Russia Monitor 7/2020

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reiterated while in talks with Vladimir Putin. –– joint and somewhat agreeing in viewpoints. Macron is setting eyes on replacing NATO The French president aspires to “build a new forces with EU-backed defense units and architecture of trust and security in Europe,” making a deal with Moscow on how to divide one that includes Moscow. Likewise, he seeks to out its zones of influence. The first step would impose his reset policy on the whole European be to end the Russian-Ukrainian war yet on Union. Ideally, he looks to fracture the Eurothe Kremlin’s terms. Emmanuel Macron is the Atlantic alliance in a bid to forge new security first Western leader looking to bury the West’s architecture in Europe. post-Crimean policy toward Russia past 2014

16 July 2020

WATER SHORTAGE IN CRIMEA: RUSSIA MAY MAKE A NEW MOVE AGAINST UKRAINE Moscow may decide on a military option to gain control of water for the peninsula, Ukrainian military officers say. Of course, that is nothing but a Russian excuse.


ccording to Ukrainian senior officials, Russia has assembled thousands of its troops in the Moscow-occupied peninsula. This is not accidental, though. The Crimean peninsula has long suffered from water shortages, but these are now often exacerbated

by the ever-more frequent winters with little rain or snow. In the last several months, these difficulties have become critical. According to Russian officials, the region has seen its reserves of potable water decline by 60 percent under Russian occupation. Also, it will entirely SOURCE: MINOBORON


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