1950 - 1951 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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STA~F Editor-in-chief .. . . .... ... Barbara Burstein Literary Editor .... . .... . . .. Barbara Miller Circulation Manager . ... ... . Beverly Briggs Art Editor . .. .. ... . .. . . . . . Bonnie Wright





Mrs. Ellen Pihlstrom Miss Magdeline Tury Miss Martha Fast

The staff of the 19 51 Pillars wishes to acknowledge its appreciation for the services of Mr. Eldred Olson and the Bro~ k Engraving Company of Madison, our engravers;


Bartel Borchers,


Printing Company, Inc. of Oshkosh, our printer;






Neenah, our photographer. We also wish to thank Carter Allen , our student photographer, and the man y students who contributed snapshots for our calendar pages.

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\1\1\ \6l.'t: 0' CONTENTS .:



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Dedication .... .. .. ... ... . .


Administration .... .. ...... .


Faculty . . . . . .. ..... .... . . .





39 ... .. . . . ..... .


.. . . . ... . . ... . . .


Sports .... .. . . . . . . .. . ... .


Organizations ...... . .... . .






Sophomores Freshmen


The staff of 1951 dedicates this Pillars to Mrs. Ruth L. Foster for her six years' service and devotion to HI aylrmd St1路tdents. At this time we pay tribute to Mrs. Foster, ow路 beloved Dean of Girls and head of tl1e E11glish department.

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Weimer K. Hicks, President

During the time in which President Hicks has been at Wayland, an amazing change has come over our school. Alumni of the pre-Hicks era would scarcely recognize it. The original enrollment of ninety-three students has been more than doubled , necessitating the purchase of three off-campus hou ses. What was once a victory garden is now the Laura A MacDonald Athletic Field. Club Henri has been remodeled; Beebe Auditorium redecora ted ; and the whole campus land scaped and lighted. Tvvo of the biggest improvements are the Lindsay Gymnasium and the swimming pool. For the past two years, the president has lived on the campus in the new president's home. Last spring work began on a new hea ting system which now furnishes heat for our campus buildings. This September the latest improvements, three all -weather tennis courts, were ready for our use. lor are all the improvements material. Scholarship has remained high , and much emphasis has been placed on the higher things of life. The president has set up the Student Senate and done much to establish fri endly faculty-student relations. This year we have enjoyed the hospitality of his home on our nights out. By 1955 President I-Iicks hopes to have other improvements completed. First on the Jist comes complete payment of the new heating system, foJJowed by the building of a spacious new dining-hall, and the rebuildin g of Warren Hall. To achieve these goals, plans have been laid for larger annual gift funds. As Wayland approaches its hundredth anniversary, we feel confident that und er the leadership of President Hi cks our school can look ahead to a grea t future.

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J. Hobart Tucker, Dean of Boys is an influe ntial person on the \iVay land campu s. As D ea n of Boys he gives hi s cooperation to any scholas tic or personal prob lem a W ayland boy may e nco unter. Hi s house co un cil s give the boys trainin g for leadership. M r. T ucker cam e to W ayla nd as D ean of Boys and head of the Latin D epartment. H e formerl y headed the Lat in D e partment at C ul ve r Mi litarv Academy. Mr. Tu cke r received hi s Bachelor's D~颅 gree from Prin ceton Unive rsity, and he has done gradu ate work in E urope. H e ha s traveled in Africa , So uth and Central Ame rica, and in the Near East. The student body is appreciati ve of M r. Tu cker's g u iclan ce and supe rior teac hing.

Ruth L. Foster, Dean of Girls mea ns somethin g almost in expressible to the \Ma yla nd girl s. She is not just a person to command our res pect, but one who, wit h grea t understandin g, h elps eac h girl adju st herself to the prob lems of dormitorv life. M rs. Foste r rece ived her Bach elor's D egree from Smith Coll ege and her M aster's f rom Columbia Uni ve rsity. In addition to her position as D ean of Girl s, she head s th e E ngli sh de partment. S he has offered guidance to man y girl s, prepared some for coll ege boa rds, and give n 路trainin g in leade rship through he r house councils. After girl s leave W ayland , they still think of 1\~ rs. Foster as th e ir "away-from-home moth er.''

Alton E. Wichman, Dean of Curriculum .. . h as been our "good humor man .. sin ce 1925 when he came to vVaylancl from Ca rroll Coll ege. Mr. Wi chman h as his M as ter's D egree from the Uni ve rsity of Wisconsin. His outstandin g work in journ ali sm and dramatics at Ca rroll College acco unts for hi s splendid chapel talks and speeches. Mr. W ichm an was D ean of Boys befo re acquirin g hi s present position eight yea rs ago. His vvo rk n ow con sists of coun seling yo un g people, sh aping their ideals, and directin g their li ves toward wor thwhil e goals. T hose of us who have taken "th at course'', Ameri ca n hi story, are well prepa red to "give th e signill cance'' of America n events. G radu ating seniors will a lvvays bea r the imprint of M r. \ iV ichm an's vVaylancl influ ence.

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Allegiance As of old when knights and maidens, Summoned by Devotion's call, Gathered 'midst the hallovved splendor Of some great, ancestral hall, So, today, we do thee homage, Wayland , castle of our dreams! In thy name our torch was lighted. Gallant still its white flame gleams.

Staunch we stand and ever loyal, True to lessons thou hast taught, Strong to do thy boldest bidding, Fortified by battles fought. Quickened by thy inspiration, On we press to heights above, Comrades in a mighty army, Kindred in a filial love.

'Round us surge the eager voices, Of an unseen mystic throng, Spirits of th y absent children Joining in this festal song. They, like us, in fond allegiance Nmtured at thine ancient shrine, Ever keep thy mem'ry sacred, C h erished as a gift divine.

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N 路u rse R N ., Anker H ospital. St. P aul, M innesota




Sttpervisor Science D ept., Science, Ni athematics B. A. , Un iversity of W isconsin P en n sylvania State College Io...va State Coll ege



French Licenci' e-es-lettres Diplomee D 'Etudes Superieures d'anglais in the Sorbonne ( University of P ari s, F rance)

English B.A. , G rinnell College




Social St1 1dies, Swimwin g, Tennis B.S .. Uni1路ersit v of \iVisco nsin

- 12 -


H istory, Science, Speech B.A., Smi th College

H. H ESSLER Voice , Piano


B. l\'1..

Westminster C hoir Co ll ege M.M.,


A rt , ll omelw !cl Mana ge r C hi cago A rt In stitute




Science , Mathematics, t\!fechanical Draw in g Annapoli s

lava l Aca dem~'

MAHION E. N h TCHELL Exec1-ttive Secretary, A l路uwni


Physical Ed11cation for G irls Bouve-Boston Sc hool fo r Physica l Education

Sec retarv University of v\lisconsin

B. Mus. Ed. East Ca rolin a Teachers College Unive rsity of Illinois



Voice, Piano

G. PROCTOR English, Dramatics A.B., Harvard College M.Ed., Boston University Thomas Whitney Surette School of Music; Berlitz School of Languages; Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English ; Baltimore Institute DAVID


Physical Education for Boys, Science B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin




Mathematics, Assistant Coach B.A. Valley City State Teachers College




Director of Athletics, Supervisor of Mathematics Dept. B.E., University of Wisconsin M.A., Northwestern University

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Business Manager Duke University



Spanish, Engl.ish

Librarian, English B.A. , Carroll College

A.B., M.ars hall Co llege




Direct.or of Religious Ed11cati.on,

Commercial, Social Studies

Pastor of First Baptist Church A.B., Kalamazoo College B.D. Crozer Theological Seminary

B.Ed. , Whitewater State Teachers College

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Office Force

Mrs. Jeanne Ziegler, Mrs. Inez McCl ure, Miss Annette Roedl, Mrs. Dorothy Butterbrodt, Mrs. Edna Johnson, Mrs. Harriet Leach

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Kitchen Force

Left to Right: Mrs. Ell a Price, M rs. E ll a Drake, Mrs. Alvina Zimmerman , Miss D orine Koch , M rs. Esth er P assin , Mrs. Elsie Luck,

!I rs. Emma P aitrick.

"The way to a man 's heart is through hi s stomach .'' This clich e makes "Ma" P aitrick , and her staff of cooks extraordinary, very popul ar. Few realize, as they ea t four or fi ve slices of cin namon toast, that twenty-five loaves of bread have been prepared for one meal. T he wo rke rs in this veritabl e factory h ave arisen at 5:30 a. m . to sc ramble nea rl y twenty dozen eggs for our Sunday breakfa st. Can yo u ima gine bakin g twentyeight pies in one mornin g? ( You mu st pre pare first at least one bu shel of apples). 1ma gin e the gallons of soup that must be pre pared! Did yo u know th at 120 pound s of coffee arc used each month ? Fo r all th e milk drinkers- yo u are responsib le for the di sa ppea rance of fifty gallon s of milk a day. T h at Sund ay ni ght ch oco late cake requires three dozen eggs. And th en the re is th e time. W ho sa id a woman 's wo rk is n ever clon e? Proof enou gh is th e 5:30 a.m . to 7:30 p.m. da y that is "put in" da y after dav. vVho gets to do th e dishes? W ith th e aid of an electric di shwasher, these women see to th e wash ing of 200 plates, bowls, cups, glasses, knives, forks and spoon s three times a clay, seven cla ~rs a week, for 250 days a year. T his good-n at ured kitchen force freq uentl y serves extra meals for our athletic teams, our guests, our visitors, and ou r orga nization s. Hundreds of peopl e a re served each yea r at Homecomin g and Commencement. T hese women deserve our thanks and app reciation fo r th e successful operation of one of th e most important de partments of our sch ool.

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f\ __ t_ I \J I





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Nada Proctor, secretary; Gunard Solbt:rg, treasurer; Peter Horst, vice-president

Class Officers It seems impossible that twenty-four members of our class joined the Wayland student body as homesick freshmen. Hats off to that loyal group who have emerged as four year seniors! Without the students who have joined us through the years, though, we could not have attained our success. Under the faculty guidance of Miss Gustafson and Mr. Mayer, and with Sam Pickard as freshman president, not to forget his helpmates Bud Harris, Jean Carne, and Gig Young, vve started out with a "bang" by winning second prize at the Homecoming skits. That was the year of the first Rouland production, 'To High Heaven", in which the freshman class was well represented. Our successful activities, participation in sports, academic standing, and growing Wayland spirit foretold an outstanding senior class. As sophomores, under the leadership of Bob Strain, aided by Beck Fisher, Jane Soutar, and Peter Horst, we presented "Winter Wonderland" with the gym transformed into a snowy ski lodge. Then came our big spring success, 'The Brainstorm". Remember the singing commercials and the umbrellas in the dining room? Our junior year we elected Steve Burgess to the presidency with Gunard Solberg, Diane Kraut, and Sam Pickard as his henchmen. Miss Gustafson's and Mr. Mayer's position as class advisers was filled by the ever-ingenious team of Miss Bickford and Mr. Proctor. 'There will be a meeting of the Motorcycle Club-". That was the year we won first prize for both our Homecoming skit and effigy. Later we organized the Peanut Club and joined other bums at the "Hobo Hop". Several of us participated in

"That's Life", another successful Rouland production. Who can forget the nights spent in the dorm making Bowers in preparation for our "Plantation Prom"? When we raised the roof-to the plantation house- you could have heard a pin drop. No wonder all the juniors had dreamy eyes that night. It all seemed too good to be true. We still contend it was a miracle that the crystal ball did not fall into the fish pond. The ordering of our class rings late in the spring warned us that our junior year was rapidly coming to an end; "Pomp and Circumstance", led by the Junior Marshalls Jane Soutar, Sam Pickard, Barbi Burstein, and Gioo YounoO' confirmed the fact that we were no longer underclassmen. This year Bob Strain, again president, was able to steer our course ahead through his reliable staff, consisting of Gunard Solberg, Nada Proctor, and Peter Horst, the class officers; and Mademoiselle Bazin and Mr. Coleman, the faculty advisers. The fellows kicked their way throuoh the Homecomino0 0 skit, assuring us of second place; and in December we presented the "Holly Heaven". Under the direction of Mr. Proctor, the Wayland students gave the musical comedy, "Good News". With Gig Young as Bobby Randall and twenty-four other seniors as part of his supporting cast, we knew the show would be a success. Spring came with its Sadie Hawkin's Race and our last Junior Prom. All too suddenlv we found ourselves marchino in black 0 robes, and we realized that we were now Wayland Alumni. We shall be back to see you and to recall those treasured memories!

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SARA ADAMS YWCA 4; Water Ballet 4; Riding Club 4; Ski Club 4; Youth Group 4.

CARTER J. ALLEN Basketball 4; Choir 4; Roulancl 4; Track 4; Messiah 4; Quartet 4.

ROGER AUSTI T Ski Club 4; Football 4.

JIM BABCOCK Pillars 4; Swimming 4.

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MARY BALDWIN Choir 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Sextette 3, 4; Chapel Choir 3; Messiah 3, 4; French Club l, 4.

JOI IN !\. BMU< Choir 4; Senate 4; Rouiand 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Football 3; Swimming Team 3; Track 3, 4; M essiah 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Club Henri Manager 4.

JANICE M. BEATTY YWCA 3, 4; Water Ballet 4; Riding Club 3, 4; Rouland 4; Ski Club 4; Youth Group 4; Drama Club 3; Chapel Choir 4; Messiah 4; French Club 4; Activity Committee 4.

ERIC BERGSTROM Choir 2, 3, 4; Pillars 4, W ater Ballet 2, 3, 4; Riding Club 3; Rouland 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll l ; Ski Club 2, 3; Football 1; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3; Choir 3, 4; W Club 4; Swimming Team l , 2, 3, 4; House Council 4; Messiah 4; Quartet 2, 3, 4; Golf 3, 4; Photography Club 2, 3.

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HOBERT BAHHY BOLLENSE 1 Post 2, 3, 4; Hiding C lub 2, 4; Rouland 2, 3, 4; Flonor Holl 2, 4; Youth Group President 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Drama C lub 2, 3; Swimming Team 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Toastmasters 3, 4.

BEVEHLY BRIGGS Chorus l ; Secretary YWCA 4; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; YWCA Cabinet 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; Post 4; Rouland 3, 4; 1--Ionor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 1, 2, 3; House Cou nci l 4; Toastmasters 4; Forensics 4; YWCA Pagea nt.

MAHlO 1 BHOWN Basketball 3, 4 YWCA 3, 4; YWCA Cabinet 4; Hockey 4; Youth Group 3, 4.

STEVE BURGESS Basketball 2, 3, 4; Senate 3; Cla ss President 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Tra ck 2, 3, 4; House Counci l 3, 4.


CAROLINE BURROW YWCA l , 2, 3; Pillars 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; American Field Service Student to France 3.

BARBARA BURSTEIN Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus I , 2; YWCA l , 2, 3, 4; YWCA Cabinet 3, 4; Post 2, 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Pillars 2, 3; Editor-in Chief 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Rouland 1, 3, 4; Drama Club 1, 2, 3; Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; House Council 3; French Club 4; Toastmasters 2, 3, 4; Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Accompanist Sextette 4; Junior Marshall 3; Cum Laude 3, 4.

PRISCILLA JANE BUSSAN Choir 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Riding Club 3; Sextette 4; Honor Roll 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Drama Club 3; Chapel Choir 3; Band 3, 4; Toastmasters 3, 4; Messiah 3, 4; Forensics 3, 4; French Club 4.

JAMES CONNER Basketball 4; Football 4; Youth Group 4; "W'' Club 4; Track 4.


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GAIL COHBETT Episcopa l Choir 3, 4; C horu s 2; YWCA 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Hiding Club 2, 3, 4; Houland 2, 3, 4; I-Ionor Roll 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 4; Toastmasters 3, 4; Messiah 3, 4; C um Laude 3.

RICHARD DE WITT Ridin g Club 4.

BECK FISHEH Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; Post 2, 3, 4; Rouland 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Football l, 3, 4; Drama C lub 1, 2, 3; Track l , 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; House Coun cil 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Golf 3, 4; Esqui re All-Stars 3, 4; C lass Vice-President 2.

WILLIAM FOHSTER Basketball 4; Choir 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Rouland 4; Ski Club 4; Football 4; Youth Group 4; "W " Club 4; Tennis Team 4; Band 4; Messiah 4.

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LOWELL FROKER Basketball 4; Choir 4; H.ouland 4; Youth Group 4; Messiah 4; French Club 4; Quartet 4; Golf 4.

P ATHICL\ GERGEN Chorus 3; Pillars 3, 4; Post 3, 4; Water Ballet 4; Rouland 4; Honor Roll 3, 4.

BUD HARRIS Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Chorus l ; Pillars 3, 4; Post 2, 3, 4; Senate 4; Rouland l , 3, 4; Class Vice-President l; Football 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 4; Drama Club l , 2, 3; "W " Club 3, President 4; Track 2, 3, 4; House Council 4; Toastmasters 3; Forensics 4; Ice Hockev l , 2, 3, 4; Brown Scholarship. 路

NAN HAY ES YWCA 3; YWCA President 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; Senate 4; Rouland 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Youth Group 4; Drama Club 3; Chapel Choir 4; Toastmasters 3, Treasurer 4; Messiah 4; French Club 4.

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YWCt\ 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 4; P.iding Club 4; Youth Group 4; Ski Club 4; Messiah 4; Water Ballet 4.

PETER HORST Pillars 3; Post 3, 4; Senate 2; Rouland 3, 4; French Club 4; Honor Roll l , 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Drama Club 2, 3; Track Manager 3, 4; House Council 2, 3, 4; Toastmasters 3, President 4; Hutchins House President 2; Class Treasurer 2; Class VicePresident 4; Esquire All-Stars 3, 4.

PETER I-IURTGEN Bouland 4; Football 3, 4; "W'' Club 4; House Council 4.

DAVID L. JAECKELS Youth Group 4; Swimming Team 4; Track 4; Golf 4; Toastmasters 4.

LE ROY JOH SO T Basketball l ; Ski Club 4; Football l , 2, 3, 4; Youth Group l , 3, 4;

~~~路~':~~ ~~~ "1A~ B,keth~gc~:}~ll~;~:~~( g:,路~;ll~t 3, 4; 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Honor Roll l , 2, 3, 4; Football Manager 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 4; Swimming Team 3, 4; "W " Club 3, 4; Band l; House Council 4; Toastmasters 4; Esg uire All Stars 3, 4; Golf 3, 4.

IRVING KOLKO Basketball l , 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll l , 2, 3; Football l , 2, 3, 4; Track l , 2, 4; House Coun cil 4.

DIANE KRAUT Basketball l , 3; C horu s l ; YWCA l , 2, 3, 4; YWCA Cabinet 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Rouland l , 3; Class Secretary 3; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 1, 2; Drama Club 2, 3; House Council President 4; Senate 4; \ Vater Ballet 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll l.

BOB KRIEGER Water Ballet 2; Roulancl 3, 4; Footba ll 3, 4; Youth G roup 2, 3, 4; Swimming Team 2, 3, 4; "W" C lub 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; House Co un ci l 4; Toastmasters 2, 3, 4.

JAN i CE LARK! Basketball 2, 3, 4; Choir 4; C horu s l, 2; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; YWCA Cabinet 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Riding Club 2, 3, 4; Rouland 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3; Toastmasters 3, 4; YWCA Pageant; Messiah 4.

DICK LARSO Basketball 4; T rack 3, 4.

JIM LEGRAND Swimming 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4.

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MARILYN LUSHER Basketball I , 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Chorus l , 2; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; YWCA cabinet 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Post 2, 3, Co-Editor 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Riding Club 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Sextette 3, 4; Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 1, 2, 3; Toastmasters 3, 4; Messiah 3, 4; Cum Laude 3, 4.

ALISON MAC ARTHUR Basketball 3, 4; Chorus 2; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Hockey l, 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 1, 2, 3, 4; Riding Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Youth Group l , 2, 3, 4; Forensics 2, 4.

JOHN MA lNING Football 3.

PEGGY MAYÂŁ Basketball 3, 4; Chorus 2; YWCA 2, 3, 4; YWCA Cabinet 3; Vice-President Varsitv Club 4; Hockev 3, 4; Pillars 4; Post 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Riding Club 2, 3,. 4; Rouland 2, 3, 4; Accompanist Sextette 3; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 4; House Council 4; Messiah 3, 4; French Club 4.

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BARBARA MILLER Choir 3, 4; Chorus 2; YWCA 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Y\iVCA Cabin et 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; Post 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 3; Rouland 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3; Chapel Choir 3; Messiah 3, 4; French Club 4; Press Club Treasurer 2.

JEANETTE NEUENDANK Chorus l, 2; YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; Post 4; Youth Group 4; Drama Club l ; Messiah 3, 4.

THOMAS NISSALKE Basketball 4; Football 4; Track 4.

SAM PICKARD Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Pillars 4; Senate l, 2, President 4; Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; Football l, 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; "W " Club 3, 4; Track l , 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; French Club 4; C lass President l ; Class Treasurer 3; President of Merriam House.

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NADA PROCTOH Basketball 4; YWCA 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Hockey 4; Post 4: Water Ballet 3, 4; Hiding Club 3; Houland 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Class Secretary 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Band 3, 4; House Council 4; Toastmasters 3; French Club 4.

l\1AHY SCHETTLEH YWCA l, 2, 3, 4; YWCA Cabinet 3; Volleyball T eam 2; Honor Hoi! l, 2, 3, 4; Messiah 4.

AHLO SCHMIDT Football 3, 4.

LOIS SCHWOCK YWCA 2; Hockey l ; Post 4; Honor Holl l.

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ED SM IT l-:1 C hoir 2, 3, 4; C horus 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 2, 3, 4; Houland 2, 3, 4; Yout h Group 3, 4; Drama C lu b 2, 3; C hapel C hoir 2, 3; Swimming Team 3, 4; Life with Father 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Toastm asters 4; Messiah 4; C hape l Organist 2, 3, 4.

C U NARD DIESRUD SOLBERG Basketball 2; Pillars 4; Post 4; Hiding C lub 2, 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Football 2; Youth G roup 4; Drama C lu b 3; Track 2, 3; Band 3, 4; House Counci l 4; Toastmasters 3, 4; Esquire All-Stars 3, 4; C lass Vice-President 3; C lass Treasu rer 4.

JANE SO UTAR Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; C hoir 2, 3, 4; C hor us l , 2; YWCA I, 2, 3, 4; Y\71/CA Cab in et 3, 4; Va rsity C lu b 2, 3, President 4; Hockey l , 2, 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; Wate r Bal let 3, 4; Riding C lub 1, 2, 3, 4; Houl and I , 3, 4; Sextette 3, 4; C lass Secretary 2; Honor Roll I , 2, 3, 4; Youth G roup 4; Drama C lu b l , 3; Messiah 4; C heerleader I , 2; Junior Ma rshall ; Sec re ta r~路 Sen ate 4; Cu m La ude 3.

PEGGY STEPHENSO l C horus 1, 2; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; YWCA Cabin et 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Hiding C lub 1; Rouland I , 3; Youth Group 3, 4; Drama C lub I. 2, 3.

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ROBERT B. STRAIN Basketball Manager 3, 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Chorus I; Senate 2, 4; Rouland 2; Honor Roll I , 2; Football I, 2, 3, Captain 4; Chapel Choir 2, 3; "W " Club 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; House Council 2, 3, 4; Messiah 3, 4; Class President 2, 4; Brown Scholarship 3, 4.

DAVID H. SWAIN Ski Club 4; Football 4; Track 3. 4.

GRAY B. TUTHILL, JR. Basketball 3, 4; Rouland 3; Track 4; House Council 4; Golf 3; Activity Committee 4.

BOB UTKE Riding Club 3, 4; House Council 3, 4.

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.VlART II A VI NCENT YWCA 3, 4; Pill a rs 4; Post 4; W ate r Ball et 4; Ro ulancl 4; ll onor Roll 3; Ski C lub 4; Youth G roup 3, 4; M essiah 4.

G LORI A W EST YWCA I, 2, 3, Vi ce-President 4; YWCA Ca bin et 3, 4; Pill a rs 4; Post 4; Riding C lub l , 2, 3, 4; H on or Roll l ; Roul and l , 2, 3, 4; Youth Group l , 2, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Drama C lub 1, 2, 3; T oastmaste rs 3, 4.

C O lN l E WlLSO 1 Basketball 4; YWCA 3, 4; YWCA C abinet 4; Va rsitv C lub 4; H ockey 3, 4; W ate r Ba ll et 3. 4; Roul a nd 4; Hono r R oll 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Toastm asters 3, 4; Frenc h C lub 4.

M ARY AN N E YAGODlN SKl Post 3, 4; l-l onor Roll 2, 3, 4.

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DON YAHN Senate 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming Team 1, 2, Co-Captain 3, Captain 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Tennis Team 3; Track 4; House Council 2, 3, 4.

GAVI YOU G Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Pillars 2, 3; Co-Editor Post 4; Rouland 3, 4; Class Treasurer 1; Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; Football l , 2, 3; Youth Group 4; Drama Club 3; Tennis Team 2, 3, 4; Track l ; House Council 2, 3, 4; Toastmasters 3; Messiah 4; French Club 4; Quartet 4; Junior Marshall; Cum Laude 3.

- 36 -

Senior Class W ill SALLY ADAMS and BEv BRIGGs- the Society of Sponges to any despera te underclassmen wh o want it. RoGE R AusTIN - skill in lea therwork to all carvers. JIM BABCOCK- hi s nin e merits to the wor k boys. MARY BALDWI N- her se nse of hum or to Judy Blott. joHN BARK- hi s laugh to Keith Johnson . j AN BEATrY - th e O shkosh hop back to Oshkosh . EniC BEnGSTROM - th e Neenah -M ena sha feud to Barb T ews. BARRY BoLL ENSEN - hi s knife to th e nex t lad y killer. t\ IARION BROWN- her postmarks to the post oflice. STEVE BuRGEss- " library technique" to Ronnie Routt . CAROLINE Bunnow- her dignity to Aggie Kerr. BARBI BunsTEIN- th ose "24" hours to Susie D ee. PRISCILLA Bu ssAN- the view from her window to someone with a good ca merJ. jiM CoNNER- his love of football to George Maye. GAIL CoRBETT-her map of the kitchen to anyone who ge ts hungry at 2:30 A.M. BECK FtSHER- French Club talents to Dave Spengler. BtLL FoRSTER- his crutches to all football victims. LowELL FROKER-the cry "Froke-Babe" to " Smoke-Babe". PAT GEnGEN - daily hikes to class to exercise fiend s. Buo HARnrs- his co rny jokes to Mr. W ichman . NAN HAY NEs- the Y.W.C.A . to the Y.M.C.A . JuLAINE H EtL- the Spring of ' 50 back to Fat her Time. P ETE HonsT- hi s magic to the Wayland cooks. P ETE HunTG EN - his membe rship in Alcoholi cs Anonymous to future sociology classes. D Av E j AECKELs-hi s sa rcasm to Emily Baker. LEnOY joi路INSON- hi s love of hunting to Charlie H arris. JnM KEATI NG- his "vaca tions" to Be Bop and th e boys. lnv KoLKo- illega l trips to Store to Bob McFarland . DI ANE KRAUT-her barbershop to Karen Kraut. Bon KREIGER-Ph ysics class to Georgia Strain . JANICE LARK IN- South America to th e Spaniards. D ICK LARSON - hi s legs to Roch Mili a. )t M L EGnAND- his wavy hair to Fuzzy Fairbanks. MAniLYN LusHEn- "Disease L" to any innocent VICtim. Au soN MAcAnTHun- her goa lie pads to Nancy Kurtze. JoHN MANNING-his deci sive manner to Mr. Coleman. P EGGY MAYE-the hard tim es her men have to Creekie. BAnn MILLEn-her yen for ta ll me n to Renee Pleitavi no. j EANETTE EUE DANK- her quiet ways to Sally Hunt. ToM N rssALKE - hi s anti-woman habits to John Thomas. SAM PtCKAno- h is tra ck shoes to Stoa kley Swanson. NA DA Pnoc TOR - the cheer "Come on, hoc key ladies!" to Mrs. Mayer. MARY ScHETTLEn- he r fur coat to Muckerheide's. AnLO ScHMIDT- his motor bike to Sharon Loverude for th ose lon g trips home. Lm s SCI-tWOCK - her cheerfulness to the dorm gripers. Eo SMtTH- th e "dope" in his mai l bag to th e boys. JANE SouTAn and GtG You NG- th eir fun as a four-year couple to any freshmen who can stand th e strain. P EG STEPHENSON- the Episcopal choir to th e angels. Bos STRAIN-his biting remarks to Truman Sturdevan路. D AVE SwAIN- candy cigare ttes to Ronnie H oglund . GRAY TuTHILL-a place in the choru s line to John H oben . Bon U TKE- hi s way with h orses to Tommy Corbett. MARTY VINCENT- after-lights parties to M ary Jensen. GLORIA W EsT and GuNAnD SoLnEnG- their Wayland courtship to future generation s of Wayland couples. CoNNIE vVtLSON-"That Test" to any girl who thinks she ca n pass it. D oN Yi\1-tN- hi s faded b lue hanki e to th e janitors. A A TRASANCOs- a ricke t to C uba to Judy Hinze. MAnY ANNE YAGODINSKt - her brains to rh c members of night study hall.

- 37 -

) ~I'

Class Prophecy


T he arrival of both the atomic age and th e class of '51 were myste rious and prophetic. I still know very little a bout the atoms, but oh , w hat I know a bout th at class of '5 1! There is N ewsboy lrv Kolko, with the extra on the election of M r. Peter Hurtgen as Mayor of C hicago. G ray T uthill and Gail Corbett headed hi s dastardl y campaign . T he paper told of a cru sade of fi ghting newspaper man , G ig Youn g, and C hief of Police, \tVilliam Forster, again st big ga mblers, "Babv-Face'' Fraker and "Curl y" ll tke. T hat d ynami c singin g quartet, Julain e H eil , Nan H avnes, Jan Bea ttv, and Martv Vin cent, h ave been bill~cl with Solberg's Sloppy Seven fea turin g "H a ppy" Kea tin g, P ete H orst, and "Fingers'' Smith. Appea rin g with lVlr. Solberg is the new dan ce tea m se nsa tion , M iss G lori a \ iVest ( M rs. So lberg in pri va te life ) and M r. D avid Jaeckels. M iss Ma ril yn Lu sh er has been appointed P ostmaster Gen eral of the U .S. - the first \ NO man to hold this offi ce. T he cl ass h as also ac hieved fame across the sea. I n a laboratory in German v, scientists MacArthur and St.rain are. pe rfecting a ~achin e to regul ate the ea rth 's distan ce from th e sun and thus do something about th e vvea ther. Rog Austin has won th e English Open Golf Tourn ament. C onner and issalke rep;路esented the U.S. in the Ol ympics. Bev Briggs and the famous jugglin g team of Swain and LeGrand gave a command performance. In Italy, ''Speed " Babcock, king of the speed ways, was lookin g for a bit of foreign competition. Ja nice Larkin h as married a So uth American millionaire. Promi nent g uests at h er hu ge d inn er party vvere: M r. Barry Bollen sen, American ambassador to Pe ru ; Mr. Robert Krieger, h ead of the ll nion Pacific Rail road, and his lovely wife, the form er M iss Ana T rasan cos; M r. John Bark, chef at the Waldorf Astoria; M iss Marion Brown, mission arv from Afri ca, and Caroline Burrow, ambassador to. F ran ce.

- 38 -

In N ew York , music cntJc M ary Baldwin has acclaimed a brilli ant new symphon y composed by M iss Barbara Burstein . M iss Priscill a Bussan has written the scores for several recent Broadway successes. Looking into the political scen e, we find Mr. Burt Harris, Congressman from P ennsylvania. Mr. H arri s confesses that his political success is all clue to a man n amed Wichman . C onstance Wilson has created quite a stir as the leader of a new radical party. M iss Wil son h as encouraged the latest fad be radi cal about something. At a recent engineering con vention in Indiana, M iss Dian e Kraut presented her latest revolutionary id ea. M iss Kraut is the wife of Mr. Stephen Burgess, a prominent Wisconsin newspaperman. Man y members of the class of '51 have remained in Wisconsin. Prominent Wisconsinites : Mr. Eric Bergstrom heads the Bergstrom P aper Compan y of N een ah ; Mr. Beck Fisher is serving a third term as mayor of that city; M r. Samuel Pickard is president of the local bank. M r. Pickard and his charming wife ( the former N ada Proctor ) were crowned king and qu een of a recent Neen ah festi val by C on gressman Ma nning. Ma ry Schettler and her assistant Jeanette N eu endank are working for a surveying compan y. Lois Schwock is keeping Wisconsin 4-H Clubs on th eir toes as well as winning blue ribbons with he r cows and pi gs. Dick Larson is now running For the position of Chief Dog C atcher. Mi ss Sara Adams h as returned to the dea r old alma mater to teach her favorite subject, Spanish. Leroy Johnson is also at W ayland , quite pleaseLI with hi s position as Dean of Boys. Ma ry Yagodinski is top bu siness executive. Across the hall is secretary to the president ( the power behind the throne ). P eggy Maye. Bea ve r D am h as just celebrated Arlo Schmidt Da y, h onoring the hottest little pilot in the U.S. Sculptresses M iller and Soutar dedicated a statue in his honor. M iss Pat Gergen is doing a thrivin g bu siness with her spon ge candy. And thus we see what time has wrou ght to th e class of '5 1.

I l



Truman Sturdevant, president; John Thomas, vice-president; Flcurdte Kram, secretary; Bill Barnidge, treasurer.

With the opening of school in September, the junior class welcomed many Familiar and new students to its midst. Prexy Truman Sturdevant led us on to new heights. With Commander Mayer and Miss Fast as advisers lighting th e way, the juniors swept the Homecoming honors in both skit and effigy contests. ( Dearie, do you remember? ) Fresh from this victory, they tackled a dance, "T-4-2", in honor of the Football team. This was a grand formation, and the cheers from that last ga me can still be heard. All told , over a dozen of us made the Honor Roll. A fe w young hopefuls glanced starry-eyed at Cum Laude and Junior Marshall honors. Eleven girls played basketball ; three of our men athletes played Varsity Football and Basketball. Over twenty of us were thrilled to pieces in Rouland. \Vho will eve r forget the night of the Prom? What a year!

- 40 -

Ann Baker

Jerusha Barnum

Tom Corbett

Carolyn Davi s

Iri s Cost in

- 4 1-

Marlene Dietrich

Christian Enger

Judy Grout

- 42 -

Gloria Glass

Elean or H artm an

Na n cy I-Tovve



Sa ll v T-lt:n t


Kare n Kraut

Fleurette Kram

- 43 -

Jim Jamieson

\Valte r H enes





...._ ~



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,.. ~



,,., •



. ' ).



• II ' " \






... .



•• \

,, I )\



.. Robert Nevvton

- 44 -

Helen Pettack

Lindsay Pollock

Suzi Rosenheimer

Doroth y Riedel

Jo Phillips


-- 45 -

Sallv Sullivan

Stoakley Swanson

John Thomas

Mary Lou Vawter

Barbara Wright

- 46 -







--..·.... -....r-~






~, J

r~l. I



j--..--1 I

Ut I



t\ 11



1f ~\/I ! - l

1 fI LJ ' i


I !


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I f





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1 }




L ~ t



Donni e Mayer, president: Jud y Grief, vice-president; Warren l\1anth ey, secretary-treasllrcr.

T he sophomore class of 195 1 proved that it too had th e ''oomph " to get things done this year. Two successful activi ties, one of which was the "Soph Snowstorm", were evidence of their class coopera tion. At Homecoming they won fourth place in the skit and efl:lgy contests. Sophomores also contributed their part to the more strenuous activities at \iVayland, particularly basketball. George Pratt and Warren Manthey made the Varsity team. Several of th e class were members of the swimming team; namely, Robert Denmead, Bill Larkin , Henry Lawshe, Tom Grill , and De lbert Schroeder. The sophomore class had reason to be proud of their scholarship achievements. These names appeared on th e honor roll: Don Harder, Sarah Engle, Verna Hoyer, Marjorie Bleck, Donnie Mayer, Carole La Buy, Ann Brittain, Judith Easton , and Richard Wittnebel. Ahead to '52!

- 48 -

Alfred Anderson

Ann Brittain

Robert Cuff

-49 -

Marilyn Barnes

Marjorie Bleck

Robert Denmead

Charlotte Howard

- 50 -

Wilfred Howey

Verna H oyer

• Lucyann Kitchen

H enry Lawshe

Carole La Bu v

Sharon Loverude

Giles Larkin

Warren Manthey

- 51 -

Donald Mayer


Patricia Park

George Pratt

- 52 -

David Preston





Robert Tews

Julie Whiting

Carol Walgren

Diane Withrow

Donald Walther

Richard Wittnebel

- 53 -


George Maye, president; Sukie Fisher, secretary ; Joyce Hutchison, treaHirer; Sigrid Hanson, v ice-president.

The class of 1954 organized early in the school year, eager to become active in Wayland life. At Homecoming the freshmen won third place in skit and effigy. They sponsored successful week-end activities ( remember the "Ski Jump"?) and joined various groups in school. T hese boys were out for swimming: Jack Abbott, Bob Edwards, John Hoben , George Maye, Roch Milia, and Buster Herweg. Jerry Zweifel made the Junior-Varsity Basketball team; Judy Hinze and Sig Hanson played girls' basketball. Eight members of the class distinguished themselves scholastically by making the Honor Roll : Judy Lentz, Judy Dalton, Nancy Paul, Keith Johnson , George Maye, Jerry Zweifel, Sukie Fisher, and Joanne Round. Six freshmen enjoyed participating in "Good News". All have found themselves very busy in this their first year. 1952 looks better and busier.

- 56 -

Robe rt Ban ky

Mary Lou Bauder

Rozel Corson

Judith D alton

Judith Blott

Mary Burrow

Robert Edwards

- 57 -

Carol Jean Ellis

James Erickson

Joanne Gering

Suzanne Fisher

Sigrid Hanson

- 58 -

Mary Hawkins

Agnes l{err

Kare n Le itzke

- 59-

Ju dy Lentz

William Mulford

Robert Olen

Renee Pleitavino

Nancy Paul

Amalia Ramos


Joanne Round

Suzanne Creekmur

Marlene Hobbs

Roch Milla

H arris

Frederick Kapell e

Ronald Routt

Jane P almer

-61 -

Godfrey H erweg

Gene Kcnniger


John Bark, Jud y Grout, Karen Kraut, Georgia Strain

"Judy" and " Karen"


Nancy Howe, Susan Dee, Judy Grief, i\1ary Jensen, Carol Dav1s

- 62 -

. .,"



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n w.


! •~'



-·,l \ 5


: ~






_____ q __.....



. •••t t



! '










•• J

-l ;;


LEo ScHNUR, Athletic Director

Football, Trach

Mr. Wood also helps out in the Athletic Department, coaching F rosh-Soph. football and acting as assistant track coach.


Bashetball, Assistant Football



Swimming, Tennis

- 64 -


Frosh-Soph . Football Frosh-Soph. Bashetball

Varsity Football

J. T homas, B. H arri s, J. Conner, T. Sturdeva nt, P . Keady, Ca pt. Strain, A. Schmidt, L. Johnson , T. N issa lke, B. Forster, W. Ma nth ey. M iddle: B. McFa rland, J. Schulz, J. McDan iel, S. Burgess, P. Hurtgen . I. Kolko, B. New ton, G. Pratt, T. H arridge, D . Spengler, B. Fisher, S. Pickard. Bach: Coach Schnu r, Mgr. Pollock, D . Swa in, Mgr. Kea ting, Coach Wood. Front:

Statistica lly th e 1950 Reel and vVhite foo tball team showed remarkable success. T he Redme n sco red 106 points as aga in st 55 for th eir opponents. But th e ledger shows W ayland won three and dropped fo ur- despite stati sti cs. Another outstand ing fea ture is th at the Reel eleven n ever lost a ga me by more th an six points. T his one touchd own margin in all the losses shows th at not man y of th e brea ks went \!\layland's way. With onl y two weeks' practice the Reclmen trave led to Kiel , \1\lisconsin , and dropped a thrill er 6-0. T he n ext week-end th e Reel and Vil hite were hosts to M il wa ukee L utheran. T hey showed a little more poli sh th at day, and they "polished" off the Lutherans 19-0. Qu arterback Jim Conn er sparked the attack by pun ching over two touchdown s. \i\layland journ eyed to Milwaukee the following Sa turd ay, and on a soggy field , lost another close one to M il waukee Uni versity Schoo l 13-7. H alfback Bill Forster plunged over for W ayland 's touchdown . H omecomin g fo und Wayland pitted again st the ever tough Edgewood C ru saders. T he Big Reel pu sh ed one over in the second gu arter and man aged

to stave off co ntinuous Edgewood dri ves. Halftime score read : \!\layland 6 - Edgewood 0. An in spi red C ru sader squ ad drove th e len gth of th e gridiron for a third qu arter sco re to knot th e game at 6-6. In the fin al canto an Edgewood end made a bea utiful ca tch of a shoestring pass and fe ll into the end zo ne. Final Sco re: Edgewood 12-Waylancl 6. T he C rimso n ventu red to Lake Fo rest the next week-end. The Orange and Bl ack played in spired ball for th eir H omecomin g ga me and won 18-13. Jim Conn er pl ayed a terrifi c game, ca rryin g the brunt of W ayland's load. Th e followin g Satu rday the Red and vVhite traveled to Pittsville to play M aryheart. Team pl ay and power we re th e outstandin g factors as the Reelmen tro un ced the n ortherners 35-0. Highlight of the ga me was qu arterback Tom l issalke"s 85 ya rd kickoff runback for a touchdown. St. John 's Military Academy a ppea red on th e campu s for th e fin al ga me of the season . T he Red and White outscrapped a heavier cadet eleven and romped home th e victor 26-6. T h is victory topped off a good season ; not as a record , but as spirit and flgh t whe n th e chips were clown . T he W ayland sq uad will miss its fourteen gradu atin g seniors.

- 65-





rft I

I ~

) l)• }














Bob ( capt. )






j'l ;) ~


C1 Truman

\ Va rren



- 66 -









• John



Varsity Basketball

D . Larson , L. Fraker, T. Nissalke, B. Forster, S. Burgess, S. Pickard , C. Allen, B. Harris, J. Conner, G. Pratt, W . M anthey. Wayland Academy's Va rsity Basketball squ ad posted a 13 won, 3 lost record for the 1950-'51 season. Th e Redmen open ed their 19 50-' 51 cage campaign on the h ome court by defeatin g an Alumni tea m 59-43. They continued their winning ways against M il wa ukee Lutheran at M ilwaukee 6 1-25, and again st St. John's 69-50. Upon returning to action after C hristmas vacation, th e W ayland quintet trounced Milwaukee Country Day 57-37 in Lind say G ymnasium for th e fourth straight victory. The fifth victory came J anu路 ary 10 when the Redmen swept past the Northwestern P reps 57-40. T he fi rst defea t came in January when the Redmen lost a h eartbreaker to M U S 45-43. They dropped their second game to St. John's. On Janu路 ary 20, after traveling through a blizza rd and over icy highways, W ayland found the victory road as they won 57-47 at Coun try Day in Milwaukee. W ayland then defea ted Lake Forest 41 -33. February 3 they outplayed MUS to win 47-35. In downing Winn ebago Lutheran 65-32, everyone on the team scored. A return game with Lake Forest saw Wayland

- 68 -

drop its th ird game 4 1-39. Northwestern p roved an easy game with the Redmen winning 62-45. As a tune-up for the coming Tournament, T he \iVayland hoopsters scored over 70 points in each of their remaining games. They breezed past Winnebago Lutheran 74-40, and piled up 70-49 again st Elgin. T hen in the regular season fin al, they tallied the hi ghest single game total for th e year agai nst Lutheran 76-39. The record books look like this: \ iVon 13, Lost 3. Conner was elected the most valu able player; H arris, the new captain. Thus ended the most successful regular season in the school's history. T he T ournament On M arch 2 and 3 th e Wayland Invitation al Tournament was held in the Lindsay G ymn asium. T eams includ ed were: Country D ay of Milwaukee, orth Shore Country Day of Winnetka , Lake Forest, Milwaukee Lutheran , Milwaukee University School , St. John's, Northwestern Preps, and W ayland. T he \iVayland team made its '"'ay to the fin als where it was defeated by North Sh ore 43-40. Bud H arris, Jim Conner, and Lowell Fraker received All-T ournament honors.

Junior Varsity Basketball

T. Park , I. Kolka, T. Sturdevant, B. Tews,

J. T homas,

G. T uthill , B. F isher,

J. Har-

ridge, Coach Schneider.

Front: D. Preston, D . M ayer, G. Kenniger, G. D euble, D . Sterr; S tanding: H. Houtt, F. Kapelle, A. Anderson , B. MacPh ail , J. Zweifel, . D yke, J. H ammitt, Coach Schneider

- 69 -

Top: Warren, George, Dick, Lowell, Tom, Jim,, Coach. Center: Bud, Lowell, Jim , Bill , Sam, George. Bottom., left: Jim , Lovvell, Tom, Bottom, right : Steve, John, Sam.

-70 -

Top: George, Sa m. Center, le ft: Bob, Coach. Center, right: Bud . Bottom : D ick, W arren.

-7 1-


Front: F. Kapelle, D. Sterr, J. H arridge, R. Tews, J. Jamieson, T. Sturdevant, T . Park, B. Bol-

lenson, D. W alther, C. Allen, R. Denmead, B. Olen. Second: B. Utke, S. Pickard, R. Strain, G. Maye, G. Tuthill, J. Thomas, J. LeGrand, J. Bark,

L. Johnson, S. Swanson, T . N issalke, S. Burgess. Third: R. Milia, G. Deuble, B. Mulford, R. Austin, D. Schroeder, C. Onan, B. Sharp, B. Harris, B. McFarland, H . Jones, Vl. H enes, G. Kenniger, A. Anderson, J . Erickson, Coach Schnur. Faurth: Manager Horst, Coach Patterson, L. Ruppenthal, K. Johnson, J. Babcock, B. Banky,

W . Manthey, D. Yahn, Manager Polloc k.


Front: Coach D avies, B. H owey, E. Smith, T . Corbett, B. Forster, T. Evans . Second: G. Pratt, D . Swain, G. Young, M. Hummer, I. Kolka, L. Fraker.


Fmn,.: E. Bergstrom, J. Kea ting, P. Hurtgen, D. Mayer. Bacl<: D. Jaeckels, B. Fisher, L. Fraker, J. Schulz, J. Hamm itt.


N. Mabry, E. Bergstrom, L. Johnson, D . Yahn, President Harris, T. Sturd eva nt, D . Spengler, D. Walther, S. Pickard , L. Pollock. Back: J. Keating, S. Burgess, J. Jamieson, P . Keady, J. Thomas, J. LeGrand, E. Smi th , P . Hurtgen, R. Strain, B. Larkin D. Swain . Front:


, I

B. Edwards, D. Spengler, G. Maye, J. Keating, G. LaCourt, J. LeGrand, C. Enger, R. Milia. Middle: Coach Davies, J. Abbott, B. Larkin, E. Smith, D. Yahn , N. Mabry, E. Bergstrom, B. Bollensen. Back: H. Lawshe, T. Corbett, R. Corson, D. Schroeder, B. Hervveg, J. Hoben, T. Grill, B. Denmead. Front:

T his year's natators turned in the finest record of any Wayland squad since swimming commenced as a varsity sport four yea rs ago. Although their won and lost column came out to only a .500 rating, the boys broke several records and approached several others. Captain Don Yahn walked off with high honors, breaking the school records for the 50, 100, and 200 yard free style events. Junior Nick Mabry churned the 100 yard backstroke in l: 15.1 to set a new school record for that event. Extra credit should be given to these boys, for the competition this year was far above any in the past. For th~ir first meet, the Reclmen went to Janesville and edged out the Bluejays 48-44. T he following day they met a very powerful Green Bay Y.M.C.A. team and bowed 53-39. On December 9, they traveled to M.U.S. where they lost the heartbreaker of the year, 42-41. A week later, with the squad depleted because of Christmas vaca tion , the boys lost another tough one to Two Rivers, 42-39. Following the vaca tion, the team really buckled clown, and January 6 saw a much inspired Reel and White sink Green Bay here 44-39. The following week the boys ran into some competition and lost to the Beloit College Frosh , 52-26. However, the

-74 -

next clay they drowned a weak Elgin squad in retaliation 60-21. Then they ran up against a brick wall upon swim min g Kenosha here and surrenclere.::! after a good fight , 55-26. On Jan uary 27 sweet revenge came to the mermen as they completel y outswam M.U.S. 63-20. T hen in quick succession they swamped Elgin 61 -2 1, and Janesville 67-16. For the last meet of the season amphibious but overambitious Redmen tried to stand up to the number three team in the state, Pulaski, and suffered their sixth defeat aga in st six wins, 60-23. Considering the rough competltlon , Coach Davies路 Tankers did an outstanding job. Although they won no more meets than they lost, they racked up 537 points to their opponents' 471. As far as individual points went, Captain Don Yahn, Eric Bergstrom, and Jack Abbott had 11 5, 67, and 65 points respectivel y. Coach Davies is to be commended for his fine job in producing such a record . Although the team loses such valuable men as Captain D on Yahn , Eric Bergstrom, Jim LeGrand, C hris Enger, Jim Keating, Bob Krieger, Ed Smith , and Manager Barry Bollensen, it should have a very good season next year under captain-elect Dave Spengler.

Girls' Athletics

Mns. E. C. MAYER Director of Girls' A t.hlet'ics

The hockey squad with its many veterans began the fall season on October 7 when the Red first team scored the first hockey victory in four years, defeatin g M U S 5-0. On October 28 the Wayland second team revenged its previous defea t by a 1-l tie with MUS. The first team scored a 2-0 victory. At the lilwaukee Dow ner play day on October 14 the Red first team beat Lake Geneva 2-0, but Downer championed us with 3-0. With fightin g spirit th e sa me team tied Downer 1-1 at Homecoming the following week. H ere the second team went down to defeat 3-l. T he season ended on a freezing November 4 when both teams were defeated 3-l and l -0 by Mi lwa ukee Downer. Under the able coaching of Mrs. Mayer players were frequ ently shuttled into weak positions. T his resulted in one of the best hockey seasons \i\layland girls have known in recent years. After Thanksgiving the basketball squad of twenty-four girls was chosen. On February 3 the squad chartered a bus for M il waukee where the girls spent a day in basketball. In the morning the first team lost to Downer 40-20, and the second team was defeated 55-15. After a hurried lunch the girls assumed their positions on the MUS floor where the first team lost by the narrow margin of 28-24. The second team bowed to defea t 30-20. On February 24 the girls held an individual tournament in which MUS, Milwaukee Downer, H oly Angels, and Wayland participated. Members of the Red First team were : Suzy Rosenheimer, Judy Grout, Ellen Barber , Carol Davis, Bonnie Wright, Jan ice Larkin, Jane Soutar, and Emily Baker. Thanks to Mrs. Mayer for a season of good fun and good coachin g.

Girls' Hockey

Front: J. Soutar, S. Dee, V. H oyer, B. M iller, D . Kraut, N. Proctor, H. Pettack. Midd le: G. Strain, K. Kraut, J. Grout, E. Barber, B. Burstein , P . Maye, J. Larkin , G. Corbett, J. Barnum . Back: N . Kurtze, A. Baker, C. Wilson, C. Dav is, F. Kram, M. Lusher, M. Brown, B路. Wright, S. Rosenheimer, P . Stephenson, A. MacArthur, Mrs. Mayer.

- 75 -


front: N. Howe, M. Bleck, J. Dehmlow, J. Soutar, G. Strain, S. Dee, N. Proctor. Middle: C. Wilson, N. Kurtze, J. Grout, F. Kram , A MacArthur, S. H anson , J. Phillips, C. Davis, G. Glass, J. Hinze. Standing: B. Burstein, E. Baker, J. Larkin, M. Lusher, S. Rosenheimer, B. \i\Tright,

E. Barber, S. Hunt, M . Brown ,

J. Barnum, Mrs.

- 76 -

E. C. Mayer.


i J


Student Council

Front: J. Bark, D. Kraut, S. Pickard, president, J. Soutar, B. Harris. Sta11ding: G. Deuble, N. Haynes, T. Sturd evant, B. Strain, D . Yahn, G. Maye, S. Stephens, V. H oyer, D. Mayer.

- 78 -

Dormitory Councils

Seated: G. Strain, D. Kraut, president, P. Maye. Standing: E. Barber, J. Round, B. Wright, B. Briggs, S. Hunt, N. Kurtze, N. Proctor.

Seated: T. Corbett, T. Sturdevant, G. Young, I. Kolko, S. Burgess, E. Bergstrom,

D . Yahn , S. Swanson , S. Pickard.

J. Keatin g, B. Krieger, N . Mabry, B. Utke, B. Fis her, G. T uthill , P . H urtgen, P. Horst.

tanding: B. St rain, B. Newton, G. Pratt,


Pillars Early in the fall the staff headed by Barbara Burstein started to plan PILLARS. They decided upon the dedication and the general layout of the book. Mrs. Pihlstrom arranged for all our pictures. After these were developed, a print of each was sent to PILLARS. These were then arranged in blocks and numbered for the engraver in Madison who made a plate of each. The engraver also printed a glossy and newspaper copy of each picture. The staff then proceeded to make two dummy copies of the entire book. All articles were written to fit the allotted space. Informal pictures were collected and arranged. We wished we could have used all the interesting pictures the students snapped. Each year the PILLARS must be just a little different, yet it must contain the things that make our school dear to us year after year. The staff of 1951 has worked very conscientiously to bring to you a PILLARS you will enjoy.

Editor-in-chief: BARBARA BuRSTEIN

Front: J. Soutar, B. Briggs, B. Burstein, B. Wright, B. Miller. Second: P. Maye, V. Hoyer, G. West, P . Gergen. Standing: M. Baldwin, S. Hunt, M. Vincent, J. McDaniel, B. Denton, G. Solberg, J. Keating, B. Fisher, S. Rosenheimer, G . Corbett.

- 80 -


Front: J. euendank, P. Gergen, B. Miller, M . Lusher, J. Easton, V. Hoyer, G. Strain. Second: G. \ i\Test, J. Kea ting, L. P oll ack, J. tlcDaniel, B. Fisher, G . Young, C. Wilson. Standin g: M. Ba rnes, S. Hosenheimer, G. Corbett, B. Burstein , A. Baker, P. Maye, N. Kurtze, S. Hunt, M. Vincent, This yea r s Post staff has tried to make the paper something reall y important in the lives of the Wayland stude nts. Co-editors Marilyn Lusher and Gig Young, an d sub-editors Gai l Corbett, Jud y G rout, Ellen Barber, Jim Kea ting, and Bec k Fisher started with an enthu sia sm which did n ot let up w hen th e work rea ll y piled on. For the Grst time in th e Post's hi story there have been regular monthl y issues. Und er th e guid ance of Miss Zwiebel the quality of articles has been improved grea tl y. Staff members h ave learned how to set up a paper as well as how to write one. The March of Dimes campaign was conducted very successfull y. The contest for the nam ing of Varsity athleti c tea ms resulted in the ch oice of Tom Nissalke's entry "The Hedmen ." The staff \Narks to make the paper something of which Wayland can be proud.


Grout, E. Barber, B. D enton , M . Baldwin .


- 81 -



S. Hunt, G . Glass, E. Barber, G. Strain. Second: G. Hessler, organist, P. Bussan, B. Denton, M . Lusher, N. Kurtze. Third: B. Newton , E. Bergstrom, E. Smith , B. Strain. Front:

Chapel Choir

J. Bea tty, R. Rogers, J. Hinze, D. Withrow. Second: J. Oppelt, director, K. Walgren, E. Baker, . Hanson, B. Burstein, I. Costin, C. Howard , J. Dehmlow, V. Hoyer. Third: M. Newsome, J. Hutchison, S. Engle, S. Dee, K. Kraut. Front:


Front,: B. M ill er, B, Tews, A. Baker, S. Sullivan,


Phi ll ips.

Seco11d: M. Ba lclvvin , C. Davis, J. Soutar, J. Larkin , Hevercncl \ iVoocl. T hi rd: L. Froker, G. Young, C. Allen , J. Bark, N. Mabry.

Boys Quartette

George H essler, E. Bergstrom, tenor, G. Young, lead, C. Allen , bari.tone, L. Froker, bass.


Junior Sextette

Miss Oppelt, P. Bussan, G. Glass, S. Hunt, S. Sull ivan, G. Strain , B. Tews.

Senior Sextette

B. Burstein, Miss Oppelt, B. Denton, M . Lusher, N. Kurtze, M. Baldwin, C. Davis, J. Soutar.

- 84 -

Varsity Club

J. So utar, president, P. Maye, B. Burstein . S tan ding: M . L usher, J. Larkin , K. Kraut, D. Kraut, G. Strain , J. Gro ut, E. Barber, S. Hosenheimer. Fron t: A. M acArthur, B. vVri ght,

Toastmasters' Club

Fron t: D. M cFarl and ,


La rkin, V. H oyer,


Hinze, R Hogers,

B. Bollensen. Second: F. Kram, secret.ary, G. Corbett, B. Briggs, M. Newsome, M . Lusher, B. Burstein. S tan d-ing: ) . Kea tin g, P . H orst, president, D . Jackels, v ice-presiden t,


McD aniel, P . Bussan, E. Smi th, S. Hunt, S. Swa nson, P . Stephenson , J. E rickson, G . West, treasurer.

- 85 -

Y . W. Cabinet

Front: B. Tews, G. \Vest, vice-president, B. Briggs, secretary, B. Miller, treasurer, D. Kraut. Standing: V. Hoyer, C. Davis, M . Lusher, J. Grout, B. Burstein, M. Brown, K. Kraut, C. Wi lson, F. Kram , J. Soutar.

Front: M. L. Bauder, M. Brown, C. Wilson, C. Davis, J. Grout, J. Soutar, D . Kraut, F. Kram , K. Kraut. Second: C. Walgren, S. Creekmur, E. Baker, C. Sherwood, M. Hawkins, S. Engle, K. Walgren , J. Hutchison, B. Briggs. Third: J. Round , J. Gering, D. Reidel, M. Jensen, J. Blatt, P . Park, K. Malott, S. Han son, C. LaBuy, N. Kerr.


C.''A. Initiation Service

Front: B. Tews, V. Hover, B. Burstein , M. Lu sher, K. Leitzke, S. Adams, M. L. Vawter, R. P leitavino, N. H owe. Second: G . W est, B. Miller, N. Paul, C. J. Ell is, J. Anderso n, J. Dehmlow, J. Grief, C. H owa rd , J. Phi ll ips. Third : J. Easton , E. Flartman , M. Hobbs, A. Kerr, ) . D alton, S. Su ll ivan , M. Barnes, ) . Lentz, I. Costin .




M. Barnes G. Corbett, S. Creekmur, D . De Witt, M iss Martha Fast, R. Rogers, A. Kerr.

Middle : M. L. Vawte r, J. Heil, J. Beatty, K. Lei tzke, J. Grief, J. Slack, A. Brittain . Mmltlt ed: M. Dietrich, J. Blatt, S. Adams, G. Glass, B. Herweg, J. Erickson.


C. Enger, L. Ruppenthal, Mrs. Mayer, D . Jaeckels, E. Barber, P . Keady, D. McFarland, R. Austin, D. Swain, K. Kraut, C . Davis.

Youth Group

Front: S. Pickard, D. Jaeckels, B. Bollensen , J. McDaniel, D. McFarland, R. Austin, J. Hoben,

Rev. Wood. Second: N. Proctor, G. Glass, B. Miller, l . Howe, !VI. Newsome, H. Rogers, J. Neuendank ,

S. Adams, J. Easton, J. Grief, S. Engle, G. West, !VI. Jensen. Third: J. Soutar, S. Sullivan , J. Hinze, S. Hunt, P. Maye, J. Hutchison, A. MacArthur, S. Hanson. Falll路th: C. Dav is, G . Strain, K. Walgren, C. Wilson , N. Kerr, J. Phillips, !VI. Brown , B. Wright. Fift.h: G. Corbett, !VI. Vincent, J. Larkin , M. Lusher, P. Bussan, E. Hartman, B. Denton . Sixth: J. Schulz, J. Thomas, T. Sturdevant, L. Froker, E. Smith, E. Bergstrom , J. Conner, T. Grill, L. Pollock, C. Solberg, P . Hurtgen, G. Young.

- 89-

"'Round us surge the eager voices Of an unseen mystic throng, Spirits of thy absent children ... " Nowhere on the campus is this sentiment more aptly expressed than in the Johnston Chapel - one of the fondest memories of all Wayland alumni.

- 90 -


:\ f 1

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I l



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't I'f


} ;


i lI

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r rf




Ice Carnival Court P. Park,




Heil, Mrs. Hicks, King Lowell, Queen Diane, President Hicks, B. Wri;:ht,


Thoma,, S. Hanson, G. Maye.


Queen Diane and King Lowell

- 96 -


Pres id ent Hicks crow ns th e Queen.

Mrs. Hi cks, King Lowe ll , Queen D iane, Presid ent Hicks

- 97 -

Broom Ball

Fleu ry a nd Georgia




Cross Country Ski Race - 98-




~ .路 ~~

- IOo _


- 101 -


13- Welcome to Wayland ; banquet and pajama party. 14- Picnic supper at Crystal Lake- forgot the long winter underwear! 15- Downtown movie party, " Barricade" and "Outside the Wall." They really weren't fooling about the bright lights! New tennis courts initi ated . 16- YW and W Club Mixer- the matchbox was quite the fad - good time had by all! 17- Ye' big ole ' seniors won boys' interclass baseball tournament. 22 - Football game vs. Kiel High School. Lost 6-0. Bus trip was long, but gay! "Good night Irene!" 23 - First Interest Activity (cards, dancing, etc.) 24- Seniors beat facult y in softball, 13-8. Guess Suzi should have been there with her basket!

25- Biow-up in new boiler room. Mr. Singer told us about spies and his work in the underground. 26- New addition to Wayland family- Chev station wagon. 29- Cowboy Dance- closest thing to a Turkish bath yet! 30- Wayland 19- Milwaukee Lutheran 0 . October

1- Boys tried carving whole chickens for Sunday dinner. Phillies won Pe nnant ! 3- Psychologica l tests proved what we had suspected all along . 4- YW Fellowship Dinner- Mrs. Bahr gave the girls a few "keys" to future happiness. 6- Cowgirl square dance and pep rally put on by football team- Pershing still at front!

- 102 -


Wayland vs . M.U.S . there. Lost tough one 13-7. Girls' hockey at M.U.S . Won 6-0 ; lost 5-0 . U. S. Marine Band was superb . 0ur first six weeks' exams! Only five more to go! Lake Forest 18-Wayland 13 . Youth Group activity supplied fun for all the youths! Extension program- "Car l Von Hoffen on Australia " Raymond Patterson, Jr . arrived - more football material! Beginning of another Homecoming weekend . Skits and pep rally start thing s off with a bang! 21 - Edgewood 12 - Wayland 6. We tried our hardest to win that game for you, Mom and Dad! Banquet and dance that night still huge success! 22- Homecoming service at Baptist Church closed another long-to-be-remembered weekend! 24 - Wayland JV's 34-Waupun 0 . Didn 't even mind the frozen feet!

28- Wayland 35-Maryheart 0 . Hockey Wayland vs . M.U.S. Won 2-0; tied 1-1 . Movie party "Stella ." 30- Jack Rank presented his one-man version of " Merchant of Veni ce ." Quite the man! November


First night of new campus lighting syste m! Juniors give football dance, "T-4-2." Wayland 27 - St. Johns' 6 . First snow flurries at Wayland th is ye ar! YW Recognition Se rvice. Ralph Merriam , in an e xten sion program , talke d on "A Layman 's Plato."

- 103-

18- First student recital. 22-26- Thanksgiving vacation . That stuffed turkey had nothing on us! 30- Six weeks exams again - only four more! December


Varsity beat Alumni in basketball, 59-4 3. Messiah . Wayland scores 61-25 victory over Lutheran. "Holly Heaven" even out-did last year's Christmas formal. Thank you, seniors! Nativity pageant followed by a skating party.

1 112131415-

YW cabinet dinner. Wayland 69 - St. Johns' 52 . First open house at the Hicks . Umm . a homey atmosphere! Christmas dinner in the dining room . Tres bien! Christmas parties in dorms with Santa "Bev" Clau s. Long-awaited Xmas vacation welcomed by all!

January 3- Back again i'nto another familiar snowstorm! Full rehearsal for Rou-land. Not long now! 5- Wayland scores victory over Country Day, 57-27. 6- Junior and sen ior girls give "Spinster's Spree." Real fling for all spinsters - and bachelors!

- 104 -

101719, 2627293031 -

Redmen 57 - Northwestern Preps 40 . Wa y land at St. Johns'. Defeated 47-38 . 20-"Good News" was a real hit! Movie party, " Harvey ." Are you a dipsomaniac? Varsity snapped back with 41-33 victory over Lake Forest. Frosh give "Ski Jump ." 26 below zero; ski pants adorned legs of fairer sex . Thought yesterday was bad; 34 below is worse! Mid-year exams upon us . Only three more times!


2- End of wearying 2V2 days of exams! Movie party, "The Men ." Very good.


Redmen defeat M.U.S. 47-35 . Dance followed game. Tankers defeat Elgin 61 -21 . Student recital followed by skating party . Wayland 65 - Winnebago Lutheran 32 . Varsity suffer heartbreaking defeat to Lake Forest, 41-39 . Ice skating, Club Henr ietta, and TV start Ice Carnival weekend gloriously. 10- Hockey game, broom-ball game, tug o' war, and ski race supplied busy afternoon . Coronation Ball presided over by Queen Diane and King Lowell. 12-15- American Indoctrination Week . 13- Wayland defeated Northwestern Preps, 62-45 . 15- Last home swimming meet to honor seven seniors on team . Beat Jane sv ille 56-16. 16-19- Long weekend . AT LAST!

- 105 -

20- Wayland 74 - Winnebago Lutheran 40. lrv and Sam were the heroes of the day! 24- Girls' basketball tournament - Downer won, but we put up a good fight . (Watch those snow balls!) Wayland 76 - Milwaukee Lutheran 39. 25- Founders' Day - Dr. Russell from Carroll was afternoon speaker. That night we roared at old movies. Oh, to have that axe!

March 2-3 - Third Annual Basketball Tournament - North Shore Country Day won first place. Hats off to our own runner-up team! 5- Mr. Strickfaden showed us the wonders of electricity.

7- High School players gave "Our Town" for us. Wonderful acting! 8- Barre Ensemble presented fine community concert. 9- Local forensic contest. 10- YW Masquerade - the Hunchback of Notre Dame (alias Mr. Proctor) livened things up! 15-16- Six weeks' exams again. Only two more to go! 17- Water ballet - " Land of the Midnight Sun .. " Turnabout, "Sham rock Shenanigans" by town students. 18-20- Religion in Life Week - Miss Lexie Ferrell and Rev . Gene Bartlett gave us an extremely interesting three days. 2 1-22- Spring vacation; and back for the "last lap" of the year!

- 106 -

April 6- Seniors gave " April Showers" (weatherman even provided went out ! 7- Miss Oppelt's recital - wonderful! District forensic meet slated to go on to state contest. 13- Lioyd LaVaux - extension program - la st but certainly not kaphobia " (you try spelling it!) 14- State forensics - An "A" for Bev . 17- Last page of the Pillars off to the printer' s! Welcome home, 21 - Spring student recita I.

23 24252830-

the showers) . . . and the lamp B. Briggs and G . Solberg are least! Varsity Club' s " Triakaide-


Track - Columbus and Portage here. Tennis at Waupun . Track meet with Waupun here. Track meet with Country Day here . Tennis at M .U.S. Track - Horicon here.

May 3-4 - Six weeks exams - only ONE more to go! 4- Golf and tennis with Elgin here. Track here with Beaver Dam. 5- Tenni s and golf at Lake Forest . Track with Columbus here.

- 107-

9- Track here with Beaver Da m. 12- Track, tennis, and golf here with Lake f'oresr. Ana who can f orget that Junior Prorr,, "Up in Central Park"? 16- Track at M.U.S. Golf at Waupun. Tennis with Mayville here (like to spread our talent around). 18- Tennis at Country Day. Wayland-Town Mixer - there! 19- City Circus - just what we' ve been waiting for! Speaking of talent! 23 - YW Installation Service - loads of luck to all you new officers! 26- Track at Elgin. Tennis with St. Mary's of Fond du Lac here. 30- Awards dinner.


2- lnvitational Track Meet at Country Day . Tennis with M.U.S. here. 3- Senior Farewell - thanks for the memory . . . . 6-8- Final exams (NO MORE TO GO!) 9 - Commencement play, "Boy Wanted" - and all that work for only one performance! 10- Baccalaureate Service, Alumni banquet, Student recital. Senior party - and now you know! 11 - Graduation - "We'll cherish mem'r ies that won't cost a dime. . . "

- 108 -


\~ ....___f




FACULTY ADDRESS Mrs. Blanche Barnidge 412 Rusk Avenue Sparta, Wisconsin

Mlle. Helene Bazin B rue Chauveau Lagarde Paris 8, France

Miss Janet Boe Onawa, Iowa

Mr. Herbert Coleman 108 Prospect Avenue Beaver Dam, Wiscons in

Mr. James Davies 1322 Shawn Street Janesville, Wisconsin

Miss Martha Fast 1425 Low Road Kalamazoo, Michigan

Mrs. Ruth Foster Plainfield, New Hampsh ire Mr. George Hessler 7 Willen Street N ew Haven, Connecticu t

Miss Joan Oppelt 306 Lewis Stree t Greenville, North Ca rolina

Mr. Stuart Simpson 296 N. University Avenu e

Mr. Ray Patterson 319 E. Third Street

Mr. J . Hobart Tucker Wayland Academy

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Dr. Weimer K. Hicks Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Mrs. Lora Ingham Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mayer 106 Prospect Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Miss Marion E. Mitchell Wayland Academy Beaver Dam , Wis consin

Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Mrs. Ellen Pihlstrom Lewis Lodge Edgewater, Wisconsin

Miss Magdeline Tury 329 E. Rosedal e Avenu e

Mr. David Proctor Wayland Academy

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wichman 415 N. Lincoln Avenu e

Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Mr. Frederick Schneider 319112 E. Third Street Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Mr. Leo Schnur 229 E. Mapl e Street Beav e r Dam , Wis consin

- 110 -

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Rev. G. Daniel Wood 116 E. Mackie Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Miss Catherine Zweibel 590 Washington Street Burlington, Wisconsin

"WALDHIER" Your Jeweler The Store of n T I1011Snnrl Gifts

Van He usen Shirts "Won't wrinkle ever."


Distinctive Decorative and Fashio 11 Fabrics


113 FRONT ST .


Home of

NEWTON LODGE A 1--1 0111e A way frow 1--1 owe Da iry Produ cts 205 S. CENTER STR EET



Camp ii 111 e11 ts of




STUDENT ADDRESS LIST Abbott, Jack 342 Greenwood Lan e Spring Hill , Ala.

Atwood, Hen ry Roscoe, Illinoi s

Banky, Robert 1703 E. 67th Street Chicago, Ill inois

Baud e r, Mary Lou Grand River Academy Austinburg, Ohio

Barber, Ellen

Beatty, J anice 9 1 W. New York Avenue Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Austin, Roger

Adams, Sara 720 N. Cherry St. Galesburg, Ill.

9327 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Warrens, Wisconsin

Allen, Carter Brookston , Indiana

Babcock , J ames Post Office Evansvill e, Wisconsin

Bark , John 1927 Underwood Avenue Wauwa tosa, Wisconsin

Bergstrom , Eric 157 N. Park Avenue

Anderson, Alfred 6234 N. Hoyn e Chicago, Illinois

Baker, Emily 306 South Union Parma, Michigan

Barnes, Marilyn 2828 Inwood Drive Toledo, Ohio

Bleck, Mariorie 502 E. Mil l Street

Anderson, Thor 6234 N. Hoyn e Chicago, Illinoi s

Ba ldwin, Mary 717 Pine Street Michigan City, Indiana

Barnum, Jerusha 1012 W. Wisconsin Avenue

Blott, Judith 189 N. 89th Street

Oconomowoc, Wis.

- Ill -

Neenah , Wisconsin

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin




Complimen ts of

Good Shoes


X-Ray Fitted

Home of Fine Candies and Ice Cream BEAVER DAM




A. M. GIESE, Jeweler



Everything in Hardware


Dial 5769

121 -1 23 Front St.







114 N . Spring Street


Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

We Sell Mautz Paint

DIAL 6557





Bodin, Juanita 300 Haskell Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Bollen sen, Barry 815 Ridge Avenue Evanston, Illinoi s Briggs, Beverly 2086 Temple Court St. Paul, Minnesota Brittain, Anne 179 E. Chestnut Street Chicago, Illinois Brown , Marion

Washington Avenue Cobelskill, New York Burgess, Stephen 147 S. 13th Street laCrosse, Wis consin

Burrow , Caroline

316 Oneida Street Beaver Dam , W;sconsin

Burrow, Mary 316 Oneida Street Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Burstein, Barbara 316 Clark Street Neenah, Wisconsin Bussan, Priscilla 351 S. Monroe Lancaster, Wisconsin

Conner, James

142 Rodney Court Madison, Wisconsin

Corbett, Thomas Dee, Susan Kuglar Mill & Camargo Rds. 10221 S. Le avitt Street Indian Hill Chicago, Illinois Cincinnati , Ohio Dehmlow, Joan Corson , Rozel 6800 Third Ave . 118 W. Washington Street Kenosha, Wisconsin Marengo, Il linois Denmead, Robert Creekmur, Suzanne 3 Wilton Road 215 Prosp ect Avenu e Tuckahoe, New York Pewaukee, Wisconsin

Cuff, Robert 211 E. Pleasant Street Portage, Wisconsin

Dalton , Judy 2609 Coolidge Avenu e Racine, Wisconsin

Corbett, Gail Kuglar Mill & Camargo Rds. Davis, Carolyn Indian Hill 1570 Oak Street Cincinnati, Ohio Ev ans:o n, illinois

- 11 2 -

Deub le, Eugene Box 203 North Canton , Ohio Dyk e, Cornelius 8136 Brookside Place Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Easton, Judith 720 E. Washington Stre et Appleton, Wisconsin



"Complete Serv-ice" PHONE 2344


Compliments of

AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 11 5 FRONT STREET


Compl-i路ments of





Sales and Service








Cmnplimen ts of


Edwards, Robert 4714 Kimbark Avenu e Chicago, Illinois

Fairbanks, Jon 621 Reed Street Plymouth , Wisconsin

Gering, Joanne 1125 Pleasant Street

Ellis, Carol 2818 N. Grant Boulevard Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin

Fi sher, Beck 819 E. Forest Avenue Neenah, Wisconsin

Glass, Gloria 511 Eucl id Street Middl e town , Ohio

Hanson, Sigrid 343 Rose Avenue fond du Lac, Wiscon si n

Enger, Sven Bekkegaten 2

Fisher, Sukie 819 E. Forest Avenue

Grief, Judy 7 65 Johnson Street Gary, Indiana

Harder, Donald 715 N. 8th Avenue Maywood , Illinois

Drammen , Norway

N eenah, Wisconsin

Jefferson , Wisconsin

Hammitt , J ames Park Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Engle, Sarah Washington Street Olivet, Michigan

Froker, Lowell 3322 Blackh awk Madison, Wisconsin

Grill , Thomas 1511 College Avenue Racine, Wisconsin

Ha rridge , Jack 8100 Essex Avenue Chicago, Illinois

Erickson, James

Forster, William 165 Barwig Avenue Mayville , Wisconsin

Grout, Jud ith R.R . 1 Ripon, Wisconsin

Harpol e, Robert 840 Judson Avenue Evanston , Illinoi s

Gergen, Pat 110 S. Vita

Hakham , Elias Box 360 Teheran, Iran

Harris, Burtt 1588 Greencrest Drive Pittsburgh , Pe nnsylvani a

2650 Hackberry Lane LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Evans, Thomas 1015 Ree d Stree t Green Bay , Wi scon sin

Bea ve r Dam, Wiscon sin

- 11 3 -

Compliments of



A Cash P-urchase Is a Cash Saving at


Compliments of

Compliments of




"It's New When W e're T hrm.tgh." 111





of the

Home of



Carl '27


Louis '3 1

Harris, Charles 1032 E. Knapp- Apt. 604 Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Henes, Walter 1417 Sheridan Road Menominee, Michigan

Hoglund, Ronald 1528 Thorndale Chicago 26, Illinois

Hummer, Francis

Hartman, Eleanor 734 E. Wilson Street Batavia, Illinois

Herweg, Godfrey 1545 N. Astor Chicago, Illinois

Hunt, Sally 815 Ridge Avenue Evanston, Illino is

Hawkins, Mary 825 Fremont Flint, Michigan

Hicks, Weimer Wayland Academy

Horst, Peter Spindler Hall Western Michigan College Kalamazoo, Michigan

Haynes, Nan 3859 Nakama Road

Hinze, Judy 1441 Noye s Street Evanston, Illinois

Howe, Nancy I 0350 S. Leavitt Street Chicago, Illinoi s

Hutchison, Joyce 635 N. Martin Waukegan, Illinois

Hobbs, Marlene 22 Silver Street Hurley, Wisconsin

Howey, Wilfred 200 E. Marquette Street Appleton , Wisconsin

Jaeckels, David 608 Dickinsen Street New london, Wisconsin

Hoben, John 1349 Ingraham St., N.W. Washington , D.C.

Hoyer, Verna I 26 LaCrosse Street

Jamieson, Georg e 12 I Ha zel Street Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Madison, Wisconsin

Healy, John 304 S. Vita Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Heil, Julaine 8301 W. Edgerton Avenue Milwaukee , Wisconsin

Howard, Charlotte 5619 N. Newcastle Avenu e Chicago, Illinois

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Beaver Dam , Wis cons in

- 114 -

46 Fuller Drive Madison , Wisconsin

Hurtgen, Peter 2404 Vine Street LaCrosse, Wisconsin





Malleable and Gray Iron Castings BEAVER




Compliments of





X-Ray Fitted



FULLERTON L U,MBER COMPANY "W' here the H01ne Begins"


Jensen, Mary

335 Lake Road Menasha, Wisconsin Johnson, Keith Route 1 Tinley Park, Illinois Johnson, Leroy Webb Lake, Wisconsin Johnson, Sandra 130 Park Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Jones, Hugh W. 1 10 N. Main Street Dodgeville, Wisconsin Kapel le, Frederick 204 Clark Street Beave r Dam , Wisconsin

Keady, Peter 910 E. Forest Avenue Neenah, Wisconsin


Kram, Fleury LaCou rt , Gary 3056 W. Franklin Boul eva rd 300 1 W. Layton Avenue Chicago, Illinois Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Keating, James

409 Park Dri ve Neenah , Wisconsin

Kraut, Diane

Kenniger, Gene 11 30 W. 5th Street Gary, Indiana

102 Cottage Avenue Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Kraut, Karen

Ke rr, Agnes 454 Lexington Avenue Iowa Ci ty, Iowa

102 Cottage Avenue Fond du Lac, Wiscons in Krieger, Robert 5017 Illinois Street Lc.:~s Park, Illi nois

Kerr, Nancy 126 E. 36th Street Erie, Pennsylvania Kitchen, Lucyann 536 Prospect

Kurtze, Nancy Box 27- Route 14 Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Ko lka , Irving 530 1 N. Bernard Street Chicago, Illinoi s

Lc, Buy , Caro le Route 4 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

- 115 -

Larkin, Giles Shell Caribbean Petr. Co. La Paz, Maracaibo Venezue la, South America Larkin, Janice

Shell Caribbean Petr. Co. La Paz, Maracaibo Venezuela, South America Larson, Dick 233 Park Avenue Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Lawshe, Henry 2 180 Cowper Avenue Palo Alto, California

Compliments of







Dodge County's Largest Line




and Linoleum 152 FRONT ST.

For a Better Beaver Dam

TEL. 4782



Compliments of

Dodge County's Only Daily


Sworn Circulation 5,400


Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Co mpliments of






LeGrand, James 348 Descanso Avenue Box VEE Avalon, California Lentz, Judy 423 Healy

Mayer, Donald MacPhail, Robert Wayland Academy 600 North Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, Illinois Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Morton, Peter 318 Park Drive Neenah, Wisconsin

Malott, Kay 904 Hickory Niles, Michigan

McDaniel , Jim 47 4 Berkeley Avenue Winnetka , Illinois

Mulford, Bill 1842 E. State Rockford, Illinoi s

Manthey, Warren 921 N. Center Street

McFarland, Richard 1703 E. Cumberland Blvd.

Neuendank , Jeanette 9010 S. Racine Avenue Chicago, Illinois

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Loverude, Sharon 507 Mary Street Beaver



Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

Milwaukee , Wisconsin

McFarland, Robert 1703 E. Cumberland Blvd.

Lusher, Marilyn 1735 Washington Avenue Wilmette, Illinois

Marthaler, Marlene 419 W. Mackie Street

Mabry, Nicholas 2201 Ridge Avenue Evanston, Illinois

Maye, George 1419 S. Outagamie Street Appleton, Wisconsin

Milia , Roch 661 S. Center Street

MacArthur, Alison 277 E. Chicago Street Elgin, Illino is

Maye, Peggy 1419 S. Outagamie Street Appleton, Wisconsin

Miller, Barbara 5736 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago , Illinois

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

- 116 -

Newsome, Marjorie

1029 Hudson Avenue South Bend, Indiana Newton , Robert Box 245 Lake Wales, Florida Nissalke, Tom 2227 Chamberlain Avenue Madison , Wisconsin

Compliment;s of

THE CHOCOLATE SHOP Beaver Dam's Headquarters for CANDY and ICE CREAM 112 FR O NT STREET

PHONE 6446

Compliments of



A Cash Purclurse Is a Cash Saving at



Dial 4475


Ole n, Robert Box 330 Cli nton vil le , Wisconsin

Pettack, Helen 200 W. Maple

Preston , David 227 S. 5th Street Geneva, Ill inois

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Onan, Colin 507 E. Vay Street Whitefi sh Bay, Wisconsin

Phillips, Jo 645 Rog er Avenue Kenilworth , Illinois

Palmer, J ane 1662 N. Vermillion Street Danvil le, Illinois

Pickard, Samuel 1010 E. Forest Avenue

Park , Patricia 1722 Grandview Bouleva rd Sioux City, Iowa

Pleitavino, Ren e

Park , Th omas 9601 S. Seeley Avenue Chicago, Illinois

Pollock, Lindsay 4028 N. Ri chl a nd Court Milwaukee , Wisconsin

Rober ts, Norman Dean Sp ring Street

Paul , Nan cy 415 W. Maple

Pratt, George 390 Pa rk Stree t Menasha , Wiscon sin

Rogers , Roberta Ade li a Beach N eenah , Wisconsin

Beave r Dam , Wisconsin

Proctor, Nada Kewaunee, Wiscons in Ramos , Amalia

62 Ho stos Avenue Ponce, Puerto Rico

N ee nah , Wisconsin

4122 Chester Ave., Apt. 16 Cleveland, Ohio

Reidel, Doroth y 2460 N. 47th Milwaukee , W isconsi n

Beaver Dam, Wisconsi n

- 11 7 -

Rosenheimer , Suzanne Kewaskum , Wisconsin

Ro und, Joanne 7205 S. Mozart Street Chicago, Illinois Routt, Ron a ld 711 E. Walnut Street Horicon, Wisconsin

Ruppenthal, Leland 3067 N. 37 th Street Milwaukee , W isconsin Schettler, Mary 500 York Street Beaver Dam , W isconsin

Schm idt, Arlo 305 E. Third Stree t Beaver Dam, Wisconsin





that's all




11 8 North Spring Street


Phone 3391

Next to City Hall


Beaver Dam

Phone 5820

HOTEL ROGERS Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Coffee Shop Stein Room Dining Room 140 Fireproof Rooms Rooms available for private parties

Schroeder, Delbert Simmons, Mosby 2756 N. Sherman Boulevard 2455 Madison Road Milwaukee, Wisconsin Cincinnati, Ohio

Stephens, Sally 305 S. River Street Geneva, Illinois

Sturdevant, Truman 410 N. Milwaukee Libertyvil le, Illinois

Schulz, John Box 345 Union Grove, Wisconsin

Stephenson, Peggy 215 S. Chestnut

Sullivan, Sally 3514 E. Elida

Smith, Edwin 113 4 E. Wayne South Bend, Ind iana

Kewanee, Illinois

Schwoch, Lois Route 2 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Solberg, Gunard 705 Grant Street Beloit, Wisconsin

Sharp, Robert 1110 East North Street Appleton, Wisconsin

Soutar, Jane P.O. Box 95 Barrington, Illinoi s

Strain, Georgia

Sherwood, Caron Lake Road Crystal Lake , Illinois

Spengler, Da v id 342 Park Street Menasha, Wisconsin

Strain, Robert Bo x 58, Route Ada, Michigan

Ste rr, Richard Loyal, Wisconsin

Box 58, Route Ada, Michigan

- 118 -

Tucson, Arizona

Swain, David 614 W. Appleton Road Milwaukee, Wisconsin Swanson, Steakley 315 Lake Road Menasha , Wisconsin Tews, Barbara 603 E. Wisconsin Avenue Neenah, Wisconsin















A Fine Line of Baked Goods


PI-lO t E 44












Good Food at All l-l O"lf rs

Bar and Cocktail Lounge For health and recreation


PHONE 9914

118-120 W. MAPLE

Tews, Robert 9207 Stickney Avenue Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Walgren, Carol 7170 Headly Street Ada, Michigan

Wiken , Ralph, Jr. 9043 N. Tennipen Drive Milwaukee , Wisconsin

Yagodinski, Mary Ann 413 Norris Street

Thoma s, John 191 Munroe Boul evard Val ley Stream , New York

Wa lgren , Karen 7170 Headly Street Ada, Michigan

Williams, Richard 1955 N. 29th Street

Tuthill , Gray 8901 S. Pl easant Avenue Chicago, Illinois

Walther, Donald 951 Raleigh Road Glenview, Illinois

Wilson, Connie 5736 Harper Avenue Chicago, Illinois

Yahn, Donald c/ o Societe des Mines Zellidza Bon Beker, par Oujda French Moracco, Africa

Utke, Robert 5736 N. 69th Street

West, Gloria 7205 Clarendon Hill Road Clarendon Hills, Illinois

Withrow, Diane Hustisford, Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Vawter, Mary Lou 6049 N. Waterbury Road Des Moines, Iowa

Vincent, Martha 6331 Third Avenue Kenosha , Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Whelden, Ruth 1502 Market Stree t laCrosse, Wisconsin

Wittnebel, Richard Route 2

Whiting, Julia 609 E. Forest Avenue Nee nah , Wisconsin

Wright, Bonnie 7 40 Congress Pl. Neenah , Wisconsin

Beaver Dam , Wisconsin

- 119 -

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Young , Gavin 325 Lake Road Menasha , Wiscon sin Zweifel , Jerome 152 Vermont Street Beaver Dam , Wisconsin





THIS marvelous Monarch Range has a roaster-size oven built flush into the cooking top. Just lift the cover and there's your food! No stooping ... no hot racks to pull out! A wonderful convenience for frequent basting of fowl, ham or game. With this second oven you always have enough oven space . . . and you have the added convenience of two different oven temperatures for use at the same time. See- •this range on display. Whether you cook with GAS or ELECTRICITY, you can enjoy the exclusive conveniences of the Monarch 2-oven Roaster Range.


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