This yearbook belongs to the Wayland archives. Please enjoy it during your stay on campus and leave it where you found it for others to enjoy. Thanks!
:Jhe PiffarJ Stall ol ~UaylanJ Academy
Organiza fionj
:3 -
._)Jonoring .
• • rion of achancrd Bnglish and matlwmatics classes, CBA ch emistr.\·. and aec-elerated foreign language classes. On his r etnrn to \Va~ - land in 1960. l\lr. Patterson has perpetuated a :\Pi\" Plan. giYing the stuclPJJt;; more r·esponsibilit~- and honor. and rrmodeling: Ronnel~- to act"ommodate thr three cleans and the headmaster. Under a long-range plan for expansion, the fairgrounds has bren acquired to be m11de into athletic fields. Mr. Patterson has giwn generous!~' of hi:-; tim e and ,;elf to aid the educational and college preparation of the students. Undrr his leadership , Wa.vland has made progress in establishing its reputation as one of the best t ollege preparatory schools in thr c-onnh·~- . For these reasons , the class of 19()1 pa~-s tribnte to ...
a person by dedicating a yearbook to him is a simple yet sincere way to pay a lasting tribute to one who is deserving of special recognition. Because Mr. Patterson is admired by everyone who meets him, the class of '61 dedicates this yearbook to him. In 1936 Mr. Patterson came to ·wayland as a student, later to return as teacher, then as headmaster. In 1960 he returned to the Uni Yersity of ~Wisconsin, where he had rarned his Bachelors and Masters degree in rdut.:ation, to get a doctorate in this field. 'l'h is yrar he rrturned to vVayland whrre hr has been hrad ~ master for eight years. Under Mr. Patterson, vVayland has madr great strides. These have been evidenced in all areas of school life and include the maugura-
(}uiJance anJ (}overnmenf
- 5-
~VIr. Maass is a g-raduate of Carleton College and holds his l\Iaster 's Degree from th e Uniw rsity of Minnesota. Iu Minneapolis his servil'e covered th e principalship of font· high schools wh ere he was aekno,rl edged ' ' a top -n otch high sehool administrator, ha viu g a keen insight into hnman nature. · ' 'l'his year l\fr ..Maass has been appointed the Assistant Headmaster at \Vadand. In this capac ity he is the coordinato{· of all academic areas . ·wayland is ext r emely fol'tlwat.e to haw a(·cess to the wid r experience ancl the wisr, kindly judgment of Mr. Maass ·s .v rars of d<:>Yotion to the education of .'·onth.
~\Ir. Tnd:t' l' r re r in•tl his Badwlor D egret· from Princeton Pnin'rs it~·. HP then clid graduate work at GrrnoblP. H eiclPiberg:, the Sorbonn e, aud the Am erican ,\ eadem .'· at Hom e. Jn Hl47 he cam e to \Yadand to t r a~.:h Latin and later becanw Dean of Bovs. l\Ir. Tnl'ker's E'Xl'Pllent pt~eparatonr background make-'s hirn one of tlw finest Latin t eachers in tlw countrv th erebY o·iyino· those ''" ho study n nder him 'a' thoroug·h "'prep~Lration for c ol l r g~· . He serves \Yayland as a fine Dean of Boy r; ; and through his instruction and coun ,;p[ing. lw maker; thP bo~·s mature g-raduater; of "·hom \Va,dancl is proud.
}Irs. Pih lstrom r eeeiwd her Baehelor of Arts Degree at Lawrence Collrge and then did graduat e work in r emedial reading at the University of Colorado. She lat er attended the TTniver sity of ·wisconsin to earn her Master '· D egree in Guidan ce. Tn 1945 Mrs. Pihlstrom came to ·wayland where she taught r emedial reading ancl srveral classes of English and later became Dean of Curriculum. As Dean of Girls, she has given her tim e and efforts to aid the ed1.1eatiou of all vVay land girls. Her understanding and guidance have made her on e of the fu1est frienclR a girl could have.
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Mr. Richard N . Boya Bu siness Manager B.A., Lawrence College ; Un iversity of Wisconsin ; University of Omaha.
Mr . William B. Chase Ph ys ical Science , Geology B.S. , Springfield College .
Miss Jean Bridges Piano , Organ B.M., Uni ve rsity of Illinois; M .M. , Northwestern Uni versity; Colorado College; Julliard Schoo l of Music; Aspen In stitu te of Music.
Miss Millard Brown Spanish A.B. , Wa shington Uni versity; M .A., Univers ity of Chicago.
Mr . Richard Holstein Head of the Science Department Chemistry B.S. , Lebanon Valley College; Un ivers ity of Wisconsin; Princeton University.
Mr. W . J. Kennedy Dean of Boys' Residence Choir Director Piano B.A., M .ED. , Penn sylvania University.
Miss Barbara Koester
Mrs. Katharine C. Meyer
Mr . Martin Meyer
German, World History B.A., University of Wisconsin; University of Hamburg, Germany.
Dean of Girls' Residence Girls' Physical Education Bou ve-Boston School of Physical Education.
Biology, Director of Student A ctivities, Director of Boys' Athletics, Football Coach, Track Coach Uni versity of Wisconsin, B.S. , M.S.; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Mr. Thomas Nissalke Miss Marion Mitchell Alumni Secretary University of Wisconsin .
Social Science B.S., Florida State University; University of Wisconsin.
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Mrs. Thomas Nissalke Speech, Dramatics A.B. , Stephens College; B.A. , lawrence; College.
Mrs. H. Hildegard Olson RN. University of Minnesota-School of Nursing .
Mr. Victor Sampon French B.S. , M .A. , Marquette University; Uni ve rsite de Liege, France ; Uni ve rsity of Wiscon sin; Ecole Comme rciale de Verviers .
Mr. David G. Proctor Head of English Department A .B. , Harvard College; M.ED. , Boston University; Midd lebury College's Bread Loaf School of English ; University of Wi sconsin.
Mrs. Adele M . Saxe R.N . St. Agnes School of Nursing.
-- 0 -
Mr. John S. Roberts English A.B., Princeton University; M .A., University of Michigan .
Mr. Fredrick L. Schlicher Mathematics B.A., Wisconsin State CollegeWhitewater; State Uni versity of Iow a.
Mr. Vernon Sehloff English B.S. , University of Wisconsin.
Mrs . Harriette Thompson House Mother B.A., Oshkosh State Teachers Col lege; Detroit Un iversi t y of Techno logy; Univers ity of W is., M i lwaukee .
Miss Mary Swan English A.B. , M i lwaukee Downer College; A.M ., Carleton Co l lege; University o f Ch ica go; Univers ity of Maine.
Our P urpo:Je __}Jere Mr . Leigh Van Etten Physics, Ma the m ati cs B.S., Universi ty of Connecticut.
Mrs . La Vita Wichman Typing, Libr arian B.A., Carrol l College.
10 -
Mr. A. E. Wichman Amer ican His tory, World H is to ry B.A ., Carro l l College; Univers ity of Chicago; Un ivers ity of W iscon si n.
Mr. Carl Williams
Mr. Sol Wolfe
Mathematics B.A ., Trinity College .
Did I
Boys' Physical Education A.B., Hillsdale Col l eg~; Uni ve rsity of Michigan ; Central Michigan Co ll ege .
tell you abou1 ...
.. {~ul'lle <'lit la repon "!', ' 路 ask::; Mr. :-)<mlpoe.
11 -
Mr. Richard Neuman Business Ma nager
Mrs. Harriet Leach Secretary to the Headmaster
Secretaries- left to right- Joann Peters, Maybelle Gest, Ruth Klemann , and Norma Budde.
- - 12 -
::/Jorrn. Seated from left to righ t- Pam Richards, Terri Dreblo w, Kathy Burns, Nancy Ferguson , Kat hy Wentorf , Alice
Ci lion, Joyce Hall. Standing from left to right- Joyce Thacker, Renay Rux .
First row from left to right-Tom Moore, Les Brill , Ralph Hartley, Bob Johnstone, Jim Gardner, Bill Gustafson. Second row from left to right- Tom Moxley, Giff McM i nn , Tom Bell, Warren Zuehls , Pete Cross , Pete Kaise r , John Williams , Joe Lefton, Loren Lindeke , Jon Tempas . Third row from left to right- Don Mac Neil , Rand y Upton, Jon Homuth, Budd Sprague . Fourth row from left to right-Mike Whitaker , Bob Larson , Len Coulson, Cal Lawton , Hugo N ielson , Vic Levin , George Drummond , Chr is Thorson , Da v e Duchow, Dave Erbstoeszer , Art Phelps .
..... l :l -
!J-n Action Ca ro l Fuller and John Tempa s di scus sing minute s of a st udent se nate meeting .
'The sen ate is t he st utlen t goveru ing b od~- of whose pr·imary pu r pose if:! to ad as a med iator between t he stu dents and t he fac ulty, so t hat t he admi nistration c·an see t he st ud rnts · Yiewpoints. f t su pp lies a commo n ground wh erP bot h ma ;v· \vork cons t n u:ti ve ly towa r·cl t he bPst iu ter<:'sts of \Vay lan cl Academy. 'l'his bod_,., nweti ng a t least once a week and conf:listing of th e leaders of each class a nd stu den t organi zatiorc s on campu s, meets wi th the dea n s a ncl t he heaclmast<:' L' to b ri ng to t he attention of t he administrati on th e p roblems of t he studen t body a nd to try to solve th em .
Th e stud ent sen ate c·ame to schoo l a f e'" cl ays ea rl _,. to get or gani zed. Jn th r ir fi r;,;t meetin g they plann ed fo r the M ixe r . an a c tiYi t ~- t he_,. spom;orc'd to help e\'er yone get a ctt ua int ed. Thi s ~ -ear th r sr nat e has re pl acrd t he system of ass ign ed chapel seat in g with a new method in whi c·h th e ind i,·ic1 nal is 01 1 his honor to attr nd ehape l. Se nate nw mb en; an· a b o in c- har ge of sn per·visi ng several ar eas of \ Va,vland 's soeial aml academ ic: l if e. These i nd ud e tlw re<: r oom , Uln b H <·n ri, a nd da_,. st nd_,. hall s. 'l'h e senate also made it possible for t he librar5· to be ope ned on wee kends " ·hen stu d ents r e(jurst it.
\\'a ~ · la nd
Th e student senate members seated from left to right - First ro w - Tom Go etting , Kath y W e ntorf, Terri Dreblow , Jon Tempas , Joan Bishop , Mr . Patterson , Jane Ba ldrig e, Vin ce Vilker , Mike Wolfe , Chuc k Gei sler, Care l
Fuller. Pete Cro ss. Second row - Ginny Seemann , Jo y ce Hall , Jim Gardner, Peter Kaiser, Dick Leim b acher, Bob Johnstone, Bob Neuman .
U -
15 -
\Y e e;ame to \\~a~ · land four years ago hardly rPalizing hO\Y quickly tlw would pass. It sec· ms that it was only yestercla~' when we wer e hrshm pn longing to b e seniors, and now we havr at last reae;hecl out· g·oal. IV r lea Vt' ·wayland with mix ed emotions; we are happy, know ing that \rt' will soou be in coll eg:e, but at the s<llllP titnt• wr are sad, for wr know that Waylaud and its studrnts \Yill no longer br th e e;211ter of on1· liYes. 'rhP fun , the work, and th0 pia~' that \Ye havr all expe ri rne0d will long r emfti 11 d ear to us. Unr sinc·err \Yish is 1hat others who follow tn will be abl e to profit b~- our successes as well
as b.v onr failnres . Yrs. wr leave ·wayland, but as \l'e go. wr take part of it " ·it h us to guide us and to lead us through the oncom m g yrars.
The Senior Class Officers- M i ke Wolfe, vice-president; Jim Gardner, president; and Joyce Hall, secret ary.
Remember t hose seminars.
Senior privs are here! A food fest is a usual sight at this t ime of the year.
16 -
BradlC'_\- Hona ld A ml erson
Jane Lida Baldrige
\ rirgin ia. Street er Bardeen
Town Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Capta in J 路 Tennis 1; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Treasure r
Class Secretary 2. 3; Student Se nate 4; Activities Committee 4; Y.W.C.A . 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W .C.A. Cabinet 4; Youth Group 4; Post Staff 2, 3, 4; Church Choir 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Baske tball 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Pres ide nt 4; Roul a nd 2, 3, 4; Wat z r Ball et 1, 2, 3, 4; Hono r Ro ' l 1; Prom Committee 3 .
Y.W .C.A . 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Post Staff 3; Hockey 4; Rouland 3, 4.
'We've .Joan Lul'. ill e Bishop Class Vice-President 1, 2; Student Senate 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A . 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W .C.A . Cabinet 4; Treasurer 4; Youth Group 1; Post Staff 3, 4; Nat ivi ty 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Secretary 3; Ch ee rlead ing 3, 4; Captain 4; Ice Carnival 1; Ice Carnival Committee 1, 2 ; Water Ba ll et 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee 3.
T'\enneth l.JOWI'.)' Blac:k Basketball 4; Foot ba ll 4; Captain 4.
17 -
Sharon T~athl el'n Brannon Hock ey 4; Y.W .C. A. 3, 4; Spring Play 4 .
Leslie \Va lter Brill
Leonard \Varcl Coulson TIT
Peter Degraff C1¡oss
Student Senate 4; Activities Committee 4; House Council 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Captain 4; Tennis 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 4.
House Council 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming 3; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Rouland 1; Honor Roll 2, 3 , 4; Cross Count y 4
Class Pres id e nt 3; Student Senate 3 , 4; Activities Committee 1; House Council 3 , 4; Dorm President 4; Football 1; Tennis 2; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Golf 3; Prom Committee 3; Advisory Council 4 .
'l'errl:vn Am1 Dreblow
Elizabeth Ann Croxson Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 3, 4; Pillacs 3 , 4; Hockey 4; Rouland 1, 2, 3; Water Ball et 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2.
Student Senatâ&#x20AC;˘ 4; House Council 4: Dorm President 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, .3, 4; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Pillars 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Church Choir 2, 3, 4; Nativity 2, 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; B3sketball 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Cheerleading 2, 3, 4; Ice Carnival Court 2; Rouland 3 , 4; Water Ball et 3; Honor Roll 1. 2, 4; Prom
Committee 3; Activities Committee
4; Advisory Council 4.
18 -
O:oorge ~\.!b ert Dnt~mD J l:cl House Council 4; Post Staff 3; Football 4; Track 3, 4; Wrestling 3.
Dcn·irl Mi(·hm•l Dn ehow
Da\·icl Erb:;;toE'sze r
Class Treasure r 4; House Council 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Football 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Te nnis 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3.
House Council 4; Youth Group 4; Post Staff 4; Football 1, 2, 4; Tra ck 3; Swimmin~ 2, 3; Wrestling 4; Ski Club 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Golf 1.
::\an ey Virginia
F'prg:nso n
Activities Committee 2; House Council 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Church Choir 3; Hockey 3, 4; Ski Cl ub 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Cheerleading 3, 4; Ice Carnival 3; Rouland 3, 4; Wate r Boll e t 2, 3, 4.
've L'ar ol :\Iargarrt Fuller Student Senate 4; Activities Committee 4; Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; President 4; Po st Staff 4; Church Choir 3, 4; Sextet 3, 4; Ensemble 4; Nativity 3, 4; Hoc ke y 3, 4; Rouland 2, 3, 4; Spring P:ay 3; Wate r Ballet 3, 4; Honor Roii 3, 4.
James I\:ing Ga.rcln r r
,Joycr Elaine Hall
Class President 4; Class Vice-President 3; Student Senate 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Church Choir 3, 4; Ensemble 4; Nativity 3, 4; Doubl e Quartet 3, 4; Speech Play 3; Ba s· ketball 2, 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; Ad· visory Council 4.
Class Secretary 4; Student Senate 3, 4; House Council 4; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 3, 4; President 4; Youth Group 2, 4; Church Choir 2, 3, 4; Nat ivi ty 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Ba ske tball 2, 3, 4; Var· si ty Club 3, 4; Hom ecoming Queen 4; Rou· land 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Honor Roll 1.
Ralph Pain<' Hartle~House Council 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Football 4; "W" Club 4; Goff 2, 3 , 4; Advisory Counci 4.
Uhadene Mari e H ess
路william J ames Hobbins
Y.W .C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 4; Youth Group 2. 3; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Roul3r.d 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4.
House Council 4; Youth Group 4; Post St aff 4; Basketball 4; Footbal l 4; Golf 4.
Jonathan H omuth Activities Committee 3; House Council 3, 4; Adviso ry Co uncil 4; Pi:lars 3, 4; Foot-
C.n1 thia Jra n J-Ioocl
ball 1, 2, 4; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Captain 4; "W" Club 4; Reuland 1; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4.
Y.W.C.A. 3. 4; Church Choir 3, 4; Nativity 4; Basketball 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Reuland 3, 4; Water Ball et 3, 4.
20 -
David 路F'r e derid~ H on-ath Town Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2; W restling 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1; Honor Roll 2.
.Jan is Ncott Houston
Judith Ann J'pnse n
.James Melch ior J ohn so n
Y.W .C.A. 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Hockey 4; Ski Club 2, 4; Homecoming Court 2.
Y.W.C.A . 3, 4; Youth Group 3; Post Staff 3, 4; Hockey 4; Basketball 4; Honor Roll
Youth Group 2; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Sk i Club 2, 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3.
R obert B r ue(• .J ohn ston e .Jr. Class Treasurer 3; Student Senate 4; President 4; House Council 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Junior Marshall 3; Football 1, 2. 3, 4; Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; " W" Club 2, 3, 4; Pres ident 4: Ice C3cnivel Court 3; Reuland 1, 3; Wate r Bal le t 2, 3, 4; Honor Ro ll 1, 2, 3, 4; Cum Lcude 3, 4; Advisory Council 4.
P eter Erlin Kaiser Student Senate 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Dorm President 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Foo t· ball 3; Track 4; Swimming 3, 4; Golf 3, 4; Advisory Council 4; Cross Co untcy 4.
~1 -
Katherin e .A nn K eatin g Y.W. C.A . 3, 4; Pillars 4; Ensemble 4; Nativity 4; Hockey 4; Baske tba ll 3 , 4; Reuland 3, 4; Water Ball et 3; Spring Play 4.
Carol Sue Kram Activities Committee 1; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 1; Post Staff 3, 4; Art Club 3; Reuland 1, 3, 4; Water Ballet 2, 3, ,:; Pillars 4.
Kath erin r
Y.W.C.A. 3, 4; Reuland 3, 4; Wate r Ball ot 3, 4.
R obr r t Mark Larson House Council 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 2, 3, 4; Nativity 3; Football 1; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2.
Margaret Deborah Ludlum Charl es 1\ ugustus Lawton II I
Loren Chidestrr Lind rke
Hou se Council 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Football 3; Ski Cub 3, 4; "W" Club 4; Golf 3, 4; Advisory Council 4 .
House Council 4; Youth Gro up 1, 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Junior Marshall 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4.
-22 -
Y.W.C.A . 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Junior Marshall 3; Band 3; Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Ice Carnival Committee 3; Reuland 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Honor Roll 3, 4; Cum Laude 4.
Donald L ayton 1\1a<: Nri l House Council 3, 4; Youth Group 3; Chu rch Choir 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3; Reuland 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Advisory Council 4.
lJug-o TholliH'i Nir l'ir tt Hous e Council 4; Church Choir 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Swimming 3 . ,
Gifford l\1cMittn
House Council 2, 3, 4 Youth Group 1, 2, 3, 4; Church Choir 3 Track 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 1 Advisory Cou n ci l 4.
.J o~ e]) h Oettingt•r House Council 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Church Choir 3; Ense mble 4; Reuland 3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2.
2:3 -
.A I ison J aye l\1i ller Y.W .C.A. 3, 4; Y.W.C.A . Cabinet 4; Youth G roup 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Church Choir 3; Hockey 4; Reuland 3, 4; Sp,ing Pl3y 3; Water Ballet 3, 4; Honor Roll 3, 4 .
.Art ltn r S p etw er Phelps lH House Council 3, 4; Track 3, 4; W restiing 3; "W" Club 3, 4; Honor Roll 3. 4; Cum Laud e 4 .
Kate Howard Raftery II
lYiary Pamela Hi chards
Activities Committee 3; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Pillars 4; Nativity 3, 4; Hockey 3. 4; Water Ballet 4; Honor Roll 2.
House Council 4; Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 1, 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Church Choir 2, 3, 4; Nativity 2, 3; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2. 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 4; Reuland 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 1, 2, 4; Prom Committee 3; Advisory Council 4.
'Z\1arilyn Rie::kman
Karen L ee Sa:n路e
Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Hockey 4; Basketball 4; Reuland 2, 4; Water Ball et 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2 .
Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 4; Youth Group 4; Nativity 3, 4; Ro ulond 2, 4; Honor Roll 2 .
2卤 -
Can路! ~\'Iari e Ri chter Y.W.C.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A . Cabinet 4; Town Club 1, 2, 3. 4; Post Staff 3; Church Choir 4; Nativity 4; Art Club 3; Reuland 2, 3, 4; Spring Play 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 4.
Rob ert St:hwa rtz Youth Group 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Honer Roll 1, 2, 3.
Susan 8<>ippel
Ann Kat herin e Shriner
Y.W.C.A . 3, 4; Youth Group 3; Town Clu b 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Reuland 3, 4; Wa ter Ba:let 3, 4; Hon or Ro ll 3. 4; Cum Lauc e 4.
Y.W.C.A . 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Church Choir 2, 3; Sextet 3; Na tivity 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Reuland 2, 4; Wate r Ballet 3, 4.
We ~e
.Judson Sm ith Wcest ling 4; Spring Play 4; Foctball 4 .
:Jo (fo Jon iVIiehael T ern pas Student Senate 4; Activities Committee 2 ;
.) oy ce Marl<> ne 'l'hal: ker
Hou se Counci l 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Town Club 1, 2; Post Staff 3, 4; Editor 4; Church Choir 3, 4; Ensemble 4; Nativity 4; Double Qua rte t 4; Basketball 1, 2; Footba ll 1, 2; Tcack 3, 4; Ice Carnival Committee 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 3, 4.
House Council 4; Y.W.C.A . 3, 4; Cabins! 4; Seccetary 4; Youth Group 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Church Choir 4; Hockey 4; Basketball 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Cheed e ading 3, 4; Homecoming Court 4; Reu land 3, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4 .
C h r-i ~ ti a n Th or son Yo uth G roup 3, 4; Co-moderator 4; Student Senate 4.
Yin cent. L ee V ilker
Hu gh Armor vV11rcl
Kathl ee n Lauretta Wentorf
Student Senate 4; Town Club 2, 3, 4; President 4; Baske tball 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; "W" Cl ub 3, 4; Reuland 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4 .
Track 2, 3; Sw imming 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2 .
Student Senate 4; House Council 4; Y.W.C.A . 1, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 4; Youth Group 1; Pillars 3, 4; Editor 4; Post Staff 4; Nativity 2, 3; Art Clu b 3; Basketball 4; Reuland 3, 4; Ho nor Roll 4; Water Bâ&#x20AC;˘ llet 4.
Our :lreaJureJ memorieJ Miehae l Pa ig-e Wolfe
:\Jit: h<w l DaYid \ Vb ital;:<>r
.J ohn Da Yid v\'illiams
Ho use Council 3, 4; Youth Group 4; Advisory Council 4; Footba ll 3 , 4; Swimming 3, 4; Tennis 3; "W" Club 3, 4; Honor Roll 4 .
House Council 3, 4; Bask etb a ll 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Trao~< 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Cl ub 4; Honor Roll 1, 2; Adivso'y Council 4.
:2G -
Class Presiden t 1, 2; Class Vice -Pres id en t 4; Student Senate 1, 2, 4; Yo uth Group 1. 2, 3, 4; Town Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Church Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Ensembl e 4; Double Quartet 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Ice Carnival Couct 2; Reuland 2, 3, 4; Honor Ro :l 2, 3.
Timothy Thomson ZPll
\Var rrn l\Tarkham Zuehls
Art Club 4; Cross Country 4; Spring Play 4 .
Hou se Council 3, 4; Town Club 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 4;; Honor Roll 1, 2; Golf 2, 3, 4; Advisory Council 4.
27 -
Cripe sakes!
Chain smoking
Jan > (Baldy)
FOUND sheep
That laugh
To get th ru a week without French lab To change
Joan (Bish) Bishop
Whats his face.
In t he Rec Room
To be Northwestern R. R. s;Jecial agent
Do you think we can get
Eerywher e
Weekend plans
To get new cheer
leading sweaters
away w ith it?
Ooooeee Dad!
name from to "Lean
Watching the late show
A h istory
wa r m
It seems to me . .
les Brill
In the Rec Room
Someone else's f ood
Watch ing
A chess set
the ceiling
To be a pa r ago n o f virtue To figure ou t M r . Wich-
man's gradi ng system len (Tiger) Coulson
every t hing,
Wa t ching the late late show A four -speed box
To always have a comeback ready
Larson painting
Pete Cross
We ll
Betsy Croxson
With Pete
A cold
Jeepe rs Pete
A cherry
a doctor
To retu; n f rom on time
backstrok e r
Und~rstan d
Proctor's George (Money Drummond
You'll find it in the Oxford Dictionary
In the Club ca r
O n e of Hobbin's ties
t h e jokes in Mr. English class
To be a Bri tish beachcombe r
It's too hot in he re!
Playing bridge
Erbstoesze r
Gee, Si r, I didn't know we h ad an a ssignment
Nancy (Fe rg) Ferguson
In the phone boo th
Out of he r room
A d:stinctive laugh
To be on time to Ensemb le
Promoting a rolling social period
J .E.H.
To d:stroy Mr. Wichman's calendar
Fuller (Jimbo)
Ga rd ner
Gi r ls!
it! true!
di n ing room-eating
To re m ain single To be a g rave digge r
To go to a South Sea Is land
Mer ci-bucke ts
Borrowing money fr om he r brother
To g radua te
Ra lph
If we win the next two, we'll be in pretty good shape
Eating, sleep ing, or play;ng basketball
To gain 20 pounds
No, I don't have any "Tea"
Helping others
H ~r
(Cha r)
the Green
A word
To have happy , he a !thy babies. To graduate
By God! She's tough 1
Homu t h
You didn't know I could swing so good , did you?
On the back seat of a bus
H:s John
Cindy Hood
Well in Marinette!
Changing her phonog raph
* @!**?!
Any "s:..Jitable" d irt road
Five o'clock shadow
To be a bearded brain surgeon
Jan Houston
Oh, Rats!
Never on time
K.:y to a hot cad
To finish knitting her red sweater
I don't understand
Ha rbor Lounge
To live
Please! Take
Beats me!
O n stone benches on Saturday night
Ho rvath
Jim Johnson
the make-up
Kennedy hai rcut
a Corvette
To be a clothes buyer
and love it
To be an F.B . I. man
off Bob
Hey, time
look, give me a hard
28 -
To be on time anywhere just once
When's the next bus trip?
Group 0
So What?
Late from downtown
Suzi Kram Val
Candy's dandy,
to play
liquo r's Going to Milwaukee
AM'3 1TION To out
in a play
argue Schwartz
To be on time especially to Ensemble
To set the world on fire
Her vitals!
To get to
Now York
Cal (Zero) lawton
The end of the bench for the first 31 minutes
The bounteous expostvlations of his roommate
To think like a social
please open the door. That b reaks me up!
With Karen
A stock of science fiction
To wake up before 7:20 some morn
All right,
books to read Meg
On a n1ght out
Oh God!
A S3fC3stic remark
To get aw3y from it all on
Don (( Benny) MacNeil
All right, Hobbie, I g:ve up!
Doing his roommate's phys:cs- not his own
A truly excellent tie
To cheat the Pizza Villa
Giff (Bunk) McMinn
With Anne
To paint Wayland Hall Pillars barber stripe red
A !w~ys a borrower or a lender be
With Bardeen and Brannon
N JS ty blast
Combing his hair
Joe Oettinger
Not in P.E.
His glasses
Jesu Bambino ! ! !
In the dining room
A leek of sleep
To be a well-rested millionaire
Oh, for
Waiting for the boys' basketball team to return
A laugh
Caryl Richter
Just a minute
Looking for something
Problems and !magi nation
I haven't read th e chapter yet
Not at the basketball games H 7 0
0' Gol!
With loren
Pam (Tiny)
Karen Bob
Sayre Schwartz
Anne Shriner
heaven's sake
To make it through Med school
of Dostoevsky
writ e
To be a singer
To explore South America
To be legally 1B
To get a 10 in history
Does anybody have a match? Downtown
An argum -e nt
To convince Benny
Oh Bunk!
rin g
To fullfill th-= rumors going sc h~~~ all year
At hom e
Chee ze
Be hind tre refreshment stand
a tripod, and 2 ro ll s of film
To b e a gnome
Ran -n-ncid
South of the Mason-Dixon line
H ~ r sou th e rn
To s~e the South r ise again!
Slicing meat
A handful of nuts
To ta ke over Slim's ;ob
In front of the typewriter
A typewriter
Her furry slippe rs
To meet one Pillars deadline
Jud Smith John
Joyce (' Bama) Thacker
I can't, no meat
cam~ r as.
on Friday
Hugh Armor Ward
Yuckers, yuckers
Kathy Wentorf
Well, anyways
Mike Whitaker
Yeh, fo r baby factories!
Watching the late show
John Wiliams
Playing cards in 103
A poor pun
To make a million
O.K. boys
Th e Gree n Hornet
To driv e a B.D. garbage truck
Tim Zell
What, me worry?
Chasing Girls
Warren Zuehls
What time is it?
Off campus
plaid suit
be a typewriter
To find a four speed box
pay attention
in class
To get income tax reduc路 tion on his " Kooi-Aid" p'.Jrchas zs
-路 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20 -
\\'h<> Told You it
-30 -
IHl <; Hl.\.
R irtbclcl.\':
.. . :n -
a Linder tJw able leadership of om· ·l ass officers, Bob ~ e umau , John Brackett, Pat Moore. and Kirk \Yan lrss, th e jnuior·s soared to gr eat brights this .n-<ll" . Although we took fourth placr with onr lJ omrcoming skit, we almost came out on top with onr second place effigy, " \\T e '11 Scalp 'Em. " B~r prrsent ing· various activities, such as "Dans lrs rnrs de Paris.·· a typical F'rench strert scrnr, we raisrd r nongh mone." to put on onr of th r best Proms Vla.dand has PYt> r sren. 'I'hr mrmbrrs of the junior class participated in many rxt ra-c mTicular activities and haw staunchly upheld \Va.dancl 's acaclemit· ,.;t anda r cls_ lYe wish to r xpt·rss our thanks to the advisors of c- nr d ass ; Mr. and Mrs. Chase, Mr. and lVIrs. lVIeyer, ancl lVIr·. and Mrs. Wichman, who have helped us throngh 1960-61. Tb is has bem a profitable yea r , and \H' hope that our senior yrar \rill be as successfnl.
The Junior Class Officers - John Brackett, vice-preside:1t; Pat Moore , secretary; and Bob Neuman , president.
Junior girls at one of their pranks- a surprise for Mrs . Thompson! Rand y Upton studying consci entou sl y f o r exams.
With PurpoJe Bo/J We've Bay ley
T'om Bell
C ind , - 1\n derson
Mar.\' And erson
Roge r B end er
Kitsie Bit:kn ell
Jan Bowman
John Bracket t
Chn ek Br路ewer
T\ at hy B urn s
Don Bnl'ton
Ca rl e Clement
.] ; 111
Paul Cloyd
Pam Everest
,Joan Godshall
Claudia Coleman
Ralph Goetting
J ea n Duchow
Georg-e Earle
Carole Fish elson
J;ynn Fitzpatrick
Gar路:路 Gram lry
Bill Gustafson
Linrlct Gnth
GcorgP IIansPn
Bill l'.Jcwicka
DavP Linville
Dit路k Mace
Rall.\- Kilb omn p
Sharon Kuscbe
.Joe JJPfto n
Vic L eYin
C.vnthi a l\1al'ling
'l'ecl Martin
W endy McClure
Lee McConaghy
Glor ia lVIooi
Pat Mo0re
Tom l\'[ oor e
P ete Mosling
Tom Moxie.'路
George :\'[nhl
Steve ?\elson
Bob :-\ euman
J ndy N orion
Pat Orton
36 -
Louis Ostrom
Ann Roller
Dan[ R iley
P ete rs
Clwn Rowe
Mitzi S('h110idPr
'l' P I'l',\ '
37 - -路
K ath.\路 Rit<:lwll
l\Iarip Schram
Budd Spragne
1961-62 Shm路on Stabler
W// Be
Sue Stebbins
Niary Surpless
Randy Upton
P ete Vogt
f:ven Beller Jeff Straubel
V irgillia Strub
Dic路k Temk i1 1.
Ch ris Th ompso11
Kirk 路w anless
Cathy \Yhitab' r
DaYe \YiUihnganz
Raxter \Vright
Rau(ly 路white
Susi e
\V i rc~ h ers
Planning a Junior Prom means hard work which this year's prom committe e can vouch for _
Wayland Hall Round y Hall
Linfield Hall Pick2rd Dining Hall
From its beginning in 1855 路wayland has de\'elopecl from a one-buil ding路 school into an attractive c:ampns with more than several buildings ll'hich st ill reflect th e tradition that Wayland uphdds. 'l'inw has been good to \ Vaylancl.
-:1-0 --
-l-1 -
Tlw sophomore class g r e\r in numb er "·ith t.lw anival of HHi0-61. ·w ith the help a n d achiee of -:Hiss K oester , lVI. iss Bricl geF; , l\Ir. R 0berts, and Mr . Va n Ett r n , all(.l under th e ablt> lead ership of om <·la ss offi crrs , Chu ck Ge i>;l e r, Dick Leimbaeher , Did: Y ea kel, and Chi .l\1e rellith , \H' mafl c it sucr.;rssfnl'.' thron gh th e year . Our H cnw eomiu g ,;kit took thinl plae r , but \\'E' s ur p r isr(l ewryone by takin g first pl al'l· with our e ffi g·~- . "\Yr 'll Lower the Boom. " .\[emb e rs of our da ss a r e on ce again taking an ad iYe pa rt. in sports an cl ext ra-1·m-ri enlar actiriti rs. Nin er our r·lass leads th f> sc hool in th r numb Pr of stndenis on tlw Honor Roll. we arr indeed a >;tucl ions gr oup. 'l' lw f:l ophom orr Ca rni,·al was \' f' l'\' sncc:essf nl an d was one of t he hi ghlights of th e seh ool :·ear. 'L' his ha s b e(' ll a profi tabl e ~·ra r for us. and wP llllp e om· r emainiug ~- e m·s at \Vayl a ncl \rill b e a-; l'P\ntnling· as this on e.
The Sophomore Class Officers-Dick Yeakel , Chuck Geisler, Dick leimbacher, and Chi Meredith.
\Ya ll y Altholz
,John Anderson
A llll
-±2 -
J ohn Barth
__)Jonor:J (liven :Jor
Work We// 2)one
Lou is Baxter
Huth H e rkh oltz
C li ff Bisc:hotl'
Drbb ie Brown
C raig Campbr ll
B;-u路b Ca rgill
'J'e rri r ('lo,\'ll
.r e nnife r
Coon lC')'
Kathie C ra11dall
.Betsy Braue r
-l oh11 Darbo
Kathy Del: ker
lâ&#x20AC;˘'a lk
Linda C:ardn er
Bill D<' ramus
Alice Dillon
Bob Folsom
.T olln Fromm
.Jnlir Ga r~:ia
Joe Hall
Bill High smith
Uhuck Geisler
44 -
Hogr r Ensmingrr
Bob Holl and
Gift Hooker
Bill Jasper
Bon11 it> K r u hmlll
,Jan et l;amb
Dan f_;ea ch
Di ck L eimbach er
Craig Lind eke
Ri ck Lu ebke
45 -
Mike Kant el'
.J or Mat donald
.Joyce McGraw
C hi Meredith
Bob Mueller
SteYe Owt>n
I-I ug·h Palmer
Tom Perry
SuP Pett>rso11
Bill Powt>rs
-±6 -
Scott :Morrison
Pe n·~·
,John Raft t>ry
P et e R eynol<ls
L in da Rhod es
Tony Rob erts
.Ji m Say re
Ca 11 dy Sha 11路
Tom Sll <lW
Steve Sloan
Sally Spa rlin g
Diane Spr inkmau
K en Stah l
Dick Suddnth
.Jeff Trm pas
-1-7 -
John Tye
John Vilker
Dave Vogt
Carl Von Encle
Barb \V eisse
DaYe \Veltich
Dick Y eakel
Carolyn Zil iseh
Budd Spragus tells ghost stories at a sophomore activity .
-1-8 -
_A-dvancing -
49 -
The fres hma n class began t he sc hool ~· ea1· \rith a bang by taking first plat:e \rith th t•i1· sld, "·Wayland in Cawman D a~·s'' Ijed by tiP ir d<>.s;.; advisors, l\Ir. an d Mrs. !\'issalke. :\h. and :\Irs. \Volfe, ancl JVI.r. and Mrs. Maass. the fro.s h rontinned to han' a successfu l year b~· partil'ipating in many extra-cnnicnla r <-H:ti ,-it iPs. '['II r•y have a lso upheld \Yaylm1d's academ i, ,;t;-1 ' 1· c1anls with members on the H onor Roll. Sadie Ha,rkin 's \Yeeken d tnnletl out to be a great sut:cess. Th e race. clim axe(l by tht> Sad ie Ha\\·kin 's Dan c·e. proYicl ed fnn and snrpris:'S fo r all. Th anks to thei r class officers, Bob Est 011 . presiclt> nt. T om Goetting. ,·ic e-president, Ba rb Purcl~·, see:reta r~-, a nd Nanc ~ - Se:hw er, treasurt> r. The f r esh man class h ad a trul,,- happ~- and p rospt>rous yee:ll'. They art> all l oo kin g forwanl to tht> ir future ~-ea rs at \\ra~·lancl "·ith b ri ght iJ qw. a n c1 enthu siasm .
The Freshmen Class Officers-Nancy Schwer, treasurer; Tom Goetting, v ice-president; Bob Este n, presid9nt; and Barb Purd y, secretary.
A typical night for the freshman girls.
Most of the Fres hmen boys lived in off-campus house this year.
Da w All en
NJaet.v Baker
f:it eve B eers
Cheri BPlcher
l<' recl Bissell
Jim Boggis
Nancy Brill
B etty Brownell
Bino路 Christman
Debbi e Coulson
Andy Coulson
51 -
Sarah Cull en
J ohu Davidson
Ellen Davis
路willow Del<'onw
Pat Eichenseer
Bob Esten
Don Gardner
Sue Gillmer
Tom Goetting
Bill Graham
-52 -
Cl1m路l rs Dinkrl
Linda Grotefeld
Bob ilan <·.\·
Doug Hill
Paul H ol'\'ath
Nfa l'tha Karl t> n
Kathy l\nC:' h11lt•
Rri c
Tom Mink
J ohn lVInghes
Tom Orton
Diek Paris
AI Paulson
P eter Pinkham
Sabina Pope
Harriet Porter
Virg inia PowE'rs
Ba rb Purdy
Gail Qualls
Chris R eynolds
Kent Reade
Ralph Robinson
Peggy Roll er
Renay Rux
Liz Schmidt
Na uC.'' Schwa 路
Phil Se ippel
K erry Semple
Scott Smith
Sally Snyder
Bob Stabler
Sidn ey Schumaker
Dave Strauch
But When We're Senior6, Watch What We'// :lJo .J ane Strub
Uharl es \Yollak
路w a nlrss
B.non \Vaxler
Karen Yah l'aus
A rousing volleyball game at a freshman activity.
J oh u \Yingq uist
Dic:k YPagrr
- GJ
Wit Be -
.}7 -
meetinfl ....
The Y.W.C.A. Cabinet seated left to right- Aiic9 Di:l :m, c:~a rle :-.e Hess, Chi Meredith , Penny Schwer, Joyce Hall, Joyce Thacker, Joan Bishop, Sue Stebbins. Standing left to right- Caryl Richter, Jaye Miller, Kathy Burns, Jane Baldrige, Terri Dreblow, Be tsy Croxson, Kar9n Sayne .
'1h r Y .\V.C.A .. the largest. oldPst, and mos t adive organization on eampus, constitutes an important part of \¥a~· land life. LTllCle r the abh• leadership of Joyce Hall, president; P e nn~ · Schwer, vice-president; Joyce Thackt>t', secre· tary; and ,Joan Bishop, treasurPr, th eY. vV. has been successful in attaining their goals this y 2ar. Miss ·M arion E. Mitchell served as t lw advisor. Som e of the hig hlights of the year sponsorrd b,v the Y. \V. we re the impressive, r eligious Hecognition Service hrld in the Memorial Chapel, the Nativit~-, and the Mardi Gras. TheY.\¥. is primarily a sPrvicP organization. and it pa rticipatps i11 man,v hPlpful projects. To help carry out th e many dut ies of the Y .vV.C .A. , the members servr on various eontmittee >. Thes(• groups include programs, hospit al it~ ·, v:a.n; and m eans, social service, world relation'>, soc: ial , service, posters, bulletin boards, club rooms, 11nd town relation committees. In the b eginning of
th e ,vear, tbP Y.vV . promot ed the "b ig-little sist. E'r · · program for allnE'w girls. At ThanksgiYing mone.\· was raisrd to providP a nppc]~- family .in BE'avpr Dam with a happy Thanksgiving. Also. as has bePn dmtP in thp pa~t, the Y .\V . snpportPd a 1\:orPan war ocphan. Brsides all th:s outs id P activity whi ch t.lw organization mauaged to do S :J SU 2C: E'SSfnJly. it also prPSPntpc] WP ekly 11l?('tittgS for its membE'rs. In th P spring the mock wrdd ing add ed en ' rrtainntPnt for the git·ls at an informa I gt>t-togt>the r. The installation banquet, dm·ing which nl'xt _ypar 's officprs and cabin et mem bPI'S wpre installeel , was hrld in May. 'l'he activities of the Y .W are beiug carriPcl out as a mean~ of promoting· fpllowship among thP girls belonging to tlw Y.\V.C.A. Movies, religious spPakrrs, and student PlltPttainmeut help to make the Y.W. a most important part of a \¥ayland girl's life.
Service Top mw left to right--Betty Brownell, Kathy Pondelicek, Car le Clement, N ancy Schwer Carolyn Zillisch, Joan Godshall, Willow DeFouw , Florence Wright , Janet Lamb, Cynthia Marling , Jan Bowman , Rena y Rux, Debbie Coulson. Cent-=r row-Kitsie Bi ckne ll , Pat Moore , Jennifer Coo:1ley , Sharon Stabler , Lind a Guth, Sue Peterson, Rena Leith , Sharon Kusche, Val Langmann , Karen Yahraus . Front row-Debbie Brown, Jean Duchow, Lynne Peters , Kathy Ritchell, Linda Gro tefe ld , Claudia Coleman, Sidney Schumaker, Liz Schmidt, Linda Gardner, Cheri Belcher, Li nda Rhodes, Peggy Roller, Harriet Porter, Nancy Brill.
top row left to right- Julie Garcia, Sue Gillmer, Sabina Pope, Betsy Brauer , Sally Sparling, Jan Houstan, Marilyn Rieckman , Carol Fuller, Pat Georgas, Mary Anderson, Sue Seippel, Nancy Ferguson, Ginny Bardeen , Sally Kilbourne, Ann Shriner, Mitzi Schneid er, Sue Kr am. Center row-Candy Shaw, Lynn Fitzpa trick , Virginia Powers, Pam Ri chard s, Judy Norton, Barb Cargill, Bonnie Keulman, Mary Surpless, Kathy Decker, Jane Strub. Front row-Terrie Cl oyd, Kathy Keating, Ann Roller, Sharon Brannon , Marty Baker, Barb Wei sse, Kathy Kuehnle, Meg Ludlum , Ginny Strub, Ann Baird , Carole Fishel son, Pat Orton, Ellen Davi s, Barb Purdy, Gloria Mooi , Pam Everest , Lynn Albrecht, Cathy Whita ke r, Kay Jensen, Susie Wiechers, Wendy McClure, Bunny Meythaler .
The Wayland Memorial Chapel -
A place for meditation.
on 'l'hi;; y ear 'l{ayl a n<l A~.:aclem.1· i;; again fortunatf' to haw• it:-; worship :-;el'l'ice;; enhanced b~' the singing of th e \Va~·land C hoir. P ncler th e clirectioJJ of :\fr. T(enn edy with <Jtt:ompani:-;t l\;; Bridf!es, t!JP ehoil', made up of fift,,·-seYen memb eJ·s, pa rtit:ipatecl regular-ly in Sumlay momiJtgchnrt:h servites as well a;; in speeial programs. Trayeling in April to Green Bay, \Visconsin, th e l'hoir sang at th e First Co ngTegation al Churd1. r\t th e Hom eeoming program, the t:hoir pn•seuted a lovely \vorship sen·ice for the attemli ng parPnts and visitors. The highlights of tlw dwit· sPason were the impressive Christmas
and Easter sel'\' Jt: es and th e graduation ee l'emuny. The choir, whi ch pradic r·s every Monday and Thnrsclay night, has put in man,~· hours of harrl work and effo l't. Altough this has bern tim<· t:OJJ snming, all the members 1rill agree that it has been r r wanling·. l\Ian~· thanks goes to Mr . !\ en ned~ · for his superb job of direeting this organ ization and to l\ll.iss Bridges for her aecompanimen. Ce rtainly \Va,vlancl is wr.'· proucl and appre<·iative of the inspiration a nd beaut,,- ll'hieh this group lends to the cleYotional sel'l'it:es.
First row, left to right- Jaye Miller, Joan Godshall, Mary Surpless, Ann Baird, Carol Fuller, Lynn Albrecht, Harriet Po rter, Virginia Strub, Jane Strub , Jean Ducho w, Sally Kilbourne , Penn y Schwer, Kath y Ritchell , Terri Dreblow, Jane Baldrige, Joyce Tha cker, Kathy Burns. Row two- Cindy Hood, Pat Moore, Susie ' Wiechers, Joyce Hall, Pam Richards , Pam Everest, Mi~zi Schneid er, Gloria Mooi , Caryl Richter, Wendy McClure, Ginny Seemann. Third row- Carolyn Zilisch, Kirk Wanless, Bob Esten, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Ann Roller , Kathy Pondelice'<, Ruth Berkholtz, Miss Bridges, Sue Peterson, Linda Gardner, Barb Purdy, Nancy Brill, Randy Upton, Ken Stahl. Fourth row-Hugo Nielson, Bill Graham, Dick Leimbacher, Chuck Brewer, Joe Macdonald, Mike Wolfe, Mr. Kennedy, Jim Gardner, Jon Tempas, Budd Sprague, Don MacNeil, Bob Haney, Steve Owen.
-GO -
Front row , left to right-Bunny Meythaler, Sue Peterson, Kathy Ritchell, Betsy Croxson, Pat Moore, Kathy Burns, Chris Thorson, Carol Fuller , Carle Clement, Ann Baird, Terri Dreblow, Jean Duchow , Barb Weisse. Second row- Alice Dillon , Barb Cargill, Pam Richards , Caroyn Zilisch, Dick Yeake l, Tom Shaw, Joyce Thacker, Meg Ludlum, Mike Whitaker, Randy Upton, Debbie Brown, Ly nn Fitzpatrick. Third row -- Wendy McClure, Bob Johnstone , Pete Kaiser, Jeff Tempas , Dave Erbstoe szer, Mike Wolfe, Dick Leimbacher , Pete Vogt , Cal Lawton, Carl Von Ende, Joyce Hall . fourth row--Joe Macdonald, Loren Lindeke, Bob Schwartz, Don MacNeil, Randy White, Jon Tempas.
The> Youth Ur-oup , t<' nt r r of rc路 li gious ac tivity Oil thr vVaylan<l tamp u~-;, infhl <'IH.:<'' <~ll phasPS of \Va ylancl lifr . Th r wrr kly mrPting->i givr II R a d1a11C' E' to probe> , tlis<:uss, and c>nlluatr the rom 1non probl c>m>; of our Life and fa ith , and to lea rn more about God and ]Ji,., plaee in o ur livt>s . Th e two boards, thr Board of Deaeons aliCl the Board of Trustrr R, arr made up of nwmb r r>; of Yonth Group who are intrrrsted in clirrding the a ctivities of our ~; hap e l and the whol r r eli g ious prog-ram. 'I'he Board of 'l'rnstres ha~o; outlin ed a budget whi <:h distributes om路 monev in fonr areas: mai11trnanl:e and intrrnai r xpem;es, comnn1nit.'路 reli Pf, missio11s and benevolrnc:es, and C hri~-;tian Pdu~;atio n . Th e Dea<:OJJS' job is co ncrrn ed with thr spiritual aspec:t of the c hnn:h, SIH.: b as spe<:ial SPI'Vi(路Ps, R.rlig ion-in Life vV E'Pk , and Yonth C+ronp programs. A II these work to,nlrcl H ~;om mon goal : the r ealizati on that t lw re is sonwth in g gr eatr r than man.
Reverend John D. Blythe, advisor to the Youth Group.
-- Gl -
Th i>; .n~ar· tll r P ost too k a mor t> promin ent po~ i tion in sc:hool affairs tha n ewr befo r e. Sonw r ad i<:al L· han ges h a Ye taken p lace uot o n l ~' in t lw geu er a l ap p ea ra n<:(' and size of th e paper, bu t also in tlw objediYes " ·hie b th e staff is att empt in g to rea<:IL These objedives may b t> classifit>d into t hr·r p Sf'(; tiom; : 1- to inform r ead ers of pa>;t P\·e nts a nd happPltin g-s, 2- t o in form rpacl ers of rwn ts to t:ome, 3 ) t o p r rsen t th e r eaLler wit h "thou g ht " ar tic:les which d irectly <:On t:e rn h im. T his thir·d ob j ectiw is probab ly th r most important fmt t: ti on of t h r Post
as a \Yaylancl o1·ga niza tion. W ith t he cr eation oE ue,,· eolnmns, a mor e liberal policy , and in c reased stu dP n t int erest, tlw paper ser wd as a di r ect ti e between tlw st udents a n d admin ist r·a tion. Tlw improyem ent of a fi yp column paper a nd aclYer t isements f r om lo<:al stor es, along with a n in cr ease of ri l't ur es, han giw n a n ew look to tb r P ost. It giws a n up -to -datt> acc ount of the llt' \\'s to mak(• it t he tra d itional lit t> rm ·~- pr idt> anc1 jo ~- on L·amp us.
First row- Ja y e Miller , Jon Tempas, Virgin ia Strub, Kath y W entorf, Jane Str ub, Debbie Brow n, Barb Cargill , Barb Wei sse . Second ro w- Terri Dreblow, Pam Richard s, Caroiyn Zilisch, Carol Full er, Jan Ho uston , Jo y ce Thacker, Terrie Cloyd , Ka t hy Ritchell . Third row- Pete Vogt , Rand y Upton , Loren Lindeke , Ly nn Albrecht , Sue Peterson, Ruth Berkholtz, Ch i Meredith , Jean Duchow . Fourth row- Dav e Erb stoeszer, Sue Seippel , Les Brill , Sue Stebbin s, Jim Gardner , An n Shriner, Chris Thorson, Bill Gusta f son. Fifth row - Bob Larson, Joe Macdonald, Joan Bi shop, Sue Kram , Jane Baldrige , Bi ll Hobbins, Pat Orton.
()2 -
Profes sional Plagerists? Kathy Wentorf, Betsy Croxson, and Terrie Dreblow hustle to finish a section of studen t life.
EYery JH'W staff planning another Pillars is facrd with th r probl em of n~aking it a finer a ncl more clistin ehYe yrarbook tha n its preclecessors. 'Po sonw til if> means bigg-er a rrll more L·laborat,• <'o,·crage. F'aerd ,,·ith a limit rcl snpp l_,. of tim e. mon r y , and photog-raph e rs, \\"<' srt ont in trnr \Yayland Jll<tllll E' I" to attaek a ncl eo nqLw r· th esE' ]1t·obl C> ms. ·with key-boards l:lattPrin g a nd flash-bulbs pop ping , Pillars staffe rs hustl ed to mrPt their "d clays '' 'rhi cl1 came quite sudden ly upon them. 'l'hcse d Pad lin Ps to se nd copy and pi ctures to press
k ept them jumping, while h eads, cutlines, and satisfactory lay-ont trstpd th eir pati Pn ce and or ig in<llity. Only aftc•r th e la st d eadlin e had b ee n met co uld th e staff enjo_,. a \\·r ll d E>sr n ·ecl rPs t h om thrir labor·s. \\'a;; it h rdi<:! Yrs. \\T<ts it ner·vr-shatte ring 1 Y rfi . \Vas it fun 1 ·w ell . . . rnayb P. \Vas it \HJrth it 1 'l'hat 's right too , if \\"P haYr per·haps in soml· \'"<1~ ' pr·pspr·vrcl the id eals, pnrposr s, and fr-i<'tldships that \\·ill bri1rg ba ek memorirs to ~' Oll as .''Oil l"('illl an<l n ' rPad this book.
Bo ttom row-Kathy Wentorf, Editor-in-Chief; Kathy Burn s, Copy Editor . Second row- Miss Brown , Business Advisor; Teddie Dreblo w and Betsy Croxson , Stude:1t Life Editor s; Randy White, Advertising Manager. Third row - Mr. Sehloff, Fa cu lty Advisor; Sharon Kushe, Business Manager; Sue Kram and Kit Raftery , typists; Kathy Keating , Art Editor.
-- 63 -
First row from left to right- Virginia Powers, Terry Lall y, Sarah Cullen , Vince Vilker, Mike Wolfe, Pat Orton. Second row- Terrie Cloyd, Bob Esten , John Vilker, Judd Sm it h, Bill Graham, Harry Shaw, Scott Smith , Tom Orton, Randy White.
First row from left to right- Lynn Albrecht, Kathy Keating , Terr y Lally, Sue Peterson , Barb Purd y, Ann Baird. Second row-Bob Haney , Chuck Brewer, Randy Upton , Mary Surpless, Mike Wolfe, Jon Tempas, Ken Stahl, Bob Esten, Mitzi Schneider, Chuck Geisler, Bill Graham.
First row , left to right- Mr. Chase , Sue Gillmer, Debbie Coulson, Barb Purdy, Cheri Belcher, Pat Georgas , Harriet Porter, Sidney Schumaker, Ly nn Albrecht , Rena y Ru x, Liz Schmidt, Joe Lefton , Bob Folsom. Second row- Ann Baird, Bunny Meythaler, Kath y Decker , Chuck Geisler, Dick Leimba chet, ;-Ietty Brownell , Li nda Guth , Pat Moore , Cindy Hood , Dave Vogt , John Tye, Carl Von Ende. lhird row-Car ol e Fishelson , Ralph Robinson , Bob Stabler, Kathy Ritchell , Sue Peterson , Pat Orton , Barb Weisse . Gi n ny Seemann, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Cal Lawton , Tod Figi, Gary Gramley . Fourth row-Tom Shaw, To m Orton , Joe Macdonald , Pam Richard s, Kathy Burns , Chan Rowe, Linda Gardner, Diane Sprinkman, Wall y Althol z, Joan Godshall, Sue Perry, Lynn e Peters, Chu ck Brewer. Fift h row--To m Be ll , Kirk Wanle ss, Len Coul so n, Don MacNeil, Jim Johnson, Jeff Straubel , Don Burton , Tom M oxley.
\V ay lancl ski r nthw:;iasts one<· again sno\1·plow('(l t heir wa.1· to a short but f nn ~kiing sra son at ~linger , \ Yi.·toll s in . On three Sunday mornings a£h•1· ninr o '<:loek el!nreh serviees, bnsloacls of ski Prs traveiPd to the "SIJ0\1'-eapped ' · p Pa ks of Slinger, wh PN mannf ac:tnrrd sno\\· took ow r fo r Motlwr 1\aturP. B ut th r air " ·as t risp, and th e spiri ts wpre high , and t hat 's 'rh at it took to mak e three good Runcl a,,·s on th ,· slopes of Little Switzprland . In the group \\·rr e .J eff Rt r a nb Pl a nd Vie l<'a lk, al'clainlrcl b.1 · ob srr\'E'rs as two of th e mol-it profi eient ski <· rs on t lw headwa ll. M iss K orstr r , Mr. Chase, atHl lHr .
\' a n Etten we re the aeeo mpa ny in g adults on the trips, and t he.v did morr than tlwir sha1·e of instructing the brginuers and ehall engi ug the mor e advanced s kirrs. \Vithon t their helping ha nd s, thrsp trips eould not havr b ePn possiblP. 'l'lw t'P was a major injury during· the sPasOll , r-esulting in the swimming team 's loss of Bill Jasper. This didn 't, howevr r , clampPn the spirits of th e ski enthusiasts, for a week latr r \Va,, ·Ianditps werr b ac k on the slopes. Th e >;eason was fillPd 'rith fun; and although there was a sh ortage of sno\\·, \Yaylm1 d sk iers will no doubt b e ba<'k nrxt y ea I' to conqu er Slinger ·s lofty peaks.
'l'he Art class held its sessions in the clownstairs of the chapel. Mrs. James Brandt, IYho held a special class in Art on Saturday morniugs last year, taught two ninet.v-minute classes each week this year due to the increased student interest. 'l'he primary purpose of the course is to present the fundamentals of art to the students, to acquaint them with the hi storical background, and to give them an apprec iation of art. 'l'his organization is more a club than a class, for there are no lectures or seating charts Each student proceeds at his own pace in line with his own creative talents. Ther e is quite a bit of individual freedom, although Mrs. Brandt is al"路ays h ere to give instruction when the student n eeds it.
Dick Yeakel exhibiting his artistic talent during an Art class.
The students 路work in oils and trmperas as 1wll as in \Yat er colors a11cl ink Tlw~路 tri ed th eir hand at surrealism , lan dscapes, a ncl chan:oal sketches. \Ve at路e iH cleecl proud of onr \Vayland artists.
Seated left to right-Craig Lindeke, E!len Davis, Janet Lamb, Craig Campbell, Chuck Geisler, Tim Zell, Pat Eichenseer,
Chris Thompson. Standing-Sharon Stabler.
First row- Coach Schlicker , J. Smith, V. Vilker, P. Cloyd, J. Brackett, B. Johnstone, IV Second row- ·Coach Chase, W. Zuehls, T. Bell , B. Lavika , C. Brewer, D. Duchow, J . Homut~ Th ird row-Coach Meyer, G. Drummond, B. Ja sper, D. Vogt, M. Whitaker, T. Smith, G
vVayland ':s football tf:'am, eoached b;Y Mart~· Meyer, ended an r xcellent :season with a r ecord of five wins, one loss, and one tir. 'l'he Rednwn placed right behind co-champions Country Day and MUS in the conferr>ll(:e standings. W aylaud suffered its first and only loss to MUS in tlw openin g game 20-0. In the second game the team worked togrtlwr for a 13-6 win owr Milwaukee Lutheran . K en Black scored oue touchdowu, and Mikr vVolfr
piek ed up a bloekecl kick and scorNl th r other t om:hdown.
On October 8, vVa:l'la.ncl won its most lll f'lliOI'a · blr game against Cou ntry Day. Thr ganw \ras clcse all four quarters with vVayland aJwad in tlw fourth with tlwer tonc-hdowns, 19-14. Spragur had seorrd thr first one; Jasprr caught a 37 yard pass from Blaek fo r the srconcl; and Bla ek scorrd th e third on a short plunge. But with one mitlllte to
\Yon Lost 'l'ir () l 6 M.TT.S . 6 1 0 Wayland 5 1 1 Rac·illE' Lutheran 4 0 3 Lake F'orE>st 8 1 3 \i\' i>wonsiu Imtheran 2 0 5 North\restern Preps 1 6 0 Milwaukee Lutheran 0 7 0 Co untr.'· Da.'·
As Tom Bell and another Wayland player block a member of the opposing team, Ken Bl ack carr ies the ball down the field.
68 -
Co-captains Mike Wolfe and Ken Black di sc uss new plays with Coach Meyer. Wolfe, K. Black, B. Sprague, B. Hobbins, J. Williams, J. George. R. Bender, C. Von Ende, K. Waniess, T. Moxley, R. White Muhl, B. Wright , R. Upton , J. Lefton, B. Anderson.
Hnd \Yi seonsin Lutherans l:i-6.
go. Count t·.'· Da.'· mowcl th e ball to the \Va.daml on e-ya rcl lin e. There the.'· were held b.'· ·wa y land 's defense, c:alled the brst in the le<tg ne at the e n(l of tlw spason. ·wayland was lwld to a 6-G tiP at Intkr Fot·est the n ext weeke nd. v\'a.vland then finish ed ont tlw sea son Yietorious, first b r ating Rae in e Lnth era n G-0 at a H omrc:o ming gam<:> pla.''E'cl in the rain . \Yayland th r n br at th r Northwrst('m Prrps 20-1:~
\Ya.Ylancl pla e<:>cl fiye m en on the all-co nfr t·e ncr tPams. Hon on'cl \H're Ken Blaek, .Joe George, Bill Hobbins , Bob Johnstone. and Mike \Volfe. Ken led th e leagLw in pass ing \\·ith almost 50 ',k completions ancl ()20 .Yard ~. MikP \~Tolfr ancl B lack wrre l'O-ra ptftin s, ancl Hil l H ob bins was r leet r cl most ntluab le pla.'' C'l' b." tlw team .
SCOH.l£HOARD Wayland
0 1·•..
Oppone nt
Milwaukr e U ui,·e rsity Sehool 20 Milwanker Luth r ran G Mihnlllker Country Day 1-1: Lak<:> For<:>st 6 Raeiuc· Luthrr-an 0 .1\orthwest<:>m Pr('ps 1.8 \\ristonsin Lnt]Jeran 6
Star back, Ken Black passes as Bud Sprague blocks member of opposing team.
69 -
JeJ" (lain Gxperience
The Junior Var sity fi11 ished up the season with a 10-4 record, tlJe first winning season for th e JV in quite a few year s. --w ith this record the Little R ed finished up with second place in the confer ence. Under the coach ing of Mr. Schlicher the team improved throughout the year, winning six of th e last seven games. Two of the I1ittl e Red 's losses came at the hands of unb eaten Milwankrr Lutheran. The JVs avenged both other lossrs in their second meetings, first by beating the Conga rs 37-36, then handling the Lancers of MTTS a loss. Alan Paulson was the high scorer of t he year with OYer 200 points. Bsten , Fromm, lVIaier, and Von Bnde also played well.
Coach \Volfe 's junior Yarsity footba ll tram duplicat ed the va rsity's rec01路cl of fin' wins ancl only one loss. 'l'he Little Red lost their first gamr to Mi lwaukre Luthrran 6-19 . But afte r th eir first loss, the Little Red ('am e back fltrong led by S(;ott Smith, l\Iike Ma ier, Alan Paulson, Daw Vogt, a ncl Bob Bsten. Th e team overpowered Co untry Day. 27-0; Northwestern Preps, 46-6; Lake Forest , 40-0; Northwester n Preps again, :n-O; and Randolph, 26-6. The future indeed seems good. 'l'h (' JYs pla,Yecl off of the single win g a nd completel:'路 (;Ontrollecl t he p la y as shown by the r esu lts of t lw last fiye games.
JV Ba sk etball Team- Kneeling-C. Geisler, B. Esten, J. Tempas, P. Mosling , B. Waxier, D. Gardne r, C. Von Ende . Standing- B. Fo lsom, J. Wingquist, M. Maier, Coach Schlicher, R. Luebke, D. Vogt, and J. Fromm .
JV Football Team- B. Christmann, T. Perry, J . Hall, V. Vilbr, S. Owen, J. Rafter y, B. Fo lso m, J . Fromm , W. Altholz, J. Tye , D. Voq t, A. Paul so n . Second row - B. Waxier, B. Esten, B. Highsmith, D. Leimbacher, T. Sha w, K. Reade, D. Allen , H. Palmer, K. Stahl. Third row- P. Pinkham, J . Davi dson , V. Falk , B. Wanless, D. Yaeger, S. Beers, H. Shaw, S. Smith, P. Reynolds. Fo urth row-Coach Nissalke, B. Stabler, J . Mueller, R. Goetting, and Coach Wolfe .
70 -
Wayland Mermen - Sitting- H. Palmer, J . Tye, J . Macdonald, S. Sloan, B. Jasper, B. Sprague, J . Hom u th , B. Johnstone, M. Whitaker, G. Hooker, P. Kaiser, J . Vilker . Standing-Coach Wolfe , J . Johnson , S. Owen, L. Baxter, C. Rowe , R. Upton , T. Moxley, D. l eimbacher, T. Perr y, S. Nelson, P. Revnolds, J. Anderson, T. Goetting, S. Morrison, and T. Shaw.
tn an
Th e \Yayland sw imme rs nnd er the eoaching of l\'lr. \\rolfe and lVIr . Van Ettrn had a suceessfnl >;rasou of rl<'Ye ll wins, one tir, and srcond plaer in tlw Conferr n ee meet. In t he first t hrer meets of 11w ~-ea r ·wayland thoronghJ_,. owrpmn'r ed their opponents. Bud Spragnr broke t he school and pool rrco rd in thr 50 yard frrrst~ · l r with a tim e of 2-!.9 srco nds again st D elava n.
srt. a record of 1 :17 .0 in t h e breaststroke, and Jon Homuth broke Lis own r ecord in the 100 fr ee with a :55.8. In the conference meet Wayland took fiv e firsts as compared to three for LFA and MJ S , but ·wayland still took only second. Tye and IIomnth set records for Wayland.
But in their fourt h mer t th e tankers were hr ld to a tie b_v Co ncordia. In t lw retnrn meet "~i't.h Lake Forest, \Vay lallCl 's m erlll r n again wer e vicj·orions with Bill Jasp er srt1i11g a JJ <"w school record of 1 :17.0. Swmm in g MUS , the Reclm en again OYerpowered tlwir· foes; this tin1r by a Sl:Ol'L' of ()6-2 0. \Vadaml 's nwcll cv rela ' ' t r am of Johnstone. Jaspe1:, Suddut h, a'nd 8 1;rague set a 20 .n11'cl p oo l r rco rcl of 1 :32.8. Th r next week \V a ~ · land minns eight S\rimm e rs showed team depth by troun cing Milwaukee Lut lwra n 65-21. vVaylancl again overpowered D elavan ancl won 61-25. vVayland set a pool record of l :H.:3 \Yith the freestyle r elay t eam of Homuth. ,) oh nstone , Linville, and Spmgne.
RECOH.DS Bud Sp rag-ue - 50 ya rd f recstylr - :2-!.9 s John 'rye - 100 yard breaststroke - 1 :15.1 s,c John Hom nth - 100 yat·d fl'eestyle - :55.8 s,p,c
67 6;'5
59 13 45
66 65 61 53 62 65
'l'lw nex t daY \Va v lan cl ou1· to re,·etwr their 1i <>, fal'rd Concordia .. This, tim r vVa~·la nd 'i., d r pth paid off with a ,·i<:tory 53-33. Captain .Jon Hom nth set a new pool and Sl:hool rrcord in t he 100 ~-a r d frees1yle of :56 .0. 1\ ga inst MUS, John Tye
71 -
Oppon ent Appleton Y 17 Delavan H . S. 20 Lake Forest 27 Concordia 43 Lake Forest 41 MUS 20 Milwaukee Lutheran 21 Delavan H. S . 33 Concordia 33 Milwaukee Lutheran 24 ...... ...... M S 21
Pin Him Coach 1 Coach Chase give Dave Erbstroeszer a demonstration in ·w restling technique.
J oe Left(•n tries for a pin in a mat ·h again; ) f. l;.8.
Wa )·land .:\Icrmen in the lead. And '['he Race Begin - Wayland starts it big pull to Yictory over Concordia.
Practice }lakes Perf ect - Several ·w ayland swimmer. practice for a better start. - 72 -
l!Vo n
Wrestling Squad- Siting- W. Altholtz, B. Larson, D. Duchow, B. Anderson, L. Brill, J. Lefton, J. Smith. Kneeling - K. Stahl , B. Stabler, T. Orton, S. Smith, T. Moore , J. Sayre, J. Darbo. Standing- H. Shaw, K. Reed . J . Hall , T. Bell, G. Muhl, B. Christmann, D. Erbstoeszer, and Coach Chase.
malmen Sea6on
a Irs,; than a minute to go to gi,·e \Yayland a vwtory. \Vay land was pa rti c ularl,,· strong ag·a inst th e h,·o Mi hH1uk ee sc hools of the conft>rent·e. Th r• nmtm e n o,·erpo\\·c·eell l\'[1 i ~ b~ - sr:ores of :-H ).!) nnd :~6- 10 a ntl Oo untr.v Da.'· :HJ-8 . Two of \Ya .d an cl 's l us~es we r·e to the :\'orth\\·rs1<'l.' ll P)'(• ps, th<> tour"nament t'hamp ions.
IV<i,\"lancl"s matmrn tur ned in a good rr eorcl of six \\·in s and four lossrs. Tn th e ('onferenee tonrna llll'llt t h r_,. took srcond placr. 11nder th r coachi ngof rr. O hasr . thr wrestlrrs finishrd strong by \\"inning th i'Pr of tlwi r last fonr mrets. \Va~· land won OJW of their m rr ts with T1ak e Forest iu th e last makh . Baxter ·w right pinnr<l his man with
Th en canw the tOUI'JHinJ r nt. Althongh 1\~a ylan cl qua.lifi.ed its sha re in the fiJ1als , t he Rrclm r n eonld OJJ!,r take srco nd to the Prt•ps. This \ras thr• fourth _vea.r in a t'OW vVayland 's tNilll beat ont all othrr schools exee pt tlw Preps. In the tom·mlli1 PJJt. Brl·t'~' Vl an less won thr 10:3 pound class after on l ~· a week of praetice ..Jim Sa~Te and co-ca ptHin Brad Anderson a lso were gold m edal winn e rs. Tl1 e team's other cO-('aptain , Lrs Brill , took <1 seconcl place. Tom Orton , .Tnd cl Sm ith, and .Jot' Lt~fto n took thirds. lA'tt ermrn \\'f' J'C Orton, f.layrP. Smith, i\ nd Prson , Rrill , Larson , Lefton, 1\rri g ht, Drwh ow , and Moorr. B ra rl Anderson "·as uncl efratrrl t hronghont t he ypar a nd was vote most nduabl e by tlw team .
26 1.8 25
26 12 11
:19 .... . . . 18 :3 6
8t . .John 's 19 XIV. M ilitary Monona Grove J.1a ke F'o rrst Northweste rn Preps MUS Co unt ry Day North west r l'll Preps MUS
26 23 20
31 9
8 23 10
73 -
ikP W lfC' contrib u t ;.; two poi nt .· to aid in the Vi"ayland ·tor,\' oYr r ) f T .• ·.
Yes Or No? Will Ralph Hartley's attempted layup reach its goal?
The Big Reel under Coach Nissalk e overc:ame a laL·k of height to capture the :Midwest Prep Collf c ren ce with a rt>cord of t'welvr wins and onlv two losses. After losing· three non-confereuct> ga~es to start the season . ·wayland started a string of 13 g-ames without a loss. Among the victims was pre\·icnly nubeaten MlTS. In that gamt>, playt>d at :Ul'S, ·wayland snapprd thr Lancer 's 58 gam e \\·inning streak by a score of ;:}4-52. Davf' Powers led the scoring with J 9 points. In tht> fourth conf en•ncP game which was against Milwauk pe LuthPran, KPn Bla<:k scorPcl 39 points, a ·waylanrl r<><:ord for most points sc:or<>d in one gam r . \Va.\·land lost on]~· to second place MUS and tournanwnt champions 'Wisconsin lJnthrran. In the r e-
t>mb er of AU-Confcrenc£> T eam . Ken Black. 1mp. h ig-h to S('Ore two poiJ1t. ·de. pit heavy 1ard ing . b.v M. .• .
Wayland MUS Country Day
12 11
\Visconsin Lutheran Lake Forest
3 6
.. 6
8 8 9 13
l\Iilwaukee Luth eran 6 Racine lJutheran .. . .. . 5 Northwestern Preps .1
55 61 54 67
54 64 66 55 54 Sink it, Mike, Sink it- Mike Wolfe chalks up another two points in a game against Lake Forest.
74 4')oJ
44 ;t_)
Oppon ent
Haeine Luth emn Northwe~te rn Preps Country Day ?vfihrauk ee Luth eran MUS L a ke Forest North western Preps Racine Lnthenw Country Day Milwaukee Lutheran \Visconsin Luthemn
50 60 52 5:1
52 59 -!8 :3G H 69
61 :;\H; s ,;a Lake .For•,fit !'i2 \Vi sc~ms in Lutheran 46
1nrn matt h \\·ith \Vist:OIISin Lutlwran the R ednwn t anw out on thr top with a 59-4() seOl'f'. It! th e eonfen•n ce tourname nt \Va \' land fa trrl Lake F'orest in the R eel men ·~ fir~t ga,;H' . Th e Big llecl beat Lak e F'on'st to mow into the sreon(1 round. l-It>re tlw R l:'dmcn faced \Viseons in Luth<'nt iL \Va,vland started out s lowly and was ten points chwn with about two minntrs to go. Tlw R r dml:' n rallied to ti P t lw scol'e at 41-41, but tlwn los t by two points at -±5-4:3. \Yis<·om;in Luther-an then \rent on to win tlw tournam ent. f{ en Bla l' k seol'ed 407 points to break Keith i\ nclrrson 's rr t·onf cf :i-±8 for th r season. Ken was a lso an tonferrn ce and most valuab le player.
Midwest Prep Conference Champs-Vince Vilker. Cal Lawton , Ken Black , Jack Williams, Bill Hobbins, John Br ackett, Ralph Hartley, Coach Nissa lke , Paul Cloyd, George Earle, Dan Wood, Dave Powers, Mike Wolfe, Bill lavicka, and Don Burton.
First row - Coach Schlicker, C. Brewer, P. Mosling, J. Williams, T. Bell, J. Straube!, M. Wolfe, J. Gardner, B. Sprague, P. Vogt, A. Phelps, L. Coul son. Second row-Coach Wolfe, A. Paulson, S. Owens, H. Nielson , G. Drummond, J. Tempas, J. Barth, D. Sudduth , J. Lefton, T. Perry, J. Hall , J. Fromm, D. Vogt. Third row- Coach Meyer, J. Smith, B. Esten , S. Smith , T. Zell, G . Hooker, D. Leimbacher, K. Stahl, M. Kantor, D. Yeakel , R. Folsom, J. Bailey . Fou rth row- T. Goetting, A. Coulson, C. Reynolds, A. Ward). Tye, B. Jasper, C. Von Ende , V. Vilker . Fifth row - D. Mace, D. Willihnganz, S. Sloan, B. Waxler, M. Maier, E. Miles, B. Mueller, D. Erbstoeszer. Sixth row- L. McConaghy, K. Wanless, J . Sweet, J. Vilker, B. Highsmith , B. Larson , G. Gramley.
This ~·ear·,. traC'k tram showed a part of its stn'Jtgth at thr Milwaukee ,Jonrnal Rela~'S before spring- Yacation. At thr relays tbr t eam of Jim Gardner. Ch nek Brrwer, PPtP Yog-t, ancl Duel Sprague wo11 thei.r qualif.Yin g hPat , then in tiF' final;; Wayland took second, losing to a slight!~ · faster St . Johus t eam. After spring Yacation. traek g-ot a la..r ge turnout of bo.1·s. Coaches :\feyrr, \Yolfc. and tkhlieker imnwdiatel_,. started to gPt the bo:n; in shape for t lw regular seaso n. S <:> wn r eturning l<:>ttermen and the r<:>sultr; of an intrasqmt(l me<:>t seem t o indicate a finecesr;fnl season ahe<tcl for \VaYlancl 's tntek team. 'l'he Re(lnwn ha1·r a lw<:>hr ~JJ E'E't rostE'l' this spring.
A llE'w »port was start<:>d at \Yayland this fall. nclrr Mr. \Volfr, a eross-eon ntry team was begun. \\' ith thr starting sevrn of Petrr lVIosling. Tim Ze ll , L<:>s Brill. L<:>onanl Coulson. P<:>ter· Kaiser. Chuck Geislrr , and .Jim Bail<:> ~- . tlw distanee meH had t\\·o mrt>ts tlwir first vear. In the first mert \Ya~·land "·as owrpo\\·ert>cl ·b~- a strong l\1ilwaukel' Luthrran team. But in the ll('Xt nw<:>t the long trip to LakP Forr':lt \\·as pa id for· with a R edm en Yidory . Although the team lo':lt the first two places, they took th e rest of the sewn pla <:es for a YietOJ"_\-. :-\ex t ~· rar the t eam \\·ill haw a biggn svlwclu le and more exp erience.
The Cross Country Team- Tom Orton, Len Coulson , Chuck Ge isler, Les Brill, Jim Bailey , Pete Kaiser, Pete Mosling.
Tennis Team - Kneeling - B. Neuman, T. Martin, V . Falk, B. Johnstone, D. Wood, G. Hamson, R. Upton, B. Wanless. Standing - P. Reynolds, S. Biers, R. White, T. Cassel, D. Linville, B. Stabler, W. Altholz , C. Geisler, Coach Roberts .
The Golf Team -Kneeling - P. Pinkham, H. Shaw, D. Hill , C. Lawton, L. LeBuy. Standing路-T. Shaw, P. Kaiser, R. Goetting, B. Hobbins , D. Yeager, J. Homuth, L. Brill, R. Hartley , T. Figi , J. Tempas, B. Lavicka , J. A nderson, R. Leubke, T. Roberts .
77 - -
Girls' Field Hockey Team- Sitting-l. Guth, M. Reickman , K. Burns, J. Bowman , J. Thacker, B. Croxson, J. Baldrige , N. Ferguson, J. Houston, T. Dreblow. Second row- M. Surpless. J. Norton, J. Hall, M. Ludlum , K. Keating, K. Decker, C. Meredith, l. Fitzpatrick, T. Cloyd, S. Stabler, P. Richards . Thirr.:l row-Mrs. Mayer, C. Fuller, A Ba ird, B. Weisse, G. Bardeen, K. Whitaker, S. Brannon , S. Seippel, J. Bishop, J. Godshall, J. Miller, C. Hess.
Hockey, " ·h ic h is th e girls ' majOI' fall spo rt , started soon after school bega n. l\'lrs. lVIayrr ancl Mrs. Chase '"er e tlw coach es of thr Varsit~- and .rv t eams. Thr "Little Tied's" first game 'ms with Downer, of which both teams lo.t; JV -3 :0, Varsity 2:1. The JVs did better the second ganw " ·ith a score of 1:1 against MUS. Varsity lost 2:1. "Don't give up, Charlene, Judy hasn't gotten it away from you yet!"
J\ t homeeom ing the hockt>y tt>am had an inter-
sq uad game; seniors- 1, unclerclassmen- 0. At thr la st game of the season , which was Milwanke,, tournament pla.r day, there "·as no score for either· Downer or W aylancl.
SCOREBOARD Varsity Team Wayland Opponent Down er 2 1 l MUS 2 Downer 0 0 JV Team 0 Downer 3 1 MUS 1
Before 'l'hanksgiving th e gi rl s had intermnral games to finish off the Fall sports. Everyone thought the seaso n was "·orth-whilr and wishes to thank Mrs. Mayer, Mrs. Chase, and the managers for the time they pnt into the season.
18 -
·with th e gir Ls ' basketball team having been chosen just befor e Christmas vacation, everyone was eager to get going ·w hen they r eturned in Jan nary. This year we had the combined efforts of Ml's. Mayer and Mrs. Chase as th e coaches. The g irls wer e coached to work as a t eam, and learned to work so, soon after the season began . Th e first two games wer e away; the efforts of b:; th the \'arsit,· and Jnniol' Varsity teams maclr the games fun , ·even though the Vm:sity team lost both games. Then came th e tournament \Yhi ch was pla.,·ecl at ·w ayland ·w ith lVIl S and l!.,e n y Hall as ou r gnesh. The JVs won all (j of th eir games finishin g· the tournament undefeated. The Varsity won one game by forfeit and lost to Ft:>rry Hall in t lw end. Th e final game with MUS left th e JVs with an undefeated year and the Varsity with a three game loss. Th e tt:>ams fet:>l that th ey owe mu ch to lVIrs. Mayer, Mrs. Chase, and the two 1nanagers, Kath y Wentorf and Judi J ensen for the time they have . pent with the trams this year.
Now that's what I call action!
Girl s' Basketball Team-Sitting- B. Brauer, B. Brownell, M. Reickman, N. Ferguson, B. Weisse . Middle row- K. Whitaker, J . Baldrige, J. Bishop, J . Thacker, L. Peters, P. Orton, J. Hall. Standing- Mrs. Mayer, G. Seeman , L. Fitzpatrick, M. Ludlum, T. Cloyd , C. Meredith, K. Keating , P. Richards , C. Hood , S. Perry, K. Decker, K. Wentorf, J. Jensen.
-- 7fl -
• uasJP · · Jf rw: · m 1lu rmon.1· ' · was t lw thurw o£ thi .- .H·nrs <tnnnal waP Pr fO I ' IlHtn ce~ were g i\'en .\ p ril 1:), 21. mul 22. Carrying- out tlr P thc•l!H' , 11u· ~C' <' I11'1",V was a hl <·tHl uf t lw ,• olo1·: of t11P rainbow \\·itlr nw ~ i,· IH tes in hhu·k <hiftin g' <l<' l'O•• • B<~eh ball et g- r·u11p had n spet ifi ,. ~·ol o r \l·hi,·h d e t~>n1rin t>d t ltr• mood of i.t~ par~ , ,... ba lll't.
t i•·n la1· hal'l;grol!ltcl mn sit· .
.\ 11 ol' t h<· .- hm ·:-; r a n sm o t hl.1-.•\lakin~ th1• wh oiP show t;wular was 1hr· d l'f'r• li n · l ighting
tL· • · IJni < t ll ~' 11'-!l' d
h.v t h
stud ent s.
t:rPi!! a ppn•via ti"ll l'or 11wi r· hel p ;,hoitld lw g·in•n to th e fa cult y
nd 1·iso r: ,
~ lr,;. ~I a .l' < •r
:-;lt r iJH' r· nnd .f ayr• :\li!l ,•r
· · ];ln ek, · · a n umh (•r d otH; hy l :oh J ohn"'o11f' iilld :\an r·y l·'pr~ uso n 10 ·tw t un· of '' l'f"l e r (lrtn n ' '.
·· W h it t'·· g ro np ,. ha ll t llli'll t.
.' 11'1\Hl
· ' J•~ ll
~ I rs .
h~ ·
C lmsc•: t o st ll d <'t Jt d irPI't•n·.- .\nn r
al l of t he• parti •· ipflnts . .
Cheerleaders-First row-C. Shaw, L. Peters, A. Baird, L. Schm idt, C. Fishel son. ~landing - S. Kilbourne, T. Dreblow, N. Ferguson , J . Bishop, J. Thacker, M. Anderson .
l\'ot OIIC' \Va,vla 1J d student <:an loo k brt<:k 011 this sdwol )·ear with ont reJJJembering the pep and rntlmsiasm demonstrated b.'· thP <:hce rl eaclers. 'l'r·ul)· th e spirit hacl great rrsnlts. for the rrforts and s uc·<:essc•-;; of the• Heclmen \\'E'n' t he best Her. Joan Bishop lr d tl1e varsit:· <:heerleacle rs. and organized and presented many suc<:essfnl pep rallies. Tnspirrcl b:v .Joan ancl the·' Yarsit:· cheerlracler s · hanl \\·ork , the junior Yarsit.'· did as great a joh , lecl by Ann Baird. The Pep Club has cle,·eloprcl a great cleal this .''tjar, and was fu l as \H' all had hopr cl.
Ewt·.von e is sincere!:- thankful 1o our eheerleaclers of 1960-1%1.
~1 -
s ue ~.:ess
Varsity Club-First row- J. Baldrige, J. Thacker, N. Ferguson , J. Bishop, J. Hall. Second row - T. Dreblow, J . Norton, C. Meredith, P. Richards, M. Ludlum, G. Seemann.
'W' Club- Sitting-B . Johnstone, S. Sloan, M. Whitaker, D. Sudduth, P. Vogt, J. Homuth , V. Vilker, B. Sprague. Standing-T. Martin, C. lawton, L. Brill, J. Williams, C. Thorsen , R. Hartley, M. Wolfe.
ofeffer The ' vV ' Club and the Varsity Club, two of the most successful clubs on campus, contributed a great deal to the school actiYities of the year. A girl may belong to Varsity Club if she 0a rn" her letter in sports. The memb ers put on many activiti0s, sold r efreshments, and aided the Hom ecoming festivities by selling mums, food and pom poms. Jane Baldrige was the 1960-Ul61 president.
with Pam Rithards as vice-president, and Ginny St>Pmann as secretary-tr0asurer . ThP ' W' Clnb, "路hose mem bPrship consists of boys who have won their lettPrs, also sold refreshments at basketball games and put on sewral a<.:tivities. Th e officers wer e Bob Johnstou e, president. and Bud Sprague as treasurer.
uclrut l:) Pmt , nwm lwr. n ·tm·nNl t·arly to di;; the llt'W dwol year.
!•-J 1
pla n. for
Y.\\' .C .. \ . 1 'ahinvt and . 'tudent ··enate make plan. r r ,\'1-' <1 r.
1, gistl'a ion
·11 ..
it~ 10 1th
/"rtnil {t(/ f., rilfhl : 1)11\t' Lillvill••. l\:atlti t· ('randall. 1'··1·· ( 'r,;-..-.., .1 ,,,,.,.,. ThaC'I\ P l' . (~Jlf'Pil .Joy•·•• l l all, .Tiu1 (;anJu,•r, I\ irk \\' nlllt·-..:-.. h:1TIJ ~· B llrn ..... fu, ·y .\lnt· l>owdd . S;JIJiii H I'I•JW.
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IHII 'P ilh 1!1'1
is 11w tintt' uf .n·ar \\'llt·n stndt>llt:-. IO).!·t·thl'l'
Fridit.\ nig·ht
hJ ' IIJg:-:
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. . .)
\\'t't·k -
t'lil-..>- sl\it>- and <·ffitt;if'::: ; g-;llul'"
and tlt.•
D<'eoml plaet' s nit>l'S display their danciug talent.
'!'he juuim路.路 prrsrnt their skit.
' I)-
'PlJP fro-, I\ g"Pt ti11g- a latt> start.
Th<• \\' ay la nd HPdnt<llt o~·· · upies th• · pi ;H·•· of honor on this pr1m y.
'l'h•• -;up ho uton·s sai l llll'n~· to fil·s1 p laer .
O<·tolwt· hallqllt ' \
al so
wit idt tht•
i nt 1·odn<·r·ll to thP uwm lwrs.
-- 81
Y .W .C. A .
Offit: r> I'S W<'!'l'
l'PJl rally a t·nmHl th (;r;o,l l11r·k.
..J .•)
b o,v~ .
:-;, •n io r - pan·11h tl'a ·lwr r·O ll f r•r r• !](• (•»
() 11 -1-t :!-t
Taking- all unr mi:..dtt to thl'
Q'Hntr .
Y. \\" . R·· r·og-nit ion ;;;prvi er Lon !.!' \\'l'l" k-E' nd Tha nk,.,gi\·ing-
:1Jecember waJ .l~e monfh o/lhe r/alivif'J anJ C/zri&lmaj Spirit
3- Coll rg-e Don rch
10-Christmas Ball Jl-" Thc ::\ati\·ity" 1 :2- T a h 1 r Conte t 1 ±-
D ccot•aiiou
hri.'tma:> Dorm Parties
1.!- t'hri. rma s \ racation
TIH' Hllg'ds wi1 h .\far.'· llnd tb •· Bclllf'. !)
tVi!t, January big
o vel'
came t-h.e
and our
- \Yinter dam·e with an aftpr-ski atmo. ph ere brought ont ('Yeryonr in their hr:-:t !-;ki 1·lotlw.
1:3- }ll-. '
nt wh ieh eYel')'Oll<' tltt'I'L'ed the tN1m to
·d e tor~· ~.\T
CollPgt• Board
1, -19- . 'enH•st1•r Examiuations ~ink
it. Kt•tl. sink it!
!10 -
Tht •nxt•m blt> -,alii!: at thl' twn liospital;,
!)- (~ll St'lllhll' Silllf.! il l
Spt•t•t·h l'ial'\). play . . \Yc• n · t•njoyPc1 by
Thr· Tr·ayl']ing- ~t·it•IJ r•t• TPH C.: h Pr w1th .Jr•1f Stranlwl tlur·ing- a ph , ·,it·, clt'lllotiSII'lll i011 .
01 -
march u:jhered in l~e Spring Pia'! and lhe Senale :forma!
I I('!'('.
\Yh,, 路 l' nele. J t hou~rln yon 'd
to bt>d .
.An ('\"Pil iug of t'LH路hantment.
~ L i-.:-,
. 'ldllnn. dri11k
Jn April man';! o/ wafer
i 1
1-l - l.tJi\·• · t ·:-it~· Pr<•QT<HU
were kept bu61J with
and Rou.fand Rekearaa£
of \ri,..t·Onflin E xirn.
Wat<'r Hall rt for futUlt)-
~1 · :2~
UaJJ, •t for "1nclrnh and
('ommunit.' ·
J\olthi•· \\' ,.,..,.. "\\'ill!.!'~ 1h 1h r· r•"'1 of lwr g-roup ·wtm to '·Jr\ ('Ji"IT.\ ' l ' illk :Jill] .\pplt• Jl ]o, ... ollt "\\'ltitP .' '
<'a J'()] Full l' t'
H 11cl ~\ htn
rche;lr:-... rltt>ir .:;inf!in~r for " Dic> Flo ·.lrnnan<;. ·
-- !1!3 -
5fte !Junior Prom ·southern Sp/enJo,. " wa ~
o/Lhi~ monlh
lh e high fi gjd
.J ulli<H'S 11 11d datf's . l('d b~' tlwi r c·lass pre. id(•n t. Pet<• ' ross. proB t<·n;ulPd HI'Ollll(l the dance floo•· .
n.t -
e uju~· th f'
lon g- a wa it Pd JUO'ht.
- - !l:i --
-lu-,r a 1ninn1 .. whik, I c路h 路1路k !he "Ulr] 3Taid ., hand bunk.
I 'LL hl'iup: thl' Kook\ id.
J;,or路e a 11d
Examplt> of prop('r
\Yuyla 11 cl :-:onng lad.\路.
'P11rn it off I -
On .'路ou,.
llliiJ路k. /.'!l.'t
set ..
And thi!'i i;-;; a
OJH'. 'i'hi~
room is a .\1ES8.
W a~路 hmc1 t<'ar路lter .!
Xo ruorr weekr>nds for choi I' prople.
90 -
:.\1 ikr 路~ tlt0 ..,tar tack ll'.
I! Did 1 hrar a pin drop! ?
Wh o ::;aid
'l'hP JWrib of pr dor路iJig-
fi r路.
hMl a II n ig-llt lights ?
,\' Cill ('a lL ' t t.:O n l e
:\1.'路 nanw
thi" way.
il4 :FJloi::;P ...
-- 101 -
l rPfu.路 路 t0 laugh ! l'm fr> ri?Yt'l' b!O\ring' bubb!rs.
n illldies
Do you " "<Hit to fight !
---' 102-
wC'nt thnt away.
f.\ ('] f-Pxplallal OlT
::tJrieJ .....
Kathy Wentorf, editor-in-chief of Pillars
:ur. Holstein, Jon Tem pas, and Dick L eimbacker for their photographic assistance;
As you come near to the end of thi' ~- ea r's Pil lars, I would like to take time out to express m_,appreciation to all responsible for the Pillars and to tell you what a wonderful e:s:perirnce wmking on it has been for me.
Mr. Olson of the Mandel Company \\"ho was ever patient and ah1·ays helpful ; Mr. Zernicke for both the class and group pic·· tures;
I greatly appreciate the work of the many people who contributed to the 1960 Pillars and especially those who rushed and waited as deadlin e time drew near.
The many students who either donated pictures for ca lendar, wrote articles, helped proofread, or 1~·p ed listin gs to help relieve the staff.
InYaluable to this annual's publication were the following : Members of my staff with special note to Kathy Burns, Jon Homuth, Betsy Croxson, Kathy Keating, and Sue Kram: These staff members fulfilled not only the requirements of their positions, but assisted in all areas.
.A nd nm1·, although I am forc?d r eg rC'tfnlly to admit that this is th e end of the Pillars, f must also admit that the staff and I are lookiug forwa,·d to reacqn i1·ing a few mislaid habits su::b ac; sle:ping and haYing lrisure t ime. Signed, Kathleen \Ventorf Editor
Miss Browne and Mr. Sehloff, our advisors, for their invaluable support and g·uidance;
-- 105 -
For reservation Phone TUrner 5-9288
Highway 33 North of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
SUNSET HEIGHTS MOTEL AAA Approved 9 modern units with central heating and showers Two good places to rest "home" and "here"
Compliments of
"The Original"
APELL MOSAIC AND TILE CO. INC. Since 1926 EVERYTHING IN TILE-CERAMIC GIFT SHOP Dial: BEverly 5-9210 905 S. Main Street H. F. Berndt OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN Robert B. Rhyner
REGENT 4-9136
ROEDl- JACOBS COMPANY "Your better building material and fuel dealer" Telephone TUrner 5-3357
114 E. Third Street
106 -
Compliments of
PLUMBING- HEATING 216 South Spring Street
Beaver Dam
108 Front St.
Beaver Dam
Compliments of
" We specialize in Fashion and Quality."
Louis '31
Carl ' 27
Beaver Dam, Wis.
143 Front St.
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Compliments of
Quality Home Furnishings for 103 years TU 5-602i
122 Front St.
Beaver Dam
127 Front St.
Tel. TU 5-4782
152 Front St.
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Famous Brands in Furniture Sear's Best Is Your Best Way
At Lowest Prices Anywhere TU 5-3363
21 8 Front St.
Beaver Dam, Wis.
TU 5-5557
Ea st of the city limits on Hwy. 33 Sweden Freeze- Lower in Calories Also Serving Pizzaburgers , and excellent sandwiches
:JJ£1t.JIE.R ;DA/1. WIS.
Cones, Sundaes, and Malts To Go
108 -
HOTEL RODGERS Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
1 04 Fireproof Rooms .. Rooms Available for Private Parties . .
Manufacturers of the Largest and Most Complete Line of Gas and Electric Ranges , Water Heaters, and New Modern Built in Ranges.
109 -
at your local Mercury dealer:
the new Mercury s are here!
SPANGLER SALES 134 S. Spring St. B':A V!:R DAM, WIS.
Compliments of
Everything for the family Beaver Dam
The Most Complete Fashion Store in
The Store of a Thousand Gifts
"Large Or Small, We Clean 'Em All "
C afts, Models, Trains, Philatelic and Mumismatic Supplies, Artist Materials Everything Photographic
228 S. Spring St.
Windows- Venetian Blinds- Walls- Rugs-
Dial TU 5-58 16
Upholstered Furniture
Beaver Dam, Wis.
Complete Insurance Coverage
110 -
Beautiful Dry Cleaning By
Reddy Kilowatt wishes to congratu late 1961 gradua tes. You 've studied hard and wi ll soon begin yo ur future jobs. Reddy's wo rked hard too, providing li g ht for you to stu dy and making your life at schoo l p leasant. He's on the job 24 hours a day helping yo u "live better electrica lly."
w•scoNsiN *'PbwerAND L;ghrcoMPANY
Everything in Hardware
121-123 Front St.
Dial TU 5-5769
109 Front St.
Dial TU 5-4407
J. J. NEUMAN CO. " Quality at the Right Price"
115 North Spring
PLUMBING- HEATING Compliments of
GRAFF BOOK & _GIFT SHOP 123 N. Spring Street
" Hardware and Gifts Shop and Greenhouses
21 0 S. Spring St.
Beaver Dam , Wis.
TU 5-3365
709 Park A ve.
Phone TU 7-2240
Green House
]1~ -
Com pi iments of
The Old National Bank "First in Community Service"
Compliments of
THE GODSKE COMPANY Racine, Wisconsin
Old Fashioned Ice Cream 412 Healy Avenue
Beaver Dam
113 -
HARDWARE We Sell Mautz Paints
Beaver Dam
Wisconsin 114 N. Spring St.
Beaver Dam, Wis.
Compliments of
Sandwiches and Dairy Treats Beaver Dam
Compliments from
l l .j -
Compliments of
Factory and Business Printing Wedding Invitations Phone TU 5-3684
104 S. Center Street
Letterpress-Offse,t- Mimeographing
TU 5-4510
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Compliments of
"ITS NEW WHEN WE' RE THRU" 111 West Maple
DIAL: TU 7-2445
Esser Paints
Beaver Dam
209 Front St.
Beaver Dam, Wis.
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Mem ber Federal Reserve System & Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
]1 6 -
400 11
Reccomended by Duncan Hines Located 2 blocks off U. S. 151 on County Trunk "G" STEAKS- CHICKEN-SEA FOODS FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TURNER 5-9986
Malleable and Gray Iron Castings
Free Delivery
117 -
Compliments of
From a Friend
118 -
Albrecht, Lynn 42, 59, 60, 62 , 64 . R.R. 1 Jackson, Wisconsin
Allen, David 51 , 70. Rt. 1, Box 418 Oshkosh , Wisconsin Altholz, Wally 42 , 70, 73 . 1865 Dale Highland Park, Ill. Ande rson, Brad 17, 69, 73 . R.R. 2 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Anderson , Cindy 33, 59. 421 W. Melrose Chicago, illinois Anderson, John 42 , 70, 71 . 20 Birchwool Hills Ottumwa, Iowa Anderson, Mary 33, 59, 81 Box 6, Southwood Drive Collins Bay , Ontario, Canada B
Baird , Ann 42, 59, 60, 61 , 64 , 78 , 81. 137 S. Alton Court Appleton, Wisconsin Baker, Marty 51, 59. 2 We st Ridge Avenue Prospect He ights, illinios Baldrige, Jane 14, 17, 58, 60, 62 , 78, 79, 82 . P.O . Box 52 Clarksburg, Pa . Bardeen , Ginny 17, 59, 78. 1731 Sheffield Drive Kalamazoo, Michigan Barth , John 42, 70 . 6828 20th Avenue Kenosha, Wisconsin
Baxter, Lewis 43 , 71 . Route 1, Box 630 Excelsior, Minnesota Bayley, Jim 33. 116 Iroquois Parkway Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Beers, Steve 51 , 70. 389 North Shore Drive Fontana, Wisconsin
Belcher, Cheri 51, 59. 1075 Wayne Street Gary, !indiana Bell , Tom 13, 33, 68, 72 . 1013 Oak St . Tomah, Wisconsin
Bender, Roger 33, 69 . 807 Scott St. Beaver Darn, Wisconsin
Benson, Cathy 811 Edgewater Drive Naperville, Illinois Benz, Betsie
W. 148 Woodland Dr. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Berkholtz, Ruth 43 , 71 , 59, 60, 62 . R.R. 1 West Bend, Wisconsin Bicl~nell , Kitsie 33, 59. 600 North 117th St. Wauwatosa 13, Wisconsin Bischoff, Cliff 43 R.R. 2 Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Bishop, Joan 14, 17. 58, 62, 78, 81. 1339 Ridgewood Drive Highland Park , Illinois Bissell, Fred 51 952 Plymouth Road , S.E. East Grand Rapids 6, Michigan Black, Ken 17, 66, 75. 501 S. Ma in St.
Blythe, Reverend John 131 Franklin Avenue Washington, lllionis Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Boggie, Jim 51 18253 Perth Avenue Homewood , lllinoins Bowman , Jan 33 . 5056 Traux, Richards-Ge baur A.F .B. Grandview, Missiouri
Boya, Mr. Richard 225 East Maple Avenu e Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Brackett, John 32, 33, 68, 75. Fox Lake, Wisconsin Brannon, Sharon 17, 59. 208 S. Reed St. Joliet, Illinois Brauer, Betsy 43, 59. 1111 Third St. S. Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Brewer, Chuck 33, 60, 64 , 68 , 69 . 330 N. Jefferson Batavia, Illinois Bridges, Miss Jean 319 East Third St. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Brill, Les 13, 18, 62, 82 Brill, Nancy 51 , 61. R.R . 1, Box 311 Oswego, Illinois Brown, Debbie 43, 59, 61 , 62 . 215 E. Edgewater Cambria , Wisconsin
Browne, Miss Millard 412 Union Blvd . 3rd W. St. Louis 8, Missouri
Brownell , Betty 51 , 59 35 Bellaire Court Appleton, Wisconsin Burger, Le slie 6735 Hemlock Ave. Ga ry, Indiana Burns, Kathy 13 , 33 , 58, 63 2707 Oxford Road Madison, Wisconsin
Burton, Don 33. 107 Farmham Lane Wheaton, Ill ino is
c Campbell , Craige 43, 66. Clear Lake, Wi sconsin
Cargill, Barb 43 , 59, 61 , 62 . 3165 Dato Ave. Highland Park , Illinoi s Ca ssel , Tony 43. 965 Eastwood Road Glencoe, Illinoi s Chase, Mr. W. B. 120 Prospect Ave . Beaver Dam, W isconsin
Christman, Valentine 51 , 59, 70, 72. 166 Abington Road Kenilworth, Illinoi s Clement, Carle 33, 59, 61 . 510 E. 2Qth St . Apt . 8-F New York 9, Ne w York Cloyd, Paul 34, 68 , 75 Cloyd . Terri 43 , 59, 62 . 64. 520 W. Third St. Beaver Dam, W 路isconsin
Coleman , Claudia 34, 59. 1042 E. Diana Phoenix, Arizona Coonley, Jennife r 43 , 59 1000 S. Hal e Street Wheaton , Illinois Coulson , Lenny RFD Slinger, Wisconsin
11 !1 --
Crandall, Kathie 43, 59. 3912 N. Francisco Ave . Chicago 18, Illinois Cross, Pete 13, 14, 18 910 E. Forrest Ave . N eenah, Wisconsin .
Croxse n, Betsy 18, 58 , 61 , 63, 78 616 E. Forest Neenah, Wisconsin Cullen, Sarah 51 , 59 , 64 226 Park Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
D Darbo, John 34, 69, 73. 1110 N. Wheaton Ave . Wheaton, Illinois Davidson , John 52, 70. 18 120 W. Greenfield Waukesha, Wisconsin Davis, Ellen 52, 59, 60. 3121 Oxford Road Madison, Wisconsin De cker, Kathy 44 , 59, 78, 79 . 1035-A Turner Loop Fort Campbell , Kentucky De Fouw, Willow 52 , 59, 60. 431 Gree nbrier Dr. S.E. Grand Rapids 6, Michigan Deramus, Bill 44. 1030 W. 55th Street Kansas City 13, Missouri Di ll on , Alice 13, 44, 58 , 61 342 E. Pershing Appleton, Wisconsin Dinkel, Charles 52 ,' 2 19 Davis Street Fox Lake, Wisconsin Dre blow, Terrie 13. 14, 18, 60, 61 , 62 , 78, 79, 81, 82. Princeton, Wisconsin
Drummond , George 13, 18, 68 . Mount Rule lslee of Man, Great Britain Duchow, Dave 13, 19, 61. Duchow, Jean 34, 59, 60. Box 750 , Obispado 18 Ponce, Puerto Rico E Earl e, Georg e 34, 75. 550 Ch e rry Street Manistique, Michigan Eiclhenseer, Pat 52 , 59, 60 . 66 Windm ill Lane Arlington 47, Mass. Ensming e r, Roger 44 , 66 . Hilltop Acres, Ringwood Ro ad Ringwood, Illinoi s Erbstoe sze r, Dave 13 , 19, 72 , 61 , 62 Route 5, Box 20 Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Este n, Bob 50, 60, 64 , 70 306 Parallel Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Eversest, Pam 59 221 Washington Street Mosinee , Wisconsin
F Fa lk, Vic 44 , 70 Route 2, Box 44 Edgerton , Wisconsin Fe rguson, Nancy 13, 19, 59, 78 , 79, 81 , 82 . 6557 N. Tahoma Chicago 46 , Illinoi s Figi , Todd 34. 910 S. Adams Marshfield , Wisconsin Fishelson , Carole 34, 59, 8 1. 257 Melrose Blvd. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Fitzpatrick, Lynn 34, 59, 60, 61 , 78 , 79.
1504 Sumac Drive Madison, Wisconsin
Folsom, Bob 44, 70 Manitowish Waters Fromm , John 44, 20 Hamburg , Wisconsin Fuller, Carol 14, 19, 59, 60, 61 , 62, 64. 2648 Riverside Drive Beloit, Wisconsin
Garcia, Julie 44, 59 321 Cumberland Kenilworth, Illinois Gardner, Donn 52, 62, 70. 557 Taft St. Gary, Indiana Gardn er, Jim 13, 16, 19, 74. 633 McKinley Street Gary, Indiana Gardner, Linda 44, 59, 60. 822 Farwell Drive Madison, Wisconsin Geisler, Chuck 14, 42 , 44, 64, 66, 70. 848 Bayview Drive Neenah, Wisconsin
Georgas, Pat 52, 59. 1900 Meadow lane Deerfield, Illinois Gillmer. Susan 52. 1004 W. 4th Street Red Wing, Minnesota Godshall, Joan 34, 59, 78. Sierra Grande #215 Mexlico 10, D.F. Mexico Goetting, Ralph 14, 34, 70 . Goetting, Tom 50, 52, 71. 519 Grove Street Beaver Dam, W isconsin
Graham , Bill 52, 60, 64. 118 Mohawk Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Gramley, Gary 34 91 Cherry St., Box 396 Williams Bay, Wisconsin Grotefeld, Linda 52, 59 15 Berry Parkway Park Ridge, Illinois Gustafson, Bill 13, 34, 62 . 1055 Starr Road Winnerka, Illinois Guth, Linda 35, 59, 78. 229 Melrose Blvd. Fond du lac, Wisconsin H
Hall , Joe 44, 70, 72 . Hall, Joyce 13, 14, 16, 78, 79. 38 S. 6th Street, Apt. 3B La Grange, Illinois Hamson, George 35 221 Essex Road Kenilworth, Illinois Haney, Bob 53, 64, 70. 2 19 Roosevelt Avenue Eau Claire, Wisconsin Hartley, Ralph 13, 20, 75, 82. Oakfield, Wisconsin Hess, Charlene 20, 59, 78. 2837 N. Meade Chicago, Illinois Highsmith , Bill 44, 70 . R.R. 2 Fort Atkinson, W isconsin
Hill, Doug 53 1802 W. Moss Peoria , Illinois Hobbins, Bill 20, 62, 69, 75. 931 lawton Place DePe re, Wisconsin Holland , Bob 45. Nucl ea r Medicine Research Dept . APO 180, New York, N.Y . Holstein, Mr. Richard Homuth , Jon 13, 20, 68 , 71 , 82.
R.R. 1 Green lake, Wisconsin Hood, Cindy 20, 59. 118 Houston Street Marinette , Wisconsin
Hooker, Gifford 45, 71 . 2133 Greenwood Ave. Wilmette, Illinois Horvath, Da ve 20 Horvath, Paul 53 203 S. High Street Randolph, Wisconsin Houston, Jan 21, 59, 62 , 78 337 Greene Ave . Gree n Ba y, Wisconsin Hughes, John 310 N. Kalamazoo Marshall, Michigan J
Jasper, Bill 68, 71, 75 . 159 Lakewood Blvd. Madison, Wisconsin
Jensen, Cookie 53, 59. Jensen , Judi 21, 78, 79. 1216 Arthur Racine, Wisconsin
Johnson, Jim 21 , 71. 123 Farnham lane Wheaton, Illinois Johnstone, Bob 13, 14, 21, 61 , 68, 70. 3420 Lakeshore Drive Chicago, Illinois K
Kaiser, Pete 13, 14, 20, 61, 71. 7000 3rd Avenue Kenosha , Wisconsin
Kanter, Mike 45 12300 Hobart Palos Park, Illinois Karlen, Martha 53, 59. Winslow, Illinois Keating, Kathy 21 , 63, 59, 60, 64, 78, /9. 409 Park Drive Neenah Wisconsin Kennedy, W. J. Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Keu lman, Bonnie 45, 59. 698 Main St reet Antioch, Illinois Kilbourne, Sally 35, 81, 82. 9437 Peasant Ch icago, Illinois Koester, Barbara Kram, Sue 22, 59 , 62 3260 lake Shore Drive Chicago 13, Illinois Kuehnle, Kathy 53, 59. 1351 Edg ewood lane Winnetka, Illinois Kusche, Sharon 35, 59, 63. Stoney Beach Oshkosh, Wisconsin l Lally, Te rry 53, 59, 64. 400 Prospect Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
lamb, Jan 45, 59, 66 . 1120 Milwaukee Avenue Janesville, Wisconsin
langmann, Val 22, 59 . The Bi rches Roslyn Estates long Island, N. Y. larson , Bob 13, 22, 62 . 113 E. Bellview Place Chicago 11 , Illinois lavicka, Bill 35, 68, 75 . 331 Union Avenue Batavia, Illinois Lawton, Charles 13, 22, 61 , 75. 903 S. Broadway DePere, Wisconsin
Leach, Dan 45.
-- 120-
321 E. Maple Ave. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
le Buy, Les Route 2 Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Lefton , Joel 13, 35, 69 , 73 . 4827 N. Newhall Street Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin Lei mbacker, Dick 14, 42, 45, 60, 61, 70, 71. 511 Palladium Drive Joliet, Illinois Leith, Rena 45, 59. 571 Hill Terrace Winnetka, Illinois ~evin, Vic 13, 35. 2907 N. Wisconsin Street Racine, Wisconsin
Lindeke, Craig 45, 66. Lindeke, loren 13, 22, 61, 62. 223 W. Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, N. Carolina Linville, Dave 35. 408 W. Winter Avenue Danville, Illinois Ludlum, Meg 22, 59, 61 , 78, 79, 82 501 College Street Carlinville, llinois Luebke, Richard 45, 70 2550 Root River Parkway Weal Allis, Wisconsin M Maas, Mr. Harry 200 North University Ave. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
MacDonald, Joe 45, 60, 61, 62, 71. 11109 Oak-Red Bridge Kansas City, Mo. Mace, Dick 35. Fox Lake, Wisconsin MacNeil, Donald 13, 23, 60, 61 . 2250 Carroll Parkway Flossmoor, Illinois Maier, Mike 53, 70. 725 Oneida Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Marling, Cynthia 35, 59. 1234 Datmouth Road Madison, Wisconsin
Martin, Ted 35, 82. 21 Awahnee Road lake路 Forest, Illinois Marti, Katarina Warren Hall Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Mayer, Mrs. E. C. 8, 78, 79. Wa rren Hall Wayland Academy Beave r Dam, Wisconsin
McClure, Wendy 36, 59 , 60, 61. 825 E. Alton Street Appleton, Wisconsin McConaghy, lee 36. 404 Mary Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
McFarland, Craig 45. 323 lakewood Drive Bloomfield Hills, Michigan McGraw, Joyce 46 , 59. Brighton, Iowa McMinn, Giff 13, 23 . Beacon Theatre Superior, Wisconsin Meredith, Chi 42, 46, 58, 62, 78, 79, 82. 1222 Washington Avenue Oshkosh Wisconsin Meyer, Mr. Martin 8, 68, 69 . 121 Franklin Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Meythaler, Marilyn 42, 59, 61. 425 Sheridan Road Ken ilworth, Illinois Miles, Eric 53 . 21 Ridge Drive
Dune Acres,
Chesterton, Indiana Miller, Jaye 23, 58, 60, 62. 6653 N. Minnehaha Lincolnwood 46, Illinois Mink, Tom 53, 72. 1314 Ashland Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Mooi, Gloria 36, 60 . 20 Fairfield Drive Coldwater, Michigan Moore, Pat 32, 36, 60, 61. 303 Maple Avenue Holland, Michigan Moore, Tom 13, 36, 72. 219 W. Praire Avenue Wheaton, Illinois Morrison, Scott 46, 71. 2215 Oxford Rockford, Illinois Mosling, Pete 36, 70 . 1183 Algoma Blvd. Oshkosh, Wisconsin Moxley, Tom 13, 36, 69, 71. 418 Easton Avenue Geneva, Illinois Mueller, Bob 46 . 5933 N. Elm Lane Peoria, Illinois Mull , George 36, 58, 73. 2206 Kenilworth Whilmette, Illinois N
Nelson, Steve 36, 71. 416 W. Mample Avenue Fergus Falls, Minnesota Neuman, Bob 14, 32. 36. 202 N. University Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Nielsen, Hugo 13, 23, 60. 41 Benson Place Westfield, New Jersey Nissalke, Mr. Thomas 8, 70. 75. 106 Prospect Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Norton, Judy 36, 59, 82, 78. 441 E. 4th Street Hinsdale , Illinois 0 Oe ttinger, Joe 23. 41 11 N. Barlett Milwaukee, Wisconsin Orton, Pat 36, 62, 64 , 78 , 79 . Orton Tom 53, 64, 72 . 708, Scott Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Ostrom , Louis 37, 70. 318 Grove Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Owen, Ste ve 46, 70, 71. 601 12th Ave . W. Menomonie, Wiscon ~ in p
Pa lmer, Hugh 46, 70, 71. 1662 N. Vermilloin Street Danville, Illino is Paris, Richard 54. Lake Road Ashburnhan, Mass. Patterson, Mr. R. A. 5, 14. Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Paulson, Alan 54, 70. 510 Mary Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Perry, Sue 46, 59. 355 Rose Avenue Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Pe rry, Tom 46, 70, 71. 1604 S. Cedar Avenue Marshfield , Wisconsin Peters, Lynn 37, 59, 79, 81. 2701 S. Apple Avenue
Marshfield, Wisconsin Pete rson, Sue 46, 59, 60, 61 , 62 , 64 Watersmeet, Michigan Phelps, Art 13, 23. 210 W. Prarie Wheaton, Illinois Pihlstrom, Mrs. Ellen Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Pinkham, Pete 54, 70 404 Woodside Ripon, Wisconsin
Pondelicek, Kathy 54, 59, 60. 2353 S. 6th Avenue N. Riverside, Illinois Pope , Sabina 54, 59. 649 Loucusr Winnetka, illinois Porter, Harriet 54, 59, 60. 431 Essex Road Kenilworth, Illinois Powers, Bill 46. 1617 S. 7th Street Farge, North Dakota Powers, Dave 46 , 75 . Powers Virginia 54, 59, 64. 213 Park Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Purdy, Barb 50, 54, 59, 60, 64. 115 Green Bay Road Appleton , Wisconsin Proctor Mrs. David G. 9 . 296 North University Avenue Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Q
Quails, Gail 54 , 59. 711 Lake Shore Drive Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Raftery, John 46 . Raftery, Kit 59, 63. 120 Bennett Street Geneva, Illinois Reade, Kent 54. 70, 72 . 1310 Elm Street Plymoth, Michigan Reynolds, Cris 54. Reynolds, Pete 47, 70, 71. 2200 W. 57th Avenue Cary, Indiana Rhodes, Linda 47 , 59, 60. 606 W. Acacia Road Milwaukee 17, Wisconsin Roberts, Mr. John S. 9. Wayland Hall Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Roberts, Tony 47. 308 E. Wisconsin Ave nue Neenah , Wisconsin Robinson , Raph 54. 257 Woodstock Avenue Kenilworth, lliinois Ro ll er, Ann 37, 59, 60. Roller, Peggy 55 , 59. 309 S. Main Street Momouth, Illinois Renin, Judy 120 Woodlanl Lake Forest, Illinois Rowe, Chan 37, 71. 1015 E. Jardin Street Appleton. Wisconsin Rux, Renay 13, 55. 59. 516 W. Pleasant Street Portage, Wisconsin
Sampan , Victor 9 229 East Maple Beaver Dam, Wi scon sin
Sayre, Jim 47, 73 . Sayre, Karen 24, 72 , 58 . M & S Manufacturing Co.
121 -
Hudson, Michigan Sehlicker, Mr. Frederick 9, 68 , 70. 131 East South East Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Schmidt, Liz 55, 59, 81. 919 Pawnee, Road Willmette, Wisconsin Schnieder, Mitzie 37, 59, 60, 64 . 270 Sheboygan Street Fond du Lac. Wisconsin Schram, Marie 37, 59. 206 McKinley Street Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Schumaker, Sydney 55, 59. 741 S. Chestnut Avenue Arl ington Heights, Illinois Schwer, Nancy 50, 55, 58 , 59. Schwer, Penny 37, 58 372 N. Lake Sho re Drive Fontana, Wisconsin Schwartz, Bob 24, 61 . 2301 St Clair Street Racine, Wisconsin
Seemann , Ginny 14, 37, 49, 60, 78 , 79, 8:'. 611 E. Paririe Wheaton, lllionis Sehloff, Mr. Vernon 10. 120 Cleveland Beave r Dam, Wisconsin
Seippel, Phil 55. Seippel , Sue 25, 78 . R.R . 1 Beaver Dam, Wi sconsin
Semple , Kerry 55 . 714 Grove Street Beaver Dam , Wiscon si n
Shaw , Candence 47, 59, 81. 1118 Judson Avenue Evanston, Il linois Shaw, Harry 55, 64, 70. 506 N. Hill Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Shaw, Tom 47, 61, 71. 135 Hanchett Street Coldwater, Michigan Shriner, Ann 25, 59 , 62 . 25 Cante rb ury Orive R.R. 8 Springfield, Illinois Slogan , Steve 47 , 71 , 82. 1403 Mayfield Avenue Joliet, Illinois Smith , Mr . Harry 108 Prospect Avenu e Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Smith, Sm ith , Smith, 108
Jud 25, 64, 68. Terry 37, 68. Scott 55, 64 , 70, 72. Prospect Avenue
Beaver Dam, Wi~con s in
Snyder, Sally 55 , 59. 615 North Ce nter Beave r Dam, Wisconsin
Sparling , Sally 47, 59. 714 Honey Cre ek Wauwatosa 13, Wiscon sin Sprague, Budd 13, 37 60 69 71 , 8 2. 2841 43rd North Ea,st ' ' Seatle 5, Washinoton Sprinkmann, Diane 47, 59. Route 4, West Bend, Wisconsin Stabler, Sharon 38, 59, 66, 78. Stabl er, Bob 55 , 70, 72. Hamden Pike-200 Grady Lane Wellston, Ohio Stahl, Ken 47, 60, 64, 70, 72. 4785 E. 65th Street Indianapolis 20, Indiana Stebbins, Sue 38, 58, 62 . 902 Butte rnut Madison , Wiscon~in
Swan , Miss Mary 230 Park Ave nue
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Straube! , Jeff 38, 72. 826 S. Madison Street Green Bay, Wisconsin
Strauch , Dave 55. 3366 S. 65th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Strub, Jane 38, 60, 62 . Strub, Ginny 56, 60, 62. 403 Mary Street Beaver Dam,, Wisconsin
Sudduth, Dick 47, 82 . 1416 S. Grand Avenue West Springfield , Illinois Surpless, Mary 38, 59, 60, 64 . 205 Abingdon Road Kenilworth, Illinois Sweet , Geof 38. 811 Chapin Street Beloit , Wisconsin T
Tempas, Jeff 47. 61 , 70. Tempas, Jon 13, 14, 25, 60, 61 , 62, 64 . 115 North Park Lane le Sueur, Minnesota
Tempkin, Dick 38. 916 Lake Sho re Drive Beaver Dam1, Wisconsin
Thacker, Joyce 13, 25, 58, 60, 61 , 62 , 78 , 79 . c / o Lt. Col Bob Thacker 30th Air Division, Truax Field, Madison , Wisconsin Thompson , Chris 38, 66, 81 , 82. R.R. 1, Crivitz, Wisconsin
Thompson , Mrs . Harriette 10. Thorsen, Chris 13, 25, 61 , 62 , 82. Route 1 Box 364-A Deerpath Road Batavi a, Illinois Tucker, Mr. J . H. 6 319 E. Third Street Beave r Dam., Wisconsin lye, John 48 , 70, 71 256 E. Division Street Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Upton, Randy 13, 38, 60, 61 , 62 , 64 , 69. 709 Coll ege Avenue Beloit, Wisconsin
Wiechers, Sue 39, 59, 60. 1819 College Avenue Racine, Wisconsin
v Vilker, John 48, 64 , 71, 76 . Vilker, Vince 14, 26, 64, 68, 75, 82 . 418 Healy Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Vogt, Dave 48, 62, 70. Vogt, Pete 38, 61, 68, 82. 516 N. Bateman Street Appleton, Wisconsin Vonende, Carl 48, 61 , 69, 70 801 Fifth Street Mosinee
Williams, John 13, 26, 69, 75, 82 . 1203 Hewitt Street Neenah, Wisconsin Willihnganz, Dave 39. 307 W. Maple Avenue Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Wingquist, John 56, 70. Route 1 Prairie View, Illinois Wolfe, Mr. Sol 11 , 21, 70. Wolfe, Mike 14, 16, 26, 61 , 64, 68 , 69, 75 , 82. 214 N. University Avenue Beaver Dam Wisconsin
Wanless, Berry 56 Wanless, 38, 60, 69. 18200 Wiggins Springfield, Illinois Ward, Armor 26. 1058 Skokie Ridge Drive Glencoe, Illinois Waxier, Buron 56, 70. 609 School of Mines Road P.O . Box 704 Socorro , New Mexico
Weisse, Barb 48, 59, 61, 62 , 78, 79. 930 Reed Street Pl ymouth, Wisconsin Weltich, Dave 48 . 107 Winthrop Road Muncie, Indiana
Wentorf. Kathy 13, 14, 26, 58 , 62, 63 . 516 Highland View Drive West Bend, Wisconsin Williams, Mr. Carl 11. 2115 Walnut Street Beaver Dam , Wisconsin
Whitaker. Cathy 38, 59, 78. Whitaker, Mike 13, 26, 61, 68, 71, 82 . 132 W. Second Street Chillicothe, Ohio White, Randy 39, 61 , 63 , 64, 69. 1221 N. Center Street
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Wollak , Charles 56. 1408 Taylor Street Joliet , Illino is Wood, Dan 75, 150 California Highland Park 3, Michigan Wright , Baxter 39, 69 . 304 S. Market Street Mechanicsburg, Pa. y Yahraus, Karen 56, 59. 260 25th Street N.W. Canton 9, Ohio Yeager, Dick 56, 70. 1138 E. Colonial Drive Racine, Wisconsin
Yeakel , Dick 42, 48 , 61 . 1960 Shenandoah Drive Seattle 2, Washington
Zell , Tim 27 . 420 Riverside Drive Crystal Lake, Illinois Zilisch, Carol in 48, 59, 60 . 61, 62. 1704 7th Street Menominee, Michigan
Zuehls , Warren 13, 28, 68. Markesan, Wisconsin