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GCSE History
GCSE History is offered to any student who has an interest in History. The course focuses on some key areas of national and international history, such as Germany in the 20th Century, the Cold War and the Norman Conquest of England.
The department uses not only written and pictorial sources but incorporates the use of film, drama, documentaries, empathetic role play and the use of computers and ICT.
Paper 1 Understanding the Modern World
• Democracy and Dictatorship: Germany 1890 – 1945
• Conflict and Tensions between East and West, 1945 – 1972 (The Cold War)
Paper 2 Shaping the Nation
• Power and the People: 1170 to present day
• The Conquest of England and Norman England: 1066 to 1100
GCSE History students also benefit from a trip to France and Belgium to see first -hand the impact of World War 1 and World War 2. Furthermore, there is a visit to an English site of significant historical interest.
AQA GCSE History
Assessment Format
Paper 1
The Modern World - worth 50% of total marks.
1a) Germany (1 hr)
1b) Cold War (1 hr)
Paper 2
Shaping the Nation - worth 50% of total marks.
2a) Power and the People (1 hr)
2b) Norman Conquest (1 hr) http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/history/gcse/history-8145
Options 2022-2025
History teaches you to collect evidence and use it to challenge conventional ideas. History teaches you how to assimilate information and reorganise it into a more coherent form. History can be seen as attempting to discern reality from image. The skills developed are useful in just about every profession, from law to the public sector and business.
Mr Dicks
Controlled assessment will be internally-assessed throughout the two year course.
In Year 10, students will take a five-hour exam in February and a ten-hour mock exam in June.

In Year 11 students will take a ten-hour mock exam followed by the final, externally-set, ten-hour exam in April / May.
All controlled assessment and exam work will be internallyassessed and externallymoderated by OCR to give the final grade.
There will be an exhibition of a selection of the GCSE work in the Summer Term.