Wschód Kultury / Integracje - Mediacje [en]

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What kind of Europe?



Litewski Square





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Workshops of Culture, Gardzienice Gallery, 5a Grodzka Street; Labirynt 2 Gallery, 3 Grodzka Street Piękno Panie Gallery, 17 Jezuicka Street





Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street ul. Peowiak o ut





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Europe cannot be reduced to one closed category, because it is emerging in a never-ending process of creating itself. It cannot be exclusively a continent, a political organism, an economic union, a store of historical experiences, an idea or a set of concepts. Europe is a common part. But while asking about loci communes, about integration, we cannot also forget about the borders, the still vital ‘scars’ of history. iej

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Space for Creative Initiatives TEKTURA, 15a Wieniawska Street

“Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 1200 m


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Such being the case, how should we build the European community and the Europeanness of our local communities? We want to rely on cultural values, on the dialogue of communities beyond borders, on creating places of mediation and exchange. It is a difficult and long-term mission leading to unpredictable and not quite sensible results. But we are united by the common belief that it should be taken up to search for the lost sense of the single Europe.


Programme of the INTEGRATIONS – MEDIATIONS Festival Tuesday 01.10.2013 5:00 p.m. Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 5:00 p.m. “Openings” installation / Michał Fronk (Poland) Słowacki Housing Estate management office, 10 Skierki Street 7:30 p.m. Concert of the Kairos Men’s Choir (Poland) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)


9:00 p.m. After Party − dj Papa Zura (Poland) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)

Wednesday 02.10.2013 9:00 a.m. Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 3:00 p.m. Opening day of the exhibition of the works created under the Connected by the Border artist-in-residence programme “Red Border” installation / Nuka Megrelishvili (Georgia) “Listening East” sound installation / Martyna Poznańska (Poland) “HOMOLIMESHOMO” installation / Mirosław Nordyk Jurczuk (Poland) The square in front of the Centre for Culture, 12 Peowiaków Street

4:00 p.m. POSTBOX exhibition “Space as an instrument of shaping human attitides” Lesław Tetla (Poland), Lore Gablier (France), Tatiana Fiodorova (Moldova), Asia Zdzienicka (Poland), Dobroslawa Ruranska (Poland) Space for Creative Initiatives TEKTURA, 15a Wieniawska Street 4:30 p.m. “Cantine for cultural workers” – site-specific installation Stefan Rusu, Vladimir Us (Moldova) Space for Creative Initiatives TEKTURA, 15a Wieniawska Street 5:00 p.m. Opening day of the “Ukrainian Cross-Section. Liman. 2013” exhibition — Ukrainian Contemporary Art Triennial (part 1) Workshops of Culture, Gardzienice Gallery, 5a Grodzka Street; Labirynt 2 Gallery, 3 Grodzka Street 5:30 p.m. A performance art piece by Yuriy Biley (Ukraine) Workshops of Culture, 5a Grodzka Street 6:30 p.m. Opening day of the “Ukrainian Cross-Section. Liman. 2013” exhibition — Ukrainian Contemporary Art Triennial (part 2) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 7:00 p.m. A performance art piece by Alevtina Kahidze (Ukraine) A performance art piece The Best One (Me) by Volodymyr Topiy (Ukraine) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 7:30 p.m. Concert of Orkiestra Śwętego Mikołaja (Poland) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard) 9:00 p.m. After Party − dj Senhor Efebo / Poland Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)


Thursday 03.10.2013 9:00 a.m. Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 4:00 p.m. “Private and public” performance / Antonina Yurchenko, Pasiechko Olha, Inna Kozak, Kateryna Khasanova (Ukraine) The space of the Old Town at the Cracow Gate 4:30 p.m. “10 Meters” performance / Aleksey Manukyan (Armenia) Litewski Square 5:30 p.m. Sound performance / Vardan Harutyunyan (Armenia) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street


6:00 p.m. “48/4” performance / Lublin Dance Theatre “Chatka Żaka” University Centre for Culture−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 6.00 p.m. Opening day of the “Ukrainian Cross-Section. Liman. 2013” exhibition — Ukrainian Contemporary Art Triennial (part 3) Gallery of Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts, 13 Lipowa Street 7:00 p.m. Opening day of Tereza Barabash’s exhibition Piękno Panie Gallery, 17 Jezuicka Street 7:00 p.m. “Opium” performance / Contemporary Dance Group of the Lublin University of Technology “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 7:30 p.m. Concert of Południce & Liquid Molly (Poland) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)

8.30 p.m. “Theatricality” monodram by Mateusz Nowak (Poland) Piękno Panie Gallery, 17 Jezuicka Street (Courtyard) 9:00 p.m. After Party − dj Ya-Neck / Poland Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)

Friday 04.10.2013 10:00 a.m. Culture for the Eastern Partnership Congress Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 6:30 p.m. Partnership Fair – multimedia presentations of cultural initiatives and projects from the EU and EaP countries Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 6:00 p.m. “monday morning” performance / Gallery Dance Theatre / Belarus “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 6:50 p.m. “come and go” performance / Gallery Dance Theatre / Belarus “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 7:00 p.m. Opening day of the EASTREET street photography exhibition Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (2nd floor) Meeting with curators and artists taking part in the exhibition Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Black Hall)


7:20 p.m. “Decadence. Dialogues” performance / SKVO’s Dance Company (Belarus) “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 7:30 p.m. Concert of KAKAXA (Ukraine) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard) 9:00 p.m. Concert of Messer Chups (Russia) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard) 11:00 p.m. Concert and After Party − Me and My Monkey duet (Georgia) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)


Saturday 05.10.2013 9:30 a.m. Culture for the Eastern Partnership Congress Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 9:30 a.m. Open panel discussions Alphabets and literacies. How do communicative competences change in the face of digital technologies? The art of media: toward the emancipation of the work, the viewer and the artist – changes in art which happen due to the development of digital technologies and networks. Design as a language of culture – comparison of different alphabets’ visual languages Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Audience Hall) 6:00 p.m. “No night train” performance / Quadro Dance Theatre (Belarus) “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street

6:30 p.m. Partnership Fair – multimedia presentations of cultural initiatives and projects from the EU and EaP countries Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Audience Hall) 7:00 p.m. “Happy Valentine” performance / SKVO’s Dance Company (Belarus) “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 7:20 p.m. “Self to the Nth power” performance / SKVO’s Dance Company (Belarus) “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 7:45 p.m. “Laws of the Universe or Fragments of one picture” performance / Horus (Belarus) “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 7:00 p.m. Concert of the DVA duet / Czech Republic Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard) 8:00 p.m. Presentation of the “Dynamics of Metamorphosis − the ancient stagecraft” performance research project The Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street / Oratorium Hall 9:00 p.m. Special project: Hych Orchestra & Miąższ (Ukraine, Poland) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard) 00:00 After Party − DJ Binghi & Banda Arkan (Ukraine) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)


Sunday 06.10.2013 10:00 a.m. Culture for the Eastern Partnership Congress Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street 4:00 p.m. The lecture “Physical theatre in Belarus” / Aleksander Tiebienkov “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street 7.00 p.m. Concert of Port Mone (Belarus) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)


8:00 p.m. “The Emperor’s last clothing” open-air performance / InZhest theatre (Belarus) The square in front of the Centre for Culture, 12 Peowiaków Street 9:00 p.m. Concert of Dubioza Kolektiv (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard) 11:00 p.m. After Party − RUUR (Poland) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard)

02–06.10.2013 12.00–8:00 p.m. Eastern Publishers’ Bazaar Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (corridors) 12.00–6.00 p.m. Exhibition “The Unbearable Lightness of White” / Sławomir Brzoska, Hege Lønne, Ked Olszewski, Mariusz Tarkawian, Michał majnartowicz Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street, Biała Gallery

Lublin, the Gate of the East Lublin lies precisely on the Eastern axis of Poland, close to the Eastern border of the European Union and at the same time not far from the capital city of Warsaw. Thanks to its vantage location at the border between East and West, on the intersection of old trade routes, the city has for centuries been the gate between these two worlds. Since 1989, Lublin has become for the countries to the east of Poland, particularly Ukraine and Belarus, the first stop on the way to Western Europe. After Poland’s accession to the European Union, the contacts of Lublin with the country’s eastern neighbours have intensified, and now, due to the perspective of the Eastern Partnership, they are growing even closer. With thousands of links running between Lublin and our friends from Eastern Europe, a real exchange on every level prospers and cooperation networks are built up. We provide a genuine platform for diverse initiatives from East and West, channeling them across the barrier of the Schengen border. We want to pass on our experience of intercultural dialogue and to share it with our partners from the EU countries. Lublin. “Unia” by Leon Tarasewicz in the Holy Trinity Chapel (Open City). Photo by Wojtek Kornet


The East of Culture


28–30 June 2013



The East of Culture programme is a new form of cultural cooperation between cities of Eastern Poland and countries of the Eastern Partnership. It is the first time that the three cities: Białystok, Lublin and Rzeszów are discovering such large scale opportunities for joint endeavours to be taken by various groups in order to share cultural ideas across the borders, to facilitate artistic and cultural exchange, as well as ensure mobility of artists and their works. The East of Culture expands the idea of the European Stadium of Culture, the EURO 2012-inspired project implemented in 2011−2012 in Rzeszów and in 2012 also in Lublin. The East of Culture project is a joint effort of the whole Eastern Poland to establish the Eastern Partnership as a cultural project. Drawing on the region’s social and cultural potential it aims at developing new competences in the fields of inter-cultural dialogue, new media, culture animation and managing cross-border projects. The East of Culture’s objective is the development of the cities through cultural cooperation with the Eastern Part-

nership countries and through enhancing the cooperation between the cities of Eastern Poland in order to create joint longterm cultural programmes. The project was designed due to the involvement of creative groups and local governments from Eastern Poland, as well as the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the National Centre for Culture. The artistic programme of the East of Culture project will be based mainly on initiatives taken by local cultural operators and artists, exchange of artistic projects between the cities as well as joint projects carried out with artists from the Eastern Partnership countries. The cooperation with the countries of the Eastern Partnership will serve to show their potential and to inspire the festivals’ participants, since cultures of these countries are still unknown and not quite popular in Poland.

Białystok. Days of Contemporary Art. “MUMA” Rusiłowicz/Frankiewicz/Łukaszuk. Photo by Natalia Kalina


INTEGRATIONS-MEDIATIONS Thematic areas Eastern Sounds Ukrainian Cross-Section Liman.2013


Eastreet – Exhibition Of Street Photography From Eastern Europe Platform of the Belarusian Physical and Dance Theatre Connected by the Border Mindware of Eastern Europe Eastern Publishers’ Bazaar

create the space for exchanging artistic ideas between partners from the East and West of Europe, sharing experiences and artistic skills, and – finally – for joint implementation of artistic as well as social and cultural projects. INTEGRATIONS-MEDIATIONS which are searching for a new concept of a festival, will include artistic presentations, demonstrations of best practices and heterogeneous contemporary cultures from all Eastern Partnership countries. Integrations aspire to what is new and forward-looking in culture, to what corresponds with the transformations of the contemporary world, and – which is more – stays ahead of these transformations.

“Free flow” land art piece by Jarosław Koziara on the Polish-Ukrainian border. Photo by Wojciech Pacewicz


Eastern Sounds Eastern Sounds festival is a result of searching for musical phenomena from the Eastern Partnership countries and Eastern Europe being most interesting and yet completely unknown in Poland. This is an attempt to oppose the conventional and stereotypical perception of Eastern culture as a locus of tradition, folklore and elegiac ballads.


Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Georgia, Poland, Russia and Ukraine are also rich in artists who, on one hand, are nearly acquainted with such notions as progressive electronics, decks and broken beats, and on the other, can consciously draw on the musical traditions of their regions producing dance-inspiring and happy music in an innovative and creative way. The genre diversity, variety of different feels, music as a form of communication across borders and multicultural sonic exchange of experiences are the objectives of the Eastern Sounds festival. All the concerts are held at the Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Courtyard).

Kairos / Poland The only men’s choir in Poland whose repertoire includes beautiful Eastern Orthodox church singing combined with fragments of Armenian, Georgian and Greek liturgy.

Tuesday 01.10.2013

Papa Zura / Poland Papa Zura is a born Lubliner. He mixes mainly funk, soul, dancefloor jazz, afrobeat and any good music based on natural, organic sounds from original vinyl records.

9.00 p.m.

Orkiestra Św. Mikołaja / Poland Orkiestra Sw. Mikołaja has for years been one of the foremost folk groups in Poland. Its distinguishing features include acoustic sound and the so-called “white voice” deep-throat singing.

Wednesday 02.10.2013

Ya-Neck / Poland He has been mixing records since 1999. A special place in his sets is occupied by a broadly defined Balkan, Klezmer and Gypsy music.

9.00 p.m.

Południce / Elektronice / Poland Południce is a women’s vocal group from Białystok. Południce perform traditional songs from Poland (mainly Podlachia) and Ukraine. Południce / Elektronice is – in most simple terms – a marriage of traditional folk songs with the feel of club music.

7.30 p.m.

7.30 p.m.

Thursday 03.10.2013 7.30 p.m.


Thursday 03.10.2013 9.00 p.m.

Friday 04.10.2013 7.30 p.m.


Senhor Efebo / Poland He organizes parties dominated by tropical music of the turn of the 1960s and 1970s cooperating, among others, with the Poland-based Soul Service Dj Team. His sets bring a blend of jazz, funk, soul and rock. Kakaxa / Ukraine Young and energetic quartet from Odessa which turns an ordinary concert into a visual paratheatrical performance. Kakaxa’s music is a mixture of electronic, sound experiments, jazzy feel and the classical sound of a violin.

Hycz Orchestra + Miąższ / Ukraine, Poland The Lviv-based Hycz Orchestra delicately plays extravagant music and sings poems of unjustly forgotten poets. The music of Miąższ is lovely, light and funny, but not silly.

Saturday 05.10.2013

DJ Binghi & Banda Arkan / Ukraine This is how today’s discos would sound like if Hutsul musicians came down from the mountains to clubs and dancehalls and – instead of a violin, a cimbalom and a drum – played a DJ’s mixer with an energetic Jamaican Rasta.


Port Mone / Belarus The group, established in 2006 in Minsk, plays contemporary instrumental music. Their compositions were used in a number of animated films and was included in musical compilations produced in Europe and the US.

Sunday 06.10.2013

9.00 p.m.

9.00 p.m.

Messer Chups / Russia An already iconic Russian trio which eludes genre limitations. The evident inspirations for their compositions include the psychedelics of 1960s, old 1960s and 70s horrors and kitschy B movies, both American and Soviet ones.

11.00 p.m.

Me and My Monkey / Georgia A two-person project established in 2007 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Me and My Monkey does not fall into any particular genre – it is a mix of indie, electronic and experimental music.

Dubioza Kolektiv / Bosnia and Herzegovina The most recognizable band from Bosnia and Herzegovina which bravely combines hip-hop, reggae, dub, rock and the traditional music of its country with a free-thinking, anti-racist and anti-nationalist message.

9.00 p.m.

DVA / Czech Republic A Czech musical duet involved once with theatre. The band performs acoustic and electronic music which can be defined as a mix of cabaret, kitchen beatbox, circus, acoustic electro or freak-folk.

RUUR / Poland Discovering possibilities hidden in music electronics, in its spatial, entropic variety blended with a drone, trance pulsing and improvisation of a yielding trumpet in the background of twitching images.

11.00 p.m.

Saturday 05.10.2013 7.00 p.m.

7.00 p.m.


Ukrainian Cross-Section. Liman. 2013 II Ukrainian Contemporary Art Triennial Wednesday 02.10.2013 5:00 p.m. Opening day (part 1) Workshops of Culture, Gardzienice Gallery, 5a Grodzka Street; Labirynt 2 Gallery, 3 Grodzka Street


6:30 p.m. Opening day (part 2) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street Thursday 03.10.2013 6:00 p.m. Opening day (part 3) Gallery of Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts, 13 Lipowa Street

Ukrainian Cross-Section means desire, need, necessity to see ourselves from outside. The first Ukrainian Cross-Section triennial (2010) was an attempt of self-identification. in the present triennial the process of introspection is important for us. and the choice of the subject of this year’s Ukrainian Cross-Section, which is liman, and is rather constructive than ideological, is significant in this context. liman, in our opinion, is the actual symbolic space of contemporary Ukrainian art. we are at the exit from one state and the entrance into another. we are among the delta of crossroads, in the situation of parting of the ways. liman is a changeable phenomenon, a transition period and at the same time an independent world. liman means infinite and unpredictable opportunities: flow, fermentation, preservation, stagnation, innovation, transformation, fluctuation and mutation... liman is mouths, straits, blind leads, estuaries.

the exhibit technology of the project itself will also resemble liman, and it is going to be one large and several specific genre defined expositions in various galleries of the city. the following artists agreed to participate in the project: Mykhailo Barabash, Vasyl Bazhaj, Yuriy Biley, Anatol Fedirko, Oleksa Furdiiak, Yaroslav Futymskyi, Andrii Humeniuk, Alevtina Kakhidze, Volodymyr Kaufman, Volodymyr Kostyrko, Rostyslav Koterlin, Taras Kotliar, Pavlo Kovach (junior), Viktor Lavnyj, Andriy Linik, Pavlo Makov, Mykola Malyshko, Mykola Matsenko, Viktor Melnychuk, Ihor Pereklita, Oleh Perkovskyi, Serhii Petliuk, Yevhen Ravskyj, Serhii Radkevych, Oleksandr Ridnyi, Oleksandr Roitburd, Andrii Sahaidakovskyi, Robert Saller, Natalka Shymin, Tiberiy Szilvashi, Larysa Stadnyk, Anatol Stepanenko, Volodymyr Stetskovych, Anatolii Tatarenko, Oleg Tistol, Volodymyr Topij, Ruslan Tremba, Stas Turina, Anton Varha, Artem Volokitin.


5:00 p.m. “Openings” installation / Michał Fronk (Poland) Słowacki Housing Estate management office, 10 Skierki Street Wednesday 02.10.2013 3:00 p.m. Opening day of the exhibition of the works created under the Connected by the Border 20 artist-in-residence programme “Red Border” installation / Nuka Megrelishvili (Georgia) “Listening East” sound installation / Martyna Poznańska (Poland) “HOMOLIMESHOMO” installation / Mirosław Nordyk Jurczuk (Poland) The square in front of the Centre for Culture, 12 Peowiaków Street 4:00 p.m. POSTBOX exhibition “Space as an instrument of shaping human attitides” Lesław Tetla (Poland), Lore Gablier (France), Tatiana Fiodorova (Moldova),

Connected by the Border The series of artistic and cultural events prepared by members of the Cultural Cooperation Network for the Eastern Partnership. These presentations will combine artistic performances and promotion of the local artistic milieu. The individually chosen forms of presentation will include environment and site specific activities, performance and happening. The Cultural Cooperation Network for the Eastern Partnership being created provides an opportunity for the meeting of practitioners and cultural organizations from the Eastern Partnership states and the European Union. It unites mainly representatives of independent culture and non-profit organizations, non-formalized groups and individual artists and activists, not excluding local self-government and government institutions. The created network is a living organism, not an institution. It is a democratically structured grass-root initiative, not imposing solutions from above and showing much respect to cultural diversity. The task of the network on the international arena will be to represent and advocate the cooperation beyond borders and the development of culture in the Eastern Partnership countries. The artictic programme of the Connected by the Border theme will be based mainly on initiatives taken by cultural operators and artists and joint projects from EU and EP countries.

Lublin, Litewski Square. A performance piece by Volodymyr Kaufman during the Night of Culture.

Tuesday 01.10.2013

Asia Zdzienicka (Poland), Dobroslawa Ruranska (Poland) Space for Creative Initiatives TEKTURA, 15a Wieniawska Street 4:30 p.m. “Cantine for cultural workers” – site-specific installation, Stefan Rusu, Vladimir Us (Moldova) Space for Creative Initiatives TEKTURA, 15a Wieniawska Street Thursday 03.10.2013 4:00 p.m. “Private and public” performance / Antonina Yurchenko, Pasiechko Olha, Inna Kozak, Kateryna Khasanova (Ukraine) The space of the Old Town at the Cracow Gate 4:30 p.m. “10 Meters” performance / Aleksey Manukyan (Armenia) Litewski Square 5:30 p.m. Sound performance / Vardan Harutyunyan (Armenia) Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street


eaststreet 7:00 p.m. Opening day of the EASTREET photography exhibition Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (2nd floor)


Meeting with curators and artists taking part in the exhibition Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Black Hall)

The Eastreet photo exhibition is the first initiative of this kind and scale dealing with street photography from the countries of Eastern Europe. Within less than two months of the open call for photos we received in the whole more than four thousand photos sent by photographers from around the world including Asia, Europe and both Americas. These photographs were made under different circumstances and in different time, with using various approaches and all sorts of equipment starting from mobile phones and finishing with middle-format analog cameras. All of them are united by the same objective: to have a closer look at and to show an individual set in the context of Eastern Europe’s public spaces using that spontaneous, unique and non-posing approach for which we love street photography so much. The quality of photographs we received was no less surprising than their quantity. As a result of two stages of the selection process, we selected about three hundred quite powerful photos which were later discussed online and within a series of editorial meetings of four curators including Joanna Kinowska, Aleksander Bochenek, Grzegorz Ostręga and the undersigned. The choice was neither simple nor evident, but we agreed at the very beginning that we wanted Eastreet to be an exhibition of photography and not the one of photographers. That is why during the whole selection process we were guided first of all by the criterion of the pictures’ quality, by their narration, and in a lesser degree by names or achievements of particular artists. This is how the final group of 81 photographs comprising Eastreet have been selected.


Photo by Maciej Dakowicz

Friday 04.10.2013

The list of photographers selected for the exhibition: Michał Adamski, Temo Bardzimashvili, Maciej Biedrzycki, Dimitri Bogachuk, Federico Caponi, Gennadii Chernega, Damian Chrobak, Maciej Dakowicz, Vivian Del Rio, Tomasz Desperak, Giorgos Dioganis, Muhammad Fadli, Dorin Goian, Maksim Gorbatsky, Mateusz Grybczyński, Jamie Howard, Tomer Ifrah, Maciej Jeziorek, Ania Kłosek, Ilia Krasnoshchok, Veronika Lukasova, Dimitri Mellos, Jan Michalko, Gregory Michenaud, Justyna Mielnikiewicz, Dimitri Muzalev, Yevgeny Nakonechnyy, Konstancja Nowina-Konopka, Mikhail Palinchak, Mateusz Palka, Andreas Paradise, Ireneusz Pieczonka, Łukasz Pieńkowski, Paweł Piotrowski, Maria Plotnikowa, Viacheslav Poliakov, Krzysztof Racoń, Paweł Repetowski, Gilles Roudierre, Andrei Rublevik, Marta Rybicka, Ilya Shtutsa, Kostyantyn Smolyaninov, Dmitry Stepanenko, Jacek Szust, Dima Talkin, Artem Tovstinchuk, Ksenia Tsykunowa, Anton Tushin, Lukas Vasilikos, Hannes von der Fecht, Adrian Wykrota, Jegor Zaika, Jan Zappner, Artem Zhitenev, Sintija Zivarte.

Photo by Dmitry Muzalev


The basic goal of Eastreet is to collect and show a cross-section of street photography being created in the countries of Eastern Europe. New-York spots of light, suits seen in the City of London, Paris side streets and Asian urban jungles are so familiar to us, but we still do not know quite well what is going on in the streets of our neighbours in Eastern Europe. In this sense, Eastreet is a natural consequence of interest in photography and discovering the world through it. Just like street photography should. Tomasz Kulbowski – Initiator and director of the Eastreet exhibition


PLATFORM OF THE BELARUSIAN PHYSICAL AND DANCE THEATRE Friday 04.10.2013 6:00 p.m. “monday morning” – Gallery Dance Theatre 6:50 p.m. “come and go” – Gallery Dance Theatre


7:20 p.m. “Decadence. Dialogues” – SKVO’s Dance Company “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street Saturday 05.10.2013 6:00 p.m. “no night train” – Quadro Dance Theatre 7:00 p.m. “Happy Valentine” – SKVO’s Dance Company

Belarusian choreographers operating in the field of motion theatre, dance theatre and contemporary dance are still searching for a new artistic form. However, they have never forgotten about their roots which go back to pantomime, technically precise motions, the plasticity of the body and—finally—the physical theatre of form. This cross-art creation process leads to interesting solutions. The first Platform Of The Belarusian Physical And Dance (PlaStform) was held in February this year in Minsk. It was notable for choreographers’ great engagement as well as the appropriate applause of the audience and discussions concerning the featured performances. What is the PlaStform itself? This is an initiative aiming at establishing a multi-layered forum dealing with dance, choreography and theatre, open for presenting performances as well as for holding workshops, discussions and meetings. Until now, the discussion revolving around the PlaStform was participated mainly by Belarusian theatre artists and audience. In spite of their guest performances abroad, choreographers working in Belarus lack the confrontation with the European dance milieus and a systematic dialogue with their representatives, hence the idea of holding the PlaStform once more in another country.

Integrations—Mediations to be held in Lublin is a perfect occasion to create conditions for a broad discussion and to influence the intensification of creative exchange between artists. Any analogies of this kind, leading to moving the PlaStform further to other countries, will help this idea to fully come true. The PlaStform programme features: InZhest is one of the oldest physical theatre companies in Belarus. Its charismatic founder Slava Inozemtsev, who is a recurring guest in Poland, was one of the initiators and organizers of the Minskbased PlaStform. The performances of his theatre are situated between physical theatre and pantomime, emphasize physicality (which apparently derives from the fascination with Butoh) and sometimes enter the field of street theatre with its numerous gags, clowning and a lavish display of colours. The Quadro Dance Theatre modern choreography group is led by Inna Aslamova. Its performances are characterized by an open approach to dance theatre and a frequent use of improvisation. SKVO’s Dance Company and Gallery Dance Theatre (a frequent guest at the annual International Dance Theatre Meeting in Lublin) fall into the tradition of dance theatre, that is to say, present stories told through the drama of the body in a theatrical staging, often with a social and existential twist, under the continual influence of Pina Bausch’s or Mats Ek’s creative activity. Anna Królica

7:20 p.m. “Self to the Nth power” performance / SKVO’s Dance Company 7:45 p.m. “Laws of the Universe or Fragments of one picture” performance / Horus “Chatka Żaka” UCC−Arts Incubator, 16 Radziszewskiego Street Sunday 06.10.2013 8:00 p.m. “The Emperor’s last clothing” open-air performance / InZhest theatre The square in front of the Centre for Culture, 12 Peowiaków Street


Saturday 05.10.2013 9:30 a.m. Open panel discussions: Alphabets and literacies. How do communicative competences change in the face of digital technologies?


The art of media: toward the emancipation of the work, the viewer and the artist – changes in art which happen due to the development of digital technologies and networks. Design as a language of culture – comparison of different alphabets’ visual languages Centre for Culture in Lublin, 12 Peowiaków Street (Audience Hall)

A meeting of theoreticians and practitioners of the new media held as a debate and artistic presentations. Deliberations will be held in three curatorial areas: Alphabets and Literacies (a panel discussion between theoreticians and artists) will focus on cultural imaginations and the conditions which define our ways of using media and communicating through them. The art of media: toward the emancipation of the work, the viewer and the artist (panel discussion between curators and artists dealing with the new media art) will concentrate on the substance of changes in art introduced due to the development of digital technologies and networks. Design as a language of culture (a panel discussion between designers) will deal with describing and comparing visual languages of communication, focus on a broadly define graphic design and fonts as languages of communication or exclusion. The discussions will be accompanied by the presentation of the multimedia work “Składanki” [Assemblages] by Małgorzata Dawidek-Gryglicka from the collection of Wrocław Contemporary Museum. The discussions will be participated by a dozen or so of invited artists, theoreticians and practitioners.

“Mindware. Technologies of Dialogue” exhibition in Workshops of Culture in Lublin. Photo by Wojciech Pacewicz

Faces of the culture of new technologies


CULTURE FOR THE EASTERN PARTNERSHIP CONGRESS Lublin, October 4–6, 2013 The Congress will serve as a venue for particular cultural activities and provide time for working out the ways of implementing the vision of a common cultural space not divided into the European Union and the Eastern Partnership.


We organize meetings and workshop referring to the idea of agora: a space with to clear-cut division between speakers and listeners. We depart from the academic and conference convention of vertical presentation based on a series of papers and speeches that leave almost no room for debate. Instead, the Congress will promote the horizontal model whereby all its participants are considered equal during the working meetings and workshops. The participants will not need to follow an inflexible programme revolving around carefully selected topics. We hope that this approach promises that anything worked out during the Congress sessions will be the result of the joint effort of all participants, and the Congress will establish itself as a platform of understanding, analysis, proposals, strategies and networks of cooperation.

The Congress will bring together artists, intellectuals and practitioners of culture who strive to changes in culture and are ready to engage in implementing these changes, who seek new forms and territories for artistic and animation activities, who are open to partnership combining work at the foundations in the society and courageous artistic ambitions. The Congress will also provide a place and time for the participants to know one another and to present the best practices. Thematic axes of the Congress: Socially Engaged Culture, Culture for Development, Culture of New Competencies, Culture of New Technologies, Culture and Identity.

Lublin. The opening day of the Eastern Partnership Culture Congress (2011). Photo by Tomasz Kulbowski


organizers: partners:

The East of Culture programme was initiated by Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland Bogdan Zdrojewski and is jointly implemented by the National Centre for Culture, the city of Białystok and the Białystok Culture Centre, the city of Lublin and Workshops of Culture in Lublin, the city of Rzeszów and the Estrada Rzeszowska. East of Culture coordinator in Lublin Rafał Koziński

Publisher: Workshops of Culture in Lublin Editor: Grzegorz Kondrasiuk Graphic design and layout: Karol Grzywaczewski media partners:

Translation: Andrij Saweneć.

local organizers:

Photos and descriptions of events provided by the Organizers; the Organizers reserve the right to change the venue or date of particular events. Integrations – Mediations Festival:

Coordination and production of the Integrations – Mediations Festival: Maria Artemiuk Coordination and production of the Culture for the Eastern Partnership Congress: Agata Will

local media partners:

Culture for the Eastern Partnership Congress: Participation in all the events is free of charge.

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