ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION / ROBOTICS GRADES 9‐12 This course is a continuation of the introductory level course. This course is designed for the student who wants to explore in depth some of the realms or transportation addressed in Transportation/Robotics. The class will be a hands‐on, problem solving experience for the students in lands, sea, and aerospace transportation. In land transportation, the student will design a vehicle with safety restraints that will keep the occupants safe during a 35‐mph car crash. For sea transportation, students will build and test a submersible vessel to propel and surface on demand. Aerospace will focus on rocketry with guidance and various load‐ carrying capabilities with some relation to the Shuttle Program. This class will participate in the FIRST Robotics Competition.
Prerequisite: Completion of Transportation/Robotics with a B or better or instructor’s approval Credit: 0.5
Waterford Public Schools Technology Education Curriculum