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GCSE Computer Science
This three-unit course covers both computing theory and programming skills. It is designed to give students an in-depth understanding of how computer technology works and a look at what goes on ‘behind the scenes’. The course builds on computing skills developed in Key Stage 3; it will include logic skills and problem-solving ability will be essential for this course. Programming projects will focus on using text-based languages such as Python.
The computer systems and programming unit will cover the theory around a wide range of issues such as the CPU hardware and the Von Neumann architecture, data representation and units of data storage, networks and computer systems security and vulnerabilities, operating systems and systems software, computational thinking, python programming to include data types, variables, iteration and arrays (lists) and boolean logic.
Computer Science is engaging and practical, encouraging creativity and problem solving. Students analyse problems, devise creative solutions by designing, writing, testing and evaluating programs.
This course is designed to give an in-depth understanding of how computer technology works and a look at what goes on ‘behind the scenes’. Assessment is based on written exams (Component 1- 50%; Component 2 - 50%) as well as a programming project to develop their practical ability in the skills developed in components 1 and 2.
Options 2023-2025
Most jobs now involve the use of computers and so computer science will provide many skills and opportunities for future career and higher education options.
Just some of the jobs available in computer science include Cyber Security, Information Systems, Forensic Computing, IT Consultancy, Analytics, Engineering, Graphic and Web designers and Business Analyst. However, the list is endless!
Mr Porter
Assessment Format
Written Examination (2 hours)
100 marks (50% of GCSE)
Section A: Core principles of Design and Technology (60 marks)
Section B: In-depth knowledge of specialist materials (40 marks)
Non-Exam Assessment (NEA)
100 marks (50% of GCSE) Design and Make project comprising a working prototype and a 20 page design portfolio