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Editor Zoe Blush Photographers Tony White Brandon McGloughlin John Oliver Jax Siler Simon Hughes Rob Gurney Darren Rowley Frances Sales Designer Zoe Blush
Š Wasted! Magazine All Rights Reserved. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that details in this publication are accurate, we cannot accept responsibility for such. Readers are advised to check listings information to avoid disappointment. Views and opinions expressed by contributors are that of their own and not of the magazine as a whole.
For fans of: Asking Alexandria, Five Finger Death Punch, Atryu & Papa Roach
For fans of: Pink Floyd, David Bowie, The Beatles, The Lemonheads
For fans of: Letlive, Beartooth & Architects
For fans of: 30 Seconds To Mars, Pvris, Anavae
For fans of: Alter Bridge, Avenged Sevenfold, FFAF & Alexisonfire.
For fans of: Lamb Of God, Nevermore & Pantera
For fans of: The Elijah, Being As An Ocean, Devil Sold His Soul, So Hideous
For fans of: Queen, The Darkness, Kiss, Van Halen
SO, INTRODUCE YOURSELVES? “We’re Forever The Foundations, we’re a five piece pop punk/post hardcore band from the welling area. Between the five of us, we have 2 guitarists (Rob and Sam) bassist (Chris) drummer (Steven) and lead vocals (Connor). We’ve been a band for about a year and 3 months. We’ve started and kind of stayed around the Dartford area.” DESCRIBE YOUR SOUND TO A FIRST TIME LISTENER? “Our sound is an odd one, since our first E.P we’ve had a pop punky breakdown-y sound. But now we’re working on and close to finishing our 2nd E.P we’ve taken a heavier and more jumpy route. I’d say that we sound like A Day To Remember, older Fall Out Boy.” WHERE CAN PEOPLE ACESS YOUR MUSIC? People can find us online at *insert Sound cloud adress here* all of our music is free so give it a listen and download it if you like. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE GIG? “Our favourite gig so far has probably been a show we did at the Scream lounge in Croydon when we met a group of guys who are now very very good friends of ours.” WHAT’S NEXT ON THE AGENDA? “As soon as our 2nd E.P comes out to everyone, we’re just gonna promote the crap out of it every way we know how. We’re going to gig like mad and have a banger of an E.P show.” CHECK THESE GUYS OUT, CLICK THE YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK OR BANDCAMP LOGO TO BE TAKEN DIRECTLY TO THEIR PAGES!
We were able to catch up with MUTAGENOCIDE THIS MONTH TOTALKABOUTTHEIR LATEST ALBUM & SIGNING TO A LABEL! PLEASE TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELVES, FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW YOU? “We are a 5 piece modern thrash meal band from the Cotswolds, Oxfordshire. Been playing with this line up for just over two years and have all been in UK underground metal bands for ten years. We bring lots of energy to shows and are not afraid to spill a few beers while we do it!” YOU’VE RECENTLY RELEASED YOUR ALBUM ‘DEVOLVE’, WHAT HAS THE RESPONSE BEEN LIKE WITH YOUR FANS? “It’s been fantastic really. It took longer than we would have liked to record, produce and release but quality and professionalism were top of our list when it came to making it. We are really happy with the results and to have reviews come in from all parts of the world is amazing. We are now starting to see the E.P being listed as some people’s top 10 of 2014. That just gives us the drive to do a full length album a.s.a.p as well as getting to every town and city to play a show.” YOU ARE SIGNED TO RAD
NAUSEAM RECORDS, CAN YOU TELL US HOW THAT CAME ABOUT? “Rad Nauseam Records is the brainchild of our bassist Tom. Tom has spent his whole career in the record business within a company and Rad Nauseam is his way to push out acts that deserve coverage. It’s not about money, but more about quality and recognition of talent. Despite our bassist being the label owner, things work for us in exactly the same way it would with any other label. The best thing about Rad Nauseam, is you know that they are not going to put out anything for a mass sales market, and more importantly our relationship is totally transparent.” CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF BEING SIGNED AND WHAT ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO OTHER BANDS ON HOW TO GET SIGNED BY A LABEL? “The benefits are having another entity behind and alongside you as a driving force. Thinking of new ideas, new ways to get music into people’s ears and someone to support you with the decisions you make. Don’t expect someone to just pay for things and take a cut. Labels that think like that won’t survive in this market anymore because listeners have more power now in terms of what they champion.
In terms of getting signed, well, our advice would be speak to as many people as possible. Be polite, honest and take feedback constructively. Relationships and friendships mean a lot, so build up as many connections as you can. Otherwise, have a look into doing it yourself!” YOU ARE PLAYING HEAT ONE OF METAL TO THE MASSES, TELL US HOW YOU’RE FEELING ABOUT THAT? “PUMPED! It will be our first show of 2015 and we hope it will set the tone of things to come throughout this year. Lots of new songs in the works which we are itching to get out.” WHO HAS BEEN YOUR
FAVOURITE BAND TO PLAY WITH SO FAR? “We’ve played some pretty rad shows with some cool bands. Intensive square are fucking nails and we’re looking forward to their new album coming out. The lads in Desert storm are an intense experience live, infectious grooves and down right filthy riffing!” HAVE ANY OF YOU EXPERIENCED ANY EMBARRASSING MOMENT ON STAGE? “Our bassist Tom has a habit of falling over. Other than that, thankfully not!!” IF YOU COULD PLAY WITH ANY BAND, WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY ALONGSIDE & WHY? “Carbomb ... because Carbomb...!
Elliot Hoffman is a beast behind the kit.” WHAT’S NEXT ON THE AGENDA FOR MUTAGENOCIDE? “We’re pushing the ep at the moment and getting it gigged around. We’re constantly writing so will probably demo some tracks soon. We’re at the moment booking a tour, so if you want us in your town give us a shout.” HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANT TO PLUG TO THE W! READERS? Our other bands crippled black phoenix, tyske ludder and tactical sekt. Also Tom puts out a crueltyfree cook zine, Veganslime check it out at www.veganslime.com
TELL US THREE INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF? “I’m a little obsessed with reptiles; I live with 3 geckos, 2 snakes, 2 crocodile skinks & a bearded dragon! I have an irrational fear of custard, the smell, the taste, the texture it’s wrong on every level possible! I can’t be around it! I can speak sign language rather well! I studied for 3 years and used it in my job, it’s a skill i think everyone should learn! WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR
SPARE TIME? “If i have a day off to myself, I’ll be wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets, gaming on my ps3. Or when the weather is brighter, I’ll be out in the sun practising some circus skills or playing with my fire toys!” WHAT IS THE BEST SONG/ ALBUM OF ALL TIME? “Oh that’s a hard one! Wow okay, for me it’s going to have to be the live Pink Floyd album Pulse. It’s one of the first albums I remember hearing growing up and I still love it today.” TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR INK? “My favourite piece of ink is of a fantasy fox on my left thigh, I was so proud of it when i first had it done! I always visit the
I’M 2 4&I
same tattoo artist Tracey Constant she’s been brilliant. The last piece she did for me is of a patronus stag on my arm, that was definitely the most painful but so worth it.” WE FIND YOU PASSED OUT IN YOUR TOWN CENTRE, DRUNK OUT OF YOUR TROLLEY ON A SATURDAY NIGHT. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN & WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING? “The likelihood is, my friends have invited me out for a quiet drink at a local bar somewhere, and as the night goes on it gets more and more out of hand! I’d be drinking a nice rum like Sailor Jerrys or Kracken, then someone would bring out the shots. It’s rude not to really...”
DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL HABITS OR HOBBIES? “I have this strange way of hiccuping that everyone finds very cute, I make this high pitched MEEP noise! I do it all the time and each time I do either someone laughs or they go awww. As a hobby I adore playing with fire. I enjoy learning new moves, putting together invented ideas and creating full choreographed pieces to perform! I’ve always loved to perform and I’ve been so lucky to take my hobby to another level and perform it to thousands of people at festivals like Bloodstock.” WHO ARE YOU CURRENTLY CRUSHING ON? “At the moment, my man crush is Evan Peters from American Horror Story, but the top crush still goes to Andrew Garfield, I’m a sucker for a baby faced man!” Give us your best chat up line? “I think the cheesier chat up lines the better! I’ve been using alot of Harry Potter ones, “heading to bed? Mind if I... Slytherin?” TELL US ABOUT YOUR FUNNIEST/MOST EMBARESSING SEXUAL EXPERIENCE? “I always find it funny that when you go to a festival or camping with friends, you know it’s going to be a bad idea, but you’ll end up sleeping with your partner knowing there is only a thin sheet between you and the rest of your group! The worst part is, if they know your awake and they’ll start a full blown conversation with you while your mid-coitus! Do you tell them to go away or shag and talk at the same!? It always cracks me up to try and keep talking to a couple having sex in a tent for as long as possible acting like I don’t know, just so its awkward for them! If you were an ice cream flavour, which would you be & why? Cookie Dough. Because its made of so many awesome flavours and put into a tiny pot that’s never big enough! IF YOU WERE TO GO INTO THE LIONS DEN, WHAT WOULD BE YOUR GREAT IDEA & HOW WOULD YOU GO ABOUT SELLING IT?
Images: Starglider Photography
I think with your product, you’ve got to make it relatable so everybody gets it, right? We’ve been young, stupid and drunk, we’ve all spent time huddled round a toilet after drinking too much? Well rather than resting your head on the cold seat, you can install a toilet pillow! When youre feeling poorly, a little bit of comfort goes a long way, when it’s not safe to leave the bathroom yet, just pull down the toilet pillow, rest your head on its soft fluffy goodness, and wait for the chunder!!” WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS TIME? “I’d like to see myself happy. I’d like be better travelled, have stories to tell, maybe my own house, who knows! The world is my oyster, as long as i am happy I don’t care where i end up”
PLEASE TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELVES, FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW YOU? “We are A Higher Demise, a 5 piece melodic metal-core band from Dartford in Kent. We try to keep things heavy and catchy at the same time!” YOU RELEASED YOUR E.P ‘THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU NOW’ TOWARDS THE END OF LAST YEAR, WHAT KIND IF RESPONSE HAS IT HAD? “We’ve had an incredible response! Since the release date in September we’ve been on countless radio stations and featured in a lot of online publications. We were able to sign to Ambicon Records and begin to work with IAA Touring on the strength of ‘The Doctor Will See You Now’ – a stark contrast to all the activity which existed before the EP. So we’re very happy!” YOU RECENTLY RELEASED A VIDEO FOR ‘ALL THESE REASONS’, CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE OF RECORDING A MUSIC VIDEO? WHAT WERE YOUR FAVOURITE AND LEAST FAVOURITE PARTS? “We recorded all of the footage for the video from our trip to Lowestoft for Attitude Festival, so we pretty much had cameras rolling for the entire time since we left our front doors to leaving two days later. So it was all pretty fun! The highlight has probably got to be the look on all the bystanders faces that thought we were important people being followed by a film crew! That, and the first time you see the whole thing put together, that’s always awesome! However, going through each edit meticulously looking for the slightest sync issues and making sure each shot is good and makes sense. That has got to be
the least favourite part. CAN YOU GIVE OTHER BANDS ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO GO ABOUT RECORDING A MUSIC VIDEO? “Play up to the cameras like you’re some kind of big shot! That’s what stops you looking nervous in front of a camera and makes other people know you’re serious! That, and
use a great director or film company that is going to care that their work looks the best It can. Shout out to Lee Bethel (Versatile Film Productions) for working tirelessly on our videos!” YOU SUPPORTED DANNI FILTH’S DEVILMENT AT ATTITUDE FESTIVAL, CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT THAT EXPERIENCE? “That was incredible! Being able to plug a show with a big band heading the bill seems to validate all the time and effort you put into the band, and hanging around backstage with a celebrity is enough to encourage you to keep going! Of course, when we saw him watching us play our set was pretty f***ing crazy!” HAVE ANY OF YOU EXPERIENCED ANY
IF YOU COULD PLAY WITH ANY BAND, WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY ALONGSIDE & WHY? “There are so many! I Think A Day To Remember or Atreyu would probably top the list as they’re our biggest influences and somewhat responsible for us loving music in the first place.”
YOU SEEM TO GET A LOT OF COVERAGE FROM A RANGE OF MEDIA INCLUDING BLOGS, WEBSITES AND INTERVIEWS. CAN YOU GIVE OTHER BANDS ANY ADVICE ABOUT GETTING THEMSELVES ‘OUT THERE’? “As strange as this sounds, gaining the help of someone to represent you. We must’ve sent off hundreds of news and music submissions in our time, but once our label manager Pete Baldwin started doing it under the name of Ambicon Records the articles and radio plays flooded in! We can’t thank him enough for all his help.”
And if we’re really lucky you’ll have a listen to our BandPage too: https://www. facebook.com/AHigherDemiseBand/ app_178091127385 Thank you so much for your time! A Higher Demise”
WHAT’S NEXT ON THE A HIGHER DEMISE AGENDA? “2015 is probably and already shaping up to be our busiest year yet. We’re gigging nearly every week of the year all over the country. We have a third single and music video coming up from our forementioned EP ‘The Doctor Will See You Now’ and a totally new track coming july/august time. Then back in the studio for a 2016 release!” WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR 2015? “To spread our name over as much of the country as possible! We’ve already covered Worthing, Oxford and Southampton and its on to Rochester, Leeds and Brighton next! By the end of the year we would love our band to at least be ‘heard of’ around the underground metal scene.” HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANT TO PLUG TO THE W! READERS? “We would love it if you could check out our debut singlr and video for ‘My Therapist Knows You By Name’ https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=KfP_ C8948Ow And our video for our latest single ‘All These Reasons’ https://www. youtube.com/ watch?v=p2AnazYJcGQ
Images by: Lee Bethall
EMBARRASSING MOMENT ON STAGE? “Haha, far too many to mention! Dropping guitars, headbutting the bass guitar, headbutting the microphone, being called ‘One Direction’ and completely forgetting how to play drums and what a drum kit was mid set are a few we can remember!”
NAME/AGE/LOCATION Tina Massacre, 22 years young, Dartford, Kent TELL US THE WEIRDEST FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF: My dry sense of humour gets me into a lot of trouble as people think I’m being serious! I once was having a discussion with a friend about sheep giving birth “I thought they laid eggs” the horror on their faces! I have musical outbursts, whether out and about or on my own! I talk to myself…. A lot WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO GET INTO ALTERNATIVE MODELLING AND HOW DID YOU GO ABOUT IT? When I was younger I used to watch a lot of Americas Next Top Model and dreamed of becoming a model. Only recently I’ve gained the confidence (just about) to do modelling. My friend randomly texted me asking if I would do a shoot with her and that’s what I did! It all kicked off from there and I’m having the time of my life! WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? I have way too many hobbies! If it’s not having musical outbursts, you might find me painting, making jewellery, making props, playing harmonica. I also meditate,
read tarot cards, take part in yoga or generally have a dance around the house. Oh! And of course modelling. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVOURITE BAND/STYLE OF MUSIC? Slipknot have always been my favourite! I know metal is a huge genre but anything metal seems to catch my ears. WHAT WAS THE BEST LIVE SHOW YOU’VE BEEN TO AND WHY? I saw Airbourne recently in Kentish town and they were amazing! Front man Joel O’Keefe got into the crowd on the shoulders of what I could only describe as some sort of body guard, playing crazy solos and handing out beer. I even got to touch his sweaty back (yum) TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR INK? I have 1 tattoo on my back, my right shoulder blade; it’s of a white tiger and i love it! There’s mixed meanings behind this involving strength, beauty, inner anger, and the fact that I love white tigers! I’m not sure if I’m going to get any in the future I like to take my time in choosing so it won’t be for another few years! WE FIND YOU PASSED OUT IN YOUR TOWN CENTRE, DRUNK OUT OF YOUR TROLLEY ON A SATURDAY NIGHT, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING? Haha! Fantastic! I would have probably either been in Flying boat in Dartford or Bull n Vic. Depending on the weather I would usually have the good ol’ classic zinfandel rose or if its particularly cold, brandy. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FUNNIEST DRUNKEN MOMENT Oh why?! There must be a few but what I remember; I once fell over in
front of EVERYONE! It wasn’t a slip and fall, no, I grappled every chair and every person on my way down… honestly felt like the fall went on for 5 minutes of slow motion.. sooo embarrassing. Oh yes I was wearing a dress and not the nicest of underwear.. SpongeBob I think. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL HABITS OR HOBBIES? Apart from having musical out-
bursts? Well I have a habit of pulling the ugliest faces in any mirror I walk past, sending selfies of thumb face happens quite regularly.
GIVE US YOUR BEST CHAT UP LINE? I know I’m no Wilma Flintstone but I can make your Bedrock. Oh dayyuummm!
CELEB CRUSH/HOTTEST MAN IN MUSIC? Hugh Jackman always wins for me! But if it’s for music of course it has to be Corey Taylor
WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FUNNIEST /MOST EMBARRASSING SEXUAL/ ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE? Me and my boyfriend where getting merry on Rum and we started hugging, fell off the bed sideways and
WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS TIME? Hopefully super happy in doing something I love with all my favourite people around me! SOCIAL
www.facebook.com/TinaMassacreVanilla, what you see is what you get! Model I don’t really hold back. Instagram @tinamassacre
Photographer: Zoe Blush Photography
I wacked my shin on my wardrobe drawer. Yeah there were tears and my wardrobe is still broken. I think it was a be there moment .
We got to have a chat with the boys in High Anthem about being on tour and everything that comes with it! TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELVES, FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW YOU? “We are a 5 piece pop punk band from Newcastle!” YOU PREVIOUSLY RELEASED A SELF TITLED E.P INCLUDING TRACKS SUCH AS ‘HELLO’ AND ‘STAND BY ME’ WHAT HAS THE RESPONSE TO
THAT BEEN LIKE? “The response has been mind blowing. We started this band with no intentions of really achieving what we have. So to have sold over 500 copies of an EP we produced ourselves, its a very flattering thing.” & YOU’VE RECENTLY STARTED RECORDING DEMOS FOR E.P NUMBER 2, CAN YOU GIVE US ANY INSIGHTS OF WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THAT? “I’d like to say there’s something for everyone on the next EP, the songs are very diverse we have songs
stepping into a heavier part of the genre and also have quite a few pop sounding tracks on there. So i’d say its must more energetic and more heartfelt.” YOUR FIRST EVER GIG WAS AROUND THIS TIME LAST YEAR, HOW HAS PLAYING LIVE CHANGED OVER THAT TIME? “It’s changed obviously cos we’ve had a few line up changes but other than that, we’ve definitely progressed as a band and we’ve started to connect with crowds much better now and get them pumped up.”
YOU’VE ALSO JUST COMPLETED YOUR SECOND TOUR, CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT SOME OF YOUR EXPERIENCES? WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE & LEAST FAVOURITE MEMORIES FROM BEING ON TOUR? “My favourite is definitely obviously been in a van with your best mates drinking and having a laugh and least favourite is probably not having easy shower access! We had an experience on this tour i’ll never forget, the lads pranked me. We were giving the tour manager a lift back from the
last show cos he lives near us and i forgot to check with our driver which i should’ve done before the tour and our driver and tour manager went for food and discussed this prank to pretend he couldn’t get a lift for insurance. Me (Dan) being the one told him he could get a lift, i had to break it to him he couldn’t. Then i cried when i found out it was a prank!”
WHO HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE BAND TO PLAY WITH SO FAR? “Has to be Me Vs Hero, i was just getting into that band before we got the support slot. I was literally minutes away from buying my ticket and i checked my emails and we got offered the slot. Obviously playing with one of your favourite bands is going to stand out!” HAVE ANY OF YOU EXPERIENCED ANY EMBARRASSING MOMENT ON STAGE? “Yeah, that same day on tour as the
prank. Obviously everyone felt sorry for me and was buying me drinks so i ended up a little drunk went on stage and tripped over our bassists lead and fell back into the drum kit. Was an awful moment.” IF YOU COULD PLAY WITH ANY BAND, WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY ALONGSIDE & WHY? “I’d have to say either All Time Low or You Me At Six because they’re my favourite bands and i believe we’d appeal to their crowd and the both bands would
be a laugh to hang out with. Close runners up are Pierce the Veil and Secrets too, not sure we’d go down well though haha!” WHAT’S NEXT ON THE AGENDA FOR HIGH ANTHEM? “Well we’re in early processes of demoing this EP, we still need to write a few tracks and then hopefully go somewhere awesome to record them. We have a music video lined up and another tour in the pipeline so overall its looking exciting!”
WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR 2015? “Our goals are to record something we are totally proud of and hopefully will take us to the next step. To be able to gain the reputation to tour ourselves would be a massive goal! Also, just to play somewhere massive like O2 Academy mainstages! That would be sick.” HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANT TO PLUG TO THE W! READERS? “Just go check us out like our page, listen to our music and buy if you like! Thanks Wasted!”