1947 - 1948 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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This yearbook belongs to the Wayland archives. Please enjoy it during your stay on campus and leave it where you found it for others to enjoy. Thanks!


Your 1948 Pillars Editor .................. Eve Eisert Literary Editor ••••• Marjorie Espersen Business Editor ••••• Donald Edwards Faculty Managers • Miss Helene Holmes Mrs. Ellen Pihlstrom

t/j.G~J,ewOILcf ... Words

and pictures -

a record of the life and the activities dent body


the stu-

nineteen fmty eight. The reFlection

of t~e s;:>irit of the campus -

we dedicate to you,

Yo ur nineteen forty eight Pillars.





But we have just been speaking about material improvements. Although the enrollment has doubled during the last few years, (for which enrollment two new dormitories, Merriam and Hutchins houses have been provided) the scholarship standards have not suFfered. As Mr. Hicks points out, there are the same number of students on the honor roll now, with enrollment doubled, as there were when Wayland had only ninety-three students. The Student Senate, which Mr. Hicks was very instrumental in forming , has done much to place more trust and greater freedom on the students. One might think that with all the building and re-doing that has been accomplished, Mr. Hicks would have very little time to get to know his students. However, it is quite to the contrary. Mr. Hicks attended The Peddy School for Boys, and received his bachelor of arts degree from Princeton University. He attended Cornell University where he received his degree of master of arts. He then returned to Peddy, where he tau!jht English for nine years before coming to Wayland in 1943. Mr. Hicks is developing a new and greater Wayland with allegiance to the past and devotion to the welfare of the student body- a devotion not only to the mental aspect but to the spiritual and physical as well. Page 8

. . . has surely done more for Wayland than that which could be expressed in a few words. You need only to look around you on the campus and you will see his handiwork everywhere. Look to the southeast and there you see the spacious Laura A. MacDonald athletic field which was once just a victory garden. The girls need but walk down their own corridors in the dorm, and there on each floor is a newly furnished lounge-the handiwork of Mr. Hicks. '\!/hen we become ill, our recovery is hastened by the modernly equipped R. E. Schoen Memorial Infirmary. If it is relc:xc:tion and entertainment we want, we just go down to the remodeled Club Henri. A thing which really leaves an impression on the Wayland student is the Johnstone Memorial Chapel. Ec;ch student appreciates this wonderful place to worship, with its beautiful stained glc:ss windows and new Hammond organ . Then , as if all this were not enough. we have the beautiful, well-lighted, well-equipped, new Lindsay Gymnasium and swimming pool. Oh, what enjoyment and healthful exercise are found herel

... means a great deal to all Way girls. She is their friend, dean, anc Foster, before coming to Wayland, handling teenagers and their probl handling the girls with tact and po is one who stays with you througl This describes Mrs. Foster perfectly Mrs. Foster is not only our dean Department and instructor in Senio more to prepare the seniors for co in the school. She is a graduate of Smith Coli, degree, and later attended Columl: her master's degree. The job of guiding the young V\ hood is her chief duty. She gives e


and believes in the honor system c;tudies; Director reliance. She began the house COL\ncil system in Warren Hall. We, the students, .l.ove c nd respect Mrs. Ruth Foster- she is truly our away from home motr er.


"A nother test tube gone.I " " In Vermont · · · MARY WHITNEY CASSEDY Languages ; Girls' AthletiCS B. A., Middlebury College

Page 12

HERBERT C. COLEMAN . De pt .,. Sc1ence; -s ervisor Science up MathematiCS . f Wisconsin ; Penns · A..' Univers1tyC o Iowa State S o 11 ege ; sylvania tate College

... possesses diversiFied talents and interests, but the~~re all directed toward helping his fellow men. Si~,Z t:?T~ he has proved many times how for of his caliber as a teacher. ·ne more for Wayland than that At Carroll College he majorecxpressed in a few words. You explains why he excels as a publ around you on the campus and use by giving inspirational chapel tandiwork everywhere. Look to He is always in demand as an inteh ere you see the spacious Laura also for many other social functiorl etic Field which was once just Mr. Wichman was Dean of Boys LThe girls need but walk down his present position as Dean of Cur; in the dorm, and there on each job is merely a continuation of his qrnished lounge- the handiwork helping them shape their ideal s, ~n we become ill, our recovery the goal which will be the most p11od ern ly equipped R. E. Schoen students in his classes have found If it is relc:xc:tion and entertainand is always wi lling to see the h just go down to the remodeled are bound to happen in a class r•ing which really leaves an imMr. Wichman has handled morayland student is the Johnstone given encouragement to many V:/., E&ch student appreciates this It's been over 20 years and it's still, "Give the significance of .. . !" recent alumni who could not tell co worship, with its beautiful given them. Graduating senio rs ecDws and new Hammond organ. Then, as if a ll this were not enough. we have the beautiful, well-lighted, well-equ ipped, new Lindsay But we have just been speaking about material Gymnasium and swimming pool. Oh, what enjoyimprovements. Although the enro llm ent has doubled ment and healthful exerc ise are found here! during the last few years, (for which enrollment two new dormitories, Merriam and Hutchins houses have been provided) the scholarship standards have not suFfered. As Mr. Hi cks points out, there are the same number of students on the honor roll now, with enrollment doubled, as there were when Wayland had only ninety-three students. The Student Senate, which Mr. Hicks was very instrumental in forming, has done much to place more trust and greater freedom on the students. One might think that with all the building and re-doing that has been accomplished, Mr. Hicks would have very little time to get to know his students. However, it is quite to the contrary. Mr. Hicks attended The Peddy School for Boys, and received his bachelor of arts degree from Princeton University. He attended Cornell University where he received his degree of master of arts . He then returned to Peddy, where he tau!:jht English for nine years before coming to Wayland in 1943. Mr. Hicks is developing a new and greater Wayland with allegiance to the past and devotion to the welfare of the student body- a devotion not only to the mental aspect but to the spiritual and physical as well.


Page 8

"Hdve dnother shot" RUTH BOYE, R. N.

"In Vermont . . . " MARY WHITNEY CASSEDY Ldngudges; Girls' Athletics B. A. , Middlebury College



"I don't me~n to be Sdrcdstic, but . DAVID S. CASSEDY Socidl Studies; Director of Swimming B. A., Middlebury College

"Another test tube gone!" HERBERT C. COLEMAN "Supervisor Science Dept.; Science; Mdthemdtics B. A. ; University of Wisconsin; Pennsylvdnid Stdte College; lowd Stdte College



" When I was here tw o years ago .

" Let's be S;:Jecific"



Supervisor of Languages; French B. A .; Knox College; Middlebury College cf French; Univers ity of Wisconsin .

Commercial B. E.; Whitewater State Teachers ' College

"Time waits for no one- Wilbur" ELEANORE WEDDELL ROBERTS :upervisor Music Department; Piano; Organ >erlin Conservatory; Denison School Music; Bush Conservatory; Private ly with William Stickles of New York City.

"Let's try it again" RUTH KLUCKHOHN Voice; Piano B. M . E.; Drak~ U 1i vz 路;i ty

Page 13

" I believe in cldssroom democrdcy'' ODYSS W . KNEECE


Religion; Pdstor of Bdptist Church B. A.; Furmdn University; B. D. AndoverNewton Theologicdl Semindry.

Science; Mdthemdtics; Mechdnicdl Drdwing Anndpolis Ndvdl Acddemy

"Come girls, stretch!" KATHERINE COLLINS MAYER Physicdl Educdtion for Girls f!ouve-Boston School of Physicdl Educdtion .

Page 14

"Boys, the pldster is fdlling "

"Girls and sports don 't mix "

"The third Aoor seems to think it's privileged"

PETER PAUL PASKO Physical Education for Boys; Science B. S.; East Stroudsburg State Teachers College; M. S.; f-Jniversity of Wisconsin .

ELLEN LEWIS PIHLSTROM English; Swimming B. A .; Lawrence College

"Time waits for no one- Wilbur"

"Any prospective students?"

ELEANORE WEDDELL ROBERTS Supervisor Music Department; Piano; Organ Oberlin Conservatory; Denison School of Music; Bush Conservatory; Private study with William Stickles of New York City.

Director of Pub Iic Relations and Student Recruitment A. B. ; Broaddus College; B. S. Bucknell University; M.A., New York University; University of Chicago.


Page 15

Page 16

" Caiense por favor "

" I enjoy working with figures "

ELIZABETH ROYCE Spanish; Girls' Athletics B. A. ; Middlebury College

FREDERICK SCHNEIDER Mathematics; Assistant Coach B. A.; Valley City State Teachers College

" When I was a boy"

" I hate Saturday mornings- work boys! "

LEO M. SCHNUR Director of Athletics; Supervisor of Mathematics Dept. B. E.; University of Wisconsin ; M. A ., Northwestern University

STUART H. SIMPSON Business Manager Duke University

"This librdry is for one purpose o,ly!" MARGUERITE TUPPER Librdridn; Ldngudges B. A., M. A., U.live,;ity of,lllin::>is

"Rou-ldnd, R::>u-ldnd, Rou-ldnd" MARY ELLEN WEISKE Speech; Drdmdtics B. A. Ripon College; Northwestern University.

" Jimmy dnd Johnny . LAVIT A DI~RKEN WICHMAN Eng Iish B. A. ; Cdrroll Colleee

Page 17

"Well, fill out dn excuse slip" MONA KELLY WRIGHT Secretdry to President Hicks Superior Stdte Tedchers College

Jedn Siegler, Ednd Cldson, Jednette

Page 18



Eve Eisert, Marjorie Espersen, Max Burstein, Marilyn Webber


at t9Jt.B

"Oh, to be a Senior . .. aren't they wonderful?" ... Wonder what it feels like? Those were our comments c few short years ago. It was a long , hard strugglei but here we are- with four years behind us, and oh! What years they were! As green Freshmen we were shoved around or suffered as much abuse and social discrimination as any other freshies- maybe even more so, at least we like to think so. After a week or so of eying our fellow classmates, we elected Ronnie Westerman to be our president. Daily class meetings followed, feeble attempts to collect class dues, numerous roller skating parties . . . The Freshman Class once made a $4 profit on one of them. We all but raised a flag. Ronnie went off to Panama and we were left leaderless. From out of our confused ranks emerged Neil Aerts as our next president. 'Round about spring we introduced a new type of entertainment. The first Sock Hop was held amid great preparations which included a chicken, blanket toss, c;:d confetti. Another roller skating party closed the yec:r for us. We came back as roaring Sophomores- still bent on collecting dues- and still not succeeding. Bill Bezdek was our president (and graduated the next year?). We had a Sock Hop- the second in the series. The big event of the yeur, however, was the Sophomore Surprise, the "T oronado"- penny toss , hot dogs, booths, etc. - wild floor shown with B. Bezdek, D. Jones, and Slim Bunge. My, we were proud of ourselves! We made a nice prof:t and had loads of fun . Before leaving to go home for the summer, we elected Stan Dunham as our Junior leader. Pa ge 20

As hale and hearty Juniors we came back to school as the largest class. The first weekend we gave "The Football." Before Thanksgiving we ordered our class rings- in the spring we got them, amid great Senior opposition. In the middle of the year we gave another good old Sock Hop- the laundry is catching on to us cagey Juniors about this time. On into April we had our "Cyclone"- this time bigger and better than ever- Laurel and Hardy in the boys' locker room, new penny game, much food, beautiful "Blown" decorations. This year we had a female head, Eve Eisert. The first weekend we had c rather illfated ghost party. Frankenstein and "The Congo" sent chills up everyone's spine. In October for a small fee, we put on the Homecoming dance . For November the "Soc" not "Sock" hop; we're being more sophisticated now. Thirty-six quarts of ginger cle were consu'med- 'twas a thirsty night. December- we gave the Christmas dance, "Jingle Bell Ball" in the Library (poor Miss Tupper!), Christmas tree, bells, and low lights. Yuletide spirit- that it had. In January we ordered our Commencement invitations (the optimists) and cards. February 28, the Leap Year Dance ... April Fool Affair ... Hurricane ... Prom ... Senior Farewell . . . and finally, Commencement. It's been a wonderful four years for eight of us, and anywhere from three to one for the rest of us. May the memories we have made here at Wayland remain as fresh in our book of memory fifty years from now as they are today. Good luck, Seniors- you're a grand class.


"On to Tokyo"

Football 4; W Club 4; Basketball 4.


"Oh Crock"

Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Riding 2 , 3, 4.

Page 21

PAUL BRYAN Ice Hockey 4i Football 4i Track 4.

" I live to eat"

"Oh, Teach! " "MAX" BURSTEIN Tennis 3, 4i Football Manager 4i Pillars 4i Senior class vicepresidenti Post 3, 4i Band 2i W. Club 3i Drama Club 3i Honor roll 3i Forensics 2, 3, 4.

"Ron-boy ... " JOAN CHAMBERLIN Hockey 3, 4i Messiah 3i Church choir 3, 4i Chapel choir 3, 4i YWCA 3, 4.

"Talk louder" SAL CHRISTIFULLI Football 4i Post 4i Church choir 3, 4i Chapel choir 3, 4i Boys' Ouartette 4i Co-chairman Rou-land 4i Honor roll 4.

Page 22

"O h, I don't think so"


Drama Club 4.


"Well, I wouldn't say that"


" From a swell guy"

Football 4i Swimming 4i Drama Club 4.


" It costs too much "

Tennis 3, 4i Messiah 2, 3, 4i Chorus 4i Boys' Ouartette 3i Church choir 3, 4i Senate 3, 4i Honor roll 4i Junior class presidenti Student Senate President 4.

Page 23


"Now it's my belief that ... "

Pillars 2, 3, 4; Messiah 4; Church choir 4; Chorus 4; House Council 3; President House Council 4; Freshman class treasurer; Senate 4; Honor roll 2, 3.


"Keep laughing"

Hockey 3, 4; Swimming 4; Basketball 4; Riding 2, 3, 4; Gym team 1, 2, 3; Art Editor 3; Pillars 3, 4; Art editor 3; Editor 4; Post 2, 3, 4; Messiah 1; Chorus 4; Co-chairman Rou-land 4; Skits; Stage design; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Drama club 1, 2, 3, 4; Senate 4; Senior president; Honor roll 2, 3, 4; Cum laude 3, 4; Junior Marshall.


"Face it, kids!"

Hockey 2, 3, 4; Junior Marshall; Pillars 4; Literary Editor; Chorus 4; Secretary of Rou-land 4; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; House Co-president 4; House council 2; Class treasurer 3, 4; Honor roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Cum ldude 3, 4.


"I hate men!"

Riding 2, 4; Post 3, 4; Co-chairman Rou-land 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4; Class secretary 2; Cheerleader 3, 4; Forensics 3.

Page 24

HARLEY FANSHAW "But, Mrs. Ingham .. .. " Football 3i W Club 3i Honor Roll 3, 4i Track 3.



"That's a joke, son "

Football 3, 4i Track 2, 3, 4i Pillars 3i Post 1, 2, 3i Editor Post 4i 4i Chorus 4i Church choir 1, 2, 3, 4i Co-chairman Rou-land 4i Band 2, 3i W Club 3, 4i Hutchin's House president 4i Senate 4.


" I have a few records"


" I love gym" Hockey 3, 4i Riding 3, 4i Gym team 2, 3i Chorus 4i YWCA 2, 3, 4i Varsity 4i Drama Club 2, 3, 4.

Page 25

"No kidding?"


HARRIET HEINSELMAN Riding 4; Post 4; YWCA 4; Drama Club 4.

RONNIE HEJNA Drama Club 3, 4.


Page 26

"I think so, too!"

''Oh, for heaven's sake"

"Now in California"

HELEN HUANG Gym team 3i YWCA 3, 4i House Council 4.

BOB HUANG Swimming 4.



"I like doctors"

" But, Doug ... "

" Is this a dagger which I see before me?"

"Did I say something?"

Riding 2, 3, 4i Typist Pillars and Post 4i YWCA 2, 3, 4i Drama Club 2, 3, 4i Sophomore vice-presidenti Honor roll 2.

Page 27


"All's war in my love affairs"

Tennis 3, 4; W Club 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Honor roll 3; Forensics 3, 4.


"Don't crowd, girls "

Track 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Post 4; Co-chairman Rou-land 4; Band 2; W Club 4; Drama Club 3; Honor roll 2.



" I have another way, Mr. Coleman "

" I hate school" Honor roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Marshall; Cum laude 3, 4.

Page 28


"Silence is golden"

Football 4; Baske tball 4; W Club 4; Merriam House President 4; Senate 4.


" Beaver Dam is a great city"


"I live for one thing "

YWCA 4; Swimming 4.


"My, but it's warm in here "

Riding 2; Basketball 4; Pillars 3, 4; Co-chairman Rou-land 4; YWCA \ 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 3, 4; Varsity Club 3; Varsity Club President 4; Drama Club \ 2, 3, 4; Honor roll 1, 2; Forensics 2, 3, 4.

Page 29


" Hi , Sport"

Football 3, 4, Captain 4; Pillars 4; Post 3; Co-chairman Rou-land 4; W Club Treasurer 3; W Club President 4; Senate 4; Hono r Roll 4.


"Ja ck, Jack, Ja ck, dah dah dah da-da "

Riding 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Co-chairman Rou-land 4; YWCA 3, 4, Cabinet 4; Drama Club 4; Cheerleader 4.


"What's the use of living "

Football 4; Swimming 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Sophomore class treasurer 2; Junior vice-president.


" Geez, you guys"

Hockey 3; Gym team 1, 2; Post 4; Chapel choir 1, 2; YWCA 1J Cabinet 2, 3, President 4; Drama Club 4; Senate 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Honor roll 2.

Page 30


"Have you got any food?"

Girls' chorus 3; YWCA 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Riding 4.

"O h, Kitten " JOHNNY NEWTON Track 2, 3, 4; Pillars 4; W Club 3, 4; Drama Club 4; House Council 4; Honor roll 2, 3.



"My two front teeth, my two Front teeth "

"Has anyone seen ... "

Swimming 4; Messiah 3, 4; Chorus 4; Church choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Girl's trio 4; Drama Club 4; Chapel choir 1, 2, 3, 4.

Page 31


"But the bell didn 't ring! " Basketball 3, 4i Pillars 3, 4i Post 2, 3i Chorus 4i Church choir 2i Co-chairman Rou-land 4i YWCA 1, 2, 4i Treasurer 3i Drama Club 1, 2i President 3, 4i House Council 4i Junior Marshalli Honor roll 1, 2, 3, 4i Cum Laude 4i Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4i Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4i


"Words aren't everything"

KEITH SMITH "Never give up the ship" Football 4i Messiah 4i Chorus 4i Church choir 4i Chapel choi r 4i W Club 4.

DICK SMITZ Football 3, 4i W Club 3, 4.

Page 32

"Gee, but I thought I knew it"

"Draw a diagram·· RALPH STAN FORD Football 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Co-chairman Rou-land 1; W Club 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; House Council 4.


"Oh, you can't kid m€. "

CAROL JEAN THURW ACHTER "What time are you getting up?" Hockey 2, 3, 4; Riding 2, 3; Basketball 4; Gym team 2, 3; Chapel choir 2; YWCA 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4.


"That ain't it"

House co unci I 4.

Page 33


" I give you 12 hours "

Basketball 4; Swimming 4.



"Come again "

Pillars 4; Post 4; Co-chairman Rou-land 4; YWCA 3, 4; Drama Club 4; Co-House President 4; Senior class secretary 4; Honer roll 3, 4.


" Rumors are fiying " Football 4; Basketball 4; Messiah 3, 4; Chorus 4; Chapel choir 4; Church choir 3, 4; Boys ' Ouartette 4; W Club 4.

Page 34

"How do you do "



Jack Homblette, Carol Matthews, Dwight Harris

The Juniors This yedr's Junior Class surpass even the hopes they had as Sophomores. Ulder the able leadership of their president, Dwight Harris, and the other oFficers (Pete Mueller, vice-president, Carol Matthews, secretary, and Thelma Arslan, treasurer) they are active in all phases of Wayland life. In so far as sports go, about ten of the boys received varsity football letters. Bob Royce, Bill Weston, Dave Davis, Jack Homblette, Ronnie Schmidt, Alan Clar, Pete Mueller, John Nunn, Dan MacKinnon, Bill Schack, and Jack Sell were all sparkplugs of the team. Jim Howell, Alan Clark, John Nunn, Dwight Harris, and Bob Grief represent the class on the basketball team. Cheering the boys on to victory were Pat Hull, Chick Noreus, and Connie Sensiba as cheerleaders . Members of the Junior Class were indispensable, too, in the high-light of the Wayland year, Rou-land. Gretchen Bittner, Sue Lupton, Bob Royce, Thelma Arslan, Carol Matthews, Jerry Grout, Dode HoFfman, Luther Ison, Tom Janzer, Gay Nelson, La Vonne Weber, Chick Noreus, Georgianne Pelck, and Winnie Woods were included in this group. The Juniors are also well represented on the honor roll, with Carol Matthews and Dwight Harris leading this list. So far, the class is coming along Fine as far as weekend activities are concerned. They put on the First activity of the New Year, a Leap Year "Ball and Chain" dance . The girls asked the boys for dates, and everything was turned around . M r. and tv.rs. Cassedy are the clcss advisers. Page 36

Thelmd Arsldn

Lillidn Bdchofen

Stephen Bishop

Gretchen Bittner

John Blinks

Pdtricid Chduvel

Aldn CIMk

Jodn Cooper

Ddve Ddvis

LMry Gdvel

Ernest Goldhorn

Jodn Gorden

Robert Grief

Hdrold Grotefeld

Page 37

Gerald Grout

Dwight Harris

John Homblette

James Howell

Patricia Hull

Luther lson

Thomas Janzer

Ann Jenkins

Jacqueline Kerr

Thomas Klusendorf

Robert Liesses

Jean-Marie Lepargneur

Delores Hoffman

Page 38

Carl Huber

Arthur Lundin

Sue Lupton

Daniel MacKinnon

Carol Matthews

Barbara McCreedy

John Morgan

Peter Mueller

Gay Nelson

Charlotte Noreus

John Nunn

Georgeanne Pelck

Arthur Peterson

Rob Roy Roberts

Robert Royce

Page 39

Mary Whitfield

Page 40

Wi II iam Schack

Ronald Schmidt

John Sell

Constance Sensiba

Cecil Smith

Frederick Steele

La Vonne Weber

Wilson Weisenfelder

William Weston

John Williams

John Wilterding

Winifred Woods

David Brethauer, John Keil, Ann Hartman, Russell Hopf

The Sophomores The Sophomore Class is on its way to becoming a fine Senior Class starting wit~ good student Ieaders and followers. First, in the athletic department, three of its members, Russ Hopf, Jim Lewis, and Dick Deniger were on the basketball team. Luis and Dick made first string. Another member of the clcss who is outstanding on the basketball court is lanky Tom Pickard. They are not outdone from the scholarship point of view either. Margaret Hoyer, a patriotic class member, made the very top of the honor roll more than once. Kristin Kelly, another member of the class, is on the Girls' House Council. Don Davis and Marilyn Smith seem to be quite popular, for they were elected to the court of the king and queen for our annual Ice Carnival. The Sophomores put on an informal Club Lindsagon, called the "Formulae," early in the year. Many said that it was the most originally decorated activity to date. They had reserved booths around the dance floor for the separate coup Ies. The Sophomores intend to put on the real Club Lindsagon later in the year. We are anxiously waiting for it. The Sophomore Homecoming skit received third place with its "Truth or Consequences" which everyone enjoyed. Dave Brethauer, the vice-president of the class, was Master of Ceremonies. Russ Hopf is the hard-working president of the class, John Keil, the secretary, and Ann Hartman, the treasurer. Miss Royce and Mr. Pasko are the even harder-working class advisers. We all hope that you will keep up the good work, Sophomores! Page 41

Jeanne Bertzyk

David Brethauer

John Burgess

Donald Davis

Richard Deniger

Audrey Drown

Thomas Dull

Caroline Frey

Georgeanne Geyer

Clifford Goll

Ann Hartman

Russel Hopf

Margaret Hoyer

Sanford Brown

Page 42

Elinor Jacobs

Elizabeth Law

Le Roy Johnson

Shirley Johnstone

John Kanalz

Michael KMt

John Keil

Kristin Kelly

Harold Kempfer

Marla Kern

James Lewis

Mitzie McMinn

Madelon Mel I

Page 43

Thomds Pickdrd

Jdmes Plews

Jon Rogers

Kdy Sdnford

Bdrbdrd Scheimdn

Joyce Sldck

Barbard Smith

Wdyne Snyder

Pdtricid Starkwedther

Luis TrdSdncos

Anthony Trepel

John Uphoff

Page 44


Gavin Young, Sam Pickard, Jeanne Carne, Bud Harris

' '

The Freshmen


The Freshman Class under the leadership of Sam Pickard has really gotten off to a fine start this year. The class was superlative in its skit for Homecoming. Credited to all-out co-operation , the Freshmen took second place. There was marvelous talent shown in the form of a barroom trio, a coach-and-blanket act, a piano solo, and a very good magician who stumped the audience time after time. Then on October 30, they put on their first weekend activity. It was an Open House in the old gymnasium. The activity consisted of dancing , entertainment, and refreshments. The activity was enjoyed by all. The Frosh are also outstanding in school sports. There were many boys on the FroshSoph football team, which, incidentally, had a very good season. Robert Strain made the Junior Varsity squad. In basketball , the boys are doing equally as well; and John Paschal made the Junior Varsity basketball team. He also played in many of the Varsity games. For both these sports they had a very able Freshman, Jane Soutar, to lead their cheers. This class doesn't seem to stop at being athletically inclined; they have managed to have a wonderfu I representation on the honor roll. Other class officers are: the very able Bud Harris as vice-president, Jeanne Carne as secretary, a1d Gavin Young as treasurer . The class, consisting of forty-four students, is really going places under the advice of Miss Gustafson and Mr. Mayer. It should really put forth some real leaders when its members become "uptJer classmen."




: Page 45

I i .'


- 路 - - -

Burtt Harris

Page 46

Eric Bergstrom

Beverly Briggs

Caroline Burrow

Barbara Burstein

Jean Carne

Charles Damp

Burt Fisher

Kay Gorden

Hazel Hamilton

John Healy

Peter Horst

Jean Hutchison

Gorden Kasmiskie

James Keating

Irving Kolko

Diane Kraut

Janice Larkin

Marilyn Lusher

Alison MacArthur

Barbara McMillan

Robert Newton

John Paschal

James Phipps

Samuel Pickard

Page 48

Mary Schettler

Arlo Schmidt

Richard Schram

Lois Schwock

Jane Soutar

Roger Stiles

Robert Strain

Louise Thorne

Anna Trasancos

Gloria West

Donald Yahn

Gavin Young


Ann Chandler

Jeanette Neuendank

Thomas Corbett

Dorothy Crooks

Nancy Nielsen

Gerald Ouam

Peggy Stephenson

Page 49

Junior College Sophomores

John Clark Carolyn Fabisch

Howard Baszynski John Braun Robert Buchda John Crinion Clarence Cullen Jose;:>h Hartzheim Robert Heath

Robert Daniels Phyllis Huck

Page 51

Roger Janisch Armin Jung



Jane Kellogg

Harvey Kopff

James Leigh

Bruce Merrill

Robert Moksnes

Evelyn Nell

Leonard Schmidt

Armond Sterr

John Toutant

Junior College Freshmen

Edrl Hoffmdn Jdmes Ldtisch

Wdndd BeMder lvd Bodin Willidm Hommel Elmer Lehmdn

Robert Bock Dennis Fox Jdmes Hopkins Ouentin McFddyen

Dondld Hdnsen Cdrol Kumbd Rdlph Mcldughlin

Page 53

Page 54

Donald Mekelburg

Martha Oestreich

Lois Olson

Phillip Panetti

Robert Phippen

David Piszezek

Rdlph Powell

Arthur Rauschert

Warren Siedschlag

Peter Smith

Daniel Stroick

Carol Tem pas

Claire Thomas

Betty Ann Zilisch











Front row: Manager John Nunn Second row: A. Clark, D. Deniger, J . Weddell, T. Pickard, J. Trasancos, R. Landrud, J. Howell Third row: Coach Pasko Wayland, the defending champions of the Wisconsin Prep School league, made a poor showing in conference play this season, and finished imbedded in last place with a 7 defeat and a 1 win record. Coach Pete Pasko used his underclass talent as much as possible and next year will still see three squad members who were starters this year. These threeJim Howell, a junior, and Dick Deniger and Tom Pickard, both sophomores- will see much action next year. The Varsity squad opened the season in Fond du Lac, where they beat Winnebago Lutheran, 29-26. Wayland lost its first game to Edgewood Academy during the next week by a score of 43-26. Although the half time score was 18-16, Edgewood 's favor, Wayland could not go ahead in the second half, but fell back and let Edgewood do the scoring. A classy MUS team hit the Wayland court on December 5, and turned the gym into a riot. The final score was MUS ahead by a 66-25 count. Wayland looked stage stricken as Frawley and Hughes each made sixteen points and as the second string from MUS ran circles around our first stringers. On December 6, Wayland bounced back and licked Elgin Academy, 36-20. The team looked very good in victory that day. Soon after returning from Christmas vacation, the Wayland cagers again met Elgin and again the story was the same, for Wayland again won, 40-38. Lake Geneva was the site of Wayland 's second conference

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match. Up to now, Wayland had won three non-conference games and had lost one non-conference and one conference game; but now things were different. Wayland was defeated by Northwestern Military and Naval Academy, 56-41 . The Preps from Watertown beat Wayland for another conference loss, 45-39. Wayland took an early lead and led 19-13 at the half. In the second half, the team slowed down and fell behind. Again Wayland had to meet MUS, and this time on January 23 the MUS blazers beat us 56-25. Another Milwaukee school took advantage of the defeatcrested Wayland quintet; this time the victors were Milwaukee Lutheran by a 56-26 score. Wayland had no more luck against the lower teams than they did with the better teams, and this was shown when they lost to Country Day, 37-24. Surprise! This was how the local paper had it. On February 17, Wayland beat Northwestern Preps, 35-28. Edgewood Academy, which is rated as a top state team, faced the Red cagers and defeated them 54-24 on February 20. Proving that they could do it if they wanted to, the " Pasko men" tallied sixty points together in order to beat Winnebago Lutheran, 60-22. Country Day appeared at Wayland on February 27 for the last game of the season, and the Day's beat their hosts, 44-33 .

Front row: Manager Jim Keating Second row: R. Hopf, J. Blinks, R. Grief, J. Kiel Third row : L. Trasancos, P. Mueller, D. Harris, R. Schmidt, J. Paschal, Coach Pasko A hot J- V squad terrified its opponents this season and won 11 games out of 13. All of their wins were by very decisive scores and this squad proves to be worth watching next year, for many of the boys will undoubtedly join the Varsity and make things bright for Wayland again . The Wayland J-V squad opened against MUS here at Woyland and lost a tough battle, 26-24. The game was well played, but the odds were against Wayland . The J- V five revived from a defeat at the hands of MUS and whipped the Elgin J-V 's, 27 -18. Little John Paschal led all scoring with ten points. After Christmas vacation, the J-V five again proved too much trouble for the Elgin quintet, as they trounced them 32-24. The next game was at Northwestern Military and Naval, and Wayland showed the cadets a few new tricks, which must have surprised them for the score ended 33-11 . Bob Grief, a speedy forward deceived the cadet J-V 's more than anyone else, for he made eleven points himself. The Northwestern Preps were the next to taste defeat at the hands of the rapidly moving J- V squad, when they lost 28-21. They traveled to Milwaukee next to get even with a tough MUS squad, and they did to the narrow margin of 29-28 . The game was a thriller all during the game, but thanks to Bob Grief, who sank thirteen points, Wayland

ended out in front by the single-point margin. Another conference win was credited to Wayland when they defeated Milwaukee Lutheran, 21-16. Ronnie Schmidt popped to the front with his eight points, but he had great support from Luis Trasancos and John Paschal. Country Day came and fell to the tune of 40-24. The victory was an easy one for the J- V squad and everyone played a wonderful game. Lake Forest was introduced to Wayland and they took a 30-29 decision. Wayland had a 29-28 lead with 10 seconds left to play when the ball was stolen from Schmidt; the basket was made to put Lake Forest ahead, 30-29. Bouncing back from this tough defeat, the J-V's took Northwestern Preps, 23-13, for another conference victory. Ronnie Schmidt proved himself to be deadly from the pivot position, for he again led the scoring race, this time with thirteen points. John Kiel was runner up with eight. Wayland 's other two points went to Dwight Harris, a lanky guard. The J-V 's proved they could do it when they took the Edgewood reserve squad to camp by a merry tune of 34-11. Bob Grief and Ronnie Schmidt led Wayland's outstanding reserve squad to another victory. Grief made fifteen points, while Schmidt made fourteen, as Wayland trounced the Winnebago Lutheran J-V squad, 44-21. Very good ball handling was exhibited in this tangle.

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Front ro w: S. Dunhdm, D. Ddvis, J . Howell , M . KMt Second row : Codch Simpson , M. Kdmp, M . Burstein, C. Mcintosh , D. Bdeder

1947 Wayland 5 . . ...... . ...... . . . .... . . .. ... . ... . . Elgin 1 Wayland 3 . ... .. .... .. ........... . .. .

. .. Waupun 2

Wayland 1 ................ . ........ . ... Country Day 4 Wayland 2 .... . .... . ..... . ...... .. .

. . . Beaver Dam 3

Wayland 0 . . . .. . .

. . ...... St. Mary's 6

Wayland 0 . .. ... .

. .. .. .. . . MUS 5

Wayland 2 .. ..... . ...... ... ... . .. . . . . . Country Day 3

Page 65

g .



Front row: B. Moksnes, A. Hart, D. Middleton, J. Morgan, D. Smitz Second row: Coach Schnur, R. Leisses, J. Rogers, C. Dull, R. Royce, P. Mueller, H. Henning Third Row: J. Lewis, G. Ouam, J. Phipps, D. Yahn, R. Stiles, E. Bergstrom

A new varsity sport appeared on the Wayland campus this winter under the able direction of Coach Leo Schnur. The sport which has gained such great popularity is namely sw immingi for, the first time in the school's history, they have had a swimming pool. Now that the pool is completed, many good swimming teams should be produced and without a doubt they will be. The Wayland Tankers had a small schedule this year, but they did a marvelous job in the few that they did have. Starting off with Elgin Academy, Wayland lost a tough battle, 38-37. This outcome did not escape being admired, for the squad made a good showing against an experienced opponent. On February 7, the swimmers faced a strong MUS team , who had a sparkling record in competition this season. The record did not discourage the boys, for although they lost, 40-35, they were battling all the time. February 21 was the date of the first meet held at Wayland. The team was host to Lake Forest Academy, and the Lake Forest team proceeded to whip Wayland, 48-27. The last meet of the season was against Elgin Academy. This time the story was diFferent and a victory was achieved, for Wayland whipped Elgin this time, 42-33. Special mention should be made of Bob Moksnes , our outstanding diver. Such diving as we have seen him do cannot be repeated by many high school people today. Page 66

Front ro w: A. 8dllentine, G . Gillette, C. Mdtthe w s, M. Esperson, T. Arsldn, G. Nelson Second row: Codch Mdyer, L. Weber, A . Jenkins, E. Eisert, M . Whitfield, J . Chdmberlin ,

H ockey WdS the big highlight in spo rts for the girls during the fdll term . To Mrs. Mdyer, our Cdpdble codch, goes much prdise for her enthusidsm dnd efforts towdrd mdking it d better tedm. Twenty-two girls cdme out for hockey. We scrimmdged between the two tedms for dbout d hdlf hour dnd then under supervision from Mrs. Mdyer, the forwdrd line would prdctice dribbling down the field dnd shooting godls, while the bdck fielders would prdctice driving long shots. We kept this prdctice up for d month dnd then Mrs. Mdyer chose the Vdrsity tedm consisting of the following: Cdrol Mdtthews, right wing ; 8drbie McCreedy, center; Grdce Gillette, left wing ; Mdry Whitfield, left inner; Jodn Chdmberlin, right inner; Thelmd Arsldn, right hdlfbdck; Bdnne 8dllentine, center hdlfbdck; Mdrjorie Espersen, left hdlfbdck; Eve Eisert, right fullbdck; LdVonne Weber, left fullbdck; Carol Thurwdchter, godl guard; Anne Jenkins, dnd Gdy Nelson were substitutes. Barbie McCreedy wds elected cdptdin dnd Anne Jenkins Wds mdndger.

Page 6 8



Mil w dukee Dow ner held d pldy ddy which WdS sponsored by the Milwdukee Hockey Club. Five schools were invited to compete dgdinst edch other. We hdd d gdme with Kemper Hdll in the morning dnd one with Ldke Genevd ldter on in the ddy. We mdngded to tie with Ldke Genevd but lost to Kemper Hdll by one point. Downer held d ted dfterwdrds w hich dll the girls were invited to dttend . We invited Downer to come up to Wdyldnd for d hockey gdme on Sdturddy morning of Homecoming . They brought their V drsity tedm dnd we hdd d splendid gdme, even if w e did lose . After the gdme edch member of the tedm took d Downer girl to Club Henri to get d bite to edt. After the competitive gdmes we hdd intrdmUrdl gdmes. The winning tedm received ten points towdrd their sixty-five point letters; the losing tedm received five points. Mrs. Mdyer held d hockey pdrty for the Varsity tedm dfter hockey sedson WdS over.

After we returned from Christmas vacation, basketball took the big highlight in girls' winter sports. Basketball is being coached under the capable Mrs. Cassedy. Twenty-five girls came out for basketball. After a month of practicing, the Varsity squad was chosen consisting of the following: Forwards- Mickey Sager, Nancy McCallum, Mary Whitfield, Anne Ballentine, Connie Sensiba, Marilyn Webber, Joan Cooper, Joan Chamberline, and LaVonne Weber ; the Guards are- Carol Matthews, Jeanne Modica, Carol Thurwachter, Eve Eisert, Ann Jenkins, Shirley Johnstone, Marilyn Lusher, Barbara Burstein, and Jane Soutar. Squad practice is held three times a week for an hour. The first two biq games of the season were held at Kemper Hall in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Twelve Varsity-squad girls went. The score of the first game was Kemper, 25, and Wayland, 10. Mickey Sager made six points. The second game

was Wayland, 24, and Kemper Hall, 22. LaVonne Weber and Connie Sensiba tied for high-point girl with 10 points each. Saturday, February 28, a game was planned with Milwaukee Downer here, but due to bad weather they could not come . Instead Wayland 's team divided up into two teams and competed against each other. The second team won 21-13. Anne Ballentine was top scorer for the second team with twelve points. Mary Whitfield sank six points for the first team. Saturday, March 6, we have invited Lake Geneva to come here for a game. Summing up the basketball - we haven 't had very many games, but we have all enjoyed the practicing and the few games we have had a great deal. Here is hoping for a better team next year, and we also hope that we can have a fuller schedule of games then.

Front row: J. Cooper, C. Thurwachter, M. Lusher Second row: C. Matthews, S. Johnstone, J. Modica, J. Soutar, L. Weber, B. Burstein Third row: Coach Cassedy, C. Sensiba, A. Ballentine, A. Jenkins, N. McCallum, E. Eisert, M. Whitfield, M. Sager

Page 69

The tennis playing in the fall was cut short because of the bad weather. However, we did set up a ladder tournament, so that the top four received points toward their letter. These four were: Mickey Sager, LaVonne Weber, Mary Whitfield, and Carol Jean Thurwachter.

Soccer is one of the best ways to get those last few points you need for your "W." This year quite a few girls went out for soccer and found it a very exciting game. Those girls were: Thelma Arslan, Anne Ballentine, Barbara Burstein, Joan Chamberline, Pat Chauvel, Joan Cooper, Dotty Crooks, Eve Eisert, Marjorie Espersen, Sally Ettinger, Caroline Frey, Grace Gillette, Joan Geyer, Joan Gorden, Margaret Hoyer, Pat Hull, Helen Huang, Jean Hutchison, Ann Jenkins, Diane Kraut, Betsy Law, Janice Larkin, Marilyn Lusher, Alison MacArthur, Carol Matthews, Grace Matuseski, Peggy Roberts, Lois Schwock, Barbara Smith, Jane Soutar, Peggy Stephenson, Loui se Thorne, Carol Jean Thurwachter, Marilyn Webber, LaVonne Weber, and Mary Whitfield.

A riding club was organized last fall by Mrs . Mayer and Mrs. Cassedy with the following officersi president, J. C. Williamsi vice-president, Sue Luptoni secretarytreasurer, Larry Gavel. However, circumstances changed these officers and we elected representatives instead- Dave Davis and Larry Gavel for the boys and Lyn Smith for the girls. Ouite a few people rode, but only those girls who completed their ten-ride tickets received points . These were : Anne Ballentine, Jean Carne, Joan Cooper, Eve Eisert, Grace Gillette, Harriet Heinselman, Shirley Johnstone, Marla Kern, Alison MacArthur, Nancy Neilsen, Jane Soutar, Louise Thorne, and Gloria West. Page 71



. Organizations

Mrs. Foster, Mr. Tucker, Stan Dunham, Mr. Hicks Marjorie Espersen

Dwight Harris

Russell Hopf

Eve Eisert

LaVonne Weber

Graham Foster

Nancy McCallum

Sam Pickard

Robert Moksnes

Marilyn Webber

Jeanne Modica

Gordon Malaise

Charles Mcintosh

Sally Ettinger

Every student member on the Senate has a ddinite purpose, for each one represents some organization or some phase of our Wayland life. The athletics are well represented by Charles Mcintosh, president of the "W" Club, and Nancy McCallum, president of the Varsity Club. Hutchins and Merriam Houses are represented respectively by Graham Foster and Gordon Malaise. Wayland Hall is represented by the president of the Boys' House Council, Don Edwards . He is also honored by being the Senate vice-president. In the election of the girls, Marilyn Webber and Marjorie Espersen received the same number of votes for Girls' House Council president, so they both attend Senate. They have, however, but one combined vote . Town students are represented by LaVonne Weber; and the college students by Bob Moksnes. The president of each class attends Senate, and Jeanne Modica, YW president, is also the secretary of the Senate. Stan Dunham, president of the Senate, represents the entire student body. The Senate has been much more active this year than in preceding years. It has taken responsibility for the behavior of the students on several occasions, and has sponsored several activities. Page 74

Seated: Co-Pres idents Marilyn Webber and Marjorie Espersen Standing: J. Gorden, M. Whitfield, J. Chamberlin, M. Sager, C. Sensiba, J. Kerr, K. Kelly

Seated: B. Linroth, President Don Edwards, C. Mcintosh Standing: R. Hopf, G. Foster, N. Hughes, D. Davis, J. Kanalz, K. Smith, J. Newton

Page 75

Seated: E. Eisert, M. Whitfield, N. McCallum, T. Arslan, C. Thurwachter Standing: J. Modica, G. Gillette, L. Weber, M. McMinn



One of the most important and active clubs on the Wayland campus is the girls' athletic club, the Varsity Club. Like the "W" Club, it stands for high ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play. On November 1, the Varsity Club had the privilege of seeing the English Hockey Tearn play in Madison against a picked team. In March, the nine members and Mrs. Mayer went to Madison to see the stage show, "I Remember Mama." Initiation is the big thing in the spring. All girls who have obtained the required number of points for their "W" are invited to join. During its short four-year span of existence, the Varsity Club has made a place for itself on the Wayland campus. Every year it renews its vow to serve YOU- Wayland students. Officers: Mary Whitfield, Nancy McCallum, Thelma Arslan

Page 76

Seated: R. Hopf, M. Burstein, J. Newton , C. Mcintosh, G. Foster, R. Landrud, D. Brethauer Standing: R. Leisses, D. Baeder, R. R~yce, J. Weddell, D. Mac Kin non, R. Schmidt, M. Kamp, K. Smith

"'W, After a number of years of ina:tivity, the Wayland athletic club, the "W" Club, has again begun to function as a rightful , forceful organization on the campus. The revival is due mainly to the wonderful faculty supervision rendered by Coach Leo M. Schnur, and the leadership of its president, Charles Mcintosh , and the superb cooperation on the part of all persons connected with the club. The primary purpose in the " W " Club is to promote athletics on the campus, but behind this it has an ideal that it tries to uphold- that of making better men out of just ordinary men. It strives to maintain high ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play. The "W" Club functions as a group very effectively, as can be seen by the popularity of the Football Dance . It also plans to put on just as good activities Iater in the year. The fact that the club has worked so well, can be credited to its able leadership. As president we have Chuck Mcintosh,

eLu~J. who was last year's treasurer, c se nior from Evanston , Illinoi s. Ralph Stanford, also a senior, from Lombard , Illinois, is the vicepresident. As secretary, we have a junior from Beaver Dam, Alan Clark; and our treasurer is another senior, John Newton , from Freeport, Illinois. The other club members are: Russ Hopf, Max Burstein , Graham Foster, Rog Landrud , Dave Brethauer, Bob Leisses, Don Bader, Bob Royce , John Weddell , Dan MacKinnon, Ronnie Schmidt, Mike Kamp, and Keith Smith. During the year, the Club plans to make different trips to athletic events of one nature or another. Right now they are planning to take in at least one night of the State Baketball Tournament. Later on , they hope to be able to go to the State Indoor Track Meet. As a climax to the most progressive year the "W" Club has ever had, we plan to make some so rt of contribution to the athletic department. Page 77

Front row: C. Thurwachter, M. Sager, G. Nelson, G. Gillette, M. Espersen, J. Soutar, P. Roberts, M. Smith, A. Ballentine, J. Gorden Second row: K. Kelly, A. Trasancos, S. Ettinger, M. Mia ;s, A. Chandler, J. Modica, D. Cro:Jks, K. Gorden, T. Arslan, D. Kraut, J. Neuendank, A. Hartman Third row: L. Weber, B. Law, B. Briggs, B. McMillan, J. Larkin, K. Sanford, M. Mel I, M. Hoyer, S. Johnstone, J. Carne, B. Burstein, W. Woods, B. Smith, C. Matthews Fourth row: P. Chauvel, M. Whitfield, A. Jenkins, J. Kerr, N. McCallum, E. Eisert, N. Nielsen, J. Chamberlin, M. Webber, P. Stephenson, J. Hutchison, M. Lusher, J. Co:>per

The Wayland YWCA, one of the oldest and most influential organizations, hc:s just completed its sixty-fourth year. The activity of the members starts in the summer when the new girls receive a letter from the YW president and one from an appointed big sister. The Cabinet comes back early to prepare for the opening of school. Flowers are put in each room , and a pajama party is held on the night that the students arrive, so that everyone may get acquainted. Later in the fall , the annual Fellowship banquet is held to introduce the Cabinet members; this year we again had the privilege of hearing Miss Carrie Dollar speak. In November the Recognition Service is held. This service is all in candle light, and this service of installation of new girls is very impressive. The Christmas Pageant, telling the story of the Nativity, is another tradition of the YW. A Christmas party is given in the lounge of the dorm, on the night before Christmas vacation. Santa Claus gives gifts Page 78

and food to everyone. In February, the Masquerade is given for the benefit of the March of Dimes. The activities of the YW in the late spring are the May banquet, when the new officers are installed, and the saddest of meetings, the Senior farewell. This latter is held outside around a fire, and each Senior girl tells what the YW has meant to her while at Wayland. The 路 YWCA could never be able to carry on its services and activities without the guidance of its adviser, Miss Marion Mitchell. The Cabinet members are: Sally Ettinger, Marilyn Miars, Pat Hull , Marilyn Webber, Peggy Roberts, Ann Jenkins, Helen Huang , Mary Whitfield, Nancy McCallum, and Thelma Arslan. The officers are: Barbara McCreedy, treasurer; LaVonne Weber, secretary; and Jeanne Modica, president. Ann Fisher was vice-president, but she left Wayland at Christmas time to join her father in Japon.

Front row: G. Geyer, B. Burstein, G . Pelck, L. Bdchofen, K. Gorden, M. Mel I, P. Roberts, M. McMinn, J . Modicd, K. Kelly Second row: M. Hoyer, A. Hdrtmdn, M. Espersen, J . Neuenddnk, D. Krdut, J. Soutdr, M. Sdger, L. Weber, S. Ettinger, M. Midrs, B. Smith, T. Corbett Third row: E. Eisert, T. Arsldn, G. Nelson, M. Whitfield, A. Jenkins, W. Woods, P. Stephenson, B. Briggs, B. McMilldn, H. Heinselmdn, M. Kern, N. McCdllum, M. Lusher Fourth row: C. Goll, J . Sell , C. Smith, R. Hejnd, N. Hughes, D. MdcKinnon, C. Dull, B. Linroth, T. Jdnzer, G . Gillette

Wayland was revolutionized by the musical revue , Rou-land , the first show of its kind to be presented here at school. Everyone was talking about it; everyone was working on it. Late into the night, the north side of the girls' dormitory was kept awcke listening to the piano-patter of Mrs. Roberts and Miss Kluckhohn , with side-line advice from Miss Weiske. This latter individual cou ld be seen day after day with bags under her eyes big enough to sink a ship. For weeks people were buzzing with " Rou-land this" and " Reuland that." Absolute secrecy was maintained, and everyone was surprised to learn they were on their way "To High Heaven." Yes, that is the title of the finest show ever presented at Wayland . The name of the organization , Rou-land, is derived from the first three Ietters of Roundy Hall and the last four of Waylcnd. This organization , composed of fifty talented and enthusiastic Waylandites, took the place originally held open for three one-act plays. Rou-land- written , directed, and produced Page 80

by students- offered an outlet for any and all talent on campus . Rou-land ' s "To High Heaven " took its audience away from earthly boundaries, and when the show ended, they were really " in heaven." The comments of the spectators can be summarized into, "The show had everythingdrama , comedy, skits, music, beauty, humor." When it was over Miss Weiske, Mrs. Roberts, and Miss Kluckhohn agreed it was well .worth the effort. The Forensic contests are of primary interest now, and the number of contestants promises stiff competition in the local contest on March 12. Definite plans have not yet been made for the Commencement play; however, it is fairly certain to be a comedy. Yes, the Wayland Drama Club, with faculty adviser, Miss Weiske, president, Mickey Sager, and secretary-treasurer, LaVenne Weber, has done its part in making ' 48 a grand year for everyone. We dedicate our time and our talents to YOU- Wayland students.


To High Heaven Principals Thelma A rsla n Barbara Burste in s~l Christifull i Tom my Corb ett Eve Eisert Graham Foster Cliff Goll Burt Harris

Dwi ght Harris Mike Kamp Sue Lupton Nancy McCa llum Mitzi McMinn Bob Moksnes Gay Nelson Charlotte No reus

G eorgeann e Pelck Peggy Roberts Bob Royce Mickey Sager LaVonne Weber John Weddell Winnie Woods

Co-Chairmen Chairman of Rou -land ...... .... .......... ........ .... ..... ..... ...... ...... ....... . .. . ....... Nancy McCallum Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andy Connor, Sue Lupton Skits ................. . .. . ... . ............ .. ... .. ... ....... ... . . . ...... . . .. . . . . .... . ...... Graham Foster, Eve Eisert Choreography . . . . ............. .. .... . .... . .... . ... .. .. . . . ................... . ..... Charles Mcintosh, Gretchen Bittner Stage Design ............. . ....... .... . . ... . ....... . ....... . . . ...... .. .......... . .. . ..... Eve Eisert, Marilyn Webber Lig ht ing ........ . . . .... . ..... . .... . .. . . . ......... . . .. .... . .. ..... . . . ..... . ... . ..... . ....... Ralph Stanford, Jack Sell Stage Construction .. . ..... . ............. .. .. . . . .. . ... .. . . ............... . ... . . . .. . ...... Ernie Goldhorn, Bill Weston Make-up ............ . ... . .. . ........ ... .. . . . ....... . . . .. ... .. . ......... . .... .. ....... . . Marilyn Miars, Sally Ettinger Costumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sal Christifulli, Mickey Sager Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry Grout, Lillian Bachofen Wardrobe Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . .... Stan Dunham Secretary ........ . .... . . .. ..... . . . ... . .. . ........... . .. . . .. . . ...... . . .. . .. . ............. . ..... .. Marjorie Espersen


All Aboard .. ...... . . . .... . ... ...... ........ .. .... ... ...... . . . ......... . . . ... . ... . . Words by Andy Connor To High Heaven . .................. .. ........ .. . . Andy Connor, Eleanore Weddell-Roberts, Ruth Kluckhohn, Mary Ellen Weiske There ' re Two I Love ...... . .... . ..... ... ...... ... .......... . . ..... . .......... Theme by Andy Connor Saturday Night . . . . ...... . . ... ..... . . . ...... .. . . ..... ... .... . .. . ..... . ..... . . . .. . . . ... .. .. . . Eve Eisert No. I Beau . . . .................. .. ............. . ....... . .... .. . . .... . ............... . .. Theme by Sue Lupton My Maw Is a Famous Woman ....... . .... . . .. ... . ....... . ...... .. . . . . ... . ..... . ..... Sue Lupton, Ruth Kluckhohn Door Stop . . ..... .................... .......... .. . . ..... . ..... .. . . ......... .. .. . . Graham Foster Don 't Write to Me Again ......... . .... . ..... . ....... . .. . ... . . . ... . ..... . ... Words and Music by Andy Connor Mrs. Pennyfeather . . . . . . . . . . . .... .......... .. .................. .. . ........ Nancy McCallum Take a Deep Breath ...... .. ... .. .. .. . ........ . ....... .. ....... . ......... . . Words and Mus ic by Eleanore Roberts Broken Heart . .................. .......... ...... . .. Words and Music by Sue Lupton Doggone If I've Ever Kissed You . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . ....... ... . . .. ... .. Wo rds and Music by Andy Connor Mrs. Pennyfeather Returns . . . . . . . . . .. ........................ . . . . . . . ..... Graham Foster Why Must We Keep All the Lights O n?. . .......... ... ......... . .... Tom Scott, Ripon College It's Cordial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Words and Music by Eleanore Ro berts Leavin ' You ...... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Do rothy Evans, Ripon College Summertime Lullaby. . . . . ... . . ....... . .......................... . .. . . .. .... Nathan Conney (A.S .C.A.P.) Speaki ng of Spea kers . ...... ... ......... .... . .... . ............. . . M. L. Blattspieler, Ripo n Co llege Sunda e Boogie . . ... . ................... . ... .. ..... .. . .... . ...... ..... . . .. . ... . ... Mus ic by Ru th Kluckhohn G ail e . . .. .................................................... . . . .... Th eme by Andy Co nn o r Last Stop H eaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wo rds by A ndy Co nn or

Front row: E. Espersen, S. Jones, C. Matthews, S. Ettinger, M. Miars, M. Whitfield, M. Sager Back row: D. Edwards, C. Mcintosh, J . Newton, R. Stanford, M. Burstein, M. Kamp This year most of the members of the PILLAR'S staff have profited from past experiences in compiling a yearbook and have worked long and hard to make this year's book the best yet. The literary editor, Marjorie Espersen, and the assistant editor, Dwight Harris, have written many of the articles which have been typed by Sally Jones and Sally Ettinger, the staff typists. The sports news has been written up by Maynard Burstein and Mary Whitfield. The pictures have been collected by Charles Mcintosh and Carol Matthews. Don Edwards, the business manager, and John Newton, the advertising manager, have worked together long and hard for the funds to make this book possible. The publicity editors are Mickey Sager and Mike

Kamp. The circulation managers are Marilyn Webber and Marilyn Miars. Eve Eisert, with the combined jobs of art editor and yearbook editor1 has worked long hours with Miss Holmes, the publication adviser, to get the articles and pictures in and ready on time. Miss Holmes, herself, deserves more than just a word of thanks for what she has done in helping to get this yearbook out. Dear reader, we all hope that after Wayland is just an alma mater to you, that the work of the PILLARS staff will be paid back a thousandfold in the memories that are brought back to you . May it represent to you all that Wayland has meant to you this year as you thumb through the pages of PILLARS. Yes, it is dedicated to

YOU .....

Editor-in-chief Eve Eisert Bus. Manager Don Edwards and Literary Editor Marjorie Espersen

Pcge 84

Front row: S. Jones, M. Whitfield, A . Ballentine, A. Ha~tman, M. Hoyer, M. Webber, M. Miars, L. Weber, S. Ettinger Second row: T. Arslan, W. Woods, R. Landrud, G. Foster, M. Burstein, S. Christifulli, R. Stanford, B. Darling, J. Lewis, P. Roberts, J. Cooper, H. Heinselman

The third volume of the Wayland POST was produced this year with Graham Foster, Jr. as its edi tor and Miss Bette Royce as its faculty adviser. The monthly newspaper brought to us a resume of many activities and its various departments were greatly enjoyed. As in previous years, the authors of the two society columns were kept in secrecy until the PILLARS to POST

Editor-in-chief Graham Foster Mary Whitfield, Max Burstein, Winnie Woods

banquet in the spring. At this time, Sal Christifulli and Pat Hull were disclosed as the writers of "Do Tell" and "Dear Diary" respectively. The two writers who were responsible for page three, the sports sheet, were Maynard Burstein as the boys' sports editor and Mary WhitField, who reportecl the outcomes of girls' athletic contests. "The Inquiring Reporter," the question and answer column , was handled by Margaret Hoyer. Roger Landrud introduced illu strious seniors in the "Senior Spotlight" and Maynard Burstein also wrote "Sideline Slants." Indispensable to the paper 's success were Winnie Woods as art editor and the two staFf typists, Sally Jones and Sally Ettinger. John Weddell inserted jokes periodically. The staFf reporters included a sizable group . Contributors were: Thelma Arslan , Anne Ballentine , Steve Bishop, Bob Darling, Don Edwards, Eve Eisert, Ann Hartman, Harriet Heinselman, Jim Lewis, Barbi McCreedy, Marilyn Miars, Peggy Roberts, and La Vonne Weber. The POST publication staFf took much pride in its paper and hopes that the school has enjoyed the issues of the POST cs much as it did in putting them out.

Page 85

Front row: Mell, Bittner, McMinn, Roberts, Woods, Arslan, Miss Kluckhohn Second row: Lewis, McMillan, G. Nelson, Chamberlin, McCreedy, Jenkins, Whitfield, Braun Third row: Edwards, K. Smith, Dunham, Damp, Weddell, Don Davis, Nickols, Christifulli, G . Foster, J. Newton

Church Choir This year's Wayland Church Choir has been exceptionally good. It has done a great deal more singing in the Baptist Church services each Sunday, and has done some extra singing besides. In addition, this choir now does the choir work in the chapel services. At Christmas time, the choir had the good fortune to be able to participate again in Beaver Dam 's presentation of Handel 's "Messiah ." !twas held in our new gymnasium this year; and the production wa s beautiful , as it always is. The YW Chri stmas Pageant followed, with the choir providing the musical background for the beautiful scenes. We were fortunate in having Miss Virginia Drake sing with us for that perPage 86

formance . Out of the choir have come the boys ' quartette (composed of Bob Moksnes, Sal Christifulli , Bob Royce, and John Weddell) and the girls' trio (made up of Mitzi McMinn , Peggy Roberts, and Thelma Arslan). Both groups have done exceedingly well under the excellent leadership of Mi ss Kluckhohn and Mrs. Roberts, respectively. Other specialties coming from the choir are the soloists. Gay Nelson , Charlotte Noreus, Georgeanne Pelck, Peggy Roberts, and Thelma Arslan are among the featured soloists. Miss Kluckhohn ha s indeed led the choir to a most success ful year in 19471948.

Front row: Bittner, McMinn, Roberts, Woods, Arslan, Miss Kluckhohn Second row: Weber, J. Newton, K. Smith, Weddell, Dunham, Edwards, G. Nelson, Whitfield


J. Newton, Jacobs, Keating, Fisher, Young, Woods, Grout, Klusendorf

Page 87

Front row: Chdmberlin, Bertzyk, B. Smith, HMtmdn, Hoyer, Woods, Espersen, Sdger, Jdcobs, SoutM, Ldrkin, Krdut, Lusher Second row: Lewis, Roberts, Arsldn, Weber, McMinn, Frey, Neuenddnk, Whitfield, Mel!, Bittner, Geyer, Burstein, Sdnford, Gillette, J. Gorden, Sldck, Don Ddvis Third row: Ddrling, Corbett, Ddmp, K. Smith, Kerr, Bdllentine, Sensibd, Jenkins, G. Nelson, Stephenson, Nielsen, Briggs, MdcArthur, Pelck, G. Foster, J. Newton , Weddell, EdwMds

Mixed Chorus

Lynn Smith dnd Cdroline McCdin

Thelma Arslan, Peggy Roberts, Mitzi McMinn, Mrs. Roberts

The Trio The Quartette Bob Moksnes, Sal Christifulli, Bob Royce, John Weddell, Miss Kluckhohn



<Jluvte? Page 89

Front row: V. Nelson, C. Thurwdchter, B. Stein, J. Brdun, G. Mdtuseski, B. Linroth, J. Cullen Second row : Mr. Wichmdn, D. Edwdrds, B. DMiing, J. Newton, R. Roberts, Mrs. Cdssedy Third row: Miss Mitchell, Mrs. Foster, R. Hejnd, T. Foster, Mr. Cdssedy

On March 19, twenty students end four faculty members left Beaver Dam for a tour of Washington, D. C. and thereabouts. We came in at the Union station in Chicago and were transferred to the B. & 0. station. At four o 'clock we left Chicago and after a tiring night of trying to catch some sleep on the train, we arrived at Washington . We immediately started on our tour of the city, visiting the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials . Afterwards we went on a tour through the White House. We returned to the Hotel Annapolis to unpack and have luncheon . Saturday afternoon we were conducted on a tour of the interiors of public buildings, stopping at Washington Monument, the Smithsonian Institute, U. S. Capitol , and the Congressional Library. Sunday morning we attended church services. In the afternoon we were taken on " tour of the Shrine of Immaculate Conception , the

Franciscan Monastery, and the Old Soldiers' Home. Sunday evening we attended a concert at the National Gallery. We spent all Monday at the Capitol. We met Senator Wiley of Wisconsin and sat in on a Senate session and a House meeting . In the afternoon we were with Representative Davis, also of Wisconsin . That evening, the Wayland Alumni Banquet was held at the 3400 Hotel. Tuesday we visited the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Arlington National Cemetery, Alexandria , Mt. Vernon, and Annapolis Naval Academy. Wednesday we spent in a tour of the Gettysburg Battlefield . Thursday morning we left Washington for Richmond , Williamsburg, Jamestown , and Yorktown. We arrived back in Chicago at 1:30 Saturday.

Page 91


Page 92

Page 93

FRIDAY 7:45 ... . .. . .......... .. Stunt Night 9:CO. . . . . .. Bonfire and Pep Rally 10:00 ...... . . . ... Alumni Snack Hour SATURDAY 10:00 .... . Annual N1eeting of Trustees 2:00 . . .... . ... . .. Wayland vs. MUS

6:00 . .... . 9:00 . .. . . 12:00 ... . .

. Homecoming Dinn er . . Homecoming Dance . .. Alumni Snack Hou r SUNDAY

10:45 .. . .. . .... Homecoming Services 12:30 .. .. . ..... . Buffet Lun cheon 2:30 ...... : . .. lnformai 'Organ Recital 3:15 ... .. ..... . . . ... .. Coffee Hour

Whdt is the dttrdction?- on the steps dt thdt!

Stdrting the New Yedr right Mi ke ?

September 4- Football boys roll in early to loosen up rusty hinges- badges of c lazy summer. 7- Some old YW girls arrive early to welcome new girls and to " check " on new boys . 10- That fateful day-school officially opens with dinner at 6 :30 for all students. . . Rather crowded , eh what? 11 - Assembly in the A.M . In the P.M. hike to Crystal Lake and food ... etc . 12- 0nwardl The march to the Odeon- " 1Wonder Who 's Kissing Her Now?" Ouite a send off for the First activity of your 1948 school year. (You ain 't seen nothin' yet) 13- YW Mixer- boy looks girl over- girl gives boy the eye- Result? A new couple . Golly, what an eveningl 19- Art Murray sent hi s henchman down to give you special instruction on how to walk in a circle-only ten easy lessons . 20- Football ... Washington Park . .. here ... At night, lounge parties- dancin ' in boys ' lounge , Cdught in the dct!

Tokyo Annie, Jedn dnd To m

cards in girls ' dorm . (Know any new tricks, Rog?) Club afterwards. 26--Another weekend work out. Art's sidekick is back again- " two steps left, one up, two down." 27- Football . . . Milwaukee Lutheran . .. away . First class activity of the year, the Senior Ghost Party complete with Frankenstein and chaperon s.

October 3- Football . . . Edgewood . . . here . Dancin ' in ye drcfty old gym again . 4- 1 know we all did something this nite , but what? Anyone having any information concerning the official actions of the student body on above date , please tell us- reward of 5 cents. 6- Art Hook took us via slides to Alaska , "The Last Frontier." 8- YW Fellowship dinner. 10- For a small fee ($1 per lesson) we ma y enjoy th e privilege of continuing with the dancin ' lessons . . . Five weeks of it . .. for the others, Club.

'Member thdt " W " club dCtivity- the Drdmd!

He 's too tdll for me!

One, two, three .•. kick!


1 ')

Three monkeys in the Wdyldnd zoo.

Football . . . N . W. Military Academy . . . away. Girls drag their men to the Sophomore turnabout. Poor boys never knew what hit 'em!

Thdt mdn dbout town ...

November 1

Girls' varsity club migrated to Madison to see the English hockey team in action. Football ... Country Day . . . away. "W" Club activityGay is your queen and rules Charles. Varsity Vamps sponsored by your varsity girls in new gym.

You new students get first taste (rather sour)

oF our six weeks' exams. You old students are already aware of the "conditions that prevail." 17

Faculty activity in new gym everything from dancin' to basketball(?) Club, too!



Football ... Fond duLac ... away. Senior Box Social. Fun for all and money for the Seniors.



Beginning of Homecoming Weekend. Class skits. (Seniors, first prize of $20) Snake dance. bonfire, Club for all (complete with new benches).

Faculty recital and then on to music of a different sort at ye good olde Club Henri. 14, 15, 16- Long, lost week-end.


(A.M.) You tore out of bed to watch the mighty Wayland amazon hockey tea on play against Downer girls. P.M. Footbcll . . . MUS ... here ... Nite ... banquet 'til 9:30, then dance 'til midnight . . . then Cinderella must return to the dorm.

Harpie H. Williams plunked out choice melodies for you on his instrument- the harp! 21 Co-ed swim in pool after the Club. 22- The long-awaited Rou-lcnd Activity. Miss W. as yet is not weary. 26- The Trapp Family (First in B. D.'s concert series). The inspiration was wonderful and you absorbed much culture, but darn it, those gym seats are hard- my achin' back.


Malcolm Russel took you "Over the Burma Hump," another extension program.

27- Thanksgiving- give thanks dinner, rest. What a day!


Freshies activity swim , dance, and eat ferent order, however.


Cold, Jimmy?

in dif-


no school! Hike,

Basketball ... Milwaukee Lutheran ... away ... Student recital.

You'd think something WdS wrong

"Tho the weather outside is frightful."


29- W ayland-Town Mixer. Put on by SenateEarl and his boys played for you. 12:00 nightand all this at Wayland, oh boy!

December 2- Basketball .. . Edgewood ... here . 5- Basketball ... MUS ... here. 6- Basketball . . . Elgin . .. here (monotonous, isn't it?) Senior's Jingle Bell Ball in library, complete with mellow music, candlelight, tinkling bells, and green punch. It all added up to what one might term as "atmosphere"- a most delightful state in which to be- 'twas a matchin' nite for many a couple. 7- Handel's "Messiah"- in new gym- again a beautiful service, as in years past. 8- D. Starry and his buddy beat drums and in between told you of "West Indian Witch Craft," all very interesting if one might decide to become a witch doctor. ("Pass That Peace . I") P1pe. 11 - YW Xmas party with Susie Santa; Mrs . Foster read "The Bird's Christmas Carol"; gifts for all. 12- Christmas pageant held in Linfield. 13- Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to home you go. 'Bye and Merry Christmas to you dear kiddies. "Your secret Jose?"

" Holly, bells, Xmas, and you all. "

January 5- Back again-all your New Year's resolutions you made? 9- Movie (part of that $10, remember?) "His Butler's Sister"; rather dark, were you afraid? 10- Basketball . . . Elgin . . . Away ... WON . Junior activity "Ball and Chain" dance . Turnabout, leap year, that it is. 16- Dress rehearsal for Rou-land. 17- First nighters pour into Linfield despite the cold; you all did your part to make it the success it was. 18- Basketball ... N. W. Military Academy ... here . Repeat performance, and coffee hour in the library after the closing curtain. 20- Basketball ... Northwestern Preps ... away. 23- "The North Star"- blur of planes and shooting. 24- The Ice Carnival weekend- one night! King Jose and Oueen Marilyn reigned. ''I'm Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover" ... Formal affair . 28- Semester exams start rolling. 30- Whewt What a knock down , drag out affair. Basketball ... two games ... Milwaukee Lutheran ... here at night.

"The boys enjoying the simple life."

"Is this for Ripon or Rou-land ?"


"Ball and Chain dance- 12 inches."

31 - Choice of three activitiesi first two non co-ed, and the third co-ed. (Barn dance with the Ripon die hdrds- supper, hay bales, and red lanterns). Needless to say which one most of you went to.

February 1- Start the new month right. Co-ed swim in gym from 2 to 4. Mid-term "new kids" come in . Toastmcster's Club of Beaver Dam, gave you the honor of their presence. 2- Second semester begins- we're off I 6 - Time Tests- guess Stan knows more telephone numbers then he'll admit. Country Day . . . basketball ... away. Nite- "House of Seven Gables"i those balcony pdrties Me becomin' quite the thing. 7- A.M . . . . Girls' volleyball team against Beaver Dam girls . . . P.M. Swim . . . MUS away. Nite . . . YW Masquerade. After everyone patting the other on the back, Susie informed us of her "Future Plans." 9 - First official meeting of Wayland Toastmasters under the leadership of Mike Kamp. 13- Long weekend.

"General mugging."

"Rather cold seat kids?"

14172021 -

He loves me ... he loves me not .. . so what! Basketball . . . Northwestern Preps . . . here. Friday nite study(?) hours. A.M. - school . . . Basketball . . . girls . .. Kemper Halli boys . . . Winnebago Lutherc:n . At nite Senior novelty "Devils Dive" . .. My it's Wdrm in here! Turnabout. 2?- "WM Dogs" ... F. Spooner . . . Mf! 28- Junior "Dew Drop In" ... fine activity. 29- Student recital.

March 1- ln like a roaring po ldr bear. 3- Basketball . , . Northwestern Militdry Academy . .. here. 4- Concert series ... Hilde Sommers, pianist. 5- An enthusic:stic crowd saw "Frontier Ga l"i co-ed balcony activities curtailed. 6 - Big day, A.M., Club reopened. Varsity Club girls with Mrs. Mayer migrate to Madison to see "I Remember Mc:ma"i second showing of last night's movie- my you certainly were responsive. Faculty played basketball against our vdrsity team- new minister in action- club open after .. . a very, very versatile day for all .

"Have a few people."

"Pepsin smiles of going steady."

"Portrdit of Sue dnd d horse."

"Spring you sdy?"


Your new minister can really preach! I want to take Bible! 12 Local forensic contests with cash prizes ... 13- Style Show. Double turnabout down to the Odeon ... "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." 15 19 Religion in Life week. 19- Spring vacctioni home for somei to Wc:shington for others. 28 Happy Easter to youl

9 15 20 22

"The Flowers that bloom in the spring, tra Ia ." Student recital again. Junior prom- big nite of the year- "Stardust. " YW installation dinner impressive ceremony. Tennis Clinic ... Nite .. . last "just Wayland" weekend. You Seniors get sentimental about now ... long talks into the wee hours in both dorms .

April 2 3 4 6 10 12 24


"Men of Texas"- rip roaring western. Freshmen activity. Student recital - do, re , me, fa , sol, Ia , ti, dol Glen Moris has us "Fiyin' hi" with his program. Junior activity- they're workin' hard for Prom money, aren't they? Elwood Gary . . Ten or . . concert series I sit on my coat these days not so hard to do . State Speech Contest.

May 1

Oh my, after dinner walks around the bull ring

" Piere tdlking to you!"

5 6 7

Commencement Play . Recital - playing tennis as if it were "just another day"- Senior party at Country Club . Still running around trying to get that last signature in YOUR yearbook the excitement is in the air- "Pomp and Circumstance" it's all over- last tears are shed and you Seniors lift your heads high and go out to face the world , whi le you lucky underclassmen can look forward to other years- May what you have learned _at Wayland remain with you through the years ...

"Now the boys dre getting violent!"

"Autumn, winter, sprin g."

"Smile pretty."

Verse One. There's gonnd bed ddnce- 1 hdd dnother pldn I wdnted to go to town to see d dog dbout a mdn But they cooked my goose it's no use Becduse it's cordidl. Thdt's whdt the mdn Sdid. My boy-friend 's in town- \ thought we'd hdve d tdlk I thought we might even hdve d little wdlk But they cdught me Adt Cdn't hdve thdt chdt Becduse it's CORDIAL. I ought to write d letter I need d shdmpoo I gottd study History dnd Algebrd, too! I oughtd cledn my room And hdve d mdnicure But they're tdking me over to ddn ce in thdt gymndsium, sure Becduse it's cordidl Thdt's w hdt the mdn Sdid I guess it's cordidl I'm out of my hedd! I'll go to thdt ddnce But goodbye to romdnce Becduse it's cordid l! Verse Two. There's gonnd be some choreogrdphy She hdd dnother arrdngement

"Two of your freshmen."

"Ernie dt work?"

" How chummy you dre!"

"The girls."

She wdnted to visit the metropolis to interview a cdnine dbout d humdn biped But they broiled her gdnder She cdn't phildnder Becduse it's MANDATORY . Thdt's whdt the Administrdtion opined. Her sugdr ddddy's in town She thought they'd hdve d conversdtion She thought they might even hdve d diminutive promendde She cdn't do these things Becduse ... it's OBLIGATORY. She ought to tend to her correspondence She needs to wdsh her hdir (d nd she won't be dble to dod thing with it) She ought to study for Mr. Wichmdn 's cldss- dnd for Codch Schnur, too, likewise. She ought to strdighten her domicile And groom her ten digits But they're tdking her over to ddnce in thdt gymndsium, sure Becduse it 's ... COMPULSORY Thdt' s whdt Prexy exhorted I guess it 's urgentl'm feeling d!lergent. .. You cdn tell thdt mdn it 's d wonderful pldn To hdve it CORDIAL MANDATORY CORDIAL COMPULSORY CORDIAL ... I guess it's CORDIAL! - Eiednore Weddell-Roberts

"Hutchins House Hustlers."

" Wedry Weiske dt the net. "

" How athletic."

"A year of studying and snap!"

If the skies never seem to be blue And life's never sunny or bright: There 's only one thing you can do To make your world dll right. Just put your hands in yGur lap Take a deep breath And smile ... at the hostess I said your hands in your lap Take a deep breath and smile. That's the answer to dll your woes Just assume that Wayland pose I sGJid your hands in your lap Take a deep breath And ~mile.

It's the GOLDEN RULE. Just put your hands in your lap, etc. If you're having a midnight feed When you shouldn't have been; What to do when a knock at the door And the Dean walks in? Just put your lap in your hands Take a deep smile And breathe ...

Freshman , this thing you must know When you come to school; It's Commandment One- It 's Beatitude-

"What's cookin'?"

"Pretty as a picture."

Seniors, leaving the cloister here Enter the world, BE BRA VEl You can always be very sure That you know just how to behave! Just put your hands in your lap, etc.

"Stars in the sky, sun in your eyes. "

- Eleanore Weddell-Roberts

"O ff to Cuba- Hasta Ia vista. "

As of old when knights and maidens, Summoned by Devotion 's call , Gathered 'midst the hallowed spl endor Of some great, ancestral hall , So, today, we do thee homage, Wayland , ca stle of our dreams! In thy nam e our torch wa s Iighted , Gallant still its white flam e gle ~ ms. Staunch w e stand and ever loyal, True to lessons thou hast taught, Strong to do thy boldest bidding , Fortified by battles fought. Ouickened by thy inspiration, On we press to heights above , Comrades in a mighty army, Kindred in a filial love. 'Round us surge the eager voices Of on un seen mystic throng , Spirits of thy absent children Joining in this festal song . They, like us, in fond all e gian ce Nurtured at thine ancient shrin e, Ever keep thy mem ' ry sacred, Ch eri shed as a gift divine.


The PILLARS staff wishes to take this opportunity to thank all those whose advertisements appear on the following pages . We also, at this time, wish to thank Mr. Les Oestreich of the Beaver Studio, Mr. Eldred Olson of the Brock Engraving Company, and Mr. E. W . McGuire of the Badger Printing Company who have all helped to make this book a success.

Page 105


Telephone 76-W

116 Rowell Beaver Dam, Wis.





BEAVER DAM, WIS. Telephone 347 Hawley Block


Compliments of


JERROLD'S Beaver Dam, Wis.

The Store of a Thousand Gifts

WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Home- W. H . Schul enburg-Owned 122 N. Spring St. Bedver Ddm, Wis.

Everything for the Automobile Arslon, Th elmo Mrs. R. K. Arslon 7038 S. Stew•rt Chicogo 21, Ill. Aberdeen 4485 B•chofen, Lilli•n Mr. ond Mrs. C•rl Bochofen Route No.2 Beaver Dam, Wis . 9615 F 21

Bearder, Wanda


Mr. ond Mrs. Will•rd Beorder 211 Pr•irie St. Beaver Dam, Wis. 1 088-R Bus. 83 Bergstrom, Eric James

Mr. ond Mrs. Wm. J . Roemer 157 N. P•rk Avenue Neenah, Wis. 46 Bus. Appleton 600

Boeder, Donold Roger Mr. Wolter B•eder 2520 Losey Court

Bertzyk, Jeanne Marie

La Crosse, Wis.

Powers Lake, Wis.

4284. Bus. 4210 Ballentine, Anne

Mr. •nd Mrs. E•rle Sol Ientine 1137 Locust Rood Wilmette , Ill. Wil. 4932 Baszy nski , Howdrd F.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baszynski

607 S. Linco ln Beaver Dam , Wis .


Page 106

Bock, Robert Emil Alex Mr. R. H . Bock 912 S. Spring St. Beaver Dam, Wis. 367 Bodin, lvd Mae Mr. •nd Mrs. Wm. C. Bodin 311 Y2 S. Spring St.

Bittner, Gretchen Ann Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius W. Bittner

5802 W. Wisconsin Ave. Wauwatosa, Wis.

Bryan , Paul George

Mr. •nd Mrs. Gee. Bry•n 728 N. L•foyette Ave.

Beaver Dam, Wis.

Albuquerque, N.Mex.

987-W. Bus. 715-W


Braun , John

Mr. •nd Mrs. J. Bertzyk

Brown, 5dnford Mr. Ddve Brown

8134 Vernon Avenue Chicogo, Ill. R.d. 885 7. Bus. Ookl•nd 8200

Mr. •nd Mrs. F. W. Br•un 825 H•milton St. Wausc1u, Wis.

Buchdo, Robert Wm. Mr. L•wrence H . Buchdo 511Gr•ceSt. Wc1upun, Wis.

5359. Bus . 4031

505 -M. Bus. 799

Brethauer, Oc1vid H enry

Bump, Joseph H . 709Y2 N. Univ.

Mr. ond Mrs. Robt. F. Breth•uer 413 N . Center St. Beaver Dam, Wis.

BlueMd. 3244. Bus. West 0447

1130. Bus. 83

Blinks, John Mrs. Bertho Blinks c/ o Stephen C•ndy Kitchens 611 N. Socromento Blvd. Chicogo, Ill.

Briggs, Beverly lenore

Mr. C. D•vid Sri ggs 2086 Temple Court St. P•ul , Minn. Midwoy 7043. Bus. Mid. 1970

Bec1ver Dam, Wis.

Mr. •nd Mrs. H•rold Bump Rt. No .3 Bedver Dam, Wis.

Burgess, John E. Mr. ond Mrs. F. E. Burgess 228 N. Second St. Genevo, Ill. 2654 Bus. 4100

Com pl iments of

FANSHAW BEAUTY SALON 147 Front Street- Tel . 1358

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin


FUN ERAL HOME Beaver Dam, Wis.


Phone 105-W Compliments of

Com pliments of


Maier & Zahn, Inc.

" If It's Worth Wearing , Wear It Clean " Telephone 31-W O Ffice: 11 7 Fro nt St. Plan t: 135 Para ll el St.



Hoag Motor Company



Phone 89

Beaver Dc:m, Wiscons in 11 5 N. Sprin g St.


Burrow, Carolin e Mr . and Mrs. H e rbe rt Burrow

316 O neid• St.

Ch•ndl e r, Anne Eliz•beth Mr. •nd Mrs. Arthur B. Chondl e r 407Y2 N . Spring St.

8 e av e r Dam , Wis .

Beave r Dam, Wis .

6 7 Bus . 83

11 54 R X

Burste in, BarbMa Mr . Nathan E. Burs te in

316 Clork Street N ee nah, Wi s.

1515 Bus . 4430 Burste in , Maynard

Mr. Nathan E. Burste in

316 C lork Street Neenoh , Wis. 1515 Bus . 4430 C cun e, J e an B. Mr . and Mrs. Raymond J. C arn e 911 l exi ngton Ave. Wh e•ton, Ill. 1004 Bus . Andove r 4266

Chombe rlin , Jo•n C. Mr. •nd Mrs . Rolph G. Ch•mberlin 2600 E. Beverly Ro•d Milw•uke e 11 , Wis . Edg. 9778 . Bos. Con. 3646

Chauv el, Patricia

Mr. ond Mrs . J e•n Ch•uve l 7 5 Ave nu e Marceau Paris 16, Fra nc e

Christifulli , Sol Mr. • nd Mrs. A. L. Christi ful li 3480 N . W e iI St.

Beaver Dam , Wis.

108 Fron t St.

Compl iments of


Connor, And erson B.

Mr. W . D. Connor Mors hne ld, Wis . Bus . 3 Cooper, Jo•n Iso be l Mrs . Wm . R. Cooper 7000 S. Shore Drive C hic•go 49, Ill.

Crooks, Dorothy E. Mr. Dono ld M . Crooks Il l. A th letic C lub 112 S. Michig• n Ave . Chic•go 3, Ill. R• n. 0510 Bus . St•te 9413 Cul len, Cl•rence B•ldwin Mr. ond Mrs . Clorence P. Cull en 202 N . Center St. Beaver Dam, W is.

Edg . 8875

Corbett, Thom•s Roger Mr. • nd Mrs. J . R•lph Corbett 199 l•ke Shore Drive Chic•go, Ill. Del. 3991 Bus. Sup . 7260

Cl•rk, Al•n Mr. •nd Mrs. R. A . Clork 21 2 On eid• Street

Coste llo , Willi•m J•mes Dr. • nd Mrs . W. H. Coste llo 216 W . M•ckie

Milwaukee 12, Wis.



1033 M Cul len, Jo hn Edw•rd Mr. W. C. Cu llen 2136 Princeto n Ave. St. Pou l 5, Mi nn. DeSoto 3191, Bus. Ced•r 7307



D•mp, C h•rles Moff•tt Rev. ond Mrs. C h•s. T. Domp 72 Sheboygon Street Fond d u L•c, Wis . 7756 C hurch-302 5

Clock, John A. Mr. •nd Mrs . K. A. Cl• rk 212 On e ido Street

C rinion 1 Jack lawrenc e Mr . and Mrs . Lawre nc e C rinion

D•ni els, Robe rt A . Mr. ond Mrs . A . W . Doni els 311 H enry St.

Be ave r Dam, Wi s.

222 W . South Street

Beave r Dam, W is .

8 ec1 ve r Dam , Wis.

9 75

Bec!l ve r Dam, Wi s.


Beav e r Dam , Wis .


Page 107


Hawley Block

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

0. A . HAASE CO. A Wisconsin Corporation Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Ouality Footwear for the Entire Family Since 1883 101 Front Street

Beaver Sporting Goods Shop


Complete Line of Outdoor and Indoor Sporting Goods

Oscar Mellenthin Harold Mellenthin 121 N. Spring Beaver Dam, Wisconsin


Tel. 937



Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


116 Front Street

For a Better Beaver Dam

Beaver Dam, Wis.




Farm Equipment Saddler & Riding Equipment


A. M. Giese, Jeweler

Self Service

KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS BEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN D•rling, Robert H . Mr. C linton S. D•rling 9640 S. Winch este r Ave. Chic•go 43 , Ill. Bev. 2051. Bus . Cen . 3573 D.:wis , David lawr e nce Mr . and Mrs . Lester M . Dav is

2712 Ewing Avenue Evanston , Ill. D•vis 2038 . Bus . Uni. 3900 Davis , Don Gordon

Rev. •nd Mrs. Alfred C. D•vis 1557 S. 78th Street W est Allis 14 , W is. Green . 0583 Sus . Blm . 7400

Dull , Cecil W . Dr. •nd Mrs . C ecil F. Dull Rich l• nd Ce nter, Wis . 385 Bus . 441 Dull , Thom•s Dr. •nd Mrs. C ecil F. Dull Richland Cente r, Wis . 385 Bus . 441

R.\r~h:nd ~~~-~~- L. Dunh•m 135 F•rr•nd P•rk Highl•nd Pork , Mich.

Edwdrds , Don•ld Mrs . Myrtle J. Edwuds 3661 S. 46th St. Milw•ukee 14, Wis. Mit. 8366

De niger, Rich•rd J . Mr. •nd Mrs . R. A . Deniger 310 P•rk A ve nu e

Eis ert , Eve Mr. and Mrs . Henry K. Eis er t


714 Ashldnd Wilmette, Ill.

Be ave r De~m , Wis .

Drown , Audrey Eth e l

Espe rs e n, MMjori e

Mr . and Mrs . Elmore Dro w n

Mr . and Mrs . Henry W . Espe rsen

Route No . 2

5039 N . P•rks;de Ave. Chic•go 30, Ill. Kild•re 2573

Be aver Dam , Wis .

962 5-F3

Page 108

Ettinger, S•lly Mrs . Glen D. Ettinger 118-71 l•ke Ave. L•kewood , Ohio L•kewood 5273 Mr. G . D. Ettinger 6700 S. Cr•ndon Chicdgo, Ill. F.bisch, C•roline A. Mr. •nd Mrs. F. H . Fdbisch Route No. 2 , Box No. 72 8edver Dam , Wis .

9630 F 13

Fish er, Burt Beck Jr. Mr. dnd Mrs. Burt B. Fisher 504 Cldrk St. Neenah , Wis.

728 Bus . 1900 Foster, Graham

Mrs . Ruth L. Foster W•yl•nd Ac•demy Beave r Dam , Wis. Foster, Thompson Reed

Mr. H•rold R. Foster 900 Builders Exch•nge Minneapolis , Minn .

Fanshaw, Harley Mrs . H enrietta L. Fanshaw 216 W . 3rd Street Beaver D<1m , Wis . 350

Fox, Dennis James Mr. •nd Mrs. Henry J . Fox 848 M•dison Stre et Beaver Dam , Wis.

Fehre: r, Dalton Mr. •nd Mrs. Alfred l . Fehrer 315 E. Third Street Beaver Dam, Wis . 16R Bus . 16-W

Frey, Carolyn Helen Dr. •nd Mrs . Leo J . Frey 1338 N . De•rborn St. Chic•go, Ill. Sup. 0873 ; Bus. Sup . 3530

Com pi iments of



WISCONSIN There's Always Harmony at

COOK BOWLING LANES 118-120 West Maple Avenue

Compliments of






G.,vel, lawrence Rock wood Mr. •nd Mrs . Victor H•rdy G• ve l Route No. 1, Box No. 72

Goll , Clifford B. Mr. •nd Mrs . Fr•nk B. G oll 2459 N. 39th Stre et

Grout, G er•ld Reed Mr. •nd Mrs. Rich•rd B. Grout Route No . 1

Glenco e, Missouri

Milwaukee 10, Wis.

Ripon , Wis .

Pond 386. Bus . C e n. 6484

Kil. 4693R . Bus. Kil. 7162

Green 586. Bus . Bl.ck 44

G eye r, G eorgednn e Mrs . Anne Gey e r

5200 N . Kenmoor Ave. Chicdgo_, Ill. Apt. 3 - ~ H•m . 6424 -W . Bus . Sup . 9500 Gille tte , G rac e

Dr. •nd Mrs . F. J . G ill ette Mondov i, Wis .

40 8

H•rt, Al•n P•rke r Mr. •nd Mrs . W. C. H•rt Route No . 1 Minonk, Ill. 2316

Gord e n, Joan Pdtric ia

Hdmilton ,

Mr. •nd Mrs. Fred B. H•m ilton E•gle Butte, South D•kot• Bus . 13

G~rd e n , Kathl een Mr. •nd Mrs. Cl•ude M . Gorden Kimberly, ld•ho Twin F.ll s 0194 R4

Mr. and Mrs . Christian A . Hansen 430 N . lincoln Beaver 0dm , Wis .

Mrs . Allison B. H•rtm•n 45 Avon South St . P•ul 5, Minn. D•l e 1439

H•rridge, J•ck l eon (Feb: 48) Mr. •nd Mrs. J . L. H•rridge

HMtzheim , Le o J. Mr. and Mrs . Elm er Hortzh e im 109 E. North St.

1031 -J Bus. 24 Goldhorn , Ern est Dr. •nd Mrs. Ernest Goldhorn 11349 Norm• I Ave. Chic•go 28, Ill. Pullm•n 2509. Bus. Pul. 0444

G rotefeld , H•rold L. Jr. Mr. H . L. Grotefe ld 605 W . W•shington Blvd . Chic•go 6 , Ill. And . 5121

Be ave r Dam , Wis.

Pittsburgh 26, Pd . C•rrick 7773 R. Bus . At. 6100

Mr. •nd Mrs. Cl.ud e M . Gorden Kimberly, ld•ho Twin F•lls 0194 R4

Grief, Rof..e rt Mrs. M•ry Grief 765 Johnson St. G•ry, Ind . 7897 Bus . 7429

Gloud eman, Mduric e Mr. Bernord Gloud em•n 626 S. Spring St.

Hcu el Ann

H cu ris , Dwight Curri er

Mrs . Eliz•beth C. H•rris 1588 Greencrest Drive

Hansen Donald G . 1

8100 Essex Avenu e

Chic•go 17, Ill. S•g. 9887 . Bus . Reg . 8300 He~rris ,

Burtt, Jr .

Mrs . Eliz•beth C. Hdrris 1588 Greencrest Drive

Pittsburgh 26, P• . C•rrick 7773 R. Bus. At . 6100

HMtmdn , Ann Elizabeth

Jun e au 1 Wis .

1 -J H e•ly, John P•trick Mr. •nd Mrs . J•m es T. H e.ly 304 S. Vit• 8edv e r Dam, Wis . 455 Bus . 2 38

Pcge 109


Model F56PC . Has 16" oven, three Klo%- Koil or Dura-Ciu surface un its, 6 qt. " Side - Heet " cooker, three utensil storage drawers. Smokeless, porcelain broiler pan . Signal light for su rface units - illuminated oven dial-appliance recep tacle and combination timer- notifier clock. Cooking top is 38 1jz"x22" x36".

GAS Model LN6J6. Has 16" oven with dependable automatic control. Drop-front, drawer type, broiler. "Hi- to-reflex" bu;ners with 2-position gas cocks and automatic lighter. Two utensil storage drawers. Modern light and condiment set and notifier. Porcelain enamel exterior finish with chrome and white plastic trim. ClJoklns top is 381f2"x 22Vz "x36".

He•th , Robert Hoskins Dr. •nd Mrs . H. J. He•th 111 North Street Junet~u , Wis . 15-R Bus . 15 -W He:inselman, Harriet Ruth

Mr. and Mrs . Everett M . Heinsel m•n Route No . 2 , Box No. 880 Mound , Minn . Mound 214 . Bus. At. 7172

Hejna, Romuald

' ·......:~~/

Mr. •nd Mrs. S. D. Hein• 2010 W. 18th St. Chit4go 8 , Ill. c.n.l 3174

Hoffmdn , Delores Lc,Vonne Miss E. Hoffm•n (Aunt) Chetek, Wis. 145R Bus . 72

Homblette , John A. Mr. •nd Mrs. Arthur J . Homblette R.F.D. No. 1 Neen•h, Wis. 8 F 13

Henning, Howard Erwin Mr. Erwin C . Henning 286 M4rion Ave . Mill V•lley, C•l. 323M . Bus. Underhill 3600

Hoffm•n, E•rl E. Mr. •nd Mrs. Phillip A. Hoffm•n Route No . 1 , Box No. 155 Bet~ver Dam, Wis. 1636 R 11

Hommel , Willi•m H . Mr. •nd Mrs. Wm . H . Hommel 820 Superior St. Wisconsin Dells, Wis . 19 Student •t Hotel Rogers Beaver Dam , Wis.


Page 110

~ .


KIRSH FOUNDRY, INC. Malleable and Gray Iron


. , ... Wisconsin

Beaver Dam

Congratulations to the Class of '48




Compliments of

F. W. WOOL WORTH Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Compliments of

Compliments of

Unique Beauty Shop

Nehring Standard Station Across from Hotel Rogers

Compliments of

Compliments of

Klinzing's Restaurant HOME OF FINE FOODS


Hopf, Russ ell Lewis Mr. •nd Mrs. Russell Hopf 621 W . M•ple

Mr. •nd Mrs . T. C. Hu•ns Chinese Emb•ssy

Beaver Oc1m , Wis .

Rio de Janeiro, Br.uil

Hopkins , James L.

Hu•ns, Robert Chi-Tong Mr. •nd Mrs . T. C. Hu•ns Chinese Emb•ssy

Mr. •nd Mrs. G . L. Hopkins 2368 Duch•rme L•ne Green Bay, Wis. How•rd 3467 . Bus. Ad•ms 5700 Student •t 115 N. Vit• Be•ver D•m, Wis. 278

Huang , Helen Kuo-Mei

Rio de Jc1neiro, Brazil

Horst Peter Scott

Huber, C.rl Mr. •nd Mrs. Alois Huber Route No.3

Mrs. Dorothy S. Horst 913 S. Westridge Ave .


Bec~ver Dam , Wis .

Kc1lamazoo , Mich .

31473 Bus. 7143 Howell , Jdmes R. Mr. •nd Mrs. P•ul J . Howell 1222 Hinsd•le Beloit, Wis. 1299 Bus. 1199 Hoyer, M4rgdret May

Dr. •nd Mrs . Geo H . C. Hoyer 126 L•Crosse St. Beaver Dam, Wis . 151 -R. Bus. 151 -W

Huck Phyllis M•e Mrs . Evelyn M . Huck 3141 N . 26th St. Milwdukee 1 Wis .

Student •t 207 P•rk Ave. Be•ver D•m, Wis. 1419

A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Hull , P•tsy Mr. •nd Mrs. R. M•lcolm Hull Box 225 Niles, Mich . 7183 F5

Janzer, Thomds F. Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Janzer 5134 N . Woodburn St. Milwaukee 11 , Wis . Eds. 7845 . Bus. Edg. 1800 Jenkins , Ann

Hutchison , Jean

Mr. •nd Mrs . C. E. Hutchison 635 N . M•rtin Ave . W•ukegon , Ill. Ont. 7303 . Bus . Ont. 3780 lson , Luther A .

Dr. •nd Mrs. Luther A. Ison Cr•ndon, Wis. 258 Bus. 41 J•cobs, Elinor Lucille Mr. Henry Sperry J•cobs 1455 S. 53rd St. Milw•ukee, Wis . Ore. 1457. Bus . Mit. HOO

Mrs. C. F. Jenkins 848 Nicolet Blvd . Menasha , Wis .

4691 Johnson , Charles Mr. •nd Mrs. Ch•s . 0 . Johnson 150 Fr•me Ave . Wt~ukesha ,

Wis .

6383 Bus. 5501 Student •t 317 H•skell Ave. Be•ver D•m , Wis . 513 -R Johnson, LeRoy Mr . and Mrs. lven Johnson

Webb L•ke, Wis . 35 R 3 Johnstone , Shirley J edn

Hughes , Nathan

Mr. •nd Mrs. Osm•n W . John-

Mr. Rollin B. Hushes 1448 W . Minneh•h• P•rkw•y


Minneapolis , Minn .

Toms River , New Jersey

Lo. 3380. Bus. Gr•n . 3511

407 Bus. Bor. 140

P.O. Box No. 2

Page 111



Congratulations to the Class of '48


Congratulation s


to the Class of '48

Compliments of




Compliments of



Compliments of

Latham's Food Market Jones, Solly Ann Mr. ond Mrs. C. M . Woldron 192 S. Moy Stre et Bensenville, Ill. 221 -R

Kasmiski e, Gordon Lewis

Kelly, Kristin

Mr. ond Mrs. Albert Kosmiskie Route No.3 Beaver Dam, Wis.

Mr. Will Abbott Kelly 2502 Be nnett Avenue Evonston, Ill. Greenl eof 6186 Ron . 7636 (Bus .)


Mr. Joseph Co in P. R. Mollory ond Co . Inc . Indianapolis, Ind.

Jung , Armin

Mr. ond Mrs . Ewold F. J ung Juneou , Wis . 109 North St. 185-W 124 F 12 Komp, Michoe l G . Mr. ond Mrs . Wolte r Komp 426 Surf St. Chicogo 14, Ill. W e ll. 4532 . Bus. Deorb. 0881 Kanalz , Jack Peter

Mr. ond Mrs . Jock Poul Konolz Route No. 1 , Box No. 135 Stoughton, Wis . McForlond 9 R 3 Kort, Michoe I I. Mr. ond Mrs. Somu e l Kort 3260 N . loke Shore Dri ve Chico go, Ill. Bit. 7022 . Bus . Ron . 3958

Page 112

Ke.,ting , Jam es P.

Mr. ond Mrs. J , P. Keoting 409 Pork Drive Neenah , W is.

3787 -W Bus . 4410

Kempfer, Horold F. Mr. ond Mrs . Horold Kempfe r R.F.D. No . 3

Mr . and Mrs . MarVin Ke il

318 W . Mocki e St. 8edve r Dam , Wis. 562-W Bus . 50 Ke ll er, Dr. E. M . 108 % Front St. Be aver Dam , Wi s.

18-W Ke llogg, Jone Mrs . Horoce Kellogg 416 Oneido St. Beaver Dam , Wis . 1280

Kopff, Horve y J . H ei deman Arms Apts. Beave r Dam , Wis .

Beaver 0dm , Wis .

9613 F 2

Keil , John Mdrvin

Kolko, Irving Mr. ond Mrs. Jocob Kolko 5301 N . Bernord St. Chicogo, Ill. Key. 7210 . Bus. Col. 5194

Ke rr, Jacque line

Kraut , Ruth Di4n e


Mr. ond Mrs. Wm . D. Kerr 9020 S. Homilton A ve. Chicogo 20, Ill. C edor Crest 1912. Bus. Stote 3100 Kern , Marla Mae Mr. and Mrs. Victor W . Pete rson 10451 S. Seel ey A ve . Chicogo 43, Ill. Bev. 9007 , Bus . N ev. 0406 Klusendorf, Thomc~s Mr. ond Mrs . Fred Klus endorf Bcu neve ld , W is. 60-W Bus. 58

Mr. ond Mrs. Rolph J . Krou t 102 Cottoge Ave. Fond du Loc, Wis . 4829. Bus. 7000 Kumba, Carol Ann Mr. ond Mrs . Joseph Kumbo 117 E. South St. Beave r Dam, Wi s. 246-W Landrud , Roger

Mr. ond Mrs. Oscor G . lond rud 117 N . Pork Ave. lombord , Ill. Lom . 602



NEWTON & WENZ Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Compliments of

AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Member of Federdl Deposit lnsurdnce Corpordtion

115 Front Street

Beaver Dam , Wisconsin




LHkin , Janice M . Mr. dnd Mrs. G. Wm. Lorkin

c/o Hartmcm Latisch , James Mr. Mike Roedl 317 H•skell Beaver Dam, Wis . 513-R L•w, Eliz•beth Emmons Mr. Fred B. L•w 259 Cory Avenue Highl•nd Pork, Ill. 2988 Lehm•n, Elmer A. Mr. •nd Mrs . E. H . Lehm•n Hustisford, Wis. 19 F- 3; Bus. 19-F2 Leigh , J•mes D. Mr. Howord L. Leigh 2187 N. 46th St.

Milwaukee 8, Wis. Student •t 415 N. Lincoln Be•ver D•m, Wis. 1349-W

Leisses, Robert Mr. dnd Mrs. C. A. Leisses Hotel Rogers Beaver Dam , Wis. 1071 Apt. B

Loeffl e r, Lee Mr. •nd Mrs. C•rl Lo effler 536 Prospect Ave . Beaver D4m, Wis . 215-M

Lepargneur, Jedn -Marie Pierre

Luedke, Doris Eileen Mr. •nd Mrs . Arnold W . Luedke 205 W . Burnett Beaver Dam, Wis. 218

M•cKinnon, D•niel Clyde Mrs. E. B. M•cKinnon 25 Elmwood Ave. Oshkosh , Wis .

Lewis, James Pierre Mr. •nd Mrs. F•y F. Lewis 1200 W . Center Milwauk ee, Wis.

Lundin , G. Arthur I. Mrs. Edn• Lundin-Adri•n P.O. Box No. 7412 Chic• go 80, Illinois Kil. 7434 Bus . Del. 7900

MalcSise , Gordon Norman Mr. •nd Mrs. Cl•yton L. M•l•ise Bruce , Wis. 12

Li e big 1 James Thomas Mr. cmd Mrs . Lawrence Lieb ig 115 H•s kell St. Beaver Dam, Wis . 95

Lupton , Su e Mr. •nd Mrs. J•ck T. Lupton 6941 W•shington Blvd. University City 5, Mo. Porkview 2781 . Bus. C•b•ny 1870

Kalamazoo , Mich. 26652

Linroth, Willi•m B. Mr. •nd Mrs. Fronk R. Linroth 2315 W . 112th St. Chic•go 43, Ill. Bev. 2583 1 Bus . Bev . 1258

Lusher, Marilyn Ann Mr . •nd Mrs . Miles H. Lusher 1735 W•shington Ave . Wilmette, Ill. 2328 . Bus. D•vis 1125

Matuseski , Grace Mr. and Mrs. Ben Matuseski 513 M•dison St. Beaver Dam , Wis. 977 -W

Mr. and Mrs. Jean Lepdrgneur ''LeM•noir;," Luc/ Mer Calvados , t-rance

MacArthur, Alison Jane

Mrs. Jean MacArthur Rinew•lt H•ll Mount Corroll , Ill. Red 84

Matthews , Carol Anne Mrs. Corneli• D. M•tthews 828 W. South St.

Page 113

Compliments of

THE TROJAN Home of Fine Candies and Ice Cream

(Everything Home-made) 112 Front Street

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin






203 N. Spring St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

QUANDT'S PAINT STORE Dodge County's Largest Line of Paint, Wall Paper and Linol eu m

Compl imen ts of


152 Front St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Sears Roebuck



140 Front St.

Home of

106 Maple Ave .


CLOVER BLOSSOM Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Selected Grade A Dairy Products Krim-Ko Chocolate Bireley's Orangeade McCain , Carolyn Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. John P. McCa in 171 E. lrvins St. Oshkosh, Wis . Blackhawk 6861 Bus . Blk. 3835 McCallum, Nancy Mr. and Mrs. A . D. McCallum 208 N. Vita Beaver Dam, Wis .

494 McCreedy, Barbara Mr. and Mrs . Chas. E. McCreedy 4917 N . Oakland Ave . Milwaukee 11 , Wis. Eds. 3099

Mcintosh , Charl u Mr. and Mrs. David C. Mcintosh 803 Hinmcm Av e nue

Evanston , Ill. Greenleaf 8692 McLaushlin, Ralph Parker Mr. D. C. McLaushlin 406 Prospect Ave. Beaver Dam, Wis . 561 -J McMillan, Barbara Jean Mr. and Mrs. Geo C. McMillan 5313 Lane Place Downers Grove , Ill.

1665. Bus. 1665 McMinn, Mitzi Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. McMinn 1422- 21 st St.

McFadyen, John Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Neal W. McFadyen 111 E. 3rd St. Beaver Dam , Wis. 1010-J

Superior, Wis .

McFadyen, Ouentin

Mekelburs, Donald Wm . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 0 . Mekelburs R.F.D. No. 1

Mr. and Mrs . Neal W. McFadyen 111 E. 3rd St. Beaver Dam , Wis .


Page 114


Prairie du Sac, Wis .

Student at 315 E. Maple Beaver Dam, Wis . 1445-J

Mell , Made lon Laurel Mr. Herman G. Mell 6915 S. Union Chicaso, Ill. Abe rdeen 8037 . Bus. Wab. 8950

Mrs. Hilja Modica 701 N . Rush St. Chicaso, Ill. Whitehall 9314

Merrill , Bruce James Mr. and Mrs. Lynn L. Merrill 516 W . Mackie St. Beaver Dam , Wis. 397 -J Bus. 80

Moksnes, Robert Henry Mr. and Mrs. M . G. Moksnes 715 Oneida St. Beaver Dam, Wis. 1435-M

Miars, Marilyn Mr. and Mrs . K. D. Miars 12031 Edsewater Drive Lakewood, Oh io Blvd . 8829. Bus. Cherry 0287

Morgctn , John M .

Mr. John H. Coulter 111 W . Monroe St. Chicaso 3, Ill. Ran . 7636

Middleton , Douslas Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Middleton Jr. 8964 Pleasant Avenue Chicaso 20, Ill. Bev. 8976

Muell er, Peter Lamp Mr. and Mrs. Armond Mue ll er 3431 N . 58th St. Milwaukee 10, Wis . Hil. 6473. Bus. Bdwv. 3544

Miller, Lila Mrs. Eleanor Miller Birkholz

Nell, Evelyn Anna Mr. and Mrs . Alvin E. Nell Route No . 1

Modica , Jeann e

606 Beaver Beaver Dam , Wis.

Juneau , Wis .


118 F 4





Phon e 10

114 Front Street

Compliments of


CAROL'S BEAUTY SHOP Best Wishes in Your Future Years

A Fine Line of Baked Goods Tel. 44

106 Front St.


110 Park Avenue Phone 282-W


Zweck-Wollenburg Co.

Allis Chalmers- New Idea Gehl Farm Machinery Pontiac Cars Mack Diamond T. Trucks


Everything 1n Hardware

Complete Line of Home Appliances Modern and Complete Body and Repair Shop

105-111 Madison Street

121-123 Front St.


Telephone 20 WISCONSIN

Compliments of Dr. R. F. SCHOEN and Dr. A. B. KORES

Nelson , Goy Dr. ond Mrs. G. W . N elson Loyal , Wis .

8 W Bus. 170 Nelson, Virginit~ Lila

Mr. ond Mrs . Art J . Nelson Box No. 111 Fennimore, Wis .

Gree n 84 Neuendank , Jec~mnette

Mr. Poul E. Neuendonk 9010 S. Rocine Ave . Chicogo, Ill. Bev. 1664

Nickols, Chester Roy Mr. ond Mrs. Chester R. Nickols 514 W. Moin St. St. Chorles, Ill. 212R Bus . 454

Olson, Lois Elaine

Mr. ond Mrs. Wolloce T. Olson 1741 Newcostl e Chicogo, Ill. Mer. 3126. Bus . Mon . 5020 Student ot 105 Woylond Ave.

Nielsen, Nancy louise

Beaver Dam , Wis .

Mr. and Mrs. Morten Ni e lsen

Poschol , John Allen Mr. ond Mrs. Poul M . Poschol 421 S. 4th Street St. Chorles, Ill. 2168 . Bus. 3871 Ponetti , Phillip Edword Mr. Phillip A . Ponetti 154 S. Moin

5927 N . Compbell Avenue Chico go 45 , Ill. Edgw . 2120. Bus. Hor. 1000 Noreus , Chorlotte A. Mrs . Beuloh Noreus 5637 Kenwood Ave. Chicogo 37 , Ill. Hyde Pk . 3416

Juneau , Wis.

146-J Nunn , John

Pelck, Georgednne

Phippen, Robert M. Mr. ond Mrs. Roy Phippen Route No . 1 Sheboygon Foils, Wis . 274 F 11 Phipps, Jomes W . Mr. ond Mrs . Cecil P. Phipps 1210 Morgoret St. Gainesville , Fla .

916 J . Bus. 1000 Ext.387 Pickord, Somuel Mr. ond Mrs. S. N . Pickord 1010 E. Forest Ave . Neenah , Wis .

511 Bus.8 Pickord , Thomos N. Mr. ond Mrs. S. N . Pickord 1010 E. Forest Ave.

Newton, John Mr. C. D. Newton 822 W . Stephenson St. Freeport, Ill.

918 Linden Ave . Winnetko , Ill. Gre 2386

Newton , Robert Windon

Oestreich, Martha Louise

Pe:terson , Arthur

Piszezelc, Ddvid

Mr. ond Mrs . Geo M . Newton Loke Woles, Florido Box 245 Moywood 4588 . Bus . Wob. 3336

Mr. ond Mrs. Lester M . Oestreich 218- 4th Street

Mr. ond Mrs. Horold Peterson Route No. 1

Copt. Henry Piszezek 501 E. Mill St.

Beaver Dam, Wis .

Gleason , Wis.

Beavu Dam, Wis .

240-R Bus. 240-W

Rhinelonder 9120

702 Bus . 98

Mrs. Joyce Nunn

Mr. ond Mrs. F. H . Pelck 638 E. Juneou Ave. Oconomowoc, Wis. 975 -J

Nee:n4h , Wis.

511 Bus.8


Page 115

Compliments of

THE MODEL Women's Fashion Center


Compliments of


FIRESTONE 122 Front St.

Telephone 866






FAMOUS MALTED MILKS Opposite Post Office

The Beaver Bootery

SUNNYSIDE HATCHERY Dealer in Poultry Equipment, Remedies, Sunnyside and Master-Mix Feed 207 Front St. Plews, Will iam Jam es Mr. •nd Mrs. Wm . L. Pl ew s 35-06 165 Street Flushing, N ew York

Powe ll , R.lph Mr. Cl•rk D•wson L~ona ,

Wis .

78-J Ouam , Jerry Da v id

Sch•ck, Willi•m Mr. •nd Mrs . R•ymond Sch•ck 207 W . Mill St. Beave r Dam , Wis. 534 -J

Schmidt, Arlo R. Mr. •nd Mrs . Eric Kr•ft 305 E. Third St. Beave r Dam, Wis.

Rogers , Jon Barri e

Sch e iman, Barbard Dr. and Mrs . Eugene Sch e iman

Schmidt, Leonard Norman

Mr. •nd Mrs. J•s. D. Rog ers 763 Pilgrim Ro•d Birm . 3599. Bus .

c •. 8600

7 46 Bitterswe et Chic•so, Ill. L•kev. 4203 Bus . Mich . 4907

Royc e, Robe rt C. Mr. •nd Mrs . W . A. Royc e 526 W•tson Street

Sch ettl e r, M.ry B. Mr. •nd Mrs. Fr•nklin W . Sch ettl er 500 York St.

Ripon , Wis .

Beaver Dam , W is.

Re~usch e rt , Arthur J. Mr. •nd Mrs . A. E. R•usch ert 126 Giddings A ve. Sheboys•n F•lls , Wis. 333R Bus . 33W Student •t 115 N . Vit• Ave.

Bl•ck 455. Bus. Blk . 46

9X Bus. 83

Sager, Mirriam

Schibilsky, Don•ld Mr. Jos eph J . Schibilsky 407 Be•ver St.

Grand Rapids , Michigan

Beaver Dam , Wis .

Be av er Dam , W is. 278

Gl end•le 23421


Roberts , MargcHet

S•nford , K•y Mr. and Mrs . Curtis Gra y Rout e No. 4 Holl.nd , Mich . 5544 Bus. 3145

Schlicher, Frederic Lee Mr. •nd Mrs . Rudolph J . Schlich er L•S•II e St. Lake Geneva , Wis . 394-W

Mr. dnd Mrs . S. W . Rob erts W•yl•nd Ac•d emy Beaver Dam , W is. 469

Page 116

Beaver Dam

Roberts , Rob Roy Dr . •nd Mrs. Rob Roy Roberts 403 N . Spring St. 8edv e r Dam , Wis . 770-R Bus. 770-W

Birminghdm, Mich

Mr. J erry H. Ou•m 216 W . Pok•son South Bend , Ind . 4-4404 Bus. 3-4141 Ext. 538

127 Front St.

Mr. Sol M. S•ser 611 S. Be ni•min

404 N Center St. Beaver Dam , Wis. Schmidt, Ros er Lee Mrs . Asnes Schmidt 119Y2 E. M•pl e Beaver Dam , Wis .

~~-m~~j ~r~~~~h~;.

E. Schm idt 6523 N . C•mpbell Chic•so, Ill. Rogers P•rk 5096 . Bus. And . 4200 Ext. 678 Schr•m Rich•rd Louis Mr. Elmer Schr•m 138 Cl evel•nd Ave. Beaver Dam , Wis. 1128 J. Bus. 110






Mr. ond Mrs . Herbert A. Schul< 153 Gould St. Beav e r Dam , Wis .

1335 Schwock, Lois Ann Mr. •nd Mrs . Clorence Schwock Route No .2 Beave r Dam , Wis .

1627 R 1 Sell, John Curtis, Jr. Mr. ond Mrs. J . Curtis Sell 1734 N. 2nd Street Sheboyg•n, Wis . 2335-J . Bus . 5628 Sensiba, Constanc e Mr. ond Mrs. Glenn 0. Sensib• 737 Cummings Kenilworth , Ill. 4373 Siedschlag, Warre n Fox Lake , Wis .

Slock, Joyce Eloine Mr. ond Mrs. Lymon W . Slock 1112 Devonshire Rood G rosse Pointe 30, Mich. Tu• . 1-4242 Bus. PI••• 5600

Smith, Peter Folger Mr. •nd Mrs . H•rry W . Smith 1441 N. Fronklin Pl•ce Bdwy. 4077

967 -W

Smith , Barbara Joyce

Smitz , Richard

Mr. ond Mrs. Mitchell Smith 81 Peterboro

429 N . Centrol Ave.

~~~c•1g0264Es~ . 3739

St•rrett, John Clorence (Feb. ' 48) Mrs. John C. Storrett 1502 Hood Avenue Chicogo 26, Ill. Amb. 2711 . Bus. Lin. 2624

Snyder, W•yne F. Mr. Clifford W•yne Snyder 22 E. Milwoukee

Steele , Fred erick E. Mr. Fred E. Steele 430 N. 24th St.

Detroit, Mich .

Ter. 28159; Bus . Cod . 8632 Smith , Cecil C. Judge ond Mrs. C. C. Smith 9955 Prospect Ave. Chic•go 43 , Ill . Bev. 7170 Smith , Keith R. Mr. ond Mrs. H•rold F. Smith 756 Portoge Ave . South Bend, Ind . 3-8414 Smith, M~uilyn

Mrs. E. M. Smith 102355 Seeley Ave . Chicogo 43 , Ill.

Milwaukee 2 , Wis .

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Z. Smitz 11

Janesville, Wis .

4768-W Bus . 5290 Soutar, Jan e Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soutcsr

21 Sylv•n Avenue Ple•sont Ridge, Mich. Roy. O.k 0047J Bus . M•d . 4680

Starkweather, Patricia

Mrs . Evelyn Starkweather

108 Winn Terrace Beaver Dam , Wis .

LaCrosse, Wis.

3306-R Bus. 390 Stein , Billie Ann Mr. •nd Mrs. H•rry L. Stein 216 Morket Mt. Cormel , Ill. 450 Stephenson , Marjorie L.

Stonford , Rolph Mr. •nd Mrs . R•lph F. Stonford 127 N . Moin St. Lomb•rd , Ill. 281-W

Mr. ond Mrs . Philip M . Stephenson 1612 Westchester Drive Rockford , Ill. Porkside 396-W ; Bus. M•in 1186

Ste rr, Armond

Mr. •nd Mrs. Alvin Sterr R.F.D. No. 3 Mayville , Wis .

Stil es, Roge r E. Mrs . Stell• Stiles 515 Dover St. Chippew• F.lls, Wis . 751 Strdin, Rob ert Bruc e

Mr. •nd Mrs. G eo . B. Str•in 221 E. Solomon St. Griffin, Georgia

5381 Bus. 3243

Thurwachter, Carol Jean

Mr. •nd Mrs . R•leigh H . Thurwachter

323 McC•II St. Wauk esha , Wis. 8500 Tom , Edw.rd Mr. •nd Mrs . Tom K. Hung 249 W . C e rm•k Rood Chicogo 16, Ill . Vic . 5372 Bus. Vic. 8688 Tout•nt, John Wm . Dr. •nd Mrs . W . A. Toutdnt 201 LoCrosse St. Beaver Dam , Wis. 531 Bus . 580 T rasancos , Anna Luisa

Stroick , Math e w Dcm i e l

Mr. Jose Jacinto Trasancos

Mr. •nd Mrs . M•th ew Stroick Route No . 3 Beave r Dam, Wis . 659-M

S•n Ju•n de Dice 104 Havana , Cuba

M . 1621 Trasancos , Jos e Mr. Jos e Jacinto Trdsancos

Tempas 1 Carol Be tty Mr. Fred W . Temp•s C edar Grove , Wis . 101 F 5. Bus . Adell 75 F 21 Student •t 304 E. Third St. Beave r Dam , Wis. 781 -J

S•n Juon de Dice 104 Havdna ,

M . 1621


T rasancos , Luis Enrique

Mr . Jos e Jacinto Trasancos

Son Juon de Dice 104 Havana , Cuba

N . 1621 Thom•s, Cl•ire E. Mr. •nd Mrs. Wm . R. Thom•s 205 H•milton St . Beaver D~!!m , Wi s.

316 Bus . 96 Thorn e, Lou ise

Rev. •nd Mrs. Chds. Thorn e 209 E. M•pl e Ave. Beave r Dam, Wi s. 406

Page 118

Trepel , Anthony J . Mr. ond Mrs . Jerome J . Trepe l 4000 W . Woshington Blvd . Chic•go, Ill. Von B. 8900 Bus . Hor. 0950 Uphoff, John Phillip Mr. •nd Mrs . Myron K. Uphoff 601 Pickford St. Madison , Wis .

Giff. 5606 Bus. F•ir . 6765 B.dger 3230

W.synert , Donald H e nry Mr . Erick Wayn e rt

1205 W . 2nd St. Ashl•nd , Wis . 1389-W Webber, Marilyn

Mr. •nd Mrs . N . 0 . Webber 559 T•ft Ploce G•rv, Ind . 9767 Bus . 7401 Weber, LaVonne

Mr. •nd Mrs . E•rl T. W eber 619 W . M•pl e Ave , Beaver Dam , Wis . 658 Wedde ll , John Fletch e r Mr. •nd Mrs . L. W. Wedde ll 333 Third St S. E. Massillon , Ohio M•s . 2-1967 Bus . End . 8055 Weis e nfelder, Wilson G . Mr . dnd Mrs . Frdnk M . Weisen -

WhitAeld , M•ry Mr . •nd Mrs . J•m es C. WhitReid W•lloon l•ke, Mich . 544 Willi•ms, John C. Mrs . Bl•nche E. Willi•ms 2214 M•ple Ev•nston, Ill. Gre . 6890 Wilterding, John H . Jr. Mr. •nd Mrs . John H . Wilterding L•ke Ro.d Mendshd , Wis .

1539 Bus . 2440 Woods, Winifred E. Mr. •nd Mrs. R•lph D. Woods 606 Fort Hill Drive Ch•rleston 4, W est v •. C•p. 34-646 Bus. C•p. 31 -1 OS Y•hn , Don•ld Mr. •nd Mrs. Arthur J . Y•hn 402 Newberry St. Fredericktown , Mo .

fe ld er 3838 Kilbourn e Ave.

150-M . Bus . 31

Cincinndti 9 , Ohio

E•st 6355 . Bus. M•in 1514

Young , Gdvin W illidm Mr . dnd Mrs . Gavin Wm . Youn g

W est, Glori• Mrs . Betty M . W est

255 Bus . 278 -W

325 L•ke Ro•d Lost dnd Found Bure du Chicdgo Union Stdt ion Co.

Chic•go 6 , Ill. Bus . 4116-Est.35 7 W e ston , Willidm


Mr. Arthur R. W eston 1142 O•k Street Winnetk• , Ill. 4169 Bus . See ley 5788

Menasha , Wis . Zilisch , Betty Ann

Mr. •nd Mrs . Ernest H . Zilisch Hustisford , Wis .

37 Zimm e rman , Shirl ey M . Mr . and Mrs . Wm . Z imm e rman

726 York St. Be av e r Dam , Wis .

953 -M . Bus . 83

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