2000 - 2001 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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KRIS BOUCHER What can I say about the man who has always been the voice of support, and reason in my life? I can say that, without a doubt, he is and always has been the greatest source of all things wonderful in my life. I remember the first soccer game I ever saw- it was a Wayland boys game in the rain, and dad was quick to get me a pin proclaiming "I Love Wayland Soccer." I remember all those years he coached football and ice hockey-how excited my sister and I were, at that time younger than 14 years old, to be constantly surrounded by high school boys. Dad always found some way to let us hang around, whether it was chasing balls on the sidelines of Brown Field during football games or working the penalty box at home ice hockey games- we were never denied the thrill of feeling like we were a part of the coaching staff. Dad has a way of always putting our needs first, whether it's driving 14 hours to the middle of Ohio only to unload a U-Haul then turn around and drive 14 hours back home, or taking time from his busy job to send an encouraging email or give some of his too-true advice over the phone. I think the best advice he has ever given me is this: Illegitimi non carborundum. Dad, I never let them get to me, and you are the biggest reason why. Congratulations, I'm so proud of 11 you and I love you very much. -- Elizabeth Lizzy" Boucher '99 "Your Dad, is so cool!" I have heard that statement countless times on the Wayland campus for the past 16 years. I hope my dad knows how true that statement is. While he's convinced that he is quite a"geek" he's always been cool, in the eyes of my siblings and I and the students of Wayland Academy who have come to him a little scared, a little lonely, or just excited. His door has never been closed to those of us who have needed comfort or support during our time at Wayland. For me he always knows just what to say to make me feel better, or to ) nspire me to do more in class, sports or to get me to empty the dishwasher. When I went to college the hardest thing for me was not being able to run in to his office when ever I wanted to talk to him . I couldn't tell him about my classes, ask him questions or borrow a dollar at a moments notice by just walking down a path to Roundy Hall. When he took me back to school after Christmas break my first year, I sat in a restaurant crying over my hamburger he calmed me down, assured me I could do anything and that I would be just fine. It is moments like those that I will be forever greatful for such a wonderful, caring, and yes, "cool" dad. Daddy you deserve all this and more, congrats! We love you. They who hear not the music think the dancers mad. -- Kristene Boucher '97




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Simply stated, Kris Boucher cares deeply about the community in which he lives, works, worships, and recreates. Morever, he actively involves himself in the enrichment and advancement of the various elements that comprise his sense of devotion to his commnity. Wayland Academy and Beaver Dam have been the fortunate benefactor of his dedicated service and caring stewardship. Kris has committed himself to making a special difference for his family, his church, and his neighborhood. At Wayland, Kris has been a guiding presence in and loyal supporter of athletics, the fine arts, and students' well-being. His tireless efforts on behalf of student recruitment and retention are testaments to his belief in the school's mission and admisssion programs. He is without a doubt someone we (students, colleagues, friends, and neighbors) can depend upon for support and trust counsel. In seeking to establish in a working model of what it really means to devoted to family, devout in one's faith and commited to profession and community- simply (but alertly) share some time and space with Kris Boucher! -- Doug Palm [A one-time colleague and always a friend].

It would be difficult for me to think of any person more loyal to Wayland Academy than Kris Boucher. I have seldom attended a Wayland event (athletic, dramatic, musical, or social) without seeing Kris there lending his support or actually participating. He's been in Wayland Players' shows, faculty play-readings, Lessons and Carols, faculty-versus-student games, etc. He's coached, cheered and clapped as much as any colleague I've ever worked with. He and Nancy are great parents to Kristene, Lizzi, Steven and Michael, and good examples to everyone. Congratulations on this honor, Kris! -- Roger VanHaren, English Faculty Emeritus 1974-1998

Kris Boucher has served on the Beaver Dam Police and Fire Commission for over eight years. During that time he has contributed unstintingly of his time and expertise. He has played a major role in expansion plans for the Fire Department as well as the purchase of major equipment items. He has been instrumental in developing policies and procedures under which the Police and Fire Department operate. It is a real pleasure to work with Kris and his contributions have been invaluable. -- The Honorable Tom Olsen, Mayor of Beaver Dam


0 I have worked with Kris Boucher for ten years. He is one of the best! Kris is a very caring man who will always take time to listen, and will give you good advice. He has a great sense of humor-he would have to in order to work in the admissions office. When things are chaotic, Kris has a calming effect on all of us. Kris is a person that one can always count on, a great family man, and the most dedicated person I know. I feel privileged to have him as a friend and co-worker.-- louise Hoff, Administrative Assistant Admissions Office


Mom/Dad/Steve - Your love, devotion, support and compassion were the only things to pull me through at times. Allowing me to grow up on my own and learn from my experiences, was the best thing you could've done for me. Thank you for, at times, respecting my need for space and being next to me at others. Mr. Seighman - Thank you for the constant emotional support. I don't know what I'll do without you next year! Thanks for helping me reconcile with the beast. Mr. Brown- Thanks for the chili parties and listening to the drama that is my life. Mr. Graham - Your belief in my ability to succeed in your class was a driving force for me the entire year. You've managed to make Calculus a class I no longer dread. Ali - Sorry about the water bottles, I'll buy you a new one if you want! Thanks for everything!!!!! There's no need to say anymore. Aubz -Junior year was definately fun. Your advice has always been exactly what I needed, even if I couldn't see it then. Thanks again!! CJ - Uh oh! What else can I say to an older brother who was such a "good" influence. The girls -You guys made it hard to leave the County, thanks for being the sisters I never had. Beware of the Bullfrogs! BS - Throughout these 4 years there have been some rocky times between us but I'm glad we've reconnected. JT- Thanks for putting up with me! Natalia Aight!! Britt- Glad you decided to come here, the next three years will fly by and you'll be out of here before you know it. Don't hesitate to call if you need something. "Afoot and lighthearted, I take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever I choose." -Walt Whitman

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" -John Lennon To my family: You've been the greatest influence and support in my life. I've had fun & learned a lot in the past two years, and though I've missed you I can't thank you enough for allowing me that experience. I love you. Spuddy: Though you weren't here with me, I couldn't have gotten through these past 4 years without you. LM: You're like a sister, thanks for always being there. JT: The best roommate I could have ever asked for, and my personal shrink: I'll never forget all those nights of talking, just stay focused. JC: You still amaze me. JM: He doesn't walk, he floats; It's only one more year. Mrs. Fischer: You have been a wonderful mentor, don't forget the opera lady. To My Teachers: Even if I haven't always enjoyed it, thanks for the knowledge. To the Class of 2002: You were great to be a part of for the first year, good luck next year.

"I guess the most important things are the hardest to say, they are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish them, words shrink things that seemed timeless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out."


AB- Pop-Tarts are for breakfast. AB- MK still likes you! AG- What you doing this summer? CC- CCD won't be the same. EA- Charlie Sykes can see! EC- I think I'll pass on the necklace. ED- Us nerds need to stick together. EK- Little Debbie is cool. EL- Whatever!! ET- The world is a special and so are you JB- Yes I can make right turns! JD- This ain't as fun as 3rd grade. KR- Ok so your smarter than me. LR- Life is short make it last. MB- Class is awesome. MD- Getting out the secret football play?? MK- Beske. NT- Now you can i have parking spot. PT- How about MP 9845.83? RP- Trolls are evil! TC - GMP I is da bomb. TT- Whatever you think i did i didn't do it. TZ- Summer school stinks. WK- Can you guess where I'm going?? To college! "The Quality of a mans life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence regardless of his chosen field of endeavor" -Vince Lombardi

Mom and Dad: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." Who ever said change wasn't possible!!!!! I love you. To my friends: You guys have helped me more than you could imagine. You have all taught me what the meaning of true friendship is and I hope we will never forget the time we shared together. I thank everybody who helped me along the way.

"I'll tell you this, I'm gonna get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames .... Alright, Alright, Alright." -Jim Morrison "Cause to me throughout eternity, there is somewhere we are welcome to go, I said it's something free that means a lot to me, When I'm with my friends I feel home." -OAR

"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up till he sees all things thro ' narrow chinks of his cavern." -William Blake


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

To all of these things, Such a beautiful dream Waking and screaming aloud

-Lao Tse

Mom and Dad- Thanks for everything you have done for me! I would be lost without you. I love you! Katie- Even though we fight. I miss you lots! Thanks for being there for me when I need you. Ryan- I love you!! You're so sweet to me! How'd I get so lucky to find a guy like you ? Checking our e-mail! LM- My teacher! 5-4-3-2-1! Flirt! Banging cupboards and pole!, "sampling," our "sessions" HD- Thanks for always being there for me! Mr. Lardo Buttflab, BahRam-You! Bobby's girl. hot right twins, back bras! HK- I miss you! I'm the angel! BW- The untouchable! My favorite tour. 05- You're the greatest friend anyone could ask for, take a risk (Sleepy Hollow) Mila. JT- My fellow captain and "MVP" sit ups together? Snickers Ice Cream! Mini Me- BITE SIZE! Sunday night hot tubbing? 8th HR chats about LR. CG- You've been the greatest! When are we going to Hawaii? Emergency chicken surgery! NK- Why are you always so mean to me? VS- Girl Power Circle/ Line: ugly dolls; word of the day. LS- Love the basketball defense dance! Coming out of the closet, getting a "heart" on. K5- You're always there to listen! ICQ chats: I can't believe you did it! Drivers Ed windows. TT- My gf! Did you remeber what day it is? Leopard print thongs; frosting on the floor? KR- My freshman! Stay cute and innocent. JG- You'll always have a place in my heart! EM- sexy smart blonde girls! AESmell my bells! KR- It's been fun beating .. .! mean competing with you! Mr. Kasper- You're the greatest teacher! GIRL Power! Thanks for everything you've done for me and taught for me! ED- Physics class buddies! NL- I wuv u Natawe! AK and KW- First trip to State Street; Happy 6:10 day!! OF, PF, J5I'm sorry for hurting you ... WAKEY WAKEY! Summerfest Girls- Where's Freedom!?!?! New Year's Eve fun! And remember: SPICE GIRLS forever! Volleyball Team- What about "breakfast" at Tiffany's? we're gorgeous super plus models. Electric Pickles- It's just another Manic Monday .. .! think we're alone now!

The importance these four years have had on me is unimaginable: they cannot be emphasized in a few paragraphs. The people I've met and the people who have stood by me are a constant reminder that I am better for knowing them, if for but a short time. Laura- You're always there for me when it counts-plus you clean! (See you later?) Maria B- You make my life scandalous! Emmie Z- Zitkaf... Zittkiew... Zitcabbage? Just don't give Jordan and me any jiu-jitsu grandchildren. Jordan- I can't sleep! How did our child become smarter than us? Jackie C- Thanks for the yummy bkaeh frosting and p.s. your car is a lip skank. Jennie 0- Did you know that we once had a contract with you and everyone got sick? I'd fix you're wagon . Abby- Abbylicious to the last drop Chris- If you're reading this, then it's a good thing. Remember to read my mail, I'll deliver yours. High school wasn't, maybe we'll have time in the future. "And now I found a way to make it through. It'll never feel the same, I'll always feel the pain of nostalgin. I still want to hold on ."- No Motiv

It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to have a crush on someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.


Helen and Richard, Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity. It has been such a great experience, and I am very th ankful to have had it. Mom and Dad, Thank you for always staying beside me and believing in me. Your support and encouragement is what has gotten me here. Cammy, Get ready fo r High School, and have a great time. I will miss it a lot. Key Chain! Be involved in everything you can , and keep your grades up . Curt, There's not much to say that you don't already know. I could write pages on end of how much you mean to me, but it still wouldn't give me enough space to say everything . Than k you for all that you have taught me about life. You've opened my mind so much , and I am thankful for our time spent together. I will miss all of the opportunities we have had here, but I am sure there will be many more. I look forward to ou r new experiences in the years ahead . I Love You! AE&ME: Can we play Spades? Who's the Monoply Queen? Can we please go to Piggly Wiggly? I'll miss our endless chapel nights with pizza and card games! MZ .. Are you fau x gay? I'm a gansta. I'll have you killed fool. Do NOT tickle me ! Thanx for always making me laugh. Emily Schubot ... I couldn't write something about my friends without including you. I've missed you while I was away, but I cannot wait until we go to college together. La Crosse LOOKOUT!! Haagger: Ta ke care of yourself in college. Remember to get some sleep and not worry so much about boys! Hyunsam , Hey big brother... thanks for taking care of me. I'll always remember our chapel talks sophomore year. I'll miss you. J.J. Lets go sing in the bathroom! We've had fun. Mr Schneider: Your positive energy has given me a lot of encouragement. Mr. Brown: Thanks fo r believing in me. Mr. Disch: Thanks for being a great mentor. Mr. Kasper: Thanks fo r keeping me inline! Everyone else I have mi ssed, you are in my heart. Thanks for the great memories you've all given me here. I will miss thi s place a lot.


"When life presents you with a mountain, climb it, the hard work will make you a stronger person."

Mom and Dad, I owe you so much. Every day of my life I realize how lucky I am to have you guys for parents. I know that I put you both through a lot of hell and every day I wish that I could take it back. I now look at myself and realize that I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you guys. I know that in order to send me to Wayland you had to make sacrifices. I appreciate everything that you have given me. Dad, I love you and Mom, you will always be my best friend. Andy and Heather- Thanks for always being there and giving me much love and support. You are the best and I love you lots!!!

Grandpa Sellnow - Even though you are not alive, I owe a lot to you. It is the ideas and beliefs that you have left me with that have helped me succeed to where I am today. You always believed in me and made me feel speciaL so I am dedicating aU of my hard work, graduation and achievements to you. Thank you for leaving me your great skill of determination. I love you lots and I am always thinking of you!! Emily - Wow what can I say to you? First of all thank you for putting up with me thru this yea r. You are the best friend I have ever had and I am going to miss you a lot next year. Keep your head up and just remember you are a great person and you will succeed in the future no matter what. Hopefully I will find you in Saint Louis this summer. If I could grant you one wish .. ..... . Hi Eddie...... My butt (is big) ..... Hi Alf, that's a real threat coming from a jack o lantern. Guess what??? Ryan is hot! !! Remember to say hi to Justin for me. Make sure that you keep in touch and good luck in the future. I Love you and I will miss you a lot. Maybe next year for Christmas I will buy you Scott Stapp in a fruit basket. that is if you are lucky!!! Good luck having his love child!! To all my teachers and the faculty at Wayland Academy, Thank you ever so much for all of your support. It is t hat support that you have given me that witt help me to meet my goals in the fu ture. Thank you!!!!! Gary, Keegan, Krista and Sean: I will miss you guys a lot. I hope that you have fun in you high school yea rs. They go by fast. Stay the same, never change !!!!!! Rachel: See ya later!!! !!!! Mr. Borroud: Thank you for all your understanding and support. I really enjoyed having you as my mentor, you made a difference in my life. I apprecia te all of your support. To everyone else that I missed, thank you ever so much for all of the memories that you have given to me. I will never forget you or them. Good tuck to all of my underclassmen friends!!!!!!

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you to my parents for always giving me unconditional love and although everything didn't turn out the way we wanted it to, we still made it. I love you both very much. To my family: you've always had somthing to say, but you always supported me considering all I've been through. From the bottom of my heart, I thank youespecially Claro, Jess, and Jeff. To all my friends, I couldn't have done it without you: Johnny & Sommers-spicegirls, raft fighting, and OCB is all i have to say, you know this isn't over. Erin-you don't know that much about me ... um ... really. JG+Westra-JoeMocracy ... she plasters her what? Gabe-you're unbelievable, i'll see you at the fiesta bowl. Atomic-remember that time I blocked you? Davis-don't worry, I promise I'm not mad. Lavelle- I swear that dog was frozen. Kat-sorry for everything, you'll always be in my heart, I love you. Leslie- I can't believe I bought you those shoes. Jahnke-thanks for carrying me in that night. Salfer-Del really did kick that water on you. To all who were there-a blender in the basement? Mrs. Hoff-thanks for the apples, I won't forget about you. To all of the other people who I didn't mention who have helped me along my way and believed in me-Thank You.

Wow, it's hard to believe it's all over. To my family-Thank you. Uncle Dave-You're awesome. JD-My sushi is fine, Thank you for asking. How's yours? GB-Where's the cup? AK-upstairs. HD-Take care, sister. V&V-saturday Night. Same time, same place. EA-Chem party? EL-Stay the hell away from boys. IT-Sorry about your shirt. GR-Sleep well? NL-You just had to leave the mentor group, didn't you. KH-Heil. ... whatever. And to whoever gets the keys, take care of the place, will ya? "Oh yeah, all right Are you going to be in my dreams tonight? And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. Ah-" -Lennon/McCartney

"I can't say that I'm sorry for the things that we've done. At least for a little while sir, me and her, we, had us some fun."


"Happiness is a choice."

Thank you to David and Deb Ersland, my second parents, you made this year possible for me. Thank you Mom & Dad I appreciate the support. Last but definately not least my wonderful boyfriend who I could have never survived the year without. To my boyfriend "Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tries, and a touch that never hurts." And those of you who don't know" Love is everything its cracked up to be. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for risking everything for."

-KR I think I'm the only senior who truly has the Right to say" I feel like I've been here forever!" Mom & Dad - Thank you so much for your guidance, support & love. It has

meant the world to me. Dad - Everything is not physics. Mom -Thanks for always putting so much time into what is important to me. Jake - Be good next year. Mrs. B- You are an amazing teacher, mentor, & most of all friend! Thanks for all

the scholarship talks. Mr. Kasper - Fearsome 3some 4ever. Mr. Patterson & Mr. Sampson - Thank you for all the musical opportunities! Megsy-Pie - UR2posh, Bobby's girls forever! My 1st Wayland friend ... Davis - Hard core Thespians. Thanks for all the advice bro. Lammy - Curly-gurls rock! LS- "They're gonna .. !" GB - I'll never forget bathtime ... Kuenzi-Grrrl - You may be po, but you've got a nice truck. Couldn't have

gotten through 4 years without you. Rach - You're an ars-kicking diva. EM- Definately the sexiest hand . Ohmygod it's Leah!! Never consider yourself anything less then smart, beautiful & the great friend you are. Kim - !Viva WWW! 3am poetry, the living zodiac .. . we've done it all. I choose

happiness because of you . "Sail on silver girl, Sail on by. Your time has come to shine, All your dreams are on their way." -Simon & Garfunkel


First to my family who has really given new meaning to "It takes a village to raise a child" Sheila G, Grandma A, Grandma B, Uncle Albert, and everyone else. Mommy-thank you for putting up with me and "school" for four years. I know it was hard but we made it. (now on to four years of college) Daddy-thank you for always making tough situations easy, "Just laugh at it." Thank you to all the devoted Wayland teachers, I have respect for you. Special thanks to Mr. Miller, Graham, Kasper & Ms. Kesler who took out extra time to help Veneca with her problems.

"My friends they were few, but to me they were true. All we were trying to do was to just make it through . Always thought for the future, but we shouldn't have cared . All the best thing's in life, we shared them right there." - G. Love & Special Sauce "Life's just a blast, that's mavin' really fast. Better stay on top, or life will kick you in the ***. Does anybody really know the secret, or the combination for this life and where they keep it? It's kind of hard when you don 't know the meaning, but everything happens for a reason. There ain't nothin' I can do, 'cause life is a lesson you'll learn it when you're through ." - Fred Durst

Wow it's been a wild ride:

"Cause once in a while you get shown in the light, in the strongest of places if you look at it right. " - Jerry Garcia

"Those boys" and "Those girls,"- All lean say is crazy people, but J. Mack takes the cake. Prefect triangle-She's on duty, it's your turn. Katie-Stop giggling please! Bye Bye Bennett. Oh yeah Valerie. Megs, Hil-No more poms for us. Ash K-Thank you for the chicken tacos. Josh P.-I hate you. Gobble, Gobble Burcu. Chealsy S., Chris-After break it will be over. Oliver-Green is my fa vorite color. Anthony-Love, peace & hairgrease. Camille-Git Kendini sik. Danielle and Cat-Luv ya but ... now who's the better roommates.

To all those who think they should be mentioned on my page: I do not need paper to express to you how much you mean to me. You are with me forever in my heart, and that is all the thanks I can give.

yo soy la bomba y a mi amiga muy especial, si y me olvide deti. Siempre has estad a milado, yo te voy a extranar pero siempre tendremos nuestra aiios en la univeridad en Chicago, cierto? To: La Gata Elusiva; my soulmate. It is GOO whom I owe the biggest dept to, thank you for all you've done for me.

And to all of Wayland ... Warren , Ella, Glen, Wayland Hall Time is limited but memories last forever. These four years will remain dear to me for a lifetime.


Enjoy your time here for it is measured and short. Make the best of who you are and you will not want to be someone else. Strive to improve yourself and you will improve everything around you. To my Family: Thank you for giving me the means to accomplish all the things that I have. Thanks for inspiring me to do what I have done and become who I have become. To my Friends: Valerie--We've been through a lot. We got kicked out of JCPenny's together. Veneca--I am going to beat you in squash someday. Chelsea--Thanks for taking care of me. Jessica--Sarang hae. I will miss you. Andrea--Thanks for keeping me sane (relatively). Abby--You're cute and the rest doesn't matter. Ashley K--You're the coolest! I love you. Thora--How could you stand me. Emily--Don't stay up too late. Dana--keep smiling. Zuskar--I am here whenever you have girl problems. Jordan--Hey roomie, have fun! Juan--Te quiero mi esposo.


MEAN IT HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING" I will smile because I love you and I know you love me back. I -SELF will laugh for I'll remember crazy times which never lack. I will walk because you've showed me what great measures can be achieved. I will be grateful because you remind me of all the blessings I have received. I will remember because it's impossible to forget what we've been through. I will be a better person because my life's been shaped by you. 25

I am finally graduating from high school. I thank my parents for helping me and giving me the opportunity to be here. I also thank Rick for helping my family and me all the time. I wouldn't be here if I didn't meet you.

Brevity is the soul of wit so to keep this short, I graciously thank my friends & family, and I will look back on Wayland with appreciation and gratitude.

AY- Metallica, Pantera, heavy metal forever!! LP- Bull's balls, Cow's blood, BK, God bless tambe time. CB- Metallica, Pantera forver!! You are so funny and cheap. PH- Industrial Strip, you are the cheapest person I have ever met in my life. SM- Hegemony, This is called "DOMINATION" Sean's curse. FY- See you around 1:30. Is Frank having a good time in Vietnam? WG- You have the biggest head I have ever seen in my life. CM- Christofababfabafabafa Macpherson Chris. RC- I think I was the best roomate in the world. BZ- Want some hay? Ultra lights, Turkish Gold. HSK- Vietnamese hat, tambe master.

I thank all of my friends ion the U.S. and Japan. Pantera and Metallica forever!!! Dimebag is the greatest heavy metal guitarist in the world!! "With volume higher than anything today the only day, when we start to rock we never want to stop again!" -James Hetfield "Genious is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." -Thomas Edison


"If you're already walking on thin ice, why not dance?" - Gil Atkinson

To all those I've loved and lost. " I love you, always have, always will."

Thanks to everyone who's made my past two yeras full of memories. Mom- Thanks for putting up with my bad taste in guys. No, I'm not pregnant. Dad - I want Waffle House and a Buick Century. Thanks for everything and I love you both . Tiff- My roomie, princess, worst enemy, best friend. How much longer.. .oh my gosh, I just can't deal with it! So Ready Freddie, tell me why... you turned me into a *****? A few things to remember: Cottage Cheese, 12345-I told you I couldn't sleep, Kings Inn, Dirty Santa, cherries, hormones, boytoys, FORMAL Homecoming . Gen - Did you miss Holly? I think we have suffered the most these last two years. Can i cut your hair? Remember econ, wasn't Bill cute back in 1980? Harmonica or Glass Blowing? Nat- SHUT UP!! How do you do it? You are so adorable, I want you! Take it easy on your college roommate, no caffeine pills, chocloate, cappucino, minesweeper, snood ... Hump day=everyday! You know who - these days BARELY continued without you. SM -what do I write to someone who writes everything for me? EH -senior rack .. .I think not! Still up for the great boob switch? ED - still thirsty for lake water? BZ - does it look like a 2001 or a ... ? LP - don't touch me! Coach - Can I take a weekend? " I will remember you, will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by, weep not for the memories." -Sarah Mclachlan


EL - Remember White Castle JS- Girls!?! White Castle+ AAP CS - Hey, wanna go to CO ... WK - It was a waste of time KS - "My grandpa ... " JM - Thanks for everything, Cheesy Puffs BA - Fruit Snacks AF- Iowa TC - I hate barbed wire EA- What happened to the plan? TZ- Secret Street 5 min. AH - You mean the world to me Thanx CR - Blah Blah Blah To my Family - I thank you. I never would have done it without you. BEN R BERGUM - I know that i've made you proud and that's all that matters. I love you bro.

"All for one and one for all do we ever wonder why our friend so dear was taken before his time."

Three things I got from being at Wayland for four years. 1. I met two friends who are going to be with me forever. 2. I learned English. 3. Wayland life proved the humans can really adapt to any environment ... Thanks to everybody

Four years of Wayland Academy taught me a lot of things like honesty, knowledge, character and etc. With these virtues now I have the courage to speak the truth and the truth only. Adios suckers, I'm getting the hell out of here! Also the Wayland Academy Korean tradition forces me to will something to the younger Koreans before I get out of this place. Supposedly, I received dancing skill from great Korean dance-master Young-Bin, but I don't have any of that left over. I don't really have anything to will to anybody, but let me make another attempt. I will my passion to Ki-Jun. I will my pride to Bum-Suk. I want Bum-Suk to keep the pride of the Koreans in this school for me and other Koreans before me. And the Freshmans and Sophomores, I got something to say to you ... HA! I mean Wayland isn't too bad compare to ... uh ... communist countries or burning hell (it is worse than the other hells).


Keep it up, guys. You will make it some time. If you fail it ... don't worry. Life goes on.

My daddy he is grounded Like the oak tree, My momma she is steady as the sun Oh you know I Love my folks But I keep staring down the road Just looldng for my one chance to run. -Sara Evens, "Born to Fly" Mom and Dad- Thank you for all the love and support you have given me these past years; especially for the opportunity to come to Wayland. It's meant so much to me. I couldn't have done it without you. Amy- You are the best big sister, I know there's at least one person in the world that listens to the same music I do. Grandma and the rest of the family- You guys are the best. Thanks fo r everything. It's been four long years and memory filled years, so many jokes. I have so many close friends, thank you all for always being there for me when I needed you. KW- Up for a tea party with JL and DO? Careful. the salt shakers really do break. Moons and stars! We are the champions of love and justice! Sailor moon and Co. HD- My Disch grrrl. Wes po: At times only you could keep me sane. You are my drama queen . Say goodbye Earl. V$-la Gata, I will always be there to listen to your endless babble and keep you company on your rides on the short bus. Can .. I... umm ... lick you? Maybe later. MC- You are the queen of complaining; thanks for all the physics help. MOOOO! Happy 6:10 Day! Spice Girls! VE- You have the cutest boots, I'm jealous. Thanks for letting me constantly be in your room, you two. RY- I'm coming! Ts- Play hard Ghetto Sal, you are the defense. Try not to kill anyone okay? EL- Score. Pink is gross, don't be a kleptomaniac. ED- Thanks for the countless hours of homework you've helped me with. Pappy- You are going to be so lonely without me always harrassing you. Thanks for teaching me to ski and square binomials. The purple hat is mine! Mrs. B,. ,. You are the best mentor in the world! Thanks for the advice and bottomless cups of hot chocolate and parties. When does the next plane leave for the Bahamas and why aren't we on it? Ms. Alpaugh . . . Thank you so much for teaching me how to play. You're an awesome coach. To the rest of the field hockey girl.,._ play hard and play tough, you can do it! JC, EL, & TS, Be good captains. I know you will be. I love you all! Ash

"Always aim for the moon, even if you miss, you'llland amongst the stars."


"A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension." -Oliver Wendelt Holmes "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing has happened." -Winston Churchill Of course I have thank to my mother for taking the role of both mom and dad, sending me to a school of this stature (and cost), and sending me around the world. Also my sister for taking care of me while mom played dad, going to work ten hours a day. All of my teachers must be thanked as well for making me a better student and a better person overall. FYU-Sleepyhead, "cave -in" is moron and monkey KH-You were the quietest roommate I ever had, Ja ptallica LP-Nice HUGE a**, all night computer games JP-Being roommates was the craziest JS-Mr. Pinckney, Clause the proctor, calculus is life CMP-I'm sorry, that's all you need to know AY-Stop teasing Kevin and Phillip before the dorm burns down GB-We just have too much to say, memories, chemistry PH-"Be smart, know who you hang out with" BZ-Your room has been and will always be the lounge SMC-Thanks for letting me crash, disco inferno To everyone else KK, WWK, JT, CS, KR, WG, OF, LH, You guys made this a lot less hellish of an experience

Mom, Dad and the rest of the clan Thank you so much for sup porting me in all of my decisions and helping me through the hard times we all have had. I love you all more than anything and couldn't have asked god for a better family. There is no way I wou ld be who I am today with out you guys and all you have given me mentally, physically and spiritua lly. Gen 路 You are one hell of a roommate to be able to put up with me. You made my Wayland experience very fun and helped me from going totally insane (I only cracked out a little!) I am going down and voting south for you! Tiff- Well we have had our good times together. You are the best bitch I know, very giving or at least to those who take! I will go east as long as you charge the least! Kerstin -You are the biggest chested in our group and you know it. I feel your pain a little bit since you are stuck with Tiff this year! You better go to college and play with your toys next year! Maybe if you are still out west I will take a visit, after all you are the best! Brian -You are one hell of a guy. Never forget that. I know you left Gen and I out of that concert and you didn't stop to see me when you were close to my house, but I still had fun being able to hang out in your room, even when I got kicked out. Brown - Thank you so much for listening to me and for a great two years of volleyball. If you ever need a ride to SA just let me know! Hopefully you won't miss my corner so much that I feel the need to come back to this place! MFC - I don't know if I could have done it without you. Thank you so much for everything you have ever done for me. I wilt be forever grateful that you we part of my Wayland ex perience. Thank you again. I will miss hermy next year! NR You are awesome, it must be the name or something. Swimming was so much fun. Anyway make sure you stay out of trouble and take care of everybody! ED You always made time to sneak us around in your busy life, stay in touch! SM Someday you will realize who it is and you wonit have to worry about turning 35. AY You are awesome I can't wait to get backstage passes from you in the future ! LP I had fun even during those few times we weren't fighting. AE We rock! JM You were my favorite buddy to talk softball with. TC you were the best boyfriend a girl could have. And for the rest of those guys you were awesome too. And to everyone who knows my name thank you so much for everything and hopefully we will always at least have some awesome memories from here! To all the underclassmen I laugh at you and wish you good luck in the rest of you high school days. "You just gotta keep living, man, L-1-V-E-N." - Matthew McConaughey... Dazed and confused.


"Darling you know that I'm leaving The doom will be mine if I stay It's far better to part though it's hard to Than to rot in their prison away. " - Pogues Thank you everyone for helping me with everything. Everybody that I've met Has shaped my life more then they know. I've learned from all of you and will miss you. JD, DJ, DS, AF, TC, MO, JT, CS, ES, EA, KS, everybody you've made me comfortable here and became my family. I miss you already. " Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes." -Anonymous

"In the end, everything is a gag." - Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) I would like to thank my parents and teachers for helping me out; I wouldn't be off to college without you. PJ - My first mentor, your Bible Study will always remain unsurpassed. M & MC - Always there for me. The food, the football games ... couldn't have asked for a better mentor group. TT- All hail the princess! NL & GR - Where would the fun be without you? KH - Bff, see ya on the East Coast! AY, LP, CM, BZ, JAP, FY, RC- All the complaints, conversatons, laughs, and fights; what would Wayland be without us? OJ, JM, MZ, EA, VS, VE - Been there since day one ... the good old days. KS, AF, JT, MO, TC- Possibly the funniest group of guys I have EVER met! EK- Tennis will never be the same. WK, HK, RK- I got NO sleep; long live Pepsi man! For all the rest of the students who still have time here- Don't wait up for me!


It's hard to believe the year is over. Yet it is more than just the end of 1 year. It is the culmination of 4. Of course one phase can not start fresh until its predecessor ends. In that regard our lives are mere cycles of ends and beginnings like that of the phoenix. Throughout these cycles are islands and on these islands we find the distinguishing features that form the topography of our lives. I am glad that throughout this journey I have found Wayland and all the wonderful inhabitants it holds (quite like to flora and fauna of an exotic land - andrea). I could not imagine that hole in my being that would never have been filled had I not come here. It is hard to conceptualize life with out the people I have been so thoroughly changed by. (Chelsea how could I have ever made it without you). Zuskar I found my quarter, but for the last time I HAVE NEVER lived on a farm! Mike I'll never forget the wonderful creations you introduced me to (no not just video games smart a**)


I really don't have one or two quotes that can summarize or change anyones lives here but I can say this ... I've enjoyed my experience here, I can't complain. Take it for what its worth. The truth is ... you really don't know what you are getting yourself into when you come here ... It doesn't matter... as long as you have something when you leave. Along with my study habits and all of Wayland's conformity, I'll have some great stories to tell like the time capsule in 205, the long distance fruit tosses after dinner and wasting all our allowences at bookworld only to be robbed the next day by the cleaning ladies. There's millions of other laughs we have had that I can't talk about or have forgotten. Tait, Tom, Kiel, Andy, Oliver, Squirrel and Libby. I know its really generic but thanks sincerely for the help, support and encouragement. Thanks Mr. C, Larry, Dan, Powell and Laura, I think good friends are like siblings that god forgot to give us. Above all though I am appreciative of my family's support. Thanks Mom and Dad for the opportunity and encouragement, thank you Dave for the inspiration, Dan for the motivation and Andy for the confidence.

"All I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am." -Arthur Miller


First of aU, I would like to thank my parents fo r supporting me all the way through my experience in the U.S.A. Thanks for giving me money for all the days the food at Wayland was ... Anyway, I would also like to thank all the friends that I have at Wayla nd. Thanks to them I had 3 very cool years. I would also like to thank God for giving me this oppertunity. Thanks to the TAM BE too, otherwise I would've died two years ago. AY- you are the coolest and the cleanest roommatre I ever had, I had 3 wonderful years just being your friend. BZ- You are my brother and these 3 years at Wayland couldn't have been better without you . Thanks for being such a coot friend. JS- Hermano, nos GRADUAMOS!!!!! Coqueto, como siempre, pero buen amigo como nunca. YH - skippy snoopy doopy scooby Honda, besides being loud all the time, you are the coolest Jap I have ever met, and watch out with the chicks in Venezuela and don't worry... 3 seaweeds is nothing. WG - Wy-Oog, dude, you are the man!!! Thanks for fixing my computer all the time, I don't know what I am going to do without you during college. SM - Virginia!!! One of the coolest guys I have ever met. I hope your curse ends one of these days. CM- Christafalapafabafurus, dude don't drop the keys and don't lose your books or homewo rk. You are the finest rice cooker in the world and it was fun having you as a suitemate. GR- You are one of my cool friends an d I will never forget those days where you punc hed me and left me on the ground. NL- It was cool messing with you. I will never forget the Mountain Dew incident, and I will keep the Gladiator as one of the coolest movies i have ever seen. I will also miss those 3 o'clock in the morning calls. TT- you are strong!!! I will never forget that day at lienke's, and that nightmare I had about you. PH - "Industrial Strip, is that the one?" You are the laziest German I have ever met. KH - I hope you find Joshua, he will be a good truck driver. I will miss you a lot. RK- "RC Cola is the place to be." Watch out with those pizza spices. And don't worry RC, India is going to be nuked one of these days. You are a very cool guy and keep being so unique.

First of all, I'd like to thank Mom and Dad. Hey, I've made it through the divorce in one piece! To the senior class in general, our hard work has finally paid off. Eric Davis-Thanx for all the advice, you're really a life saver. Ashley Kuenzi-Battle on Xena! Mike Zuskar-Play football in college ... Terrence-You too ... Will Krupecki-Keep on singin' and makin' the best jokes known to mankind! (You're ruining the plot!) Terry Cheatham-Shut up, you're wrong ... Emily Mulder-What I feel we had will always be there for me, will it be there for you? No regrets, I'll never forget what we had. Jeff Tait- What's the count up to now? Nick Krueger-Don't try to beat J.T. @ his game. Tom Campbell-You're an inspiration to me and to us all at that. You've been like a father to a lot of us, take that with you to college ... To the rest of ya that I missed, have a great time with fun things that are fun . WAYLAND FOOTBALL RULES!


I put in my two years at Wayland and even though I'm glad to leave the work and the classes, I know I'll never forget everyone here and everything we went through. Singing Raffi, GTA2, and going to war-J.M. P.S. W.G. D.F. Hallway hockey and chewy ball- T.C. A.F. J.T. O.W. The T.P. wars- A.Y. C.M. S.M. The Bee Conferences- J.M. O.S. All the guys that made this dorm great- K.S. O.J. J.S. M.T.

B.Z. All the girls I loved with all my heart- T.S. E.W. K.H. A.R. We had a lot of good times together and they will always be apart of me. I want to thank all these guys for making my senior year great. I want to thank all my bees that never treated me wrong and sorry to the ones that didn't survive. I want to thank my parents for doing everything they could for me and thank my grandparents and the rest of my family for all the support. My two years at Wayland were perfect and I wouldn't want anything changed. Thank you everyone.

Mom and Dad: I know you probably can't tell most of the time, but I am very thankful for all that you have done for me. I guess you were right for making me come here and am glad that you let me come back. Thank you and I love you. Natalie: My psycho roommate. I really don't know what I would have done without you. Smack ... a boy sings that song!!! Well, I could go on and on about the last two years, but hey, you were there so I'm going to cut this short. Good luck and keep in touch. Tiffany: You are such a sitch!!! Anyway, I'll always remember you and all your strange obsessions (purple, princesses, spitting on Kerstin??) . I hope you have a good time in college ...and that you get a roommate with a sense of humor. Kerstin: Boys... Toys?? And YES they ARE big .. .13 to 60 was it?? Well, I'd have to say you were pretty brave to live with tiff, but of course, you had to put up with Nat and me on the other side of the wall. All in all I guess you have to admit it's been fun . Emily H: You are definetely one of a kind. If you ever marry Beck, you HAVE to invite me to the wedding!!! Anyway, good luck and stay warm ... bye bye BZ: Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters ... that's nothing . I'm going to come hang out with you in Indy sometime. SM: I'm SURE you will find the right girl eventually. You are, after all, a winner. AY: When you gro w up to become a famous rockstar, just remember how lucky you were to know me ... hehe. LP: Excellent... my cool friend . Watch out for those transvestites. ED: Thanks for the use of your house this summer.. .! really liked your bathroom. JM: Hey buddy... high five? Those boys: Sexy abs and rabid dogs. My Neighbors: Cuba ... Bushnell. .. Beaver Dam? I guess it's a small world. We'll have to hang out sometime. Brown: The track god. Thanks for putting up with me for all three seasons of the year. I really hated to see volleyball end. Anyway, thanks for being there to talk to. See you around ... bye bye.

-Joshua Pogue


Mom and Dad- I love you. Your guidance and support have been invaluable and I hope I have made you proud. I can only hope to be as good of parents as you were. Bush- Contrary to popular belief, you're my best friend. TZ- I think I saw Mr. Roccoco on campus the other day! Haha You're a great person and it was an honour to be your homie. GB- What can I say. I don't think I'll ever laugh as much as I did when I was in your presence. Watch the disease and you'll do great things. TR- A gentleman, a scholar, and a truly great human being. "Your uncuttable G" KS- Don't go into that locked room alone NT- Perhaps the most hilarious person I've ever met. JE- Your cockiness is immense but nonetheless you were a great friend. "You make a living by what you recieve, you make a life by what you give." -Winston Churchill

Thank you Wayland for a great four years.


Dad: Thank you for all the encouragement and knowledge you have given me. These three years have

exceeded my fondest expectations. Thank you fo r all that you have granted me throughout the years. "Nothing is so strong as gentleness; nothing so gentle as real strength." (De Sales) "A diamond is a chunk of coal that performed well under pressure."(?) "In youth we learn, in age we understand." (Eschenbach) "Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backya rd, if you dig for them.'' (Cronwell) "Success is a state of mind [as is wealth] ." (PJS) ''Home is where one starts from." (TS Eliot). "There is always that moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in." (Graham Green) Mom: Thank you for all of those years in Vail, we're a team and we're a family. You set my moral foundations, showed me strength and courage, honor and love. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly-what is essential is invisible to the eye. (Antoine de St. Exupry) Do not follow the path . Go where there is no path and begin the trail (Ash anti Proverb). No legacy is as rich as honesty (Shakespeare). All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother (lincoln) ." Ashley: "Dear sister, you can't imagine how I depend on you , and when you're not there the color goes out of my life (Woolf). To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or confidante-it is to have a soul mate for life (Saline). A loyal sister is worth a thousand friends (Eigerman). I recognize how crucial my relationship is with my sister in defining myself (Mathias). Our siblings are the only people who can truly share all our happy and unhappy childhood memories with us (Merrell). You know as well as I do the value of sisters' affections for each other; there is nothing like it in the world (C. Bronte)." We have shared home, pets, family and secrets. We've watched each other grow up, we've fought, laughed (where is that Mummy anyway?), and we have always stuck together and know the true depths of sisterly love. I have learned from you; you have served as my teacher, model. problem solver, catalyst. challenger, protector, caregiver, confidante, and my best friend. You are the person who has known me the best throughout my life, we have a sixth-sense perception of each other. You are my other self, my mirror, and my altar ego-in some secret place we will always stay seven and be putting on plays and playing school. I am so lucky to have you in my life as a part of my permane nt landscape; you are part of my essential self, and eternal presence in my heart and memories. I will always be there for you, and you will always be my light at the end of the tunnel. Me me & Pa: You were always there for me, no matter the distances between us there was always understanding and thoughts unexpressed-you made my life a garden . You have taught me a great many things but most importantly you illustrated the importance of family. "Family is the we of me (McCullers). Families the world around are the place where peo ple learn who they are and how to be that way (Clarke). Family faces are like magic mirro rs. looking at people that belong to us we see past present and future (Buckly) . One of the oldest human needs is having someo ne to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night (Mead) . The family is that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our innermost hearts, ever quite wish to (Sm ith)." I'm eternally indebted to all of you and love you all very much. Khreish: You have ta ught me to never run out of goals, to take risks, to enjoy the moment that I've got, and to make the most of myself. " Come forth and see the light of things, let nature be your teacher (Wordsworth)" To me you have let t he magic begin. Karen: Thank you for atl the chats and faith. 'Td like to be the sort of friend that you've been to me. I'd like to be the kind of help that you've always been glad to be. I'd like to mean to you each minute of the day that you have meant to me along the way (Guest)" JA;CV;CG;MT;MN;MB;MF;JS;ML;SL;AS;JP;MW: "We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over (Boswell)" Thank you fo r all the memories Kesler&Morris: Thank you for being some of the best people that I've ever known and spreading my horizons, "learners inherit the future (Hoffer)", t hank you for making a difference. Friends: "Flowers are lovely; love is like a flower; friendship is like a sheltering tree (Coleridge)" The Rest: Thank you for the mystical cords of memory. Remember time is our most precious and irreplaceable resources路use it wisely to your advantage. Forward-Farewell!

Mom and Dad- I deeply appreciate all that you have

done for me these past 4 years. Thank you for believing in me and my dreams. I really couldn't ask for better parents. I love you! Grandpa- You will always be in my heart. Brock- Follow your dreams, stand on your own two feet, be strong. Good luck! Ryan- Life is too short don't waste your time. Freddy- You made a difference. Thanks so much for everything! Brett- Thanks for all your love and guidance. "Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly." -Saint Francis DeSalas

"The price of greatness is responsibility" -Winston Churchill Que rapido se pasaron estos anos en la prepa ... .INCREIBLEMENTE ACABE!!!! Papa, Mama, Diana: Que locura todo por lo que pasamos en estos a nos. Primero lo del choque, luego la bronca del TEC y para rematar mi cuello en Cancun. Afortunadamente todos esos golpes nos ayudaron a unirnos mas, valorar lo valiosos que somos cada uno de nosotros y lo mucho que nos necesitamos. Mama. Papa, gracias por su carino, dedication y sus buenos consejos que me han formado a ser un xbuen hombre. Papa, mi mejor amigo: Eres mi angel, si no hubieras estado en Cancun quien sabe lo que hubiera pasado. Gracias por siempre preocuparte de "tu guelo" y estar SIEMPRE junto a el. Mama, mi mejor amiga: el ejemplo #1 de lo que es una madre. Desde siempre dedicada el 200% a ver por "su chavito" y "su chavita" y a ensenarles los valores de la vida. Gracias por aguantarme todas, MAy tu tam bien PA No ha de ser facillidiar con un chamaco como yo .. Diana: Ya sabes que siempre cuentas co n tu hermano. Aunque ya estes grandota siempre seras mi hermana chiquita y consentida. Echale muchas ganas en la prepa para que note cueste tranto trabajo el ultimo ano como me costo a mi . WAYLAND, Thanks for making me feel like at home during this two years. Mr. Schneider thanks for your support and friendship . Every single teacher, thanks for your teachings and patience with me. TO ALL MY FRIENDS AT WAYLAND, Jamie, Pedrito, Leo, Alex, Fourness, Wyatt, Zafian, Kevin, Jeremy, Brian W., Kavelaris, Chuck, Jordan Cole, Jenny Tumsantia, Suzanne, Natalia, Chelsey S., Meghan PC, Laura, Esther, Valerie, Kingston, Kurt, Ashley, Philipp, Brian and everyone that I hanged out with, there are lot's of feelings and good memories that are hard to fit in one page, THANKS FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP. Piracantos #25, Mexico City, DF, 10100 - javiersoriano@hotmail.com


All that I have to say is that Wayland was the best thing that has ever happened to me. The people at this school taught me a great Lesson. It is a Lesson that is not taught in any textbook and it is a Lesson that you cannot explain. It is something that comes from within and once you find it, it can never be taken away from you and only you can find it. I cannot write it down on paper. But what I can say is this ... Have overwhelming respect for everyone you meet and remember that you are always taught something no matter where you are or who you come across. Thank you all my friends and everyone I have been acquainted with. I am very grateful of my parents and my sister ... They are wonderful.

"I am standing on a hill of a mountain of dreams telling myself it's not as hard as it seems." -Led Zepplin


" Fight your way to happines and you'll be fine." -Link 80 Thanks to everyone who made highschool an enjoyable experience for me. Especially my mom who made coming here possible. Thanks Dan for putting up with me for three years. Martin, Eric, Justin, John - I'll miss you guys. Everyone else I missed, FY! Little king, Arthur Guiness, Dropkick, LTJ, BRB at the towers, Tossers, 88FL, BTME, made highschool a semi-sane place! 0 ya Freeride ski team, Red Bull, Burton, Loud Music, High Society, Jerky, Easy Cheese ...

Mom and Dad: Thank you for all of your support, you know that I could not have done this without you, I love you. G & 8: You helped make all of this possible, thank you very much , I love you also. Miss Swan: I appreciate all of your support, thank you very much. Mr. Seighman: you're the best. DS: Even though you weren't there to help me finish up you were always there for me, thank you. TZ: Well, we made it to the end man, thanks for being there, keep the bass!! KR: You kept me in line and you were always a good friend, I will miss you. JD: I wish you could have been here with us, good luck with whatever you do. CS: Good luck with soccer and thanks for being a good friend. CUH: You will always be my best friend, you know that. DJ: Even though you say we aren't friends I still like you. MC: Thanks for all of the support, good luck. To all my teachers at Wayland and before, thanks for making me smart. To anyone I missed I'm sorry, but have a good life and I hope to see you soon. I leave you with these words. "Years go by, time it does fly, every single second is a moment in time." -Catch 22 Remember this and cherish every moment.


"A span of life is nothing. But the man who lives that span, he is something. He can fill that tiny span with meaning, so its quality is immeasurable though its quality may be insignificant." -Will Durant The span of my Wayland life has been short, but in memories it is eternity. As I learn I see all of the walks I should have taken, pool parties I meant to go to, and the snow I never did play in. I also see the random hour long conversations with people, playing in the leaves, and the light-saber fights. I've enjoyed the journey. Thank you to those who have helped- My Mom, Thelma Amberson (my Wisconsin mom), and all of my church members (my second family). Thank you to all here- and to you, live your life how you want to; it's the only one you'll have.

Finally, afte r 4 years, twenty something courses, and countless papers and homework assignments, it's over. Thank you to everyone who made these four years the best so far for me.

Thank you to my parents for giving me this opportunity. Mark- I feel like we've lived together for a long time, not just two years. We've done so much. Chillin' behind JJ that first day, time capsule, heaven, and one day, tag team. All I can really say is thank you for putting up with all the **** we've done and I'll surprise you sometime. Tom - Nice job, Tommy. You taught me a lot these two years. Even though yo u drop so me atomic farts, they are curiously arousing . Keep doing what you're doing and don't go backward s. Andy - Coming here was pretty tough for you, but I knew you'd make it. Setting off alarm s and junk was pretty sweet. Make sure you stay in touch . Kiel - Honestly, you are one of th e most brilliant people I've ever met. No matter what it says on paper, we know the truth. Keep working like a stud, and you'll become one. Oliver- Ditka quotes, Bears, Nachos, Brats, Hot Dogs, Beef sandwich, it's been aweso me. Whether here or at home have an awesome senior year. Val - Thanks fo r just being a wonderful person. Wayland ma kes things happen th at at other places wouldn't happen, and I'm glad it does. Salter- Shut up. Pogue - If you can pimp it up in college, like yo u do here, I'll have to buy yo u a cane. John and Otis - "Hey wanna go**** with folk" All right. Dan -I just love the smell of your feet in the morning . Larry, Don, Pete, Wacker - I wish you could have stayed for one more. Jannotta- I as ked you if I should go here and yo u gave me the greatest advice I've gotten . To everyone else in Chicago - Let's play some football boys.

Mom and Dad- Thank you for loving me enough for sending me away. I love you . Grandma, Grandpa and Busha- Thank you for all of your support all the letters, care packages and 1-800COOKIES. Veneca- The best friend anyone could ever have, and the best roommate of all times. What more can I say? I love you babe. Paul- Brother of the year-thank you for being there "P-diddy" Mr. Kasper- Three years of the gi rl power cirde ... doesn't that say enough? Thank you for being such a great mentor. Jeff- You are such a winner- and so perfect, too! Katie-TLC in JC Penny, Have you ever been stuck in a window? There have been some great times (and still plenty more to come). Ms. Kesler- Thanks for making the dorm our home. Sean- Homecoming date #6, thanks for the good times, and the best hug . Esther- Four year boarding girl, a rare species. Keep on dancing. You are Tiffany- Purple power, princess. Megan- Girl power circle-forever, baby. Thanks for loving math so much, and Mr. Kasper. Maja- My favorite freshman. Just relax and avoid Ouija boards and instant messanger. Oanielle&Katherine- Chinese cook on Sunday. Nice try, but you know you never could have been us. Hilary- Curly-sue, no matter what the gi rl power circle lives on forever. Josh- Thanks for the poems, I'll treasure them always. Juan- The best dancer in the world, who's your daddy? Zuskar- For inspiring me. Hey, guesss what! We're graduating!! Thora- For neve r being mad ... how do you do it? Brian- King of the world, milk it for all it's worth. Gen-Peach sisters always stick together Chelsea-For everything you do for everyone, thanks for always being someone to count on Oliver- Way to be green Kristen- For being such an awesome friend, even though it gets hard. Abel- My personal mentor, thanks for teaching me so much. Joe- My first husband, wish you would have stuck around a little longer... Sheranita- For teaching me to love everything, like fish, as much as people. All of the teachers- You dedicate so much of your lives to he lp us learn and grow much of which goes unrecognized. I think that I can speak for all of the students when I say thank you. You are what makes Wayland such a great place. "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along"' -Eleanor Roosevelt


"Every little girl is a princess." -The Little Princess

"For memory has painted this perfect day with colors that never fade ... and we find at the end of a perfect day the soul of a friend we've made." -Arthur Symons

Mom & Dad- Thanks for everything. You'll never know how much I appreciate you guys. Kersty- (roomie, schlampe, perfect, German, and travel buddy) Are you ready Buffy? .. .. I'm just a teenage dirtbag . Boy Toys??-Fernando was the Though every day I spent at Wayland hasn't been perfect, they were best! [59:13], English lessons, calculus 'discussions', late night talks, hormone all filled with memories I'll carry with me for the rest of my life. Mom dances, Kings motel, and fights (you're learning!) Remember to find happiness! (I predict you'll find it) Don't forget that I hate you. Nat- I can hear you! Moo!, and Dad: Thank you for all of your love and patience. Luke: I wish but I don't think you were sleeping. Matthew M. is ugly. Not playing snood you were still here, but I'm proud that you aren't. Meggie: My best doesn't make you f*@#ed! Wednesday night phun & excursions to the shanty. friend , keep dancing and putting a smile on every guy that walks by. Genipoo- grrrrr .... Track Buddies!! I swear you're going to spontaneously comI'll miss you. Megan & Esther: I'll remember my captains forever ... bust. Free periods will never be the same. "This is my last resort ... " Taco Bell for Esther•.. Thanks for listening .. . KH&CC...Your music is the best cure .. .In a last meal. Did !just get flicked off? .... crunch! You're a well, .... you know what the arms of the angels ... Reo, Ki Jun, and Bum Seok ... the younger you are! E.H.-make sure you don't get hypothermia. E. D.- Are you up for a swim? brothers I never had ... Thanks for always being there to smile. Take Brown-Thanks for helping me, especially up the stairs. Sus-Knock! Knock! Becare and Good Luck. Yoko, Akiko, Tomoko. Just Kevin! YSK, WWK: lieve it, see it, we're #1! M.C.-Physics dates & frosting in the carpet. L.P.-Was it the sex at the beach? B.Z.- Bullcrap! C'mon give him a workcrew! S.M.- You'll Your hard work will soon bring you happiness. Good luck in the always be THAT lifeguard. N.R. -Sorry that we left you alone for an hour. future. WWK ... Your situation is much better... Frank ... You will find

your Asian beauty soon ... (but I'll be looking for your sign ... later) Jun : You always know what to say. I missed you this year, but you were still here. Thank you for teaching me that life goes on ... Hyun Sam: Na nun no han te jal ga ra nun mal ul hal pil yo ga ob so. Wae nya ha myun no nun na han te ga jang ga kka un sa ram i go no nun on je na na ui ga sum sok e issul te ni kka na no ui kkum i on jen ga hyun shilto da a o gi rut ba rat kke. No nun nae ga no rut ot ma na ja rang su ro wo ha nun ji juk o do mo rut kko ya .. .... Thank you for everything.


"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts. You have to remember this when you find yourself at the beginning ." - Hope Floats

Well, it has been a long three years but I had some fun . I would like to thank LP, KH, PH, BZ, SM, CM, & WG for being there and making me laugh so much. I would like to thank RK, WK, FY, JS, & HK for being my good international buds! PS & DF For being my jammin' partners. NL, KH, IT, & GR for being the coolest girls to hang at BZ's room & making all my buds go nuts for you. Special thanks to John Petrucci & Mesa/Boogie. I met a lot of interesting people in my stay and it was worth it. Good luck to you all next year and keep it real. SM-Remember your disease! "Isn't it past your bedtime?" CM-WHAT? WHAT DID I DO? Don't lose you keys in the bushes again. WG-Our road trip from LA to Chicago was one hell of a ride ... lets go to New York next time. JS-Mira eso marica!! Mamita rica! KH-Iced Earth and Pantera all the way! Hope to see you as my roommate next year! LP-The coolest roommate for two out of my three years. I'll never forget your "SMS's" and Venezuela . OF-Pegasus the "homosexual horse" PH- I'm coming to Germany this summer! "Du bist die duemmste schlampe und ein kopf voll scheisse!" BZ-Perfect Prefect! You're still more parsimonious than me "Stinge-0" GR-Thank GOD I dropped Bio AP... so how much homework did you have? JP-WESTSIDE!!!!! Mustafa's in da' house! "Seize the Day, I heard him say, Life will not always be this way, Look around & hear the sounds, Cherish your life while you're still around" -Dream Theater "Free!'' -Phish


Here is EMPTY and so is life. Back off! The biggest MISTAKE you've ever made is being BORN! The worst thing that will ever happen when the one you TRUST stabs you in the back! Whatever is achieved in your lifetime becomes NOTHING after your DEATH! SO WHY TRY?

First I would like to thank my family. I also want to thank Wayland Academy for flying Mr. Boucher out to Saudi Arabia. If he hadn't stopped by Jubil Academy I probably would not have found Wayland. Thanks should also go to Dan Jahnke and his excellent touring ability, which made me choose Wayland. Leo - Where should I begin. In my three years at Wayland you have been my closest amigo. Thanks for always being there for me. Alex - Too bad you and Wyatt got stuck in Las Vegas the concert was awesome! Sometime next year we can come back together and collect our hundred dollars. Fishboy - Don't give up. Your time will come. Chris- So, do you ride a camel to school in Saudi Arabia? Kevin - I'm still waiting for the picture of that horse. RC - My first true Chicagoian friend. Stop studying so much, take a breather. Natalie- From calling me at 1 a.m. to being your softball manager you've made my Wayland experience a lot of fun. Thanks for all the fun times. Gen - My Cuban prom date! You've been such an awesome friend. I'm gonna miss you not being there to hang out with next year. Thanks for always being there. Tiffany- I'm going to be Pepe's godfather. Maybe he'll grow up to be a tucker! Kerstin - I'm sure I have a bag of Chex Mix somewhere in my room for you. Zuskar - Sorry about those disgusting fish, it was Don's fault anyway. Curt - Thanks for being such a cool roommate. I'm sure my computer misses all the attention it got from you. I bet that light above your bed doesn't. Wyatt- L.A. to Wisconsin in a $500 Volvo ... nice


EA - Got him on radar! Going for the pudden!

KR - Got a lube job, she's runnin' fine in 3rd gear. OJ - Turn back on the lights! CS - I'm gonna get this here truck started. TG - What up G money! OM - I'm so high, I think i'm drunk. AH - She's so hot AG - One click! RE - Come back Reed , come back! JB- Remember the gift in your mail? KS - Refrigerator fool

I want to thank my mother and father for sending me to Wayland, and all the teachers I had for putting up with me throughout the past 4 years. I know it has been hard but somehow we all managed. Mr. Kasper- It's been nice having an old man teach me how to ski. I have had a lot of fun. Thank You. I have had many experiences and met lots of people, that I wouldn't have been able to do or meet anywhere else. "The state of man: inconsistency, boredom, anxiety."

路~ .. but then came the day I climbed out af these safe limbs ventured away Walking tall, head high up and singing ... Now I am the proudest monkey you've ever seen." -Dave Matthews Band

The first person I want to thank is my sister, for all those times she gave me advice and I pretended I wasn't listening, I was. Next I want to thank my parents for pushing me on, even when I fought back so hard. Mom Thanks for the laundry and Dad thanks for actually staying outside and watc hing my football games. Molly- I love you and thanks for putting up with me .. .! WILL GET MY LICENSE. ME -You'll probably never read this but I still think you're cool (and my best friend) CM - No, bad, wrong. CC- Tell Curt to stop picking on me, thanks to the both of you and have a happy life. AE - Thanks for the American Government help and taking my best friend away. J/K he liked you better anyways. KH- Thanks for letting me cry on you. VS- Cover up that skin young lady! KS - Thanks for the chips, and you were a great roommate. HW It was a learning experience. Maybe we'll talk to each other again in 5 years. BZ & EW - While I was sleeping, I mean come on guys that's icky. AK- Help me, I need a lot of help! Have fun everyone



WAYLAND ACADEMY Top row-left to right



ClASS OF 200 1 Top row-left to right



Megan Christian: I will Leah Martens my angelic wings and halo. Thora: To Abby I will everything I already left in her room -you have them anyway. Laura Cole: To Emily Whitehorn I will my love for Ryan Obrecht and my hate for the hairy faced monster. Zuskar: I will my choir anoyances to Weigy. I will my cuteness to Mol Monster. I will my fruit knowledge to

Em. Larry: I will my McGuyver skills to Terry C. and also my Horicon Harem. I will my computer skills to Mr. Lash and Mr. Hanlon. Rob: I will the engine of my car to Larry Bislew. I also will my job to Will Krupecki (get a job). Tait: I'll give my first 8 to Oliver and the other 3 to Salfer. Gen: I will my magnificent matching abilities to Lana. Tiffany: I will benior sitch to M.P.C. Emily Haselby: I will the senior rack to Jordan Cole. Eric Davis: I will my key collection to Joan & Wyatt. Josh Pogue: I will my love for evil girls to Mike Theiman. I will my awsome game to that sweet thug- Eoin

Sheil. I will my special doll to Phillp Huffman so he can take it back. I will everything else to soccer girl and Heather Matthews can have whatever she doesn't want. Ted Zieman: I will my mad sewing and quilting skills to Shawn Arndt. I will the ski cape to Chuck Whitlock,

that is a cape that has been passed from many generations before me and only goes to the coolest kids, Keep it going Chuck!!!! Tom CampbeLL: I will my furniture and leadership of the football team to Oliver Whybrow. Also I will the fur

coat to Zan Roberts. Chris Starz: I will my optmism to Justin Salfer. Kingston: I will Terrence my GPA. Javier: I will my furniture, and my ties, and a couple of few selected clothes to my primo, "Jamie McCallum".


Ethan Allured

Josh Anderson

Nicholas Andrews

Gordon Au

Gabriel Borrud

Terry Cheatham

Jordon Cole

Cen Cui

Matthew Daly


Jordan Esten

Daniel Fourness

Wyatt Glodell

Sarah Hajny

Blair Halverson

Alana Hanson

Philip Huffmann

Brandon Jones

Nicholas Kavelaris

Humza Khan

William Krupecki

Erin Lamm

Joan Marsden

Leah Martens

Laura Matic

James McCallum

Tina Mihalyovics

Erica Millspaugh

Alexandra Munson

Tomoko Omura

Lawson Reif

Lindsay Reynolds

Meghan Patrick-Crane

Abby Rehfeld


Suzanne Roberts

Terrence Robinson

Justin Salfer

Ali Sammour

Jennifer Schiefer

Jordan Schneider

Peter Sloane

Laura Stegeman

Jin Suntivich

Nicholas Teachout 55

Michael Thieman

Jenny Tumsantia

Kendall Vingua

Oliver Whybrow

Brian Wilson

Emily Whitehorn


Jeremy Wood

Charles Whitlock

Zeyep Bercu Yenipinar


Mike Adams

Ki-Jun Ahn

Christopher Apple

Danielle Assa

Kamil Bilgic

Jeffery Boness

Jawonza Books

Adrell Bullock

Tad Conant


o~ c

~a. CI ~N

Justin Edwards

Amanda Eisenreich

Anthony Elder

Courtney Elliot

Amelia Faber

Yi Fang

Patrick Favre

Maeve Fischer

Adam Ford

Ryan Gilbert

Amber Gillespie

Evan Golub

Karl Holik

Katie Huss

Sarah Hutchinson

Molly Johnson

Christopher Kiersten

Akiko Kimura

Nikalas Krueger

Jeffrey Kuehling

Amanda Lembach

Dana Leystra

Jessica Marine

Katherine McCray

Chase Murphy

Darryl Owens

Bum Seok Park

Weston Radford

Natalia Rocha

Corinne Romero

Pamela Rossell

Trina Saladin

Jessica Starcevich

William Steffenson


Vanessa Schmidt

Eoin Sheil


Jacob Anderson

Shawn Arndt

Karen Balfe

Nicholas Brozek

Daniel Cobb

Ashley Conant


~ c:J I

"' c:J Y.l


Bakary Dao

Alonzo DeMarr

Jacob Disch

Wei-Lun Fu

Gary Gustafson

Matthew Harker

Yoko Hasegawa

Jennifer Johnson

Brittany Jordt

Kolin Kasten

Reo Kawai

Bridget Kileen

Elise Krause

Kevin Krueger

Michael Krupecki

Lydia LuyTan

Sean Maloney

Heather Matthews

Krista Maxson

Catherine Miller

Emily Mulder

Keegan Rehfeldt

Emily Rhatican

Juan Rocha

Tara Stadele

Chris Victoria

Nicholas Wang

Admissions Dean: Richard Eber Admin. Asst.: Louise Hoff Counselor: Lana Knoener Counselor: Megan Catalfamo Counselor: Kris Boucher (not pictured)


Advancement Dean/Ella Dye Director: Peter Trau Dir. of Publications: Trevor Durham Dir. of Alumni/Parent: Lisa Rogers Admin. Asst.: Rose Schaalma

...olllllllllll "'111111111111

Athletics Head Boys Basketball Coach: Eli Crogan Director: Craig Hill Asst. to AD: Bill Leubke Asst. AD/Ceramics: Fredrika Susnar

Business Office Accountant: Linda Grieoentrog ~ Business Manager: Michael Stabler .......... Admin. Asst.: Lori Stricker 70


President of Wayland/Victorian Literature: Dr. Alfred W. Grieshaber Faculty/Warren Cottage Dir.: Martha Kesler Faculty/Asst. Dean of Students: Linda Fischer Faculty/Drama: Matthew Owens Department Chair: John Patterson

Fine Arts

Chapel Organist/Accompanist: Eli Seighman .......... Choral Music: Darrell Sampson ........... Dept. Chair/Instrumental Music: Tom Patterson Visual Arts/Yearbook: Evan Brown Foreign Language

Spanish: Daniel Miller Departmental Chair/Spanish: Michael Schnieder .......... Academic Dean/Spanish: Jospeh Lennertz ........... German: James Borrud


Department Chair: Diane Alpaugh Chair for Computer Science/History: Richard Lash Faculty: Johnathan Cicchini Dean of Students/Economics/Wayland Hall Director: Robert Maclellan Faculty: Richard Catalfamo Economics/CTP Tutor/Glen Dye Director: Judy Hill

Swan Library

Director: Eli Seighman Assitant Librarian: Carol Miller


Faculty/Dye Chair of Religion: Tyler Graham Department Chair: David Kasper Faculty: Nicole Eber Faculty: Karen Bleifuss

Maintenance Doug Levenhagen, Michael DeVries, Jan Falkinham, Kenny Bence, Linda Eggers, Rick Pittman (Director), Pat Tabb, Chuck Leystra, Christine Shananaquet, Karen Owens

Nurses Diane Moungey, Kathy Kayon 72


Department Chair/ Chemistry: Elias Khreish Faculty: Craig Hill Biology: Karen Bleifuss Faculty: Fredrika Susnar Physics: Mitch Disch

The Wayland Store Roxanne Kotek, Janet Hessler

Jean Allemand Admin. Asst. to the Academic Dean

Judy Coyle Admin. Asst. to the President

Carol Becker Admin . Asst. to the Dean of Students

George Hanlon Director of Student Activities Asst. Dean of Students

Katherine Maclellan Glen Dye Supervisor

Not Pictured

Melina Miller Sodexo Food Services 73


Front Row: Coach Piekarski, Dan Cobb, Evan Golub, Micheal Zuskar, Tom Campbell, Chris Victoria (manager), Yenipinar Zeyep Bercu (manager), Mark Ohrtman, Adrell Bullock, Sean Maloney, Matthew Harker, Coach Catalfamo Second Row: Coach Hill, Keegan Rehfeldt, Jeffrey Boness, Brian Wilson , Tad Conant. Oliver Whybrow, Jeff Tait, Charles Whitlock, Gary Gustafson, Coach Disch. Third Row: Coach Luebke, Joshua Pogue, Mitch Disch, Anthony Elder, Ali Sammour, Jeremy Wood, Roy Kim, Jawonza Brooks, Micheal Adams, Coach Maclellan. Back Row: Terrence Robinson, Brian Zafian, Robert Pittman, Josh Anderson, Jacob Anderson, Nikalas Krueger, Joseph Diancin, Darryl Owens .


Front Row: Jeffery Kuehling, Ki-Jun Ahn, Jordan Esten, Eoin Sheil, Weston Radford.

Middle Row: Coach Trau, Bakary Dao, Chris Starz, Kirk Stelsel, Nicholas Teachout, Coach Graham. Back Row: Andrew Ford, Sean Arndt, Theodore Zieman, Peter Sloane, Humza Khan.


Back Row: Mr. Luebke, Dan Jahnke [manager], Natalie Litow, Tiffany Tropino, Gen Rades, Hilary Disch, Mr. Brown.

Front Row: Emily Haselby [manager], Laura Stegeman, Leah Martens, Megan Christian, Meghan Tomberlin, Heather Matthews, Jennie Olson [manager]. Missing: Jessica Tomberlin


Front Row: Natalia Rocha, Catherine Miller, Emily Mulder, Abbi Stuaan, Karen Balfe, Darcy Trapp, Emliy Rhatican.

Back Row: Mr. Khreish, Maeve Fischer, Jennifer Schiefer, Maja Stevanovich, Amber Gillespie, Laura Matic Missing: Ms. Susnar

Back Row: Sanden Averett, Jessica Marine, Amelia Faber, Meghan Patrick-Crane, Pamela Rossell, Joan Marsden. 11!~11!1


Middle Row: Ashley Kuenzi, Chelsey Seippel, Jordan Cole, Ms. Alpaugh, Akiko Kimura, Katie Huss. Front Row: Trina Saladin, Erin Lamm, Lindsay Reynolds, Thora Stoutner, Dana Leystra .


Back Row: Ms. Kesler, Michael Webb, Rajeev Kumar, Alana Hanson. Front Row: Amanda Eisenreich, Adam Ford, Michael Thieman, Brandon Jones.

•••••••••• Front Row: Emily Whitehorn,Laura Cole. Second Row: Daniel Cobb,Nikalas Krueger.



Front Row: Valerie Szymanski, Esther Aubry Second Row: Megan Christian,Jessica Tomberlin, Veneca Elder,Leah Martens Third Row: Jessica Starcevich,Meghan Tomberlin,Darcy Trapp, Brittany Jordt, Emily Mulder, Molly Johnson, Erin Lamm,Jennifer Johnson,Suzanne Roberts,Laura Stegeman, Hilary Disch. Back Row: Bridget Killeen,Tara Stadele,Yoko Hasegawa,Rosalyn Davis,Abby Rehfeldt.


Front Row: Manager Michael Krupecki, Bakary Dao, Little Alex,Gary Gustafson,Adrell Bullock,Manager Larry Bislew. Second Row: Mr. Luebke,Shawn Arndt, Kirk Stelsel, Jawonza Brooks, Lawson Reif, Jordan Esten, Coach Crogan. Thrid Row: Jacob Anderson,Humza Khan,Terrence Robinson,Josh Anderson,Kingston Reif,William Steffenson .


Front Row: Coach Kesler, Elise Krause,Courtney Elliott,Chris Victoria,Megan PatrickCrane,Manager Varissa Tumsantia Second Row:Lydia LuyTan, Christopher Kiersten,Jeremy Woods,Javier Soriano,Keegan Rehfeldt,Ki-Jun Ahn. Thrid Row:Danielle Assa,Jordan Cole,Peter Sloane,Laura Matic,Emily Haselby.


Front Row: Coach Kasper,Ashley Kuenzi,Jenny Schiefer,Amelia Faber,Kevin Krueger,Coach Alpaugh. Second Row: Kolin Kasten,Jeffrey Kuehling,James McCallum,Justin Salfer,Chris Starz,Kiel Starcevich. Thrid Row: Charles Whitlock,Eric Davis, Theodore Zieman,Ethan Allured,Jeffrey Boness, Daniel Jahnke .


Front Row: Coach Susnar,Natalie Litow, Bridget Slinger, Kersti n Hufnagl,Natalia Rocha. Second Row: Abbigail Stuaan,Amanda Eisenreich, Tiffany Tropino,Emily Rhatican,Maja Stevanovich.


Front Row: Akiko Kimura, Jennifer Schiefer, Chelsea Coffman,Genevieve Rades, Tiffany Tropino. Second Row: Jacob Disch,Gary Gustafson,Adrell Bullock,Ethan Allured. Third Row: Yi Fang,Yoko Hasegawa,Tomoko Omura,Bum Seok Park. Back Row: Nikalas Krueger,Brian Zafian,Ernest Cheng, Jawonza Brooks,Andy Ford, Chris Starz .


From Left: Paul Szymanski, Peter Sloane, Nicholas Brozek,Gabe Borrud,Ted Zieman,Lawson Reif, Shawn Arndt, Jordan Esten, Kingston Reif.


Front Row: Matthew Harker,Keegan Rehfeldt,Jeffrey Boness, Peter Harker,Tom Campbell, Charles Whitlock. Back Row: Josh Anderson,Brandon Jones,William Krupecki,Darryl Owens,Coach Cicchini, Nicholas Teachout,Gabe Borrud .


Front Row: Ashley Conant,Courtney Elliott,Amelia Faber, Krista Maxson, Brittany Jordt, Heather Matthews. Second Row: Kerstin Hufnagl,Ash ley Kuenzi, Emily Rhatican,Coach Graham, Lindsey Reynolds, Katie Huss. Back Row: Vanessa Schmidt,Pamela Rossell,Natalia Rocha,Megan Patrick-Crane.


Front Row: Jennifer Johnson, Elise Krause, Catherine Mi ller,A rna nda Eisenreich, Karen Balfe, Emily Mulder,Katie Haag,Andrea Edwards. Back Row: Tara Stadele,Laura Stegeman,Natalie Litow,Leah Martens,Laura Matic,Lydia LuyTan,Tina Mihalyovics,Assistant Coach Luebke .


Front Row: Kolin Kasten,Juan Rocha,Humza Khan. Second Row: Manager Yenipinar Zeyep Bercu, Manager Chelsey Seippel,Christopher Kiersten. Back Row: Jeff Kuehling,Kirk Stelsel,Kamil Bilgic, Terry Cheatham




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You wanted more photos! We gave you more photos! I know there was some dissatisfaction last year with the number and size of images in the 2000 book, so we made it our mission this year to get as many pictures of the Wayland Community as possible. I sincerely hope you enjoy the 2001 Pillars, but if you do have any complaints...take it up with Esther. Thank you to Mr. Durham and anyone el e who supplied us with photographs when we needed them. Most importantly, congratulations to this year's staff, the book looks great and you did an excellent job.

Thanks to the staff for all your co-operation. The long hours outside of class really paid off. Kingston and Terrence, thanks for always being so entertaining. Yeah Ted, you tool! Try not to staple yourself! larry, I don't know why I'm giving you the satisfaction of a place in my quote. Brown, thanks for setting up the new yearbook pad and letting me throw parties at your house. Tom, you're welcome for all the help with studying for English.

Da Guys: Larry Bislew-techinal coordinator, faculty section; Tom Campbell-Assistant to Esther, senior section, official yeabook narcoleptic; T-Rob and King-Sports section ; Teddy Z-clubs section; Brown-everything else that wasn 't already covered. Da Girls: Laura Cole and Jenny Scheifer (not pictured) -underclass section and photography; Esther-Editor, senior section, and everything else Brown missed . Lindsay-events section



2¢ WORTH ...

Kingston Reif Although Terrence's numerous inadequides hin~ dered the progess of the sports pages, I managed to pull of a miracle and complete it in time. My presence on the staff was integral to the cohesion of this annual publication.

' "Smile, it's for the yearbook!" How many have heard this sentence from me thoughout the year. The underclass pages are compleated and my candids pictures are found on almost every page, I told you you'd be in the YEARBOOK!

Lindsay Reynolds

Tom Campbell

Larry Bislew

In honor of all of my guys back home who couldn't make it to Beaver Dam I'll be referred to by my rightfuL name (Ross Milla) from this day forward. By the way yearbook was a gr-eat class.

As you can see-I learned much in yearbook. Likebubbles bounce off of carpeted fL{)ors, and that the rat will eventually stop following me. This class sure kept me sane. I had a lot of fun.

Thanks for Lettin me sleep Brown-dog. We had some good times just sitten around talkin and listenin to music. I had a blast.

Yearbook was unique with the new system of submissions and the massive deadline. The class was filled with exciting and interesting friends this year.

Blah blah blah blah. Yeah, anyways, yearbook was a lot of fun. It was my most favorite class of the day and I had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!

My name is Ted Zieman. I matriculated at Wayland Academy, and I partidpated in the creation of the 2000/2001 yearbook . Yearbook helped me intelectualy, helped my selfappearance, and I no longer like women. The act of being able to put together a page for a book and seeing my work published is a very large rush for me. Yearbook made me a better person, thank you Mr. Brown.

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