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GCSE Art and Design

This is a two year course leading to a GCSE in Art and Design. This course encourages an adventurous and enquiring approach to Art and Design. Successful students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of past and contemporary art and design practice and will be able to produce a personal response that embraces a range of ideas.

Possible Careers


Further Information

AS and A Level courses in Art and Design, Textiles and Photography.

There are many careers leading on from an A Level or Degree in Art and Design such as architecture, fashion design, graphic design, illustration, interior design, photography, new media design, model-making, printing, engraving, stage and set design.

The course will consist of two units. One unit is a controlled assessment (60%) in which students will choose their own topic of study with guidance from their teacher. The second unit is an externally-set assignment (40%) which is set by OCR. Through these units the students will undertake visual research exploring, developing and refining their own ideas and producing a body of work that successfully leads to a realisation of intention. They will learn how to use a range of media and materials and will develop their understanding of the work of other artists and designers from different times and cultures.

Visits to art galleries and museums will be arranged and encouraged. The disciplines offered by the Art Department include drawing and painting, printmaking, mixed media, textiles, photography, Photoshop and threedimensional work.


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