zara Tahir Ahmad
Printed Under The Central Offce Waqf-E-Nau
Luqman Ahmad Kishwar
Warners Midlands
03. The Holy Qur’an
04. Hadith
05. Writings of the Promised Messiahas
06. The Holy Prophet’ssaw Letter to Kaiser (Caesar)
11. The Prophet of this Age | Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra
12. Countless Blessings of Ramadan
14. Waqf in the Field – From Notepad to Newsroom: Life as a Journalist | Arifa Azim Khan
19. Waaqifaat-e-Nau Belgium Virtual Mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba Part Two
26. Story: The Proud Rose
28. Testimonies of Waaqifaat-eNau on the Occasion of 100 Years of Fazl Mosque
32. Book Recommendation: Jesus in India | By Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, The Promised Messiah and Mahdias
33. Kids’ Spread
38. A Letter to my Grandmother: Hazrat Syeda Maryam Siddiqa Sahiba Part Two | Aeysha Nusrat Jahan
46. Poem: You Are Not Alone | Duresameen Bushra Ahmad
48. Report: Islamabad Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema 2024
50. Healthy Eating in Ramadan
52. Ramadan Prayers
The Holy Qur’an ﷽
Translation: And remember when Jesus, son of Mary, said, ‘O children of Israel, surely I am Allah’s e e e u u fu f a c ef e me of the Torah, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger who will come after me. His name will be Ahmad.’ And when he came to them with clear proofs, they said, ‘This is clear enchantment.’
(English translation by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali sahibra)
Abu Hurairahra relates that the Holy Prophetsaw said: ‘Verily God will continue to raise for this ummah at the beginning of every century, one who will restore for it its faith’.
(Translation taken from the book ‘Invitation to Ahmadiyyat’, p.77)
Writings of the Promised Messiahas
I do not deny the high status of Jesusas, despite the fact that I have been informed by God that the Muhammadi Messiah occupies a higher status than the Mosaic Messiah. I hold Jesus son of Mary, in high esteem inasmuch as I am spiritually the Khatamul-Khulafa in the Islamic dispensation, just as Jesus was Khatam-ul-Khulafa in the Israeli dispensation. In Mosaic dispensation the son of Mary was the Promised Messiah and in the Islamic dispensation I am the Promised Messiah; so I honour greatly the one whose name I bear. Anyone who asserts that I do not hold Jesus son of Mary in high esteem is a mischief-maker and a liar. I honour not only Jesus son of Mary but also his four brothers as they were all sons of the same mother. I also regard his two real sisters as holy, for they are all the children of the holy Mary.
The Essence of Islam, Vol. III, pp. 210-211 Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdias
The Holy Prophet’ssaw Letter to Kaiser (Caesar) Heraclius, the subsequent interrogation of Abu Sufyan and Heraclius’s acknowledgement of the Prophet’ssaw true status
After settling down in Medina on return from Hudaybiyyah, the Prophetsaw instituted another plan for the spread of his Message. When he mentioned this to the Companions, some of them who were acquainted with the customs and forms observed in the courts of kings told the Prophetsaw that kings did not entertain letters which did not bear the seals of the senders. Accordingly, the Prophetsaw had a seal made on which were engraved the words, Muhammad Rasulullah.
Out of reverence, Allah was put at the top, beneath it Rasul and lastly Muhammad.
In Muharram 628, envoys went to different capitals, each with a letter from the Prophetsaw, inviting the rulers to accept Islam. Envoys went to Heraclius, the Roman Emperor, the Kings of Iran, Egypt (the King of Egypt was then a vassal of the Kaiser) and Abyssinia. They went to other kings and rulers also.
Letter addressed to the Kaiser Heraclius
The letter addressed to the Kaiser was taken by Dihyah Kalbi who was instructed to call first on the Governor of Busrah. When Dihyah saw the Governor, the great Kaiser himself was in Syria on a tour of the Empire. The Governor readily passed Dihyah on to the Kaiser. When Dihyah entered the court, he was told that whoever was received in audience by the Kaiser must prostrate himself before him. Dihyah refused to do this, saying that Muslims did not bow before any human being. Dihyah, therefore, sat before the Kaiser without making the prescribed obeisances. The Kaiser had the letter read by an interpreter and asked if an Arab caravan was in the town. He said he desired to interrogate an Arab about this Arabian Prophet who had sent him an invitation to accept Islam. It so happened that Abu Sufyan was in the town with a commercial caravan. The court officials took him to the Kaiser. Abu Sufyan was ordered to stand in front of the other Arabs, who were told to correct him if he should tell a lie or make a wrong statement. Then Heraclius proceeded to interrogate Abu Sufyan. The conversation is thus recorded in history:
H Do you know this man who claims to be a Prophet and who has sent me a letter? Can you say what sort of family he comes from?
He comes of a noble family and is one of my relations.
H Have there been Arabs before him who have made claims similar to his?
H Did your people ever charge him with lying before he announced his claim?
H Has there been a king or a ruler among his forefathers?
H How do you judge his general ability and his capacity for judgement?
We have never found any fault in his ability and his capacity for judgement.
H What are his followers like? Are they big and powerful persons or are they poor and humble?
Mostly poor and humble and young.
H Do their numbers tend to increase or decrease?
To increase.
H Do his followers ever go back to their old beliefs?
H Has he ever broken a pledge?
Not so far. But we have recently entered into a new pact with him. Let us see what he does about it.
H Have you had any fight with him yet?
H With what result?
A-S Yes.
A-S: Like buckets on a wheel, victory and defeat alternate between us and him. In the Battle of Badr, for instance, in which I was not present, he was able to overpower our side. In the Battle of Uhud, in which I commanded our side, we took his side to task. We tore their stomachs, their ears and their noses,
H But what does he teach?
That we should worship the One God and not set up equals with Him. He preaches against the idols our forefathers worshipped. He wants us, instead, to worship the Only God, to speak the truth only and always to abjure all vicious and corrupt practices. He exhorts us to be good to one another and to keep our covenants and discharge our trusts.
Kaiser’s Conclusion that the Prophetsaw was a True Prophet
This interesting conversation came to an end and then the Kaiser said:
I first asked you about his family and you said he belonged to a noble family. In truth, Prophets always come of noble families. I then asked you if anyone before him had made a similar claim and you said, No. I asked you this question because I thought that if in the recent past someone had made such a claim, then one could say that this Prophet was imitating that claim. I then asked you whether he had ever been charged with lying before his claim had been announced and you said, No. I inferred from this that a person who does not lie about men will not lie about God. I next asked you if there had been a king among his forefathers and you said, No. From this I understood that his claim could not be a subtle plan for the recovery of the kingdom. I then asked you whether the entrants into his fold were mostly big, prosperous and powerful individuals or poor and weak. And you said in reply, that they were generally poor and weak, not proud and big, and so are the early followers of a Prophet. I then asked you whether his numbers were increasing or decreasing and you said they were increasing. At this I remembered that the followers of a Prophet go on increasing until the Prophet attains his goal. I then asked you if his followers left him out of disgust or disappointment, and you said, No. At this I remembered that the followers of Prophets are usually steadfast. They may fall away for other reasons, but not out of disgust for the faith. I then asked you if there had been fights between you and him and, if so, with what results. And you said that you and his followers were like buckets on a wheel and the Prophets are like that. In the beginning their followers suffer reverses and meet with misfortunes, but in the end they win. I then asked you about what he teaches and you said he teaches the worship of One God, truthspeaking, virtue and the importance of keeping covenants and discharging trusts. I asked you also whether he ever played false, and you said, No. And this is the way of virtuous men. It seems to me, therefore, that his claim to being a Prophet is true. I was half expecting his appearance in our time, but I did not know he was going to be an Arab. If what you have told me is true, then I think his influence and his dominion will certainly spread over these lands. (Sahih-ul-Bukhari)
The speech unsettled the courtiers who began to blame the King for applauding a teacher of another community. Protests were raised. The court officials then sent away Abu Sufyan and his friends.
(Introduction to the study of the Holy Qur’an 181-184)
The Prophet of this Age
Remember that God Almighty has sent the Promised Messiahas for the reformation of the world in this age. However, he was not an independent prophet, but was subservient to the Holy Prophetsaw. For us, he is a prophet but his relation to the Holy Prophetsaw is that of a slave to his Master. It is essential to believe in him. We have received great beneficence from him. In this age the world has gone astray and become oblivious to religion as it had in the time of the Holy Prophetsaw. The Promised Messiahas brought back religion and led us to the straight path towards God.”
Read now by scanning the QR code!
Flowers for the Women Wearing Veils, Volume I, p.60-61, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra
Countless Blessings
The Promised Messiahas:
“One who is fasting should always keep in view that the purpose is not to just remain hungry, but that he should rem
in engaged in the remembrance of God Almighty, so that he may attain a state of detachment and separation [from the world ]. Thus, fasting means that man give up one bread that nourishes the body al
, and gain another that is the source of satisfaction and satiation
soul. Those who fast only for the sake of God and not just as a ritual, they should remain engaged
.” (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised M
siah and Mahdias, Malfuzat, Volume IX, p.43)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira:
Badr wrote that even during this solitude of e‘tikaf, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I’ sra benevolent nature was still showing its wonders, as he delivered duroos of the Holy Qur’an, expounding on commentaries and answering questions. (Badr, 22 October 1908, p.8)
In regard to the Ramadan of 1912, Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra stated that as the time would come nearer for Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I’sra dars in his house’s courtyard, attendees would be seen coming towards the house of Hazoorra, holding the Holy Qur’an in their hands, and the courtyard would fill very quickly. Hazoorra would recite half a part (parah) with translation and commentary. He would also answer the questions of the attendees.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra:
“Ramadan reminds us of the days when an absolute book like the Holy Qur’an was revealed for the world; a reminder of the blessed days when the most fortunate era of the world began; a reminder of the days when Allah opened up the gates of His grace and blessings”.
“The one benefit of the month of Ramadan and its supplications is that the spiritual faculties of man improve and it creates a curiosity about his Lord It is very much necessary for man to try, as much as possible, to attain enlightenment about the attributes of his Lord until he realises just how close his Lord is to him […] So, man must understand that Allah the Almighty is very close to him [and] we need Him for everything, even for lifting a finger.”
“Ramadan bears a great significance.Those who do not fast during Ramadan cannot even imagine what virtues they have remained deprived of. They did not bear the hunger or observe the prohibition of a few days and [thus] were deprived of great blessings and remained chained to worldly afairs even more than before. This is so because one who does not endure the restrictions of Ramadan, his routine is overpowered by worldly afairs, and in fact, he is compelled to bind himself to the bonds of materialism Such people are gradually enslaved by the lower form of life. After that, even if they want to, they cannot break free from their shackles.”
“The benevolence and kindness of Allah the Almighty towards His servants is so great that every year, He allows us to enter the month of Ramadan and grants us the opportunity [by saying] that ‘if you have been neglectful during ordinary days then derive benefit from the blessings of this month and come towards Me and become one of My servants.’ Particularly during these days, Allah the Almighty wants to bestow His loving gaze upon His servants, guide those back on the right path who have gone astray and elevate His servant’s standard of worship due to this particular atmosphere.”
(Friday Sermon: Ramadhan and Prayers, 29th March 2024)
Integrity, determination and honesty are characteristics that have always been a part of my identity as an Ahmadi Muslim woman. Being a Waqifa-e-Nau has always been an additional blessing; it has been the guiding light for me when making decisions in different paths of life. Through the combination of prayers and the guidance of Hazoor-e-Aqdasaba I have gained many blessings in my professional and personal life. Here, I would like to share with you how the journey of prayers and guidance has helped establish a successful career and build a strong bond with the Jama’at.
Alhamdolilah, my connection to the Jama’at formed from a very young age, in particular by regularly attending Waqf-e-Nau classes in the Fazl Mosque, London. The classes provided an opportunity to gain in-depth Islamic knowledge and Hazooraba provided guidance on education and studies.
As Hazooraba has always encouraged us, I put in a lot of hard work and dua in my studies. Some prayers I regularly recited were, “O my Lord, increase me in knowledge” (Chapter 20, Verse 115, Holy Qu’ran), Ayatul Kursi (Chapter 2, Verse 256, Holy Qur’an) and Durood Sharif.
Overtime, I developed a strong passion for languages which I took up as one of my subjects in sixth form. During my sixth form year, I had a Mulaqat with Hazoor-e-Aqdasaba, and I informed him how skilled and talented I am in learning languages. At that point, Hazooraba raised his hand and simply informed me “you, can do journalism”.
I felt very honoured to receive this direct advice, which inspired me to explore the subject further. After completing my bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages, I went ahead to specialise with a master’s in Multimedia Journalism from University of Westminster. In my next Mulaqat, I told Hazooraba that I am keen to go ahead with journalism and explained the different modules I had to choose from. Hazooraba suggested that I go ahead with Online Journalism not Broadcast. Later on, it became clearer why choosing the Online Journalism module was of beneft.
I completed a master’s in Multimedia Journalism (Print & Online) from the University of Westminster. A main question asked in the interview was, “Why do you want to be a journalist?”. My strong interest derives from my mixed cultural upbringing in Pakistan, Germany and the UK, it increased my interest in how different communities live together, how society around us works and the interesting stories of peoples’ lives that needed to be told. Once I started studying journalism, I informed Hazooraba about my course during my next Mulaqat, and each time he would give me a pen and say, “here you go, you can write with this too”.
My university campus was based in North London and a challenge was the public transport strikes, cancellations or route diversions. Hence, I needed to use many different forms of public transport before even ma ing it to my frst lecture in the morning. This struggle reminded me of the following Hadith: It was narrated by Hazrat Anas bin Malikra that “The Messenger of Allahsaw said, ‘He who goes forth in search of knowledge is considered as struggling in the cause of Allah until he returns.’” (Riyad as-Salihin 1385, Book 12, Hadith 10). This gave me patience and strength during the long journeys.
Journalism spans multiple mediums, including TV, radio, print, online platforms, and social media. Success in this feld re uires a strong understanding of current affairs, a constant stream of fresh ideas, and the ability to work under tight deadlines and high-pressure environments. News stories can break at any time, meaning shifts often start early or extend unexpectedly.
The types of stories covered in journalism are diverse. “Hard news” focuses on impactful topics like politics, world affairs, economics, business, science, and health. In contrast, “soft news” takes on a lighter tone, covering areas such as food, entertainment, art, and community events. Then there are feature stories, which delve deeper into specifc topics. These might include in depth profles, human interest pieces, data-driven storytelling, or other detailed formats.
Each medium requires careful consideration of how stories are presented. In radio, engaging audio elements are key, while TV relies on compelling visuals and dynamic camera angles to capture attention. For online and print journalism, the tone of writing and the strategic use of images form the foundation of an effective article. Across all formats, accuracy and objectivity remain paramount, ensuring the public receives reliable and unbiased information.
Multimedia skills are increasingly important as the media landscape continues to evolve, helping professionals stay aligned with the demands of the industry. There are various roles to pursue, including reporter, producer, broadcast production specialist, editor, guest booker, social media editor, scriptwriter, assistant producer, picture editor and more.
During my TV job, as a breakfast show producer, one of my responsibilities was to pitch different news and feature stories. At the time of Christmas, I pitched the idea of “Multicultural Christmas”, through which I explained how people from different backgrounds contribute during Christmas time. This included the Jama’at works on handing out hampers to communities around us. I also informed Hazooraba about how I used this opportunity to bring in Ahmadi guest speakers where it was suitable for an interview, he acknowledged it and responded, “It is good you do that”
Inspiration in Every Corner:
During my master’s I started volunteer work with the Jama’at radio station. This was a good opportunity for me to put in my journalistic knowledge and skills into practise. Earlier, I mentioned why choosing the Online Journalism module was good for me, it is because for this module one of the aspects included building a portfolio online and to share the work one has done inside and outside university. Hence by taking up the VOI Radio researcher role it was an opportunity to build connection with the Jama’at and it also helped expand my portfolio. Overall, I developed my editorial judgement, learnt to write about aspects of current affairs and the Muslim community. In addition, I learned how to identify relevant guests for a topic, communicate via email and telephone calls, write up questions that contribute to an interesting discussion. The role involved a lot of teamwork with various community members from many different locations and explored meaningful topics. From an external perspective, I managed audience feedback and helped with how to improve engagement with an audience. Lastly, building connections helped me to continue volunteering at VOI radio to serve the Jama’at for the last 8 years, Alhamdolilah.
By the grace of Allah, I have also blessed with the opportunity to serve in the MTA international scheduling department. MTA International has shown a variation of documentaries produced by our community members whilst applying great research and storytelling techniques. Watching MTA documentaries often provides inspiration for me as a journalist.
In the world of media, both on and off screen you meet people from different backgrounds. Everyone has their own strengths, weaknesses and point of views. The main takeaway is what Hazooraba emphasised during the concluding session of the UK National Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema on 6th April 2019, he said, “Never entertain the thought that your religion is somehow backward or out of touch with the modern world. Conversely, the more you take pride in your religion and the more you live your lives according to the teachings of Islam, the more others will respect you and this is how your honour and dignity will be established in the world.” Keep faith in your duas and hard work.
Towards the end of my master’s, I wrote a letter to Hazooraba about the successful completion of my education and to pray for my success. In response, alongside Hazoor’saba prayer’s, he reminded me that punctuality in Namaz and regular recitation of the Holy Qur’an is the key to success. I followed this guidance by regularly observing my Nama at wor , in an offce room by doing so gained the respect of my colleagues, Alhamdolilah.
ave confdence, eep praying, wor hard and Allah will eep opening doors for you, Insha’Allah.
I hope and pray that reading about my journey from Notepad to Newsroom has encouraged my fellow Waaqifaat-e-Nau to work hard on their career and maintain a strong bond with the Jama’at.
Vïrtûål Mûlåqåt
O u a N e e 2023 a group of aa ifaat e Nau from elgium had the blessed opportunity to meet a rat Mir a Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih aba in a virtual Mula at.
Kashifa Quddus Sahiba asked Hazooraba about children
whose parents passed away at a young age and asked why Allah tests these children.
Hazooraba replied that we do not now in what other ways Allah blesses them. “Not every child comes to you to share the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah. It is Allah’s law
of nature that when one falls ill, has a fever, experiences an accident, or encounters other challenges, humans will eventually pass on.”
Hazooraba continued, “Often, such incidents happen due to human mistakes. When human errors occur and subsequently cause harm, it is the law of nature.” That is why, Hazooraba stated, slam ma es it mandatory to care for and raise orphans. f one s parents pass away at a young age, it becomes a responsibility to loo after orphans.
Hazooraba further said that the oly rophetsaw highlighted the high ran of those who care for orphans by saying, “‘I and the one who looks after orphans will be raised on the Day of Judgement like this,’ and he illustrated this by joining his two fngers together, indicating that they will be together at one place. This highlights the elevated status that the Holy Prophetsaw has given to those who raise and support orphans.
“Thus, if, for any reason, someone’s parents pass away, leaving behind an orphaned child, the responsibility to care for, educate, and raise the orphans falls upon society,
the Jama’at; if they [the orphans] lack in resources, then provisions should be made to support them. If the orphans have property, it should be safeguarded, and when they come of age, it should be handed over to them. If the caregiver lacks the means to provide for the orphans, they can, in an appropriate manner, use resources from their property to support the orphans, just as their parents would have cared for them. When the orphans come of age, their rightful ownership should be transferred to them. This is Allah’s commandment for us.”
Hazooraba then reiterated the hadith he mentioned earlier and added that the oly ur an has mentioned this in many places. Hazooraba emphasised that slam has bestowed an important responsibility of loo ing after orphans, considering it mandatory. “If one fails to fulfl this task, it is deemed a sin. Thus, when parents pass on, it becomes our duty to look after their offspring. This is why Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya has established the Yatama Fund, through which orphans are supported, provided for, and ensure their upbringing. There
are also Darul Yatama facilities or orphanages here, in Africa, and other countries, making sure orphans receive proper care and nurture.”
Isha Ahmad Sahiba asked why men do not wear Topis during Hajj or Umrah.
Hazooraba smiled and asked, “Why didn’t you ask why they removed their usual attire and only wear an Ihram instead?
[…] It is not only a matter of [not wearing] a Topi; they also shave their hair too. During Hajj, men shave their heads unless there is a medical illness that prevents them from doing so; and in such cases, Sadaqah and fasts are acceptable alternatives. So, Hajj and Umrah create a situation where humans return to their natural condition
and stand before Allah.”
Hazooraba further e plained that there are worldly eti uettes where people wear good clothes when meeting someone and gave an e ample of how Europeans used to tip their hats when meeting someone, although this is not a common practice now.
“The religion of Islam teaches,” Hazooraba went on to explain, “that when leaving the home, one should be appropriately dressed, with the head covered; in this, there is wisdom to uphold one’s dignity and honour. When standing before Allah the Almighty, women are commanded to cover their heads and offer their Salat; and similarly, men are to do the same – this is another form of worship. However, concerning Hajj, it represents an extreme level of worship. The natural state of humans is expressed through this act, which is why the head is shaved—a concept present in various religions. For instance, among Buddhist or Hindu monks, many choose to cut or completely shave their heads, indicating a shared concept. Every religion introduces the idea of extreme humility, such as shaving one’s hair and presenting oneself
completely, and submissively before God. Hence, Hajj and Umrah hold a special status where one approaches God with utmost humility; that’s why neither a Topi is worn nor the head is shaved, and men are wrapped in Ihram. As for women, they wear their regular clothes.”
Fatiha Khalood said that some people are fans of certain pop groups and asked if it was permissible to hang up their posters in their rooms.
Answering the uestion, Hazooraba said, “It is not permissible for you, whether it’s a pop song [group] or any other.” Hazooraba added that such things are for worldly people and not for us.
Laiqa Quddus Sahiba, a student of pharmaceutical science, said that during ijtemas and other functions, at times, they are unable to achieve their target. She asked Hazooraba how to deal with it when they feel discouraged.
Hazooraba said that regarding the target, educational standard, or attendance, “Our duty is to make efforts” and eep e plaining to people.
Hazooraba emphasised the importance of hard wor and prayer. e added, “Being discouraged is out of the question; continue to pray and work hard.”
Zaina Ahmad Sahiba asked if Waqifa-e-Nau should consider a student job.
Hazooraba said that one should refrain from this unless they have a genuine reason. e added that if they desire to wor , they should wor , volunteer, and dedicate time to the ama at so that they can increase in religious nowledge and please od. Hazooraba emphasised, “If someone has a genuine need and is starving, then, if they work, there is no trouble.”
Khawaja Afya Tariq Sahiba asked how one can be free from becoming addicted to phones.
Hazooraba smiled and o ingly replied, “If one has a phone in their pocket, take it out and throw it against the wall and break it – and the addiction shall subside.”
Hazooraba added, “The matter is that one should not be addicted to anything. Allah has prohibited us from being addicted to anything. However, if one must be addicted to something, then one should be addicted to Allah’s love and service to religion. Offer the fve daily prayers attentively – this should be your addiction: to offer Salat attentively.”
n light of offering Salat, Hazooraba added that being addicted to phones, tablets or other such devices is wrong. ne should offer Salat on time and attentively. a ooraba added that one should read the oly ur an with great focus, especially aa ifaat e Nau, as their parents have dedicated their lives to the service of religion.
Hazooraba e plained, “To be a helper of religion, one must frst establish a relationship with Allah. To establish a relationship with Allah, one must offer Salat attentively.”
Additionally, a ooraba added, that one must read, understand, and follow the oly ur an, and maintain good morals “when one incorporates all these habits, they shall have very little time left to spare on their mobile phones. And when you do have time to spend on your phone, utilise it for good things.”
Nayab Sahiba mentioned that Prophet Jesusas was saved from crucifxion and migrated. She asked why there was no mention of him, even though he lived a long life after that.
Hazooraba said, “Incidents are available; one only has to read.” Now, even people have started writing boo s on this Topic. Hazooraba added that the romised Messiahas has written about this in his boo , esus in ndia. a ooraba mentioned that many accounts e ist that show
where he migrated, where he stayed, and eventually how he went to Kashmir, where he was buried.
Maliha Khan Sahiba asked why Allah has many attributes.
Hazooraba replied, “It is because Allah the Almighty’s powers are limitless; Allah has more attributes than those of which we know.”
Sumayya Tahir Sahiba asked how one can be pleased with Allah’s decision.
Hazooraba e plained that one must frst establish faith in Allah. e as ed her if she believed in od, if she offered her prayers,
and if her prayers or desires were ever accepted. To this, the uestioner replied in the affrmative.
Hazooraba then went on to say that he has, on many occasions, shared narratives about individuals, including children, who have given handa and received Allah s blessings. Hazooraba said that such instances must have occurred with her too, to which she replied in the affrmative.
Hazooraba e plained that if one ponders that Allah s love is immense and does much for us, then we must obey is commandments. Additionally, Hazooraba added, that when the outcome of something is not as we desired, then we should be content with is will.
Hazooraba reminded her that Allah says that if one is grateful, e will surely give more. (Surah brahim, h. 4 .
Adeela Ahmad Sahiba said that Allah states in the Holy Qur’an, “If you give alms openly, it is well [and good]; but if you conceal them and give them to the poor, it is better for you,” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.272), and asked what is the wisdom behind giving alms openly.
Hazooraba said, “At times, people give Chanda or Sadaqah for show, or they help the needy solely so that people can see how generous they are. For such people, Allah has advised them to give secretly; if one gives secretly, then it’s a good thing. Some people conceal what they give to such a degree that others do not even
fnd out.” At times, in certain situations, if one gives Sada ah, handa, or helps out the needy or orphans, then others will be reminded to also do the same. Thus, one person s giving alms openly can have an effect on others to do the same.
owever, a ooraba said, “if the one giving alms is doing so just so that others say good things about them, then this is wrong.”
n the end, a ooraba addressed Secretary aa ifaat e Nau once again and said that they should, in future, also present an e tract of the romised Messiahas. “It is necessary for Tarbiyyat.”
Hazooraba then conveyed his Salaam and the meeting came to a successful end.
( eport prepared by Al a am https www.alha belgium aa ifaat meet a oor
The prOudRose
Once upon a time...
There was a beautiful rose plant in a garden. One rose fower on the plant was proud of its beauty. However, it was disappointed that it was growing next to an ugly cactus.
Every day, the rose would insult the cactus about its looks, but the cactus stayed quiet. All the other plants in the garden tried to stop the rose from bullying the cactus, but the rose was too swayed by its own beauty to listen to anyone.
One summer, a well in the garden dried up and there was no water for the plants. The rose slowly began to wilt. The rose saw a sparrow dip its beak into the cactus for some water. The rose then felt ashamed for having made fun of the cactus all this time. But because it was in need of water, it went to ask the cactus if it could have some water. The kind cactus agreed, and they both got through summer as friends.
Testimonies Waaqifaat-e-Nau on the occasion of 100 years of Fazl Mosque of
Attending Gulshan-e-Waqfe-Nau classes over the years at the historic Fazl Mosque has been one of the most cherished blessings of my life. As Fazl Mosque celebrates 100 years of its establishment, I fnd myself refecting not only on my own spiritual journey but also on my role as a mother, now guiding my children—who are also part of the blessed Waqf-e-Nau scheme—along the same path. Over the years, the invaluable guidance of our beloved Hazoor (may Allah be his Helper) during these classes has nurtured my faith and strengthened my resolve to keep my children closely connected to Khilafat.
Recently, visiting the Fazl Mosque exhibition and walking through its rich timeline— beginning with the early missionaries who tirelessly conveyed Islam’s message in the UK—lef me feeling deeply privileged. It reminded me of how blessed I was to attend those classes and to have spent my childhood ofering prayers behind beloved Hazooraba at this historic mosque. Te sense of unity and spiritual strength fostered within these walls has become a foundation for my own children’s spiritual upbringing.
May Allah enable us to raise future generations of Waqifeen-e-Nau who remain steadfast in their faith, frmly connected to Khilafat, and fully devoted to serving the Jama’at with sincerity and humility. May they uphold the values of sacrifce and service, carrying forward this blessed scheme under the divine guidance of Khilafat for generations to come. Ameen.
Growing up as a Waqf-e-Nau in the presence of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba was a profound privilege that shaped my life in countless ways. Te classes with Hazooraba in Masjid Fazl were particularly special, an experience that feels almost dreamlike in hindsight. To sit so close to him, listen to his guidance, and see his luminous face for such a blessed duration remains an unparalleled memory. Tose moments were flled with wisdom, love, and an indescribable spiritual connection. When Hazooraba moved from Masjid Fazl to Islamabad, it felt as though a piece of our hearts lef with him. Yet, even in his physical absence, his spiritual presence continues to resonate within the mosque, a testament to his deep bond with the community and the place itself. Now, I feel immense gratitude that my three Waqf-eNau children have the opportunity to grow up with the same mosque that shaped my life, experiencing its blessings and spiritual legacy.
Masjid Fazl, having stood as a beacon of faith for 100 years in London, represents a remarkable achievement in the history of Ahmadiyyat. Tis mosque has been a sanctuary for countless souls, hosting generations of worshippers, spiritual gatherings, and the loving guidance of our beloved Khalifa. It stands as a symbol of perseverance and devotion, rooted in the mission of spreading Islam’s true message of peace and unity. To be part of its centenary is an honour, as it reminds us of the sacrifces of those who came before us and inspires us to continue serving the cause of Islam with sincerity and zeal. Masjid Fazl is not just a building; it is a spiritual home that will forever be etched in the hearts of those who have had the privilege to walk through its doors.
Maliha Shahzad
We have always lived near the Fazl Mosque area, since we moved here from Pakistan when I was 1.
I would attend every meeting and Jalsa at this mosque. My mother was Local Sadr Lajna and I would attend every function with her as an under 7 and then as a Nasirat.
When I was around 6 or 7, I would attend children’s class with Khalifa IVrh. We would write our questions on small bits of paper and then ask Hazoorrh, and he would take time to answer them. It would feel so special to go in the secret studio area above Mahmood Hall and attend those classes.
Ten when I turned 15, I started attending Gulshan-e-Waqfe Nau with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba. We used to have classes every few weeks on rotation all year.
Hazooraba would give us so much of his
Jesus in India
Waaqifaat-e-Nau should cultivate the habit of reading and studying the books of the Promised Messiahas, as they serve as an invaluable treasure of knowledge for us. Additionally, some of these books, including Jesus in India, are part of the Waqfe-Nau syllabus making it all the more essential for us to read them.
Jesus in India is an English translation of an Urdu treatise, Masih Hindustan Mein, written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad the Promised Messiah and Mahdias.
The treatise puts forward the view that Jesusas survived crucif ion, left Judea and migrated eastward in order to continue his mission to the ‘Lost Tribes of Israel’, travelling through Persia and Afghanistan and eventually dying a natural and honourable
death in Kashmir at an old age.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas applies te tual analysis of both the Gospels and Islamic sources – the Qur’an and Hadith – and also draws upon medical and historical material, including ancient Buddhist records, to argue his case.
Our Belief
Kids’ Spread
Death of Jesusas
Ahmadi Muslims believe that Jesusas was a Prophet of God born to Hazrat Maryamas and was the Messiah of the Israelites, as foretold by Mosesas. We also believe Jesusas survived the crucifixion and travelled towards India to continue his ministry among the Lost Tribes of Israel. Furthermore, his tomb, containing his body, has been re-discovered in India where it can be seen to this day. Ahmadi Muslims also assert that this belief is not only upheld by the Holy Qur’an and the Ahadith of the Holy Prophetsaw, but even by the Holy Bible itself.1
The disbelievers of Jesusas wished to bring about his death upon the cross for the purpose of calling him accursed. His death on the cross would thus confirm him as a false Messiah. Islam contradicts the assertion that Jesusas died an accursed death on the cross.
Thus, Ahmadi Muslims believe that God frustrated the plan of the disbelievers of Jesusas. Although Jesusas was nailed to the cross, he did not perish on it. He was removed from the cross in a state of unconsciousness.2
The following are some arguments that prove that through divine intervention and natural phenomena, Jesusas survived the crucifixion. This conclusion is supported by Qur’anic teachings, historical evidence, and scientific reasoning, as documented in the book Jesus in India by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi.
The State of Swoon
The Holy Qur’an states in Surah An-Nisa verse 158:
And their saying, ‘We did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah;’ whereas they slew him not, nor crucified him, but he was made to appear to them like one crucified; and those who differ therein are certainly in a state of doubt about it; they have no definite knowledge thereof, but only follow a conjecture; and they did not convert this conjecture into a certainty;
Read the text and complete the sentence below
The Holy Qur’an states that __________ was neither __________ nor __________, but it was made to __________ as though he was.
The Promised Messiahas writes: “Jesusas was a true prophet and he knew that God, who loved him, would save him from an accursed death. Therefore, on the basis of divine revelation, he prophesied in the form of a parable… like the Prophet Jonahas, he would only be in a state of swoon.” (Jesus in India, p.17)
Fill in the blanks using the Word Bank
__________ compared his __________ days’ stay in the tomb to the three days __________ spent in the belly of the __________. This only shows that just as Jonah remained alive in the belly of the whale for three days, Jesus must also have been in the for three days. (Jesus in India, p.23)
Quick Removal from the Cross
Word Bank: Jesus, tomb, alive, three, Jonah, whale,
In order to save Jesusas, divine power and majesty intervened and caused darkness to prevail, which was followed by an earthquake. Pilate’s wife saw a dream. The Sabbath night during which it was illegal to let a crucified body remain on the cross was drawing close. The magistrate, because of the terrible dream, became disposed towards the release of Jesusas. All this was simultaneously brought about by God to save Jesusas, and Jesusas himself was made to go into a swoon so that he might be taken for dead. (Jesus in India, p.58)
Why is the quick removal of Jesusas from the cross significant?
Tick the correct answer
It prevented him from suffering for too long, allowing him to survive. It ensured that he was embalmed immediately. It gave his disciples enough time to say goodbye.
Here are four key reasons that support that Jesusas did not die on the cross:
• Jesusas was taken down from the cross quickly to comply with Jewish laws prohibiting bodies on the cross during the Sabbath, which means Jesus was not on the cross long enough to have died by crucifixion.
• The soldiers did not break Jesus’as legs, which was a common practice to hasten death
• Blood and water flowed from Jesus’as side when pierced by a spear, which meant his heart was still beating and so he was alive.
• The combination of these factors, along with divine intervention in the timing of events, supports the conclusion that Jesusas survived the crucifixion.
(Jesus in India, p.30)
Match the event with its explanation
Quick removal from the cross
Legs not broken
Piercing Jesus’as side
Allah’s Plan
Evidence of Healing
Blood and water flowed out, proving Jesusas was alive
Jewish laws for the Sabbath required bodies to be removed quickly
Soldiers saw no need to do this
Ensured all events worked together for Jesus’as survival
In the days of Jesusas, shortly after the crucifixion, a pharmacopoeia was compiled in Latin, which recorded this prescription and testified that it had been prepared for the treatment of the wounds of Jesusas. Later, this work was translated into several other languages, until, in the time of Mamun-al-Rashid, it was translated into Arabic. Strange are the ways of divine providence, eminent physicians of all religions, Christians, Jews, Magians and Muslims, have all recorded this preparation in their books, and have admitted that it was prepared for Jesusas by the disciples. (Jesus in India, p.65)
Fill in the blanks using the Word Bank
• is an ointment mentioned in various historical pharmacopoeias as a remedy for injuries caused by blows or .
• The existence of this ointment implies that Jesusas was treated for rather than being embalmed post-mortem.
• One of the ointment ingredients is __________, which ensures the wound remains __________
Physical Signs of Survival
Word Bank: myrrh, injuries, Marham-i-Isa, falls, aseptic
After the crucifixion, Jesusas demonstrated normal physical functions, such as eating, walking, and showing his wounds to his disciples. This would not have been possible if he had died and been resurrected in a purely spiritual body.
• True / False
Circle True or False for the following statements:
1. Jesusas ate food and showed his wounds to his disciples after the crucifixion
• True / False
2. A spiritual body would require food and show fresh wounds.
• True / False
The Journey of Jesusas
3. Jesus’as normal physical actions after the crucifixion suggest he was alive and recovering.
Jesusas was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Out of twelve tribes of Israel, only two were in the region where Jesusas preached. The other ten tribes, as a result of exile, were domiciled in the eastern countries, especially in Afghanistan and Kashmir. It was imperative for Jesusas to migrate eastwards to complete his mission.
There is overwhelming evidence that the people of Afghanistan, Kashmir and neighbouring regions are of Israelite ancestry. Their physical features, languages, folklore, customs, and festivals attest to their Israelite heritage.
Evidence also comes from the names they give to their villages, their monuments, and ancient historical works and inscriptions.3
The map showing the route followed by Jesusas is given here. It shows the route taken by Jesusas in his journey to Kashmir. (Jesus in India, p.78)
JERUSALEM - Starting point where Jesusas survived the crucifixion
Find the places
Jesusas travelled to in the word search below
NASIBUS - A stop during his eastward journey
IRAN - Jesusas travelled through this region on his way to meet the lost tribes of Israel
AFGHANISTAN - Jesusas encountered Jewish tribes who had settled there after escaping earlier captivities
KASHMIR - Jesusas made this his home, finding the lost tribes of Israel, and preached his message
SRINAGAR - Jesusas passed away and is buried here
The presence of Jesusas in India is recorded in the ancient Indian literature, and records of Kashmir. Jesusas came to Kashmir from the Holy Land during the reign of Raja Gopadatta (49-109 AD) to proclaim his prophethood to the Israelites. He was known as Yusu (Jesus) of the children of Israel. It is recorded that great number of people recognized his holiness and piety and became his disciples.
According to Ahmadi Muslims, Jesus’as mission was completed. He died a natural death at the approximate age of 120 in Kashmir, India. (Hadith: Kanzul Imal) The tomb of Jesusas, known as the tomb of Prophet Yus Asaf, still exists in the Khanyar quarter of the city of Srinagar, Kashmir. It has been venerated for centuries. The local inhabitants refer to the tomb as Rauzabal, meaning “The Honoured Tomb”.4
When I started school in Rabwah, I began taking part in English speech competitions. I remember asking you to write a speech for me on the topic of: God helps those who help themselves. I remember your approach was completely fresh and you gave me pointers that were not necessarily approached with a religious perspective but more with examples which I could comprehend at that age.
You would take keen interest in the education of young boys and girls of the family and always used to inquire about how their studies were progressing. You would sincerely show interest on a personal level and praise them for their efforts and achievements.
Your understanding of and service and devotion to the Holy Qur’an were unparalleled. You learnt from the one who had been taught the deeper meanings of the Qur’an by none other than Allah’s angels. Alhamdolillah, I was blessed to be able to learn from you as well. You used to say that if you learn the frst fve parts of the Holy Qur’an well, then you will have a solid understanding of the Qur’an and the rest will become easier to learn. You started me over from the beginning many times.
For many years, I witnessed hundreds of young women walking into your home early in the morning and learning the translation with you. Some would come even as early as six in the morning, and you would teach them even before having any breakfast. This would continue pretty much
until ten in the morning when you would get ready and leave for the offce.
Your love for the Qur’an would become even more intense and evident during the blessed month of Ramadhan. I do not know when you read so much Qur’an, but you were always ahead of us. You would also prepare and deliver Dars daily after Asr prayers for the ladies of the family of the Promised Messiahas . This continued for many years until Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (may Allah have mercy on him) began his Darsul Qur’an live on MTA. I spent Ramadhan and Eid with you in Lahore when you had to stay outside of Rabwah for a few months due to a case against you. You started holding Darsul Qur’an for the local family members even there.
You would make special arrangements for Eids. You would prepare Eidi envelopes well in advance for children and household helpers and many others. On Eid day you would go the Eid prayers and after that to Bahishti Maqbara. As soon as you returned and sometimes even before your return, all the family members would start fling into your home to greet you. You would already have had the big breakfast trolley set up for everyone’s arrival with your delicious aloo ki tarkari, kachoriyan (pooriyan) and your famous sheer khurma along with cold drinks in the summer. You would be very eager to serve them. If there was ever a delay from our
part in serving the guests, you would show your annoyance and say:
(meray mehman intezaar kar rahe hein tum der kar rahe ho!) meaning ‘my guests are waiting and you are delaying service to them.’ In your eagerness you would start serving them yourself.
Whenever you visited the Bahishti Maqbara, you would make sure to frst pray on Hazrat Amma Jan’sra grave and instructed us to do so as well. You narrated the following story several times that soon after the demise of Hazrat Musleh Maudra, you went frst for dua at his grave. You suddenly had a vision of Hazrat Musleh Maudra reprimanding you that you should go and pray at Hazrat Amma Jan’sra grave frst just as before. You also advised the rest of the family to do so as well, and this has been our practice ever since.
The morning of 3rd April 1992 is clearly etched in my memory, it was the day when our Mumani, Syeda Asifa begum sahiba, wife of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh passed away. It was during the last few days of Ramadhan, and I was walking with my father towards Baitul Mubarak for Fajr when I received the news of her passing. That whole month I had witnessed you and the rest of the family fervently praying for a miracle and for her health to turn for the better, but Allah’s decree prevailed. When I returned home and entered your room, I saw my mother keeling over in grief and you sitting near her, face red, holding back your tears, busy in prayer. It is natural to grieve over a death of a loved one but that day the whole worldwide community shared the grief and pain of our beloved Imam. It was Eid day a couple of days later, the mood was sombre, the Eid embraces tearful. Many Lajna members came to offer their condolences to you but instead it seemed like you had become their pillar of support, consoling them, offering them comfort and solace and wiping their tears. That day a lesson was cultivated in a youngster’s mind that Eid is a celebration which Allah has ordained and should be and must be celebrated resiliently even at a time of personal grief. That lesson echoed in my mind and those memories came fooding back when my own mother passed away just two days before Eid-ul-Adha and once more everyone gathered at your home on Eid day, to send Ummi on her fnal journey to her eternal resting place.
Due to your busy daily routine, you did not cook on a regular basis. However, whenever you did cook, it would be delicious. You had inherited Amma’s (your mother) cooking style and taste. I remember whenever your youngest brother Mamoo Ameen used to visit from Karachi, you would enthusiastically prepare meals for him as he was very ‘shoqeen mazaj’. You would make the most delicious ‘Rooh Afza’ in the world. It was based on a recipe by Hazrat Musleh Maudra ; I would take bottles
of it to my hostel and my friends would drink it up as they had never tasted anything so refreshing and delicious. You ate very little yourself but enjoyed having fruit after meals. Even while slicing a mango from our mango orchards, your conversation would turn towards Abba Hazoor and his passion for mangoes and the funny stories associated with them. One after another, the threads of your memories of your elders would unwind and we would get to enjoy their delightful stories. You enjoyed eating ‘Karelay’, the more bitter the better. When I was very young and you were living in the house next to Qasr-e-Khilafat, we used to go to visit you almost daily. On one of these evenings, I would have been three or four years old and I must have been in a bad mood and refusing to eat dinner, I remember you admonished me by saying:
(meray Abba jan kehtay thay agar khanay ke waqt naraaz ho ker khana naa khaya tou phir baad mein khana nahee milay ga) meaning My father used to say that ‘if you refuse to eat because you are in a bad mood, you will not get any food later.’
Your daily routine was like clockwork. You would get ready for the day in the morning. Your clothes were always graceful and well stitched, and you always looked fresh and neat. I was back then somewhat eccentric with my choice of clothing, and you would advise me by saying:
(khaao munn bhataa, pehno jug bhaata) meaning ‘eat what your heart desires, but wear what the society around you fnds acceptable.’
Nani you are an example and inspiration for all women as I see you balancing your offce and home life in an exemplary manner. In the evenings, some girls from the family of the Promised Messiahas would come to learn the translation of the Holy Qur’an. You would also spend a considerable time of the day reading and promptly replying to the letters you received. Most evenings you would have family members visiting you. Your younger sister whom we call Khala Jan (Sayyeda Tayyeba Siddiqa sahiba) would visit almost daily.
I will not write anything about your services to Lajna Imaillah as the Lajna chapters all around the world are witness to your services for the education and spiritual and moral training of Ahmadi women. There is something I would like to mention about your treatment and care of those working under you. You were personally involved with every single worker whether they were volunteers or employed staff at the Lajna offce. You would help and guide them in any matter whether
personal or work related, and you made sure they got home safely especially after Lajna events. Lutfur Rehman sahib, Lajna Imaillah’s frst driver was instructed by you to come and inform you as soon as he would return from a Lajna tour outside of Rabwah. You would stay up late and worried until he came to inform you that the Lajna secretaries and staff were back home safely.
By the grace of Allah, you were able to attend Jalsa UK in 1987. After consultation with members of the family of the Promised Messiahas , present there, you made a pledge on behalf of the family of the Promised Messiahas , to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh to contribute towards the publication of the translation of the Holy Qur’an in celebration of the Jama’at’s frst centenary.
Hazoorrh graciously accepted this proposal and entrusted you to encourage the members of the family of the Promised Messiahas and to keep a record of promises and contributions for this project. It was decided by the Jama’at that these contributions would go towards the Polish translation of the Holy Qur’an. I remember you kept a ledger meticulously with pages dedicated to family members, their promises, and details of their contributions. It was a very challenging project which demanded a lot of hard work, determination and prayers from you. By the grace of Allah and Hazoor’s prayers, your efforts bore fruit and history is a witness to the beautiful sacrifces made by the progeny of the Promised Messiahas towards the fulflment of this pledge.
I remember once some relatives of Apa Fatima were visiting from England. Apa Fatima had the good fortune of serving as a cook for you for many years. You had Apa Fatima invite her relatives to dinner. The dining table was decorated with your fnest dinner set and the best cutlery was laid out. A lovely meal and desserts were prepared for them. That evening you told us to stay in your room so that Apa Fatima and her guests would not be inconvenienced, we even had dinner in your room. Thinking about this incident now, I have never seen anyone treat their house help with this much generosity and respect.
Nani your personality and demeanour had a grace and serenity I simply cannot describe. Looking back your grace was almost saint like. But this does not mean you had a dry or serious or unapproachable personality. On the contrary you enjoyed all pleasant little things around you. In the evenings when the weather was pleasant you would sometimes play badminton with me in the lawn. Sometimes Ummi and Abba would join in as well. I remember us playing table tennis together as well. You bought me ping pong bats and balls and now thanks to you I can boast that I can beat my husband at a game of table tennis. My bhabi Farhana, wife of your beloved son Farrukh had to stay back in Pakistan after her marriage. To keep her entertained, you used to play scrabble with us in
the long summer afternoons. I used to try to cheat and make up nonexistent words or rules and sometimes you would catch me out and our fts of laughter would fll up your room. I remember in the rainy season in summers, you would have pakoray made for us.
I can never forget the cricket world cup of 1992. I was home for exam leave and trying not to watch the matches, but the tournament became so intense and exciting towards the end that it became impossible not to watch them. I still cannot forget the glow on your face when I walked into the dining room, and you joyously told me Pakistan had qualifed for the quarter fnals against all odds! You also used to watch the Olympics and football tournaments and follow squash scores especially when players from Pakistan were world champions. You really enjoyed the Lajna games held every year and especially the enthusiasm and excitement of Lajna teams from Lahore and Rabwah during basketball matches.
Nani your house was always open to family and strangers alike. There were visitors, a lot of visitors. Some visitors even came at awkward hours and would expect you to wake up from your already short nap in the summer heat and meet them. Sometimes buses full of women from various parts of the country would come and visit you. I always saw you interact with them on a personal level, taking personal interest in their matters whether they were related to Lajna or personal issues. All visitors were always offered ‘sharbat’ (an orange favoured squash of which you would have hundreds of bottles made for your guests).
One day there was a matter of a saas bahoo (mother/daughter-in-law) confict presented to you at the offce. You asked the mother-in-law to visit you at home and as she complained about her daughter-in-law, you advised her to be kind and forgiving and allowing her new daughter-inlaw some time to adjust into her new home. The next day I saw the daughter-in-law coming to meet you and you gave her advice on how to show respect and forbearance and tips on adjusting to her new family.
You would receive many invitations to weddings, sometimes up to fve invitations in one day and you would try your best to attend, and it did not matter if they were from wealthy people or from people of humble fnancial backgrounds, you would make sure to be part of their joyous occasion even for ten minutes. To be honest the best wedding/walima dawats were those held at the simplest of homes, yet their hearts flled with utmost love for the Promised Messiahas and the Jama’at.
At the time of my Rishta, I was very curious to know how you felt about it. I was very frank with you and blurted: “Nani aap ka kiya Khiyal hai Fakhar ke baray mein?” You replied:
(Mein Fakhar ko nahee jaanti lekin Raqeeb aur Mubashar, ye donoun bohat balanced hein) meaning ‘I don’t know Fakhar but Raqeeb and Mubashar, they are both very balanced in nature.’
That was the approval I needed from you, and I knew you were happy and off course praying for me. May we continue to be recipients of your prayers till the end of time. (Ameen)
So many memories are fooding back of my time spent with you, drowning me in a whirlpool of tears of joy and sadness all at once. Joy and gratefulness for having known you closely and having loved you and sadness because I miss you so much. Over the years, in moments of happiness and especially during the darkest trials in my life, I have longed for your grace and composure and wisdom and advice but most of all I have wished for my children to have known you and to have beneftted from your love and prayers. When you were alive, due to my lack of understanding and immaturity, I did not realise your true stature that you were a daughter-in-law of the Promised Messiah as , I can say now that Allah himself had chosen you for this purpose and you were truly worthy of this honour.
At the time of your death, my father addressed you and paid a tribute to you in these words: “you came into the service of Ahmadiyyat at the tender age of sixteen and the world is a witness of your unwavering dedication to the service to your faith until your last breath.”
I pray that Allah blesses you and my mother immensely and grants you both nearness to your loved ones in paradise and when it is time for us, your progeny to return to our Creator, may Allah forgive our shortcomings and in His infnite mercy, grants us a place near you, my beloved Nani. Ameen
Your grand daughter
Aeysha Nusrat Jahan
You Are Not Alone
From the beginning to the end
On Allah the Almighty, we all depend
You are Not Alone
There is nothing that He does not see
It is all in His hands and it comes to existence when He says ‘be’
You are not alone
Whether you are in the light or the dark, near or far
He can reach you wherever you are
You are not alone
In happiness or sadness, in, sanity or madness
Allah is the ultimate witness
You are not alone
From sky highs to the depths of the ocean
He takes care of each and every creation
You are not alone
Allah is the most Gracious ever Merciful
Turn to Him if you ever feel doubtful
You are not alone
H He me n
Turn to Him faithfully and peace you will find
You are not alone
His sight encompasses all, He sees what is truly within
Have faith in His mercy and repent for your sins
You are not alone
Allah is All-Aware and most forgiving
There is no limit to His attributes as He is the Supreme Being
You are not alone
He listens to your cries even the ones that don ’t make a sound
His mercy and kindness know no bounds
You are not alone
He bestows on His creation limitless abundance
We are nothing without His divine guidance
You are not alone
Whether we do good deeds or bad deeds
He still lovingly fulfills all our needs
You are not alone
We are dependent on His infinite mercy
And in awe of His might and glory
You are not alone
So be mindful that by Allah you are seen and you are known
Through His unlimited blessings Allah has shown
That oh Allah’s servant you are indeed not alone .
Duresameen Bushra Ahmad
Islamabad Waaqifaat-e-Nau
The local Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema of Islamabad Majlis was held on 30 th November 2024 with great zeal and enthusiasm. The Ijtema was attended by 57 Waaqifaat-e-Nau out of a total Tajneed of 67. By the grace of Allah, of the 57 Waaqifaat-e-Nau attendees, about 40 participated. 55 mothers and young children also attended.
The event began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an followed by the pledge, marking the start of the Ijtema.
The Waaqifaat-e-Nau participated in various competitions, including:
-Urdu Speech
-English Speech
-Extempore Speech
The participation was overwhelmingly positive. Alhamdolillah, the majority of Nasirat actively took part, demonstrating their motivation and dedication. The Under7- group also participated enthusiastically, showcasing their budding talents.
To engage the youngest attendees, a dedicated Kids’ Corner was set up with a variety of activities. This initiative kept them entertained and creatively occupied throughout the event.
Delicious refreshments were served, with a special highlight being the Chocolate Fountain Corner, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the children.
The standard of the competitions was extremely high, with participants displaying excellent preparation and performance. There was very good attendance of the event, refecting the dedication and enthusiasm of the Waaqifaat-e-Nau. To honour the efforts of the participants, medals and prizes were distributed to everyone, adding a sense of achievement and joy to the occasion.
The Islamabad Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema 2024 was a resounding success. Alhamdolillah, it was a day flled with learning, fun, and spiritual growth for all attendees.
HealtHy eating in Ramada
Ramadan is a very special month of spiritual refection; by fasting we bring a shif in our daily routine, particularly in our eating habits. It is very important to eat healthy and nutritious meals during this month, which will help us sustain energy and will beneft our overall well-being. Navigating these meals can be tricky; this article will help as a guide on what foods and drinks will help promote both physical health and spiritual focus.
Saoor (Pre dawn Mea)
Dates are sweet and very nutritious. Tey are traditionally consumed to break the fast, but they are a quick source of energy and essential nutrients. Tey can give us an energetic start to the day as well.
For sahoor, it is essential to get a good source of protein and eggs are a fantastic option.
Healthy fats – Avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds help regulate blood sugar levels.
Complex Carbohydrates
Foods like whole grain bread, brown rice and lentils provide sustained energy release which prevents our energy from crashing during the day.
Hydration - It is very important to drink lots of fuids to keep hydrated. Fruits and vegetables like watermelon and cucumber also maintain our hydration levels during the fasting period.
Oatmeal is a perfect food for people who are trying to eat healthily. It is high in fbre, has a low glycaemic index and is a good source of protein. It can also help improve your digestive system.
Yogurt contains calcium and it also helps to keep the body hydrated and full. Similarly, a yogurt drink called lassi (sweet or salty) is benefcial due to its probiotic content, its ability to cool the body during hot weather, boost the immune system with its calcium and vitamin D, promoting a healthy gut. Another benefcial drink is ‘kachi lassi’ which is made by mixing 1 litre of water with 1 teaspoon of milk. Its health benefts include helping regulate stomach acid, maintaining electrolyte balance, being probiotic, it is good for kidney function and potentially lowers blood pressure.
Iftaa (Mea a sunse)
Dates are a great source of natural sugars and they are high in fbre. Tey are a quick source of energy especially afer the fasting period.
Lean Protein - Chicken, fsh or lentils can help energise us and also repair muscle tissue.
Whole grains - Brown rice or whole meal bread ofer sustained energy release and provides us with essential nutrients.
Fluids - Water, fruit and milk are essential and vital for rehydrating the body afer a long fast.
Fruits and Vegetables
We should have plenty of vegetables. Tey provide us with vitamins, minerals and fbre which will help in digestion and also help with our overall health.
Sugay drinks: Sodas and other sugar y beverages cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. It ends up with a crash which leaves us sluggish, lazy and moody.
Procesed foods: Tese are not good for health and are ofen high in unhealthy fats, sugar and salt. Tis can again lead to an energy crash and dehydration.
Fried foods: Fried foods are heavy and hard to digest. Tey can make you feel sluggish and bring discomfort. Tey are also associated with higher risk of developing heart problems.
Ramadan Prayers
Ramadan Prayers
Ramadan Prayers
Ramadan Prayers
Ramadan Prayers
Prayer on Seeing the New Moon
Prayer on Seeing the New Moon
Prayer on Seeing the New Moon
Prayer on Seeing the New Moon
Prayer on Seeing the New Moon
OurAllah, make this moonascend on us whilewe are in thestate of peace, safety, belief and submission. O moon, Your Lord and my Lord is Allah. May this moon be the moon of goodness and prosperity. May it be the moon of goodness, and prosperity. May it be the moon goodness and prosperity. I believe in Allah, Who created you.
Our Allah, make this moon ascend on us while we are in the state of peace, safety, belief and submission. O moon, Your Lord and my Lord is Allah. May this moon be the moon of goodness and prosperity. May it be the moon of goodness, and prosperity. May it be the moon goodness and prosperity. I believe in Allah, Who created you.
OurAllah, make this moonascend on us whilewe are in thestate of peace, safety, belief and submission. O moon, Your Lord and my Lord is Allah. May this moon be the moon of goodness and prosperity. May it be the moon of goodness, and prosperity. May it be the moon goodness and prosperity. I believe in Allah, Who created you.
OurAllah, make this moonascend on us whilewe are in thestate of peace, safety, belief and submission. O moon, Your Lord and my Lord is Allah. May this moon be the moon of goodness and prosperity. May it be the moon of goodness, and prosperity. May it be the moon goodness and prosperity. I believe in Allah, Who created you.
OurAllah, make this moonascend on us whilewe are in thestate of peace, safety, belief and submission. O moon, Your Lord and my Lord is Allah. May this moon be the moon of goodness and prosperity. May it be the moon of goodness, and prosperity. May it be the moon goodness and prosperity. I believe in Allah, Who created you.
The Holy Prophetsaw also used to say this prayer on seeing the new moon:
The Holy Prophetsaw also used to say this prayer on seeing the new moon:
The Holy Prophetsaw also used to say this prayer on seeing the new moon:
The Holy Prophetsaw also used to say this prayer on seeing the new moon:
The Holy Prophetsaw also used to say this prayer on seeing the new moon:
O Allah! Pour blessings on us in the month of Rajab and Sha‘ban and enable us to reach the month of Ramadan.
O Allah! Pour blessings on us in the month of Rajab and Sha‘ban and enable us to reach the month of Ramadan.
O Allah! Pour blessings on us in the month of Rajab and Sha‘ban and enable us to reach the month of Ramadan.
O Allah! Pour blessings on us in the month of Rajab and Sha‘ban and enable us to reach the month of Ramadan.
O Allah! Pour blessings on us in the month of Rajab and Sha‘ban and enable us to reach the month of Ramadan.
Beginning the Fast
There is no specific prayer to begin a fast in the morning.The intent or niyyah to fast is in the heart and that is sufficient. One can pray in one’s
Beginning the Fast
Beginning the Fast
Beginning the Fast
Beginning the Fast
There is no specific prayer to begin a fast in the morning.The intent or niyyah to fast is in the heart and that is sufficient. One can pray in one’s
There is no specific prayer to begin a fast in the morning.The intent or niyyah to fast is in the heart and that is sufficient. One can pray in one’s
There is no specific prayer to begin a fast in the morning.The intent or niyyah to fast is in the heart and that is sufficient. One can pray in one’s
There is no specific prayer to begin a fast in the morning. The intent or niyyah to fast is in the heart and that is sufficient. One can pray in one’s own words seeking Allah’s help to be able to fast and spend the day that would please Allah.
own words seeking Allah’s help to be able to fast and spend the day that would please Allah.
own words seeking Allah’s help to be able to fast and spend the day that would please Allah.
own words seeking Allah’s help to be able to fast and spend the day that would please Allah.
own words seeking Allah’s help to be able to fast and spend the day that would please Allah.
own words seeking Allah’s help to be able to fast and spend the day that would please Allah.
Prayer on Breaking the Fast
Prayer on Breaking the Fast
Prayer on Breaking the Fast
Prayer on Breaking the Fast
Prayer on Breaking the Fast
Prayer on Breaking the Fast
O Allah, I fasted for Your sake and I believe in You and upon You do I rely and with Your provision do I end my fast.
O Allah, I fasted for Your sake and I believe in You and upon You do I rely and with Your provision do I end my fast.
O Allah, I fasted for Your sake and I believe in You and upon You do I rely and with Your provision do I end my fast.
O Allah, I fasted for Your sake and I believe in You and upon You do I rely and with Your provision do I end my fast.
O Allah, I fasted for Your sake and I believe in You and upon You do I rely and with Your provision do I end my fast.
O Allah, I fasted for Your sake and I believe in You and upon You do I rely and with Your provision do I end my fast.
Lailatul Qadr
Lailatul Qadr
Lailatul Qadr
Hazrat ‘A’ishahra asked the Holy Prophetsaw as to which prayer she should recite if she finds the Lailatul Qadr the Holy Prophetsaw said:
Lailatul Qadr
Hazrat ‘A’ishahra asked the Holy Prophetsaw as to which prayer she should recite if she finds the Lailatul Qadr the Holy Prophetsaw said:
Hazrat ‘A’ishahra asked the Holy Prophetsaw as to which prayer she should recite if she finds the Lailatul Qadr the Holy Prophetsaw said:
Hazrat ‘A’ishahra asked the Holy Prophetsaw as to which prayer she should recite if she finds the Lailatul Qadr the Holy Prophetsaw said:
Hazrat ‘A’ishahra asked the Holy Prophetsaw as to which prayer she should recite if she finds the Lailatul Qadr the Holy Prophetsaw said:
Hazrat ‘A’ishahra asked the Holy Prophetsaw as to which prayer she should recite if she finds the Lailatul Qadr the Holy Prophetsaw said:
O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, the Noble. You like forgiveness, therefore forgive my sins.
O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, the Noble. You like forgiveness, therefore forgive my sins.
O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, the Noble. You like forgiveness, therefore forgive my sins.
O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, the Noble. You like forgiveness, therefore forgive my sins.
O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, the Noble. You like forgiveness, therefore forgive my sins.
O Allah, You are the Most Forgiving, the Noble. You like forgiveness, therefore forgive my sins.
Arabic Prayers and English Translation: Treasure House of Prayers p.72-74,
Arabic Prayers and English Translation: Treasure House of Prayers p.72-74,
Arabic Prayers and English Translation: Treasure House of Prayers p.72-74,
Arabic Prayers and English Translation: Treasure House of Prayers p.72-74,
Arabic Prayers and English Translation: Treasure House of Prayers p.72-74,
Arabic Prayers and English Translation: Treasure House of Prayers p.72-74,