2 minute read
GCSE Drama
This course is offered to students with an interest in all aspects of theatre. Most of the course will be taught practically, and students will be able to choose to follow a technical or performance based pathway. Technical options will include Lighting, Set Design and Sound, and the performance work will include improvised, scripted and devised work in a number of workshops sessions. Students will keep an ongoing ‘working notebook,’ sections of which will be written up and refined after each performance piece is completed.
All students will need to participate in performance work – either as actors or technicians, and they will be required to demonstrate their chosen skill in front of a variety of audiences. For actors, line learning will be a requirement for some projects, whilst technicians will have to create a portfolio to document their work.
Students are strongly encouraged to see as much live theatre as possible to enrich their experience and enhance their understanding. As the live theatre review is now a compulsory part of the written paper, parents and students should note that there will be at least 2 compulsory theatre visits during the two years.
The school has three Drama spaces, two of which are equipped with a fully powered lighting rig. Our lighting and sound equipment is professional standard, and we have a range of props, staging and costumes available for students to use. The largest Drama Studio is adaptable for full stage performance as well as for smaller studio productions.
Please note: As 60% of the assessment is completed in groups, students who wish to take GCSE Drama should have an excellent attendance record and should be willing to rehearse after school.
Controlled assessment (40%)
Devised performance work and written notebook.
(Teacher-assessed and externally -moderated.)
Scripted performance work (20%)
Working as an actor or a technical designer.
(Assessed by a visiting examiner.)
Written exam (40%)
Long and short questions on a script which has been studied, and on a live theatre performance seen during the course.
POSSIBLE CAREERS AND FURTHER INFORMATION https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/drama2016.html
Preparation for further courses in Theatre Arts and leading to careers in performing, design, technical aspects of theatre management, public relations, directing, Drama in Education and in the community. Preparation for A Level in Drama.
Options 2023-2025
Miss Clark
Assessment Format
Non-exam assessment (50%)
Task 1:Food investigation: practical investigations and a written report including photographs looking at the working characteristics and properties of different ingredients.
Task 2: Food preparation assessment: Students prepare, cook and present a menu of three dishes in a 3-hour practical session. Students will need to plan in advance how this can be achieved.
Written exam (50%) Tests students’ theoretical knowledge of food preparation and nutrition.
Catering, Dietician, Nutritionist Food Writer, Hospital Chef, Journalist, Maître d', Military Chef, Product Developer, Recipe Developer, Research Chef, Self Employment: Food and beverage shop/outlets, Food Technologist, Home Economist, Baker, Food Science.