1948 - 1949 Wayland Academy Yearbook

Page 1



Winifred Woods


Literary Editors Jacqueline Kerr and Robert Royce

Business Manager .

Faculty Adviser .

. Robert Leisses

. Miss Helene Holmes




of 1949

In this, the year of '49 l often think of long past time; Of the hundred years that keep apart From us, those men with ox-drawn cart. Yes, the forty-niners of years ago Were brave, as brave men go; But we, the forty-niners of today Will those others by far 011tweigl1. ) OHN f\ l oRGAN



CHART ................


The Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Pathfinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11 19

Born . . . too late . . . . . . . . . .



Old Timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

54 59

Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Activities .... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

95 107

WANTED Reverend G. Daniel Wood Charge:

The PILLARS staff of 1949 has found Rev. D. Daniel Wood, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Beaver Dam and Director of Religious Education at Wayland, guilty of influencing the students of the academy. Not only this, but he has personally helped many students with their problems and has been a friend to all . Punishment (to be administered when found):

For this crime, we think it just punishment to dedicate to him PILLARS of 1949.





Now •••


Weimer K. Hicks, President ... has done a great deal more for Wayland than can be put on this page. His newest addition to improve the school is the redecorating of the Beebe Auditorium. A completely new set of seats has been installed, the walls have been repainted, beautiful curtains have been purchased, and ( perhaps the greatest improvement of all ) a modern lighting system has been installed. Another project that was completed over the previous summer was the landscaping of the campus. This has done a great deal to lessen confusion in the parking of cars. o matter where one goes he can see Mr. I licks' works everywhere. Look to the southeast and there one sees the Laura A. IacDonald athletic field, which has been converted from a victory garden. lext to the field is Club Henri, where the students can go for fun and relaxation. The remodeling of the Club is also one of l\1r. Hicks' doings. Another spot on the campus where pleasure and exercise can be found is the beautiful and well-equipped Lindsay Gymnasium and swimming pool. Perhaps the most important of these, though, has not been mentioned, the Johnston Memorial Chapel. Changes have been made in school government also. I Ie set up the Student Senate, which is the student governing body, and which has done a remarkable job in improving relations between the students and faculty, as well as obtaining more freedom for the students. Mr. Hicks attended the Peddy School for Boys and then obtained his bachelor of arts degree from Princeton University. From there he went to Cornell, where he received a master's degree. Before coming to \tVayland in 1943, he taught English at Peddy School for nine years. Those who have attended Wayland can only thank Mr. Hicks for the many fine things he has brought to this school. We can verify the statement that he is doing everything in his power to make a still greater Wayland.




Mn. TucKER, !\In. H1cKs, Mns. FosTER

Ruth L. Foster, Dean of Girls ... means more to the Waylandites than just an individual who is superior in rank to the students. She is a confidant, dean, and-to the senior English class-teacher. Before coming to Wayland, Mrs. Foster had a great deal of experience in dealing with teen agers and the many problems and troubles that confront them. Mrs. Foster graduated from Smith College, where she obtained her bachelor's degree. Later she received a master's degree from Columbia University. The greatest of Mrs. Foster's responsibilities is that of Dean of Girls. She handles every situation with ease and calmness. Whenever a difficult si-tuation arises Mrs. Foster is always prepared; therefore the girls can always rely upon her for guidance and advice. She has helped the girls of Warren I Iall realize the seriousness of adulthood. She has achieved this by giving the young women responsibilities that they must fulfill and by running the dormitory on honor above all else. ot only is Mrs. Foster the Dean , but she is also the head of the English Department. I Ier senior English class really prepares the students for any college in the country. o dormitory girl will ever forget Mrs. Foster; and it has truly been said that she is our "away-from-home mother." On leaving Wayland, the least we can do is to say, "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."


J. Hobart Tucker, Dean of Boys . . . has become one of the greatest factors in the success of scholastic guidance and fellowship here at Wayland. He has done every boy in Wayland a great favor, by his judgment, in shaping their ideals and minds into young manhood. Mr. Tucker came to Wayland from Culver Military Academy, where he was head of the Latin department. When he first came here he was confronted for the first time with the idea of co-education. To him, this was an entirely new set-up, to 'vvhich he has become very well adapted. l\1r. Tucker is not only Dean of Boys, but is also head of the Latin Department. Mr. Tucker has traveled extensively in Europe, Africa, South and Central America, and the ear East. He received his bachelor of arts degree at Princeton University. I Ie has done graduate study at the universities of Grenoble, I leidelberg, Sorbonne, and the American Academy at Rome. There isn't a boy in the dorm who doesn't respect l\1r. Tucker in every way. He's a person with whom you can sit down and talk with about anything; and no matter what it is about, it will never leave the room. l\lr. Tucker is one person whom all the senior boys will wish they had at college as their dean.

Alton E. Wichman Dean of Curriculum and Guidance is a man who is known as a "jack-of-all-trades." He's versatile enough to take almost any job in school, and has. Mr. Wichman was Dean of Boys until six years ago wJ1en he attained his present position as Dean of Curriculum and Guidance. He has been at \i\Tavland since 1925, and has in every wav showed his interest in the students and their work. ' Today Mr. Wichman is head of the history department. He also gives counsel to the students, he! ping them shape their ideals and directing their lives toward the goal which will be most profitable for them in society. At Carroll College he majored in journalism and dramatics. This explains vvhy he excels as a public speaker. This talent is often and well shown in his timely chapel talks. He is always in demand as an interim pastor in various churches and as master of ceremonies for many social functions. Not to escape anyone's eyes is Mr. Wichman's sense ol' humor, which excels almost anyone else's on the campus. I Te can also be just as stern, but this seldom happens. I Ie is always willing to see the humorous side of many classroom incidents. Graduating seniors each year will carry with them the inspiration of 1r. Wichman's life of service.




Now •••



English B.A., Beloit College




Social st7tdies; Director of Swimming B.A., Middlebury College

Mrs. Coleman


Languages; Girls' A~hle~ics B.A., Middlebury College




S11pervisor Science Dept., Science Mathematics B.A., University of Wisconsin; Pennsylvania State College; Iowa State College


Sue, Mrs. Hicks, Weimer I


Piano B.M., B.M.E., M.M. Indiana University




Supervisor of Languages; French B.A., Knox College; Middlebury College of French; University of Wisconsin

Commercial; Social studies B. E., Whitewater State Teachers College

Art; Household Manager Chicago Art Institute


Kit and Donny !\laver

Lors JoYcE

Jerry Roberts





Science; Mathematics; Mechanical Librarian, Social St11dies Physical Ed1tcation for Girls Drawing B.A., University of Connecticut I3ouve-Boston School for Physical Annapolis aval Academy Education



Physical Education for Boys; Science B.S., M.S., Universitv of ' Wisconsin


English; Swimming B.A., Lawrence College

Cathy, Mrs. Schnur, Mary Beth







Director of Public Relations and Mathematics; Assistant Coach Student Recruitment B.A., Valley City State Teachers College A.B. , :Broaddus College; B.S., Bucknell Universitv; M.A., Tew York University; 'University of Chicago






Director of Athletics; Supervisor of Mathematics Dept. B.E., University of Wisconsin; M.A., Northwestern University




Business Manager Duke University

Standing: Martha. Seated: Dory, Barbi, Mrs. Simpson




R.N., St. Agnes Hospital School B.M.E., James Millikin University Voice of Nursing, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin


Johnny and Jimm y Wichman

Mrs. Wood, Charles, Kathleen, and Danny



Speech; Dramatics B.A. , Ripon College; Iorthwestern University

English B.A. , Carroll College

- 17-






Director of Religious Education: Secretary to Mr. Hiclzs Oberlin Conservatory; Denison Pastor of First Baptist Church School of Music; Bush Conserva- A.B., Kalamazoo College; B.D. , Crozer Theological Seminary tory; Private study with William Stickles of New York City


Executive Secretary; Almnni Secretary Unil'ersity of \iVisconsin

Secretaries: Miss Clason, Mrs. Ziegler, Miss Roedl, Mrs. Roberts




Now •••


Four years ago a band of lonely, uneducated freshmen descended upon this \i\Tayland campus; there are seven who have remained throughout these four years. Now we take off our hats to Thelma Arslan, Mitzi McMinn, Anne Jenkins, Mary \tVhitfield, Pat Hull, Cecil Smith, and Art Peterson. Johnny Nunn, our senior class president, is a three and one-half year senior, who has done a fine job during his years at Wayland. As time went on we gained members and lost a few, some of whom have returned to finish with us. We gained the best that could be had. Studentpresident, Ronnie Schmidt, came in our sophomore year with Pete l\1u eller, who is our outstanding football and track man. Bob Shure was elected freshman class president with a fine cabinet, and for a freshman class they gave very good activities. Dwight Harris was president in the sophomore year and put on such remembered activities as "Moon Glow" and "Bright Sight." Dwight did such a good job that he was re-elected and was president in our junior year. (Continued on page 36)

The Senior Class

Dwight Harris, John Nunn, Jose Trasancos, Gay Nelson


TI IEL 1A ARSLA "Thelma"


Choir l , 2, 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Chorus 3; Trio 3; Scxtctte l , 2, 3, 4; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; I Iockey 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Class Treasurer 3; Drama Club l , 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2, 3, 4; Water ballet 4; Gym team 2; Chapel choir l , 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4; M essiah l , 2, 3.


BACI JOFEN "Lillian"

Rouland , chairman of props, 3, 4; Ilonor roll l , 3; Drama Club l , 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2; Town student treasurer 4.


Choir 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Co-chairman 4; YWCA 3, 4; Swimming team 3; I Iockey 3; Post 3; Drama Club 3, 4; Toastmasters 3; Water ballet 3; Messiah 3, 4; Riding 3; Archery 3, 4; Chapel choir 3, 4.

SUZANNE BRt\NNON Rouland 4; YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Pillars, 3, 4; Photograph editor 4; Post 3, 4; Honor roll 3, 4; Toastmasters 3, 4; Water ballet .4.

-21 -



"Al" Basketball 2, 3, 4; "W " Club 2, 3, 4; Secretary 3, 4; Hockey 2; Track 3, 4; Football l , 2, 3, 4; Chemistry club 4.


COOPER (l]oan"

Rouland 4; Basketball 3, 4; YWCA 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 3, 4; Honor roll 3, 4; House Council 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4.

DAVID DAVIS "Dave" Rouland 3, 4, Co路chairman stage crew 4; Football 3, 4, Manager 4; Ice hockey 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Toastmasters 4; Senate 4; Track 2, 3, 4.

JOT TN FERGUSON "Johnny" "W'' Club 4; Tennis team 4; Honor roll 4; Football 4.


LAWRENCE GAVEL "Larry" Hockey 4; Honor roll 3; Riding Club 3, co-president.

ERNEST GOLDHORN "Ernie" Rouland 3, 4, stage manager 3, 4; Class treasurer 2; House Council 4; Track 3, 4.

JOAN GORDEN "] oann'le ." Chorus 3, 4; Rouland 4, co-chairman publicity; YWCA 3, 4, vicepresident 4; YW Cabinet 4; Youth Group 3; House Council 3, 4, President 4; Senate 4. •

ROBERT GRIEF "Bob" Basketball l , 3, 4; "W " Club 4; Honor roll l , 3; Football 4.


GERALD GROUT "Jerry" Rouland 3, 4, co-chairman; Orchestra 3, Band 3; Pillars 4; Post 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Toastmasters 4; Ski Club 4.



Rouland 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Pillars, Literary editor 3; Class president 2, 3; Honor roll 2, 3, 4; Cum Laude 3; Senate 2, 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 3, 4.


Choir 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA 3, 4; Swimming team 3; Tennis team 3; Youth Group 3; Drama Club 3, 4; Toastmasters 3; Messiah 3, 4; Riding 3; Archery 3, 4; Chapel choir 3, 4.



Rouland 4 Basketball 2; Swimming team 3, 4, captain 4; House Council 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4.


WILFRED I IOSIG "Bill" Youth Group 4; Track 4.

EUGE E HSU "E1 tgene"


Honor roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2.


Choir 4; Chorus 3, 4; Reuland 3, 4; Basketball 2; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Post 3; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Toastmasters 4; Water ballet 4; Riding 2, 3; Cheerleader 3, 4; Gym team 2; Volleyball 2, 4; Chapel choir 4.



Choir 3; Chorus 3; Rouland 3, 4, co-chairman music 4; Quartette 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Toastmasters 3; Forensics 3, 4; Press club, editor-in-chief, 4.

AN E JE KI S "Annie" Choir 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Rouland 4; Basketball 2, 3; Sextette I, 2, 4; YWCA I, 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Swimming team 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4, manager 3, 4; Post 2; Drama Club I, 2, 3, 4; Water ballet 3, 4; cheerleader 4; Messiah 4; Volleyball 2, 3; Chapel choir 3, 4; Gym team 2.


Swimming team 4; Ilockey 2; Honor roll 1, 2; Drama Club I, 2; Football I , 2, 4.

JACQUELINE KERR "Jackie" Chorus 3, 4; Choir 4; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Pillars, Literary editor 4; Post 4; Honor roll 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Toastmaster 4; Senate 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Club Henri manager 4; Volleyball 3.



Basketball 4; Orchestra 3; Band 3; Football 3, 4.

JOANN LEDGER YWCA 4; Youth group 4; Volleyball 4; Soccer 4. I


Basketball 2; "W " Club 3, 4; Swimming team 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Pillars 4, business manager 4; Honor roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Cum Laude 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Chemistry club 4; Football 1; Junior Marshall 3.


YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Post 3,4, editor 4; Honor roll 3, 4; House Council 4.


CAROL MATTIIEWS "Carol" Rouland 3; Basketball 3, 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4, president 4; YW Cabinet 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4: Pillars 3; Class secretary 3; I lonor roll 2, 3, 4; Cum Laude 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Toastmasters 3, 4; Senate 4; Water ballet 4; Volleyball 2, 4.

DA IEL MAcK! "Dan"


Rouland 3, 4; "W " Club 3, 4; House counci l 4; Drama Club 3; Toastmasters 3; Track 3, 4; Football 3, 4.



Youth gro up 3, 4; Honor roll 3, 4; Press club 4.

ORIE MOHH. Choir 4; Chorus 4; Youth group 4; Track 4.




"johnny" Roulancl 4; Youth group 3, 4; vice-president 4; Post 4; Pillars 4; Forensics 4.

PAUL l\lOYR "Pmtl" Swimming team 4; I lackey 4; Football 4.

PETER 1UELLER "Pete" Basketball 2, 3; Class Vice-President 3; House Council 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4.



"Gay" Choir 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Varsity club 4; Swimming team 3; IIockey 3, 4; Class Treasurer 4; I lonor roll 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Water ballet 3, 4; Messiah 3; Volleyball 3, 4; chapel choir 3, 4.


CHARLOTTE JOREUS "Chic" Choir 2, 3, 4; Chorus 4; Rouland 3, 4, co-chairman music 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4; Youth group 2, 3, 4; Ilonor roll 4; Drama club 2, 3; Water ballet 4; Cheerleader 2, 4; Messiah 3, 4; Chapel organist 3, 4.

JOHN U "] oh nny " Rouland 3, 4; Basketball 3; Pillars, sports editor 4; Post 4; Class president 2, 4; Track manager 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3.

GEORGEAN lE PELCK "Georgie" Choir 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4; Swimming team 3, 4; Youth group 3, 4; Post 2, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Water ballet 4; Chapel choir 4; 1essiah 4.



ARTHUR PETERSON "Art" Basketball 1, 2; Track 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3.

ROB ROY ROBERTS "Rob Roy" Rouland 4, co-chairman skits; Basketball 2; "W" Club 4; Swimming team 4; Senate 4; Football 2, 4, honorary captain 4; Archery 2, 3, 4.


"Lynn" Rouland 4, co-chairman stage design; Basketball 4; YWCA 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Honor roll 3; Drama Club 4; Water ballet 4; Volleyball 3, 4.

ROBERT ROYCE "Bob" Chorus 3; Rouland 3; Quartette 3; "W " Club 3, 4, vice-president 4; Swimming team 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Pillars 4, Literary editor; Honor roll 3; House Council 4; Drama Club 3; Track 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Ski club 4.


RONALD SCHMIDT "Ronnie" Rouland 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; "W " club 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Youth group 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; Honor roll 3, 4; House council 4; Toast~ masters 4; Senate, president 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 3, 4.

JOHN SELL "]ach"

Chapel choir 4; Rouland 3, 4; Drama club 3; Track 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Camera club 4.

CONSTANCE SENSIBA "Connie" Choru s 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Swimming team 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Post 2, 4; Honor roll 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Water ballet 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4.

CECIL SMITH "W " Club 4; Drama club 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Football 1, 3, 4.

-32 -

FREDERICK STEELE "Rusty" "W" club 4; Youth group 4; Track 4; Football 3, 4; Ski club 4.


RICHARD STEINM(t\N "Dick" Rouland 4; Swimming team 3; House Council 4; Track 3, 4; Ski club 4. JOSE TRASANCOS Rouland 4; Basketball 3, 4; Class vice-president 4; Honor roll 4; Track 3.


LAVONNE WEBER "Lavonne" Chorus 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4, chairman 4; Basketball 3; Sextette 4; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4, secretary 3, 4; YW Cabinet 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Tennis 4; Post 3, 4; Ilonor roll l , 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4, secretary 2, 3, president 4; Toastmasters 4; Forensics 3, 4; Senate 3; Water ballet 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Messiah 3, 4. WILSO


Rouland 4; "W " club 4; House Council 4; Track 3, 4; Football 3, 4. WILLIAM WESTON "Bill" Rouland 3, 4; Ice hockey 2, 3, 4; House Council President 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Senate 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4. MARY WHITFIELD 'Whit" Choir l , 2, 3, 4; Chorus 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Sextette l , 2; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet 3, 4; Varsity club 2, 3, 4; Swimming team 3; Hockey 3, 4; Tennis team l , 2, 3, 4; Pillars 2, 3, 4, girls sports editor 3, 4; Post 2, 3, 4; Class vice-president l; Ilousc council 2, 3, 4; Drama club l, 2, 3, 4; Senate 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Gym team 1, 2; Messiah 3, 4; Chapel choir l, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4.


JOHN WILTERDI G "John" Honor roll 3; Track 3, assistant manager. WINIFRED WOODS "Winnie" Choir 3, 4; Chorus 3; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Orchestra 3; Band 3; Youth group 2, 3, 4; Pillars 4, editor-inchief; Post 3, aft editor; Honor roll 2; Drama club 2, 3, 4; Toastmasters 3, 4; Messiah 3; Gym team 2; Volleyball 2; Chapel Choir 3, 4. }IRINA HRAZDILOVA "]erka" A special student from Czechoslovakia. Basketball 4; YWCA 4; Youth group 4; Honor roll 4. ELIZABETH LAW "Betsy"


Choir 2, 3, 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4; Post 2; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Water ballet 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4. MITIZ Mcl\UNN "Mitzi" Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Trio 1; SexLette 1, 2, 4; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet 1; Varsity Club 3, 4; Swimming team 1; Youth group 1; Class secretary 2; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Water ballet 3, 4; Messiah 1, 2, 3; Volleyball 2.


continued路 from page 20

As juniors we offered a great deal in the way of sports. On the football field basketball Hoor, swimming pool, and track field representatives of the class were seen. It was during this year that Rouland had its start, and again the juniors took part to make this musical show a success. Some of the oustanding activities of the year were the "Ball and Chain," the "Dew Drop Inn," and the junior prom-"Stairway to the Stars." At last, at long last, we are seniors. After four years of trial and error, mostly error, we made it! With the fall of 1948 came a much larger group than the original freshman class. Class elections were held, and leading us into our final year at Wayland was John Nunn. Other officers were Jose Trasancos as vice-president, Dwight I Iarris as secretary, and Gay Nelson as treasurer. Our courageous sponsors through our junior and senior years have been Mr. and Mrs. Cassedy. Scholastically speaking, Carol Matthews and Dwight Harris have represented us well through the years and Docie Lethen, who has just been here a year and a half, has led the seniors on the honor roll. In the field of music we have had many talented members: Chick Noreus with her piano playing in the third Boor lounge and in chapel, and Thelma Arslan and Mitzi McMinn with their singing. Mitzi was the star of Rouland this year. Concerning artists we have "Winnie" Woods with her posters ( Dew Drop Inn?) and other contributors in art. If a little manual labor is needed, you can always call on Ernie and some of "The Boys." Our class has also supplied more than its share of girl and boy athletes, as you will see in the following pages of this book. Heading the list of activities we put on is the Senior Spook-it even had a spook house? December brought the Christmas formal, and a very dreamy dance it was. The Tinsel Ball was held in the library and the beautiful tree, soft lights, fir boughs, and the singing of carols put everyone in the Yuletide spirit. In January the annual Coronation Ball was led by Queen Thelma Arslan and King Dave Davis. The senior attendants were Anne Jenkins, Jackie Kerr, Bill Weston , and Dan MacKinnon. Rouland, spring vacation, the prom, signing of annuals, final exams, last farewells, and at last-Commencement. Yes, some have had four wonderful years and for the rest, three to one; but every senior, old or new, will leave with a store of joyful and serious memories. Through the ups and downs the class has stood by one another, and let's hope that in the years to come these years spent on the campus of Wayland will be one of the happiest memories. Seniors, this is it-best of luck to a wonderful bunch.




Now •••


The junior class, under the able leadership of Don Davis, is really surpassing the hopes they had as Sophomores. The class is active in many phases of Wayland life, presenting examples of able leadership. Leading the honor roll many times throughout the year are Anne Fox and Margaret Hoyer. Carolyn Frey is on the Girls' House Council. Representing the Junior leadership in the Senate are Margaret Hoyer and Russ Hopf. In the athletic department we have Dick Deniger, Jim Howell, Luis Trasancos, Tom Pickard , and John Keil on the varsity basketball team. Outstanding in football are Bill Henderson, Russ Hopf, Don Davis, Dick Deniger, and Bill Quasius. The class officers are Tom Pickard as vice-president, Jeanne 'Bertzyk as secretarytreasurer, and Bill Henderson as the social secretary. Miss Bickford and Mr. Patterson are our advisers. Good luck to the juniors, and here's hoping that you make your senior year a successful one.


Tom Pickard, Don Davis, Bill Henderson, Jeanne Bertzyk


1\layna Avent, Catharine Bancroft, Jeanne Bertzyk, Da\'id Brethauer, Jack Burgess

CLASS • Dave Cellers, Doris Christensen, Mary Corcoran, Don Davis Dick Deniger, Audrey Drown, Joan Dunham, Anne Fox


Carolyn Frey, Saranne Fry, Geoanne Geyer, Ann Glanville, Cliff Goll

Ann Hartman, Bill Henderson, Margie Hendren, Russ HopÂŁ Jim Howell, Margaret Hoyer, Luther Ison, Elinor Jacobs

Jerry James, John Keil, Kristin Kelly, Hal Kempfer, Marla Kern

Art Klawans, Betsy Law, Annette Leipsiger, Jim Lewis Steve Lincoln, Jean Luster, Grace McBain, Jean McLaughlin


Mitzi McMinn, Tom Pickard, Jim Plews, Day Preston, Bill Quasius

Jon Rogers, Chuck Rosenheimer, Kay Sanford, Jim Scott Diane Shipman, Pat Starkweather, Luis Trasancos, Tony Trepel


Jack Uphoff, Keith Wiseheart




The sophomores, under the able leadership of Bob Strain as president, Beck Fisher as -vice-president, Jane Soutar as secretary, and Peter Horst as treasurer are continuing their tradition to do a ÂŁne job in whatever they undertake. At Homecoming, our skit, "Sophomore Sophistries," took second place with Gig Young as master of ceremonies. At least we're consistent; our concentrated efforts to produce a winning effigy aided us in capturing the honors in that ÂŁeld. Eric Nehls and Bob Strain made Varsity football. The girls, too, have shown their excellent abilities in athletics. A large percentage of the sophomores were seen on the hockey squad this fall. Marilyn Lusher, Jan ice Larkin, Connie Becker, Barbi Burstein, and Jane Soutar succeeded in making the girls' basketball team. Many thanks go to our class advisers, Miss Gustafson and Mr. Mayer, for the many tasks we have undertaken. Keep up the good work, Sophomores!


Beck Fisher, Bob Strain, Jane Soutar, Peter Horst

I -44-

Eric Bergstrom, Barry Bollensen, Beverly Briggs, Mary Bryan, Carolyn Burrow


Barbara Burstein, Gail Corbett, Don Deming, Art Dennis Beck Fisher, Pat Gergen, Jack Harridge, Burtt Harris



John Healy, John Heilman, Peter Horst, Jim Keating, Irving Kolko

Diane Kraut, Janice Larkin, Marilyn Lusher, Alison MacArthur Peggy Maye, Jea n McCollough, Barbara Miller, E ric Nehls




Jerry Quam, Suzi Rosenheimer

Mary Schettler, Arlo Schmidt, Dick Schram, Lois Schwock Ed Smith, Cunard Solberg, Jane Soutar, Bob Strain

Louise Thorne, Ana Trasancos, Gloria West, Mary Anne Yagodinski, Donald Yahn Gig Young, Bill Zuegel


Post No Bills"


The Freshman class certainly started off on the right foot this year with Stoakley Swanson as our president. Our first honor was to be the first freshman class to receive first place for the Homecoming skits. Our first activity was a roller skating party on December 3. We had extra amusement to make it different, and it was a great success. The football team, basketball team, and swimming team had freshmen boys as members. These boys are Bob Hetherington, Chuck Stevens, Dave Spengler, Alfred Anderson , and Jerry Roberts. The freshmen girls have been very active in sports this year. Judy Grout, and Georgia Straint are cheerleaders, and many of the others were in field hockey, water ballet, and basketball. Several of them are looking forward to receiving their letters this year. The other class officers are Georgia Strain as vice-president, Vicky Coerper as secretary, and Judy Grout as treasurer. Our class advisers are Miss Weiske and Mr. Schneider.


Judy Grout, Stoakley Swanson, Georgia Strain, Vicky Coerper


Thor Anderson, Ann Barker, Ellen Barber, Warren Brueske, Steve Burgess

Jean Carne, Tony Castell, Ann Chandler Vicky Coerper, Tommy Corbett, Bob Craine, Dotty Crooks


Kay Gorden, Judy Grout, Bob Hetherins Nancy Gunderson, Lucyanne Kitc,hen / /

Fleury Kram, Karen Kraut, Nancy Kurtze, Nick Mabry Stanley Mailer, Bob McFarland, Helen Pettack, Lee Ruppenthal


Thor Anderson, Ann Barker, Ellen /



r- \\

Dave Spengler, Jack Starrett, Peggy Stephenson Chuck Stevens, Brian Stompe, Stoakley Swanson, Bonnie Wright

uPost No Bills"



Alfred Anderson, Judy Carter, Walker Gilmer, Nancy Gunderson, Lucyanne Kitchen


Joy Morrison, Jerry Roberts Farid Simaika, Georgia Strain, Betty Anne Welch




Ronald Allen, Duane Bidgood, Clarence Cullen, Dennis Fox, Enno Gerbitz

Harry Griesmer, Donald Hansen, Earl Hoffman, James Hopkins Robert Hutchison, Tom Kelly, Ruth Koehler, James Latisch


Martha Lee, Elmer Lehman, Fred Leypoldt, Ralph McLaughlin, Lawrence Meyer

Lila Miller, Orrin Nehls, Philip Panetti, Robert Phippen Dave Piszeczek, Ralph Powell, Marc Provencher, James Ptaschinski


Larry Roedl, Richard Schmidt, Folger Smith


Post No Bills "





Now ••• 59

Varsity Football

Front: P . l\1oyr, B. Weston, ]. Homblette, R. Schmidt, D. Harris, B. Royce, R Steele, R.

Roberts, D. Mueller, J. Sell, J. Lewis. Second: Coach Pasko, B. Strain, ]. James, B. Weisenfelder, Don Davis, J. H.ogers, B. Henderson, J. Ferguson, B. Quasius, D. Deniger, A. Clark, B. Grief, Coach Schnor. Back: S. Lincoln, G. Solberg, L. Ison, R Hopf, D. Mackinnon, Dave Davis.

When the team of the 1948 season returned to The Homecoming game was poor; Northwestern the campus on September 14, Coach Leo Schnur Preps had handed the red men a slim defeat the had back a team with one year's experience and a yea r before; now Wayland had hopes of reversing few new prospects to whip into shape by Sep- the tally. The teams took to the field and the battle tember 25. began. The Preps had a fast and tall team, which The opening game with St. Mary's of Fond du rang up a score of 12-0 over Wayland. Lac proved not to be any great show of our strength. When the Wayland squad traveled to Milwaukee St. Mary's was definitely weak; and after a final to face Country Day, they knew they were in for score of 12-0 in favor of Wayland, it meant harder a tough time. After a very disheartening game, we drills for the red lads. left with a defeat of 46-6. The following week, Milwaukee Lutheran The next week our team met another one of visited Brown Field to hand out a defeat of 20-6 the "toughs" of the league, MUS. They succeeded to the Wayland eleven. in racking up a 33-7 score over Wayland. ext came the Beloit "B" squad. This game was The final game of the season came, with Wayhard fought by the back field combination of land having a chance to finish with 2 wins and 6 Moyer, Quasius, Mueller, and Deniger; but the losses, but Northwestern Military & Naval couldn't end was fatal to the battling red men. The final see things that way, and added up a score of 13-0. score read Beloit 12, Wayland 7. Thus ended the football season of 1948- not The team traveled to Lake Forest for its first good but still with a chance for improvement. The game away. After four quarters of play, Lake team was made up of man y juniors and sophomores Forest ended on top, 33-12. who will develop into good material next year.


J-V Football


Coach Schnur

The Junior Varsity team went through their fivegame season with two losses, two wins, and one tie. These lads, who did not play on the varsity squad, were coached by Pete Pasko. They played their opening game with Beaver Dam, and after a hard-fighting game fell to a score of 16-6. The second game proved to be a close game for the J. V. men, when the game with Horicon ended in a score of 7-6. On October 11, the team faced Watertown Preps and this time came through with a victory to add to their record. With the team well in mid season, Wayland met the Beaver Dam team in a return game, only to have the game end in a deadlock of 6-6. The

fir!al game of the season was the return game with Watertown, and this time the J. V.'s wouldn't take "no" for an answer. The game ended in a score of 20-13. This year the Frosh-Soph team had an inspired group which was coached by the "Flying Parson," Dan Wood. Mr. Wood whipped his team into shape for the first game, and routed St. Peters 26-0. The second game with Fond du Lac ended 19-6 in favor of Fond du Lac. The last game of the season was played against orthwestern Military and aval Academy, and ended in a 20-6 victory for the Frosh-Sophs.


"A l '' •t





'' Pere 11



II ·

,, Bi tl



. Ronn te ''

'' Rusry"

'' Bob''

'' p au.I Rob Roy''


Varsity Basketball

Front: A. Clark,


Howell, L. Trasancos,

Back: Coach Patterson,




Trasancos, D. Harris, T. Pickard, D. Deniger, B. Grief, 1\lanager


Wayland 38



Wayland 26

Mil. Lutheran


Wayland 68



Wayland 35

Lake Forest


Wayland 35

. W. M. & N. 18

Wayland 40



Wayland 56



Wayland 47

Mil. Lutheran


Wayland 31

Country Day


Wayland 50

Lake Forest


Wayland 35

N. W. M. &N.


Wayland 44



Wayland 36

Country Day


Wayland 37


38 64

J-V Basketball

B. Ilenderson, G. Young, E. Nehls, T. Klusendorf, C. Rosenheimer, B. Harris, S. Burgess, D. Deming, Coach Schnur.

for the first time, they won a 25-21 victory. Lake Forest was next on the roster. It was nip and tuck through the whole game, but at the end Wayland lost by a heartbreaking score of 39-38. In a return engagement with the cadets of Northwestern Military, we handed them a defeat of 44-11. Country D ay returned to meet us in the second to the last game of the season. We again came out the victor by 29-27. The reserves met their final game of the season against l\1US and found it also a hard one to put over. The game was close all the way through, with neither team taking the lead by more than 2 points. As the fourth quarter ended Wayland was ahead by a slim margin of 2 points and the game ended with Wayland on top, 31 -39. The Jayvee squad had a great season, one of the best in the school history, and with this material next year's Varsity squad should be on top of the conference.

The Jayvee squad this year turned out to be the hottest in the conference after a 12 game season of 9 wins and 3 losses. The opening game of the season vvas with l\1.U.S. at Milwaukee, and we won, 36-31. The second game was the ill -fated one with Milwaukee Lutheran, when we lost, 21-17. Winnebago Lutheran brought a poor team for an easy Wayland victory of 23-9. \i\Then we traveled to Lake Forest thev pushed over a slim victory of 45-40. ' When the team met the orthwestern l\1ilitarv and aval men, thev took to the fra y de'termined to win and did so, 38-22. Winnebago Lutheran came down to Wayland to try again for a crack at our squad, but we slaughtered them, 50-10. The next game was with Milwaukee Lutheran and we paid them bac;k for the defeat they had given us earlier in the season . We dropped them, 41 -15. When they met the Country Day School


( )l


\\ j





Varsity ~


This year Wayland made up for its poor showing of last year. Out of a sched ule of 14 games, lO of which were conference, the red squad finished with a tally of lO won and 4 lost.


The opening game was with MUS, which proved to be one of the many close calls the team was to have all season. After four periods of play the score ended in close total of 38 to 37 in favor of Wayland. The following game was with the hard hitting team of 1ilwaukee Lutheran. It ended in a score of 29-26 in their favor. Next on the schedule was the game between Wayland and Winnebago Lu theran. We racked up a score of 68 to 20. For the following game, the red quintet traveled to Lake Forest. This ended with a victory for Lake Forest, 41 -3 5. \\



Wayland then clashed with orthwestern Military and dealt them a death blow of 35-18. By this time the team was beginning to click. Both Luis T rasancos and his brother Jose, were hitting the basket well every game. Harris was doing a terrific job as guard, and Pickard was playing the center spot better and better as time went on.


''so a''


Basketball The game with the orthwestern Preps of Watertown proved to be an easy victory with a score of 40-29. Another game with Winnebago Lutheran brought the 5 wins out of 7 games. The next game with Milwaukee Lutheran ended with a 56-47 score in their favor. In our first game with Country Day we ran up a final score of 31-21 in our favor. A return match with Lake Forest saw us win a brilliant game, 50-38. We again Boored Northwestern Military Academy, 35-29. In the return game with Watertown we pulled through with a narrow margin of 44-41.


Our last game with Country Day was an uneventful win of 36-29.



When MUS hit the campus for the last game of the season it was fateful. The game ended in a score of 38-37 in favor of MUS. This years season had its great points and its bad ones, but through it all the team showed a good spirit of sportsmanship which is something to be very proud of. Wayland's team of next year will be out to pick up where this one left off. 路



1948 Track Conference Winners

First row: R. Hopf, R. Leisses, G. Foster, D. Smitz, R. Landrud, J. ewton. Second row: Manager Nunn, S. Christifulli, J. Homblette, H. Grotefeld, R. Schmidt, D. Davis,

D. Harris, P. Mueller, A. Peterson, B. Weston, Coach Schnur.

1949 Track Team

Front: R. Leisses, R. Schmidt, C. Smith, R. Royce, Dave Davis, D. Harris, B. Weisenfelder, P.

Meuller, B. Weston,



J. Homblette, J. Rogers, E. Goldhorn, A. Peterson, J. Lewis, S. Pickard, Coach Patterson. Third row: R. Steinman, D. MacKinnon, L. Ison, B. Busby, B. Henderson, B. Krieger, T. Castell, 0. Mohr, J. unn. Back ro~v: B. Craine, S. Lincoln, J. James, P. Moyr, J. Uphoff, S. Rosenheimer, G. Solberg, E. Nehls, J. Quam. Second row: Coach Schnur, R. Hopf, Don Davis, J. Sell, C. Goll,



Front: A. Dennis, D . Spengler, J. Plews, J. Ferguson . Back: Coach Sim pson, J. Howell, T. Kaveny, T. Pickard,


Wilterdi ng,



1949 Schedule

1948 Scores April 30

Milwaukee Country Day


Lake Forest - 5

May 7

Milwaukee University School


Wayland- 1


- 4

May 14

Lake Forest Academy


Wayland- 1

St. Johns

- 5

May 21

Milwaukee Country Day


Wayland- 5

Beaver Dam- 0

May 28

Milwaukee University School


Wayland- 2


Wayland- 0

Country Day- 5

Wayland- 1

Country Day- 4

Wayland- 2

St. Johns

Wayland- 0

- 3

- 5


J. Uphoff. Second: J. Homblette, R. Royce, Coach Cassedy, P. Moyr, J. Rogers, R. Leisses. Back: D. Spengler, E. Bergstrom, D. Brethauer, D. Yahn, Don Davis, B. Kreiger, T. Kaveny.

Front: B. Hetherington, S. Lincoln,

SWIMMING In their second year as a major varsity sport, the swimming team was directed first by Coach Leo Schnur. When he became coach of the Junior Varsity Basketball Team, Mr. Cassedy took over. The team and coaching staff is to be commended for the effort and improvement which the team showed during the current season and with the material which is left there is no doubt that in the future, the Wayland tankers will be a powerful force to be reckoned with. The first of the team"s four meets was held at Milwaukee University School. The boys suffered their first defeat then, but not before putting up a good fight; they lost only 42 to 40. The second meet was at Elgin Academy when again the boys in red lost another tough meet.

Now with Mr. Cassedy as the coach, the team again played Milwaukee University School, but this time in our own pool and for the first time during the season the squad really showed that they had what it 路 takes to be a winning team. They defeated their Milwaukee competitors by the score of 42 to 47. On Saturday, February 26, the team brought to a close its four-meet season by dunking Elgin Academy by the score of 39 to 36. It was evident in this meet that the team had finally hit its stride and that from now Gn the boys would keep on improving their record until some day Wayland would turn out the finest of swimming teams. Who knows, next year may be the year!


Water Ballet On Saturday evening, March 19, a beautiful water ballet exhibition was given by a group of students under the leadership of Mrs. Mayer. One of the outstanding acts was a number done with black light. Those taking part were: G. Nelson, A. Jenkins, M. Whitfield, L. Weber, B. Wright, E. Barber, G. Strain, J. Dunham, S. Rosenheimer, D. Kraut, K. Kraut, J. Soutar, J. Grout, P. I lull, B. Law, S. Brannon, A. MacArthur, A. Baker, C. Matthews, and D. Preston.


The Weaker Sex (?)

Front: C. Matthews, A. MacArthur, E. Barber. Second: G. Nelson, L. Weber, S. Sensiba, A. Jenkins, i\1. Whitfield, i\1. Avent, B. \A/right,

P. Hull, T. Arslan, Mrs. Mayer.

Hockey Many interests were offered for girls in the athletic program this past school year. In the fall, hockey was paramount. Thirty girls came out for it, and from those, two teams were chosen, consisting of eleven players each: C. Matthews, left wing; G. Nelson, left inner; C. Sensiba, center; M. Whitfield, right inner; B. Wright, right wing; P. Hull, left half; A I Iartman, center half; T. Arslan , right half; L. Weber, right fullback; E. Barber, left fullback; A MacArthur, goal keeper. Substitutes were A Jenkins, S. Rosenheimer, B. Miller, and M. Avent. The captain of the team was Mary Whitfield with Anne Jenkins as manager. We give Mrs. Mayer, our capable coach, much credit and praise for her enthusiasm and efforts toward making it a better team.

The season officially opened by attending a Play Day, October 16, at the Milwaukee Downer Field. We tied with Lake Geneva, and lost in a close game with MUS. The Milwaukee Downer Seminary team came to Wayland on the Saturday morning of our Homecoming and walked off with a victory. On November 6, MUS brought two teams to Wayland , and short games were played in Round Robin style. Before Thanksgiving vacation we had intramural games. The winning team received ten points toward their sixty-five point letters; the losing team received five points. Mrs. Mayer held a hockey party for the Varsity team after the season was over.


Basketball After we returned from Christmas vacation, basketball took the big spotlight in girls' winter sports. Mrs. Cassedy was coaching the team. Thirty girls turned out for basketball. After three weeks of practice, the Varsity squad was chosen, consisting of the following: Forwards-Connie Sensiba, Mary Whitfield, Joan Cooper, Margare~ Hoyer, Mayna Avent, Jean McLaughlin, Saranne Fry, Connie Becker, and Diane Shipman; Guards-Carol Matthews, Barbara Burstein, Marilvn Lusher, Ellen Barber, Bonnie Wright, Ja~e Soutar, Janice Larkin, Lynn Roseman , Anne Glanville, Jerry Barnum, and Jirina Hrazdilova. Squad practice was held for an hour, three times a week. Our first game was with Milwaukee University School. The first team lost to them, 42-23. The second team tied, 4141. The game was held here in Wayland's gym.

The next game was held at Milwaukee Downer. The scores were 40-25 for the first team and 25-19 for the second game. We played a return visit to Milwaukee University School later on. The first team came the closest to winning that it did the entire season. It was a very fast game the whole way. In the end, our opponents had won, 24-21. The second team again scot eJ a victory with a 33-24 score. The last game was with 1ilwaukee Downer again, but this time it was held here at Wayland. It was an easy walk-oil路 for the Downer girls in the first game by a 29-20 score. The second team did a much better job and came through with a 34-19 win. Summing up the basketball season-we all enjoyed the practicing and the few games we had a great deal. I-Iere is hoping for a better team next year, and I'm sure there vvill be a good one. Many thanks to Mrs. Cassedy for her coaching of the team.

Front: C. i\1atthews, A. Glanville, J. Soutar, S. Fry, J. Barnum, i\1. Hoyer. Second: J. Hrazdilova , J. McLaughlin, E . Barber, M. Lusher, B. Burstein, L. Larkin, D. Shipman. Third: Coach Cassedy, i\L Avent, C. Becker, B. Wright, L. Roseman, C. Sensiba, J. Cooper,

M. Whitfield.


Riding Club

Front: J. Gorden, J. Soutar, G. Corbett, A. Fox, D. Lethen, J. Carne, i\1. Hendren, A. Glanville. Secm1d: D. Shipman. B. Wright, M. Kern, L. Roseman, G. Geyer, S. Brannan, S. Fry. Back: Mrs. Cassedy, W. Gilmer, G. Solberg, L. Gavel, E. ehls, T. Corbett, Mrs. l\1ayer.

Ski Club

hont: E. Bergstrom, J. Gorden E. Barber, I . Kraut, S. Rosenheimer. Second: J. Sell, B. Bollensen, C. Smith , J. Carter, D. Kraut, J. Lewis. Back: J. Rogers, R. chmidt, F. Steele, Don Davis, R. Royce, R. Steinman,

J. Grout.



James, G. Grout,



Now ••• 75



Student Senate

Standing: President Ronnie Schmidt. Front row: 1. Whitfield, J. Kerr, C. i\Iatthews, i\1. Hoyer, Second row: J. Nunn, B. Weston, S. Swanson, B. Strain. Bach: Don Davis, P. Ilorst, R. Hopf, S. Pickard .

Every spring an election is held to see who will be Student Senate President for the following year. Last year, Ronnie Schmidt was chosen and has been the student representative for this school year. The Senate as a group, or some members of the Senate, sit in at discipline meetings, are responsible for student behavior, and plan weekend activities among other duties. Other representatives on the Senate automatically hold their positions because of the offices they hold in some other organization. The other representatives are: Joan Gorden and Bill Weston , who are presidents of the Girls' I louse Council and the Boys' House Council respectively; Mary Whitfield, president of the Varsity Club, and Russ Hopf, president of the "W" Club,




represent the athletic interests on the camput; Peter Horst represents H urchins I louse and Sam Pickard does the honors f'or Merriam House; the classes are represented by their presidents- John unn , senior; Don Davis, junior; Bob train , Sophomore; and Steakley Swanson, freshman ; the town students have a say in the Senate which is voiced by Margaret I Ioyer and Rob Roy Roberts; last but not least we have Carol Matthews, president of Y.W. and Jackie Kerr, head of Club Henri. This year the Senate has devised a new system for determining the activities. They have tried to have vveekend activities which would be pleasing to all groups of students, and we all sincerely believe that we ha\'e achieved our purpose.

House Councils

lewton, B. Weisenfelder, J. unn, P. Mueller, President Bill Weston, J. James, G. Young, B. Fisher, B. Strain, P. Horst. Second: R. Hopf, S. Pickard, J. Lewis. Back: L. Ison, E. Goldhorn, R. Schmidt, B. Royce, D. MacKinnon, Don Davis, T. Pickard, D. Steinman, J. Sell. Front: J. Grout, B.

Seated: J. Cooper, L. Lethen, President Joan Gorden, J. Kerr, C. Sensiba. Standing: C. Frey, K. Gorden, M. Whitfield, K. Kraut.


Varsity Club One of the most important clubs on the Wayland campus is the girls' athletic club, the Varsity Club. Like the "W" Club it stands for high ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play. During the Invitational Basketball Tournament, the Varsity Club worked along side the "W" Club and served refreshments during the games. Just before spring vacations they sponsored the St. Patrick's Day Dance. The gym was decorated in green and white. This dance followed the Water Ballet, which was also sponsored by the Varsity Club. The biggest activity in the spring is the initiation. All girls who have obtained their required number of points for the "W"

letter are invited to join. That the requirements are high is evidenced by the small membership in the organization. This year Mary \Vhitfield was president, Thelma Arsland was vice-president, Anne Jenkins was secretary, and Mitzi McMinn was treasurer. Our heartfelt thanks go to our adviser, l\1rs. Mayer. Her interest and work have made possible the success of our organization. We'll never forget her after-lights parties. During its short five-year span of existence, the Varsity Club has made a place for itself on the Wayland campus. Every year it renews its vow to serve you-the \.Vayland students.

L. Weber, A. Jenkins, l\1. i\lcMinn, i\1. Whitfield, T. Arslan, G. Nelson.



Seated: C. Smith, J. Lewis, P. Moyr, A. Clark, R. Hopf, B. Royce, D. Brethauer, 13. Leisses,

B. Grief. St 111tding: B. \iVeisenfelder, L. Ison, D. Deniger, D. MacKinnon, R. Schmidt, Don D.tvis, B.

Henderson , R. Steele, J. James, B. Weston, J. Uphoff,


Rogers, D. Harris.

The exclusive "W" Club, composed o[ men who have proved their excellence in athletics by earning a coveted letter, has continued its activities o[ service to the school by promoting athletics to the nth degree. The Club is sponsored by Coach Leo Schnur, and is readily advancing under his leadership. The Club aided him greatly in putting on the \i\layland Invitational Basketball Tournament. The tournament was a great success and was typical of the flne ideals and cooperation that are instigated in the Club. In years to follow, the Club has agreed to take full responsibility for the tournament. The teams which took part were St. Mary's of Fond du Lac, Milwaukee Country Day, Northwestern Military and Naval Academy, St. John's Military Academy, Milwaukee Lutheran, Lake Forest Academy, and \i\Tinnebago Lutheran. This year the Club has grown from an organization which merely existed, to an organization vvhich is a leader in the school. The president is Russ I Iopf, who lettered in football in his sophomore year. The vice-president, Bob Royce, has letters in football, swimming, and track Al Clark, our secretary, has a letter in football; and Dick Deniger, the treasurer, has won letters both in football and basketball. Besides the officers of the Club, there ::~re Bill Henderson, Jim Lewis, Don Davis, Jerry James, Roh Roy Roberts, Luther Ison, Cecil Smith, Jon Rogers, Jack Ll phoff, Bil l Weston, Paul Moyr, Bob Grief, Bob Leisses, Dan MacKinnon, Dave Brethauer, and Ronnie Schmidt. Last year the "W" Clu.b donated money to have plagues made for the lohby of the gym. This money was earned by selling programs at I lomecoming and putting on different activities throughout the year. There will be more members returning next year to continue the work of the club than in years before, and every member who is graduating this year, wishes them the best of luck and cooperation.


YWCA The Y.W.C.A. at Wayland this year is under the leadership of Carol Matthews, who has organized it into a working, active group on the campus. With Joan Gorden as vice-president, Lavonne Weber as secretary, and Thelma Arsland as treasurer, the Y.W.C.A. has sponsored various interesting Wednesday evening meetings, with faculty members and other Y. W.C.A. hi ends as speakers. In its program, the Y.W.C.A. has also presented this year its annual Fellowship Dinner in October, and the February Masquerade, for the purpose of raising money for the March of Dimes. In May the banguet for the installation of new officers, an inspiring and effective ceremony, was held in Warren Hall. The year of 1949 closed on Wayland 's Y.\V.C.c\. with the sentimental Senior Farewell on the girb' athletic field, and renewed for many of the girls a realization of the Y.W.C.A. 's importance in their lives. !VIiss l\1m路ion Mitchell was, as always, our in路 spirational and helpful adviser.


The Cabinet

Miss Mitchell


J. Carter, K. Kraut, S. Rosenheimer, C. Noreus, B. Burstein, G. Bittner, L. Weber, A. Jenkins, M. Whitfield, L. Roseman, J. Kerr, A. Fox, C. Matthews. Second: T. Corbett, N. Mabry, G. Pelck, B. Law, P. Hull, T. Arslan, J. Soutar, G. Strain, J. Grout, l\1. Hoyer, D. Kraut, B. 1iller, F. Simaika, G. Nelson, J. Lewis. Bach: B. Newton, T. Janzer, L. !son, E. Smith, Don Davis, C. Smith, D. Steinman, Dave Davis, J . .Morgan, F. Steele, J. Sell, J. James, D. Scott, B. Bollensen. Front:

Drama Club--Rouland This year the Rouland show of 1949, "From Scarecrow Square," was really a smash hit. Like last year, it was a musical with all the comedy for the skits, songs, and the dances done entirely by the students. Talk about Rouland began even before Thanksgiving vacation, and it is still going on. Shortly after Christmas vacation the cast and crew went to work oh the show ~vith real zeal. Everyone-especially Miss Weiske, Miss Drescher, and l\1iss Weidner-hardly had a moment to himself with all the work to be done. Then a week before the actual show, we had our mid-semester long weekend. While most of us went home for a rest, Miss Weiske and her group of over fifty students spent those four days putting on the finishing touches to the show. After seeing the production we all agreed that that weekend was by no means a waste of time. From the time we set out for Broadway at 8:30 A. l\'1. with Mitzi McMinn 'til twelve midnight, when we went back to Ioway with all the citizens we saw a wonderful show packed to the brim with beauty, humor, music, dancing, comedy, and just good acting. Wayland's new lighting system was especially effective in the spectacular Spanish number, showing the use of black lights on fluorescent costumes. The principals were T. Arslan, C. Noreus, G. Nelson, D. Christense, S. Rosenheimer, B. Miller, G. McBain, 0. ehls, D. Hansen, J. James, L. Ison, J. Scott, D. Steinman, M. McMinn, A. Fox, L. Weber, A. Jenkins, F. Kram, J. Carter, J. Kerr, B. Lee, D. Bidgood, F. Simaika, T. Corbett, J. Morgan, and A. Klawans. After Rouland many students began hard work on declams and orations for the local forensic contest which was held on March 18. Those winning places in the contests were Margaret Iloyer and Sally Hunt, for extemporaneous reading; Carl Huber in original oratory; John Morgan and Judy Carter in serious declam; and Fleurry Kram, Ellen Barber, and Barbara Burstein in humorous declams. This year, with Miss Mary Ellen Weiske, as the faculty adviser of the Drama Club, we have as our student officers: president, Lavonne Weber; secretary, Thelma Arslan; treasurer, Margaret Hoyer. Our thanks go to you, the students and faculty members of Wayland, for all the assistance and work you have done to make this, 1949, a truly successful year for the Drama Club.



ROU 1 Stage Crew




LAND Rehearsal


Front: J. Cooper, S. Brannon, L. Roseman. Second: G. Grout, J. Kerr, B. Royce, J. Rogers. Third: M. Hoyer, R. Schmidt, M. Whitfield, J. Soutar, K. Kelly, B. Burstein. Back: L. Weber, B. Leisses, G. Young.

PILLARS Most of us on the Pillars' staff this year except Mary Whitfield, girls' sports editor, are new at the business. We have had a lot to learn, but we hope it hasn't been at the expense of this book. This year Winnie Woods is our art editor and editor-in-chief combined. Jackie Kerr and Bob Royce are co-literary editors. Our hard-working business managers, Bob Leisses and Margaret Hoyer, have really done a marvelous job getting advertisements for our annual. ( Bod lands the customers and Margaret collects.) If you have heard someone knocking on your door, it's probably Sue Brannon or Jon Rogers looking for "snaps" for the calendar ( and, by the way, Joan Cooper has really been keeping the calendar). Besides "Whit," John Nunn does sports write-ups. For the information of you The Editorial Board typing students: When you see Miss Holmes at that vacant typewriter, it's probably a Pillars' article she's typing. We can't say too much about our circulation managers, Barbara Burstein and Gig Young; but we hope that come June they will be giving one of these pictorial diaries to every one of you. We surely hope you will like them.


front: C. Sensiba, D. Lethen, J. Kerr, J. Nunn. Second: G. Pelck, M. Lusher, D. Christensen, D. Kraut, A. Hartman. Third: S. Fry, T. Arslan, M. Hoyer, M. Kern, J. Cooper, B. Miller, L. Weber, B. Burstein,

Bcrtzyk, J. Carne. Fourth: M. Whitfield, S. Brannon, Miss Bickford, Standing: B. Zuege!, G. Grout.



Morgan, A. Glanville.

POST The '48-'49 Post was published at the hands of Dode Lethen, a very capable and hard-working senior. The Post had a large number of personnel on its staff. Every one of the reporters added his or her contribution at some time or another. This year's monthly edition made up the fourth volume of the Post. Miss Carol Bickford, who was new to Wayland this year, did an excellent job as faculty adviser of the paper. Assisting Dode Lethen, the editor-in-chief, were Mary Whitfield writing the sports news from the girls' division; and John Nunn, who covered the boys' athletic events. Also on the staff for producing the Post were the following reporters: Thelma Arslan, Sue Brannon, Barbara Burstein , Joan Cooper, Don Davis, Jerry Grout, Burt Harris, Jackie Kerr, Carol Matthews, John The Editorial Board Morgan, Georgie Pelck, Connie Sensiba, Anne Fox, Annette Leipsiger, Barbara Miller, Margaret Hoyer, Lynn Roseman, and Bill Bloemendaal. Throughout the year our friend, Hal Kempfer's column of poetry continually popped up somewhere between the covers. The Inquiring Reporter has been the same person for two years in successionMargaret Hoyer. In the "Dooo Tell" column Jackie Kerr did the honors, and Connie Sensiba told us all the latest happenings in "Dear Diary."



iI I

]1mior College: D. I-bmen, 0. Nehls, D. Bidgood, B. Lee. Seated: i\Jiss \Veidner.

Academv: i\liss Weidner, E. Berostrom, B. Henderson, 0

Don Davis, T. Janzer.




T. Arslan, L. \iVeber, A. Jenkins, D. Christensen, A. Fox, M. i\1ci\1inn.


Church Choir Front: P. Hull, G. Pelck, D. Christensen, D. Hoffman, G. Nelson, G. McBain, T. Arslan,


Kerr. A. Fox. Bach: J. Lewis, N. Mabry, B. Strain, M. Whitfield, Don Davis, C. Bancroft, B. Henderson, A. Jenkins, E. Smith, G. Bittner, G. Young, A. Dennis, Miss Weidner.

Front: K. Kraut, T. Arslan, B. Burstein, G. Pelck, M. Hoyer, A. Jenkins, L. Weber, L. Roseman,

G. Strain, B. Mill"!r. J. Soutar, B. Law, P. Hull, G. Bittner, T. Janzer, E. Smi-th, Don Davis, D. Steinman, James, N. Mabry, J. Kerr, A. Fox, J. Grout, D. Kraut.


The Chorus




Messiah Front: Miss Weidner, C. Bancroft, G. Pelck, C. oreus, 1. Whitfield, G. Bittner, A. Jenkins. Baclc A. Fox, D. Chr:stensen, J. Lewis, Don Davis, T. Janzer, L. \Veber.



\V. Gilmer, A. D(.Jlnis, E. Smith, B. Peregoy, B. \Vright.

Band 90

Press Club Seated: A. Dennis, J. l\leek, T. JanL;er, B. i\liller. Standing: 1. i\labry, \V. Gilmer, F. Kram, P. i\[aye, C. Gull, B. \Velch,



l路oreground: A. l)_nnis. Front: T. Corbett, F. Simaika, E. Bergstrom, J. Sell, B. Weisen!elder. Back: K. \Viseheart, f. Quam, B. Bollensen, F. Steele, 0. i\lohr.

Photography Club 91

Art Department

Front: A. Leipsiger, M. Bryan, S. Hunt, D. Kraut, B. Bollensen. Second: J. Morgan, M. Hendren, J. Dunham, C. Frey, A. MacArthur, B. Welch, G. Pelck,

E. Bergstrom,

J. Barnum.

Third: J. Carter, J. Ledger, P. Horst, J. Lewis, K. Wiseheart, J. Meek. Standing: N. Mabry, B. Craine, 0. Mohr, R. Schmidt, R. Hopf, F. Steele,


Quam .

Youth Group Week on the Wayland campus. It featured this year Rev. Kyle Haselton. Every afternoon and morning there was an address by Rev. Haselton on subjects chosen by the Youth Group. They were: "Christianity and World Fellowship," "Christianity and Racial Prejudice," "Christianity and Campus Life," "Christianity and ational Policies," and "Christianity and Courtship and Marriage." Every evening there was a fellowship hour of game playing and singing led by Luther Ison and Chic Noreus. At the morning chapel services on Monday and Tuesday mornings, Rev. Schilling and Rev. Thorne were guest speakers. This year the officers are Winnie Woods, president; John Morgan, vicepresident; and Jim Lewis, secretarytreasurer.

The Youth Group has been an active organization on the Wayland campus for four years. Its meets in Roundy Clubrooms every Sunday night at 8:45 for one hour. Sometimes guest speakers come to the meetings, but usually there is an informal discussion led by Rev. Wood. These discussions are of religious problems both social and personal and problems of the Wayland student. This is not a denominational group. Its members are Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish. In the meetings a sutdent can learn what his fellow students think and why, and in that way he can develop and strengthen his philosophy of life. Besides its weekly meetings the Youth Group helps organize, participate in, and give its full support to Religion in Life Week. March 20, 21 , and 22 were the days for the fifth annual Religion in Life





Now ••• 95


The theme of this year's Wayland Homecoming was the New Look- new gym, new pool, and new roads. But even with all the new attractions both students and alumni had the same old spirit. The festive spirit was shown on the campus by gay posters and figures of football players crouching around the campus. Friday evening the classes and faculty put on a variety program of skits. "All I \1\Tant for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" sung by the four dignified faculty members brought down the house. The evening ended with a pep rally and a blazing bonfire to brighten the spirits of the crowd. Saturday morning, the girls' hockey team played Milwaukee Downer. The big game which all had been waiting for came in the afternoon when our team put up a grand fight against Northwestern Preps. The final score was 12 to 0 in their favor.



The Homecoming Dinner vvas held in the new gym and Mr. Wichman was the Master of Ceremonies. Some of the speakers were Phil Esten, Miss Marion Mitchell, and President Hicks. The entertainment was provided by the Girls' Sextette and the Junior College Quartette. When the dinner was over everyone went to Linfield for the dedication ~~rvice of the Beebe Auditorium. At nine the new gym was transformed for the dance with a fine orchestra. After the dance an Alumni Snack I lour was held at Club Henri. Sunday, the Homecoming Service was held at the Baptist Church, followed by a buffet luncheon in the gymnasium. Once more Homecoming came to an end at Wayland, but everyone knew b) the success of this one that there would be many more.






'' The world at his

-f'i nqe.t-tips '1


Uf:,...CS t'ta~ L.o.... --路路






CJ IS 1 ·


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how you sho1..dd d,o

''They were stuffed •. :'


;r! ''

CALENDAR September

15 18

The official opening of another big year of school. . . . Where are the bushes ? YW M ixer ... whose name don 't I have on my Mi xer card?


13 22

YW Fellowship dinner Homecoming Weekend begins ... . Freshmen w in first prize for their sk it (what a blow to the Seniors!) . . . bonfire on lower tenn is courts, and snake dance over the campus. 23 A.M . . . . Hockey team charges down the field against the girls of Downer ... P.M . . . . Wayland vs . Northwestern Preps . . . . Banquet and dedication of our new auditorium . . . we danced the light fantastic 'til 12. 24 Buffet lunch, followed by an organ recital by Chic. 28-29 The crucial t ime, those long-dreaded six-weeks' ex ams have come at last. November 2 YW Recognition Service . ... Truman won . 12 The BRAINS of each class competed in the Battle of the Sexes quiz show . 24-28 Long awaited , Long Weekend! December 12 " The Mess iah" given in the new gym 16 Christmas party . .. pageant in Linfield . 17 Home for a much deserved rest .. . today we are going to have Xmas spirit. January 5 Back again . . . did we say we were going to get some rest? 21 Ice Carnival weekend . . . perfect weather . . . skating . . . snow sculpturing . 22 Snow fight in a.m ., easy victory for Juniors and Sophomores .. . . Dave and Thelma reign as king and queen over the Coronation Ball . 28 Open House in t he girl s' dorm . .. " Enchanted Fore st" in Linfield . 29 Faculty Recita I.

CALENDAR February 2-4 Our two-hour semester exams! 11 Student recita I 18 Long weekend ... kids in Rouland stay to practice. 25-26 Rouland is a great success . . . but we knew it would be . March 5 YW Masquerade . . . what figures the Toni twins, Ronnie and Don, had! ll -12 Wayland invitational basketball tournament . , . champions , St. John' s. 16-17 Six weeks' exams. 18 Local forensics contest with chances to compete in the state contest. 21, 22, 23 Religion in Life Week. 23 How long have we counted the days for this ... Spring Vacation!

April 4


Back so soon! Vacation time goes entirely too fast for me. Student recital.

May 5 " Topper Returns" to provide us with thrills. 25 YW Installation dinner ... congratulations to our new officers. 28 The Prom that we have talked about all year, is here. June 5 YW Farewell ... a very impressive service. 8- 10 Final exams .. . there is many a sigh when the last one is over . 11 Commencement Play. 12 Rec ital . .. Seniors go to the Country Club for a farewell party . 13 Commencement . . . to the Seniors this means that they are to leave Wayland for the last time , and step out into the world ... to th e underclassmen it means more years of fun and work here . . . to all, this calendar will bring back to our minds the wonderful time3 we had here . . . memories we will cherish always .


ALLEGIANCE As of old when /wights and maidens, Su111moned by Devotion's call, Gathered 'midst the hallowed splendor Of some great, ancestral hall, So, today, we do thee homage, Wayland, castle of our dreams! In thy name our torch was lighted, Gallant still its white flame gleams. Staunch we stand and ever loyal, True to lessons thou hast taught, Strong to do thy boldest bidding, Fortified by battles fought. Quickened by thy inspiration, On we press to heights above, Comrades in a mighty army, Kindred in a filial love. 'Round 11s surge the eager voices Of an unseen mystic throng, Spirits of thy absent children Joining in this festal song. They, like us, in fond allegiance Nurtured at thine ancient shrine, Ever keep thy mem'ry sacred, Cherished as a gift divine.


We, the PILLARS staff of 1949, would like at this time to thank Miss Helene Holmes, our faculty adviser. This position is one of much work and little recognition. She has done more than her part, and we are deeply grateful.


Compliments of

The Trojan Candy Company Home of Fine Candies and Ice Cream



0. R. PIEPER CO. 63 Years of Specialized Food Service MILWAUKEE





Rooms ava ilabl e fo r p ri vate pa rties

FACULTY ADDRESS LIST Bickford, Carol 732 S. Van Buren Ave. Green Bay, Wisconsin

Hicks, Weimer K. 124 Winn Terrace

Cassedy, David S. Plainfield, New Hampshire

Ho lmes, Helene Genoa City, Wisconsin Ingham, Lora G. Way land Academy Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Joyce, Lois 147 Harrenton Ave. Hartford 5, Connec!icut Mayer, E. C. 106 Prosp ect Ave.

Coleman , H. C. 209 N. Cente r St. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Drescher, Joanne 257 N. Main St. Spe neer, Indiana Foster, Ruth L. Plainfield, New Hampshire Gustafson , Marjorie 554 Irwin St. Galesburg, Illinois

Patte rson, R. A. Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Pihlstrom , Ellen Lewis Lodge Edgewater, Wisconsin Roberts , S. W. 296 N. Universi ty Ave. Beaver Dam , Wiscon sin

Schneider, Frederick C. New Salem , N. Dakota Schnur, Leo 3 19 E. Third St.

Bea ver Dam , Wisconsin

Bea ve r Dam , Wi sconsin

Mitchell , Marion E. Wayland Academy Beaver Dam , Wiscons in

Simpson, S. H. 300 W. Mackie St. Beaver Dam, Wiscons in


Tucker, J . H. 250 Twelfth Avenue N.' Clinton , Iowa Weidn e r, Alice 2 11 Franklin Ave. Edwardsville, Illinois Weiske, Mary Ell en 9 54 Ransom St. Ripon , Wisconsin Wichma'1 , A. E. 4 15 N. Lincoln Ave. Bea ver Dam, Wisconsin

Wood , G. Dan iel 116 E. Mackie St. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin .

Banner Motor Company, Inc. Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer Minneapolis - Moline Farm Machinery




Compliments of

Good Shoes


X-Ray Fitted 127 FRONT STREET

DIAL 15545



FARMERS STATE BANK Member F.D.I.C. Congratulations Class of '49




"WALDHIER" Your Jeweler The Store of a Thousand Gifts

STUDENT ADDRESS LIST Allen , Ronald 124 Haskell St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

8achofen, Lillian Route 2 Beaver Dam, Wis.

Becker, Cornelia 2522 Iroquois Road Wilmette, Ill.

Bittner, Gretchen 5802 W. Wisconsin Ave. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Anderson, Alfred 6234 N. Hoyne Chicago 45, Illinois

Baker, Ann 203 N. 86 St. Wauwatosa 13, Wis.

Becker, Nils 209 E. Fresnik Ave. Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Bloemendaal, Bill 351 W. Main St. Zeeland, Michigan

Anderson, Thorwald Same as Alfred

Bancroft, Mary Catharine Commercial State Bank Elsie, Nebraska

Bergstrom, Eric 157 N. Park Ave. Neenah, Wis.

Bollensen, Barry 2459 Prairie Ave. Evanston, Illinois

Barber, Ellen Warrens, Wis.

Bertzyk, Jeanne Route 4, Box 132 Kenosha, Wisconsin

Braker, Lawrence 920 Madison St. Beaver Dam, Wis.

Barnum, Jerusha 1012 W. Wisconsin Ave. Oconomowoc, Wis.

Bidgood, Duane Box 192 Horicon, Wisconsin

Brannon, Suzanne 10941 Longwood Drive Chicago 43, Illinois

Arslan, Thelma 7038 S. Stewart Ave. Chicago 21, Illinois Avent, Mayna c/ o Howard Nelson 310 Rolfe Road DeKalb, Ill.


Fullerton Lumber Company "Where the Home Begins"

Building Material - Coal BEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN Dial 4733

209 S. Center Street

KIRSH FOUNDRY, INC. Malleable and Gray Iron Castings BEAVER DAM



QUANDT'S PAINT STORE Dodge County's Largest Line of Paint, Wall Paper and Linoleum 152 FRONT ST. BEAVER DAM,

Home of Fine Pastry

TEL. 144 WI S C 0 N SIN



Compliments of




Brethauer, David 413 N. Center St. Beaver Dam, Wis.

Burrow, Caroline 316 Oneida St. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Chandler, Anne 407112 N. Spring St. Beaver Dam , Wis.

Corcoran, Mary 2950 N. Marietta Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Briggs, Beverly 2086 Temple Court St. Paul, Minn.

Burstein, Barbara 316 Clark St. Neenah, Wisconsin

Christensen, Doris Route 1 Green lake, Wisconsin

Corso, William 221 East Third St. Beaver Dam, Wis.

Brueske, Warren 500 Grove St. Beaver Dam, Wis.

Busby, Burt 1104 S. 45 St. West Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Clark, Alan 212 Oneida St. Beaver Dam , Wis.

Craine, Robert 240 East Doty Ave . Neenah , Wis.

Bryan , Mary 728 N. Lafayette Ave. Albuquerque, N. Mexico

Carne, Jean 911 Lexington Ave . Wheaton, Illinois

Cooper, Joan 7000 South Shore Drive Chicago 49, Ill .

Crevillion, Charma ine Oak Street

Bump, Joseph 111 Gould St. Beaver Dam, Wis.

Carter, Judith 191 0 Regent St. Madison, Wisconsin

Burgess, Steve 147 South 13 St. La Crosse, Wisconsin

Castell, Oswaldo Trocadero 109 Havana, Cuba

Corbett, Thomas 199 Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois Corbett, Gail Same as Tommy


Juneau, Wisconsin

Crooks, Dorothy 112 S. Michigan Blvd. Chicago 3, Illinois Cullen, Clarence 202 N. Center St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin


Beaver Dam Music Center

General Electric Appliances Goodyear Tires and Accessories Pittsburgh Paints

Complete Music Store and School Accordions, Pianos, Band & Orchestra Instruments and Accessories Sheet Music Any Instrument Repaired and Tuned






.IJit~f!Jt~ ~w&&=-

Zweck-Wollenburg Co . Everything in Hardware 1 21 -123 Front St.

Dairy Products

Telephone 20







Good Eats

Dealer in


Chicks, Poultry Equipment, Remedies, Pillsbury Feeds 207 FRONT STREET


A. M. GIESE, Jeweler

The Electronic Center


306 So. Spring Street


Dunham, Joan 135 Ferrand Park Highland Park, Michigan

Fry, Saranne 630 West Prairie Ave. Marengo, Illinois

Glanville, Barbara 733-37 Minnesota Ave. Kansas City 14, Kansas

Ferguson , John 920 Leighton Ave. Keokuk, Iowa

Gavel, Lawrence Route 1, Box 72 Glencoe, Missouri

Goldhorn, Ernest 11349 Normal Ave. Chicago 28, Illinois

Fisher, Burt Beck 819 East Forest Ave. Neenah, Wisconsin

Gerbitz, Enno

Goll , Clifford 2459 N. 39 St. Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin

Davis, Don

Deniger, Richard 310 Park Ave. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Dennis, Arthur c/ o Prof. Benninghoff 205 S. Home Ave. Franklin, Indiana Drown, Audrey Route 2 Beaver Dam , Wis.


Gilmer, Walker Box 202 Libertyville, Illinois

Duffy, Dorothy 122 South Main St.

Deming, Don 915 W. Sixth St. Marshfield, Wisconsin


Frey, Carolyn 1338 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, Illinois

Davis, David 2712 Ewing Ave. Evanston, Illinois 2557 South 78 St. West Allis 14, Wisconsin



Juneau , Wisconsin

Fox, Anne Wonewoc, Wisconsin

Fox , Dennis 848 Madison St. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Juneau, Wisconsin

Gergen , Patricia 110 South Vita Beaver Dam , Wis. Geyer, Geoanne 407 Park Ave. New York City, N.Y.

Goodwin, Robert 321 York St. Beaver Dam, Wis. Gorden , Joan Kimberly, Idaho

Compliments of

Valley Plumbing Company 318 First Street NEENAH,


Western Auto Associate Store


Home Owned

Everything for Home and Auto Bottle Gas for Refrigerator, Water Heater and Stove



Next to City Hall BEAVER


PHONE 5580

Harridge, Jack 8100 Esse x Ave. Chicago 17, Illinois

Hendren , Margaret 9750 S. Longwood Drive Chicago, Illinois

Horst, Peter 828 W. South St. Kalamazoo, Mich .

Harris, Burtt 1588 Greencrest Drive Pittsburgh 26, Pennsylvania

Hetherington, Robert 318 S. Fifth St. Geneva, Illinois

Hos ig, Wilfred Mauston, Wisconsin

Harris, Dwight Same as Burtt

Hoffman, Delores Chetek, Wisconsin

Healy, John 304 South Vita Beaver Dam, Wis.

Homblette, John RFD No. 1 Neenah, Wisconsin

Hoyer, Margaret 126 LaCrosse St.

Grout, Judy Same as Gerald

Heilman, John 8120 Woodland Ave. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Hopf, Russell 4513 St. Andrews Lane Bridgeton, Missouri

Hrazdilova, Jirina Chladkova 4, Brno 2 Czechoslovakia

Hansen, Donald 430 N. Lincoln St. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Henderson, William 301 YMCA Waukegan, Illinois

Hopkins, James 2368 Ducharme Lane Green Bay , Wisconsin

Hsu , Eugene Wen-Kwang 15 Hsuan Wu Road Nanking 8, China

Gorden, Kay Same as Joan Grief, Robert 765 Johnson St. Gary, Indiana Griesmer, Harry, Jr. 133 Gould St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Grout, Gerald Route 1 Ripon, Wisconsin


Howell, James 1222 Hinsdale Ave. Beloit, Wisconsin

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Large surface oven tor complete roasts, vegetables and potatoes.

Con•;c01ient lifter rack for casserole dishes and other smaii utensils.

High domed cover to increase depth ol roaster for large fowl or lor whole ham.

top for working space when roaster is not in use

In addition to the regular oven, the Monarch roaster range gives you an extra, auxiliary oven at cooking-top height ... convenient for roasting complete meals, casserole dishes, and quick baking. Reduces fuel cost. Saves stooping. The only range like it on the market. Come in and see it. •


Compliments of

AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 115 FRONT STREET








115 N. Spring St.

Phone 89

Compliments of


Compliments of

Best Wishes in Your Future Years




Main Floor Phone 282-W

Compliments of

Sears Roebuck

& Co.

140 Front Street 106 Maple Avenue BEAVER

Huber, Carl Route 3 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Hull, Patsy Box 225 Niles, Michigan Hunt, Sally 2459 Prairie Ave. Evanston, Illinois Hutchison , Robert 5744 N. Kent Ave. Milwaukee 11, Wisconsin lson, luther Crandon, Wisconsin James, Jerry Ripon, Wisconsin


Janisch, Roger Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Janzer, Thomas 5134 N. Woodburn St. Milwaukee 11, Wisconsin Jenkins, Ann B4B Nicolet Blvd. Menasha, Wisconsin Johnston, Helen 7953 Merrill Ave. Chicago 17, Illinois


Keil, John 318 West Mackie St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Kil, John 2124 Bingham St. Honolulu, Hawaii

Kelly, Kristin 2502 Bennett Ave. Evanston, Illinois

Kitchen, lucyann 536 Prospect Ave. Beaver Dam , Wis.

Kelly, Thomas 1920 Douglas St. Rockford, Illinois

Klawans, Arthur 33 South Central Park Blvd. Chicago 24, Illinois

Kempfer, Harold Route 3 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Klink, Aaron Dodge County Institutions Juneau, Wisconsin

Kaveny, Tom 709 East Juneau Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Kern , Marla 10451 S. Seeley Ave. Chicago 43, Illinois

Klusendorf, Thomas Barneveld, Wisconsin

Keating, James 409 Park Drive Neenah , Wisconsin

Kerr, Jacqueline 9020 S. Hamilton Ave. Chicago 20, Illinois

Koehler, Ruth Route 1 Reeseville, Wisconsin


Compliments of





Home of


Botany "500" Shirts

X-Ray Fitted

Carl '27


Louis '31


Compliments of

VOLKMANN HARDWARE 114 N. Spring Street


Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

We Sell Mautz Paint

Kolko, Irving 5301 N. Bernard St. Chicago, Illinois Kram, Fleurette 3056 W. Franklin Blvd. Chicago, Illinois Kraut, Diane 102 Cottage Ave. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Kraut, Karen Same as Diane Kreiger, Robert 2551 N. First St. Milwaukee, Wiscons in Kurtze, Nancy Hal es Corners, Wisconsin

Landaal, Richard Route 1 Fox Lake, Wisconsin Larkin, Janice Barranca Barmeja Colombia South America Latisch , James 317 Haskell St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Law, Elizabeth 259 Cary Ave . Highland Park, Ill inois Ledger, Joan 11 09 Geneva St. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Lee, Martha 1546 Magazine St. Honolulu 25, T.H.

Lee, Robert Same as Martha Lehman , Elmer Hustisford, Wiscons in Le hman , Mona Same as Elmer Leipsiger, Annette 1528 Elmdale Ave. Chicago 26, Illinois Leisses, Robert Hotel Roge rs Beaver Dam , Wiscons in Lethen , Dode 10157 South Bell Ave. Ch icago 43 , Illinois


lewis, James 1200 Center St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Leypoldt, Frederick Ill 4790 N. Larkin St. Milwaukee 11, Wisconsin Lincoln, Stephen 630 Meadow Lane Libertyville, Illinois Lunde, James 401 N. University Ave. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Lusher, Marilyn 1735 Washington Ave. Wilmette, Illinois Luster, Jean Box 257 Riverton , Wyom ing

A Cash Purchase Is a Cash Saving at

PENNEY'S Compliments of







Home of

A Fine Line of Baked Goods


Opposite Post Office

106 Front St.

Tel. 44

MULLIN SMITH CO. Co-mpliments of

Allis Chalmers-New Idea Gehl Farm Machinery Pontiac-Cadillac GMC Trucks Complete Line of Home Appliances Modern and Complete Body and Repair Shop 105-111 MADISON STREET


DIAL 3301

Mabry, Nicolas 9515 Crawford Ave. Evanston , Illinois

McBain , Grace 1029 Green Bay Road Winnetka, Illinois

Mclaughlin, Ralph 406 Prospect Ave. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Mohr, Orie 685 Herman St. Burlington, Wisconsin

MacArthur, Alison 460 East Chicago St. Elgin, Illinois

McCollough, Jean 932 Judson Ave. Evanston , Illinois

McMinn, Mitzi 1422 - 21 St. Superior, Wisconsin

Morgan, John 111 W. Monroe St. Chicago 3, Illinois

Mailer, Stanley 2310 W. Lawn Ave. Madison, Wisconsin

McFarland, Robert 1703 E. Cumberland Blvd. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Meek, James 1014 N. Hayes Ave . Oak Park, Illinois

Moyer, Paul 641 Hamm Bldg. St. Paul 2, Minnesota

Mantes, Robert 173 E. Davis St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

McFarlane, Robert 407 Richard St. Columbus, Wisconsin

Meyer, Lawrence Route 4 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Mueller, Peter 3431 N. 57 St. Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin

Matthews, Carol 828 W. South St. Kalamazoo, Mich .

MacKinnon, Daniel 26 Lake St. Oshkosh , Wisconsin

Miller, Barbara 5736 Woodlawn Ave. Chicago 37, Illinois

Nehls, Eric 1010 First Ave. South Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin

Maye, Peggy 1419 S. Outagamie St. Appleton , Wisconsin

Mclaughlin, Jean 2338 N. 88 St. Wauwatosa 13, Wisconsin

Miller, Lila 606 Beaver St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Nehls, Orrin Route 2 Juneau, Wisconsin


Compliments of

NEWTON & WENZ Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Casper's Crystal Room Wisconsin's Largest Assortment of Syracuse Dinnerware, Fine Stemware and Cocktail Hour Accessories




INC. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

845 North Plankinton Ave.

Hoag Motor Company Beaver Dam, Wisconsin


CHEVROLET BUICK Panetti, Phillip 154 S. Main St. Juneau, Wisconsin

Pickard, Samuel 1010 E. Forest Ave. Neenah , Wisconsin

Ptaschinski, Gerald 116 Willow St. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Pelck, Georgeanne 638 E. Juneau Ave. Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

Pickard, Thomas Same as Sam

Ptaschinski, James 413 V2 Fourth Street Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Piszeczek, Dav id 501 E. Mill St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Quam, Jerry 216 West Pokagon South Bend, Indiana

Peterson, Arthur Box 163 Watersmeet, Mich .

Plews, James 3506 - 165 St. Flush ing, New York

Quasius, William 905 N. 59 St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Novak, James 525 W. Maple St. Beaver Dam , Wiscon sin

Pettack, Helen 200 West St. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Powell, Ralph laona , Wiscons in

Roberts, Jerry Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Nunn, John 918 linden Ave. Winnetka, Illinois

Phippen, Robert Route 1 Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin

Preston , Day 227 S. Fifth St. Geneva, Ill inois

Roberts, Norman 403 N. Spring St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Nelson, Gay loyal , Wisconsin Neuendank, Jeannette 9010 S. Racine Ave. Chicago, Ill inois Newton, Robert Box 245 Lake Wales, Florida Noreus, Charlotte 5637 Kenwood Ave. Chicago 37, Ill ino is

Peregoy, Robert 5001 W. 99 St. Oak lawn, Illinois


Quality Since 1853

MONARCH FINER FOODS Assure you Variety Vitality Vitamins Value ... Always


325 N. LaSalle Chicago, Illinois



Fredericks Super Market THAT'S ALL

Self Service



Phone 361 BEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN Congratulations to the Class of '49

LES OESTREICH STUDIO 12612 FRONT STREET Portrait- Commercial- Industrial Photography Roberts, Rob Roy Same as Norman

Rosenheimer, Suzanne Kewaskum, Wisconsin

Roedl, Larry 311112 South Spring St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Royce, Robert 526 Watson St. Ripon, Wisconsin

Roethke, Marilyn Hustisford, Wisconsin

Ruppenthal, Leland 3067 N. 37 St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Rogers, Jon 763 Pilgrim Road Birmingham, Michigan

Sanford, Kay Route 4 Holland, Michigan

Schmidt, Richard 2472 N. 64 St. Wawatosa 13, Wisconsin

Sensiba, Constance 737 Cummings Ave. Kenilworth, Illinois

Schmidt, Ronald 6523 N. Campbell Ave. Chicago, Illinois

Shipman, Diane 933 Locust Road Wilmette, Illinois

Schram, Richard 138 Cleveland Ave. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Simaika, Farid 7 427 South Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois

Schwock, Lois Route 2 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Smith, Edwin 756 Portage Ave. South Bend, Indiana

Roseman, Lynn 1328 Greenleaf Ave. Chicago, Illinois

Sch lettler, Mary 500 York St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Scott, Jim 491 Washington Ave. Glencoe, Illinois

Smith, Cecil 99 55 Prospect Ave. Chicago 43, Illinois

Rosenheimer, Charles 3723 N. Murray Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Schmidt, Arlo 305 E. Third St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Sell, John 1734 N. Second St. Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Smith, Peter Folger 1441 N. Franklin Place Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin


Compliments of

THE MODEL Women's Fashion Center BEAVER DAM

Sewing is a Song


SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Accessories 312 South Spring Street

Solberg, Gunard 705 Grant St. Beloit, Wisconsin

Stegeman, Albert 108 Manor lane Ft. Thomas, Kentucky

Soutar, Jane 21 Sylvan Ave. Pleasant Ridge, Michigan

Steinman, Richard 2223 Wauwatosa Ave. Wauwatosa 13, Wisconsin

Spengler, David 342 Park St. Menasha, Wisconsin

Stephenson, Marjorie 1612 Westchester Drive Rockford, Illinois

Starkweather, Patricia 108 Winn Terrace Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Stevens, Chuck 239 Claremont St. Elmhurst, Illinois

Strain, Robert Same as Georgia Swanson, Steakley 315 lake Road Menasha, Wisconsin Thorne, louise 209 E. Maple Ave. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Trasancos, Ana San Juan de Dice 104 Havana, Cuba

Starrett, John 1502 Hood Ave. Chicago 26, Illinois

Stompe, Brian 583 E. Wisconsin Ave . Neenah, Wisconsin

Trasancos, Jose Same as Ana

Steele, Frederick 430 N. 24 St. La Crosse, Wisconsin

Strain, Georgia 221 East Solomon Ave. Griffin, Georgia

Trasancos, luis Same as Ana


Trepel, Anthony 896 Linden Ave. Winnetka, Illinois Uphoff, John 601 Pickford St. Madison, Wisconsin Von Allmen, Joseph Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Weber, laVonne 619 W. Maple Ave. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Weisenfelder, Wilson 3838 Kilbourne Ave . Cincinnati 9, Ohio Welch, Betty Anne 1125 Davis Ave. Evanston , Illinois




Sexton & co.



Werner, Edgar 2013 Church St. Wauwatosa , Wisconsin

Wilterding, John Lake Road Menasha, Wisconsin

Wright, Fred 5340 York Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Young, Jack 633 Brown St. Niles, Michigan

West, Gloria West Lebanon, Indiana

Wiseheart, Keith Wonewoc, Wisconsin

Yagodinski, Mary Anne 413 Norris St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Weston, William 1142 Oak St. Winnetka, Illinois

Woods, Winifred 606 Forst Hill Drive Charleston 4, W.Va.

Zuegel, William 9540 S. Damen Ave. Chicago 43, Illinois

Yahn , Donald 402 Newberry St. Fredericktown , Missouri

Zilisch, Carla Hustisford, Wisconsin

Whitfield, Mary Box 122 Walloon Lake, Michigan

Wright, Barbara 1309 Nicolet Ave. Neenah, Wisconsin

Young, Gavm 325 Lake Road Menasha, Wisconsin



CONGRATULATIONS For Another Successful Year



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