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Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing
Possible Careers And Further Information
Employers of the future are going to want employees who can make a difference. They will of course be interested in qualifications, however, perhaps more importantly, they are going to want employees who are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to get the job done, i.e. employability skills!
This course is also ideal preparation for advanced level study in a range of courses, particularly A Level Business Studies and BTEC Level 3 Business.
It is an excellent base for any career or for potential entrepreneurs!
This course is for students who wish to develop applied knowledge and practical skills in enterprise and marketing. It is designed with both practical and theoretical elements, which will prepare students for further study of qualifications in enterprise, marketing or business.
All learners will study three mandatory topics as follows:
Enterprise and marketing concepts: Students will develop essential knowledge and understanding of enterprise and marketing concepts, which can be applied to the other units within the qualification. They will understand the main activities that will need to happen to support a start-up business, and what the key factors are to consider when starting up a business.
Design a business proposal: Students will develop the skills to design a business proposal to meet a specific business challenge. They will identify a customer profile for a specific product, complete market research to generate product design ideas, and use financial calculations to propose a pricing strategy and determine the viability of their product proposal.
Market and pitch a business proposal: Students will develop the skills to create a brand identity and promotional plan for their specific business product proposal developed in the second topic. They will pitch their business proposal to an external audience. Finally, they will review their pitching skills and business proposal using their learning, self-assessment and feedback gathered.
This vocational course can be studied alongside GCSEs (except for GCSE Business).
Mr Richardson
Assessment is based on two written exams.
Paper 1
Computer Systems (1hr 30mins) - worth 50% of total marks
Paper 2
Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming (1hr 30mins) - worth 50% of total marks