School Counseling Curriculum for High School
GRADE 12 Lesson Title: The College Application Process CSCA/ASCA Content Standard: Goal 2: School Success Goal 3: Academic to Life Success Goal 6: Relationship Between School and Work
Classroom Lesson #1 Domain: Academic/Career Time needed: Class Period Facilitator: School Counselor
Students will: Describe how to apply to a college or university. Develop a list of post‐secondary choices. Implement strategies to achieve post‐secondary goals. Essential Question(s): What strategies and process will ensure the management of my procedures in applying to any college or university? Engagement (Hook): Did high school go by quickly? Where do you want to be by January? Instructional Strategies / Lesson / Activities: 1. The school counselor will discuss how quickly time has gone by in high school with students. 2. Discuss with students where they see themselves by January. 3. Do they want to have everything prepared for their goals after high school? Why? What are the advantages: less stress; get into the schools they choose; better housing if decisions early, etc. 4. Review Naviance general information such as log‐in; about me page; address update. Remind students past work on Naviance and review. Discuss purpose of today’s lesson. 5. Counselor will do lesson on Promethean Board with students’ computers off first. 6. Refer to “colleges” tab and go to “colleges I am thinking about”. 7. Show how to add colleges and differentiate between “thinking about” and “applying to” links. 8. Tell students not to automatically request transcripts until they know they will actually apply! Important due to timing and colleges receiving information. Request 3 weeks prior to applying. 9. Keep files on all schools you are thinking about. 10. Log in to Naviance for updates and information. 11. Show link on Naviance for the Common Application. All students should have already created an account during 11th grade. 12. Go to “Colleges I am applying to” and explain FERPA agreement and what this means. Show them where they have to put in Common Application username and password to move on to the next step of the process. (do this with students at the end of the session if there is time).
Waterford Public Schools