WASTED! Magazine - ISSUE #32

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Editor Zoe Blush Photographers Rod Trussardi Roj Whitelock Illu Photography Urban Snapper Tom Russel Mark Kidsley Gerogia Lawson Gary Longstaff Marriane Harris Designer Illu Zoe Blush

Š Wasted! Magazine All Rights Reserved. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that details in this publication are accurate, we cannot accept responsibility for such. Readers are advised to check listings information to avoid disappointment. Views and opinions expressed by contributors are that of their own and not of the magazine as a whole.



10 ALT BEAUTY: SOPHIE Hi readers!



Welcome to issue 32 packed with interviews, alt beauties, new bands, reviews and more! Over on page 3 we’re introducing you to LOST ATLANTA! Then we’ve got an interview with the caberet style, quirky duo that are VICTOR & THE BULLY on page 6. We’ve got the stunning alt beauty that is SOPHIE over on page 10. Turn to page 20 for an interview with the boys from DRIFTED & we’ve also got an interview with ALIBI CLOTHING over on page 24. This issue is crammed with cosplay goodness with not one, but three cosplayer profiles starting on page 27. Feast your eyes!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tom Watling, Jake Wall, Ian Gregory, Ashleigh La Rouche, Lex Giggs, Luke Suhato, Dimas Darsono, Laura Elise, Angelo Pandolfi, Ryan Jones, Kat Castle, Lauren Noble, Sam Beedle, Briony Adams, Robby Candy, Kevo Fang, Dave Mitchell, Matt Savini, James Warner, Cody Watson, Phil Bennett, Becky Flockers, Ash Norman, Lewis Fewtrell, Jez Campbell, Sean Ellis, Annie Callahan, Rachel Tarr, George Powell, Joe Knighton, Nathan Canty,

ILONSTTATLRANOTA DUCI SO FIRST OF ALL, INTRODUCE YOURSELVES? James (vocals) The baby faced one. Elliot (Guitar) The shirt wearing one. Sam. L (guitar) The ginger one. Rob (Bass) The tatted one. Sam. R (Drums) The beardy one

EXPLAIN YOUR SOUND TO A FIRST TIME LISTENER? “Our instrumentation is predominantly cemented inside Melodic Hardcore but our vocals are more conventionally Post-Hardcore; screaming & singing in equal measure. We base our songs around a mix of heavy riffs and technicality coupled with big choruses and memorable vocal melodies. Whether you’re into heavy music or not, we really believe we have something that everyone can get into.” WHERE CAN WE ACCESS YOUR MUSIC? “Our music is all over the internet. You can find it on the usual sites like Facebook, Youtube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud etc. Obviously we’re on iTunes and you can find us on Spotify and the other streaming services, in fact we’re pretty damn sure we’ve covered everywhere; if you find somewhere missing, give us a shout and we’ll sort it haha. Our current music is all up there for free too, we just want as many people to hear it as possible. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE GIG? “That’s a tough one. I think we’d have to say Deadbolt Festival in Manchester which we just played recently, it’s so cool to be getting noticed and put on an awesome event like that with the who’s who of up and coming bands, not to mention some of our favourites like Heart of a Coward and Shields. Feels like the rubber stamp that’s put us on the map in the local scene. That being said we love like the unexpected surprises. Like the first time we played Glasgow. I’m pretty sure no-one had ever heard of us, but we ended up playing to this packed out basement room. It’s nice to go a long way and it all be worth it.” WHAT’S NEXT ON THE ANGENDA? “We’re currently on tour with Breathe in the Silence. We’ve been so excited for this tour because we’re playing a lot of these places for first time. The final date is Butserfest which is our biggest show to date. We’re over the moon to be hitting that up with some incredible bands and our good friends in Cardinal Bay. It also means a great deal to be on the same lineup as our childhood heroes, Funeral For A Friend. We are also working hard behind the scenes on our upcoming release. Expect a new music video very soon and another big announcement.” DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO PLUG TO THE W! READERS? “Our new EP “Alive” will be released on 9th October - available everywhere!” CHECK OUT LOST ATLANTA NOW!

Images by: Marianne Harris


Image by: Roj Whitelock SO FIRST OFF INTRODUCE YOURSELVES FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN’T HEARD OF YOU? “Hello Sinners! We are Victor and the Bully from the sunny and always sassy town of Sidcup! We are a Dark Cabaret band with a Ukulele and Acoustic guitar with a whole lot of thunder behind us!”

undertone. We use Ukulele and Acoustic guitar with backing of Honky Tonk Piano, Violins, Trumpets, Harpsichords and anything we can get our greasy hands on! Our lyrics are very tongue in cheek. Our favourite song title has to be “Every Fight Is A Food Fight For A Cannibal”.

WE WOULD DESCRIBE YOUR SOUND AS ‘QUIRKY’; DESCRIBE YOUR SOUND TO A FIRST TIME LISTENER? “Quirky is a good description! It has a big “Circusesque” feel to our music and image. We are influenced by Classical, Mariachi, Punk and Gypsy to provide a big sound to get the crowd dancing and moving with a dark

YOU’VE RECENTLY PLAYED HEROFEST AT LEO’S RED LION AND HOOTANANNY IN BRIXTON, HOW WERE THE SHOWS? “They were both fantastic! But for very different reasons. Herofest is a local show and so we didn’t really know how we would go down with all the Metal Bands around us.

The crowd were really intrigued by us! We don’t think many people had heard anything like us! Hootananny is always in incredible night out. This was for a gypsy, cabaret style night and so it brought in people that were into that style. The crowd were jiving, dancing and going mental! People were dressed in Steampunk and Circus garb which really made everyone look awesome! After a quite a few drinks we were certainly a little fragile in the morning.” & YOU RECENTLY PLAYED A FEW LIVE TRACKS ON RIDGE RADIO, HOW DID IT FEEL TO PLAY ON THE RADIO AND WHAT KIND OF RESPONSE DID YOU GET FROM IT? “That was an incredible experience but it was exciting as we were both very nervous. We knew we had to play live tracks which people are listening to in their car and you really don’t want to mess up! What was fun were people were sending emails in asking about us as we were in the studio so we got to say hi and listen to the public’s feedback! Which is normally, ‘I like it, but I don’t know why.’” WHO HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE BAND TO PLAY WITH SO FAR? “That’s a very hard question as we have played with some real eclectic style of bands and music. Promoters normally find us quite difficult to put on a bill as we either really don’t fit in or really do. A great band we played with at Hootananny were the Filthy Spectacular, they have brilliant outfits and a great stage presence! We are normally put with Burlesque acts too which are always pleasing to the eye!” HAVE YOU HAD ANY EMBARRASSING MOMENTS ON STAGE? “Nothing too bad! (touch wood). We have the normal ones like forgetting words or just missing chords but I think the biggest one has to be because of the Bully. He had had a little too much to drink before we went on stage and was feeling over confident and knocked the Mic into the audience nearly taking someone’s head off!” YOU SPEND A LOT OF TIME TOGETHER, HAVE THERE EVER BEEN ANY SCRAPS BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU? “Nothing too bad, we have little silly arguments but its

normally about where to eat before a show. It can be quite difficult when there are only two of you as there is no democracy, its either one opinion or the other! We try to have a little break now and again and to make sure that we hang out as friends and not just band mates.” IF YOU COULD RUN YOUR OWN FESTIVAL, WHO WOULD BE ON THE BILL & WHAT WOULD IT BE CALLED? “Well to headline we would have to get a band called “The Urban Voodoo Machine” they are a big gypsy band from London with every instrument you can think of! You have to check them out! It would have to be big bands from Swing Music, Ska, Gypsy and have a real Circus and Dark Theme. We love the image of the devil so we would have to theme it around that! Perhaps Beelzebub!”

HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE W! READERS? Stay Sassy and we hope to see you at one of our shows where you will see something very different! Also to check our website out Www.Victorandthebully. com and to grab some free downloads on www. soundcloud.com/victorandthebully. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME GUYS, WE SUGGEST THAT YOU GO CHECK OUT VICTOR & THE BULL NOW!

Image by: Urban Sna[[er

takes us!”

WHAT’S NEXT ON THE AGENDA FOR VICTOR & THE BULLY? “Our next stage is that we are currently recording an album which we are hoping to get our later this year. We currently have the music for 9 tracks but we have about 5 more to go! We will get it on Spotify and Itunes etc. The biggest thing we are always trying to do is expand the fan base and to keep doing shows! We probably do around 4/5 a month so were always trying to get noticed! We are recently getting more involved with the Cabaret and Steampunk Community and have some festivals lined up for later this year and 2016 which we cannot wait for! I guess were just trying to work hard and see where the wind

TELL US THREE INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF? “I’m great at making cocktails and coffees but I have never really drunk them myself. I am OCD about keeping my car clean. Most of my clothes I shoot in are hand-me-downs from other models.” WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE




TIME? “I do new models’ portfolios as I take photos myself, I design clothes for my clothing brand, I see friends particularly my best friend, I dance around, I drink tea.” WHAT IS THE BEST SONG/ALBUM OF ALL TIME? “My two favourite songs of all time are : Montell Jordan This is How We Do It & Peace California Daze” WHAT WAS THE BEST LIVE SHOW YOU’VE BEEN TO & WHY? “I’ve been to so many live shows, musicals, theatre, ballet, gigs, concerts. One that sticks out for me was The Prodigy headlining the London 02 Arena on New Years Eve 2013-2014. I was out of my mind and I had incredible company. The party didn’t stop going afterwards for 2 days..”

TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR INK? “My favourite is the script on the inside of my left arm. “The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.” It was my first ink, around my 20th birthday. It’s related to my favourite film, and my outlook on life. I could write an essay, I won’t though. I have memories and

stories for all 5. The last (but we always say we won’t get more but we do) will be the blue roses I promised my sister I would get for her.” YOU’RE GOING OUT FOR A NIGHT ON THE TOWN, WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE OF POISON? “I don’t drink, but I still get

intoxicated.” TELL US ABOUT YOUR FUNNIEST DRUNKEN MOMENT? “I wore a wig on a night out, slipped down a whole flight of stairs and a girl grabbed me, grabbed my hair, pulled it off and she cried with embarrassment. The bouncer saw, I think I was more embarrassed than she was but I let her take the hit.” DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL HABITS OR HOBBIES? “I go out driving in my car and just singing along to albums cause I can’t get away with singing at home.” WHO ARE YOU CURRENTLY CRUSHING ON? “My boyfriend of 2 years! I will be crushing on him forever even if we break up, he’s so beautiful.” WHAT IS YOUR CLAIM TO FAME?

“I smoked a joint with George from The 1975 backstage at a Wolf Alice gig, then Matty came over and said we have to leave as they were going to score something. But we had time for selfies.” GIVE US YOUR BEST CHAT UP LINE? “I don’t really chat up, I just have always done the whole- woops I dropped my pen, let me bend over and pick it up technique.”


MOST EMBARRASSING ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE? “My first kiss was awkward, I got too scared so chomped the guys face by accident, I went in too hard.” IF YOU WERE AN ICE CREAM FLAVOUR, WHICH WOULD YOU BE & WHY? “Bubblegum or coconut cause they’re my two favourites. Probably bubblegum. Cause I’m soooo bubbly? I don’t know why.” WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS TIME? “Hopefully engaged...cough. Moved out. A few front covers of magazines under my belt. My clothing brand will hopefully have taken off, and my girls’ careers who I manage will be souring too. I’d love to see that my family are well and we are all happy. Maybe I will have been travelling or begun making plans to.”

SO BOYS, HOW DID YOU FORM AND WHEN? “Harry, Corey and Jay were all friends at school, so the early days of Drifted consisted of those three sitting in a bedroom writing material. A few months later they got in touch with myself and Johnny and here we are now!” WHAT BANDS WOULD YOU SAY HAVE THE BIGGEST INFLUENCE ON YOUR SOUND? “It’s hard to pinpoint any particular bands as we all take influence from different places. Our sound is far

from unique, but we do try to not fall into any other bands shadow. “ YOU’VE RECENTLY PLAYED A LINE OF SHOWS WITH WRAITHS, HOW DID THAT GO? “That was a great tour! We played in some proper nice venues. Both Wraiths and ShotsFired are killer bands and really nice guys too, definitely bands to look out for in the future!” WHAT WOULD BE YOUR DREAM LINE UP TO PLAY ON AND AT WHICH VENUE?

“Personally, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Fallujah, The Contortionist, Despised Icon and The Acacia Strain at The Cavern in Exeter. It’s a small and intimate venue, but when the room is packed the place feels fucking huge.” WHAT HAS BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF BEING IN A BAND SO FAR? “I hate to sound cliché, but touring is probably the biggest highlight, outside of Drifted we are all very close friends, so touring for us is really enjoyable.”

HAVE YOU HAD ANY HORRIFICALLY EMBARRASSING MOMENTS ON STAGE? “There was one show in Dartford where Jay, Johnny and Corey all broke a string in the same song. For them i imagine it was horrifying, but Harry and myself found it hilarious, we still take the piss out of them for it.” DO YOU HAVE ANY PRE-SHOW RITUALS OR SUPERSTITIONS? “If I don’t get to warm up properly before I play I get proper agitated. Also, pre-gig shit. Every set.”

IF YOU COULD BE ANY OTHER BAND FOR THE DAY, WHO WOULD IT BE & WHY? “Definitely a Jazz or Funk group, something completely different from what I play now in Drifted.” WHAT’S NEXT ON THE AGENDA FOR DRIFTED?

“We’ve got a pretty beasty U.K tour booked for the end of the year, and we have new music in the works...All in good time!” HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE W! READERS? “If you already know us, thank you for checking us out! If you haven’t heard us, I recommend playing our Ep on a first date, or at work. Thanks!” THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME BOYS, GO CHECK OUT THESE GUYS IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY!

Images by: Tom Russel

YOU SPEND A LOT OF TIME TOGETHER, HAVE THERE EVER BEEN ANY SCRAPS BETWEEN BAND MEMBERS? “Luckily we never get into massive fights, every now and then we whinge at eachother but we’re too lazy to argue!”


SO HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR? “We shall be 3 years old on the 1st of March. We started as a hobby which just progressed into a small business.” WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO START YOUR OWN CLOTHING COMPANY? A few reasons really. My mother was a clothes designer, so I have learnt all of my skills through her watching her create dresses for me as a child. At college we messed around with printing and I surprisingly enjoyed it. Also I use to work for a clothing brand, although their shelf life was small, I

had learnt a lot from that business. I was going through a rough time, and creating designs was the only thing that kept my mind from wandering. This hobby then sure enough turned into a business, from selling to my friends and then receiving orders from people I never even heard of.” WHAT INFLUENCES YOUR DESIGNS? “Loads of things! Simple images, which is then put in collages, I like to have everyone’s input in terms of designing. I shall think of the initial idea then my staff help and then the artist has their input and style added to it as well. I love it like this, I have never considered Alibi as my company but more as a team.” HOW WAS WORKING WITH THE DOLLHOUSE TATTOO STUDIO? “LOVE THEM! Ellen’s

tattoo designs are awesome, they are so colourful and unique. Ellen and I actually met at SKINTFEST where we decided to do some shoots together, when she was working heavily on her modelling. This relationship blossomed and now we stock in her tattoo studio. The woman is a beauty inside and out, and it’s such a pleasure to work with The Dollhouse Tattoo Studio.” CAN YOU TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR TEAM AT ALIBI CLOTHING? “There’s a few of us! Most of the staff are models, however they do jump in on the promotional side as well. Some help out at festivals and tattoo events when we have a stall. However my favourite time is when we do group photo shoots!

I love getting the team together, we have such a laugh. I honestly think I have the best team, they are so supportive and are pretty crazy too. Which is a good thing! We do have a lot of chats about plans for Alibi and they always give great help and constructive criticism. Alibi would be nothing without them.”

I’ve seen them a few times, like in Bolton. Someone one thought Joe and I were siblings due to our awesome curly hair. The lads are fantastic, great band and the photo shoot we did with them went great! I’m excited to see them again!” ANY NEWS ON ANY NEW PRODUCTS/PROMOTIONS GOING ON AT THE MOMENT? “Yes actually! In September we shall be releasing our staff pocket tees. Quite a few people liked the Alibi pocket tees, but weren’t so keen on the eagle on the back. We’ve

decided to create some staff tees, which we’ll allow our customers to purchase. In addition Halloween is going to be very busy for us as we are releasing a comic book! We did a horror zombie themed photo shoot in July, using gory prosthetics. After talk with the team on the day we decided it would be cool to release a comic book and show off all the amazing efforts!” HAVE YOU GOT ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SAY TO THE W! READERS? “Just thank you to everyone has supported us, from a like/share to purchasing some of our products. It honestly does mean a lot. If you haven’t heard of us, then hi! Please do check out our website www.alibiclothing.co.uk. Also be sure to check out which festivals and events we will be at on our social networking sites, facebook, twitter and Instagram.“

Images by: Gary Longstaff

WE CAN SEE THAT YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY WORKED WITH SHIELDS, HOW DID THAT COME ABOUT? “We met the lads last year at Macmillan festival in Nottingham. One of my staff has been fan boying over them for ages! We decided to give Joe one of our tees and he kindly wore it on stage.

COSPLAY REAGAN KATHRYN SO FIRST OFF INTRODUCE YOURSELF FOR THE W! READERS? “My name is Reagan Kathryn and I’m horribly bad at introductions (also grammar). I am from Las Vegas and am an avid Disney lover (because really… how can you not be?). My favourite pastime is Netflix and I am pretty sure there is more coffee in me then blood. I also am obsessed with instagram (you can follow me @reagankmay) I am relatively new to cosplay but I am loving it, I hope you all like my outfits too!!”

HOW DID YOU GET IN TO COSPLAYING? “My friend cosplayed Ariel and had this absolutely gorgeous Kiss the Girl dress that she wore to school one day. This was the first time I had ever heard of cosplay and I fawned over her so hard. She was super amazing and nice and let me try it on! I was hooked after that…” WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER TO COSPLAY SO FAR? “I love Cosplaying Megara from Hercules! She is so sassy and seriously the complete opposite from me. Its fun to be able to add some swing in my step and get to smirk for pictures. Ariel is a close second though… who doesn’t want to be a mermaid!” WHAT WAS THE LAST CON THAT YOU ATTENDED? WHAT WERE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS FROM IT? “D23! Ok guys I promise I do more than Disney. But I got to meet my favourite photographer ever and he took my picture! (it’s the ariel photo by York In A Box).” WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE CRAFT PRODUCTS TO USE? “ModgePodge and glitter. Making shoes is my favourite part of any cosplay. I like to get cheap ones from Ross and then glitter them! That’s how I made my Honey Lemon and Elsa shoes!!” WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE GAME/ ANIME SERIES? “I love League of Legends! Miss Fortune and Lux are so cool. As far as Anime I really like anything by ArinaTanemura. I used to be a big Naruto fan…. But then Sakura

ended up with Sasuke… still bitter.” WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE THAT WANTS TO START COSPLAYING? “Go for it!! Cosplay has been an absolute saving grace for me. It makes me feel confident and happy! Pick a character you love and just get started. It doesn’t matter if you buy a china costume or make it all by hand, as long as you love it and feel good in it!”

HAVE YOU GOT ANY PLANS FOR YOUR NEXT CHARACTER? “I am working on a Padme Lake Dress Cosplay right now!! It has been one of my more challenging cosplays, but I have met so many wonderful people who have helped me and pointed me in the right direction. Also an Ariel Pink Ballgown… because I think that’s the only version of Ariel I haven’t done yet!”


SMILE-KUN SO FIRST OFF INTRODUCE YOURSELF FOR THE W! READERS? “Well, well, well. Let’s get this started then. I’m known as Smile-kun, but you can just call me Jess or Jessi, whatever suits you best ;) I’m a 21 year old girl, originally German, but currently living in the UK to study Forensics and Criminal Investigation. Apart from Cosplaying I love, love, love drawing and traveling. I have been to Japan before and lived there for a while. I also got a heart for mathematics and gambling, but pshhhh… keep it a secret ;)” HOW DID YOU GET IN TO COSPLAYING? “Young, little me didn’t really like Animes or Mangas or anything of that sort, but when I had to change High Schools I met a girl. A really nice girl, and she was into that kinda stuff, so I decided to give it a try too. After my first convention with her I fell in love with the feeling cosplay gives you and have continued it ever since. It has been 7 years now atill that time, I haven’t seen her since 5 or 6 years, but I am still super thankful for her getting me into this hobby! If you ever read it~ Big THANKS!” WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER TO COSPLAY SO FAR? “I have a thing for crazy characters, and that is why I prefer to cosplay those. Though I have started to cosplay females nowadays, I mostly did crossplay when I was younger. I have two favourite characters from that tmie. First is Undertaker from Black Butler, and second is Kau from Togainu no Chi, though I also liked Xerxes from Pandora Hearts a lot! Such a hard decision!” WHAT WAS THE LAST CON THAT YOU ATTENDED? WHAT WERE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS FROM IT? “I went to Birmingham Comic Con in march 2015. It was my first time wearing a self made armor *thumbs up* I cosplayedAlexstrasza from World of Warcraft, and even though I didn’t get any proper photos taken, tons of people wanted to take pictures with me. I was awesomely popular that day, and it made me so super happy to see that people appreciated my work, since I have always and will always make all my cosplays myself” WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE CRAFT PRODUCTS TO USE? “Good question but hard! I’m a poor student so I try to stick to whatever is cheapest. Most of my cosplays are therefore sewn and don’t require too much crafting. I really do love Worbla though! But I also became a huge fan of fabric foil, that stuff is awesome!” WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE GAME/ANIME SERIES? “If we are talking about games I think one of the best is Blade and Soul, sadly it still hasn’t come

out in neither Germany nor the UK. Anime wise I love Deathman Wonderland and Black Lagoon! But to be fair, there’s tons of great Animes out there!” WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE THAT WANTS TO START COSPLAYING? “It’s probably something you’ve already read somewhere else, but what else should I say when it’s true? “JUST DO IT! There’s no such thing as bad cosplay. Buy it, make it yourself, be confident, whatever colour you are, whatever nationality

the character has, who gives a sh***? As long as you have fun you are doing the right thing!” HAVE YOU GOT ANY PLANS FOR YOUR NEXT CHARACTER? “Actually I am currently planning 4 characters. Two of them are girls, two guys. I will be doing Winry from Full Metal Alchemist and Chel from El Dorado for London Comic Con in October 2015. The male characters are gonna be Allen Walker from D.Gray man and Mugen from Samurai Champloo~ I just love them so much !<3”

LUCI MANOR SO FIRST OFF INTRODUCE YOURSELF FOR THE W! READERS? “Hi! I’m Luci Manor. I am 23 and live in kent and have been cosplaying for 5 years. I am a huge disney fan as well as western animation. I also love my metal music as well as playing in my own band.”

HOW DID YOU GET IN TO COSPLAYING? “It started coincidentally. I was on fb and I see this person called Laura dressing up as a character from Kingdom Hearts and I decided to send her a message. She told me all about cosplay and what it’s all about and I soon found i was making more friends through it and going to cons and I haven’t stopped since.” WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER TO COSPLAY SO FAR? “Without a doubt princess belle. I’ve always loved the character and her design and found I can relate to her story. Doing her yellow ballgown was my dream cosplay.” WHAT WAS THE LAST CON THAT YOU ATTENDED? WHAT WERE YOUR HIGHLIGHTS FROM IT? “The last con I attended was Mcm May. It was one of my best cons to date specifically because if the community. Got to meet so many people and discuss cosplays, shows and such. I was also djing on the outside stage so to see the crowd going crazy was awesome. Plus wiyh everyone cosplaying it made it so good. Seeing a whole group of deadpools moshing was definitely a surreal site.” WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE CRAFT PRODUCTS TO USE? “Probably corseting hoops. I’ve found so many clothes that could easily be transformed into cosplays but due to sizing,etc have proved problematic. A couple moderations later and it’s all good to go!” WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE GAME/ ANIME SERIES? “Too many to count but best ones have probably got to be My little pony, metalocalypse, Rick & Morty and Attack on

Titan.” WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE THAT WANTS TO START COSPLAYING? “It’s going to sound cheesy but have fun and treat others well! What makes cosplay so good is the community that goes with it and sharing which makes the experience even better!”

HAVE YOU GOT ANY PLANS FOR YOUR NEXT CHARACTER? “Again too many to count. Most of the time I usually decide along the way (One of my best cosplays to date was made up an hour before having to go to a con because my original cosplay wasn’t completed in time. My current focus seems to be Disney Princesses and My little Pony Cosplays currently.”

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