3 minute read
GCSE Sociology
Sociology is the study of society. This means we explore the rules, values and practices which govern people’s lives. Sociology tries to understand why people do what they do in a range of different settings from families and schools to criminal cultures and people in poverty. Sociology looks at life from alternative perspectives, trying to weigh up different evidence to make conclusions. Sociologists will require good language skills as many words and concepts will be subject-specific and essay writing is a key component of the course.
Unit 1
Studying Society; exploring the types of evidence we can use to know about society.
Education; what is really going on in schools? We explore power relationships, hidden discrimination and hidden messages in the school system in the UK. Families; How are our most personal beliefs formed and developed? What is really going on with relationships in the family?
Unit 2
Studying Society; exploring the types of evidence we can use to know about society.
Crime and Deviance; why do some people follow the rules and others don't? Whose rules are they anyway?
Social Stratification; why is the world divided into ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’? Does everyone have the same chances in life?

Paper 1
Studying Society, Education and Families (1 hour 45 minutes)worth 50% of the course.
Candidates answer short answer questions and essay questions.
Paper 2
Studying Society, Crime and Deviance and Social Stratification (1 hour 45 minutes) - worth 50% of the course.
Candidates answer short answer questions and essay questions.
Possible Careers And Further Information
Recent research has shown sociologists are more employable than any other subject. It also shows that sociologists are more likely to end up in management and leadership roles than any other subject. Careers in Law, Politics, Social Work, Police, Medicine, Education, Advertising, Marketing, and Journalism. Students can go on to study Sociology at A Level and Sociology, Criminology, Anthropology or Social Studies at Degree level and beyond.
Miss Tindall
Information About Options And Career Advice
In order to make sound choices, students and their parents must be well-informed. Information can be obtained from a variety of sources.
The Careers Library in the Learning Resources Centre (LRC) contains many resources regarding a whole range of careers and post-14/16/18 opportunities.
Subject staff are available to tell students as much as they need to know about GCSE courses in their departments. Heads of Department will be able to advise at the Year 9 Options Evening.
Students are kept informed about post-14/16/18 pathways during Inspire sessions and assemblies. Form Tutors and Heads of House are always willing to discuss plans and any problems an individual may be experiencing. Employers and employees will often willingly discuss subject choices with young people and we have a vast network of volunteers to offer support and advice. Additionally, all students will complete a What’s Next choices workshop within school before the Options deadline to ensure they understand pathways available to them and make informed choices.
In addition, there are a number of external services that can be accessed. There is a wealth of information on the school website under the Information heading. Select Careers and on the left are pages for both Parents and Students regarding online resources students and parents can access in school and at home.
The main provision is described below.
Innervate Career Services
There is an adviser from Innervate Career Services in school on Tuesdays to offer 1-2-1 interviews as well as informal guidance. During the rest of the week, careers advice is available from Mrs Langley (Careers Leader based in English).
National Careers Service
The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills provides a telephone careers helpline for students as part of the National Careers Service. Support is available from trained advisers who will talk through issues, offering confidential advice and practical help. We have been informed that advisers are available from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week, by webchat, (link is at the top of the website) or by text message on 0776 641 3219.
The Unifrog online program helps students to explore the many different career opportunities available to them. This can be accessed both at school and at home. Log in initially using the code sent to your school email in a welcome email.
All students could start by completing the Personality Profile and the Interests Profile There is also a Subject Resource library and a Careers Resource library for research.
Should you experience any difficulties, please contact Mrs Langley (Careers Leader based in English) via email: L.Langley@WarlinghamTLT.co.uk