GM 2015 minutes 2

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Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting Istanbul, Turkey on 25th July 2015 The General Meeting started at 9 a.m. 1. WELCOME The WASLI President welcomed all delegates announcing there will be tea and coffee available throughout and coffee break at 10.30. The goal of the General Meeting is to formally record the business of the last four years. 2. REMEMBERING COLLEAGUES NO LONGER WITH US Members and attendees observed a minute’s silence to remember those of our colleagues who are no longer with us. 3. APOLOGIES Apologies received from RID (USA) and Mano à Mano. 4. GREETINGS A video greeting from RID (USA) President was shown. (RID supported the streaming of the keynotes and we have already received positive messages from around the world. The presentations will continue to be hosted by Street Leverage and our gratitude was noted) FILSE (Spain) sent greetings. A video greeting from FILSE (Spain) president was shown. 5. PRESENT There are a total of 33 voting members present. This includes 5 proxy votes: Australia (ASLIA) holds 3 proxy notes for Cuba, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. England, Wales & Northern Ireland (ASLI) holds 1 proxy vote for Spain (FILSE) Costa Rica holds 1 proxy vote for Venezuela Please refer to Appendix B for the Official List of National Members attending the General Meeting. 6. TELLERS Tellers presented: Gabriela Martinez (Mexico) Bonnie Heath (Canada) Members were asked to approve Tellers. Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P1 !

UNANIMOUSLY agreed. 7. MINUTES OF THE WASLI General Meeting 2011 Minutes were distributed to members and no amendments were tendered. Members were asked to formally accept the WASLI 2011 GM Minutes. UNANIMOUSLY agreed 8. MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising. A question from the floor sought clarification on who can vote. The President clarified that it is national members who can vote. 9. PRESIDENTS REPORT – Deb Russell (Canada) Please refer to the President’s report in Appendix A The President gave her report stating how much of a privilege it is to serve as President. Thanks were given to all outgoing Board members. Particular thanks were given to Liz Scott-Gibson (Scotland) Honorary WASLI President. Thanks to Colin Allen WFD President for his leadership and the close connection that has been forged between WASLI and the WFD. The President’s report highlights the work of WASLI including the setting up of task groups to deal with a range of issues specifically (a) the document on natural disasters that involved working with colleagues in countries affected by natural disasters (b) IS accreditation working at UN events (Jemina Napier (Scotland) and Robert Adam (England) (c) Interpreter Working Conditions working at UN events (Liz Scott Gibson (Scotland) and Bill Moody (US)) Reference was made to the Linguistic Rights for Deaf People Conference in Moscow 2014 and that resolution made between WASLI, WFD, The Russian Deaf Association and the Russian Sign Language Interpreter Association. Reference was made to the conference presentation “The ‘fake’ SASL (South African Sign Language) interpreter – curse or gift?” and to the media coverage that followed. The incident allowed media attention to state clearly what a ‘real’ interpreter does and WASLI and WFD were able to make a joint statement shortly after the event. WASLI was thrilled to offer their support to Dr Liisa Kauppinen’s (former WFD President) nomination and delighted at the UN Human Rights Award she Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P2 !

received. Also WASLI offered support and congratulations to the Honorary Doctorate awarded to Dr Kauppinen by Trinity College in Ireland. The President was able to witness the power of being represented internationally and to see our issues being represented during the meetings of the International Disability Alliance (IDA) at their meetings in New York. The invitation to attend was from the WFD. The President spoke of how WASLI and WFD have travelled to a number of countries together including, Australia, Panama, USA, Canada and Macau. In Macau a Joint Statement was made that related to “What is the role of an interpreter?” A Task Group under the leadership of Kelli Stein (US) and Sanja Tarczay (Croatia) worked with a group of volunteers to produce the WASLI Deafblind Interpreter Education Guidelines. In relation to working with Deafblind People, Carla Anderson (Australia) represented WASLI. She travelled to the Philippines to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB) In relation to the new WASLI website, changes have been made in particular a change in the way membership fees are shown. In relation to the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (efsli), WASLI and efsli have signed a MOU to make closer connections and greater exchange. efsli is a Regional WASLI member. In relation to social media, WASLI has a greater presence in the past 4 years through both FACEBOOK and Twitter. The President thanked Brandon Arthur (US) of ‘Street Leverage’ for agreeing to attend conference and for doing the great work of streaming presentations and capturing interviews. In reference to the Regions, the President said that all have experienced successes and examples of these can be found in her report. On frequent request WASLI receives is for information about Deaf interpreters and a report on how to address this will follow later in the meeting. The President concluded her report. Thanks to the President Maxine Buxton (Australia) thanked the President for her report and the work she had done. 10. ITEMS FOR ANY OTHER BUSINESS (AOB)

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The President reminded members to give any items for AOB to the Minute Taker during the break. Legal Seat – One more item from the President’s Report WASLI has chosen Switzerland as the place to hold it’s legal seat. The necessary papers have been submitted and this is a work in progress. The process can take some time, as was the case for the IDA (International Disability Alliance) where it took 5 years to get their legal seat. 11. TREASURERS REPORT – Susan Emerson (Australia) Please refer to Treasurer’s Report in Appendix A The Treasurer spoke of how very proud she is to be Treasurer and how regular financial reports are made available on the website. Her report covers the period 2011 to June 2015. (Prior to 2011 Jack Callon (England) looked after the finances). Firstly, the WASLI Accounts have been audited. The Power Point shows the financial account balances. In summary overall funds have increased to $USD108,789.00 and although that may seem high, there are a number of outstanding payments to be made. Highlights including the provision of quarterly reports; the fact that sponsorship and donations have increased; a significant increase in membership; and revenue from the WASLI 2015 Conference and more information on that will be seen in the next quarterly report. The Treasurer reported on 3 areas for improvement (a) payment of membership fees; currently payable via PAY PAL an investigation of other options will be made (b) finding a different bank – the current WASLI bank is located in the UK – so work is underway to consider who and where this might be (c) website; a considerable amount of money has been spent on the website to make it more effective way to communicate with the members. The Treasurer concluded her report. Question There was one question from Akram Muhammad (Pakistan). He asked if members were able to help with the website in order to keep costs down. Answer The Treasurer responded saying that Patrick Galasso (US) volunteered to do the work he did on the website and that the cost referred to was a one-off payment to upgrade the system. There were no further questions to the Treasurers Report. 12. SECRETARY’S REPORT – Awoii Patrick Michael (Uganda) Please refer to the Secretary’s report in Appendix A Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P4 !

The President explained that the job of WASLI Secretary has been difficult and that irregular access to email and the Internet had an impact on communications. 13. VICE PRESIDENT REPORT - Jose Louis Brieva (Colombia) Please refer to Vice-President’s report – Appendix E Report delivered in Spanish by Jose Ednilson Junior (Brazil) and translated by Michelle Chang (Peru) The message spoke of the establishment in 2005 in Colombia of an National Association that would unite the sign language interpreters. Thanks given to Eric Chinchilla (Costa Rica) for his support. Support also allowed the establishment of National Associations in other countries in the region and also in the 1st Regional conference that took place in Bogota, Colombia in 2009. The region is very happy to see that the responsibility for the Latin America region pass to Jose Ednilson Junior (Brazil). It has been a wonderful privilege to work with President Deb Russell and an honour and a pleasure to serve as WASLI Vice President. There are still countries in the region that need support in the form of training. In some countries of the region the living conditions of some interpreters means that they are not able to participate at events like the WASLI conference without financial support. One other difficulty in the region is the lack of support to the national associations of sign language interpreters by Governments. It would be wonderful to see governments be more supportive of national sign language interpreters. The next Latin America Conference in Panama in 2017 will be an opportunity to celebrate closer collaboration. This concluded the Vice-Presidents report. 14. THANKS TO THE WORKING INTERPRETERS The President took this opportunity to thank the working interpreters working in Russian, Japanese, IS and English. 15. MOU WITH FEDERATION OF INTERPRETERS & TRANSLATORS (FIT) The President reported that a meeting with FIT and WASLI to discuss priorities for the next 4 years. 16. AIIC - Maya de Wit (Netherlands) AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters) has a sign Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P5 !

language network and from 2012 sign language interpreters can become members. Lobbying by WASLI & efsli has meant sign language interpreters have equal status as spoken language interpreters. If any participants are interested in membership and would like assistance, Maya is happy to support them and to respond to any questions or queries that people have. 17. DEAF BLIND TASK GROUP Kelly Stein (US) Please refer to report – Appendix F The report acknowledges the work of volunteers on the task group from around the world. The report gave the highlights of the work of the group and of their pleasure that the 2015 WASLI Pre-Conference programme offered two workshops on DeafBlind Interpreting. Their goals are (1) to increase and enhance DeafBlind interpreter education and training worldwide and (2) to elevate awareness of DeafBlind interpreting at conferences on a global scale. 18. UNIS ACCREDITATION PROCESS - Jemina Napier (Scotland) WASLI & WFD have 2 task groups to focus on IS interpreting one led by Liz Scott-Gibson (Scotland) looking at remuneration and working conditions. Liz was unable to attend the General Meeting to provide an update. The other task group looking at IS accreditation for the ever increasing demand for IS working in the UN events. This report is given in relation to the latter. The task group of Jemina Napier (UK), Juan Druetta (Argentina), Maya de Wit (Netherlands), Carol-lee Aquiline (US), John Walker (UK), Bill Moody (US) Robert Adam (UK), explored options and put a proposal to WASLI/WFD involving 2 stages. The first stage provides for interpreters already working at this level for WASLI/WFD and involves asking the interpreters to provide a portfolio of letters of recommendation from Deaf consumers and other practitioners, Deaf people and interpreter Associations. By the end of 2015 the task group will have an official approved list available and one that can be recommended to the UN. The second stage will be an open call and scheduled to start in Jan 2016. The interpreter will required to submit letters of recommendation together with evidence of their working (video). A panel will make a decision on each submission. Because of the urgency it was felt that the best way to manage the situation was with the 2-stage system outlined above.

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TEA BREAK UNIS ACCREDITATION PROCESS Jemina Napier (UK) wanted to add to her report that the accreditation process is available to both Deaf and hearing interpreters. 19. COUNTRY REPORTS The President asked representatives to complete their country report online. Suzanne Ehrlich (US) will edit all the country reports by the end of 2015. 20. REGIONAL REPORTS – Highlights from 2011-2015 20a. AFRICA REGIONAL REPORT – Timothy Tinat (Nigeria) – Outgoing Regional Representative – Refer to Appendix A Timothy took over as Regional representative on 22 Jan 2013 from Samuel Begumisa (Uganda) who was elected as represented at WASLI 2011. The priority for the region is sign language interpreter training and training for sign language interpreter teachers (Deaf interpreters to be included in this) Reference was made to the WFD reports on the region that identified issues and made recommendations. Timothy said it was sad that Joelle Moussezi of the Ivory Coast was unable to attend due to visa problems, especially as she was selected to be one of the WASLI sponsored delegates. Timothy provided updates on what is happening in Kenya and Morocco. He said that most north African countries do not have a national association of sign language interpreters but the following countries have an national association: Nigeria (2007), Tanzania (2004), Namibia (2007), Zambia (2004) and South Africa. Reference was made to 2 events that have occurred in the region with significant impact (a) the “fake” interpreter at the Nelson Mandela memorial service in South Africa and (b) the Ebola crisis. Reference was made to tensions with the Deaf community and the need for leadership, more resources and for mentoring. Thanks to the Turkish Embassy who allowed Obed Mambwe (Zambia) to attend conference. Thanks to Natasha Maliko (South Africa) who now picks up the reins as WASLI Regional representative 2015-2019.

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20b. LATINO AMERICA AND THE CARRIBEAN – José Ednilson Junior (Brazil) – Refer to report in Appendix A José reported that he had been working closely with 3 countries, El Salvador, Guatemala and Bolivia, with positive results. Sadly the national associations of sign language interpreters in Uruguay, Chile, Trinidad & Tobago, have folded but hopefully they will be resurrected in the future. There is a report that documents which countries in the region provide University Interpreter Training Programmes. Brazil, Colombia and Peru all have a special law that recognises sign language interpreting as a profession. The report covers the different settings where sign language interpreting can be found There is a report on which countries in the region have officially recognised sign language There is a further report on training that has occurred in the region A regional FACEBOOK group has been set up to country representatives to communicate. An academic journal available in the region Universities in Brazil collaborating with WASLI Congratulations to Isabel Rey (Peru) who will be the Regional representative 2015-2019. 20b (1) SPECIAL PRESENTATION FROM PANAMA 3rd International Conference for Sign Language Interpreters in Latin America will be in Panamà Noel Daniel (Panama) presented a special video welcoming participants to Panama in 2017. 20c TRANSCAUCASIA – Anna Komarova (Russia) – Refer to Appendix A Anna began her report by stating that there should be 2 people giving this report, the other being Igor Bondarenko (Ukraine). The region is vast but is connected by Soviet history and one language. There are 12 countries in the region with the possible exception of Moldovia, which may fall within the European region. Relations also exist with the Baltic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Anna provided statistical information about each country in the region. Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P8 !

ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING REGIONAL REPORTS The President informed everyone that the regional power points being presented by the regional representatives will be converted to PDFs and made available on the WASLI website. 20d. OCEANIA – Angela Murray (New Zealand) incoming regional representative – report presented on behalf of Sheena Walters (Australia) and Anna Vost (Australia) Refer to report in Appendix A Angela reported that there are 2 national associations SLIANZ (New Zealand) and ASLIA (Australia) but Fiji is moving towards establishing their own association Statistical information given on each of the countries in the region Angela gave an update on the training programme in Fiji 2014 with the support of ASLIA COF (Creating Opportunities Fund) and SLIANZ. Angela reported on average incomes that can be earned, challenges faced by each country and achievements of each country and also what is happening in some of the island nations, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Tuvalu Angela gave a “thank you” in the languages of the countries in the region and finally welcomed everyone to a planned regional conference in 2018. 21. EUROPE – Christopher Stone (England) incoming regional representative 2015-2019 As there was no formal representative for the region, there is no report. However Christopher made reference to the MOU between efsli and WASLI and how the Europe region and the Balkans region will work together. The efsli Board has agreed for Christopher to serve as WASLI regional representative. A report was given on the work of efsli and it’s work with the European Union (EU), the European Union of the Deaf (EUD), the Council of Europe and the European Union of Deaf Youth (EUDY) 22. BALKANS – Desanka Zizic (Serbia) given on behalf of Selman Hoti (Kosovo) Desanka reported that Selman sends his greetings to everyone. She explained that sign language interpreting is new to the region.

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She reported on the work done by Colin Allen and Sheena Walters 2004-2006 and that the following countries in the region have recognised sign language: Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia Croatia. The only country to have a continuing Interpreter Training Programme is Kosovo. Prior to 2004 there was nothing. The WASLI/WFD Joint Agreement is a great tool to support our work. Selman has made contact with countries in the region. He has attended the efsli conference, attended the efsli school in Belgrade and had discussions on how sign language interpreters in the region can support each other. From those discussions came a proposal to set up a training programme. But the EU did not fund this sadly. Selman gave a special thanks to Deb Russell and to Michelle Ashley for WASLI 2015. 23. NORTH AMERICA – Nigel Howard (Canada) Outgoing regional representative Nigel gave special thanks to Deb Russell for her support. The region includes 3 countries, the US, Canada and Mexico. The region worked with Daniel Maya and Gabriela Martinez (Mexico) who have worked hard to establish a national association of sign language interpreters and both Deaf Associations in Mexico support this. The Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada (AVLIC) and Mano à Mano (US) (assistance with translation English to Spanish) are supporting Mexico. Nigel referred to developments with regards to Deaf Interpreters. Statistical information was given on each country. 24. ASIA Etsuko Umemoto (Japan) – Zane Hema gave highlights from her report on her behalf – Refer to Appendix G 25. PROPOSALS
 There are 4 proposals and presenters of each proposal will have 5 minutes each. 25a. PROPOSAL 1 THAT WASLI HAVE A PARTNERSHIP WITH SLLS (Sign Language Linguistics Society) PROPOSED BY: Christian Rathmann (Germany) on behalf of SLLS Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P ! 10

Christian outlined his proposal for a partnership between WASLI & SLLS as follows: •

To promote the development of professional sign language interpreter associations and sign language interpreting programs as well as professional of deaf and hearing interpreters and translators

To provide support in enhancing academic, professional and ethical standards in sign language interpreting and sign language research

To affirm the importance of joint working, close liaison and transparent communication between sign language associations and sign language research institutions at local, national and international levels – in close collaboration with Deaf communities

To endorse the full implementation of UNCRPD, with a special focus on the use of sign language(s) in all discrimination-free areas of the lives of Deaf people all over the world

MOTION SECONDED BY CHRISTIAN PETERS (Germany) VOTE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY NEXT ACTION Christian will take this decision back to SLLS and work towards the writing up and signing of a MOU Comment: WASLI PRESIDENT – made reference to the use of the word professional sign language interpreter as in the UNCRPD and how this will impact on the relationship between SLLS and WASLI 25b. PROPOSAL 2 WASLI MEMBERSHIP FEES Proposed by: Jose Louis Brieva (Colombia) – Deb Russell presented this proposal on behalf of José. PROPOSAL: TO CREATE 2 PRICE STRUCTURES FOR FUTURE WASLI CONFERENCES ONE LOWER PRICE FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND A HIGHER FEE FOR DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. Comment: ANDY CARMICHAEL (ASLI) Raised concerns but support the idea especially if the structure mirrors that of WFD Comment: CHRIS PETERS – efsli President

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Chris explained that efsli has a similar structure to account for the different needs of countries in the region. The structure looks at GDP Gross Domestic Product and there is a different price for conference according to the GDP Comment: MICHELLE ASHLEY – ASLIA Supports the idea but informed the General Meeting that the cost of WASLI 2015 will run at cost and so there are implications. Comment: LIZ MENDOZA – RID If the General Meeting agrees then perhaps the Proposal can be referred to the Board to take undertake further investigation. In summary WFD and efsli have processes in place and the Executive Board can work out what can be done for WASLI VOTE Members were ask to vote in favour of referring the proposal to the Board to undertake further work and report back. UNANIMOUSLY agreed 25c. PROPOSAL 3 HAVE WASLI CONFERENCE FROM LATIN AMERICA TO HAVE A DIFFERENT DATE AND TIME TO WASLI CONFERENCE To not offer the WASLI conference at the same time as WFD WASLI Board has determined this could contradict our MOU with WFD and therefore the motion is out of order Solution: Regional Conferences supported by WASLI over the three years MOTION: RULED OUT OF ORDER 25d. PROPOSAL 4 FOR WASLI TO HOLD A DEAF INTERPRETER CONFERENCE ATTACHED TO THE WASLI CONFERENCE PROPOSED BY Stephen Collins (US) – representing Leslie GREER (US) There is an increasing presence of Deaf interpreters and this motion asks WASLI to have a Deaf interpreter Conference that is attached to the WASLI Conference. QUESTION – Christopher STONE (England) There has been an increasing presence of Deaf interpreters with EFSLI and he is unsure of the value of holding a separate conference.

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ANSWER: Deaf interpreters need to have a Deaf SPACE to explore issues that are particular to them and so they are empowered. It could be viewed as part of the professionalisation process. QUESTION – Christian RATHMANN (Germany) There needs to be an ongoing dialogue. He supports the development of Deaf Interpreters and Deaf AND Hearing interpreters working together. We are working together to achieve the same goals. Perhaps the proposer is asking to have that Deaf SPACE at the WASLI conference. QUESTION – Johanna SMERLOV (Denmark) is not sure on what we are asking to vote on ANSWER – Stephen COLLINS (US) To be clear the proposal is asking to have a Deaf SPACE within the WASLI Conference. ANSWER: Deb RUSSELL (WASLI President) DEAF SPACE can be part of the PRE CONFERENCE workshops OR a stream or some activity can be set aside to allow for DEAF SPACE This motion can be referred to the Executive Board to discuss further and to come back with a report and further proposal based on those discussions. A VOTE was taken to see if members supported this idea VOTE UNANIMOUS COMMENT: Stephen, Christian Leslie Greer to be part of the working group to work on this. THANK YOU FOR THE PROPOSALS THERE WERE NO OTHER PROPOSALS 26. ELECTIONS The President handed over the running of the General Meeting to Zane Hema to conduct the Elections. 26a. THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT One nomination has been received for Office of President from AVLIC (Canada) nominating Deb Russell This nomination was unanimously agreed Deb Russell was declared WASLI President 2015-2019 26b. THE OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT

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One nomination has been received for Office of Vice President from FEBRAPILS (Brazil) nominating José Ednilson Junior This nomination was unanimously agreed José Ednilson Junior was declared WASLI Vice President 2015-2019 26c. THE OFFICE OF TREASURER One nomination has been received for Office of Treasurer ASLIA (Australia) nominating Susan Emerson. This nomination was unanimously agreed Susan Emerson was declared WASLI Treasurer 2015-2019 26c. THE OFFICE OF SECRETARY 3 nominations have been received as follows: 1. Jordi Ferre – FILSE (SPAIN) 2. Isabelle Heyrick – VGT BELGIUM 3. Chris Grooms – RID (USA) The nomination for Jordi Ferre has been withdrawn. The remaining nominees were given the opportunity to make a personal statement to the General Meeting. Personal Statement – ISABELLE HEYRICK See Personal Statement in Appendix A Isabelle spoke of wanting to contribute to the work of WASLI. She said there is lots of research happening which is positive but it is important to share this around the world. Some countries have nothing and it would be nice to be part of the work WASLI is doing to address this. We know that the vision of WASLI is to see the enhancement of the profession of sign language interpreting. She made reference to the keynote presentation by Liz Scott-Gibson and Markku Jokinen noting that an enhancement in the profession will reduce the sadness they referred to that happened because of the deprivation of Deaf people’s human rights. Personal Statement – CHRIS GROOMS See Personal Statement in Appendix A Chris spoke of the fact that there is more to do and included in this collaboration of sign language interpreters, Deaf and Deafblind people, Deaf people’s rights and a need to work towards increasing the quality of interpreting around the globe.

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WASLI could look at non-traditional ways of supporting and training. WASLI could try to find why some countries/individuals are not members and help them see the benefits of becoming members. WASLI could look at ways to support fledgling national associations Chris said he has much secretarial type experience and understands the local and national situation as a RID Board member He also has regular and reliable access to the Internet. VOTING PROCEDURES: Following the personal statements, the voting procedure was explained. Members were asked to write the name of the person they wish to vote for on a green card. When completed to raise their green card(s) to be collected and counted by the Tellers Tellers will count the vote and return the results for announcement The floor was handed back to the President. WELCOME TO REGIONAL REPS Whilst the votes were being counted, the new WASLI Regional representatives were invited to come to the front for a group photo. The President informed attendees to look out for the reports from the regions that will be available soon and include the goals they have set for the next 4 years. 27. ELECTION OF A DEAF INTERPRETER ADVISOR The President said that the Deaf Interpreter Advisor is not an Executive Board position but rather an Advisor who will address the many Deaf Interpreter related issues that come to WASLI for a response. There was one nomination for this position and that is: Nigel Howard from Canada. A Deaf interpreter from each region will work with Nigel to deal with all the Deaf Interpreter related queries. Congratulations to Nigel on his appointment as Deaf Interpreter Advisor. 28. APPOINTMENT OF NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR The President said that the Newsletter Coordinator is not a Board position but rather a committee coordinator who will address and take responsibility to produce a minimum of 3 newsletters per year There was one nomination for this position and that is: Jordi Ferre from Spain. Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P ! 15

Congratulations to Jordi on his appointment as Newsletter Coordinator. 26c - VOTING RESULTS – WASLI SECRETARY The floor was handed back to Zane Hema to announce the results of the election for WASLI Secretary The Tellers reported: 33 votes cast Isabelle Heyrick – 17 Chris Grooms – 11 Abstentions – 5 ISABELLE HEYRICK hereby appointed as WASLI Secretary 2015-2019 The floor was handed back to the President. 29. WASLI 2015 and beyond The President reported that there focus of WASLI 2015 and beyond will be on: •

Training people to Train sign language interpreters

Accrediting IS interpreters (with reference to the work of the task group led by Jemina Napier)

The development of leadership training that addressed issues such as problem solving, communications and maintaining communication.

The Arab region and the sensitivities that exist. It is possible that the WFD will establish and Arab region and so there may be an opportunity ahead for WASLI.

The WASLI Strategic Document will be finalised, published and made available.

30. RECOGNITIONS & THANKS In closing, the President wanted to extend thanks to: OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS José Ednilson Selman Hoti Nigel Howard Timothy Tinat José Luis Brieva Anna Vost & Sheena Walters Awoii Patrick Michael Minutes of the WASLI 2015 General Meeting held 25 July 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey P ! 16

PATRICK GALASSO Special recognition to Patrick who has been very active in supporting WASLI in a behind the scenes way with the WASLI website and the WASLI FACEBOOK and Twitter Accounts WASLI 2015 ORGANISING COMMITTEE Special recognition to Michelle Ashley as Conference Chair and to the team INTERPRETERS A special recognition was given to all the Interpreters. Their work is much appreciated and demonstrated a lovely model of Deaf and hearing teams working in tandem. SUB COMMITTEES &TASK GROUPS Thanks for their work CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS Thank you for your attendance and for the work you do locally 31. AOB There was one item of AOB 31a. WASLI STANDS – Zane Hema and Susan Emerson (AUSTRALIA) WASLI 2015 has 2 stands signed by conference participants. To start raising funds for WASLI 2019, the stands are available for purchase to the highest bidder. Anyone interested should contact Zane Hema after the General Meeting. CLOSE The President officially closed the 2015 General Meeting, thanked all concerned and is looking forward to seeing everyone assembled again at WASLI in 2019. Minutes taken by Zane Hema (Australia) Appendix A – WASLI 2015 General Report Appendix B – List of National Members attending WASLI 2015 Appendix C – Power Point for WASLI 2015 Appendix D – WASLI Governing Document Appendix E – Report from the WASLI Vice President Appendix F – Report of the WASLI DeafBlind Task Group Appendix G – Report from the WASLI Asia Regional Representative

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