The Blade, Volume 110, Issue 2

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Letter from the Editors


015 was a year of change. The Woodward community grew closer to one another, as evidenced in the connections made between the members of the senior class. We said goodbye to beloved Brewster and moved into the gleaming new edifice that is Jane Woodruff Hall. The Class of 2015 rode the roller coaster that was this year’s football season. We danced together; we experienced the arts together. Some of us came together on the Peer Leadership retreat, or through Service Leadership. Many of us made connections behind the scenes or on the stage. Some met one another through sports practices or filming after-school games. All of us met someone who will irrevocably transform the way we see the world and ourselves. As editors, it has been our privilege to cover the topics addressed this year. We wrote about both sides of hotly contested issues, crafting opinion pieces with tact and dedication. Our online readership soared, and our features-based magazine was well received. More than that, us seniors know we are leaving behind a team who will protect our legacy. When we graduate, we are confident that the news at this school will be covered with the same dedication and professionalism that we were taught as freshmen. As editors, we have come full circle. We can’t wait to see the future of news at Woodward Academy.

Sincerely, Your Editors

Alli Gordon

Jacob Reich

Woodward Academy 1662 Rugby Avenue College Park, GA 30337 Adviser: Rebekah Goode-Peoples The Blade is a publication of the Woodward Academy Upper School and is distributed free of charge. Publication is funded through the student publications account. The opinions expressed in editorials are those of the writers and are not necessarily those of the Woodward Academy administration, student body, or of The Blade. The Blade welcomes editorial comments and letters to the editor from students and Academy staff.

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Pooja Dave

Editors-In-Chief Alli Gordon ‘15 Online Editor Jacob Reich ‘15 Print Editor Pooja Dave ‘15 Managing Editor Section Editors Aditya Singh ‘16 News Editor Jason Seeb ‘16 Community Editor Olivia Hehir ‘16 Design Editor Staff Austin Willis ‘15 Andy Sun ‘17 Maddie Ledet ‘18 Erin Harris ‘17


Table of Contents

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Username: women_now

Password: technology 3


eghana Gudur ‘15 is not just any ordinary outstanding student; her love and passion for computing and technology are unrivaled in her field. Gudur’s participation and interest in the field of STEM help her to engage in her community through technology. STEM is an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math, fields that have been looking for new leaders as they become the most rapidly growing industries in the economy. Gudur is already taking the lead in STEM at school, coding websites and programs, introducing computing concepts to middle school kids at the Jesse Draper Boys and Girls Club and conducting independent research at a bioinformatics laboratory supported by Georgia Tech and Emory University, all the while tearing down gender barriers and changing the face of the engineering and computer science workforce. Gudur’s devotion and passion for STEM allow her to assume a leadership role in the field. In addition to her individual pursuit of technology, she is also an advocate for a stronger representation of women in the technology workplace. Her participation in the engineering world further demonstrate her love of science and engineering. Even at school she believes STEM classes should be upgraded to include research opportunities in order to immerse students into the experience needed for future careers and jobs. At a young age, Gudur gained an interest in computer science because she was intrigued by the ability

of computers to connect the entire world. As early as middle school, Gudur began doing simple coding using Adobe Actionscript, but throughout the years, she has taught herself many coding languages. Gudur continues to be drawn to technology because it has so much value to society. People often think certain “types” of people code and that it takes too much time and effort, but in reality beginner coding can be learned within minutes. Gudur also believes the most rewarding part of computer science is seeing one’s own interests reflected in his or her programming. In addition to her independent study of computer science, Gudur also leads the Society of Women Engineers at school, a group she revived just this year. Her goal is to create a substantial group of young girls who are interested and involved in technology, and she hopes to do this by inviting leading female engineers from universities to speak about the gender barriers and struggles in the engineering field. Gudur said, “Through high school STEM classes, students usually do not have the opportunity to learn about how they can express their interests through a career that they truly love.” The Society of Women Engineers also shows its members the many possible career opportunities in technology and value of technology to the national economy. Members of the Society also gain access to many scholarship opportunities. Gudur is also the head of US-Be


Engineers, a program she founded outside of school. This semester-long program meets at the Jesse Draper Boys and Girls Club to encourage girls to express themselves through technological applications. In order to start this program, Gudur used the $3000 she won from the NCWIT AspireIT Program, which she received by showing her devotion to the tech community. She has designed her own curriculum in order to teach the girls about computing and engineering using fun and engaging games and problem solving situations. Gudur said, “STEM is perhaps the most rapidly growing industry in our economy, and it is far too important for women to not be involved in all the benefits it offers.” Math and science in America have long been dominated by males, but women like Gudur are striving for diversity in the workplace. Gudur acknowledges that women need more encouragement to join STEM, but she also stresses the benefits of working in technology. Companies often try to have more diversity, so STEM jobs are fairly stable. Hours

are also flexible because work is project based rather than time based. STEM offers great opportunities, and Gudur said, “Women should not be left behind in our society’s STEM revolution.” Gudur believes stereotypes should not limit women in technology, but she acknowledges that stereotypes in today’s culture make men more inclined to work in technology while many women tend to work in business or medical industries. Currently only 14% of degrees in computer science given at top universities are handed to women, a statistic that demonstrates the disproportionality of men in STEM. Last year, head engineer Julie Ann Horvath left network programming company GitHub because of the company’s mistreatment of their female employees. The GitHub scandal of 2014 in Silicon Valley showed companies’ extreme misogyny by exposing their aggressive attitudes toward women and their complete lack of respect. Terrible occurrences such as this scandal further solidify gender bias in the field of technology, but female leaders and thinkers such as Gudur hope to reverse

“Women should not be left behind in our society’s STEM revolution.”


this trend and encourage more women to choose the tech field. Rejecting traditional technology icons such as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, Gudur’s role model in STEM is Anita Borg, a woman whose work in the field greatly helped to shrink the gender gap. Gudur feels she can relate to Borg because they both are interested in technology, leadership and the ability of women to succeed in technology. Borg founded the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Systers, and the Institute for Women and Te c h n o l o g y. Gudur said, “I was most amazed by how dedicated she was to her passions in computing and her determination to academically explore.” Borg worked restlessly to set the stage for women to enter the world of engineering. Borg’s biggest dream was for women to have 50% of computing jobs by 2020, and Gudur hopes to lead the generation to allow her role model’s dream to be realized. Gudur was recently honored by the National

Center for Women and Information Technology as a woman who demonstrates computing and information technology knowledge, leadership ability and a dedication to technology that lasts throughout college. A huge honor, the NCWIT’s Award for Aspirations in Computing is sponsored by major tech leaders such as Google, Microsoft and more. Through a rigorous application process of essays and recommendation letters, Gudur was honored along with thirty-four other women out of a pool of over 2,691 applicants. Included in the awards was a paid trip on March 6th to Raleigh, North Carolina, where Gudur was honored at the Bank of America Technology Stars of the Future Showcase and Awards Ceremony. Despite this great honor, Gudur humbly said, “I am most honored simply to be a part of a close-knit community of women supporting each other to continue pursuing computing in a joint effort to obliterate the gender gap in technology.” Gudur believes building strong communities and connections can help to erase the gender gap by reminding women they are not alone in the field. Leadership, passion and dedication are all qualities that allow Gudur to be an outstanding representative of women in STEM. At school she is dedicated to her schoolwork and leads the Society of Women Engineers, and outside of school she devotes her time and her winnings to the US-Be Engineers program. Through her devotion she was able to be nationally recognized by the NCWIT as a woman truly dedicated to her work in STEM. As a senior Gudur continues to work diligently in STEM, acting as an icon and role model to younger students who may also have a passion for engineering. After graduating from high school, Gudur fully intends to major in computer engineering in college because it combines both electrical engineering and computer science. She hopes to use her passion and knowledge to build and code devices that would be able to allow earlier diagnostics of disease. She also hopes to participate in organizations such as Engineers without Borders in order to use engineering to aid in solving world issues. Gudur aspires to be a part of the rapidly growing technology industry, leading a generation of women in technology and designing innovations to benefit humankind.

“I am most honored simply to be a part of a close-knit community of women.”

Andy Sun ‘17


Photos by Zach Orig ‘16



amian Privat ‘15 and David Spielberger ’15 went to the State Championship their senior year. No, not for swimming or basketball or football. They went for bass fishing, and they placed 6th. They are, amongst other things, tournament bass fishers, which means that for them, fishing isn’t sitting back and waiting for a bite. For them, tournament fishing means getting a speed boat to a ramp near the crack of dawn for blast off with dozens of other boats, all moving at around 50 mph, throwing mist behind them as they speed off into the seemingly endless horizon. Out on the lake, Privat and Spielberger fish all day, casting about 1000 lines each and come back with the five biggest fish they caught for the weigh in. The team with the biggest fish wins. Their 6th place win is the culmination of years of hard work, practice,


passion and dedication. For these two seniors, fishing isn’t just a hobby or sport; it’s a way of life. Privat and Spielberger can most likely be found on Lake Lanier during their free time, casting lines, catching fish and throwing them back into the water, all of which is the perfect practice for large tournaments. They have crafted their abilities so thoroughly that they can account for the slightest variables, such as water clarity, time of year and even moon phase. These minute factors that would go unseen or unnoticed by the average, untrained eye are not the only things involved in fishing. Fishing also involves several complex and varied lures and bait, which most people wouldn’t be able to use correctly. To get a better feel for what these two seniors do, Contributing Reporter Zach Orig ‘16 went fishing with them. Orig woke up early on a foggy April morning for an

Them In

hour and a half drive to Lake Lanier, a popular destination for fishermen and outdoorsmen alike. Lake Lanier, the second largest lake in Georgia, brings thousands of people to North Georgia every year, especially in the spring and summer. This morning was no different. After managing to get the boat in the water, Orig hopped aboard with Privat and Spielberger for four hours of nonstop bass fishing. Needless to say, several fish were caught in the ensuing hours, and Orig began to understand more and more about the craft as Privat and Spielberger cast lines from the misty morning to the daze filled day. Out on the boat, Orig witnessed firsthand the skill and prowess of these two master fishermen. About his trip with Privat and Spielberger, Orig said, “It was a lot of fun to be out on Lake Lanier with them. I had fished for bass before, but Damian and David take

it to a whole new level because of their vast knowledge of how to catch them. To many, four hours out on a boat on a chilly Friday morning probably isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but as someone who loves to fish, it was great being taught the ropes by Damian and David. By the end of the day, I didn’t really mind having to drive an hour and a half up there because I had a ton of fun.” That fun Friday morning is, however, a departure from the tournament style of fishing. The mist settles on the lake at dawn, boat lights barely visible on the horizon, the sound of boats rumbling and speeding up cautiously and continuously at 70 mph, and the smell of adrenalin permeates through the air, accented by a cold breeze hitting everyone and everything on the lake. This is the world of tournament fishing, and, as previously stated, the team with the five largest bass win.


Privat and Spielberger’s team has had “two Top 3, seven Top 10, and ten Top 20 tournament wins before State,” said Privat. At the State Championship, they placed 6th, a vast improvement from the their 13th place win in 2013. The team doesn’t compete under the official Woodward banner, which sets them apart from teams like The Whitewater and Trinity High School teams, but teams must be high school teams, they call themselves the Woodward Academy Bass Fishing Team. Since competition, over 300 colleges and universities offer bass fishing, which means that Privat and Spielberger are certainly nowhere near done with their bass fishing careers. Professional bass fishing has also recently gained significant notoriety. Privat said, “The Bassmaster Classic is the Holy Grail of bass fishing.” The Bassmaster Classic has gained considerable popularity over the years and is now on ESPN. It has even garnered spectators aside from the weigh in portion of the competition. “People will


drive around the bridges and a lot of the time the pros will figure out patterns and they’ll fish the bridges, all day and people will park their cars on the bridge and watch the fishermen fish. At the blast off, there are a ton of people and there is a huge crowd at the weigh in and at the high school tournaments there’s a good 150 to 200 people there to see us weigh in,” said Privat. Professional fishermen like Jason Christy, Privat’s favorite fisherman, have also gained a great deal of fame. As one of Privat’s grandfather’s friends said, “Fishing, no matter if you’re four years old or 90 years old, you can always go out there and go fishing.” This is what made fishing a passion for Privat and Spielberger, a passion that they will most likely continue until the end of their days. Aditya Singh ‘16

Photos by Zach Orig ‘16

Photo by Zach Orig ‘16


Behind the Scenes


ometimes, the biggest heroes are invisible to the naked eye. There is no cheer for an athletic trainer after a winning Super Bowl game. The president’s campaign manager is not part of the victory speech. In this same thread, there is no standing ovation for a production’s crew, for the people working tirelessly behind the scenes. Shielded by a curtain, the audience is ignorant to the intricate lighting rigged by deft handiwork. We never experience the rushed, frenetic atmosphere surrounding an actor putting on a costume. Uninformed of their contribution, we do not recognize the pulse of the entire operation, a close network of stage managers and assistant directors who are running the show. Grace Grindell ‘15 is the assistant director of this year’s musical, overseeing a behind-the-scenes world of crew members and production staff. Although audience may only catch a glimpse of her ankle moving a prop or a shadow of her face from the lighting booth, her fingerprint is everywhere in Woodward theater. Working alongside Grindell is Theater Director, Mr. Levi Kaplan. In the high school setting, it is rare to see such close relationships develop between teachers and students. However, these two share a bond that has spanned all of Grindell’s theater career. Grindell and Kaplan have worked together on the technicalities of productions and have gone to Florida over spring break for the last two years. Together, they have also competed at thespian conferences and other production events. She was even his assistant director this summer on an out-of-school production of “Les Miserables” at the Jewish Community Center. This year, the pair worked together to direct the one-act play “Ice Wolf ” in the blackbox theater and the spring musical “Pippin” in

Kaplan and Grindell flying to the annual Thespian spring break trip


Kaplan, Grindell, and the “Ice Wolf ” cast and crew

Richardson Hall. This summer, they are teaming up again to direct “Mary Poppins.” The energy that radiates between this student and teacher is palpable; Kaplan bounces ideas off of Grindell until a desirable end result is achieved. During their rehearsals for “Pippin,” subtle cues like head nods and eye contact make up the secret language that only they understand. When asked about working with Grindell, Kaplan said “90% of students take the information and move on. The other 10% challenge the information in order to understand it. This causes us as teachers to reexamine the information. She makes the whole process active and exciting. I wish every student was as challenging as Grace.” Coupled with her energy and active desire to learn, Kaplan has been able to construct his visions on the stage in breathtaking ways. Grindell said, “I act as a sort of sounding board for the director and his ideas and attempt to contribute some valuable thoughts to the overall vision.” She does not take this responsibility lightly. Working as a team both during and after school, the two combine their visions to achieve ultimate success. And success did they find. This year’s musical, “Pippin,” was highly ambitious and beyond the realms of typical high school theater. The story itself is immensely complex, both a bildungsroman and a play-within-a-play only expert directing could make this musical a triumph. Grindell said, “This play was chosen because the director saw something in the script that spoke to him. He saw a show that not only meant something to him, but that he believes holds meaning for Upper School thespians and the Woodward community at large.” Grindell agreed with Kaplan’s choice. She said, “I think it will be good for the cast and crew to be challenged by a show and

Dream Team

face questions that they have never had to answer before. ‘Pippin’ isn’t a simple story with clear good and evil and a definitive beginning and end, and I find that refreshing and exciting.” Looking around the crowded theater on closing night, the energy was infectious. With bated breath, audience members watched Grindell and Kaplan’s vision unfold. The relationship between Kaplan and Grindell is one of trust, respect and mentorship. Kaplan said, “Mentoring takes the concept of teaching and adds a personal or professional respect. Being a mentor seems to be something that chooses you as opposed to the other way around. What we get from a mentor is greater than the sum of their knowledge.” One of Benjamin Franklin’s many aphorisms dealt with mentorship. He wrote that “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Following this same logic, Kaplan does not treat Grindell

like a typical student. Her title actually holds meaning, and she shoulders a great deal of responsibility. He involves her in all aspects of the show, from writing the playbill to blocking characters on stage to offering her own opinions. She is no yes-man; instead, Grindell is a partner, equal parts student and friend. Kaplan argues that a mentor should “meet you where you are, challenge you to grow, and truly revel in whatever you become.” Grindell knows that this unique mentorship has given her a trove of knowledge she can take with her to college and her own career. Hoping to study theater and eventually become a director, the experience she has gleaned from Woodward theater and Levi Kaplan will carry with her far into the future.

Alli Gordon ‘16




ull!” A clay target whizzes across the sky. The spectators look on in awe as they hear the crack of a gunshot and the target exploding in midair. It is a perfect shot. As the onlookers turn to the stand, they see Catherine LaBriola ‘15 lowering her gun and smiling with satisfaction as she realizes that she has won an individual state championship as part of the clay target team.



M e h T

LaBriola’s path to the sport has not been a traditional one. She only began shooting in February of 2014. In order to begin, she first had to convince her mother, who was firmly set against her shooting, to let her. Her mother once said that she would get a gun “over her dead body.” However, LaBriola eventually convinced her mother to let her try. “She fell in love with it … and she even shoots,” LaBriola said. Next year LaBriola plans to attend Lafayette College, who does not have a

shooting team. However, this obstacle is not going to stop LaBriola from following her passion. “Sadly, they don’t have a shooting team, but I’ve talked to some people there, and they told me that I can probably start a team if I can find a shooting range nearby,” LaBriola said. Despite only participating in the sport for a year, LaBriola has experienced a lot of success. As part of the clay target team, she has been part of a team state championship and runner up. Individually, she has experienced more success.

“In June of 2014, I won 2nd in the Varsity Women’s Squad at the Jr US Open. I qualified for Nationals in Sparta, Illinois. In December 2014, I won State in Women’s General Division: 1st in Women’s Trap, after a shoot off, 1st in Women’s Sporting Clays, 2nd in Women’s Skeet and Ladies Highest Overall,” said LaBriola. There are many different types of shooting events, all of which LaBriola has been successful in. In sporting clays, the shooter runs between stations, shooting at clay targets thrown into different environments at each station. Skeet shooting involves clay targets shot from high and low stations. Trap shooting is similar to skeet shooting, except the target is only flung from one location. The target flies away from the shooter in trap, but perpendicular to the shooter in skeet. LaBriola’s experience on the team has been unique. As the only senior girl in a male dominated sport, she was relied upon to provide leadership to the underclassmen girls. LaBriola is proud that she was one of the few girls on the team. “I know that when I first started I had a bunch of guys trying to teach me what to do, even though I would never ask for their help. Especially in my first competitions, guys would stare at you and expect you to

do poorly, and then it’s always a shock for them if I came close to their scores or beat them. I think that most men do not think that women take the sport seriously enough to put in the effort and do well, and when they finally meet a female who does, they have a hard time believing it,” explained LaBriola. However, she also said, “My male teammates never treat me as an inferior shooter and are all great guys.” Another stereotype that LaBriola breaks is that she is successful in competitive shooting, but she is not a hunter. She said, “Probably 95% of shooters are hunters, but I am not a hunter and have no desire to become one.” Even though she is competing against lifelong hunters, LaBriola is at the top of the sport, practicing on targets instead of animals. Despite her immediate success, LaBriola has always remained grounded in her love of the sport. “It is unlike any other sport I’ve ever done,” she said. “You don’t have to train all your life to become good at it; you simply have to practice, and you can actually do very well in a short period of time, just by being able to see where you’ve made your mistakes and fixing them.” LaBriola loves the mental aspect of the sport. She cites her ability to keep her composure as the main reason for her success. “A key to success at this sport is not to get upset when you miss. There clearly can be slumps or bad days,” LaBriola said. “Trying to figure out why you miss, instead of getting angry over it, is one of the most important keys to getting better. Anger and a steady hand don’t go well together. Fortunately for me, missing several targets in a row doesn’t phase me.”

Jason Seeb ‘16




alking through the large door, the child shrieks in delight at the beautiful scenary before him. A large skeleton adorns the dark trees as if omething is lurking in the background. The shrill scream of the little kid as a man jumps out at him fills the air, andJoseph Rabun smiles at his success. Everyone has their calling. Some kids play sports, others perform, but as a young kid, the idea of building haunted houses intrigued Rabun. When he was in the first grade, he attended the Pace Fall Fair and was inspired to begin forging these mansions.


His first few houses were small scale. “I put out pumpkins on a table and invited a few friends,� said Rabun. Even though his dream was initially small, it evolved into a craft that embodied who Rabun was as a person. Around his sixth year of construction, he realized that this hobby was something special. Even though his mom told him every year that this was his last house, his attraction to creating these masterpieces never died, and he continued to build the houses every year. Out of all of his years building the houses, this year was the most important because it was his last project before going to college. Each house has had a different theme, and this year, the theme was “Witch

The above photos are from Jospeh Rabun ‘15. From left to right: a illustration of a ghoslish girl one of his creations, a layout of his hanted house, and the house on opening night.

Covens” inspired by “American Horror Story”. Rabun was also thinking about making the theme “Asylum,” but he thought that it would be too depressing. As soon as his previous house was finished, the building process started beginning with the drawing and planning of the “Witch Coven” house. The idea of creating an entire layout intrigued Rabun. When school finished, Rabun began to assemble the layout. This step took the entire summer. His main materials ncluded sticks and styrofoam. Costuming also occurred Extremely detailed-oriented, Rabun focused on one character in the haunted house at a time. “I can spend three

going to college. His hobby of building haunted houses must come to an end; however, in the future, he wants to work at Netherworld or the eighteenth season of American Horror Story. Rabun’s amazing talents were also prevalent in the Woodward community. Since his freshman year, he has participated in the school’s art program. His classmates recognized his skills by nominating him as most artistic. The night swallows the sunlight, and the haunted house comes to a close. The house that Rabun has worked on for over a year is finished, and a new chapter of his life begins.

“I can spend three hours looking for the right wig for a witch” hours looking for the right wig for a witch,” Rabun said. In October, the final step took place, which was the opening night of the house. Only one hundred fifty people were allowed to attend this year. Ironically, Rabun worked for a year to contrive this haunted house, but it only opened for one night for two hours, because he hired family and friends to be actors, so typically, only one night would work for their busy schedules. During the final night, Joseph experienced his favoite part of the entire process. Through all the hubbub of the night, every separate piece of the haunted house came together. The house was now alive. His final year of making haunted houses lived up to Rabun’s expectations. The evolution of his houses from his early childhood to final years of high school showed that dedication and hard work pay off. Rabun is about to embark another milestone of life:

Maddie Ledet ‘18


heigh ho, heigh ho...


to the parade they go

How tall are you? Clifford: 6’2” Drew: 5’11’’ Carter: 5’ 11’’ Tee: 5’ 11’’ Grant: 5’9” Austin: 5’10”

Which dwarf are you? Clifford: Doc Drew: Dopey Carter: Sleepy Tee: Grumpy Grant: Bashful Austin: Sneezy

Why did you become a dwarf?

With t-shirts, some hats, and a Sharpie, seven senior boys completed their final homecoming parade march this fall, ending a memorable Class of 2015 tradition.

By Olivia Hehir

If you had to describe yourself in one word what would it be? Clifford: Quirky Drew: Omnipotent/Cantankerous/Malevolence Carter: Jubilant Tee: Copious Grant: Traditional Austin: Scrappy


Clifford: I became a dwarf in 9th Grade when my friends and I were dressed up for the “fairytale” theme for Homecoming. Since then, we have been the Seven Dwarves every homecoming, regardless of the theme. Drew: Our ninth grade theme was 90’s fairytales, so we obviously didn’t follow that and became the dwarfs. Ever since then we have not fit the theme. Also in 9th grade we were denied passage to our grades float, so we walked. And until today we have been the only walkers in the parade and have not fit the theme once. Carter: I chose to be a dwarf because the costume is the easiest to create (a hat) and because all my friends and I are able to be part of the group. Tee: Our ninth grade theme was fairy tales, and we just kind stuck with it. Austin: Since we are a group of seven ugly friends, we decided to dress up as dwarves.

What’s your favorite part of being a dwarf?

Clifford: My favorite part about being a dwarf is definitely being a part of the parade, even though no one really allows us to. Drew: The primary schoolers thinking the character “dopey” is the funniest thing they’ve ever seen. Also, hearing people say, “Wow, you did it again.” Carter: Being able to use the same costume every year during the Homecoming dress-up day because Seven Dwarves fits under any/every category. Tee: Seeing the lower schoolers scream our names Grant: I like it how over the last few years we have become an expected part of the parade, whereas when we started we weren’t really supposed to be there. Austin: People ask us, “How do dwarves fit the theme?” We always respond, “They don’t.”

What’s an interesting fact about yourself that no one knows about you?


Clifford: In 10th grade I twisted my ankle, and after it healed, I continued to wear my cast so I could continue to ride the elevator to my classes. Drew: I can speak to snakes (parsletongue). Carter: I have eaten waffles with mayonnaise before. Tee: I summited Mt. Kilimanjaro. Grant: I am actually taller than Hamilton Hooper; he just wears platforms. Austin: I still use my fingers to do simple addition.

Happy was unable to be reached for comment due to an accident in the mines. 18

Dean Luke Underwood arrived to school on Friday, April 24 to find every surface of his office covered in festive wrapping paper. From the couch cushions to the computer to the wall clock, someone had painstakingly gift-wrapped it all. Or, should we say SOMEDWARFS.


10 friends

3 hours

300 dollars

100 rolls of paper

#thatsawrap #seniors2015

Photo by Nic Huey ‘16



Jordan’s Style Selections

he camera flashes and Jordan Chapman ‘15 strikes another pose for the camera. Chapman strikes a couple more poses before she changes outfits or the location she is taking pictures at. Chapman loves to take pictures of outfits and post them onto her blog to either endorse companies or show off her own work. Chapman was introduced to fashion at the ripe age of six when she participated in a fashion show for the first time. She remembers feeling “really cute,” and even though that show was only one of the two fashion shows that she has done, it was the beginning of her love for fashion. She has not participated in another show since she was young, but she still expressed her true colors by dressing up in her own creative outfits at her old school. After rekindling her love for fashion in the 10th grade, Jordan did more than participate in fashion shows. She began sketching fashion designs for fun until she showed them to an admissions officer at FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising). The admission officer said that Chapman had “serious potential” which led Chapman to sketch more frequently. Chapman filled a portfolio with her sketches as she applied to summer programs like the Long Island University fashion design summer program and the junior admission program at FIDM and was accepted to both. While preparing her portfolio, Chapman began to design and construct her own clothes. Most recently, she created a dress and top, both gold and flower themes. The original plan was for it to be a one piece gown, but she decided to separate it into two pieces. Jordan explained to me that the


first step is always sketching. She said “you can be inspired by anything from pretty, yellow flowers on a spring day to the way the sky looks. My imagination jumps around a lot, so I think that it is a good idea to keep your ideas in a notebook because they might speak to you when you look back on your past sketches.” After Chapman sketches and designs the outfit, she orders swatches or small pieces of fabric that will be used This is a dress that Chapman made for one of her collections.

A sketch and swatch that Chapman made for her flower folder.

in her garments. Chapman uses the swatches to feel the fabric and see if she wants to use it in the final piece or not before continuing to make the garment. The next step includes actually making the outfit. In her last piece (the gold and flower themes dress and top), Chapman handstitched about 90% of the dress and used a sewing machine for the rest. Chapman took a couple steps to become noticed in the fashion industry. The first step occurred in September 2013 when she created her blog The Style Selections and took pictures for her first blog post at the Georgia State Fair or the Perry Fair. Although her first photoshoot was a spur-of-the-moment decision, her posts have improved since then. For a photoshoot, Chapman will meet up with a friend and take pictures “in a park or somewhere in Atlanta. Everything about the photoshoot is planned from the clothes used to the location.” Chapman explained why she chose certain locations. She said, “I like to go to smaller locations and pick out clothes that I know will stand out. My shoots aren’t about the background, they are about me and my style. When I take pictures, I do not use models; it’s all me.” Her recent pictures have been taken by fellow student, Jennifer Katz ’15. They meet up after school or on the weekends to take pictures. Each photoshoot is carefully planned since she has to take pictures for multiple posts in a certain amount of time. On average, she takes photographs for four or five posts and uses the pictures carefully throughout the weeks. Chapman said, “I collaborate with Jennifer and we decide on the poses I make. Jennifer often makes me laugh which makes my personality show in the pictures, so those are often the pictures that I use. Depending on the shoot, I will use five or six pictures in each post. When companies send me items that they want me to review, I immediately set up a shoot with Jennifer and try to get the post up as quickly

This is the media kit that Chapman gives to companies.

Jordan got the chance to interview G.R.L, an up and coming girl group.

as possible.” Her blog posts are tied to her social media accounts, mostly her Tumblr account and her Instagram page. Social media has influenced Chapman’s blog a lot, especially Tumblr. She has been on Tumblr since the ninth grade when she began her fashion blog. Before The Style Selections she had one other blog called “The Fashion Revolt.” In February of 2013, Chapman came up with the name “The Style Selections” and launched her official blog onto the Blogspot format in September of that year. Her web domain is Chapman has reached out to many companies who have offered her to sponsor posts. Companies have also reached out to Chapman for promotional purposes. When sending an email, she normally introduces herself and her blog and explains how many followers she has before signing off with a cheery greeting and attaching her press-kit with all the details about her following. Her press-kit is a simple picture that has all of her blog’s details and numbers, which makes it easy for a company’s press team to get a better feel of her blog. The first company Chapman worked with was a launching accessory company: Chuck-Chucks. She said “the experience was as rewarding as eye-opening. They paid me and let me keep the bracelet and charms which was very kind.” More companies have offered to sponsor Chapman’s blog, and she has been given items to keep. She also works as a concert photographer, taking pictures at concerts like The 1975 at The Tabernacle. She has started a music magazine called Mess and Music to post the pictures, and she hopes to continue both her blog and magazine in college. Pooja Dave ‘15


Seniors Have Spirit, Yes They Do

It was a cold November night. So cold, that many of those in attendance at the football stadium had blankets and many layers of warm clothing. Though the temperatures were fridgid on the night of this early round playoff game, it did not deter the seniors as they lined the front railing, decked out in red and black, cheering on their War Eagles. This particular senior class has truly showed their school spirit throughout their time here and particularly defined how their class would be defined by others for years to come. The class of 2015 radiated a unique spirit and attitude that hadn’t been seen on this campus for many years. Ellie Pryor ‘15 was one of these spirit-filled seniors.


According to Pryor, school spirit is “When you support the team whether you are winning or losing, you’re always positive and cheering everyone on.” Pryor was a member of the volleyball team and track and field team this year as well as a manager for the baseball team. On top of all of these responsibilities, she went to every single football game this season, including the playoffs. One of Pryor’s favorite activities throughout her four years here was the volleyball team.“This past volleyball season, we were playing Pius and we were in the fifth [final] set. It was a home game, so not many people were there cause everyone had left. We were down 22-18 [Pius was 3 points away from winning], and the football players came in after practice and they started going Photo by Emily Citerella ‘17

crazy. They brought so much energy, and we came back and won any opportunity that I found enjoyable and beneficial to add to that set. I think that just shows how much energy and support the Woodward community.” Oberti said. “I not only do this for can really bring,” said Pryor. The senior football players turned personal pleasure, but also in hopes that I might inspire others what was a sparsely attended volleyball game into a marquee to follow in my footsteps and embrace the community with open victory and truly special moment for all of the volleyball players. arms.” “I think that even no matter how well a team is doing or where a Daniel is yet another member of the senior class who team is… the seniors are doing their best to lead the rest of the really embraces not only being spirited himself but spreading his students to be as supportive as you can,” said Pryor. spirit to others in his class and the rest of the school. As a spirited Mason Lin ‘15 also played a significant role in this member of the school community, Oberti spread spirit as much leadership. Lin won most spirited as he could throughout his four guy of the senior class this year “The seniors are doing their best to lead years at school. Oberti said his and was a member of the baseball the rest of the students no matter where favorite spirit memory was “the team. He too attended every single first ever adrenaline hush game the game is or what it is.” football game. Lin’s superb rapping which I think was against Pius skills gained notice from all of the Upper School when he posted when we all went crazy cheering after the 13th point.” Oberti a rap on Soundcloud about how Woodward would beat St. Pius truly embodies all of the attributes of the spirit of the senior class. in the annual football rivalry. “I was at a Braves game, and I just “It is kind of like one of those toys that you wind up. The toy decided I was going to do it,” said Lin, describing how he came stays still while you wind it, and the longer you wind it the more up with the raps. With creative lyrics throughout his raps, it is no energy the toy has. Our spirit, like the toy, is still as it builds up. surprise that Lin won most spirited of the senior class this year. When it is time to release our spirit we do not hold back,” said He even credited his win of the “Most Spirited” senior superlative Oberti to his stellar flow. Leslie Fellwock ‘15 had great insight for why the senior Kirk Alexander ‘15, the man inside the school’s mascot, class had better spirit this year. “I think in past years people Eddie the Eagle, also showed immense spirit as a member of the treated football games like a social event, but this year, I felt like senior class. “As Eddie, I could go to the sidelines and basically people were really paying attention to the game. They really cared do whatever it took to cheer the crowd up,” said Alexander. This about what was going on because they knew they were going year, Eddie was known to miss a good play if for his great dance they turned around moves and truly getting for a second. That was the crowd into the game something that really if they were not already brought us together, involved. “I wanted and it was a really cool to be Eddie because I memory to have this as wanted to be able to our senior season,” said dance on the sidelines,” Fellwock. Fellwock also Alexander said. “I went to every single really enjoy dancing, football game and and being in the suit was a very active and quenched my thirst spirited member of the for dancing publically.” senior class; yet, she The man inside the said, “I don’t even think mascot went on to I am that spirited.” The explain his definition people of this year’s of spirit. “The pure and senior class are so even uncontrollable spirited that they don’t Photo by Sari Bircoll ‘17 passion for something even really realize how no matter what it is,” spirited they actually Alexander said. For Alexander, this was dancing on the sidelines are. They go to all the football games, home and away, and are a as Eddie and driving others to be spirited in the process. truly spirited group of people, yet they don’t even think that they Another member of the senior class who was very are that spirited. Fellwock shows how spirited they really are. involved with school activities wass Daniel Oberti ‘15. Oberti They are so many spirited seniors, that they do not feel they are was a member of SGA, and this year he was as involved as anyone as spirited as they really are. in almost all school events. “I have chosen to be so involved in The class of 2015 was a rare class when it came to spirit. the Woodward community over the years to give back to a place Those cold November nights where the seniors cheered on the that has given so many invaluable things to me,” said Oberti. football team to victory after victory were truly special. They “ I’m not talking about just education, I am talking about the turned social events into spirit events. essence of what our school stands for Excellence, Character, and Zach Levin ‘16 Opportunity. I have been provided with each of these things over my eight years at Woodward, and I always made it a goal to take 24

Cashier Cornerback



he gravel driveway of “Buy The Bone BBQ” shakes the car as you pull up to the front door. Before you get out of the car, you realize the place does not have the look of a typical barbeque restaurant but more of a repurposed 20’s style gas station. The smoker sits out front, drawing in any customers who catch a whiff of the magnificent smell of the ribs inside. The true gem of “Buy The Bone BBQ” is not the ribs in the smoker, but the division one football commit inside. Working as a cashier in his father’s restaurant, Marcus Hyatt stands with excellent posture waiting for incoming customers. Excellent posture is needed to avoid the harsh criticism of a drill sergeant at the West Point Military Academy. Hyatt is an Army football commit who can typically be found in his football pads and jersey. But at this moment, he stands in an apron that covers his 5 feet 10 inches muscular build. 5 feet 10 inches used to be a common height for cornerbacks, but now as the receiver position evolves so does the cornerback. 5 feet 10 inches is now “undersized” to most college football recruiters. Recruiters can call Hyatt “undersized” but one thing they can never call Hyatt is lazy. Hyatt is no stranger to hard work. Balancing a summer job at the barbeque restaurant and attending 21 summer workouts for football is an incredible physical task Hyatt has put himself through for years. He said, “The work I put in over the summer, on the field, and in the weightroom definitely pays off.” Hyatt’ name is on the wall in the weightroom in the “900 Pound Club” for all to see. The club is for those members whose combined maxes for bench, squat, and clean is over over 900 pounds. Very few athletes will ever join this club, and to see a defensive back

on the wall is rare. Hyatt said, “Working on the field and in the restaurant are similar in that they are tedious, physically exhausting, and time consuming, but worth it.” Physical tasks play a major role in Hyatt’ preparation for life, but he said, “Academics come first.” Boasting a 3.6 GPA, Hyatt received offers from Ivy league schools like Princeton and Dartmouth. Hyatt said, “I was honored receiving those offers, but felt West Point provided an opportunity for a first class education, the highest level of football, and an opportunity to serve my country and best succeed as a person.” “A hardworking player and a hell of a teammate” is how fellow defensive player Rithin Manchireddy summarized Hyatt Hyatt. Rithin and Hyatt played alongside each other for the last six years and have been through a lot together. As teammates, they never won a game in Middle School and only one in the first four seasons of JV. Sticking together as a team takes a true love of the game. Rithin said, “It was our friendship and our locker room that got us all through the losing.” Rithin had high praise for Hyatt’s locker room manner. He said, “No matter what the situation may be, Marcus is always making someone laugh or smile.” In a sport with high stress like football, Hyatt is able to bring levity to his teammates. Rithin knows Hyatt will find success at the next level. Rithin said, “Marcus will take with him his perseverance, attention to detail and the everlasting smile he always has to help him at West Point and to get him through anything.” Hyatt is determined, resilient, fast, strong, smart, funny, friendly and most importantly a leader. As Hyatt makes his transition to the Army, he embodies the Ranger Motto-- he “leads the way.” Austin Wiliis ‘15



Outside the


By, Erin Harris


While the Academy is generally known for its sports and diversity, the visual arts program is more confined within the walls of Richardson Hall. Haley Hasen ‘15 and Mia Gill ‘15 are two seniors who are passionate about visual art. While Hasen captures the artistry and elegance of antediluvian settings through her photography, Gill conveys the ardent reality of human fervor through her paintings. Together they demonstrate art’s versatile and unique qualities that can be evoked and expressed by anyone. Hasen is a Competition and Football cheerleader as well as a photographer. “Photography has been a passion of mine since I was introduced to all of the different alternative methods of developing pictures by Mr. Greenway, my photography mentor and teacher at Woodward,” said Hasen. She admitted that her photography doesn’t have a hidden message or some type of complicated innuendo. She simply said, “I like to capture the beauty in a decaying object. I want to make sure that everyone sees that abandoned things aren’t just dying; there’s still beauty and life in them.” She also uses art as a means of expression and explained that she finds it hard to express her thoughts with words, “Photography provides me with the means to articulate my thoughts and emotions,” said Hasen who normally takes pictures of abandoned settings and restricted areas and is not afraid to take risks. “I’m always trying to figure out ways to work with different chemicals that are poisonous, and I shouldn’t really be working with and I always go to places that you really shouldn’t be in by yourself,” said Hasen.


Mia Gill ‘15 is a painter her work has an emotional undertone to her work. “Art for me is very much based on how I’m feeling day-by-day. So, when I got diagnosed with ADD, there was a painting for that. When I have a hard time with school, there’s a painting for that, and when I’m in a very pissed of mood, there’s a painting for that too,” said Gill. As far as graduation is concerned, she plans to major in studio art, with a PreMed Concentration. She would also like to be able to incorporate her art into medicine, or art therapy for trauma patients and children. “I don’t really know how the rest of my life is gonna end up, but I know that Art will always be a part of it.” Both girls gave advice to potential artists. “Always be true to yourself,” said Hasen. “Do what you want with your art. Don’t let others influence you and drift you away from your message. Just be confident in yourself and your work, be as creative as you can, and you’ll go far.” Gill had a lot advice for aspiring artists as well. “Loosen up, because art is emotional, and it’s competitive and it’s a part of you as a person. And if you don’t let go of you’ve been taught since you were little, then you’re not going to be able to truly make the art you want to make. You’re always going to be tighter, and it’s not going to be as free. If you loosen up, you don’t even know what your body is going to be capable of doing when it comes to your creative output.”


Both girls exemplify free spiritedness and vitality through their art because when they create, they follow their advice and focus more on what makes them happy and portraying their emotions, rather than society’s version of success and acceptance. Hasen and Gill are both very conscious of art stereotypes as well. “I don’t think there is a stereotypical artist,” said Gill. “I think that there’s a stereotypical hippie, like type of vibe artist, or whatever. But there really isn’t ever a stereotypical artist.” Hasen disagreed and believed that most people think artists are poor, but quickly disproved such an inference. “The first thing that comes to mind about stereotypes and artists is that no one can make a true living as an artist,” said Hasen. “Today the media types allow an artist to have so many alternatives to have a career in art. Photographers, in particular, don’t have to rely on a career of taking studio portraits, spending only their spare time on the art that they love.” Hasen is an intense believer in the power of the internet and how it has created a haven for artists to share their work and maybe even be recognized for it. “With the internet, photojournalism creates alternatives that people 25 years ago never had. Telling a story with pictures has become a powerful way to report the news,” said Hasen. All things considered, as the internet and news becomes more powerful sources for information and pleasure, the art industry will continue to become more successful and provide opportunities for art enthusiasts like Hasen and Gill. And as the art world evolves Woodward artists will evolve with it.


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’ s r io

a l r u c a t c


Tylka and Wiltz at CURE Ice Skating Event


s most students are aware, students dedicate 20 hours every year to giving back to the community. Most students earn their 20 service hours through tutoring at the Boys and Girls Club, working Open House or even helping teachers clean out their classrooms. The average student completes this service work in order to satisfy the service requirement and graduate; however, Mackenzie Tylka ’15, Valana Wiltz ’15 and Garner Bayless ’15 are passionate about service work and have spent much more than 20 hours helping those in need. Since Middle School, Tylka and Wiltz have dedicated much of their time to volunteering with


CURE, an organization devoted to aiding children with childhood cancer. “CURE’s mission is to spread awareness of childhood cancer and to provide fun opportunities for the patients and their families,” said Tylka. In addition to creating lasting memories for the children living with cancer, CURE raises thousands of dollars for childhood cancer research. This past December, Tylka and Wiltz volunteered at CURE’s annual Holiday Party. “At the Holiday Party, we took the children and their families to a bunch of different activity stations, such as building gingerbread houses and pinning the nose on the snowman,” said Wiltz. The children

and their families socialized and ate with one another and took fun pictures with Santa Claus. “I volunteer because I love little kids,” said Wiltz. “The children go through so much that I could not even imagine, and I just love to see them smile.” Through her service work with CURE, Wiltz has learned about the importance of having a positive outlook on life. “The children have so much going on in their lives, and they do not allow their illnesses to get in the way of them living life,” said Wiltz. Volunteering with her grandparents, Tylka attended CURE’s ice skating event in December. “I helped lead a skating party where the children ice skated at the St. Regis, made s’mores and met Santa,” said Tylka. Tylka has also worked at fundraiser events, such as the Believe Ball silent auction and Quiet Heroes, which was a tribute to the mothers of the children. “I know the kids’ lives are infinitely harder than mine, but they are some of the happiest people I have ever met,” said Tylka. The greatest lesson Tylka has taken away from her volunteer work is not to take anything for granted. “It is nice to meet people who are living different lives than I am, and it feels great to give back and help raise money for research,” said Tylka. To receive her Girl Scout Gold Award, Tylka is designing waiting room bags for children with cancer and their siblings. The bags, called “Imagination Vacation,” will include coloring books with crayons, which will allow the children to have fun coloring while they wait to see their doctors. Similar to Tylka’s status as a Gold Award recipient, Garner Bayless ‘15 worked extremely hard to become an Eagle Scout. In order to become an Eagle Scout, one must create and supervise a service project. As a member of the Honor Guard, Bayless noticed that their changing room, which is located in the basement of the History Building, needed some crucial repairs. “Much of the paint in the History Building changing room was peeling off the walls,” said Bayless. Scraping off the remaining paint and coating the walls with a sealant, Bayless repainted the majority of the room with fresh paint. The

Tylka helps child with cancer make smores at CURE Ice Skating Event

Tylka helps child with cancer make sand art at this year’s CURE Holiday Party

changing room was lacking a place for Honor Guard members to put their shoes, so he also built a shoe rack, a changing bench and two cabinets. “My brother is actually a carpenter, so he assisted me with my Eagle Scout project. I also really enjoy building and construction in my spare time,” said Bayless. Bayless wanted to renovate the changing room because Coach Pete Fritz, who instructs Honor Guard, lamented that the old room did not provide members with sufficient furniture. “The bench and the shelves are the most useful items I built because there are now places for us to store uniforms and flags. It is also nice that we can now sit on a bench while changing,” said Bayless. The Eagle Scout project was a demonstration of leadership. While Bayless did help construct some of the furniture, most of his time was spent leading and directing other people. “When I planned out the project, the plan was detailed enough so that someone who didn’t know anything about carpentry could read it, understand it and assemble it,” said Bayless. The goal of the Eagle Scout project is for the Eagle Scout candidate to help out in the community while also showing leadership skills. “Boy Scouts offers many opportunities to learn about leadership, which is really special,” said Bayless. Bayless’ main piece of advice for Boy Scouts who want to become Eagle Scouts was not to procrastinate. Eagle Scout projects take a lot of time to complete, so Bayless suggested Boy Scouts start early and not delay. Although Bayless, Tylka and Wiltz completed their service hours in different ways, they all impacted many lives with their outstanding service work.

Jacob Reich ‘15 32

Words of Wisdom ● Abby Poirier: Dear Abby, You are our greatest gift. A unique mix of rebel and tradition, you embrace the new but respect the old. May you always keep your confidence, grow your faith, remember your friends, and know that your big smile can change someone’s day. Our love goes with you wherever you go. Mommy and Daddy ● Alex Ozburn: Congratulations, Alex, on your upcoming graduation from Woodward as a vintage eagle. We are proud of your academic progress and of your good character, good judgment, persistence and humorous nature. You have set goals for your future and are working toward them. We are excited as your college and career goals begin to unfold. Much love, Mom and Dad ● Alli Gordon: Your future is so bright it blinds our eyes. May you always set your goals high, always believe in yourself, and always remember that you are loved unconditionally by your family. Love, Mom and Dad ● Anderson Cheney: Anderson, I am so proud of the person you have become. You are confident and open, intelligent and friendly, beautiful inside and out. I admire your drive, determination and goal setting. With your inquisitive nature you will scale many mountains and slay false dragons. I am thrilled to be on life’s journey with you and honored to be your Mother ● Andre Newton: Dre’ we are so proud of the young man


you have become. Your loving and giving spirit is a true gift from God. We are so blessed that God allowed us to care for you and love you unconditionally. Continue to pray for guidance. He will take care of you just like he has always. We love you, Dad and Mom Andrew Davis: Yo Big A !! “We go back a long way.” Bam Bam Boo...; Son of Man, Ten thousand miles: “The rocks may melt and the sea may burn if I should not return.” “If I had a friend on all this earth, you’ve been a friend to me.” The earth goes in space. PEGGSAL. RIFN .86, now 96!! May it always be ten o’clock. I love you. Dad Andrew Gulley: Andrew, you have the talent and ability to change the world, and you make us proud. Do your best and do it with integrity, always. We love you. Mom and Dad Anna North: Anna, we are so proud of you! Your grit, intellect and wit will take you far. We can hardly believe we have raised a person so full of both inner and outer beauty. Love, Mom & Dad. Anne Turner: I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. I know that your dad and grandfather, in heaven, are bursting with pride, too. I am confident that you will accomplish all of your goals. Remember to seize life in every possible way. Enjoy the sunrises and sunsets, the change of seasons, and the wonder of all that God has created. Count your

blessings, every day, and remember to see the glass half full, not half empty. Love, Mom Arden Frank: Dearest Arden Elena, “Itty Bitty Bop”, We have the greatest certainty that your dreams and wishes will all come true as you begin this new juncture in your life. Your intelligence, heart, creativity and confidence will lead you to happiness, fame and fortune! We love you around the world and back over and over! Jer, Mommy, Ethan, Chris, Wendi and Lloyd Arrington W. Farrar: To our gift from GOD, Arrington Warren Farrar. You are truly an amazing young man. As we watch you grow we Thank the Lord for guiding you and protecting you as you soar like an eagle traveling in His path. GOD has great things in store for you. Continue to walk in faith, and faith will continue to guide your path. Proverbs 3: 5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, and in all your ways acknowledge HIM, and He will direct your path.” We Love You, Mom, Rod, AJ and Ave’ Ashley Mulaik: We could not be prouder of the woman you have become – keep working hard and do something that you love; work should be something you look forward to doing and not something you must do. Seek His guidance and He will always direct your path. We love you always! Mom, Dad and Chris Austin M. Thomas:

Austin, MLK said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” You’ve endured major challenges and provided a glimpse of the man you’re becoming. We’re extremely proud and love you unconditionally. Austin Smith: Congratulations on reaching this very special milestone in your life and for becoming the man you are today. We are so excited for you to begin the next chapter in your life and know that there are great things ahead for you. Mom, Dad, Camy, and Brian​ Avery Hinchman: “Leave us your last pair of dancing shoes, so we might have something to press against our hearts.” Mommy & Daddy. “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” Carly Grace. “You got to leave me now, you got to go alone. You got to chase a dream, one that’s all your own before it slips away.” - Nickel Creek Love, Erica Ben Malkin: Ben, we are so proud of you. We will miss you, your great wit, and your DIY science experiments. Thank you for not burning down the house. Make the most of your college years and continue experimenting, perhaps in the labs and not in your dorm room. Love, Mom and Dad. Billy Appleby: Billy, we don’t tell you often enough how

proud we are of your integrity, determination and resilience. Stay true to these and always keep your wonderful sense of humor and your humility. We’ll miss having you at home with us, but we are confident you are ready to take on new challenges and that you will continue to achieve your goals! Best love, Mom, Dad and Margaret. Brandon Johnson: Brandon, we are so grateful that God blessed us with you -- a young man that is the epitome of love, courage and leadership. We are certain that your next chapter in life will be jubilant, just like your heart and smile. Love, Dad, Mom and Tyler ’23.” Brendan Bender: We are so proud that you do not sing helplessness blues or feel the need to wait for anyone else … and, yes, we do hope we raised you up to believe you are very unique. Go “follow that dream, wherever it may lead”. Love, Mom and Dad Bri McGee: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”-Marianne Williamson. Bri, you are destined for greatness! Remember to make your presence matter and the world will take notice. Love you, Mom. Briana Childs: Start where you are, with what you have. Make something great of it and never be satisfied. Love Dad. Briana, we are so proud

of the young lady that you have become. Remember everything is possible! Love, Dad, Mom, and Edd Brianna A. Summers: As you move into the next phase of your life, take with you Proverbs 3:5-6; “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path”. We love you and we’re so proud of you. Mom, Dad, & Whitney. Cameron Ensari: Cameron, “If you know what your passion is, follow it; if you don’t, keep searching. Choose a school or place to work that will challenge you. Remember to surround yourself with bright, motivated people with integrity. Work hard, push your limits, never stop learning, and have some fun”. Love, Mom Camille Elizabeth Sayles: Camille, we are so proud of you… your presence, strength and sheer determination are amazing. God has great things in store and as you continue on this journey be mindful of your faith, be present in each moment and grow to fulfill your destiny. You’ve become such a beautiful young woman who we are proud to call our daughter. We know that you will achieve all that you set out to accomplish! We love you. Mom, Dad, Grandmom and Dad, God Mom and Uncle Buc Caroline Arnold: Caroline, we are so proud of all your accomplishments, but most especially of your


compassionate, generous and welcoming heart. You bring joy, humor, and kindness into our lives every day and now it’s time for us to share! ZOXO Mom & Dad ● Caroline Citerella: Caroline --- you have amazed us at every stage of your life. From the first ultrasound to Woodward North and then Main Campus. College is your gateway to adult-life. Enjoy Wake Forest……be curious, dream, dance, work hard and play hard. We are so proud of you!! Love Dad, Mom and Emme ● Charles Doty: “Think big and your deeds will grow, Think small and you’ll fall behind, Think that you can and you will, It’s all a state of mind” --Walter Wintle. “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively” –Bob Marley. Charles, Your positive attitude and strong work ethic is something that no one can take away from you. We love and respect the positive influence you have on all of us. We are so proud of you! Much Love, Mom and Dad ● Charles Jackson: Son, we are so proud of your accomplishments and of the person you have become. We taught you to carry yourself and conduct yourself with the moral character representative of our family. To have a high work ethic - that is do things the right way. To put God first and be in his family. That life is full of wins and losses and to


never quit! That you have two things - your word and your name - never compromise either. That to he much is given much is required. Live large - love passionately and laugh often. Family Strong! Love Mom and Dad Charlie Wammock: Charlie – we as parents are immensely proud of you. You are completing the first of life’s major journeys. It’s a huge milestone. Best of luck at University of Oklahoma pursuing your life-long interest in all things weather. You are so lucky to have a passion to follow (and maybe chase a few tornados too). Charlotte Preuss: Charlotte we are so proud you are returning to your New Orleans roots. May this next adventure help you find your true passion. Don’t let anything hold you back and never forget to take time to enjoy life - “laissez les bon temps rouler!” Love, Mom, Dad & Lele. Chip Cary: Your academic achievements are impressive measures of success and indicators of your intense work ethic. Yet we are proudest of the outstanding man that you have become, compassionate, personable, and humble, guided by a moral compass, destined to make an indelible mark on the world. Love always, Mom and Dad Christain Raver: Christian you have accepted every challenge thrown at you with determination and a smile. It has not always been easy. We have watched you become a

man guided by a strong moral compass. Take time to reflect on your accomplishments and stand proud. Go forward with that same enthusiasm and smile knowing that you are prepared for the many opportunities and choices that life will present to you. Extremely proud of you!! Mom & Dad Claudia Creal: Claudia, “parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands,” - Anne Frank. Your strength, courage, beauty, humor, and kindness amaze us every day. Forever your biggest fans, we love you Mom, Dad and Ella Daniel Oberti: Always honor commitments, maintain values and keep displaying your desire to serve others. If you look for the positive, happiness and a sense of accomplishment will be yours as you strive to become a man of integrity. Love, Mom and Dad Dannah Gottlieb: “May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true, may you always do for others, and let others do for you.” - Bob Dylan We are so very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, and Jake. Darby Cease: We are so proud of the beautiful and incredibly exceptional young woman you have become. You are well prepared to start the next phase of your life and we are looking forward to watching you pursue your passion at the University of

Kentucky. We love you, Mom and Dad Devyn Harrod: Devyn, let your heart decide what excites, motivates and comforts you. Hold on to God’s hand and let Him guide your path. With every step stand tall and proud, be content with your decisions and remember your roots. Tomorrow’s morning light will shine with the amazing glow of you. With love always……..Mommy Drew Sands: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose” –Dr. Seuss. We love you, Drew! Keep it up and you will go as far as your feet and brains will take you. Your success is waiting for you. Drew Stull: Drew, we are enormously proud of all you have achieved and love you so much. Your grandfather wisely used to say, “Don’t expect your ship to come in, if you’ve never sent one out.” Follow your dreams confidently son, and may God continue to bless you and direct your path. Mom & Dad Emily Little: Dear Emily, our advice to you sweetheart is for you to spread your wings and fly in your own direction. Develop your passions and nurture them. Do whatever it is that brings joy to your heart. This is your beautiful life! ~ We love you and you make us so proud! Mami & Dad Ethan Gould: Ethan, simple living, work ethic, curiosity, integrity, self-reliance,

stewardship, gratitude. Go soar like an eagle. Live long and prosper. Listen to me and take my advice, when it gets too hot, drop your pants and slide on the ice. U DA MAN -Dad; It has been an honor watching you grow into the confident, capable young man you have become. I am proud of the kindness you carry into your everyday life and applying that to your future endeavors will guarantee you success regardless of what you choose to pursue. Work hard, but stay true to who you are, keep your heart open and follow your passion. You are an amazing human being and I am proud to be your mother. xoxo Mom ● Farris Watkins: Farris“Intelligence plus Characterthat is the true goal of education”- Martin Luther King, Jr. You are now equipped to FLY daughter. Fly High and Soar!! May the light and love of God surround you continually and give you peace. Congratulations! Well Done! We Love You. Mom and Dad ● Grace Andrade: Grace, take that quick wit and compassionate heart with you wherever you go. We love you. Mom, Dad, Cam, and April ● Grace Grindell: You are an inspiration to many - an incredible combination of head, heart, and spirit. Keep working hard - and above all - take deep breaths, savor the moments in life, laugh, and live with passion. I love you and am very proud of you. Dad

● Grant West: Dear Grant, We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Even more importantly, we have been blessed to see you become a fine young man with common sense, a conscience, and a fabulous sense of humor. Love, Mom & Dad ● Haley Hasen: Haley, “Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know and you are the one who’ll decide where to go”. ~Dr Seuss. We are so proud of the woman you have become!! We love you! Mom, Dad, Sammie and Delaney ● Hao-Wen Peng: Be a brave and wise girl, and you have done an amazing job so far. We are very proud of you. In the future, we believe you can overcome and become a courageous woman. Remember, work hard and enjoy every second of your life. Mom, Dad and Jeff. ● Haynes Robinson: Haynes, You have become a man of principle, depth and integrity…secure in who you are and always standing up for what you feel is right. As much as you have our love... you have our respect. We believe in you, and are your biggest fans and greatest admirers. Love Constantly, Mom, Dad and Katherine ● Jack Lafiandra: Jack, I am so proud of you. Your humor, hard work, kindness and



wisdom is wonderful. Keep being true to yourself and who you are as you continue on life’s journey but above all ENJOY! Miss you already. Love Mom Jack Sard: “Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss. Enjoy the journey. We are proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad & Alec. Jacob Reich: Lovebug Jacob, Mazal tov! We are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments. You have taught us so much about acceptance, tolerance, advocacy, hard work and most of all, courage. Always remember that following your passion, independence, surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people and helping others leads to happiness. With love and wishes for all you wish for and dream of, Mom, Dad, Benjamin and Micah Jalen Brooks: Dear Jalen, We want you to know that we have enjoyed every minute watching you grow and we are so proud to call you our son. Jalen, in our minds you are handsome, courageous and strong. When you believe what we see there is no reason that you can not achieve your dreams. We love you with all our hearts! Love, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Erica and Erin Jalen Coleman: Jalen, I dreamed of having a baby boy, who would become a great man. With the blessing of the Lord you have made my dream come true. Continue to follow your dreams, work hard, laugh harder and praise GOD! We

are very proud of you. Love Mommy and Chantil James Bloor: James- We could not be more proud of you. You future is so bright; We can not wait to see the great things you will do. Never forget: From Here to the Moon and Back. With Love: Mom & Dad Jamie Dearing: “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” William Jennings Bryan. Jamie, we are very proud of you. Stay focused and success will be yours. Love, Mom and Dad. Jared Ladden: Jared, “The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for.” Congratulations on completing your high school journey! Enjoy your next journey as a Longhorn and all those that follow. We wish you the best, always. Love, Mom and Dad Jes Sutherland: Since the day you were born we’ve prayed that God would set your feet and be a guide unto your path. The journey He has taken you on has been a privilege to watch. The only greater blessing is that He chose us to be your parents. It’s an honor. We love you! Jessica Vass: Jessica, You are an inspiration and a joy to all that have the pleasure of your company. With so many talents and with your determination, you are sure to exceed even your own expectations. I am privileged to be your mother. I love you and am so proud of your

accomplishments and who you have created yourself to be. Love, Mom Jing Shi: Kevin, we are so proud of the handsome and successful young man you have become. You should continue to set high goals for yourself and then pursue them with passion, hard work, and determination. You are well prepared to handle all that life has to offer. Mom, Dad, Derek and Emma Joe Johnson: “Your mother and I are blessed with you as our son. You are independent, intelligent, open to new adventures, witty and caring. We could not be more proud. Joëlle Borchers: Joëlle - my daughter and friend. You have grown up to be a phenomenal young lady. I am so proud of you. As you start this new chapter in your life lean on your moral compass, and remember to “go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.” – Desiderata by Max Ehrmann, Mom; Joëlle - My first child would be a daughter…kind, intelligent, Godly, ambitious, a gift to her family, especially Grandma and Grandpa Borchers that missed having a daughter. You have exceeded imagination, a gift to everyone you encounter. Your mother and I pass you onto the world with our love, joy, and respect. Dad John White: John, as we watch you grow and leave your childhood behind, we wish you confidence to face challenges...wisdom to choose

your path...adventure and joy to greet you...we wish you contentment born of simple things...friends and cherished moments. Most of all we wish you Love. We are so very proud of you! Mom, Dad, and Kristin ‘12 Jordan Chapman: Jordan, We are so excited to see the wonderful lady you have become. You amaze us with your talent and tenacity. Please continue to explore the limitless boundaries of your dreams. Embrace life for both the challenges and triumphs that will come your way. Love Mom, Dad, and Julian Julia Watson: You have turned every challenge that life has thrown your way into an opportunity to excel. While we will always worry about our baby girl and little sister, we know that you will achieve your dreams. Never ever stop being the beautiful smart kind person that you are! Kaelyn Lowe: Dreaming big dreams is one thing but waking up, getting out of bed, and doing the hard work to make your dreams a reality is the real thing! Stay focused… and don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk. I am so proud of you! I love you… Mom! Kallie Wynens: Kallie, The world in front of you, the future beckons like a summer song inviting you to wade into the water. Swim strong and with purpose. We are so proud of you and grateful to be on your journey. Love always, Mom, Dad, and Graysen.

● Kathryn Goodgame: Our Dearest Kathryn, You have brought joy into our lives since the day you were born. We know that you will have a fabulous life because you are kind to people, you have a beautiful smile and you love your family. We love you and wish for you the very best life can offer. Love Mom and Dad! ● Kawan Golden Prather: Kawan, as a father it is sometimes a task to communicate my thoughts and feelings to you AND you understand them, based on the generational language barrier. Here’s my attempt at 2015 high school student… #ProudDad #DopeSon #SmartKid #BombBigBrother #TheKPsAreAnArmy #TheWorldIsYours #YouAreEnough #Woodward2015 #GraduationFlow #OperationGreatLife #BrehYouMadeIt #KawanILoveYou #DadOut; Kawan, we are so proud of the man that you have become. You are the creator and architect of your life. Dream big, work smart, travel, laugh a lot and remember skills take time to master. The decisions you make everyday will determine your future. Love, Mom & Shea ● Keith Alexander Lollis: Keith, you are an impressive young man continuing to surprise us year after year. Continue to build on your relationships and have compassion as you continue to succeed in life. Remember you are the Master of your Fate, and Captain of

Your Soul. Love, Mom and Dad. Kelvin Jones: Kelvin, from the time you were first born until now, we have had nothing but pride in you and your accomplishments. You have been a great role model for your brother. We are so proud of you and anticipate many more years of success. Congratulations! Kennedy Herring: One of the greatest blessings in life is being a parent. Kennedy you are an absolute blessing from God. We are immensely proud of you and know that you are destined from greatness. Always put God first and dare to dream incredibly big! Love Dad, Mom, Kendall, and Kameron. Kennedy Prothro: “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – J. K. Rowling Congratulations, Sweetheart! Choose to be exceptional . . . because you are. We love you. ~Mommy and Daddy Kevin Brown: Kevin, We are fortunate and very proud to be your parents. You have grown into a great person that has many talents and accomplishments. We wish you all the best that life has to offer as you continue on your journey. Congratulations for your 2015 Graduation. Love, Mom and Dad Kirk Alexander: Kirk, as you enter this next chapter of your life remember to pray hard, work hard, play hard and avoid procrastination. Enjoy these next four years and take advantage of everything the University has



to offer. We are so proud of you. Remember that you will always be an “outstanding” son. Love, Mom, Dad and Alex. Kyra Freeman: KYRA in Latin means LIGHT, in Greek- Enthroned by God and in Urban dictionary it means LADY! You are all of these things! No meaning in any language can adequately express how PROUD we are of you! Use your Gifts and Soar! Love Always, Mom, Dad, Nana, and Grand-mama Laura Oprisch: Laura, we are very proud of your accomplishments but even more proud of the of the loving, honest and kind person you are. Be confident in your dreams; don’t worry, as you make new discoveries the path will be revealed! Love, Mom, Dad, Gusto and Teddy. Lauren Johnson: Work, Play, Love, Live, Dream, Share, Rest, Run. Rinse and Repeat. We love you to the moon and back. Mom and Bob. Leslie Fellwock: Leslie, we are incredibly proud of the young woman you’ve chosen to become. Set your sights on following your dreams, but remember to take time to appreciate and enjoy life along the way. Find a reason to laugh every day! Love, Mom, Dad, and Laura Mackenzie Tylka: Mac, “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Christopher Robin is right. You are the bravest, strongest

and smartest young woman I know and I am so proud of you. Continue on being excellent! Love you bunches, Mommy ● Madison Richardson: Madison, we congratulate you on receiving a scholarship to play lacrosse at the University of Michigan. You are about to embark on a special journey that most people never experience. Don’t ever forget where you’ve come from and where you’re headed. It’s the hard work and sacrifices that have brought you this far and will continue to carry you through life’s challenges. Always remember, it’s not the number of times you fall but the number of times you get back up that will define your success. And don’t ever forget that mommy and daddy will always be there for you. Pray to God daily and seek his path, and all that is dark will turn into light. Mommy, Daddy, Dari & Max ● Madison Roark: Madison, we are so proud of the beautiful young lady you’ve become. Keep the Lord first in your life and anything will be possible. Continue to be the honest, compassionate person you’ve grown to be and you will go far in life. We love you. Mom, Dad and Austin 13’ ● Marcus Hall: Marcus very proud of all you have accomplished. You may fall down but you always know how to get back up. This is what I love about you. Continue to set high goals and pursue them with passion, hard work and determination. Enjoy the

journey! Love you, Mom, Michael and Papa Marcus Hyatt: Congratulations Marcus! We are so proud of you for all your hard work and perseverance. Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. “Phillipians 4:13 Dream big and may all your wishes come true. Love, Mom and Dad Marin Ogletree: You have the whole world in front of you and we support you with love and encouragement as you step out on to the precipice of this next stage of life. We know you will embrace it all with a tempered excitement and the wisdom that has taken you down your path thus far. Carpe Diem! We love you very much! Mom and Dad Matthew Clopton: Matthew, We are so proud of all you have accomplished, but even more, we are proud of who you are. Don’t take anything for granted, take advantage of opportunities, be grateful for everything. You have so many adventures ahead of you; enjoy them all! Love you, Dad, Mom, Trey, Justin. Meera Gorjala: Meera, you have grown into a remarkable young woman. We are proud of your accomplishments, character, and values. “We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.”—J.K. Rowling. Reach for your dreams! Love, Mom, Dad, and Asha Michael S. Adams, Jr.: Michael, we are proud of your many accomplishments. We

are thankful that you have persevered and followed a path that leads to success. Allow God to always direct you, and he will provide for your needs and fill you with peace and joy. We love you! Dad, Mom, and Matthew. Mollie Ann Dramis: Mollie Ann, You are an amazing example of courage, strength and faith. We are so proud of ALL you have accomplished and of the beautiful spirit you are. As you go forward, stay true to your heart, always have faith and remember... everything will be all right in the end. Love Mom and Dad Molly McGonigle: Molly, You’re a beautiful, smart young lady and a wonderful daughter. Continue to use your gifts and talents wisely and humbly. Life is a journey; seek new opinions and challenging adventures. Remember to thank others as you rarely find success alone. Choose happiness and be yourself. Love, Mom & Dad Molly Paradies: Dearest Molly, Dad and I treasure all of the time that we share with you. You always continue to amaze us with your commitment, passion, sensitivity and drive. We look forward to sharing your next chapter at Middlebury and charting your own unique path. We love you. Mom, Dad, Dorrie and Katie Natalie Milton: Natalie, we are so proud of the beautiful and smart young woman you have become and are excited for the future in front of you! Your potential is limited only by the effort expended. You

have shown that you are able to overcome any obstacle. Remember this, your honor and integrity will always be your best attributes and how people remember you, the love you give others is a reflection of how much you are loved, and your family is forever as they love you no matter what. You are loved! Dad, Mom, Shelby and Munson Nate Guyton: Nate, it is an honor to be your parents. We are very proud of the young man you have become. Your future is bright, and we send you into the next phase of your life with all of our love and best wishes. Mom and Dad Nathaniel Wallace: Congratulations, Nathaniel! You have taken the road less traveled and we salute your hard work, commitment and contributions. With God all things are possible, so chase your dreams for “the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” Nick Johnson: And so begins a whole new chapter in your life. “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” - A.A. Milne You are a manager of the gifts God has given to you. Manage them well, and make him proud. Congratulations Son! Love, Mom and Phillip Nicolas Suresky: Nicolas, You have always been a caring, compassionate, thoughtful

child. You are full of spirit and drive to accomplish what you set your mind on. Now you are an adult and on your way to college, carry these qualities with you and you will go far. With much love, Mom, Dad, Jordan and Ali Nile Johnson: Our favorite daughter & ‘big sis’ Nile: We hope and pray that what we’ve taught you carries you forward: Prayer, Love of Family, Respect for Others and Yourself, Humility, and most importantly an Abundant Faith in God. We are totally proud of you. Go beyond your dreams! LYM, Mom, Dad, Pierce Olivia Bessera: Olivia, we are so proud of how far you have come, and of the potential you have to achieve so much more. You have proven that to succeed you must learn to persevere and your effort will be rewarded. You are “Lo major de nuestro” the best of the best! Love Mom and Dad and Alana Olivia Koscik: Olivia – It seems like yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time, and now you’re starting the next leg of your journey, college. It’s your hard work, persistence, and humility that have made you the exceptional woman you are today, and those same traits will carry you on to great things in your life. Love - Dad Phillip Kelly: To our amazing son Philip, We are so proud of you! Congratulations! Keep God first, follow your dreams, focus on your goals, and just be happy! We love you and



know that you will continue to make us proud. Rebecca Tucker: “I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright, rain to appreciate the sun more, happiness to keep your spirit alive, pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger…” Rebecca, you make us all proud to call you daughter, sister, friend, niece, granddaughter! God Bless you and keep you close as you continue your journey. Love you, Boo! Reeves Henderson: Reeves, you’re a great daughter and amazing sister. As you move through life, remember to love your family, wear a smile, think positive, wake up early, and get up when you fall down. With love always Mom, Dad, Alex and Abby Riley Schatz: Riley, watching you on stage once, you’d forgotten the words to one of your songs. You stopped. Looked down. Regrouped. When you looked up again, you had a look that said, “I got this.” You do. So excited to share in the songs to come. Love, Mom, Dad and Miriam Roderick Thomas: Roderick you are our “TREASURE”. Your style, intellect and incredible smile are qualities that will define your success in life. It is important that you recognize those who are genuine and those who are not. We are very proud parents. Congratulations to you, Roderick, love Mom and Dad Sahil Patel: To our first born, Sahil.....we are going to miss you more than you can

imagine! As you go off to college take advantage of your talents, but don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Be happy and make the best of your college years. Love, Mom & Dad. Sammy Tuchman: Sammy, there are no words possible to explain how much we love and admire you. You bring such joy, beauty and laughter into our lives. Not only do you set and accomplish amazing goals for yourself but you do it with such a sense of ease and passion - it is beautiful to watch. We know there are so many wonderful things ahead for you - don’t ever stop dreaming and dancing to the beat of your own drummer! Love, Mama & Dad Emma Schifilliti: Emma you are a very amazing young lady. We continue to be impressed by your insights to this world. You are very talented and you are very kind, both of which will lead you to success and happiness. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and Quin Shyam Vyas: Dear Shyam, As parents, we could not ask for a better son. You have grown up to be a fine young man with strong character. Keep in mind, this is just the beginning, and life is an ongoing learning process. You have a solid foundation, and we hope that you will build your future on this going forward. With Deepest Love, Mom and Dad Soraya Kelly: Soraya, “We must know that we have been created for greater things,

not just to be a number in the world, not just to go for diplomas and degrees, this work and that work. We have been created in order to love and to be loved.” (Mother Teresa). Our hearts burst with pride for the young woman you have become. Your heart, your kindness, your joy, your strong spirit and sense of righteousness are a glimpse of God’s grace and immense love for us. We are blessed, humbled and honored to call you “our own”. Love, Mom, Dad, Kevin, Katarina and Kaelan. Summer Thompson: Summer Girl. We love and adore you! As you move from our home, our hearts ache. We realize this is the absolute right time to spread your wings and fly. Be brave, be bold, most of all be kind and compassionate. Whatever path you choose we support for you. Dad and Mom Sydney Kirton: It’s not the career you choose, Sydney, the friend you marry, or the path you take that determines happiness. But each day, you seek to amaze as much as be amazed. Love, your family Sydney Warren: Sydney--We are so proud of what you’ve accomplished, and who you are as a person. We have watched you set goals, and work hard to achieve those goals. We love that you are a compassionate, empathetic and thoughtful person. We are excited for you, and know that your future will be bright. We know you will do great things. Mom, Dad and Carly. Taisen Garama: Taisen,

we are so proud of your accomplishments and most proud that you are a kind, thoughtful and respectful young man. This is only the beginning but you are off to a great start. Keep up the hard work and always aim for the stars. Your journey has just begun. Love Mom and Dad Taylor Ward: Dearest Taylor, You are such a blessing to us. Continue to strive for success, but to anticipate and embrace challenges along the way. For, it is in those times that you will experience your most significant growth. We love you beyond eternity, “Pooh Bear”. Mommy, Dad and Reagan Tomas Duralde: Tomas, you have persevered through some really tough challenges. You’ve emerged spirited, kind-hearted and creative. You are every bit a Duralde. We can’t wait to see what you do next! Love, Mom and Dad Tori Lindelow: Tori, you recently said that you were happy with where you were in life, that there was nothing you would change. We hope that you continue to work toward your goals, chase your dreams and most importantly, love your life. We are proud of you. Mom, Dad, Morgan & Nicole Tres Parks: Words can’t express how happy you have made us. On July 11, 1997 God blessed us with the most amazing son. The past seventeen years have brought us so much joy. Watching you grow into a man has been the best experience of our lives. Your smile lights up every room that you walk into and

every soul that you touch. The best is yet to come for you! Always remember, The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. ● Valana Wiltz: My Sweet Valana, I’m so very proud of you and all your accomplishments and achievements. You have the biggest heart and a personality that would make any Mother feel honored to have has a characteristic from her daughter. I’m truly blessed that God has placed you in my life. I love you, Always & Forever, Mommie ● Vanilla Parthiban: Dear Vanilla, you are indeed an angel sent from above to fill our heart with unending love. You have been making us proud with your accomplishments, achieved through perseverance and dedication. We wish you, dear, a triumphant journey to the pinnacle of glory in all phases of your life. Be yourself! Love, Mom, Dad, Sister, Grandma, Uncle and family. ● Virginia Parson: Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Virginia, we know you will be blazing your own trails in college and in life, and can’t wait to see where you go. But always remember the path that will lead you home. Mom and Dad.

● Wesley Chastain: We are so proud of all you have accomplished thus far in your life. Have fun, but stay focused on your academic studies as you embark on your college years and we know your desired career path will be obtained. You can overcome challenges along the way if you maintain your determination. We love you, Dad, Mom and Hannah ● William Collings: William, May you always look back on May 9, 2015 as one of your happiest days. We are so proud of you! We are excited for all you will accomplish in your future and the happiness it will bring you. We love you. Mom and Dad ● William Wimby: William, We’ve watched you grow into a fine man who is determined to live life on your own terms. We’re proud of your accomplishments and love you with all of our hearts. As you enter the world as an adult, we pray God’s blessings for a wonderful future. Dad, Mom, & Tre’ ● Wilson Harris: Wilson, the day you were born is one of the happiest days for us. Since then, you have brought so much joy, laughter and love into our lives. Your hard work and perseverance has and will continue to help you succeed. As you enter the next chapter of your life, we could not love you more or be more proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad


Biggest Flirt

most likely to be a broadway star

Avery Hinchman

Julia watson

y l l iS

Biggest Flirt JOe Johnson

e v s i t a l r e p u S most likely to be an Olympian Madi Richardson


most likely to be a Broadway star alex patrick

most likely to be an Olympian Alex Murfee

most likely to be late to gradutation

most likely to be late to gradutation

Farris Watkins

Tres Parks

Best social media

Best social media

Claudia creal

Clifford Murphy

most likely to be a Buckhead mom

most likely to be a Buckhead dad

best hair

best hair

Caroline WIlliams

tommy bryan

austin willis

palmour hewes

most likely to date a freshman

most likely to date a freshman

most likely to be a reality star

most likely to be a reality star

Dean Griffen

Taylor Ward

Niles Johnson

Sachin Swami

most likely to work at woodward

most likely to work at woodward

worst driver

worst driver

Jes Sutherland

Madison Roark

Marin Ogletree

tres parks


Last Wills & Testaments

I, Meher Mia Gill, do hereby bequeath KEWtoo much time, hours of weird conversation and my large stuffed monkey. SP- a love hate relationship and a beautiful striped shirt. SNL- Indian food, Kuch Kuch hota hai, and those weeks living at each other’s houses. CTB- spoons of both big and little sizes and truth bombs. ADC- a mixtape for Tijuan. BHC- a fresh new purple pen for college. I, Mollie Ann Dramis, do hereby bequeath RMrandom stop-in visits with movies, magazines and late night munchies at DZ. YK- inseparable friendship, tanning on school lawn and endless conversations. CTR- our constant competitions and never easing stubbornness. I, Clifford Murphy, do hereby bequeath CW- my ability to play a decent game in NHL 15; lord knows you need the help. DJS- my extraordinary talent in Division I tier football to excel inturmerals in college. HH- a wider parking spot, for it is evident you need it to park without hitting the car next to you. GWOpen-Toed Sandals, Shark Tooth necklaces, and long, luscious hair for your possible future endeavors at the University of Hawaii. TSM- the fastest, most awesome plane in history: an Sr-71 Blackbird. HR- a


three-neck fender stratacaster guitar, so you can shred in style. AEW- the greatest snow for you to shred upon when you hit the slopes at Sidewinders Gulch next winter. CE- the taser cane from the Gun Show we went to. KW- the opportunity to marvel at my life-size fathead during Econ next year. I, Billy Appleby, do hereby bequeath my textbooks to someone who will actually use them. I, Andrew Davis, do hereby bequeath KP- car rides to Chipotle. DS- double dates. I, Christian Raver, do hereby bequeath EVERYONE- “Me and Mrs. Jones.” JTB- the Woodward Honor Guard, the gold whistle, heel taps, and better calling. PS- the Honor Guard after JTB. CW- Camerata night races. DH- the Oompa Loompa song and dangerous rides to Willy’s on Tuesdays. QP- more of my shoes to tie together. WR- Coach Wilsey’s massage chair. JFthe need to anticipate every one of Coach Schneider’s thoughts and the legacy of Baby Brennan (aka Lil’ Brennan or Peppermint Patty). I, Brett Schwartz, do hereby bequeath JSS- all of my FIFA games, the nights when you were scared to sleepover, and the grandfather cloque. L- my Tissot, half of my potted plants, balcony chairs, and

many cloques. DLS- my car bumper, the other half of my potted plants, my ping pong balls, and the King of cloques. I, Riley Schatz, do hereby bequeath HRT- late night giggle fits, weird pants, roses upon roses. CARhugs and kisses, carob chips, bundies. JBW- gas money, a million hugs. ADP- an apology for constant apologies, an “mhmm”, a love song to be sung. MRS- a chicken corsage, purple, prolonged eye contact, Horizons. ATR- creampuffs, math OTPs, eye rolls. SMS- yarn, face touches, dead plants. EDR- a fancy day, my hand in marriage, permission to vent anytime. LMF- a meeting curled up on Kaplan’s couch, a role on Broadway, a paper lantern. VGG- mitosis, a long and meaningful hug, a thousand thank yous, a coin *heads*. BS- Come What May. REE- a cupcake with a fork, Shakespeare, a Pump Boy and Dinette, a prom date. HPE- Red Vines, a reminder that you are beautiful, a coal mine. OLJ- a super indie song, a shoulder to cry on, a dorm room to crash. HW- a promise to keep you informed on my love life. JLK- a gluten free cookie, a mother’s love. I, Leslie Fellwock, do hereby bequeath HJTlong phone calls, your personal Barbie doll, cake,

and the other half of my brain. SLW-countless hours in Princess’ room, the greatest lab duo of all time in Warwock, and the promise to always be your keeper. OLJ- French music, hugs, and a flat in London. LGA- a love for Parks and Rec and eternal love for my April Ludgate. MJL, BAS, DS- cloques. BCC-Tobacco Road. NAlong talks with the kindest soul I know and survivng fourth period. MMGhomeroom gossip and Grey’s Anatomy freakouts. BS- Starkid, Harry Potter, and the most wonderful birthday song ever. SRS, CJA, WPD, RS, AP, HE, BS, AF-the best last show I could have asked for filled with love and Moorebrand hand sanitizer. VGG, RRS, ER- meetings in the cave and the ugliest selfies. RSlong talks about college and Cobb county rivalry. CJA- my favorite sister, parasols, and brushing away a saucer. AR- Ewok. JW- joint custody of the golden child and the disappointment. GB & CRsolo cup towers and Single Ladies. KM- Lydia, the Warden, and Gwendolen. LK- beats and intentions, 25 years, and Lesline. HS- yes, no, nodding our heads, pretending we’re listening. ML- the ability to write with my own voice. JCB- so many tutorials spent gossiping, love for the royals and Downton

Abbey, and an eternal offer to babysit the kids. EG,VG, SG, & JG- everlasting thanks for being a second family and for making me be confident in myself. LEF- too many inside jokes to recount. SWF & MAFall the love and gratitude in the world. I, Summer Thompson, do hereby bequeath KFmy lasting friendship and gratitude. MA- all your dreams come true. SK- a lifetime bond. DClacrosse championships. AF- Serenity. JH- State Championship. I, Grace Andrade, do hereby bequeath MEBendless laughter, stupid jokes, communicating only through facial expressions, and always finding “the partay”...I have no other friends. That will be all. I, Morgan Beans, do hereby bequeath DJG- fun times at caribo and not dying in bio, as well as a newfound love for music. LGA- my happiness and sanity. SLWgood times and good food. I, Dannah Jaye Gottlieb, hereby bequeath MEBlong, highly-caffeinated hours in caribou that not only saved us from not graduating but also created an inseparable bond (dont take AP biology unless you are up for this). HHfinding our unknown passions in art, taking risks, and becoming more confident each and every day. CLW- our many, MANY adventures and lovely dinner dates. AEF (and Juan)- sticking with me from diapers to tutus to bat mitzvah dresses and

now caps and gowns... cheers! we finally made it! I, Mackenzie Tylka, do hereby bequeath NPTmany more long car rides to school with groovy music. I, Aliyah Daley, do hereby bequeath SLAB- the long sleepovers, lunch room gossip, and spring break 2k15 will be cherished in my heart forever. SLAB for life. I, Avery Hinchman, do hereby bequeath ECB“The best day of my life”, any song by bad girl riri, “oh yes,” Uber, calling 911. CLW- Tim Riggins, Thanksgiving Break 2013, Nordstroms, Chipotle, Cherokee Brunch, harassing people on the highway. LAP- Lego Movie, Uptown Funk, Yogurtland dates, New Years Eve 2014. KPH- the bad luck tiara, 4 more years, mexican food. LNL- kale me crazy, acorns, ...LONG LIVE 2.1 <3! I, Mary-Elizabeth Cooper, do hereby bequeath WEHlast minute dinners, after practice smoothies, and good conversation. DJCa state championship, dates at chickfila, lots of food, and squad. ALN- an amazing spring break. KEW and LF- long school days with multiple classes together. I, Soraya Kelly, do hereby bequeath JPV- back massages, late night phone calls, surprise visits. KNHsoccer bus rides, deandra, pickles. MAD- cow eyeballs, makeovers, fairy wands. I, Molly McGonigle, do hereby bequeath WJM-

car rides filled with country music, chick-fil-a every morning, awkward hallway encounters, forced conversations when you want to be left alone. RRT- weekly sleepovers and family dinners, lazy saturdays every saturday, a workout buddy to always fight through the grueling workouts with, indecisiveness always being a common theme, all of the many memories and adventures. SLF- post surgery milkshakes, AAA peerority, friday lunches, off-key singing at the top of our lungs, daily 2 1/2 minute conversations between 3rd and 4th period, eating a dozen donuts within a matter of minutes, dance parties every other Friday. MAR & MNG- crazy and sometimes unproductive practices, my Trinity water bottle, pre-game shenanigans, post-game dinner dates, the weird way we talk. DJO- Friday lunches, AAA peerority, PDC dances, spontaneous swing dancing, always fighting to sit in the middle at lunch, friday dance parties, eating a dozen donuts within a matter of minutes. HJO- playing in the dirt at practice, deciphering JMH’s weird phrases and analogies, a region championship, raiding the snack bucket, playing jokes on JMH... I, Lexi Lobel, do hereby bequeath MAG- all the Yurm, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel in the world. CLWfire extinguishers and chipotle. LAP- Diet Coke

with every meal and lots of cats. ASH- school eggs and oatie. KPH- reflections on replay and Jaliscos cheese dip. I, Charlotte Preuss, do hereby bequeath LNL- all the acorns in the world. MMM- 3 fish tacos from taqueria. KEE- 10 million cats and a suitcase for you to sleep in. I, Sahil Patel, do hereby bequeath KEW- laughing under the tree at lunch, the gap, really bad jokes, and a lot of crying. MG- the gap, constant bickering, and bitter enemies becoming best friends. CC- resolving long held tension, guy’s night, long car rides to Target, and pure awkwardness. JRS- ups and downs, fights and laughs, and baseball truly is the most boring sport... Love you all. I, Ben Malkin, do hereby bequeath LAM- ñ the two hour round trip commute to Woodward every day, hard laughter that makes you cry with friends at the lunch table, and last minute cramming. I, Allison Gordon, do hereby bequeath TW, EE, and JN- Five Points Club. AS, OH, and JS- The Blade. IM and RM- my

house keys, Bailey, and hummus on top of my kitchen counter. ACscary youtube videos, eye contact, and inside jokes. GG- friends with knives, driveway conversations, and Bruster’s.


August September October 47

November December January 48

February March 49


photos courtesy of: Arslan Munaf Sarah Lu Nic Huey Zac Orig J.P. Mulkey Pooja Dave Mikayla Boyd Katherine Goodgame Emily Citarella


Last day in uniform: April 24 2015 Last day in class: April 28, 2915 Spring Fling: April 30, 2015 Last Blast: May 1, 2015 Graduation: May 9, 2015 50

Abbasi Achiron Adams Alexander Amalfard Andrade Andrews Appleby Arnold Bakke Barrett Bayless Beans Bender Beserra Bethea Bhakta Bloor Borchers Brooks Brown Brown Bryan Bryan Carey Cary Cease Chandonia Chapman Chastain Cheney Childs Citarella Claugus Clavo Clincy Clopton Coleman

Collings Colombo Compton Cooper Crawford Creal Cui Daley Daley Dave Davis Dearing Demarest Deshay Doty Dow Dramis Duffy Duralde Ensari Erbrick Evans Farrar Fellwock Foell Franco Frank Freeman Garama Gill Goodgame Gordon Gorjala Gottlieb Gould Gould Gray Griffin

Grindell Gudur Gulley Guyton Hall Hammond Hannah Harris Harrod Hasen Hedgebeth Henderson Hentz Herring Hewes Hinchman Hogan Hooper Hopkins Howard Hyatt Inman Jackson Jeffries Jiwani Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Joshi Kanchibhatla Kannady Katz Kelly

Kelly Kirton Koscik Krieg LaBriola Ladden LaFiandra Lee Letcher Liang Lin Lin Lindelow Litovchenko Little Lobel Lodi Lollis Long Lowe Maiki Malkin Manchireddy Manchireddy Mardhekar McCool McCray McGee McGonigle McKenney Milton Mitchell Moore Mulaik Murfee Murphy Murray Myles

Neal Newton North Oberti Ogletree Oprisch Ozburn Paine Pan Pandey Paradies Parks Parson Parthiban Passarella Patel Patel Patel Patrick Peng Perry Pezeshkan Poe Poirier Prather Preuss Privat Prothro Pryor Rabun Raver Reed Reich Reid Reynolds Richardson Rivera Roark

Roberts Robinson Rockhill Royes Rubinger Rucker Sands Sard Sayles Schapiro Schatz Schifilliti Schmidt-Fellner Schwartz Sessler Silliman Simpson Smith Smith Smith Spielberger Stoffer Stubbs Stull Sullivan Sullivan Summers Sumrall Suresky Sutherland Swami Taylor Thomas Thomas Thompson Thomson Tuchman Tucker

Turner Tylka Vass Vyas Wafer Wallace Wammock Ward Warren Warren Waters Watkins Watson Watson Watson Weng West White Williams Williams Williams Willis Willis Wiltz Wimby Wynens Xin Zager Zha Zhou Zlatopolsky Zschunke

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