M.S. HEIDI EISBNR BieR '91 four years now Ms. E and I have had a Christmas Cookie-Baking Extravaganza. I'm sure that many, if all the students and faculty, have eaten some of our delicious goodies. What they are unaware of is the Jlus hours we spend slaving away. We roll over 300 peanut butter balls and hand-dip them in colate; first we have to try not to burn the chocolate, which actually happens a lot. We cut out about ' cookies, and that is low-balling the number, but, not only do we bake them all, we frost them too, and r about the lOth one we no longer feel creative. But it's not about the cookies, or the dozens of other ts that we make. People rarely get to see what goes on behind the scenes. Not only have Ms. E and I ie cookies together, but also somewhere along the way we've become close friends. She is such an tzing person. There are no words to tell how truly honored I am to have had her be a part of my time at yland. pleat first mistake Ms. E as the prickly pear, but, as we all come to find out, she is really the fuzzy ::h. Ms. E constantly dedicates herself to the students at Wayland. She spends time planning weekend vities, organizing seminars, making sure our transportation is in order, keeping the union shelves :ked and opening the Union on the weekends . She is always there for any student who needs to talk or want to hang out. I can honestly say that I couldn't imagine my Wayland experience without her, ~cially our hardcore YMCA workouts. She always has time, and even when she doesn't she easily ~es it. The students are her priority, and she is continuously putting herself second. She is such a less and caring person who has a true dedication and passion for her job. yland will truly be missing an integral part to the school when she leaves. I wish her the best of luck, I have no worries because no matter where she ends up in the world I know she will be happy and ~essful. I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you so much Ms. E for your constant devotion contributions to the Wayland community. You are truly a remarkable person and you will be greatly sed.
E, L have been my beacon in a stormy night, my spring in Wisconsin, my confidant in times of trouble. Ms. ou were the one who got away .(That was for the kids) testly, though, I have truly appreciated your friendship and mentoring over the last two years. Wayland be a lesser place without you. Good luck, and God bless.
The ABC's of Miss E: A - Available- Always available to lend an ear or offer assistance. B- Baker- Caramel brownies- need I say more? C - Caring - Her concern for others shows in all that she does. D - Dedicated - to her job and those around her. E- Enjoys the outdoors - NOT! F - Forever organized - I aspire to having just half of her attention to detail. And the list could go on and on throughout the alphabet and more. Heidi was a good student at Waylar and an excellent teacher. I will miss our frequent chats, but I hope she will welcome me as a visitor in new warm and sunny location! Best wishes always Heidi.
Working with a classmate is awesome. Especially, when that classmate is Ms. E. I know that she is going to kill me when I present this yearbook to her, because she has never enjoyed the spotlight, but no one deserves this honor more than she does. Heidi and I were good friends when we were students here, so when I came to campus again as a faculty member I was thrilled to be working with her. She i always available to talk and has always given amazing advice. Heidi has made a lot of my (and other faculty members) lives easier. Planning weekends, activites, and transportation is no small feat and Ms. E. gets it done. She does all these things and the rest of us never have to worry about it. We kno\\ that she will have thought of all the details and everything will go smoothly. Ms. E is also a FABULOUS cook. She loves to bake but doesn't like to eat them so she passes her goodies out. This makes her the best neighbor alive. For all of these reasons and many more, Ms. E. will be greatly missed next year. I am however looking forward to a new vacation destination, fully stocked with brownies.
MS. KR.JSTENE --sereHER.... '97 From Ms. E's Senior Q..uote: "If my parting has left a void, thet fill it with remembered joy." 9
Jean Allemand H' 84
Diane Alpaugh H'83
Carol Becker H'99
Liberty Bell
Jim Borrud H'75
Adm inistrative Ass istant to the Academic Dean
Department Chai r Social Studies & Hi story
Ass istant to Admi ssions &
Assoc iate Dean of Admissions & College Counseling
Ge rman/ ESL & International
Kris Boucher H'90 Assoc iate Dean o f Ad mi ss ions & College Coun seling
Library & Fi ne Arts
Student A dvisor
Sean Coste llo
Mitch Di sch H'93
Will Dore
Dye Cha ir of Sc ience
He idi Eisenreich '97
Linda Esten
Robert Esten '64
Shannon Evans
Stephanie Fra nklin
Assista nt Dean o f Students
Director of Development O perati ons
Pres ident
Span ish
Alu mni Direc tor
Cassie Graham
Tyler Graham
Deb Hankes R.N.
Craig Hill H'06
Judy Hill H'08
Dcpanment Chair o f
Department C hair o f English &
Direc tor of Health Services
Depart ment Chair of Science
Direc tor of Athletics
Dye Chair of Religion
Lo ui se Hoff H'9 1
Darcie Hutchi son
Mary Irwin
Trent Jackson
Kathy Kanyon R. N.
Assistant to the Dc:m of Adm issions & Co ll ege Cou nse li ng
Mu sic
V ice Pres ident of Development
Hea lth Center Nurse
Paul Ke ll er
Martha Kes ler H'08
Terrill Knaack '68
Keely Lake Ph.D.
Dea n of Students
Englis h
Art i st - in - Residence
Latin & Greek
IT S upport Spec ial ist
Academic Dean
A th let ic Ass istant
Assistan t to the President
Engli sh
Chri s Mi entu s
Rodney Miller
Rebekah Moe
Matt Nelson
Ke ll y Neuert
Mus ic
Chief Financ ial Office r
Mathemati cs
Director of Donor Relations
Jaso n Nicholson
Lindsay Osborne
P. J. Osvald
Eric Peters
Brandi Polzin
Hi story & Phi losoph y
Assistant Dean of Ad m issions & Co llege Cou nseli ng
Hi story
Dean of Admi ssion & College Counseli ng
Mathema tics
Do ug Russell
Rose Schaalma
Mike Schneider H'86
Roxanne Sell H'92
Di rector of Information T echnology
Academy Recept io nist & Admin ist rat ive Assista nt
C hai r of Modem & C lassical
Assistant to Athle tics & the Wayland Store
JoAnn Stommel
Mikhail Tatrin
Amy Th rondsen
Mi ke Throndsen
Sue Voigt
Accou nt ing C lerk
Dep;utment Chuir o f Fine Arts
Wayland Store Manager
Direc tor of Public In formatio n &
Publicat ions
Kurt Walters
Kerry Wolfgram
Accountant & Huma n Resources
Kenny Bence
Kathy Berger
Julie Brendemihl
Jill Czarneck i
Admin istrati ve Assistant
Ass istant Manager
Linda Eggers
Randy Hamming
John Harri s
Randa Hoffm an
Fac il ities Oirec 10r
Custod ian
Laura Knop
Richard Krejcarek
Daryl Miller
Genera l Manager & Executive Chef
Grounds Supervisor
Mathew Miller
Maria Orti z
Karen Owens
Craig Sadlon
Donna Su路ook
Shelley Van Buren
Cher Manager
Luke Bacci
Alicia Czarnik
Allison Franco
Sarah Gates-Miller
Davis Blackwell
Alexander Derr
Luke Brandl
Selena Erdman
Hydeia Champion
Lindsey Ferguson
Taylor Franklin
Bethany Guse
Carmen Fuentes
David Hayes
Caroline Fultz
Jilli an Holmes
Same! Coley
Nicholas Forture
Edgar Garcia
Kyu Jin Jang
Jacob Johnson
In won Jung
Lindsey Knoll
Teal Krause
Mi chell e Krueger
Kirstin Lardy
Nicole Luhm
John Moran
Jayme Neitzel
Ashley Nevel
Emma Petersen
Ryan Rabata
Terra Ridgeway
Kourtney Ruegger
Kandice Sanders
Andrew Scheurer
Zachary Schubert
Ann Schwab
Laura Siekman
Zachary Silver
Mary-Lucile Smith
Michael Vaubel
Alexandera Steinkrus
Colin Wahl
Kyle Sulli van
Elizabeth Warfield
Blair Thompson
Hong il Wi
Meghan Tuner
Ting-Yu Wu
William Allen
J. Michael Estrella
Carmel Assa
Rebekah Fau st
Matt Bruning
Enrique Galvan
Giovanni Di az
Mariana Garcia
Andrew Holden
Lara Greenacre
Willi am Gunnell
Rebecca Downey
Alexander Haberman
Cristian Hurtado
Breauna Hill
Taylor Jordan
Josiah Hintz
Moonhyok Kim
A lexia Hoffmann
Young Jun Ki m
Charl otte Lange
Hwa Yeom Lee
Russell Little
Ali ana Mestey
Mackeni ze Miller
Dav id Mos ley
Sae Jo ng Oum
Mi chael Paugh
M ary Polesnak
Jo hn Pryme
O li ver Ptaschinsk i
Sophie Ptaschinski
An ne Rauscher!
Ashley Rauwolf
Lisa Rayford
Katelyn Ri tchie
Dav id Rosas
Karl Schl eevogt
Brooke Schum ann
Yelina Seo
Mall ory Si mmons
Leslie Walton
Lieve Sne ll en
Dong Yun Yang
Ashan ti Soldier
Hee Seung Yang
Amanda T ramm
Sang Kyung Yang
Thierry Yill arete
Abdiri zak Ali
Mohammed Al i
Robbiee Behrenbeck
Michae l Boucher
Erika Anuszewski
Aaron Brown
Dezarae Avalos
Sicheng Chen
Maud Elli s
Eleonore Deri-Sproull
Hen ry Fang
Megan Conne ll
Estelle de Vendegies
Laura Bachmann
Nicholas Derr
Austin Fi egel
A ll ison Dewar
Marcelo Giebink
Lea D uncker
Jane Goski
Natalie Guse
John Heeter
Rickey Hend on
Stephanie Hill
Matthew Hernandez
Yoo Kyung Hwang
Se Yeon Jang
Savanna Jenson
Aa- Young Kang
Katharine Klein
Nicholas Kosewski
Austin Lardy
Chung Bok Lee
Kory Karpfinger-Dryden
Seung Hyeo n Lee
··.···- · .,... "3ii:?.;Jr
=== llll . ... l ~ --
SiWan Lee
Yean Ji Lee
Cheuk Ming Ling
Joseph Li verseed
\ _ . • • tl
.•• Ill ...... -
Rachel Lizzadro-McPherson
Hannah Mallegni
Guttu Maskalo
Brianna Medley
Mark Mesrobain
Monika Milkovska
Joshua Miller
Jamie-Alden Mones
Nora Moser
Billa! Muammar
Jee Woo Park
Seo Y eon Park
Stephen Pepper
Shane Preston
Jenna Ptaschinski
Haitham Qamhiyeh
Chris Ren
Brendan Rhatican
Kayla Ruplinger
John Santucci
Austin Scholz
Nicholas Schubert
Qin Shao
Hua-Yue Xie
Zachary Schwartz
Paul Shapiro
Wiley Yao
Johanna Sckaer
Yaro Strutynsky
Jiwoo Yu
Weiyu Sha
Siyi Wang
Alice Zhang
Theodore Shank
Jake Wood
Philadelphia Delegation Joe Liverseed, Ted Shank, Mike Schwemmer, Brendan Weinstein SeoYeon Park, Shirley Wu, Addie Rauschert, Mr. Nicholson
Chicago Delegation ddie Rauschert, Megan Connell, Meghan Turner, Sophie Ptaschinski, Mr. Nicholson, Luke Brandl, licia Yu, Austin Lardy, Josh Miller, Carmel Assa, Jamie Mones, Laura Bachmann, Nick Kosewski, 1e Rauschert, Brendan Rhatican, Karl Schleevogt, Brendan Weinstein, Sam Coley, Andrew Weaver, Hong il Wi, Moonhyok Kim, Hendry Fang, Kyu Jin Jang, Yong Jun Kim, Estelle de Vendegies
Will Gunnell, Ashanti Soldier, Lisa Rayford, Clare Wolfe, Chris Hannah, Rachel McPherson, Mr.Mientus, Dr. Lake, Elizabeth Richardson-Hart, Erin Phipps, Enrique Galvan, Aliana Mestey, David Rosas, Tyler Hill, Davis Blackwell, Veronica Neumann-Thompson, Sarah Gates-Miller
Austin Lardy, Megan Connell, Estelle de Vendegies, Brendan Winestien, Larua Bachmann, Shirley Wu, Maud Ellis, Sam Coley.
r. Lake, Maud Ellis, Yoo Kyung Hwang, Seo Yeon Park, Charlotte Lange, Estelle de Vendegies, Savanna
Jensen, Dezarae Avalos, Chris Hannah, Rebekah Faust, Laura Bachmann, Nick Kosewski, Matthew :.rernandez, Kyle Yang, Spencer Schumann, Veronica Neumann-Thompson, Josh Miller, Ed Randerson
Spencer Schumann, Ashley Rauwolf, Brooke Schumann, Clare Wolfe, Se Yeon Jang, Andrew Haberman, Ed Randerson, Selena Erdman, Natalie Guse, Rebekah Faust, Ms.Ratajczak, Bethany Guse, Jane Go ski, Matthew Hernandez
Mr. Mientus, Erin Phipps, Joe Graham, Sophie Ptaschinski, Adam Bunkoske, Anne Rauschert, Steven McCaskill, Jared Krause, Epiphany Burgess, Sean Hong, Julia Kim, Karlie Aubry, Mallory Simmons, Austin Scholz, Nick Kosewski, Mary Catherine Polesnak, Amanda Tramm
Alex Derr, Mike Boucher, Mike Vaubel, Nick Derr, Damarr Purifoy, Ann Schwab, Michael Schwemmer, Andrew Haberman, Lea Dunker, Veronica Newman-Thompson
Yeon Lee, Jane Goski, Veronica Neumann-Thompson, Dezarae Avalos, Alex Derr, Mike Schwemmer, Liz Spencer, Sang Yoon Cha, Damarr Purifoy, Mike Boucher, Mark Bruning, Joey Richardson
Josh Miller, Alice Zhang, Addie Rauschert, Stephie Hill, Erika Anuszewski, Jamie Mones, JeeWoo Park, Felicia Yu, Mrs. Irwin , Kyle Yang, Sean Hong, Austin Fiegel, Mark Bruning
Brooke Schumann, Bethany Guse, Alicia Czarnik, Natalie Guse, Lieve Snellen 43
Ashley Rauwolf, Lexi Hoffmann, Ed Randerson, Savanna Jensen, Stephen Pepper
Nick Kosewski, Sarah Janisewski, Julia Kim, Miles Reid-Anderson, Joe Graham, Tyler Hill, Erin Phipps, Lindsay Cieslik, Stephie Hill, Nick Derr, Jared Krause Not Pictured: Addie Rauschert, Ed Randerson, Molly Lowell
1996 1982 KRISTEN WESTLAKE 1980 j i1~:z. 'i~'oW"' 4:28.00 1982 I(IISTEN WESTLAKE 11:27.10 2007 t ~~~~~Ai. 8RfJt~HERT 11:10.91 2001 1998 2008 1996 1997
9.0"1 9.0' . 9 8
ck to the '80s
c 0
4 2 J 0
s 52
Sophomore Trip
Juru.or Trlp I
Pep Ralltf
Lessons &Carols
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): John Pryme, Arndt Gossel, Coach Nicholson, Mike Boucher, Matt Bruning 2nd Row (L-R): Coach Keller, Adam Bunkoske, A.J. Warfield, Brennan Fitzgerald, Oscar Cumpiano, Andrew Holden, Sarah Murphy -~- 3rd Row (L-R): Jason Crivolio, Josh Hoeft, Nich Schaalma, Nick Schubert, John Santucci
JV 1st Row (L-R): John Pryme, Josh Block, Matt Bruning, Jason Kim, Giovanni Diaz 2nd Row (L-R): Coach Keller, Howard Thomas, Nick Derr, Jason Crivolio, Andrew Holden, Mike Boucher, Coach •• Nicholson
Baseball 66
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Coach Hill, Katelyn Ritchie, Amberly Ritchie, Lexi Hoffmann, Chelsea Hackman, Samantha Brodbeck, Leslie Walton, Jacky Barron, Coach Dare 2nd Row (L-R): Coach Luebke, Leah French, Aliana Mestey, Kayla Ruplinger, Ellie DeriSproull, Sarah Baig, Mary Miller, Amanda Tramm, Coach Tramm 3rd Row (L-R): Jane Goski, Katie Corbin, Megan Connell, Kelsey Bauman, Sarah Janisewski, Julia Swanke, Natalie Guse, Lisa Rayford
Varsity/ JV 1st Row (L-R): Coach Nelson, Rebekah Faust, Clare Wolfe, Jiwoo Yu, Alice Zhang, Veronica NeumannThompson, Laura Bachmann, Jee Woo Park, Anna January, Coach Boucher 2nd Row (L-R): Katie Shank, Estelle de Vendegies, Karlie Aubry, Elizabeth Richardson-Hart, Danica Fredricks, Carmel Assa, Stephanie Hill, Lindsay Cieslik, Sang Kyung Yang, Molly Lowell 3rd Row (L-R): Phil Swain, Allison Dewar, Keena Mohr, Maddie Cassad, Caitlin Wolfe, Tereza Hadravova, Kelsey Peters, Lynz Bjork, Shirley Wu, Caleb Hintz
Girls Soccer
Varsity ~=-==""if=======~ 1st Row (L-R): Selina Adler, Youngil Kim, Thomas Schwarberg, Jack Ling, Kyo Hyun Park, Will Gunnell, Ted Shank, Christine Pryme 2nd Row (L-R): Alex Bardelmeier, Seung Hyo Park, John DeHart, Coach Petersson, Robbiee Behrenbeck, Si Wan Lee, Sean Hong
JV , 1st Row (L-R): Kory Karpfinger-Dryden, Ed Randerson, Randy Yang, Carlton Radford, Spencer Schumann, Kevin Chen, Matt Hernandez, Evan Mata, Markos Lopez, Coach Kesler 2nd Row (L-R): Emily Wu, Sang Yoon Cha, Jun Ho Hwang, Paladin Yang, Stephen Huth, Lars Gossel, lsmet Yesilda, Wren Wu, Hendry Fang, Chung Bok Lee, Jill Neitzel 3rd Row (L-R): Paul Oum, Jason Kim, Seung Hyun Lee, Russell Little, Andrew Haberman, Kate Klein, Wiley .-----.__z-....,. Yao, Alex Haberman, Paul Shapiro, Jared Krause
Boys Tennis 72
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Coach Lake, Seo Yeon Park, Mariana Garcia, Abdl Ali, Joe Graham, GT Maskalo, Mike Schwemmer, Coach Costello, Enrique Galvan, Mac Shihab, Sophie Ptaschinski, William Allen, Austin Scholz, David Rosas, Coach Glowacki 2nd Row (L-R): Epiphany Burgess, Se Yeon Jang, Hwa Yeon Lee, Hayley Skreens, Josiah Hintz, Marie Schmidt, Addie Rauschert, Emily Franco, April Jordan, Alex Sha, Josh Miller, Erin Phipps, Yean Ji Lee, Erika Anuszewski 3rd Row (L-R): Breauna Hill, Rickey Hendon, Jenna Ptaschinski, Jessica Stout, Mark Mesrobian, Jeff Butke, Josh Hamburg, Tyler Hill, Anne Rauschert, Austin Williams, Cassie Puis, Aaron Brown, Ashanti Soldier, Adam Benavides, Julia Kim 4th Row (L-R): Katie Torrence, Walter Burtis, Yaro Strutynsky, Jon Galor, Alejandro de Ia Rosa Gomez, Damarr Purifoy, Tanner Yocum, Ben Rabata, Brendan Weinstein, Nick Kosewski, Jake Wood, Gade Jyambere, Scott Fitzgerald
Track & Field 74
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Oliver Ptaschinski, Philip Bouressa, Liz Spencer, Kelsey Ruegger, Mackenzie Miller, Joe Graham, Coach Borrud 2nd Row (L-R): Stephen Pepper, Marcelo Giebink, Joe Liverseed, Steven McCaskill, Jeff Rauscher, Mary Catherine Polesnak, Sophia Lee 3rd Row (l-R): Chris Carr, Joey Richardson, Austin Fiegel, Mark Bruning, Will Jones, Martin Bruggermann, David Mosley, Brooke Schumann
Golf 76
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Kandice Sanders, Leslie Walton, Megan Connell, Mackenzie Miller, Stephanie Hill, Sophie Ptaschinski 2nd Row (L-R): Jenna Ptaschinski, Alii Franco, Anne Rauschert, Teal Krause, Addie Rauschert, Coach Eisenreich 3rd Row (L-R): Leah French, Brie Medley, Kelsey Peters, Julia Kim, Erin Phipps
JV 1st Row (L-R): Leah French, Katelyn Ritchie, Meghan Turner, Aliana Mestey, Sophie Ptaschinski, Lieve Snellen, Kandice Sanders, Blair Thompson, Erin Phipps 2nd Row (L-R): Coach Lake, Lindsey Knoll, Mackenzie Miller, Alicia Czarnik, HuaVue Xie, Lizzie Warfield, Lisa Rayford, Nicole Luhm, Julia Kim 3rd Row (L-R): Kelsey Peters, Monika Milkovska, Hydeia Champion, Lindsey Ferguson, Selena Erdman, Sarah Gates-Miller, Rebecca Downey, Nora Moser, Brie Medley
:· .·. : ·.
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Kourtney Ruegger, Alice Zhang, Amanda Tramm, Hannah Mallegni, Jacky Barron 2nd Row (L-R): •···~~.,.,...;:~ 'll•lfl~ Coach Petersson, Brooke Schumann, Sarah Baig, Lea Dunker, Johanna Sckaer, Kayla Ruplinger, Stephen Pepper
JV 1st Row (L-R): Matt Hernandez, Ann Schwab, Hwa Yeon Lee, Yelina Seo, Jiwoo Yu, Sharon Shao, Siyi Wang, lnwon Jung, Jee Woo Park, Will Gunnell 2nd Row (L-R): Ms. Evans, Epiphany Burgess, Alexandra Steinkraus, Ye-Seul Yang, Elli Deri-Sproull, Carmen Fuentes, Youn Ah Roh, Liz Spencer, Ashley Rauwolf, Spencer Schumann 3rd Row (L-R): Caroline Fultz, Caroline Robbins, Natalie Guse, Jayme Neitzel, Taylor Jordan, Mary Catherine Polesnak, Breauna Hill, Shirley Wu
Girls Tennis
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Yean Ji Lee, Estelle de Vendegies, Alii Dewar, Veronica Neumann-Thompson, Seo Yeon Park, Dezarae Avalos, Laura Bachmann 2nd Row (L-R): Coach Ratajczak, Coach Boucher, Savanna Jensen, Jane Goski, Jessica Stout, Maud Ellis, Sarah Janisewski, Coach Alpaugh
JV 1st Row (L-R): Rebekah Faust, Michelle Krueger, Aa-Young Kang, Jamie Mones, Phil Bouressa, Kirstin Lardy, Terra Ridgeway 2nd Row (L-R): Emma Petersen, Kate Klein, Mary Smith, Elizabeth Richardson-Hart, Bethany Guse, Yoo Kyung Hwang 3rd Row (L-R): Coach Ratajczak, Coach Boucher, Coach Alpaugh
Field Hockey 82
JV 1st Row (L-R): Kyle Sullivan, David Rosas, Davis Blackwell, Coach Peters, Jacob Johnson, Giovanni Diaz, William Allen 2nd Row (L-R): Colin Wahl, Luke Brandl, Luke Bacci, David Hayes, Ashanti Soldier, Oliver Ptaschinski, Matt Bruning, . John Pryme 3rd Row (L-R): Coach Osvald, Chris Ren, TingYu Wu, Kevin Anfin, Zack Schubert, John Moran, Nick Fortune, Coach Boucher
1st Row (L-R): Coach Peters, Joe Graham, Josh Miller, Billa! Muammar, Aaron Brown, Ashanti Soldier, Alex Sha, Mike Boucher, Coach Hill 2nd Row (L-R): Coach Disch, Adam Bunkoske, Shane Preston, Marcelo Giebink, Erika Anuszewski, Rickey Hendon, Kelsey Ruegger, Austin Williams, Steven McCaskill, Jeff Rauscher, Coach Boucher 3rd Row (L-R): Coach Luebke, Jason Crivolio, Joe Liverseed, Nick Derr, SiWan Lee, Joey Richardson, Tyler Hill, Brennan Fitzgerald, Coach Osvald 4th Row (L-R): Chris Carr, Zach Schwartz, Andrew Haberman, Brendan Rhatican, Jake Wood, Chris Hannah, Nick Kosewski, Nick Schubert, Max Georges
Varsity 1sr Row (L-R): Austin Lardy, Jack Ling, Josiah Hintz, Kevin Chen, Jason Kim, AbdiAii 2nd Row (L-R): rr-- - Andrew Weaver. Jon DeHart, Mark Bruning, _ John Santucci, Austin Fiegel, Lars Gossel, Jason Kim 3rd Row (L-R): Coach Graham, G.T. Maskalo, Sang Yoon :-~ 路 路 Cha, Karlie Aubry, )IIJi!l!il Sean Hong, Coach Nelson
JV 1st Row (L-R): Andrew Scheurer, Michael Paugh, Randy Yang, Henry Fang, Mohammed Ali, Kyu Jin Jang, Edgar Garcia 2nd Row (L-R): Kyle Yang, Paul Oum, Alex Haberman, Hong il Wi, Michael Vaubel, Seung Hyeon Lee, Chung Bok Lee, Coach Nelson
Boys Soccer 86
1st Row (L-R): Ashley Nevel, Taylor Franklin, Mallory Simmons, Clare Wolfe, Cristian Hurtado, Se Yeon Jang 2nd Row (L-R): Molly Lowell, April Jordan, Charlotte Lange, Coach Tatrin, Jillian Holmes, Ryan Rabata, Lindsay Cieslik, 3rd Row (L-R): Alex Derr, Robbiee Behrenbeck, Damarr Purifoy, Brendan Weinstein, Sam Coley, Mark Mesrobian
Cross Country Team
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Molly Lowell, Taylor Franklin, Laura Siekman, Ted Shank, Jacob Johnson, Ed Randerson, Christian Hurtado 2nd Row (L-R): Colin Wahl, Josiah Hintz, Mark Mesrobian, Joe Liverseed, Chris Ren, Luke Brandl, Austin Scholz 3rd Row (L-R): Coach Alpaugh, Laura Greenacre, Andrew Weaver, Paul Shapiro, Sam Coley, Yaro Strutynsky, Hannah Mallegni, Coach Kasper
Ski Team
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Josh Miller, Youngil Kim, Sean Hong, Jared Krause, Nick Kosewski, Lindsay Cieslik, Jeff Rauscher, Chris Hannah, Alex Haberman, Jake Wood 2nd Row (L-R): Jason Kim, John Pryme, Meghan Turner, Michael Estrella, Alexandra Steinkraus, Laura Bachmann, Kyu Jin Jang 3rd Row (L-R): Seo Yeon Park, Kayla Ruplinger, Yean Ji Lee, Estelle de Vendegies 4th Row (L-R): Jack Ling, Elli Deri-Sproull, Coach Tatrin, Coach Kesler, Andrew Haberman, Chung Bok Lee, Miles Reid-Anderson, Coach Moe
JV 1st Row (L-R): Terra Ridgeway, Jayme Neitzel, Savanna Jensen, David Mosley, Karl Schleevogt, Bethany Guse, Matt Hernandez, Maud Ellis 2nd Row (L-R): Haitham Qamhiyeh, Clare Wolfe, Felicia Yu, Lieve Snellen, Siyi Wang, Yoo Kyung Hwang, Aa-Young Kang 3rd Row (L-R): Ashley Nevel, Sang Kyung Yang, Alicia Czarnik, Hong il Wi, lnwon Jung, Charlotte Lange 4th Row (L-R): Justin Krause, David Rosas, Coach Tatrin, Coach Kesler, Jee Woo Park, Yelina Seo, Coach Moe
Swim Team 92
PM 8Y K"Z 53
JV 1st Row (L-R): Lea Duncker, Rebecca Downey, Alii Franco, Nicole Luhm 2nd Row (L-R): Jamie Mones, Sharon Shao, Lexi Hoffmann, Kirstin Lardy, Sophie Ptaschinski, Michelle Krueger 3rd Row (L-R): Caroline Fultz, HuaYue Xie, Mary Smith, Lindsey Ferguson, Sarah Gates-Miller, Coach Polzin
PM 8Y KFZ 53
Girls Basketball 94
Varsity 1st Row (L-R): Mary Smith, Leah French, Erin Phipps 2nd Row (L-R): Brie Medley, Leslie Walton, Stephanie Hill, Addie Rauschert, Rebecca Downey 3rd Row (L-R): Coach Hill, Kelsey Peters, Alii Franco, Anne Rauschert, Jenna Ptaschinski, Enrique Galvan
Varsity (L-R): Kortney Ruegger, Kelsey Ruegger, Mariana Garcia, Erika Anisewski, Hydeia Champion, Mackenzie Miller, Lizzy Warfield, Lisa Rayford, Aliana Mestey JV (L-R): Blair Thompson, Rachel McPherson, Jessica Stout, Coach Evans, Jillian Holmes, Monika Milskova, Carmen Fuentes Dance Team (L-R): Kandice Sanders, Epiphany Burgess, Liz Richardson-Hart, Nora Moser, Selena Erdman, Mary Catherine Polsnak, Emma Petersen, Lindsay Knoll, Rebekah Faust
Sarah Baig
Little Chute, WI
Alhassa, Saudi Arabia
:1: Words can't thank you enough for all that 1 have
done. You are the best pupah bear in world and I am very lucky to have you. r1a: You are the peanut butter to my jelly, ugh said i
not easy, but its worth it ehyea baby.
Jacqueline Barron
Mark Bruning
Berwqn, IL
CrqstaJ Lake, IL
Dc&ar \Ua~land, -r~ank:; for c&~c&r~t-~ing!
I. grc&~ u-p :;o k.\UC~ ~c&rc& and I ~ill nc&~c&r f orgc&t- t-~c& tik.\c& I :;-pc&nt- ~c&rc& . ""\~ four ~c&ar:; ~c&rc& ~Q~c& bc&c&n unforgc&t-ablc&.
""\~ t"c&ac~c&r:; ~c&rc& grc&at", k.\~ k.\c&nt-or ~a:; ak.\azing, k.\~ fric&nd:; ~c&rc& a~c&50k.\c&!!!
Uc&arc&:;t-t:>arc&nt-:;, t"~ank ~ou for t"~c& :;acrifiCc&5 ~OU k.\adc& for k.\c& and for al~a~:; :;u-p-porting k.\c&. I a-p-prc&ciat-c&
c&~c&r~t-~ing ~ou gu~:; do for k.\c&, and I
couldn't- ~a~c& k.\adc& it- t-~i:; far ~it-~out ~our ~c&l-p. ""\ok.\, I rc&all~ do lo~c& ~ou
k.\Orc& -r~an ~ord:; can c&~c&r :;a~. To k.\~ fric&nd:;, k.\UC~ luck in all -r~a-r ~our
Thank you Mom and Dad, you're the best. I love you both. To my friends, especially my fellow four-year seniors: ~~• You guys are the best, and I have so many unforgettable memories. To Mr. Mientus: Thank you for showing me the right path and helping me get there. To my brother Matt: You are the birdman, the OG Triple OG, and the best little bro. Stay strong, stay the course, blah, blah, blah just have fun with it. And finally, to Jess, my love: Thank you for always being there for me, through the ups, downs, rain, snow, rocks, and every other cliche metaphorical situation. But even more important, thank you for showing me that true love really exists. I'll love you with all my heart to the ends of the Earth. 1o:
~<&art-:; k.\a~ ~i:;~ t-o -pur:;uc&. i<!c&c&-p in TOUC~, 5c&riou:;l~!
Beaver Dam,
Chicago, IL
WI really can't quite believe it's all coming to an end. My ! at Wayland Academy was easily the best years of my life, it could never have been this way without the help I had 1 my family and friends. To my parents: You guys have no how much it meant for me to be enrolled at Wayland. IIlk you so much for letting me come and grow here. I you all from the depths of my heart. To my siblings: •k! I graduated high schooll Your little brother is grown now, and your big brother (B & B) is going off to college. nk you for putting up with me even though sometimes I .' t always there for the family moments. I love you very ~ To my friends: Wayland would have been nothing without of you! The moments we all shared were some of the best ny life! This isn't the end, however. Stay in touch and great memories will just keep coming. To Marie: You ly don't know how much you mean to me. Thank you for ng me a bet ter person through your love and company. I you very much! To Wayland: Thank you. Thank you for l'thing you have done for me. You have took a little unan and changed him into a college bound graduate. I will r miss this place. Underclassmen, take your time making it rraduation. You will miss this plaoe before you know it. the Class of '09: Go out and leave a legacy. Change the i to how you want it to be; you all can with a little :mi.nation! -country
~I IJJould likQ i"o f1r:;i" and forQI4o:;i" i"l)ank God for
bQing i"I)Q :;ourcQ of 1410 :;i"rQng-tl) during 1410 IJJQakQ:;T ii14Q:;. I couldn'-t l)aiJQ donQ ii" IJJii"l)oui" l)i14. ~t-lo141410 and 1::ric. l1)ank 10ou for :;u-yporiing I4Q and
i"ru:;iing i"l)ai" 10ou l)a\JQ i"augl)-t and gi\JQn I4Q Q\JQ~i"l)ing nQcQ:;:;arl0 i"o bQ
:;uccQ:;:;ful and
ini"QIIigQn-t 10oung 1JJo14an. ~5iick:;, Cra10ola, and Cl)ri:;iian· I lo\JQ 10ou gu10:; :;o
I4UCI). ~Auniin 5cooi"a """PiQ, Grand14a, 5Q\Jan:;, )Z,
lYB· I
a·yprQciai"Q Q\JQ~TI)ing 10ou a ll l)a\JQ donQ for I4Q OnQ Lo\JQ, OnQ ""Bond. ~jazz, LQQ, Gar10·
I lo\JQ 10ou a iiiJJii"l) all 1410 I)Qari" and
i"I)QrQ':; no-tl)ing 10ou can do abou-t ii"l
Sang Yoon Cha
Lindsaq Cieslik
Seoul, Korea
Madison, WI
you everyone ng my suppo md follower! I really appreciate your great ;upport for three years . I really enjoy Wayland , jue to awesome faculty, cool students, and of ;ourse me, as the living hero for everybody. Nayland offered me a fantastic high school 3xperience and it will remain a sweet memory :hroughout my life. I'll miss all of you! Special Thanks to: Thank you Class of 2009 for being an awesome class. You guys rock! Thank you Mr. Adam Pusinelli for being my best friend and great roommate! I'll miss you forever! Thank you my# 1, 2, 3 mentors. #1: Mr. McDonnell, #2: Doreski, #3: Keller Deller. You guys are the best. Thank you Mr. Lauff, Mr. Walters, Mr. Keller, Mr. Doreski and MoeMoeski for being awesome teachers! Larsi ... you are my baby. P.S. To Doreski ... you are so cute baby! To Lauff ... My #1 buddy forever!
--¡-:::=â&#x20AC;˘ ~~~-
"Do what tfOU can with what tfOU have where tfOU are." -Theodore Roosevelt Thank tfOU to mtf familtf 4ou inspire 11 evertfdatf. Thank tfOU to aJJ mtf amazi friends who supported me when I needed tfOU. I Jove 4ou aJJ so much tf mean evertfthing that is meaningful me.
Jason Crivolio
Jonathan De Mart
River Forest, ll
New Castle,
:om & Dad- Cbanhs for supporting me, 1d mahing tm sacrifices tbat you ba"e 1ade to ensure tbat I was successful. td pro"iding me witb sucb a great ucation. tmmar- I am going to miss you tbe ~t! You were tbe best roommate e"er! tâ&#x201A;Ź- Cbanhs for mlping me for these .tr years. I was luchy to ba"e you as a ~ntor.
Talk about- a gre&at- four ~e&ar5. I cak.\e& in
¡s.P- Not only being my mentor but o as a tutor you ba"e pro"ided so tcb help to me as a student. Cbanh .t for aU tbat you ba"e done for me. :y, Jared, Justin, Jon, Josb, JV[ihe, ristine, and Rpril- Cbanhs for being best group of friends. ~"e you aU!
~iT~ I')OT~il')g,
le& ft- ~iT~ 50 k.\UC~, al')d ~aiJe&
5o k.\an~ --pe&o--ple& t-o t-~ank in t-~e& k.\id5t- of it- all. t-1~ --pare&nt-5 k.\ade& t-~i5 --po55ible& and k.\~
frie&l')d5 k.\ade& it- gre&at-. 1::1Je&r~
e&X--pe&rie&I')Ce& le&ft- k.\e& ~it-~ no re&gre&t-5 be&cau5e& I got~e&I')T.
a c~ance& t-o le&arn a5 I
So k.\an~ --pe&o--ple& ~e&re& t-~e&re& t-~e&
~~ole& ~a~
t-o k.\ake& 5Ure& t-~at- I k.\ade&
T~Q rig~t- c~oiCe&5, and, ~~QI') I didn't-,
t-~e&~ ~e&re& t-~e&re& an~~a~. ~ank5 t-o k.\~
--pare&l')t-5 for gi1Jil18 k.\e& a 5~ot- at- \Ua~ l and Acade&k.\~, t-~e& t-e&ac~e&r5 for be&il18
--paiie&nt- ~it-~ k.\e& and ~e&l--ping k.\e& gro~, k.\~ frie&l')d5 and roOk.\k.\aTe&5 ~~o e&ndure&d k.\~ COI')5Tai')T duuuude& k.\Ok.\C211T5, and k.\~ girlfrie&l')d ~~o t-aug~t- k.\e& ~o~ t-o loiJe&. ~i5 ~a5 be&e&l')
a --p~e&I')Ok.\e&l')al four ~e&ar5 of
unforge&ttable& k.\e&k.\Orie&5 t-~at- IJJill be& t-re&a5ure&d for k.\an~ ~e&ar5 t-o COk.\e&. ~ank ~ou all, ~ou
k.\ade& t-~i5 --po55ible&.
Brennan Fitzgerald
Leah French
Juneau, WI
Marion, WI
Mom and Dad - Thanks for the opportunitlf to come to Walfland and inspiring me to dream bi1 Love lfOU. Darclf and Staclf - Best sisters ever! Love lfOU chicasf Mr. Peters - Thanks for alwa~ putting up with mlf complaining! You're the be. mentor! I'm doing QOOD todalfU Kelself - Thanl for aiWalfs being there for me and putting a smile on mlf face when I was down! You're the best friend and roommate ever! Buddlf - Mlf dance partner! Thanks for aiWalfS being there for me whenever I needed to talk to someone! linds - our heart to heart talks! Stephi- Mlf chem and phlfsics partner! Jess - Craz~ dance parties! You girls have helped me the past 3 4ears. Love lfOU and I'm going to miss lfOU. Underclassman- Cherish lfOUr time here. it go fast. Class of 2009- Congratulations and tha1 for the memories!
Max Qeorges
Lars QosseJ
Sturgeon Baq, WI n, I can't believe it's already time to write my 1ior page. Soon it'll be time to hand in my ior thesis, and then graduation day. I'd like 1ank my mom and dad, and my little sister y, for helping me make it through these t 3 years of Wayland. I've really enjoyed the rs I've spent here (for the most part). I ld've never made it without you guys, and n though I might not show it sometimes, I'm ly thankful. ng in Ella Dye for the past 2 years with all friends has been a blast. (Lars is cool, h.) Thanks to Joey for being such an !Some roommate and thanks to Jon and 路k for being awesome suitemates for both rs. Thanks to all of my other friends that I otto mention. To the Ella Dudes that juated or aren't here anymore like Carlton, 1sman, Schwa, lsmet, KORNDORF, Martin, Josh Hamburg: I really had a good time ging out with you guys and I hope you're ng a good time wherever you are now. I'm 1ing out of things to say, so I'll just end it by ng Suk is the man.
his guy is awesome-------------->
Macomb, IL
<-----------This guy is awesome First off I would like to thank my parents, without them I wouldn't have been able to come to Wayland and experience everything. My siblings for helping me with whatever I need help on. I would also like to thank all the great friends I made. Seriously you guys are awesome. I met so many cool people over my two years that I went to school here at Wayland. I mean I don't really know what else to say about the people I met except I hope we keep in touch. I'll really miss you guys. I also want to thank all the teachers. My Mentor for sticking through it and helping me decide what's best for me. Also my roommates, Young II and Joe Graham, you guys were so fun to room with. We had our little fights and everything, but I'll really miss you guys. I want to thank anyone who I forgot. Max is cool yeah.
Joseph Qraham
Andrew ttaberman Beaver Dam,
Chicago, IL
Hey what's up everybody, it's Ya Boy Joe Graham . The very first day I stepped on Wayland's campus Nas freshman year at my very first football camp . That was my slogan , that was who I was , just Ya 3oy. But, as time progressed , so did my character. f he first time I heard that I received a scholarship to --~Ji;~ ~ o to a boarding school I was ignited with happiness. f he most special part about this is, before my ~ randfather passed away, he told me that I was ~ oing to become a very important person and it was ~ oing to start with a scholarship , I'll always 'emember that day. When I came to Wayland , I n ade some life long friends , you all know who you 3re , and I met my wonderful girlfriend . Austin , Steve m d Brennan , you are the top three , you always had ny back and I know you always will. Kelsey, I met you I)UC:i iAI:.I: IS 1.11{1: ii·U: 1:01~C:1:. li l-IAS A ast year and from the point on my life has been 1 Ox I.IGI-Ii Sll)l:, 1\. I)AI~I{ Sll)l:, 1\.NI) li I·ICI.I)S Jetter, you and your family have been such a blessing n my life that there is not enough room on this page ii·U: UNIVI:I~SI: iCGI:il-llm :o describe my gratitude, thank you and I love you . ( C:AI~I. S\\11\.NZIG ) -he ENTIRE Wayland community, you all have been I \\'ClJI.I) 1.11{1: iC ii-I1\.NI{ MY I:»AimNiS 1=01~ 1uge factors in my evololution of becoming a man. -hank you , and I love you all. My family has always I!IUNGING Ml: Ul:. \\'lil·l GCCI) \'J\.I.lJI:S 1\.NI ;upported me and I know they always will. I love them I:»USI-IING Ml: iC 1)0 \\11:1.1. IN I:VI:I~YTI-IING o death . Of course I'm still Ya Boy Joe Graham, but m not just Ya Boy anymore ; now I'm a leader, a 1)0. 1ealthy, strong, intelligent young man, great friend I \\'ClJI.I) 1.11{1: TO TH1\.NI{ 1:\'I:I~YCNI: I md overall a better person.
I{NC\\1 I!I:C:AUSI: \\11TI·ICUT ii-U:M, I \\'ClJI.I) NOT 1!1: TI·U: S1\.MI: INI)I\'II)UJ\.1. I 1\.M TCI)1\."'t I)C TI-ll: \\101~1{!!! (MI~. l:sri:N) 1.11=1: IS 1.11{1: A Sil~\.1{, li TASTI:S GCCI) IN SMAI.I. l!lii:S, I!Ui \\'I·U:N YOU
TI~YiC 1~\.T
IN CNI: l!lil:, YOU C:I-ICI{I: ON li. I \\'ClJI.I) 1.11{1: TO ii·IANK Ml~. \\'1\.I.TimS 1=c I!I:ING 1\.N A\\'I:SCMI: MI\.I{ING
I \\'ClJI.I) 1=1N1\.I.I.Y 1.11{1: TO TI·IJ\.NI{ Ms. 1: 1=01~ TCI.I:I~\.TING CUI~
Chris Hannah
Tqler Hill
Calumet Park, IL
Beaver Dam, WI
I just want to say thanks, to everyone that has been an influence to me in every facet of my life, Mom, Steph, eoach, Erin, Anna, LJe, "-Sunki, "-Beni, eurly, Theater, Sports My R..oomies Past and Present and The Academy. It's been 13 years, but I'm finally leaving. Thanks to late night discourse, dorm supervisors, and school day lectures. Peace, Love, and Unity.
Sean ftong
Sarah Janisewstci
Seoul, Korea
Beaver Dam,
Mom & Dad-Thank you for everything! You've always been there for me especial ' these last 4 years. Thanks for that extra push when I thought the world was going j end. I love you both. Mr. Schneider-! can't thank you enough fo always being there for me and for everything you've done for me. Joel & Jean-Thank you for always supporting me and helping me with anything at any time! My Friends-You don't know how much yo1 all mean to me! If it wasn't for all of the laughter and the tears I wouldn't be who I am today. I'm going to miss you so much
So don't wait for someone to tell you it's too late, ~~I Cuz these are the best days. There's always something tomorrow, So I say let's make the best of tonight. Here comes the rest of our lives. Best Days Graham Colton ~
April Jordan
Beaver Dam,
Daejeon, Korea
WI \JG gro~J.Jn ~o f-.IUCf) in tf)G~G la~t four ~Gar~ and to G~G~onG )Ot f)a~ bGGn
a -part oftf)i~ journG~ tf)ank ~cu.
~ou f-.\OdG it
)G f-.\O~t Of-.lozing GX-pGriGncG I could G~Gr f)a~G, and I ~J.Jill ~~Gr forgGt an~ of~ou .
-. Co~tGIIo -I ~J.Jill nG~Gr forgGt all tf)G craz~ f-.\Gntor l uncf)G~ Jd all tf)G fun ~ -parGnt~
IJJG f)ad in track.
- I ID~G ~DU and tf)ank ~ou for ~our nG~Gr Gnding
-p-port. I kno~JJ tf)G~G la~t fGIJJ ~Gar~ f)a~Gn't bGGn GO~~ 1d I a-p-prGciatG a ll ~ou'~G donG for f-.IG. ,ank ~ou ~o f-.IUCf) to c:<~Gr~onG ~J.Jf)o ~u-p-portGd f-.\G tf)rougf) G ~Gar~, it f)a~ f-.\Gant tf)G ~J.Jorld to f-.IG and, ~J.Jitf)out ~ou, I ) Uid bG cof-.1-piGtG I ~ lo~t. I ~J.Jil l nG~Gr forgGt an~ of ~cui G-p on tf)G banana boat G~Gn tf)rougf) tf)G
n di-p, brand nGIJJ roiiGr
~katG~ ,
goat~ ,1)
Suk Hqun Kim
Youngi1 Kim
Seoul, Korea
Daejeon, Korea
\•·~~,. ~uc~
*To Parents: Thank you for supporting me for years. Although I did not say "Thank You," I appreciated this chance that you gave me all the time. Thank you again , and I love you two *To Sister: Weii. .. Thank You! I know it was yo idea to send me to the U.S.A., and I am really pleased with my life here! Thanka! *To Liz Spencer: I still think it was lucky that you came to soccer game when we were sophomore, and I crushed on you. If I had not met you, I probably would not be Youngil Kim now. I learned how to love somebody--this is much seriousness! Thank YOU and I love YOU!!=) *To Mr. Boucher: Thank you! I really want to say this first. You were always here for me for the last 4 years, and I will never forget your support and help!!! Thank you again for being my mentor for 4 years!! Mr. Boucher the best MENTOR!!! *To friends: Suk, Sean , Cha, Younah , Yesul , Julia, Andrew, and other Seniors!!! We made it!!!! Good Luck on College!! *Thank You for Lars Gessel for being the best roommate and friend ever in my life!!
Jared Krause
Justin Krause
. Brussels, WI
Brussels, WI
would like to tbanlt my parents for 'wing for my once in a lifetime opportunity · success in tbe future. Rs well as always pporting my inspirations and interests. I 1uld like to tbanlt my friends for being there ·me wben they were needed. Mr. Walters · being my mentor for tbe last two yeas of p «<ayland Career malting sure I kept on ' of my work and for hassling me to get p Senior Cbesis done. Mr. )\lientus - tbanlt u for all tbe support and ad"ice you ga"e : wbetber it dealt witb music or not. 1anlts to those teachers wbo bad me tbrougb ~ years and put up witb me wbetber in good bad times and all I want to say is tbanlt u e"eryone else. @ood luck witb tbe rest of ur «<ayland career. Thanks to everyone who was and was not there to make the person I am today. You are only as well behaved as your peers. Thanks to my Mom and Dad who have and always will make sacrifices for me. In order to be perfect parents you must embrace active love for your children. , Thanks to my friends for all of the good times conspiricizing and doing stupid stuff. In the absence of asinine people and things, there are no smart people and acts. Without Wayland most people argue that you would be a different person, and I agree. Wayland is an experience you must embrace oz go home.
MoJJq LoweJJ
Steven MeCaskiJJ
Lake Qeneva,
Chicago, IL
To the 'rents, you guys are the most amazing people in my life. I know I have given you a run for your money at times, and I thank you for sticking it through and creating such an amazing life for me. I love you both with all of my heart and more. To the Wayland eommunity remember: 'When the power of love overcomes that love of power the world will know peace." -Jimi Hendrix
Each of these pictures is a reminder of how much fWl I had at Wayland. I will never forget these moments. Class of 2009: ''We are out!" 11:
Veronica NeumannThompson
Kelseq Peters
Cambria, WI
Winnetka, IL
'2.rc& arQ. 5o ~an~ t"~it185 t"~at" ~aiJQ. -p-pc&t1'2.d "to ~c& OIJQ.r t"~c& la5t" four ~ar5 t"~at" I ~aiJQ.
1211 bc&gin \}JiT~
t')O id'2.a \}J~C2rc& TO
a rc&flc&cTion. ""'for 5Urc&,
c&5C2 ~c&ar5 ~aiJc& bc&c&t') craz~ and ,\Jc& driiJc&t') ~c& froJ4 lo1Jit18 (~aTing) i5 -place& -to t-~c& brink ofin5anit-~ and 1ck again, but- bc&cau5c& of a fc&\}J )c&cific -pc&o-plc&, t"~i5 c&t')Tirc& Tit4C2 ~a5 ~1211 J4adc& c&t')tirc&l~ \}JOrTb\}J~ilc&. ~ou
\}J~o ~ou
arc&; I \}Jill t')c&IJc&r
~rgc&t- ~ou. l1ock. UIJc&. LoiJc&. 13c& ~uc&, AI\}Ja~5.
Chanh you to my family for e"erytbing. I am so grateful for your support. )\1s.Resler- You are an awesome mentor, and I'm going to miss all the funny times! Chanh you for always being there for me. My friends in particular Ceab (best roommate e"er.. .I will miss youD, Stepb, .Cinds, Sri, Rels and Bdam-I lo"e you! You all are some great friends and helped me so much! I'll ne"er forget you. Bustin-Cbanh you for e"erytbing. You are so important to me. Co"e you! @irls bball heep it up ne.xt year. I'm going to miss the fun times we all bad.
Erin Phipps
Damarr Purifoq
Nashotah, WI
Milwaukee, WI
I want to thank my parents, family, teachers, and friends for supporting and loving me throughout the past 18 years. I would not have accomplished as much as I have today without your help. I love you all and I am very grateful for having you all in my life. Peace, love, and unity.
Mom and Dad (thanks beyond knowing are dl here). Mr. McD (A truly great mentor, in the truest sense of the word). The others that I don't have the word-count to name but do need naming, regardless (my apologies). Now, my year in summation (these things are old, sure, but it's damn clever and dead accurate): I basked in purple glows with Josh and Crivs, pissed off Maximus Schlongus, beat Brits, did stupid stuff with Japanese Cracker Monkeys, honked with The Goose , rolled Turtles onto their backs, ran from Yetis, fought Bears, played with Froggies, took slow strolls with Sloths, and I frolicked in the prairies in the Be~ Month of Spring. 11
Adam Pusine11i Burr Ridge, IL They have ped me mature and become the person lt I am today. tanks Mr. Schneider for beblg the best 1tor ever! And to all my teachers. tanks for pushing me and believing in and helping me realize and reach my 1 potential. )W to all my friends. There aren't ~ds that can explain how much you have .ped me. You know who you are. hen I needed you, you were there. I lldn't ask for anything more. You ie my high school years the best and love you. Anytime, I don't care 3.t time, you got my phone number. lSt call and I will be there! 1anks to everyone I missed. 1anks to Cha for belllg the best )mmate ever. I love you!
Randerson Beaver Dam, WI
lank you to my parents.
• ••
Mom- Thank yo u for always helping me through my breakdowns during fina ls and always being there for me when I needed yo u most. I'll always love your Prisci lla smile . Dad- Remember all t he nights you stayed up with me whi le I worked , you rea lly did help keep me awake even if I said you didn't. Thanks for taking care of the behind the scenes ski work for me , I can't tell you how much work you saved me . Cait- Even though I say I don't miss you now that you are away, I always look forward to the days I get to see you . You're the best big sister I could ever hope for. Mr. Walters- We both know I wasn't the best in History, but your class was definitely the most enjoyable history class I've taken . Thanks for being such a gr eat mentor; you helped me all the way through my t ime at Wayland. Dr Lake- If I could have two mentors you would be my other one . Thank you for putting up with me for fou r years in Latin. To My Friends- I am sorry I dont have enough room to thank all of you for putting up with my sarcastic comments . You guys made my t ime at W ayland memor able .
Rauschert -
Beaver Dam, WI
Bushnen, IL
YAttWEtt, thank You for being mq Rock everq daq. Mom & Dad: I Jove qou more than words can express. Thank qou for giving me the opportunitq to come to Waqland and for all qour Jove, support, and visits! Anne & Matt: You mean the world to ~...- me! _..i....::..J-~
Miles ReidAnderson Lake Forest,
Joeq Richardson Chicago, IL
IL 1ow you rike my nouns now?" - Jack Ling These words have stuck with me since
n and Dad - For putting my name on everyth ing I've 路 owned . 1dan - I'm not a duck. 1arr- For keeping me skinny by eating all my food . ~d- Please be my fri end . Jn - CTP Survivors. 1 - For all my bear necessities. - It is evident that in t he fact of your being the 1arsis of the antithesis of my friend . :in- For fi xing/destroying/hiding all my stuff. k- For helping me with Latin. ~ - Can't rea lly th ink of anything to thank you for .
First I would like to acknowledge my mother Susan Reilly for doing el'erything to make my life better. She worked tirelessly my entire life in order to pay for my education and support three kids. Without her I would not be able to read and would probably lil'e in a l'an down by the ril'er. I'd also like to thank my father Skip Richardson for being supportil'e and helping pay for my education. Hlso be taught me bow to golf, and that's awesome. Hlso my grandparents for being the world's best grandparents. Hlso my teachers who taught me el'erything. No crap. Without any of these people, I would be dead. R word to the wise for anyone reading this, don't be normal. Seriously, it's dumb and unexciting. Say dumb things randomly and act differently. Make people think WCF is wrong with this kid? Hnd learn an instrument. Chicks dig instruments.
!Iizabeth Richardso Mart
Amberlq Ritchie
West Branch, lA
Beaver Dam, WI
always having my coffee made and stuff. Dad : Thanks for always dealing with me and my car. Thanks a ton to my mentor Ms. Eisenreich for everything! Thanks to my bff Katie Corbin . I made it! I love my sister, Katelyn ... and my little brother too .
KeJseq Ruegger
Seoul, Korea
Appleton, WI
Youn Ah
:al;j1 to be at Wayjm;j a;akmcay crd ~q;hcay. 111:r'e were to quit everythh;J crd qp h:;rre. f-bwever, I em stl rere cna fer q-ailatrn becaEe of all'l'\Y frierds crd tea::l"er5 v.ro ':d rre crd belb/ed nrre I realy zyeciate of 'Item I wl rB~er 1at I wcnted
a bt rn:m crd dad fa" gvh;J rre thE> q;p:rtl.nity crd ~ha rre al e. nms tvr.Wat;ers fer beh;J the q-eatest m::ntcr ever. nms Jxsi::a, Liz, crd Ep~ fer beh;J nt::e frierds crd aways there \'ken ~ rep. furKs al Kerea1 sE>ters crd t:rotters fer beh;J wm:krii.J crd ~ I ble ycu Gi F~. thais J:;ey fer beh;J q-eat royfri::rd
Mom & Dad : Thank you so much for everything you've done & for never giving up on me . Without your patience I would never be as far as I am today. Thank you for always being at every cheer competition , game, & private ..........,....._ lesson . Most of all thank you for helping make going to Wayland possible . I would have never made it without you!! Love You Both!! Kourtney: Well. . Your different that's for sure HA. Love You Kiddo. Ms . Bell : I've had a blast being your mentee!! Your always there when I need to vent & I dont think I'll ever be able to repay you for all the times you had to listen to me! Congratz on your new hubby! I'm going to miss you very much! Keep in touch!! KGB: Thank you so much for just plain old being the bomb-digity. I'm going to miss you so much! Mr. Nicholson : Than k you for making me want to bang my head against the wall multiple times , and for pushing me to work and think ~-'tO- harder then I thought possible. Joe : Ha , what to say about you. We've been "--=~ inseparable since my first weekend here & I couldn 't have asked for a better two years . Thank you for everything , you've made me a stronger person. I Love You .
Spencer Schumann
Michael Schwemmer
Fall River, WI
Ripon, WI
Most importantlq. thank qou to mq parents for giving me the opportunitq to come to Waqland. You pushed me to trq new things and qou were alwaqs behind me in pursuing mq dreams. Mom. qou alwaqs found awesome clothes to teep me in stqle and home-cooked meals to keep me full. Dad, qou alwaqs brought fun into the weekend bq sneaking me out of the house when Mom said no. Brooke. there are no words to express how much qou have meant to me. You are alwaqs there to fix mq problems. give advice when I am lost, mate me laugh at 2am. and qou reallq possess Qoddess abilitq. Matt, we've been through thick and thin; our friendship will last forever. Friends. thank qou for mating unforgettable memories. Dr. Late. after three long qears I know I can count on qou in the craziest of timesl Ms. Moe, qou were the greatest mentor, even when mq wort was late. Mrs. Irwin. qou were alwaqs there when I needed qou in life and in performances. ThankS everqbodq, qou trulq made High School amazing.
Like most witless teenagers, I often take my parents' unconditional devotion for granted. Thank you, Mom and Dad-- even though I haven't been appreciative every step of the way, you've given me more than I know what do with. The opportunities that you have opened for me will inevitably lead me to somE form of success, and the quality of your upbringing will make you proud of me. Knowing Mr. McDonnell is one of the best coincidences I have ever happened upon. It has been surprisingly easy and rewarding to get to know "myself in ten years." Your insig~ is always fascinating, and your funny, figurati\ "self-centeredness" showed me what wonden can be worked when someone receives eleemosynary behavior. My indignant inclinations made it hard to see, but your benevolence was never lost on me. Mr. Nicholson carried the tinder for the intellectual spark I'd struck before I came to Wayland . Philosophy has significantly chang1 me. Your lucid guidance through that frighteningly bleak world gave me the tools th; let me figure out a lot of important things and 路 be content with the world.
Elizabeth Spencer
Jessica Stout
Crqstal Lake, IL
ttinsdale, IL
rant to thank my Dad for giving me the portun ity to learn so much at Wayland . hough often things went from bad to worse, ~a l i ze now that th is has been the best perience of my life. I want to thank Mr. 3.lters for taking me in when Mrs. Bleifuss t; I love you ! You are the most generous d understanding man. 路 Young il: You know that you are the most portant person in my life. You have stuck :h me when things got crazy and yo u have vays been the one person I cou ld turn to. 1U have brought me so much joy and you ide me real ize just how wonderful life can . I love you with all my heart, I am always urs. I hope one day you will turn back to th is ge and feel all the love I have for you and it it will bring you all the happiness in the >rid , just like you have for me. ' Suk, Cha, Ye Seul, Epiphany: You guys 3 awesome. Just when I came back th inking it my senior year would suck without the 1ss of '08, you proved me wrong! You all :;k and made me have a good time when I )ught I wou ldn't and that, to me at least, is celess. To Younah: I am so glad we were roommates , I LOVE You! We had a good time and I never regretted a moment sitting in our room watching movies or playing video games with you , even if most of the time we were watch ing different movies or playing different games.
"Troubles they may come and go, But good ti m es they are the gold."- Dave Matthews Band My Fam ily- Thank you for letting me become who I want to be and loving me throug h all of my mistakes. Leah & Kelsey- If it wasn't for Kelsey's tough love and Leah's mother ly skills, Wayland wouldn't have become such a home to me . I'll never forget our dance parties and movie days. I love you both. Mark- It's all due to your dumb jokes, Saturday nights , and sixth hours t hat I fell madly in love with you. You're the best boyfriend I cou ld ever ask for. I love you so much , from now until forever , and to the moon and back ...t imes infinity, plus one. TSST. Class of 2009- We did it. Destined for greatness and made to shine ... we are t he class of '09!
Andrew Weaver
Brendan Weinstein
BerJceJeq, CA
Park Ridge, IL
~asTa Ia Ylc-toria ~le2J4~re2.
TU11h;3 :towers into rot tubsl~as, ccd<:~ fr~ rk::e 2 mrs ea1y, sleephg 0/er in J.Btns rcx:t11 c a weeknkjlt, tra;dh;3 to Dlk:;ap fer crotrer ~ l_J\J carfererce, wakin:a Lp at far fer fve trml~ strakjlt, erderin:a wirdy dty en -t:re weekend, ~in:a S~ R6s ard ~ Pcrty rrust, watd'lit~:a cbv.rb~ rro;ies. I hale a bt of ~ies to Vvhrll I ONe I11Y far~i[y a {feat deal of tha1ks as v as I11Y teaiers, pcrtb.Jaly M". ()s;a~ end M". NkTolscrt 111Y cb::;est fr~: J.Btin, Mibs, end 01 I11Y aw~ rcxxrrnate An:tew. ard -t:re best ctefs in -t:re wer~ Olef Rdk:rd am Olef Racy. rB~er thJJ;ttt I wctid be ::ca"ed of ~Pit~:a to cd~ vten I frst arved rere. hs tnd1 as I wa1t tra" freemt1, I a11 5Ca"ed of beh;3 wntrut -t:re ptX1le that hale been far~i[y fer -t:re last far yea"S. I v. mffi a~ of yru 12s
Austin Williams
Clare Wolfe
Chicago, IL
Madison, WI
life at Wayland Academy will be an experience that stick with me forever . So many things and people a made it great, and have also made me who I am . ke to thank my best friends Steve , Joe, Brennan, 3 [d ipset], GT, Abdi, Biggie, Chr is, Billal and 1anti and thanks to Austin Lar dy and Jack Ling for lat e night parties and always being there for me _after ACL. My family that I started here was at-shout out to my sons Luke aka Louie , Vobble , Kyle . My coach and my great mentor who helped time in and time out. I give him credit for the etic success I had her e and his gr eat Jance .Thank you Kelsey for being the most ortant girl in my life, and my Mom for being the 3t important woman in my life. I will never forget of you and there will always be a big place for you 1 my life .
Shanghai, China
Ooqang, OqeonggiDo,Korea
-Mom and Dad - Most Loved by Shirley, Most Supportive Parents, Most Garrulous Parents -Mr. Walters - Best Mentor, Best European History Teacher -Mr. Disch & Ms. Kesler & Mr. Keller - Best Recommendation Writers -All of Shirley's Friends - Best Companions -Class of 2009 - Best Class in the History of Wayland -Thanks to the people mentioned above and others who have offered me support and care in the past years. XIE XIE.
Thank you to my parents, all the teachers and my friends!! Going to Wayland for 4
Vu Shanghai, China ar Mom and Dad, Whenever I feel t, you are always by my e, supporting me and ouraging me. All of my d.evements belong to you. lank you so much for ng not only good parents : also close friends! I lily appreciate what you re done for me. I love 1 two forever. Dear
Betty and
Jim, Thank you for taking me as a part of the family. It was very lucky of me to stay with you. You were just like my parents. I love you and all my family members in Florida! Wish you all happiness; stay in good health.
lthough we were together for just one ar, our friendship will last forever. Good ck to all of you! Remember our wonderful gh school life.
4 YEAR SENIORS In Alphabetical Order: Karlie Aubry, Jacky Barron, Mark Brunning, Adam Bunkoske, Epiphany Burgess, Lindsay Cieslik, Jason Crivolio, Jon DeHart, Brennan Fitzgerald, Joe Graham, Andrew Haberman, Chris Hannah, Tyler Hill, Sarah Janisewski, Julia Kim, Suk Hyun Kim, Young-Il Kim, Jared Krause, Justin Krause, Steven McCaskill, Veronica Neumann-Thompson, Damarr Purifoy, Ed Randerson, Jeff Rauscher, Addie Rauschert, Miles Reid-Anderson, Amberly Ritchie, Spencer Schumann, Liz Spencer, Brendan Weinstein, Austin Williams, Clare Wolfe, Ye-Seul Yang
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Karlie Aubry - I
will heroes club to Nick Derr and my headband to Estelle de Vendegies.
Mark B1'uni.ng - I
will one half of a four-leaf-clover to Nick Derr and Bruning Legacy to
Adam Bunkoske -
I will my ''Boarding Student in a Day Student body'' to Mike Boucher and 'Wayland Nickname for life" to Luke "Dookie" Bacci.
Sailg Yoon Cha - I
will my eskimo pimp skill to Shane Preston and Aaron Brown, my dance to Chung Bok Lee, and my good looks to Moonhyok Kim.
Lilldsay Cieslik - I will "Senior Princess'' to Austin Lardy, the wave to Matt Bruning, SUperman towel to swim captains, my love for swimming to Meghan Turner, and my love for Wayland to Stephanie Hill and my floor.
will my purple lights to Austin Lardy and Jack Ling.
Jason Crivolio - I Jan DeHart - I
will my X-Box controller to Aaron Brown.
BremlaD Fit:2geral.d - I
will 'The Shot" to Vaubel an 'The Muscle" to Nick Schubert.
Leah French - I
will my craziness at dances to Stephanie Hill and my flagrant foul to Jenna Ptaschinski.
Max Georges - I will my otaku-ness to Seung Hyeon and my Guitar Hero skills to Shane Preston and Matt Bruning.
Lars Goseel - I will my white streak of hair to Josiah Hintz and my greenshirt to Ms. Kesler.
Joe Graham - I
will ''Big Lil Man" to Willie Allen, wrestling skills to Ashanti Soldier, My love for skittles to Abdi, Moe, and GT, my swag to John Moran, my heart to Kelsey Ruegger, my crazy hops to Billal Muammar, and "Ya Boy'' to Dookie.
Aildrew Haberman - I
will kicking to Abdi Ali and my lack of swim kicking to John Pryme.
Chris Hannah - I will all of my anime knowledge to caroline ''Black Jack" Fultz and whatever peacefulness I
have left to all of the Peace club.
Tyler Hill - I bequeath the gregerson tie to Nick Derr, Questionable Daystudentness to John Pryme, and my funky fashion to Karl Schleevogt.
Sarah Janisewaki - I
Youngil Kim - I
will my sweater vests to Meg Connell and "Alfie" to Leslie Walton.
will my ''greatness to Philadelphia" and my couch to Chung Bok Lee.
Jared Krause - I will my belly flops skills and my dive master skills to John Pryme, my black couch to Robbiee Behrenbeck, and the "Jared" (Dance Move) to Matt Hernandez.
JUstin Krause - I
will a half of a four leaf clover to Nick Derr and my couch
to Jake Johnson.
Molly Lowell - I will FFC to Mike Boucher and left kidney to Jared Krause. Steve McCaskill - I
will my mad hops to John Moran, Billal to my man Ashanti Soldier, and my point guard talent to Austin Lardy, 'Take over the team!11â&#x20AC;˘
will the sidewalk to Savanna Jensen, stability to the Osbourne mentor group, my field hockey skills to Jamie Mones and Dezaree Avalos, and my corrupt nature to the entire Wayland Community.
Veronica Neumaim-Tilomplm - I
Kelsey Peters - I
will my sexiness to Stephanie Hill and
Senior Giant11 to
Austin Lardy.
Erin Phipps - I will group to Saucy.
Senior Shorty'' to Jamie Mones and Dr. Lake's Mentor
Adam pnsinelli - I will most touchable hair to Matt Bruning.
Addie Rauscbert - I will my fridge to next year's Glen Prefect, my obsessive organizational skills to Brie Medley, and
Miles Reid-Anderson - I
Senior Rack11 to Megan Connell.
will my Bristishness to Austin Lardy.
Amberly Ritchie - I will my 11daystudentness11 to Katelyn Ritchie, my sweet softball skills and energy to Megan Connell.
will the responsibility of taking care of my sister to Biggie, the door to Narnia and all the creatures in it to Muad Ellis and :&9telle de Vendegies, the 11Senior'' German secret to Aaron Brown, the voice of conservative reason in this liberal joint to Kourtney Ruegger, and all the skills you'll ever need to watch people sleep, have a foot fetish, touch everything no matter how high, make out in public and be THE sinner of all sinners to Brie Medley.
Kelsey Ruegger - I
Spencer Schumann - I
will Betsy (my rolling backpack) to Matt Hernandez and my spicy presence to Brooke Schumann.
Liz Spencer - I will my awesome turtle picture and my ability to slack off and still seem like rm doing something to Jane Goski.
Jessica stout - I will my 11track-momn skills to Mariana Garcia and my mad gossip skills to Teal Krause.
Andrew Weaver - I will my
lazy boy to Jake Johnson.
Brendan Weinstein - I will a tarantula to Karl Schleevogt and the spirit of human rights watch to Austin Lardy, Megan Connell, :&9telle de Vendegies, and Maud Ellis.
Austin Williams - I will my running back skills to Billal Muammar, the urban 11
to Abdi Ali, and my style to Moe.
Felicia YU - I will morning call song to :&9telle de Vendegies, Laura Bachmann, and Megan Connell. 141
STAFF This class has been fun throughout the qearU I will never forget all of our crazq times: Chris and Crivs getting into a ght and breaking Chris's phone and us not being able to stop hing. Cha dancing. Lars and Kelseq picking on one another, our Lock-ln. dancing on the tables, working on the qearbook - - - until 4:50AM. Cha not coming to class and not doing a single thing. us taking shadow pictures. and manq moreU I'm going to miss this class and the people in itf __,.....__. Love qou. qearbook classmates!!
Jason Crivolio )rking in yearbook was a great experience. The eps were awesome and fun to be around. We had Jt of funny experiences. Leah explains most of the 1ny things so I can•t really say much. I just want to f that even if I didn•t want to come to class I came; idn•t want to make Mrs. Boucher mad at me :(
Lars Gossel