Maryam Apr-Jun 2024 (English)

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REPORT: WaaqifaaT-E-Nau NaTiONal ijTEma uK 2024

ThE uNifyiNg fORcE Of KhilafaT: a PaTh TO glObal haRmONy ISSUE 50 | APRIL - JUNE 2024

mEdia bias agaiNsT PalEsTiNiaNs

Pledge Taken aT The OccasiOn

Marking The khilafaT cenTenary Of


On 27th May 2008, which marked the Centenary of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya, Hazoor-e-Anwar, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) took a pledge of allegiance from the members of the Jama’at. The words of this pledge are presented below as a reminder for us all:

Today on the completion of 100 years of Khilafat-eAḥmadiyya, we make a solemn pledge, in the name of Allah the Exalted, that we shall continue to strive until the last moments of our lives for the propagation of Islam and Aḥmadiyyat and shall convey the name of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), to the ends of the world. For the accomplishment of this sacred obligation, we shall always keep our lives dedicated to God and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and, by offering the greatest sacrifice, shall keep the flag of Islam aloft in every country of the world. We also pledge that for the safeguarding of the system of Khilafat and for its consolidation, we shall continue to strive, till our last breath, and exhort our children and their progenies, to always remain attached to Khilafat and benefit from its blessings, so that Khilafate-Ahmadiyya continues safely till the end of time and the propagation of Islam continues till the Day of Judgment through the Ahmadiyya movement and the flag of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), flies higher than all other flags of the world. O, God enable us to fulfil this pledge. Allahumma Amin, Allahumma Amin, Allahumma Amin

عہدِ فتخلا ئےفاو بلیجوفتخلالہساصد خلیفۃتحضررنوارحضوپرقعموکے امسلخاالمسحا ہید لیٰتعاللہا لعزاہبنصر یز عتجمابحباانے رتاجوسے یخی لیافتخلائےفاوعہد ئینرقاہو کییادنیہاد پیشلئےکے ہےمتخد : دهش أ هلوسر و هدبع ادممُ نأ دهشأو هل كيرش لّ هدحو للها لّإ هلإ لّ نأ ’’جآ حمدافتخلا یہ نےہوےرپولساسوکے پر کییتحمداروامسلااہمکہہیںتےکرراقراکاتباساکرکھاقسمکیلیٰتعاللہاہم ششکوتکتلمحایخرآکےںگیوندزپنیالیےکےنےپہنچاتکںورکناکےنیادمناکاسلموعلیہللہاصلیللہالسورمحمدرواعتشاا گےئیںجاچلےتےکر لیےکےسلموعلیہللہاصلیلسورکےساروااخدںگیاندزپنیاہمیشہلیےکےتکمیلکییضےفرسمقدساروا ۔گےکھیںرنچاوامیںملکہرکےنیادکوےجھنڈکےمسلااتکمتقیاکےکرپیشنیباقریبڑسےیبڑہررواگےکھیںرقفو فتخلامنظاہمکہہیںتےکرراقرابھیکاتباساہم رواگےہیںرتےکرجہدوجدتکمدخرآلیےکےمستحکااکےسارواظتحفاکی تکمتقیاکہتاگےہیںرتےکرتلقینکینےہومستفیضسےتکابرکیسارواہنےربستہاوسےفتخلاہمیشہکودلاوارددلاواپنیا سلاایعہرذکےیہحمدأسلسلہتکمتقیاروائےجاچلیظمحفویہحمداِفتخلا سلموعلیہللہاصلیللہالسورمحمدروا۔ہےرتیہوعتشااکیم ۔لگےنےالہرنچاواسےںوجھنڈمتماکےنیاداجھنڈکا !اخدےا ۔مافرعطافیقتوکینےکرارپوکوعہدساہمیںوت یْمآ مهللا !یْمآ مهللا !یْمآ مهللا ! ‘‘ [ پرقعموکےبلیجوفتخلالہساصد 27مئی2008کوExcel لےاونےہومنعقدمیںنلندسینٹر کایزلعزاوبنصرلیٰتعاللہاہیدامسلخاا�اة بخطانگیزالہلوو

from the editor

As Ahmadi Muslims, we have been abundantly blessed to have the guidance, prayers and love of our beloved Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor AhmadMay Allah be his helper. Time and time again we are witness to Hazoor-e-Aqdas’saba love for the Jama’at and unwavering dedication to his divinely appointed role. Recently, beloved Hazooraba requested prayers for his health. Despite this, beloved Hazooraba continued with his daily responsibilities and recently blessed the Waaqifaat-e-Nau in the UK with a virtual live address at the National Ijtema. This exemplary dedication is one that Waaqifaat-e-Nau must strive to emulate. The love and attention beloved Hazooraba shows us, even amidst his busy schedule, should motivate us to fulfil his every wish for us as Waqfe Nau; to be the best spiritual and moral role models.

During his address at the Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema UK 2023, Hazooraba said: “…Having dedicated your lives for the service of your religion, you have an even greater responsibility than other Ahmadis to ensure that you give precedence to your faith over everything else. Each of you must play your role in seeking to fulfil the grand objectives of the Promised Messiahas, which, in simple terms, are to fulfil the rights of Allah the Almighty, the rights of His creation and to strive to establish His teachings in the world. Hence, you must inculcate the highest moral standards and set an example for others to learn from and follow.

Through your words, and especially your deeds, you must educate and inspire others towards the fact that, as human beings, we must fulfil each other’s rights and live in peace and harmony. You must guide others about the importance of upholding human values and treating one another with love, kindness and respect. However, you cannot expect to influence others until you yourself are acting upon Islam’s teachings.”

May Allah enable all of us to fulfil our roles as Waaqifaate-Nau and follow every word of wisdom of our beloved Hazooraba. Ameen.

In this issue of Maryam Magazine our readers can enjoy articles including ‘Report: Waaqifaat-e-Nau National Ijtema UK 2024’, ‘Media Bias Against Palestinians’, ‘The Unifying Force of Khilafat: A Path to Global Harmony’ and ‘The Correct Way to Celebrate Eid’.

Hina Ahmedi


Do you have any comments, suggestions or want your article featured in our next edition?

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meet the team


Zanubia Ahmad


Dure Jamal Mala

Nayla Muzamil


Hina Ahmedi


Hamooda Arif


Sabah Un Noor Tahir

Hibba-Tul Mussawir

Maleeha Mansur

Meliha Hayat

Salma Manahil Malik

Tahmeena Shamim Tahir

Mashel Chaudhry

Samina Yasmeen Arif

Amatul Wakeel Maha

Sameera Mirza

Kashifa Qamar

Safina Nabeel Maham


Naeema Amjad


Soumbal Qureshi Naeema Amjad

Atiyya Wasee

Naila Fowad

Hina Farooqi

Zara Tahir Ahmad

Printed Under The Central Office Waqf-E-Nau


Luqman Ahmad Kishwar


Warner Midlands

1 | Maryam

03. The Holy Qur’an

04. Hadith

05. Writings of the Promised Messiahas

07. ‘Raise your voices for Palestine’ | Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba

08. Report: Waaqifaat-e-Nau

National Ijtema UK 2024 | Address by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba

14. Quote: Unity within the Community | Hazrat Hakeem Noorud-Deen sahib, Khalifatul Masih Ira

15. ‘Turn the ever-growing tide of opposition to Islam, in favour of Islam’ | Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra

16. The Unifying Force of Khilafat: A Path to Global Harmony | Munazza Khan

22. Media Bias Against Palestinians | Aemun Khalood Ahmad

32. Quote: Love For All Hatred For None | Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh

33. Quote: Islamic Justice | Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVrh

34. Kids’ Spread

41. Poem: Khilafat in Islam | Maria Rana

42. Story: The Sparrow’s Sacrifce

44. The Correct Way to Celebrate Eid | Naila Naseer

49. Quote by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiahas

50. Advert: Explore the Latest Maryam and Ismael Magazine Content Online

20. Offcial Waqf-e-Nau Catalogue

contents APRIL
2024 | ISSUE 50

The Holy Qur’an


Translation: Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth glorifies Allah, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Mighty, the Wise. He it is Who has raised among the Unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves who recites unto them His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and wisdom, although they were before, in manifest misguidance; And among others from among them who have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise. That is Allah’s grace; He bestows it on whom He pleases; and Allah is the Lord of immense grace.

(English translation by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali sahibra)

﷽ دیمج نارق ملِلحبسيمسلايفالاوتزيرويفام زعلاسودقلاكللْاض لايكحي۝مهذلاونبيملْايفثعوھنملوسرمالتي عيل مھ زاہتیيويھكھمملعيووبمتكلاواوةمكحلانناك لبقنما للضيفلمبياو۝نخيرھننمھباموقحليالْ مزيط زعلاوهو لايكحذ۝مءااللّلضفكلواللُّٰطشينمهيتؤي لضفلاوذ لايظع۝م ۃ()52:ةعمجلاروس : جمہتر ۔ہےسوّقد۔ہےہشادباہو۔ہےمیںمینزجورواہےمیںںنوسماآجوہےتاکرتسبیحکیہیللہا ۔ہےحکمتحبِصا)روا(لااوغلبہملکا نےجسہےہیو لسورعظیمیکاسےمیںنہیامیںںگولومّیا رواکیبکتانہیںارواہےتاکرکپانہیںارواہےتاکرتوتلاکیتیاآکیساپرناہو۔کیاثمبعو ۔تھےمیںہیاگمرکھلیکھلییقیناًہوپہلے سےساجبکہہےیتادتعلیمکیحکمت کیںوسرودسےمیںنہیاروا کیاثمبعوسےا(بھیفطر ۔ہےحکمتحبِصا)روا(لااوغلبہملکاہو۔ملےنہیںسےنابھیاجو)ہے و ۔ہےلااوفضلےبڑبہتللہارواہےتاکرعطاہےہتاچاجسےکوساہوہےفضلکاللہاہ لیٰتعاللہاحمہربعالرالمسیحاخلیفۃحبصاحمداہرطاازمرتحضرزاجمہتر(


(Sayings of The Holy Prophet)


(May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him)

(Saying of The Holy Prophet)

(May Peace and Blessingsof Allah be upon Him)

The Advent of the Promised Messiah


and as

(Bukhari kitabul Tafsir Surah Al-Jumu’ah wa Muslim)



Hazrat Abu Hurairara narrates: “When Sura Jumu’ah (chapter 62 ) of the Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we happened to be there in his company. When he recited the verse ‘Those of them who would come later and have not yet joined them’. One of those present asked: ‘Who are they? O Messenger of Allah!’ The Holy Prophetsaw did not pay attention. The man repeated the question two or three times. At that time Hazrat Salman the Persianra was also sitting amongst us. The Holy Prophetsaw, turned to him, placed his hand on him and said, ‘Even if faith ascended to the Pleiades (completely disappearing from the earth), there would be some from his people (In another version ‘one man’ is mentioned instead of ‘some people’) who would restore faith (back) to earth’.”

Hazrat Abu Hurairara narrates: "When Sura Jumu'ah (chapter62) of the Holy Qur'an was revealed to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we happened to be there in his company. Whenhe recited the verse ‘Those of themwho would come later and have not yet joined them’. One of those present asked: ‘Who are they? O Messenger of Allah!' The Holy Prophetsaw did not pay attention. The man repeated the question two or three times. At that time Hazrat Salman the Persianra was also sitting amongst us. The Holy Prophetsaw, turned to him, placedhis hand on him and said, 'Even if faith ascended to the Pleiades (completely disappearing from the earth), there would be some from his people (In another version 'one man' is mentionedinstead of 'some people') who would restore faith (back) to earth’."

(Bukharikitabul Tafsir Surah Al-Jumu’ah wa Muslim)

(English translation from ‘Selected sayings of the Holy Prophet saw’ p.63-64)

(English translation from ‘Selected sayings of the Holy Prophetsaw’ p.63-64)

ملسو هيلع � ىلص يبنلا دنع اسولج انك :لاق هنع � ي ضر ةريره يبأ نع لاق )مهب اوقحلي الَ مهنم نيرخآو( :أرق املف ،ةعمجلا ةروس هيلع تلزن ذإ ر اي مه نم :لجر هعجاري ملف ؟الله لوس ىتح ملسو هيلع � ىلص يبنلا يبنلا عضوف :لاق ي سرافلا ناملس انيفو :لاق ،اثلَث وأ نيترم وأ ةرم هلأس ناملس ىلع هدي ملسو هيلع � ىلص هلانل ايرثلا دنع ناميلْا ناكول :لاق مث ءلَؤه نم لاجر ۔

Writings of the Promised Messiahas


“Three prayers have been taught in Surah Fatiha.

(1)First, that God, the Sublime, may be pleased to keep us with the party of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and with the party of the Promised Messiah referred to in the Qur’an in the verse: ‘Others from among them who have not yet joined them’ (62.4).

These are the only two parties of Islam who have been favoured with Divine bounties, and it is to them that the verse: ‘Guide us along the path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy favours;’ refers. You may go through the entire Qur’an, you will come across only two such groups, one, the party of the Companions of the Holy Prophetsaw and the second, others from among them; who take after the Companions of the Holy Prophetsaw and are the party of the Promised Messiah.

Therefore, when you supplicate: ‘Guide us along the straight path, the path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy favours;’ during the prayer services or outside the prayer services then keep in mind that you are seeking the way of the


Companions of the Holy Prophetsaw and of the party of the Promised Messiah. This is the frst prayer in Surah Fatiha.

(2) The second prayer is: ‘Not the way of those who incurred Thy wrath;’ that is, the people who will persecute the Promised Messiah. Juxtaposed to this petition, there is at the end of the Holy Qur’an, Surah Tabbat yada abi Lahab (Ch. 111).

(3) The third prayer is: ‘Nor of those who went astray’. Juxtaposed to this is Surah Ikhlas at the end of the Holy Qur’an (Ch. 112).

‘Proclaim: He is Allah, the Independent and Allah the Besought of all. He begets not nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him.’

The two Surahs that follow it, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah AlNas are explanatory of Surah Tabbat and of Surah Ikhlas.

In both these Surahs, God’s protection has been sought against the dark age when people would persecute the Messiah of God and when the misguidance of Christianity would be widespread in the world.

The teaching of these three prayers in Surah Fatiha is so arranged that the great objective that has been explained in the Qur’an in detail has been epitomised in Surah Fatiha and later in Surah Tabbat and Surah Ikhlas; and in Surah Falaq and Surah Nas at the conclusion of the Qur’an, protection of God, the Sublime, has been sought against these two calamities. Thus, these two prayers make the prologue of the Book of Allah and also its epilogue.

(Commentary on the Holy Qur’an; Volume I; Surah Fatiha, by The Promised Messiahas, Translated by Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, pp.535,534)


Raise your voices for Palestine

Guidance from Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his helper) on the current confict in Palestine, Friday Sermon 5th January 2024

“I have been continuously reminding members to pray for Palestine. Remember the people there [in your prayers]. Continue to raise your voices for them in your immediate circles and speak to others in this regard, especially politicians, as I mentioned earlier. It does not seem that the government of Israel will desist from its cruelties. In fact, it has sent a message to its soldiers that the year 2024 is also a year of war. May Allah the Almighty bestow His mercy upon the Palestinians.

Now, it is also being said that there is a risk that the war will spread to the wider region, after which a world war could break out. They have started to bombard the area around Beirut as well; they continue to exceed and transgress. Although the American government is apparently calling upon them to limit their warfare, these seem to be mere words with no weight. These are weak and muted voices. It seems that their real plan is to drive out the Palestinians from Gaza and take over the land.

May Allah the Almighty bestow His mercy upon the Palestinians and Muslims. May He enable the Muslims to come to reason and also to hearken to and accept the call of the Imam of the Age.”


REPORT Waaqifaat-e-Nau National Ijtema UK 2024

In the evening of Saturday, 25 May, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vmay Allah strengthen his hand, presided over the UK’s Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema 2024. The event took place in Baitul Futuh, London, while Hazooraba graced the occasion via livestream in Islamabad, UK.

After conveying “Assalamu Alaikum”, Hazooraba invited Daniya Ahmad Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Qur’an (Surah Aal-e-Imran, verses 103-105). Kashifa Idrees Sahiba presented the English translation of the Qur’anic verses. Laiqa Ahmad Bhatti Sahiba then recited an Urdu poem written by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra along with its English translation.

Hazooraba then enquired why Farhana Luqman Sahiba, whose name was on the programme copy Hazooraba had for English translation of the Urdu poem, did not present the English translation. Hazooraba was told that it was a change that took place after a copy of the programme was presented to Hazooraba.

Hazooraba the invited Muavina Sadr Waaqifaat-e-Nau to present the Ijtema report. The Muavina Sadr thanked Hazooraba for blessing the occasion with his precious time. Hazooraba was informed about various workshops and events that took place throughout the day.

Saturday, 25 May 2024 Baitul

Futuh, London

Hazooraba then took to the podium and delivered his address. After reciting Tashahud and Ta‘awuz, Hazooraba said that it was the grace of Allah that another Waaqifaat-e-Nau Ijtema was being held. Hazooraba said:

“As members of Waaqifaat-e-Nau, you comprise those ladies and girls whose parents dedicated their lives to the service of their faith before their birth. Those of you who have reached the age of 15 and above have independently renewed this noble pledge to spend your lives in the service of your religion. Further, with the grace of Allah, many older members of Waaqifaat-e-Nau have now become mothers and are raising the next generation of Waqifeen-e-nau.”

Hazooraba then said that this responsibility was two-fold: they must honour their pledge on a personal level and instil these values in the next generation. Hazooraba said that their primary responsibility was “the proper moral training of their children so that Islamic teachings and values are instilled within them from a young age and they grow to become devoted servants of their faith.”

Waaqifaat-e-Nau wives should also be a means of encouraging their husbands to lead righteous lives and it is only through this they can inspire the next generation to establish a firm bond with Allah and lead pious lives. It is important that such homes are filled with virtue, piety and the worship of Allah.


Waaqifaat-e-Nau must also safeguard and protect their prayers. They must offer them on time and with sincerity, humility and deep concentration so that an unbreakable bond of loyalty and love is fostered with Allah. In each prayer, they should pray for their children’s pious and future loyalty to Allah.

Those Waaqifaat-e-Nau who were not yet married should remember that their sole purpose is to establish an unbreakable bond with Allah through salat All five daily prayers must be offered on time as opposed to offering just two or three prayers a day.

“Remember, you can only achieve your religious objectives through prayer and by forging a sincere bond with God wherein you become ready and willing to make any sacrifice for His sake. Otherwise remaining within the Waqf-e-Nau scheme is futile and meaningless. Take inspiration from the noble and honourable women who have come before you throughout history. Countless women from the communities of the prophets of God made outstanding sacrifices for their faith and religious beliefs.”


Hazooraba then cited the example of the female disciples of Prophet Jesusas who showed immense courage for their faith. Christians continue to take great pride in such women who remained faithful to Jesusas. When Jesusas was put on the cross, the male disciples all fled in fear whereas the female disciples stayed loyal in spite of the grave threat of punishment and persecution from the governing authorities. They found the tomb he was placed in and tended to his wounds and took him to safety. Those pious women proved themselves worthy of any sacrifice for their faith.

Then, during the era of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the examples of female companions was so high that it set a standard unmatched in history. They put great emphasis in learning their faith and putting it into practice. This passion was a means of spreading the faith of Islam to others.






Towards the end, Hazooraba said:

“May Allah the Almighty grant all of you the capability to do justice to the demands and obligations of being a part of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme. Moreover, may this Ijtema not merely prove a means for you to gather together for the day and spend time in each other’s company; rather, may you all leave this Ijtema with a burning desire to bring about a spiritual and moral revolution within yourselves and a steadfast commitment to live your lives as true Muslims. May all of you come to possess an unshakeable conviction in the truth of your faith so that you can respond confidently and without hesitation or fear to all those who raise questions or make false allegations about Islam. May it be that you never fall prey to any sense of embarrassment or complex about your faith and religious beliefs. Indeed, may it be that you acquire the inner strength and courage to manifest your faith fearlessly and to live according to the teachings of Islam at all times.

“For instance, upon reaching the age of maturity, you should wear a headscarf in public and dress modestly at all times. Never fear what other people will say or think. Be confident and proud in who you are and what you represent.


“Similarly, continually focus on increasing your religious knowledge because the true Jihad of this era is to convey Islam’s magnificent teachings far and wide. Certainly, it is the duty of Waaqifaat-e-Nau, girls and ladies, to play an outstanding role in Tabligh. May Allah the Almighty enable you to do so.

“At the end, I pray that may all of you come to fulfil your religious and spiritual objectives in the best possible way, and may you be ever ready to make all necessary sacrifices for the sake of your faith, and may all of you be at the forefront of bringing about a spiritual and moral revolution in the world. Amin.”

Hazooraba then led all attendees in Dua before conveying his Salaam to all attendees and bidding farewell.

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

“ There can be no community without unity and accord. Till you are united you can make no progress.”

Hazrat Hakeem Noor-udDeen sahib, Khalifatul Masih Ira

Hazrat Maulawi Nur-ud-Dinra –Khalifatul Masih I, Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khanra, p.179 books/HazratMaulviNooruddeen.pdf


“…I am alerting the Muslims to be aware of these tense times and remember that the words ‘The disbelievers have become one nation’ is being fulfilled word for word. The Jews, the Christians and the atheists have stood up to finish the power and might of Islam. In the past, the European countries attacked the Muslims one by one but now the World Powers have attacked as a unified group. Let us all join together to oppose them because we have no contention over this issue. Hence, we must reduce the period of this prophecy as much as we can through our beliefs, our sacrifices, our unity, our prayers and our humility and once again bring closer the establishment of the government of Hazrat Muhammadsaw in Palestine. I think that if we can do this we will turn the ever-growing tide of opposition to Islam, in favour of Islam.” (Al-Fazl, 20 May 1945, pg 3-4).

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra

Fazl-e-Umar, Mujeebur Rahman, p. 377



A Path to Global Harmony

In a world plagued by conflict, division, and unrest, the concept of Khilafat (successorship) emerges as a beacon of hope for establishing lasting peace. As outlined in the Holy Qur’an, the system of Khilafat is a Divine institution that promotes unity, justice, and the moral upliftment of society.

The Holy Qur’an states: “Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do good works that He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them”. (24:56)

This verse highlights the significance of Khilafat as a means of establishing righteousness and peace on earth. Alhmadolillah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, under the guidance of its Khalifa since its inception in 1889, has been at the forefront of promoting this noble concept.


In the face of current global unrest, marked by conflicts, extremism, and a growing sense of uncertainty, the system of Khilafat offers a comprehensive solution. It fosters unity among believers, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries, and promotes a collective commitment to the greater good of humanity.

Our beloved Hazoor, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba has travelled widely in an attempt to guide the world’s greatest nations towards peace, emphasising tolerance, unity and mutual understanding to achieve harmony in society to avoid escalation of a world war.

In an address at Capitol Hill, Washington DC, back in 2012, Hazooraba pointed out that the current international system, exemplified by the UN Security Council’s permanent and nonpermanent members, enshrines inequality and division between powerful and weaker nations.


In a recent press release, despite warnings of a world war, in which nuclear weapons could wreak unimaginable devastation, Hazooraba said privileged nations “still seem unwilling to consider what must be done to end these conflicts and remain reluctant to hear the genuine voices for peace that exist in the world.” They are wielding their veto like a trump card, instead of “ensuring that justice prevails and that whatever settlements are made are based on equity, as opposed to what better serves the interests of external powers.”

(Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Press Release, 12 March 2024).

History has taught us that the only way to eliminate all traces of future hatreds and thus build a lasting peace, is maintaining justice. Hazooraba elaborates the ways to achieve that is, firstly, to recognise complete equality of humans, then treating everyone fairly, even your enemies. Honesty and having an open mind free of insular prejudices aid justice. (Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace, 2016).

The long-drawn conflict in Gaza stands as a tragic testament to the cycles of violence and oppression that emerge when justice is abandoned. The well-renowned Palestinian-American scholar Ed Said’s wife, Mariam Said, poignantly remarked that for this endless suffering to finally conclude, what is truly required above all else is justice. (The Take podcast, 1 May 2024)


Khilafat actively nurtures the very qualities that can serve as a panacea for persistent conflicts like Gaza. By promoting intellectual discourse, educational pursuits and the quest for knowledge, Khilafat empowers individuals to become agents of positive change working towards a just and peaceful world free from the injustices that fuel violence.

Khilafat provides a blueprint for global harmony based on the teachings of the Holy Quran. Its emphasis on unity, justice, and moral rectitude holds the potential to inspire transformative change transcending boundaries, uniting humanity in pursuit of lasting peace.

May the world take heed and let us hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah and be not divided.” (Holy Qur’an 3:104)


• audio/podcasts/the-take https://www.pressahmadiyya. com/press-releases/2024/03/ global-muslim-leader-callsfor-ceasefire-in-gaza-andukraine-says-privilegednations-are-wielding-theirveto-like-a-trump-card/

• library/books/World-Crisisand-Pathway-to-Peace.pdf


Media Bias Against Palestinians

Following the latest Israeli onslaught on Gaza after the October 7th 2023 attacks, several notable news outlets have covered these events in a way that raises concerns regarding media bias. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his helper) outlined this during a Friday Sermon and said:

“True justice requires presenting all affairs. Let the world determine who the oppressor and oppressed are, to what extent this war is warranted and at what point it should end. All the state of affairs should be presented to the world, as opposed to presenting merely one-sided coverage.” 1

Language, especially, has been used as a powerful tool by news outlets to influence our perspectives and manipulate the perception of information. On the surface, it may seem as though news outlets are simply reporting on the unfolding crisis in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, but a deeper dive into their language usage and missing context reveals clear media bias.

‘Palestinians die, but Israelis are killed.’

Language serves as a potent tool utilised to impact people’s opinions and views on a matter. It can be used to humanise some whilst dehumanising others. The smallest semantic choices can normalise violence towards one group whilst disassociating the perpetrator from their violent actions, leading to a lack of accountability. Choosing specific words over others can distort the realities of war and reveal systemic biases in the coverage of these catastrophic events.

Take the usage of active and passive voice as an example of how language can perpetuate media bias. In May 2021, the Associated Press published

a piece titled ‘Rockets kill 2 Israelis; 26 die in Gaza as Israel hits Hamas’ 2. The title clearly mentions that Israelis were killed, but the same word choice is not used for Palestinians. Instead, they just ‘die’. How did they die? Why is one group killed, insinuating that a great tragedy has taken place, but another just happened to ‘die’? The use of different words for different groups causes inherent biases3 and reveals which group you believe ‘matters more’. Israelis are portrayed as victims who were killed, but Palestinians merely died, with no mention as to how.

Another headline that sparked widespread outrage was from The Washington Post: https:// status/1731770472268714015


Though the headline was later changed4, the media bias of news outlets against Palestinians had been exposed time and time again. Not only was Israel not mentioned as the aggressor, but the passive voice was used in quite a concerning way. The majority of people will agree that lives are not simply ‘found ended’; the wording is too ambiguous. Who ended these lives? These headlines essentially tell us that we can mourn these premature babies, but don’t you dare point fingers at those ultimately responsible for their demise. The overuse of euphemisms when referring to Palestinian casualties is a calculated move made in order to

dehumanise victims and steer readers away from questioning who is behind these deaths. On this topic, Hazooraba has said:

“The Western media sensationalises the reports of one side and fleetingly mentions the other side. For example, recently there was a female hostage who was freed and said that she was treated very well. However, another statement saying that imprisonment by Hamas was like hell was made the headline. Justice would dictate that the entire situation be presented and the world be left to decide for itself what is just, what is cruel and whether this war is justified or not.”5


Reserving the use of intense language for one group only

Emotive language is often incorporated by news outlets to evoke the emotions of readers and manipulate their perspectives. A quantitative analysis by The Intercept looked at more than 1000 articles from major publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, dating from October 7th 2023 to November 24th 20236. The data revealed that intense terms such as ‘slaughter’ and ‘massacre’ were disproportionately used when referring to Israel versus Palestine, with publications reserving the more intense terms for Israelis.

Dehumanisation of Palestinians

Some say this all began on October 7th, but a simple search shows that the dehumanisation of Palestinians has been ongoing for years. Palestinian deaths have long been referred to as accidental and inevitable, through the excessive usage of passive language. Take the following examples. The first is from The New York Times,

published in 20147. The second is from Sky News in 20248.

A missile is referred to as something that simply materialised in a cafe in Gaza, randomly killing Palestinians gathered to watch the World Cup. A bullet just happened to ‘find its way into a van’ and into the body of a child, acting on its own accord. The second example is particularly concerning, with a three/fouryear-old child being called ‘a young lady’. This is not an


isolated incident. When reporting on a potential hostage deal, The Guardian referred to Israeli hostages as ‘women and children’, but Palestinian hostages were ‘prisoners’ and ‘women and people aged 18 and under’9. This intentional word usage sparks particular associations in a reader’s mind: Israelis are innocent hostages, but Palestinians are prisoners and those under 18 are not even worthy of being called children. This intentional dehumanisation of Palestinians and obfuscation of reality by prominent news outlets aims to garner empathy for Israel’s ‘cause’.

Omission of context and spread of misinformation

Over the past few months, we have all heard ‘this started on October 7th’ more times than we can count. News outlets reported on these attacks as if they happened in a vacuum. The omission of historical context, at least 75 years of it, plays a crucial role in spreading misinformation and distorting the reality of Israel’s occupation of

Palestine. This attack took place as a result of a decades-long oppression, brutalisation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israel, backed by Western powers. Gaza is referred to as an ‘open-air prison’ 10 , subjected to constant bombings and attacks by the Israeli occupation. Palestinians in the West Bank are also routinely subjected to discrimination at the hands of Israel.11,12

A study by 416 Labs (2019)13 monitored US Mainstream Media coverage of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and found that in the past 50 years, there has been a sharp decline in the usage of the word ‘occupation’, signifying that key historical context may be omitted from media coverage of this region. By omitting this context, news outlets are able to shift the narrative and paint Israel as a victim that happened to be attacked unprovoked by Hamas.

Another study on media bias by Jonas Xavier Caballero (2010) delved into news coverage during Operation Cast Lead, a military assault


by Israel that resulted in the deaths of over 1000 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. An analysis of 91 articles from The New York Times showed coverage of just 17% of Palestinian deaths, in contrast to the 431% coverage of Israeli deaths14. This shows clear bias towards Israel, and a shocking lack of coverage with regards to Palestinian casualties.

Misinformation plays a significant role in the demonisation of Palestinians. Unverified claims are picked up by media outlets and spread like wildfire. When they are corrected, it is often far too late and the damage has been done. Take the ‘40 beheaded babies’ claim as an example. CNN journalist Sara Sidner

reported live that Netanyahu’s office confirmed that Hamas beheaded 40 Israeli babies. However, she later retracted this claim in a tweet, saying that the Israeli government could not confirm the beheadings of babies15. This did not stop US President Joe Biden from saying that he had seen pictures of ‘terrorists beheading children’; a statement that was refuted by a White House spokesperson who mentioned that Biden had in fact, not seen these pictures, having based his comments on claims made by the Israeli government16. Despite this, Biden’s ‘confirmation’ was widely shared on social media and displayed on the front pages of newspapers17, leading to more support and justification of


Israel’s ‘retaliatory’ killing of Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. Media outlets rely on the ignorance of viewers to strengthen the support for Israel, which includes mistranslating Arabic content. A recent example is the mistranslation of the testimony of a Palestinian hostage by the BBC, who claimed she said that ‘Only Hamas cared … we love them very much’ 18. The correct translation was very different, and highlighted the brutal treatment of Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons19. The BBC corrected themselves after backlash and explained their mistranslation was ‘an error in the editing process’ 20, but this only reveals how major news outlets are able to spread misinformation easily, relying on the ignorance of readers to further propagate their lies.

Western media sources employ more and more tactics to display their bias towards Israel. One such tactic is the blatant mistrust of Palestinian sources and authorities. The terms ‘Hamas-run health ministry’

and ‘Hamas-led government’ have been floating around on the internet, signifying doubt and mistrust. Joe Biden even went as far as to say that he had “no confidence in Palestinian death count” 21. Compare this to the blind trust the media placed in Netanyahu, who stated over 1400 Israelis had been murdered on October 7th. This number was then lowered to 120022, whereas the Palestinian death toll has now surpassed 25000+23 Another headline by The New York Times was:

“Explosion Gazans Say Was Airstrike Leaves Many Casualties in Dense Neighborhood” 24 .

This not only casts doubt upon the number of casualties and the nature of explosion, alongside not mentioning that this was a refugee camp, but once again fails to name the perpetrator of the attack, thereby absolving Israel of any blame.

Media bias is also reflected in the way Palestinians are treated in interviews as compared to Israelis.


Palestinians, who are grieving the loss of their family and friends, are often asked whether they ‘condemn Hamas’ 25 . Israelis are not asked the same questions. Instead, they are given opportunities to share their stories and their fears without being asked to condemn their government or military. Their stories are met with empathy and understanding. An example of the inconsideration media outlets show Palestinians is an interview Sky News conducted with Yara Eid. Yara Eid is a Palestinian journalist and human rights advocate who lost over 30 members of her immediate family in the recent bombings in Gaza. Once she stated this, instead of showing any empathy or offering condolences, the interviewer directly went on to ask what Yara, as a Palestinian, expected would happen after Hamas launched their attack on Israel26. These are the types of responses and heartlessness that Palestinians have to endure from interviewers who are not willing to listen to other perspectives. Regarding the western response to the atrocities being perpetrated Hazooraba has said: “Although more voices are being raised

and people say that injustices are being perpetrated, however, it seems that everyone is afraid of the Israeli government. Either that, or the Western world is naturally against the Muslim world and harbours hatred against them, due to which they do not wish for the injustices against them to end, or are not taking the necessary actions to bring the injustices to an end. They do not consider that these injustices are being perpetrated against innocent children, women and the elderly. Hence, we cannot fully trust them, however, we must continue striving to help them understand and we must also continue to pray. May Allah enable the Muslim world to


bolster its voice so that they may raise their voices and bring an end to these injustices.”27

In conclusion, a deeper dive into the coverage of the horrors in Gaza reveals a pattern of media bias. The usage of passive and active voice to differentiate between groups further perpetuates the dehumanisation of Palestinians. Moreover, the lack of historical context and dissemination of misinformation within these outlets accentuates their empathy towards Israel and its occupation of Palestine. The treatment of Palestinians in interviews as opposed to Israelis shows a lack of empathy. Though they claim to be impartial, the language employed by these outlets reveals a bias towards Israel. However, journalists have started to speak out against the consistent media bias against Palestinians. Over 1000 journalists have signed an open letter urging ‘integrity in Western media coverage of Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians’ 28. They call on Western media

outlets to give unbiased coverage of Israel’s crimes against Palestinians. There is a small spark of hope that media outlets will let go of their biases in order to report fairly, but there is a long way to go before this happens. Beloved Hazooraba has given guidance on how to achieve justice:

“…along with prayers, everyone should try and create an atmosphere of spreading the message that injustices must be brought to an end. Ahmadis should try to relay this message to anyone they have connections with. This is true courage, and this is the standard of acting according to the commands of Allah.” 29






















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The Holy Prophetsaw and his companions had won people’s hearts with love, devotion and compassion. If we want to conquer people’s hearts then we too shall have to follow in their footsteps. The teaching of the Holy Qur’an can be summarised as love for all, hatred for none. This alone is the way to win hearts. There is no way other than this.”

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIIrh

Khalifatul Masih IIIrh, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad library/books/Khalifatul-Masih-III.pdf


So long as the Islamic world does not establish the system of Islamic Justice, it does not adopt the Qur’anic concept of Justice, it can neither present Justice to the world nor should expect Justice from world!”

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVra

The Gulf Crisis, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IVra, p.289 books/The-Gulf-Crisis.pdf


Kids’ Spread


• Born: 1841

• He was 34th in direct male lineal descent from Hazrat Umarra

• He was the first person who took Bai’at at the hands of the Promised Messiahas on 23rd March 1889

• He was a Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an

• He was a ‘Hakim’ – someone who is very well versed in medicine and was a Royal Physician to a Maharaja before he devoted his life to religion

• Demise: 1914


1908 • Elected Khalifa

• Set up a public library in Qadian - Hazoorra donated books from his personal library and also gave financial help.

• Expansion of Al-Aqsa Mosque was undertaken by Hazoorra himself. This inspired other Ahmadis to also join in and the work was completed in time for the Jalsa that year.

• Expansion of Talimul-Islam High School – a school which was created to prepare Ahmadis for the propagation of Islam – was carried out. A hostel, large dining hall, a science room and 16 new rooms were added.

• Foundation stone of Masjid Noor in the Darul-Uloom neighbourhood in Rabwah was laid

• The first ever tabligh mission in the UK was set up. Hazoorra advised an Ahmadi who was visiting London for employment to open a mosque in Woking which had been locked up for some time. Hazoorra also sent two young Ahmadis to assist in this tabligh mission, one of whom, Fateh Muhammad Sial, delivered the first ever public lecture in London.

Other Achievements:

Under his supervision, the task of writing an English translation of the Holy Qur’an was started. This was completed 3 days before his demise.

New publications were started to spread the message of Islam including Al-Fazl, Noor, Al-Haque, Paigham-eSulha.

Hazoorra launched a scheme to provide houses for the poor. The first house was built from the funds provided personally by Hazoorra Hazoorra also built a mosque and a well to provide water.

1908 1910 1910 1910 1912

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmadra - Khalifatul Masih II


• Elected Khalifa


• Born: 1889

• A prophecy had been revealed to the Promised Messiahas that he would be given a son, through whom the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat would be spread to the ends of the earth. This prophecy was fulfilled in the form of Hazrat Mirza Bashir-udDeen Mahmood Ahmadra. He was known as Musleh Maud, the Promised Reformer.

• Demise: 1965

• Called on the Jama’at for financial contribution for the completion of the Minaratul Masih - the Minaret was completed in 1916.

• Called upon the Jama’at to contribute towards the building of a mosque in London

• Created the auxiliary organisation of Majlis Lajna Ima’Illah for women.

• Created the auxiliary organisation of Majlis Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya for girls ages 7-15

• Tehrike Jadid scheme was initiated. The primary purpose of this scheme is to open new missions and construct mosques around the world

• Created the auxiliary organisation of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya for men ages 15-40 and Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya for boys ages 7- 15.

• Created the auxiliary organisation of Majlis Ansarullah for men age 40 and above.

• Muslims, including Ahmadis, migrated from present day India to Pakistan. Under Hazoor’sra guidance, a whole city was built in Rabwah and Ahmadis settled here.

• The scheme of Waqf-e-Jadid was initiated. The purpose of this scheme was to spread the message of Islam to remote areas of Pakistan (and later, the world) by appointing teachers everywhere.

• Hazoorra laid the foundation stone of Fazl-e-Umar hospital in Rabwah, Pakistan

Other Achievements:

During his Khilafat many mosques were constructed in foreign countries as well.

During his Khilafat, translations of the Holy Qur’an in 14 languages was in progress.

1914 1914 1920 1922 1934 1938 1928 1947 1957 1940 1958

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh - Khalifatul Masih III


• Born: 1909

• He was the son of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II

• He was a Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an

• He held a Masters of Arts from Oxford University

• Demise: 1982







• Elected Khalifa


• Inaugurated Bait-e-Nusrat Jahan on 21st July in Copenhagen, Denmark and declared it to be a great historical event since it was the first-ever mosque built in any of the Scandinavian countries by the Ahmadiyya Community

• Hazoorrh started the Nusrat Jehan Foundation. The purpose of this fund was to build schools, colleges and hospitals in Africa

• Hazoorrh started a 15-year scheme called Ahmadiyya Centenary Fund –the purpose of which was to establish more missionary centres, a printing press, radio stations and to publish Islamic literature in different languages

• The government of Pakistan wanted to declare Ahmadis as non-Muslims. Hazoorrh presented before the government and was cross-examined for 11 days. Hazoorrh countered every single objection that was given against Ahmadis.

• Laid the foundation of the Nasir Mosque in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Other Achievements:

Hazoorrh was the first Khalifa who has travelled widely outside the sub-continent of India. Hazoorrh went on 7 international tours in his Khilafat - 1967, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1978, and 1980. The countries he toured were: Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, Britain, Spain, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Italy, Sweden, Norway, America, Australia and Canada.

Hazoorrh initiated the Fazl-e-Umar Foundation. The first funds were used to build the Khilafat Library and now many other initiatives run under this scheme.

Hazoorrh initiated a scheme for the teaching of the Holy Qur’an. Copies of the Holy Qur’an were placed in many hotels and libraries around the world and sent as gifts to heads of states and important personalities.

Hazoorrh put great focus on the education of the new generation – he advised that each Ahmadi by must be educated to at least the 10th grade, and each girl at least to middle school. He started a scheme with scholarships worth 125,000 rupees that would be given each year by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to intelligent students. He also began a scheme to award medals to high position holders.

He also announced the Ahmadi motto, “Love for All, Hatred for None.”



• Elected Khalifa


• Born: 1928

• He was the brother of the third Khalifa

• He studied at the ‘School of Oriental and African Studies’ at the University of London

• Demise: 2003

1989 1989 1991 2003

• Hazoorrh inaugurated the Basharat Mosque in Pedro Abad, Spain. This was the first mosque built in Spain after 700 years

• Started Tahrik Boyutul-Hamd scheme – an initiative to build 100 homes for the poor. A mosque, primary school and park were also built

• Tahrik Da’wat Ilallah initiative was started – Hazoorrh instructed that it is the duty of every Ahmadi to become a preacher and invite people towards Ahmadiyyat

• Sayyedna Bilal Fund was started – this fund is for the children of those Ahmadis who sacrificed their lives and were arrested for being Ahmadi or were martyred

• The Waqfe-Nau scheme was launched. Hazoorrh advised parents to present their children in the way of Allah prior to their birth

• ‘One Hundred Mosques in Germany’ initiative was started

• Launch of MTA International, which is an abbreviation of ‘Muslim Television Ahmadiyya’ – a 24h broadcast channel

• Programme for Taking Care of One Hundred Orphans was launched

• Maryam Shadi Fund was launched – this is a scheme to provide help with the marriages of poor Ahmadi girls

Other Achievements:

On MTA International, Hazoorrh started a class of the Urdu translation of the Holy Qur’an. A total of 305 classes were broadcast.

Hazoorrh also delivered 198 lectures related to homoeopathy on MTA International. These lectures were also compiled and published in a book titled Homoeopathy, Like Cures Like.

1982 1982 1982 1983 1986 1987


• Born: 1950

• Nephew of the fourth Khalifa

• Holds a Masters Degree in Agricultural Economics from the Agriculture University in Faisalabad, Pakistan

• Hazooraba dedicated his life to the service of Islam even before becoming Khalifa. He served in Ghana for 8 years. He was the first person who was able to successfully grow wheat on Ghanaian soil for the first time in the country’s history



• Elected Khalifa

• Hazooraba launched the annual National Peace Symposium to promote peace and harmony

• Hazooraba launched the ‘Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace’ - an international peace award for a person who been of great service to the cause of peace

• The inception of ‘Maryam’ Magazine for Waaqifaat-e-Nau and ‘Ismael’ Magazine for Waqifeen-e-Nau.

• Hazooraba launched MTA International Africa – a new television channel established specifically to meet the needs of the people of Africa

• Hazooraba launched Voice of Islam Radio– this is broadcast daily from Baitul Futuh mosque

• Hazooraba relaunched the ‘Al Hakam’ newspaper – a weekly newspaper providing Ahmadis with information about the true teachings of Islam

• Hazooraba launched – a new online research tool providing accurate and authentic information related to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

• Hazooraba inaugurated and launched a new website to assist in the study and research of the Holy Quran –

• Hazooraba inaugurated and launched an official Chinese website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (

• Hazooraba inaugurated an official Kurdish website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (

• Hazooraba launched – a new website about the history of the establishment of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK

2004 2009
2016 2018 2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2016 2012 38 | MARYAM

Other Achievements:

Under the guidance of Hazoor’saba Khilafat, many new mosques have been built and inaugurated by Hazooraba including several mosques in the UK, as well as worldwide, in Germany, USA, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden etc.


Hazooraba has also started a campaign under his Khilafat to distribute ‘peace’ leaflets to Muslims and non-Muslims around the world

Hazooraba has delivered his message of establishing peace to the parliament of Canada, UK, Europe, to the US Congress and to the Dutch parliament

1. Which 2 Khulafa were Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an?

2. Which 2 Khulafa had a special interest in medicine?

3. Which Khalifa was a direct descendent of the 2nd Khalifa of the Holy Prophetsaw, Hazrat Umarra

4. Where did Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra have to migrate to during his khilafat?

5. Where did Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh have to migrate to during his Khilafat?

6. How many international tours did Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh embark on? Can you name the countries he visited?

7. Which Khalifa created the auxiliary organisations: Nasiratul-Ahmadiyya, Lajna Ima’Illah, Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya and Majlis Ansarullah? Who are these for?

8. Which Khalifa coined the motto ‘Love for All, Hatred for None?’

9. Under whose Khilafat was the first ever tabligh mission to the UK carried out?

10. What is the full name of our present Khalifa and when was he elected?


Match the name of the scheme or initiative to the Khalifa that started it.

Boyutul-Hamd scheme


MTA International Africa

Voice of Islam Radio

Hazrat Hakeem Noor-ud-Deenra

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-udDeen Mahmood Ahmadra

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh

Tahrik Da’wat Ilallah Syedna Bilal Fund Maryam Shadi Fund

Ahmadiyya Muslim Prize for the Advancement of Peace

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba

Nusrat Jehan Fund


Public Library in Qadian

MTA International 100 Mosques in Germany

Fazl-e-Umar Foundation

Waqfe Nau

Inauguration of Masjid Noor

Programme for Taking Care of One Hundred Orphans


Khilafat in Islam

Is way to success in Iman

A source of strength and light

Whose guidance gives way to shine really bright

L ike a strong rope

It guides people through the globe

How blessed are we to have gods rope in our grasp

Which unites us uniquely all around

The wave of love and guidance along which flows with elegant strides

The Promised Messiah and his Khulafa

The unlimited blessing of God that has been granted

A special rewarded to his faithful followers

A hope for a victorious and fortunate future

A medicine for their spiritual illnesses

Give thanks to Allah for rewarding us with a spiritual healer

Be grateful to Allah that you have been given the honour representing a religion which promotes

Love for all hatred for none

Remember not everyone is lucky to have been granted the eyes

Which see the truth and light of Islam.

So, pay heed to khilafat and read your daily Namaz and Tilawat

These are your keys to Taqwa: Righteousness

As these are the commandments of Allah

So, value your treasure and keep a firm hold to it

For Khilafat is a way to success

Towards attaining nearness to Allah.


The Sparrow’s Sacrifice

In a bustling city, where skyscrapers towered over busy streets, there lived a small sparrow named Sparrowia. Despite the hustle and bustle of city life, Sparrowia found solace in the little garden tucked away between two towering buildings. It was her sanctuary, a haven of peace amidst the chaos of the city.

One day, as Sparrowia fluttered among the fragrant flowers, she noticed a group of ants struggling to carry a large grain of rice back to their nest. The grain was far too heavy for the tiny ants, and despite their best efforts, they couldn’t seem to make any progress.

Moved by compassion, Sparrowia flew down beside them. “Let me help you,” she chirped, offering to carry the grain of rice in her beak. With a grateful chorus of chirps, the ants accepted her offer, and together they set off toward the nest. But as they journeyed across the garden, Sparrowia couldn’t help but feel the weight of the grain pressing down on her. It grew heavier with each flap of her wings, and soon she found herself struggling to stay airborne.

Despite her fatigue, Sparrowia refused to give up. She knew that the ants were counting on her, and she was determined to see their grain safely home. With every ounce of strength she possessed, she pushed forward, her wings aching and her heart pounding.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the entrance to the ant’s nest. With a final burst of effort, Sparrowia gently placed the grain of rice at the entrance, watching with a sense of pride as the ants scurried inside, their home safe once more.


Exhausted but triumphant, Sparrowia collapsed to the ground, her chest heaving with exertion. As she lay there catching her breath, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. Despite the hardship she had endured, she knew that her sacrifice had made a difference in the lives of the ants.

From that day forth, Sparrowia became a hero in the eyes of the ants, revered for her selfless act of kindness. And though she never asked for anything in return, the ants made sure to repay her kindness in any way they could, bringing her seeds and berries as tokens of their gratitude.

Through Sparrowia’s sacrifice, the ants learned the true meaning of compassion and selflessness, and they vowed to always help those in need, just as Sparrowia had helped them.

Reference: This story draws inspiration from Aesop’s fable “The Ant and the Dove,” which teaches the importance of kindness and compassion, even in the face of hardship. It emphasises the idea that small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on the lives of others and encourages readers to be selfless and empathetic in their interactions with others.


The Correct Way to Celebrate Eid

At times, we may find ourselves navigating through hardships or trials either on a personal level or globally by being part of a nation or community and it is sometimes difficult to enjoy or celebrate moments in our life without feeling a sense of guilt. Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there exists an opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal. These testing times have the power to create stronger individuals, resilient communities, and stronger nations. It is a reminder that, as challenging as the circumstances may be, they also carry the potential for transformation and the emergence of a more enlightened and compassionate world. In facing these trials, both personally and globally, we discover the depths of our strength, the power of collective unity, and the human spirit that propels us forward, even in the darkest of hours.

Therefore, Allah has given us times of celebration for a reason; to reflect on the blessings Allah has provided us with and to remain hopeful in challenging times. Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:

Surely there is ease after hardship (94:6)

ارًسۡیُ رًسۡعُلۡا عَمَ نَّا

It is our job as Ahmadi Muslims to remain faithful and hopeful of Allah’s timings and when times of celebration occur, to use this to strengthen our connection with Allah.

Highlighting the importance and spirit of Eid, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaba states

“Today, young and old, men and women have gathered together because this day holds great significance. Islam has decreed the day of Eid as a day of happiness in which Muslims should join together with their loved ones…if Ahmadi Muslims wish to celebrate Eid in the true sense, then where they seek to attain the blessings of true Eid by bringing about a moral reformation, they should also make every effort to free the world from injustices and should engage fervently in prayer to free the Muslim world from the disorder and troubles it is engulfed in”

We are currently experiencing a period characterised by a revolution in social media. Over a period of time, many traditional Islamic practices have evolved into extravagant non-Islamic practices with maximum expenditure and unnecessary customs, which are then posted online. This, in turn, makes us feel like we are missing out or we have to reach to that level for it to actually feel like a celebration. We may find it absolutely necessary to do the same thing.

Eid brings with it a spirit of festivity, gratitude, and community among all Muslims worldwide. As we come together to celebrate the blessings bestowed upon us, it is imperative to reflect upon the correct and meaningful ways to commemorate Eid. This article delves into the essence of the proper methods for celebrating Eid, emphasising the importance of adherence to Islamic principles, fostering unity, and extending the joy of the occasion to those less fortunate. By understanding and embracing the correct way to celebrate Eid, we improve our spiritual connection, promote harmony within communities, and ensure that the festivities align with the teachings of Islam.

Regardless of its scale, every practice should be grounded in Islam’s fundamental teachings, supported by the blessed Sunnah of the Holy Prophetsaw. We integrate the Sunnah of the Holy Prophetsaw into our daily lives. During Eid, we strive to celebrate in alignment with the Holy Prophet’ssaw way, to the best of our abilities.


According to the practice of the Holy Prophetsaw, “One should take a shower, wear good clothes, perfume and offer Eid prayer in congregation”. Hazrat Anas bin Malikra narrated that the Holy Prophetsaw, never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of Eid-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. Hazrat Anasra also narrated that the Holy Prophetsaw used to eat an odd number of dates. During Eid, much of the focus is placed on wearing fashionable, expensive attire. While there is nothing essentially wrong with these practices, it’s crucial to divert our attention to other priorities.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba, on the occasion of Eid, explained that “a lot of focus is spent on new clothes and celebrations on this joyous occasion. The delight behind this is because Allah has instructed us to do so. However, when we look at this celebration, we are not gaining any material benefit, although we may be obtaining spiritual benefit, provided we celebrate Eid in the true manner. Thus, at this occasion, we should bear in mind that we are celebrating a far more exalted cause; we are celebrating the purpose of the advent of Prophet Muhammadsaw and his servant, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas . The Holy Prophetsaw said that one who is arrogant will not be allowed entry into heaven. The Holy Prophetsaw said that wearing nice clothes is not arrogance, for God is beautiful and loves beauty. Arrogance is that one looks towards others with contempt and treats them poorly. Hence, wearing nice clothes on Eid pleases Allah, but these things should not be made a means for arrogance, as this is displeasing to God.

Hazrat Anas bin Malikra narrated that the Holy Prophetsaw, never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of Eid-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. Hazrat Anasra also narrated that the Holy Prophetsaw used to eat an odd number of dates.

During an Eid sermon Hazooraba explained that once a person asked the Holy Prophetsaw to advise him of something that would allow him to enter paradise and save him from the hellfire. He replied that he should worship God, pay Zakat and be kind to family. Thus, God bestows in this world and gives glad tidings of the hereafter. In another narration, it is stated that one who offers prayers on the nights of two Eids, his heart will be granted eternal life. This is the amazing reward for worshipping God.

Endowed with this profound love of worshipping Allah, the Holy


Prophetsaw would then proceed towards the Eid Gah, exclaiming the greatness of Allah. He would repeat this proclamation numerous times during the Eid prayer and return home, using a different route, with the magnificence of Allah still resonating on his lips.

The Holy Prophetsaw exemplified remarkable generosity. As it is part of the Sunnah to contribute to charity on Eid, it is only correct for us to follow this practice too. In Arabic, Fitrana is called Sadaqat-ul-Fitr, as it is stated in a Hadith related by Hazrat Ibn Abbasra:

“The Holy Prophetsaw deemed Sadaqat-ul-Fitr obligatory upon Muslims. It is a means of purifying the fasting person from idle talk and foul language and also to feed the poor.” (Sunan Abu Dawood, Kitab az-Zakat).

Fitrana has to be offered before Eid. At times it is observed that it is offered right before or after the Eid prayer. However, it is better to offer Fitrana well before Eid, so that the poor and needy can be provided with the means to celebrate Eid in time.

The amount or rate of Fitrana is one saa‘ of grains, which is equivalent to 2.5 kilograms. However, if someone is unable to offer the exact amount, they can offer half of the amount. Fitrana is obligatory upon every Muslim man, woman and child, so much so that it has to be paid on behalf of a newborn as well.

Building upon the generosity of the Holy Prophetsaw, in the modern era, we have additional paths to gather blessings from Allah the Almighty, particularly during Eid celebrations. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba states that “ gifts to neighbours – or even meeting them in a cordial manner – creates such a society that is full of peace. And in a non-Muslim society, if we have such good relationships with our neighbours, then the propagation of Islam will be carried out as well” and people will see the true picture of Islam. This deed will be a goodness that affects the wider society and is of great merit”

Therefore, the appropriate manner to observe Eid, particularly in more recent times, is not for the sake of lavish spending and flaunting on social media. Instead, it’s true purpose extends far beyond—to seek the pleasure of Allah through worship, acts of generosity, enjoying meals and fostering joy with our family and friends whilst maintaining hope and faith in Allah’s plans and timing. Beloved Hazooraba read out a summary of an address delivered by the Second Caliphra on the occasion of Eid, with regards to spreading the true message of Islam. He said that our Eid must be the Eid of the Holy Prophetsaw, for any


Eid besides this cannot be Eid. Thus, our Eid should include the Holy Prophetsaw by spreading the message of the Holy Qur’an and Islam. This same spirit must also be instilled in the future generations. We should not rest until the banner of Islam and the Holy Prophetsaw is raised in the entire world. His Holiness (aba) prayed that we may be able to witness such an Eid.

In conclusion, it is evident that we are going through testing times, but there is always good that comes out of Allah the Almighty’s planning. He is the best of planners, and with this in our hearts we should follow through with the celebrations ordered to all Muslims.

1 Eid Sermon, 19th July 2015



4 Eid Sermon, 5th June 2019

5 Eid Sermon, 2nd May 2022

6 Eid Sermon, 2nd May 2022


8 Eid sermon, 22nd April 2023

9 Eid Sermon 2nd May 2022


…I wish to state that God Almighty – having found this age full of darkness, and sunk deep in heedlessness, denial and paganism, and having observed the waning of faith, truthfulness, sincerity and righteousness – has sent me so that He may once again re-establish in the world the intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual verities, and to safeguard Islam against the onslaughts of those who design to harm this divine garden in the guise of philosophy, naturalism, innovation, polytheism and atheism.

[A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 5, p. 251]


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