Washington City Paper (August 10, 2018)

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CITYPAPER Washington

Free Volume 38, No. 32 WashiNgtoNCityPaPer.Com aug. 10-16, 2018

NEWs: Racine becomes an expeRt at suing tRump 5 Food: knives and vomit in adams moRgan 17 Arts: “the antidote” is aRt about an hiv pill 21

this time next year In September 2019, thouSandS of longtIme area ImmIgrant reSIdentS wIll loSe theIr legal StatuS. P.12 By Cassidy Jensen PhotograPhs By darrow montgomery

freersackler.si.edu @freersackler

Summer happenings For Love of Place

Japanese Screens

The Peacock Encountering Room Comes the Buddha Art and Practice across Asia to America

Encountering the Buddha received Federal support from the Asian Pacific American Initiatives Pool, administered by the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center. The Freer|Sackler is grateful for the contributions of University of Michigan Humanities Collaboratory and the Multidisciplinary Design Program. Lead Sponsor

2 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

CoVer Story:

tHIS tIMe neXt year 10 Temporary Protected Status allows immigrants to stay in the U.S. because of violence and natural disasters in their home countries. But after nearly two decades, many will be forced to return, leaving their jobs, mortgages, and U.S. citizen children behind.

DIStrICt LIne 5 how to sue trump: D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine takes on the president. 6 fear and loathing: As white nationalists prepare to march in D.C., a survivor of the Charlottesville attack looks back. 7 housing complex: The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project prepares to leave D.C. General.

SportS 8 the scoreboard

FooD 17 adams Morgatorium: Is an expanded liquor license moratorium the best way to control one of D.C.’s wildest neighborhoods? 19 the sauce-o-Meter: Ranking the city’s latest food news 19 are you gonna eat that?: Daikaya Izakaya’s fermented firefly squid 19 veg diner Monologues: Brookland Pint’s kale and squash enchiladas

Darrow MontgoMery

artS 21 galleries: Capps on I Love to Hate You and Tender Bits at IA&A at Hillyer 22 short subjects: Gittell on BlacKkKlansman and a shark on The Meg 23 curtain calls: Jones on Dave at Arena Stage

CIty LISt 25 30 31 32

Music books theater film

DIVerSIonS 32 crossword 33 savage love 34 classifieds on the cover: An area TPS holder and his U.S. citizen son

1200 Block of H Street NW, Aug 7


editor: AlexA mills Managing editor: cAroline jones arts editor: mAtt cohen food editor: lAurA hAyes sports editor: Kelyn soong city lights editor: KAylA rAndAll housing coMplex reporter: morgAn BAsKin staff photographer: dArrow montgomery MultiMedia and copy editor: will wArren creative director: stephAnie rudig editorial intern: rose shAfer contributing writers: john Anderson, VAnce BrinKley, Kriston cApps, chAd clArK, rAchel m. cohen, riley croghAn, jeffry cudlin, eddie deAn, erin deVine, tim eBner, cAsey emBert, jAKe emen, jonAthAn l. fischer, noAh gittell, lAurA irene, AmAndA Kolson hurley, louis jAcoBson, rAchAel johnson, chris Kelly, steVe KiViAt, chris KlimeK, priyA Konings, julyssA lopez, Amy lyons, neVin mArtell, Keith mAthiAs, pABlo mAurer, j.f. meils, BriAn murphy, triciA olszewsKi, eVe ottenBerg, miKe pAArlBerg, pAt pAduA, justin peters, reBeccA j. ritzel, ABid shAh, tom sherwood, Quintin simmons, mAtt terl, dAn tromBly, KAArin VemBAr, emily wAlz, joe wArminsKy, AlonA wArtofsKy, justin weBer, michAel j. west, diAnA yAp, AlAn zilBermAn


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4 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com WMTC_CityPaper_8.9.indd 1

8/2/18 1:12 PM

DistrictLine How to Sue Trump

D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine may be in a position to write the book one day.

Darrow Montgomery

ble to anyone with access to a 3D printer—no ID, background check, or permit required. As D.C.’s first elected attorney general, Racine has emerged as a fierce defender of the District, taking on campaign finance reform, juvenile justice, and slumlords— and winning many supporters across the city in the process. But in the last two years, R a c i n e ’s o f fice has made it clear their number one target is D.C.’s least popular new resident: Trump. D.C.’s attorney general has become one of the most dogged public officials to go after a sitting president. But for Racine, dipping into national politics is a local issue. Since Trump took office in 2017, a good number of his policies have had direct effects on the residents of D.C., he says—from immigration to healthcare to student loan debt. “In a broad way, the issues that the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia are engaged in—and there are numerous in terms of national issues—they also impact the District of Columbia,” he says. “Both in terms of the Trump administration policies and the impact on D.C. residents, as well as frankly running just afoul of what I’ll call the spirit of the District of Columbia.” “It establishes him as a national figure,” says political consultant Chuck Thies. “The last politicians to do that were [Marion] Barry and [Adrian] Fenty,” whose national spotlights were for more notorious reasons, Thies says. “He’s taking a different approach to becoming

By Matt Cohen Once a week, Karl Racine gets on the phone with the other Democratic attorneys general from around the country to talk. Sometimes they talk about what local cases their offices are working on, but mostly they just talk about various issues affecting the country, “be it environmental, be it student debt, be it immigration, be it guns,” Racine says. From there, it’s all strategy. They ruminate and then figure out whose office has the resources, time, and availability to work on these issues. And as the co-chair of the Democratic Attorneys General Association, Racine often leads the charge on the lawsuits that develop from these conversations, most of which are against President Donald Trump’s administration. Since Trump took office, Racine’s office has been involved in at least 16 lawsuits, or motions to intervene in existing lawsuits, against the president and his administration. The most recent one is a July 30 lawsuit to stop an effort by the administration that would, in essence, make 3D-printed guns accessi-

a national figure … by going after the president of the United States.” Though Racine himself has been coy about having ambitions to run for mayor of D.C., local politicos are—and have been—quick to point to him as the next serious candidate to challenge Mayor Muriel Bowser. Of all the current lawsuits Racine is involved in, the emoluments one has the potential to have the biggest impact. Filed with Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh in June of 2017, the lawsuit alleges that Trump is violating a little-known foreign and domestic emoluments clause in the U.S. Constitution. According to the complaint, the president’s continued business stake in his Trump International Hotel in D.C. violates two constitutional anti-corruption clauses that restrict a president’s ability to accept or receive financial benefits from foreign or domestic governments. Racine and Frosh’s lawsuit alleges that the Trump hotel often does business with foreign and state officials, and that the president profits because he still has a business stake in it. The emoluments lawsuit is unique because, for starters, it’s unprecedented: Never before has a sitting president had a stake in a business that could potentially profit from other governments. But it’s also not the most obvious path to taking down Trump; one would need to be intimately familiar with the nooks and crannies of the U.S. Constitution to realize that the president might be in violation of the constitution through his business dealings. Like most of the Trump lawsuits Racine and the other Democratic attorneys general are involved in, the emoluments lawsuit came from hours of discussion and scrutiny. “I did not wake up on November, whatever the date of the election was, and think, ‘We have an emoluments issue here,’” Racine says. “What did happen is that both the D.C. office, the Maryland office, and other thinkers around the nation started talking about ethics and this president. And sure enough, discussion centered on this clause. We studied it independently … it took us a little time as it should to convince ourselves that, number one, that we would have legal standing.” Since filing the lawsuit, Trump’s lawyers filed a motion to dismiss in September of

last year, which a federal judge deferred on July 25, allowing Racine and Frosh’s lawsuit to move forward. Prior to the 2016 election, the Democratic Attorneys General Association wasn’t nearly as prolific as it is these days. Sean Rankin is the Executive Director of the DAGA and worked as a spokesman for Racine’s 2014 campaign. He credits Racine for building up the DAGA. Before Rankin’s 2016 appointment to lead the committee, he says it was just a part-time gig. “We built a platform that allows for a greater level of engagement for attorneys general,” Rankin says. “And it’s this level of engagement and the sharing of information where the people of the District of Columbia have a champion who is going out and getting information to help them.” Currently, more than 30 democratic attorneys general work together as part of these weekly phone calls. Rankin says that, as co-chair of the DAGA, Racine “has been at the center of the work” the committee has done in the last two years. “We talk about how issues nationally can be addressed locally,” Rankin says, citing wage theft and housing lawsuits as examples. In the last two years, the D.C. Council has provided Racine’s office with the budget resources to expand the scope of its work, so that the national issues don’t take away from the local lawsuits. In early 2017, Racine’s office launched a Public Advocacy Division to focus on D.C.-specific issues like housing lawsuits against slumlords, wage theft, antitrust, and drug and firearm cases in different communities. “What I tell friends is, ‘Oh, the national stuff, that’s like my second job,’” Racine says. Even as rumors of mayoral aspirations grow, Rankin says “he truly believes he still has work to do as attorney general” before considering such a run. But four years is a long time, and a source tells City Paper that on primary election day this past June, Racine mentioned this is his “last term as attorney general.” Establishing himself as a noted foil to Trump in a city where more than 90 percent of its voters voted against him is a smart move for someone who wants to be D.C.’s next mayor. Thies suspects it may also be personal for Racine, recalling the time Trump referred to Africa and Racine’s home country of Haiti as “shithole” countries. “To have your struggling country referred to as a shithole by the president of the United States when you have a few grenades to throw?” Thies says. “Of course he’s going to go after him: ‘Well fuck you, I’m going to shit all over your hotel.’” CP

washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 5

DistrictLinE Fear and Loathing She survived the white supremacist car attack in Charlottesville, and is now preparing for their D.C. rally. and terrorize and harm a city.

D.C. is preparing for an uncertain weekend as the same white nationalists who marched through Charlottesville, Virginia, carrying tiki torches one year ago prepare to hold their anniversary event here, rather than in Charlottesville. The National Park Service initially approved organizer Jason Kessler’s application in June for his “Unite the Right Rally 2” event in D.C. but the permit is still pending and has not been officially issued. Last year’s event came to a violent end when a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing Heather Heyer and hurting many others. One of those hurt was D.C. resident Constance Y. She stood up just before he put his car in reverse and backed up into more people. She is helping to organize a “Still Here, Still Strong” rally at Freedom Plaza on Sunday. Here Constance discusses her hopes and fears for this year’s rally.

What was the day of the rally like? I went to Charlottesville the day before, and there was a terrible thunderstorm on the way. I went with a few friends, and we were going to go to an interfaith service, but the thunderstorm was so bad that we just pulled over and had dinner somewhere and we were delayed. And then we got word of what happened that night—that the white nationalists had become hostile outside of the venue and that they had their tiki torch rally. And then the next morning I would say that the tension in the air was palpable. The tension in the air was something that I hadn’t really ever experienced before.

What have you been doing since you found out that the same white nationalists you encountered in Charlottesville will be coming to D.C.? I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I want my response to be, how I want to plug in to any demonstration, any counter-protest, and I found a place for me that I think feels good—helping to coordinate a rally, and it’s called the “Still Here, Still Strong” rally to celebrate our resistance. Because marginalized folks—black and brown people, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ folks—have been resisting this sort of hate for such a long time, and so the goal is not so much to speak about the Nazis, or the white supremacists, but to really gather and celebrate and have a joyous occasion of what our resistance looks like and what it has looked like over the centuries. What, in your mind, is a best case scenario for the rally this weekend? They don’t come. They don’t come. Because we aren’t safe—I’m not safe when they are here. What is your greatest fear? Obviously I am afraid that the white nationalists that are coming will be violent, as they were last year. And I’m also afraid of what the

Darrow Montgomery

By Alexa Mills

response from the police will be like—if we will see a more militarized police than we normally do for protests. How did you decide to go to Charlottesville, and what were your preparations then? Last year when I decided to go to Charlottesville, I knew that it would be dangerous, I knew that there was potential for violence, but I did not expect it to be inescapable. I did not anticipate that the police would just essentially stand down. There were police officers just dressed in plain clothes that were snipers on rooftops, so they were very visible, but we thought that they were Nazis—we didn’t know that they were police officers. So that contributed a lot to the feel of having the day just be one long nightmare. I think my principles and values compelled me to go. Charlottesville is not my city, but it could be my city, and it was my parents’ cities, it was my grandparents’ cities. And I didn’t want recently emboldened white nationalists to feel like they could come out of their cave

6 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

Where were you when you felt that tension? I decided that day that I would stay at the permitted location because I did not want to have any direct contact with or be anywhere near by where the white nationalists were going to be. But at certain points during the day, even though we were at a park where we had a permit to be, the white nationalists would march around us, and say terrible things, and threaten us. As the day went on, there were moments that were less terrorizing. And then toward the end of the day, the mood had started to shift a little bit. I wouldn’t say to a celebration, but we were marching in the street, and there were community members that were clapping for us and chanting with us, and it was almost over. As soon as we would have finished that short march, I anticipated that I would be going home. But quite the opposite happened. That’s when the car attack occurred. What was that like? It’s easily, without a doubt, the worst thing I have ever heard. There were bodies flying everywhere. And the sound of a car hitting people—it’s loud, and it’s violent. And then there are screams. There are people crying for help.

And even after I got hit, the first thing that I heard was people yelling at me—yelling at everyone—to move. Because he was coming back, because he was reversing. And then pandemonium ensued. Where are you from? I’m from the deep, deep South. When I was growing up, some, like, horrible humans spray painted KKK on our home. When my parents moved in to the home that I was raised in, they got death threats. We were the first black family in that neighborhood. My mom’s church had been burned down several times. This was the experience of my family since we’ve been in this country. In an interview with Van Jones, you said that someone at the Charlottesville rally told you he wanted to lynch you and then he blew you a kiss. You said you’d never witnessed or seen or felt such hatred. But you have experienced hatred. What was different at that rally? Because the hatred before would be condemned. People were not emboldened enough, did not feel empowered enough, to do these things out in the open. They were shameless, and there were so many of them. And they were all heavily armed—heavily armed with everything from knives to guns, multiple guns, pepper spray. They had shields. This was, without a doubt, a militia. And I had never seen that before. Where do you think that hate comes from? I think many sentiments can broadly be boiled down to love and fear. And I think that when people are afraid, they are able to dehumanize other folks such that they are able to treat them inhumanely. And it’s obvious that after lots of progress in this country, these white nationalists are conflating a loss of privilege with oppression. There’s something important to be said about dehumanizing folks and othering people, because I think that’s the bedrock of these folks having the capacity to do this. And at the same time, I don’t know how to humanize them either, because their message is absolutely unacceptable, and they should be stopped. Any other thoughts going into this? The only thing is—I think it’s outrageous that Facebook took down our page and spread incorrect information to every person, thousands of people that responded as “going” or “interested,” and said that we were not legitimate and looped us up with Russian bots. They haven’t apologized, they haven’t made restitution. At the bare minimum they could contact the folks that they misinformed and say, “We messed up. These people are not Russian bots, they’re absolutely legitimate, and they’re trying to counter Nazis.” CP

DistrictLinE Play, Grounded

“The Color Purple makes a brilliant, joyful noise…” –DCist

By Morgan Baskin For over a decade, staff members and volunteers of the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project have been silent witnesses to the turbulent history of D.C. General, the city’s largest family homeless shelter. The non-profit group hosts evening programs for toddlers and pre-teens alike four times a week, and has transformed the lobby level of the shelter with toys, instruments, books, and murals. That era ends on Thursday, the night of Playtime’s final program at D.C. General, as the Department of Human Services continues to move families out of the shelter in preparation for demolition. Its programs will continue, in part, at the motel shelters on New York Avenue NE, though space and other issues threaten the breadth of Playtime’s program offerings. In a wide-ranging conversation with City Paper days before Playtime’s last night at the shelter, its director and co-founder, Jamila Larson, recalls watching the conditions unfold that outlets have reported for years. She was there during the months of severe overcrowding that saw mothers sleep with newborns on de facto gurneys; for the warnings that some rooms contained asbestos; for the aftermath of reports that shelter workers were propositioning mothers for sex in exchange for blankets. In Playtime’s early days, D.C. General had a different operator—the notorious group Families Forward, which ran the shelter until thenMayor Adrian Fenty fired it for allegations of mismanagement. “[Families Forward] didn’t care to meet us,” Larson says. “And here we were, these random people with direct access to these children.” Larson has no shortage of heartbreaking stories. She still remembers watching a young girl who, driven crazy by the unrelenting noise inside the D.C. General cafeteria where Playtime once operated, threw her hands over her ears and screamed, “It’s too loud!” Years ago, shelter operators wouldn’t let Playtime deliver extra coloring books and crayons. More recently, Playtime lost two of its volunteers when a group reportedly affiliated with the Islamic State killed Jay Austin and

housing complex

Lauren Geoghegan as they cycled across Tajikistan. Austin, Larson says, was Playtime’s stand-in carpenter, and helped renovate the teen center. He also made the pins community members wore when 8-year-old D.C. General resident Relisha Rudd went missing in 2014. “He was just sobbing and sobbing,” she says. Until their deaths, Rudd’s disappearance was “by far, the most traumatic thing any of them had gone through” at Playtime. “But the [volunteers] have been through a lot over the years,” she says. After Thursday’s program at D.C. General, the group will take about a month off from events while it moves all of its toys out of the shelter and prepares to host new programs next month in some of the city’s motel shelters. Playtime will continue to host four nights of events at the Holiday Inn Express on New York Avenue NE, and two nights at the Days Inn for 3- to 7-year-old children each week. Its space there isn’t exactly ideal: a waiting room between a case management room and the dining area. That’s on top of two existing nights of programming at the New York Avenue NE Quality Inn, though Playtime is negotiating for additional space; it hopes to add two nights of pre-teen programming to the motel to compensate for its loss at D.C. General. But Larson says that Axar Management, the company that operates that Quality Inn, asked Playtime to pay $1,000 per week (roughly $50,000 a year) to reserve its ballroom. In a letter Playtime sent to Axar, Larson wrote that the decision to charge the group for the space “will result in harm to children who will be shut out of the chance to receive the critical services we provide … we cannot serve the 8-12-year-old age group without having these two additional nights in the Ballroom, and as a result, we are turning them away,” the letter continues. (Larson says Axar has not yet responded to Playtime’s letter, and the company did not answer City Paper’s calls.) “We’re definitely having a hard time figuring out how we’re going to operate in the new homelessness landscape. But we’re committed to being as creative as we can,” Larson says. “We can’t stop providing services just because it’s not as convenient for us.” CP

Adrianna Hicks (Celie) and the North American tour cast of THE COLOR PURPLE. Photo by Matthew Murphy, 2017.

As the closure of D.C. General moves forward, the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project prepares to move out.

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washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 7



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hiStory made Ward 7’s Mamie Johnson Little League’s historic run came to an end on Aug. 7 at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Tournament in Bristol, Connecticut. But the first predominantly AfricanAmerican team to win the D.C. championship has already inspired its hometown. After the game, an 18-7 loss to a team from Maryland, Mamie Johnson left to cheers as the players exited the dugout. Baltimore Orioles outfielder Adam Jones, one of the few African-American players in Major League Baseball, pledged $8,500 toward the team’s travel expenses and the home rental company Airbnb gave the team travel vouchers. “I could not be more proud of our Mamie Johnson players and coaches for their extraordinary victory in representing the best of our great city,” Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton said in a statement. CompaSSionate reSponSe In late July, Nationals shortstop Trea Turner became the latest baseball player to have offensive tweets that used homophobic and racially insensitive language resurface. Turner issued an apology, but it was his teammate Sean Doolittle’s response that received widespread praise.

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8 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

Doolittle and his wife, Eireann Dolan, are actively involved in the LGBT community and have been referred to as baseball’s “most woke couple.”

“It’s a reminder that words matter, and that the impact the of [sic] words matter more than the intent,” Doolittle, 31, wrote on Twitter. “Between all the people you meet and the places you go, there is a lot of opportunity for personal growth in baseball. It’s entirely possible that those old posts no longer re-

flect that person’s views. But actions will speak louder than words.” ClutCh faCtor Google Mystics star Kristi Toliver’s name along with the word “clutch,” and you’ll find plenty of results from her standout college and professional basketball career. Toliver scored arguably the biggest shot in Maryland women’s basketball history when she hit a game-tying three-pointer with seconds remaining on the clock to force overtime in the national championship game against Duke in 2006. The Terps would go on to win their first national title in women’s basketball. On Aug. 5, the Mystics pulled out a pivotal win over the Dallas Wings thanks to a last-second turnaround jumper from Toliver. And on Aug. 7, Toliver scored 25 points to help the Mystics clinch a playoff spot with a 103-98 victory over the Phoenix Mercury. Swamp weather Normally the Citi Open tennis tournament is known for its oppressively hot temperatures and humidity. Players like former world number one Andy Murray will come to D.C. to get acclimated to the extreme heat ahead of the last Grand Slam of the season, the U.S. Open in New York. This year, the heat was replaced by a constant downpour of rain, which forced some players to compete in two (or more) matches in a day, or as in Murray’s case, play until 3 a.m. Murray, who returned in June from a long injury layoff, ended up withdrawing from the tournament ahead of the quarterfinals due to the string of late night matches. “Finishing matches at 3 in the morning is not good. It’s not good for the players. It’s not good for anyone, I don’t think, involved in the event. It’s not good for fans, TV. Nobody,” Murray told reporters. At least the weather was suitably swampy for the finals. —Kelyn Soong



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nationals.com washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 9

They sTayed in The U.s. becaUse of violence and naTUral disasTers in Their home coUnTries. bUT afTer nearly Two decades many are preparing To reTUrn, and leave Their jobs, morTgages, and U.s. ciTizen children behind. By Cassidy Jensen PhotograPhs By darrow montgomery

Claudia Rojas has a poet’s frame. She is thin, and looks like she could easily be younger than 23. But her voice is not delicate, and when she begins to recite a poem into the microphone in her hand, even the toddlers climbing noisily up and down in their folding chairs fall quiet. “Protected,” she begins. “Today the protesters will go on strike, pray and fast Their leaders said we must take risks This is how to get noticed, how to make noise. This is how we get saved. But we are too old; we were too old and too young to flee countries, to outlive earthquakes, hurricanes, rape, murder Later in the year, they will pack Thanksgiving turkeys. They will clean the office after the holiday party. Each time, grow old.

10 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

Today the protesters speak into cameras, try to answer the reporters’ questions with numbers, with stories, with English picked up through the uncertain years. And the reporters ask, why are you worthy of notice? Why you?” Nearly 50 people listened to her last winter in the Tenants and Workers United office in Alexandria at an event she planned called “An Evening of Hope for the TPS Community.” This was the first such event she had ever organized, and it was very important to her that it would succeed. Rojas is from El Salvador and holds Temporary Protected Status, a designation the U.S. grants to immigrants from certain countries with conditions that prevent people from returning, like an armed civil conflict or an environmental disaster. TPS holders, who must be already present in the U.S. at the time the designation is granted, can work and study here while remaining safe from deportation,

Claudia Rojas

but they lack a path to residency or citizenship. The program began with the Immigration Act of 1990. El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen are all TPS countries. More than 300,000 TPS holders currently live in the United States. In the case of El Salvador, the required “extraordinary and temporary condition” was the destruction following the 7.7 magnitude earthquake in 2001. Although TPS is supposed to be temporary, it has been repeatedly renewed for Salvadorans over the course of 17 years. On Jan. 8, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen announced that the program for El Salvador would be terminated on Sept. 9, 2019. When September 2019 arrives, Rojas will no longer be in the United States legally. She, along with her parents, will lose her work authorization, her driver’s license, her access to health insurance, and her safety from deportation. TPS is also set to terminate for Haiti, Sudan, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Honduras within the next year-and-a-half. For those who lose their TPS status, options

are limited. They can pursue a path to citizenship if they meet certain requirements for asylum or a relative or spouse can sponsor them. TPS holders can return to their country of origin, where they may have few ties. Finally, they can choose to remain living in the U.S. without documentation—a life in the shadows. The end of TPS for El Salvador and Honduras will have a visible impact on D.C. According to an analysis of census data in a 2017 report by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, 32,359 Salvadoran TPS holders and 5,538 Honduran TPS holders live in the D.C. metropolitan area. TPS holders work for construction companies and restaurants, clean office buildings, and run businesses. They pay mortgages and taxes. Their children, many of them U.S. citizens, attend public schools.

the end of my senior year this past spring. I learned about D.C.’s immigrant worker population over the past four years of studying labor at Georgetown University and working for labor rights on and off campus. I was a student during and after the 2016 presidential election, and I saw some of my immigrant classmates face the uprooting of their lives because of where they were born. The week after the election, my worker-justice themed house on Georgetown’s Magis Row was filled with students discussing how to protect undocumented students. I attended a few workshops on immigrant rights. Around me, people feared for their families. I reported this article for a journalism class, and found my interview subjects in the process of working on this story.

Full disClosuRe: I donated $300 to an organization advocating for residency for TPS holders, the National TPS Alliance, after I finished work on the original draft of this article. The money came out of a $3,500 award Georgetown University and the Landegger Charitable Foundation gave me for community service work at

Rojas gRaduated FRom George Mason University in 2017. She started college after 10th grade at Bard College at Simon’s Rock in Massachusetts, which is designed to take younger students. She came to understand the meaning of her status when she started looking for scholarships. She was not eligible for any loans or schol-

arships from the government. “I felt that I belonged in my community, and no one told me otherwise. I didn’t grow up thinking about my immigration status,” she says. “I grew up thinking I was like everybody else.” Rojas likes to have a plan, but when it comes to the impending end of the TPS program, she is hoping she won’t have to make one. She wants to be a poetry and creative writing professor, and tutored other students to support herself through college. “I love lesson planning,” she said in the Woodrow Wilson Library in Fairfax County on a cold Monday last winter. “I’m all about planning. I planned my whole life, and it didn’t work out, but I’m all about planning, so it just excites me to put a lesson together and figure out how to engage people.” Rojas arrived in Virginia with her parents when she was 6 years old in 2001, following the earthquake in El Salvador. Now she lives with her mom in Falls Church, in an immigrant-populated neighborhood where she says apartments are cheap to rent but poorly maintained since many undocumented resi-

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dents are scared to complain. Since graduating from college, she has done temp work and internships, but has struggled to find a long-term job when employers would rather hire permanent residents or citizens. After working her way through college to pay her portion of the tuition—both Simon’s Rock and George Mason awarded her some merit scholarships—she wants to use her degree to give herself and her mom a better life. “Part of the dream is to give back to her. The fields of construction and cleaning, those are really hard fields,” says Rojas. “They’re dignified jobs, but people who do those jobs, they walk away with a lot of health issues.” Her mom, who works multiple cleaning jobs, has knee pain and pre-diabetes. Ask TPS holders about the moment they heard the program would be terminated, and one word comes up again and again: shock. Everyone knew TPS was impermanent, but it had been renewed so many times. The government renewed TPS for El Salvador every 18 months, and those with the designation have had to re-register each time, most recently for a fee of $495. TPS beneficiaries fear what will happen to their children when the status ends. Many TPS parents have U.S. citizen children, or their families are a mix of undocumented, TPS, and citizen members. TPS holders from Haiti, Honduras, and El Salvador have 273,000 U.S. citizen children, according to a 2017 report from the Center for Migration Studies. When the status ends, these families will have to decide who will stay and who will go—whether or not they can remain a family within these borders. Rojas’ brother is 15 and, unlike her, a citizen. “He’s very young so he doesn’t fully understand it and he’s also going through a really hard age, where not everything makes sense to him. So we’ve told him that we have this status, that he’s a citizen and he’s different, and that it’s up to him whether he wants to stay. This is where he was born. This is his country.” immigRant Rights oRganizations like the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) in D.C. are trying to help individuals and to sway Congress to protect TPS holders. Sarah Hall Aguila is CARECEN’s Director of Operations. She maintains the organization’s financials and fundraising, supervises staff, and works on the organization’s advocacy side. CARECEN started as a legal clinic for Salvadorans and other Central Americans fleeing civil wars. In the 37 years since its founding, it has expanded from legal services to organizing tenants, and has provided financial literacy training and access to the banking system. Since the very beginning, it was an organization created by people in the D.C. Central American immigrant community to address the needs of immigrants. Other D.C. groups, like Ayuda and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, help immigrants determine their legal options if their TPS expires without the possibility of a renewal. These are the main options for TPS holders who want permanent residency: They can

Sarah Hall Aguila

apply for asylum on an individual basis, have their employer sponsor them, marry a U.S. citizen, or have their U.S. citizen children who are 21 or over sponsor them for a green card. Victims of crimes who assist law enforcement can also qualify for a visa. Getting asylum is difficult, as applicants must prove that they are refugees. “You can petition for a brother or sister, but those take like 15 years,” says Aguila. “Mother, father, spouse, and children I believe right now are taking about a year or a year-anda-half to process. They would be able to petition for them as a relative, and then through that petition the former TPS holder would have legal permanent residency.” The estimated processing time for a green card petitioned for by an immediate citizen relative, like a child or spouse, is nine to 20 months in D.C., according to the the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Salvadorans or Hondurans whose citizen siblings petitioned for them on or before Dec. 22, 2004 are just now getting their applications approved, according to the State Department August visa bulletin. Even those with a path to citizenship may face unexpected hurdles. Luis, who asked to go by his first name only, benefits from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the Obama administration program that protects beneficiaries from deportation and allows them to work and go to school. But his mother is a TPS holder from El Salvador. She is lucky in that she can become a citizen by marrying her citizen boyfriend. However, because she received a deportation letter before she got her TPS, she needs to clear the order before she can become naturalized. “It’s al-

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most like a pardon that you have to pay for,” says Luis, 25. His mother’s lawyer told them he would charge $6,000 in legal costs, including the pardon, and the process of filing a court order for the marriage. TPS holders who choose to stay without a status will join the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The change in their status will have an impact. TPS allows people to join the formal workforce. Aguila remembers an early rally held outside the White House to protest the TPS decision. She spoke to workers laying sod in the park across the street from the White House, and remembers that even those workers who didn’t have TPS themselves knew a fellow worker who did. Some TPS-holding parents are seeking arrangements for their U.S.-citizen children to remain here if they have to leave, pursuing legal guardianships with friends or relatives to protect their young kids. Children who do return to El Salvador or Honduras could become targets for gang recruitment, so remaining in the U.S., even without their families, could keep them safe. President Donald Trump’s administration said it terminated TPS for El Salvador because it deemed the country to be fully recovered from the earthquake and capable of taking back its citizens. Although the infrastructure damaged by the earthquake has improved, gang violence has grown. Aguila says that now gangs are targeting younger children as well as local businesses. The State Department has a Level 3 travel advisory on El Salvador, meaning U.S. travelers should reconsider their travel there due to crime.

Wages are lower in El Salvador than in the United States, a problem made worse by El Salvador’s 2000 decision to switch to the U.S. dollar, which raised real prices of common goods. Most TPS holders have returned seldomly, if at all, to their countries of origin. “El Salvador feels like a foreign country because I’ve never visited. I know I was born there but it still—it’s not the same because this is where I grew up,” says Rojas. El Salvador may be a source of pride, but it’s not home. Congress has the ability to pass a bill that would allow TPS holders to stay, or provide them with a path to residency, and so Congress is where Aguila has focused her advocacy efforts. “There are still congressional representatives—they don’t know what TPS is. They understand DACA and Dreamers, but TPS has ben overlooked by those. So a lot of the advocacy work that we’ve been trying to do is educate them as well, or get senators to educate fellow senators,” says Aguila. CARECEN clients who speak English are recruited to talk to journalists about their lives, their struggles, and their families—explaining why they believe they should be allowed to stay. However, many TPS holders are held back by fear: With the present uncertainty, they do not want to advertise their status by telling their stories. Many TPS holders from El Salvador survived that country’s civil war, leaving residual fears of the consequences of outspoken political engagement. The current presidential administration has obliterated part of their advocacy strategy. “With the Obama administration, we might have known somebody who knew somebody

who could get us a meeting with somebody higher up in the White House. But now? We have no access, we don’t even know anybody who’s even on that side of the fence,” says Aguila. “If we say we’re an immigrant rights group or organization, they would come back with the same pretty hateful rhetoric that’s in the media,” she says. nanCi, 24, and her older sister Mayra are daughters of Salvadoran immigrants who initially received TPS before becoming naturalized. They asked to go by their first names only. Their parents’ D.C. store sells Salvadoran products and provides money transfer services to immigrants sending remittances to their families. Without TPS, their business will suffer. “If they’re no longer here, who will be our clients?” asks Nanci. She estimates that around 80 percent of the store’s income comes from money transfers, mostly from people who are sending money home to pay for expenses like healthcare bills. “That’s why they come here,

January 8, 2018 protest

to pay for all the things that, if they stayed there, they wouldn’t be able to pay for.” According to Nanci, people in her D.C. community with TPS are trying to sell their property to return home. Others are considering migrating to other Spanish speaking countries like Colombia and Spain, or moving to Canada. Most TPS holders are of Nanci’s parents’ generation. They have not gotten the same kind of political or media attention as the “Dreamers,” young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. This frustrates young immigrants like Rojas, who is both a Dreamer and a member of the TPS community. She sees TPS mentioned as an afterthought in advocacy efforts for Dreamers, who tend to be younger people who have taken on a more active role in organizing themselves. The public often sees them as a benefit to the U.S. economy. “I feel like the Dreamers have something to their advantage, where they came here at a young age so in a way it’s like the country’s already invest-

ed in them, so why not continue investing so they can bring back more to the country?” says Nanci. Meanwhile, the benefits of TPS holders taking undervalued jobs as cooks or at construction sites go overlooked. In the D.C. area, TPS holders make up 20 percent of the construction and hospitality workforce, according to Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton’s office. According to the Center for Migration Studies, 100 percent of adult Salvadoran TPS holders in D.C. are employed. According to World Bank Data, remittances make up 17 percent of El Salvador’s GDP and are the country’s greatest single source of income. Aguila says that for many of the immigrants that CARECEN works with, sending money home is a non-negotiable expense. “We know that’s something they’re going to continue to do even if it puts them in the red,” she says. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center calculated that the U.S. would lose $45.2 billion in GDP over a decade with the loss of Salva-

doran, Honduran, and Haitian workers. (The 2017 report used census data to find the number of TPS holders and multiplied that total by the average wage earned by beneficiaries from these countries.) According to the ILRC, ending TPS for these countries would cost employers $967 million in the costs of hiring and training new employees, based on a turnover cost of 21.4 percent of an employee’s yearly salary, and reduce Social Security and Medicare contributions by $6.9 million. outside the shRine of the Sacred Heart in Columbia Heights every Sunday, women set up tables to sell things—everything from clothes to taquitos to packaged snack foods with Spanish names. They sell on Sundays to take advantage of the crowd at the noon Spanish-language Mass. By the end of the service, late afternoon light flows in through the stained glass windows on the church’s right side. Well-behaved, neatly dressed kids crowd into pews, and after the service descend with their families to the basement to eat pupusas with rice and salad. Sacred Heart’s pastor, Father Moises Villalta, has lived in the D.C. area for 37 years. He immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador as a 17-year-old, speaking no English, following his older sister. Three generations of his family followed. “My parents died here,” he says. “We buried them here.” D.C. has gone through changes during his lifetime, most recently as Salvadorans and other immigrants move out of the District and into Virginia and Maryland due to rising housing costs in Mount Pleasant and Columbia Heights. Villalta does not know how many of his parishioners are TPS holders, but he worries about how the end of the program for certain countries will impact D.C. businesses and the underage children of TPS holders. His church and its packed Spanish language Masses make up a faith community but also a social life. His church has hosted “know your rights” trainings with Catholic Charities and works with Washington Interfaith Network to organize people with TPS to fight to stay. “Our Masses are still packed—nothing has changed. There is a sense of hope that things are going to change,” Villalta says of his parish community. “They keep fighting. Our people continue to come, they haven’t given up.” He sees his role as helping people through the crisis that has arrived for his community. “I’m not going to fix everything. But as a pastor I feel that I have to accompany people, to walk with them, to be side-by-side. That’s the way I see myself, not only in the spiritual part but also providing any services that we can provide.” He talks about the future of Dreamers in Mass, gives young people space to organize, and exhorts green card-holding worshippers to become U.S. citizens and therefore voters on issues that impact other immigrants. Although Villalta has hope for his community and faith in its organizing ability, he has little positive to say about the politicians bargaining over his people’s fates. “It’s like a tennis court, playing with human beings and people’s lives,” he says. His disappointment

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encompasses past administrations’ attitudes toward people from TPS countries in addition to the Trump administration’s stance, although he notes that current rhetoric around immigration has gotten worse. “No one takes seriously the call to action, they keep postponing,” he says. These postponements of a long term solution for TPS holders have long frustrated advocates for immigration reform and immigrants alike, as they keep TPS holders in a twilight zone between being undocumented and being permanent residents or visa holders. tPs was always a patch, an incomplete fix, to the problem of immigration from distressed countries. From an immigrant’s perspective, although TPS provided work authorization and safety from deportation, the program provided no path forward besides praying for yet another renewal every six to 18 months. TPS also has its opponents—those who believe the U.S. could better address migration from countries in the midst of emergencies, without providing relief to its undocumented immigrants already here. A 2014 paper in the Journal on Migration and Human Security studied 25 years of TPS and found the program flawed in two main ways: It fails to live up to Congressional intent to allow only temporary safety within the U.S. for immigrants, and it strands recipients in legal limbo. Author Claire Bergeron recommended that a better solution would allow long-term TPS holders (defined as having TPS for over 10 years) to apply for residency, and implement a program to help beneficiaries of short-term TPS to return to their home countries. Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., proposed a bill in May 2017 that would reform the TPS program by putting decision-making power into the hands of Congress, requiring that a bill be passed to designate a country as qualifying for TPS and imposing limits on the total amount of time TPS can exist for a given country. Groups like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and NumbersUSA expressed support for the bill, since it represents a return to the compromise of only temporary relief for struggling countries rather than an indefinite stay for migrants. The bill has not made it out of committee. In agreement that the TPS program has grown beyond its original purpose, the Trump administration has favored a stricter interpretation of the executive’s ability to extend TPS once conditions in a country have improved. However, in separate interviews on National Public Radio, DHS Secretary Nielsen and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly have told Congress to legislate a path to residency or citizenship for TPS holders who have spent years in the U.S. TPS holders who want to stave off the program’s termination face

Shrine of the Sacred Heart

an uphill battle, but advocates and policymakers have found some avenues of hope. On Feb. 22, the American Immigration Council filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of TPS holders, intending to make uniform the naturalization process across states. Separately, appeals courts in Seattle and Cleveland have ruled that TPS holders there can get green cards or work visas. On June 22, the first hearing was held in San Francisco for a class action suit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union that argues that the Trump administration’s decision to end TPS for Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan was motivated by racial animus and violates the rights of TPS holders’ citizen children. A similar lawsuit in Massachusetts chal-

lenging the decision to end TPS for El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti gained the support of 17 state attorneys, including D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine, in the form of an amicus brief. On July 24, a federal judge denied the Trump administration’s motion to dismiss the case, allowing it to continue. Racine also joined 19 state attorneys general in March in asking Congress to provide permanent lawful status to TPS holders whose statuses are set to end. The National TPS Alliance is an organization formed to represent the needs of TPS holders from each of the countries for which TPS is in jeopardy. It has 35 committees across the U.S. including one based in Virginia and another representing D.C. and Maryland, with the greater goal of lobbying Congress for a leg-

islative solution that provides a path to residency without conditions like increased border security. Two bills in particular have gained their support. One is the Safe Environment from Countries Under Repression and Emergency (SECURE) Act, proposed in November by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., and Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., which would allow TPS holders to apply for legal permanent residency. Also in November, Rep. Nydia Velázquez, D-N.Y., proposed the American Promise Act, which would put TPS beneficiaries who have been in the U.S. for three years on a path toward residency. Neither bill has progressed to a vote. Two other bills proposed in the fall of 2017 to provide relief to TPS holders have also failed to progress. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fl., proposed the Extending Status Protection for Eligible Refugees with Established Residency Act (ESPERER) of 2017, which would allow former TPS holders from Haiti, Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador to become legal permanent residents. The ASPIRE-TPS Act of 2017, proposed by Rep. Yvette Clarke, DN.Y., would create a new six-year-long protective status for individuals from countries with a TPS designation as of Jan. 1, 2017, and allow those who can show extreme hardship to apply for residency. Mayor Muriel Bowser spoke out against the termination of TPS from El Salvador in her State of the District Address in March. She also announced a summer 2018 trip to San Salvador to begin a sister city relationship with the city’s mayor, Nayib Bukele. “As President Trump builds walls, we will continue to strengthen relationships,” said Bowser. She is leading that delegation to San Salvador this week. However, unless Congress or the President acts, there is a limit to what mayors like Bowser can do to determine the immigration status of TPS holders within their cities. haydi toRRes, 21, arrived in the U.S. from Honduras in 2012 just before her 16th birthday. Her dad had lived in Virginia since 1996, and gained TPS after the 1998 hurricane. He watched her grow up from a distance, listening to her first words on audio cassette tapes. When Torres arrived in the United States, she spoke no English and didn’t know if Virginia was a city or a state. All she knew was that she was coming to finally meet her father and reunite with her family. Now, after six years together, her father’s status is at risk. Torres herself arrived too late to qualify for TPS, and since she is undocumented, she understands the uncertainty that losing his status could bring into his life. When she was in high school, her mother, who is also undocumented and therefore ineligible for a driver’s license in Virginia, was pulled over while driving her the five minutes

,, it s like a tennis court, playing with human beings , , and people s lives.

14 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

Haydi Torres

from her high school to their apartment. This was the moment Torres realized the implications of her status. “I got very scared because I remember seeing lights in the front mirror. My mom just panicked.” When Torres’ mother was unable to produce a license, she remembers the officer telling them, “I don’t know if you stole this car, I don’t know who you are, I don’t know if you have drugs in this car.” He told Torres, who was trying hard not to cry as she translated, “I could take your mom to jail right now.” He took his gun out and showed it to her. Ultimately, the officer wrote them a ticket and they went to court without incident. But she remembers that moment of fear. Her father worries that remaining in the United States will put his family at risk for deportation. Honduras has the same State Department warning level as El Salvador, and is also afflicted with gang activity and corruption. Torres described her home country as lacking basic medical and educational infrastructure and as a repressive and corrupt regime where journalists and lawyers are persecuted. A sense of helplessness struck Torres following the announcement of the six-month

extension for TPS for Honduras. She and other immigrant activist students met with Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., in November, but she remembers being the only one in the room concerned with TPS. She began to envision an event that would humanize TPS holders, typically parents, in the same way that the Dreamers were humanized. Her meeting with Schumer had made her feel powerless. “We just labor for their country. Our lives don’t matter at all,” she says. She wanted an event for the community, not the politicians. “You love pupusas as much as I do. But I love the people who make them,” she says. She meant to show her father that he was not alone. On Feb. 10, TPS holders and their supporters piled into that room provided by Tenants and Workers United in Alexandria for an evening of food and performances. There were not enough folding chairs for everyone to sit, so people hovered in the hallway. Stephanie Blanco, 20, is one young TPS holder Torres and Rojas invited to perform. The three of them know one another through the Virginia Intercollegiate Immigrant Al-

liance, a group of college immigrant rights groups in the state. The end of TPS comes for Blanco in the middle of college, after having worked hard in high school to win a scholarship from TheDream.US. Blanco and her little sister arrived in the United States from El Salvador in 2001, when she was 4. After the earthquake, when, she says, half her house fell down the cliff upon which it was built, her parents moved to the U.S. and she and her sister later joined them. Blanco’s younger brothers are citizens, but her 14-year-old sister is a TPS holder. At the event, Torres read her construction worker father’s poetry. Her accent becomes thicker when she gets excited or touched. “You’re more than your status. You’re not only a human being but you’re a human being who is able to produce beautiful songs, write beautiful poems, draw, cook,” she said. “Mi papa es un poeta,” she told the gathered TPS holders and their allies. My dad is a poet. She read, in Spanish, a poem her father Juan de Dios wrote in 1998 for Haydi’s mother and grandmother called “Regalo de Dios”— Gift of God. The crowd listened as she recited his work.

This is the last stanza: “En tus ojos hay amor y ternura un amor tan grande y puro, que solo tú puedes dar; siendo humilde o intelectual el amor siempre es igual.” “In your eyes there is love and tenderness A love so great and pure that only you can give; being humble or intellectual, love is always equal. Claudia Rojas says that writing poems helps her process her feelings, and express her identities as a woman and an immigrant. She loves to talk about the challenge of writing in fixed forms—the structures like sonnets and villanelles. “I like the idea of them, that there’s this structure that you have to follow, because I feel like that fits in with my life right now,” she says. “There’s these limits placed for me, so it’s really fun to play around with the challenge because it kind of empowers me. I feel like I have power when I am able to make the structure work.” CP

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Raisa Aziz


Bird’s Eye Coffee Bar & Eatery launches inside Doi Moi on Aug. 13 serving breakfast and lunch. Try Southeast Asian-inspired dishes like dragon fruit bowls and sticky rice.

Adams Morgatorium By Laura Hayes “It almost has a catastrophic look to it—there are cops and ambulances everywhere and people are so drunk and blacked out that they’re leaning against railings and trees vomiting,” says a fed up Adams Morgan business owner who we’ll call Frank because he wants to remain anonymous. He shoots video snippets of what 18th Street NW looks like on Friday and Saturday nights. “It’s very Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,” Frank continues. “The rest of the time this is a beautiful neighborhood with great history and culture.” He says pervasive binge drinking and associated violence keep his regular customers away. “The stigma against the neighborhood on the weekend pushes away some folks who don’t want to have a knock-down, drag-out vomitrocious evening.” With more than 50 licenses to serve alcohol in just a few blocks, it’s no surprise that Adams Morgan swarms with overserved patrons and has a soundtrack made up of sirens. The Metropolitan Police Department, a tangle of city agencies, the Advisory Neighborhood Commission, and Business Improvement District try to keep the peace. Since 2000, the ANC and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board have instituted liquor license moratoriums to tamp down unwanted activity. (The ABC Board oversees the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration, or ABRA.) Most new liquor licenses were offlimits at first, but five years ago the ANC voted to lift the ban on new restaurant licenses, leaving the moratorium in place for tavern and nightclub licenses. At a July 11 ANC meeting, commissioners voted 5-1 to extend that moratorium on new tavern and nightclub licenses for five more years. They also expanded the area it covers from a 1,400-foot radius from Wok & Roll (2400 18th St. NW) to an 1,800-foot radius from Tryst (2459 18th St. NW). One of the chief impetuses for geographi-

young & hungry

cally expanding the moratorium involved a liquor license application that Infusion Club and Restaurant filed. The owner was seeking to take over the Chief Ike’s space on Columbia Road NW. According to ANC Commissioner 1C01 Amir Irani, residents were upset about the business’ proposed 600-person capacity and potential for noise. Liquor license moratoriums are contentious because they pit residents against the business community. But controlling the scene in Adams Morgan is more nuanced than putting a kibosh on new bars and clubs. Business owners, residents, and ANC commissioners question whether there’s enough enforcement by government agencies, especially of so-called “bad actors” that they say spoil the street for everyone. “With the moratorium zone, we’re hoping to preemptively keep the problem from metastasizing,” says 1C03 Commissioner Ted Guthrie who has lived in Adams Morgan for 20 years. Some of the places with bad reputations are restaurants that patrons could easily confuse for clubs. A restaurant license holder must make 45 percent of its gross annual receipts off of food (or $2,000 per occupant as determined by its certificate of occupancy), have its kitchen open until at least two hours before closing, and operate regular hours that are clearly marked with no barriers to entry. But restaurants can apply for special endorsements, allowing them to play live music, bring in a DJ, have a dance floor, and charge a cover. Take Johnny Pistolas. The ABC Board held a fact-finding hearing in October 2016 after a patron was struck over the head with a beer bottle on the Mexican restaurant’s crowded balcony. According to testimony from ABRA Investigator Mark Brashears, the police found the victim and several others covered in blood. He testified that MPD said that the victim was slurring his speech. Six security guards were on duty, but none saw glass hit skull, according to testimony. “As a restaurant they’re not required to have a security plan,” Brashears said at the hearing. “They mentioned they had an internal

plan, but no one really seemed to know where they were supposed to be or do.” District Nightclub also held a restaurant license. In October 2013, a jury determined the bar was negligent in the death of a pedestrian who was hit by a car at 18th and U streets NW in 2010. The lawsuit alleged that bartenders served a female patron five drinks in 40 minutes before she got behind the wheel of her car. On New Year’s Eve of the same year, five people were stabbed inside or immediately outside of the establishment. ABRA revoked the restaurant’s license in 2015 after finding that the restaurant cleaned up the crime scene. Then there was NY NY Diva. “They managed to violate every single rule or regulation,” Guthrie says. ABRA revoked their restaurant license in October 2014. The Board’s report said it was “one of the most poorly operated businesses in the city.” Testimony at a fact-finding hearing in February 2014 detailed a brawl that involved 50 people, broken glass, overturned chairs, and blood. Momentum is now building to oust Club Heaven & Hell, a tavern license holder run by Mehari Woldemariam. “It’s going to take actual enforcement to throw this guy out of the neighborhood,” Irani says. “If you go to a place where anything goes and you get all turned up there, when you leave the place,

Darrow Montgomery

Adams Morgan voted to expand its liquor license moratorium, but some want better enforcement to control the wild scene on weekends.

you’re not going to be quiet. If an establishment is the Wild West, then the Wild West spills out onto the streets.” The city requires Club Heaven & Hell to have security cameras, hire Reimbursable Detail Officers (RDOs), and have a security plan on file with ABRA. RDOs are off-duty police officers who business owners pay to maintain order surrounding their establishments. But problems persisted. In May 2018, an ABC Board order required the bar to pay a $6,500 fine for several offenses including failing to comply with its security plan and serving underage patrons. The multi-floor bar will

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18 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

also have to close from Aug. 20 to 24 due to the ABC Board suspending its license. According to ABRA, Heaven & Hell currently has multiple pending cases with the Office of the Attorney General. “The problems of bad actors, the establishments that continue to break the law, they’re very well known,” says Matt Wexler, a real estate developer who has several properties in Adams Morgan. “I think a moratorium of any sort is bad public policy. But in this case, absent of really strong enforcement by ABRA, it’s something.” Several people point their fingers at ABRA. “MPD is doing a great job considering what they’re up against,” Frank says. “ABRA keeps coming up. If their rules were enforced, there would be some improvement. The moratorium seems like the best we can do if the rules aren’t being enforced.” Those screaming for better enforcement complain that bars and restaurants are aren’t consistently checking IDs, aren’t meeting minimum food sales requirements, are operating after hours, are exceeding their capacities, aren’t doing enough to abate noise, and aren’t meeting their security detail requirements. ABRA says its team of investigators works seven nights a week until at least 4 a.m. to make sure businesses are in compliance with the law and any settlement agreements forged with the neighborhood. Spokesperson Aaron King says in fiscal year 2017, ABRA conducted 12,962 regulatory investigations and 1,246 sale-to-minor checks, and issued 481 citations. They conduct a regulatory inspection a minimum of two times per year at each licensed establishment, according to King. ABRA also works closely with police. About five years ago, MPD created a nightlife unit with officers that police Adams Morgan. Commander Stuart Emerman says the majority of calls come in on Friday and Saturday nights and are typically for fights, lost property, and intoxication. When MPD is able to link events to establishments, MPD notifies ABRA. Police can also request factfinding or closure hearings. In situations where there’s an immediate public safety concern, the chief of police can close an establishment for 96 hours. Finally, those who are frustrated put some of the blame on landlords. A business owner might intend to open a restaurant that cares more about its cuisine than its club scene, but then they realize that it’s tough to make money off of food. “People wanting to run a restaurant weren’t making enough during dining hours to make these extravagant rent payments so they bring in a promoter that says, ‘I can make you big bucks,’” Guthrie explains. “We need the landlords to recognize the good tenants and encourage them and not

be overly greedy,” adds Jack Rose Dining Saloon owner Bill Thomas. He’s owned businesses in the neighborhood for 25 years, lives there, and serves as a board member on the BID. Thomas explains that the neighborhood can serve as a small business incubator—narrow, well-worn row houses are more attractive to first-time restaurateurs than large chains. He hopes to play a role in making sure the “right kinds of businesses” succeed by establishing a peer-mentoring committee. “I will go through your business plan, your lease, and try to tell you if you’re not going to make it here or if this is a great idea,” he says. “We have to stop people from being put in a situation where their back is up against the wall so they don’t lose their house that’s up for collateral.” He’s optimistic that bars that churn out belligerent patrons are finally on the outs. “There are few that are left and they’re on their last leg,” he says. “We’re not going to be having this conversation in two years.” Adams Morgan residents City Paper interviewed yearn for more retail to counterbalance the high concentration of bars and restaurants. Sasha Arias moved to the area recently. She plays pool every Tuesday at Bedrock Billiards on Columbia Road NW. “You’d think Tuesdays would be mellow,” she says. “I was walking through a group of younger rowdy men. There was vomit all over the sidewalk. It was Tuesday at 11 p.m. No matter what time it is or what time of the week, if it’s later in the evening there’s either sketchy people or people who are near belligerent or some sort of unsafe traffic pattern.” Instead of new bars and restaurants, Arias would prefer some of the empty storefronts host art studios, bookstores, pet stores, and other businesses “that serve the community as a whole as opposed to just nightlife.” Jim Steck has lived in Adams Morgan since 2000 and avoids 18th Street NW on weekends. “I don’t want to be part of that mess,” he says. He too wants more retail. “There are lots of empty storefronts, part of that is landlords asking for too much rent.” No one seems to want Adams Morgan to lose its funk and charm. “One of the things I like about Adams Morgan is that it’s gritty and authentic,” Frank says. “You can’t change too much. You don’t want it to become totally gentrified with really expensive hipster spots. But at the same time, isn’t there a third way to stay diverse and cool as opposed to being totally drunk and not cool? It’s about the level of the drinking culture. Why does it have to be so grotesque?” CP Eatery tips? Food pursuits? Send suggestions to lhayes@washingtoncitypaper.com.


what we ate this week: Chile relleno with Oaxaca cheese, salsa, and sour cream with rice and beans, $11, Mezcalero. Satisfaction level: 5 out of 5.


what we’ll eat next week: New england-style halibut with Littleneck clams, confit leek, and soubise, $32, Mirabelle. Excitement level: 4 out of 5.

Are You Gonna Eat That?


How recent food happenings measure up By Laura Hayes LAME SAUCE



Laura Hayes

Mike Isabella’s first restaurant, Graffiato, closed after a landlord sued over missing rent.

Price: $6 Where to Get It: Daikaya Izakaya; 705 6th St. NW (second floor); daikaya.com

Casual Korean and Chinese restaurant CHIKO has its sights set on a new location at 2029 P St. NW in Dupont.

Priya Konings

Little Havana, opening Aug. 10 at 3704 14th St. NW will serve croquetas, ropa vieja, and fried coconut shrimp curry.

The Dish: Fermented firefly squid

Darrow Montgomery

Two Dischord Record employees opened Mt. Desert Island Ice Cream in Mount Pleasant, serving flavors like chocolate wasabi and coriander berry streusel.

Upscale Ethiopian restaurant Etete will close after a 14-year run to make way for a lounge from the same owners.

Hill Country Barbecue is the latest restaurant to go cashless, citing employee safety after a series of burglaries.

Where To Get It: Brookland Pint, 716 Monroe St. NE

What It Is: Four corn tortillas stuffed with chewy oyster mushrooms, shredded butternut squash, and kale on top of black bean puree drizzled with a duo of sauces—mole and a bold and herbaceous vegan cilantro sour cream. The chef cooks the veggies with onions, garlic, and spices before enveloping them in corn tortillas. Butternut squash adds just the smallest hint of sweetness, providing a crucial contrast to the smoky mole, which includes guajillo chilies toasted in a cast iron skillet. Diners should use the tortillas to mop up the creamy black bean puree and “sour cream” made with a blend of tofu, citrus, and cilantro. Sliced avocado seals the deal.

Price: $15

The Story: Like its sister restaurant, Me-

Veg Diner Monologues

Priya Konigs

A look at vegetarian dishes in the District that all should try

The Dish: Kale and Squash Enchiladas

Farrah Skeiky

Duffy’s Irish Pub is moving its addictive wing operation to 1016 H St. NE.

Dorjee Momo’s permanent location, bound for Capitol Hill this November, will also include Airbnbs outfitted in Tibetan art.

ridian Pint, Brookland Pint strives to be “an environmentally friendly gastropub,” both in its focus on local beer and its diverse menu, which includes numerous vegetarian and vegan items. With this dish, the restaurant opted to skip meat or cheese substitutes and create a flavorful plant-based entree using only vegetables, legumes, herbs, chilies, and spices. The popular recipe regular customers clamor for was developed more than two years ago. Why Even Meat Eaters Will Like It: This isn’t one of those vegan dishes where the kitchen is trying to trick a meat eater into liking a dish by using an imitation protein like tofurkey. It celebrates the various flavors and textures vegetables bring to the table. —Priya Konings

What It Is: “Hotaru ika” are tiny bioluminescent cephalopods native to Japan’s Toyama Prefecture. Their ability to emit a stunning electric-blue light from their tentacles earns them the nickname firefly squid. They are considered a seasonal delicacy and can be grilled, stewed, or fried, but eating one straight from the sea sans preparation is considered ideal. At Daikaya, Chef Katsuya Fukushima ferments the raw squid in their own juice and serves them underneath cubes of grapefruit marmalade, fresh grapefruit segments, and a thicket of lemony sorrel. What It Tastes Like: Funky. Fermentation creates a symphony of intriguing flavors in these two-bite squids: sour and spicy (think ginger, not chilies). Tiny marmalade cubes are both bitter and cloyingly sweet, while the bright acidity of fresh grapefruit is a welcome reprieve from the other intense flavors. Texturally, the dish struggles. The squid are chewy and slimy, which a pool of oil doesn’t help. The grapefruit bursts with juice, but overall, the plate would benefit from something crunchy. The Story: Daikaya’s hotaru ika are inspired by a Japanese dish of tuna fermented in its own innards. Although traditional dishes featuring fermented seafood aren’t typically served with fresh fruit, Fukushima included the grapefruit and sorrel to help cut through the funk and make the dish more friendly for a wide set of diners. (Hotaru ika is not a top-seller.) In fact, Daikaya is in the process of revamping its menu, and the jury is still out on whether the divisive squid will make it onto the updated list. Try the memorable bite in the next few months. —Bennett Reck

washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 19






A new documentary about Kato Hammond’s legendary go-go web magazine, TMOTTGoGo, is now available on Amazon. washingtoncitypaper.com/arts

Personal Voice

Two exhibits examining identity, society, and cultural practices take ideas of pop art, abstractionism, and mixed media to new heights. Damon Arhos, I Love To Hate You and Rex (Alexandra) Delafkaran, Tender Bits At IA&A at Hillyer to Sept. 2 By Kriston Capps In the early days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, a drug like Truvada was an impossible dream. Scientists could hardly agree on the condition of HIV, much less anything approaching a treatment, while the Reagan administration dragged its heels on even acknowledging the crisis. Quack science has reached well into this millennium—AIDS denialist Peter Duesberg’s still got tenure at the University of California, Berkeley—even as protease inhibitors and similar medications, like Truvada, have wrestled the disease into manageable status. So when Damon Arhos elevates a bottle of Truvada to popicon status, it’s a gesture that Gen-Xers might recognize. For “The Antidote (No. 1–7)” (2018), the artist creates seven images of a prescription-bottle label for the drug in the way of Andy Warhol silkscreen prints. Arhos’ paintings have the same timeless feel that Warhol reserved for celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe and Mao Zedong (and also the Campbell’s soup can and the electric chair). By taking the same tack as the Pop Art great, Arhos signals an affinity between Warhol’s subjects and his own—a daily pill that offers hope but not a cure. Other artists have taken an interest in prescription drugs, from Fred Tomaselli (who uses them in his collaged installations) to Damien Hirst (who has adopted medicine cabinets as a sculpture mode). Arhos is looking for something else. He borrows Warhol’s lens to focus on the drug as a cultural signifier, the coin of a certain realm. This is about the milieu of Truvada, and Warhol’s dull golden palette is the right tool to convey the sense of longing and regret that icons so often inspire. Never mind that Arhos’ works are serigraph-ink paintings, not silkscreen prints. Raising doubts about authenticity is a totally Warholian move. With this series, Arhos is investing a little something extra into the work by painting them by hand, but he needn’t have bothered. It is rewarding enough to suss out what Arhos means to say about an HIV treatment by casting it in the same light as Elizabeth Taylor or Mickey Mouse without adding another question about the artist’s own take on Warhol— although the paintings are attractive. “The Antidote” is one of three works on view in I Love To Hate You, a small solo offering. “Yesterday’s 30” (2018), a Super 8 film projection of snapshots of 30 transgender Americans who died in 2017, is another nod to pre-millennial nostalgia and


forms, and several others on view, are phallic in shape but only loosely so—shapes that fall between fungal stalks and dildos. Delafkaran’s work is nonbinary, incorporating elements that are both found and representational as well as handmade and abstract. “Snow White, Good Vibes and friend having tea and bomieh” (2018) might describe the scene set by the sculpture: three dildonic ceramics arranged on a Persian carpet. Her work is private, and conducted in a private formal language, a bit like Louise Bourgeois’ “avenza:” bulge-like, pre-sexual forms. Into her similarly universal figures, Delafkaran has encoded some specific experiences. “Hey baby, Hey baby” (2018)—a ceramic plate that bears those words inscribed over and over in

commemoration by pictures. “Trapped” (2018) is a departure: a twisting tower of rat traps painted a metallic red, more Ai Weiwei than Andy. “The Antidote” could stand alone here. Recent museum exhibits—on David Wojnarowicz and ACT UP Gran Fury, among others—have looked back on the toll the Reagan era took on the LGBTQ community. Arhos’ piece considers that legacy in full, and in real time, by examining the act of taking a pill: mundane, even monotonous, and yet profound. Only One Of the flags on view in Rex (Alexandra) Delafkaran’s solo show is what you might call a flag. With its blue and yellow panels, “Flags for when you don’t know where you are: shades of blue and yellow” (2018) looks a little like the flag of Sweden, albeit one remixed like a squareswithin-squares painting a la Josef Albers. Printed on the nylon appear to be abstract squiggles in pink and teal. But the elements of a traditional flag are all there: bracket, pole, fabric square, even some fringe around the edges. “Flags for when you don’t know where you are: red, yellow, and vase” (2018), the other ostensible flag on view, is something else. It’s a woven Iranian design, featuring a black vase pattern, draped over a towel rack installed along the wall. Delafkaran’s having it both ways, hanging a flag and hanging a “flag.” Tender Bits, the artist’s first solo sculpture show, is rooted in ceramics. Delafkaran’s work goes to show just how expansive that category is these days, incorporating found objects, abstraction, and even performance. That’s especially true in the D.C. area, where Mount Rainier’s Red Dirt Studio has shattered every preexisting conception of what clay and craft can be. Delafkaran, a Red Dirt artist, is just as likely to perform modern dance as work the pottery wheel for her practice. Rhythm, repetition, and symmetry are the foundations of her work. Two ceramic works mirror one another: “looking for something better” (2018) and “when one isn’t enough” (2018), both distorted ceramic vessels standing on cinder blocks that have been chained to the wall. Another trio of sculptures resonate, each one a stack of cinder blocks bound by a brightly colored ratchet strap that also hugs a ceramic form. These three

“Congrats” by Rex (Alexandra) Delafkaran (2018) a maddening spiral—speaks to rage-inducing catcalls. In “tender not soft” (2018), a shriveled, hardened gourd of a ceramic strapped down to a cinder block bears the word “CONGRATS.” Cryptic for certain, not fully finished, undeniably poetic. CP 9 Hillyer Court NW. Free; $8 suggested donation. (202) 338-0325. athillyer.org. washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 21

FilmShort SubjectS

deep Blue See The Meg

Directed by Jon Turteltaub


Black comedy BlacKkKlansman Directed by Spike Lee

BlacKKKlansman is that rarest of artistic achievements: an immensely satisfying piece of commercial entertainment and a radical condemnation at once. These two forms almost never meet. Satisfying the public usually means not challenging them, and arguing a political point means risking offense. So how does any film, let alone one about race, achieve the near-impossible? It’s easy. Marry the most accomplished black filmmaker in history with the Oscar-winning black filmmaker of the moment. Spike Lee directs and Jordan Peele produces BlacKkKlansman, the engaging story of a black police officer who cleverly infiltrates the Ku Klux Klan. If that’s not enough to pique your interest, check your pulse. The film is a fresh burst of artistic and political energy from the aging master. Lee’s refusal to placate mainstream (read: white) audiences made him stand out early in his career, but it has been more than a decade since he’s been able to channel his sense of racial justice into anything so resonant. He’s also never had such an irresistible story to work with. In 1970s Colorado, Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) is the first black cop in his town. Frustrated with his first assignment—to infiltrate and report back on the local Black Student Union, he decides to create his own assignment. He calls up the president of the local KKK, pretends to be white, and sets up a meeting as a concerned citizen. After a chat with his dispassionate police chief, he ropes in fellow officer Flip Zimmerman (Adam Driver) to team up and play the role in person. Mayhem ensues, and for the first time in some time, Lee really seems to be enjoying it. For much of the film, BlacKkKlansman functions as a buddy cop movie, with Washington

and Driver performing the racially and culturally-mismatched duo trope pioneered by Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte in 48 Hours, and copied in Lethal Weapon and Rush Hour. Even as Flip gets in deeper with the local KKK, braving the initiation rituals of the Klan administered by one of its more unhinged members— props include a polygraph and a gun—Lee puts his desire to entertain first. Amidst the danger, there are a litany of big laughs, high-wire tension, and one giddy homage to a famous blaxploitation film of yesteryear. It’s a shrewd strategy. The film’s embrace of commercialism allows for the gentle emergence of Lee’s real subject: the banality of bigotry. Stallworth is a fascinating character, and Washington’s charismatic performance anchors the film, but Lee insists we spend just as much time getting to know the KKK members, even when Flip isn’t around them. We see a group meeting in one of their homes, where a bubbly housewife happily serves chips and dip to the Klan. We see a husband and wife engaging in tender pillow talk about their hopes of killing black people. Amazingly, this scene is not played for laughs. Most effectively, we see Topher Grace playing young David Duke like a slightly grown-up version of Eric Forman from That ’70s Show, shaggy hair and all. If it feels like a sitcom, well, that’s the point. While building to its tense, action-packed climax, Lee also boldly exposes the role media, especially film itself, plays in perpetuating evil. In one scene, a crew of white supremacists munch popcorn at a boisterous screening of D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation, one of the most racist films in history. In another, a character opines on the colonialist evils of Tarzan, a scene that reads as a tribute to James Baldwin’s racial critique of King Kong in his seminal essay The Devil Finds Work. Piercing and poetic, BlacKkKlansman is perhaps best understood as an evolution of Baldwin’s work, with Lee wearing the crown as one of the writer’s most worthy successors. —Noah Gittell BlacKkKlansmen opens Friday in theaters everywhere.

22 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

it is inevitable that audiences would demand bigger sharks. The days of Jaws, when a single great white could terrorize an entire beach community, are long behind us. Even a film like Deep Blue Sea, where you have an army of genius sharks, is no longer enough for you people. You don’t have to tell me I’m obsolete: I am a great white shark, and as you know, I can only swim forward. The Meg deserves credit for renewing interest in my species. That shark is big, and the fossil of its jaws at the Natural History Museum will only give you a hint of its size. But size is not everything, as Spielberg can tell you, and what matters more is what you do with all those razor sharp teeth. It is a long, long time before we get to the good stuff—all these fleshy, dismembered legs kicking just below the surface. I’ll never tire of that image, even if it makes me hungry. Until then, the action is way down under the ocean floor. The “Meg”—short for Megalodon—is almost innocent in this film. It minds its business, at depths where a blanket of icecold water keeps the environment below ar-

ing to get eaten. Sharks—and us great whites in particular—are entertainers when we want to be, so we are happiest when we get fed and simultaneously sate your bloodlust. It’s the circle of life. Part of the trouble with The Meg is how the scenes between the shark attacks do not create much suspense. The screenwriters halfheartedly delve into the relationships—Statham has a love interest and an ex-wife—except none of these minor characters are defined by their relationship to sharks. Ahab’s relationship to the white whale is the stuff of legend; in fact, every shark secretly wishes to find such a worthy nemesis. In The Meg, there is no sense of danger or obsession. To his credit, director Jon Turteltaub finds some creative ways to film the Megalodon (sharks have never looked so imposing). But for every carefully composed image, there are tired clichés, such as Page Kennedy’s turn as an underwater drone operator. All human flesh tastes the same to us, no matter the skin color, so it’s embarrassing for us all—human and shark—when there is a black character whose defining characteristic is that he cannot swim. Many recent creature features have been about how monsters bring people together. In Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla, everyone unites in their appreciation of a lovable monster who saves San Francisco from a scarier monster. ArThe Meg

tificially warm. It looks like a sweet gig, to be honest, so when the Meg finds some scientists causing a ruckus there, it is rightfully pissed. It leaves their vessel in a state of disrepair, and now a rescue effort is underway. Sharks have a complicated relationship with humans—after one meal, we cannot get enough—so the Meg goes to the surface to mess with the scientists some more. A lot of people think great whites have a brain the size of golf balls. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. Our brains are much bigger than that, so we do not have much trouble remembering a human face or two. Alongside Robert Shaw and Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Statham is a big deal in the shark community because he was once a competitive diver (that’s like catnip for us). It was troubling to see Statham play Jonas, a deep sea rescuer who hates sharks, but I guess I cannot fault his commitment to the role. It was way more satisfying to watch Rainn Wilson, the billionaire anti-shark zealot, since he is just ask-

rival ends with Amy Adams using alien technology to improve relations between China and the rest of the world. Creatures like us are proud to serve as tools of diplomacy, and one amusing detail about The Meg is its international appeal. This film is an American-Chinese co-production, which means that while Statham plays a typically gruff Western hero, the Chinese lead follows that country’s values (she is a devoted mother who wants to protect and honor her family). The product placement even includes Coca-Cola alongside a Chinese brand. The Meg has exactly what you would expect from a giant shark movie, and little else. If it becomes an international hit, here’s hoping they continue to film sequels in beaches teeming with tourists. Nothing is better for shark-kind than a superpower with an overpopulation problem. —A Great White Shark The Meg opens Friday in theaters everywhere.

TheaTerCurtain Calls

The PresidenT is Missing Dave

Book by Thomas Meehan and Nell Benjamin Music by Tom Kitt Lyrics by Nell Benjamin Directed by Tina Landau At Arena Stage to Aug. 19 Middle of the road political humor will never go out of style in Washington. Locals, transplants, and tourists laugh and smile at the funny-because-it’s-true material that keeps groups like the Capitol Steps in business for decades but hardly ever challenges the status quo. Daring to say anything more transgressive in the name of comedy only brings reprimands from Big Media—just ask Michelle Wolf. Dave, the musical adaptation of the 1993 Kevin Kline comedy about a presidential impersonator tasked with filling in for the commander in chief, exists peacefully in this middle ground. Audiences chuckle at jokes about an imageobsessed president with a compulsion to share his thoughts on social media. They dutifully rise when “The Star-Spangled Banner” plays midway through the first act. It lands like a less bombastic version of The West Wing, celebrating an everyman who uses his suddenly acquired power to appeal to America and the audience’s sense of liberty and justice, our lowest common emotional denominator. The entire premise requires an enormous suspension of disbelief—there’s absolutely no way a presidential double could pass as the real thing in the 24-hour news cycle, especially when the president is supposed to be recovering from a stroke. Like many movie-to-musical adaptations, a fondness for the source material makes up for this conceit, and for the show’s forgettable songs. This is not to say that Dave lacks entertainment value. It’s the kind of light-hearted, feel-

good fare suited for a summer day when you want to sit in an air-conditioned room. It just so happens to remind you that the executive branch of our real government is less than stable. The company, most of whom are New York stage veterans, sell the production to the best of their abilities, starting with Drew Gehling, who bounds through every scene with exuberance while playing both Dave, the presidential impersonator, and the president he is impersonating, Bill Mitchell. Douglas Sills, as Chief of Staff Bob Alexander, gives the show’s villain a sinister vibe reminiscent of Dick Cheney, while Josh Breckenridge, as Dave’s secret service officer, Duane, transcends the “wise black friend” role and brings some emotion to a character who’s supposed to say very little. Dave sings nearly every song in the show and is applauded after all of them, but it’s Duane’s solo number, “Not My Problem,” that makes the audience stop and listen. Moments like those prove that Dave is more than just political platitudes. With one expertly delivered joke about panda impotence, director Tina Landau and book and lyrics writer Nell Benjamin (who collaborated on the book with the late Thomas Meehan) show that they have taken the time to understand D.C. in a way other out-of-towners attempting to write about our fair city have not. It endears audiences to the show, which has found a perfect home at Arena, even if the moving walls and projections that make up its set feel a little cramped on the Kreeger Theater stage. This is the trouble with Dave. If it has Broadway ambitions—and plenty of signs point in that direction—it’s not quite ready to join the ranks of other movie-to-musical translations lighting up the stage. Right now, it appeals to local audiences who are equally conversant in politics and theater. Its broader appeal is buried beneath insider jokes and its source material can be rented for less than $3 online. —Caroline Jones 1101 6th St. SW. $140–$176. (202) 554-9066. arenastage.org.

D.C.’s awesomest events calendar. washingtoncitypaper.com/ calendar




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24 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com



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$15/ADV $20 DOS




Wolf Trap filene CenTer 1551 Trap Road, Vienna. (703) 255-1900. Lyle Lovett. 8 p.m. $30–$65. wolftrap.org.


Songbyrd MuSiC HouSe and reCord Cafe 2477 18th St. NW. (202) 450-2917. Skout. 8 p.m. $12–$15. songbyrddc.com.

FuNK & R&B

blueS alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. (202) 3374141. Marcus Johnson Urban Jam Band. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $30–$35. bluesalley.com.


TWinS Jazz 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. Cheyney Thomas. 9 p.m.; 11 p.m. $15. twinsjazz.com.


MerriWeaTHer poST pavilion 10475 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia. (410) 715-5550. Jason Mraz. 7:30 p.m. $45–$75. merriweathermusic.com. union STage 740 Water St. SW. (877) 987-6487. The Reagan Years. 8 p.m. $15. unionstage.com.


birCHMere 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria. (703) 549-7500. Toad The Wet Sprocket. 7:30 p.m. $65. birchmere.com. blaCk CaT 1811 14th St. NW. (202) 667-4490. Kill Lincoln. 8 p.m. $12–$15. blackcatdc.com. dC9 1940 9th St. NW. (202) 483-5000. Campdogzz. 8 p.m. $10–$12. dcnine.com. gypSy Sally’S 3401 K St. NW. (202) 333-7700. Deadgrass. 9 p.m. $12. gypsysallys.com. THe HaMilTon 600 14th St. NW. (202) 787-1000. The New Orleans Suspects. 8 p.m. $20–$30. thehamiltondc.com. MiraCle THeaTre 535 8th St. SE. (202) 400-3210. Marshall Crenshaw Trio. 8 p.m. $25. themiracletheatre.com. roCk & roll HoTel 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625. FuzzQueen. 9 p.m. $16. rockandrollhoteldc.com.


Wolf Trap filene CenTer 1551 Trap Road, Vienna. (703) 255-1900. Mary Chapin Carpenter. 7:30 p.m. $28–$65. wolftrap.org.

FuNK & R&B

birCHMere 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria. (703) 549-7500. Aaron Neville. 7:30 p.m. $89.50. birchmere.com. blueS alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. (202) 3374141. Marcus Johnson “Urban Jam Band”. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $30–$35. bluesalley.com.


9:30 Club 815 V St. NW. (202) 265-0930. Jeremih & Teyana Taylor. 8 p.m. $40. 930.com.



When I think about American propaganda from the early 20th century, the jingoistic pro-war posters from World War I come to mind, like the iconic “I Want You For U.S. Army” posters featuring a stern-looking Uncle Sam urging the viewer to enlist. These posters were part of a successful effort to mobilize Americans for war—so successful, in fact, that business leaders from the 1920s sought to reproduce them for a similar use in the workplace. On display at the National Museum of American History is Let’s Get It Right, a collection of 16 such posters, with catchy slogans and colorful illustrations meant to influence the attitudes and efficiency of workers. Their messages range from practical (“Find out what’s wrong and then right it. Worry won’t help.”) to ominous (“Bad habits prevent good records,” warns one, depicting a worker wrestling with the devil himself) to almost Dr. Seuss-esque (“When the shirker shirks, you do double work!”). Several posters feature Bill Jones, a larger-than-life fictional salesman offering enthusiastic words of advice to humble workers. Not surprisingly, the heyday of workplace incentive posters came to an end in 1929 with the onset of the Great Depression. But one of these posters, with its words of encouragement atop a picturesque forest landscape, would not seem out of place on a modern office wall—ironically, of course. The exhibition is on view to January 6, 2019 at the National Museum of American History, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. Free. (202) 633-1000. americanhistory.si.edu. —Rose Shafer


dar ConSTiTuTion Hall 1776 D St. NW. (202) 6284780. Thomas Anders & Modern Talking Band. 8 p.m. $55–$135. dar.org.


aMp by STraTHMore 11810 Grand Park Ave., North Bethesda. (301) 581-5100. Apple Core. 8 p.m. $15–$22. ampbystrathmore.com. CoMeT ping pong 5037 Connecticut Ave. NW. (202) 364-0404. Alice Bag, Homosuperior, and Faunas. 10 p.m. $15. cometpingpong.com.

JaMMin Java 227 Maple Ave. East, Vienna. (703) 2551566. Dan Navarro. 8 p.m. $20–$25. jamminjava.com.

dC9 1940 9th St. NW. (202) 483-5000. Poseurs. 9 p.m. $10. dcnine.com.

TWinS Jazz 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. Cheyney Thomas. 9 p.m.; 11 p.m. $15. twinsjazz.com.

THe HaMilTon 600 14th St. NW. (202) 787-1000. Thunderstruck. 8 p.m. $15–$20. thehamiltondc.com.


Hill CounTry live 410 7th St. NW. (202) 556-2050. Heather Gillis Band. 8 p.m. $12–$15. hillcountrywdc. com.


flaSH 645 Florida Ave. NW. (202) 827-8791. D. Tiffany and DJ Heure. 4 p.m. $8. flashdc.com.

FuNK & R&B


anaCoSTia arTS CenTer 1231 Good Hope Road SE. Sydni Marie. 7 p.m. $30. anacostiaartscenter.com.

410 Seventh St, NW • 202.556.2050 HillCountry.com/DC • Twitter @hillcountrylive

blueS alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. (202) 3374141. Marcus Johnson “Urban Jam Band”. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $30–$35. bluesalley.com.

Near Archives/Navy Memorial [G, Y] and Gallery PI/Chinatown [R] Metro

washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 25










AUG 11





AUG 15






AUG 22


As touring partners, Jeremih and Teyana Taylor make perfect sense: smooth-voiced R&B singer-songwriters that have impressed for years but somehow haven’t been able to crack the music industry code that would make them household names. Jeremih scored his first hit at 21 years old with “Birthday Sex,” released the cult favorite Late Nights with Jeremih in 2012, and has been good for a fun single (“Don’t Tell 'Em” and “Down On Me”) or feature every year. Still, he’s had issues with his label and has yet to release an album that delivers on his potential. For her part, Taylor has toiled on the backbench of Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music imprint, finally releasing her second album with June’s K.T.S.E., a well received effort that was treated like an afterthought by West and company. All hope isn’t lost: Jeremih is 31 and Taylor is 27, so with continued great work and good luck, they can right their ships. A two-headed tour is a step in the right direction. Jeremih performs with Teyana Taylor and DaniLeigh at 8 p.m. at 9:30 Club, 815 V St. NW. $40. (202) 265-0930. 930.com. —Chris Kelly


AUG 23



JAzz TWinS Jazz 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. Afro


Yaqui Music Collective. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $10.



union STage 740 Water St. SW. (877) 987-6487. Luke


James Shaffer. 7:30 p.m. $12–$15. unionstage.com.

AUG 26

birCHMere 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria.


(703) 549-7500. Morris Day & The Time. 7:30 p.m.

birCHMere 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria.


$79.50. birchmere.com.

(703) 549-7500. Mindi Abair and The Boneshakers.

Wolf Trap filene CenTer 1551 Trap Road, Vienna.

7:30 p.m. $35. birchmere.com.

(703) 255-1900. ABBA The Concert. 8 p.m. $40–$60.

blueS alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. (202) 337-


4141. Christie Dashiell & Friends. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $22.



blaCk CaT 1811 14th St. NW. (202) 667-4490. Pedro


the Lion. 7:30 p.m. $22–$25. blackcatdc.com.

Songbyrd MuSiC HouSe and reCord Cafe 2477

JaMMin Java 227 Maple Ave. East, Vienna. (703) 255-

18th St. NW. (202) 450-2917. Echo Courts. 8 p.m. Free.

1566. Tempest. 7:30 p.m. $20. jamminjava.com.


AUG 30

26 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

Merriweather Post Pavilion • Columbia, MD THIS FRIDAY!

JASON MRAZ  w/ Brett Dennen........................................... AUG 10


No Scrubs: ‘90s Dance Party   with DJs Brian Billion and Ozker with visuals by Kylos ........................... F 10 AEG PRESENTS

Jeremih & Teyana Taylor  w/ DaniLeigh ............................................... Sa 11 Seu Jorge ...................................................................................................... W 15 AUGUST


DC Music Rocks Festival feat.

FIDLAR  w/ Dilly Dally & NOBRO ..............Tu 18

Black Dog Prowl • Allthebestkids •  Fellowcraft • Pebble to Pearl •  Kid Brother .............................Sa 18



Car Seat Headrest  w/ Naked Giants & Don Babylon .Th 20 Gary Numan w/ Nightmare Air

Kyle Kinane This is a seated show. Th 23 Can’t Feel My Face:  2010s Dance Party with

Early Show! 6pm Doors .....................F 21

DJs Will Eastman & Ozker   with visuals by Kylos ................F 24


Whethan   w/ Sweater Beats & Andrew Luce

DJ Dredd’s  MJ + Prince Dance Party

Late Show! 10pm Doors ....................F 21

with visuals by Robin Bell .....Sa 25

Blisspop Disco Fest  (F 31 - Claptone • François K •

Charles Feelgood • Eau Claire) &   (Sa 1 - Giorgio Moroder • Ultra Naté •  Will Eastman) .....F AUG 31 & Sa SEP 1

Chapo Trap House  This is a seated show. .........................W 5 Nothing But Thieves  w/ Demob Happy ............................F 7 Suicidal Tendencies

(playing their self-titled first album  in its entirety)   w/ Sick Of It All & Iron Reagan ....Sa 8



•  For full lineups and more info, visit merriweathermusic.com • 930.com

Lincoln Theatre • 1215 U Street, NW Washington, D.C. JUST ANNOUNCED!

Richard Thompson Electric Trio

.......NOVEMBER 8

On Sale Friday, August 10 at 10am



This is a seated show. ......................Sa 15

Brett Eldredge • Dan + Shay • Dustin Lynch • Devin Dawson • Morgan Evans • Jimmie Allen • Jillian Jacqueline .........................SEPT 30

Amos Lee w/ Caitlyn Smith ...... SEPT 18 Welcome To Night Vale .. SEPT 26 Blood Orange ........................ SEPT 28 Lykke Li ......................................... OCT 5 Gad Elmaleh ............................. OCT 10 Eric Hutchinson & The Believers  w/ Jeremy Messersmith .................... OCT 12


w/ The Detroit Cobras ...............Tu 11 Los Amigos Invisibles ...........F 14 Joey Coco Diaz


The Growlers .........................Su 23 Highly Suspect ......................Th 27

Our Lady Peace .......................Tu 2 Cam w/ Lucie Silvas ....................Th 4 HONNE ........................................Su 7 The Struts  w/ White Reaper & Spirit Animal ..M 8

featuring MC5’s Brother Wayne   Kramer, Soundgarden’s Kim   Thayil, Faith No More’s Billy Gould,  Fugazi’s Brendan Canty, and   Zen Guerrilla’s Marcus Durant

The National w/ Cat Power & Phoebe Bridgers ...................................SEPT 28

The Milk Carton Kids  w/ The Barr Brothers ....................... OCT 13

Belly .........................................Sa 29

MC50: Kick Out the Jams  50th Anniversary Tour

SZA • 2 Chainz • RL Grime • special guest Carnage • Young Thug • Playboi Carti • The Internet • Smokepurpp and more! .................SEPT 22

Five For Fighting




Owl City w/ Matthew Thiessen

& The Earthquakes .....................Sa 22


CAKE & Ben Folds w/ Tall Heights ....................................................... AUG 18 Kenny Chesney w/ Old Dominion ............................................................ AUG 22 Portugal. The Man w/ Lucius..................................................................SEPT 21

Kali Uchis  w/ Gabriel Garzon-Montano .Tu 9 & W 10 Bob Moses w/ Mansionair .......Th 11 Murder By Death  w/ William Elliott Whitmore   Early Show! 6pm Doors .....................F 12

with String Quartet ............... SEPT 16


Garbage w/ Rituals of Mine  Version 2.0 20th Anniversary Tour ... OCT 22 MADISON HOUSE PRESENTS  Kamasi Washington   w/ Butcher Brown ...........................NOV 10

Ólafur Arnalds ........................NOV 14 The Dollop .................................NOV 16



Phoebe Robinson   with special guest Tig Notaro .... OCT 25

Late Show! 9pm Doors ......... FRI OCT 26


#ADULTING    with Michelle Buteau and Jordan Carlos

Amanda Seales (HBO’s Insecure) Cameron Esposito,  Rhea Butcher, & Friends    Late Show! 8:30pm Doors ... SAT OCT 27

Early Show! 5:30pm Doors ........ FRI OCT 26

• thelincolndc.com •        U Street (Green/Yellow) stop across the street!


What So Not

Late Show! 10pm Doors .....................F 12

The Record Company  w/ Madisen Ward

and the Mama Bear.....................Sa 13

Lucero w/ Brent Cowles ...........Su 14


The best thing you could possibly put in your mouth Cupcakes by BUZZ... your neighborhood bakery in Alexandria, VA. | www.buzzonslaters.com


Vacationer w/ Sego ................. F AUG 17 Bernhoft   & The Fashion Bruises ...... Th SEP 6 Ra Ra Riot - The Rhumb Line   10th Anniversary Tour ................Sa 18 Let’s Eat Grandma  w/ Odetta Hartman & Boniface ..........Th 13 Striking Matches .....................Sa 25 The Buttertones ......................Th 20 • Buy advance tickets at the 9:30 Club box office • 930.com

TICKETS  for  9:30  Club  shows  are  available  through  TicketFly.com,  by  phone  at  1-877-4FLY-TIX,  and  at  the  9:30  Club  box  office.  9:30 CLUB BOX OFFICE HOURS are 12-7pm on weekdays & until 11pm on show nights, 6-11pm on Sat, and 6-10:30pm on Sun on show nights.


PARKING: THE  OFFICIAL  9:30  parking  lot  entrance  is  on  9th  Street,  directly  behind  the  9:30  Club.  Buy  your  advance  parking  tickets  at  the  same  time  as  your  concert  tickets!

930.com washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 27


thh 3701 Mount Vernon Ave. Alexandria, VA • 703-549-7500

For entire schedule go to Birchmere.com Find us on Facebook/Twitter! Tix @ Ticketmaster.com 800-745-3000 Megan TOAD THE WET SPROCKET Slankard 11 AARON NEVILLE 12 MORRIS DAY & THE TIME 13 MINDI ABAIR & THE BONESHAKERS Michelle 14 SHAWN MULLINS Malone Aug





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THE MARCUS KING BAND 18 JEFF DANIELS & BEN DANIELS BAND 19 JEAN-LUC PONTY 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA • 703-549-7500 Tickets on sale now at Ticketmaster.com/800-745-3000

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21 22

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SA 18


SU 19


TU 21 TH 23 SA 25 SU 26 SU 26

F 31






28 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

If the success of Mamma Mia! and Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again has proved anything, it’s that love for ABBA is alive and well. The 1970s Swedish band is one of the best-selling music acts in the world, and for good reason—just listen to timeless earworms like “Waterloo,” “Dancing Queen,” “Super Trouper” and “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!,” and you’ll find their cheesy poprock sound is hard not to love. Sadly for ABBA superfans, the group hasn’t toured together in almost 40 years. But Wolf Trap is presenting the next best thing: The Visitors, a radiant ABBA tribute group named after the band’s final album who describe themselves as “the closest to ABBA you’ll ever get.” Besides being noted for their look-alike appearances—the resemblances are uncanny—and flashy costumes, the band hails from ABBA’s hometown of Stockholm, often performing songs in their original Swedish. The group has brought their act to sold-out stadiums from Norway to Azerbaijan in a music career spanning more than 20 years. (That’s twice as long as the original ABBA.) For those still grieving the loss of the real deal, there is hope: ABBA announced earlier this year that they’ve reunited at last, and two new songs are scheduled for release some time this December. Until then, catch The Visitors at Wolf Trap. My, my, how can you resist them? ABBA The Concert begins at 8 p.m. at the Filene Center at Wolf Trap, 1551 Trap Road, Vienna. $40–$60. (703) 255-1900. wolftrap.org. —Rose Shafer


FuNK & R&B

kennedy CenTer MillenniuM STage 2700 F St. NW. (202) 467-4600. U.S. Navy Band. 6 p.m. Free. kennedy-center.org.



COuNTRY Hill CounTry live 410 7th St. NW. (202) 556-2050. Roanoke. 8:30 p.m. Free. hillcountrywdc.com.

FuNK & R&B blueS alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. (202) 3374141. Earth, Wind & Fire Tribute Band. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $22. bluesalley.com. JaMMin Java 227 Maple Ave. East, Vienna. (703) 2551566. Cory Wong. 8 p.m. $15–$25. jamminjava.com.

POP dC9 1940 9th St. NW. (202) 483-5000. DK The Drummer and Sucré. 8 p.m. $15. dcnine.com.


THe HaMilTon 600 14th St. NW. (202) 787-1000. Toronzo Cannon. 7:30 p.m. $10–$25. thehamiltondc. com.

Wolf Trap filene CenTer 1551 Trap Road, Vienna. (703) 255-1900. Gladys Knight & The O’Jays. 8 p.m. $30–$70. wolftrap.org. fillMore Silver Spring 8656 Colesville Road, Silver Spring. (301) 960-9999. Warren G. 8 p.m. $26. fillmoresilverspring.com.


blueS alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. (202) 3374141. Tim Whalen Quintet. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $22. bluesalley.com. TWinS Jazz 1344 U St. NW. (202) 234-0072. Marty Nau. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $10. twinsjazz.com.


birCHMere 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria. (703) 549-7500. The FIXX. 7:30 p.m. $39.50. birchmere.com. roCk & roll HoTel 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625. nothing,nowhere. 6:30 p.m. $20. rockandrollhoteldc. com.


kennedy CenTer MillenniuM STage 2700 F St. NW. (202) 467-4600. Octopus Kid. 6 p.m. Free. kennedy-center.org.



JaMMin Java 227 Maple Ave. East, Vienna. (703) 2551566. Trace Bundy. 7:30 p.m. $25–$30. jamminjava.com.

union STage 740 Water St. SW. (877) 987-6487. William Clark Green. 8 p.m. $15–$18. unionstage.com.


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In Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 masterpiece Dr. Strangelove, a deranged commander (Sterling Hayden) orders B-52 bombers on a mission that, if allowed to proceed, will trigger a world-destroying doomsday machine. That nail-biting concept is the foundation of one of cinema’s great satires. Peter Sellers earned an Oscar nomination for his multiple roles, which included an ineffective U.S. president and the former Nazi scientist title character, but the powerhouse here may be George C. Scott, who plays General Buck Turgidson with a bug-eyed knack for slapstick that he seldom showed elsewhere. Kubrick’s dark vision almost ended with a pie-fight, which the director finally decided was too absurd—but is it? More than 50 years later, Dr. Strangelove is as horrifying and hilarious as the day it was made. The film screens at 5:15 p.m. at the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring. $9.50– $13 (301) 495-6700. afi.com/silver. —Pat Padua


Wolf Trap filene CenTer 1551 Trap Road, Vienna. (703) 255-1900. Alan Jackson. 8 p.m. $45–$105. wolftrap.org.


JaMMin Java 227 Maple Ave. East, Vienna. (703) 2551566. Scott Kirby. 7:30 p.m. $20. jamminjava.com.


eaglebank arena 4500 Patriot Circle, Fairfax. (703) 993-3000. Bad Bunny. 8 p.m. $59–$139. eaglebankarena.com.


blueS alley 1073 Wisconsin Ave. NW. (202) 3374141. Loston Harris. 8 p.m.; 10 p.m. $25. bluesalley. com.


birCHMere 3701 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria. (703) 549-7500. Felix Cavaliere and Gene Cornish. 7:30 p.m. $99.50. birchmere.com. roCk & roll HoTel 1353 H St. NE. (202) 388-7625. Bat Fangs & The Love Language. 8 p.m. $15. rockandrollhoteldc.com. Songbyrd MuSiC HouSe and reCord Cafe 2477 18th St. NW. (202) 450-2917. Show Me The Body. 8 p.m. $12–$15. songbyrddc.com. velveT lounge 915 U St. NW. (202) 462-3213. Casual War. 8:30 p.m. $10. velvetloungedc.com.


kennedy CenTer MillenniuM STage 2700 F St. NW. (202) 467-4600. Salt Cathedral. 6 p.m. Free. kennedy-center.org.


aMiTava kuMar Amitava Kumar discusses his new book Immigrant, Montana, the story of Kailish, a young Indian immigrant attending a university in New York and coming to terms with his ever-shifting identity. Politics and Prose at Union Market. 1270 5th St. NE. Aug. 10. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. arne dunCan Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan discusses his new book How Schools Work, which examines the problems facing students and educators and the reason American kids have fallen behind their peers elsewhere in the world. Politics and Prose. 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Aug. 12. 5 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. CrySTal Hana kiM and Caoilinn HugHeS Crystal Hana Kim discusses her new novel If You Leave Me, the story of a young Korean war refugee who marries a friend’s wealthy cousin even though he is not the man she loves. Poet Caoilinn Hughes talks about her debut novel Orchid and the Wasp, about a woman who leaves Ireland to make a fortune in the art world after her family fractures. Politics and Prose at The Wharf. 70 District Square SW. Aug. 14. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 488-3867. david auerbaCH Software engineer David Auerbach talks about his book Bitwise, a memoir that examines the way computer algorithms shape our understanding of the world and the narrowing gap between humans machines. Politics and Prose at Union Market. 1270 5th St. NE. Aug. 16. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919.



Audiences were not kind to Fosca, the sickly woman at the center of Passion, when the Stephen Sondheim/James Lapine musical first ran on Broadway. They laughed frequently (it’s not a comedy) and one incensed fan famously screamed “Die, Fosca! Die!” during a performance. These reactions accurately reflect that Passion swerves away from the traditional romance plot viewers might expect from a musical. Set in Italy during its 19th century unification period, it follows the relationship between a young army captain, his married lover, and the ailing woman whose devotion transforms all three of them. Yes, it is a love story at its core, but one wrapped up in themes of obsession, desire, and loneliness. It lacks the cynicism and dark humor of Sondheim’s better known works like Sweeney Todd and Company, yet its characters seem more haunting. Signature Theatre, the region’s foremost interpreter of Sondheim’s work, opens its season with a new staging of the musical that sees Natascia Diaz take on the role of Fosca. Just remember to save your audible comments for after the show. The musical runs Aug. 14 to Sept. 23 at Signature Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington. $40–$99. (703) 820-9771. sigtheatre.org. —Caroline Jones

30 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

david d. kirkpaTriCk In his new book Into the Hands of the Soldiers, New York Times reporter David D. Kirkpatrick explores the factors that lead up to the Arab Spring of 2011 and illuminates America’s role in the chaos. Politics and Prose. 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Aug. 10. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. david QuaMMen David Quammen’s new book The Tangled Tree explores how recent discoveries in microbiology, such as the process of horizontal gene transfer (HGT), could have startling implications for human health and nature. Politics and Prose. 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Aug. 15. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. ellen buTler Ellen Butler talks about her recent book The Brass Compass, which highlights women’s roles in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. Arlington Central Library. 1015 N. Quincy St., Arlington. Aug. 13. 3 p.m. Free. (703) 228-5990. keiTH o’brien In his new book Fly Girls, reporter Keith O’Brien gives a riveting account of five women who fought to compete against men in the highstakes national airplane races of the 1920s and '30s.

Politics and Prose. 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Aug. 14. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919. kevin alliSon Podcast host Kevin Allison discusses his new novel RISK!, a collection of unbelievable true stories from his hit podcast of the same name. Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe. 1517 Connecticut Ave. NW. Aug. 16. 6:30 p.m. Free. (202) 387-1400.

lonely Italian war bride who has an affair with a photographer who has traveled from Washington to photograph the county’s famous covered bridges. Keegan Theatre. 1742 Church St. NW. To Sep. 11. $45–$55. (202) 265-3767. keegantheatre.com.

laura van den berg Laura Van Den Berg talks about her new novel The Third Hotel, the story of a woman who is forced to face the truth about her marriage after she stumbles upon the ghost of her dead husband. Politics and Prose. 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Aug. 13. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919.

dave A Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning creative team present this world premiere musical comedy based on the Oscar-nominated film of the same name. Dave tells the story of high school teacher Dave Kovic, who finds himself hired as a standin when the president falls ill under scandalous circumstances. Arena Stage. 1101 6th St. SW. To Aug. 19. $102–$117. (202) 488-3300. arenastage.org.

MaTTHeW HoraCe Law enforcement analyst Matthew Horace discusses his new book The Black and the Blue, which examines the way police interact with Black America through his experiences as a black police officer. Politics and Prose. 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. Aug. 16. 7 p.m. Free. (202) 364-1919.

generaTion gap This Second City production, a new original work for Kennedy Center audiences, showcases a battle of the ages from the Greatest Generation to the latest generation. Kennedy Center Theater Lab. 2700 F St. NW. To Aug. 12. $49–$59. 202467-4600. kennedy-center.org.

Sean SpiCer Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer shares his book The Briefing: Politics, The Press, and The President, a memoir about his experiences as a member of the Trump administration. National Press Club. 529 14th St. NW. Aug. 13. 5:30 p.m. $10. (202) 662-7500.

HaMilTon Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway hit finally comes to the Kennedy Center. The world famous hiphop musical chronicles the extraordinary life of United States Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. Kennedy Center Opera House. 2700 F St. NW. To Sep. 16. $99–$625. (202) 467-4600. kennedy-center.org.


H.M.S. pinafore The Hypocrites present Olney Theatre audiences with their zany take on comic twoact opera H.M.S. Pinafore. In their playful reimagining of the Gilbert and Sullivan classic sailor love story, instead of the high seas, the story takes place at a slumber party with pajama-clad sailors. Olney Theatre Center. 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Olney. To Aug. 19. $30–$74. (301) 924-3400. olneytheatre.org.

THe bridgeS of MadiSon CounTy Based on the bestselling novel, this musical was developed by the Tony- and Pulitzer-winning creative team of Jason Robert Brown and Marsha Norman. It centers on a

in THe CloSeT Rainbow Theatre Project presents this world premiere comedy, in which four gay men look back at their time “in the closet.” DC Arts Cen-



The opening notes of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly theme take me back to my grandpa’s couch, and for that, I’ll always love it. His name was Tillman and he unabashedly adored westerns, or “cowboy movies,” as he called them, no matter how problematic some of them are in today’s context. If it starred John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, or Chuck Norris, he probably owned it on both VHS and DVD. His favorite movie was the ’60s Eastwood classic, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and we would watch it together on his massive sectional at least three times every year. Sometimes, he’d even let me sit in his big comfy recliner that, in our family, was reserved for only him—because watching this odyssey of a shoot-first loner (Eastwood), a bandit (Eli Wallach), and an angel-eyed big bad (Lee Van Cleef ) in a race to find a buried fortune in the desert was a special occasion. Everything about the film, its epic three-hour runtime, its compelling intertwined storylines, its unforgettable score, and Eastwood’s poncho, cigar, and trademark squint (such a look), make it a cinematic journey that’s hard to shake. And, on the merits of good storytelling alone, it’s still very much worth watching. Thanks, grandpa. The film screens at 8 p.m. at Suns Cinema, 3107 Mt. Pleasant St. NW. $10. sunscinema.com. —Kayla Randall

Chained dogs suffer day in and day out. They endure sweltering temperatures, hunger, and thirst and are vulnerable and lonely. Keep them inside, where it’s safe and comfortable.

Photo: Don Flood (donfloodphoto.com) • Makeup: Mylah Morales, for Celestine Agency Hair: Marcia Hamilton, for Margaret Maldonado Agency • Styling: Natalie and Giolliosa Fuller (sisterstyling.com)

washingtoncitypaper.com august 10, 2018 31

Puzzle Chill out

By Brendan Emmett Quigley


1 Thing that goes through loops 5 Positive terminal 10 Comfy shoes 14 Juan's yesterday 15 Stud horses 16 Motorcycle brand named after a Russian mountain range 17 Do followers 18 One who always takes things the wrong way 20 Cold War threat 22 "But let's consider," initially 23 Sweet spread 24 Nutty Thanksgiving side dish 27 Flat pancake 29 Party hack 30 Mumbai-toKolkata dir. 31 Left the harbor 32 Make the switch? 34 "Lips ___ Movin" (Meghan Trainor song) 36 Brian who said "It's not the destination that matters. It's the change of scene."

37 Boxes that stick out of certain frames in the summer, and a hint to this puzzle 41 Smell from a diaper genie 42 Go kaput 43 Barbecue skewer 46 Tar's back 49 Gentle touch 51 It's home to roughly 16% of the Earth's population: Abbr. 52 "Don't Pass Me By" singer 53 Beat author who came up with the titles for Howl and Naked Lunch 56 Jrs. and srs. 57 Device you can use with an Apple Pencil 59 Performance with recitative 60 Almost as good as the best 64 "Smack That" rapper 65 Eye feature 66 Epically awful 67 Penny 68 Messy sandwich 69 Follows closely 70 Ship ropes


1 Drinks all over town 2 Part that gets penciled 3 Used protection? 4 Makes a few edits 5 Throw out there 6 Soccer shutout 7 Cookies that come in lemon and birthday cake flavors 8 Pool measurement 9 ___ perpetua 10 Silent

11 Gum relief brand 12 Classic filled hors d'oeuvre 13 Covered with ooze 19 "Let me!," melodramatically 21 Hwy. that goes by Dumbo 25 Rice bowl option 26 Flying start 28 Scenes of unrest 31 Where The Wild Things Are author 33 Pied ___ (Silicon Valley startup) 35 Fleeced mama 38 Tough guy Chuck 39 Liable to offend 40 Opener for a guest 44 "Personally speaking,..." 45 And they're off 46 Safe haven 47 Made an effort 48 Mortarboard dangler 50 Game show hosted by Kevin Hart 53 Biblical guy with a ladder 54 Document Cloud company 55 Number of days that a solar year differs from a lunar year 58 Colombian green 61 Dinner invitation? 62 Turning down word 63 Deg. for a calculus expert

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32 august 10, 2018 washingtoncitypaper.com

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Yuki Hiyama, a Japanese painter, has had only one previous exhibition in the United States, and she and her work are largely absent from the internet. But her paintings and drawings, on display at Touchstone Gallery, are notable for both their artistry and her backstory. Hiyama suffered a brain injury during her birth in 1977 that caused significant developmental disabilities. As a child, she took to drawing and painting as a method of communication, and she has continued as an adult, using oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, pen, pencil, and pastel. Hiyama’s drawings occasionally include numbers and Japanese characters but her paintings are more impressive—boldly colored works that conjure fauvism, with forms that suggest abstract expressionist gestures by Willem de Kooning and Robert Motherwell. A share of the proceeds from artwork sales are dedicated to the Yukien School for children with disabilities in Hiroshima. The exhibition is on view to Aug. 31 at Touchstone Gallery, 901 New York Ave. NW. Free. (202) 347-2787. touchstonegallery.com. —Louis Jacobson ter. 2438 18th St. NW. To Aug. 16. $35. (202) 462-7833. dcartscenter.org. an iriSH TWiST on SHakeSpeare’S a MidSuMMer nigHT’S dreaM Quotidian Theatre Company sets Shakespeare’s classic comedy in 1820s Ireland, incorporating live Irish music and dance. This regional production is adapted and directed by Stephanie Mumford and Leah Mazade, with assistance from Michele Osherow and Peter Brice. Randolph Road Theater. 4010 Randolph Road, Silver Spring. To Aug. 12. $15–$37.22. (301) 337-8290. unexpectedstage.org. MelanCHoly play: a ConTeMporary farCe This emotional comedy follows Tilly, a perpetually melancholic bank teller whose life and relationships are changed when she suddenly discovers happiness. This production is directed by Nick Martin and written by Sarah Ruhl, acclaimed playwright of The Clean House and Dead Man’s Cell Phone. Constellation Theatre at Source. 1835 14th St. NW. To Sep. 2. $19–$45. (202) 204-7741. constellationtheatre.org. peTer and THe Wolf Rainbow Puppets presents this classic symphonic fairy tale, about a boy who encounters a dynamic cast of animal characters on his quest to catch a wolf. National Theatre. 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. To Aug. 11. Free. (202) 628-6161. nationaltheatre.org. THe piraTeS of penzanCe The Hypocrites, an innovative Chicago theater company, brings its critically-acclaimed version of The Pirates of Penzance to the Olney Theatre Center. The Pirates of Penzance is a two-act comic opera centering on young pirate Frederic whose Leap Year birthday becomes his undoing, with iconic music and lyrics by Arthur Sullivan and W. S. Gilbert. Olney Theatre Center. 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Olney. To Aug. 19. $30–$74. (301) 924-3400. olneytheatre.org. THe Wonderful Wizard of oz Synetic Theater presents a brand new adaptation of this classic tale about a girl named Dorothy who turns the land of Oz upside down. Based on L. Frank Baum’s masterpiece of the same name, Synetic’s version will feature verbal and nonverbal communication converging. Davis Performing Arts Center at Georgetown University. 3700 O St. NW. To Aug. 12. $20–$45. (202) 687-3838. performingarts.georgetown.edu.


a.X.l. A top secret robot dog created by the military befriends a young boy as the pair embark on the

adventure of a lifetime. Starring Thomas Jane, Alex Neustaedter, and Dominic Rains. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information) blaCkkkklanSMan This Spike Lee joint follows the true story of Ron Stallworth, the first black American detective to serve in the Colorado Springs Police Department and successfully infiltrate his local Ku Klux Klan. Starring John David Washington, Adam Driver, and Laura Harrier. (See washingtoncitypaper. com for venue information) CHriSTopHer robin Ewan McGregor stars as Christophe Robin, a working family man whose childhood friend Winnie-the-Pooh helps him see the joys in life. Co-starring Hayley Atwell and Bronte Carmichael. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information) THe darkeST MindS In a world in which everyone under the age of 18 is feared, a group of teens form a resistance to take their rights back. Starring Amandla Stenberg, Bradley Whitford, and Mandy Moore. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information) dog dayS A group of people in Los Angeles are brought together in funny and unexpected ways by their lovable dogs. Starring Nina Dobrev, Vanessa Hudgens, and Finn Wolfhard. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information) far froM THe Tree Based on Andrew Solomon’s bestselling book, this documentary explores the lives of families with parents and children who are extremely different. Starring Andrew Solomon. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information) THe Meg A man must battle a giant, prehistoric shark to save people trapped in a sunken deep sea submersible. Starring Jason Statham, Ruby Rose, and Rainn Wilson. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information) puzzle A suburban mother discovers a love of jigsaw puzzles, a passion which takes her to unexpected places. Starring Kelly Macdonald, Irrfan Khan, and David Denman. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information) THe Spy WHo duMped Me Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon star as best friends who become embroiled in an international spy conspiracy. Co-starring Justin Theroux and Sam Heughan. (See washingtoncitypaper.com for venue information)

SAVAGELOVE I’m a 27-year-old woman living on the East Coast. I’ve been sexually active and on birth control since I was 16—almost always on the pill. I recently switched to the NuvaRing, which I had a bad reaction to: I had no libido at all and extreme mood swings/bouts of depression I could not live with. My boyfriend and I decided it would be a good idea to go off hormonal birth control for a while, just to see what would happen. We’ve been together for almost four years, so we agreed condoms would be fine, and I would try the route of no more supplemental hormones. I stopped a couple of months ago, and it’s been a mix of good and bad. The good is that my moods are more even. Another good thing is I feel like I’m having a sexual awakening. My libido came back! But the bad thing is … my libido came back in a way I wasn’t expecting. My sexual appetite is insane. I want to have sex with everyone! Men, women, friends, colleagues, acquaintances. My boyfriend has been amazing through all of this. He’s agreed to let us open up our relationship under specific terms. I agree with the terms we placed, but I still feel like my urges are going to get me in trouble. I know not to have sex with friends and colleagues, but a lot of situations come up that make it hard to resist—especially when alcohol is involved. I’m very good with self-policing, and I don’t think I’ll actually act on my urges. My question is one you get a lot: Is this normal? Can removing a cocktail of hormones from my life really change me this much? I used to want sex, but now I WANT SEX. I want a lot of it, and it’s overwhelming. I don’t want to blame it all on the birth control, but I can’t help but feel it to be true since it was the only variable in my life that changed in the last couple of months. I want to be faithful to my boyfriend, who has been great and understanding—allowing us to open our relationship to casual encounters with strangers. (Also: No friends, no one we both know, DADT, and no intimacy with anyone— it must be purely sexual/physical.) But I’m feeling sexual connections to so many more people now, and often to people I’ve known for a while. I see this all as mostly positive, but the adjustment to the new sexual hunger has been strange and difficult to wrap my head around. —Suddenly Horny And Going Gaga Isn’t Normal “I’m so glad to hear this woman sees the increase in her libido as positive,” said Dr. Meredith Chivers, an associate professor of psychology at Queen’s University, a worldrenowned sex researcher, and—I’m proud to say—a frequent guest expert around here. “At the same time, I understand how overwhelming these urges can feel, especially when they are new.” Luckily for you, SHAGGIN, you’re with someone who’s secure enough to let you

feel the fuck out these new feelings. Whether or not you act on them is one thing—DADT agreement or no DADT agreement—but not having to pretend you aren’t suddenly interested in fucking men, women, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances is a real gift. Another example of your good luck? Dr. Chivers is about to give you the Actual Science download on hormonal birth control— complete with qualifications about what we know, what we don’t know, and areas that require more research! “It’s difficult to say what is and isn’t normal when it comes to the effects of hormonal contraception (HC) on women’s sexual interest,” said Dr. Chivers. “To my knowledge, researchers have not specifically examined the question of what happens to women’s sex drive after stopping HC.” But lots of women have stopped using hormonal contraception for the exact same reason you did, SHAGGIN: worries about how it might be affecting their libido—and there is some indirect evidence that HC can negatively impact a woman’s desire for sex. “The NuvaRing is a combined hormonal contraceptive containing synthetic estrogens and progestins (the same as many birth control pills),” said Dr. Chivers. “HC like the NuvaRing works, in part, by raising and stabilizing progesterone levels throughout the menstrual cycle, which helps to prevent ovulation and implantation.” And it’s those stabilized progesterone levels that could be the culprit. “Progesterone is one of the hormones involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy; levels are highest in the week before menstruation (called the luteal phase) and are also high during pregnancy,” said Dr. Chivers. “A recent, large-scale study reported that women with higher progesterone—women who weren’t using HC—had lower sexual interest, on average. Because using HC is associated with reductions in sexual interest, we could predict that stopping HC, and thus progesterone levels returning to more typical lower levels, could be associated with increases in sexual motivation.” Since you definitely experienced an increase in sexual desire after you removed your NuvaRing and started using condoms, SHAGGIN, Dr. Chivers was comfortable saying … that you definitely experienced an increase in sexual desire and that might be related to going off HC. “Given that she has been using some form of HC since she became sexually active, my guess is that she’s never had the chance to experience her sexuality while naturally cycling,” said Dr. Chivers. “Part of her process could be learning about her unmedicated hormonal cycle, her sexuality, and the varia-

tions in her sex drive. For example, does her sexual interest fluctuate over her cycle? She might want to consider collecting some data with a cycle tracker app. Flo, Clue, and Period Tracker are among those that my women sex-researcher/educator colleagues recommend. This might help her notice patterns in her libido, attractions, and sexual pleasure— and help her to develop strategies to manage, and perhaps even capitalize on, her sexual desires.” As for your boyfriend, SHAGGIN, and your desire to be faithful to him: So long as you honor the terms of your openness agreement, you are being faithful to him. But check in with him more than once before you fuck someone who isn’t him. Because when a partner agrees to open the relationship but then places a long list of restrictions on who you can fuck—a list that excludes most of the people you wanna fuck—that can be a sign your partner doesn’t actually want to open the relationship. The last word goes to Dr. Chivers: Whether you’re having fun with others or you decide to remain sexually exclusive with your boyfriend, “Have fun!” To learn more about Dr. Chivers’s research, visit the SageLab website (queensu.ca/psychology/sexuality-and-gender-lab) and follow her on Twitter @DrMLChivers. —Dan Savage I’m part of a nonhierarchical polycule. In a few months, one of my girlfriends will be marrying her fiancée. I’ll be attending as a guest with my other girlfriend. What are the guidelines or expectations for purchasing a gift for your girlfriend’s wedding? Surprisingly, the other advice columnists don’t have guidance on this one. —Wedding Etiquette Dilemma Get the couple something nice, something you can afford, maybe something from their gift registry. Or give them a card with a check in it so they can spend the money on whatever they might need for their household or use it to cover the expense of the wedding itself. In short, WED, wedding-gift guidelines are the same for people in nonhierarchical polycules as they are for love-muggle monocules. I’m not slamming the poly thing for overprocessing and overthinking—most people process (aka communicate) too little, and it’s often better to overthink than to under-think or not think—but not everything needs to be dumped into the poly processor and pureed. Congrats to your girlfriend (the one who’s getting married) and her fiancée! —DS Email your Savage Love questions to mail@savagelove.net.




































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enter their appearance in this proceeding. Objections to such Adult . . . . . . . . . . appointment . . . . . . . . . shall . . . .be42 Livelinks - Chat Lines. Flirt, chat and date! Talk filed . with Auto/Wheels/Boat . . . .the . . Register . . . . 42 to sexy real singles in of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Buy, Sell, Trade . . Street, . . . . . N.W., . . . . Building . . . . . . . your area. Call now! 1-844-359A, 3rd Floor, WashingMarketplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5773 ton, D.C. 20001, on or Community . . . . . before . . . . .2/2/2019. . . . . . . . Claims . 42 against the decedent Employment . . . . shall . . . .be . .presented . . . . . . .to42 SUPERIOR COURT Health/Mind . . . . the . . .undersigned . . . . . . . . with . . . .a . OF THE DISTRICT OF copy to the Register of COLUMBIA Body & Spirit . . . . Wills . . . .or . .to . the . . .Register . . . 42 PROBATE DIVISION of Wills with a copy to . . .undersigned, . . . . . . . . .on . 42 2018 Housing/Rentals ADM 000772 the or Name of Decedent, before 2/2/2018, or be Legal Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Stewart Stevenson forever barred. Persons Lupton. Notice of Ap- Row . believed Music/Music . . . . . to . .be . .heirs . . . or 42 pointment, Notice to legatees of the decedent Pets . . . . . to . . . . . who . . . do . . not . . . receive . . . . . a42 Creditors and . Notice Unknown Heirs, George Real Estate . . . . . copy . . . .of . this . . . notice . . . . .by42 P. Lupton, whose admail within 25 days of dress Shared is 3803 Van Ness Housing . its . . publication . . . . . . . .shall . . . so 42 Street, NW, Washington, inform the Register of Services . . . . . including . . . . . . .name, . . 42 DC 20016 was ap- . . . . . . . Wills, pointed Personal Repreaddress and relationsentative of the estate ship. of Stewart Stevenson Date of first publication: Lupton who died on May 8/2/2018 27, 2018, without a Will Name of Newspaper and will serve without and/or periodical: WashCourt Supervision. All ington City Paper/Washunknown heirs and ington Law Reporter heirs whose wherabouts Name of Person Repare unknown shall resentative: George P.


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ington City Paper/WashLegals ington Law Reporter Name of Person RepDC SCHOLARS PCS REQUEST resentative: Caesar FOR PROPOSALS – ModuLayton TRUE TEST lar Contractor Services - DC copy Scholars Public Charter School Anne Meister solicits proposals for a modular Register Willsprofessional contractor toofprovide Pub Dates: and August 9, management construction services 16, 23.to construct a modular building to house four classrooms and one faculty offi ce suite. The Request for Proposals SUPERIOR COURT (RFP) specifi cations can be obtained on OF THE DISTRICT OF and after Monday, November 27, COLUMBIA 2017 from Emily Stone via comLandlord and Tenant munityschools@dcscholars.org. Branch All questions should be sent in 2018 LTB 5874 writing by e-mail. No phone calls regarding this RFP will be acD.C Housing Authority : cepted. Bids: must be received by Plaintiff, 5:00 PM on Thursday, December v. 14, 2017 at Marble DC Scholars Clarence : Public Charter School,:ATTN: Sharonda Defendant. Mann, 5601 E. Capitol St. SE, NOTICE OF bids Washington,TO DCHEIRS 20019. Any CLARENCE not addressing MARBLE all areas as outlined in the RFP specifi cations will Clarence Marble, who not be considered. lived at 5336 Colorado Avenue, NW, Apt.for 203 Apartments Rent Washington, DC 20011, at the time of his reported death, is the subject of an action for a Complaint for Possession by Plaintiff D.C Housing Authority, in the Landlord and Tenant Branch of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Case No. 2018 LTB Must Spacious semi-fur5874.see! A judgment for nished 1 BR/1 BA lead basement possession may to apt, Deanwood, Sep.ofeneviction and $1200. the loss trance, W/W carpet, W/D, kitchpersonal property in the en, fireplace near Blue Line/X9/ residence. V2/V4. Shawnn 240-343-7173. Any interested person, Rooms for Rent including but not limited to creditors, heirs, andfurHoliday SpecialTwo legatees of for theshort decenished rooms or long dent, shall appear on per term rental ($900 and $800 September 11, 2018 at month) with access to W/D, WiFi, Kitchen, and Den. Utili10:00am in Courtroom ties included. Best N.E. location B-53, in the Landlord along H St. Corridor. and Tenant Court,Call lo-Eddie 202-744-9811 for info. or visit cated at 510 4th Street www.TheCurryEstate.com NW, Washington, DC, to show cause if there be any reason why the complaint for possession should not be granted and the plaintiff take possession, dispose of, or take any other ac-

tion as ordered by this Court Construction/Labor of any personal property contained in the unit. Inquiries may be directed to: Lisa J. Dessel, Esq. Musolino & Dessel PLLC 1615 L Street, POWER DESIGN NW NOW Suite HIR440 ING ELECTRICAL APPRENTICES OF ALLDC SKILL LEVWashington, 20036 ELS! 466-388 (202) about the position… Do you love working with SUPERIOR COURT your hands? Are you interOF THE ested in DISTRICT construction OF and COLUMBIA in becoming an electrician? Landlord and Tenant Then the electrical apprentice Branch position could be perfect for you! LTB Electrical 2018 5876apprentices are Housing able to earnAuthority a paycheck: D.C and full benefi Plaintiff, : ts while learning the trade through firstv. hand experience. Angel Covington : Defendant. : for… what we’re looking NOTICE MotivatedTO D.C.HEIRS residentsOF who ANGEL want toCOVINGTON learn the electrical trade and have a high school diploma or GED as well Angel Covington, whoas reliable lived at transportation. 1845 Harvard Street, NW, Apt. 918, a little bit about DC us…20009, Washington, Power Design is one of the at the time of their top electrical contractors in reported is to the the U.S., death, committed our subject an action values, tooftraining and to givfor Complaint for ingaback to the communities Possession byand Plaintiff in which we live work. D.C Housing Authormore ity, in details… the Landlord and Visit Branch powerdesigninc.us/ Tenant of the careers orCourt email of careers@ Superior the powerdesigninc.us! District of Columbia, Case No. 2018 LTB 5876. A judgment for possession may Services lead to Financial eviction and the loss of Denied Credit?? Workintothe Repersonal property pair Your Credit Report With The residence. Trustedinterested Leader in Credit Repair. Any person, Call Lexington a FREE including butLaw notforlimited credit report summary & credit to creditors, heirs, and repair consultation. 855-620legatees the dece9426. John of C. Heath, Attorney at dent, shalldba appear on Law Law, PLLC, Lexington September 11, 2018 at Firm. 10:00am in Courtroom B-53, in the Landlord Home Services and Tenant Court, located at 510 4th Street Dish Network-Satellite TeleNW, Washington, DC, vision Services. Now Over 190 to showfor cause there channels ONLYif $49.99/mo! be any reason HBO-FREE for onewhy year,the FREE complaint for Installation, FREEpossession Streaming, should be granted FREE HD. not Add Internet for $14.95 aand month. the1-800-373-6508 plaintiff take possession, dispose of,

or take any other acAuctions tion as ordered by this Court of any personal property contained in the unit. Inquiries may be directed to: Lisa J. Dessel, Esq. Musolino & Dessel PLLC 1615 L Street, NW Suite 440 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 466-3883 Whole Foods Commissary Auction DC Metro AreaCOURT SUPERIOR Dec. 5 at DISTRICT 10:30AM OF THE OF 1000s S/S Tables, Carts COLUMBIA & Trays, 2016 Kettles up Landlord and Tenant to 200 Gallons, Urschel Branch Cutters & Shredders in2016 LTB2016 9698Diversacut cluding D.C Housing 2110 Dicer, 6Authority Chill/Freeze: Plaintiff, : Cabs, Double Rack Ovens v.& Ranges, (12) Braising Tables, 2016 :(3+) Stephan Leroy Davis VCMs, 30+ Scales, Defendant. : Hobart 80 HEIRS qt Mixers, NOTICE TO OF Complete Machine Shop, LEROY DAVIS and much more! View the catalog at Leroy Davis, who lived www.mdavisgroup.com or at412-521-5751 2301 11th Street, NW, Apt. 709, Washington, DC 20001, at the time of Garage/Yard/ his reported Rummage/Estate Sales death, is the subject of an action for a Com-Fri-Sat Flea Market every plaint for 5615 Possession 10am-4pm. Landoverby Rd. Plaintiff D.C 20784. Housing Cheverly, MD. Can buy Authority, in the Landin bulk. Contact 202-355-2068 lord and Tenant Branch or 301-772-3341 for details or if intrested in being a vendor. of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Case No. 2016 LTB 9698. A judgment for possession may lead to eviction and the loss of personal property in the residence. Any interested person, including but not limited to creditors, heirs, and legatees of the decedent, shall appear on September 11, 2018 at 10:00am in Courtroom B-53, in the Landlord and Tenant Court, located at 510 4th Street NW, Washington, DC, to show cause if there be any reason why the complaint for possession should not be granted and the plaintiff take

possession, dispose of, or take anyMiscellaneous other action as ordered by this NEW COOPERATIVE SHOP! Court of any personal property contained in FROM EGPYT THINGS the unit. Inquiries may AND BEYOND be directed to: 240-725-6025 Lisa J. Dessel, Esq. www.thingsfromegypt.com Musolino & Dessel PLLC thingsfromegypt@yahoo.com 1615 L Street, NW Suite 440 SOUTH AFRICAN BAZAAR Craft Cooperative DC 20036 Washington, 202-341-0209 (202) 466-3883 www.southafricanbazaarcraftcoo perative.com southafricanba z a ar @hotmail. SUPERIOR COURT com OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WEST FARM WOODWORKS Landlord andFurniture Tenant Custom Creative Branch 202-316-3372 info@westfarmwoodworks.com 2018 LTB 5873 www.westfarmwoodworks.com D.C Housing Authority : Plaintiff, : 7002 Carroll Avenue v. Takoma Park, MD 20912 Margaret Gilchrist : Mon-Sat 11am-7pm, Defendant. : Sun 10am-6pm NOTICE TO HEIRS OF MARGARET GILCHRIST Motorcycles/Scooters Margaret who 2016 SuzukiGilchrist, TU250X for sale. 1200 miles. CLEAN. Just serlived at 5336 Colorado viced. Comes cover Avenue, NW,with Apt.bike 206 and saddlebags. DC Asking $3000 Washington, 20011, Cash only. at the time of her Call 202-417-1870 M-F between reported death, is the 6-9PM, or weekends. subject of an action for a Complaint for Bands/DJs for Hire Possession by Plaintiff D.C Housing Authority, in the Landlord and Tenant Branch of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Case No. 2018 LTB 5873. A judgment for possession may lead to eviction and the loss of Get Wit It Productions: personal property inProfesthe sional sound and lighting availresidence. able for club, corporate, private, wedding receptions, holiday Any interested person, events and much more. Insured, including but Call not (866) limited competitive rates. 531to and 6612creditors, Ext 1, leaveheirs, message for a legatees of the ten-minute call back,deceor book ondent, appear on line at: shall agetwititproductions.com September 11, 2018 at 10:00amAnnouncements in Courtroom B-53, in the Landlord and Tenant Court, lo- all Announcements - Hey, you lovers of erotic bizarre cated at 510 4thand Street romantic fi ction! Visit NW, Washington, DC,www. nightlightproductions.club to show cause if thereand submit your stories why to me the Happy be any reason Holidays! James K. West complaint for possession wpermanentwink@aol.com

should not be granted Events and the plaintiff take possession, dispose of, Christmas in Silver Spring or take any other acSaturday, 2017 tion as December ordered 2,by this Veteran’s Plaza Court of any personal 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. property contained in in Come celebrate Christmas the unit.of Inquiries the heart Silver Springmay at our be directed to:Veteran’s PlaVendor Village on Lisa J. Dessel, Esq. arts za. There will be shopping, Musolino Dessel PLLC and crafts for&kids, pictures with Santa, and entertainment 1615 music L Street, NW Suite to spread holiday cheer and more. 440 Proceeds from the Washington, DC market 20036will provide “wish” toy for children (202) a466-3883 in need. Join us at your one stop shop for everything Christmas. For more information, contact SUPERIOR COURT Futsum, OF THE DISTRICT OFor info@leadersinstitutemd.org COLUMBIA call 301-655-9679 Landlord and Tenant General Branch 2018 LTB 6688 Looking to RentAuthority yard space for D.C Housing : hunting dogs. Plaintiff, : Alexandria/Arlington, VA area only. Medium sized v. dogs will be well-maintained in Elnora McKissick : houstemperature controled dog Defendant. : es. I have advanced animal care NOTICE TO experience and HEIRS dogs willOF be rid ELNORA free of feces,MCKISSICK flies, urine and oder. Dogs will be in a ventilated kennel so they will not be exposed to winElnora McKissick, who ter and at harsh weather etc. Space lived 1425 N Street, will be needed as soon as possiNW, Apt. 406, Washingble. dogs must Metro ton,Yard DCfor20005, at be the accessible. Serious callers only, timeanytime of herKevin, reported call 415- 846death, is Neg. the subject of 5268. Price an action for a Complaint for Possession by Counseling Plaintiff D.C Housing Authority, the TO LandMAKE THE in CALL START lord andCLEAN Tenant Branch GETTING TODAY. Free 24/7 Helpline for alcohol & drug of the Superior Court of addiction treatment. Get help! It the District of Columbia, is time to take your life back! Call Case No. 2018 LTB Now: 855-732-4139 6688. A judgment for possession may leadAdopto Pregnant? Considering eviction and loss of tion? Call us first.the Living expenses, housing, property medical, andincontinpersonal the ued support afterwards. Choose residence. adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 877-362-2401. Any interested person, including but not limited to creditors, heirs, and legatees of the decedent, shall appear on September 11, 2018 at 10:00am in Courtroom B-53, in the Landlord and Tenant Court, located at 510 4th Street NW, Washington, DC, to show cause if there be any reason why the

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Helping Hand Today complaint for possession should not be granted and the plaintiff take possession, dispose of, or take any other action as ordered by this Court of any personal property contained in the unit. Inquiries may be directed to: Lisa J. Dessel, Esq. Musolino & Dessel PLLC 1615 L Street, NW Suite 440 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 466-3883


2017 LTB 5528 http://www.washingtD.C Housing Authority : oncitypaper.com/ Plaintiff, : v. Janice A. Wilson : Defendant. : NOTICE TO HEIRS OF JANICE A. WILSON Janice A. Wilson, who lived at 2375 11th Street, NW, Apt. 31, Washington, DC 20001, at the time of her reported death, is the subject of an action for a Complaint for Possession by Plaintiff D.C Housing Authority, in the Landlord and Tenant Branch of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Case No. 2017 LTB 5528. A judgment for possession may lead to eviction and the loss of personal property in the residence.

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Any interested person, including but not limited to creditors, heirs, and legatees of the decedent, shall appear on September 11, 2018 at 10:00am in Courtroom B-53, in the Landlord and Tenant Court, located at 510 4th Street NW, Washington, DC, to show cause if there be any reason why the complaint for possession should not be granted http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/ and the plaintiff take possession, dispose of, or take any other action as ordered by this Court of any personal property contained in the unit. Inquiries may be directed to: Lisa J. Dessel, Esq. Musolino & Dessel PLLC 1615 L Street, NW Suite 440 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 466-3883

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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Landlord and Tenant Branch 2018 LTB 5875 D.C Housing Authority : Plaintiff, : v. Denise Barnes : Defendant. : NOTICE TO HEIRS OF DENISE BARNES Denise Barnes, who lived at 1845 Harvard Street, NW, Apt. 625, Washington, DC 20009, at the time of her reported death, is the

subject of an action for a Complaint for Possession by Plaintiff D.C Housing Authority, in the Landlord and Tenant Branch of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Case No. 2018 LTB 5875. A judgment for possession may lead to eviction and the loss of personal property in the residence.

Out with the old, In with the new Post your listing with Washington City Paper Any interested person, Classifieds including but not limited http://www.washington-

to creditors, heirs, and citypaper.com/ legatees of the decedent, shall appear on September 11, 2018 at 10:00am in Courtroom B-53, in the Landlord and Tenant Court, located at 510 4th Street NW, Washington, DC, to show cause if there be any reason why the complaint for possession should not be granted and the plaintiff take possession, dispose of, or take any other action as ordered by this Court of any personal property contained in the unit. Inquiries may be directed to: Lisa J. Dessel, Esq. Musolino & Dessel PLLC 1615 L Street, NW Suite 440 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 466-3883

http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/ 7/26/2018 Name of Newspaper and/or periodical: Washington City Paper/Washington Law Reporter Name of Person Representative: Denise Walker TRUE TEST copy Anne Meister Register of Wills Pub Dates: July 26, August, 2, 9.

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SUPERIOR COURT http://www.washingtoncityOF THE DISTRICT OF paper.com/ Furnished room for rent COLUMBIA in townhouse. Amenities PROBATE DIVISION include: W/D, WiFi, 2018 ADM 000767 Kitchen use, and shared Name of Decedent,Tanya bathroom. All utilities Michelle Battle, Name included. Close to X2 and Address of AtBus, Trolley, and Union torney: Maria C. Simon, Station subway. Cost 4000 Legato Road, $1100/month visit suite 1100, Fairfax, TheCurryEstate.com for VA 22032. Notice of more details or Call EdAppointment, Notice to die-202-744-9811. Creditors and Notice to Unknown Heirs, Ronald Battle, whose address is This large TWO 701 Daughtridge Street, Bedroom Apartment in Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Columbia Heights has was appointed Personal all the amenities needed Representative of the for fine urban living. estate of Tanya Michelle Beautifully renovated Battle who died on April high ceiling, hardwood 13, 2018, without a Will floors, intercom system, and will serve without large entrance hallway, Court Supervision. All living room and dining unknown heirs and heirs room. $2.200.00 + whose wherabouts are Utilities. unknown shall enter Call 202-362-9441 Ext. their appearance in this 16 or 202-362-8078. proceeding. Objections to such appointment shall be filed with the Need a roommate? Register of Wills, D.C., Roommates.com will 515 5th Street, N.W., help you find your PerBuilding A, 3rd Floor, fect Match™ today! Washington, D.C. 20001, on or before 1/26/2019. Claims against the decedent Live in, nonsmoking, shall be presented to 24hr Caregivers needed, the undersigned with a Femlae preferred, for copy to the Register of upcoming transplant Wills or to the Register at VCU Hospital in of Wills with a copy to Richmond, VA. Presently the undersigned, on or I can’t pay you wth before 1/26/2018, or be physical money but all forever barred. Persons grocery meals will be believed to be heirs or covered during your legatees of the decedent stay, up to 6 months. who do not receive a Serious callers only copy of this notice by Apply. Call Kevin, 415mail within 25 days of 846-5268. its publication shall so inform the Register of PAID IN ADVANCE! Wills, including name, Make $1000 Weekly address and relationMailing Brochures From ship. Home Genuine OpDate of first publication:


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