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Table Of Contents
Faculty ... 5
/Underclassmen ... 1
Clubs ... 49
Special Events ... 61
Seniors ... 113
Student Directory .. . 138
Ads ... 127
1973 Pillars' Credits Co-editors Peg Peachey Andy Aylward
Page Layout and Design Julie Hartley Lee Ann Sims Beth Traut
Copy Julie Heacox
Jennifer Janci
Theresa Szweda
Ann Gibbons
Barbe Hill
Sue Stern
Photography Eric Bergman Eric Gefvert John Correll
Business Manager Andy Aylward
Phil Dhein- division pages Mrs. Dohman- advisor
We would like to give special thanks to Ms. Rothman for all the time that she spent helping us with the yearbook. We sincerely hope that after publication she will still have her job at the Academy .
The 1973 Pillars Is Dedicated To The Memory Of
Samuel Nelson Pickard 1897-1973 Mr . Pickard 's limitless energy and keen intelligence helped culti vate fine educational institutions and generate great social and cultural achievements. His death meant an irrepairable loss to the Wayland community.
"Education, as an organized process, must be concerned with not only the communication of knowledge and acquisition of skills, but also with the formation of right attitudes - attitudes toward learning, toward work, toward truth and goodness, toward other people, to ward the quality of life in general ." (Mr. Burham, President)
James R. Burham President
David W. Fierke Director of Studies and College Placements.
Administration George Cobb, Director of Admi ssions Diane Rothman , Public Rel ation s and Admi ssions John Mueller, Business Manager
Pamela Hurst, Dean of Girls Willi am Schmidt, Dean of Students
Warren Hall
Gregory Hurst
John Patterson
David Proctor
James Provencher
"This is my 24th year . Wayland has changed totally . At one time there was a three minute period to say good night to one 's love while a teacher rang a bell ... (Mr . Proctor) Acting is 90% reacting ... We had an unabashed and delightful Alice and an unabashed caterpillar Six actors found out what theater was really about in November when they became directors . .. (Mr. Hurst)
" The aims of the choir program are to expose singers and listeners to all types of music- sacred and secular, classical and contemporary- only the finest examples are chosen." (Mr. Kahn) Robert Kahn
James Staley
M u
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Beverly Doh mann
L a n g
u a g
e s Jerry Hoga n
Anne Mar ie Sampan
Vi ct or Sa mpa n
"Travaillons sans raisonner, c'est le seul moyen de supporter Ia vie . Ce Ia m 'est egal. II n'y a pas deconnaissancedes ~tres. " (Monsieur Sampon)
"I wish to help students to learn how to help themselves ." (Mr. Koehne) " Spanish at Wayland can mean a great over -all training in a new discipline. " ( Mrs . Koehne) "Why do some students still think that language lab is a punishment rather than a useful tool?" (Madame Sampon )
Con st ance Koeh ne
Will ia m Koeh ne
" You should find this problem interesting." (Mr . Kasper)
"Don't worry , it's only a short quiz ." (Mr . Miller)
"You'd better have your facts straight. " (Mr . Clay)
"But , Peg, you can't be a housewife without calculus." (Mr . Schlicher)
John Clay
M a
h David Kasper
Jo seph Miller
Fred Sc hli cher
Allen Burnett
s c I
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Eli as Khreish
"We have the best program we've had this year The department is growing and maturing. " (Mr. Meyer) "This year most experiments are pro grammed on the computer. This is a fine addition to up-to -date chemi stry learn ing." (Mr . Khreish) 路路 1 enjoy my Physics classes . next year I'd like to have an AP Physics Course ." (Mr . Burnett) Martin Meyer
Edward Tway
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"Let me make one thing perfectly clear"- Mr. Koehne
s c I
e Jan Lilly
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William Schmidt
" I have thoroughly enjoyed the Minority Groups class; we have gotten into so many realms of discussion it's sort of a give and take situation ... " (Mr. Lilly) "Those who can, do; those who think they can 't, don 't even try." (Miss Vieth)
Marlene Vieth
Judy Hogan (Not Shown)
Physical Education
Sol Wolfe
Joanne Schwarzmeier
Carol Pellowski
Susan Tway
Eli Seighman
LaVita Wichman
Rev. Ralph Wiedenhoeft
e a I t
h Alice Stecker. Director of Stud ent Hea lth
STAN DING L. TO R. : Mrs . Girelzow. Mrs. Fetzik. Mrs. Stecker. SITTING : Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. York , Mrs. Yanikowski . 15
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James Lesniak Food Service Director
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e s ROW I: Mrs . Weisensel . Mrs. Miller. Mrs . Lea ch. ROW 2: Mrs . Birkholz, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs . Ulhman.
Frank Weber Bookstore
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e Mr. Radel. Mr. Ruck, Mr. Langfeldt. Mr . Boylan , Mr. Elser, Mr. Lauersdorf.
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David Blevins
Gregg Clark
Scott Shearer
8th Grade Is ... Bein g the first of our kind Always being ou tnu mbe red Bein g the shortest kid in the school Lookin g forward t o 4 more yearsl Las t in lin e for privileges
Frede ric a Run ge
Taxa tion with ou t represen t ation
Grace George
I Ral ph Gundersen
Valerie Moore
Julie Bell
Laurie Bi rschbach
Mark Birschbach
Freshman Year Is ...
Michael Ellis
Lynn Christ
V2 N.O . each week .
Deborah Fogel
Mi c hael Gerhardt
John Grumm el
J Mary Hitse lberge r
Lind a Hartm an
Mi chae l Harin gs
Lo ok in g up to Seniors
Cha rles Ja hn
Ma rion Hub bard
Claudia Kl ossner
Amy Laskoski
Kenneth Lawrence
Wendy Leitzke
Ali son Li ghthal l
Dale Luck
Freshman Year Is ...
Pamela Marki vee
Adri a n Mazar
Ni cotine fitsll
Brian Mec kelberg
Ray mond Men ard
Kimberlie Meyer
Nancy Parent
Kathy Oudenhoven
Misty Plude
Conf usion
Dale Pollak
Kathleen Ri c ha rds
Two who le breakfast cuts!
Michel le Roedl
Vi c ki Royer
Mo rgan Russell
...I Steven Sabatke
Sally Schlicher
Steven Schmidt
Freshman Year Is ...
Jeffrey Sheldahl
John Socha
Finally reac hing hi gh school
Matthew Songer
Ma rc Sperry
John Szweda
Lei gh Taylor
Bryan Wheeler
El izabeth Wendo r f
Th ree more yea rs of Saga Si c kn ess.
Helyn Woh lwend
Ma ry Wieche r s
Bill Wyman
Helyn Wohlwend
Cl ass o f '7 6 .
Sally Zellner
Sophomores I
Sophomore Year
Is . ..
John All ard
Elizabeth Barber
William Bentley
Robe rt Bissegger
Mary Bowen
Two years down and t wo t o go PS AT's NMQ's
Paul Brey
Wendy Brown
Leatrice Busse
~~\ ' '
Mic hael Dai ley
Ph ilip Dhein
Noah Dixon
,. 路'
Gale Erskine
Your first " lega l" ciga rette Th e sn ac kba r on Wednesday ni ght Winnin g the spirit sti c k
Jane Fowler
Sophomore Year
Is ... William Goetting
Th o mas Gibbons
Came ra Shy: Stephanie Gross Sar ah Har ley
Luke Hartman
Phillip Ha rris
Being the biggest Jocks Having Mrs . " 0 " as our advisor " Electri c Company"
Jeffrey Hawley
Scott Hiegel
. ~
Jennif er Ja nci
Brad ford Johnson
Dorothy J u ng
Kevin Kirsh
Robert Kistler Chris Worley
Class of '75
,. Julie Koehne
John Krae mer
Dawn LaReau
Sophomore Year
Is ...
Cherie Ludwig
Peter Leh r
Philip Mack
Teresa Mach ie
Nancy McM i llin
Clifford Mad ison
Mr . Proct or " As a Fatt er of Mact " " Wise Fools "
Lee Mickus
Pame la Mor k
Bruce Murphy
Martha Newby
Ken t Pi eper
Marga ret Pedi go
Lisbeth Prunuske
Anne Provost
Dennis Raetzel
Lisa Roy er
Nil a Robinson
Victoria Saxl
John Schlicher
William Ruppert
Karen Schma
Campbell Stevenson
Martha Scott
George Socha
Denise Siegel
Kri stine Stone
Marney Terri ll
Theodora Urba n
Sara Traut
Michael Vrabec
Michael Wandell
Glenn Wiedenhoeft
Mi c hael Wendorf
Chris Worley
Patricia Wiesman
Junia 38
Junior Year Is ...
Martha Alexander
Kathy Andeen
.•~ ,
.· •
Brooke Barss
Timothy Bartlett
Sue Braden
" .. ·. '
JJ .
Pamela Batten
Camera Shy: Brad Brickman
Cindy Burritt
Elizabeth Bloom
Brian Busse
Lauren Christensen
Steven Coo k
Jon athan Correll
Scott Coil ins
Betsy Cross
3 years down and 1 to go
'I '
Looking forward to Ella and Glen
Adrian Davidson
¡ Durham Stephanie Jennie Gosin
Class of '74
• I Brian Garrett
Deborah Dye r
Conrad Freeman
Mary Fleming
Jennie Gosin
Mary Glos
Sandra Hansberger
Beverly Kean
Cindy Hewitt
Mi chae l Kirsh
Eva Klossner
Geo rge Kearns
Di ana Kord as
Stephan Lamsam
Catherine Wh ereat !
Class o f 路74
Fra ncis Lars che id
Came ra Shy: Cheryl Lasek
Junior Year Is 0
Alec Lawson
Da vid Moore
John Lun gerhausen
Bea Miley
Edward Martin
Lawrence Niles
Jennifer Neese
Elizabeth Paddock
Marth a Pa rker
Deb orah Pi c kard
Maureen Radf o rd
David Rathj e
Bruce Read
Ma ry Pommer ich
I Proctors One whole night out Col lege Boards
Jane Richards
Jac k Rovics
I 45
Sara Sa nderson
Karen Schoettler
Paul Schmidt
Charles Shan d
Gail Smolka
Ann Shields
Paul Shute
Di a ne Te ich m an
Th eresa Szweda
TheodorT es him a
Dennis Weglarz
Gretchen Trumpf
Gregory Walker
Camera Shy: Jerome Wei I
Bi ll Wiedenhoeft
Catherine Whereatt
Jam es Wi esm an
I Juli e Zabolio
James Yanikowski
Jeffrey Ziegler
Life As An Underclassman
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ROW 1: J. Batchelder, J. Heacox. B. Traut, D. Siegel, J. Fowler, M. Pedigo, A. Lighthall , K. Andeen , D. Fogel. ROW 2: K. Lowman , A. Wyman, N. Babka, L. Sim s. P. Schmidt, J. Koehne, B. Hill , K. Sorenson , M. Bowen , J. Janci . ROW 3: T. Bomier, R. Howa rd , S. Martin, T. Foltz, J. Stafford, L. Gillis , B. Din smore, B. Garrett , S. Stern , L. Christenson, B. Cross .
filling out parents' name tags homecoming weekend spelling them wrong . . giving prospective students tours . . . showing them the only clean room on first floor.
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L. TOR.: S. Sanderson , A. Rozo , L. Sims, P. Peachey, J. Hartley, W. Schmidt , A. Wyman, Mrs . Hurst, Mr. Seighman , A. Aylward. R. Howard , B. Garrett, J. Gosin, B. Barss, S. Provost. Missing: Mr. Burnham , Mr. Fierke, L. Gillis , B. Ruppert.
six o 'clock and all is well, 6:05 and all is hell Freshmen want moustasches cause they can't grow them . . long live the boothless telephone in Glen Dye Beach privileges for Juniors . . . " Garrett. you're a .cute secretary . . . "
Seniors say no beweekend Miami
Judiciary Committee
Known inside as Miller's maurauders gives kids a chance to state their case and beg for mercy . . students & faculty have an equal vote.
L. TO R.: K. Lowman . Mrs. Koehn e, Mrs. Hurst , M. Park er , T . Bo mi er , Mr . Kas per . C. Jul ey, Mr. Mil ler, B. Din sm ore, P. Birsc hbac h, Doc Sc hmi dt. E. Kl oss ner , Ms. Sc hwa rzme ier . C. Radford, A. David so n, G. T ru mph , Mr . Patte rson.
ROW 1: J . Gosm . S. Sa nderso n , M. Park er , B. Garrett, B. Barss . G. Trumph. ROW 2: K. Sc hoettl er , M. Pollak, A. Davidso n, B. Din sm o re. G. Walker . Not shown: J. Za bolio and S. Hansberger.
Lets the kids do the dirty work while the dorm supervisors sleep luxuries unlimited a knock on the door at 10:15 paroling through the halls during study hall
L. TO R.: R. Howard , A. Wyman , J. Stafford , A. Rozo , B. Traut. S. Greenwood , L. Sim s. L. Fadd en , T. Bomi er.
powerstricken enforcing the rules , but forgetting them a minute later a friend if you need one ... and sometimes worthless .
F r
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ROW 1: J. Koehne - secretaire-tresaurie , K. Lowman- presidente, S. Braden , ROW 2: M. Scott, S. Greenwood , K. Sorenson, S. Martin, ROW 3: P. Wells, D. Davis, P. Peachey, A. Wyman, L. Fodden, ROW 4: S. Caldwell, A. Walters, and Monsieur Sampon.
LE BARBIER DE SEVILLE at Mount Mary College ... not too active this year but members employ French as much as possible ... loto des legumes soccer game against the German Club . let's have a French picnic with wine, cheese, and bread. . . 路
G e r m
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ROW 1: M. Birschbach , S. Sanderson, J. Richards, E. Klossner , ROW 2: Collins, M. Songer, P. Schmidt, L. Prunuske, L. Birschbach , C. Klossner , L. Hartman , B. Bentley.
Folk Fair . .. take soccer and get an "A" . . . for some three weeks in Germany .. . German Christmas party . . . but, I don't want to sit on Santa's lap .. . beware the Undeutsch Club .. . the what? . .. two days in Amana ... field trip to Schnitzelhaus ... and brewery . .. uncensored German movies edited of course .. .
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BACK ROW: Mrs . Koehne, Mr. Koehn e, S. Stern, C. Freeman , B. Kistler, President H. Dinsmore, S. Provost. G. Kearns. V. Saxl , J. Weil , D. Rathje, Social Chairman C. Shand, L. Mickus, B. Cross, C. Hewitt, Vice Pres . R. Hansel , Tres. B. Barss , D. Dyer, Publi c ity P. Mack, M. Alexander, V. Moore . Sec. C. Juley , M. Radford, M. Gloss . FRONT ROW: F. Larscheid, K. Schma , Editor D. Meredith , J. Koehne , C. Aberg, L. Christensen.
u b
The Spanish Club was one of Wayland's larger clubs. Its activities included a trip to the Folk Fair in Milwaukee and sponsoring events and sales in order to raise money for scholarships to Puerto Rico during Short Term. The president was H. Dinsmore .
Chess Club
Once a week , in the late hours after dinner, the meeting of the minds takes place in Roundy Conference . They call it chess, but who really knows? Tonight Wayland, next week , the world . ahhh
L TO R: C. Klossner , R. Gunderson, B. Dinsmore, N. Dixon , Doc Schmidt, C. Freeman, A. Davidson , F. Larsheid , S. Provo st. R. Nap, B. Bentley , A. Rozo , A. Brey , L. Birschbac h, P. Schmidt.
Literary Club Under the direction of Mr. P. romanticists prepare a lit. mag. in the spring
writings from the student body will be published.
ROW 1: T. Gibbons, K. Lowman. R. Hansel. D. Teichman , S. Provost. ROW 2: L. Mickus . C. Mahue, M. Lawrence, C. Radford, L. Fodden , and Mr. Patterson. Missing: A. Aylward, D. Poboisk, S. Stern .
Science Club The nature of the bassness
be -
coming a fully established organiza tion
what is this
L. TO R. : B. Bentley - pres. ; M. Yanikowski - lib .. R. Nap, T. Bomier, D. Kordas - reporter & publicity, Mr. Khreish, R. Gundersen , B. Garrett, C. Radford. E. Gefvert, G. Wiedenhoeft - v.p., C. Freeman , J. Sampon, S. Provost- treas .. F. Larsc hied , S. Lam sam , N. Dixon. Missing: W. Leitzke , K. Dunski, B. Busse, B. Johnson.
Suzy Q & Hubby
Gods pel I
Spring Green
rooms and caterpillars
Mom 's brownies ... Thunder, Lightning, and Roberta city slicker spin the bottle
Sweet Chastity Tree Frog
curtain rising .
TOP TO BOTTOM: S. Greenwood- pres., S. Sanderson- v.p. , J . Royer - board member, G. Hofbauer, P. Frin ak, B. Run ge, E. Klossner , S. Braden, J . Koehne , P. Batten , A. Rozo , J. Russell , S. Traut , E. Gefvert. S. Hansberger, P. Schmidt. S. Caldwell -sec., M. Pedigo, B. Traut. J. Batchelder, R. Hansel- board member, A. Wyman , P. Wells, M. Park er- treas ., B. Barss, A. Gibbons, K. Sorenson , S. Durham .
c h 0 I
ROW 1: J. Janci. V. Royer. F. Runge. E. Klossner. L. Christensen. J. Heacox, C. Worley . P. Markivee. M. Fleming. K. Sorenson. P. Wells. S. Caldwell. ROW 2: N. Vrabec. S. Stern . A. Walters. S. Sanderson. B. Kistler. S. Shearer. B. Wiedenhoeft. S. Greenwood , B. Traut . B. Barss . T . Szweda . M. Pedigo. ROW 3: C. Ludwig. V. Moore. E. Gefert. A. Rozo . P. Schmidt. R. Nap, J. Royer. K. Andeen . M. Bowen . M. Hitselberger . J. Koehne.
Half old members and half new Festival of Lessons and Carols Peggy Wells on the bells . . going to sing at a church and getting out of classes . Shhhh!!! Sue . .
a r
ROW 1: D. Fogel , A. Gibbons, L. Sims, A. Aylward, P. Peac hey, B. Hill , S. Stern , B. Traut, D. Moo re, E. Bergman. ROW 2: A. Wyman, J. Hartley, A. Rozo . R. Howard . D. Poboisk . G. Smolka. S. Lamsam. J. Correll. Not shown: J. Janci, L. Prunuske. J. Heacox. Miss Roth man- yearbook advisor. P. Dhein. and Mrs . Doh mann - art advisor .
As usual , about one-half of the people in the picture REALLY worked struggling the days before the deadline Miss Rothman wondering whether we'll make it or not Eric retaking the retaken pi ctures what 's going on in the darkroom? Andy! that wasn 't funny ... Peggy and Andy co-editors ???
This space is left empty because I sti ll have to read two books before my final exam and I think I'm going crazy'!ll
WCiub Nick "Danger" an nouncements at lunch the greaser dance peddling Wayland Academy sport shirts ROW 1: W. Koskinen, E. Gefvert, T. Bomier, F. Miller. Mr . Kasper, S. Lamsam , S. Provost, A. Brey, J. Janzen, D. Ellis, J. Stafford. Missing: L. Gillis, C. Byrnes.
Nicotine Knockers
L TOR: J. Janzen, S. Dohmann, L. Gillis, D. Rathje, M. Kirsh, A. Roski , C. Juley, V. Saxl, G, Erskine , T. Urban , M. Glos, M. Alexander, S. Hansberger , W. Koskinen, P. Dhein , B. Garrett, M. Wandell, B. Murphy , S. Traut , P. Mark, P. Lehr, C. Hewitt, J. Neese , J. Allard, E. Gefvert, J. Kearns, J. Batchelder, A. Aylward, D. Raetzel, A. Rozo.
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ROW 1: S. Braden , N. Vrabec , S. Greenwood , D. Meridith , ROW 2: L. Royer, D. Jung, M. Gloss. B. Traut, L. Busse.
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Halftime refreshments at games .. . white preppie coats on Fridays . . cafeteria windows before Homecoming . . pep rally skits ... an example of Women's Lib on campus ... girl jocks.
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I ROW 1: T. Szweda , S. Hansberger, S. Greenwood , M. Parker , T . Machie, P. Wiesman, P. Frinak.
After the big sister-little sister meeting this fall, the YWCA Cabinet did nothing!
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STANDING L TOR: Mr. Seighman . J. Schlicher, B. Busse , J. Yanikowski , T . Bennett. M. Yanikowski , D. Fierke, Dr . Schmidt, A. E. Wichman. SITTING: G. Wiedenhoeft, J. Hawley , M. Wendorf, F. Miller, P. Birschbach , L. Nil es. NOT SHOWN : M. Vrabec , P. Kleist , A. Brey, R. Howard. S. Wohlrabe, M. Harings .
The Key Club was started at Wayland this year under the direction of Mr. A. E. Wichman . Sponsored by the Kiwanis, it is a community service organization with three purposes: to learn more about the functions of the community; to develop initiative and leadership abilities; and to serve the community.
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ROW 1: C. Freeman. B. Traut . A. Rozo. M. Russell. D. J. Fogel. ROW 2: S. Provost . P. Birschbach . M. Yanikowski , E. Klossner, D. Kordas. N. Robinson . ROW 3: P. Markivee. A. Provost, B. Kean , N. Parent. P. Schmidt. M. Birschbach . ROW 4: B. Cros s, C. Klossner. L. Birschbach, D. Jung, V. Royer . B. Bentley. ROW 5: C. Ludwig, S. Caldwell. P. Wells , J. Zabolio , M. Scott .
Opening of School
Going through the lineup and registering .
It was a sunny day as we headed to ward Wayland 's student lounge for the first time . That, and the names of all the other buildings were completely foreign to me. As we entered the lounge, we were confronted with a row of registration tables, teachers, unfamiliar faces , and concerned mothers . Somehow we made it through th at first day of moving into the dorm , deciphering our schedules , meeting new people, learning the rules (and con veniently forgetting some of them) , but don 't ask us how!
Old students showing new students the ropes .
getting smoking permission .
Boys helping the girls move in and learning where their rooms a re .
Taking the CORDIAL swimming test .
Going to Shopko and buying all that is necessary for a com fortable life away from home .
Homecoming Weekend Some 30 Old -Timers and our parents came back to see us on the 118th homecoming. It was highlighted not only by tours of the classrooms and gazing at the artwork throughout the halls but also by many activities . As luck would have it, it rained the whole weekend and many of the sports activities had to be can celled. But as always, Mr. Wolfe held his annual pep rally with the queen and her court to root our team on. The redmen team was able to make one touch down, which made the rainy day a little brighter. Then came the fencing match in which Wayland came off with flying colors . To conclude the weekend, we were entertained by the Wayland Players' production of "Alice in Wonderland. "
Talking with parents .
Mr. Wolfe conducting the pep rally ceremony
Waiting for the moment to compete for the spirit stick .
The Sports King announcing the Homecoming Court: Freshman Representative, Freddie Runge; Sophomore Representative, Pat Wiesman; Junior Representative, Julie Heacox ; Senior Representative, Carole Foss ; Queen , Ann Wyman .
The girls ' Varsity Club demonstrating how football should really be played.
Drama Alice in Wonderland
On Oct. 19 and 20, AI ice, played by Catherine Whereatt, took us to her "looking-glass" world. Traveling through her bizarre wonderland brought us face-to-face with many well-known characters including the Mad Hatter, the Wal rus and the Carpenter, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the White Rabbit, the elusive Cheshire Cat, and the Queen of Hearts. Excellent lighting techniques, props, costumes, and piano accompaniment by Sue Caldwell, also added to the "wonderland" effect. "Alice in Wonderland " proved to be one of the highlights of Parents' Weekend .
Alice is coronated by the White Queen, K. Sore
The Dodo (C. Lasek) and the duck (M. Pedigo) perched on the shore in wonderland.
Pictured at the Mad Tea Party was: G. Hofbauer , J. Batchelder, and E. Davidson.
Shelley Greenwood as the Mock Turtle sang "Beatuiful Soup."
Two more average-looking Wayland students- the frog and fish footmen calling on the duchess .
nson, and the Queen of Hearts , M. Parker .
One Act Plays Sorry, Wrong Number " Sorry, Wrong Number" is a well-known suspense drama about a woman, alone in her New York apartment, who is in a state of morbid depression. She accidently overhears, on her telephone, plans for her murder. Then she hysterically tries to convince several people about the incident . Directed by Greogry Hofbauer, the cast included AI Brey and Eric Gefvert as the plotters, Jay Lasek as the chief operator, John Schlicher as police sergeant, Terry Foltz as the nurse, Nancy McMillin as telephone operator and Theodora Urban as Mrs. Stevenson.
Riders to the Sea "Riders to the Sea" was a story in which Maurya, an old woman, is a perpetual mourner for the five sons and husband she has lost to the sea. Finally, her last son, Bartley, meets his death at sea . Directed by Shelley Greenwood, the cast included Lee Ann Sims as Maurya, Chip Shand as Bartley, Diane Kordas as Nora, and Julie Hartley as Cathleen .
The Dear Departed " The Dear Departed " was a comedy about a family that is mourning over the loss of their grandfather . But after quarreling over his possessions, the grandfather wakes up from a stone drunk and comes walking down the stairs to an nou nee that he is engaged . Directed by Eva Klossner , the cast incuded Pamela Batten as Mrs. Slatter, Sara Traut as Jordan , Eric Gefvert and Ed Davidson as the two husbands , Liz Wendorf as the daughter, and Lance Gillis as Abel Merryweather.
Passion, Poison, and Petrification "Passion, Poison and Petrifaction" was a comical melodrama in which a jealous husband attempts to stab his wife. Jeff Royer directed the play . His cast included Paul Schmidt as Fitzollemache, Dave Poboisk as Adol phus, Laurie Christensen as Lady Magnesia , and Pete Birschabach as the doctor .
The Bald Soprano "The Bald Soprano " was a sarcastic but commical revelation of the absurd shallowness that serves as the source of our every day lives. Directed by Sally Sanderson, the cast included Paul Schmidt as Mr. Smith , Karen Sorenson as Mrs. Smith, Dottie Jung as Mary, Pete Birschbach as Mr . Martin, Ann Gibbons as Mrs . Martin and Bill Wieden hoeft as the fire chief.
When Shakespeare's Ladies Meet Portia, Katherine, Ophelia , Desdemona, and Cleopa tra - all experienced in the wiles and woes of love gather in the garden of Juliet's home in Verona to give the youthful Juliet advice about her romance with Romeo. Directed by John Russell, the cast included Julie Koehne as Portia, Sue Cladwell as Katherine, Debbie Fogel as Desdemona , Susie Martin as Juliet , Beth Runge as Cleopatra and Brooke Barss as Ophelia .
Short Term Short Term is a time for learning and discovery. During Short Term the students are given the opportunity to study in-depth a subject or subjects of special interest to them . Or students may choose an independent study or research project . For the most part, students enjoy Short Term . The general feeling about Short Term varies but it is usually enjoyed because of the informality of the classes and the easy-going atmosphere. Short Term is more than learning ; it is also a worthwile experience . This year some students traveled to Puerto Rico, Germany or France; others studied drama at a cultural arts center in Spring Green . Those who remained on campus to take a major or minor semi nar delved into their special topic and attended a variety of evening activities.
The January Interim may be short but Doc's lectures aren't .
The computer is continually in operation .
Strengthening is also available .
Studying takes on many forms during Short Term .
Helpful skills are learned .
Potting is a very popular course .
Katie works on her independent project in portraiture .
Mr. Patterson goes all out to provide many chills and thrills in his "Tales of Terror" class.
Exploring new horizons .
Shelley and Pam demonstrating their new skills learned at the Valley Studio in Spring Green ..
Bill experimenting with neoprene rubber .
Eric putting together his pictorial essay of Short Term Our thanks to him for all the Short Term pictures.
Tumbling and jumping around
Distinguished Lecture Dr . Ronald Bainton, a teacher at Yale Divinity School from 1920-62, described what it was like to be a Christian 30 years after Christ's death. He spoke of the persecution the early Christians suffered and attributed their survival to the fact that they could outlive, outdie and outthink their pagan counterparts. Bainton, a small man with snow-white hair, is fluent in many languages and is now teaching himself Polish by reading a Polish Bible .
Wisconsin Idea Theater "Hear That Whistle Blow" told us about the many long-forgotten ballads of railroading and of the more familiar stories of Casey Jones, John Henry, and the spiritual, "This Train." The musical story of Jesse James, the man who perfected the art of train robbery, was told along with a delightful saga of the Mormon engineer in Utah, lack Black, who was reported to have a wife in every town on his run!
Moog Synthesizer
The sounds of the future were heard here when musician Chris Swansen brought the Moog Synthesizer to our campus. The synthesizer , an electric instrument with two keyboards and a giant switchboard of buttons and lights, can produce almost every sound or tone color known to man. The Moog Synthesizer was developed by Swansen . 72
Sea People Stan Waterman's movie, "Sea People," kept us quite awake that Sunday night. The girls were happy at seeing the bottom of the ocean , a man ' s world, invaded by five diving females. The audience broke into uncon trolled laughter as a male salmon was "milked" for the last time and died with a smile on his face. Until you've gone diving in a school of hungry , man-eating sharks, you haven't done anything.
Va~s ity
Varsity Field Hockey
0 0 0
Wayland Arrowhead Ithaca Milwaukee Lutheran Preps Martin Luther St. Ma rys Racine Un iversity School Record: Wo n-0 Lost -8
6 8
0 0 2
53 14 25 25 38 21 41 52
0 0 28 30
Milwau kee Luthera n Preps Martin Luther St. Marys Racine University Sch o9 l Record: Won-2 Lost-4
1 1 1
38 25 42
0 0
0 0 0 0 1
Varsity Socce r DeSales Cathedral Prairie School University School St. Bonn eventure St . John Military Academy St. Joseph University School Marquette Pio Nono Record: Won -2 Tied-2 Lost-6
1 1
0 4
0 1 1 5
0 1 1 0 1 2
Wayland 21 38 34 24 34 20 34 33
Cathedral Prairie School University School St . Bonneventure St. John Military Academy St . Joseph University Lake Marquette Record : Won-0 Lost-8
Prairie School University School University Lake Tournament Univer.sity Lake Record: Won-1 Lost-4
5 4 4 2
Wayland 3 9 1 5 1 5 5 5
Beaver Dam Horicon University School St. Marys Prairie School Edgewood Beaver Dam University Lake Record: Won-4 Lost-3 Ti ed-1
7 1 6 2 6 4 5 2
Girl's Varsity Volleyba ll
Junior Varsity Soccer
Girl 's Tennis 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 1
3 3 3 2
Waylan d
Wayl and
0 0
Prairie School University School University Lake Tournament St. Marys Un iversity Lake Brookfield Aca demy Record: Won-2 Tied-1 Lost-4
Junior Varsity Field Hockey
Junior Varsity Football Wayland 0
0 0 0 0
3 3 5 7 2
Wayland 1 2 1 1 1
4 4
Edgewood University School Edgewood Wau pun Eâ&#x201A;Źlgewood St. Marys Brookfield Academy Universit y School Record: Won-2 Lost-5
2 1 2 2 2
2 0 2
Cross Country JFK Holy Name St . John Mil itary Academy Martin Luther Un iversity School St. Mary Springs Milwaukee Lutheran Wisconsin Lutheran Invitational : 12th place- 15 sch ools Conference: 6th pl ace - (1 09 pts.) Stat e: 14th place - 17 sch ools Record : Won-2 Lost-6
38 21 25 33 23 57 23 25
Girl's Junior Varsity Volleyba ll Wayland
0 2
0 1
0 0 2 0
Edgewood University School Edgewood Waupun Edgewood St. Marys Brookfield Academy Un ivers ity School Record: Won-2 Lost-5
2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2
Wayland 58 95 49 51 48 47 66 60 54 67 51 46 66 64 87 62 70 62 59 58 49
Basketball Dodgeland University Lake West Bend East St. Marys Wisconsin Lutheran Milwaukee Lutheran University School Racine Lutheran St. Marys Preps Wisconsin Lutheran Martin Luther Milwaukee Lutheran Brookfield Academy University Lake St. John Military Academy Racine Lutheran Preps Martin Luther University School Regionai-Roncalli Record: Won-14 Lost-7
Girl 's Junior Varsity Basketball 47 51 38 49 66 64 62 55 39 52 68 56 70 63 61 43 71 53 47 48 55
Wayland 5 7 10 9 3 20 16 20
66 Dodgeland University Lake West Bend East St. Marys Wisconsin Lutheran Milwaukee Lutheran University School Racine Lutheran St. Marys Preps Wisconsin Lutheran Martin Luther Brookfield Academy University Lake St. John Military Academy Racine Lutheran Preps Martin Luther University SchoQI Record: Wqn-6 Lost-13
35 33 34 54 50 62 56 44 47 68 63 47
23 40 50 55 51 38 49
Wayland 20 13 32 35 18 12 28 20 39 20
Prairie School University Lake Waupun Brookfield Academy University School Edgewood University School University Lake Brookfield Academy Edgewood Record : Won-2 Lost-8
64 62 70
74 26 53 22 44 65 31 32 25 57
St. John Military Academy Marquette DeForrest Milwaukee Lutheran University School Campion Marquette Sauk Prairie Green Bay " Y" Oconomowoc High School University School Sauk Prairie Milwaukee Lutheran Oconomowoc High School Conference: University School Milwaukee Lutheran St. John Military Academy Green Bay "Y'' Invitational' Lake Forest Campion Record: Won-14 Tied-1 Lost-3
23 62 19 26 47 41 63 39 46 42 38 56 31 59 43 31 33 66 53
Girl 's Swimming Wayland 47 33 52 40 61 62
Girl 's Varsity Basketball
20 105 16 59 20 15 1 26
Varsity Swimming Wayland 72 33 76 69 47 54 23 56 48 52 57 39 64
Junior Varsity Basketball Wayland 54 65 30 39 45 33 47 42 45 47 26 23 47 70 52 49 45 37 52
University Lake Waupun University School Edgewood University School University Lake Brookfield Academy Edgewood Record: Won-2 Lost-6
Wayland 12 21 14 23 54 12 42 12 24 46 36 5 3
Neenah-Menasha " Y" Appleton " Y" West Bend Appleton "Y" Fond dulac Green Bay "Y" Neenah-Menasha "Y" Record: Won-3 Lost-4
Wrestling Laconia A.B.E. Brookfield Wisconsin Lutheran St. Mary Springs University School A.B .E. Brookfield Hustiford Milwaukee Lutheran Campion Lourdes Racine Lutheran Northwestern Preps Martin Luther Record: Won-5 Lost-8
48 53 42 54 34 33
45 9 56 48
6 18 18 51 46 15 30 61 62
v a r
s I
t y
The Varsity Cheerleaders, lead by the enthu siastic spirit of their captain, Beth Traut , have done a fine job in promoting school spirit . Under the guidance of Mrs. Carol Pel lowski, the Cheerleaders displayed their tal ents in new cheers throughout the year. The Junior Varsity Cheerleaders , under the leadership of Captain Chris Worley , worked diligently this year, surprising their fans with some new cheers such as, " tick-tock, U-RAH RAH -Wayland, OKAY!" Homecoming Weekend , the Cheerleade r s sold corsages . Their spirit was unending as we saw them cheering through rain, sleet, and snow to ur ge our teams to victories?
e e
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a d e
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ROW 1: KNEELING : D. Siegel, P. Wiesm an. ROW 2: D. Jung, L. Royer, S. Sa nderson. ROW 3: B. Traut, J. Heacox .
p I
s q
u e a k ROW 1, KNEELING: V. Royer, C. Worley . ROW 2, STANDING: D. LaReau , K. Meyer, F. Runge, L. Wendorf. ROW 3: L. Busse. Not shown : H. Wohlwend.
e r s
Girls Tennis T he Girls Tennis team, under the direction of Coach Wolfe and Miss Schwarzmeir, had a fantastic season . "This year we had the largest tur nout and consequently we've had the finest team we've ever had for girls," said Coach Wolfe. This year the two most valu able players were Carol Foss and Stephanie Durham. The most improved was Laurie Christensen. ROW 1: S. Braden, N. McMillian, K. Stone, G. Smolka, K. Meyer, D. Kordas, L. Wendorf, D. Siegel, C. Worley, M. Hitselberger, J. Heacox , B. Kean, A. Shields, D. Dyer, M. Roedl. ROW 2: F. Runge, B. Bloom, L. Christenson, T. Szweda, D. LaReau, S. Harley, M. Wiechers, V. Royer, K. Richards, H. Wohlwend, L. Royer, P. Markivee, L. Tayl or, M. Newby, C. Foss , C. Burritt, M. Terrill. ROW 3: B. Runge, B. Paddock , S. Durham, P. Mork, M. Fleming, B. Cross , T. Machie, L. Prunuske, S. Stern, C. Klossner, N. Robinson, C. Lud wig, K. Schma , S. Gross, K. Oudenhoven, A. Walters, J. Bell. Not Shown: L. Christ, M. Hubbard, C. Aberg, G. George.
Cross Country Wayland's Cross Country team, coached by Mr. Hall, had a good season this year. Captain Shane Wohlrabe was voted most valuable and earned his varsity letter, along with Jeff Hawley. Junior varsity letters were earned by B. Weidenhoeft, C. Shand, M. Birschbach, and J. Weil. Freshmen numerals were given to: R. Menard, J. Socha, M. Harrings, and J. Szweda. Special recognition goes to Shane Wohlrabe, who finished 7th and Jeff Hawley who finished 9th out of 100 runners in the State meet.
ROW 1 L. TO R. : M. Birschbach, M. Harings, J. Hawley, R. Menard, J. Szweda. ROW 2: D. Weglarz, B. Weidenhoeft, Coach Hall, J . Socha , and C. Shand . Not shown: S. Wohlrabe and J. Wei I.
ROW 1: J. Grummel , M. Ru ssell, G. Wiedenhoeft, G. Socha , W. Brown , M. Scott, L. Mick us, V. Saxl. ROW 2: Mr. Kreig, R. Bisseger . J. Kramer. T. Bennett, J. Sampan , W. Bentl ey, B. John son , R. Gunderson , W. Leitzke, and Coach V. Sampan. Not shown: Rev. Wiedenhoeft, N. Dixon .
The Wayland fencers, lead by the infamous Victor Sampon, had a great year. Captain Jacques Sampon helped to coach Epee and also qualified for the National Junior Olympics in February. Seven big meets were held at Wayland this year which brought fencers from universities all over Ill., Wis., and Minn. Special recognition goes to Martha Scott, who placed 1st in Foil , and Lee Mickus who placed 2nd . This was also the first year for Sabre fencing at Wayland .
a I I
ROW 1: D. Ell is . P. Kleist , A. Aylward , A. Brey , L. Gil lis , J. Roy er , J. Janzen , J. Ru ssell , E. Gefvert , S. Provost , M. Lawren ce, C. Killeen . ROW 2: S. Lamsa m , B. Reed , J. Lun gerhausen, B. Garrett. S. Co ll ins, L. Nil es , J. Ya nikowski , S. Coo k, C. Co llin s. ROW 3: R. Nap, M. Yanikowski , J. Co rrell , Mr . Kas per , Mr. Schlic her. Not shown : C. Byrnes, manager .
The varsity football team , under the coaching of Dave Kasper and Fred Schlicher, pulled through the season with . . Well , at least they kept them selves alive. Captain AI Brey and the other members of the team dragged through some pretty tough losses . Coach Kasper said, "We have only one direction to go , and we will. " We expect this to mean that there are brighter lights ahead for next year 's football team. But, then , the lights have only to be turned on. The team voted Peter Lehr the most valuable player and Marty Lawrence the most improved .
J. V. Football
ROW 1, L. TO R. : B. Wyman , J. Grummel , B. Ruppert, K. Pieper, J. Allard, K. Lawren c e. ROW 2: B. Ga rrett , Coach J. Provencher, M. Songer, M. Vrabec , M. Daily , J . Schli cher, B. Meckel berg. ROW 3: D. Pollak, B. Kistler, G. Cl a rk.
The Junior Varsity Football team, under the direction of Coach Provencher and Coach Tway, had a fair season, winning two games as shutouts. "Often outsized and outmanned, the boys show a lot of spirit and hustle. It looks like we'll have some wellseasoned players for next year's Varsity," said Coach Provencher. This year's co-captains were Kent Pieper and Bill Ruppert. Mike Vrabec, Kevin Byrnes, Ken Lawrence, and John Schlicher were chosen the most valuable players.
Varsity Field Hockey
ROW 1, L. TOR.: G. Erskine. M. Pedigo , J. Janci , L. Busse, D. Meredith . ROW 2: D. Teichman, M. Clay, P. Wiesman, J. Fowler, D. Jung. Missing: N. Vrabec, S. Greenwood.
ROW 1: A. Provost, V. Moore, S. Zellner. ROW 2: M. Plume, S. Traut, A. Lighthall , S. Slicher. ROW 3: N. Parent , K. Schoettler , L. Hartman , A. Laskoski, D. Niles . Missing: B. Barber .
c I
u b b
e r s 83
Varsity Soccer
R. TO L.: J. Kearns, B. Bri ckman , B. Dinsmore, A. Roski , P. Debenham, P. Busabong, T. Gibbons , H. Dinsmore, L. Snort, D. Poboisk, J. Stafford, A. Davidson , E. Davidson , P. Sc hmidt, T. Teshima , T. Bartlett, D. Rathje, B. Busse, A. Lawson .
' â&#x20AC;˘!J ,
This year's Varsity Soccer team played better than their record shows. If the po ints they lost by were grapefruits, they would all fit into Fred Miller's shoes with room to spare. Rob Howard and Pakorn Bussbong were voted the best offensive players. Fred Miller and Bruce Dinsmore the best on defense . Dave Rathje was voted the most improved . Rob Howard was also the choice as team leader.
It looks as though the J.V. soccer team has finally found a steady coach , after going through three in the last three years. Mr . Burnett said that he enjoyed coaching soccer and hopes to do so again . The J.V.' s were a young team with a new coach . Both these factors showed up in their record .
J u n I
v a r s I
t y
L. TOR.: C. Stephenson, D. Raetzel, B. Murphy, S. Hiegel, M. Gerhardt, M. Wendorf, S. Schmidt. M. Sperry, P. Dhein . J. Sheldahl, S. Shearer. M. Ellis. A. Mazar. N. Dixon , Coach Burnett.
v a r s. I
t y L TOR: V. Giulian , G. Trumpf, J. Zabolio, M. Fleming, K. Schoettler. M. Cl ay, S. Braden, M. Glos, B. Kean. P. Wiesm an, B. Cross.
u n I
v a
r s I
t 86
STANDING L TOR: L. Christ. K. Meyer, C. Klossner. A. Provost, J. Janci , L. Prunuske, C. Ludwig, G. George, Coach Schwarzmeier. KNEELING: P. Markivee. N. Parent. S. Zellner, A. Laskowski. M. Pedigo, D. LaReau, D. Dyer .
L TO R: R. Napp, D. Ellis, K. Byrnes, C. Byrnes, J. Yanikowski, D. Fierke, F. Miller, R. Howard, Collins, M. Wendorf. KNEELING: Coach Hall , Head Coach Schmidt .
Doc Schmidt coached almost the same team this year as he coached last year. Only this year, his boys had a year of Varsity experience. They hustled and fought , and one remembers the night they led Wisco by seven in the first quarter . Individually- Dave Fierke, tall , tough rebounder , and an offensive threat. Fred Miller , one the leagues leading scorers. Rob Howard , a hustler who never quits . . . never . Dave Ellis, pulling hard for four years to earn a starting spot. Colin Byrnes , a good athlete plagued by a bad knee. Mike Wendorf , a sophomore star. Doc Schmidt, one of the best .
Junior Varsity
STANDING L TO R: S. Schmidt, P. Brey, M. Dailey , S. Hiegel , B. Wyman , M. Vrabec, C. Madison, B. Ruppert. KNEELING : M. Ellis . S. Sabatke, Coach Tway, A. Mazar, J . Szwed a. NOT SHOWN : K. Lawrence and J. Hawley .
The Wayland J.V.' s experienced almost every thing this year. They won big, they lost big, and they had their share of squeakers , most of which went the wrong way . But they did pretty well considering that only two starters returned from last year, that they had to adjust to a new coach , Mr. Tway , and that two of their best men were moved to Varsity. Next year looks good tor the sophomores because they will have had a year of experience together .
Girls' Basketball
v a r s I
t y ROW 1: B. Kean, G. Trumpf, P. Wiesman , G. Erskine, D. Schmidt, ROW 2: M. Gloss, L. Busse, M. Clay, N. Vrabec, S. Braden, T. Urban, M. Fleming, C. Hewitt .
The girls' basketball team had a hard time putting it together this year . (That is the nice way to put it.) Of course, they had help from the Short Term, which took away several key players in the middle of the season . Seniors on the team were Mibby Clay, Nancy Vrabec , and Debbie (Shad) Schmidt . It took the J.V.'s until their last few games to finally display a red womanpower that had been hidden until then. Mrs. Pellowski said that no other coach has ever seen such a drastic improvement in a ball club.
u n I
v a
s ROW 1: M. Pedigo, J. Zabolio, N. Parent, ROW 2: S. Zellner, A. Lighthall , A. Laskowski. S. Stern , A. Provost. ROW 3: G. George, J . Janc i, L. Hartman .
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Boys' Swimming
ROW 1: M. Yanikowshi , J. Janzen , W. Koskinen , P. Debenham , C. Killeen , A. Rozo . ROW 2: D. Moore, C. Shand , J. Kearns , D. Rathje, B. Busse. A. Lawson . ROW 3: L. Hartman, M. Harrings, D. Luck, C. Freeman , E. Davidson , Coa c h Wolfe .
Go Blobl
Thirteen is said to be an unlucky number by many superstitious people. But Wayland breeds intelligent(?) children who are not superstitious and the results showed up in the boys' swim team which won the Conference Trophy for the 13th year in a row . And to add to it, the team won another trophy at their own invitational. Wasn 't it also lucky that one of the two new senior boys this year, Pete Debenham , turned out to be our superstar? Of course, there was a large amount of help from other seniors: John Janzen, Walt Koskinen , Courtney Killeen, and Mike Yanikowski . Special thanks go to AI Rozo, who after giving up pole-vaulting took up diving and we ' re glad he did . And then there was Mr. Wolfe. What can I say? No one will forget him .
r I s'
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ROW 1: Coach Twa y, J. Heacox, B. Traut. L. Wendorf, L. Busse. ROW 2: F. Runge, M. Pommerich , K. Stone, B. Paddock, S. Schli che r. ROW 3: A. Sh ields, T. Mach ie, B. Bloom , M. Wiechers, D. Jung. ROW 4: M. Hitselberger, K. Ric hards .
The girls' swi m team had never before won a meet in the short history of its existence. This year they won three. A new coach , Mrs. Tway, put a little of the feminine touch into a team that had been coached by Mr. Wolfe before. Ma jor standouts on the team included: Beth Traut, a real fish in the pool who spent this year breaking a few of her own records ; and senior Diane Meredith , Lea Busse and Beth Paddock, who also put in a lot of their time to help the team win their first few meets in four years .
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KNEELING L TO R: R. Kistler, K. Pieper, B. Meckelberg, C. Jahn . STANDING: G. Clark, Coach Clay, C. Radford, B. Wheeler, S. Lamsam, J. Schlicher, K. Kirsh , M. Kirsh, A. Brey, B. Wiedenhoeft. NOT SHOWN : E. Gefvert .
The past year for the Redmen wrestlers was shoulders down . With only three seniors and a few other returning matmen , we were weak in too many places to survive . The highlights this year were the Kirsh brothers and their outstanding records. The seniors on the team included AI Brey, Curt Radford and Eric Gefvert, who began wrestling for the first time this year. Coach Clay , who is probably in better shape than most of his wrestlers, pushed the team to four wins.
P. E.
For all the years it has been around, P.E. had a new twist to it this year . Between the heckling of Miss Schwarzmeier, Mr . Tway and Mr. Wolfe, it became consistantly harder to sl<' " 路
There were a few improvements in that several classes got to spend an hour once or twice a week either down at the bowling alley or the roller rink. And many of the seniors are now saying "why didn 't they do that when I was an underclassman? " Oh well, that 's life.
Gosh, you're strong! 4 pi llows and 2 blankets!
A + 8 = you and me .
You still say you won't? Well take this .
Oh , Marty. I've run out of bubble gun and I just don 't know what to do .
Que Pasa? Well , I'll tell you. Nothing much this weekend .
What a happy party! Everybody is high on Kool s and drunk on Pepsi .
Olmpic fusball at the Academy.
Townie freshmen are all wet.
Quick! Throw out the line. Mr'. Wolfe is going down for the third time.
Make like a tree and leave .
No more stunts like that , girlie, or I'll poke you again.
We've got to stop meeting like this .
We're ready for any action you can give us .
Ugh! Is that my pool ball that went through Mr. Burnham's window?
We 're saved! Here comes the Cavalry .
Hello. Ace Dirty Book Company? I'm calling in regard to my order .
How am I gonna translate "lna-Gadda-Da-Vida" into Spanish?
The Adventures of Roger Dodger.
Hey, Mr. Photographer, take five more. That way we'll miss half of chapel.
All right Aylward, stop bugging the girls ... and Ken .
Who me? D.C.?
Today's lesson will be how to pronounce Karen .
Keep on trucking!
See what a life of swimming will do to you?
For 3¢ kid , I'd lock you in Janzen 's room!
Quit misplacing your dangling modifi er!
We 'll ... so much for the underclassmen dorm .
r _.,. . . .,.
-~ _,路,~- t~d.~
. . :f~~ Vef~
)楼\~*I ~
Only $2 .98. Charge it!
t f
With that outfit, you 'll be sure to win U.P.O.C .. Russell!
Man , I gotta get my head together.
Alpha and Omega .
Oh , Allard, just shut up!
Is this why you get the mail every day , Fred?
. henceforth, no more words from me.
You m ean we have to get that many books for Drama?
A typical boarder being typically bored .
What are you doing after work tonight, Sweetheart?
Curses, " foiled" again .
lonely isn't the word for it.
I subm it this to the literary m agazine.
Cosmo's new centerfold?
5 E
n I 0
R 5
Seniors 114
Andrew Allen Aylward Nancy E. Babka
Some people's lives are like that old rose sitting on the windowsill. They are carefully preserved and set, but at the first puff of wind, the slightest hint of danger, they crack and fall apart.
Julie Louise Batchelder
Teddy Leland Bennett
Roy Eric Bergman
Peter Nelson Birschbach Jerome Turner Bomier II
Allen Robert Brey Pakorn Busobong
going to adopt me and civilize me and I can 't stand it . I've been there before . S. Clemens
Susan Eli zabeth Caldwell
Dayle Melissa Davis Peter John Debenham
Hugh Robert Dinsmore Steven Donald Dohmann
Be at peace with yourself. Then at least there will be some peace in the world .
David John Ellis
Elizabeth Jane Fodden Terry Suzanne Foltz 路
11 8
Carole Arleen Foss Patricia Lynn Frinak
Happiness is where we find it but rarely where we seek it . To a toad , what is beauty? A female with two lovely popeyes , a wide mouth , yellow belly and green spotted back. Voltaire
Eric Stanton Gefvert
Ann Poe Gibbons
Lance Stanley Gillis
Valoris Jean Giulian Shelley Ann Greenwood
Roberta Elaine Hansel Julianne Hartley
Jumping on your bed is an excellent way to re lease frustrations . I try to do it at least once a day. B.H.
Barbara Lynn Hill
Gregory James Hofbauer
Robert Stevens Howard
John Howard Janzen Claudia Beth Juley
Courtney William Killeen Paul Charles Kleist
On the count of 3, say it again! " When shall we three meet again You guys, I' ll bet he isn 't even home .
I Walter Alexander Koskinen
Martin Glen Lawrence
Katherine Lowman
Christina Gail Mahue Suzanne Martin
12 1
Diane Elaine Meredith Frederick John Miller
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to let them alone to do it. " Apples of Gold "
Roger Glenn Nap
Karen Marie Olander
Margaret Ann Peachey
David Arthur Poboisk Jonathan Scott Provost
Curtis Duff Radford Andrew Ira Roski
Sometimes I just fell like crawling in a hole .
Get high on life .
Alberto J. Rozo
Elizabeth Louise Runge
John Henry Russell . Jr. Jacques Claude Sampan 123
Debra Anne Schmitt Lee Ann Sims
Lowell Delford Snorf Ill
Elizabeth Maybelle Traut
Karen Susan Sorenson
Richard John Stafford Suzan Amy Stern
Nancy Joan Vrabec Allison Jane Walter
Ride on! Rough-shod if need be, smooth-shod if that will do, but ride on! Ride on over all obstacles, and win the race . David Copperfield
I Margaret Ellen Wells
Ever since the Jesus people got after me , I've stopped going to church . K.S .S.
Shane Timothy Wohlrabe
Ann Elizabeth Wyman Michael James Yanikowski
Roube Ahh How sweet it was! Being a senior was being on top of the world. The under-classmen have to look up to you . The faculty don 't have to, but many times they do. For boarders, it meant later hours, no breakfast, and the knowledge that it was a lot easier to sneak away, provided there was somewhere to go . For townies , it meant you were old enough to sneak boarders in your car , and , if you were 18, you raised the spirits of the boarders on a dull night . To all, it meant working harder at your studies , hoping to improve your grade average, and sweating it out until you've were accepted at a college. And then came the day you were sha"king a few hand , and four years were over . You had only three things when you left. Your friends , your diploma, and your yearbook. Life is bu ilt on memories. A.A.A.
D 5
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A FULL SERVICE BANI< We wi sh yo u a very specia l futur e!
MONARCH RANGE COMPANY, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916
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Peaclt,e'l Ra.nclt Route 1 BEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN 53916
120-122 Front St. Beaver Dam, Wis .
The Graduating Class of 1973 would like to congratulate THEMSELVES for the meager fact that they DID Graduate.
SECURITIES COUNSEL, INC. Investment Counselors Since 1932
408 Wildwood Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Tel. 517-784-7128
Write For Information
Patrons Thank you for putting your pennies in our pot.
Mrs. E. J. Aylward Mr. and Mrs . E. W. Aylward Mr. and Mrs . E.A. Babka Dr. and Mrs. R.E. Bowen Mr. and Mrs . T. Brady Mr. and Mrs . H.E. Cross Mr. and Mrs . W.J . Davis Mr. and Mrs . R. H. Debenham Mr. 3nd Mr. R.P. Dinsmore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs . J.D. Dyer Mr. and Mrs . J.O. Ellis Mr. and Mrs . M. Fowler Mr. and Mrs . W.A . Giulian Mr. and Mrs . R.E. Glos, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Greenwood Mr. and Mrs . J. E. Harley Mr. and Mrs . R. Heacox Mrs . J. W. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs . J. M. Hiegel Mr. and Mrs . W. Hofbauer Dr. and Mrs . K. T. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jahn Mr. and Mrs . J. H. Kean Mr. and Mrs . C. Kleist Mr. and Mrs . V. A. Kraemer Mr. and Mrs . B. W. Martin Dr. and Mrs . D. I. Mazar Mr. and Mrs . A. A. Neese Mr. and Mrs . M. Peachey Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Raetzel Dr. and Mrs . W. G. Richards Mr. and Mrs. R. Roski Mr. and Mrs . J. J. Rovics. Sr . Mr. and Mrs . A. Rozo Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Russell Dr. and Mrs. G. Saxl Mr. and Mrs . J P. Schma Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stafford Dr. and Mrs . C. D. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs . D. M. Stone Mr. and Mrs . B. C. Ziegler
Student Directory
Aberg, Cynthia; 3226 Lake Mendota Dr.; Madison, WI 53705 ; 608-233-4692 Alexander, Marty; 903 Pioneer Str.; Kalamazoo, M149001 ; 616-342-8541 Allard, John ; 5844 Stony Island Ave.; Chicago, IL 60637 ; 312-324-2282 Andeen , Kathie; 644 North Wittenberg Ave. ; Springfield, OH 45505 ; 513-322-6419 Aylward , Andy; 118 Old Glory Lane; Neenah , WI 54956; 414-722-4443
B Babka, Nancy; 897 Mt. Carmel ; Dubuque, lA 52001 ; 319-556-3309 Barber , Beth; 57 Squires Rd .; Madison, CT 06443; 203-421-3387 Barss, Brooke; 1225-10th Str.; Port Huron, Ml48060; 313-987-3555 Bartlett, Tim; 424 Wyld Haven Rd.; Rosemont, PA 19010; 215-LA5-4014 Batchelder, Julie; 1247 Crane Blvd .; Libertyv ille, IL 60048; 312-362-8088 Batten, Pam ; % Racquet Club; 79th Str. Causeway; Miami , FL 33141; 305-754-2671 Bell , Julie; 7300 North Lawnda le Ave .; Skokie, IL 60076; 312-433-5633 Bennett, Ted; Box 116; Beaver Dam, WI 53916 ; 414-885-6270 Bentley, Bill ; 4804 North Parkway; Kokomo, IN 46901 ; 317-452-5016 Bergman, Eric; R.R. 3; Cassopol is, Ml49031 ; 616-445-8537 Birschbach , Pete; 706 DeCiark Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-9549 Birschbach , Laurie; 706 DeCiark Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-9549 Birschbach, Mark; 706 DeCiark Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-9549 Bissegger, Bob ; 145 Cottage Ave. ; Fond duLac, WI 54935 ; 414-921 -1640 Blevins, Dave; Route 2; Jueau, WI 53039; 414-386-2507 Bloom , Beth; 3332 Erie Str .; Racine, WI 53402; 414-639-0420 Bomier, Terry; 143 North Park Ave.; Neenah, WI 54956; 414-722-0239 Bowen, Mary ; 2845 East Lake Shore Dr.; Springfield, IL 62707; 217-529-2124 Braden, Susie; 851A Lake Shore Dr.; Lake Geneva , WI 53147; 414-248-3394 Brey, AI ; Route 2; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-887-7306 Brey, Paul; Route 2; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-887-7306 Brickman , Brad ; 803 McKinley Lane; Hinsdale, IL 60521 ;
312-325-3348 Brown, Wendy; Box 67 ; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-6647 Burritt, Cyndee; Box 35, Mayflower Lane; Fontana , WI 53125; 414-275-2650 Busabong, Pakorn; Students Dept. (Mr. Curie) ; Royal Thai Embassy ; 1906-23rd Str. , N.W.; Washington, D.C. 20008; 202-667-6063 Busse, Brian; 329 Smedema Dr. ; Randolph , WI 53956; 414-326-3510 Busse, Lea ; 329 Smedema Dr.; Randolph, WI 53956; 414-326-3510 Byrnes, Colin; 921 South Spring Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-5335 Byrnes, Kev in; 921 South Spring Str.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-5335
c Caldwell , Susan ; 506 Liberty Str.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-3442 Christ, Lynn ; 158 Wakawn Ave.; Fond duLac, WI 54935; 414-921-9647 Christensen , Laurie; 9551 North Wakefield Court; Milwaukee, WI 53217 ; 414-352-0367 Clark, Gregg; 140 Dana Dr.; P.O. Box 56; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-6970 Clay, Mibby ; 401 Hillcrest Dr.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-1583 Coll ins, Chris ; 824 Lakeview Ave.; Port Huron, Ml 48060; 313-982-8175 Collins, Scott; 824 Lakeview Ave.; Port Huron , Ml 48060; 313-982-8175 Cook, Steven ; 9337 Normandy Ave.; Morton Grove, IL 60053; 312-965-1825 Correll , Jon ; 2011 Washtenaw Ave.; Ann Arbor, Ml48104; 313-663-5697 Cross, Betsy ; 7th and Sycamore Streets ; Carrollton, IL 62016 ; 217-942-3051
D Dailey, Mike; 333 Kensington Dr.; Madison, WI 53704; 608-249-7903 Davidson, Adrian; 2301 Roys Ave. ; Elkhart, IN 46514: 219-522-6986 Davidson , Ed; 16051 Harbor View Dr.; Spring Lake, Ml 49456; 616-842-4483 Davis, Dayle; 621 Courtland Circle; Western Springs, IL 60558; 312-246-5989 Debenham , Pete; Route 5; Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235; 414-743-3773 Dhein , Phil ; 509 Summit Dr. ; West Bend , WI 53095; 414-334-5249
Dinsmore, Bruce; 517 Shady Lane, Biltmore; Barrington , IL 60010; 312-381 -1453 Dinsmore, Hugh ; 517 Shady Lane, Biltmore; Barrington , IL 60010; 312-381-1453 Dixon , Noah ; 918 Williams Boulevard ; Springfield , IL 62704; 217-525-0065 Doh mann , Steve; Brookwood Circle ; Route 4, Box 169; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-6001 Dunski, Karen ; 415 South Cedar Str.; Horicon , WI 53032; 414-485-2659 Durham , Stephie; 608 Ridge Ave .; P.O. Box 254; Greencastle, IN 46135 ; 317-653-3828 Dyer, Deborah ; 2015 Menominee Dr.; Oshkosh , WI 54901; 414-231 -1829
E Ellis, Dave; 620-3rd Street, South ; Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494; 715-423-6541 Ellis, Mike; 620-3rd Street. South ; Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494; 715-423-6541 Erskine, Gale; 1845 Wisconsin Ave .; Racine, WI 53403; 414-637 -4707
F Fierke, Dave; Wayland Academy ; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-5000 Fleming, Mary; Route 1; Horicon , WI 53032; 414-485-2507 Fodden , Liz; 1128 North 11th Str.; Manitowoc , WI 54220; 414-682-9583 Fogel, D. J.; 226 Warren Court; Green Bay , WI 54301 ; 414-432-1 316 Foltz, Terry; 171ndian Hill Road ; Winnetka,IL 60093 ; 312-446-0025 Foss, Carole; 34 Hutchinson Str .; Sale, Victoria, Australia 3850 3934 Fowler, Jane; 1102 Sherman Ave. ; Madison, WI 53703; 608-251 -1217 Freeman , Conrad ; P.O. Box 341 ; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-6740 Frinak, Patty; Route 1, Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-5563
G Garrett, Brian ; 837 Larchmont Lane; Lake Forest , IL 60045; 312-234-9388 Gefvert, Eric; 824 Prospect; Winnetka, IL 60093; 312-Hl6-7657 George, Grace; Route 1; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-8344 Gerhardt, Mark; 704 Wilder Dr. ; Madison . WI 53704; 608-244-2441 Gerhardt , Mike; 704 Wilder Dr.; Madison. WI 53704; 608-244-2441 Gibbons, Ann ; 415 South Church Str .; Hudson , Ml49247 ; 313-448-7561 Gibbons. Tom; 415 South Church Str.; Hudson , Ml 49247;
313-448-7561 Gillis. Lance; 405 North Main; Mayville, Wl53050; 414-387-2119 Giulian, Val ; 308 West Third Str .; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-5841 Glos, Mary ; 1744 Highland Dr. ; Freeport, IL 61032; 815-233-1516 Goetting, Bill ; 519 Grove; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885 -5188 Gosin , Jennie; P.O. Box 7; Neenah , WI 54956; 414-722-1732 Greenwood, Shelley; 3828 Spring Creek Road ; Rockford, IL 61111 ; 815-877-3454 Gross, Steffie; 25 Frontenac; Godfrey , IL 62035; 618-466-2664 Grummel , John ; 3573 South 75th Str.; Milwaukee, WI 53220; 414-543-1698 Gundersem , Ralph ; Route 2, Arbor Hill s; La Crosse, WI 54601 ; 608-788-7370
H Hansberger, Sandy ; Route 2, Bo x 184; West Chicago , IL 60185 ; 312-231 -6846 Hansel , Berta ; 419 West Elm Str.; Wautoma , WI 54982 ; 414-787 -2 155 Harings , Mike; 662 East Oak Str .; Juneau, WI 53039; 414-386 -4908 Harley, Sarah; 2007 Bay Point Lane; Hartland , WI 53029; 414-367 -6634 Harris, Phil ; 5390 Hunt Club Road ; Ra cine, WI 53402 ; 414-639-0653 Hartley , Julie; 27 W 156 Bolles Ave. ; Winfield , IL 60190; 312-M05-1187 Hartman , Linda 634 East Oak Grove Str .; Juneau, WI 53039 ; 414-386-4603 Hartman , Luke; 634 East Oak Grove Str.; Juneau, WI 53039 ; 414-386-4603 Hawley, Jeff; 311 South University Ave .; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-887-1330 Heacox , Julie; 219 North Main Str .; Juneau, WI 53039 ; 414-386-2002 Heaney, Debbie; 205 Lakewood Boulevard; Madison, WI 53704; 608-244-7002 Hewitt, Cindy ; 537 South 1st Ave .; Winneconne , WI 54986 ; 414-582-4240 Hiegel , Scott; 28 Fuller Court; Madison . WI 53704; 608-249-6679 Hill, Barb ; 3845 Guest Road ; Jackson , Ml49203; 517 -787-2557 Hitselberger, Mary; 310 East Division Str.; Fond duLac, WI 54935 ; 414-922-7974 Hofbauer, Greg; 409 North Pleasant Str .; Montpelier, OH 43543; 419-485-3200 Howard , Rob; 114 Mohawk Circle; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-5584 Hubbard , Marion; 826 Keystone Ave.; River Forest. IL 60305; 312-369-7357
J Jahn , Charlie; 136 Michaux Road; Riverside. IL 60546 ;
312-442-9241 Janci , Jennifer; 4835 Buchanan Str.; Gary, IN 46408; 219-981 -2648 Janzen, John ; 2 North Villa Grove; Springfield , IL 62707 ; 217-529-1865 Johnson , Brad ; 615 Farwell Dr.; Madison, WI 53704; 608-244-0244 Juley, Claud ia; Route 1, Box 47; Manawa , WI 54949; 414-596-3830 Jung, Dottie; 232 Pierce Str.; Randolph , WI 53956; 414-326-5412
K Kean, Bev ; ACCRA ID, Dept. of State; Washington , D. C. 20521 Kearns, Jay ; 74 East Woodland Road; Lake Forest. IL 60045 ; 312-CE4 1027 Killeen, Courtney; 7530 Hanley Road ; Tampa, FL 33614 Kirsh, Kevin; 1220 Hiawatha Dr.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916 ; 414-885-9158 Kirsh, Mike; 1220 Hiawatha Dr.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-9158 Kistler, Bob; Lantern Lane; Joliet, IL 60433; 815-723-6862 Kleist, Paul; 707 East Walnut Str.; Horicon, WI 53032; 414-485-4553 Klossner, Claudia; 1112 North Center Str.; Beaver Dam WI 53916; 414-885-4440 Klossner, Eva; 1112 North Center Str.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-4440 Koehne, Juli ; 106 Prospect Ave.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-1578 Kordas, Diana; P.O. Box 59; East Orleans, MA 02643; 617-255-1345 Koskinen, Wally; 315 Lake Road; Menasha , WI 54952; 414-725-4984 Kraemer, John ; Willow Str. , Box 29; Plain , WI 53577 ; 608-546-2501
L Lamsam, Steve; 68 I 1 Soi Asoke; Bangkok, Thailand 912562 LaReau , Dawn ; Route 2, Box 46; Beaver Dam , Wl53916; 414-885-9272 Larscheid, Fran ; 1915 East Newton; Shorewood, WI 53211; 414-964-5044 Lasek, "J " ; R.R. 1, Box 105; Fontana, WI 53125; 414-275-2745 Laskoski, Amy; 4230 North 44th Place; Milwaukee, WI 53216 ; 414-442-9129 Lawrence, Ken; 507 East Walnut; Horicon, WI 53032; 414-485-4411 Lawrence, Marty; 507 East Walnut; Horicon, WI 53032; 414-485-441 1 Lawson, Alec; 3208 Utah Dr., N.W.; Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N4A2; 403-282-8708 Lehr, Pete; Belvedere Terrace; Tryon , NC 28782; 704-859-6475 Leitzke, Wendy; 221 Highland ; Hustisford , WI 53034; 414-349-3518
Lighthall, Alison ; R.R. 2, Dunbar Terrace; Crete, IL 60417 ; 312-672-7743 Loucks, Eric ; 1105 Live Oak Ridge; Austin, TX 78746; 512-471 -3357 Lowman, Katie; Route 3; Fond duLac, WI 54935; 414-922-2859 Luck, Dale; Route 1, Box 23; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-9364 Ludwig, Cherie; 1040-42nd Ave., #60; East Moline, IL 61244; 309-755-5450 Lungerhausen. John; Hermansville, Ml49847 ; 906-498-7724
M Machie, Terry; Southern Peru Copper Corp.; Casilla 3511o, Peru, South America Mack, Phil; 108 Green Str.; Dowagiac, Ml49047 ; 616-782-2246 Madison, Clifford ; 4265 Pasadena; Detroit, Ml48238; 313-WEI-0178 Markivee, Pam; 315 Fair Acres Dr.; Galesburg, IL 61401; 309-343-8693 Mahue, Chris; 1105 West Burnside Dr. ; Peoria, IL 61614; 309-691 -6125 Martin, Susie; 35 Longmeadow; Pine Bluff, AR 71601 ; 501 -536-2797 Martin, Ed; 2520 Betty Court; Green Bay, WI 54301 ; 414-437-2761 Mazar, Adrian; 129 East Hurst Str.; Bushnell, IL 61422; 309-772-2061 McMillin, Nancy; 4113 Buckeye Road; Madison, WI 53716; 608-222-6882 Meckel berg, Brian; 410 West River; Wautoma, WI 54982; 414-787-3733 Menard, Ray; R.R. 1, Box 182; Juneau, WI 53039; 414-887-1107 Meredith, Diane; Box 66; Princeton , WI 54968; 414-295-3194 Meyer, Kim ; 141 Dana Dr.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-9174 Mickus, Lee; 4735 South Central Ave. ; Chicago, IL 60638; 312-458-0462 Miley, Bea; RFD #2; Plymouth , WI 53073 ; 414-893-5541 Miller, Fred ; 517 York Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-6411 Moore, Dave; 603 Farwell Dr.; Madison, WI 53704; 608-241-0852 Moore, Val ; 603 Farwell Dr.; Mad ison, WI 53704; 608-241-0852 Mork, Pam; 1725 South Telegraph Road; Lake Forest. IL 60045; 312-234-3412 Murphy, Bruce; 7319 North Bridge Lane; Milwaukee, Wl53217 ; 414-352-6480
N Nap, Roger; 5253 Brookway Dr.; Bay City, M148706 ; 517-686-3878 Neese, Jennie; 7288 Kinnikinnic Dr.; Roscoe, IL 61073; 815-623-2542 Newby, Martha : 930 South Park: Hinsdale. IL 60521; 312-323-8054 Niles, Debbie; 705 Oneida Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-887-1536
Niles, Larry; 705 Oneida Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-887 -1536
0 Olander, Karen ; 765 Kimball Road; Highland Park. IL 60035 ; 312-432-6965
p Paddock, Beth ; 2443 Clinton Road ; Rockford , IL 61103; 815-965-2556 Parent, Nancy; 822 Lake Shore Dr.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-4208 Parker. Martha ; 700 St. Lawren ce Ave .; Janesville, WI 53545; 608-7 54-9002 Peachey , Peggy; Route 1; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-3247 Pedigo , Meg; 112 Larabee Str.; Horicon , WI 53032; 414-485-3376 Pickard. Debbie; 6616 East Desert Cove Ave. ; Scottsdale, AZ 85254; 602-948-2138 Pieper. Kent; Route 1. Heritage Road ; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-887-8232 Plude, Misty ; 3811 N.E. 24th Ave .; Light House Point, FL 33064; 305-781 -7879 Poboisk, Dave; 455 Shoreline Dr. ; Decatur. IL 62521 ; 217-423-2571 Pollak, Dale; 7825 Lake Shore Dr .; Gary, IN 46403; 219-938-1616 Pollak, Mitch ; 7825 Lake Shore Dr.; Gary, IN 46403; 219-938-1616 Pommerich, Mary; 593 Western Ave .; Fond du Lac, WI 54935 ; 414-922-1327 Provost. Ann; 309 East Jamet Str .; Mackinaw City , Mi 49701; 616-436-5484 Provost, Scott; 309 East Jamet Str .; Mackinaw City, M149701 ; 616-436-5484 Prunuske, Liza ; Route 4; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-4722
R Radford , Curt; 3750 Pau Ko Tuk Lane; Oshkosh , WI 54901 ; 414-235-9247 Raetzel , Dennis; 3145 East Village Lane; Port Huron, M148060; 313-982-4678 Rathje, Dave; 30W015 Army Trail Road ; Bartlett, IL 60103; 312-837-8231 Read, Bruce; 1824 Bradley Road ; Rockford, IL 61107 ; 815-399-8408 Rein, John ; 400 East MacArthur Road ; Fox Point. WI 53217 ; 414-532-2110 Richards , Jane; 1232 Lakeshore Dr.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-9049 Richards, Kathy ; 1232 Lakeshore Dr.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-9049 Robinson , Nila ; Rural Route 1; Adams . WI 53910; 608-339-3988
Roedl , Michelle; 323 Park Ave.; Beaver Dam . WI 53916 ; 414-885-5672 Roski , Andy ; 1110 Justine Dr.; Kankakee, IL 60901 ; 815-932-8434 Rovics. Jack; Route 1, Box 229 ; Juneau, WI 53039 ; 414-386-2016 Royer, Jeff; Maycrest; Mayville. WI 53050; 414-387 -5757 Royer, Lisa ; Maycrest; Mayville, WI 53050; 414-387-5757 Royer, Vi cki ; MayCrest; Mayville, WI 53050; 414-387 -5757 Rozo, AI ; 1115 Adams Str.; North Cihcago, IL 60064; 312-623-7009 Runge, Beth ; R.R. 6, Box 262A ; Twin Valley Road ; Middleton, WI 53562; 608-836-3716 Runge, Freddy; R.R. 6, Box 262A; Twin Valley Road ; Middleton , WI 53562; 608-836-3716 Ruppert. Bill ; 823 Webster; Iowa City, lA 52240; 319-337 -2943 Russell , John ; 1106 East Grant Str .; Appleton , WI 54911 ; 414-734-6125 Russell, Morgan ; P.O . Box 41 ; Lake Geneva . WI 53147; 815-459 -1623
Sabatke. Steve; 510Conrad Lane ; Beaver Dam , Wl53916; 414-885-4914 Sampon , Jacques ; 229 East Maple Ave .; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-6075 Sanderson , Sally; 611 West Pleasant Str.; Portage, WI 53901 ; 608-742-3743 Saxl , Viki ; 923 Dolores Dr.; Bensenville. IL 60106 ; 312-766-4724 Schlicher, Sally; 200 North University Ave.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-9135 Schlicher, John ; 200 North University Ave.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-9135 Schma . Karen ; 933 Wilshire Boulevard ; Kalamazoo , M149001; 616-344-1939 Schmidt, Paul Marshall, WI 53559 ; 414-655-3591 Schmidt, Steve; Wayland Academy; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-887-7053 Schmitt, Debbie; 645-29th Str., N.E. ; Cedar Rapids , lA 52404; 319-364-0325 Schoettler, Karen ; 1632 Fourth Str.; Port Edwards. WI 54469 ; 715-887 -3377 Shields, Ann ; 1302 W. 13th Str. ; South Newton , lA 50208; 515-792-3435 Scott, Marty ; 2605 Crapo Dr., B.; Burlington , lA 52601 ; 319-752-0691 Siegel, Denise; 1814-18th Ave.; Kenosha , WI 53140; 414-551-9556 Shand, Chip; 900 East Portland ; Springfield, MO 65804; 417-883-0333 Shearer, Scott; 1011 North Main Str.; Edgerton , WI 53534; 608-884-3354 Sheldahl , Jeff; 11 Fuller Dr.; Madison , WI 53704; 608-249-6308 Shute, Paul ; 426 Minder Dr.; Lincoln , IL 62656 ; 217-732-2749 Sims. Lee Ann ; % Arabian American Oil Co .; Box 661 ; Ras Tanura ,
Saudi Arabia 6014 Smolka , Gail ; 1550 Lake Shore Dr.; Chicago , IL 60610; 412-642-5394 Snort, Lowell; 2105 Kenilworth Ave.; Wilmette, IL 60091; 312-251-6488 Socha, George; Route 2; Marshall , WI 53559; 414-655-3211 Socha , John ; Route 2; Marshall, WI 53559 ; 414-655-3211 Songer, Matt; 2104 Butternut Lane; Northbrook, IL 60062 ; 312-498-1408 Sorenson , Karen ; 1055 Highland Dr. ; Elm Grove, WI 53122; 414-786-3475 ~perry , Marc; 10156 Sandusky Road ; Harrison, OH 45030; -- 513-367-4300 Stafford, Jock; 1411 East Forest Ave.; Neenah , WI 54956 ; 414-725-1802 Stephenson , Cam ; 19 Wood mer Lane; Battle Creek, Ml 49017; 616-964-1704 Stern, Sue ; 916 Lincoln Str. ; Menasha , WI 54952; 414-725-2469 Stone, Kris; 4811 North Sterling Service Rd .; Peoria, IL 61614; 309-691 -45 77 Szweda , Jack; 1300 North Center Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-6823 Szweda , Theresa ; 1300 North Center Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-6823
T Taylor, Leigh ; Route 3, Box 183; Lumberton , NC 28358; 919-738-4472 Teichman , Diane ; Goodyear Jamaica Limited; P.O. Box 102; Kingston 10, Jamaica Terri ll, Marney; 236 Lakewood Boulevard ; Madison, WI 53704; 608-249-6188 Teshim a, Ted; 2-199, Shimo oichi , Higashi-machi Nishinomiyashi, Hyogo-ken ; Japan 663; 0798-51 -1118 Traut, Beth ; 116 Cottage Ave.; Fond duLac, WI 54935 ; 414-922-3816 Traut, Sara; 116 Cottage Ave .; Fond duLac, WI 54935 ; 414-922-3816 Trumpf, Gretchen; 23151 Los Allsos Blvd .; Mission Viejo, CA 92675 ; 714-586-1608
Urban , Thea dora ; 602 Washington Ave.; Oshkosh, WI 54901; 414-231-1195
Vrabec, Mike; 1204 Lakeshore Dr.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-5304 Vrabec , Nancy; 1204 Lakeshore Dr .; Beaver Dam, WI 53916 ; 414-885-5304
Walker, Greg; 8107 South Luella; Chicago ; IL 60617; 312-324-9891 Walter, All ison ; 3726 North Bay Dr.; Rac ine, WI 53402; 414-639-5560 Wandell, Mike; 521 Brierhill Rd .; Deerfield, IL 60015 ; 311-945-4314 Weglarz, Denny; 6012 South Rutherford Ave. ; Chicago , IL 60638; 312-586-7734 Wei I, Jerry; 149 Wedgewood Dr. ; Barrington, IL 60010; 312-381-5867 Wells, Peggy; 730 Oneida Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-885-3105 Wendorf, Liz; 702 Lakeshore Dr.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-887-2757 Wendorf, Mike; 702 Lakeshore Dr.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916 ; 414-887-2757 Whereatt, Cathy; 3308 Chasm Lane; Manitowoc , WI 54220; 414-682-6319 Wheeler, Bryan; Route 4, Box 74, Highway 33; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-6858 Wiechers, Mary ; Route 2; Portage, WI 53901; 608-742-4937 Wiedenhoeft, Glenn; 604 West 3rd. Str.; Beaver Dam , WI 53916; 414-887-7865 Wiedenhoeft, Bill; 604 West 3rd. Str. ; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-887-7865 Wiesman, Jim ; 502 South Finch Str.; Horicon , WI 53032; 414-485-2471 Wiesman , Patty; 502 South Finch Str.; Horicon , WI 53032; 414-485-2471 Woh lwend , Helyn; Route 4, Box 197-Hillendale; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-887-1138 Wohlrabe, Shane; % McGraw, T-A-K-241 ; FPO NY, NY 09501 Worley, Chris; 1625 North Riverside Dr.; South Bend, IN 46616; 219-232-7822 Wyman, Ann; 2896 Fond du Lac Rd .; Oshkosh, WI 54910; 414-231 -4746 Wyman , Bi ll; 2896 Fond duLac Rd. ; Oshkosh , WI 54910; 414-231 -4746
y Yanikowski, Jim; 811 North Str.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-9097 Yanikowski, Mike; 811 North Str.; Beaver Dam, WI 53916 ; 414-885-9097
Zabolio , Julie; 10 Swan Str. ; Genoa, WI 54632; 608-689-2664 Zellner, Sally; 606 West Mackie Str. ; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885-3923 Ziegler, Jay ; 635 Summit Dr.; West Bend , WI 53095 ; 414-334-2508