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Just when we thought we couldn’t get any heavier, along comes Christmas and then, another lockdown!! As a hypnotherapist and coach, I am getting LOADS of requests from people who just want to lose that extra weight that they have gained during lockdowns and Christmas. Christmas was about enjoying that one day and then plunged back into Lockdown and back to boredom eating and snacking…. not allowed out, not going out to work, gyms closed… the list is a perfect recipe for gaining weight! So here are my top tips for keeping on track:
DON’T get on the scales every day
It is not helpful and actually I have found it to be the opposite of motivating! Sometimes I feel that I had a really “good” day. I didn’t snack, managed my portions well and yet, what’s this? The scales show the same or WORSE than yesterday. Every day, you will not get a true picture of where you are – you need to do this weekly, not daily.
Be realistic
Be realistic with your plans. Be kind. If you have been sitting, eating, enjoying your food – you will feel so restricted if you try to lose too much too quickly. Suddenly deciding to eat only salad, do 200 squats a day and drinking 2 pints of water will soon become very very painful and unpleasant, and be honest, do we tend to stick to something that is painful and unpleasant, or do we try to find ways to get away from it – on a technicality?
Fluid is really important and if you are anything like me, I forget to drink enough a lot of the time. This means that I feel hungry more often because the signal of “I am thirsty” and the signal of “I am hungry” is pretty much the same. If you KNOW that this isn’t really the time for you to feel hungry, or you are confident that you have eaten enough at the last meal, it is likely that you are more thirsty than hungry. Have a drink of water, or something you like (try to avoid too much sugary drinks) and then wait for 20 minutes. Are you still getting that “feeling”, then you are probably hungry – so eat something.
OK so this is not where I tell you all that you need to do a Joe Wickes workout 3 times a day everyday, but I will tell you – you need to move. We are in a situation where we might conceivably spend the whole day sat on < BACK TO CONTENTS >
our bottoms and be on zoom calls, or telephone, or in front of the TV. Now, I am a bit hardcore, I do 4x45 minute workouts a week with my Personal Trainer, who is amazing, across zoom. But I have specific goals to meet. If I was only interested in keeping the weight off and to feel better, I might think of slightly less hardcore things. Like going for a brisk walk. Doing some stretches. Following a you tube work out. Or just moving more than I usually do. Consistency is king – find something you like to do and keep doing it. Just ramp up the time, or how quickly you move, or the distance you travel to gain more benefits.
Food choices
Now you know whether what you are eating is right or wrong. You know how much you are eating - is it enough, or to much? You know this stuff. You just need to care enough to make some tough choices. Do I need to eat 4 biscuits, or will 2 satisfy my craving? Do I need to fill my plate with food, or can I keep some for lunch tomorrow? Do I need to eat at 10pm, or can I stop eating at 7 and be strict with myself with regards to snacks? Whatever change from the norm you make, WILL work and WILL make a difference. These are my tips, hypnotherapy can also help you to get your mind in the right place to allow you to reach your goals. So do reach out if you need to – but also, let me know what you tried and what worked for you claire@hynpnotherapyathome.com