Maryam Oct – Dec 2020 (English)

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OCT - DEC 2020 ISSUE 36


No Words Except ‘Ahad, Ahad’: The Dedication and Resilience of Hazrat Bilalra

The Year the World Came to Know Just How Deep Racism Runs

People of the Caves

Waqf in the Field: My Path to Dentistry




J A M A’ A T

Girls, one basic thing should always be remembered, which is, that

you are a

Waqf-e-Nau and that you have to

work for the

purpose of serving the

Jama’at not for money. So, whatever field of education you choose, do it for the Jama’at. Do not think that it is necessary that you are going to work in the same fields in which you have received your degree or have done PhD or some research. Do not get education with the intention of earning money but to


knowledge so that you are beneficial

to the Jama’at and the next



From the Editor...

Self-assessment and improvement are a continuous journey for each of us. As Waqifaat-e-Nau it is our duty to improve our spiritual state in order to be able to bring up the next generation to the best standard. We are fortunate to have numerous noble examples to follow in order to facilitate us in this task. In his recent series of Friday sermons Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad


has been narrating about the noble characters of the Badri companions of the Holy Prophetsaw:

Allah be his Helper


Zanubia Ahmad ASSISTANT CHIEF EDITORS Dure Jamal Mala Nayla Muzamil


The Promised Messiahas states,

Hina Ahmedi

‘Observe the state of the esteemed companions, may Allah be pleased with them. What atrocities were meted out to them in Mecca? Some of them were captured and were tortured and punished in various forms... However, what enabled them to remain firmly established upon the truth even during the storm of difficulties and hardships? It was that very delight and the fountain of happiness, which gushed forth from their chests due [their] love for the truth.’ The Promised Messiahas says, ‘The most excruciating afflictions are made easy for a believer to experience. The truth is that it is a sign of a true believer that they are ever ready to be slain”. The examples about the Companionsra that have been mentioned here show that the Spiritual Power of the Prophetsaw had infused such a spirit in them that even on the brink of death they would readily profess: ‘we swear by the Lord of the Ka’abah that we have succeeded. We have attained God.’ (Friday Sermon 9th March 2018) May Allah enable us to follow the exalted example of these pious companions and inculcate a lasting change for the better within ourselves Insha'Allah. In this issue of Maryam Magazine our readers can enjoy articles written by our Waqifaat-e-Nau including ‘Prophet Muhammad’ssaw Farewell Sermon’, ‘No words except ‘Ahad, Ahad’: the Dedication and Resilience of Hazrat Bilalra’, ‘Waqf in the Field: My Path to Dentistry’ and ‘People of the Caves’.

i Ahmed a n i H EN GLISH EDITOR



Sabah Un Noor Tahir Hibba-Tul Mussawir Maleeha Mansur Meliha Hayat

Salma Manahil Malik Mashel Chaudhry

Samina Yasmeen Arif

Amatul Wakeel Maha Sameera Mirza Kashifa Qamar

Safina Nabeel Maham COVER DESIGN

Zara Tahir Ahmad PAGE DESIGN & SETTING Soumbal Qureshi Naeema Amjad Atiyya Wasee Naila Fowad

Hina Farooqi


Do you have any comments, suggestions or want your article featured in our next edition? Email us at:


Luqman Ahmad Kishwar PRINTERS

Raqeem Press, Tilford UK


03. The Holy Qur’an 04. Hadith 05. Writings of the Promised Messiahas

06. The Farewell Sermon | Malahat Khaula Safeer

18. No Words Except ‘Ahad, Ahad’: The Dedication and Resilience of Hazrat Bilalra | Tahmeena Tahir

22. Kids’ Spread 25. Poetry Competition! 26. People of the Caves | Humda Sohail

08. Waqf in the Field: My Path to Dentistry | Momina Jowaheer

31. Syllabus: The Funeral Prayer

12. Tarbiyyat Page | Importance of

32. Story: The Man Who Never

Inculcating High Morals in Waaqifeene-Nau


14. The Year the World Came to

34. A Poem on Mental Health | Duresameen Ahmad

Know Just How Deep Racism Runs | Meliha Hayat

36. Focus | Arabic: The Mother of All Languages

17. An Incident: The Holy Prophet’ssaw Social Life

‫‪The Holy‬‬

‫‪Qur’an‬‬ ‫﷽‬

‫قرا ٓن جمید‬ ‫َ ٓ‬ ‫ٰٰۤ َ ُّ َ َّ ُ َّ َ َ ۡ ٰ ُ‬ ‫َ َ ُۡ ٰ‬ ‫ٰۡ ُ ُ‬ ‫اس ِانا خلقنک ۡم ِم ۡن ذک ٍر َّو انثی َو َج َعلنک ۡم ش ُع ۡو ًبا َّو ق َبا ِئ َل‬ ‫یایہا الن‬ ‫َ َ َ ُ ۡ َّ َ ۡ َ َ ُ ۡ ۡ َ ہ َ ۡ ٰ ُ ۡ َّ ہ َ َ ۡ ٌ َ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫� اتقکم ؕ ِان � ع ِلیم خ ِبیر ۝‬ ‫ِلتعارفوا ؕ ِان اکرمکم ِعند ِ‬ ‫( سورۃ الحجرات‪)14 :‬‬

‫‪Translation: O mankind, We have created you from a male and a‬‬

‫‪female; and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you‬‬ ‫‪may‬‬ ‫‪recognise‬‬ ‫‪another.‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫‪honourable‬‬ ‫‪among‬‬ ‫اتہکمتاکی‬ ‫میسقتایک‬ ‫‪one‬ولیبقںںیم‬ ‫وقومںاور‬ ‫‪Verily,‬اورںیہمت‬ ‫ےسدیپاایک‬ ‫‪most‬امدہ‬ ‫ںیہمترناور‬ ‫ولوگ!ًانیقیمہےن‬ ‫‪:‬اے‬ ‫‪you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among‬‬

‫رترتہمج‬ ‫ہمج‬

‫یقّتمےہ۔ًانیقیاہلل‬ ‫‪Surely,‬زایدہ‬ ‫‪Allah‬بسےس‬ ‫زعمز‪is‬وہےہوج‬ ‫ںیمبسےسزایدہ‬ ‫‪(Al-Hujurat:‬ےکزندکیمت‬ ‫)‪14‬وکس۔البہبشاہلل‬ ‫دورسےوکاچہپن‬ ‫‪you.‬‬ ‫‪All-knowing,‬‬ ‫‪All-Aware.‬‬ ‫دایمئملعرےنھکواال(اور)ہشیمہابربخےہ۔‬

‫)‪(English translation by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali sahibra‬‬

‫‪Hadith‬‬ ‫)‪(Sayings of The Holy Prophet‬‬ ‫)‪(May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him‬‬

‫دحثیایبنلﷺ‬ ‫َع ْن َأبي ُه َرْي َر َة َأ َّن ْام َرَأ ًة‪َ ،‬س ْو َد َاء َك َان ْت َت ُق ُّم ْاْلَ ْسج َد ‪َ -‬أ ْو َش ًّابا – َف َف َق َدهاَ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ َّ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ ُ َ َ ُ َ َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫هللا صلى هللا علي ِه وسلم فسأل عنها ‪ -‬أو عنه ‪ -‬فقالوا مات ‪.‬‬ ‫َرسول ِ‬ ‫ال َف َك َٔا َّن ُه ْم َ‬ ‫ص َّغ ُروا َأ ْم َر َها ‪َ -‬أ ْو َأ ْم َر ُه ‪َ -‬ف َقالَ‬ ‫ال َأ َف َال ُك ْن ُت ْم َآذ ْن ُت ُمو ِني ‪َ ،‬ق َ‬ ‫َق َ‬ ‫ُّ‬ ‫َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُّ ُ َ َ َّ َ َ ْ َ ُ َّ َ َ َّ َ ْ ُ ُ َ َ ْ ُ َ ٌ‬ ‫وءة‬ ‫ُدلو ِني على قب ِر ِه فد لوه فصلى عليها ‪،‬ثم قال ِإن ه ِذ ِه القبورممل‬ ‫ُ ْ َ ً َ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ َ‬ ‫هللا َع َّز َو َج َّل ُي َنو ُر َها َل ُه ْم ب َ‬ ‫ص َالتي َع َل ْيهم۔ْ‬ ‫ظلمة على أه ِلها‪ ،‬و ِإن‬ ‫ِ ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫(صحیح مسلم‪،‬جلد‪،4‬کتاب الجنائزباب‪ ،‬حدیث نمبر‪)1577‬‬


‫‪Hazrat Abu Hurairara relates that a dark-skinned woman (or‬‬

‫‪perhaps a young man) used to clean the mosque. The Holy‬‬

‫‪upon not seeing her (or him) inquired about her (or‬‬ ‫‪Prophet‬ایاکی‬ ‫اھجڑودایرکیتیھت‬ ‫ےسرواتیےہہکاکیایسہرگنیکوعرتدجسمںیم‬ ‫ہمج‪ :‬رضحتاوبرہری ؓہ‬ ‫رترتہمج‬ ‫‪saw‬‬ ‫‪saw‬‬

‫‪said: ‘Why did‬‬

‫‪him) and was told that she (or he) had died. He‬‬

‫‪you‬وافت‬ ‫‪not‬یکوت‬ ‫‪me‬ےن‪let‬اہکاس‬ ‫اوہنں‬ ‫ںیموپاھچ۔‬ ‫رکاسےکابرہ‬ ‫‪had‬وموجدہناپ‬ ‫‪not‬اےس‬ ‫ﷺ ےن‬ ‫‪the‬۔روسلاہلل‬ ‫ونوجان‬ ‫’?‪know‬‬ ‫‪It seemed‬‬ ‫‪people‬‬ ‫‪considered‬‬ ‫‪matter of any importance. The Prophetsaw then said: ’show me the‬‬

‫ویکں ہن دی۔راوی ےتہک ںیہ وگای ہک اوہنں ےن اس‬ ‫آپ ےن رفامای مت ےن ےھجم االطع‬ ‫وہ یئگ ےہ۔ ؐ‬ ‫‪saw‬‬ ‫‪prayed over it and said: ‘These‬‬

‫‪grave’, and on being shown he‬‬

‫‪graves‬امنز‬ ‫‪cover‬ےن اس رپ‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫اوہنں‪in‬ےن ربق‬ ‫‪with‬اتبؤ۔‬ ‫‪darkness‬یک ربق‬ ‫‪and‬رفامای ےھجم اس‬ ‫آپ ےن‬ ‫ےکاعمہلم وک ومعمیل � ۔‬ ‫‪those‬‬ ‫‪them‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬ ‫اتبیئ ۔ ؐ‬ ‫‪ؐ consequence‬‬ ‫’‪my prayers surely God Almighty illuminates them.‬‬

‫انجزہڑپیھ۔رھپرفامایہیربقںیانںیمرےنہ واولںرپاتریکیےسرھبیوہیتںیہاورًانیقیاہللزعولجان‬


‫)‪(Sahih Muslim, Volume 4, Kitaab-al-Janaiz, Hadith number 1577‬‬

Writings of the as Promised Messiah H A V E S Y M PAT H Y F O R T H E W H O L E O F M A N K I N D

It is our principle to have sympathy for the whole of mankind. If a person sees that fire has broken out in the house of a Hindu neighbour and he does not get up to help put it out, I tell you truly that he is not of me. If one of my followers sees a Christian being killed and he does not go to rescue him, I tell you very truly that he is not of us‌. I say it on oath and in truth that I have no enmity with any people. I do however desire, as far as possible, to reform their beliefs. If anyone abuses me, I refer my plaint to God and not to any other court. Despite all this, it is our obligation to have sympathy with the whole of mankind. [Siraj-e-Munir, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 12, p. 28, Essence of Islam Vol IV, p.291]

Prophet Muhammad’s peace be upon him Farewell Sermon Malahat Khaula Safeer Islam with its universal concept of brotherhood rejects all man-­‐‑made marks of distinction. Islamic teachings have been codified in its religious book the Holy Qur’an, which was revealed by Allah the Almighty for all of mankind. The teachings have been exemplified by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw as disclosed in his sayings and his practices. The Holy Prophetsaw further made the fundamental concepts of living a peaceful life very clear in his farewell sermon. Hesaw said that to safeguard against all errors, one must hold fast to the book of Allah and abide by the concepts shared in his farewell sermon. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw delivered his last sermon on 9th Zillhaj, 10 years after migration from Makkah to Madinah on Mount Arafat. His words were quite clear and concise and were directed to the entire humanity. The Prophetsaw of Allah began his speech by asking people to listen carefully and pass on the message for the benefit of others who were not present at that time. • Hesaw started by telling people that your property and honour are sacred amongst you until you meet your Lord. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Allah has forbidden you to take interest therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Hesaw particularly emphasised on not accepting a ‘will’ which is prejudicial to the interests of a rightful heir. A child born in a house shall be regarded the child of the father in the house. (Sahih Al-­‐‑Bukhari, The Book of Knowledge, Chapter: ‘It is incumbent on those who are present to convey the knowledge to those who are absent.’) • Secondly, the Holy Prophetsaw highlighted the rights of women. Hesaw said your wives have rights over you. Treat your women well and be kind, provide for them food and garments and shelter. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under the law of God. Your right against them is that they should live chaste lives and not adopt ways which may bring disgrace to the husband.

(Jami’ At-­‐‑Tirmidhi, The Book of Suckling, Chapter: ‘What has been related about a woman’s rights over her husband.’)

• Prophet Muhammedsaw unequivocally condemned racism. His teachings on racial equality inspired people of Arabia and many around the world. Hesaw stated that all human beings are equal regardless of their nation or tribe or whatever position. No one has any right nor any preference to claim over another. "Allah has made you brethren one to another, so be not divided. An Arab has no preference over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab over an Arab; nor is a white one to be preferred to a dark one, nor a dark one to a white one."

(Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Hadith No. 23489) The Holy Prophet'ssaw address is an epitome of the entire teaching and spirit of Islam. Hissaw words brandished an eternal torch and illuminated the path towards universal human rights. The Holy Qur'an said personal piety and deeds are the basis for merit, not tribal association. Islam established racial equality, declaring all people to be equal in the sight of Allah. Allah said in the Holy Qur'an; 'O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you may recognise one another. Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among you. Surely, Allah is All-knowing, All-Aware.' (Chapter 49, verse 14) This verse challenged many values of pre-Islamic Arab society, where inequalities based on tribal membership, kinship and wealth were a fact of life. Lineal descent was the primary determinant of an individual's social status. Members of larger tribes like the noble Quraish were powerful and those from less wealthy tribes had lower standing in society. The verse clearly shows that all created beings come from the same source and thus are equal in the sight of God. The worth of a man is not judged by the colour of his skin, his wealth, rank or social status, his descent or pedigree, but by his moral goodness and the way he fulfils his duty to God and mankind. The Holy Prophetsaw stated all human beings are equal, racial supremacy is unacceptable, women have rights and social economic inequality is despicable. In his farewell sermon, we find deep commitment to the universal values such as sacredness of life and property, equality and justice. Upon these universal values, the religion of Islam was built. May we truly understand the teaching of this beautiful religion and follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophetsaw, Ameen.

Waqf in the Field:


Being a Waqifa-e-nau has undoubtedly opened the doors of blessings for me in so many ways. I owe my achievements to the Grace and Mercy bestowed upon me by Allah the Almighty and the guidance and prayers of my beloved Hazur (May Allah be his Helper). I would like to share with you some personal anecdotes on how I came to be a Waqifa-e-nau serving in the field of dentistry and how attachment to the Jama’at is the path to success. I write in the hope that this can inspire those embarking on their academic journeys and offer some guidance to those aspiring to take the same path, Insha’Allah. Attachment to the Jama’at My memories of Khilafat begin with the weekly Friday Sermons delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh in the Fazl mosque, which I attended with my parents and siblings. My parents always instilled in me the importance of attending Friday sermons, local Jama’at meetings and staying close to Khilafat. This is how I developed a strong sense of love and attachment to Khilafat from an early age. Fast forward a few years, my family and I were fortunate enough to be in the presence of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh), during weekly French Mulaquats . I remember how Hazurrh would give me pyaar almost every week, by touching my cheek and head. My mum would prepare food for the attendees and would make a special prawn dish for Hazurrh which he enjoyed very much. He would ask, ‘You made Jinghe ?’ My mum felt so blessed and honoured to cook for Hazurrh and did so every week with such love and care that I still remember the feeling over 20 years later. The 100th French class was approaching and preparations commenced weeks earlier. Maulana Jahangeer Sahib, our host, asked my sister and I to read a nazm he had composed, titled “Rendons Graces ” (“Render Thanks”). He asked us to practice at home and to practice the nazm to him after one of the classes, so he could provide feedback on our recitation and French pronunciation. On that particular day, during the Mulaquat , Hazurrh asked why the French and Mauritians never read nazms compared to the Bengalis and Urdu speakers in other classes with Hazur. Jahangeer Sahib informed Hazurra that we had a nazm prepared. What was supposed to be a practice run turned into the real thing, in front of Hazurrh no doubt! We were extremely nervous yet Hazurrh enjoyed the nazm very much. Hazurrh said we read beautifully and we should read nazms in the class from now on. Hazurrh also enjoyed listening to me recite the English translation and was so patient when I would ask my questions in the Mulaquat and laugh endearingly at my childhood lisp and French pronunciation. By receiving such love from my beloved Khalifa and always being close to the Jama’at, this became a routine and part of my normal life.

Academic Pursuits and Jama’at Work Growing up, I always sought, and continue to seek, Khalifa-e-Waqt’s guidance in every matter including education. Being a Waqifa-e-nau, we have dedicated our lives to the Jama’at and thus, before undertaking any decision, it is important to always obtain Khalifa-e-Waqt’s guidance and blessing. I enjoyed every subject at school but had a keen interest in languages and science. When the time came to choosing subjects for further education, I went to see Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba. This was the first time I had a decision to make and thus I was anxious. I had practised many times in my head what to say, as I knew once I’d be in the presence of Hazuraba, I would sit in awe and forget to speak! To my astonishment as soon as I entered Hazur’saba office in Fazl mosque, Hazuraba said to me, ‘So you’re going to be a doctor?’ My beloved Hazuraba had already answered my question before I had even asked it; before I had even sat down! No doubt, this was the career path that I was going to pursue and I spent the next few years working hard to achieve the best grades I possibly could. Around the same time, my sister and I were fortunate enough to volunteer in the MTA Scheduling department on a regular basis. As children, our Nasirat secretary occasionally took us to MTA where we would help label tapes for television broadcast. We were so excited to be able to work there permanently. All my siblings and I are very fortunate that we are all working for MTA and it continues to be a source of blessings in our lives, Alhamdolilah. Being so close to Hazuraba in Fazl mosque and having the blessed fortune of being visited by Hazuraba in the Scheduling department are fond memories I will always cherish. Waving at Hazuraba every week before Namaz and seeing Hazur’saba bright emanating light was extraordinary. I remember one day Hazuraba was preparing to leave for a trip and we would always wait by Mahmood Hall to see beloved Hazuraba leave. That day was particularly cold as it had been snowing and we were all shivering. Despite this we were eager to catch a glimpse of Hazuraba and partake in his dua before departure. However, when Hazuraba appeared, we collectively felt a wave of warmth overcome us and all sense of discomfort dispersed from our bodies! This was surely a sign of the blessings of Khilafat and the sheer honour of being in the presence of beloved Hazuraba. There came a time in MTA when I was designated a greater responsibility within the department. When I was called for a meeting, my heart became heavy with worry. I am always willing to take on more Jama’at work but I believed there were many other girls more capable than me for this position. I was shy and quiet and I have never thought of myself to be a person to take on roles of leadership. When I voiced this to my senior, I remember her reply ‘You are Waqifa-enau. You should stand out above the rest.’ At that moment, Allah instilled in my heart instant courage and I was determined to fulfil this responsibility to the best of my ability. Waqf-e-Nau Classes During another Mulaquat, Hazuraba enquired why I did not attend the Waqfe nau classes. I replied that I do not speak Urdu, so I do not come. Hazuraba replied that it did not matter, and that I should attend even if I would be the ignorant one! When I did have the fortune of attending, Hazuraba recognised and recalled me as the ignorant one! My beloved Hazuraba, ensured that someone would be providing me with translation and instructed that we should all listen to the repeat on MTA. Hazuraba has shown us so much love through these classes and I am so grateful for the opportunity to attend. I have learnt a lot and have gained so much knowledge. I encourage all Waqifa-e-nau to watch and attend these classes to derive the maximum benefit of Hazur’saba words and wisdom.

Our beloved Hazuraba has always placed great importance on education but has also instructed us to take an active role in the Jama’at. Hazuraba has showed so much love and attention to us during these classes which should be the driving force in our lives. I worked hard in my academia for many years and always felt in my heart that Allah would help me achieve my goals. My mindset was such that if I can strive to attain good academia, I should also strive to serve the Jama’at in the same way, if not more. This is how I have been trying to fulfil my responsibilities as a Waqf, dedicating my time to Jama’at work whilst pursuing a good education and career. Biomedical Sciences: A Stepping Stone to the Medical Field Haven chosen A-levels in science and languages; I was disheartened to learn that my AS grades did not meet the requirements to apply to study medicine. Immediately I sought guidance from Hazuraba. Hazuraba instructed me to apply for Biomedical Sciences and then subsequently Medicine. So, this is exactly what I did. Having sat my A-Level exams, with the results approaching, I spent a lot of time in prayer. I asked Allah the Almighty to help me achieve the best grades, giving me a greater chance of admission, even if it meant I would achieve an A on the dot. I had full conviction in my heart that because beloved Hazuraba had paved this path for me, Allah would help me and open the avenues for me. To my complete amazement, when I opened my exam results, I had indeed received an A on the dot for science. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that Allah was showing me my prayers were accepted, Alhamdolilah. Prior to applying for my second degree, I went to see Hazuraba for prayers for my further studies. As it is quite competitive, I was worried what I would do if I did not secure a place for Medicine. I asked Hazuraba ‘What if I don’t get into Medicine? Should I apply for Medicine or Dentistry?’ Hazuraba replied, ‘Apply for Medicine first, but if you do not get in then apply for Dentistry’. I then asked Hazuraba ‘What if I don’t get into Dentistry, what should I do?’ Hazuraba simply enquired ‘Is there a third option?’ This was affirmation to me that there would be no third option and that I would be studying either Medicine or Dentistry. Thereafter, I was shocked, but also not surprised at Hazur’saba infinite wisdom, when I was unsuccessful in my application to Medicine but applied to Dentistry and was offered a place, Alhamdolilah. Pathway to Dentistry Dentistry can be studied as an undergraduate (5 years) course, or as a graduate entry (4 years) for those with a previous degree. There is an interview process, which varies between universities; they range from short patient-based ‘mock’ stations to an interview with an expert panel. During my dental interview, I was anticipating a range of medical questions which is usually common practice. However, my interviewers were taken aback from my personal statement and the majority of my interview was based on my work in MTA! They were curious to know more about it, what kind of programmes were shown and how and why I had volunteered from a young age. This part of my resume was so distinctive to them and no doubt is another example of the blessings of attachment to the Jama’at. Studying Biomedical Sciences as a first degree enabled me to choose a range of modules ranging from advanced French to the Biology of Cancer. This provided a good foundation when studying Dentistry and facilitated my learning into the field. The first year of the undergraduate course consists mainly of lectures and theoretical knowledge. Years 2-5 consists of more clinical application and patient introduction. The course is set up with multiple mini assessments, laboratory-based learning, phantom head practice for clinical skills, as well as patient-based scenarios and written exams.

Once the course is complete, there is scope for further progression. A compulsory foundation training year is essential to qualify as a dentist and as a pre-requisite to registering in the General Dental Council. If desired, further training to work in a hospital-based setting can be undertaken and thereby further speciality into various fields. It is important to remember that at every stage in your studies and career it is important to seek permission from beloved Hazuraba so he can guide you to a path which will be beneficial for the Jama’at Insha’Allah. Working as a Dentist I have now qualified and I work as a General Dental Practitioner, Alhamdolilah. My typical day consists of varied appointments ranging from root canals and extractions to dental emergencies. Dentistry involves a lot of decision making and effective communication with patients. It also requires good manual dexterity and a calm, polite chair-side manner. In truth, many of the qualities we have been taught and raised as Ahmadi Muslims come into play in this profession honesty, integrity, good morals, kindness, service towards mankind and helping others. The road to becoming a dentist does not come without its challenges, but is a very fulfilling profession.

Dentistry has also opened avenues for Tabligh. As I am the only Muslim in my dental practice, my colleagues often ask me questions on my beliefs. Islam provides ease; wearing a hijab or purdah should not deter you from achieving your goals, provided it doesn’t stop you from practicing your faith. Thus, one of my biggest worries in this career was safeguarding my purdah. When transferring into general practice I went to seek Hazur’saba guidance. Hazuraba smiled and said to me that the uniform is okay, you have your scarf, you even wear a mask and goggles (so that is lot of purdah!). Our beloved Hazuraba has given a lot of guidance on purdah at work which we must take heed of. I hope my account has highlighted how important it is to maintain a close relationship with beloved Hazuraba. We should always seek Hazur’saba guidance and prayers and act upon his advice in every sphere of life. We should write to Hazuraba regularly, be active members of the Jama’at and watch Hazur’saba sermons and addresses at the very least. Despite any obstacles, struggles or difficulties we may face in our lives, prayer and attachment to Khilafat is the only way to overcome these. I cannot imagine a life without Hazuraba; my beloved Hazuraba will continue to be my beacon of hope and light throughout my life Insha’Allah. May we always find ourselves partaking in the blessings of Khilafat so we can be the true shining stars of the Jama’at. Insha’Allah. Ameen.

TARBIYYATI PAGE: Importance of Inculcating High Morals in Waqifeen-e-Nau

In all respects, people should be able to distinguish between you and others. People should be able to identify you as members of Waqf-e-Nau simply by observing your high moral standards. They should view you as an example for others to learn from. For example, when you are young, it is easy to become angry over small things, but as a Waqf-e-Nau, you should control your temper and show patience at all times. Furthermore, when you interact with other people, you should speak kindly and your conduct and manners should be exemplary.’ (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saba Address at National Waqfe Nau Ijtema, 25th February 2018)

‘Briefly, every child in the Waqf-e-Nau scheme should love truthfulness and hate lying. It should be as if he was nurtured this hatred (for falsehood) in his infancy. As radiation penetrates an object entirely, truthfulness should radiate from the loving arms of the father and penetrate the heart of the child. This means that parents will have to be more truthful than before because parents of all Waaqifeen-e-nau might not be at that high level of truthfulness that is required of the true believers (momeneen).’ (Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh on 10th February 1989)

‘…as members of Waqf-e-Nau, you should remain truthful and goodmannered at all times and in all circumstances. Similarly, it is easy to instruct others to be kind or to be humble and selfless, but before instructing others, you should first reform and improve your own habits.’ (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saba Address at National Waqfe Nau Ijtema, 25th February 2018)

‘We want Waaqifeen who are in the habit of suppressing anger right from early childhood, who are not contemptuous of those who have less knowledge and have the patience to listen to an opposite opinion and evince tolerance. Patience also requires that when they are asked something, they should not immediately open their mouth in response. Instead, they should think for a while before replying. If these manners and morals are taught in childhood, they become part and parcel of nature. Otherwise even the most learned person, sometimes remains devoid of these ordinary good manners in spite of his great knowledge.’ (Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh on 10th February 1989)

‘Teach these children to be jovial and pleasant. Acrimony and Waqf cannot go hand in hand. Ill-tempered Waaqifeen-e-zindagee always create problems in the Jama’at and sometimes even dangerous mischief.

Therefore, good-humour and forbearance, that is, the ability to tolerate what someone says, are the two qualities that are very essential for Waaqifeen children.’ (Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh on 10th February 1989) •

‘We need such Waaqifeen children who will not be indifferent to the suffering of the poor but would be indifferent to the riches of the wealthy; to whom (witnessing the) prosperity of someone would not cause pain but suffering of anyone certainly would.’ (Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh on 10th February 1989)

‘Seek ways to help and assist others and try to solve their problems. Consider the pain of other people as though it is your own and give comfort to them.’ (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saba Address at National Waqfe Nau Ijtema, 25th February 2018)

‘Moreover, humility and forbearance are very important characteristics and qualities that you should develop. In fact, humility should be the hallmark of all members of Waqf-e-Nau. On the other hand, you should have a hatred for any form of arrogance and pride and you should do a personal jihad against it.’ (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saba Address at National Waqfe Nau Ijtema, 25th February 2018)

‘More than others, members of Waqf-e-Nau should seek the nearness and guidance of Khilafat at all times. You should be examples of obedience and should strive to understand and fulfil whatever instructions the Khalifah-e-Waqt (Khalifah of the Time) gives to the members of the Jama’at.’ (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saba Address at National Waqfe Nau Ijtema, 25th February 2018)

‘Every moment of your lives should be governed by the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the blessed practice of the Holy Prophetsaw. If your conduct is according to Islam, then you will not only benefit yourselves, but you will also be a means of pride for the Jama’at and become an example to others as well. If you are moral and honest, other people will naturally be drawn towards you and you will be a means of inspiration to them.’ (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saba Address at National Waqfe Nau Ijtema, 25th February 2018)

‘Thus, if you are sincere Ahmadi Muslims, and if your behaviour is according to the teachings of Islam, you will be constantly taking part in a silent form of Tabligh for which you will be rewarded by Allah the Almighty. Unquestionably, every Ahmadi should have high standards and partake in this silent Tabligh, but it is also true that our Waqifeen-eNau should be the standard bearers in this regard.’ (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saba Address at National Waqfe Nau Ijtema, 25th February 2018)


The year 2020 has been defined as the most tumultuous period of the 21st century. Whilst the world has been plunged in to the depths of this pandemic, another issue has arisen from its roots. According to reports by Al Jazeera,1 Covid-19 has sparked an increase in reports of racist incidents around the world, particularly throughout the western world.

was also diagnosed with Covid-19 in October. Many commentators believe his relaxed approach to the pandemic, along with his obscure views towards cures and protection, caused the American people to suffer more so than any other developed nation.

But perhaps the views on immigration, ethnic minorities and Islamophobic rhetoric The crisis has fed fear, which in turn is have stirred and even greater crisis within manifesting itself in discrimination and the United States. prejudice. The United Kingdom, for example, has reported cases of patients asking not The tensions have now bubbled to the to be treated by doctors or nurses of Asian surface and mass protests are forcing the ethnicity.2 According to reports published United States to confront its racial history, by The Guardian, NHS staff front liners in what could be the defining moment of the have been subjected to racial slurs, and it is 2020 presidential election. significant to point out at this point, that one in three NHS doctors are not from the UK. Racial tensions grew to an all-time high when video footage went viral of 46-year-old There has also been a resurgence of George Floyd taking his last breaths as he Islamophobic sentiments. In India, for lay on the side of a curb of Minneapolis. example, it’s been reported that religious tensions between Hindu nationalists and According to reports, video footage filmed Muslims has escalated due to Covid-19.3 by a passer-by captured the shocking scene of a white police officer pressing his knee But perhaps the country most hard hit by the into Floyd’s neck as he begged for his life, pandemic has been the United States of America. repeating the words “I can’t breathe” until To date there have been a total of 8,898,410 his body grew lifeless. His alleged crime reported cases of Covid-19, with 230,556 was to use a counterfeit €20 bill in a grocery reported deaths4. US president Donald Trump store. He paid for it with his life.5 3 4 5 1


Within days, America had plunged into turmoil. Protests, which began in the midwestern city of Minneapolis, soon spread nationwide. Soon after, thousands of people had taken to the streets. Curfews were imposed on cities from coast to coast. More than 20 states deployed the National Guard to back up police, as mostly peaceful protests slipped into violence. Buildings were attacked and businesses looted.

“Our response lies in the righteous example of the noble Prophetsaw who proclaimed in his Farewell Address that a black person is not superior to a white, nor is a white person superior to a black, and that an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab, nor is a non-Arab superior to an Arab.

Our response is guided by the Holy Qur’an, which from the outset has condemned slavery and called for the emancipation While most presidents would seek to unify the of those who have been subjugated and nation, Trump turned to the impulse that has oppressed. Allah’s Word has unequivocally been the guiding force of his presidency – division. laid down that all people are born equal. Moreover, our response is based on the example of Hazrat Syedna Bilalra who was born in an era during which he was treated with contempt simply because he was a black man. His dark skin colour was perceived as a symbol of dirt by his slave masters. Yet, due to his exemplary piety, faith and character, he was raised to the highest of stations by the Prophetsaw of Islam himself who nominated him to be the first person to call mankind As America heads towards its presidential towards prayer.”6 elections, these tensions have only grown deeper. In these troubling times as Ahmadi Hazuraba further specified how the African Muslims we are blessed to have the guidance American community in America should of an incredible leader, the Khalifa of conduct themselves throughout this time, Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, the and what role they could play in eliminating Worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim racism in the American political system: Community. “Hazuraba instructed that African-Americans Hazuraba has constantly addressed this issue of and all those minorities who are looked down social injustice and racial tension and given us upon or who have faced injustice must use incredible guidance on how Ahmadi Muslims their democratic rights from the grassroots should respond. In an article published in the level up. Some people have suggested that Review of Religions, Abid Khan sahib noted it might be worth boycotting the democratic that Hazuraba stated the following: process as a means of protest, but Hazuraba After reading prepared remarks sympathising with Floyd, he politicised the crisis, branding the protesters as “radical left, looters and thugs”, and linking this characterisation to his Democratic election rival, Joe Biden. This narrative of the enemy within culminated when his administration ordered police to turn on US citizens as they protested peacefully outside the White House.


was very clear that such protests are futile The Constitution of Medina was the biggest and will only entrench the existing norms. example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’ssaw desire to create peace through governance. Furthermore, it is not just about voting in the The Constitution allowed people from all upcoming presidential election in November, faiths and minority groups to live peacefully but partaking in every field, at every single under the banner of Islam, throughout his life level of society. Go to the town hall meetings the Holy Prophetsaw was the outspoken voice or join the housing associations, and most against oppression and worldly subjugation, of all, educate yourselves so that you know Hesaw preached that only Allah the Almighty your rights and have the ability to stand up was superior, his teachings and values were and defend yourself – not through violence the epitome of Supreme Justice. or cruelty, but through the unstoppable force of knowledge. Run for office if you have the It is clear that Islam has always been a guiding potential. force of unity, and in a world so heavily divided by hatred and ignorance, it is important for America might have seen its first black one to sit back and reflect not only on our true president a few years ago, but are black purpose, but also how we can incorporate our people proportionately represented across religious values in the 21st century, something the board in society – in every district, in which is greatly needed. every town, in every city, in every state? Are they rising to the higher levels and echelons The Ahmadiyya Muslim community is of society? The truth is, and it is a sad truth, fortunate to have the blessed guidance that worldly people will only see you when of Hazur-e-Aqdasaba, who not only has you can affect them.” highlighted the root cause, but has also provided us with solutions. As the Promised aba Hazur , has very eloquently addressed Messiahas stated “The Jihad of the sword is no not only how the issue should be resolved, more, it is now the Jihad of the pen.” The world but how Islam has always been a religion may not be at physical war, but ideological that has valued the lives of everyone from warfare is at its peak, it is important for the all different social, religious and ethnic next generation to use their platforms to backgrounds. Dating back to the time of contribute greater knowledge to the world, the Great Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw, who and in turn not only illuminate the issues constantly spoke for the rights of all, and surrounding social ills such as racism, but to stated throughout his life that no person was also bring peace back to the world by uniting above another except in spirituality. everyone under the universal banner of faith.

An Incident:

The Holy Prophet’s(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Social Life An AnIncident: Incident: An Incident: (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) The Holy Prophet’s (peace andand blessings of Allah be upon him) The Holy Prophet Muhammad was full of kindness compassion when dealing with The Holy Prophet’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) his family and his companions. He would say, ‘The best among you is he who is best he Holy Prophet’s Social Life towards his family; and I am the best among you in kindness towards my family.’ Social Life Social Life saw

The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw lived a life free of formality. He would at times tell stories to his wives. He was extremely generous and kind-hearted to his family. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw saw was full of kindness and compassion when dealing with The Holy Prophet Muhammad was full of kindness and compassion when dealing saw with ra his family and his companions. would say, ‘Theofbest among you is Muhammad’s he who is best Hazrat Aishah portrayed aHe beautiful picture the Holy Prophet Prophet Muhammad was full ofhas kindness and compassion with hissawfamily and his companions. He wouldwhen say, dealing ‘The best among you is he who is best towards his family; and Ithat am she the best among you in kindness my family.’ domestic says was once ontowards the spinning y and his companions. Helife. would say, ‘TheI best among youspinning is you he who is best towards hisShe family; and amsawthe best among incotton kindness towards my wheel family.’while thethe Holy Prophet wastowards mendingmy hisfamily.’ shoes. Perspiration was dripping from his family; and I am best amongMuhammad you in kindness saw The Holy Prophet Muhammad lived a life free of formality. He she would at looking times tellat him hisThe forehead and his face was glistening with it. says that was Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw lived a life freeShe of formality. He would at times tell stories to his wives. He was extremely generous and kind-hearted to his family. attentively was extremely fascinated byatthe beauty of what she saw. The Holy saw Prophet Muhammad lived ahis lifewives. freesaw of He would times tell stories toand Heformality. was extremely generous and kind-hearted to his family. Prophet Muhammad felt her glance and asked why she was looking at him in such o his wives. He was extremely generous and kind-hearted to his family. ra saw ra Hazrat Aishah has portrayed a beautiful picture of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s amazement. Hazrat Aishah replied, ‘If the picture poet Abu Kabir see the ra saw Hazrat Aishah has portrayed a beautiful of the HolyHudhali Prophetcould Muhammad’s domestic life. She says that she was once spinning cotton on the spinning wheel while perspiration on your forehead and the droplets glistening with light, he would have to ishahra has portrayed a beautiful picture the Holy Prophet Muhammad’ssaw domestic life. She saysof that sawshe was once spinning cotton on the spinning wheel while the Holy Prophet Muhammad was mending shoes. Perspiration was dripping from admit that some of his verses apply first andhis foremost to you.’ Upon his saw life. She says that the sheHoly was Prophet once spinning cotton on spinning while Muhammad wasthe mending hiswheel shoes. Perspiration wasrequest, drippingshe from his forehead and his face was glistening with it. She says that she was looking at him recited one of his verses: saw Prophet Muhammad was mending Perspiration fromthat she was looking at him his forehead andhis hisshoes. face was glisteningwas withdripping it. She says attentively and was extremely fascinated by the beauty of what she saw. The Holy ead and his face was glistening with it. She says that she was looking at himof what she saw. The Holy attentively and was extremely fascinated by the beauty Prophet Muhammadsaw saw felt her glance and asked why she was looking at him in such y and was extremely fascinated by the beauty what and she asked saw. The Prophet Muhammad felt her of glance whyHoly she was looking at him in such amazement. Hazrat Aishahra replied, ‘If the poet Abu Kabir Hudhali could see the ra Muhammadsaw felt her glance and askedAishah why she was looking him Abu in such amazement. Hazrat replied, ‘If theatpoet Kabir Hudhali could see the perspiration on your forehead and the droplets glistening with light, he would have to ra nt. Hazrat Aishahperspiration replied, ‘If on theyour poetforehead Abu Kabir could see the with light, he would have to and Hudhali the droplets glistening admit that some of his verses apply first and foremost to you.’ Upon his request, she ion on your forehead and the droplets glistening with light, he would havetotoyou.’ Upon his request, she admit that some of his verses apply first and foremost recited one of his contours verses: of my beloved’s illuminating face resemble the lightning in ‘The handsome at some of his verses applyone first foremost to you.’ Upon his request, she recited of and his verses: the clouds.’ ne of his verses: Hazrat Aishahra further relates that when the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw heard this verse, he rose up with delight, came over to her, and kissed her forehead. He said, ‘May Allah reward you for this. I, perhaps, have enjoyed this verse more than you ‘Theenjoyed handsome contours my beloved’s illuminating face resemble the lightning in have watching my of face.’ ‘The handsome contours of my beloved’s illuminating face resemble the lightning in

the clouds.’ ndsome contours of my beloved’s illuminating face resemble the lightning in the clouds.’ thera clouds.’

Hazrat Aishah further relates that when the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw heard this Hazrat Aishahra further relates that when the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw heard this verse, he rose up with delight, came over to her, and kissed her forehead. He said, ishahra further relates thathewhen Prophetcame Muhammad heard verse, rosethe upHoly with delight, over tosaw her, andthis kissed her forehead. He said, ‘May Allah reward you for this. I, perhaps, have enjoyed this verse more than you rose up with delight, came over to her,you andfor kissed forehead. Heenjoyed said, this verse more than you ‘May Allah reward this. I,her perhaps, have have enjoyed watching my face.’ ah reward you for this. perhaps,watching have enjoyed this verse more than you haveI, enjoyed my face.’ oyed watching my face.’ Hafiz Muzaffar Ahmad, Muhammad – The Perfect Man (Qadian, India: Nazarat Isha’at, 2015), 24-25.

Hafiz Muzaffar Ahmad, Muhammad – The Perfect Man (Qadian, India: Nazarat Isha’at, 2015), 24-25. Hafiz Muzaffar Ahmad, Muhammad – The Perfect Man (Qadian, India: Nazarat Isha’at, 2015), 24-25.

Hafiz Muzaffar Ahmad, Muhammad – The Perfect Man (Qadian, India: Nazarat Isha’at, 2015), 24-25.

No Words Except ‘Ahad, Ahad’: The Dedication and Resilience of Hazrat Bilalra Tahmeena Tahir

Hazrat Bilal ibn Rabahra, known as Bilal Habshi, (Bilal the Abyssinian), despite being a slave stands as an inspirational figure in Islamic history. His courage and resilience was unmatched, and in turn the love that the Holy Prophetsaw had for him was limitless. His life serves as a testament that no matter what your status or race, righteousness is earnt from deeds. Hazrat Bilal’sra dedication for the cause of faith knew no bounds, a dedication that we as Ahmadi Muslims, moreover as Waqfeen-e-Nau can aspire to; his dedication was such that he was classed as the foremost believer from the Abyssinians. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba states: Hazrat Anasra narrates that the Messengersaw of Allah said, “There are four people who have taken the lead in accepting Islam. ‫( أَنَا َساب ُِق الْ َع َر ِب‬i.e. I am the foremost believer from among the Arabs.) ‫( َسل َْم ُن َساب ُِق الْ ُف ْر ِس‬i.e. Salman is the foremost believer from among the Persians.) ‫( ب َِل ٌل َساب ُِق الْ َح َبشَ ِۃ‬i.e. Bilal is the foremost believer from among the Abyssinians.) ِ‫( ُص َہ ْی ٌب َساب ُِق ال ُّر ْوم‬i.e. Suhaib is the foremost believer from among the Romans.)” (Shamsuddin adh-Dhahabi, Siyar A‘lam al-Nubala, Vol. 1, Bilal bin Rabah [Beirut, Lebanon: Mu‘assisat al-Risalah, 2014] 349)1 What was so unique about Hazrat Bilalra that he was honoured with this prestigious rank? Hazrat Bilalra was a black slave, and despite severe persecution, namely by his owner, he remained steadfast to his belief and no matter what adversity he faced, he always proclaimed that God is one. There are countless examples of his dedication forever etched in history. The torture he faced as a slave was so grave, yet he never surrendered. “He was forced to lie on hot sand and boys were made to dance on his chest. Ummayya [his owner] was whipping and torturing his body but how could he whip his soul? Exasperated, Umayya handed Bilal to the street urchins, asking them to put a cord around his neck and drag him through the town over sharp stones. Bilal’s body bled, but careless about his safety he went on murmuring ‘Ahad, Ahad’. i.e. ‘God is One, God is One.’…They kept a heavy stone on his chest. His back was burned by the hot sand” 2 What a truly remarkable character, such a person who endured so much pain for his faith, and never uttered anything besides those resonating words, “Ahad, Ahad”. What pain this young boy endured, pain that turned into a garden of blessings. Hazrat Bilalra had the great honour of being the first person to call the Adhan. The Holy Prophet’ssaw love for Bilalra was so immense, it knew no bounds. One can compare it to the love between a father and a son, in fact more so. The Holy Prophetsaw often came to Bilal’sra defence when he was being ridiculed by others. When Hazrat Bilalra was chosen as the first Muazzin, due to his dialect he missed the “h” when reciting “Ash-hadu” in the Adhan. He was laughed

at and ridiculed for this mistake, but the Holy Prophetsaw came to Hazrat Bilal’sra defence, and told them that his “As-adu” was more dear to God than the “Ash-hadu” they say. Hazrat Bilal’sra love for the Holy Prophetsaw was mutual. Once Hazrat Bilalra was asked to recite the Adhan after the demise of the Holy Prophetsaw. Hazuraba states: “Once, people approached Hazrat Bilalra requesting him to call the Adhan as he used to during the time of the Holy Prophetsaw. Hazrat Bilalra replied saying that he had vowed to himself that he would not call the Adhan after the demise of the Holy Prophetsaw, for it would bring back memories of his beloved, which he would not be able to bear. However, the people were persistent, and Hazrat Umarra relayed this ardent desire of the people to Hazrat Bilalra, who wished to remember the time of the Holy Prophetsaw. Hazrat Bilalra said that he would only agree to do so if he was commanded by his Khalifa, but reiterated the fact that it would be extremely difficult for him. Thus, according to the desire of Hazrat Umarra, Hazrat Bilalra called the Adhan just as he used to during the time of the Holy Prophetsaw. Hearing this, the people listening could not contain their emotions, and loud sobbing and cries could be heard as they were so vividly reminded of the time of the Holy Prophetsaw”. 3 The Holy Prophetsaw was a living example of the teachings of Islam, he gave Hazrat Bilalra such respect and a high status, despite his low status in the eyes of others as a slave. During the Conquest of Mecca, Hazrat Bilalra was sent with a flag and whoever in Mecca came under this flag would be saved. Hazuraba mentions that Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra further states: “The Holy Prophetsaw arranged a flag for Hazrat Bilalra and said that whoever stands beneath the standard of Bilalra shall be granted refuge. Even though the Holy Prophetsaw was the leader, he raised no flag for himself. After him, in terms of the level of sacrifices offered was Hazrat Abu Bakrra, yet no flag was raised for him either. Following

him in terms of the leaders from among the Muslims was Hazrat Umarra, yet he too had no flag raised. The worthiest after him was Hazrat Usmanra, the son-in-law of the Holy Prophetsaw, yet for him also, no flag was raised. Thereafter was Hazrat Alira, who was his brother and son-in-law, but again, he also had no flag raised for him. Then, Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Aufra, regarding whom the Holy Prophetsaw stated that as long as he lives, there shall be no discord among the Muslims, yet despite this, he too was not granted a flag. The Holy Prophetsaw did not even raise a flag for Hazrat Abbasra, his uncle, and who, at times, would even speak boldly in front of the Holy Prophetsaw to which he would never be displeased by it, and yet, he too was not granted a flag…. A flag was only prepared and granted to Hazrat Bilalra. What was the reason for this? This was because when a skirmish was about to break out in the vicinity of the Kab‘ah, Hazrat Abu Bakrra saw that the ones who were about to be killed were his brethren. Thus, he went to the Holy Prophetsaw saying, ‘O Messengersaw of Allah, will they [i.e. the Muslims] kill their own brothers?’ At that point he had forgotten about the injustices committed against them and overlooking this aspect only saw that they were his brethren. Hazrat Umarra who would usually say, ‘O Messengersaw of Allah, kill these disbelievers [of Mecca]’, but when the Holy Prophetsaw decided to forgive them all, even Hazrat Umarra would have thought to himself that it was better that our brothers were pardoned. And despite having committed great injustices against them, Hazrat Usmanra and Hazrat Alira would also have been thinking the same. Even whilst the Holy Prophetsaw was pardoning them, a thought may have arisen that among them were his uncles, brothers, sons-in-law, relatives and dear ones; thus, if he was to pardon them, it would be better as his relatives would be saved. However, there was only one person who had no relatives in Mecca; he did not wield any influence in Mecca; who had no helper in Mecca and who was tortured in a state of utter helplessness. Neither was Hazrat Abu Bakrra subject to this [torture], nor Hazrat Alira, Hazrat Usmanra or Hazrat Umarra. In fact, the Holy Prophetsaw himself did not suffer the affliction in the same manner.” 4 This is an everlasting example to the world that the teachings of Islam promote brotherhood and acceptance, no matter what someone’s status, nationality or race is; rank is attained purely through righteousness. The respect that was given to Bilalra despite his status as a slave was not just limited to the Holy Prophetsaw. Hazrat Abu Bakrra held Bilalra in high esteem, and this was shown when he bought him his freedom. Hazuraba mentions: “In one narration it is mentioned that when Hazrat Abu Bakrra bought Hazrat Bilalra, he was lying under a pile of rocks and Hazrat Abu Bakrra purchased him in exchange for five auqiyah of gold. Upon this, people said to Hazrat Abu Bakrra that they would have sold him even if he were willing to give only one auqiyah i.e. 40 dirhams. In response to this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, “Even if you would have been willing to sell him for a hundred auqiyah i.e. 4,000 dirhams, I would have bought him for that price.” (Shamsuddin adh-Dhahabi, Siyar A‘lam al-Nubala, Vol. 1, Bilal bin Rabah [Beirut, Lebanon: Mu’assisat al-Risalah, 2014] 353)” 5 This further illustrates that deeds lead to reward and ease, not the colour of our skin, creed or status. Hazrat Bilal’sra dedication to faith, love for the Holy Prophetsaw and courageous character was never left without reward. He was promised a status in heaven one could not imagine. Hazuraba states:

“It is mentioned in another narration, “The Messengersaw of Allah said, ‘When I was being taken towards Paradise at night, I heard the sound of someone’s footsteps. I asked, “O Gabriel, whose footsteps are those?” Gabriel replied, “It is Bilalra.”’ Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, ‘I wish I was born from the mother of Bilalra. I wish the father of Bilalra was my father and I was like Bilalra.’” (Majma‘ al-Zawa‘id wa Manba‘ al-Fawa‘id, Vol. 9, p. 363, Kitab al-Manaqib, Bab Fadl Bilal al-Mu’adhin, Hadith 15635). What a lofty status is that of Bilalra, who once used to be considered worthless and dragged across rocks, and then came a time when Hazrat Abu Bakrra stated that he wished he had been Bilalra”. 6 Hazrat Bilalra epitomized what it means to be dedicated to faith, courageous and loyal. Despite being a black slave, his name and actions are etched in Islamic History, actions that we as Waqfe Nau can only take inspiration from. Alhamdolillah we are not physically persecuted in the west, but the true spirit of sacrifice is required from us; dedication, courage and loyalty to faith. Hazuraba mentions, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states: “Bilalra was an Abyssinian and in those times, Abyssinians were taken as slaves.” In fact, they [natives of Africa] were made slaves in the recent past as well and are even made slaves today. “However, the Holy Prophetsaw was not from among those people who would subdue or humiliate another nation. According to the Holy Prophetsaw, every nation was equally the creation of God. He loved the Greeks and Abyssinians just as much as he loved the Arabs and would not make any distinction.” He loved Arabs just as he loved Africans and Greeks. “It was this very love shown by him that instilled a deep love for the Holy Prophetsaw in the hearts of foreign nations; a love that many Arabs were unable to comprehend. These nations developed a deep love for the Holy Prophetsaw, yet those who were unable to comprehend this love and were devoid of wisdom and insight and any sense of loyalty, were unable to fathom what was happening around them.” 7 This exemplifies the attitude and respect we should have for people of different creeds, nationalities and ranks. The Holy Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammadsaw saw the character of Bilal; his courage, his fortitude and his love for religion. He did not see colour. He did not see social rank. He did not see nationality. He saw what was the love and righteousness of his heart in his actions. Hazrat Bilalra serves as a role model for the righteous, a blessed soul whose actions were rewarded with an orchard of blessings. Syedna Bilal, pages 14, 15 3 4 5 6 7 1 2

Kid’s Spread Islamic Point of View on Racism F i ll i n th e b la n k s - f i ll i n t h e m i s s i n g w o r d s i n th e fo llo w i n g p ara g ra p h :

Islam encourages mutual love and affection, human togetherness

and ____________ for others who are different from yourself. These teachings of Islam are meant to create a universal human culture based on the unity of Almighty God and equality of mankind.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

mentioned similar thoughts in the following words:

You are brothers and sisters. You are all _________ . No matter

to which nation or tribe you belong and no matter what your status is, you are equal. Just as the fingers of both hands are alike,

_________ can claim to have any distinctive right or greatness

over another. The command which I give you today is not just for

today but it is _________. Always remember it and keep acting upon it until you return to your true Master. (Farewell Sermon) The reference to mankind as one community or a nation and

identical words have been used at least ________ times in the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an also stresses the useful purpose

of diversity in races, colours, languages, cultures and wealth and

describes these differences as signs of God for those who reflect

and possess _________. But none of these attributes mean any special privileges on human beings. A verse in the Holy Qur’an reads: O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female;

and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you may

___________ one another. Verily, the most honourable among you,

in the sight of God, is the most righteous among you. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (49:14)

Words seven equal fo reve r kn o w le dg e

nobody recognise tolerance










m e o competition P Calling All

Waaqifaat-E-Nau! Poetry is a powerful means to express your faith and feelings. So why not put pen to paper and enter the Maryam Magazine poem competition!

Send in your poems in Urdu or English to: The winning poems will be included in the upcoming issues of Maryam Magazine


CAVES By Humda Sohail

In the summer of 2010, my family and I travelled to France, Switzerland and Italy. We were all excited to go to different places; my sister (then 7 years old) was really looking forward to going to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, I was excited to go to Pisa and explore its famous leaning tower and my brothers were just excited for a trip. Above all this, Abba (our father) was looking forward to going to Rome, not just because of all the history that the ancient city holds in itself, but most importantly, for the Caves of Catacombs which were situated near the city. He very enthusiastically told us that these caves, or more precisely the people of caves, have been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in the chapter Surah Al-Kahaf and are referred to as “Ashaab-e-Kahaf”. He read the surah before leaving with its commentary and explained its summary to us, but we really did not understand much of it at the time. So, what exactly are the Catacombs? The Catacombs

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Roma – are ancient catacombs, underground

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of Rome – or as called in Italy: Catacombe di


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burial places under Rome, Italy, of which there

R o m e | Pic t u re C r e d

are at least forty; some discovered only in recent decades. Though most famous for Christian burials, either in separate catacombs or mixed together, people of all the Roman religions are buried in them,

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used to bury their dead in underground chambers.


land. The Etruscans, like many other Europeans,

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a response to overcrowding and shortage of


beginning in the 2nd century AD, mainly as

The Dwellers of the Cave are those early Christians who suffered untold persecution for the sake of their religion and upon whom God bestowed great material and spiritual blessings and favours as a reward for their sacrifices. The incidents mentioned in this chapter had happened long before the time of the Holy Prophetsaw; by the time of the advent of the Holy Prophetsaw the successors of those early Christians had long forsaken the path of truth. A brief account of the Dwellers of the Cave or early Christians is given to convey the fact that when Jews incurred Divine displeasure by their persistent rejection of truth, God chose these early Christians for the bestowal of His favours. What really fascinated me during the tour of the caves was that there were picture illustrations on the walls, which you could still see as they were pretty well preserved. The tour guide explained that these revealed that up until 400 years or so after the death of Prophet Jesusas, his followers actually did not believe him to be the son of God, but just a prophet. In the Holy Qur’an we find:

َ َ َ ٰ ْ

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ْ ْ ‫ف وال َّر ِق ْی ِم ال کان ْوا ِمن ا ٰی ِتناعج ًبا۝‬ ِ ‫ام ح ِسبت ان اصح َب الکھ‬ “Dost thou think that the People of the Cave and the Inscription were a wonder among Our Signs?”1

َ ْ َ ْ َ ٰ ٰ َّ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ُ َ ْ ْ ْ ُ ٰ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ ‫ض ل ْن‬ ‫و ربطنا علی قلو ِب ِھم ِاذ قاموا فقا لوا ربنا رب ا لسمو ِت و االر‬ ِ This verse declares that the Dwellers of the Cave were not supernatural beings. There was ً َ َ ً ْ ُ ْ َ َّ from ٰ ْ ُordinary nothing about them which might‫۝‬ be‫ا‬considered ‫ذا شطط‬as‫آ ِا‬a‫ل َن‬departure ‫ہ ِال ًھا لقد ق‬the ‫ َوا ِم ْن دو ِن‬laws ‫ن ْد ُع‬ofَّ nature. x

Now, it is a well-known historical fact that early Christians had to suffer untold persecution at the hands of the idolatrous Roman Emperors for their belief in Divine Unity. This persecution began as early as the time of the notorious Emperor Nero, who is said to have set fire to Rome; he was fiddling while that great seat of learning and civilization burnt. It continued intermittently until after a brief respite of about forty years. It began with renewed fury under Emperor Decius, who wanted to restore the religion and institutions of ancient Rome, and with this objective in view he began a systematic extermination of Christians. The edicts of Diocletian in 303 AD, however, surpassed all anti-Christian measures. Christian churches in all the provinces of the Empire were demolished, all their sacred books were publicly burnt, the property of the Church was confiscated and Christians were no longer under the protection of the land. To save themselves from this most cruel and inhuman persecution, the helpless Christians had to seek refuge in concealment, and from a study of the catacombs at Rome it appears that they

proved havens of safety for them. These catacombs, which have been referred to in the Holy Qur’an as “the cave”, were admirably suited to the needs of Christians who had to remain in concealment for long intervals. They had built schools and chapels and also buried the dead bodies of their saints and holy men in them. Though some of the statements as to the employment of the catacombs in times of persecution may have been somewhat exaggerated, we have clear evidence that they were used as places of refuge from the fury of the heathen, in which the believers—especially the bishops and clergy, who would naturally be the first objects of attack—might secrete themselves until the storm had blown over. This was a purpose for which they were admirably adapted both by the intricacy of their labyrinthine passages, in which anyone not possessing the clue would inevitably be lost, and the numerous small chambers and hiding places at different levels which might be passed unperceived in the dark by pursuers. As a rule, also the catacombs had more than one entrance, and frequently communicated with a sand-quarry; so that while one entrance was carefully watched, the pursued might escape in a totally different direction by another. It also appears that Christians who took refuge in the catacombs kept dogs at their entrance which would announce the approach of strangers by their barking. The account of the Dwellers of the Cave thus, in fact, represents the history of early Christians and shows how they suffered untold persecution for their belief in the Unity of God. The position and description of the Cave, as given in Surah Al-Kahf, verse 18, is of secondary importance. It applies more fully and in greater detail and exactness to the catacombs in Rome than to any other place. Who were these Dwellers of the Cave? Where did they live? What were the conditions and circumstances under which they had to live? These are some of the questions that have agitated the minds of commentators for hundreds of years. A good clue to the solution of these baffling questions is to be found in some of the stories related by Muslim historians, Ibn Ishaq being most prominent among them. These stories are summarised below: 1. Ibn Ishaq relates that when idolatry first found its way among Christians, those of them who were strict monotheists being sorely distressed over the condition of their coreligionists, renounced their company. This happened in the time of the Roman Emperor Decius, who was a great persecutor of Christians. Some Christian young men who refused to worship idols were arrested and brought before him. He asked them to think over and revise their attitude and he himself went on a journey. Instead of submitting to the Emperor’s command they sought

safety in flight and took refuge in a cave. On his return from the journey the Emperor ordered these young men to be brought before him. They feared that they would be found out and killed. So, they prayed long and fervently in the cave and had hardly finished their prayer when they fell into a deep sleep. Their belongings lay beside them and their dog kept watch at the entrance of the cave. The search for them brought their pursuers to the mouth of the cave but no one could muster enough courage to enter it. The Emperor was counselled to raise a wall before its mouth. He accepted the advice and the mouth of the cave was sealed up.2 According to Tacitus, Nero inflicted the most inhuman tortures upon Christians in order to shift the blame for the burning of Rome on to them. He caused them to be hanged, burned alive and thrown to hungry dogs. Even St. Peter is said to have met his death at this cruel Emperor’s hands. Tertullian states that Peter was crucified under Nero, and Origen adds that at his own request he was crucified head downwards. Early in the third century the grave of Peter and Paul was shown in the Vatican and their relics were moved to the catacombs in 258 AD. Among the tombs to be lately discovered in the catacombs are some of those disciples whose names have been mentioned in the Gospels and with whom Peter is said to have stayed.3 The persecution continued in the reign of Domitian. But it was not only tyrants like Nero and Domitian who persecuted Christians, but great and virtuous princes like Trajan and Marcus Aurelius also punished these unoffending people with death, exile and imprisonment. They had, however, a brief respite of about forty years after which their persecution again began with renewed fury under the Emperor Decius. This time the persecution was so severe that compared to it the former condition was a state of perfect freedom and security. These catacombs have several stories which are connected with each other by a vast labyrinth of narrow galleries, interspersed with small chambers, excavated at successive levels. These dark, narrow and labyrinthic galleries have n C a l li x t u s


gone on for hundreds of miles. Padri Marchi has estimated the length of the galleries

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at from 800 to 900 miles and the number of interments at between 6,000,000 and

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7,000,000. Martigny’s estimate is 587 miles and


Northcote’s lower still, at not less than 350 miles.4 It is to be noted that the tours could not go any longer than 30 mins at a time, and there were other


restrictions put in place as well, such as not being allowed any further than three floors deep into the catacombs. The reasons behind these restrictions were purely for the sake of health and safety – oxygen levels would drop drastically the deeper you descend; there were other gases and particles in the area which could lead to complications within the human body.

َ ‫ص ٰح َب ْال َک ْھف َو ْال َّرق ْیم َک ُان ْوا م ْن ٰا ٰیت َن‬ ْ ‫َا ْم َحس ْب َت َا َّن َا‬ ً‫اع َجبا‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ Shepherd. This shepherd, we learn is actually Jesus Christ and from the persecutions, we learn From the study ‫ ۝‬of the catacombs, we can ‫ ال‬also find various illustrations on the walls displaying a as

that the people of the catacombs believed Jesusas of Nazareth as the Prophet of God and not the Son of God.

َ ْ َ ْ َ ٰ ٰ َّ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ُ َ ْ ْ ْ ُ ٰ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ ‫ض ل ْن‬ ِ ‫و ربطنا علی قلو ِب ِھم ِاذ قاموا فقا لوا ربنا رب ا لسمو ِت و االر‬ ً َ َ ً َ ْ ُ ْ َ َّ ً ٰ ْ ُ ْ َ ُ ْ َّ ‫ندعوا ِمن دو ِنہ ِالھا لقد قلنآ ِاذا شططا۝‬ x

‘And We strengthened their hearts, when they stood up and said, ‘Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Never shall we call upon any god beside Him; if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity.’6 Though their people were against them and mercilessly persecuted them, yet the Dwellers of the Cave could not be intimidated into giving up their religion. God had strengthened their hearts and had bestowed upon them firmness of faith. We learn from this verse that the people of the caves firmly believed in the Unity and the Oneness of God and that there was nothing nor no one else that they worshipped. All in all, from my trip to the Caves of the Catacombs in Rome, Italy, I learnt so many new things; from the tours of the Catacombs and early Christian beliefs and lifestyle, our Abba reading different parts of the Holy Qur’an and relating them to both, the olden times as well as the modern times. If anyone ever gets the chance to visit these Catacombs, I would most certainly recommend this journey to them because where words can be limited, the feeling that one experiences firsthand is indescribable.

References: 1) 2) (Ma‘ani, vol. v, p. 16). 3) (Enc. Brit., Every Man’s Encyclopaedia, & Gibbon’s Roman Empire, under Peter, Catacombs & Nero, and Story of Rome by Norwood Young). 4) (Enc. Brit., 9th edition, under Catacombs). 5) 6)

HOW TO PERFORM THE FUNERAL PRAYER Taken from the Waqfe Nau syllabus

The funeral prayer is performed in congregation led by an Imam. The wrapped body is laid in front of the Imam for the prayer, and the rows behind the Imam should be in odd numbers. The Imam begins the prayer by loudly saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). Then, after Thana and At-ta’awwuz, the Imam and the followers recite Surah Al-Fatihah in silence. The Imam again loudly says Allahu Akbar for the second time without raising his hands, and he and the followers say the Durud Shareef silently. The Imam then, for the third time, says Allahu Akbar loudly and the funeral prayer (below) is recited silently. The Imam then says Allahu Akbar for the fourth time and then turns his head to the right and left saying Assalamo Alaikum Warahmatullah. The prayer has then reached its conclusion. FUNERAL PRAYER:

ٰ ْ ُ َ َ‫َ ّٰ ُ َّ ْ َ ِّ َ َ َ ِّ َ َ َ نَ َ َ َ َ َ ْ نَ َ َ ْ نَ َ َ َ ن‬ َ ‫اللھم اغ ِف ْر ِلینا ومی ِتنا و ش ِاھ ِد� و غا ِئ ِبنا و ص ِغ ی ِ�� و ک ِب ی ِ�� و ذ ک ِر� و انثنا۔‬ َّ َ َ ْ َ َّ َ ّٰ َ َ​َ َ ْ َ ‫الل ُھ َّم َم ْن ا ْح َی ْی َت ٗہ ِم َّنا فا ْح ِی ٖہ َعل ا ِل ْسالِم۔ َو َم ْن ت َوف ْی َت ٗہ ِم َّنا ف َت َوف ٗہ َعل ِال ْی َ� ِان ۔‬ َ‫َ ّٰ َ ت‬ َ َْ َ ‫الل ُھ َّم ل ْ� ِر ْم َنا ا ْج َر ٗہ َول تف ِت َّنا َب ْع َد ٗہ۔‬ Allahummaghfir lihayyina wa mayyitina wa shahidina wa gha’ibina wa saghirina wa kabirina wa dhakirina wa unthana. Allahumma man ah yaitahu minna fa ah yihi ‘alal Islam, wa man tawaffaitahu minna fatawaffahu ‘alal-iman. Allahumma la tah rimna ajrahu wa la taftinna ba’dahu.

(Ibn-e-Majah, Kitabul-Jana'iz, Babud-Du'a fis-Salati 'ala Janazah, p.107)

TRANSLATION: O Allah! Forgive our living ones and our deceased ones; and those of us who are present and our absent ones; and our young ones and our old ones; and our males and our females. O Allah! Those of us whom You grant life, keep them firm on Islam; and those of us whom You cause to die, cause them to die in the faith. Deprive us not, O Allah, of the benefits relating to him (the deceased) and subject us not trial after him. Note: If the deceased is a female, read ajraha and ba’daha in place of ajrahu and ba’dahu.




Once upon a time there lived a young wise man by the name of Marood. He was an orphan who lived a very simple life. He could not read nor write, and would go around the land everyday finding different things to do in order to earn money for food. The villagers really liked this man because he was known to have a very special trait. He would never lie. All the people in the land, even the ones who lived far far away, knew that about him. Now the king of the land was a very evil man. When he found out about this young man, he asked the people in his palace about whether it is true. All of his subjects nodded their head in unison and said: “It is true your highness, this noble man always speaks the truth”. The king grew jealous of the way his loyal subjects admired this poor orphaned man and immediately ordered them to bring him to the palace. When Marood came to the king, he looked at the wise man and asked: "ʺMarood, is it true, that you have never lied?"ʺ "ʺIt'ʹs true."ʺ He replied. "ʺAnd you will never lie in your life?"ʺ "ʺIt is not good to lie; therefore, I will never lie."ʺ Several days passed and the king called Marood once again. There was a big crowd that day at the palace: the king was about to go hunting. He cunningly glazed towards Marood and said:

"ʺGo to my summer palace and tell the queen that I shall be with her soon! Tell her to prepare a big feast for you and I, as you will have lunch with me today."ʺ Marood bowed down and obeyed the king; making his way to the summer palace to convey the message to the queen. The king laughed and said to his people: "ʺWe won'ʹt go hunting today nor will I go to my summer palace. Now Marood will lie to the queen and tomorrow we will laugh on his behalf."ʺ What the king did not know was that Marood was a very wise man. When he spoke to the queen he said: "ʺMaybe you should prepare a big feast for lunch tomorrow, and maybe you shouldn'ʹt. Maybe the king will come by noon, and maybe he won'ʹt."ʺ The queen looked quite confused by this statement. "ʺTell me will he come, or won'ʹt he?"ʺ – she asked. "ʺI don'ʹt know whether he will come or not as I did not see him leave his palace. But I do know he asked me to tell you this."ʺ They both waited patiently for the king. He came the next day and said to the queen: "ʺThe wise Marood, who never lies, lied to you yesterday."ʺ But the queen told him about the words of Marood. And the king realised, that the wise man never lies, and says only that, which he saw with his own eyes.1 So, what have we learnt from this story? We have learnt that we should never lie and always speak the truth. Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Qur’an: “Shun therefore the abomination of idols, and shun all words of untruth,” (Ch.22:V.31) As shirk and lying both appear in the same verse, the Holy Qur’an has clearly demonstrated that lying is a sin equal to that of idol-­‐‑worship. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw always told the truth, and so he gained the trust of many people. From this story we can see that if you always speak the truth and have good intentions, then Allah always guides you in the right path. May Allah enable us to act on these golden teachings, follow the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw, and always tell the truth. Ameen. References Adapted from worldoftales.com1


Those who suffer from mental torture have no idea about the present and future. Those who remain quiet, have a loud mind such people’s hearts are one of a kind. Their smile hides their inner pain their thoughts become their biggest restrain It’s hard to cope with all the insanity and act normal amongst those who lack humanity Their soul suffers from emotional suppression. They drown in their own anxiety and depression. They become easily overwhelmed and sentimental but their hearts are often the most gentle. Mental issues are not a joke, your body and soul it can completely soak. Sometimes it cannot be seen on the outer, it is something deeply felt on the inner. Some call it, sadness some call it madness but don’t they realise that it’s an actual illness. Trapped in their own self with the key in their own hands fearing to open up, thoughts pulling like rubber bands. Constantly hearing “cheer up”, trying not to give up Don’t ask too much or they’ll start to tear up.

The solution to this lies in connecting with your Creator. You will realise that sooner or later. For God is the greatest and no one is greater. Prostrate to him and cry out your heart. From your soul you will feel the pain depart. Slowly you will start to come back to life. God Almighty will get rid of all your strife. This life is a test, just do your best leave it to God he will handle the rest. But do your part and listen to your heart it’s not too late to restart Getting help through therapy is not something to be looked down upon changing this perspective will bring about a revolution because mental issues can happen to anyone. There are people that love you, and people who you love to nourish this feeling, mental health is something you need to take care of.

F O CUS B O O K S O F T H E P R O M I S E D M E S S I A H as TITLE: Minan-ur-Rahman AUTHOR: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas L ANGUAGE: Arabic (with translation in Urdu) ENGLISH VERSION: Arabic - Mother of all languages NUMBER OF PAGES: 123 YEAR WRITTEN: 1895 YEAR PRINTED: 1922; During the Khilafat of Hazrat Musleh Maudra PRINTERS: Manager Book Depot Qadian

‫‪Islam. In his vast corpus of writings (including his‬‬


‫‪that Islam was a living faith and the only faith by‬‬

‫‪Arabic - Mother of all languages is an English‬‬

‫‪epoch-making ‘Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya’), his lectures,‬‬ ‫‪discourses, religious debates etc., he argued‬‬ ‫‪following which man could establish contact‬‬ ‫‪with his Creator and enter into communion with‬‬ ‫‪Him. He announced that God had appointed‬‬ ‫‪him the Messiah and Mahdi as mentioned in the‬‬

‫”‪translation of an Arabic book “Minan-ur-Rahman‬‬ ‫‪written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas in 1895‬‬ ‫‪but the book was first published during the khilafat‬‬ ‫‪of Hazrat Musleh Maudra in 1922. It was translated‬‬

‫رظنم‪:‬‬ ‫سپرظنم‬ ‫سپ‬ ‫‪Ahadith. In 1889 he began to accept initiation into‬‬ ‫‪his Community which is now established‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪more‬‬ ‫‪the‬وك‪the occasion of‬‬ ‫‪exhibition‬‬ ‫رضحتحیسم ‪in‬‬ ‫رظنم‪:‬‬ ‫سپرظنم‬ ‫سپ‬ ‫‪seventh‬السم‬ ‫‪Qur’anic‬ںیہہك’’املعءا‬ ‫واالسلمرفامےت‬ ‫وموعدہیلعاٰولصلۃ‬ ‫‪prophecies of the Bible, the Holy Qur’an and‬‬

‫‪from Urdu into English by Kazi Abdul Hamid in‬‬ ‫‪1963. The book was then re-published in 1979 on‬‬

‫‪than two hundred countries. His more than eighty‬‬

‫‪Calabar, Nigeria.‬‬

‫م‬ ‫وہےئاورانیكہدردٔیدنیاوراسیكدختم‬ ‫تلفغںیموسےئ‬ ‫السموك‬ ‫‪mostly‬ںیہہك’’املع‬ ‫واالسلمرفامےت‬ ‫‪but‬ہیلعاٰولصلۃ‬ ‫وموعد‬ ‫رضحتحیسم‬ ‫‪books‬‬ ‫‪written‬ءا‪are‬‬ ‫‪in Urdu,‬‬ ‫‪some‬‬ ‫‪are in‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫‪Arabic‬‬ ‫‪and Persian.‬‬ ‫ےسدعموتیہجاورداینیبلطاوراخمنیفلیكدنیاالسمےکاٹمےنےک‬ ‫دردٔیدنیاوراسیكدختم‬ ‫وہےئاورانیكہ‬ ‫ےتںیہہك’’املعءاالسموك تلفغںیموسےئ‬


‫ٔیدنیاوراسیكدختم ےسدعموتیہجاورداینیبلطاوراخمنیفلیكدنیاالسمےکاٹمےنےک ےئل اسمیع اور ان ےک ولمحں وك دھکی رك ریما دل ےبرقار وہا اور‬ ‫‪BACKGROUND AND‬‬ ‫‪ Hazrat Mirza‬ی ئ‪1835 in Qadian (India),‬‬ ‫نیاالسمےکاٹمےنےک ےئل اسمیع اور ان ےک ولمحں وك دھکی رك ریما دل ےبرقار وہا اور رقبی اھت ہك اجن لکن اجیت۔بتَم ےناہلل اعتٰیل ےساہنتی‬

‫‪Born in‬‬


‫‪Ghulam Ahmadas, The Promised Messiah and‬‬

‫‪Muslim scholars were quite negligent of what was‬‬ ‫رصنترفامےئ۔اہللاعتٰیل‬

‫‪Finding Islam the target of foul attacks from all‬‬

‫ریما دل ےبرقار وہا اور‬


‫اہللاعتٰیل‬ ‫رصنترفامےئ۔‬ ‫عےس‪ُ of‬داع یكہك‬ ‫رقبی اھت ہك اجن لکن اجیت۔بتَم ےناہلل اعتٰیل ےساہنتی اعزجیاوررضت‬ ‫‪Mahdi, remained‬‬ ‫‪dedicated‬‬ ‫ریمی ‪to‬‬ ‫‪study‬وہ ‪the‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫ےناہلل اعتٰیل ےساہنتی‬ ‫‪Promised‬‬ ‫‪Messiah‬‬ ‫‪that‬‬ ‫‪Holy Qur’an and‬‬ ‫‪a life‬‬ ‫‪devotion.‬‬ ‫اہنتی‪to‬ےب‬ ‫‪of‬ںیم‬ ‫‪prayer‬بج‬ ‫‪and‬اكی دن‬ ‫رفامای۔ وس‬ ‫‪The‬ریمی ُداع وك وبقل‬ ‫اہللاعتٰیل ےن‬ ‫رصنترفامےئ۔‬ ‫‪observed‬ہك ‪as‬وہریمی‬ ‫اوررضتعےس داع یك‬ ‫‪the‬اعزجی‬ ‫ُ‬

‫ےن ریمی ُداع وك وبقل رفامای۔ وس اكی دن بج ںیم اہنتی ےب رقاری یكاحتل ںیم رقآن دیجم یك آایت اہنتی دترب اوررکف اور‬

‫‪happening around them, and the opponents of‬‬

‫ن بج ںیم اہنتی ےب‬ ‫وغرےسڑپھراہاھتاوراہللاعتٰیلےس ُداعركاتاھت ہك ےھجم رعمتفیك‬ ‫دترب اوررکف‬ ‫‪all‬اہنتی‬ ‫آایت‬ ‫‪could‬دیجم یك‬ ‫ںیم رقآن‬ ‫‪were‬اور‪Islam‬‬ ‫‪doing‬‬ ‫‪they‬‬ ‫یكاحتل‪to‬‬ ‫رقاری‪efface‬‬ ‫‪Islam‬‬ ‫‪faith yielding to doubt and religion‬‬ ‫‪only skin‬‬‫ت اہنتی دترب اوررکف اور‬ ‫‪from‬‬ ‫‪the world,‬‬ ‫‪prayed‬‬ ‫‪to God very fervently‬‬ ‫‪vindication‬وت رقآن‬ ‫تجح وپری رك ے‬ ‫ریمی‬ ‫داھك وے‪of‬اور اظوملں رپ‬ ‫رعمتفیك راہ‬ ‫‪he‬ہك ےھجم‬ ‫اعركاتاھت‬ ‫وغرےسڑپھراہاھتاوراہللاعتٰیلےس ُد‬ ‫‪deep, he undertook‬‬ ‫‪and‬‬ ‫‪exposition‬‬ ‫دوھےکںیمرےہوہنجںےناِس‬ ‫‪that His help may come and console him and let‬‬ ‫اسےنم یکمچ‬ ‫رشفی یك آتی ریمی آوھکنں ےک‬ ‫ركاتاھت ہك ےھجم رعمتفیك راہ داھك وے اور اظوملں رپ ریمی تجح وپری رك ے وت رقآن‬ ‫دوھےکںیمرےہوہنجںےنا ِ‬ ‫ےکدعبااسنینوبیلیك ڑجھ دخا اعتٰیلیك میلعت ےہ اوروا‬ ‫وغرہنایكوج‬ ‫سابتوكاوروبقل‬ ‫‪him do what is necessary to see Islam supreme.‬‬ ‫تجح وپری رك ے وت رقآن‬ ‫دوھےکںیمرےہوہنجںےنا ِ‬ ‫یك‬ ‫وبیل‬ ‫وغرہنایكوج‬ ‫سابتوكاوروبقل‬ ‫ُےسولعماكزخاہناورارساراكدہنیفاپای۔ںیموخشوہااور‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ںیمےن‬ ‫ےکدعب‬ ‫یکمچ‬ ‫اسےنم‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫‪One‬ریمی‬ ‫‪day‬آتی‬ ‫رشفی یك‬ ‫ااسنین‪ He‬ڑجھ دخا اعتٰیلیك میلعت ےہ اورواحض وہ ہك اس اتكب ںیم قیقحت االہنسل یك ُرو ےس ہی اثتب ایك ایگ‬ ‫‪says‬‬ ‫‪that his‬‬ ‫‪prayer‬‬ ‫آوھکنں‪was‬‬ ‫‪heard.‬‬ ‫‪when‬‬ ‫ےنم یکمچ اور وغر ےکدعب‬ ‫‪was‬ںیم‬ ‫‪reading‬اتكب‬ ‫‪ the‬وہ ہك اس‬ ‫اورواحض‬ ‫‪ Qur’an‬ےہ‬ ‫اعتٰیلیك میلعت‬ ‫‪thinking‬دخا‬ ‫ںیمےن ا ڑجھ‬ ‫‪Holy‬‬ ‫‪and‬‬ ‫‪over‬‬ ‫ُےسولعماكزخاہناورارساراكدہنیفاپای۔ںیموخشوہااور‬ ‫داین یھت‬ ‫آتی ہی‬ ‫اثتبایكایكاور‬ ‫رکشہی ادا‬ ‫اعتٰیل اك‬ ‫قیقحتاہک اور‬ ‫ادمحل‪he‬ہلل‬ ‫ںیم۔ َو‬ ‫رصف رقآن رشفی اكی ایسی اتكب ےہ وج اس‬ ‫ایگ وہےہ ہك‬ ‫ےس ہی‬ ‫االہنسلاہللیك ُرو‬ ‫‪َ َ deeply, his eyes stopped at a certain verse:‬‬ ‫رقآنو َح ْی َنآ ا َل ْی َک ُق ْر َان ًا َع َربی ًا ل ُت ْنذ َر ُا َّم ا ْل ُقری َو َم ْ‬ ‫‪very‬ل‪َ it‬ک َا ْ‬ ‫ہنیفاپای۔ںیموخشوہااور‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ن‬ ‫رصف‬ ‫ایگ وہےہ ہك‬ ‫ےس ہی‬ ‫االہنسلاہللیك ُرو‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ںیم۔ و‬ ‫داین یھت‬ ‫آتی ہی‬ ‫اثتبایكایكاور‬ ‫رکشہی ادا‬ ‫اعتٰیل اك‬ ‫ادمحل ہلل اہک اور‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫رشفی اكی ایسی اتكب ےہ وج اس زابنںیم انزلوہا ےہوج ا ُّم االہنسلاورااہلیماورامتموبویلںاكعبنم‬ ‫اور وہ آتی ہی یھت۔ َو َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ً َ َ ً ُ ْ َ ُ َّ ْ ُ َ َ ْ َ‬ ‫ا۔۔۔الخ ِ‬ ‫زابنںیمی و من‬ ‫ایسینا عرِب‬ ‫اكی قرا‬ ‫رشفیلیک‬ ‫کذ ِلک اوحینآ ِا‬ ‫اسام ا لقر‬ ‫ےہتنوج ِذر‬ ‫اتكبیا ِل‬ ‫ےہوج ا ُّ​ُم‬ ‫انزلوہا َح ْول َھ‬ ‫سآتیےکقلعتمھجمرپوھکالایگہكہیآتی‘‘‬ ‫االہنسلااورااہلیماورامتموبویلںاكعبنماوررسہمشچےہ۔‬ ‫ُ ْ‬ ‫ْن ِذ َر ا َّم ا ل ُقری َو َم ْن َ ْ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‘‘‬ ‫ےہ۔‬ ‫ہمشچ‬ ‫رس‬ ‫اور‬ ‫عبنم‬ ‫اك‬ ‫وبویلں‬ ‫امتم‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ااہلیم‬ ‫اور‬ ‫االہنسل‬ ‫زخانئہك‬ ‫رواحینےہ‬ ‫اقحل۔ركیت‬ ‫ااشرہ‬ ‫آتی رعیب‬ ‫‪as‬ایگ ہك ہی‬ ‫قلعتم ھجم‪if,‬رپ وھکال‬ ‫آتی ےک‬ ‫ا۔۔۔الخ اس‬ ‫ح‬ ‫دلج‪9‬ہحفص‪)250‬‬ ‫‪This‬زابنےک اضفلئ رپ دالتل ركیت ےہاور(ایضء‬ ‫‪verse,‬‬ ‫‪shone‬‬ ‫‪before‬‬ ‫‪eyes‬ولھ ‪his‬‬ ‫‪)250extraordinarily‬‬ ‫(ایضءاقحل۔رواحینزخانئدلج‪9‬ہحفص‬ ‫ركیت‪he‬‬ ‫‪felt‬‬ ‫‪that‬‬ ‫‪it was‬‬ ‫‪a treasure‬‬ ‫زابن امتم زابونں یك اور رقآن دیجم امتم یلہپ اتكوبں یك امں‬ ‫‪and‬ااشرہ ركیت ےہ ہك رعیب‬ ‫ےہاور‬ ‫دالتل‬ ‫اضفلئ رپ‬ ‫زابنےک‬ ‫ھجمرپوھکالایگہكہیآتی رعیب‬

‫‪of knowledge and of spiritual secrets. It was‬‬ ‫ےہاور ااشرہ ركیت ےہ ہك‬

‫‪directions, the fortunes of Muslims at a low ebb,‬‬

‫ںیمےس‬ ‫’’ننماارلرلنٰمح‘‘ںیمےس‬

‫ےکدنچ‬ ‫دنچ‬ ‫تےک‬ ‫رحتریات‬ ‫ےسرحتری‬ ‫ںیمےس‬ ‫ننماارلرلنٰمح‘‘ںیم‬ ‫دیجم امتم یلہپ اتكوبں یك امں‪’’ made clear to the Promised Messiah that this‬‬ ‫‪9‬ہحفص‪179‬ات‪ً183‬اصخلم)‬ ‫ےن‪:‬‬ ‫ومنےن‬ ‫ومن‬ ‫تدلج‬ ‫زخانئ‬ ‫ارلنٰمح ۔‬ ‫ںیم (ننم‬ ‫االرنیضےہ‘‘‬ ‫رکمہم ا‬ ‫رلّ‬ ‫ےکدنچ‬ ‫دنچ‬ ‫تےک‬ ‫رواحینا‬ ‫رحتری‬ ‫ری‬ ‫ےسرحت‬ ‫ںیمےس‬ ‫‪‘‘the‬‬ ‫‪ُexcellence‬منٰمح‬ ‫ارل‬ ‫‪the‬ےہ‪of‬اور ہی ’ہك’ہکمننما‬ ‫‪verse‬‬ ‫‪pointed‬‬ ‫‪towards‬‬ ‫‪ً183‬اصخلم)‬ ‫‪179‬ات‬ ‫(ننم ارلنٰمح ۔ رواحین زخانئ دلج ‪9‬ہحفص‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫ومنےن‬ ‫ےن‬ ‫ومن‬ ‫‪Arabic language and also to the fact‬‬ ‫‪that‬‬ ‫‪Arabic‬‬ ‫’’ اور رھپ اكیاكلم اور اہنتی طیحم‬ ‫اہللاعتٰیلیك ا ِ‬ ‫سراامنہیئےکدعبآپ ےناتكبننمارلنٰمحیھکل‬ ‫ؑ‬ ‫ےن‪:‬‬ ‫ومنےن‬ ‫‪ the Holy‬ومن‬ ‫‪is the mother of all the languages‬‬ ‫‪and‬‬ ‫رعیب زابن امتم زابونں یك اور رقآن دیجم امتم یلہپ اتكوبں یك امں ےہ اور ہی ہك ہکم رکمہم ا ُّم االرنیضےہ‘‘ (ننم ارلنٰمح ۔ رواحین زخانئ دلج‬ ‫‪as‬‬

‫ینعیسہکبج رعیبیك وفقااعلدت امکالترپاالطعوہہی‬ ‫ےسےن ا ِ‬ ‫ےناكیااہتشردایسجںیمآپ‬ ‫اوراسےکقلعتمآپ‬ ‫ےناتكبننمارلنٰمحیھکل‬ ‫اہللاعتٰیلیك‬ ‫سراامنہیئےکدعبآپ‪is the mother of‬‬ ‫اكیاكلم اور اہنتی طیحم اقیقحتت ؑ‬ ‫‪ ’’ Qur’an‬اور رھپ ؑ‬ ‫‪scriptures.‬ا ِ‪ؑ all the previous‬‬ ‫رعیبیك‬ ‫ہکبج‬ ‫ینعی‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫اقیقحتت‬ ‫طیحم‬ ‫اہنتی‬ ‫اور‬ ‫اكیاكلم‬ ‫رھپ‬ ‫اور‬ ‫’’‬ ‫ےناتكبننمارلنٰمحیھکل‪Messiahas‬‬ ‫‪].‬‬ ‫ااعلدت امکالترپاالطعوہہیابتامیننڑپیتےہہكہیزابنہن رصفا ُّماالہنسلےہہکلبایہٰلزابن‬ ‫‪[Introducing‬ےک وفق‬ ‫قلعتماھکل‪:‬‬ ‫ےناكیااہتشردایسجںیمآپ ےن اِس اتكب‬ ‫اوراسےکقلعتمآپ‬ ‫‪ؑ the Books of the Promised‬‬ ‫ؑ‬ ‫‪Minan-ur-Rahman‬‬ ‫‪title of‬‬ ‫زابنہن‬ ‫‪the‬وہ‪-‬ہیابتامیننڑپیتےہہكہی‬ ‫‪Arabic‬االطع‬ ‫ااعلدت امکالترپ‬ ‫ؑ ِ‪this book‬وفق‬ ‫رقآناخصارادہ اور ااہلم ےس ےلہپ ااسنن وك اھکس‬ ‫االہنسلےہہکلبایہٰلزابنےہوجدخااعتٰیل ےک‬ ‫رصفا ُّم‬ ‫بیجع و رغبی اتكب ےہ سج یك رطف‬ ‫ہی اكی اہنتی‬ ‫ایسجںیمآپ ےن اس اتكبےکقلعتماھکل‪:‬‬ ‫‪means: “Some Favours of the Beneficent‬‬ ‫‪literally‬ارادہ‬ ‫االہنسلےہہکلبایہٰلزابنےہوجدخااعتٰیل ےکاخص‬ ‫رصفا ُّم‬ ‫ااسنن یك ااجید ںیہن۔‘‘ (ننمارلنٰمح۔رواحینزخانئدلج‬ ‫یسک‬ ‫اور‬ ‫یئگ‬ ‫اھکسیئ‬ ‫وك‬ ‫ااسنن‬ ‫ےلہپ‬ ‫ےس‬ ‫ااہلم‬ ‫اور‬ ‫رقآن‬ ‫وس‬ ‫دالیئ‬ ‫وتہج‬ ‫ںیمہ‬ ‫ےن‬ ‫آایت‬ ‫تمکح‬ ‫رُپ‬ ‫ضعب‬ ‫یك‬ ‫رشفی‬ ‫رقآن‬ ‫‪Mother‬ےہ –سج یك رطف‬ ‫رغبی اتكب‬ ‫ہی اكی‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪God”.‬‬ ‫‪[Arabic‬‬ ‫بیجع و ‪of‬‬ ‫اہنتی ‪All‬‬ ‫‪Languages,‬‬ ‫اور یسک ااسنن یك ااجید‬ ‫اھکسیئ یئگ‬ ‫اور ااہلم ےس ےلہپ ااسنن وك‬ ‫ےہوج‪)129‬‬ ‫زخانئایكدلج‪9‬ہحفص‬ ‫اھبریرواحین‬ ‫ارلنٰمح۔‬ ‫داین‘رپ(ننم‬ ‫ںیہن۔‘‬ ‫‪Note,‬‬ ‫االتخافتِاغلت‬ ‫ااسحن‬ ‫اكی‬ ‫‪Translators‬ےنہییھب‬ ‫رقآن میظع‬ ‫]‪p.1‬وتہج‬ ‫ےہ سج یك رطف رقآن رشفی یك ضعب رُپ تمکح آایت ےن ںیمہ‬ ‫دالیئ وس ِ‬ ‫ںیہن۔‘‘ (ننمارلنٰمح۔رواحینزخانئدلج‪9‬ہحفص‪)129‬‬ ‫ںیمہ وتہج دالیئ وس ِ‬ ‫ہیاماننڑپاتےہہكدخااعتٰیلیكالمک‬ ‫رقآن میظعےنہییھبداینرپاكیاھبریااسحنایكےہوجاالتخافتِاغلت اكالص�ایبنركدایاورںیمہا ِسدقیقتمکحرپعلطمرفامایہك‬

‫ویحانزلوہےنےکےئل رصف رعیب زابن یہ انمتبس ریتھک‬ ‫ےہہك‬ ‫سکڑپات‬ ‫ایكےہوجاالتخافتِاغلت اكالص�ایبنركدایاورںیمہا ِسدقیقتمکحرپعلطمرفامایہك ااسنینوبایلںہیامانن‬ ‫امتوہولگ‬ ‫المکاوراورےسیک‬ ‫اعتٰیلیكںیہ‬ ‫دخاےسیلکن‬ ‫دعمن‬ ‫عبنماور‬ ‫ہیاماننڑپاتےہہكدخااعتٰیلیكالمکاورامتویحانزلوہےنےکےئل‬

In this book the Promised Messiahas proved that

by means of root-words and there is nothing

Arabic is the first revealed language and thus the

lacking in it. There is a perfect system that runs

mother and original source for all the languages of

throughout the language and it is very well

the world. The other languages are the derivations

related. Words are pregnant with meanings, and a

caused by various earthly and heavenly influences

few words express what another language would

due to different environs and climes. The original

take far greater number of words to express the

Arabic book is written in a very lovely, fluent and

same thought. The finest shades of feeling can

rhymed style. The main purpose of the book was

be most delicately expressed in Arabic. Sanskrit,

to show the superiority of the language of the

it is said, has only 400 roots, but there are more

Holy Qur’an - Arabic over all other scriptures. That







was quite in line with the divine mission of Hazrat


Ahmad for which he was raised by God to prove

offer Rs. 5,000 as a reward to anyone who

the superiority of the religion of Islam and its Holy

could show that any other language could

Book over all other religions and books. [Arabic –

compete with Arabic in the afore-mentioned

Mother of all Languages, Forward]

characteristics. To show the wealth, the beauty


declared that he would

and the universal character of Arabic, the


Promised Messiahas marshalled such arguments

This book is a monument of scientific research,

discover that Arabic in fact is the mother of

the true value of which becomes manifest as time passes. In this work, the Promised Messiahas proved that Arabic was the mother of all languages. Hence, it was the fittest vehicle for the communication of God’s most universal and perfect message to mankind. In this book, the Promised Messiahas discussed three points: (1) There is something common between all the languages of the world. (2) Arabic is the mother of all languages. (3) Being a perfect language, Arabic is a language of divine revelation. To show that there is something common in all languages, a long list of common words was prepared by Hazrat Maulavi Hakim Nur-ud-Dinra, Maulavi ‘Abdul Karimra, Munshi Ghulam Qadir Fasih, Mirza Khuda Bakhshra, Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra, Mian Muhammad Khanra, and Munshi Ghulam Muhammadra. Later Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Mazhar performed a great deal of research on various languages, proving the Promised Messiah’sas dissertation about the Arabic language being the mother of all tongues was unchallengeable. Arabic possesses a perfect vocabulary of roots which are comprehensive. Every possible subject can be expressed in Arabic

and cited so many instances that one is amazed to languages. (Life of Ahmad by A.R. Dardra, edition of 2008, pp. 442-443) [An Introduction to the Hidden Treasures of Islam, pg.146-147]

SPECIMENS OF WRITING FROM THE BOOK ‘ARABIC – MOTHER OF ALL LANGUAGES’ “…complete and comprehensive research, armed with knowledge of the extraordinary properties of Arabic, leaves no possibility of escape from the conclusion that this language is not only the Mother of Languages, but is the Divine language which, by God Almighty’s special design and by divine inspiration, was taught to Man in the beginning, and that it is not something invented by human beings.” [Arabic Mother of all Languages, p.4]

“…it is only the Arabic language which can suitably form the vehicle for the communication of the perfect and superbly complete revelations from God Almighty, for it is necessary that the Divine Book, which has been sent for the guidance of all nations, should be revealed only in the language of divine inspiration; it should be in a language which should be the Mother of all languages.” [Arabic Mother of all Languages, p.4-5]

it, therefore, perfect in speech by virtue of that very reason, and shalt see that it comprehends all the needs of man. There is not a single action of the actions that might disclose themselves till the end of time, there is to be found no attribute in God Almighty, nor is there any creed among the creeds of man, for which Arabic has failed to provide a root-word.” [Arabic Mother of all Languages, p.82] “So, this discussion necessitates the belief that Arabic was antecedent in time to the coming into existence of other languages. God had taught to Adam only this language with which man was perfected. Then this language was tampered with; the bright and divinely lit expressions were corrupted. The perfected system died, and the hidden pearl was wasted. Afterwards came those who were bad successors of their forefathers, who were removed from Arabic which they corrupted and altered, so much so, that they made those languages new languages. Arabic became less in vogue, which was spoken by a small number of people on the earth. And other people shifted from their locus all the words of Arabic, and strewed its diamonds far away from their mines and their habitat.” [Arabic Mother of all Languages, p.114]

“In this manner, for man’s every natural state, Arabic will supply a word. And, for “So, how nice is the Arabic language, everything apparent, for that which ‫اگ اور‬which ‫وموضع وہ‬ ‫اكی‬ ‫اور‬seen ‫ںیماگ‬ ‫رعیب وہ‬ ‫وموضع‬ ‫احتلےئلیک‬ ‫یعبطاكی ظفل‬ ‫رعیبرہںیم‬ ‫ااسنن یك‬ ‫احتلےئلیک‬ ’’ ‫یك رہ یعبط‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫ااسنن‬ ‫ےئلآیئ ےہ‬ ’’ and ‫دہاتی ےک‬ ‫ےہ وہ‬ ‫امتموقومںیك‬ ‫ےئلآیئ‬ ‫دہاتی ےک‬ ‫امتموقومںیكایہٰل وج‬ ‫وج ےہ ہك اتكب‬ how fine its face can‫ظفل‬ be can be felt, there is without fail a word. in a bright aspect The ‫سجیك‬of‫ےہ‬perfection. ‫اكیظفلرضور‬ ‫سجیك‬ ‫ےہںیم‬ ‫رضوراس‬ ‫ےکےئل‬ ‫وسحمسظفل‬ ‫وہشمدوںیماكی‬ ‫ےئلاس‬ ‫اكی‬ ‫ےک‬ ‫وسحمسرہ‬ ‫وہشمد‬ ‫االہنسلوہ‬ ‫ا ُّمرہاكی‬in‫انزلوہاورایسیزابنںیموہوج‬ ‫انزلوہاورایسیزابنںیموہوج ا ُّم‬ ‫ااہلیمزابنںیمیہ‬ This has‫و‬no parallel other‫االہنسلوہ‬ languages. earth has brightened up with its rays This so, can‫رطفی‬ there a stronger ‫وتاس‬excellence ‫ریظنںیہکںیہن‬of ‫وتاسیك‬ ‫بجاس‬ ‫اورںیہن‬ ‫ںیہنںیہک‬ ‫ریظنریظن‬ ‫بجاسیك‬ ‫زابوننںیم‬ ‫دورسیاور‬ ‫ںیہن‬ ‫ریظن‬being ‫زابوننںیم‬ ‫انمتبس‬ ‫دورسی‬ ‫اكی‬be‫ےس‬ ‫انمتبس‬ ‫رطفیزابن‬ ‫اكیاور الہ‬ ‫زابن‬ ‫كیےس‬ ‫زابن‬ ‫اتہكاوراسالہوك رہ‬ ‫زابن‬ of Light, and the human argument than this? Seek out with the capacity has been established by it. In ‫دادنمشنی ےک رچاغ ےلرك‬ ‫ےہےلرك‬ ‫رچاغ‬ ‫ےکیتکس‬ ‫دادنمشنی وہ‬ ‫اور ایك تجح‬ ‫یتکسركےہ‬ ‫وہڑبھ‬lamp ‫ےس‬ ‫ایك تجح‬of‫اور‬ ‫ےس ڑبھ رك‬and ponder )129 ‫ہحفص‬9‫دلج‬ ‫ارلنٰمح‬ ‫(ننمہحفص‬ 9‫زخانئ‘‘دلج‬ ‫رواحین۔۔۔‬ ‫وہ‬ wisdom, over it.‫۔)رواحینزخانئ‬129 it are apparent extraordinary works of And if anyone wanted an example of the the wise and powerful Creator, as to ‫ارگ‬ ‫وپانھچاچوہوتظفل‬ ‫ظفلیكاثمل‬ ‫ارتشاکاہنسل‬ ‫وت‬are ‫وپانھچاچوہ‬ ‫ركویكاوراثمل‬ ‫ارتشاکاہنسل‬ ‫ڈوھڈنواوروغر‬ ‫ڈوھڈنواوروغرركواورارگ‬ common origin of languages, the words be found in all things proceeding from are word ‫افریسارگنزییہکلببسزابونں‬ ‫افریسارگنزییہکلببسزابونں‬ ‫اہم اكیفےہہیظفلرعیب‬ ‫اكیفےہہیظفلاوررعیب‬ ‫ ا م‬and ‫اوراوراہم‬ ‫ےلیکمچ‬ ‫م‬enough. ‫اكرہچہےہ اوج‬This ‫اس‬ ‫ےلیکمچاور‬ ‫ایكااھچ‬ ‫اوروج‬ ‫ےہ‬is‫ےہ‬ ‫یہدمعہرہچہ‬ ‫ایكااھچاساك‬ ‫رعیبزابنایك‬ ‫سپےہاور‬ ‫دمعہ‬ that Great and Pearless Creator. God common in Hindi, Arabic, Persian and Almighty has perfected)247 all‫ہحفص‬ its9‫دلج‬ organs and ‫رواحینزخانئ‬ )‫۔‬247 ‫ارلنٰمح‬ ‫(ننمہحفص‬ 9‫ےہ۔‘‘دلج‬ ‫رواحینزخانئ‬ ‫رتشمک‬ ‫ارلنٰمح۔‬ ‫رتشمکےہ۔‘‘(ننمںیم‬ ‫ونروںےس‬ ‫ونروںےسےکوپرے ںیم‬ ‫ےکوپرےزنیماس‬ ‫رظن آات ےہ۔‬ ‫زنیماس‬ ‫ریپاہیںیم‬ ‫اكلمےہ۔‬ ‫آات‬ English, nay, in all the languages.” [Arabic has not grudged anything in investing Mother of all p.125,126] ‫اس‬Languages, ‫ےساثتبوہایگےہ‬ ‫امکلےہاساس‬ ‫وہایگ‬ ‫تیہاك‬ ‫ُیھٹےہاوررشبیاماثتب‬ ‫تیہاكامکلاسےس‬ ‫کمچا‬ ‫رشبیام‬ it with beauty and grace. Thou shalt find

:‫ین‬ ‫اعمین‬ ‫ےکاعم‬ ‫افلظظےک‬ ‫لکشمااافل‬ ‫دنچلکشم‬ :‫ین‬ ‫اعمین‬ ‫ےکاعم‬ ‫ےسدنچ‬ ‫ظےک‬ ‫ںیمےس‬ ‫ںیمظ‬ ‫اافل‬ ‫لکشم‘اافل‬ ‫دنچلکشم‬ ‫ےسدنچارلرلنٰمح‬ ‫نٰمح‬ ‫ںیمےسننما‬ ’‫ب‬ ‫نٰمح‘اتكںیم‬ ‫ب’امتمننماارلرلنٰمح‬ ‫اتكان‬ ‫امتماظرہںیہاسیجہك‬ ‫اقدرےک‬ ‫اسیجہكان‬ ‫ںیہمیکح‬ ‫اظرہاصعن‬ ‫دخاےئ‬ ‫اقدرےک‬ ‫اجعبئاكم‬ ‫اصعنمیکح‬ ‫ےئںیم‬

‫لثمدیپادننکہےساصدر‬ ‫اصدر‬ ‫ےسےب‬ ‫زبرگ‬ ‫وجاسدننکہ‬ ‫لثمدیپا‬ ‫اجیتںیہ‬ ‫زبرگےب‬ ‫وجاسںیماپیئ‬ ‫ںیہزیچوں‬


SHARIAT: The set of principles and rules outlined in the Holy Qur’an.

ARABIC: The original language of man. The Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Holy Prophetsaw in Arabic. It is the mother of all languages as all languages can find their root from it.

TANWEEN: Nunnation; when words in Arabic bare a ‘Tanween’ mark, the word is to be read with a stretched nasal sound at the end of the word. This can change the meaning of the word.

ARYAS: Followers of the Aryah Samaj sect of Hindiusm founded by Pundit Dayanand in 1875.

UMAL-AL-SANA: Mother of all languages

SANSKRIT: An ancient Indo-European language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures are written. Aryas believe Sanskrit is the most perfect language of God.

VEDAS: Religious scriptures of Hinduism.

“Arabic – Mother of all Languages” is available to read on


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