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I Will ... ERIN-senior princess to Darcy. WILL-my eccentricity to Boness, Krueger, and Murphy and peace of mind to everyone else. JORDAN C-senior rack to Danielle. KENDALL- Le Petit Poisson to Vaness~ a~d my
general interpersonal hostility to MarJone. TERRENCE-my ju-ice Pooh. LEAH-my ability to get away with everything toMeghan T. GORDON-my ramen to Marcus. ETHAN-to everyone the power to enhance the calm and to Boness my size MEGHAN-benior sitch to Natalia. LAWSON-my sarcasm and ability to clown to Eoin Sheil. ALANA-my SAT score to Eoin. JORDAN S-my work ethic and study habits to
Kristin. TOMOKO-Eoin to Erin E. SUZANNE-my ability to never sleep to Amanda L. JAMIE-my fine booty to Yi Ding. TERRY-my computer skills to Kolin Kasten. DANN-my cynicism to Eoin. NICK-my little brother to Amanda E. JIN-my Chinese fluency to Anny. JORDAN E-my monstrous muscles to Weston.
PETER-my pink suit to Adam B. LAURA M-senior sweetheart to Abbi S. CEN-my hair to the Asians. CHUCK-my lady's man shirt to Pete Harker. GABE-my Doc Martens to Arndt. BLAIR-my exemplary behavior to Adam B. ABBY-my orangeness to Maja. BRANDON-my cross country skills to Ben S. NII<KI-my sense of style to Kelly. DAVID-my blue superman underwear to Evan. LAURA S-my army skills to Reo Kawai. MII<E-my school store account to Abigail B. JUSTIN-my extreme love for Wayland to Weston. HUMZA-the thrown, starting with Jeff Jenks, then to Joe Westra, then to myself, and now to Shawn Arndt. ~ Senior Wills 15
* * __ Ju an ,..._
Class Clowns Blair Halverson &
Leah Martens
Likely to Succeed Jordan Esten
Mama's Boy/Girl Lawson Reif &
Alana Hanson
Jordan Cole
Teacher's Pets Gabe Borrud
Class Cry Babies Justin Salfer
Laura Stegeman
Likely to Marry Each Other Dann Fourness &
Alana Hanson
•••• ..
Kendall Vingua
Class Flirts Peter Sloane
16 Senior Poll
Erin Lamm
Class Jocks Terrence Robinson &
Jordan Cole
Next Einstein Alana Hanson &
Jin Suntivich
Best Dressed Jordan Esten &
Laura Matic
Future Faculty Gabe Borrud &
Class Angels Eth an Allured &
Kenda ll Vingua
Tomoko Omura
Biggest Slackers Laura Stegeman
Soon to be seen on Jerry Springer Erin Lamm
Justin Sa lfer
Jordan Schneider
Simply Irresistible Jordan Esten
Class Nuts Kendall Vingua
Meghan Pa trick-Crane
CutiePies Tomoko Omura &
Jamie McCallu m
Jin Suntivich
Future Ruler of the Universe Hum za Khan
Senior Poll17
'A ..
Ethan Allured "Strike a match and hope it lasts, here's to following your own lead" -Less than Jake "The most valuable things in your life are those that you earn." -Anon "Find something that you really care about, then live a life that shows it." -Anon "Great achievements aren't born, dreams are." -Anon "Find myself inside myself, and no one else can find it for me" -Catch 22 "A jar of honey will fix that" -Winnie the Pooh "Resist doing things that have no meaning for life." -Anonymous "There is no place so insignificant that spoiling it would not affect tomorrow." -Anonymous "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can fire our minds" -Bob Marley "Success is obedience to a structured way of life" -Op Ivy
Mom and Dad- Thank you for all you have given me. Thank you for your ever present support and encouragement. I wouldn't be here without you. Thanks for believing in me. Amy- With four more years of experience than you, I can tell you that it isn't easy, but it's not impossible. Don't worry too much, have fun and explore, little sister, you won't regret your life if you do. Grandma and Grandpa- Thank you for giving me the education. Knowledge is the greatest gift, and I will use it to the best of my ability. To all of my teachers- Thank you for the worlds that you have opened my eyes to. Your teachings have shown me the vast universe that is mine to travel. With the light that you have given me, I will continue to build fires and brighten the earth. Wildfire will spread, but I will know where the spark came from. To my friends- What am I without you? After four long years, you have been my life. J.B.- "My my my how the time does fly ... " Good luck with the rest of school and stay insane. C.M.- Keep chillin dog. Peace V.S.- I want some brownies ... should we tell them? Summer was fun, lets do it again. Keep the ugly sweaters and stay punk. Ertz-dog! M.F.- Line here ... you've crossed. What about your mom? McDonalds forever (mirrors and montes). M.S.- I'm back! J.J.- Johnson! G.B.- MMM ... breakfast! The five minute destruction of Oedipus Rex. No woman, No cry. Keep plain' that funky music white boy. J.S.- Keep chasing Hard Drive, you never know. Friction, baby. Photosynthesis ... whum! Where do you come up with this stuff? Everyone else: Good luck in your future, whatever you choose to do with it. Life is a gift, you didn' t ask for it, but you have it anyway, make the best of it.
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18 Senior Boys
Terry Cheatham
Mom-Thanks for always pushing me so hard ... you were right, it does help you in the long run! Jerry-"Maybe it was that sensor, or was it that pump? Oh well! We'll just replace them one by one till we get it to work the way that we want it to!" Ms. Bleifuss-You have been the best mentor that anyone could ever ask for. Mike-There was this famous quote from the movie "Tremors II," It went something like this ... "I ran completely out of ammo, that's never happened to me before, ever." Kolin-Are your pants still tingling? Will-If you ever get bored and need something to do, you can try to take me on in a driving simulator, because I know better than to take you on in a flight simulator. And yes cars will fly in the future. I think that you have to add more than just wings on them though! Leah-No one will make fun of you in that short skirt if you put it in your senior page.:) And make sure to take care of that teddy bear. John-RIC is my life and everything else is my hobby!!!! Travis-Aamir still has the head of the class- what are you going to do about that? Bill W.-Poooooooof- BARK!!! Everyone that I left out-I wish you luck on all of your endeavors.
Senior Boys 21
'A ..
Jordan Cole
Mom & Larry- Sometimes I really thought I wasn't going to make it. Oddly, I am not talking about my career at Wayland. I am talking about the time you rescued me from inside the dishwasher when I was a toddler; the time you rushed me to the hospital after splitting my head open; and the time you came and got me when the road had flooded. It' s what you do, and it' s what you' ve always done-watch out for me. There were those times when I thought that you had abandoned me- when you didn ' t pick me up from preschool on time; when I woke up alone in the house; when I was so sure that you would never return from that Christmas party. But you both have always come through. Thank yo u for making me the strong woman I am, intelligent in my decisions and honest in my work. Thank you for canng enough to whoop me when I needed it, but also congratulating me when it was deserved. I know how much of a sacnf1ce It was for you to send me both financially and emotionally. I hope that I have made it worth the struggle. I appreCIate everything you 've done to help me be here, but moreover, what you did to help me be successful in the world. You truly are wonderful parents. Thank you for only being at the neighbors when I woke up alone, thank you for always helping me maneuver out of danger. P.S.: Mom, sorry about making yo u worry (can we say Orlando?) and Larry, sorry I never became a cowgirl, but you got something better- a crafty little girl who is excellent at carving things into window sills. !love you both. Josh- Ok, besides that little eight month haitus of refusing to talk to you, we've had a great childhood. We've grown up, though, and I couldn't be more proud of my big brother. You have always watched out for me, if we just ignore those little incidents of throwing me into closet doors and hitting me in the face with golf clubs. Don' t worry, I still love you and I am happy we have gotten so close.! wi ll always be your Iii' sis and couldn' t have asked for a better big brother. I'll forever cling to you. Taffy- My identical twin sister! I love you to death! Thank you for all the emails and terrific sisterly advice. Oh and thank you for always being the kind siblin g (as opposed to Josh who loved flipping me over in the shopping carts) Thanks for your non-abusive tendencies. (stamps are great!)
·~ ..
22 Senior Girls
Meghan- My little megamo?, magpie, megzilIa, miss meghan, megharoru- coula I make you sound anymore like a little kid? But we're not little baby girls anymore! We are grown, mature, young women ... uh, who just happen to have an uncontrollable giggle side, a fetish for random acts ofcrawlingdown the hallway, and love for frosted flakes. (hee hee) And I know we have had our blowups in the past, but just remember-l'm not the one with tnewater buckets. But on a more serious note, thank you for all the love & support, I would have lost it without you. But after our invention of the shower charade, (what can ya do, we just love showers) I tl'link its pretty arguable that we did lose our minds regardless. You are my best friend, even if you never go platinum: But honestly, you are my other half and I will forever thank you for being there for me. Zan- I want my boat! Where' s my boat? Ahh, the woman after my own heart. Just remember we' ll always be glamour queenseven with psycho curls. We' ve been through some crazy times- sorry about that book fthrew at you when we were fighting that one time. Nevertheless, "You're my little trofhy!" I actually am yours ... Comparin g ge products. You may be the youngest, but you are not the most innocent! For quite some time we were on the same level- but you had to go and get a hole in your boat, attempt to swim upstream, and then get stuck in stagnant water! Way to go sweets! But !love you thanks for all our crazy times. Take care and see you in California! Laura, Tomoko, & Erin- My little sweeties. Field hockey will always be something to remember. Erin stay outta trouble and take a karate class so you can actually back up all your smack talk :) Tomoko- we survived warren, you made it all easier. Stay sweet! Laura- roomies forever! Spazmatic! What color children are playing in the street?
Natalia- One word: EEEEWWWW!!!! Oh my little daughter! My tanning buddy, my Spanish tutor & mini-me. Why don't you "schooch" on over. ha ha 1 Porque no? Porque si? Pe-coooock! Take care my little munchkin, afways know how much I love ya. Te quiero mas que ayer. . Danielle- You take care my little one. I am so happy you decided to stay- you always know how to make me Iau!?h. And remember all those times I wouldn't let you 111 the pool for not doing a certa111 someth111g? It was for your own good, I promise. Thank you for always being my confidant- and hey! Wanna dnve to Chicago? Make sure we have a ton of change! You are the best and you 've kept me grounded. Adrell- Thanks for waiting for me. You are one of my greatest influences of strength, love, and perseverance. I couldn't be more thankful for what we have learned from each other, and the stability we achieved in our relationship. I will not wri te everything I need or want to say- that's for another time. I thin!< we both know what we've found, and the fact that by sequence of events our two worlds met. I "Yill forever think of you as one of the greatest people I ve ever encountered, and know that I love you. P.S. (couple things- the blue shorts, "rehabilitation", running tights, "the pictures", and doctor' s like their patients.) Meghan T., Darcy, Abbi- You girls a;e the cutest and the craziest! Thanks for all your little VISits when we're on duty and crazy nights in the dorm. Take care of each other and don ' t worry- some day I'll adopt you. Loves! Terrence- Hey, nice "heels". I thoroughly enjoyed our eccentric talks before Spanish, and looks like you'll have to find somebodynew to decipher your stories. Thanks for all the advice- or maybe It would be better called "all the times I made you tell me and forced it out of you!" You really are a piece of workbut don't worry- Your secrets are safe with me. At least until you' re famous and rumors about you miraculously resurface. (N-Sync-need I say more?) Jordan E.- "Can I talk to your mom?" It' s been a pleasure knowing you since freshman year. Especially since we have the best names 111 the world. And Its O.K., I understand that you wish you had been born a girl Jordan . And for goodness sake, "Stay away from brunettes, they are nothing' but trouble.' "But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength; They will mount up with wings on eagles; they will run and not be weary; They shall walk and not be faint" -Isaiah 40:31
Daniel Fourness
As I sit here with Alkaline Triton on repeat, attempting to write my statement that sums up my high school career, I can't help but think that I am lucky to have been here. So many people have had such a profound, positive influence on my life that it almost makes me forget the ignorant majority that have made my life a living hell the past three yeas. But, aside from that, there are too many people to thank and too many memories that would be cheapened by the mere fact that I am mentioning them. My friends know who they are and they know how much they mean to me. There is nothing more to say. "I do what I want. I can't predict the future. I don't care' cuz I know they're all liars ... Correction- I need no correction. Let me go just one last time. I spent my whole life looking for direction, just let me go one last time." -Let Me Go-Rancid "Regrets, I've had a few-but then again, too few to mention . I did what I had to do, saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course, each careful step along the by-way. And more, much more than this, I did it my way." -My Way-Frank Sinatra "I never talk when I am ignorant." -Creon from Oedipus
Senior Boys 25
Blair Halverson
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." -Albert Einstein "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." -Henry Ford "There are three things extremely hard : steel, a diamond, and to know one's self." -Ben Franklin "Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults." -Ben Franklin "Patience means self-suffering." -Mahatma Gandhi "One man with courage makes a majority." -Andrew Jackson "Injustice anywhere is a threat justice everywhere." -Martin Luther King "Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?" -Abraham Lincoln "If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn't thinking." -George Patton "If you can't convince them confuse them." -Harry Truman "Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way." -Booker T. Washington "You can't hold a man down without staying down with him." -Booker T. Washington
'A ..
26 Senior Boys
Alana Hanson "These last few years I've been struggling and I'm tired of keeping a low profile so now it's time to show that I'm alive ... " -Millen colin
"Today I am remembering the time When they pulled me back And held me down And looked me in the eyes and said, 'You just haven't earned it yet, baby"' -The Smiths
I believe we are on a irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy, but that could change. -Dan Quayle
'Tve tired to make things make sense but I can't; I'm happy just to watch them all and laugh." -Bad Religion
Love Poem It's so nice to wake up in the morning all alone and not have to tell somebody you love them when you don't love them any more. -Richard Brautigan
,,.,_ •••• Senior Girls 27
Brandon Jones "Nothing important was ever achieved without someone taking a chance, and nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity." -H. Jackson Brown Jr.
"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." -Alfred, Lord Tennyson
To Faculty- Without you, Wayland is nothing .. .. E.S.- You better protect my spot ... O.K.- You made me a stronger person ... M.D.- Physics is not 24/7 ... You were the greatest, I'll miss you ...
G.B. -Stay off that goat! Get that calculator! B.S.- Nice block; Moomoor ... M.T.- Don't run in the rain ... T.B.- Stay off Jin-Woo ... . L.S.- Window? L.M.- I know someone is here ... A. E.- I thought we had Chemistry made
To my family- I cannot thank you in words for all of your support. Thank you God for giving me life and an opportunity to attend Wayland Academy.
J.S.- English was a bear, you made it easier ... E.L.- Remember the dumb ox? Sorry about the foot ... R.G.- The Porche was slow ... K.K.- Your desk has been moved ... W.K.- No, your ducks are not in the road, just passing by ... P.R.- Jacket off!
·~ -.
28 Senior Boys
Wow, it's hard to imagine it's all over ... Wayland Academy has given me knowledge and character that I will obtain forever .
Nicholas Kavelaris Do not let your ideas get washed away by people who are lesser and weaker than you.
Do not judge your life on outcomes or tangible things. Judge it by your feelings about yourself and the effort that you give each day. Do not give into the pressures of life. Fight back with every ounce of power you have. Don't stop working until you feel you have accomplished your goal.
In great attempts it is glorious even to fail-Vince Lombarti
Senior Boys 29
•••• ·~ ..
HumzaKhan Gabe- I've been lucky to have known you for so long. IF you ever get in trouble in college just remember to say "It's the lab!!!!" Jordan Esten- You are a great friend. Never change no matter what anyone says. Lawson- It's been a great four years. Just remember you can't beat me up. Terrence- I always enjoy your company, so visit whenever you want to. Jin- There is never a dull moment when you're around. I'm sorry you couldn't come freshman year. AHA Shawn Arndt- Use the thrown wisely. Jawonza- Don't flinch . Mr. Kasper- Thanks for being an amazing teacher. Mrs. Fischer- You are a great mentor. Mr. Disch- Don' t listen to the rest of the class, I didn't do anything. Mr. Kreish- You are a great guy. Laura- Despite your temper you're pretty cool. Leah- Sorry for anything you think I did. Hopefully you will be nice to me someday .
~~ ..
30 Senior Boys
"It's not bragging if you can back it up." Muhammad Ali ''I'm a baaaadd man!" Muhammad Ali "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I just beat people up." Muhammad Ali "It's hard to be humble, when you're as great as I am." Muhammad Ali "I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me." Fred Allen
William Krupecki G
Charlie Mom & Dad- Thank you for all the help you guys have given me over the years. You two did a much better job raising me than you some times think. Well, than I act anyway ... Dad, you helped me with my individualism, Mom, you made me push myself. Even though I complained a lot, it helped me in the long run, so thanks. Mike- You are the craziest person in the world, as well as reckless, accident prone, and often a complete fool. All the more entertaining when you are my brother. You be careful not to cut off any limbs, or failing that, not get yourself killed. Dog fights are not fun to leap into, and sharp objects are to be treated with care. Heather M.- My first love. I do not think I could say anything new here, but I will say this . I love you, more than anything else in the world. I hope you know that, and never forget it. Dana- You have the inherent ability to be cute. I wish I had that. Combined with your charisma, patience, and genuine concern for others, you will go far in life. I'm counting on it, so please don't make me look stupid(er). Terry- You have said and done some of the stupidest things over the last four years. Well, so have I, so we will leave it at that. Any time you want to go one-on-one in a simulator, understand that you have set yourself up to be humiliated. Mr. Kasper- You are probably the most frustrating teacher that I have ever had. Nothing was ever good enough for you! I am just surprised at how all the things that gave me headaches when I was in your classes stuck. I guess drilling them into my mind with never ending homework and impossible te sts worked pretty well. So, well done, and thank you. Other Faculty- You all put up with me for all four years ... That takes determination and skill, so you can consider yourselves an elite few. By the way, I never whine; I just complain as often as needed to feel smarter than you make me seem. People who ever worked with me- You have my sincere apologies and sympathy. I hope you all understand I respect you all (well, most of you). It was crazy some of the time, annoying the rest, with occasional bits of fun. That's life, I guess ... Anyone I left out- Sorry. I wish I could say a little something to each of you, but I don' t think that I have the time, memory, or wit. Take care of yourselves, be good, and don' t do anything I would do . By the way, my sense of humor is fine ... it's just you guys don't get it. To those loved and lost- I miss you all. Someday we will be able to remember the good times together. Till then, I keep you in my thoughts. If any of you want to write me, I'm at rogueledr@hotmail.com or rogueledr2002@yahoo.com. I always am willing to talk, if any of you need to. I'll listen, and if you want, I can try to help! Just always remember that to find happiness, you must know yourself. "When you know sky and earth, victory is inexhaustible" -Sun Tzu, The Art of War "Fear is the mind killer" -Dune "May the wind be ever at your back'' -Anon You'll see great things from me! Just wait and see!
Senior Boys 31
'A -.
ErinLamm "But sometimes every once in a while .... it's beautiful, I would say, I wouldn't have it any other way, if I said different, it would be a lie." -Operation Ivy Mom: I'll love you forever I'll like you for always as long as I'm living my mommy you'll be You're the best mom and I love and appreciate all that you have done for me. Sorry about all the trouble along the way, but thanks for sticking by me and forgiving me. Even if you don't believe it, I've missed you since the day I left. Joe: "If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?"-Lynard Skynard. What happened to perfection? No matter what happens, nothing will ever replace what we have. Sleepovers are the best, when' s the next basement party? Andy: I love you. Mamie: I'm not sure what happened along the way, but some of the best times were spent with you. I'll always love you and we'll be bestest friends forever . Sheila: At least Arlington Heights is better than Beaver Dam, trust me on this one! chocolate, chinese food and sappy chick flicks ... ahhh, all a girl needs in life! Sanca: I never stopped missing you, and I wish you were still here . lt' s just not the same without you. There' s no more crazy dance parties or anyone to worship the backstreet boys. I promise I'll be there when you marry Nick Carter. Ms. Alpaugh: I cannot express my appreciation for you as a coach, teacher, and mentor. You are the one reason I'm still here. Sorry about all my issues you had to deal with AGGIS I finally scored!
LM, LS,HD: The parties, sleepovers and drives were great, even though they sometimes led to trouble. I swear, the corruption wasn't my fault. (10 things, cows, blue juice, oops #what?!?) MPC, JC, AR, AR, LM, TO: You have been like sisters to me. I will miss our never ending talks about the drama we call our life. You have been there to laugh with and given me a shoulder to cry on when I truly needed it. Thanks for always making me look cute, on those few occasions I decided not to be a complete scrub! JS: At least we got through freshman year. California was fun ... limo, bathroom, Adam's song (I don't remember any of it) . You'll always be my favorite Jew! LR: Will you marry me? .. .. j/k, I swear! DA, NR, DT, AS: Enjoy the lounge! You guys are adorable, and you better make sure everyone else knows it! To the 4 year seniors: "The start was something good but some good things must end." -blink 182
"In a moment we lost our minds here, and lay our spirit down . Today we lived a thousand years, all we have is now." -Live
'A -.
32 Senior Girls
Laura Anne Matic There were still a million more great memories crowding the corners of my mind, and I remembered many more throughout the day. It made me realize the things I've learned from these experiences and the great times we have always shared. "Turns out not where but who you're with really matters ." - DMB
Mom and Dad- You both are my role models and guide me in everything that I do. Thank you so much for your support, devotion, and the opportunity for me to come to Wayland. I love you with all my heart. Matt- You are closer to me than any blood related brother could be. I've always looked up to you. The vacations, teddy bear Bob, Lake Geneva, and all the other memories and experiences I have had with you, I will always remember, you are in my heart. I miss you. Catherine- "I will remember you, Will you remember me?" freshman year. I am so proud of you and all your achievements. You are beautiful. From seventh grade until now no rna tter what I say words cannot express the experiences and memories and the way that I feel about you, you just already know. To my best friend, I love you. Suzanne- Two Step, Sum 41, and Madonna. You've made my Wayland experience very fun and totally insane. Sorry if I'm too mellow for you. You are beautiful in everything you do. Bucko, you'll make it across the river soon I have faith. Beware of the red zone. The best roommate ever! I love you! Meghan- You are one of my best friends here. Even though you don't like being a senior here now, I'm glad I spent this time with you. You are perfect, prefect. I love you! Erin- I love our COs!! Like Pink, Blink, and Old Navy is what sums you up in a nutshell. You are a great friend. I love you honey! Tomoko- I am really glad I got to know the real you this year. You always make me smile. Mark- I know I met you at a different time in your life. You are one of my best friends, and the best guitar player ever! I miss you a lot. Albert- You are truly the sweetest guy. You always know how to make me smile and someday we'll go to Jimmy Johns, I promise! Chuck- Sorry about your shirt, mayonnaise comes out easily. Camping, Vanilla Ice, your stories, and the laughs. You are the Ladies Man. Justin- I am sorry I haven' t seen some of the greatest movies of all time, one day. You can visit Quirk anytime. All the talks I'll cherish. Peter- You are definitely the most childish guy I have ever met. Jordan- Thanks for living, loving, and just acting goofy with me . Brittany- Sleepovers in out room all the time . IRISH JIG TRIO!! Adam- Thanks for all the laughs you can't help it if you have gas. Darcy, Danielle, and Natalia- "You go over." Good Luck next year in tennis. Mr. Kreish- Thanks for all the support. Ms. Alpaugh- Thanks for all the support and keeping me motivated. You are my FAVORITE mentor!! 0000
Senior Girls 35
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James McCallum "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up." - Vince Lombardi
"There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees, And the voices of those who stand looking." "And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul. There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold. And if you listen very hard The tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all To be a rock and not to roll." ~
·~ ...
36 Senior Boys
Led Zeppelin
David Meicher
David Meicher Was Here AKA: Dave From: Waunakee, WI Born: Madison, WI
Pet Peeve: Peo ple who think that th ey are cool beca use they get into troubl e. Favorite Quote: "It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to lau gh at that man." -John Handy Future Career: Forest Ranger Planstenyearsfromnow: Have a wife and three kid s and li ve in a log cabin in the cou ntry.
Senior Boys 37
'A -.
Tomoko Omura Family: Thank you for your sup-
port and love. I couldn't have done this without you. Otosan, Okasan, Arigato~!
Home, home again. I like to be here when I can. When I come home cold and tired. It's good to warm my bones beside the fire . Far away across the iron bell calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly Spoken magic spells. -Pink Floyd
Eoin: You are the coolest! - > >love ya"' "' Yok + Kik: Hey, sisters! Take care. Toki: Zuto Issyo NI lyo-Ne ("' 0"' )
Friends: MP-C. ZR. LM. AH. JT. EL. JC. KV. Thanx a lot for all of you who have become my friends. You made my days! I'll miss you .....
·~ ..
38 Senior Girls
Meghan Patrick-Crane Here's to the night we felt alive Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry Here's to goodbye Tomorrow's gonna come to soon. -Eve6 Mom and Dad- I know you think that I don't appreciate anything you do, but I can't express how grateful I am to both of you. You've given nothing but your love and support through everything; I would not have accomplished anything without you. Thank you for everything. I love you more than you know. Mr.Seighman- You've been the best mentor a girl cou1d ask for. Thanks for the hugs and the talks when I needed it most. To my other half- It seems like I've known you my whole life, but the lifetime is yet to come. I never knew true friendship until I met you. We've been through so much together, but no matter how much I write to you or how long this quote is, it could never express how much your friendship and love has meant to me. Everything I've shared with you and everything I've learned from you will always be with me. You mean the world to me and I love you. Erin- All I can say is you've become one of my best friends here ... how weird is that? You know I love you. Thanks for being one of the people in the world that I didn' t hate at times. Who's gonna burrito you in college? Zan- "I used to be afraid of the ... " you know how it goes. You always know how to make my birthday perfect! Someday you will realize that you are gorgeous and wonderful and so will the Abercrombie model on page 27 in the next issue of A&F catalog!! I promise!! I can't wait to buy you a boat. I love you and always will. Laura- I can't tell you how happy I am that you came back this year. It gave me the chance to realize that you're one of the best friends I've had here. Some of the best conversations I've had were with you. You are the sweetest person I've ever met, not to mention insane!! Kidding!! I love you. (I love everyone, don' t I?) Mox- I know you hate America, but I'm so glad we connected this year. You' re a person I feel I could tell anything to, thanks for listening. I'm sorry I called you and Eoin "kids" . I don' t think of you that way. You're the coolest chainsaw ever!! I love you, Mox!! Peter- Through the good times and the bad, when it was all said and done, I have never regretted a second of the time I've spent with you. Whatever happens, I hope friendship is the lasting outcome. You will always be a part of me. Natalia- Mary Lamb, C-L-E-A-TS, Team Colombia, whatcha whatcha!, JUMP!, wop parties, Nelly, kickboxing, summer talks, "Tracy, will you please pull over ... ", roadrunner (didn't we only match that once?), Blow!! .. . Thanks for always making me laugh and for the never-ending fun I always had when I was with you. You taught me how to let go and have fun, but kept me on track when I needed it most and never let me give up. Take your own advice. Danielle- (aka Tigre) My kindred spirit!! You are one of the few people who truly understands me and I didn't think anyone could make me feel as good about myself as you can. Thank you for your comforting words at those times when ... you know what I mean. You are a beautiful person, don' t ever think otherwise. Be your own goddess!! I still am THE goddess, though, right? A.B. and D.T.- Who's going to replace the B.F.F. Prefect ever?? Wait., you'll be prefects. Thanks for the laughs and the fun and respecting me as an authority ... riiiight. I'll miss you guys. G.B.- Hey it's Friday night! Wanna go get lost?? Don't ever lose your spontaneity. J.S.- From freshmen year until now, we've been through it all and I'm glad it was with you. I'll never be second best. E.S.- Who cares, Ea? I do. Thanks for always being a true friend. B.H.- Thanks for being my confidant when I needed it. Are we still getting married?? C.W.- You're the best senior lady's man ever!!! I'll miss your vanilla ice. J.B.- Maybe someday, if you still want, you'll make it to the top. J.E.- They were the best three months of my life ... really! Say hi to your mom for me ... hehe. Jordan, you know I love ya, and I am not better than you, never was. T.R.- Nothing but love, I promise. If you weren't so abusive, maybe our marriage would work. N.K.- I was never too good for you. I think you are gorgeous and one day I hope you realize how wonderful you really are. L.R.- Are you still my Jew??? I promise someday you'll get your butt massage. How could I resist? A.B.- Someday, I'll get my booty call! Thanks for the blueberry muffins. I'm looking forward to the inheritance. B.J.- Don' t be afraid of being lost. You were never invisible to me. I love you!! A.L.- Thank you for listening to my many problems. You've been the best. Mnemonics are the greatest!! To the 4 year seniors- "Take my hand cause we're walking out of here." -DMB To my girls at home- Thank you for making me a part of what I left. There's not enough ways to explain how much I love and appreciate you. Ashley- "I know there'll be no more tears in heaven." -E.C. You'll be with me forever, I love you. "All our lives get complicated, search for pleasures overrated. Never armed our souls for what the future would hold, when we were innocent." -Fuel
Senior Girls 39
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Abby Rehfeldt The heart is the capital of the mind The mind is a single state The heart and mind together make A single Continent One- is the population Numerous enough This ecstatic nation Seek- it is yourself ----Emily Dickinson To my Family: I love you all, even though I didn't always say so. I really appreciate all of the sacrifices you've made in order for me to be here. Don't worry mom, you'll always be my best friend. And for the million hours that we were, well I'll smile and remember it all, then I'll turn and go. While your story's completed, mine is a long way from done ----Sister Hazel Chris/Roz: Sorry, but I won't be a five-year senior for you guys. I'm going to miss you both so much, we've had lots of fun and I'll never forget that. Maja/frina: I'll always be your fanclub! MPC, EW, KV, EL: Thanks for putting up with me all of these years. Jenny, Katie, Thora: I missed having you guys around this year, but I'll always remember you and the great times we had. I don't regret anything about coming here, this ha s been one of the best experiences I've ever had. Thanks to everyone that made it great for me. Two roads Diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost
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40 Senior Girls
LawsonReif •-
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Since on occasion I have been known to be wrong I will begin with a statement that is completely and unequivocally correct. I owe all of my happiness and success to my parents. Mom and Dad I hope I have lived up to all your expectations. I love you. King: Even though you consistently show me up, it's nice to have a role model who is also your best friend. Esten: As I think about the six years I have known you I try to figure out why we say the things we do . You've been a great friend and I will definitely miss you next year. I love you man. Borrud: Where can I start ... Jane sville, zesty, cannonball, or the countless hilarious rounds of golf. Its been an amazing six years since I met you; just remember (when your on tour) who taught you how hard it is to be humble when your so good!! Jin: The temptation from Thailand, roomie, and my one connection to the far east. I will never forget all the conversations we had even though most of the time I couldn't understand what you were saying. Thanks for helping make boarding life bearable. Humza: The Pakistani Power House, I will miss the Khan laugh and crushing you in essentially ... everything. Can I live in your basement? Ross: Who's your daddy? Its been fun ballin with you and being your friend and confidant. One of these days I'll teach you how to flame. Shawn: I'm glad we got close this year. Thanks for giving me someone to confide in ... you know too much . Make your last two years count. Schneider: My fellow Jew. Will you get to 100? Mr. Pooh: The one on one battles ... you may beat me one of these days . Its been fun. JB: The Lion King .... YO B .... Weston: BOOF? Grind rails? Pete: Heeeeey Pete buddy .... alright. Eoin: Clown town? And 1 balla? The Circle? What a year. The Penthouse: You guys are hilarious .. .. and anti-Semites. You guys made boarding fun. Throughout my four years here I have learned that the opinions of others mean nothing to me. I will follow my own path to success.
"Great men are those who see that the spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
Senior Boys 41
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Suzanne Roberts
Mom and Dad- Thank you for loving me enough to let me go. You gave me the opportuni~y to become who_ I am. I love You Cat And Christina- The goal used to be convince everyone else we were perfect- now we JUSt have to convmce ourselves. I love you both and feel lucky to have sisters as cool as you . L.M.- I hated you until I talked to you. Stuck on a rock again! Ugh- I'm just going to throw myself into the river. Tanning vs. Skin Cancer- I'll worry about that when I get it. Teach you what!? It's all good now. The fat mirror makes me cry! You mean that up and down motion? Do I look like a drug dealer?! What's sleep? You' re pretty, I'm not attractive ... We' re the best roomies ever!! M.P.C.- Thanks for being the first to accept the new girt and for not setting my hair on fire. "I used to be afraid of the ... " Yeah, but we got over that ... I swear it' s not that bad! Ring toss game! Finishing out my window .. . No guys- I refuse to be the fat one! Gullible is written on the ceiling. Remember, you get to pick the winners Mtss Prom Queen. T.O.- Even though you say you' re crazy, I think you are the most rational person I've ever met. You're the best little (big) sister ever- you give the best advice (Maybe because you've actually had some life experience ... ) Camping was great, too bad we all got sick! I love you chainsaw! J.C.- Pageant girls rule! Don't worry, if you forget everything just act like a dinosaur. You are gergeous and Brazilian- give me your tan! Fried Chicken-lets do it! You' re the best dancing buddy ever- we' re ghetto fabulous, baby! I know I am lucky to have met you b/c its not often that you find someone that you are so much alike that it doesn't matter that you can' t talk b/c you' re bawling you're eyes out, because they just understand. I know we'll stay friends forever and when we're forty I can still call you up and taikabout nothing for hours. E.L.- Oops! You did it again .. . Blame it on the blue juice. No- you're the most, like superficial! To MyFtve Senior Girls- I' ll miss the girl talks, the crying rolt sharing clothes, the late nights, and the Sunday brunches- but more than anything else I'll miss all of you. You're all beautiful and I love you all to death. You girls have helped me through a lot and don't worry- some day I' ll make it across the river and meet up with you guys. Brit- You' re my favorite sophomore. I' m going to strangle her, unless you get to her first. Anyone up for some Robin Hood? Oh yea? Well my jacket's fromJJrada. We' re hard-CORE Penthouse Boys- Thanks for always being entertaining- you guys definitely added a lot of excitement to our class. I'm glad we got to know each other enough to talk about stuff, even thought it was kinda random when w e did. Believe it or not I can keep secrets. C.W.- "Stop, collaborate and listen .. ." You could make me smile from the start. Neah! Remember the time we had fun behind the tarp? You truly are the ladies man. I promise there s not salt in your drink! Have fun during 7th hour! B.H.- No I will not make out with you! Be careful with projectiles. I'm glad we got to be friendsthings were all good once you stopped making me cry every day. My Junior Girls- (You Know Who You Are) Goodnight Buckos! Am I your favorite proctor? Have fun next year!! Mr. Sampson- Thanks for listenin~. Make sure you keep up the Sam-Dog Clan tradttion of being obnoxious during the Alma Master even after I'm gone .
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42 Senior Girls
Justin Salfer
First off I would like to thank all of the faculty of Wayland Academy for making the past four years of my life one of the most memorable and enjoyable experiences. Mr. Seighman: you have been the driving force behind my success here at Wayland, and I want to say thank you. I never could have done it without you. To my parents there are no words that I can say to express the love that I have for you. You have given me one of the best opportunities that anyone can receive. I want to thank you for providing me with the opportunity to come here, and always being there to guide me through the hard times, and also providing me with the guidance needed to proceed on the next step in life. To my family I lov e all of you very much and want to thank you for always being there when I needed you. To all of my friends who have gone before me, I wish all of you the best of luck in your future journeys, and thank you for the experiences that you have given me to make my days better. OJ, EL, CS, AF, JM, and EA what can I say to all of you, you guys are the siblings that I never had, without you I never would have been able to succeed here. You all have taught me valuable lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life. To all of my other friends that are still here, I need not mention who you are because all of you know how much I value your firendships, without you Wayland would not have been the wonderful life experience that it has been. To the penthouse boys, we have been through lots together, I want to thank you for putting up with me when I was always complaining or starting arguments. You guys were always there to help me through the heard times, and you always knew how to make me laugh. I would not have wanted to share my senior year with anyone else but you. BRB, I can' t say anything but the fact that I mi ss you very much, you are always in my thoughts. You opened my eyes to a whole new outlook on life and I would like to say thanks for helping me become the person that I am today -RIP. If there is one thing that Wayland has done for me it has made me a better person , I have one piece of advice for all of the kids that think they do not fit in here or want to leave , stick it out and graduate from Wayland. I have been here for four years and I can say that there is no place that I would have rather been .
"Each day when I wake up and I set my best foot forward I make an effort to be all that I can be, I take a look around me and I wonder how things change so much in a few short years since I was a young boy." -Dropkick Murphys
"Hesitation will make your worst fears come true ." - Bodi, Point Break
'A Senior Boys 43
Jordan Schneider Jin- Thanks for putting up with me last year. I know I am not the easiest person to live with, but I also know that you had a lot of fun (I think) . Sorry for all the nights I kept you up late and for the "lights out shower incidents." Those were HUGE mistakes! Tilsch- R.I.P. You will be missed by many. Kristin- Wow, where do I start? In the past two years we've become the best of friends even though we started out as the worst of enemies. Without you in my life my days would have been boring. Not only that, but they probably would have been spent sleeping or doing homework. Well, at least sleeping. Together we've been to hell and back. I will never forget some of the experiences we've shared together. I think my greatest high school memories are all pretty much of us. Thanks for being an incredible friend and a huge part of my life. I hope next year we stay just as close! Good luck on your senior year and with college.
Schmidt- Even though we have been off again/on again friends our "talks" have meant a helluva lot to me. I'm really sorry about the NYC incident. I promise that one day we' ll have to meet up in the "Big Apple." Also, I promise that if I decide to get rid of the guitar, it's yours. Have a great summer and gimme a call sometime, you know the number. Maeve- It's been an interesting year and a half. I don't think I will ever forget that COLD December day in the union. You still owe me a rematch! Gilbert- Maybe now I will tell you what one is. You owe me for the window show! Erin- There's not much I can say to you that I haven't already said. But I will simply say ADAM'S SONG. That and you will NEVER live down Freshman year! You had the biggest crush on me!
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44 Senior Boys
Peter Sloane
Senior Boys 45
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Laura Stegeman Here's the chance of life, Get ready, set, fly, High above the fear of your mind, Go for it, it's hit or miss, Too late for you to quit, You gotta show' em, How bad you really want this.
If we do meet again, why, we shall smile, if not, why then this parting was well made. -Shakespeare
-Athena Cage
First I would like to thank God for giving me the opportunity to attend Wayland and for helping me find my way with every step I took; for "we live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 Mom and Dad- There is no way I'll ever be able to repay you for sending me to Wayland or for all the support and encouragement you gave me. I truly feel blessed to have such a loving family. I've found it to be too true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Grandma Hess- I miss you a lot and love you even more. You left quite an impression on my life. I know you're watching over me from heaven and I hope I've made you proud. To the rest of my family- I love you all and want to say thanks for all the support and for giving me a fun place to go home to. Summer dreams ripped at the seams, but, oh, those summer nights. -Grease A.B.- I wish you could be here with me. Remember Chris and our very long walk?! Best friends since preschool and will be forever. LM.- I'm not that scary, am I? I can't imagine what Wayland would have been without you. Where' s the red lady? We were always the cutest twins. Don't forget your keys! Swan and the 'cop'. Come on Over. We're not crazy like the rest! E.L.- Wanna go for a ride? They're not real ... Steve and the cool bowling alley. Behind the field house. It's been quite an adventure. Where would I be be without my Lammy! J.U. & K.S.- The rides were so much fun. I know you love Markesan, so just han9 in there. M.T.- "''m gonna be a supermodel!' You'll get out of your house someday. New topic! A.E.- "put it in my mouth .. ', "oochie walley ... ",we wanna go home! J.E.- "Hey little guy, how's it going!" Thanks for all the help in German. Sorry about your mom. H.K.- I know you like it when we all come over to your house! It's cool to be in hand bells. N.K.- You whine too much, but I like your hair. J.S.- Cecil, was your dad mad? B.W.- Wanna wrestle?! R.K.- Dude! You are awesome and I'm glad I got to know you. I wish you were still here. J.S.- There's so much corn in my pants! Co wish .I'm not staring at it! T.R.- Want some chicken? B.j.- Your truck drives nice. Disch family- Thanks for makin17 your house my second home. Mr. Graham and Brown- I've missed your guidance a lot this year. You were the best teachers I ve ever had. Mr. Kasper-7:30 tests!! Thanks for making math a fun challenge. Ms. Reichel- Come to my house sometime and we'll test my' crops'! H. D., H.K., E.M., M.C., K.E.,- I miss you guys all so much. I miss our sleepovers and our talks. I'll never forget all the locker room drama and the long nights .
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46 Senior Girls
Jin Suntivich
I like many things, but I cant have everything, not even most of what I want. One thing that I did get, and I was happy to get; although I didn't expect to get it, was friendship. I've spent a number of years investigating the difference between friendship and love. Rather I found out the power of love; which previously I didn' t care about, but now I do. Yet I still remain self centered. Life is too short, too short to satisfy other people. So I satisfy myself. Yet to enlighten myself, I enlighten others. Life is too short, too short to confuse other people. So I confuse myself; yet to confuse myself, I confuse others. "I am alive because I am in love."-Yang Guo (translated by Cen) ''I' m curious." -Richard P. Feynman "HA HA HA ."-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Three quotes of my heroes that are equal to three of mine. I feel extremely smart and I hope this feeling lasts.
Senior Boys 47
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Michael Thieman ·
"Now go do the right thing'' -Dr. Laura It amazes me how much I've grown since I've arrived here at Wayland. To be frank, I can't really remember life without Way-
land and it is hard to comprehend life in the future without Wayland. Since I've arrived, I have met a lot of interesting people and a few NOT so interesting people. Many of you throughout the years have brought great joy to my life . Keep being yourselves! If I ever become rich and famous, I will remember you all. To those of you who have always been nice to me, thank you. Those of you who have not been so nice, you are forgiven. Best of luck to everyone. Now I would like to be personal : To my grandmother and grandfather Peg and Bill Thieman, Thank you for always being there for me and always helping me out. Ma, I love you much and I always will. You have raised me right! Pa, I haven' t seen you much in the last 6 years but I look forward to seeing you again someday Alicia: You are my favorite sister and I love you with all my heart. Aunt Joan & Steve Macky: Thank you for always thinking of me on the holidays. You gave me some of the nicest gifts, included are 2little cousins. Birtha, Brenda, & Ronald: I hope to see you again too as well as dad . Great Aunt Bell and Uncle Buck Sweeny: You are the best! Sam &Ryan: I hope you guys have as good a time as I've had. The Thickens family: You always throw such nice parties. To my teachers: I have truly taken something from all of your classes. Especially Ms. Covington, Mr. Tom Patterson, Mr. John Patterson, Mrs. Bleifuss, Mr. Khreish, Ms. Alpaugh, Ms. Parker, Mr. Disch, Mr. Kasper, Ms. Kesler. My biggest inspiration as a teacher is Mr. Jim Borrud. Thanks to my mentor Mrs. Fischer. Thank you to Ms. Pfister for waiting so long for my senior page. The world's coolest dorm supervisors: Ms. Eisenreich, Ms. Alpaugh, Mr. Gregorson, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Borrud, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Owens, Ms. Pfister Danny Haag- My favorite roommate. You were one of my good friends. T.R.- You have inspired me to be a better person. J.E.- You added humor to very serious times. Jenny Olsen- You are the most artistic person I know. Maria Benavides- My very best friend here at Wayland. You always taught me some of life's biggest lessons. Abby Benavides- Be proud of your sister and follow in her footsteps. · Akash- Your mom! Your very existence makes me laugh. Jordan Schneider- I've learned about the life of luxury from you. Kendall- I will always remember the fun we've had. "Either way, he's getting his money!" Pam R.- Thank you for taking the time to help me with my homework. Josh Pogue- Thank you for leaving me in your will. Konstantin- Be social! And have a good life back home. TO WAYLAND: Somewhere down the road you can expect a gift that will positively change Wayland forever. To anyone I forgot, sorry; I will write what I have to say in your yearbook .
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48 Senior Boys
Kendall Vingua "8£/We.~~ M 191\.e
There is a road, no simple highway between the dawn and the dark of night and if you go, no one may follow that path is for your steps alone You who choose to lead must follow but if you fall you fall alone if you should stand then who's to guide you? if I knew the way I would take you home So as you push off from the shore, tum your head once more and make peace with everyone for those who choose to stay will live just one more day to do the things they should have done... Skating away on the thin ice of a new day...
diJt COA de ~e.t ~U. W'zl, ~U.."
Fool e110ugh to almost be it Cool enough to not quite see it Dumb enough to almost feel it Always old, I'll always feel this No more promise, no more sorrow No longer -Mil I follow Can anybody hear me? I just want to be me, when I can Time is 1)0\101" time ;t all yoo ea) 1)0\Jef". ever leave Ulit!)ott leall~ a pieee of yoo Cl)d 011" lioos are fa-ever ~ we will1)0\101" be tl)0 same tl)0 ma-e yoo ~ tt)e less yoo fe<r Believe tl);t life ea) ~ tl);t yoo're I)Ot stu~ II) vail) \l/e're I'}Ol' tt)e same. we're differel)t tOI)i~
I've chased the charmed but don't want that anymore .. . In their eyes I was alive, a fool's disguise .. . When I woke up from that sleep I was happier than I've ever been When you decide that your life is a prize, renew, revive, cause its all right happiness will make you wonder, "Willi feel OK?" it scares the disenchanted far away Yeah, I want something new...
life tta& beef] extraa-dil)<l)'. blessed ~ eursed ar)d UJaJal/d eve!)kt)i~ I've ever said a)d eve!)kt)i~ I've ever dol)e is ~ Cl)d dead. as all tl]il)96 must Sl.lrely ~?ave to e!Jd1IQ7euJ exaocly U117ere I was ar)d I IQ}eU1 t~ m~i~ of it all Cl)d I 1Q7euJ tl)e emptil)066 of M aQd I 1Q7euJ tl)e murmurs of t~ soul ~ tl)e world is draUTI) i~o yoor l]ai)ds a)d t~ world is etel)ed upo1t yoor !)eat a)d t~ world t!]<t's so l)ard to Ul]derstCI)d is tl)e world you ear(t live witt)ott ~
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~. m.o..tiAt w"IIR& !'ue. 12Mw W~.ct I ~wt ~t h.Gm.t"
Senior Girls 49
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Charles Whitlock
"A harmonica is easy to carry. Take it out of your hip pocket, knock it against your palm to shake out the dirt and pocket fuzz and bits of tobacco. Now it's ready. You can do anything with a harmonica: thin reedy single tone, or chords, or melody with rhythm chords. You can mold the music with curved hands, making it full and round like an organ, making it as sharp and bitter as the reed pipes of the hills. And you can play and put it back in your pocket. And as you play, you learn new tricks, new ways to mold the tone with your hands, to pinch the tone with your lips, and no one teaches you. You feel around sometimes alone in the shade at noon, sometimes in the tent door after supper when the women are washing up. And if you lose or break it, why, it's no great loss. You can buy another for a quarter." -The Grapes of Wrath-John Steinbeck "We could never regain the old intimacy with those scenes. It was not any recognition of their beauty and their significance that attracted us, but with communion, the feeling of comradeship with the things and events of our existence, which cut us off and made the world of our parents a thing of incomprehensible to us- for then we surrendered ourselves to events and were lost in them, and the last little thing was enough to carry us down the stream of eternity. Perhaps it was the only privilege of our youth, but as yet we recognized no limits and saw nowhere an end. We had that thrill of expectation in the blood which entitled us with the course of days." -Erich Maria Remarque-All Quiet on The Western Front "Just takes lots of practice, the will to beat your face in, get up and try again." Eric Lackey To my Dad, Mom, and two sisters: I would like to thank you guys for not giving up on me. Through all of your help, perseverance, and as I called constant nagging, I'm definitely a better and stronger individual because of you. Ellie and Catherine, even though it felt like you guys left me to go to college and forgot about me, you didn' t and you cared about me . I know that through time, I'll realize more and more the impact that you all have made on me. Today is now what I have become and who knows what tomorrow may bring .
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50 Senior Boys
Terrence Robinson-Wilson
"I think therefore I am" -Descartes
I would like to thank everyone who supported me and gave me the strength to survive four years at Wayland Academy. Its Been Real, Terrence Robinson-Wilson
Senior Boys 51
·~ ..
"'' Ki-Jun Ahn
Jessika Arriaga
Danielle As sa
Adam Bauman
Kamil Bilgic
Jeffrey Boness
Adrell Bullock
Tara Burnham
Michael Cassidy
Akash Chander
Rosalyn Davis
Amanda Eisenreich
Anthony Elder
Heather Elliott
Henry Epps
Yi Fang
Patrick Favre
Maeve Fischer
Ryan Gilbert
Evan Golub
Kyle Hammersley
Peter Harker
Konstantin Hegner
Katie Huss
·~ ...
Molly Johnson
Christopher !Gersten
Akiko Kimura
Nikalas Krueger
Jeffrey Kuehling
Dana Leystra
Amanda Lipski
Ricarda Marschall
Daniella Martinez
Chase Murphy
Antonia Ochsner
BumSeok Park
Kelly Pearce
Weston Radford
Susanna Redmer
Christopher Rice
Natalia Rocha
Lavinia Rohle
Pamela Rossell
Irina Saladin
Vanessa Schmidt
Eoin Sheil
Benjamin Skalla
Juniors 55
路~ -.
Alanna Sneath
Andrea Sneath
Maja Stevanovich
Abbigail Stuaan
Rachel Swarzman
Paul Szymanski
Holly Taylor
Meghan Tomberlin
Darcy Trapp
Marjorie Warren
Kristin Whitworth
Myles Williams
William Witter
Marcus Wong
Mao Mao Zhang
'A -.
56 Juniors
Junior Candids 57
Daniel Cobb
Darren Cole
JaymeRae Estep
Shawn Arndt
Karen Balfe
Jawonza Brooks
WhanWook Chang
Baka.ry Dao
Jennifer Davis
Kyle Dilschneider
路A Gustafson
Matthew Harker
Yoko Hasegawa
Dayna Heidler
Jennifer Johnson
Brittany Jordt
Kolin Kasten
Bridget Killeen
Dong Han
Elise Krause
Michael Krupecki
Carolyn Lowry
Q ..
60 Sophomores
Lydia LuyTan
Sean Maloney
Krista Maxson
Catherine Miller
Emily Mulder
Sonya Pine
Keegan Rehfeldt
Emily Rhatican
Juan Rocha
Justin Seighman
Tara Stadele
Monica Stasek
Minako Takahashi
Kristin Vargas
Chris Victoria
Brady Wilber
Sophomores 61
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~ ..
62 Sophomore Candids
~._." Sophomore Candids 63
~ -.
Aamir Ali
Abigail Benavides
John Burgman
Edmond Cassidy
Stefanie DaCosta
Samuel Davis
Samuel Doty
Erin Edson
Aaron Gascoigne
Unia Griffin
Kevin Hannon
Alexander Hodgdon
JoongHyo Lee
Kate Lienke
Kristin Neuser
Travis Oppermann
JinWoo Park
So Young Park
Quintin Radford
Tyler Ritchie
Logan Schrank
Erin Scott
Euan Taylor
Con or Ulik
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66 Freshmen
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Freshman Candids 67
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Joseph Lennertz Academic Dean Spanish
Alfred Grieshaber Former President
Robert Esten President
Kris Boucher Assoc. Director of Adm issions
Diane Alpaugh Chr of His/55. Dept. Glen Dye Supervisor
David Kasper Chair of Mathema tics Dept.
Elias Khreish Chair of Science Dept.
Robert MacLellan Director of College Co unseling Wayland Hall Director
NicoleEber Mathematics Warren Cottage Supervisor
Heidi Eisenreich Mathematics Glen Dye Su pervisor
Karen Bleifuss Biology
James Borrud German/ESL Ella Dye Supervisor
Mitch Disch Physics Dye Chair Science
Matthew Owens En glish/Drama Wayland Hall Supervisor
Suzanne Reichel Mathematics Warren Cottage Supervisor
Darrell Sampson Vocal Music Wayland Hall Supervisor
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70 AdministrationiFacultv
Linda Fischer Dean of Students Glen Dye Director
James Cape Dean of Advancement
Richard Eber Dean of Admissions
Craig Hill Director of Athleti cs Ella Dye Director
Michael Stabler Business Manager
English Chair Proctor Chair English
Tom Patterson Music/Fine Arts Chair Ella Dye Supervisor
Catie Pfister Assoc. Director of Athletics Warren Cottage Supervisor
Michael Schneider Foreign La n guage Chair Spanish
Eli Seighman Director of Swan Library
Jeremy Gregerson
Martha Kesler
Jason Koenig
English Ella Dye Supervisor
English Warren Co ttage Director
Visual Arts Wayland Hall Supervisor
Richard Lash Director of Technology
PJOsvald History/Social Science Wayland Hall Supervisor
Janelle Vetter
Kurt Walters History/Social Science Wayland Hall Supervisor
John Patterson
Spanish Warren Co ttage Supervisor
Administration/Faculty 71
Jean Allemand Assistant to Academic Dean
Carol Becker Assistant to College Co un selor
Judy Coyle Assistant to President
Eli Crogan Head Coach Boys Basketball
Trevor Durham Director of Public Re lations and Publications
David Fisher Dir. of Student Activities, Dye Chr. Religion, Ella Dye Supervisor
Donna Grieshaber Warren Cottage Supervisor
Monica Gross Admissions Counselor Warren Cottage Supervisor
Debbie Hankes Director of Health Center
Janet Hessler Wayland Store Manager
Judy Hill CTPTutor Glen Dye Supervisor
Louise Hoff Assistant to Dea n of Admissions
KathyKayon School Nurse
Roxanne Kotek Assis tant to Athletics Bookstore
William Luebke Assistant to Athletics Statistician
Kathie MacLellan Glen Dye Supervisor
Carol Miller-Cram Assistant Librarian
LeaPriewe Manager Donor Relations Coordinator Parent Relations
Lisa Rogers Director of Alumni Relations
Rose Schallma Receptionist Advance ment Secretary
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Gina Staskal Staff Accountant
Lori Stricker Accounting Clerk
* *tenance **** Mab1
Richard Pittman Superintend ent of Grou nds and Maintenance
Janice Falkinharn Dir. of Housekeeping
~JJexh~ Ktt~he~ ~t~rr
Todd Bodishbaugh General Manager/Chef
Stacy Sebber
Linda Eggers
Ann Granzotto-I<rupecki
Douglas Lavenhagen
Charles Leystra
Karen Owens
Christine Shananaquet
Kent Bence
Carol Gosse
Wendy Boschert
Ron Smith
Carol Nagler
Craig Straseske Chef
Lisa Veling Asst. Manager Maintenance/Kitchen Staff 73
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74 Faculty Candids
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Faculty Candids 75
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76 Dedication to Mr. Borrud
Jim Borrud has been a dedicated and loyal teacher at Wayland Academy for many, many years. Through this dedication and hard work the German program has been greatly expanded. Jim has been very instrumental in initiating a program that has allowed many German ~tudents the opportunity to spend a year abroad taking courses here at Wayland Academy. He has also sponsored numerous tnps to Germany for our own students. When German students and faculty have visited Wayland he and his wife Gerda have been generous in hosting them in their horne . He is also t~e Golf coach. Year in and out his teams have been at or near the top in conference competition. During the past three years his teams have won the conference championship and have gone on to state competition, winning the state title three years ago. It has truly been my pleasure to have been a colleague and friend of Jim's since he carne to Wayland. David Kasper
It has been my privilege. and honor to have worked with Mr. Borrud at Wayland Academy. I have known him for many years and have respected his skills as a linguist and teacher. His dedication to the academy and concern for his students are evident in the many hours he has put into the CJD German exchange program and the many other travel opportunities he has provided. Our students appreciate his working tirelessly as a teacher, dormitory supervisor, mentor, and coach. These efforts in and out of the classroom have had a lasting and permanent effect on his students for the many years that he has served Wayland.
Mike Schneider-Foreign Language Department
For four years, Mr. Borrud was my teacher, coach, mentor and friend . Over that period I carne to know a man whose sincerity, camaraderie and encouragement I will not soon forget. As a golf coach, Mr. Borrud was a kind and patient teacher. He was always there to remind me that, inevitably, there were going to be days when I would 3-putt more often than not. It was how I responded on those days would be my greatest measure. The classroom was Mr. Borrud's greatest stage and nowhere did he shine more brightly. His immeasurable love for learning and relentless quest for truth instilled in me a powerful commitment to excellence, knowledge and character. He is a noble father and husband, and exquisite human being. More importantly, he is my friend: a pillar of truth, and the epitome of scholarship. Kingston Aldon ReiÂŁ, Wayland Class of 2001
Dedication to Mr. Borrud 77
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At the end of the first semester, an event occurred that has only happened 18 times in the storied history of Wayland Academy. Dr. Grieshaber stepped down as President and is moving to Delaware to pursue teaching opportunities at the college level. Under the presidency of Dr. G. Wayland students have become well-oiled machines and the paragraphs below prove that statement to be true. Among the Academy's many accomplishments during Dr. Grieshaber's tenure were improved results and growth in the number of students taking the Advanced Placement Examination, with 91 percent of those taking the AP examination earn- ____. ing college credit in 2001. The Academy also improved acceptance rates for graduates at the nation's more competitive colleges and universities. Over the past three years, Wayland graduates have been accepted to 42 of the nation's top 100 colleges and universities, as ranked by the US News & World Report's America's Best Colleges guide. The Academy's athletic program also saw a marked improvement during Dr. G's tenure with a rise in winning percentage of Wayland's sports teams. This improved record has been highlighted by, among other successes, two state final four appearances and one state runner up in boys' basketball (2000), and a golf state championship (1999) followed by two third place finishes in state in 2000 and 2001. We will all miss the little things Dr. G did such as, those hilarious jokes before each assembly, the wonderful rides to Rotary Club each Monday (you know what I mean if you were a Student Rotarian), and the countless friendly encounters on campus. His enthusiasm, spirit, and loyalty will be sorely missed. On behalf of the yearbook staff and the whole Wayland community we would like to thank Dr. G for his six years of dedicated service to the Academy. Your presence will be and has been missed. -Lawson B. Reif ' 02-
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78 Farewell to Dr. G.
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Few people have as much insight into what Wayland is about, where it has been or where it is going, than Robert L. Esten '64. He has experienced the school from every angle- first as son and grandson of teachers, then as a day student and alumnus, and most recently as trustee and parent of boarding senior Jordan. This past January, Bob added yet another perspective as the Academy's 18th president in the school's nearly 150-year history. I have known Mr. Esten for nearly six years and in that time he has treated me with the same kindness and warmth in which he treats everyone that he encounters. Whether it is on the golf course, basketball courts, or on the Wayland campus, Mr. Esten's presence is always a welcome sight. Wayland Academy welcome Mr. Esten and wishes him the best of luck during his term as the 18th president of Wayland Academy. Lawson B. ReiÂŁ '02
~ Welcome MI: Esten 79
for spacious skies, For waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties . Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed his grace And crown thy good wi-..,....... _... From sea to 0
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The 2001 Field Hockey team had a good season. This was a developmental year with half the team composed of players who were new to the sport. Under the leadership of captains Jordan Cole, Erin Lamm, and Trina Saladin. The team developed into a viable competitor. We improved as our season progressed. Our final game displayed that improvement, Wayland's post season tournament game went into overtime and was settle by penalty shots. Though Wayland lost by one shot, the team showed tremendous teamwork against a team which it had previously lost to.
Top Row: Meghan Patrick-Crane, Jayme Estep, Rosalyn Davis, Katie Huss, Abigail Benavides, Tomoko Omura. Middle Row- Marisa Bar-av, Danielle Martinez, Erin Maja Stevanovich, Pamela Rossell, Dana Leystra, Head Coach Diane Alpaugh. Bottom Row: Manager Akiko Kimura, Brittany Jordt, Erin Lamm, Jordan Cole, Trina Safadin, Jessika Arriaga, Manager: Kristin Vargas.
84 Varsity Field Hockey
Wayland completed its season with a 5-4 record and a 4th place finish in the conference. This is Wayland's best record in 17 years. They used a ground attack most of the season behind a big offensive line. The speedy backfield of senior Terrence Robinson-Wilson, Adrell Bullock, Jawonza Brooks, and Gary Gustafson helped pave the way. The future looks bright for the Wolverines because it only loses 5 players off this year's team to graduation. Each conference coach commented on how well our team played and how physical we were. As a football coach, that is sometimes what makes you proud." At the beginning of the year I told the players that they had to earn the respect of the other teams because of our recent history of not being a very tough team. I believe that we earned their respect," said Hill. Top Row: Tyler Ritchie, Jake Disch, Myles Williams, Anthony Elder, Yi Ding, Coach MacLellan, Ethan Allured, Nik Krueger, Peter Harker, Terrence Robinson Wilson. Middle Row: Coach Luebke, Adam Bauman, Bill Witter, Jeffrey Boness, Bakary Dao, Konstantin Hegner, Jawonza Brooks, David Meicher, Chuck Whitlock, Matthew Harker, Keegan Rehfeldt, Coach Disch. Bottom Row: Head Coad1Hill, Sam Davis, Evan Golub, Shawn Morris, Aaron Gascoigne, Adrell Bullock, Gary Gustafson, Brady Wilber, Mike Krupecki, Mike Cassidy, Sean Maloney, Coach Hatch.Missing: Manager Justin Salfer.
Varsity Football 85
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Our season could be characterized by one word, "persistence." We started off slowly with a new coach, a new system and players who have not played together most of their lives. We only had two wins in our first eleven games. Our team continued to press on for excellence. It was a thrill to see this team grow stronger to the point of winning five of our last six games. In the regional tournament, we traveled to Winneconne and defeated them 4-2. Our season came to an end just a few days later when we confronted Xavier, an incredibly strong team that walked away with the regional championship. This Wayland team is one to be incredibly proud of. We ended the season with an overall regular season record of 7-8-2 and 3-4 in our conference. I am truly grateful to have been able to coach this team.
Top Row: Shawn Arndt, Jordan Esten, manager: Lawson Reif, Kamil Bilgic, Bum Seok Park, Nick Kavelaris. Middle Row: Head Coach Fisher, Eoin Sheil, Humza Khan, Darren Cole, Ki-Jun Ahn, Kyle Dilschneider. Front Row: Weston Radford, Quintin Radford, Juan Rocha, Jeff Kuehling, Patrick Favre, Kevin Hannon.
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86 Varsity Boys Soccer
The girls tennis team enjoyed a very successful season with a 4-2 record in conference and an overall record of 8-5. This is a great turn around compared to the 0-8 record last year. The team this year won a triangular meet against Waupun H.S. and St. Mary's Springs. The #3 singles, Darcy Trapp, and the #1 doubles, Emily Rhatican and Maeve Fischer, also qualified for the sectionals. The girls performed much better than anticipated and we look forward to the same effort next year.
Top Row: manager: Jamie McCallum, Kelly Pearce, Karen Balfe, Ricarda Marschall, Emily Rhatican, Kate Miller, manager: Blair Halverson. Front Row: manager: C.J. Kiersten, Natalia Rocha, Abbi Stuaan, Laura Matic, Maeve Fischer, Darcy Trapp, Head Coach Khreish.
Varsity Girls Tennis 87
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"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go." The varsity volleyball girls (or should I say the 7 dwarfs) started off a wonderful season by winning their first tournament. The girls played well as a team, and I am proud to call them my friends. The team will really miss our two seniors Leah Martens and Laura Stegeman next year. Their leadership and talent will be hard to replace. Thanks for a GREAT season girls.
Top row: Head Coach Eisenreich, Leah Martens, Krista Maxson, Vanessa Schm idt, Jenny Johnson, Mr. Luebke. Front row: Laura Stegeman, Marjorie Warren, Manager: Jordan Schneider, Meghan Tomberlin, Amanda Lipski. Missing: Mr. Stabler, Kristin Whitworth, Kristin Neuser, Lydia LuyTan .
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88 Varsity Volleyball
Fall Sports Candids 89
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Top row: Coach Bleifuss, Terry Cheatham, Chris Victoria, Akash Chander, Gordon Au, Coach Patterson. Middle row: Monica Stasek, Dayna Heidler, Kyle Hammersley, Sonya Pine. Bottom row: Coach Walters, Jared Smiley, Cen Cui, Justin Seighman, Kolin Kasten, Head Coach Pfister.
Top row: Head Coach Eber, Heather Elliot, Suzanne Roberts, Abby Rehfeldt. Bottom row: Jennifer Davis, Holly Taylor, Molly Johnson.
Top row: Brandon Jones, Gabriel Borrud, Henrick Ohlsen, Head Coach Osvald. Bottom row: Jin-Woo Park, Tara Burnham, Amanda Eisenreich, Carolyn Lowry, Michael Thieman. Missing: Benjamin Skalla .
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90 Fall Sports
JV Top row: Joong-Hyo Lee, Ryan Gilbert, Chase Murphy, Paul Syzmanski, Daniel Kim, Logan Shrank. Middle row: Alexander Hodgdon, Aamir Ali, Marcus Wong, Jin Suntivich, Daniel Fourness, Christopher Rice, Euan Taylor. Bottom row: Head Coach Kesler, Samuel Doty, John Burgman, Ernest Chang, Conor Ulik, Daniel Cobb, Manager: Peter Sloane.
Top row: Manager : James McCallum, Alanna Sneath, Stefanie DaCosta, Erin Scott, Andrea Sneath, So Young Park, Manager: Blair Halverson. Bottom row: Mao Mao Zhang, Emily Mulder, Tara Stadele, Lavinia Rohle, Minako Takahashi, Head Coach Khreish.
Top row: Nikki Lichte, Unia Griffin, Kate Lienke, Bridget Killeen, Kristin Whitworth, Susanna Redmer, Kristin Neuser. Bottom row: Manager: Jordan Schneider, Jennifer Johnson, Elise Krause, Lydia LuyTan, Yoko Hasegawa, Yi Fang, Head Coach Reichel.
JV Sports 91
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The 2001-2002 boys basketball team finished the regular season with a winning record of 12-7. This year's team was once again led by the stellar performance of Terrence Robinson Wilson. With his leadership, the amazing ball handling of Jordan Esten, and the consistent double digit point averages by Bakary, Darren, and Lawson, Wayland was able to receive a #2 seed in our region for the WIAA state tournament. The bench play of Gary, Adrell, Shawn, and Humza also provided a spark that was essential to our success. We look forward to turning some heads in the playoffs.
Back Row: Akash Chander (manager), Nik Kreuger, Shawn Arndt, Myles Williams. Middle Row: Head Coach Crogan, Bakary Dao, Darren Cole, Adrell Bullock, Mr. Luebke. Front Row: Jordan Esten, Humza Khan, Alex Crogan, Terrence Robinson Wilson, Lawson Rei拢.
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94 Boys Basketball
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The Wayland girls basketball team entered the season with a young and inexperienced group of players. Though the team struggled to a 6-16 record, no players are lost to gradua, tion. With hard work in the off season, there is much hope for a very successful future . The highlight of the season was a trip to the Bradley Center to play in the Milwaukee Buck's Prep Series. The Wayland girls recorded an impressive win over University Lake School before an enthusiastic crowd of students, parents, and alumni.
Back Row: Head Coach Eber, manager: Yoko Hasegawa, Susanna Redmer, Kristin Whitworth, Heather Elliott, manager: Anny Fang, Coach Osvald. Middle Row: Kristin Neuser, Amanda Eisenreich, Karen Balfe, Carolyn Lowry. FrontRow:Jayme Estep,Abbi Stuaan, Natalia Rocha, Marjorie Warren, Emily Rhatican.
,_ Girls Basketball 95
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The girls worked really hard this year and we were very pleased with their dedication to improving technique. We incorporated jumps, spins, leaps, and splits into our five dances, which brought Wayland's dance team to a new level. Next year we hope to excel even more.
Back Row: Bridget Killeen, Abby Rehfeldt, Kate Lienke, Abby Benavides, Dayna Heidler, Tara Stadele. Third Row: Roz Davis, Laura Stegeman, Ms. Eisenreich (advisor), Leah Martens, Monica Stasek. Second Row: Erin Lamm, Kristin Vargas, Emily Mulder, Molly Johnson. Front Row: Darcy Trapp, Suzanne Roberts, Meghan Tomberlin.
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96 Performance Team
This year's season did not get off the ground until after Christmas due to a lack of snow. Duringthelastweekofthe Christmas break the team went to a camp for two intense days of training. The Boys team qualified for the Conference meet and the State meet that was held in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Leading the team were Jeff Kuehling (first team all conference) and Chuck Whitlock. The Girls team struggled this year because we only had two girls on the team and could not be competitive in meets. As coaches we were exceptionally pleased with our skiers this year. Our expectations at the start of the year were much lower than in other years. Through hard work and dedication, they became one of the better and more respected teams in the conference.
Back Row: Jamie McCallum,JeffBoness, Ethan Allured, Henrik Ohlsen, Brandon Jones. Middle Row: JeffKuehling, Kolin Kasten, manager: Quintin Radford, John Burgman, Chuck Whitlock. Front Row: Head Coach Kasper, Kyle Hammersley, Erin Scott, Alex Hodgdon, Tara Burnham, Coach Alpaugh.
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There was a big turn out for swimming this year, with students of all levels of experience showing a lot of enthusiasm and dedication. There was a lot of individual improvements with some swimmers cutting as much as 20 seconds off their times by the end of the season. Two of our swimmers, Konstantin "Iron Man" Hegner and KiJun "The Rock" Ahn, went to sectionals. We are looking forward to more going next year. We all will miss our great captains Meghan and Jordan!
Back Row: Head Coac h Pfister, Sam Da vis, manage r: Nikki Lichte, mana ge r: Sonya Pine, Jenn y Johnso n, Coach Kesler. 3rd Row: manager: Erin Ed so n, Lydia LuyTan, CJ Kiersten, Konstantine Hegner, Chris Vi cto ria, manage r: To moko O mu ra. 2nd Row: Minako Takahashi, So Youn g Park, Joong H yo Lee, Travis O pperman, Anto ni a Oschn er, Dani ella Martinez, Meghan Patri ck-Crane. Front Row: Jin Woo Pa rk, Dani el Kim , Ki Jun Ahn, Ricard a Marsc hall, Lavini a Ro hl e, Jorda n Cole, Ernes t Chang .
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98 Swimming
AAl Grey Team: (top-bottom) : Will Krupecki, Chris Rice, jake Disch, Peter Harker,Jordan Schneider, jenny Davis, Cen Cui, Andrea Sneath, Rachel Swarzman, Jessika Arriaga, Coach). Patterson. Red Team: (top-bottom): Akiko Kimura, Ryan Gilbert, Nick Kavelaris, Blair Halverson, Kamil Bilgic, Dana Leystra, Bum Seok Park, Head Coach Hill, Matt Harker. White Team: (top-bo ttom): Paul Szymanski, Peter Sloa ne, Terry Cheatham, Krista Maxson, Adam Bauman, Wes ton Radford, Pamela Rossell, Mike Thieman, Dan Cobb, Elise Krause, Jin Suntivich, Coach Disch. Black Team: (top-bottom): Yi Ding, Katie Huss, Chase Murphy,)awonza Brooks, Unia Griffin, Vanessa Schmidt, Justin Salfer, Alanna Sneath, Coach Borrud.
Back Row: Sam Doty, Edmond Cassidy, Tyler Ritchie, Tony Elder, Keegan Rehfeldt, Eoin Sheil, Marcus Wong. Middle Row: Head Coach Gregersen, Brady Wil ber, Dann Fourness, manager: Alana Hanson, Aaron Gascoigne, Kyle Dilschneider, Justin Seighman, Coach Koen ig. Front Row: Henry Epps, Mike Cassidy, Sean Maloney, Pat Favre, Juan Rocha, Aamir Ali. Missing: Euan Taylor, Con or Ulik.
Back Row: Head Coach Vetter, Heather Elliott, Danielle Assa, Susanna Redmer, Kristin Neuser, manager: Trina Saladin. Front Row: Holly Taylor, Kelly Pearce, Maja Stevanovich, Kate Miller, Carolyn Lowry.
Winter Sports 99
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1 1 Back Row: Head Coach Gregersen, Matt Harker, Keegan Rehfeldt, Peter Harker, Yi Ding, Will Krupecki, Chuck Whitlock, Coach Durham. Middle Row: Gabe Borrud, Dan Cobb, Evan Go lub, Gary Gustafson, Jeff Boness, Bill Witter. Front Row: Dave Meicher, Ed mond Cassidy, Justin Salfer, Aaron Gascoigne.
1 1 Back Row: Erin Scott, manager: Kate Lienke, Elise Krause, manager: Emily Mulder, Jenny Johnson, manager: Tara Stadele. Middle Row: Coach Luebke, Lydia LuyTan, Karen Balfe, Kate Miller, Susanna Redmer, Abby Benavides, Alanna Sneath, Head Coach Vetter. Front Row: Andrea Sneath, Kristin Ne u ser, Ama nd a Eisenreich, Laura Matic, Leah Martens, Laura Stegeman .
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102 Spring Sports
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Back Row: Coach Schneider, Nik Krueger, Gabe Borrud, Paul Szymanski, manager: Jin Suntivich,Jordan Esten, Lawson Reif, Shawn Arndt, Head Coach Borrud . Middle Row: justin Seighman, Mike Cassidy, Kyle Dilschneider, Ben Skalla, Myles Williams, Kyle Hammersley. Front Row: Logan Schrank, Alex Hodgdon, Euan Taylor, Mike Krupecki, So Young Park.
T Back Row: Coach Koenig, Humza Khan, Terry Cheatham, Travis Oppermann, Gordon Au, Head Coach Khreish. 3rd Row : Kolin Kasten, CJ Kiersten, manager: Suzanne Roberts, Sam Doty, manager: Maeve Fischer, Nick Kavelaris. 2nd Row: manager: Chris Victoria, Aamir Ali, joong Hyo Lee, Weston Radford, Dann Fourn ess, Blair Halverson, jeff Kuehling, manager: Maja Stevanovich. Front Row: john Burgman, Sam Davis, Con or Ulik, Ernest Chang, )in Woo Park, Juan Rocha, Cen Cui.
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Back. Row: manager: Eoin Sheil, Antonia Oschner, Ricarda Marschall, Roz Davis, Danielle As sa, Vanessa Schmidt, Jordan Cole, Jayme Estep, manager: Chase Murphy. Third Row: manager: Pat Favre, Katie Huss, Emily Rhatican, Krista Maxson, Natalia Rocha, Meghan Patrick-Crane, Pamela Rossell, Darcy Trapp, manager: Ki-Jun Ahn. Second Row: Tomoko Omura, Brittany Jordt, Sonya Pine, Erin Edson, Kristin Vargas, Minako Takahashi, Jessika Arriaga. Front Row: Head Coach Fisher.
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Back Row: Sean Maloney, Henrik Ohlsen, Brandon jones, Jake Disch, Akash Chander, Konstantin Hegner, Tyler Ritchie, Ryan Gilbert, Terrence Robinson Wilson, Ethan Allured, Darren Cole, Bakary Dao, Chris Rice. Middle Row: Brady Wilber, Jawonza Brooks, Adrell Bullock, Head Coach Hill. Front Row: Coach Nadia, Lavinia Rohle, Dayna Heidler, Monica Stasek, Stefanie DaCosta, Jenny Davis, Tara Burnham, Molly Johnson, Quintin Radford.
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104 Spring Sports
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Back Row: Nikki Lichte, Kelly Pearce, Heather Elliott, Dan Fourness, Marjorie Warren, Peter Sloane, Tara Burnham, Kristin Whitworth. Middle Row: Mao Mao Zhang, Daniella Martinez, Minako Takahashi, Bridget Killeen, Abbi Stuaan, James McCallum, Jordan Schneider. Front Row: Akiko Kimura, Yoko Hasegawa, Anny Fang, Erin Lamm, Tomoko Omura.
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Back Row: Meghan Tomberlin, Amanda Eisenreich. Middle Row: Logan Schrank, Chuck Whitlock, Danielle Assa, Tara Stadele, Humza Khan , Jin Suntivich, Abbi Stuaan, Unia Griffin. Front Row: Alex Hodgdon, Alana Hanson, Elise Krause, Aaron Gascoigne, Carolyn Lowry, Jenny Johnson.
The Student Government offers each student an opportunity to become involved in student leadership at Wayland. The Government meets once a week and is representative of the entire student community. This year's class presidents are Aaron Gascoigne ('05), Jenny Johnson ('04), Amanda Eisenreich ('03) and Humza Khan ('02).
4 Back Row: Erin Lamm, Leah Martens, Laura Stegeman, Will Krupecki, Abby Rehfeldt, Terry Cheatham, Jordan Schneider, Alana Hanson. Middle Row: Gabe Borrud, Mike Thieman, Humza Khan, Jordan Cole, Meghan Patrick-Crane. Front Row: Justin Salfer, Lawson Rei£, Jordan Esten, Terrence Robinson Wilson .
This group of seniors have dedicated the past four years of their lives attending Wayland Academy. As a result, they have grown close and share a special bond of friendship with one another. They should be proud of the difference they have made at Wayland and in their own lives.
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Back Row: Mr. Sampson (Director), Mrs. Irwin. Middle Row: Kevin Hannon, Will Krupecki, Jake Disch, Bill Witter, Nick Kavelaris, Brady Wilber, Mike Krupecki, Bum Seok Park, Sam Doty. Front Row: Mao Mao Zhang, Laura Matic, Darcy Trapp, Meghan Tomberlin, Dana Leystra, Elise Krause, Heather Elliott, Maeve Fischer, Kristin Vargas, Kelly Pearce.
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Back Row: Laura Stegeman, Humza Khan, Leah Martens. Front Row: Katie Huss, Tara Stadele, Emily Mulder, Amanda Eisenreich. Missing: Irina Saladi n.
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Mr. T. Patterson (Director), Dann Forness, Paul Szymanski, Ernest Chang, Chuck Whitlock.
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Back Row: Paul Szymanski, Jacob Disch, Sonya Pine, Ricarda Marschall, Jin Suntivich. Front Row: Eva n Golub, Pamela Rossell. Missing: Mr. T. Patterson (Director).
Clubs 109
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r Back Row: Nick Kavelaris, Laura Stegeman, Jordan Esten, Ethan Allured. Front Row: Meghan Patrick-Crane, Terrence Robinson Wilson (Head Prefect), Jordan Cole. Missing: Mrs. Fischer (Advisor), Tomoko Omura.
A prefect is a senior en trusted with administrative tasks. They will be considered the student assistant to the Head Resident or faculty/staff member while in charge of the dormitory.
r Back Row: Chris Victoria, Abbi Stuaan, Kristin Whitworth. Middle Row: Weston Radford, Lawson Reif, Dan Fourness, Jeff Kuehling, Cj Kiersten, Jeff Boness, Tara Stadele. Front Row: Natalia Rocha, Laura Matic, Maja Stevanovich, Kate Miller, Yoko Hasegawa, Jenny Johnson. Missing: Mrs. Fischer (Advisor), Kendall Vingua, Alana Hanson, Irina Saladin, Elise Krause.
A proctor's responsibility is to assist faculty members and Prefects in keeping the dorm or other area in order, defending individual rights, and generally maintaining a high standard of behavior on campus.
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t~ Back Row: Mr. Owens (Advisor}, Will Krupecki, Jacob Disch. Front Row: Dana Leystra, Maja Stevanovich, Ms. Alpaugh (Advisor).
The Thespian Society is an honorary organization of more than 3000 secondary schools. The aim of the Society is the advancement and improvement of theater arts.
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Back Row: Jin Suntivich, Natalia Rocha, Darcy Trapp. Middle Row: Abbi Stuaan, Tara Stadele, Bridget Killeen, Karen Balfe, Lydia LuyTan, Mrs. Bleifuss (Advisor). Front Row: Kate Miller, Emily Mulder, Jenny Johnson, Holly Taylor, Danielle Assa.
Ecology Club members help to facilitate the school's on-campus recycling projects and to promote Earth Day observations.
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Back Row: Jin Suntivich, Humza Khan, Ethan Allured, Jordan Esten, Paul Szymanski, Terrence Robinson Wilson, Weston Radford. Front Row: Laura Stegeman, Jordan Cole, Maja Stevanovich. Missing: Tomoko Omura, Meghan Patrick-Crane, Nick Kavelaris, Brittany Jordt, Mr. Fisher (Advisor).
The Honor and Ethics council provides a student's point of view in deciding disciplinary actions for their fellow students. The council is chosen by the faculty on the basis that they will be able to make unbiased decisions.
Back Row: Amanda Eisenreich, Shawn Arndt, Terrence Robinson Wilson, Keegan Rehfeldt, Nik Krueger, Chase Murphy, Tyler Ritchie, Jake Disch, Sam Doty. 4th Row: Natalia Rocha, Darcy Trapp, Lawson Reif, Jordan Esten, Brandon Jones, Maja Stevanovich, Lydia LuyTan, CJ Kiersten, Kate Lienke, Abbi Stuaan. 3rd Row: Chris Victoria,JeffKuehling, Laura Matic,Jordan Cole, Kristin Neuser, Katie Huss, Danielle Assa. 2nd Row: Aaron Gascoigne, Emily Rhatican, Carolyn Lowry, Kate Miller, Yoko Hasegawa, Jeff Boness . Front Row: Ms. Gross (Coordinator), Emily Mulder, Brittany Jordt, Jenny Johnson, Aamir Ali. Missing: Bridget Killeen, Suzanne Roberts, Adrell Bullock, Paul Szymanski, Travis Opperman, Elise Krause, Darren Cole.
The Student Ambassador program is made up of a selected group of students who have been chosen by the Admissions department to give tours, host students and provide a student's insight into the daily lifestyle of a Wayland Student. These boarding and day students work hard through out the year under the guidance of Ms. Gross and assist at all open house functions .
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Back Row: Mr. Walters (Advisor), Maja Stevanovich, Tony Elder, Ms. Reichel (Advisor). Front Row: Mike Thieman, Aamir Ali, Roz Davis, Ben Skalla.
The forensics team goes to tournaments, where students can compete in almost two dozen events ranging from Public Speaking to Story telling and Extemporaneous Speech to Humorous Interpretation. Participating in Forensics allows students to develop speaking skills and to become more comfortable in front of an audience.
Back Row: Mr. Kasper, Mr. MacLellan, Mr. Walters, Mr. Disch, Mrs. Bleifuss (Secretary). Front Row: Ms. Eisenreich, Leah Martens, Jordan Esten, Terrence Robinson Wilson, Gabe Borrud, Ms. Alpaugh . Missing: Mr. Khreish, Mr. Lennertz (President), Mr. J. Patterson, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Seighman, Laura Stegeman, Jin Suntivich, Alana Hanson.
The Cum Laude Society is the national honorary society for independent secondary schools. It was founded in 1906 to give as much recognition to scholastic achievement as that given to other activities.
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128 Hanukkah Celebration
Hanukkah is known as the festival of lights. For eight days, starting on December 9th, Jews all over the world began to celebrate . The Wayland Community celebrated Hanukkah this year by inviting Rabbi Kenneth Katz and Meghan Nesbitt to campus to inform us not only about Hanukkah, but also about some of the other customs and beliefs of Judisum. On the second night of Hanukkah, Wayland Academy had its first Hanukkah formal dinner where students and faculty joined together to perform the customs and traditions that make Hanukkah such a unique holiday within the Jewish religion .
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Lessons and Carols is a traditional festival held in the chapel to celebrate Christmas. Students and faculty participate by reading Bible passages, singing, and playing musical instruments. Two performances are held: one for the Wayland community an done for the public. This year's theme was 'music from around the world'.
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The Musical Comedy Murders Of 1940 Cast Elsa Von Grossenkneuten: KellYr Pearce ('03) Helsa Wenzel: Laura Matic ('02) Patrick O'Reilly: Tyler Ritchie ( 05) Michelle Kelly: Marjorie Warren ('03) Eddie McCuen: Will Krupecki ('02) Ken de la Maize: Jake Disch ('04) Marjorie Baverstock: Jenny Davis ('04) Nikki Crandall: Suzanne Roberts ('02) Bernice Roth: Brittany Jordt ('04) Renee Hopewell: Elise Krause ('04) Radio Voice: Mr. P.J. Osvald
The Plot follows a creative team responsible for a recent Broadway flop as they assemble for a backer's audition of their new show at the Westchester estate of a wealthy" angle." The group is then revisited by the infamous "Slasher," who begins to leave a trail of murder throughout the house. The mystery is solved in the nick of time and the "Slasher" is unmasked.
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132 Fall Play
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One Acts 133
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We had our fair share of arguments this year. But as a staff we somehow kept our sanity ... Except for the times we were screaming at the advisor. Good luck to you all.
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Well, this year started off with a completely new staff, but we learned the ropes easily, and many ways to keep our sanity! I would like to thank the staff for making this yearbook a possibility (even with the scare of eventually not getting one), everyone who kept me from pulling my hair out (Deadlines, guys!), and everyone who has supported me in everything this year. All I can say is that it was quite an experienceYour("Deeditorized" everyday) Editor
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A As a yearbook staff, we would like to thank Mr. Lennertz and Mr. Koenig for helping us finish the yearbook on time.
We were expected to spend every waking moment on yearbook, as if we had no lives of our own. Well we didn't, but we still got everything done and! hope everyone appreciates what we had to put up with just to make this yearbook for them.
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L To all my classmatesTha nks for maintaining a positive attitude because staying sane in this class was hard. It's been tight. Holla -Pooh Dilla
Ms. Pfister and I were like a married couple. We had our good times but there were far too many disagreements and thus our lovely marriage was cut short. So ladies, I am available. Peace
T It is fina lly done! The staff really came together in the end and pulled it all together. Thanks guys!
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* ~ There were lots of things to do, but it was fun ~a ~ I liked it, and I enjoyed it too. Hehehe-_-; Yoko
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It wasn ' t at all what I expected.
Wayland Academy
**** THE REIF BROTHERS Kingston Aldon, 2001 Lawson Bush, 2002
Congratulations to all of Shawn's Senior Friends! :j
Especially the Awesome Golf Team! Conference Champions Regional Champions Sectional Champions State 3rd Place
The Arndts Jack, Bonnie Shawn ('04) 2001 Varsity Team (L toR): Shawn Arndt, Jordan Esten, Kingston Reif, Gabe Borrud, Lawson Reif, Coach Jim Borrud, Assistant Coach Archie Catalfamo
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138 Advertisements
Chuck, your ceaseless energy has brought fun and a fountain of youth into our lives. You've showed us how to laugh at ourselves as we "chuckled• with you. We wish you much success and happiness. Love,
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140 Advertisements
Terry C
& /he,tC~of 2002 www.geocities. com/secretgardentlc Selling New Wilton Items & Collectibles on the Net!
SpeciaL~ -to-:· ~M01it"Aw~Me¥\t"or Evev!!
Jordan Follow your heart; Do well and do good! /love you, Mom
//If at first the ideo is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." -Albert Einstein Thank you to:
Congratulations to the Class of 2002 The Edson Family
Pfun-Pfilled Pfister Amiable Amanda Tranquil Terry "Early" Esten Loud Lawson Late Laura Lovely Leah Pompous Pooh \'akin' Yoko
Chuck, Congratulations! Keep climbing. Love, Dad and Mary
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