• ~·
lARS Editor-in-chief . .. . ........... .. . . . Marla Darby Literary Editors . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . Barbara Burstein Peter Horst Business Manager . ....... . . . .. . . . ... John Keil Advisers ....... . . . ... . ..... Helene M. Holmes Ellen V. Pihlstrom
of 1950
This year PILLARS is dedicated to a class which we feel well exemplifies the Wayland tradition. It has always held a high scholastic standard, and it also excels in extra-curricular activities. We dedicate this book to the future senior class- the Class of '51 - in the hope that it will, with dignity and sincerity, take on the responsibilities and honor of being a representative of Wayland.
- 4'
Dedication Administration
Underclassmen . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Junior College . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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The staff of the 1950 PILLARS wishes to acknowledge its appreciation for the services of Mr. Eldred Olson and the Brock Engraving Company of Madison, our engravers; of Mr. Bartel Borchers, Duggan Printing Company, Inc. of Oshkosh, our printer; and of Mr. Calvin Zernicke of Neenah, our photographer. We also wish to thank the many students
who contributed snap shots for our Calendar pages.
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Weimer K. Hicks, President President Weimer K. Hicks has, for the past seven years, been one of the most influential and beneficial workers in this in stitution. l-Ie has received the proper background for the position he holds through many yea rs of contact with students and advanced methods of ed ucation. Dr. Hicks attended the Peddy School for Boys and obtain ed his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Princeton Uni versity. He then attended Cornell University, where he earned his Master of Arts Degree. Having obtained his degrees, Dr. Hicks returned to Peddy to teach English for nine years before he came to Wayland. During the seven yea rs h e h as been on our campus, Dr. Hicks has done a grea t deal to develop this school into an organized body with allegiance to the finer things and to fill the student body with the desire for success. During his term, the studen t body of Wayland has actually been doubled fro m the original ninety-three students to over two hundred. The school's scholastic records have not suffered, for the Honor Roll ranking is still as difficult to obtain as it was at Dr. H icks' arrival. On a more objective turn, Dr. Hicks has done a great deal toward enhan:in g the campus and making this a better place to live. To accommodate the great student body, three off-campus houses have been purchased. From these facts, it is eviden t that all Wayland student owe Dr. Hicks a debt of gratitude for all he has done to further the ca~se of obtaining a good ed ucation with in a fine environment for students who are fortunate enough to be able to enroll in an institution such as this. In recognition of this, Ripon Coll ege awarded him an honorary Doctor's Degree last June.
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Ruth L. Foster, Dean of Girls . . mean s more to th e \i\Tay land stude nts, especia ll y to the Warren Hall g irl s, th an ca n be ex pressed he re in words. H er ca lm and easy mann er makes her a wonde rful g uid e in th e handlin g of teen-age gi rl s and the ir man y probl e ms. After g radu atin g from Smith College, whe re sh e received h er Bach elor's Degree, Mrs. Foster ob tained her Master"s Degree from Col umbia Uni versity. In addition to bein g clea n of girls, she is head of the English D epartment. As a good fri end and "away-from -home moth er," Mrs. Foster cannot be surpassed.
J. Hobart Tucker, Dean of Boys .. has in hi s three yea rs here clone more for \iVaylancl than anyone could ever realize. Before coming to W ay land as D ean of Boys and head of the Latin D epartm ent, Mr. Tucker was head of the Latin D epartment at C ulve r Military Academy. I-Ie h as also tra veled exten sively in Europe, Africa, South and Central America , and the l ear East. l-I e received hi s Bachelor"s D egree from Princeton. \i\1aylanclites certainl y appreciate what Mr. Tucker has clone for them , and they sin cerely hope th at the future yea rs w ill brin g to him man y more happy association s with Wa yland stude nts.
Alton E. Wichman, Dean of Curriculum . . . Mr. Wichman, Dean of C urri culum , has had a fin e background . At Carroll Co ll ege he majored in journ ali sm and dramati cs. H e has clone g radu ate work on his master's and cloctor"s degrees at th e Universitv. In the cl assr~om , Mr. vVichman offers a fme course in America n History. Aside from the pure ly cl ass room duties of school, he has, unti l th e last seven yea rs, been the dea n of boys for W ayland. In the twenty-fi ve years he h as spent at Wayland , Mr. Wichman has left a fin e impression upon all those who h ave come in con tact with him.
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Allegiance As of old when knights and maidens, Summoned by Devotion's call, Gathered 'midst the hallowed splendor Of some great, ancestral hall, So, today, we do thee homage, Wayland, castle of our dreams! In thy name our torch was lighted, Gallant still its white flame gleams. Staunch we stand and ever loyal, True to lessons thou hast taught, Strong to do thy boldest bidding, Fortified by battles fought. Quickened by thy inspiration, On we press to heights above, Comrades in a mighty army, Kindred in a filial love. 'Round us surge the eager voices. Of an unseen mystic throng, Spirits of thy absent children Joining in this festal song. They, like us, in fond allegiance Nurtured at thine ancient shrine, Ever keep thy mem'ry sacred, Cherished as a gift divine.
Supervisor of Languages, French B.A., Knox College Middlebury College of French University of Wisconsin
English B.A., Beloit College University of Wisconsin
Supervisor Science Dept., Science, Mathematics B.A., University of Wisconsin Pennsylvania State College Iowa State College
Voice, Piano B.M., Westminster Choir College
Voice, Piano 13.M., M.M., Westminster Choir College
Commercial, Social Studies B.Ed., Whitewater State Teachers College University of Colorado
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Art, H ot1sehold Manager C hicago Art Institute
Science, Mathem atics, Ni echanical Drawing
Annapolis Nava l Academy
Ph ysical Ed11cation for Girls Bouve-Bos ton School for Ph ysical Edu ca tion
Physical Education for B oy~, 路Science B.S ., M.S., University of Wisconsin
Social St11di.es, Swimming, Tenni s A.B., Princeton University
English, Swimmi.ng, Remedial R eading B.A., Lawrence College University of Colorado
Nurse R.N., Massachusetts General H ospital School of N ursing B.S., Boston University
Mathematics, Assistant Coach B.A., Valley City State Teachers College
English A.B. , Harvard College M.Ed., Boston Uni vers itv Thomas Whitney Surrette School of Music; Berlitz School of Languages; Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of E ngli sh ; Baltimore Institute
Director of Public Relations, Science A.B ., Broaddus College B.S., Bucknell University M.A., New York University University of C hi cago
""-"~~ .~siness
Manager ~uke University
路/r [} If F
Speech, Dramatics B.A. , Ripon College lorthwestern Uni versi ty
Executive Secretary, A lumni Secretary Uni versi ty of Wi sconsin
Engl.i.sh B.A. , Ca rroll College
Direc tor o f Religiom Edt1cation, Pastor of First Baptist Church A.B ., Kalamazoo Coll ege B.D ., Crozer T heological Seminary
Secretary to Dr. H ichs Oberlin Conserva tory Denison School of Music Bush Conserva tory Pri va te study with William Sickles of New York City
Secretaries: Miss Clason, Mrs. Ziegler, Miss Roedl, Mrs. Roberts
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MAYNA AVENT Quartette 3; Basketball 3, 4; YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Varsity Club President 4; Hockey 3, 4; Pillars Art Editor 4; Post Sports Editor 4; Senate 4; Water Ballet 4; Riding Club 3, 4. CATHERINE BANCROFT Choir 3, 4; Chorus 3; Rouland 4; Sextette 4; YWCA 3, Vice -president 4; Senior class secretary -treasurer, 4; Honor Roll 3; Riding Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4.
JEANNE BERTZYK Choir 4; Chorus 2, 3; Rouland 3; YWCA 2, 3, 4, Chairman, Social Committee 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Pillars 4; Post 3; Junior Class secretary-treasurer 3; Honor Roll 2; Drama Club 2, 3; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Chapel Choir 4. WILLIAM BLOEMENDAAL Rouland 3; Swimming team 3, 4; Post 3.
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D AVID BRETH AU ER Rouland 4; Basketball 1, 2; 路路w路路 C lub 2, 3, 4, Secreta rytreasurer 4; Swimming team 3, 4; T e nni s tea m 3; So ph o m o r e Vi cepresident 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Ski C lub 3; Football 1, 2.
DONALD BU N G E "W " C lub 4; Orchestra 4; Ba nd 4; H ockey 4; Youth G r o u p 4 ; .!-l o u se Co uncil 4; Drama C lub 4; T oastmasters 4; T rac k 4; Football 4. Sec., CATHY BANCROFT; T reas., T oNY T REPEL
DORIS C HRISTENSEN C hoir 3, 4; C hoir Librari an 4; YWCA President 4; YWCA 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Sextette 3, 4; Youth G roup 3, 4; Pillars 4; P ost 4; D ra ma C lub 3, 4; Senate 4.
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MARY CORCORAN YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet Cochairman 4; House Council President 4; Senate 4; Riding Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Club Henri Cochairman 4.
MARLA DARBY Choir 4; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; Pillars Editor-inchief 4; Post 3; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; House Council 4; Drama Club 2, 3; Riding Club 3, 4.
From our uneducated class of homesick "Freshies" comes a group of thirteen who now have the esteem of being called "four-year Seniors" : Tom Pickard, Russ Hopf, Margaret Hoyer, Jim Lewis, Pat Starkweather, Jim Plews, Dave Brethauer, Kris Kelly, Harold Kempfer , John Keil, Audrey Drown, Dick Deniger, and Marla Darby. Under the leadership of Tom Pickard, the Freshman president, the Freshmen began the long struggle for the success of the class of 1950. The next year we returned to the campus as Sophomores, bigger and better than ever. Russ Hopf, our able class leader helped direct our well-remembered activity- Club Lindsagon. It was during this year that Rouland had its beginning; and we, as "Sophies," contributed much to make this musical show a success. Lute Ison, our Student Senate President, entered Wayland during this year. This was the year of our championship track team, and Luis Trasancos won the title of being our most outstanding athlete. We entered our Junior year as the largest class in school. We elected Don Davis to represent our class as the president. This was the year of the dreamy junior prom, "Blue Moon" (Thank you, Miss Bickford, you are a great sponsor). This year we elected Arthur Klawans to be our Senior President. Other officers are Steve Lincoln,
DON DAVIS Choir 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Rouland 4; Quartette 3, 4; Basketball 2; "W" Club 3, 4; Swimming team 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4, Secretary-treasurer 4; Post 3; Junior Class President 3; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Senate 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Junior Marshall 3; Messiah 3, 4. RICHARD DENIGER Basketball 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, Vice-president 4; Track 2; Football 2, 3, 4.
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as vice-president, and Cathy Bancroft as secretarytreasurer. Miss W eiske and Mr. Coleman have been our courageous sponsors in our hnal yea r. In the annual Coronation Ball , held this year in AUDREY Janu ary, Queen Faith Steinman and King C lem H ackDROWN worth y ruled supreme. T h e Senior attendants were H onor Roll l , 2, 3. M argy H endren and Jerry James. T hro ughout the yea r, Ma rga ret H oyer, Steve Lincoln , and Ma rl a D arby have represented us on the H onor Roll. T he talented mu sical Roul and produ cti on, "That's JOAN DU N H NVl Life," revealed such celebrities from the senior class C hoir 4; C horus 3, as C lem H ackworth y, G race M cBain , Lute Ison, and 4; Rouland 3, 4; Faith Steinman . T hey certainly proved to us that YWCA 3, 4; Y\V W ayland is more than just a stepping stone. T he vvinter calenda r was hi ghlighted by th e "December Dream." After mu ch confu sion , it was held in the gym, complete with everything from C hristmas trees to a dreamy band. T he yea r began anew after semester exa ms. Th en ca me the long-awaited Long W eekend , M r. W ichman 's W ashington trip during spring vacation, th e hurried ordering of our Commencement in vitations, ._ th e P rom, our last annual, the Senior Farewell , and hn ally Commencement. It's been a wonderful four years for a few of us, and anywhere from one to three years for the rest. Good lu ck to you, Seniors, you are a grand :-lass.
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JOHN FOX Rouland 4; Hockey 4; Post 4; House Council 4; Drama Club 4; Toastmasters 4, President; Track 4; Riding Club 4; Football 4.
CAROLINE FREY Chorus 2, 3; Rouland 2, 3; YWCA 2, 3, 4; YW Cabinet Way and Means Co-Chairman 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Pillars 4; Honor Roll 3, 4; House Council 3; Drama Club 2, 3; Soccer 2, 3.
"0 1...
r \ ~
GEOANNE GEYER . G_horus 2; Rouland 4; Basketball 4; YWCA 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club "__, 4; Swimming team 2, 3; Hockey 4; Tennis 3; Youth Group 2, 3; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Riding Club 3, 4; Volleyball 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4.
-22 -
SAHANNE FHY Chorus 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; YWCA 3, 4; World Helations Chairman 4; H ockey 4; Post 3; Ridin g Club 3, 4.
ANN GLANVILLE Chorus 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Y\iVCA 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Honor Holl 3, 4; House Council 4; Ridin g Club 3, 4; Soccer Team 4.
C LIFFORD GOLL Choir 4; Roulancl 2, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Swimmin g 4; Youth G roup 4; T rack 2, 3, 4; Sk i Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Messiah 4.
CLEMENT HACKWORTHY Choir President 4; Chorus 4; Roulancl 4; Football 4; Ice Carnival Kin g 4路 C hapel wir 4.
MARGARET HENDREN Choir 4; Chorus 3; Quartette 3, 4; Basketball 4; YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet Clubrooms Chairman 4; Hockey 4; Youth Group 3; Water Ballet 4; Riding Club 3; Ski Club 4.
RUSSELL HOPF Rouland 2; Basketball l , 2; "W" Club 2, 3, 4, Presiden t, 3; Youth Group 3; Class President 2; Hon or Roll l ; House Co un cil 2, 3; Senate 2, 3, 4; Track l , 2; Football l , 2, 3.
JAMES HOWELL Basketball 2, 3, 4; "W " Club 4; Hockey 2; Tennis Team 2, 3, 4, Captain 3; Track 4; Football 2; Golf 3, 4.
/i I
LUTHER ISO Rouland 2, 3, 4; "W " Club 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Swimming team 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3; H ouse Council 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Senate President 4; Track 3; Football 3, 4.
JERRY JAMES Rouland 3; "W "' Club 3, 4, Presid ent 4; H ockey 3, 4; H ouse Council 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Senate 4; Track 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4, President 4; Football 3, 4.
JOHN' KEIL Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Tennis team 3, 4; Pillars 4; Class Secretary 2; Honor Roll l ; Track l , 2, 4; Ski Club 3; Football 1, 2, 3; G~ 3, 4
KRISTIN KELLY Chorus 2, 3, 4; Rouland 2; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; PilJars 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Honor Roll l; House Council 2, 3, 4; Drama Club l, 2, 3, 4; Toastmasters 2; Riding Club l.
HAROLD KEMPFER Rouland 4; Post 3; Honor Roll 3, 4; Forensics 4.
ARTHUR KLA W ANS Roul and 3, 4; "W"' Club 4; Class President 4; House Council 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Forensics 3, 4; Senate 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Foot· ball 3, 4.
J.d. '-I ,...~, ..... ,t.J,.UJ~ ~4~
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C hoir 4; YWCA 3, 4; C horu s 3, 4; YW Cabinet Program Committee 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 3, 4; Honor Roll 3, 4 House Counci l 4; Toastmasters 4; Forensics 4; Sena te 4.
JAMES LEWIS Choir I, 2, 3, 4; C horus 2, 3, 4; Rouland 2, 3, 4; Quartette 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Swimming team 2, 4; Youth Group I , 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll I ; Freshmen Class Treasurer I ; House Council 3, 4; Forensics I ; Track 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Messiah 3, 4.
STEPHEN LINCOL Roul and 4; "W " Club 4; Swimming team 3; C lass Vice-president 4; Honor Roll 3, 4; House Co un ci l 4; Drama Clu b 4; T rack 3, 4; Ski C lub 4; Football 3, 4; Junior Marshall 3.
JEAN LU STER C hoir 4; Basketball 4; YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Varsity C lub 4; Hockey 3, 4; Yo uth Group 3, 4; Post 4; Honor Roll 3, 4.
GRACE MCBAIN Choir 3, 4; Chorus 3; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA Treasurer 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Youth Group 4; Post 4; House Council 4; Drama Club 4; Toastmasters 4; Forensics 4.
JEAN MCLAUGHLIN Chorus 3, 4; Basketball 3; YWCA 3, 4; Hockey team manager 4; Riding Club 3; Ski Club 3; Messiah 4; .....YW Cabinet Co-chair-
; n odd ' m j! 4.
f)1~ ~;-~/ ~/~) }Jf
- 28 -
THOMAS PIC KARD Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, All Conference 3, All tournament 3; '路w路路 C lub 4; Tennis team 3, 4; C lass Presid ent 1; C lass Vice-pres id ent 3; House Council 2, 3, 4; Council President 4; Senate 1, 4; Track 4; Football 2; C lub Henri 1, 4, Manager 4.
JAMES PLEWS Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; "W '' Club 4; Tennis team 3, 4; H onor Roll 1; Track 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4.
DAY PRESTON Choir 4; Chorus 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; YWCA 3, 4; YW Cabinet 4; Varsity Club 4; Hockey 3, 4; Drama C lub 3, 4; Water Ball et 3, 4; Riding C lub 3, 4.
JON ROGERS Rouland 4; "W " Club 3, 4; Swimming tea m 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Drama Club 4; Senate 4; W ater Ballet 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Ski C lub 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Spring Play 3, 4.
CHARLES ROSENHEIMER Basketball 3, 4; ''W" Club 4; Tennis team 3, 4; Track 3; Football 3, 4.
JAMES SCOTT House Council 4; Drama Club 3; Track 3, 4; Football 3; Rouland 3, 4.
PAT SNOOK Swimming team 4; Track 4; Rouland stage crew 4.
PATRICIA STARKWEATHER Rouland 2, 3, 4; Post 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4.
FAITH STEINMAN Choir 4; Rouland 4; Sextette 4; YWCA 4; Honor Hoi! 4; Riding Club 4; Ski Club 4.
JOAN TEWS Chorus 4; YWCA 4; Water Ballet 4; Riding Club 4; Ski Club 4; Soccer team 4.
LUIS TRASANCOS Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Football 4.
ANTHONY TREPEL Rouland 4; Basketball Manager 3; "W" Club 4; Svvimming team 4; Pillars 4; Post 3, 4; Class Activity Chairman, 4; House Council 4; Drama Club 4; Forensics 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4, Track Captain 4; Football 3, 4.
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STEPHEN Tennis team 4; Riding Club 4.
CHARLES W ALLRICH Choir 4; Rouland 4; Swimming team 4; Drama Club 4; Toastmasters, Vice-president 4; Forensics 4.
WEITH WISEHEART Rouland 4; Orchestra 4; Band 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Photography Club 3, 4; Explorer Club 3, 4.
- 32-
Senior Class Prophecy and it's up to Mr. Davis to see that not too much money is won by the greedy customers. If anyone tries to get away with too much money M essrs. James, Wiseheart, Esselman, and Manolis will take care of them. As we stand at the bar, we hear a familiar sound. Turning around we see Mr. Hackworthy, the 1956 version of Gene Krupa , make some melodious thumpings on his thousand dollar set of drums. Bartender Chuck Rosenheimer is very willing to supply us with more information on the class of 1950. Miss Preston and Miss Geyer are touring the country as the leading pianist-solo combination. Their theme song? You guessed it: "Body and Soul." This year the Nobel Prize for writing was given to the editor of the Waylandeville paper, Marla Darby. Jeanne Bertzyk and Caroline Frey have started a nursery for the children of parents who want to go to the town's leading theater. The owners of this theater, Mr. Bunge and Mr. M yhre, pride themselves on being the only theater owners who will not allow chaperones to enter with a group of students. As we leave the Casino and make our way to our car, we meet Russ Hopf. Russ has just returned from a transcontinental flight with Bill Bloemendaal. Russ tells us that they dropped Steve Lincoln and Dwight Harris off at Moscow to meet the world's leading scientists. Just as we near the place where our car is parked; we see the sign on a store window, "Fairweather and Dunham apparel shop." These two young ladies have made a fortune with their business. Not only do they sell clothes, but that eminent hairdesigner, Miss Leipsiger, has her headquarters at this store. Jean Luster, Saranne Fry, and Margy Hendren are always there to see that the customers are satisfied. They can satisfy all types of people including farmer, Hal Kempfer ; story-writers, Jean McLaughlin and Joan Tews; YWCA director, Doris Christensen and torch singer, Faith Steinman. Many noted inventors live in this town. Cliff Goll, ~ho has invented the knowledge machine, and Audrey Drown, who has perfected a machine to wash off men's whiskers in six seconds, are alwavs willing to help the person who wants to save tiru'e. Even Tuck Wallrich, who is the local Fire Chief, is ready to come to them for advice when his men don't get to the fire three seconds after the whistle is blown. His leading firemen are Eugene Hsu and Stephen Tse. They have adopted the AmericanChinese form of fire fighting. As we leave Waylandville, we can't help but realize what great success this 1950 class has had. Naturally their town has that wonderful Wayland spirit. Yes, this class has made a great name for itself in the country.
What has happened to the Wayland class of 1950? That's not a hard question to answer since on their graduation day, the entire class agreed to meet in 1956 and form their own community. So if you happen to come upon a city named Waylandeville in the northern part of Wisconsin, you will meet all of the illustrious class of 1950. Let's travel down Main Street and meet the "elite" of the town. The biggest building in the down town district is the T. Pickard and J. Howell banking firm. These two gentlemen have made their millions through the handling of other people's money. It's all honest business, too; because every month Mayor Art Klawans and Police Chief Tony Trepel inspect the books! Right next door to the bank is the Billionaire's Club owned by Jim Scott. As we walk into the main room we are met by the checkgirl, Grace McBain. This club is noted for its fine floor show. The star of this show is gorgeous Kris Kelly, 'The Thrush" as she is known in show business. As we sit eating, we notice many familiar faces. The town's leading lawyer, Jack Fox, is dining with his "steady," Ann Glanville. We certainly have fine service while we are here, for headwaiter Jon Rogers, and Chef Doug Teletzke, like to make people happy. This town is noted for its sports celebrities. John Keil is making a big success as fielder for the New York Yankees. It seems he was the best man to fill the gap left by the retirement of Joe DiMaggio. Coach Dick Deniger has his Notre Dame football team well on its way to being the leading team in the U.S.A. The "Waylandeville Swishers," a great professional basketball team, is rated the top team in the country, thanks to the playing of "Willie'' Miller and "Freddy" Frietag. Last year Lou Trasancos won the broad jump and high jump events in the National Olympic Games at Switzerland. This town even has a classy girls' basketball team, led by co-captains, Mayna Avent and Margie Hoyer. Hoyer. Every town must have a school, and these Waylanders haven't forgotten this necessity. Principal Jim Lewis never has trouble with his faculty , since Cathy Bancroft has become head of the Latin Department and Pat Starkweather head of the English Department. The deans, Mary Corcoran and Jim Plews, always try to keep the students contented. Of course, Lute lson, head janitor, makes sure the school is warm and clean. Of course, we must stop at the "We Do It After Dark Casino" operated by country's worst gambler, Dave Brethauer. Don Davis is his chief assistant,
- 34 -
China bach to al.l. the littl.e Chinese . Middlebury hope to }ttdy Grout. Hutchins House memories back to the girls. His st:r<dy habits to Dm1e Spengler? Center position on the football teaw1 to A1·lo Schmidt.
YWCA back to Miss Mitchell
Warren I-I all to the sttmmer ghosts.
DoN DAvrs
Red heads back t o Beaver Dam High School.
His athletic ability to A l Swenson . Her love for American History to Bev Briggs. Michigan bach to Pete Horst. The horses back to t.heir barns. Oregon and California territories to Mr. \Vichman. A welcoming toast to next year's president. Captain of the basketball team to Erich Neh ls. I-I e1· best pictures to Julaine I-I eil. A full mailbox to the first applicant. "Body and Soul" to mttsic? Kansas to anyone who'd lihe to live there. BeBop bach to BeBop. /-lis dn11n.s to Cunard Solberg. Her corner room to an aspiring junior. His extreme height t.o Walt I-I enes. The air and wings bach to the birds. Beloit. to Miss Bichford. Three more years of Wayland to Verna. His mathematical brain to Leon Schmidt. Senate worries to D1·. Hichs and janitor worries to George. The "W" Club to garlic. 1-lis card playing ability to Wayland 1-lall, 3rd flo or. Her temper to Molly Ramos. The farm to Richard \Vhittnebel. Fmst back to winter. "1\rlr. Pennyfeather" to posterity. Trig class to Mr . Coleman and the boys. The "Y0t1th Gmup" to Daniel. I-I is slide rule to Irving Kollw. Her sweet. personality to Georgia Strain. His place at head of Mrs. Foster's English class to f im Keating. ] ac/{ to the swimming t.eam. Her long cudy hair to Marty Vincent. His good loohs and charm with women to Steve Burgess. The t:own girls to John l-1 ea ly. His long legs to Sammy. His position as a "four-year Senior" to Bob Newton. The organ to Ed Smith. His swimming cap to Eric Bergst.rom.. l-Iis inspirational name to Suzi. His physiq11e to Charles Klein. 1-lis diving abi.lity to Bobby Denmead. Her merits to Lucy Kitchen. Her charm and personality to Karen and Diane, as if they needed it. His little black address book to Wilbur Wedge. Her sweaters to j ean Carne. /-lis Saturday morning work job to the next one of Mr. Simpson's victims. His wit to Stoakley Swanson. His American Hist.ory notes to future Chinese. 1-1 is t.ap dancing shoes to Bech Fisher. 1-lis position as piano player f01· the Esquire All Stars to Gig Young.
-35 -
President, Stew Bt~rgess; Vi ce-Preside'!t, Cunard Sol.berg.
.. Connie â&#x20AC;˘ Becker Eric Bergstrom Gustavo Bergstrom
- 38-
(Below) Barry Bollensen Beverly Briggs Marion Brown Nancy Burch
T he Junior C lass this ye.n is surpassing even the high hopes they had as sophomores. Some of the most outstanding stude nts at W ayland belong to the Junior C lass, and it's very evident in th e list of their accomplishments this year. Under the leadership of th eir president, Steve Burgess, and the other officers- Cunard Solberg, vicepresid ent; Sam P ickard , treasurer; and Dian e Kra ut, sec retary- they have b ~en ac ti ve in every possible phase of Wayland life. It would be really impossible to list all the spo rts and activities in which th ey shine, bu t we will name just a few, knowing that man y could be inclu ded .
' Anthon y H adjiconstanti s
Nan H aynes Julaine I-Ieil Mary Elizabeth H opkins
Pete r P eter Leroy James
- 40 -
(Below) Horst Hurtgen Johnson Kea tin g
The juniors have led th e H on or Roll this yea r. Jane Soutar, Barbara Burstein , M aril yn Lu sher, Co nni e Wil son , Mary Anne Yagodin ski, an d G ig Young are all very n ear the top. M an y of th e girls are acti ve in sports: Jane Soutar, Barbara Burstein , Di ane Kraut, Janice Larkin , and M aril yn Lu sher all made th e girl s' basketball tea m. T he junior C lass is represented in the Varsity C lub by Barbara Burstein and ] ane Sou tar. After tryin g three yea rs durin g H omecoming th ey fi nally won both the skit and effi gy contest to th eir very evid en t sa ti sfaction. T he skit, w hich depicted life at Wa yland over a period of past years, put th e judging alumni into a very nostalgic fram e of mind, especially with the amu sing costumes the class wore. Th e Junior representatives at the Winter C arnival court this vea r were ] ulaine H eil and Sam Pickard . T h anks' to this yea r's wonderful Junior C lass-and to the help of their cl ass ad visers, Miss Bickford and Mr. Proctor- W ayland seniors gradu atin g thi s year ca n be sure that th eir h ighl y revered and dignifi ed pos itions w ill be fill ed by a ve ry capa bl e cl ass .
Irving Kolko
.. t
Diane Kra ut Robert Krieger
Janice Larkin James Legrand Ma rilyn Lu sher
(Below) A li son MacA rthur John Ma nnin g P eggy Maye Barbara M iller
Lou Miller
Sam Pickard Nada Proctor Mary Schettler ( Below )
A 路l Schmidt l 0 h "dt Gerry Sc ~~ L eon SchmJClt . Schwoch L OIS
Edwin Silllt · l1
Cunard Solbe ra Jane Soutar b
Robert St ram ..
L Aouise Tl1o rne
na T rasancos
••• (Below)
j t~
4J ;ci
Gray . Tuthill Robert Utke Martha ·
- 44 -
Thor Anderson
President, Stoakley Swanson; Vice-President, Truman Sturdevant
Ann Baker Ellen Barber
Jerry Barnum Jud y Bauer Jeane Carne
(Below) Jud y Carter Thomas Corbett Robert Craine Carol Davis
Ellen Barber, Secretary; Fritz Hildebrand, Treasurer
Bettie Denton Marleen Dietrich
Gloria Glass Judy Grout John Harridge (Below)
John Healy Walter Henes Fritz Hildebrand Ronald Hoglund ~~ .....---
-46 -
Vi! ith Stoakley Swanson again as their president, the Sophomore Class roared into high gear and continued their admirable work here at Wayland. Assisting Stoakley with his responsibilities was Truman Sturdevant, who, although new, filled his position as vice-president commendably. The class chose Fritz 1-Iildebrand to struggle with their financial problems. Ellen Barber took over the job of class secretary. Athletically the class did well. Truman occupied a berth on the Varsity football team as a competent guard. Nick Mabry, Lindsay Pollock, and David Spengler upheld the aquatic reputation of the class. The girl s, however, were not to be outdone. They filled man y positions on both the field hockey team and the basketball sq uad. Georgia Strain, Jud y Grout, and Karen Kraut con tinued to render their lusty voices to the cheerleaders at all games. The class also held its own on the Honor Roll. The Sophomores were not ca ught napping either when Rouland Show came around. The class itself went on displaying its fine organization and spirit at Homecoming and with the presentation of their winter activity, the memorable Sock Hop. Every loyal member is fi lled with a desire to return to h elp the class on to even greater heights next yea r.
\. Sa ll y Hunt
George Jamieson Helen Johnston
Fleurette Kram Karen Kraut Nancy Kurtze
(Below) Nicolas Mabry James McDaniel Robert McFarland
Robert Newton
Nancy Olsen Helen Pattack
Lindsay Pollock Suzanne Rosenheimer Leland Ruppenthal
(Below) John Schulz David Spengler Marjorie Stephenson Brian Stompe
- 48-
Georgia St ram .
nP~1{~ . :/;(// /\o
{:0~~~:~)~ ~tu.rdevant wuom
(Below) Robert Te WS D onald WI .l a ther W 'bu r W edoe Barbara V..l , u.路 gol1t
Alfred Anderson
President, Jerry Roberts; Vice-President, Barbara Tews.
Laura Mae Barker Marjorie Bleck
Barbara Boesel Ann Brittain Robert Denmeacl
-50 -
~~~路 ~ ~~~~ _.A. ~~ ~ ,J:;;Jr ~ - ~~~/ ~
Sandra Joll 115011
HorJe r ~ u cv
Carol LaB . c uy G Jles La l路k路111. \iVarren M ant I1ey
(Below) D onnie M aye r C . Golm Onan eorge Pratt D avid Preston
J0 h nston Ann K"ItCI1CI1
The class of 1953 organized early in the school year and elected the following officers: President- Jerry Roberts Vice-President- Barbara T ews Secretary-\iVarren Manthey Treasurer-Verna Hoyer In the Homecoming Variety Show the Freshmen took second place with their original skit. They have sponsored several successful weekend activities and are proud of their representation in the various groups in the school. There are three freshmen on the svvimming team and two on the Junior-Varsity basketball team. Ten or tvvelve of the class took part in Rouland and they are well represented on the Honor Roll. The class of 1953 looks forward to graduating in Wayland's 98th vear.
Jerry Robert
(Below) Norman Roberts Chris Sn yder
(Below) Roberta Hogers Sally Stephens Alfred Swenson Barbara Tews
5~ -
( 13uttow ) Eliza beth Thomas Julia \Nhiting Diane \iVithrow Richard \Nittnebel
Robert Edvvards, Charles Klein , Mary McMillan Judith Peterson , Amalia Ramos
I '"'
I 1
~j( '
Patrick Ariens
Mary Ann Bearder
Joan Blake
Thomas Fisher
- 56 -
John F rost
Enno Gerbitz
Ra ymond H ashimoto
T heodore Kachelski
Aaron Klink
Thomas Killeen
Ervin N eitzel
Willi am T akabayashi
Carol W olf
-58 -
LEo ScHNUR, Athletic Director
Football, Track
Mr. Wood also helps out in the Athletic Department, coaching Frosh-Soph. football and acting as assistant track coach.
Assistant Football, Basketball
Swimming, Tennis
Frosh-Soph. Football, Frosh-Soph. Basketball
':'\ I •
FroAt: Kt' W:ag~eL,
Davis, T. Sturdevant, R . Strain, D. Bunge, J. Lewis, J. James, D. Teletzke, W. . Deniger. Second\ B. yhre, E. lehls, Young, J. Rogers, T. Trepel, J. Uphoff, R. Newton, L. Johnson, C. Rosenheimer, R. Hop£, S. Pickard. Third: Coach . Wood, Coach Patterson, Manager Keating, A. Klawans , L. lson, S. Carter, Manager J. Burgess, Manager Roberts, Head Coach Schnur.
The football team this year brought back some of the old gridiron spirit which had been absent for a few years. The Red and White were never able to exhibit their strength as a team because in nearly every game some player was sidelined with an injury. With these key men sitting on the sidelines, we lost three games, tied one, and triumphed in three. Country Day, , 33 - Wayland, 0 , The opening game held at Browr Field, found Wayland against the ever-tou gh Country Day. Handicapped by the loss of Roedl, Wayland was whipped, 33-0. Wavland, 6 - Lutheran, 0 Next weeken'd pitted the Red against Lutheran at Milwaukee. After terrific drives which seemed to be stopped always within 10 or 15 yards of the goal, Bud Harris scored for the Wayland eleven. M. U. S., l3 - Wayland, 6 Our second loss came at the hands of MUS. In the second half Wagner plowed over for a Red touchdown, but it was to no avail as MUS triumphed, 13-6. Wayland, l3 - Lake Forest, 7 The following weekend was Homecoming and alumni and students gathered at Brown Field to witness the game against Lake Forest. As th e
whistle for the final period blew, the Reds started a long drive which ended over the goa l line with Dick Deniger scoring; Bud Harris added the extra point. On the first play, however, Lake Forest raced 60 yards for a touchdown. Their drive for the extra point was good and the score was knotted, 7-7. The game was coming to a close now, but Bill Miller shot around end for fifteen yards and over the goal. The game ended there, anc!'Wayland won, 13-7. Edgewood, 21 - Wayland, 0 The next game was with a tough Edgewood team · under the lights at Madison. The first half ended without score after 30 minutes of hard play. In the second half the powerful attack of the Edgewood sguad began to click and they piled up three touchdowns. Juneau High, 0 - Wayland, 0 Juneau High School .was our next opponent. Although the Wayla~1d eleven piled up close to 350 yards, the game ended in a scoreless tie. W,ayland, 42 - Elgin, 0 The final contest was down at Elgin Academy, and a large sguad traveled down there. 42 points were scored that day, even though three touchdowns were called back. This victory topped off a successful season; not as a record, but as spirit and fight when the chips were down.
- 64 -
Front: F. Freitag, C. Rose nh eimer, E. Ne hls, D. H arri s, T. Pickard . Back: Manager B. Strain, J. Keil, J. H owell, D . De niger, D. Teletzke, L. T ra sa ncos, B. Miiier, and Coach R. P atterso n.
Beg inning his first full season as \1\Tayland 's Coach, Ray Patterson , '40, one of our all time basketball grea ts, was greeted by four lettermen from last yea r's sg uad in th e persons of Tom Pi ckard , Jim , Howell , Luis Trasancos, and Dick Deni ger ; and such oth er able holdovers as John Keil , E ric Ne hl s, Burtt Harri s, and C hu ck Rosen heimer. Reinforcing this g roup were newcomers Bi ll Miller, Doug Teletzke, and Fritz Freitag. To sta rt the season the boys swept easil y through their first four games, knocking off St. Mary's of Fond du Lac, 63-34; MUS, 42-2 1; Mi lwa ukee Lutheran , 43-33; and \ iVin nebago Lutheran, 6 1-21. Edgewood , n ext in line, put up a strong battle but went down 39-32. \i\1hen the sch edule was resumed on Janu arv 7, Lake Forest handed us our first defeat,. 47-45 .' St. Mary's ca ught us on an off _n ight and \NOn , 44-34. St. John's Mi litary Academ y produ ced a strong court combination against our boys in our n ext sta rt, but we came out on top , 41 -34. Milwaukee Luth eran bowed to us in an overtime, 48-47. Continuin g our winning ways aga in st Co untry D ay at Mi lwaukee our sguacl ove rpowered th e en emy, 50-30. After a sh aky first half, the W ayland team turned
on th e power to pull away to a 58-37 wm over vVinn ebago. Lake Forest again turn ed out to be a little too tough for our boys in a game played at Lake Forest. They edged u s , out, 48-46, after a bitter stru gg le. Off to an ea rl y lead again st St. John's our boys played beautiful ball to vvin , 39-31. At th is point, with three ga mes to go, the team started to go st9le. Edgewood took us, 47-38; Country Day e ked out a 32-30 win; and MUS poured in 63-57 against u s. March 3rd and 4th were the dates of \1\Tayland 's Invitation al Prep School Basketball Tournament. The schools participating in thi s yea r's meet were: Lake Forest Academy, Milwaukee Country Da y, Mi lwaukee Lutheran, St. M ary's Springs Acade my, Todd School for Boys, and Wayland. As th e tournament neared Coach Patterson and his boys worked patientl y together polishing and repolishing the mech anism of what was basicall y a fin e team, with th e res ult th at at the opening whistle our boys had reached their season 's peak, and finished the To urn ament as th e victors. Bill Miller was elected to a guard position on the all Tournament First Team, whil e Dick Deniger and Tom P ickard were chosen for the Second Team.
I .....I
路v \
: t
(:, gp /..Ve K pOT 'I 17 &loll) K ,P j I ~()IV . 1JE II -,Eil'-'F"''
~c::> -
G. Young, G. Tuthill, B. Fisher, G. Pratt. J. Harridge, B. Harris, S. Pickard.
Back: S. Burgess, I. Kolko,
For the third consecutive year the Wayland Junior Varsity has been of championship caliber. This season's record showed nine wins and three losses. Like their parent varsity, the Jayvees lacked height and therefore dropped two games to a taller Lake Forest squad. In the first contest with the Lakers, the Redmen lost miserably, 47-23. But in the return match they played terrific ball, and lost by only three points, 36-33. St. Mary's accounted for the other loss 路 in a thrill packed con test at Fond du Lac. The final score was 33-32. Among the nine triumphs, they owned two over these teams: Country Day, 45-27, and 32-12; M.U.S ., 32-13; Milwaukee Lutheran, 34-33, and 51-47; Winnebago Lutheran, 38-15, and 22-9; and one win over St. Mary's, 30-21. The young Jayvees showed definite improvement throughout the season and exhibited some of their finest basketball in their last game, at Country Day. The defensive play was very good in the last few contests, as well as the fine and willing attitude the boys showed toward playing the game.
With all of th e Varsity graduating, Wayland's opponents will think next year's team something of a push-over. However, the Junior Varsity, with a little practice and rebuilding will be ready to step into the Varsity togs and change the tune of the perennial predictors. Good luck to you, "Little Red."
Coach Patterson and Varsity Team receive cup as winners of the Invitational Basketball T ournmnent.
- 68 -
Front: J. Jam ieson, J. Harridge, S. Lincoln , D. D avis, T. Trepel, L. Johnso n, B. Myhre, S.
Burgess, D. Brethauer, B. Grief, S. Pickard . Second: Coach Dan W ood, B. Harris, L. Trasancos, D. Harris, D . Bunge, E. Nehls, J. Rogers, G . Solberg, B. Craine, C. Gall, Coach Leo Schnur. Third: J. Lewis, I. Kolka, B. Strain, A. 1-ladjiconstanti s, J. Scott, W. Manthey, T. Sturdevant, B. Kri ege r, P. Snook . Fo路urth: K. Wiseheart, J. Fox, B. Bollenson, B. McFarland, B. Tews, J. Bark, A. Klawans, S. Swanson, J. McDaniel, H. H oglund . Baclt: Manager P. H orst, B. Denmead, T. Anderson, D. Harder, L. Schmidt, C. Onan, L. Ruppenthaa l, D. Preston, D . VValth er, Manager B. Bloemendaa l.
1949 Scores WaylandWaylandWaylandWaylandWaylandWaylandWayland-
52 71 70 V2 SO 74 50 76
Lake Forest - 62 Beaver Dam High- 42 St. John 's - 42 112 Beaver Dam High - 33 - 3i Lake Forest - 53 Country Day - 37 MUS
1950 Schedule April 12, 13, 14 April 20 April April May May May May May May May May June
25 29 4 6 8 13 18 20 24 30 3
Interclass Meet Here Triangular : Horicon, Columbus, Wayland Reserves Here Beaver Dam Here Country Day There Portage Here Open Beaver Dam, Frosh-Soph Here Lake Forest There Beaver Dam Reserves Here Milwaukee University School Here St. John's Military Here Open Prep Invitational at Country Day
J. Keil, F. Hildebrand, J. H owell, G. Pra tt, C. Rosenh eimer. Back: Coach Elton Petersen, J. Plews, T. Pickard , G . Young, J. James, D . Spengler.
Front :
1950 Schedule
. 1949 Scores Wayland- 6 Wayland- 0 Wayland - 0 Wayland- 8 Wayland- V2 Wayland- 0 Wayland- 0 Wayland- 1 Wayland- 0 Wayland- 4 Wayland- V2 Way land - O
Beaver Dam Country Day MUS Beaver Dam St. John's Lake Forest Country Day St. Mary's MUS Waupun St. John's St. Mary's
- c'> - 5 - 5 - 4 5V2 - 5 - ) - 4 - 5 - 5 51/2
- 7
April April April May May May May May
15 22 29 6 12 13 20 24
Elgin MUS Open Open Elgin Lake Forest 路 MUS Lake Forest
There There
Here There Here Here
Other meets pending with Beaver Dam, Waupun , Country Day, St. Mary's and St. John's.
- 70 -
D. Spengler, B. Larkm, D. Brethauer, B. Edwards, T. Corbett, B. Denmead . Middle: Manager A. Swenson, T. Wallrich, J. Legrand, T. Trepel, J. Keating, E. Bergstrom, J. Abbott, Manager W . Henes. Bach: Coach E. Petersen, Manager B. McFarland, P. Snook, N. Mabry, L. Pollock, J. Rogers, D. Ya hn, W. Wedge, Manager E. Smith . Front:
CHEERLEADERS K. Kra ut, A. Trasa ncos, G . Strain,
Grout, ]. Bark
' J
MRs . .拢. C. MAYER Director of Girls' A thletics
During the fall season, hockey played th e leadin g role in girl s' sports. From the man y girls vvho came out for it, two teams composed of e leven members each plu s substitutes were chosen. On the Red team with J ucl y Grou t as captain were: Bonni e vVri ght, Suzi Rosenheimer, Ka ren Kraut, Di ane Kraut, Mayna Avent, Connie Wil son , Barbara Mill er, Da y Preston , Georgia Strain, Margaret Hoyer, and Alison MacArthur. The \tVhite team with M argy H endren as captain had as members: Jean Luster, Jane Soutar, Maril yn Lusher, Peggy Stephenson, Karen Fairweather, Barbara Burste in , Janice Larkin, Geoanne Geyer, Je rry Barnum , Gail Corbett, P eggy M aye, and jud y Carter. This yea r th e g irl s could be see n practicin g every afternoon and m any Saturday mornings on MacD onald Field. They put all the ir spirit into th ese practices with the hope of coming out victorious against M il waukee Downe r and M.U .S. The first games were on O ctober 8, with th e Red tea m losing in a close game, whil e the game of the W hite tea m ended in a tie. 路 On October 15, th e Reel pla yed th e Whites, winnin g over them by a slight marg in . The n ext games were against Down er, which walked off with victories in both of them. The last game of the season was pla yed in snow and ice at MUS in Milwa ukee. This time th e results of both games were ti es. Much credit and praise goes to our capable coach , Mrs. Mayer, for her enthu sias m and e fforts towa rd making th em better tea ms.
Soon after Thanksgiving vacation th e spotlight of girl s' sports was focu sed on Basketball. Fifty girls came out for it in hope that they would be among th e twenty-eight chosen for th e squad. After three weeks of practice, Mrs. Mayer chose the following: Forwards - Ma yna Avent, Jean Luster, Fleury Kram, Saranne Fry, Margaret Hoyer, Judy Grout, Karen Kraut, Diane Kraut, Suzi Rosenheimer, Carol Davi s, and Jud y Hinze; Guards - Jane Souta r, Bonnie Wright, Ellen Barber, Barbara Burstein , Karen Fairweather, Janice Larkin, Marion Brown, M aril yn Lusher, Georgia Strain, Ali son MacArthur, Margy H endren, P eggy Maye, Ceoanne Geyer, Anne G lanvill e, and Bette Denton. Squad practices were held for an hour, three times a week. The season offrcia lly opened with our first game against MUS in Milwaukee on February 11. The first team lost, but the second team came through with an easy victory. On Febr uary 18 a few of the squad members who would be near Milwaukee over long weekend formed a team and attended a pla y da y at MUS . They won the first game against Hol y Angels, but lost th e second game to MUS. The foll owin g week on February 25, MUS came here and won both games. Our next and final stand was against Mi lwaukee D ow ner here on March 4. Th e first team lost only by a Few points, and th e second tea m lost a trul y heart-breaking ga me by onl y on e point.
MIDDLE PICTURE G. Strain, K. Kraut, J. Soutar, K. Kraut, C. Davis, S. Fry. Midd le: F. Kram , M. H oyer, J. Dunham, J. Grout, E. Barber, J. Larkin, K. Fairweather, G. McBain. Back: Mrs. E. C. Mayer, J. H endren, S. Rosenh ei mer, M. Avent, J. Luster, B. Denton, B. Wright, M. Brown, A. Clark, M. Lusher, A. Glanville, B. Burstein. Front:
J. Soutar, C. ~T il so n . Middle: J. Carter, M. H oyer, B. Burstein, K. Kraut, M . H endren, D . Preston, G. Corbett, J. Grout, K. Fairwea th er, A. MacArthur. Bach: Coach Mayer, J. Barnum , J. Luster, B. Wright, M. Avent, J. Larkin , P . Maye, E. Barber, P . Stephenson, R. Rosenh eimer, M. Lusher, G . Geyer.
Front: G. Strain, S. Frey, B. Miller, D. Kra ut,
Front: J. Hinze, A. Brittain, G. Geyer, J. Carne, F. Steinman , Miss C. Bickford . Middle: M. Avent, Da ve Preston , M. Darby, S. Tse, M. Corcora n, C. Bancroft. Bach: G. West, Day Preston, G. Corbett, T . Corbett, G . Solberg.
Front: J. Ca rter, J. Barnum , S. Rosenheim er, C. Bancroft, i\1. H endren , J. Tews. Middle: D . Kraut, G. Glass, J. James, E. Barber, J. Grout, N. Ha ynes, K. Kraut, N. P roctor. Bach: J. McDaniel, R. Tews, S. Lincoln, J. Bark, B. Stompe.
Mayna Avent, Connie Bec ker, Steve Burgess, J\ilary Corcoran
Luther Ison, President
THE STUDENT SENATE Russ H opf Jerry James
Art Klawans Fleury Kram
- 78 -
Front: N. Kurtze, President M. Corcoran. Standing: G. McBa in, A. Leipsiger, A. Glanville, M. Darby, K. Kell y, B. Tews, B. Burstein,
F. Kram.
Front: T. Corbett, F. H ildebrand. Second.: S. Swanson, L. Ruppentbaal, J. James, L. l son, P . H orst, T . Trepel, R. Strain. Stand.i.ng: J. Lewis, A. Klawans, B. Fisher, S. Lincoln, T. Pickard, J. Rogers, D. Davis, G.
Young, S. Burgess, S. Pickard.
B. Burstein,
Soutar, M. H oyer, President M. Avent, E. Barber, B. Wright.
Front: R. Newton, R. Strain, J. Lewis, J. Keating, D. Spengler, S. Pickard, D. Davis, T. Pickard, D. Yahn, S. Lincoln, A. Klawans. Standing: L. Johnson , J. Uhoff, T. Trepel, J. Rogers, E. Nehls, President J. James, T. Sturdevant, R. Kreiger, D. Bunge, J. H owell, L. !son, J. Plews.
Miss Marion M itchell , Fac ulty Adviser
THE CABINET: Fwnt: J. Bertzy k, S. Fry, B. Mi ll er, J. Soutar, F. Steinman, D. Preston. Second: J. Dunham, G . McBa in, C. Bancroft, President D. C h ristensen , M . H oyer, P. Stephenson. Standing : G. West, P . Nla ye, M. Sc hettler, C . Frey, A. Leipsiger, J. Larkin, M. L ush er, M. Avent, Corcoran, M. H endren, N. Proctor.
J. J.
McLa ughlin , B. Briggs, Luster, B. Burstein, M.
Front: B. Miller, J. Soutar, E . Barger, M. Hoyer, F. Kram, B. Wright, B. Tews, G. McBain, V. H oyer. Second: G. Geyer, K. Kelly, D. Pres ton , B. Burstein, G. Glass, G. Strain, S. Rosenheimer, H. Pettack, J. Ca rter, J. Grout, A. Trasancos, D. Chri stensen, M. D arby, B. Briggs, C. Becker. Back: A. Klawans, L. l son, C. Goll, T. Corbett, S. Lincoln, J. Rogers, P. Horst, R. Crai ne, B. Fisher, G. Young.
DRAMA CLUB T he Rouland show of 1950, 'That's Life" was a sparkling hit. As in the two previous years, it was a musical with all the comedy, skits, songs, and dances done entirely by the students. Talk about the show's theme-portrayal of Wayland campus life- was begun in November, and then the writing began. Then, shortly before Christmas the cast and crew went to work with real zeal to bring the written show to life. From then until Jan uary 20, everyone-especiall y Miss Weiske, Mr. and Mrs. Hessler, and Mrs. Roberts- had hardl y a moment to themselves. From the time we met Burtt H arris at "Summer's End" until we left him in the tradition al step-sing at Commencement, we saw a terrific show packed to the brim with beauty, humor, dancing, music, comedy, and good acting. The principals were Ann Baker, Cathy Bancroft, Judy Bauer, Eric Bergstrom, Beverl y Briggs, Doris Christensen, Tom Corbett, Marla D arby, Carol D avis, Don Davis, Art Dennis, Jack Fox, Geoanne Geyer, Gloria Glass, Clifford Goll , Clem Hackworthy, Bud Harris, Margy Hendren , Walter Henes, Fritz Hildebrand, Ronnie Hoglund, Liz Hopkins, Peter Horst, Lute Ison, Jim Keating, Art Kla wans, Fleury Kram , Diane Kraut, Nancy Kurtze, Jim Lewis, Steve Lincoln , Marilyn Lusher, Grace McBain , Jim McDaniel, Day Preston, Jon Rogers, Cunard Solberg, Jane Soutar, Faith Steinman, Georgia Strain, Ana Trasancos, Tony Trepel, Don Walther, Keith Wiseheart, and Gig Young. After Rouland many students began working hard on declamation and ora tions fo r the local forensic contest which was h eld on March 18. Those winning places in the contest were Ellen Barber for extemporaneous reading; Sally Hunt for nonoriginal ora tory; Don Bunge and Tuck Wallrich for serious declamations ; and Barbara Burstein and Fleury Kram for humorous declamation. T his year, with Miss Mary Ellen Weiske as the faculty adviser of the Drama C lub, we have as our student officers: president, Fleury Kram ; secretary-treasurer, Bonnie Wright. Our extreme thanks go to the students and faculty members of Wayland for all the assistance and work they have done to make this, 1950, a truly successful year.
Front: M. Hoyer, B. Burstein, M. Darby, P. Horst, B. Briggs. Second: M. Avent , K. Kelly, J. Soutar, B. Miller, B. Wright. Back: J. Uphoff, G. Young, J. Rogers, B. Fisher.
PILLARS The PILLARS staff of this year has done its best to turn out an annual that will be appreciated by all. With Miss Helene Holmes and Mrs. Ellen Pihlstrom as advisers, and Marla Darby as editor, no effort has been spared to bring out a book as truly "Wayland" as possible. Assisting the editor were : Barbara Burstein and Peter Horst, Literary Editors; John Keil, Business Manager; P at Gergen and Cun ard Solberg, Advertising Managers; Gig Young, Caroline Frey, and Art Dennis, Photography Editors; Jane Soutar and Bonnie Wright, Girls' Sports; Barbara Mill er and Beck Fisher, Circulation Managers; Jon Rogers and Burtt Harris, Boys' Sports; Sam Pickard , Writer; Kris Kelly, Calendar ; Mayna Avent, Art Editor; Doris Christensen and Mary Anne Yagodinski , T ypists; and Beverly Briggs, Proofreader. The class reporters were: Jerry Roberts, Freshman; Judy Carter, Sophomore; Caroline Burrows, Junior, and Jeann e Bertzyk, Senior. These people have made this publication possible and the wish is expressed by all that this year's annu al will be appreciated by all , so that the entire staff can be gratified at h aving filled a need and at having pleased the students.
Marla D arby, Editor
Front: K. Kelly, J. Keating, P. H orst, M . H oyer, T . Trepel, M. Avent, C . Becker Second: B. Burstein, N. Kunze, J. Grout, S. Rosenheimer, A. Leipsiger, K. Fa irwea th er, B.
M iller, G . McBain , A. Glanville, J. Luster, P . Maye, E. Barber. Back: J. Uphoff, J. Fox, B. Bollenson, B. Fisher.
THE POST T he POST for '49-'5 0, has been a much improved item. With Margaret as editor, Wayland's monthl y publica tion has made advancements both in content and style. Under the able directorship of Mr. P roctor and Miss Bickford of the English departm ent, the staff of editors, associate editors, and writers reall y lea rned how a paper should be put together. T he editors who assisted Ma rga ret H oyer were Peter H orst as N ews Editor, T ony T re pel as Fea ture Editor, M ayna Avent as G irl s' S ports Editor, Bud H arris as Boys' Sports Editor, Beck Fisher as Exchan ge Editor, and Jea n Lu ster as Circul ation Editor.
Margare t H oyer, Editor
These editors were assisted by an able staff of writers consisting of Grace M cBain , Barbara Burstein, Kris Kelly, Annette Leipsiger, Ann Glan ville, Judy Grout, E ll en Barger, Nancy Kurtze, Karen Fairweather, Jim Kea ting, Suzi Rosenheimer, and Jack Fox, who really gave the paper a shot in the arm with hi s articles concerning in cidents in W ayland life. Other monthl y features such as "The Squirrel C age" and "Re路 member When" added a new touch to a pa pe r n eedin g such an addition . All in all , it may be said that the Post and its staff had an exceedingly successful year.
P. Maye, Mrs. Hessler, Mr. Hessler;
Soutar, F. Steinman, M. Lusher, D. Christensen, M. Baldwin, C . Bancroft.
Lewis, Lead; E. Bergstrom, Tenor; A. Dennis, Bass; D. Davis, Baritone.
Front: N. Kurtze, E . Barber, B. Miller, G. McBain, D . C h ristense n, A. Ba ker. Second: Miss Beadle, S. Hu nt, G. Glass, J. D un ham, D. P reston, J. Bertzy k, J. Soutar, M. H en-
clre n, C. Ban croft . Th i,路d: i\11. Darby, N. Olson, A. Leipsige r, M. Lusher, B. Denton, P . Bussa n, C. Ddvis, J. Luster, Mr. Hessler. Bach: T. Wa llrich, J. Lewi s, E. Smith , C. H ackworth y, A. Dennis, R. Stra in, G . Yo ung, C. Gol l.
In 1949-1950 th e choir reached new heigh ts under th e direction of M r. Geo rge H essle r. This year, for the first time, they elected offi cers. Those ch osen were: C lem H ackworth , president; Ma rla D arby, vice-president; Art Denni s, secretary; and Mari lyn Lu sher, treas urer. Th e choir members in clud e Nancy Kurtze, E llen Barber, Barbara M ill er, G race McBain, Dori s C h ristensen , Ann Baker, Sally Hu n t, G loria G lass, Joan Dunham , Day Preston, Jeanne Bertzyk, Jane Soutar, Ma rga ret Hendren, Ca th y Bancroft, ancy Ol son, Ann ette Leipsige r, Bettie D enton , Pri sc ill a Bussan, Carol Davis, Don D av is, Jean Luster, T uck \iVallri ch , Jim Lewis, Ed Smith ,
Bob Strain , Georgia Strain, Gig Youn g, and C li ffo rd Coli. P robably the hi ghlight of every year fo r the choir is its parti cipa tion in the presentation of H andel's "Messiah'" at C hristm as time. Also looked for ward to at C hristmas tim e is the part it takes in the la ti vity P ageant under the direction of M iss Mitchell. Besides si ngin g every other Sunday at the Baptist C hurch , the choir also sa ng at th e Founder's D ay program on March 12, and p rese nted an Easter p rogram with the Baptist C hoir which fea tured parts of Strain er's "Cru cifixtion . In May th e choir p resen ted a concert at Watertown , and :in Jun e they took part in the Commencement program.
W. Manthey, A. Dennis, J. McDaniel, B. Tews, C. LaBuy, D. Harder, P. Bussan, C. Davis, B. Wright. Back: S. Loverude, N. Proctor, E. Smith, G. Solberg, A. Trasancos, L. Schmid t, K. vViseheart, Mr. Hessler, J. Wichman . Front:
Front: T. Wallrich, N. H aynes, J. Fox, P. Horst, C. Snyder. Second: Mr. Mayer, M. Lusher, A. Trasancos, G . West, G. McBain, N . Proctor, M. H oyer, K. Kelly, P. Bussan, S. Hunt, J. Larkin, G. Corbett, Mr. Proctor. Back: R. Krieger, W. H enes, B. Bollenson, F. Kram, C. W ilson, B. Burstein, G. Solberg.
Front: A. MacArthur, A. Leipsiger, L. Schmidt, P. Stephenson, B. Bollenson, B. Miller, M. Lusher. Second: J. Hinze, S. Hunt, M. Brown, Rev. Wood, P. Bussa n, J. Larkin, G. McBain. Third: J. Schulz, C. Goll, E. Bergstrom, J. Carter, B. Smith, J. Lewis, C. Davis, A. Trasa ncos, T. Sturdevant, J. Abbott. Back: P. Horst, D. Davis, L. Johnson, R. Krieger.
YOUTH GROUP One of the up and coming organizations on the campus this year was the Youth Group. In this, its fifth year, the Youth Group played an important part in student life. The Youth Group held its meetin gs in the Round y Club Rooms. They met there at 5:30 to enjoy the fellowship of ea ting together, and remained until 7:00 to discuss problems of current interest. These discussions were usually led by Mr. Daniel Wood , pastor of our Baptist Church, or by Jim Lewis, this year's president. Ana Trasancos, the vice-president; Don Davis, secretary-treasurer; and other members of the organization also led some of them. The Thursday morning chapel service has become the complete responsibility of the Youth Group. This year there have been fewer outside speakers and more from the ranks of the Gro~pEach year an important part of the activities of the Group is to set up W ay-
land's Religion and Life Week. This year, March 20-21, W ayland was privileged to hea r two speakers: Rev. Robert Mild.:am, Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Schools, spoke at our first chapel service; and Rev. Ensworth Reisner, from the First Methodist Ch urch in Milwaukee, was the principal speaker. Various members of the Group took part in the services by introducing the speakers, reading the scripture, anno uncing the hymns, or by giving a closing prayer. Also, certain committees from the Youth Group were in charge of the fellowship hours. A noteworthy achievement of the Youth Group vvas the h elp they gave the Baptist Church with the burden of Displaced Persons. By an activity, "T he Double Trouble Dance," in the fall , and by a cooky day in December, they raised nearly $50 to help transport a displaced family from New York.
- 91-
-92 -
-93 -
CALEN September
14 15 16 17 23 24
Arr ived on campus. Picnic at Crystal. Ana and Luis arrived late . Downtown movie party. "Good Old Summertime" and " Thunder in the Pines." Y. W. and " W" Club Mixer. Arthur Murray exhibition. Pep Rally, Club Henri . First football game. Played Country Day - lost - evening: dancing, swimming, and roller skating . October
1 2 7 8 13 14 15
Second game - Milwaukee Lutheran . Took picnic lunches on bus to Milwaukee - lost game. "The Foot-Ball" - Senior activity. Skit rehearsals for Homecoming - Club Henri. Played MUS here and lost; more skit practice; swimming, skating, and dancing. Community Concert in gym. "Columbia Boys' Choir" - very good. Beg inning of Hom ::coming weekend. Sk its in Beebe auditorium . Junior class took first; Fresh men, second; Sophomores, th ird, and the poor Seniors, fourth . Morning - girls' hockey game between Red and White teams . Afternoon - played Lake Forest Academy and won, 13-0. Evening - banquet and formal dance. The "Oshkosh Hop" reigned supreme .
DAR 16 18 21 22 28 29
Church . Buffet luncheon and organ recital ended a wonderful Homecoming . Green and grey day in the girls' dorm . Fre shman act ivity - swimm ing, skating, anddancing . Played Edgewood at Madison at night, very cold - bad game - lost, 21-0 . Club Henri . Senior class turn-about, "Corn Stalk ." November
2 6 12 13 17 18 19 21 23 27 29
Hot-time in the girls' dorm. " Fire" ! Game at Juneau, tied score. " Hobo Hop" - square dancing and good for stags. Varsity Club' s " Harvest Ball." La st game of season with Elgin Academy , there, 42-0 in Wayland's favor. Evening - swimming, dancing, and skating . Seniors went to "The Taming of the Shrew" at the Union Theater in Madison . Others went to "Julius Caesar" in Madison . Turn-about by the Youth Group - "Double Trouble." Rouland try-out cast announced at dinner. Home for Thanksgiving vacation . Return to a cold and dreary campus. First basketball game of season with St. Mary's - 63-32 for Wayland - a good way to start the season!
CALEl\ December
3 10
11 14 15 16
Second basketball game - again Wayland triumphed over MUS in two games. "December Dream." Christmas formal in gym. Seniors really worked to make it a huge success - even of the big red bows on the tree. Afternoon played Winnebago Lutheran and again won both. J . V. and Varsity games'- " Go You Big Red!" Messiah in big gym. Beautifully done but the seats seemed extra hard . Miss Mitchell's party for "Smoky Corners." Nativity in auditorium. "Such lovely angels!" Dorm parties in both dorms - carols and food. Home for Christmas vacation at last. Merry Christmas to all! January
Returned to good old Wayland. Very tired and really ready for a rest - a lot of snow and cold. 6 Downtown movie, "One Last Fling" and "Sword in the Desert." 7 Lost to Lake Forest in both games - dancing in the gym following games - "Esquire All Stars. " , .. 路 10 Pla yed and lost to St. Mary's at Fond du Lac. 13 "Ice Carnival Ball." Faith and Clem reigned over the ball - wonderful decorations and a good dance. 14 First swimming meet with Elgin. 18 Rouland rehearsals take every minute; Basketball game at St. Johns, won. 19 Rouland rehearsals take every minute. 20-21 Rouland, "That's Life" big success .
)AR 24 27 28
1-3 3 4 5 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 20 21 24 25
Scarlet Fever scare - everyone felt sick. " Reuland Part" in gym - sang all Reuland songs for past three years; dancing . Basketball with Milwaukee Lutheran , here - won both games - very exciting . Swimming meet at Culver - lost. February Mid-year exame - How I hate that cold, dreary gym! Basketball with Country Day - won both games . Freshmen sponsored the " Post Mortem" - turnabout. No study hours - ice skating under lights. Swimming meet with Beloit Freshmen team - lost. Basketball away with Winnebago Lutheran . Here we had swimming, skating, and dancing . (This is getting to be quite a habit, it seems .) Downtown movie party, "Prince of Foxes"- girls will undoubtedly remember the eye-balls! Good old Valentines day, also lovely time tests. Basketball with St. Johns. Swimming meet with Janesvil le High won . Home for long weekend. Returned to the usual cold weather . Community Concert - Mildred Dilling , harpist. (Those bleachers in the gym are hideous.) Downtown movie party , " That Forsyte Woman" - this movie business is also becoming quite frequent. Student Recital (we learned how to snap our fingers) .
CALEl' March 3
Wayland's Invitational Basketball Tournament - we won the Championship of Milwaukee Lutheran in a very exciting game - it was too close for comfort. 10 First Forensic Contest. 11 YW Masquerade - Esquire All-Stars performed very successful dance. 12 Wayland's Founder's Day - 95th Birthday . 16- 17 Six weeks exams - the usual struggle. 17-18 Water Ballet - note Dave S. in the canoe. 18 District Forensic contest at Beaver Dam. 19-21 Religion In Life Week - very impressive. 22 Home for the much looked forward to Spring Vacation . Unfortunately there was no Spring in sight.
1 4 7 8 14 15
Regional Forensic Contest at Port Washing ton. Return to "Beautiful Wisconsin - Land of the Midnight Sun" - as usual it was cold! Hutchin's House sponsors the " Bunny Hop" bring you bunny, Gloria . Girls' "Open House" - card games, dancing , swimming . Downtown movie party, something new, of course . Wayland -Town Mixer; also state forensi c contest in Madison .
DAR 20 21 22 25 29
First track meet - Triangular. Band Dance . First tennis match with MUS . Varsity track meet with Beaver Dam - Senior girls formal tea at Baptist Church . Track meet at Country Day - Student Recital. May
2 Tennis meet with St. Mary's. 4-5 Six week exams. 11 Tennis match with St. Mary's . Choir goes to Watertown for concert. 12 Tennis match with Elgin, here . 13 Track and tennis meet at Lake Forest. 1 8 Track meet with Beaver Dam - Community Concert, David Lloyed, tenor. 20 Long awaited Junior Prom - track and tennis meet with MUS, also downtown circus . June
3 10 11 12
Track meet at Country Day . "Life with Father" - Commencement play . Commencement Recital. Seniors leave Wayland with many memories and many friends .
'Round us surge the eager voices Of an unsee¡n mystic throng, Spirits of thy absent children . . . .
Nowhere on the campus is this sentiment more aptly expressed than in the Johnston Chapel- one of the fondest memories of all Wavland alumni.
- 100 -
STAND UP AND CHEER Stand up and cheer. Stand up and cheer For dear old Wayland. For today we raise the Red and White Above the rest. Our boys are fighting, And we are bound to wm the fray. We've got the team, U-rah! We've got the steam, U-rah! And this is dear old Wayland's day. WE'RE HERE TO CHEER We're here to cheer for dear old Wayland, Pledge our faith anew. Fight for Alma Mater, Loyal to you, forever. May our team win honor, Win triumphant, too. Fight on with Wayland's old spirit true
- 104 -
( Tune: "For l-Ie's a Jolly Good Fe llow" ) It's a way we have at Old Wayland, It's a way we have at Old Wayland, It's a way we have at Old Wayland, To drive dull care away. To drive dull care away, To drive dull ca re away, It's a way we have at Old Wayland, It's a way we have at Old Wayland, It's a way we have at Old Wayland, To drive dull care away.
( Tune: "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp") Round the table gathered here Mid the banquet's song and cheer Wayland's sons and daughters rally once again. Let us sin g the good old lays Of our happy student days, Let us raise a jolly cheer wi th might main.
Chorus: Rah! Rah! Rahl for dear old Wayland! Rahl Rah! Rah! for her we'll si ng! 1-Iere with loyal hearts and true Me'ries bright we'll now renew, And our gi ft of love and praise with gladness bring. Let us tell of those tonight Who have led our steps aright Down the narrow path of lea rnin g year by year. They were helpers true and kind, Trained our heart as well as mind, T ime but makes their mem'ry to us all more clear.
-105 -
Fight team fight Fight team fight Smash 'em, bust 'em, That's our custom Fight team fight. 2. RED WHITE Fight fight Red White Fight fight Who fight? We fight Red White Fight fight. 3. LOCOMOTIVE U rah rah Wayland U rah rah Wayland U rah rah Wayland- yeah! 4. HAVE YOU GOT THAT SPIRIT? Have you got that spirit? Yea man You going to keep that spirit? Yea man Well all reat, well all right Well, let's FIGHT! 5. 15 RAHS FOR THE FOOTBALL TEAM We've got the coach We've got the team We've got the pep We've got the steam Coach, team, pep, steam 15 rahs for the football team Rat, Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah ( repeat 3 times )
- 106 -
CHEERS 6. TEAM T -e -a-m T -e -a-m T -e -a-m Team, Team, Team 7. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THE TEAM What's the matter with the team? ( A) They're all right. Who路s all right? ( A) The team Who? ( A) The team Who? ( A) The team Who says so? ( A) We all say so. And who are we? W - ay - la - nd U rah, rah, rah College, Academy Sis boom bah Wayland, Wayland Rah, rah, rah. 8. YEAH RED Yeah-h-h-h-h red Yeah-h-h-h-h white Yeah-h-h-h-h team Fight, fight, fight. 9. SCORE, SCORE, SCORE Shoot 'em Pass 'em Dribble down the floor Come on, Wayland, Score, score, score
10. W -A-Y-L-A-N-D W -a-y-1-a-n-d W -a-y-1-a-n-d W -a-y-1-a-n-d
Yeah! ! !
The PILLARS staff wishes to take this opportunity to thank all those whose advertisements.appear in the following pages.
- 108 -
- 109 -
FACULTY ADDRESS LIST Bickford, Carol 732 S. Van Burl'n Ave. Green Bay, Wisconsin
Holmes, Helene M. Genoa City Wisconsin
Petersen. Elton 91 Branchport Avenue Long Branch, New Jersey
Coleman, Herbert C. 108 Prospect Ave.
Ingham, Lora G. Wayland Academy Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Pihlstrom, Ellen V. Lewis Lodge Edgewater, Wisconsin
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Foster, Ruth L. Plainfield New Hampshire
Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. 106 Prospect Ave.
Gustafson, Marjorie 554 Irwin St. Galesburg , Illinois
Mitchell, Marion E. Wayland Academy
Hessler, Mr. and Mrs. George 3320 Trindle Road Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Patterson, Ray 319 E. Third St.
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Schnur, Leo M. 319 E. Third Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Simpson, Stuart H. 296 N. University Avenue Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Tucker J . Hobart Wayland Academy
Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. David 75 Whitney St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Northborough, Massachusetts Weiske, Mary Ellen (Mrs. D. W. Rich, Jr.) Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wyckoff House 305 Park Avenue Peddie School Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Hightstown, New Jersey Schneider, Frederick C. Wichman, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wayland Academy 415 N. Lincoln Avenue Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
- 110-
Rooms available fo r private parties
Good Eats
A Fine Line of Baked Goods
106 Front St.
Dial 233 4
Health Food
STUDENT ADDRESS LIST Abbott, John William 342 Greenwood Lane Spring Hill , Ala.
Baker, Ann 203 No. 86th St. Wauwatosa 13, Wis.
Anderson, Alfred 6234 N. Joyne Chicago 45, Ill.
Baldwin, Mary 1022 West Park Avenue Libertyvi ll e, Ill.
Anderson, Thor Same as Alfred
Bancroft , Mary Catharine Elsie , Nebraska
Airens, Patri ck Henry 1 3 1 Pine Street Bri ll ion, Wis.
Barber, Ell en
Avent, Mayna 28 15 Belmont Blvd. Nashvi lle, Tenn.
Bark , John 1927 Und e rwood Ave. Wauwatosa 13, Wis.
Wa rre ns, Wis.
Barker, Laura Mae 1702 Jonquil Te rrace Chicago 26 , Ill.
Becke r, Ni ls 209 East Frederi ck Rhine lander, Wis.
Barnum, Jerusha 10 12 West Wisconsin Ave.
Be rgstrom, Eric
Oconomowoc, Wis.
157 N. Park Ave. Neenah , Wis.
Bau er, Judith 607 Jackson Drive Oshkosh, Wis.
Be rtzyk, Jeanne 722 Sheridan Road Kenosha, Wis.
Bearder, Mary Ann 133 Burchard St.
Bidgood, Duane No. 192
Beaver Dam , Wis.
Beatty, Janice 2522 Iroquoi s Road Wi lmette, Ill.
- I ll -
Horicon, Wis.
Blake, Joan 118 West Third Street Beaver Dam , W is.
Compliments of
Dodge County's Largest Line of Paint, Wall Paper and Linoleum
TEL. 4782
Your Jeweler The Store of a Thousand Gifts
Compliments of NEWTON &
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Bleck, Marjorie 502 East Mill St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Briggs, Beverly 2086 Temple Court St. Paul, Minn.
Burgess, John E. 228 N. Second St. Gen eva, Ill.
Carter, Judith 1910 Regent St. Madison 5, Wis.
Bloemendaal, William 351 W. Main St. Zeeland, Michigan
Brittain, Ann 179 E. Cheâ&#x20AC;˘tnut St. Chicago ll, Ill.
Burgess, Steve 147 South 13th St. laCrosse, Wis.
Christensen/ Doris
Boese l, Barb.J ra 3530 Blackhawk Drive Madison, Wis. Bollinsen, Barry 815 Ridge Ave. Evanston, Ill.
Brown , Marion
Washington Ave. Cobleskill, N.Y. Bump, Joe Route 3 Beaver Dam , Wis.
Braker, laurence
920 Madison St. Beaver Dam , Wis.
Brethauer, David 413 N. Center St. Beaver Dam , Wis.
Bung e, Donald Redwood Falls, Minn. Burch, Nancy 15 Woodley Road Winnetka, Ill.
Burrow, Caroline
316 Oneida St. Beaver Dam, Wis. Burstein, Barbara 316 Clark St. Neenah , Wis. Bussan, Pris ci lla 351 S. Monroe St. lanca ster, Wis . Carne, Jean
911 le xington Ave. Wheaton, Ill.
- 112 -
7618 Merrill Ave. Chicago, Ill. Clark, Ann l 08 Elmwood Ave. Oshkosh, Wis. Corbett, Gail 945 Redway Ave. Cincinnati 29, Ohio Corbett, Thoma s Same as Gail Corcoran, Mary 2950 North Marietta Ave. Milwaukee, Wis.
Compliments of
& CO.
Ho-rne and Auto Supplies
For a Better Beaver Dam Dial 6021
122 Front St.
Compliments of
Good Shoes
The Trojan Candy Company
X-Ray Fitted
Home of Fine Candies and Ice Cream
Dial 4475
Corso, William 221 E. Third St. Beaver Dam , Wis.
Den ig er, Richard 310 Park Ave, Beave r Dam , Wis,
Drown , Audrey Route No, 2
Craine , Robert 311'12 N, Commercial Ave, Neenah , Wis,
De nmead, Robert 3 Wilton Road Tuckahoe , N,Y,
Dunham, Joan 135 Fe rrand Park Highland Park , Mich,
Fitzpat rick, Gaynell 323 Broad St. Lake Geneva, Wis .
Dennis, Arthur 205 S. Home Ave. Franklin , lnd ,
Edwards , Robert 4714 Kimbark Ave. Chicago 15, IlL
Fox, George John 828 E. Glen Ave, Milwaukee, Wis,
Denton, Be ttie 14623 Rutland Road Det roit 27 , Mich .
Esse lman, James Route 2, Bo x 124 West Bend, Wis.
Fre itag , Frede rick 530 Hamilton St, Columbus, Wi s,
Deuble, Eugene Box 203 North Canton , Ohio
Fairweather, Karen
Frey, Carolyn 1338 N, Dearborn SL Chicago, II L
Dietrich , Marleen Cambridge Roa d Lan sing, Michigan
Fisher, Burt Bec k 819 E, Fo rest Ave. Nee nah, Wis.
Darby, Marla 10451 S. Seeley Ave , Chicago 43, IlL Davis, Carol 1557 S. 78 St. West Allis 14, Wis. Davis , Don Same as CaroL Dee, Susan
10221 S, Leavitt St. Chicago 43, IlL
Beaver Dam , Wis.
441 Belden Ave. Chicago, IlL
- 113 -
Fi sher, Thomas 730 Oneida St. Beaver Dam , Wis.
Frost, John 520 Elk St. Stevens Point, Wis.
Compliments of
A Hom e Away from Home Dairy Products BEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN
Allis Chaimers -
New Idea
Gehl Farm Machinery Pontiac - Cadillac GMC Trucks Body and Repair Shop
DIAL 3301
Compliments of
Fry, Saranne 630 West Prairie Marengo, Ill.
Gall, Clifford 2459 N. 39th St. Milwaukee 10, Wis.
Harder, Donald 715 N. Eighth Ave. Maywood, Ill.
Healy, John 304 S. Vita Ave.
Gerbitz, Enno
Grout, Judith R.R. 1 Ripon, Wis.
Harris, Burtt 1588 Greencrest Drive Pittsburg 26, Pa.
Heil, Julaine 8301 W. Edgerton Ave. Milwaukee 14, Wis.
Hackworthy, Clement 2044 N. 81st St. Wauwatosa 13, Wis.
Harris, Dwight Same as Burtt
Hendren, Margaret 10059 S. Seeley Ave. Chicago, Ill.
Hadiiconstantis, Antony Castalida 3 Athens, Greece
Harridge, John 8100 Essex Ave. Chicago 17, Ill.
Henes, Walter 1417 Sheridan Road Menominee, Mich .
Glanville, Ann 733路37 Minnesota Ave. Kansas City 14, Kansas
Halverson, Peter 807 Sherwood Drive Beloit, Wis.
Hashimoto, Raymond P. 0 . Box 25
Hildebrand, Frederick 351 Naymut Ave. Menasha, Wis.
Glass, Gloria 511 Euclid St. Middletown, Ohio
Hammitt, James 118 W. 3rd St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Haynes, Nan Lakeview Heights, Route 1 Madison, Wis.
Juneau, Wis. Gergen, Patricia
110 South Vita Ave. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Geyer, Geoanne 407 Park Ave. Apt. 3路 F New York City, N.Y.
Hawi, Hawaii
- 114-
Beaver Dam, Wis.
Hinze, Judith 1441 Noyes St. Evanston , Ill.
Compliments of
A Cash Purcl1ase Is a Cash Saving at
Zweck-Wollenburg Co.
A. M. GIESE, Jeweler
Everything in Hardware
121-123 Front St.
114 N . Spring Street
Home of
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
We Sell Mautz Paint
Carl '27 Hoglund, Ronald 5763 N. Richmond St. Chicago, Ill. Hopf , Russell 621 W. Maple Ave. Beaver Dam, Wis. Hopkins, Mary Elizabeth 612 Fifth Avenue South St. Cloud, Minn. Horst, Peter Spindler Hall Western Michigan College Kalamazoo, Mich . Howell, James 1222 Hinsdale Ave. Beloit, Wis. Hoyer, Margaret 126 LaCrosse St. Beaver Dam , Wis.
Hoyer, Verna Same as Margaret Hsu, Eugene 15 Hsuan Wu Road Nanking 8, China Chine.se Embassy Rio de Janeiro Hunt, Sally 815 Ridge Ave. Evanston, Ill. Hurtgen, Peter 2404 Vine St. laCrosse, Wis. lson, Luther Crandon, Wis. James, Jerry Ripon, Wi s.
Louis '3 1
Jamieson, George 121 Hazel St. Oshkosh , Wis.
Keil, John 318 W. Mackie St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Johnson, Leroy Webb Lake, Wis.
Kelly, Kristin 2502 Bennett Ave. Evanston, Ill.
Johnson, Sandra 130 Park Ave . Beaver Dam, Wis.
Kempfer, Harold R.F.D . 3 Beaver Dam, Wis.
Johnston, Helen 7953 Merrill Ave. Chicago 17, Ill.
Kill, John 2124 Bingham St. Honolulu , Hawaii
Kache lski, Theodore 410 Rosendale St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Killeen, Thomas 1716 Arizona Ave. Oshkosh, Wis.
Keating, James 409 Park Drive
Kitchen, Lucy Ann 536 Prospect Ave.
Neenah , Wis.
- 115 -
Beaver Dam , Wis .
FARMERS STATE BANK MEMBER F.D.I.C. Congratulations Class of '50
Home Owned
Everything for Home and Auto Bottle Gas for Refrigerator, Water Heater, Stove and Television
Ne xt to City Hall BEAVER
PHONE 5820
Compliments of
Compl-iments of
Featuring Trojan Candies and Home-made Ice Cream DIAL 6557 :
Klawans, Arthur 33 S. Central Park Blvd. Chicago 24, Ill. Klein, Charles 226 E. Ke nilworth Ave . Villa Park , Ill. Klink, Aaron Dodge County Instituti o ns
Kraut, Karen
Same as Diane Kri eger, Robert 2551 N. First Milwaukee, Wis. Kurtze, Nancy Hales Corners, Wis.
Juneau, Wis.
Kolko, Irving 5301 N. Bernad St. Chicago, Ill. Kram , Fleure tte 3056 W. Franklin Blvd. Chicago, Ill.
laBuy, Carole Route 4
Le grand, James 348 Descano Ave. Box 75 Avalon , Santa Catalina Is. leipsiger, Annette 1528 Elmdale Ave. Chicago 26, Ill. Lewis, James
1200 Center St. Milwaukee, Wis.
Luster, Jean
Box 257 Riverton , Wyoming Mabry, Nicolas 9515 Crawford Ave. Evanston , Ill. MacArthur, Alison 460 E. Chicago St. Elgin , Ill.
larkin, G iles c/ o Shell Co. Be rranca Bermeja Colombia, S.A.
lincoln , Stephen 630 Meadow lane Libe rtyville, Ill.
Macheel , Don 513 Be aver St. Beaver Dam , Wis .
loverude, Sharon Sparta, Wis.
Manning , John
Larkin , Janice
lush e r, Marilyn 1735 Washington Ave. Wilmette, Ill.
Manolis, Tom 228 East lake St.
Beaver Dam , Wi s.
Kraut, Diane
102 Cottag e Ave. Fond du lac, Wis.
PHONE 6446
Same as Giles .
- 116 -
Horicon , Wis.
Horicon , W is.
Com-pliments of
AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 115 FRONT STREET
of the Compliments
Dodge County's Only Daily Sworn Circulation 5,400
Compliments of
Opposite Post Office
Manthey, Warren 921 N. Center St.
108 Front Street
Mclaughlin, Jean 2338 N. 88th St. Wauwatosa 13, Wis.
Neitzel, Ervin 216 Walnut St.
Maye, Peggy 1419 S. Outagamie St. Appleton, Wis.
McMillan, Mary Elizabeth 617 Michigan Ave. Evanston, Ill.
Neuendank, Jeannette 9010 S. Racine Ave. Chicago, Ill.
Mayer, Donni e Wayland Academy
Miller, Barbara 5736 Woodlawn Ave. Chicago 37, Ill.
Beaver Dam, Wis .
Beaver Dam, Wis.
McBain, Grace 1029 Green Bay Road Winnetka, Ill.
Miller, William 508 N. Spring St. Beaver Dam , Wis.
McDaniel, James 47 4 Berkeley Ave. Winnetka, Ill. McFarland, Robert 1703 S. Cumberland Blvd. Milwaukee, Wis.
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Olsen, Nancy De lafield , Wis.
Beaver Dam , Wis.
Newsome, Marjo1 ie 1029 Hudson Ave. South Bend 16, Ind .
Onan, Colin 507 E. Day St. Whitefish Bay, Wis. Peterson , Judy Ann 304 Shelley Drive Racine, Wis.
Pettack, He len 200 West Street
Myhre, Bru ce 2510 N. Harding Blvd. Wauwatosa 13, Wis.
Newton, Robert Box 245 Lake Wales, Florida Noordhof , Frederick Randolph, Wis.
Ne hls, Erick 1010 First Avenue South
Novak , James 525 West Maple Ave.
Pickard, Samuel 1010 E. Forrest Ave. Neenah, Wis.
Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.
Beaver Dam, Wis.
- 117 -
Beaver Dam, Wis.
Pickard, Thomas Same as Samuel
Compliments of
KIRSH FOUNDRY, INC. Malleable and Gray Iron Castings WISCONSIN
Compliments of
GRIESBAUM & SON Home of Fine Pastry
PHONE 4401
Plews, William 35-06 165th St. Flushing, New York Pollock, Lindsay 4028 N. Richland Court Milwaukee 11, Wis. Pratt, George 390 Park St. Menasha, Wis. Preston, David 227 S. Fifth St. Geneva, Ill. Preston, Day Same as David Proctor, Nada Kewaunee, Wis.
Ramos, Amalie 1369 E. Hyde Park Chicago, Ill.
Rogers, Roberta Adelia Beach Neenah, Wis.
Schmidt, Geraldine 4443 N. Frederick Ave. Shorewood, Wis.
Rissman, Corrine
Rosenheimer, Charles 3723 N. Murray Milwaukee, Wis.
Schmidt, Leon 1620 16th St.
608 Greenfield Ave. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Roberts, Jerry Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wis.
Rosenheimer 1 Suzanne
Kewaskum, Wis.
Monroe, Wis.
Schulz, John Box 345 Union Grove, Wis.
Ruppenthal, Leland 3067 N. 37th St. Milwaukee, Wis.
Schwoch, Lois Route No. 2 Beaver Dam, Wis.
Beaver Dam, Wis.
Schettler, N.ary 500 York St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Scott, James 491 Washington Ave. Glencoe, Ill.
Rogers, Jon 1015 N. Woodward Birmingham, Mich.
Schmidt, Arlo 305 E. Third St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Scott, Sherman 915 DeCiark St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Roberts, Norman 403 N. Spring St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Roedle, Leonard 212 Charton St.
- 118 -
MONARCH ROASTER RANGE -- ....... ........, / ,.
only the
gives you this extra
Just lift the cover, and there's your food. Saves stooping ••• saves electricity. Makes frequent basting easy.
@o ::::J
BLACK and WHITE You have no idea how beautiful these COLORED Monarch Roaster Ranges are until you see them. The red, for example, in an all-white kitchen, or natural wood finish, is simply gorgeous! These new Monarchs are the talk of the range industry. By all means
8e Sure ... to see this Range at your MONARCH Dealer's"
Malleable Iron Range Company Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Strain, Georgia
Snook, Pat 770 Sheridan Road Glencoe, Ill.
Strain, Robert Same as Georgia
Trasancos, Luis
Snyder, Chris 1613 Tennessee St.
Sturdevant, Truman 410 N. Milwaukee Libertyville, Ill.
Trepel, Anthony 270-272 Spreckles BldJ. San Diego, California
Solberg, Gunard 705 Grant St. Beloit, Wis.
Swanson, Stoekley 315 Lake Road Menasha, Wis.
Tse, Stephen 12-14 Queen's Road Hongkong, China
Wilson, Constance 5736 Harper Ave. Chicago 37, Ill.
Soutar, Jane 21 Sylvan Ave. Pleasant Ridge, Mich .
Swenson, Alfred 418 Ninth St. Wilmette, Ill.
Tuthill, Gray 8901 S. Pleasant Ave. Chicago 20, Ill.
Wiseheart, Keith Wonewoc, Wis.
Spengler, David 342 Park St. Menasha, Wis.
Takabayashi, William 1441 Leilani St. Honolulu, T.H .
Utke, Robert 5736 N. 69th St. Milwaukee 9, Wis.
lawrence, Kansas
Starkweather, Patricia 108 Winn Terrace Beaver Dam, Wis.
Steinman, Faith 2223 Wauwatosa Ave. Wauwatosa, Wis. Stephens, Sally 305 S. River St. Geneva, Ill. Stephenson, Marjorie 1612 Westchester Drive Rockford, Ill. Stompe, Brian 583 E. Wisconsin Ave . Neenah, Wis.
221 East Solomon Griffin, Georgia
Teletzke, Douglas 232 Walnut St. Beaver Dam, Wis . Tews, Barbara 321 Twelfth St. Neenah, Wis. Tews, Joan
9207 Stickney Ave. Wauwatosa 13, Wis.
Trasancos, Ana
San Juan de Dice 104 Habana, Cuba Same as Ana
Vincent, Martha 6331 Third Ave. Kenosha, Wis. Wallrich, Charles 143 S. Bartlett St. Shawano, Wis. Walther, Donald 951 Raleigh Road Glenview, Ill.
West, Gloria Route 3 Hinsdale, Ill.
Smith, Edwin 756 Portage South Bend, Ind.
Whiting, Julia 609 E. Forest Ave. Neenah, Wis. Wiedenbeck, John 2122 Lakeland Ave . Madison, Wis.
Withrow, Diane Hustisford, Wis . Wittnebel, Richard Route 2, Beaver Dam, Wis.
Wolf, Carol Route 4 Beaver Dam, Wis.
Wright, Barbara 1309 Nicolet Blvd. Neenah, Wis. Yagodinski, Mary Anne 413 Norris St. Beaver Dam, Wis.
Tews, Robert Same as Joan
Wedge, Wilbur Box 195 Lake View, Ohio
Yahn, Donald 402 Newberry St.
Thomas, Elizabeth 2720 Woodbine Ave. Evanston, Ill.
Werner, Edgar 2013 Church St. Wauwatosa, Wis.
Young, Gavin
Fredericktown, Missouri
325 Lake Road Menasha, Wis.
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