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Wayland Academy and \
Junior College 路
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Table of Contents Page Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Administration ............. . ... .. .... . ... 6 Faculty ..... .. .... ...... ... ...... .... . .. . 11 Seniors . ... .. . ............ . . ............ 17 Underclassmen and Junior Colle.ge . . ........ 33 Activities .. . ........................... . 51 Athletics . . .. .... ... . .......... ... ...... . 63 Organizations .... . ..... .... . ..... .. ...... 79 Advertising and Addresses . .. ....... ...... 106
Page 2
Editorial Board
Carol Swanson
Nancy McCallum
Don Edwards
M1ss Helene Holmes
- Literary Editor
- Business Manager
Faculty Advisor
We, the PILLARS staff
1947, affectionately dedicate this book to one whose guidance and inspiration lives on in the memory of every Wayland student . .. Mr. Wichman
Mr . Leo W . 'Schnur Athletic Coach, Mathematics Dean of Boys B.A., University of Wisconsin M .A. , Northwestern University
Page 8
has 'won admiration and respect, not only as a fine dean of boys, but as a teacher of mathematics and a coach of football and track . Coach Schnur received his B.A. degree at the University of Wisconsin and his M .A. degree at Northwestern . Thus he is well qualified as a dean of boys, as anyone of his " brood " cou ld tell you . He understands problems and gives advice, not orders. His interest in the boys , both scholastica lly and athletically, makes him an ideal dean. The proctor system has been improved by Mr. Schnur and the boys' dorm is a we ll functioning place . H e se lected a dozen boys to proctor evening study halls and these in turn met with him to help al leviate problems in the boys' dorm. Also Mr. Schnur put seniors on the third floor and this has subdued the former " Bedlam " which often prevailed . Under Mr . Schnur's expert coaching th e Wayland football team won the 1946 co-cham pion ship, and was asked to participate in a high school bowl game , the Peanut Bowl , in Columbus, Georgia . Way land placed five players on the all-confere nce eleven , which is a tribute to any coach. This year, Coach Schnur's first year as dean, has been a highly successful one from everyone 's viewpoint. All the boys of Wayland Hall appreciate his policy of giving as much freedom as they can handle , and they hope he will be dean next year .
is not only " dean of girls " and head of the English department, but is also a very close friend of all Wayland students . Her three years as dean have been proof to the Warren Hall girls that she is a sympathetic and understanding friend, who sees g.oodness and humor in every incident. Mrs . Foster is a graduate of Smith College and she later attended Columbia University, where she received her Master's degree. Well qualiFied for her position here as dean of girls, Mrs . Foster has had much practical experience in handling young people and their problems . She is an ardent believer in the honor system which naturally makes the girls more cooperative with the teachers and the House Council members. Mrs. Foster started the House Council as part of her honor system. The students elect a president and then a representative from each corridor who help with the discipline of the girls and also talk over the questions and suggestions made by the girls, with Mrs . Foster. She has been adviser for both the yearbook and the school paper and has helped make them bigger and better. We all know what grand work Mrs . Foster has d~ne in her three years as " dean of girls " at Wayland , and we all hope she will continue on for many years.
Mrs . Ruth L. Foster English , Dean of Girls B.A., Smith College M.A., Columbia University
Mr. Alton E. Wichman Social Sciences, Dean of Curriculum and Guidance B.A. , Carroll College . M.A., University of Wisconsin
.. . it has been 23 years since Mr. Wichman came to the Wayland campus. In that 23 years he has endeared himself to the hearts of hundreds of students . The reason a great many alumni return to this campus is mainly to hear and talk to "W ick ." It is a pleasure to dedicate this year's PILLARS to the man who is to the Wayland family as the pillars are to Wayland Hall . He was born in Wittenburg, Wisconsin, and he started his college training at Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin. There he received his B.A. degree, was editor of the yearbook, helped put out the school paper, and preached in a nearby church for three years as student pastor. He then went to the University of Chicago, where he received his Master's degree in histor路y. He has already completed his residence and credit work for his degree of Doctor of Philosophy, for which he needs only to take an examination. He has been pastor of the Fox Lake Church for ten years and was pastor of the local Baptist Church at one time for a year and one half. Mr . Wichman's favorite hobbies are bowling (he bowls with a "189 average at this writing) and fishing . . . trout. He fills many posts in various organizations, but is noted more for his public speaking and as a toastmaster than anything else .
Miss Dorothy Mae Blakely
Mr . Herbert C. Coleman
Piano Ouachita College
Science, Mathematics
B.M., M .M. American Conservatory of Music
Miss Jeanne Helfert
Miss Betty Elwers English , French B.A. Lawrence College
D.-a<> 19
B.A. University of Wisconsin Pennsylvania State College Iowa State College
RN .
School Nurse Marquette University School of Nursing
Miss Helene Holmes Typing , Bookkeeping, Shorthand B. E. Whitewater State Teachers'
Mrs. Lora Gamble Ingham
Mr. Fe lix C. Jagiello
Art, Hou se ho ld Manager Chicago Art In sti tute
Socia l Studies B.S. Mi Iwa ukee State Te ache rs' !'A Ph. University of Wiscons.in
Mrs. E. C. Mayer
Miss Ruth Kluckhohn
Rev . Odyss W . Kneece
Piano, Vo ice Western Union College B.M. Drake Univers ity
Rei igious Instruction
Phys ical Education
Pa stor o f Baptist C hu rch , Beaver Dam
Bouve- Boston Schoo l of Physical Education Page 13
Mr. Eldon C Mayer
Miss Marion E. Mitchell
Science, Mathematics United States Nava l Academy Lt. Commander, U. S. N. (retired)
Alumni Secretary, Executive Secretary University of Wisconsin
Mr . Peter Paul Pasko
Mrs. Ellen Lewis Pih lstrom
Mrs. Leora Calkins Ouinn
Physical Education , Science B.S. East Stroudsburg State Teachers' College
English , Speech, Dramatics B.A. Lawrence College
Latin, English, Dramatics B.A. Lawrence College M.A. University of Chicago
Page 14
Mrs. Eleanore Weddell Roberts
Mr . Stephen W. Roberts
Piano, Organ, Church Organist Oberlin Conservatory Denison School of Music Bush Conservatory
Science, Director of Public Relations A.B . Broaddus College B.S. Bucknell University M.A. New York University University of Chicago
Miss Bette Royce
Mr . Fred er ick Schneider
Mr. Stuart H . Simpson
Mathematics B.A. Valley City State Teachers'
Busin ess Manager Duke University
Ripon College A.B . Middlebury Coll ege
Page 15
Miss Marguerite Tupper
Mrs. Alton E. Wichman
Librarian, French , Latin Lombard College B.A. University of Illinois M .A. University of Illinois
English B.A. Carroll College
Miss Graff, Miss Clason, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Roberts
Pag e 16
C. Swanson, G. Pontius, R. Aylward, J. Johnson
THE SENIOR CLASS The class of '47 has completed its four years of hard work and good times. The time has come when we must leave Wayland for other things in life. Many of us will go on to different schools. Many of us will go into a vocation. In whatever Field we choose, we will take with us our memories and a new and better outlook toward the world. Our memories and a better outlook have been given us through studies, individual guidance, dormitory life and activities. These are things which are ours forever . Many of the class members have obtained honors- Judy Pickard , president of the Varsity Club; Karl Rauschert, president of the "W" Club; Julie Pickard, Y.W.C.A. president; Bill Heaton, president of the Boys' House Council; Dorothy Whitfield, Girls' House Council president; Gordon Justus , president of the Student Senate and the student body; Debbie Sherman , editor of the Post; and Carol Swanson, editor of the Pillars . These are but a few of the many goals obtained by members of the '47 class. Guy Pontius, senior president; Dick Aylward, vice-president; Carol Swanson , treasurer; Judy Johnson, secretary are the senior class officers. The new gym made-up the decorations for the homecoming dance. Our long awaited initiation of the new floor added to the splendor of the weekend . "Club Linsagon ," the night club of Wayland, offered popular entertainment with your dance. This all helped the treasury of the Senior class, of course. "White Christmas," the name of the '46 Christmas formal had decorations of blue lights , silver Christmas trees and cotton snowFlakes on the windows. This formal is always the high light of the Christmas season at school. The traditional senior box social was next on the calendar with the usual excitement of "w hos e box did he buy?" These are but a few of the many events given this year. They have all been grand. Now, as we say our farewells , we do not think of leaving. In the years to come we will all meet again. Wayland has been wonderful. Page 18
ROBERT ANTRIM Football 31 4; Track 21 31 4; Basketball 21 31 4; House Council 4; "W" Club 3 4; Honor Roll 3; Way Y 2, 3, 4. 1
CHARLES ASHBROOK Football 4; Track 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; "W" Club 4.
RICHARD AYLWARD Football1 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2 1 3, 4, President 3 Secretary-Treasurer 4; Boys Club 11 2; Track 3, 4; Senior Class Vice-President; Hockey 3; All Conference Football 4. 1
WILLIAM BEZDEK Drama Club 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Football 4.
Page 19
CAROLYN BURNS Y.W.C..A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Choir 2, 3; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Forensics 3, 4; Gym Team 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Varsity Club 4; Riding Club 3; Cheerleader 4; Honor Roll 3.
JOAN CAESAR House Council 3; Messiah 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post Typi st 4; Drama Club 3, 4.
CAROL CANTRALL Drama Club 4; Student Senate 4; Y.W.C.A. 4; House Council 4; Merriam House President 4; Honor Roll 4.
Page 20
SUE DOOLEY Chapel Choir 2, 3; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Gym Tearn 2, 3; Sophomore Class Secretary; Junior Cla ss Treasurer; Messiah 2; Forensics 3; Pillars 4; Post 4; Va rsity Club 4; Honor Roll 3; Riding Club 3; Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 3, VicePresident 4.
VIRGINIA HAWKEN Messiah 4; Y.W.C.A. 4.
WILLIAM HEATON Football 3, 4; All Conference 4; "W" Club 4; Senate 4; Post : Pillars 4; House Council President 4; Honor Roll 3, 4; Junior Ma shal 3; Track 3, 4; Orchestra 3; Drama Club 3, 4.
WILLIAM HERRICK Club 13 3, 4; President 3.
RAY HORNSTRA Drama Club 3.
HELEN HUANG Y.W.C.A. 4; Hockey 4.
Page 22
ROBERT HUANG Radio Club 4.
WILMA HURRELL Y.W.C.A. 3, 4; Cabinet 4; Drama Club 4; Forensics 3; Basketball 4; House Council 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Riding Club 3.
NOREEN ISON Y.W.C.A. 4; Honor Roll 4.
JUDITH JOHNSON Choir 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 4; Sextette 3; Pillars 4; Post 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Messiah 4; Hockey 3, 4; Gym Team 3; Secretary Senior Class; Honor Roll 2, 3; Senior Ensemble .
Page 23
JUDY JOSTES Y. W.C.A. 4i Drama Club 3, 4i Program Manager 4i Basketball 3, 4i Messiah 4i Chapel Choir 3i Sextette 3, 4i Christmas Pageant 4i Cheerleader Manager 4i Honor Roll 3, 4i Tennis Tearn 4.
GORDON JUSTUS Football 3, 4i Choir 3, 4i Boys ' Ouartet 4i Stud ent Senate President 4i Messiah 4i Honor Roll 4i "W" Club 3, 4i House Council 4i Track 3i Orchestra 3.
JOHN KUEBLER Club13 4i Treasurer 4i Y.M.C.A. 4.
WALTER LAEHR Dram a Club 4i Club 13 4.
Page 24
BEVERLY LANDERGOTT Drama Club 4; Forensics 4; Basketball 4; Rid ing Club 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Choral Reading 4.
MARY ALICE LUND Drama Club 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Y.W.C.A. 4.
JOHN MANNING Basketball 4; Football 4.
Page 25
KATHERINE MAYER Chapel Choi~ 3; Messiah 3; Drama Club 3, 4; Hockey 4; Gym Team 3; Post 4; Y.W.C.A. 3, 4; Cabinet 4; Riding Club 3; Basketball 4.
CHARLES MC INTOSH Football 3, 4; Drama Club 3; "W" Club 4; Hockey 3; Post 3.
RUTH AUDREY MURRAY Y.W.C.A. 4; Basketball 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Hockey 3, 4; Gym Team 3, 4; House Council 4; Honor Roll 3.
Page 26
WI LLIAM NOLAN Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Captain 3; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Boys Club 2.
JUDY PICKARD Choir\ 2, 3, 4; Sextet 2, 3; Senior Ensemble; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Captain 4; Vars ity Club 2, 3, 4; President 4; Junior Class President; Class Treasurer 2, 3; Studen-t Senate 3, 4; Cum Laude 3; Honor Roll \ 2, 3, 4.
JULIE PICKARD Messiah 4; Pillars 2, 3; Post 2, 3; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 2, 3; President 4; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball \ 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Captain 3; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Sophomore Class President; Student Senate 2, 3, 4; Secretary 2, 3, 4; Cum Laude 3; Sextet 3, 4.
GUY PONTIUS Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Pillars 2, 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Sophomore Class Vice-President; Senior Class President; Boys Club 2; House Council 4; Student Senate 4.
JULE PROSKINE Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Post 4; Pill ars 4.
GENE RADDATZ Football1 , 2, 3, 4; B ~sketball1 , 2; "W" Club 2, 3, 4.
TOM RADTKE Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 4; Track 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Boys Club 3, 4.
KARL RAUSCHERT Cho ir 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Ouartet 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; President 4; Vice-President Junior Class; Basketball Captain 4; Student Senate 4.
Page 28
JOAN RICHIE Chapel Choir 2; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 3; Post 4; Pillars 4; Hockey 3; Cheerleader 4; Senior Ensemble 4; Tennis 4; Y.W.CA. 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 4; A.A.U. 3; Basketball Captain 3.
JEAN ROSENHEIMER Y.W.C.A. 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Hockey 4; Basketball 4; House Council 4; Post 4.
DEBORAH ANNE SHERMAN Post 3, 4; Editor 4; Y.W.C. A. 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 4; Gym Team 3; Honor Roll 3, 4; Tennis Team 4.
HILDA STEWART Y.W.C.A. 4; Drama Club 4.
CAROL LUCILE SWANSON Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4; Drama Club1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Sextette 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Manager 2, 3, 4; Gym Team 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Pillars 4, Editor 4; Senior Class Treasurer; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Cum Laude 3; Senior Ensemble 4.
BARBARA THOMPSON Choir 2, 3, 4; Sextette 2, 3, 4; Neenah Trio 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A . 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 3, 4; Post 4; Messiah 3, 4; Hou se Counci l 3; Chapel Choir 2; Honor Roll 3.
JOSEPH VONALLMEN Club 13 3, 4; Vice-President 3; President 4; Football 4.
DAVID WARD Football 4; Basketball 4.
FRED WEBER II 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Track 3, 4; House Council 4; "W" lub 3, 4.
DOROTHY WHITFIELD Y.W.C.A. \ 2, 3, 4; Cabinet 3, 4; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Chapel Choir 2, 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 4; Basketball \ 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Gym Tearn 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 1; Club Henri Assistant Manager 1, 4; Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sextette 3, 4; Pi II ars 2; House Council President 4; Student Senate 4.
RUTH WITTENBERGER Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Church Choir 2; Chapel .Choir 2, 3; Pillars 2; Post 3; Y.W. Cabinet 2, 3, 4.
JUNE WOODBURY Y.W.C.A. 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Choir 4; Chapel Choir 3; Sextette 3, 4; Messiah 3, 4.
WILLARD YEAKEL Football 3, 4; Track 3, 4; "W" Club 4; Drama Club 4; House Council 4.
Page 32
D. Middleton, S. Dunham, S. Ettinger, M. Esperson
JUNIOR CLASS The Junior Class is not to be outdone by the other classes. Under the able leadership of Stan Dunham as president, Doug Middleton as vice-president, Sally Ettinger as secretary, and Margie Esperson as treasurer they have done a fine job in whatever they have endeavored to do. And what would class meetings be without Max Burstein there at the door to hurry the slower ones along. That ingenious activity, the Soc Hop, was thought up by the Juniors as well as the enlargement upon last year's Tornado, also put on by them. The Junior Class was well represented on the football teams , both J. V.'s and Varsity. The so-called weaker sex is not to be outdone either. At almost any field hockey, baske tball, or volleyball game you could find a numb e r of Junior girls right in there pitching . In th e Varsity Club are Jeanne Modica , Eve Ei se rt , Mickey Sager and Nancy McCallum. In the W Club are Jim Kleindl , Graham Foster, Alan Clark, Ralph Stanford, John Newton and Harley Fans ha w . In the Drama Club we find Mickey Sager as president; in the Photography Club we find Ralph Stanford as president; and Stan Dunham is president of the Radio Club. On th e Y.W.C.A. cabinet are Jeanne Modica , Mickey Sager, and Nancy McCallum . The Junior re presentatives on the court for the Ice Carnival were Jeanne Modica and Rog Landrud, while Stan Dunham was chairman of the student committee for the preparations for the Ice Carnival . At the Club 13 formal , it was a junior girl, Nancy McGinnis , who was chosen the most popular girl in the school . For the first time in a number of years the Junior Class is putting on the annual prom . It's a large job, but th e Juniors feel confident that they can cMry it out as well as any Senior Class of previous years. At this time we wish to thank Mr. Schneider for the he lp he has given us as Junior Class adviser. To the enterpri sing Juniors we say, "Kee p up the good work, you're doing a lot for Wayland ."
Neil Aerts
Anne Ballentine
James Beebe
Steve Bishop
Sylvia Blake
Maynard Burstein
Joan Chamber! in
Sal C hristifulli
Alan Clark
Jack Cullen
Stan Dunham
Eileen Dygert
Do n Edwa rd s
Eve Ei se rt
M arjori e Esperso n
H arl ey Fanshaw Page 35
Page 36
Ann Fisher
Graham Foster
Tom Foster
Kenneth Goll
Ronnie Hejna
Shirley Jay
Sally Jones
Grace Kachelski
Michael Kamp
James Kleindl
Mary Kolling
Roger Landrud
Mary Ann Link
Lee Loeffler
Grace Matuseski
Nancy McCallum
Peggy Roberts
Marilyn M iars
Doug Midd leton
Jeanne Modica
Sue Morden
Pete Mueller
Virginia Nelson
John Newton
John Nickle
Paul Plowe
Miriam Sager
Fritz Schlicher
Dick Smitz
Page 38
Mary Ann Smythe
Dorothy Stanford
Ralph Stanford
Billie Stein
Bil l Tarrant
Barbara Thomas
Carol Jean Thurwachter
Bob Tilleman
Edward Tom
Don Waynert
Marilyn Webber
John Weddell
M. McMinn, J. Blinks, D. Harris, E. Go ldhorn
SOPHOMORE CLASS The So phomo res, no long er inexperienced Freshmen , but not yet quite upperclassmen, continue on their way toward the goal of graduation. Class officers includ e John Nunn, president until a few weeks ago when he resign ed to have Dwight Harris follow himi John Blinks, the able vice-presidenti and路 Mitzi McMinn, who while keeping the minute s up to date, has also upheld the class standardsi and Ernie Goldhorn , treasurer. Th e first activity the class put on was the "Brite Site." Everyone came in th e ir brightest clothes. Tom Kaveny and Peg Roberts wa lked away with the prizes, awarded by Commander Mayer. Thi s activity was John Pearson's idea and was very successful and .popular. The second activity of the c la ss was "Moong low , " a semi-forma l dance . The dance got its name from th e song "Moong lo w" which was very nicely rendered by the Underclassmen Sextette and was the theme of the evening. Several of the boys were out for football in the fall. Some of these same boys have gone out for and made the baske tball team. Th e girls, in keeping up with the boys , have also devoted much of their time to hockey, tennis, volleybal l, and basketball . Carol Matthews has held high honors for her c lass . She has been high on the honor roll for the who le semester here . Several of the other class members have also been on the honor ro ll . Mary Whitfield and Pete Mueller seem to be our most popular Sophomores. They were elected to the court of the King and Oueen for the Ice Carnival. The Sophomores, as they go on to be Juniors, may we ll feel that they are coming one step closer to the goal which our present Seniors will have attained by next June .
Thelma Arslan
Lillian Bachofen
John Blinks
Jean Byrd
Richard Corbett
Dave Davis
Sa ll y Ettinger
Katherine Gasser
Grace Gillette
Ernie Goldhorn
Roberta Goodman
Harold Grotefeld
Dwight Harris
Jack Homblette
Carl Huber
Pat Hull
Anne Jenkins
Tom Kaveny
Betsy Law
Bob Leisses
Sue Lupton
Dick Lyons
Claire Mason
Carol Matthews
Barbara McCreedy
Nancy McGinnis
Mitzi McMinn
Jim Moseley
Page 42
Charlotte N9reus
John Nunn
John Pearson
Georgeanne Pelck
Arthur Peterson
Rob Roy Roberts
Bill Schack
Connie Sensiba
Cecil Smith
George Stroesser
La Von ne Weber
Mary Whitfield
John Williams
Winifred Woods
J. Lewis, T. Pickdrd, M. Hoyer, H. McKinldy
FRESHMAN CLASS The Freshman Class of 1946-47 has been putting into the minds of others that all Freshmen are not "green ." Our class this year, with its thirty-three members , is one of the most active in Wayland's history . With Miss Royce and Mr. Pasko as' our advisers, we have been very successful with our activities, skits, etc. 路 The class oFficers include Tom Pickard as president, Margaret Hoyer as vicepresident, Helen June McKinlay as secretary, and Jim Lewis as treasurer . The Freshmen have been active in all sports. The boys play football, basketball, hockey, tennis, track, skating, and skiing. The girls go out for basketball, field hockey, socce r, archery, and skating. Tom Pickard, our president, is doing a good job of keeping up with the standing his family has set at Wayland. Besides the job of leading the Freshmen , Tom has a seat on the Student Senate . In October the Freshmen put on a roller skating party. Refreshments were served and everyone had a good time . For the Homecoming skit, the Freshmen put on a fashion show. The boys dressed as girls and the girls dressed as boys . The fashions that were presented were dinner apparel, classroom clothes, clothes that would be worn to the Homecoming football game , and the type of clothing worn to the formal. Our class took fourth place in that co ntest. At the Ice Carnival Ball , on January 25, Tom Pickard and Helen June McKinlay were elected to the court of honor. Yes, it can be sa id that in the three years to come, Wayland will have so me of its best in the way of student lead ershi p. Page 43
Page 44
John Ballentine
Mary Beth Bolitho
David Brethau er
Elizabeth Colburn
Charles Damp
Audrey Drown
Gordon Gibson
Ann Hartman
Russell Hopf
Margaret Hoyer
LeRoy Johnson
Jack Kanalz
Michael Kart
John Keil
Tom Pickard
Kristin Kelly
Harold Kempfer
Marla Kern
Jam es Lewi s
Sidney Mason
Helen McKinlay
Marjorie Melgaard
Madelon Mell
Patricia O'Dea
James Plews
Barbara Scheiman
Philip Wham Page 45
John Crinion
B. Jay Arno
John Aukofer
Howard Baszynski
Clarence Bennett
John Braun
Robert Buchda
Rosalie Cefalu
John Clark
John Coleman
Clarence Cullen
Roberts Daniel s
John Eich el Page 47
Marilyn Johnson Page 48
Caroline Fabisch
Gloria Gilsinger
James Hartzheim
John Hasenstab
Robert Heath
Phyllis Huck
George Jaegerson
Roger Janisch
Gordon Jenkin
Armin Jung
Robert Kachelski
John Knaup
Ouinn Murphy
Jane Kellogg
Harvey Koepsell
Harvey Kopff
David Lee
James Leigh
Richard Lunde
Ardis Manthey
Bruce Merri II
Kenneth Moore
Evelyn Nell
John Rohd e
Leonard Schmidt Pag e 49
Page 50
Marie Schulz
George Sims
Robert Stangl
Armond Sterr
Thomas Stoddart
John Toutant
Richard Toutant
Gene Wischinski
Casey Westell
Lois Wegner
Joyce Zeltinger
John Zimmerman
September, October, November .
. . . Wednesday, September 11 . We arrived at Wayland/ That night was the opening banquet. W e made out our schedules, compared them with those of our best friend s, and wondered about our teachers . . . Thursday, the 12th, we had our first classes, met lots of new people, and hiked to Crystal Lake for dinner .... Friday, the 13th, we went to see "Night and Day." Saturday night was the YW "W" Club Mixer, th e first real activity of the new school year. Sunday, the 15th, the Seniors won the intermural baseball game s- then were promptly beaten by the faculty .. .. Friday, Septembe r 20, was a big day . It was the first time we saw the football team in their new red uniforms. And we won our first football game of the season: Wayland 32, Juneau 6. That night some of the boys went to a Beaver Dam football game , and there was a non-coed party- "Easy to. Wed " and "Dark Alibi" ... The next day we got a lecture for making a non-coed party into a coed party! ... Saturday night the Seniors put on the dateless " Jeans Jamboree. " ... Wednesday, the 25th, was the official opening of Club Henri . . . Friday, Sept. 27 , the activity was a pep rally in the gym, a snake dance (led by Bill Herrick) , and Club Henri .... Saturday, the 28th, we took a bus trip to watch our team beat Milwaukee Lutheran 31 - 0. The activity that night was the Junior class's "Football" .... Sunday a tea was given for the Senior girls . . . . Friday, October 4. We listened to J. Philips Robertson tell us about ancient music and musical instruments. That nigh t we went to Lake Mills to watch one of the toughest games of the season , and came back victorious- Lake Mills 20, Wayland 31! ! ! .. . Saturday afternoon there was a hike out to Crystal Lake. Saturday night was the Sophomore "Brite Site," with prizes for the brightest clothes ... . " Twirp Week"- October 7 to 14. Turn-about movie party Tuesday night, Oct. 8- " Jungle Princess" and the " Plainsman" . . . Wednesday, October 9 , wa s the YW Fellowship dinneri Carrie Dollar, a former president of YW was the speaker .. . . Friday, Oct. 11 , we played and beat Northwestern Preps 38 to 12. That night Club Henri was open (turn about). . . . Saturday, the 12th, the girls played hockey at Milwaukee Downer. That night was the " Twirp Twirl ," put on by the girls of Warren Hall and Mirriam House , which took place in the gym and Club Henri ... . Tuesday and Wednesday, the 15th and 16th, we had our six weeks exams . Tuesday afternoon were play tryouts .... Wednesday and Thursday were clean-up days before Homecoming . Thursday night someon e lit the bonfire , so we had to build a new one . ... Friday, October 18, everyone wa s campused because of an outbreak of polio in town . Friday evening were the class skits in the auditorium. Seniors won first prize . After the skits we had the bonfire and traditional snake dance . Then off to bed, as th e alumni went to th e "Alumni Smorgaasborde ." . . . Saturday was a long day, filled with many thrills . In the morning , the girls played a hockey game with Milwaukee Downer, and lost 2 to 0 . W e won our Homecoming football game again st 路 Elgin Academy by a wonderful 38- 0 . Th e Homecoming banquet and dance were both held in th e new gym, and were both affairs to be remembered for many years to come .... A buffet lunch was served in the gym Sunday .. . . Wednesday, Oct. 23 , Club Henri was open for the underclassmen until 7:30, and for the Seniors and honor-roll students until 11 . . . . Friday night's activity was movies in Linfi e ld , I with Club Henri afterwards. . . . Saturday, October 26, w e went to Milwaukee to beat MUS by a score of 20 to 6 . That night the girls had open hou se, with Club H e nri afterward . . . . Friday, Novembe r 1st, we saw movies in Linfield , then fini shed the evening at the club . . .. Saturday we went to Country Day School and lost our only game of the season- 32 to 14. We went to see " Scarlet Street" after returning .. .. November 9 , we beat Northwestern Military and Naval 26 to 6 . That night was the faculty recital and Club H enri . . . . Sunday, Nove mber 10, Mr . Saunders, headmaster of Peddie, spoke at church . . .. The YW recognition service w as held that afternoon . Monday to Wednesday, November 11 to 13, was a nightmare of chewed garlic and paddles- that's right, the "W" Club initiation . .. . Friday, November 15th, was the Club 13 formal. . .. Saturday afternoon we went downtown to see " Caesar and Cleopatra " and " Wild Beauty". . . Saturday night we initiated the new gym with relay races and various games of skill. ... Monday, the 18th, began the girls ' inte rmural soccer and hockey games ... . Wednesday, th e 20th , the girl s ate in Roundy , then w e all went to see "Foreign Correspondent" in Linfield . . . . Friday, th e 22nd, was YW Tag Day . . .. The Freshmen had a roller skating party in the gym, and there were dress rehearsals for the plays . ... Saturday night the three one-act plays were great successes.... Tuesday, Novembe r 26, we beat Winn ebago Lutheran at basketball . . .. Tuesday and Wednesday we had ou r 2nd six-wee ks ' exam s, and w ent hom e fo r Than ksgiving .
December, January, February
... Sunday, December 1st- we came back to the old grind, for a while, at least. ... Tuesday, the 3rd, we lost a basketball game to Edgewood High School. ... Friday, December 6, our Gl team played and lost to Fond duLac, while our Varsity team beat Country Day . . . . Saturday our Junior Varsity won its game, and the Varsity lost its game, with Elgin . ... Saturday night was the "Soc Hop" . . .. Friday, December 13, was the student recital, with Club Henri afterwards . Saturday afternoon we beat Northwestern Military and Naval by one .P,oint (Thanks, Johnny) . . . . Saturday night was the Christmas formal, hopefully named "White Christmas." ... Sunday, tbe 15th, was the annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah." .. . Tuesday was the annual YW Christmas party, and Wednesday we left for home for 20 days of rest and relaxation (.?) . . . . 'Monday, January 6- Back again ... . Friday, the 10th, we took a walk down to the Odeon to see "Margie" and "Danny Boy." .. . Saturday night was the Sophomores' semi-formal, "Moonglow." ... Friday, January 17, we played MUS there, and lost. ... The King and Oueen were elected for the Ice Carnival, but their identities were kept a deep, dark secret. ... That night we saw "Swiss Family Robinson" in Linfield .... Saturday the Gl's lost to Carroll College . ... The girls' basketball team had a scrimmage with BDHS and won, 64 to 221 ... Saturday night was the senior Box Social- the girls made the boxes, and the boys paid, ate, and carried on "Bazooka" warfare . ... Friday, January 24, it was too warm for skating, so that part of the Ice Carnival had to be put off. Instead we saw movies in Linfield on Lumber and China, then the Club was open . At the club the announcement of the King and Oueen (Karl Rauschert and Judy Jostes) and the court was made . .. . Saturday night was the Coronation Ball. The gym was simply transformed- ! don't think it has ever been so beautiful. ... Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, January 29 to 31, were our mid-year exams. Then, Friday night (after a bad day of fear that the trains wouldn't run because of the record-breaking snowfall), we went home to a well-earned rest. .. . Monday, February 3, we returned (by train, remember??) to another four months of hard labor .... Tuesday- Hooray! I passed everything! ! ! ... Wednesday, the 5th, we lost both our Junior Varsity and Varsity games with Milwaukee Lutheran . . . . Friday afternoon we had a special assembly- Mr . Hicks was the speaker. A number of us went home again for a weekend .... Friday night was a recital. ... Saturday we played Northwestern Military and Naval Academy there .... Saturday night we went downtown to see "Holiday in Mexico" and "Faithful in My Fashion." ... Wednesday, the 12th, we lost a Junior Varsity game with Milwaukee Lutheran here, but won our Varsity game 35 to 31! I! ... Friday, February 14- Valentine's Day- our team journeyed to play a return game with Edgewood High , and our Gl team played the Plattville Miners. There was also a movie party . .. . Saturday morning the girls' volleyball team played BDHS .... Saturday afternoon we finished the ice events of the postponed Ice Carnival. ... Saturday night was the annual YW Masquerade, proceeds of which went to the March of Dimes .. . . Friday, the 21st, we played Winnebago Lutheran there ... . Saturday, the 22nd , the girls' basketball team went to Milwaukee to play MUS , Kemper Hall , and Milwaukee Downer Seminary .. .. Friday, the 28th, we played Country Day here .
Page 54
March, April, May
... This is how the calendar stands for the last three months of the school term . . Friday, March 7th, we play MUS here . . . in the evening will be the annual Pillars-to-Post skit. ... Saturday, the 8th, will be the local forensics contest. . . . Wednesday, the 12th, we wi II have as a speaker Ben Perrier, from the University of Wisconsin extension program . .. . Thursday, March 13, we will begin our six-weeks exams . ... March 17 through 20 will be "Religion in Life Week." .. . Friday, March 21, we leave for our Spring Vacation . . . . Tuesday, April 1st, we will return to homework and books . . ~ . Thursday, the 3rd, is the district forensics contest. Friday, the 4th, there are to be movies in Linfield: "Land of the Incas" and "Central America." ... Friday, the 11th, the movies will ' be "Count of Monte Cristo," "Great Lakes," and "Insulting Sultan ." ... Thursday, April17, is the Beaver Dam High School senior play .... Friday, the 18th, there will be a movie called "The City." . . . Saturday, April19, is the state forensic contest. ... Friday, the 25th, there will be a student recital . . . . Thursday and Friday, May 1st and 2nd, will be fully taken up with our sixweeks exams ... . Friday, we wi II see " The Town," "Jack London ," "Sinbad the Sailor," and "Black Duck." Monday, May 5, the University of Wisconsin Extension program will bring us Art Hook, who will talk of the thrills of deep sea diving . . .. Thursday, the 8th, is the annual Cum Laude banquet. ... Friday will be movies on "Our Monroe Doctrine " and "Jack and the Bean:tal k. " ... Friday, May 16, the subjects for the movies will be " Daniel Boone " and "Reducing Creme. " . . . Saturday, May 17, is the date of the Senior Prom . . . . Monday through Thursday, June 2 to 5, will be taken up with the final exams . . . . Friday, the 6th, will be the traditional Senior Recital .... Saturday, the 7th, will be the Senior play .. .. Sunday, June 8, will be Baccalaureate services . . . . Monday, June 9, are Commencement exercises, and we go off for another vacation .. . . Some of us won't be here next year, but we'll look back on this calendar of 1946-47 and remember all the wonderful times we had at Wayland . May next year be as grand!
Page 56
Club Henri Each Friday night you' ll see the hustle and bustle of kids dashing to Club Henri ' For that's the spot to loosen those kinks in the back you just developed from sitting through a long movie in Linfi eld. Then bright and early Saturday morning (9:00 to be exact) the doors of the club swing wide open for business. Gals and fellows dressed in jeans and slacks, go down for their usual breakfast of bacon, eggs and coffee. In case there is need for working up an appetite, the juke box in the corner renders just the sort of music for dancing. At the present time Club Henri is under the process of being enlarged and remodeled- the gift of the Senior Class to the school.
Page 60
ICE CARNIVAL This yedr the big event of the winter seaso n consisted of the Ic e Carnival Ball. The committee had arranged a full program of outdoor winter activities to keep al l students occupied for two days, but these competitive activities were dropped when the weather turned Florida sty le . However, the big event, the Coronation Ball, was held and was a great success. A Senior Class king and qu ee n of the Ice Carni va l were elected by the ent ir e student body. Each class also elected a gentleman and a lady in wcit ing to represent them. On Friday night C!ub Henri was open and the record player announced the kin g, qu ee n, and th e ir court. Saturday night the dance had begun w hen th e king, Karl Rauschert, hi s qu ee n, Judy Jostes , and the court march ed in to Pomp and Circumstance. They were crowned before the throne , led the Grand March, and th en th e general dancing co ntinu ed . Page 62
First Row: F. Weber, W. Heaton, G . Pontius, K. Rauschert, J . Nickle, R. Toutant, B. Merrill, C. Ashbrook, W. Nolan, R. Aylward, J. Kleindl Standing: Coaches Peter Pasko and Leo Schnur Second Row: A. Clark, W . Bezdek, G. Justus, B. J. Arno, J. Beebe, R. Smitz, P. Plowe, T. Radtke, R. Antrim, C. Mcintosh, J . Manning Third Row: Manager E. Raddatz, R. Stanford, W. Yeakel, G. Foster, Manager Harley Fanshaw
VARSITY FOOTBALL The 1946 Wayland football season was successful indeed . The Wayland football squad won all but one game and earned the Wisco~sin Prep conference co-championship with Country Day. WAYLAND, 32- JUNEAU, 7: The first game was with Juneau High School on September 20, a non-conference affair. Showing superiority throughout, the Wayland eleven won 32- 7. Karl Rauscher! scored three touchdowns, Chuck Ashbrook one, and B. J. Arno one. The two extra points were by Rauscher! and a pass from Bob Antrim to Graham Foster. WAYLAND, 31 - MILWAUKEE LUTHERAN, 0 : On September 28 the fast-stepping, hard-charging Wayland team defeated a lighter Milwaukee Lutheran eleven 31 - 0 on the Milwaukee University School field. Wayland received the opening kick-off and after punting on third down recovered a Lutheran fumble. Wayland then 'umbled with Lutheran recovering for Wayland on the Lutheran 2. Ashbrook scored on the second play.
Immediately after the next kick-~ff Merrill intercepted a Lutheran pass on the Lutheran 30. Rauscher! then raced to the 3 around right end, and Merrill went over. In the second period Merrill and Ashbrook each went over again. Nolan scored in the final period . WAYLAND, 31 - LAKE MILLS, 20: On October 4, the Wayland eleven found plenty of opposition in a hard-fighting Lake Mills High School team at Lake Mills, but won by a score of 31 - 20. Wayland was in command of the first quarter, with Merrill scoring the first tally. In the third quarter Ashbrook scored for Wayland, but Lake Mills also scored . In the third quarter Mills scored again on another pass and they made the extra point. Nolan then scored on a sustained march and Wayland led, 18- 14. In the fourth quarter Lake Mills scored again on an end around play. With seven minutes remaining, Wayland scored on a pass, Nolan to Weber, and made the extra point. Mills
Leo Schnur
Peter Pasko
Assistant Coach
then returned the kickoff to its 48, w here Rauschert intercepted a pass and scored.
again on another pass. The extra point plunge settled the score at 38- 13 in Wayland 's favor .
Wayland, 45- Eigin, 0
On October 11, the W oyland squad defeated the Northwestern Prep team from Watertown 38- 13. The score at half-time was 26- 0, w ith Karl Rauschert scoring on a 53 yard jaunt in the first quarter. Wayland made it 32- 0 in the third quarter before a Prep pass tallied for a score. In the fourth quarter Merrill broke away for 29 yards to score, and Northwestern scored
The Homecoming game on October 19, played before a Iorge crowd of visitors, resulted in a one-sided 45 - 0 victory for Wayland over Elgin Academy. Dutch Merrill was outsta nding in this game, getting away for two long touchdown jaunts of 65 and 51 yards. The reserves, playing over half of the game, scored twice on the visitors.
Bruce Merrill
Dick Toutont
Halfback- All Conference
Tockle- A II Conference Co-Ca ptains
Page 65
Karl Rauschert Halfback All Conference 2nd team
Wayland, 20- M.U .S. , 6 Held in check for three periods, Wayland 's undefeated squad exploded with three touchdowns in the final quarter on October 26, to defeat M.U.S. 20-6 on the M.U.S. field. Wayland, 14- Country Day, 32 Wayland experienced its only defeat of the 1946 season on November 2, when an inspired Country Day School eleven defeated them 32- 14 on the Country Day field .
Bill Nolan Quarterback
Page 66
Charles Ashbrook Fullback All Conference 2nd team
Wayland, 26- Northwestern Academy, 6
The Wayland squad ended its season the next Saturday by defeating Northwestern Military and Naval 26- 0, and was assured a tie with Country Day for the conference championship. Wayland was voted five players on the first-string all-conference team, and three players on the second string . Tackle Richard Toutant was the only unanimous choice.
Bill Heaton Center- All Conference
Fred Weber End
John Nickle End- All Confere nce
Guy Pontius Tackle- All Conference 2nd team
Dick Aylward Guard- All Conference
James Kleind/ Guard
First Row: J. Weddell, J. Blinks, E. Tom, R. Hopf, W. Schack, J. Keil, J. Lewis, J. Plews Second Row: S. Christifulli, J . Nunn, L. Johnson, F. Sch licher, K. Goll, J. Ballentine, R. Roberts, D. Brethauer Third Row: M. Burstein (manager), J. Kanalz, G. Stroesser, M. Kart, A. Peterson, R. Landrud (captain), J. Homblette, P. Mueller, W. Weston, J. Moseley, Coach Schneider
JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL Wayland's Junior Varsity, coached by Mr. Pasko, played five games, against Waupun, Co lumbu s, Mayville , and Beaver Dam. On September 23, the Red and White journeyed to Columbus for the first game of the season. Columbus showed superiority, and the Wayland team lost on c wet field , 6- 0. In the second game , against Beaver Dam , Way land showed the superiority, and defeated the local squad, 12- 0, on the Beaver Dam field. The passing combination of Landrud and Mueller accounted for both touchdowns. In the next game, against Mayville , Wayland returned to winning ways and defeated them 32- 0. In this game Pete Mueller, Ken Goll , and Fritz Schlicher were outstanding . The fourth game resulted in the team's only tie of the season , when Ken Goll scored in the la st quarter to make it c 6- 6 tie with Columbus in a return game here. The team closed its season by going down in defeat to a strong Waupun eleven 27- 0 on the Waupun High Schoo l field. Waupun dominated throughout, scoring on their first play of the game, once in the third and twice in the la st quarter .
FROSH-SOPH SEASON The Wayland Frosh-Soph team played two games, both with the local St. Peter' s eleven. Coached by Mr. Erickson and Mr . Schneider, the team won the first game 13-6 but lost the second, 12- 0 in a hard , bruising battle . Page 68
Front Row: B. Merrill, K. Rauschert, J. Nickle, F. Weber, B. Nolan Second Row: Coach Pasko, R. Antrim, C. Ashbrook, G. Pontius, J . Manning, R. Landrud, R. Aylward
Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland
62 28 33 34 28 46 39 50 36 34 35 33 46 58 52 42
27 53 30 37 37 35 42 18 51 29 31 52 35 33 40 '27
Winnebago Lutheran Edgewood Academy Country Day Elgin Northwestern Military and Naval Elgin M. U. S. Northwestern Preps Milwaukee Luthe ran Northwestern Military and Naval Milwaukee Luthe ran Edgewood Academy Northwestern Preps Winnebago Lutheran M. U. S. Country Day
Page 69
K. Rauschert, F. Weber, B. Nolan, B. Merrill, Coach Pasko, J. Nickle
Karl Rauschert Center
Fred Weber Forward
Page 70
The Wayland Academy basketball squad did very well this year, tying for the conference championship. In non-conference games Wayland split two with Elgin Academy, lost two to Edgewood Academy, and won two from Winnebago Lutheran . The first game of the season, on November 27, was against Winnebago Lutheran, and it gave the Wayland students their first chance to see a game in the new gymnasium. It was in this game that the Wayland quintet tallied the most points of the season, by winning 62- 27 . On December 3, we came up against a strong Edgewood Academy team from Madison. and went down ' in defeat, 52-28. The next game was against Country Day, and it was there that we racked up our first conference victory. After a very exciting game all the way, the game ended w W:h Wayland the victors by a 33-30 score. The day after the Country Day game, the Wayland five came up against Elgin Academy and lost 37- 34. A week later, on December 14, Wayland won its second conference victory against Northwestern Military and Naval Academy by a score of 28-27. As the score indicates, this game was very close, and was even tied up when the final horn sounded . The next game, a non-conference affair, took our quintet to Elgin, Illinois, for a return game with them . This time our boys turned the tables, and out-scored the opposition 46- 35.
In the next game, against M .U.S ., Wayland suffered its first league set-back, by losing 42- 39, on the M.U.S. floor . After a 21-21 deadlock at the half, they went on to outscore our boys, 12- 7, in the third period to win the game . On January 21, Wayland won another conference game by defeating the Northwestern Preps, 50- 18. Wayland led all the way, at once being ahead 34- 7. Bill Nolan was high scorer, with 13 points. Karl Rauschert was next, with 9. Following the Prep victory, Wayland lost ' the second of its two defeats to Milwaukee Lutheran, 51 - 36. Our boys made a fight of it in the first half and only trailed by one point at the half, 23- 22. In the second half, however, a Lutheran rally broke up the gdme. Kuenn , of Lutheran, was high scorer, with 21 points. Karl Rauschert paced Wayland with 12. In the next game, a return match with Northwestern Military and Naval , Wayland spurted ahead in the third quarter and won the game, 34- 29. On February 12, Milwaukee Lutheran came here for a return match, and won by a score of 35- 31 . Wayland, playing heads-up ball , built up a big lead in the first two periods and led all the way. In the next game the Wayland five journeyed to Madison to play Edgewood and lost for the second time , 52- 33 . Karl Rauschert was again high scorer for Wayland with 10 points. After the Edgewood defeat the Wayland squad came up against the Northwestern Preps again and won 46- 35. Fred Weber was high scorer, with 13 points. The next game was a retur n non-conference contest with Winnebago Lutheran . Although playing on the small Winnebago court was difficult, ~e won, 58- 33 . On February 25 , the Wayland quintet played a second game with M.U.S. and won, 52- 40. For the first two periods it was nip and tuck, but in the final quarter our boys moved out in front to stay. In the final game of the season, against Country Day on our court, our varsity won the fifth conference victory in a row . Country Day scored a single fr ee throw in the first quarter. We finished in the lead ,
John Nickle Forward
Bill Nolan Guard
Bruce Merri II Guard
30- 17. Page 71
Front Row : J. Lewis, J. Moseley, J. Blinks, G . Stroesser, R. Roberts Seco nd Row: Coac h Schneider, A. Peterson, B. Leisses, D. Harris, J. Hombl ette, M . Kart
JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL JUNIOR COLLEGE BASKETBALL Front Row: K. Moore, G. Wischinski, R. Buchda, J. Knaup, J. Hartzheim, J. Crinion Seco nd Ro w : Coach Roberts, J. Broaddus, D. Ward , R. Schmidt, D. Colton, L. Schmid t, B. Heath, J. Co le man , H . Kopff
Page 72
Front Row: R. Moksnes, J. Nickle, B. J. Arno Seco nd Row : Mr. Simpson, M . Kdmp, S. Dunhdm, R. Tuyls, M. Burstein, C. Mcintosh
Tennis 1946 SCORES Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland
Score 5 1 6 4 7 1 5 3 4 2
Score 3 4 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 3
Beaver Dam Country Day Waupun Northwestern Preps Waupun M. U. S. St. John 's Northwestern Preps Elgin St. John's
194 7 SCHEDULE Elgin ................... . April19 MUS ...... .. .... . ....... May Waupun .... . ...... . ..... April22 Mayville ................. May St. John's ... . . . ... ....... April 23 MUS .......... . . . .... ... May St. Mary's .... .... .. . .. . . Apri I 26 Northwestern M & N ...... May Country Day ....... ... ..... May 3 St. John 's ... . .. . ......... May Northwestern M & N ...... May 7 Country Day ......... .... . May
10 15 17 24 28 31
Several other games are pend ing as we go to press. Page
Front Row: F. Weber, V. Cowley, A. Jones, R. Jones, J. Nickle, W. Bunge, K. Rduschert, R. Corey, J. Newton Second Row: Codch Pdsko, T. Ldskerr, R. Antrim, Codch Schnur Third Row: W. Yedkel, J . Hdmilton, G. Justus, G. Foster, B. Noldn, T. Rddtke, G. Pontius, W. Hedton, C. Ashbrook Fourth Row: M. Cohen, R. Aylwdrd, B. J . Arno, J . Beebe, R. Stdnford
60.5 81 43 27 45 29
53.5 56.5 70 86 68 94
Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wavland
Opponent Columbus Horicon Beaver Dam Edgewood Academy M . U. S. Country Day
Page 74
Front Row: T. Laskerr, J. Newton, R. Antrim, R. Landrud Second Row: Coach Schnur, G. Foster, K. Rauschert, F. Weber, J. N ickle, Coach Pasko
194 7 TRACK SCHEDULE AND TEAM Horicon .................... . .. . .. . Apri I 30 Mi Iwaukee Lutheran. . . . . . . Columbus.
. ... . May
. ..... . ............ . May
MUS .. ..... ...... ..... ...... . . . . . .. May 10 Country Day .. ... .. . . ...... . ... . ... .. May 17 Beaver Dam. . . . . . . .
. . ... . . .. May 22
Conference .. ... . ..... .. .. . . . ..... .. May 31
Page 75
Front Row : S. Ettinger, Judy Pickard, Julie Pickard Second Row: P. Hull, B. Landergott, R. Murray, K. Mayer, C. Burns, D. Sherman, M. Sager Third Row: Mrs . Mayer (coach), C. Sensiba , J . Chamberlin, J. Jostes, A. Jenkins, J. McKinlay, N. McCallum, C. Swanson, M. Webber, C. Thurwachter
Girls' Basketball C. Burns, N . McCallum, J. Jostes, C. Swanson, J. Pickard
Page 76
Front Row: K. Mayer, July Pickard, M. Esperson, Judy Pickard, R. Murray, S. Dooley, D. Sherman Back Row: Mrs. Mayer, C. Matthews, J . Rosenhiemer, J . Woodbury, S. Blake, J . Johnson D. Whitfield, J . Thurwachter
Girls, Hockey
Pa ge 77
First-prize Winners
Y. W. MASQUERADE Second-prize Winners
Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Foster, Mr. Schnur
The Senate Organized by President Hicks shortly after he came to Wayland , the Student Senate has proved its worth time and time again . It has removed a good deal of work from President Hicks ' shoulders by planning the weekend activities and dealing with minor problems that arise concerning the student body. Ml':mbers of the Senate are Gordon Justus, president; Julie Pickard, YWCA president; Judy Pickard, Varsity Club president; Karl Rauschert, W . Club president; Bill Heaton, president of the Boys' House Council; Dorothy Whitfield , president of the Girls ' House Council ; Guy Pontius, senior class president; Stan Dunham , president of the junior class; Dwight Harris, sophomore class president; Tom Pickard, president of the freshman class; Carol Cantrall , representative of Merriam House; Bill Bezdek, Hutchins House representative; Joe Von Allmen , Club 13 president; Jack Toutant, J. C. representative; and Nancy McCallum , town representative .
Carol Cantrall Dwight Harris Julie Pickard
Page 80
Bill Heaton Tom Pickard
George Jagerson Guy Pontius
G o rdon J ustus Ka rl Rauschert
Nancy McCallum Joseph VonAllmen
Stan Dunham Judy Pickard Dorothy Whitfield
Front Row: J . Rosenheimer, D. Whitfield, W. Hurrell Second Row: T. Arsldn , H. McKinldy, C. Cdntrdll, R. Murrdy
DORMITORY COUNCILS Front Row: F. Weber, B. Noldn, B. Hedton, R. Antrim, K. Rduschert Second Row: D. Middleton, B. Yedkel, G . Pontius, G . Justus, S. Dunhdm, D. Aylwdrd
Front Row: P. Hull, R. Goodmdn, M. Esperson, K. Kelly, T. Arsldn, A. Hdrtmdn, Julie Pickdrd, M. Hoyer, M. Mell, M. Bolitho, M. Midrs, S. Ettinger, A. Fisher, Judy Pickdrd Second Row: B: Thompson, B. Ldw, C. Mdson, N. McCdllum, W. Hurrell, C. Burns, K. Gdsser, C. Mdtthews, M. MelgdMd, D. Shermdn, M. Webber, J. Johnson, B. McCreedy, M. Whitfield, S. Dooley, B. Ldndergott, K. Mdyer Third Row: J. Jostes, E. Eisert, V. Nelson, M. Kolling, J . Woodbury, N. lson, J. Chdmberlin, J . Richie, C. Thurwdchter, C. Swdnson, P. Huck, J . Kellogg, L. Weber, M. Sdger, A. Jenkins, W. Woods '
Y. W. Since 1884 the Wayland Y.W.C.A. has been a predominant influence in school life . Able student leadership, coupled with the discerning guidance of Miss Marion E. Mitchell, has made this year one of the most active and productive in the organization's history. The cabinet members- Sue Dooley, Carol Swanson, Miriam Sager, Barbara Thompson , Joan Richie,Jeanne Modica , Katherine Mayer, Dorothy Whitfield , and Nancy McCallum- met a few days previous to the beginning of school to place bright flowers in every room in Warren Hall and to plan the work of the approaching year.
Page 82
Perhaps the most impressive ceremony of the year was marked in November by the initiation of fortyfive girls into the organization . This year's theme, FAITH , was presented to the group in an enlightening address by Carrie Dollar, Wayland Y.W .C.A. president in 1941 - 42, at 路 a formal banquet in the Dining Hall and was carried out through quiet devotions in Warren Hall 's serene drawing room during Wednesday evening services, led by the students themse lves and visiting speakers. Officers for the coming year were installed at an impressive May Banquet, bringing to a close theY . W . year.
Front Row: Judy Pickard , J . Modica, R. Wittenburger, S." Dooley, B. Thompson, Julie Pickard Second Row: J . Johnson, D. Whitfield, W. Hurrell, J . Richie, K. Mayer, M. Sager, C. Swanson
C. A. Y. W. Club Rooms B. Clark, J. Rosenheimer, J. Woodbu ry, N. McGinnis
Mi ss Mitchell Fccu lty Adviser Page 83
Front Row: G. Foster, B. J . Arno, K. Rauschert, B. Heaton, B. Yeakel, B. No lan, R. Antrim, J. Nickle, F. Weber Second Row: J . Newton, R. Stanford, T. Radtke, A. Clark, D. Smitz, G. Pontius, C. Ashbrook, G . Justus, D. Aylward
"W" CLUB The "W" Club is today an integral part of Way land activities and life . The president, Karl Rauschert, has made letters in football , basketbal l, and track . The vice-president, John Nickle , is also a three-letter man. Our secre tary is Dick Aylward , who keeps the club's records straight. He is a four-year letter man in football. Chuck Mcintosh, treasurer, made his letter in footba ll this year. The objectives of this organization are to further athletics, help in coaching spring football , and to referee intermural and Frosh-Soph games.
Officers: K. Rauschert, J. Nickle, D. Aylward
Page 84
S. Dooley, C. Swanson, J. Modica, Judy Pickard, E. Eisert, Julie Pickard
Probably the smallest organization on the campus, the Varsity Club is by no means of the least importance. In it are represented the girls who have made the requirement in girls' athletics at Wayland . Its small number of members verifies the fact that it is not easy to get into and each girl in this club is proud to be a member of it. Of course, the club 's most important event of the year is the initiation. Also, the girls sell memoirs at Homecoming, ice cream bars at basketball games, etc. In its short three-year span of life , the Club has made its place on the campus .
Officers: Jeanne Modica and Judy Pickard
Page 8
The Art
Page 86
'ront Row: J. Modica, W. Woods, T. Arslan, A. Henkins, S. Ettinger, P. Hull, A. Fisher, A. Ballentine, M. Sager, M. Kolling, C. Swanson, K. Kelly, B. Stein, V. Nelson, K. Mayer, J . Richie )econd Row: S. Pelck, B. Goodman, M. Hoyer, M. Bolitho, M. Melgaard, C. Mason, J. Caesar, M. Whitfield, S. Jones, C. Burns, M. Webber, 路 G. Gillette, M. Lund, W. Hurrell, B. Landergott, E. Dygert, M. Mell, M. Esperson, A. Hartman, C. Matthews rhird Row: B. Thomas, J. Jostes, N. McCallum, N. Aerts, R. Hejna, C. Smith, B. Heaton, G. Pontius, R. Landrud, J. McKinlay, C. Sensiba, B. Law, S. Lupton, E. Eisert, M. Smythe, J. Rosenheimer, D. Middleton, S. Dooley, S. Mason
DRAMA CLUB The Wayland Drama Club of 路46-4 7, headed by Mickey Sager, with Vice-President Bill Bezdek, and Secretary-Treasurer La Vonne Weber, is rapidly climbing the ladder of success. It has, at present , the largest enrollment of any organization on the campus. All of us who have been at Wayland in previous years know that a good many of the tclented Drama Club members left us with last year's graduating class. Those of us who remained had th e task set on our shoulders of carrying on the fine record they had left. The three one-act plays, which were presented November 23, marked a memorable evening in the minds of Waylandites. A new idea put into operation this year was the giving of programs during the mee tings. We took from five to ten minutes of each meeting to tell something of the origin and background of drama, thus
giving those students seriously interested in the subject some helpful information. Also during these meetings we presented short skits in which underclassmen were the chief participants . This gave those who were not able to be in a play the opportunity of obtaining experience. It is a certainty that all that the Dramatic Club has accomplished thus far could not have been done without the direct and guiding influence of Mrs. Ouinn and Mrs. Pihlstrom. They have helped us through difficult spots and have always been around with an encouraging word when the going seemed hardest. To them goes our unmeasured appreciation and thanks. And to all Drama Club members I should like to leave thi s bit of advice: Success is determined by jobs well done, For only by work can your goal be won.
EVERYTHING NICE Student Director- Bill Bezdek Orlando Todd . Adelaide Todd Cornelia Todd . Edith Fisher . Hennie Fisher . Bennie Fisher CliFford Henderson
Bill Bezde k Katherine Mayer Nancy McCallum Mary Ann Smythe John Dickinson Sally Ettinger Donald Mekelburg Page 89
Student Director- Mickey Sager
Miss Abby Blackwell Mrs . Rosalie Blackwell Edwards Mrs . Grant Miss Susan Jordan
Charlotte Noreus . Carolyn Burns Barbara Thomas
Miss Mary Ann Jordan
Betty Goult
Mrs . Kitzmuller
Sue Lupton
Mrs . Sorenson
Joan Richie
Mrs. Wood .
Marjorie Esperson
Mrs . Stickner
Page 90
, Mickey Sager
Mary Kolling
Student Director- Sue Dooley
Mrs . Brady Ada The Dark Young Girl The Doll Faced Blonde Amy . Vera Sylvia
Beverly Landergott Ann Fisher Marilyn Webber Claire Mason Debbie Sherman . Judy Jostes Pat O'Dea
The Grey Eyed Girl
Ann Ballentine
Jeanne Modica
Babe 's Two Girl Friends
Thelma Arslan Margaret Hoyer
The Woman with the Gardenias
. Carol Cantrall
La Vonne Webe r
Page 91
Front Row: Mr. Mayer, K. Moore, J . Von Allmen, G. Jaegerson, Mr. Schneider Back Row: J . Kuebler, Mr. Jagiello, D. Mekelburg, G. Wischinski, W. Laehr, H. Egan, W. Herrick
CLUB 13 Club "13" was reorganized w ith the opening of the school year, after getting off to a successful start during the second semester of 1945-46. It is composed of veterans attending Wayland, and its main purpose is to provide an opportunity for these vets to meet and talk over the days that they spent in se rvice . At the more or less informal meetings, held on Wednesday evenings in the Faculty Loung e, they discuss ways in which they can make their stay at Wayland a better one all the way around. The requirements are few , but important- to be a member one must have served honorably in the armed forces of the United States, must maintain d good scholastic standing and must uphold the traditions of Wayland. The club also requires equal participation in all of the activities which the club undertakes.
Page 92
The officers of Club "13" are students, and the club 's advisers are faculty members who have been in service. The officers are Joseph VonAllmen, Presidenti George Jaegerson, Vice-Presidenti John Kuebler, Treasurer, Donald Mekelburg, Sargeant-atArmsi and Kenneth Moore, Secretary. At the time of this writing, Ken Moore is planning to leave school and return to active service at the end of the first semester. His successor to the secretaryship will be determined by an election at one of the coming meetings . The other members of the club are Harold Egan , William Herrick, Glen Eichenseer, and Gene Wichinski. The faculty members are Mr. Eldon Mdyer, Mr . Frederick Schneider, and Mr . Felix Jagiello. One of the highlights of the school year here at Wayland is the Club "13" dance . Its great popularity is fdst making it one of the school's nicest trdditions .
Front Row: E. Eisert, B. Ldndergott, G. Pontius, C. Swdnson, W. Hedton, M. Sdger, J. Pickdrd Second Row: S. Dooley, M. Lund, N. McCdllum, C. Burns, W. Hurrell, J. Richie, J . Johnson Third Row: G. Foster, S. Dunhdm, R. Stdnford, D. EdwMds, J. Newton
PILLARS The PILLARS staff has put a great deal of their time and effort into compiling this yearbook. We of the staff sincerely hope this year's PILLARS will surpass any of previous y~ars . We owe a great deal of our success to Miss Holmes , our publications adviser, and to Mrs. Foster, who has given many useful ideas. We cannot express our gratitude for all the times they have spurred us onward to our ultimate goal. Carol Swanson, editor-in-chief; Don Edwards, business manager; and Nancy McCallum, literary editor have done their share in making this a bigger and better PILLARS. Eve ryon e will remember Mickey Sager and Guy Pontius ' skit to advertise the PILLARS and urge the student body to sign pledge cards. The credit for collecting the money goes to Wilma Hurrell , who was assisted by Judy Johnson . Much ef the credit and congratulations goes to Stan Dunham, Miriam Sager, Mary Alice Lund and Jule Proskine who deciphered thousands of illegible words. Of course a yearbook is not a yearbook without pictures to help you remember the exciting events of the past year, and for that reason we wish to congratulate and thank Ralph Stanford, who was our staff photographer; and in case you were wondering who drew those cute little sketches you can thank the art editors- Sue Dooley and Eve Eisert. This yearbook would not be complete without sports writeups . We have Graham Foster in charge of boys athletics, and Joan Richie in charge of girls athletics , to thank for that. The Calendar is the work of Carolyn Burns, and Judy Pickard and Bill Heaton put in many hours figuring out picture schedules and helping in every department. The staff would like to take this opportunity to thank the student body for their coo pe rat ion in making this edition a success .
Page 93
Editors: S. Dooley, D. Edwards, D. Sherman, W. Hurrell
THE STAFF Editor .......... . . . ............. . . . .......... . . ... Debbie Sherman Publicity . ..... ..... .. .. . .............. .... . . ........ Mickey Sager Guy Pontius Circulation ............ ... .... ... . ......... .. . . ..... Wilma Hurrell Judy Johnson Staff Writers .............. . .... . . .. . . .... ... ... ...... Judy Pickard, Sally Ettinger, Carol Swanson, Barbara Thompson, Ann Jenkins, Mickey Sager, Carolyn Burns, Kit Mayer, John Nickle, Ronny Hejna, Wilma Hurrell, Betsy Law, Mary Whitfield, Beverly Landergott, Joan Richie, Judy Johnson, Connie Sensiba Faculty Adviser . .... . . ............ ... .......... .... Mrs. Ruth Foster
Front Row: C. Sensiba, G. Pelck, M. Whitfield, C. Swdnson, D. Shermdn, J. Richie, W . Hurrell, S. Ettinger, J . Johnson Second Row: B. Thompson, M. Lund, J. Cdesdr, A. Jenkins, K. Mdyer, M. Sager, S. Dooley, C. Burns, E. Eisert, B. La w Third Ro w: B. Ldndergott, M. Burstein, G. Foster, R. Stdnford, G. Jdegerson, D. Edwards, J . Rosenhe imer
In its second yeM of publication, the POST ha s been a great success. Editor Debbie Sherman is to be seen at all times spurring the reporters on to greater heights of achievement, getting new ideas for the layout of the next issue, and writing her populdr editorials . Besides covering the general campu s news, the POST cdrries many reguldr features . " Monkey Shines," written by Sally Ettinger, is a comic account of life at Wayland . The "Inquiring Reporter," CMol Swanson , gets people's views of subjects of interest. Sue Dooley is the mischief maker of " Merry Mi schief," the gossip column. Joan Richie writes of the student's view of weekend activities in " Dedr DiMy." Eve Eisert tells us what everyone is wedring in the " Clothes Line ." "S ideline Slants," written by May-
ndrd Burstein ; girls' sports by Judy Pi ckdrd , and boys' sports by Graham Foster, give the sports news . Jeanne Modica keeps us up with the newest tunes in her record column. Cdrolyn Burns keeps us informed of past and future activities in the calenddr and activity columns. Mdry Whitfield keeps an eye on the alumni. Barbara Thompson keeps us a ll in touch with the work of the Y.W.C.A. The POST staff wishes to take this opportunity to thank Mrs . Foster for the many hours she has spent on each issue. This second yedr of publication ha s reall y demonstrated just how much a school paper doe s mean to us, and we know it will be continued for many more yedrs .
Pag e 95
Front Row: Mrs. Roberts, B. Thompson, P. Roberts, B. McCreedy, J . Woodbury, M. Whitfield, J. Pickard, Miss Kluckhohn Second Row: M. McMinn, T. Arslan, C. Noreus, J. Chamberlin, J. McKinlay, J. Johnson, J. Pickard, D. Whitfield Third Row: B. Bezdek, S, Dunham, K. Rauschert, J. Weddell , G. Justus, J. Nickle, G. Foster, J. Lewis
CHOIR One or'Wayland's nicest traditions, as far as organizations are concerned, is its fine choir . Each member of the choir is very proud of his position, for even though it does not do a great number of things the choir plays an important part in our schoo l life. Every other Sunday they sing at the local Baptist Church, which most of the student body attends. They are very essential in leading the congregation in hymns and their anthems are always a high point in the church service . Besides these bi-weekly duties there are several other activities in which the choir takes part. For instance, at Christmas time they sing as a background for the Y.W.C.A. Nativity, which is all in pantomime except for the music. At this same time they go out Christmas caroling to carry the Christmas cheer from Wayland to the people of Beaver Dam .
Page 96
B. Thompson, Mrs. Roberts, J. Jostes, J. Woodbury, Judy Pickard, J . Richie, J . Johnson, D. Whitfield, Julie Pickard, C. Swanson
Mrs. Roberts, M. Whitfield, A. Jenkins, fl. McKinlay, P. Roberts, T. Arslan, M. McMinn 路
Kdrl Rauschert, Stan Dunham, Neil Aerts, Gordon Justus
Front Row: J . Jostes, J . Woodbury, P. Roberts, B. Thompson, Julie Pick~rd, Judy Pickard Second Row: Mrs. Roberts, J. Chamberlin, J . Johnson, G . Justus, J . Weddell , J . Caesar, V . Hawken, Miss Kluckhohn
Julie Pickdrd, 8drbdrd Thompson, Judy Pickdrd
Page 9
. . ... the administration and ~acuity wish
whatever you
attempt as you leave here- whether college or business - we ~eel sure that you will be guided by the ideals and traditions o~ Wayland .
'Long the cherished path of memories, Trod a multitude, hand in hand, Guided by sincere devotion Their goal to understand . Their friendship,- one irt loyalty, The kind from deep in heart, Kept warm by glowing embers, Of fond memories, ne'er to part. Their struggle?- For the heritage , Wh ich they had humbly borne, And their duty now to carry it, To life's awakening morn . The winding pathway upward, Which they climbed to heights of fame , Was long- was rough- was narrow, But they made it just the same. Because many a year before, In this kingdom on a hill God's charter to his people, Was nourished within them still. Yes!- The multitude, they separated Each to his appointed way, But the spirit from within Brings them back this very day. Back from journeys 'cross the miles , To greet with open hand. This is the people of the world, - This is OUR . . . Wayland . Dan ' l Goetz ... '45 *This met with such acclaim in last year 's PILLARS that we are repeating it again this year.
As of old when knights and maidens, Summoned by Devotion's call , Gathered 'midst the hallowed splendor Of some great, ancestral hall , So, today, we do thee homage , Wayland , castle of our dreams! In thy name our torch was lighted , Gallant still its white flame gleams . Staunch we stand and ever loyal , True to lessons thou hast taught, Strong to do thy boldest bidding , Fortified by batt Ies fought. Ouickened by thy inspiration, On we press to heights above , Comrades in a mighty army, Kindred in a filial love . 'Round us surge the eager voice s Of an unseen mystic throng , Spirits of thy absent children Joining in this festal song . They, 路like us , in fond allegiance Nurtured at thine ancient shrine, Ever keep thy mem ' ry sacred , Cherished as a gift divine .
Page 10:
The PILLARS staff wishes to take this opportunity to thank all those whose advertisements appear on the following pages. Last year, in en attempt to make the advertising section more appealing, the student address list was run below the advertisements. It met with such approval that we are following the same plan this year. We also, at this time , wish to thank Mr. Les Oestreich of the Beaver Studio, Mr. Eldred Olson of the Brock Engraving Company, and Mr. E. W. McGuire of the Badger Printing Company who have all helped to make this book a success .
• Manufacturers of
Aerts, N ea l 370 Prospect Elmhurst, Illinois
Aukofer, John L•kewood Park Beaver Dam, Wis.
Antrim , Robert
Aylw•rd , Richard 402 Ninth Street N ee nah , Wisconsin
1456 W. Raechar Avenue Chicago, Illinois
Baszynski, Howard F. 607 S. lincoln Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beebe, James
319 E. 6th Street Hinsdale , Illinois
Bezdek, Willi•m 2167 E. 96 Street Chicago 28 , Illinois Bishop, Stephe n Bennett Hotel Skirven Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Blake , Sylvia C. 7822 Milwaukee Avenue Wauwatosa 13, Wisconsin
Arno, B. J. 2216- 13th Street Columbus 1 Georgia
Bachofan, Lillian Route #2
114 S. Uni ve rsity Avenue
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Arslan , Th e lma 7038 S. Stewart Avenue
Ballentine , Anne
Bennett, Clare nc e Chas , Jr. 620 W . Maple Avenue
Blinks, John c/ o Steph e n Ca ndy Kitch e ns 611 N . S•cramento Boulevard
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Chicago, Illinois
Be rentsen , Frank Merrill 1516 Und erwood Ave nu e Wauwatosa 1 3, Wisconsin
Bolitho, Mary Elizdbet h 531 Oak Str ee t
Chicago 21 , Illinois
Ashbrook, Ch•rles G•te 1 3, L•kewood Crysl•l L•ke, Illinois
1137 Locust Road Wilmette, Illinois Ba ll entin e, John
1137 Locust Ro•d Wilmette, Illinois
Benike, Gene Francis
Manistique, Michi9M1
Page 107
Hawley Block
Beaver Dam, Wisco nsin
0. A. HAASE CO . O uality Footwear for the Entire Fan il y Since 1883 101 Front Street
A Wisconsin Corporation
Beaver Sporting Goods Shop
Complete Line of Outdoor an d Indoor Sporting Goods Qscar Mel lenthin Haro ld Me ll enthin 119N.Sprin g Tel.937 Beaver Dam, Wiscons in
Congratulations CLASS OF '47 Member of
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
116 Front Street Beave r Dam, Wis.
Farm Equi pment Saddler & Riding Equipment
J. J. NEUMAN Plumbing- Heating 119 Front St.
Beaver Dam
Braun , John
Burns, Carolyn
825 Hom ilto n St. Wausau, Wisconsin
321 Custer
Cefo lu , Roso lie L. 217 York Stree t
Evanston, Illinois
Beaver Dam, Wisconsi n
Bret hd uer, David Hen ery
Burnstein, Mayn<~rd
413 N . C e nter
Chomberlin, Joon C. 2600 E. Beverly Rood Mi lwaukee 11 , Wisconsin
Colemo n, Jock Lloyd 1 11 W. Third Stree t
Beaver Dam , Wisco nsin
Doty Apt., 316 C lork N ee nah , Wisconsin
Brooddus, John lynn 2226 Forest View Rood Evanston, Illinois
Byrd, Jeon 916 Pine Street Waukegan, Illino is
Christiful li, Sol 3480 N . Wei I Street Mi lwaukee 12, Wisconsin
Colto n, Dovid D. 403 Bell Ave nu e
Brown, Sa nford 8134 Vernon Aven ue C hico go 19, Illinois
Caesar, Joan Ferry Hoi I Lake Forest , Illinois
Clark, Alon 212 On ei do Street
Buchdo, Robe rt Wm. 511 Groce Street Waupun, Wisconsin
Control!, Corroll Ann 1202 Kon evill e Rood
Clâ&#x20AC;˘rk, Elsbeth 212 O neido Street
Crinion, Jdck Lawrenc e
Geneva, Illinois
Bedver Dam, Wisconsin
Bedver Ddm , Wisconsin
Page 108
Beaver Ddm , Wisconsin
Co lbu rn, Eli,o beth Ann ette 465 Rice Street A non ka, Mi nn esota
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Corbett, Richord C. W. 1102 Tolon Avenue Co lgory, Alberto , Conodo
222 W. South Street
116 Rowell
Telephone 76-W Beaver Dam Wis. 1
BEAVER DAM, WIS. Telephone 347 Hawley Block
Compliments of
The Store of a Thousand Gifts
Home- W . H . Schulenburg- Owned 122 N. Spring Beaver Dam, Wis.
Everything for the Automobile
Cullen, Cl•rence Baldwin 202 N . C e nter Street
Dettman , Virgi n ia Mae
Dyg ert, Eil ee n St. Xavier, Montana
Eis ert , Eve
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
516 N . Bateman Street Appleton , Wisconsin
Cullen, John Edword 2136 Princeton Avenu e
7114 Constance Avenu e
St. Paul 5, Minnesota
Chicago 49, Illinois
Edwards, Donald 3661 S. 46th Street Milwauke e 14 , Wiscon si n
Damp, Charles Moffdtt 72 Sheboygan Stre et Fond du Lac , Wisco nsin
Dooley, Su e 901 Mapl e Street
Egan, Horold Hunt , Jr. 727 Hill Road
Evanston , Illinois
Winnetka , Illinois
Ettinger, Sally Ann 118- 71 La ke Avenue Lakewood , Ohio
Daniels, Robert A. 311 H e nry Street
Drown, Audrey Eth el
Route #2
Eich e l, Jack Roland 315 W . Third Street
Fabisch , Carolin e A. Route #2, Box #7 2
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
8edver 0dm , Wisconsin
Davis, David le~wrenc e 2712 Ewing Avenue
Dunham, Stanley 135 Farrand Pork Highland Park, Michig•n
Eichenseer, Glen
FdnShdw, Hdrl ey
706 Madison Street
216 W . 3rd Street
8edver 0dm 1 Wisconsin
8edver Ddm , Wi sc onsin
Eva nston , Illinoi s
Dickinson , John Ke ndall
714 Ash land Wilmette, Illinois Espers e n, MMjorie
5039 N . Parksid e Avenue Chicago 30, Illinoi s
Page 109
HOAG MOTOR COMPANY Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
BUICK Complete Service
Hospitals Institutions
The Beaver Bootery 127 Front St.
Beaver Dam
0. R. PIEPER Milwaukee
Fiebelkorn, Robert Chas. 109 Cleveland
Gibson, Gordon Matthews 2119 Lincoln
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Evanston , Illinoi s
Fisher, Ann
Gillette, Grace Mondovi , Wisconsin
Suite #48 Ke nyon Building Lo uisvill e 2, Kentucky Foste r, Graham
Goodman, Roberta 1348 Hyd e Park Boulevard Chicago, Illinois G rotefeld, Harold L. Jr. 2175 Wilson Avenue Chicago 25 , Illinois HMris , Dwight Curri er
Wayland Academy
Gilsinger, Gloria 118 Winn Terrac e
1588 Greenc rest Drive
3eave r Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Ddm , Wisconsin
Pittsburgh 26, Pennsylvania
:aster, Thompson Reed
Goldhorn, Ernest 11249 Ncrmal Avenue Chicago 28, Illinois
Hartman , Ann Elizabeth 45 Avon South St. Paul 5, Minnesota
10 Phillip Boulevard
Go\\, Kenn et h 2459 N . 39th Street
auk City, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
HMtzheim 1 James Francis 109 E. North Street Juneau , Wisconsin
)00 Builders Exchange v\inneapolis, Minnesota 3asser, Katherin e
co. Wisconsin
Hasenstab, John A. 2 19W. Mill Beaver Dam 1 Wisconsin
Hawken, Virginia
208 John Street Union City, Michigo:m H ea th , Robert Hoskin s
111 North Street Jun ed u, Wisconsin
Heaton, William 9365 Martindale Apartment 31 Det roit , Michigan
H eina 1 Romuald 2010 W. 18th Stree< Chicago 8 1 Illinois
Compliments of
THE MODEL Women's Fashion Center
Compliments of
Fl REST ONE T~~- 866
122 Front St.
A Name to Remember in Flowers
100 Front St.
Tel. 75-W
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Dealer in Poultry Equipment, Remedies, Master-Mix Feed 207 Front St.
We T~ legraph Flowers
Herrick, William 3818 King Rood
Huang, Helen Kuo-Mei Lima , Peru
Saginaw, Michâ&#x20AC;˘.
Homblette , John A. R.F.D. #1
Huang, Robert Chi -Tong Lima , Peru
Hurrell , Wilma 209 N. Oakley Av e nu e Columbus, Ohio
!son , Noreen Crandon, Wisconsin
Neenah , Wisconsin
Hopf, Russell Lewis 309 E. Third Street
Huber, Carl Route #3 Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Jenkin, William Gordon Route #2 Waupun , Wisconsin
Jenkins, Ann
848 Nicol et Boulevord Menasha , W isconsin
Jagerson , George
303 Clark Street Neenah , Wisconsin
Johnson, Judith Rio, Wisconsin
Huck, Phyllis Mae 3141 N. 26th Street
Janisch , Roger D.
705 S. Spring Street
Johnson , Leroy
Milwaukee , Wisconsin
Beaver Dl3m , Wisconsin
Webb Lake , Wisconsin
Hull , Patsy Box 225
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Niles , Michigan
Jay, Shirley 6405 Normal Av e nu e Chicago 21 , Illinois
Johnson, Marilyn Joann
126 Lacrosse Street
Hornstra , Raymond 1400 N. Mason Chicago, Illinois Hoyer, Margaret May
130 Wa lnut Street Bea ver Dam 1 Wisconsin
Page 111
Greetings to the
Building Material and Fuel Construction Engineers
For a Bigger & Better Beaver Dam
Jones, Sally Ann 192 S. May Street
Kachelski, Robert 410 Rosendale Street
Keil, John Marvin 318 W. Mackie Stree t
Koepsell , Harvey C .
Bensenville, Illinois
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Junecw , Wisconsin
Jostes , Judith 9046 S. Dam e n Avenue
Kamp, Michael G. 426 Surf Street Chicago 14, Illinois
Keller, Dr. E. M. 108 )1 Front Street
Kolling, Mary Katherin e 175 Penninsula Road Route #14
109 North Street
Kanal z, Jack Peter Route #1 , Box #13 5
Kellogg , Jan e 416 Oneida Street
Juneau, Wisconsin
Stoughton, Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Justus , Gordon 2206 Sherman Avenue
Kelly, Kristin 2502 Bennett Avenue
Kopff, Harvey J . 406 Madison Street
Evanston , Illinois
Kart , Michael I. 3260 W. Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois
Evanston , Illinois
Beaver Dam 1 Wisconsin
Kachelski , Groce 410 Ros e ndal e Street
Kaveny, Thomas
709 E. Juneau
Kleindl , James 315 E. Maple
Kuebler, John lves 910 Fulton Street
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Milwauk ee, Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Wausau , Wisconsin
Chicago, Illinois
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
109 Center Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota Jung, Armin
Knaup, Jack Wm . 401 York Street Bedver Dam , Wiscon sin
AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Beaver Dam, Wis.
115 Front Street
Compliments of
Compliments of
GORDON CLEANERS " If It's Worth Wearing, Wear It Clean" Telephone 31-W Office: 123 N. Spring St. Plant 135 Parallel St.
LATHAM FOOD MARKET " Your Neighborly Store With a Friendly Service"
Plants Looated at
Landergott , Beverly P.
100 Prospect St.
2522 N. 88th Street
Leigh , James D. 2187 N . 46th Street
Wauwatosa , Wisconsin
Milwaukee 8 , Wisconsin
Landrud, Roger
117 N . Park Avenue Lombdrd, Illinois Laskerr, Tyrus K. 2511 N . Harlem Avenue Side Entranc e, Bottom Box Chicago, Illinois
Law, Elizabeth Emmons 259 Cary Avenue Highland Park, Illinois
Beaver Dam, Fox Lake, Rosendale, Ripon
Lund, Mary Alice 418 E. 1st Street Duluth, Minnesota
Manthey, Ardis 222 DeC lark Street
Leisses , Robert
Lunde, Richard R.
Mason, Claire
Hotel Rog ers
401 N . University Avenu e
341 S. Butler
Bedver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
lndianc:~polis , Indian a
Lewis, James Pi erre
Lupton , Sue
Mdson , Sidney
Route #3
6941 Washington Boulevard
341 S. Butler
Waukesha , Wisconsin
Uni vers ity City 5 , Missouri
lndidndpolis , lndicmd
Link, Mary Ann
Lyons , Richdfd
Mdtthews, Cdrol Anne
311 Prospect Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Smith Hall
828 W . South Street
.Ripon , Wisconsin
Kdldmdzoo , Michigdn
Mdnning, John Fenton 711 Miner Ave nu e, Edst Lddysmith , Wisconsin
Mdtuseski , Grdce
Lee, David C. 1546 Magazine Street Honolulu 25, Oahu
Loeffler, Le e 536 Prospect Avenue
Terri tory of Hawaii
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
513 Madison Street Bedver Ddm , Wisconsin
Page 113
KIRSH FOUNDRY, INC. Malleable and Grey Iron Castings
ROBERT D. FREITAG CO. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Goodyear Tires G.E. Home Appliances
Beaver Dam
A Friend
Beaver Dam
Merrill, Bruce James 516 West Mackie Street
Moore , Kenn e th I.
Be aver Dam , Wisconsin
Appl eton , Wisconsin
McMinn , Mitzi
Miars , Marilyn
1422 21st Stree t
12031 Edgewater Drive Lakewood, Ohio
Morden , Sue 2358 E. 70th Place Chicago, Illinois
Middleton, Douglas 8964 Pl easant Avenue Chicago 20, Illinois
Mosely, Jim Burt 216 Gladstone Road Pittsburgh 17, Pennsylvania
Modica , Jeanne 701 N. Rush Street Chicago, Illinois
Mu e ller, Pete r Lamp 3431 N . 58th Street Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin
Moksnes, Robert Henry
Murphy, Ouinn Box #23 Woodstown , New J e rs ey
Mayer, Katherin e
McKinlay, Helen June
106 Prospect Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
10350 S. Seel ey Avenue Chicago, Illinois
McCa llum , Nancy
129 Cleveland Be ave r Dam , Wisconsin
Superior, Wisconsin
McCreedy, Barbdrd 4917 N . Oakland Avenue
M ekelburg, Donald Wm. R.F.D. #1
Milwauk e e 11 , Wisconsin
Prdirie du Sac , Wisconsin
McGinnis , Ndncy
Melgaard , Marjorie Ann
108 N. West Street
411 2nd Avenue
Waukegan , Illinoi s
Antigo , Wisconsin
Mci ntosh, Charles 803 Hinman Ave nu e
Mell , Madelon Laurel 6915 S. Union
Evanston , Illinois
Chicdgo, Illinois
Page 114
Com pi iments
Hotel Rogers Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
416 E. Circl e
Com pi iments of
THE TROJAN Home of Fine Candies and Ice Cream (Everything Home-mad e) 112 Front Street
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
203 N . Spring St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
QUANDT'S PAINT STORE Dodge County's Larg est Line of Paint, Wall Paper and Linoleum 152 Front St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Tel. 144
Sears Roebuck & Co. 140 Front St.
Home of
CLOVER BLOSSOM Selected Grade A Dairy Products
Beave; Dam, Wisconsin
Krim-Ko Chocolate Bire ley's Orangeade
Murray, Ruth Audrey 44 Centr•l Dri.ve . Bronxville , N ew York
Nell , Evelyn Ann• Route #1
Noldn, Willi•m 453 W•lker Pl•ce Mundelein , Illinois
638 E. Junedu Avenue Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Plews, William James 722 Bittersweet Pl•ce Chicdgo 13, Illinois
Pelck , Georgeanne
Noreus , Charlotte Amy
Peterson , Arthur
Plo we, Paul Armstron
5637 Kenwood Drive Chic•go 37 , Illinois
Route #1 Gleason , Wisconsin
1615 W . 108th Pl•ce Chic•go 43, Illinois
Box 111
Nunn, John 2541)1 Pr•iri e Stree t
Pickdrd , Judith 1010 E. Forest Avenue
9226 Longwood Drive
Fennimore , Wisconsin
Eva nston , Illinois
Neenah , Wisconsin
Chicago, Illinois
Newton, John
O'Dea , Patricia Ann
689 De ltd Ro•d Highl•nd Pdrk, lllincis
Pickard, Julia 1010 E. Forest Avenue
Proskine, Jule
Freeport Hardwdre Co.
Neenah , Wisconsin
Wauwatosa 13 , Wisconsin
Juneau , Wisconsin
Nelson , Virginia Lila
Fre eport, Illinois
Pontius, Guy
2610 P•s•dend Boulev•rd
Nickl e, John 5929 N . F•irfield Avenue
Pearson , John
315 N•ymut Street
Pickord , Thom•s N . 1010 E. Forest Avenue
R•dddtz, Eugene 1 OS Grove Street
Chicago, Illinois
Menashd , Wisconsin
Neenah , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Page 115
----------------------------·.. HOTEL ROGERS Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
140 ROOMS (All Fireproof)
Rooms Available for Private Parties
Compliments of
FANSHAW BEAUTY SALON 147 Front Street- Tel. 1358
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
J J. NEUMAN Plumbing- Heating Oil-o-Matic Oil Burners 119FrontSt. Te/.153W
A. M. GIESE Jewelry Store 213 Front Street Jewelry Diamond s Wedding Rings
Phone 1013 Clocks Watches Silverware
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Beaver Dam Telephone 868
HOME BAKERY A Fine Lin e of Baked Goods 106 Front Street
Rohde , John Route #3 Juneau , Wisconsin
Schletz , Car l A. , Jr . 1611 N . Austin Boul e vard Chicago, Illinois
) Gid din gs Avenue boygan Falls, Wisconsin
Ros e nh e im e r, J e an Kewaskum , Wisconsin
Schlich e r, Fred e rick Le e La sa II e Stree t Lake G e neva , Wisconsin
1ie, Joan
Sager, Mirriam 40S. Clinto n Chicago, Illinois
ltke, Tom 1ippun, Wisconsin
Tel. 44
Se nsiba , Constance 737 Cummings Kenilworth , Illinois
sch ert, Karl
; Virgi n ia Stree t '1Urst, Illinois
erts, Rob Roy
Schmidt, Leonard Norman 305 E. Th ird Stre et 8edver Ddm, Wisconsin
She rman, Deborah Woodwardt Grove Madiso n, Wisconsin Sh e rwood , Gordon Three Oaks, Michigan
N. Spring St re e t ter Dam, Wisconsin
Schack, William 207 W. Mill Street Bec:~ve r Dam , Wisconsin
Schmid t, Roger Le e 119Yz E. Mapl e Bedver Ddm, Wisconsin
Sims, G e org e Edr1 310 N . Spring Stree t Bedver Ddm , Wisconsin
erts , Margaret •la nd Academy
Scheiman, Barbdra 7 46 Bittersweet
1er Dam, Wisconsin
Chicago, Illinois
Schulz , Mdrie 153 Gould Street Bedver Ddm , Wisconsin
Smith , Cecil C. 8955 Prosp ect Ave nu e Chicago 43 , Illinoi s
je 116
Phone 10
114 Front Street
Smdrt Clothing and Furn ishi ngs for Young Men BEST WISHES CLASS O F "46"
Loui s ('30)
Carl ('27)
MULLIN SMITH CO. A llis Chalmers- N ew Id ea Ge hl Farm Machinery Pontiac Cars Mack Diamond T. Tru cks U. S. Tire Distribu tor Modern and Comple te Body and Repair Shop
105-111 Madison Street
Complim en ts of
Main Floor Phone 282-W
Zweck-Wollenburg Co. Everything in HMd wdre 121-123 Fron t Street BEAVER DAM
Telephon e 20 WISCONSIN
Compliments of Dr. R. F. SCHOEN and Dr. A . B. KORES
Smith . Keit h R. 756 Portage Av e nue South Be nd , ln diono
Stong[ , Rob ert Roy 112 )/z N . Spri ng Stree t
S mi th, Morylin 10235 Se e ley Avenu e Ch icogo 43 , Ill inois
Ste in, Billi e An n 2 16 Morket Mt. Corme l, Il linois
Smitz, RichMd
Swa nson, CMo l lucill e 31 S Lok e Rood Me nasha , Wisco nsin
Tom , Edward 249 W . Ce rm ok Rood Chicogo 16, Ill inoi s
T~ rrant , Wi ll ia m Eugen e
Toutdnt, John Willidm
320 W . H orriso n St reet Co lumbus , W isco nsi n
Beaver Ddm, Wisconsin
Sterr, Armond R.F.D . #3 Mayvill e , Wisconsin
Th omos, Borboro
Toutdnt, Richdrd
817 A rcadian Avenu e Wauk es ha , Wisco nsin
8edver Ddm , Wisco nsin
Stewort, H ildo Esthe r 338 W . Elm Street
Gra nvill e, Ohio
Th ompso n, Barbdrd 111 N . Pork Av e nu e Nee nah , Wisconsin
Lo mbard , Illinois
Stodd ort, Thomos Markesa n, Wisconsi n
Thurwachte r, Caro l J ea n 323 McColl Stree t Waukesha , Wisconsin
8edver 0dm , Wiscon sin
Sto nford , Ro lph 127 N . Moin Street
Stro esser, George J. 109 N . Woshington Street
Til Ieman, Rob ert Ded n
W Md , Horace D.
Lombard, Illinoi s
Sli nger, Wiscon si n
370 Prospect Elmhurst, Illinois
Wdukesha , Wisconsin
429 N . Ce nt rol A ve nu e C h icogo 44, Illin o is
Smyt he, Mary Anna Kin d er Lok e Vi ll o, Ill inois Sto nford , Dorothy 127 N. Moin Street
Beaver Ddm , W isconsin
201 LoCross e Street
201 La Crosse Stree t T uyls , Rob e rt John 1120 E. Moso n Gree n 8dy , Wiscons in
VonAllm e n, Joseph 219 West Mopl e
324 Mopl e Avenu e
Pag e 117
Compliments of
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
•. for those who go out to eat! Rich, satisfying Sexton Salad Dressing, served by better eating
Watson , Gera ld 7439 N. M•plewood Avenue Chicdgo 45 , Illinois
Weddell , John Fletcher 333 Third Street, S.E. Massillon, Ohio
W hi tnel d , Dorothy Walloon Lake , Michigan
Woodbury, Jun e
W•Ynert, Don•ld H. 1205 W. 2nd Street Ashland, Wisconsin
Wegner, Lois Ann 407 M•ry Street
Whitfield , M.ry W. lloon L•ke , Michig•n
Woods, Winifred E. 606 Fort H il l Dri ve ChMieston 4 , West Virginia
Webber, M.rilyn 239 T•ft Pl.ce GMy, Indiana
Westel l, C•sey E. 41 W•shinston Street Mayville , Wisconsin
Weber, Fred 1739 Cumberl•nd Street Rockford, Illinois
Weston , Willi•m L. 1142 O•k Street
Wischi nsk i, Gene R.
Mill Street
Zeltinger, Joyc e 614 West Street
Winnetka , Illinois
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Weber, LaVonne 619 W. M•ple Avenue
Wh•m, Phillip 2310 H•rri son Street Evanston , Illinois
Witte nberger , Ruth
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Page 118
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Wil lidms, John C. 2214 M•ple Av enue Evanston , Illinois
1140 E. Doyton Stre e t Madison 3, Wisco nsi n
Crandon, Wisconsin
Ye•kel, Will.rd 1960 Shen•ndodh Drive Se•ttle 2 , W.shinston
Zimme rm cm , John Chilrles
404 H• skell Street Bedver Dam , Wisconsin
ELECTRIC Model F56PC. Has 16" oven, three Klox-Koil or Dura-Ciax surface units, 6qt. "Side- H eet" cooker, three utensil storage drawers. Smokeless, porcelain broiler pan. Signal light for surface units - illuminated oven dial-appliance receptacle and combination timer-notifier c:loc:k. Cooking top is 38Vz"x22""36".
GAS Model LN6J6. Has· 16" oven with dependable automat•ic contr-o l. Drop-front, drawer type, broiler. "Hi-lo-reflex" buiners with %-position gu cocks and automatic lighter. Two utensil stora,ge drawers. Modern light and coftdiment set and notifiel'. Porcelaift enamel exterior finish with chrome and white plastic t-r.m. Cooking top is 38 1/;t"x22 V~t"x3•6".
MONARCH- PARAMOUNT Ranges and Heaters
MALLEABLE IRON RANGE COMPANY Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Pag e 119