Maryam Apr-Jun 2020 (English)

Page 38

Freedom of Choice in Matters of Faith & Conscience Each Khalifa has provided guidance to the Community and each has ensured the message of Ahmadiyyat continues to be carried to all parts of the world. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh was the third successor to the Promised Messiahas.

‘Love For All Hatred For None’ is the simple phrase that became established as the slogan of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during this Khilafat. For far too long, Islam had lived under the shadow of militancy and ‘holy war’. That was not the message with which the Holy Prophetsaw won the hearts of millions – not through war, but peace; not through hatred, but love. Those simple words are also a lasting testament to the behaviour of the members of the Ahmadiyya community during the severe anti-Ahmadi hostilities which took place in 1974, hostilities which were borne with patience and fortitude under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh . Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh said that Islam granted absolute freedom of choice in matters of faith and conscience and there was no earthly penalty prescribed for apostasy. In a sermon delivered on Friday 29 December, 1978, he said:

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