WASTED! Magazine - Issue #31

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Editor Zoe Blush Photographers Rod Trussardi Em Coulter Illu Photography Carl Battams Chris Cooper Mark Kidsley Gerogia Lawson

Designer Illu Zoe Blush

Š Wasted! Magazine All Rights Reserved. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that details in this publication are accurate, we cannot accept responsibility for such. Readers are advised to check listings information to avoid disappointment. Views and opinions expressed by contributors are that of their own and not of the magazine as a whole.






Hi readers! Welcome to issue 31 packed with interviews, alt beauties, new bands, reviews and more! Over on page 4 we’re bringing back ‘GET YOUR RANT OUT, check out what’s been grinding my gears this month, e-mail us at zoe.wasted@gmail.com to tell us what’s been ticking you off lately! Then we introduce you to the awesome IN CROWDED SKIES on page 5. Our pages are crammed with some gorgeous alternative folks this month featuring the likes of Mighton over on page 8, Barnaby Oakley on page 19 and a huge group shoot featuring lots of lovely ladies on page 26. We’re also bringing a new ‘COSPLAY PROFILE’ section on page 33 and lots of reviews by our very on Petch on page 34!


Feast your eyes!

Abbi Stronge (22), Sophie House, Steve Wilde (26), Simon Cochran (20), Tom Smith (21), Lewis Braddish (23), Jamie Carrington (23), Chris Califano (27), Nick Clark (31), Carl Battams (29), Jason Perry (26), Charlotte Rye (24), Rob Parnell, Jimmy Stuart, Anth Alonso, Scott Parris, Nina Dateshidze, Adam Dray, Jonny Mickleborough, Dominic Reeve, Ewan Reekie, Ashlinn Nash, Jason Bennett, Lee Arkley, Chris Chandler, Harry Sanham, Kerry Murrell, Daisy Watson, Gabrielle Dollfacee, Ben Elliott

Good morning boys, girls and everyone inside and outside of the spectrum. Today I’m going to be talking about something that seems like a pretty simple concept to most but as some have made apparent, not too all. The topic of this month’s ‘Get Your Rant Out’ is originality. Now I don’t mean being your own person and all that and you can do whatever you like in terms of what you wear, listen to and do, I really don’t care about any of that, no, what I have witnessed over the past couple of months is a slight bit more serious in my books. There are many of us in this scene, running our own small, independent companies and some of the talent I have seen out there is absolutely mind boggling and are truly inspiring, however this month I have

money to get to the stage that they are at, is making beautiful, original designs and items and you’re shitting all over their hard work. Not only are you being a bit of an arse but you’re actually messing with someone’s income. It’s just an overall no-no really.

noticed certain companies copying other’s designs. Now as a crafter/designer and so on I actually just think this is quite embarrassing and detrimental to your own work. Not only that but say you copy a design of a company that is smaller than you, you think, oh it won’t matter, nobody will notice. Wrong. That company would have been working it’s little arse off to get noticed, has paid out all this

I love finding new independent companies be it clothing, accessories, cosplay designers, whatever. Creativity is what keeps our minds alive and it’s sorry horrible to see things like this happen. People will respect your idividuality a lot more than you just jumping on someone else’s band wagon because that item sells well. We need to do all we can to support our local independent companies. Check out the likes of Hysteria Machine, Super Geeky, Arma Medusa, Lunchboxx, SVS Clothing to name a few of my personal favourites!

IINNCRTOWRDEO D U C I D SKIES SO FIRST OF ALL, INTRODUCE YOURSELVES? “We are In Crowded Skies. We’re all from around Medway and have been making noise since mid’ 2013.” EXPLAIN YOUR SOUND TO A FIRST TIME LISTENER? “We play alternative rock but with a tasty hint of prog to keep listeners on their toes!” WHERE CAN WE ACCESS YOUR MUSIC? “All the usual places! We have stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp, Youtube, Spotify and I-tunes.” TELL US ABOUT YOUR MOST FAVOURITE GIG THAT YOU HAVE PLAYED? “We have had loads of enjoyable gigs so it can be tough to choose, but we do love playing to our local audience when we hit up Rafters in Maidstone!” WHAT’S NEXT ON THE AGENDA? “We have a new EP being released on August 8th called “Everything Comes To Light” and then we go on tour around the UK from the 11th for a week, so we are really pleased with that.” DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO PLUG TO THE W! READERS? “We have just released our debut music video for “You Were Right” so please go check it out and give it a share…You know you want to! If you like what you hear then come and see us at a show real soon!” Thank you for your time guys, make sure you check out In Crowded Skies on Facebook now!

Images by Georgia Rawson



TELL US THREE INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF? “Three interesting facts.... I can survive on a diet of coffee for months, I still sleep with stuffed unicorns and I like to doll myself up as pinup.” WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “Spare time... Working out while watching Netflix, talking to my cats and reading biographies about sex

and drug fuelled rock and porn stars.” WHAT WAS THE BEST LIVE SHOW YOU’VE BEEN TO & WHY? “Best show has to be HIM again.... Any of their shows.” TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR INK? “I have a full sleeve and have started working on the other- my favourite pieces are the mirror and perfume bottle, I have stocking seams on backs of legs and few others dotted around. I got a heart shaped locket and my ex was meant to get the key... Haha didn’t happen. I’m going to next get ‘pain is inevitable, suffering is optional’ on my ribs.” YOU’RE GOING OUT FOR A NIGHT ON THE TOWN, WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE OF POISON? “Jack Daniels and coke.” TELL US ABOUT YOUR FUNNIEST DRUNKEN MOMENT?

“I was watching parkway drive, determined to get to the pit, I literally dragged my mate to the front, stripped down to my bra and properly gave it some in the pit- after the show my mates where trying to dress me and I refused and just wanted to talk to everyone.... I then proceeded to entertain all on the train home by telling some guy how much I hated this one gal.... Who turned out to be his gf!” DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL HABITS OR HOBBIES? “I have a disgusting habit of picking other people’s spots, skin or scabs.” WHO ARE YOU CURRENTLY CRUSHING ON? “Angelica Anderson.” IF YOU WERE AN ICE CREAM FLAVOUR, WHICH WOULD YOU BE & WHY? “Probably something like when you go on holiday and you get kinder beuno flavour, because chocolate is just to boring!”


Images by Rod Trussardi

SO FIRST OFF INTRODUCE YOURSELVES FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN’T HEARD OF YOU? “We are Oracle, we are currently a three piece progressive metalcore band from Northampton. We take influence from multiple of genres. We’d be for fans of The Ghost Inside, Architects & While She Sleeps.” THERE’S AN UPCOMING E.P IN THE WORKS, WHEN DO YOU PLAN ON RELEASING ‘HEART|HOME’?

“Heart|Home is looking at a August 28th release. We’ve been playing two songs from Heart|Home and comapred to our other songs, they’ve had a stronger response, which we are really stoked about.” YOU’VE RECENTLY BEEN ENDORSED BY MAYFLOWER APPAREL, HOW DID THAT COME ABOUT? “Mayflower Apparel were interested in working with us and to be honest we loved their designs and their

whole vibe and we worked it out and now we get to represent them which is really cool.” YOU’VE JUST FINISHED YOUR ‘SUMMER IN THE SOUTH’ TOUR, CAN YOU TELL US A BIT ABOUT THAT? “We wasn’t sure what to expect and to be honest are still blown away with the response we recieved on this tour and we are appreciative that people in new places checked us out and

really got into what we are about. Truro was the best start to a tour/run of shows we’ve had because the vibe was great and everyone was so open to checking us out and having a good time.” WHO HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE BAND TO PLAY WITH SO FAR? “We’d all have individual answers for this but I’ll say some of the top bands for the three of us would be Shields, Grieved (SWE), Hopes Die Last (ITA), Martyr Defiled, Victory Heights (USA), Scream Blue Murder, Fathoms & Confessions Of A Traitor. To be honest majority of bands we’ve shared stages we’ve been really honoured to share a stage with, it has allowed us to grow as a band and learn from our peers.” HAVE YOU HAD ANY HORRIFICALLY EMBARRASSING MOMENTS ON STAGE? “I wouldn’t say embarassing, just inconvenient of my jeans ripping at the crotch or falling accidentally onstage. I gave myself a concussion once, which ended up with two black eyes. It just makes for funnier memories.” YOU SPEND A LOT OF TIME TOGETHER, HAVE THERE EVER BEEN ANY SCRAPS BETWEEN BAND MEMBERS? “Oh everyday haha we’ve all left the band at least 3 or 4 times a year

but its always a joke, I don’t think we could ever truly throw in the towel as our friendship is beyond the band and although we bicker and rip into each other more than you’d expect, we’re a

brotherhood and it keeps us a float as a band.” WE’RE NOT GRACED WITH MANY OF THEM BUT WHAT WOMAN IN MUSIC ARE

WE CURR-ENTLY CRUSH-ING ON? “Lynn Gunn of Pvris. She is undeniably talented and completely stunning.” IF YOU COULD BE ANY OTHER BAND FOR THE DAY, WHO WOULD IT BE & WHY? “Slipknot. It would just be rad to wear a boiler suit, a mask and just hit shit with a steel baseball bat as well as playing to thousands of people at your bands own festival.” WHAT’S NEXT ON THE AGENDA FOR ORACLE? “Next for us is to release our music video, announce our tour in support of the EP and release Heart|Home then to build upon the release of the EP and then see where it takes us, there is a lot of planning going on with our management which if all goes well then its going to be rad.”

Images by Mark Kidsley

HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE W! READERS? “We’d love for W! readers to check us out and if they do then a huge thank you, if you like it come check us out on tour.”

BARNABY OAKLEY FIRST OFF, INTRODUCE YOURSELF FOR OUR READERS? “Hello, I’m Barnaby, my background is in music, I used to be in a metalcore band called Dakota Ruins that toured a bit but I soon grew out of metalcore and moved onto jazz/prog. I started modelling last summer as I was told by a few friends that did it that I would make a good model. Its good fun but its just a hobby for me!” TELL US THREE INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF? “I have 700 hours worth of tattoos I am a classically trained musician I know more about dinosaurs and sharks than any 23 year old man should.” WHAT MADE YOU GET IN TO ALTERNATIVE MODELLING? “A friend of mine approached me and told me that it would be a good venture for me, after a few shoots I got a taste for it and now treat it as a lightly paid hobby.” TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR INK? “My first was a bird skull surrounded by roses with a banner above it that reads “trust” in Sumerian. My favourite would probably be the one on the back of my neck… Probably because its my newest

but its also the mark of sacrifice (made famous by a series called Berserk). It was a really easy sitting too.” YOU RUN YOUR OWN GRAPHIC DESIGN COMPANY, TELL US A BIT ABOUT THAT? “I started doing graphic design when I was in my old band Dakota Ruins, I did us logos, album art, you name it! And then other bands started asking me to do their logos too. I did a few for free and then realised I should be charging for my service. I started off charging a small fee of £5 a logo but as I grew into it I realised I could charge more, it was at that point I started doing freelance work. Early 2015 I contacted the princes trust about getting set up with my own company, rather than freelancing. They gave me all the information I needed and the rest is history! We offer anything graphic related, websites, logos, business cards, banners, flyers etc. And we only charge £50 an hour, which is a lot less than any other registered company around my area. Its great fun! You meet so many interesting people.

AND CAN YOU TELL OUR READERS ABOUT YOUR BAND - HUNG? “HUNG was started as a side project to my band at the time (Elements). It was a showcase of my production and playing abilities, being only instrumental I wasn’t expecting big things for it. People really digged the first track I released so I decided to make a few more, I had interest from various labels, one of which offered to BUY the project for a huge sum of money, which I turned down due to the fact It would have sold away my rights. The first album was entitled “I Touched The Sky” and was released May 2014. It was a

long EP, completely instrumental and was my way of finishing off HUNG. However after 600 downloads and various torrent/leak sites I was encouraged to do another album. A company called I Probably Hate Your Band (who are notorious for giving blunt, to the point reviews) gave it a whopping 9/10 and complimented me greatly. The second album was called Level2, it was a longer album with guest features from various musicians, one of which was Freddy Saunders. Aside from being vastly more technical the album also had 3 tracks with vocals on which changed up HUNG’s market a bit whilst still retaining our old cult following. The album released in November 2014 (yes I know, I work fast! Haha!) And it did even better than I expected, pushing 800 downloads and another shining review from IPHYB. Not only that but it also was shared on various Facebook pages and websites, granting us lots of exposure. Our latest album has been a much longer process, we started recording in January and only finished near the

end of June. It’s a self titled album with 10 tracks and clocks in around 46 minutes. The two main differences with this album are the fact that I asked my old band mate Freddy Saunders to join HUNG and make it a live project. Not only that but Fred has been integral to the writing process, boosting not only the technical side of things but also offering up great riffs and writing, 50% of the guitar work on the album is him. The other biggest change is the fact that every single song now contains vocals. I have decided to pick the mic up again and I don’t regret it one bit! This album is the best music Fred and I have ever written. We’ve already had early reviews coming through from companies that have been in awe of the professional nature of the album. Not only does the technical side of things really push the boundaries of modern music but also the way the songs flow, we have thrown our all into this album and you can really tell. The album flows as one giant track though you can still listen to each track alone and enjoy them as singles, being a vague concept album there are also repeated themes that all come together in the finale track “Earth At Night” to make a huge crescendo and a fantastic finish. HUNG is going to be gigging in September but we’ll only be doing paid shows in major cities as to avoid getting into a bad habit of playing free “local” shows. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it! WE CAN SEE YOU HAVE A FURRY FRIEND, TELL US ABOUT YOUR PETS? “I have two cats, one of whom seems to be famous on social media now haha! His name is Luigi and he’s honestly the tamest, most wonderful cat in the world! Anyone who’s met him would vouch for that. The other cat is called Voldemort… Because… He’s horrible and hates everything.

I also have a dog called Clemmie but she’s a family pet and I’m not too fond of her, I don’t dislike her but she’s just so wimpy and scared of everything… I don’t mesh well with people/animals like that.” WE FIND YOU PASSED OUT IN YOUR TOWN CENTRE, DRUNK OUT OF YOUR TROLLEY ON A SATURDAY NIGHT. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN & WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING? “I’ve most probably been to a jazz club with my friend and been spiked as I don’t tend to drink too much since I drive!” TELL US ABOUT YOUR FUNNIEST DRUNKEN MOMENT? “Oh dear god, there are so many! Most of them are from the old band

days and the parties/tour situations. I think my most favourite would have to be hitting my friend in the face with a dildo during a game of truth or dare. Though there are much more graphic scenarios that are much more funny… However even at 23, I’d rather not have my mum know about my mischievous teenage exploits.” DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL HABITS OR HOBBIES? “We’ve covered music, we’ve covered modelling, have we covered my childish obsession with dinosaurs and sharks? No? Well if I’m not playing a video game or watching a dinosaur/ shark documentary then I’ll watch Netflix or even better... Something by Ricky Gervais. Karl Pilkington is my

hero. WHAT IS THE BEST SONG/ALBUM OF ALL TIME? “This is an impossible question as its entirely based on preference, one man’s trash is another’s treasure and all that! In my opinion the best album of all time is new HUNG album and everyone should definitely go and download it to see what I’m talking about ;) But on a serious note, I couldn’t answer this question… Bitches Brew by Miles Davis would be my go to album. WHAT WAS THE BEST LIVE SHOW YOU’VE BEEN TO & WHY? “Periphery. Because… It’s Periphery.

Flawless playing. Great Showmanship. Perfect sound engineering. Everything was spot on and I’ve only ever seen 4 other bands that have impressed me. The rest have been forgettable. Bearing in mind I must have played with over 600 bands in my time.” TELL US ONE THING THAT REALLY GRINDS YOUR GEARS? “BUT SO MANY THINGS GET ON MY NERVES?! How do you expect me to pick one?! Ignorance, in terms of ignoring someone and also being ignorant to other people and their beliefs, race, sexual identity and gender.” Thank you Barnaby, turn over for a review of HUNG’s self-titled album!

We are eased in with the very melodic ‘Envision’ which sets the tone for the rest of the album. This then flows nicely on to Impulsivity, which is where my interest peaked the first time around. The track starts fairly heavily with rough vocals and hectic guitar work which then stops abruptly around 0:40 for what I can only describe as a ‘little jazzy section’ to pick up again where it left off around 1:20. This may sound completely out of context but somehow these crafty buggers make it work! Now I will warn you, if you’re looking for some easy listening, you may as well turn off your computer or take out your ear phones and go and make a cuppa because you’re not going to find it here. This album really does have a spectacular level of intricacy and talent behind it so you’re going to want to pay close attention. Now everyone loves a good pop/ hip hop cover and these guys did not fail to deliver! Their cover of Drake’s ‘Just Hold On’ is quite spectacular – with a mix of brutal growls and a fair amount of clear vocals, you can quite easily have a mid-album sing a long because we all secretly know the lyrics really, don’t deny it! Now HUNG

recently released a video for their track ‘Plasma’ which includes member Barnaby forcibly making a cat play with dinosaurs and having sex with a doll, a house smashed to shit and Freddy just casually shredding away, so whilst visually entertaining it is actually another great track and probably the most ‘catchy’ of the album. Other personal favourites include ‘Store In A Dry Place’ and ‘Earth At Night’. This rollercoaster of prog-metal and jazz fusion leaves you feeling mentally obliterated but at the same time euphoric, and ready to take on the summer! You need this album in your life, so I suggest you stop reading and go and download it, now! 9/10

Images by: Em Coulter Review by: Zoe Blush


“Tell us three interesting facts about yourself?” “Mother, Ink and Fun” “What do you do in your spare time?” “In my spare time I like to get together with friends,cinema,food, a bit of shopping. Always love getting fresh ink! Anything to do with modelling and fashions I’m into”

H A E L “What is the best song/album of all time?” “Thats such an easy question The white Stripes, discography” “What your favourte tv show?” “Okay, seriously. Favourite TV show. Has to be Archer. It’s amazing. Never fails to make me laugh”


“Tell us a bit about your ink? (Your favourite, your first, your last, plans for any more” “ My favourite tattoo has to be my chest piece as symboled becoming a stronger after a violent relationship. My first was my lower back. Word “nipples” it was a nickname” “You’re going out for a night on the town, what is your choice of poison?” “jagermister simple ”


“Tell us about your funniest drunken moment?” “I was so drunk at a work charity ball I fell off a hay bale in a field and as my bosses mum picked me up.i was sick down her versache dress and got sacked 2 weeks later” “Do you have any unusual habits or hobbies?” “I like to go tree climbing at night”

“What is your claim to fame?” “Was a TV brat on a reality show back when I was 17.” If you were an ice cream flavour, which would you be & why? “Rum and raisin because it’s sweet with a kick, like me”

ELIZA “Who inspires you?” “O there so many like Ella Mobbs, Four Chambers,Tara McPherson and Mel Stringer”

“No idea, can’t do much with that I’m very house proud so I’d probably get my kitchen refitted.”



“If you could spend a months money on anything what would it be?”

“Give us your best chat up line?” “Has got to be Is that a canoe in your pocket or are you pleased to see me” “Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?” “Working as a full time professional model and the face of a big brand company like Rimmel or Gucci”.


“What is your favourite part of yourself?” “my favourite part of myself has got to be my eyes. My eyes do rock!!” “What your favourite food?” “ O its got to be goat curry spicy food hotter the better”

“What your favourite piece of clothing?” “My favourite piece of clothing is probably my pj’s. I love being comfy” “What do you think makes you different?” “I think I’m different because I’m the type of girl that gets along with anyone and everyone, no matter how someone might look. I’m just really outgoing”



HOW DID YOU GET IN TO COSPLAYING? “I had some awesome friends in Art College who attended the MCM Expo events in London, who then introduced me to the whole cosplay scene. It all started with a 100% China bought cosplay of Altaïr from the Assassins Creed series.” WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER TO COSPLAY SO FAR? “Kaidan Alenko from the Mass Effect series. It’s fun to watch the surprise on their faces when I speak and they realise I’m not a man. Ha! It’s just me.” WHAT WAS THE LAST CON THAT YOU ATTENDED? WHAT WERE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS FROM IT? “LFCC was the last con I attended. I loved watching the Cosplay championship and drooling over the costumes just dripping with the skill and expertise I can only dream about.” WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE CRAFT PRODUCTS TO USE? “I’ve recently fallen in love with Worbla. I’ve used it to make a full replica of Urdnot Wrex’s head from the Mass Effect series.” WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE GAME/ANIME SERIES? “The Mass Effect trilogy by far. Not only is it a cracking game to play, but the principals and options available to the gamer is just mind blowing.” WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE THAT WANTS TO START COSPLAYING? “YouTube. Watch videos. Be safe with power tools; e.g glue guns, heat guns. I’ve got my fair share of scars from them. Cosplay what you love, not who you’d suit best. I’m a girl and I’ve managed to cosplay a middle aged man in a suit of armour from the future. It can be done!” HAVE YOU GOT ANY PLANS FOR YOUR NEXT CHARACTER? “My next character..? Hmm.... Probably Samara from the Mass Effect series. But I’m also building Urdnot Wrex from the same series. Whatever I get done first!” Thank you for your time Georgia!

REVIEWS Albums You NEED In Your Life Ideas Above Our Station by Hundred Reasons

Let me take you back to a beautiful time in the British music scene; back to the year 2002. The British post-hardcore scene was exploding with bands like Hell Is For Heroes, Funeral For A Friend, Million Dead, and InME. Amidst the chaos and the wonder, came this stunning, nay STAGGERING debut album from this band. It blew people away and cemented Hundred Reasons as one of the big boys. These guys had toured extensively for 14 months before sitting down and hammering out this album on the fiery anvil of

‘Make Your Stand’ by Klogr I pressed play on this split EP/Live album and was blown away for every second of it. The first three tracks are studio recorded and sweet pancakes, they are pretty damn amazing. ‘Breaking Down’ is a filthy track full to the brim of riffage, and if you’ve never heard these guys before the vocals in the chorus will catch you off guard and blow you away. The title track ‘Make Your Stand’ is a wonderful combination of almost Lamb of God style riffs and no nonsense metal. ‘Breathing Heart’ is a beautiful progressive ballad. One thing I should say is that ALL of the tracks sound like odes

ROCK. This isn’t the first time something to come out of Aldershot changed the face of music for me, after all my mum was born there, but I’ll talk about that at another time. If we want to talk about powerhouse tracks on the album, you can’t go wrong with the singles: ‘Falter’, ‘If I Could’, and ‘Silver’. Personally, my favourite tracks are ‘Avalanche’ and ‘I’ll Find You’, the last and first tracks on the album respectfully. There are just those albums that you can’t find enough words to tell people of how just plain good they are, and this is one of them. Listen, absorb, love. Petch x

to Maynard James Keenan (Tool), and that is not a bad thing. The live section of the split is solid, polished, and tight, everything you look for in a live album (and a robot lover). It’s full of tracks that if you’re a fan you’ll know and love, and if you’re not you will love anyway. I do. It’s going on my “long drive” playlist. It’s hot filthy riffs, lovingly smothered in progressive song writing, and interlaced with stunning vocals. Oh, and the guitar work is just madness. Just get it, man. Out now. Petch x

‘Tattoo’ (Single) by Deep Shade You can tell a lot about a band by the singles they choose to release. Some bands release amazing ones that make you thirst for more, whereas others make you weep when you hear their album tracks. And other bands tease you with simplicity with a darker edge, making you want pick at that scab; see what else is lying beneath. Deep Shade are most certainly the latter. ‘Tattoo’ is the first single from their upcoming album ‘Everything Popular Is Wrong’, and is available to download on their Soundcloud right now. Tattoo is a very simple song that sits in your head after a few listens. Simplicity is by far from a bad thing in my humble opinion. One of the best songs ever written is ‘Song 2’ by Blur due to the fact it’s short, kicks ass, and doesn’t outstay its welcome. Tattoo follows

this formula rather well running at only just over 2 minutes long, and it’s got a catchy chorus that you can easily shout along to if you see them live. According to my sources, they’re doing very well in the North of England and acquiring quite the fan base due to their live showmanship, so they are most certainly worth checking out if you get a chance. There’s also a video for the song on their YouTube page (just search Deep Shade), which features alternative model Jasmin Barnett, and a very pretty lady with a beard! All in all check these guys out, the North loves them. Will you? ‘Tattoo’ available for download at https:// soundcloud.com/deepshademusic/tattoo Petch x

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