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僧伽大自恣日 - the Pledge -

每 年 的雨季安局结束时 (阴曆 十一月十五日) 僧 团 都会举办僧伽大自恣仪式, 什 麽 是自恣 ? 佛 陀 又为什麽要制定这项仪式呢?

Every year, at the end of the Rains-Retreat is also called the day of the Pledge which falls on the 15th day of the 11th waxing moon each year What is "Pledge"? And why does The Lord Buddha exhorted the monks should pledge to each other?

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一、自恣的由来 The origin of the Pledge ----------------------------------p.4

二、如何进行自恣仪式 How to pledge --------------------------------------p.10

三、自恣的功德利益 The benefit/ fruits of the pledge -----------p.16



The origin of the Pledge

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自恣的由来 The origin of the Pledge


Once when the Lord Buddha was staying at the Jetavana Temple in the city of Savatthi. There was a group of Buddhist monks who spent the Rain-Retreat in different temples around the city.

群比丘在城市周圍的許多寺院中,分別結 雨安居。

这些比丘擔心如果團體間有爭吵,會使結 雨安居時不能順利修行,於是就共同約定, 在整個雨安居期間,都將奉行「木卡哇」, 意思是禁語三個月,從而避免紛爭。


These monks didn’t want conflicts to arise which might cause them to be unhappy and lose effectiveness in dharma practicing during the Rains-Retreat, so they decided to practice silence for the entire 3 months which they had accomplished successfully.


自恣的由来 The origin of the Pledge


At the end of the Rain-Retreat these monks went to see the Lord Buddha at the Jetavana Temple and told Him about their practice of silence.

孤獨園拜見佛陀,並將雨安居期間禁語的 緣由稟告世尊。 佛陀于是慈悲教导比丘們能促进团体和谐 之法,即是在雨安居结束之日互相自恣。 世尊如此叮嘱道: 「比丘们,世尊批准度过雨季安居的你们, 不论是看到、听到或怀疑任何不如法的事, 都能够互相自恣。」 自恣的意思是开放自己接纳他人所给予的

The Lord Buddha exhorted the monks in order to strengthen the harmony in community, they should pledge to each other: “Monks, after the Rains-Retreat, you should pledge to each other in regards to what you see, what you hear, and what you question.” Pledge means open up one’s heart and mind to accept other’s advices, in order to improve oneself.

建议,请求他人多多指教自己,以此改善 自己。



自恣的由来 The origin of the Pledge

雨安居结束时举行自恣,能作为一种提醒 工具,让僧众有机会互相给予善意的建言, 改善个人,并增进团体的利益;也能作为 一种防范措施,使僧众不放逸地修行,避 免不如法的事情发生,导致僧团或佛教的 损害。当团体的和谐增长,其中的每一份

Holding the pledge after the Rains-Retreat is a tool of reminder which gives the monks opportunity to advise to each other. And it could also be a form of prevention which helps to avoid being reckless and any misbehavior to damage the Buddhist Faith. When the community is in harmony, everyone of it could also live happily practice the dharma peacefully without having to practice silence.

子就能安心修行。于雨安居期间,便没有 特别规定得禁语修行。

自此,每年的阴曆十一月十五日,雨季安 居结束之日,即是「解雨安居日」,亦成 为了「僧伽大自恣日」。 僧众会再多安居一夜,直至十六日清晨, 才算圆满了雨季安居。


Ever since then, the end of the RainsRetreat is also called the day of the pledge and it falls on the 15th day of the 11th waxing moon each year. Monks will stay put for one more night til the 16th day to accomplish the RainsRetreat.

二、如何进行自恣仪式 How to pledge

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如何进行自恣仪式 How to pledge


During the day of the Pledge, monks will gather and recite the Pali words for the Pledge, then give advice to each other.


「自恣词」的巴利语是:「桑卡潘爹,巴哇 咧咪,提贴那哇苏贴那哇,巴利桑卡亚哇, 哇探度忙,阿亚萨曼多,阿努甘邦,五巴

The Pali words for the pledge are: “Sanghamabhante pavaremi ditthena va sutena va parisankaya va vandantu man ayasmanto anukampan upadaya passanto patikakarissami.”


意思是: 「尊敬的僧团,我在僧团面前自恣,若您们 看到、听到或怀疑我做了些不如法的事, 恳请您们慈悲为我指出,叮嘱我,让我知 道后,能改过自新。」

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It means: “ Venerable monks, I pledge to you that if you see or hear or question my conduct as being incorrect, I ask that you give me advice so that my conduct can be improved.”

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如何进行自恣仪式 How to pledge


During the Rains-Retreat, it is possible that something unbecoming may happen as a result of an oversight. It is like when dirt gets into one’s eye, one cannot see the dirt and has to ask for help from others, from whom we could see our defects clearly as if we see it from a mirror.

表现出一些不如法的行为,就如同眼睛进 了灰尘,虽然灰尘只在眼睛旁边,但我们 也有可能看不到,这时需要请他人来帮忙 提醒,有如镜子一般,为我们指出可以改 善之处。

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二 、 如 何 进 行 自恣仪式 How to Pledge

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如何进行自恣仪式 How to pledge


The day of the pledge is the time when every monk has the opportunity to be other’s mirror and to provides constructive advice to each other with loving-kindness as is necessary.

作为别人的镜子,送给他人珍贵的自我提 升之宝 ( 建言 )。 戒腊高的比丘能指点戒腊较低的比丘,戒 腊低的比丘也能提醒戒腊较高的比丘,无

A senior monk can advise a junior monk, and a junior monk can also advise a more senior monk. Every monk regardless of his rank or seniority could advise each other.

论地位、头衔、戒腊与年龄。 自恣日平等地开放提供意见的机会,让双 方能以慈悲心来彼此检讨,互相提出具有 建设性的建议。

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The benefit/ fruits of the pledge

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自恣的功德利益 The benefit/ fruits of the pledge


For individual: 1. Each monk can learn about his own shortcomings so that he could improve himself, and fosters the purity in his body, words, and mind.

1. 令每位比丘都能了知自己的缺点,改善 自己,获得身、口、意方面的清淨。

2. 令每位比丘敞开心胸,增强被他人提醒

2. Each monk will become more and more open hearted when he can bear to listen to other monk’s advice which is like pointing him to a treasure trove.

的耐力。平等地给予,同时也接受,能帮 助彼此成长的宝藏 ( 建言 )。

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自恣的功德利益 The benefit/ fruits of the pledge

于团体: 1. 给予每位比丘互相忏悔的机会,弥补因 同住所导致的分裂,除尽彼此之间的怀疑。

For community: 1. It provides monks a chance to apologize to each other, dispel any anger which may occur, heal any conflicts which may arise a result of communal living and helps to clear up any questionable conduct.

2. 以关怀、诚心、爱心、包容与谅解等等 的善意为基础,带出同等善意的行为,即 是「 戒 同 」(Silasāmaññatā 沙 门 雅 达, 意思是有清淨平等的戒律 ),能营造出团 体中友好的氛围,让生活愉快并适宜修行。

2. It fosters love, good wishes, forgiveness, mutual understanding and harmony within the community. This brotherhood among the monks encouraged everyone to conduct themselves properly and allows communal living to be a happy one. 3. It unites the monks so that they can work together as a team for the Buddhist Cause and allows them to withstand any external agents aimed to harm Buddhism.

3. 增长僧团的凝聚力,更加团结一致地执 行弘法任务,并且不容易被具恶意者蓄意 破坏。

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自恣的功德利益 The benefit/ fruits of the pledge

僧伽自恣,让僧众们彼此如法地提出建议, 促进个人与团体的成长,使每个人都能获 得利益。


The pledge is carried out for the sake of prosperity for the benefit of the individual and the community which can be gained through the advice given to each other with loving-kindness. Therefore, on the day of the pledge, the four Buddhist communities should take the opportunity to follow this worthwhile practice by allowing those around us to give us advice so that we can better cultivate perfections in the future.

教四众,也可以趁此机会来延续这种优良 的文化,向身旁的人自恣,让他们能给予 提醒与建言,使未来修波罗蜜之路能更为 圆满。

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法身寺 Wat Phra Dhammakaya 寺院地址 address/ 40 Moo 8 Khlongsong, Khlong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, THAILAND 寺院網址 website/


书籍名称 Ebook title/ 僧伽大自恣日 The Pledge 插图製作 illustration/

Global Institute of Buddhist Art

中英编辑 editor/ 金林法乐缘节目组

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