1962 - 1963 Wayland Academy Yearbook

Page 1



Richard Leimbacher


Ruth Berkholtz

Copy Editor

James Freeman Ann Baird Elizabeth Brownell William Graham Grace Baldwin John Hughes Martha Karlen Craig Lindeke

This Yearbook Is Dedicated To The Wayland Spirit


1' 1\



" I


And This Is The Wayland Spirit That Lives On


Student Senate

S e at e d : Bobbie Weiss e , Betty Brow ne ll , Tun i Bradburn , N adine He ss, Ann Ba ird, N ancy Prentiss , Rand i Christen sen, Ruth Be rkholtz . Standing Dick Tye , Jo hn Tye , Ki rt West , Dick Leimbach e r, Bob Esten , Hugh Palm e r, Bob Fo lsom, Chuck Geis le r, Bi ll Jas per, Woodie C ros s, Pet e De twe iler.

The Student Senate, advised by the headmaster, led by a president, vice president, and secretary, and composed of the presidents and elected rep resentatives of each class, functions as a liaison between the administrators and the students. First, this year the Senate's conduct and disci pline committees have acted in their respective capacities by recommending punishments for mis demeanors. Next, by establishing the regulations for the ir newly expanded campus boundaries and accepting respons;bility for the recreation room the Senate has advanced its authority in co -education. Finally, the most significant achievement was the advance taken in the rel;gious aspects of Wayland life. For example, with the co-operation of the Youth Group, the Senate organized the Religious Advisory Council. This group more effectively stimulated interest in the rel igious areas. In 1962-63 the Student Senate again has proved to be an important med iator between the administrators and the students .

Boys' House Council

Seated: Mr . Kenn edy, Rick Luebke . Standing : Pete Reynolds , Bob Folsom . Steve Owen, Carl von Ende , Chuck Geisler, Jeff Tempas , Lewy Newall, Lou is Baxter, John Tye , Dick Leimbacher .

First row : Jim Oesterle, Chris Reynolds , Bob Folsom, Bill Jasper, John Fromm, Lewy Newall , Pete Reynolds , Bing Christmann . Second row : Dick Leimbacher, Wally Altholt , Randy Lawton , Rick Luebke, Jim Sayre, John Bosshard, Steve Beers , Mark Edwards, Steve Sloan . Third row: John Tye, Jeff Tempas, John Winquist, Jim Freeman . Fourth row : Lloyd Rodenbaugh, Craig Lindeke, John Darbo, Hugh Palmer, Steve Owen, Chuck Geisler, Scott Jones, Todd Gardner, Louis Baxter, Carl von Ende. Tony Roberts , Vic Falk, Woodie Cross, Pete Detweiler, Peter Pinkham, Dave Zoerb.

Seated : Ruth Berkholtz, Karen Amundson, Linda Gardner, Sue Peterson, Liz Schmidt, Martha Karlen, Francis Gos li ng, Joanne Mclay. Standing : Joan Reynolds , Bonn ie Cady, Mary Lou Miller, Ann Dunning, Anne Gunn e ss , Judy Merrill, Chi Me red ith , Ell en Burns, Mary Reier, Barbara Purdy.

YWCA The annual Big - Little Sister program to acquaint the new girls, the Recognition Service to make them Y.W. members, the Thanksgiving Service to benefit a destitute Beaver Dam family, and the Nativity to dramati ze the Christmas spectacle were significant activities on the Y.W. agenda again this year. Numerous new innovations also proved popular with the girls . On several weekend mornings the group sponsored Breakfasts-in-Bed. The Halloween and Christmas parties were huge successes and a

buffet+ supper in Lindsay Hall one bleak January evening helped greatly in boosting morales. Just before spring vacation the March of Dimes activity , "Foreign Fancy," complete with a pre -activity Italian dinner, gave students a fleeting glance of Europe and the Orient. As the Y.W. closed its seventy -ninth year on the campus, it continues as not only the oldest but also one of the most purposeful of Wayland's organizations.


Standing : Mr. Kennedy . Organ : Miss Ol sen. First row: Paula Wolfe, Ruth Berkholh, Sue Peterson, Ann Baird, Karen Amundson, Anne Hall, Debby Coulson, Connie Shaver. Second row: Ellen Burns, Randi Christensen, Kathy Dickerson, Mary Jo Hales , Jill Behlendorf, Becky Reedy , Laurie Neu , Noelle Knobe, Linda Rhodes, Mary Reier, Mary Zavodsky, Sue Stevens. Third row: J o an Reynolds , Mary Posluszny, Lynne Yeager, Mary Lou Miller, Becky Brown, Arta Dreblow, Joanne Mclay, Lois Bessinger, Barbara Purdy, Nancy Brill, Peg Roller, Sandra Vaughn, Jane Shuck, Betty Brownell , Chi Meredith, Judy 'Merrill. Fourth row: Bob Esten, Jeff Tempas, Lewy Newall, Jim Wangerin, Marc Paulson, Bill Graham, Doug Carlston , Bob Haney, J o hn L. Laird, Fred Newall, Steve Clinard, Tom Upton, John Darbo, Dave Zoerb, Steve Owen, Carl von Ende.

Under the leadership of Mr. Kennedy's direct ion and Miss Olsen ' s accompaniment , the Wayland choir participated in the daily chapel services and presented an anthem at the Sunday church services. Special presentations at Homecoming and Christmas enhanced the reverence of the services. The Christmas music was made into permanent record albums available to students. Everyone at Wayland owes a debt of gratitude to the choir for the fine music enjoyed at the religious services.





W Club

First row: Steve Soan, Bob Folsom, Tom Bell, Tom Perry, Hugh Palmer, Wally Altholz, John Barth, John Fromm. Second row : Pete Reynolds, Carl von Ende, Flip Templeton, Dick Yea~er, Woodie Cross, Bing Christmann, John Vilker, Todd Gardner, Scott Jones. Third row: Jim Oesterle, Dave Zoerb, Bob Esten, Jim Freeman, Steve Owen, Phil Schultz, Doug Faile, Randy Lawton. Fourth row: Dick Tye, Tom Reineck, Phil Seippel, Eric Miles, John Winquist, Pete Detweiler, Tom Mink, Lewy Newall. Fifth row: Harry Shaw, Mick Maier, Jim Sayre, Bill Jasper, Rick Luebke.

Varsity Club

Chi Meredith, Kathie Crandall, Liz Schmidt, Randi Christensen, Janet Lamb, Betty Brownell, Sue Casey, Debby Coulson, Bobby Weisse, Barbara Purdy, Terry Lally, Terri Cloyd.

Religious Advisory Council

First row : Bobby Weisse, Ruth Berkholtz, Randi Chrisiansen, Kathy Dickerson , Betty Brownell, Ann Baird, Chuck Geisler. Second row : Dick Leimbacher, Kirt West, Woodie Cross, Bob Folsom, Lewy Newall. Mr. Heilman, Dr. Castle.

During the year the Youth Group and the Student Senate merged to form the Religious Ad visory Council, a group which figured more prominently in the extent of religion on the campus. More voluntary participation resulted from the disassociation with Sunday evening meetings; lecture and discussion sessions led by faculty mem bers stimulated enthusiasm. More student chapel talks and mealtime graces became identified with the new group. Although the Religious Advisory Council remains in its incipient stages, it has nevertheless received favorable acknowledgement from the administration and from the student body. Reverend Mr. John D. Blythe

Town Club

Ski Club

Girls' House Council

Seated: Mrs. Mayer. Standing: Laurie Neu, Chi Meredith , Judy Merrill, Ruth Berkholtz.

Chris Warren, Nadine Hess, Karen Amundson, Joanne Mclay, Mrs. Mayer.


Seated: Groce Baldwin, Mortho Karlen, Ann Boird, Ruth Berkholh. Standing: Croig Lindeke, Bill Grahom, Dick Leimbacher, Jim Freemon, John Hughes.


Seated: Kathie Crandall. Anne Gunness, Anne Hall, Woodie Cross , Bobby Weisse , Roger Ensminger, Pat Eichenseer, Sue Peterson, Sydney Schumaker, Martha Karlen . Standing: Peg Roller, Nancy Thomas, Judy Ronin, Paul Bucholz, Craig Campbell, Mr . H e ilman, John Barth, David Zoerb, Becky Reedy, Craig Lindeke, Pete Detweiler, Tony Roberts .


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Football Wayland's varsity football team, under the skillful coaching of Marty Meyer, backfield coach Fred Schlicher, and line coach Bob Smith, ended the 1962 season with an unanticipated record of two wins, four losses, and one tie. Wayland dropped the first game, a non-conference contest with Wisconsin High of Madison, by a score of 20-7. Despite a sensational last-minute kickoff return by Pete Detweiler, Wayland lost the second game to M.U.S., 12-6. On September 29, at Wayland's first home game of the season, Milwaukee Lutheran took a heart-breaker, setting the Redmen back 14-7. The team improved their efficiency over that of their previous games in tying Country Day of Milwaukee 12- 12. The next week, Mr. Meyer's team pulled through for its first victory

of the season in an away game at Lake Forest, winning 30-6. On October 20, Wayland's Homecoming, the Redmen staged a fourth quarter drive to paydirt, but lost 12-6. Numerous alumn i and parents were present to cheer the team in spite of the freezing weather. The outstanding play of the game was a 73-yard pass completion, Maier to McGrath. Their touchdown pass was the longest conference completion of the season. On Oct. 27, a large part of the Wayland student body attended the Redmen's unsuccessful attemptto defeat the Northwestern Preps at the Homecoming in Watertown. Wayland marched past the goal line twice, but was unable to win, the final score being 19-12. In the last game of the season, Wayland triumphed over Wisconsin Lutheran 12 -0.

The Wayland squad was captained by fullback Tom Bell, tackle Todd Gardner, and tackle Carl von Ende. Carl, voted most valuable by the squad, was selected for the all-conference team, along with teammates John Tye and Tom Bell. The team held great potential for a winning season, but "bad breaks" hindered the Redmen in their attempt to reach their goal. The Big Red looks for a highly successful season next year with an experienced squad of returning lettermen.

SCOREBOARD Wayland 7 6 7 12 30 6 12 12

Oppone nt

Wisconsin High Milwaukee University School Milwaukee Luthera n Milwaukee Country Day Lake Forest Academy Racine Lutheran Northwestern Preps Wisconsin Lutheran

First row: Bob Folsom, Tom Perry , Carl von Ende, Todd Gardner, Tom Bell, John Vilker, John Barth , John Fromm, Dave McGrath. Secnd row: Coach Meyer, Steve Beers, AI Paulson , Doug Faile, Don P. Hanson, John Wingquist, Bob Esten, Pete Reynolds , Dave Zoerb, Phil Schultz, Mick Maier, Coach Smith , Coach Schlicher. Third row : Lloyd Rodenbaugh, John Hughes, Ralph Robinson, Pete Detwei ler , Tom Mink, Craig Lindeke , John Tye, Don S. Hanson , Tom Upton. Fourth row: Managers - John Eggen, Scott Smith, Jack Saunders. Tom Orton.

20 12 14 12 6 12 19 0

First row : Coach Labahn, Newall, Laird, Hering , Fisher , Colby, Swanson, W e st, Lentz, Coach Wolfe . Second row : Tracy, Jones , Nichols , Edwards, Raymond, Kalmbach , Shaw , Johnson ,. Detweiler, Koch . Third row: Oseland , Laird, Wagenknecht , Rosenthal, Lally, Smith, Kopff , Smith , Tye, Bender. 路


J. V. Football In the season's opener, the junior varsity, under the able coaching of Sol Wolfe and Jon Labahn, dropped a heartbreaker to Milwaukee University School, 7-20. The following week, the squad lost in the rain with a slushy 6-0 score. Next weekend the little Red met their traditional rivals, Milwaukee Country Day School, where a 60-yard touchdown run by Craig Smith on a screen pass boosted the team's morale, but not enough for victory, the final tally being 33-13. The Wayland eleven came out on top in their last game in October, defeating Northwestern Preps by a one-sided 20-0 score. This game saw one of the season's highlights, a breakaway 70-yard run to paydirt by veteran Sophomore Dick lye. Compiling their best score of the year, the team rolled over Racine Lutheran 27-6, on the next weekend. This game. Wayland's

Homecoming game , was an especially significant victory. The last struggle of the year came as a non-conference grapple with St. Mary's of Fond duLac, the Wayland Jayvees being defeated 12 -7. Although the Little Red failed to compile an outstanding record for the year, the squad was never lacking in a fighting spirit. As anyone who has undergone a year of Mr. Wolfe's coaching will testify, Coach Wolfe instills a high degree of morale and the will to win in his players. His grinding workouts may seem unnecessary at the time, but they are well worth it in the long run . Looking forward to a better season next year, Coach Wolfe has many returning lettermen and the annual prospect of many football - playing freshmen.

Swimming This year's swimming team, having been called by many people the greatest swimming team in Wayland'!; history, proved its ability by swimming to the conference championship and completing a perfect season of fourteen wins and no losses. Under the able direction of coach Sol Wolfe and coach Bob Krenzin, the swimmers established nine new school records and numerous pool records throughout the season. The team was captained by Lloyd Rodenbaugh, a National Prep champion, and Hugh Palmer, who swam undefeated for his second consecutive sea son. Both proved themselves capable to lead the team in spirit and to encourage team morale. In the first meet of the season, the squad met West Bend, who had defeated Wayland the previous year. This time, however, the mermen proved too strong, winning by a score of 60 to 35. The next five meets were decisive victories for Mr. Wolfe's swimmers. Jim Freeman set the 50-yard freestyle record at :24.5 and the 1.00-yard freestyle mark at :55 .9. Dick Yeager stroked a I :0 1.6time in the I 00 -yard backstroke and Lloyd Rodenbaugh set the I 00-yard Breaststroke record at I :06.8. After a short vacation, the Wayland team was put back in shape by the Milwaukee Lutheran team. In this

victory, Wayland defeated Milwaukee Lutheran by a score of 68 to 26. The perennially challenging Lake Forest team was next to invade Wayland's waters. Though this meet was expected to be one of the hardest of the season, Wayland proved victorious by a surprising 71 to 24 score. In this meet Dick Yeager swam the 200-yard Individual Medley in 2:25.3. On the next weekend Wayland met and crushed Delavan, and in this meet Steve Sloan established a new I 00 -yard Butterfly record of I :02.7. Two relay marks were broken, the first when Yeager, Sloan, Rodenbaugh, and Freeman swam to a I :48.2 time in the 200yard medley relay, the best state mark this year. The second record was set in the 200-yard freestyle relay when Mike Kopff, Yeager, Sloan, and Freeman outdid the previous time with a I :37.4. The season ended with Wayland being represented in two different swimming meets. One was the Eastern Interscholastic Swimming Championship at Lawrenceville, N.J., to which Coach Wolfe escorted Dick Yeager and Lloyd Rodenbaugh. The second was the Midwest Prep Conference Championship held in Wayland's own pool. The conference triumph provided a sweep of nine of eleven

events for the Wayland champs. Mike Kopff, one of Wayland's two double winners and only a Sophomore, established pool, school, and conference records of :24.0 and :54.5 seconds, respectively ,in the 50-yard and I 00-yard freestyle races. The other double winer was captain Hugh Palmer, who captured the 200-yard freestyle and 400-yard freestyle laurels. In the 400-yard event, Hugh paced himself to a new conference record of 4:43.3, breaking the existing record of 4:45.1 set in 1958. Steve Sloan submitted a record-breaking performance in swimming to a time of I :03.6 in the I 00-yard butterfly. Although Steve mainly swam the butterfly, he showed his versitality by holding a time of :55.2 in the I 00-yard freestyle. Bill Jasper, replacing the absent Rodenbaugh, stroked the most thrilling race of the day when he out-touched his opponent to win the I 00-yard breaststroke with a time of I: 13.6. Diver Peter Reynolds placed second in the diving competition and was closely followed by teammate Steve Beers. The graduation of six Seniors will limit the team's depth next year, but the expected development of the remainder of the team should produce a season almost equal to this year's outstanding performance. It is an interesting fact to point out that in the past ten years Wayland swimming teams have compiled 93 wins and only I 0 losses and two ties. Sincere congratulations are extended to Coach Sol Wolfe and his swimmers for a very successful season.

First row : Sampon, Davis, Lindeke, Baxter, Graubne r , Paulson, Oesterle, Starr, Temkin, Jacobson , Jones . Second row : Kopff, Tye Gallenbeck Wang eri n, Fisher, Jasper , Rodenbaugh , Palmer Reynolds , Perry, Sloan, Vilker, Coach Wolfe. Third row: Wagenknecht, Faile, Bender, Rosenthal, Koch, Miller, Upton, Yeager, Freeman, Lasher, Templeton, Sei ppel.

Basketball The 1963 Wayland basketball team was one of the best in the school's history. Led by Jim Thiel, co-captain, highest scorer in the conference, and most valuable player, the Redmen completed a record of 12 wins and 2 losses. Teammate and cocaptain Dave McGrath placed third in the conference scoring next to Tom Reineck who fin ished fourth. Wayland's first conference game of the season was a depressing loss to Milwaukee Lutheran by a score of 44-61. Regaining their shaken confidence, the team ran up an impressive record of II straight victories. The most memorable of these

was a re-match with Milwaukee Lutheran. In this , by far the most exciting game of the season, the lead continually passed from one team to the other, until, in the last 5 seconds of play, with Lutheran ahead by one point, Dave McGrath sank two clutch free throws to wind up the game 56-55. Spectators present at the game will recall the mob hysteria immediately afterwards. Two weeks later, elated by the previous victories, the squad crushed Northwestern Preps in the highest scoring game of the year, I I 0-76. The following week, however, perhaps a little over-confident from its I I conquests, the team dropped the conference lead, stunned by an unexpected defeat at the hands of

Racine Lutheran, 60-57. Finishing the regular season with a triumph over M.U.S. 83-54, only the conference tournament remained . There, at Wisconsin Lutheran in Milwaukee, the Redmen finished second to Milwaukee Lutheran after defeating the Preps and Milwaukee Country Day in the pre liminary games.

In the brief space allotted to this article we cannot mention all the accomplishments of each individual on the team. Wayland is looking forward to another outstanding season next year with the return of veterans Reineck, Bob Esten, AI Paulson, Mick Maier, John Wingquist, Don S. Hanson, and Dave Zoerb.


74 72 44 79 66

84 73 59 65 72

56 55

87 78 94 110 88

57 83 66

Opponent St. Mary's Randolph H. S. Milwaukee Lutheran Wisconsin Lutheran Mil. Country Day Northwestern Preps McFarland H. S. Racine Lutheran Milwaukee U. School Concordia H. S. Milwaukee Lutheran Mil. Country Day Juneau H. S. Wisconsin Lutheran Lake Forest Northwestern Preps Lake Forest Racine Lutheran Milwaukee U. School St. John's Military

73 37 61

50 37 59 37 43 58 61

55 49 83 61

45 76 51 60 54


Richards, Winquist, Maier, Esten, Hanson, Reineck, Thiel, Zoerb, Paulson, Lawton, McGrath, Newall.

Goldstone, Moulton, Miles, Colby, Ellis, Saunders, Schultz, Coach Labahn, Eggen, Edwards, Lavicka, Raymond, Hering, Swanson, Forsgren , Ho e ft .

J. V. Basketball Behind the scoring of Morry Raymond and the rebounding of Bob Lavicka, the Little Red compiled a conference record of 4 wins and 8 losses. Coach John Labahn ' s team started off the season with a conference win over M.U.S. In this game Kirt West contributed I 0 points for the winning team . The score was 35-22. The following weekend the players traveled to Wisconsin Lutheran and were defeated by a score of 42-34. The remaining four conference games of the first half of the season were all losses. Beginning the second part of the season, the team, playing on the home floor, posted a 55-51 victory over a tough Milwaukee Lutheran team. The game's leading scorer with a total of 21 points was Morry Raymond. Morry was assisted by Phil Schultz, who scored 13 points. The next two games proved unsuccessful for Coach Labahn's cagers. Milwaukee Country Day toppled the team with a 46-38 win, Wisconsin Lutheran followed with the worst defeat of the season, the 76-42 defeat arousing a new spirit

within the Little Red. With this new spirit they rolled on to win the next four of five games, beating rival M.U.S. by a 51-49 score. Newcomer Morry Raymond led the team in scoring with an over-all total of 21 I points and sank 60% of his free throws. Phil Schultz was the second leading scorer with 132 points. He was followed by Kirt West and Bob Lavicka, scoring 127 points and 122 points respectively. Bob Lavicka also was tops in the rebound department, grabbing 85 rebounds off the boards. With the advancement of Schultz, West, Lavicka, Tom Ellis, Roger Swanson, John Hering, and John Eggen to the varsity ranks, Coach Labahn will lose many of his starters, but he should be able to form a good team with Raymond as its nucleus. Thanks and congratulations, then. to Coach Labahn and his players for a wonderful season!

First row: Laird, Oseland, Lentz, Barth, Bosshard, S. Detweiler, R. Graham. Second row: J. Oesterle, M. Edwards, Reade, P. Detweiler , C. Smith, Shaw. Third row : Bell, Robinson, Mink, Altholz, Christmann, F. Newall.

Wrestling In the 1962-63 season, the Wayland wrestling team took its second consecutive conference championship under the expert coaching of Mr. Bob Smith. The squad completed an undefeated season in its regular meets, compiling a flawless record of 9 wins and no losses. Their only letdown was an unexpected defeat at the Northwestern Preps' Quadrangle Tournament, where the Red men took second place to the Preps, 46-38. At the conference meet, the climax of the season, Wayland tied Northwestern with the unusually high score of 92 to become the Midwestern Prep Conference's co-champions. The team had but two Seniors this year, cocaptains Tom Bell, with a record of 9-2, and Wally Altholz, with 13-1. In the 123 weight class, Junior Pete Detweiler was the only undefeated wrestler, winning 14 straight matches. In his first year of

wrestling, Pete's fast -working style soon became well-known throughout the conference. Another returning Junior, Binq "the snake" Christmann, registered a commendable 11-2 record. The team's great success this year was largely due to its hardworking coach, Mr. Smith . En couraging his wrestlers to "put out" their best, Coach Smith developed the squad with a series of rigid workouts and stiff diet regulations for those in danger of exceeding their weight limits. Mr. Smith is looking forward to another outstanding season next year with his returning matmen . Among those with praiseworthy accomplishments this year are -Juniors Tom Mink, I 0-3, Mark Edwards, 8-4, Jim Oesterle, 6-5, Ralph Robinson, 3-7, and Sophomores Sam Shaw, 12-2, Craig Smith, 6-3, and Fred Newall, 5-1.


32 18 36 31 36 48

28 31


Opponent St. John's M.A. Monona Grove St. John's M.A. Wis. Lutheran Lake Forest M. C. D. N. W. Preps Lake Forest M. U.S.

II 30 15 18 9

3 9 10 14


First row: Folsom, Jasper, Bell, Paulson, Yeager, Reineck , von Ende, D. S. Hanson, Miles , Pete Detweiler, Fromm, Scott Smith. Second row : Schultz, Christmann, Zoerb, Barth, Carlston, Mink , Edwards, Pinkham, Steve Detweiler, Waldon, Swanson , Fisher. Third 路row: Goetting, Swa in, Newall, Maier , lasher, Orton, Moulton, Rosenthal , West, lavicka, Clina rd, Johnson, Tracy, Eggen , Hering, Haney. Fourth row: Baxter, Hoeft, Cou lson, Shaw, Colby, Lally , Oesterle , Wagenknecht, Koch, Upton , Faile , Craig Smith , Tye, Kopff.


Kneeling: Oesterle, Ellis , Reynolds, Tye. Esten, Tempas , Mr. Labahn .

Standing : Goldstone , Luebke , Lawton , Thiel, Jones,


Kneeling : Forsgren, Miles, Raymond, Tom Falk, Cohenstaedt, Saunders, Don . Wingquist, Cross, Vic Falk, Geisler, Beers, Templeton, Owen , Mr. Wolfe.

Standing : Lentz ,

First row: Chi Meredith , Ruth Berkholtz, Judy Merrill, Janet Lamb , Terri Cloyd, Kathy Decker, Bobbie Weisse, Judy Ronin . Second row: Sue Casey, Liz Schmidt, Virg inia Powers, Ricki Sals, Peg J o hns o n, Debby Coul son, Randi Christensen, Betty Brownell, Anne Hall, Sally Staub, Nancy Jensen. Third row: Mrs. Labahn, Terry Lally, Connie Shaver, Laurie Hamachek , Mary Jo Howard, Pat Eichenseer, Jan e Saunders, Barbara Purdy , Martha Karlen , Peg Roller.

Girls' Sports

Seated : Porter, B. Brownell , Knowles , Neu , Link , Sta ub , Warr e n, Prentiss, Schm idt, Karlen , Coulson . Knee ling : Gardner, Meythaler , Christe nsen , Baird, C randall , Ronn in, Sn yde r, Pe te rso n, Sparling, Murphy. Standing : Dunning, Purdy, Lamb , Eichensee r, Lally , Gunness , De cker, M e red ith , Merrill , Powers , Coach Lahahn.


First row: Harriet Porter, Ann Baird, Judy Ronin. Liz Schmidt, Chi Meredith, Anne Hall.

Second row:

Grace Baldwin , Betty Brownell, Barbi Purdy, Linda Ehnborn, Sally Staub, Gloria Knowles.






( {


Junior As a junior one suddenly finds himself in a class that has the power to make itself felt in student activities and campus government - the students are starting to emerge as responsible individuals who now feel enough of a part of Wayland to be concerned with its weaknesses as well as its opportunities. It is a year when one first becomes acquainted with the notorious C.E.E.B. books and a time when vocabulary starts getting pounded and expounded . . • it means taking one's first college boards as we ll as wading through Walden 's Pond , John Brown's Body, Elements of Style, and most exciting of a ll, it means the fo ll owing yea r one wi ll be a Sen io r at last!

John Wingquist, Tom Goetting, Sydney Schumaker, Woodie Cross.

Sue Armstrong

Steve Beers

Cheri Belcher

Carolyn Biederman

Fred Bissell

John Bosshard

Nancy Brill

Sue Brooks

Betty Brownell

Paul Buchholz

Randi Christensen

Bing Christmann

Kayla Conrad

Andy Coulson

Debbie Coulson

Woodie Cross

Sarah Culle n

Peter Detweiler

Chuck Dinkel

Mark Edwards

Pat Eichenseer


Bob Esten

Jim Freeman

Sue Gillmer

Tom Goetting

Francis Gosling

Bill Graham

Anne Hall

Bob Haney

Don P. Hanson

Don S. Hanson

Marcia Harrer

Paul Horvath

John Hughes

Peg Johnson

Karen Juhl

Martha Karlen

Gloria Knowles

Terry Lally

Jeff Lasher

Mick Maier

Eric Miles

Tom Mink

Jean Mockler

Jim Oesterle

Tom Orton

Dick Paris

AI Paulson

Pete Pinkham

Harriet Porter

Virginia Powers

Barbi Purdy

Gail Quails

Pam Rawn

Ralph Robinson

Liz Schmidt

Chris Reynolds

Kent Reade

Tom Reineck

Peg Roller

Renay Rux

Ricky Sals

Phil Seippel

Harry Shaw

Sydney Schumaker

Jane Schuck

Sal ly Snyder

Sue Stevens

Pat Stiehl

Dave Strauch

Jane Strub

Flip Templeton

Nancy Thomas

Ted Waldon

John Wingquist

Dick Yeager

Dave Zoerb

Sophomore Old faces - familiar names . . . by now one feels like an oldti mer who really knows the ropes. Class leaders are beginning to emerge along with the usual rebels. The year means more new teachers and even harder courses, endless biology investigations, and The Life of Samuel Johnson. To an old Sophomore , the first excitement of new experiences is over, but the challenge of respons ibility and independence is beginning to make itself felt.

Dick Tye, To m Upt o n, Mary Lou Mi ll er, Sam Shaw.

G race Baldwi n, J o hn Barrows , J il l Beh lendorf, Bill Bende r, Tuny Br adb urn, Debby Brownel l, Do ug C a rls to n.

John Cohnstaedt

Jay Collier

Suzy Casey

Steve Clinard

Steve Detweiler

Kathy Dickerson

Bob Don

John Egge n

linda Ehnborn

Tom Ellis

Doug Faile

Tom Falk

Alice Fechheimer

John Fisher

Frances Floyd

Curtis Gallenbeck

Jill Graefe

Sue Graves

Mary Jo Hales

John Hering

Gigi Houck

Mary Jo Howard

Kathy Jahns

Nancy Jensen

Craig Johnson

Jeff Johnson

Bill Kalmbach

Julianna Kidd

Pete Knaup

Noelle Knobe

Tom Koch

Michael Kopff

John L. Laird

Bob Lavicka

Ed Lentz

Barbara Link

Scott Miller

Pat Morrisson

Joanne Mclay

Mary Lou Miller

Chris Neese

Fred Newal l

Art Nichols

Gail Pinkham

Nancy Prentiss

Peg Raftery

Becky Reedy


Mary Posluszny

Mary Reier

Joan Reynolds

Jay Richards

Jack Saunders

Phil Schultz

Tom Sehloff

Mary Sen senbrenner

Sam Shaw

Terry Shaw

Craig Smith

Ronnie Smith

Greg Sperry

Sally Staub

Chuck Swain

Roger Swanson

Alan Tracy

Dick Tye

Tom Upton

Ruth Veltkamp

Chris Warren

Kirt West

Lynn Yeager

Mary Zavodsky

Heidi Zook

Freshman Will you ever be able to forget the utter confusion of that First Day?!! or the problems involved with building the first effigy, planning the first activity, developing class unity, and choosing student leaders ... It is a year of those first daily quizzes and of preparing for one's first semester exam . it stands for the changing of seasons bringing with them new impressions and activities ... the campus buried under layers of red and gold leaves, the bleakness of the buildings against the endless drifts of Wisconsin snow, the thrills of the basketball season, the first baseball game in the spring, hours on the sundeck, and many other memorable events that are only a few of the many connotations to the term "Freshman Year." 0

John W a g e nkn ec ht , Ell en Le imbacher.


Burns , Barb G o ldberg, Jean

Debby Abel

Lee Atterbury

Cammy Beldon

Lois Bessinger

Bill Birch

Ellen Burns

John Clark

Stephen Colby

Arta Dreblow

Robert Edwards

Erik Forsgren

Barb Goldberg

James Goldstone

Robert Graham

James Graubner

Nadine Hess

Stephen Hoeft

Arlene Horvath

Jean Jackman

Mary Kay Jacobson

Robert Jacobson

Robert Jones

Barba ra Klatt

John 0. La ird

Roger La lly

Curry Horak

Barb Lindeke

Greg Miles

Rick Moulton

Karen Myers

Dick Oesterle

Edward Osann

Glen Oseland

Pam Owen

Jane Paris

Marc Paulson

Morris K.aymond

Jean Leimbacher

Paul Rivett

Dick Rosenthal

Pete Schmid,+

Connie Shaver

Barry Temkin

John VVagenknecht

Jean-Pierre Sdmpon

Jane Saunders

Dick Smith

Budd Starr

Jim VVangerin

Paula VVolfe



Chuck Geisler, Sally Sparling , Dick Leimbacher.

Missing: Vic Falk .

Can we really be Seniors already?!! do we seem as old or as remote to the Freshmen as the Seniors of bygone years did to us? Will we ever be able to forget the hours spent filling out college applications, taking the final 'boards, or the day when all of the college replies finally come in? .. . the friends we have made after so many years, the countless laughs, the many tears, that special date, the work we did on Prom the year before, or the endless questions that have come to mind as we have pondered our own possible futures - could we ever forget such times? By this time many have learned that one 's success and happiness at Wayland can be measured in terms of what one has contributed to the school as a person as well as a student .. . this is our final yea r here, but the memories of Wayland life will stay with us for many years to come.


Walter Jacobs Altholz

Karen Frances Amundsor.

Ann Rogers Baird

Football I, 2; Wrestling I, 2, 3, 4; Co-captain 4; Tennis I, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; House Council 3 , 4; Youth Group 3, 4; Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4; Activities Committee I ; Water Ballet 3, 4.

Y.W .C .A. 3 , 4; Y.W.C .A . Cabinet 3, 4; House Council 4; Post Staff 4; Choir 3, 4 ; Ensemble 4; Ski Club 3, 4.

Y.W.C.A. I, 2, 3, 4; Class Secretary I; Hockey 2, 3, 4 ; Water Ballet I, 2, 3; Cheerleading I, 2, 3 , 4; Captain 4 ; Varsity Club 3, 4; Secretary 3; Homecoming Court 3; Rouland I, 2; Spring Play I, 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Pillars Staff 4; Nativity 2, 3; Stude.nt Senate 4; Secretary 4; Youth Group 2; Choir I, 2, 3, 4; Ensemble 2, 4; Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4; Junior Marshall 3; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4.


Thomas Allen Bell

Herbert John Barth

Lewis Daniel Baxter

Football 2, 3, 4 ; Manager 3 ; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 4.

Swimming 2, 3, 4; Manager 4; House Council 4; Dorm Advisory Council 4; Youth Gro"p 3.


Football I, 2, 3, 4, 5; Co-captain 5; Basketball I, 2; Wrestling 3, 4 , 5 ; Cocaptain 5; Track 2. 3, 4, 5; "W" Club 2, 3, 4, 5; House Council 3, 4, 5; Ski Club 2, 3, 4 , 5.

Ruth Ellen Berkholtz

Clifford Louis Bischoff

Y.W.C.A. I, 2, 3, 4; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 3 ,4; Hockey 4; Dorm President 4; Sen ior Counselor 4 ; Rouland 3 ; Post Staff 2; Pillars Staff 4 ; Copy Editor 4 ; Na tivity 2; Student Senate 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3, 4 ; Youth Group Vice - Pres ident 3; Youth Group President 4; Advisory Council 4; Choir 2 , 3, 4 ; En semble 2, 4; Honor Roll 2.

Post Staff 3, 4; Town Club I, 2, 3, 4 路 Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4.

Rebecca Morgan Brown Y.W .C.A. 3, 4; Youth Group 3,4.

Terri Anne Cloyd Bonnie CathE::rine Cady Y.W .C.A. 3, 4 ; Y.W.C .A. Cabinet 3, 4; Post Staff 4.

Craig William Campbell Post Staff 2, 3, 4 ; Youth Group 2, 3.


Play 3 路

Y.W.C.A . I, 2,3, 4; Hockey I, 2, 3, 4; Ba s ketball I, 2, 3 ; Water Ballet I, 2 ; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4 ; Nativity 3; Town Club I, 2, 3, 4 .

Jennifer Clock Coonley Y.W .C .A. 3, 4 ; Post Staff 3, 4 .

Kathie Diane Crandall

John Howardson Darbo

Y.W .C.A. I, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4 ; Water Ballet I, 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, 4 ; Homecoming Court 2, 4 ; Reuland I, 3; Post Staff I, 2, 3, 4 ; Youth Group I , 2 , 3; Ski Club 3, 4.

Wrestl ing 2 ; Choir I, 2, 3, 4 ; Post Staff 3, 4; Radio Club 4 ; President 4 .

Kathryn Carney Decker William J. Davis II Swimming Manager 4; Post Staff 3, 4 .

Y.W.C .A. I , 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4 Basketball 2, 3 ; Water Ballet I, 2, 3 Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 4 Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4 .

William Neal Deramus IV House Council 3, 4 ; Choir I, 2; Post Staff 4 ; Youth Group 2, 3 , 4 ; Cross 路 country 2.

Ann Dunn in g

Roger James Ensminger

Victor S. Falk Ill

Y.W.C .A. 3, 4: Y. W .C .A . Cabinet 4 : Hockey 4: Ski Club 4 : Youth Group 4.

Post Staff 2, 3, 4: Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4 : Radio Club 4: President 4.

Football 2: Tennis 2, 4: "W" Club 4: House Council 4: Class Treasurer 4: Youth Group 4: Advisory Council 4 : Ski Club 2 , 4: Honor Roll 2, 4 : Sp ring Pl ay 4 .


Robert John Folsom

Foo tball I, 2 , 3 , 4: Basketball I, 2: Tra ck I, 2, 3, 4: " W" Club 3, 4: House Counc il 3, 4 : Class Treasurer 3: Youth Group 2, 3: Dorm Advis o ry Council 3, 4: Student Senate 3, 4: President 4: Ski Club 2, 3, 4: Pillars Staff 3: Junior Marshall 3: Cum Laude 3 , 4: Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4.

J Henry John Fromm Ill Football I, 2, 3, 4: Basketball I, 2: Track I, 2, 3, 4: "W" Club 3, 4: House Council 3, 4: "Coachmen" 2, 3, 4 .

Linda Reed Gardner Y.W .C .A. 2, 3, 4: Y.W.C.A. Cabinet 4: Vice 路 President 4: Hockey 2, 3, 4.


Todd Robert Gardner

Charles Cowan Geisler

Beverly Anne Gunness

Football 3, 4; Co-captain 4; House Council 3, 4 ; Rouland 4; "Coachmen" 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4 .

Basketball I, 2 , 3; Tennis I, 2, 3, 4 ; House Council 2, 3, 4 ; Class President I , 2, 3, 4 ; Dorm Advisory Council 4 ; Student Senate I, 2, 3, 4 ; Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4; Pillars Staff 3; Post Staff I, 2, 3, 4; Rouland 2 ; Honor Roll 2, 4.

Y.W .C.A. 3, 4 ; Y.W .C.A . Cabine t 4 ; Hockey 4 ; Post Staff 3, 4.

William Bevan Jasper Football 2, 3 ; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4 ; Student Senat e 3, 4 ; Vice-President 4; Ski C lub 2; Honor Roll 2.

Richard Scott Jones Swimming 3; Golf 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4 ; House Council 4; Youth Group 3, 4 ; Choir 3 ; Ski Club 3, 4 ; Pos t Staff


Karla Maria Kuttig Y.W .C .A. 3, 4; Wat er Ballet 3, 4; Youth Group 3, 4 ; Sk i Club 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4.

Janet Marie Lamb

Randall Wilcox Lawton

Richard Lee Leimbacher

Y.W.C.A. 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 3; Water Ballet 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, 路 4; Nativity 3.

Basketball 3, 4; Golf 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Ski Club 3,

Football 2; Wrestling 3; Swimming I, 2; Track I, 2, 3; House Council 2, 3, 4; Dormitory Co - President 4; Class Vice - President I, 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 4; Student Senate I, 2 , 3, 4; Choir I, 2; Ski Club I, 2, 4; Pillars Staff 3, 4; Editor 4 ; Reuland 2, Honor Roll I, 2, 3.


Craig Edler Lindeke

Rena Margaret Leith Y.W .C.A. I, 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Na tiv ity 2, 3; Youth Group 2; Fencing 3.

Football 4; Swimming Manager 3, 4; Tennis Manager 3; House Council 3, 4; Youth Group I, 2, 3, 4; Pillars Staff 4路 Post Staff 2, 3, 4; Junior Marshall 3; Cum Laude 3, 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; Reuland 4; Art Club 2; Ski Club I, 2.

Ricky Lane Luebke Basketball I, 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3 , 4; Track I; "W" Club 3, 4; House Coun cil 3, 4; Dorm Advisory Council 4; Youth Group I, 2.

David Nicholai McGrath

Charlotte Chase Meredith

Judith Maxine Merrill

Football 3 , 4; Basketball 3, 4; "W " Club 3 , 4 ; House Council 4 ; Dorm Advisory Council 4.

Y.W .C .A . I , 2, 3 , 4 ; Y.W .C .A . Cabin e t 2 , 3, 4 ; Class Secretary 2; Hockey I , 2, 3, 4; Basketball I, 2, 3 ; Water Bal let I, 2, 3; Cheerleading 3, 4; Varsity Club I , 2, 3, 4 ; President 3 , 4 ; Senior Couns e lor 4 ; Homecominq Qu e en 4 ; Rouland I , 2; Pillars Staff 2 ; Na t iv ity 3 , 4 ; Cho ir 3 , 4 ; Ensemble 4 ; Honor Roll I, 2 .

Y.W .C.A . 3, 4 ; Y.W .C . A . Cabin e t 4 ; Hockey 4; Ba sketball 3 ; Water Ballet 3 ; Senior Counselor 4 ; Nativ ity 4 ; Choir 3 , 4 ; Ski Club 3 , 4 .

Lawrie Ann Neu Marylyn Meythaler Y.W .C.A . 2 , 3 , 4 ; Class Secretary 3 ; Hockey 3, 4 ; Youth Group 2; Ski Club 2, 3 , 4 ; Honor Roll 2 .

Sally Lou Mutchow Y.W .C.A . 2 , 3 , 4 ; Post Staff 4 ; Ski Club 4 .

Y.W .C .A . 3 , 4; Hockey 4 ; Water Ballet 3 ; Senior Counselor 4 ; Spring Play 3; Rouland 4 ; Youth Group 4 ; Advisory Counc il 4; Choir 3 , 4 ; Ensemble

3, 4 .




Lewis Robert Newall

Stephen Proctor Owen

Hugh Hegeler Palmer

Basketball Manager 3, 4; "W " Club 3, 4; House Council 4; Youth Group 4; Advisory Council 4; Dorm Advisory Council 4; Choir 3, 4; Post Staff 4; Spring Play 3, 4 .

Football I, 2; Swimming I , 2, 3; Tennis 3, 4; Track I, 2 ; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Dorm Advisory Council 4; Choir 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Post Staff 4; Reuland 2, 4; Ensemble 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3.

Football 2; Swimming 2, 3, 4 ; Captain 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; House Council 4 ; Youth Group 3, 4 ; Student Sen ate 4; Ski Club 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 4.

Susan Ann Peterson Thomas Hart Perry Football 2, 3, 4 ; Swimming 2, 3 , 4; Track 2; "W" Club 3, 4.

Y.W .C.A . 2, 3, 4; President 4; Secre ' tary 3; Hockey 3 , 4; Water Ballet 2, 3; Post Staff 2, 3, 4 ; Nativity 2, 3, 4 ; Youth Group 2 , 3 ; Choir 2, 3, 4 ; Ensemble 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Hon or Roll 2, 3.

j Peter McCall Reynolds Football 2 , 3, 4; Swimming I , 2 , 3, 4; Tennis I, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; House •Council 3, 4 ; Dorm Advisory Council 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3 , 4.


Linda Rhodes

Anthony Adams Roberts

Lloyd Mark Rodenbaugh

Y.W.C .A. 2, 3, 4 ; Post Staff 4; Choir 2, 3, 4.

Basketball I; Swimming 2, 3; Golf I , 2, 3; Track 3 ; House Council 3, 4; Youth Group I ; Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4; Post Staff 4 ; Reuland 3, 4 ; Spring Play I, 2; Activities Committee 3.

Football 4 ; Swimming 3, 4; Captain 4 ; Tennis 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4 ; House Council 4 .

J Judith Lee Ronin

James Dennis Sayre

Y.W.C .A. 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 3; Water Balle• 2, 3, 4; Cheerleading 3, 4; Post Staff 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Honor Roll 4.

Wrestling I , 2, 3 ; Track I, 3; "W" Club I, 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Post Staff 4; Spring Play 4 ; Honor Roll 2, 3.

j Stephen Kent Sloan Swimming I, 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet 2, 3, 4; "W" Club I, 2, 3, 4; Golf I, 2 , 3; Cross -country 2.

David Scott Smith

Sally Ann Sparling

Jeffery James Tempas

Footbal l 2, 3, 4 ; Wrestl ing 2, 3 ; Sw imm ing 3 ; Tr ack 2 , 3, 4 ; "W " Club 3, 4; Town Club 2, 3, 4 ; Honor Ro ll 2, 3, 4 .

Y.W.C.A . 2, 3, 4 ; Class Secretary 4; Hockey 4 ; Water Ballet 2 , 3 ; House Coun cil 3 ; Post Staff 3, 4; Honor Roll

Footba ll 2; Basketball I, 2; Golf I, 3, 4; Tr a ck 2; House Counci l 3, 4 ; Class Treasurer I; Youth Group I, 2, 3, 4; Dorm Advisory Counci l 4; Choir 3, 4; Cum Laud e 3, 4 ; Hono r Ro ll I, 2, 3, 4.


John James Tye J r.

James William Thiel Basketbal l 4; Golf 4 .

Christian James A. Thompson Ill Post Staff 3, 4 .

Football 2, 3, 4; Swimming 2 , 3 路 Wrestling 4 ; Golf 4 ; Trac k 2, 3; Hous e Counci l 3, 4 ; Student Senate 4 ; Vice - President 4 ; Do rm President 4; Dorm Advisory Council 4; " W" Club 2, 3, 4 ; Ski Club 2, 3, 4 .

Sandra Jane Vaughn Y.W .C.A . 4 ; Choir 4; Ski Club 4.

John Patrick Vilker Football I, 2 , 3, 4; Swimming I , 2, 3, 4 ; Track 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4 ; Spring Play 2; Town Club I, 2, 3 , 4.

Carl Norwood von Ende

Barbara Eells Weisse

Football I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Tennis I; Track 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; House Council 3, 4; Dorm Advisory Council 4 ; Choir 3, 4; Ski Club I , 2, 3 , 4 ; Rouland 2; Honor Roll 2,

Y.W .C.A. I, 2, 3 , 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball I, 2, 3; Varsity Club 3 , 4; Post Staff I, 2, 3, 4; Editor -in-Chief 4 ; Student Senate 3, 4 ; Youth Group I, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club I, 2, 3 , 4 ; Junior Marshall 3; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4 .

3, 4.


j I



Administration and Faculty

Mr. Raymond A. Patterson •• • graduated from Wayland in 1936, earned his B.A. and M.A. Degrees in Education at the University of Wisconsin named to the All - American Basketball Team in 1944 - returned to the University in 1960 to work towards his Doctor's Degree . . . . a profound philosopher .. . understanding ... an admirer of those who think for themselves . . • and an excellent basketball coach as well as an extremely capable headmaster- the strongest pillar on the Wayland campus.

Mr. Harry Maass ... graduated from Carleton College earned his Master's Degree in Supervision and Administration at the University of Minnesota. He came to Wayland in 1957 to serve as Assistant Headmaster . . . . exceedingly fair to all students . . . noted for his personal warmth and generosity. Patient as well as perceptive, he is a wise counselor who has gradually built a strong bridge between student and faculty.

Mrs. Ellen Pihlstrom . . . received her Bachelor of Arts Degree at Lawrence College, did graduate work at the University of Colorado, and finished work on her Master's Degree in Guidance at the University of Wisconsin . . . . She understands- students for what they are, respects those who stand up for what they think, and has the ability to recognize leadership and develop it.



Hobart Tucker

... received his Bachelor's Degree from Princeton University - did graduate work at Heidelberg, Grenoble, the Sorbonne, and the American Academy at Rome . . . . demands precise work and gets it . . . a thorough and exacting teacher who honors those who try to improve their work. He is one who appreciates honesty and sincerity and responds to these virtues with strong friendship.

Mrs. Kathy Mayer , . . displays a sincere interest in all girls ..• noted especially for a sense of fairness and generosity • . . responds to maturity and graciousness with encouragement and ·loyalty . . . a woman who take s pride in molding girls into young ladies ••• respected for her taste in clothes and manner . . . she has a noticible influence on the standards set for Warren Hall.

Mr. W.

J. Kennedy

••• graduated from Pennsylvania State College here earned his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education Degrees. He came to Wayland as instructor of music and choir director- has been Director of Residence of Wayland Hall for the past three years • • . . expresses himself both when happy or unhappy . . . everyone remembers the choir and the short in the Christmas tree -the short, Demerit.

Rev. Dr. John C. Castle, Jr.

Mr. William B. Chase, Jr.

Mrs. Beverly Dohmann

English, Speech B.S., S.T.B., Temple University; M.T., Lutheran Seminary; Kansas State University; I) .D., Waynesburg College.

Physical Science, Physics B.S.; Springfield College; University of Wisconsin; University of Connecticut.

Minneapolis School of Art Layton School of Art

Mr. W. Ted Fiebiger

Mrs. Mildred Giebink

Mr. John C. Heilman

Dining Room Supervisor B.A., Grinnell •College

Assistant Librarian , Counselor B.S. , Stevens Point State College; Oshkosh State College; University of Wisconsin .

English, Post Advisor B.A., Coe College; University of Iowa.

Mr. Richard W. Holstein

Miss Marcia Lynn Krause

Mr. Robert E. Krenzin

Chemistry B.S., Lebanon Valley College; University of Wisconsin; Princeton University ; Kenyon College .

French B.A., Lawrence Col leg e American Academy in Rome , It a ly.

Mathematics, Swimming B.S., M.S. , Un iversity of Wisconsin.

Mr. Jon 0 . Labahn

Mrs. Susan J. Labahn

Mr. D. W. Lawder, Jr.

History, Football, Golf, Basketball B.A. , Kalamazoo College.

Director of Girls' Physical Education B.S., Bowling Green Univers ity.

Spanish B.A. , Kenyon College.

Mr. Martin Meyer, Jr.

Miss Marion Mitchell

Miss Virginia K. Olsen

Biology, Athletic Director, Football, Track B.S., 'M.S., University of Wisconsin; University of Wisconsin Milwaukee University of Indiana.

Alumni Secretary University of Wisconsin .

Organist, Organ, Piano B.A.; St. Olaf College; Drake University.

Mrs. Hildegard Olson, R.N.

Mr. David G. Proctor

Mr. Victor Sampon

University of Minnesota-School of Nursing

Head of English Department, Drama A.B., Harvard University; M.Ed., Boston University; Bread Loaf School of English; Middlebury College;

Chairman Language Department, French B.S., M.A., Marquette University; University of Liege, France; Ecole •Commerciale de Verviers; University of Wisconsin.

Mrs. Maxine Schmidt

Mr. Fred L. Schlicher

Mr. Vernon Sehloff

Counselor Warren Hall

Mathematics B.Ed. , Wisconsin State College-Whitewater M.S. , University of Wisconsin; State University of Iowa.

English, Advisor for Pillars B.S., University of Wisconsin; University of Wisconsin.

Mr. Harry H. Smith

Mrs. Harry Smith, R. N.

Mr. Robert L. Smith

Biology, Soc iology, Lecture Series B. S., Univers ity of Wisconsin ; M.S., University of Minnesota.

St. Francis- LaC rosse State College

Mathematics, Football, Wrestling, Track B.A., Lawrence College .

Miss Mary M. Swan

Mr. Leigh C. Van Etten

Mr. Alton E. Wichman

A.B., Carleton College ; A.M., University of Chicago; University of Maine.

Physics, Head Science Department B.S ., University of Connecticut; Marquette University ; University of Connecticut.

Head of History Department, American History, American Diplomacy B.A., Carroll College; University of Wisconsin; University of Chicago.

Mrs. LaVita Wichman

Mr. Carl H. Williams

Mr. Sol Wolfe

Librarian, Music B.A., Carroll College.

Head of Mathematics Department B.A., Trinity College.

Boy 's Physical Education , Football, Tenn is, Swimming A.B ., Hillsdale College ; University of Michigan .

The 1963 PILLARS is actually only a collection of words and pictures. However, the staff and I hope that it is more than this, that it captures the spirit of four years at Wayland. As the years pass, some of the meaning of the words and pictures will be lost, but perhaps the book will retain significance for those seniors and faculty now leaving or retiring. If this is true, our many labors have been well spent. I would like to extend a sincere thanks to all who assisted in the production of the 1963 PILLARS, particularly to Mr. Sehloff and the staff. Invaluable to the publication was the staff at Town and Country Printers, especially Mr. Emmert Dean. Best of luck goes to the staff of the 1964 PILLARS, with the hope that it might profit in the future from the mistakes of this year. Richard L. Leimbacher

Carl Koch Clothes for men and young men Beaver Dam




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DIRECTORY 1963 FACULTY Rev. and Mrs. John D. Blythe, 131 Franklin Street Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Boya, Jr., 225 East Maple Avenue Mr . and Mrs. W. B. Chase, 122 Mohawk Drive Dr. and Mrs. John Cleveland Castle, Jr. I Ob Prospect Ave. Mrs. Beverly Dohmann, I 05 Jefferson Mr. an:l Mrs. Ted Fiebiger, 522 On eida Street Mrs. Mildred Giebink, Waupun, Wis. Mr . and Mrs . John C . Heilman, 300 Hamilton Str eet Mr. Richard W. Holstein, 319 East Third Street Mr. W. Jay Kennedy, Wayland Academy Miss Marcia Lynn Krause, 3121> N. lith Street, Wausau , Wis . Mr. and Mr. Robert E. Krenzin, 51 b E. Manning St. Columb •1 s, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Jon 0. Labahn, 214 N. University Mr . and Mrs. D. W. Lawder, Jr., Wayland Academy Mr . and Mrs. Harry Maass, 200 University Ave. No. Mrs . E. C . Mayer, Wayland Academy Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meyer, Jr., 121 Franklin Str eet Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Neuman, 202 No. University Ave. Mrs. H. Hildegard Olsen, Wayland Infirmary, Wayland Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Patte rson, Headmaster Home, Wayland Mrs. Ellen Pihlstrom, Wayland Academy Mr. and Mrs. David G . Proctor, I 08 Prospect Ave. Mr . and Mrs. Victor Sampon, 229 East Maple Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Schlicher, 13 I East South Street Mrs . M. C. Schmidt, 802 W. Third Street, Muscatine, Iowa Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sehloff, 120 Cle vela nd Street Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Smith, 120 Prospect Street Mr. Robert Smith, 120 Bogert Str eet Miss Mary Swan, 230 Park Avenue Mr. J. H. Tucker, 319 East Third Street Mr. Leigh Van Etten, 1905 W. Conger Ave., Olympia, Wash. Mr . and Mrs. A. E. Wichman, 201> North University Avenue Mr . and Mrs. Carl Williams, 245 Walnut Street Mr. and Mrs . Sol Wolfe, 291> North University Avenue

FRESHMEN Abel, Debby, 305 Fall Street, Williamsport, Ind. Atterbury, Lee, Hustisford, Wis. Beldon, Cammy , Box 14, Rochester, Wis. Bessinger, Lois, 4980 Marine Drive, Chicago 14, Ill. Birch, Bill , Buffalo , Montana Burns, Ell;;"n E., 2707 Oxford Road, Madison, Wis. Clark, John, 408 Mary Street, Beaver Dam, Wis. Colby, Stephen F., 3714 Busse Street, Madison 4, Wis. Dreblow, Arta, 720 Fulton Street, Princeton, Wis. Edwards, Robert, 802 Grove Street, Beaver Dam, Wis. Forsgren, Erik, 3b4 Lake Road, Menasha, Wis. Goldberg, Barb, 825 West 35th Avenue , Gary, Ind. Goldstone, James, I 035 West 35th Avenue, Gary, Ind. Graham, Robert, I 18 Mohawk Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis . Graubner, James, I I b East Broadway, Winona, Minnesota Hess, Nadine, 2837 N. Meade Avenue, Chicago 34, Ill. Hoeft, Stephen N., 409 North Street, Beaver Dam , Vo(is. Horak, Curry E., I 00 I Chanticleer Lane, Hinsdale, Ill. Horvath, Arlene R., Randolph, Wis. Jackman, Jean, 1405 Meadowbrook Lane, Kalamazoo, Mich.

Jacobson, Mary Kay, 709 Lak ewood, Madison, Wis. Jacobson, Robert, 54 Beach Rd., R. 5, Bx 37, Oconomowoc, Wis. Jones, Robert, 7308 Edgemont Avenue, Greendale , Wis. Klatt, Barbara, I 08 LaCrosse Street, Beaver Dam, Wis. Laird, John 0., 313 East Third Street, Marshfield, Wis . Lally , Roger, 400 Prospect Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis . Leimbacher, Jean, 511 East Palladium Drive, Joliet, Ill. Lindeke, Barbara, 233 W. Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, N.C. Miles, Greg, 21 Ridge Drive, Dune Acres, Chesterton, Ind. Moulton, Rick, 127 East Patterson, Roodhouse, Ill. O es terle, Dick, 7048 Knickerbocker Parkway, Hammond, Ind. Osann, Edward, 92 West Road, Dune Acres, Chesterton, Ind. Oseland, Glen, 539 Park Drive, Kennelworth, Ill. Owen , Pam, 900 Harger Road, Oak Brook, Ill. Paris, Jane , Lake Road, Ashburnham, Mass. Paulson, Marc, 491 North Main Street, Juneau, Wis . Raymond, Morris, I 009 MacArthur Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis. Rivett, Paul , 2437 McAree, Waukegan, Ill. Rosenthal, Dick, 8330 Schreiber Drive, Munster, Ind. Sampon, Jean-Pierre, 229 East Maple Ave., Beaver Dam, Wis. Saunders, Jane, 304 South Vita Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. Schmidt, Pete, 228 East Seventh Street, Hinsdale, Ill. Shaver, Connie, 230 Glen Park Avenue, Gary, Ind. Starr, Budd, 54 West Road, Dune Acres, Chesterton, Ind. Temkin, Barry, 91 b Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis. Wagenknecht, John, 308 East Kent Street, Streator, Ill. Wangerin, Jim, 324 St. Francis Drive, Green Bay, Wis. Wolfe, Paula, 291> No. University Ave., Beaver Dam, Wis.

SOPHMORES Baldwin, Grace , 307 South Cherry Avenue, Marshfield, Wis. Barrows, John, 2411 East Ridge Road, Beloit, Wis. Behlendorf, Jill, 3540 A.E. Layton Avenue, Cudahy, Wis. Bender, Bill, 807 Scott Stre et, Beaver Dam, Wis. Bradburn, Tuny, 800 West Hutchinson Street, Chicago 13, Ill. Brownell, Debby, 1212 Opechee Street, Appleton , Wis. Carlston, Doug, 1740 Grace Str eet , Dubuque, Iowa Casey, Suzy, 113 I Wisconsin River Drive, Port Edwards, Wis. Clinard, Stev e, Ford Foundation, 32 Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, India Cohnstaedt, John, 913 East Juneau Ave., Milwaukee 2 , Wis . Collier, Jay, 5524 South Kimbark Ave., Chicago 37, Ill. Detweiler, Steve, 1704 Lake Shore Drive, Two Rivers , Wis. Devenport, Jeneane, Route I, West Bend, Wis . Dickerson, Kathy, 2219 Vermilion Road, Dultuth 3, Wis. Don, Bob, 4300 Marine Drive, Chicago 13, Ill . Eggen, John, 511 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam , Wis. Ehnborn, Linda, Montello, Wis. Ellis, Tom, I 040 Third Street, South, Wisconsin Rap ids , Wis. Faile, Doug, 122Fourth Street, Beave r Dam, Wis. Falk, Tom, Rt. 2, Box 44, Edgerton , Wis. Fisher, John, 502 Wilkin Road, Danville , Ill. Floyd, Frances, 1725 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, Ill. Gallenbeck, Curtis, 351>2 Hillcrest Drive, Pewaukee, Wis . Graefe, Jill, Westwind, Kohler, Wis. Graves, Sue, R. R. 4, Red Wing, Minnesota Hales, Mary Jo , 470 Grove Street, Manawa, Wis. Hamachek , Laur ie, 205 Rose Street, Kewaunee, Wis. Hering, John, 249 Grand Av e nue , Denmark, Wis. Houck, Gigi, b22b Clarendon Hills Drive, Clarendon, Hills, Ill. Howard, Mary Jo, 114 Mohawk Circle , Beaver Dam, Wis. Jahns , Katy, 1>55 Roosevelt Street, Gary, Ind. Jensen, Nancy, 335 Lake Road, Menasha, Wis. Johnson, Craig II, 2730 Broadway, Evanston, Ill.

Johnson, Jeff, 12 Hong Thap Tu, Saigon, Vietnam Kalmbach , Bill, 4625 N. Cramer St., Whitefish Bay II, Wis. Kidd. Julianna, Box 226, Hayward, Wis . Knaup, Pete, 900 West Burnett Street, Beaver Dam , Wis . Knobe , Noelle, 13698 W . Bonnie Lane, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Koch, Tom, 509 E. Mills Street, Beaver Dam, Wis. Kopff , Michael , 400 Madison Street, Beaver Dam, Wis . Laird, John L. , 562 Earlston Road, Kenilworth, Ill. Lavicka, Bob, 415 Aldine, Chicago, Ill. Lentz, Ed , 423 Healy Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. Link , Barbara, 2109 Jarvis, Chicago, Ill. Mclay, Joanne, P. 0. Box 219, Popular Grove, Ill. Miller, Mary Lou, 133 Riverlawn, Watertown, Wis. Miller, Scott, Box 1872, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Morrisson, Pat, 1710 East Erie Avenue, Lorain, Ohio N e ese , Chris, Route I, Clinton, Wis. Newall , Fred, 216 King Road , Niles, Michigan Nichols, Art, I 068 Plummer Lane, Rochester, Minnesota Nystrom, Betty, 4214 West Third Street, Amarillo, Texas Pinkham, Gail , 404 Woodside , Ripon , Wis. Posluszny, Mary, 3653 South 75th, Milwaukee 20 , Wis . Prentiss , Nancy , I 0 East Schiller Street, Chicago I 0, Ill. Raftery, Peg, 120 South Bennett Street, Geneva, Ill. Reedy , Becky, 622 Beverly Drive, Macomb, Ill. Reier, Mary, 516 Fourth Street, Seaver Dam, Wis . Reynolds , Joan , 500 East Ridge Street, Marquette, Mich. Richards , Jay, 340 Crabtree Lane, Glenview, Ill. Saunders, Jack, 304 South Vita Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. Schultz, Phil , 298 North University Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. Sehloff, Tom, 120 Cleveland Street, Beaver Dam, Wis . Sensenbrenner , Mary , 160 I S. ·Outagamie St. , Appleton, Wis . Shaw, Terry , 506 East Mill Street, Beaver Dam, Wis . Shaw , S~m, 135 Hanchett Street, Coldwater , Mich. Smith, Craig, 120 Prospect Avenue, Beaver Dam , Wis. Smith , Dick, 3750 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 13, Ill. Smith , Ronnie, 500 Melrose Street, Chicago 13, Ill. Sperry, Greg, 525 S. Fourth Street, East, Fort Atkinson, Wis . Staub, Sally, 637 Drexel Avenue, Glencoe, Ill. Swain, Chuck , 124 'h James Street, Beaver Dam, Wis . Swanson , Roger, Route I, Princeton, Wis . Tracy, Alan, Route I, Avalon, Wis . Tye, Dick , 256 East Division, Fond du Lac, Wis. Upton, Tom, 709 College Street, Beloit, Wis. Veltkamp, Ruth, 323 Grove Street, Beaver Dam, Wis . Warren , Chris, 198 Michaux Road, Riverside, Ill. West, Kirt, 214 South Rankin , Appleton, Wis. Yeager, Lynn, 1138 East Colonial Drive, Racine, Wis. Zavodsky , Mary, 536 Oak Street, Glen Ellyn, Ill. Zook, Heidi, 2641 North Hackett Ave ., Milwaukee II, Wis.

JUNIORS Armstrong, Sue, 2922 Hall St., S.E., East Grand Rapids, Mich. Beers, Steve, 398 North Shore Drive, Fontana, Wis. Belcher, Cheri, I 075 Wayne Street, Gary, Ind. Biederman, Carolyn, 312 Central Avenue, Osseo, Minn. Bissell, Fred, 952 Plymouth Road, S.E., East Grand Rapids 6, Michigan Bosshard, John, Bangor, Wis . Brill, Nancy, R.R . I, Box 31 I , Oswego, Ill. Brooks, Sue , 721 South Shore Drive, Holland, Mich. Brownell, Betty, 1212 Opechee Street, Appleton, Wis. Bucholz, Paul, 121 14 Spring Drive, Palos Park , Ill. Christensen , Randi, 1403 Kilbourn, Tomah, Wis . Christmann, Bing, I 66 . Abingdon Road, Kenilworth, Ill.

Conrad, Kayla, 1509 Timberlane Drive, Kalamazoo, Mich. Coulson, Andy, R. F.D. I, Slinger, Wis . Coulson, Debbie, R.F.D . I, Slinger, Wis. Cross , Woodie, 910 East Forest Avenue, Neenah, Wis. Cullen , Sarah, 226 Park Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. Detweiler, Peter , 1704 Lake Shore Drive , Two Rivers, Wis. Dinkel, Chuck, 219 Davis Street, Fox Lake , Wis. Edwards, Mark , 1327•Cass Street, LaCrosse , Wis. Eichenseer, Pat, 66 Windwill Lane, Arlington 74, Mass. Esten, Bob, 1208 Homestead Road, Beaver Dam, Wis . Freeman , Jim, 1865 Sherwood Drive, Beloit, Wis. Gillmer, Sue, I 004 West Fourth Street, Red Wing , Minn. Goetting, Tom, 519 Grove Street, Beaver Dam, Wis. Gosling , Francis, 827 Memorial Drive, Manitowoc, Wis. Graham, Bill, I 18 Mohawk Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis. Hall , Anne, 1717 Brookwood Drive, Gary , Ind. Haney, Bob, 219 Roosevelt Avenue, Eau Claire, Wis . Hanson , Don P., 9 Branchbill Road, Ridgefield, Conn . Hanson, Don S., I 0625 W . Grantosa Dr., Wauwatosa 22, Wis . Harrer , Marcia, 1210 Evergeen, Beloit, Wis. Horvath, Paul, Randolph, Wis. Hughes, John, 310 North Kalamazoo Ave., Marshall, Mich. Johnson, Peg, Hopkinton , Iowa Juhl , Karen, 2506 East Jackson Boulevard, Elkhart, Ind. Karlen , Martha, Winslow, Ill. Knowles, Gloria, Rt. 4, Attica, Ind . Lally, Terry, 400 Prospect Avenue , Beaver Dam, Wis. Lasher, Jeff, 16 Varwick Road , Winnetka, Ill. Maier , Mick , 725 Oneida Street, Beaver Dam, Wis . Miles, Eric, 21 Ridge Drive, Dune Acres, Chesterton, Ind. Mink, Tom, 1341 Ashland, Wilmette, Ill. Mockler, Jean, Box 51, College, Alaska Norman, Wayne, 1525 Douglas Street, Dubuque, Iowa Oesterle, Jim, 7048 Knickerbocker Parkway, Hammond, Ind. Orton, Tom , 708 Scott Street, Beaver Dam, Wis . Paris , Dick, Lake Road, Ashburnham, Mass . Paulson, AI, 491 North Main Street, Juneau , Wis. Pinkham, Pete, 404 Woodside, Ripon, Wis . Porter, Harriet, 431 Essex Road, Kenilworth, Ill. Powers, Virginia, 213 Park Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. Purdy, Barbi , Rt . 3, North Ballard Road , Appleton, Wis. Quails, Gail, 71 I Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis. Rawn, Pam, 9524 Lincolnwood Drive, Evanston, Ill. Reade, Kent, 1310 Elm Street, Plymouth, Mich. Reineck, Tom , 371 Melrose Lane, Crystal Lake , Ill. Reynolds, Chris, 2200 West 57th Avenue, Gary, Ind. Robinson, Ralph, 257 Woodstock Road, Kenilworth , Ill. Roller, Peg, 309 South Main Street, Monmouth, Ill. Rux, Renay, 516 West Pleasant Street, Portage, Wis. Sals, Ricki , 8909 West 121 st Street, Palos Park, Ill. Schmidt, Liz, 919 Pawnee Road, Wilmette, Ill. Schumaker, Sydney, 741 S. Chestnut Ave ., Arlington Heights, Illinois Seippel, Phil, Rt. I, Nicolet Road, Green Bay, Wis. Shaw, Harry, 506 East Mill Street, Beaver Dam, Wis. Shuck, Jane, 304 South Church Street, Bowling Green, Ohio Snyder , Sally, 615 North Center, Beaver Dam, Wis . Stevens, Sue, 9 Geneva Drive, Muscatine, Iowa Stiehl, Pat, 1900 Fremont, Algoma, Wis. Strauch, Dave, 3366 South 65th Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Strub, Jane, 403 Mary Street, Beaver Dam , Wis . Templeton, Flip, 16 West 35th Street, Hinsdale, Ill. Thomas, Nancy, 3 I I Ogden Dunes , Portage, Ind. Waldon , Ted, 4909 Bywood West, Minneapolis 24, Minn. Wingquist, John, Rt. 2, Long Grove, Ill. Yeager, Dick, 1138 East Colonial Drive, Racine, Wis. Zoerb, Dave, 613 Park, Kiel, Wis .





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Beaver Dam

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Beaver Dam



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THE BEAVER BOOTERY For famous names in footwear . Shoes for the entire family Beaver Dam

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SENIORS Altholz, Wally, 1865 Dale, Highland Park, Ill. Amundson, Karen , 938 Hickory Avenue, DePere, Wis. Baird, Ann, Rt . I, Menasha, Wis. Barth, John, 6828 20th Avenue, Kenosha, Wis. Baxter, Louis, Route I, Box 630 Bell , Tom, 1013 Oak Street, Tomah , Wis. Berkholtz, Ruth, I 155 East Jersey Street, Elizabeth 4, N, J. Bischoff, Ciff, Rt. 2, Beaver Dam, Wis. Brown, Becky, Locust Farm, Lemont, Ill. Cady, Bonnie, 3921 Lynn e Avenue, St. Louis Park, Minn. Campbell , Craig, Clear Lake, Wis . Cloyd, Terri, 520 West Third Street, Bea ver Dam , Wis. Coonley, Jen, I 000 South Hale Street, Wheaton, Ill. Crandall, Kathie , 3912 North Francisco Ave., Chicago 18, Ill. Darbo , John , I I I 0 North Wheaton, Avenue, Wheaton, Ill. Davis, Bill, 338 Sibley, Park Ridge, Ill. Decker , Kathy, 482 I North 26th Street , Arlington, Virginia Deramus, Bill, I 030 W e st 55th , Kansas City 13 , Mo . Dunning , Ann , 25 Daleber ry Ave ., Willowdale, Ontario , Can. Ensminger, Roger , 6817 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood , Ill. Falk, Vic, Rt. 2, Box 44 , Edgerton , Wis. Folsom, Bob, Manitowish Waters, W is. Fromm, John, 606 Sixth Street, Merrill, Wis. Gardner, Linda, 822 Farwell Drive, Madison 4, Wis. Gardner, Todd, 400 North Kenilworth Avenue , Oak Park, Ill. Geisler,_ Chuck, 848 Bayview Road, Neenah, Wis . Gunness, Anne, 1225 Braeburn Road, Flossmoor, Ill. Jasper, Bill, 159 Lakewood Boulevard, Madison, Wis. Jones, Scott, 1327 West Sixth Street, Red Wing, Minn. Kuttig, Karla, 676 South Park .Avenue, Neenah, Wis . Lamb, Janet, I 120 Milwaukee Avenue, Janesville, Wis. Lawton, Randy, 9 03 South Broadway, DePere , Wis. Leimbacher, Dick, 511 East Palladium Drive , Joliet, Ill.

Leith, Rena, 571 Hill Terrace, Winnetka, Ill. Lindeke, Craig, 233 W. Alabama Ave ., Bessemer City, N. C. Luebke, Ricky, 2 5 50 Root River Parkway , West Allis, Wis . McGrath, David , 233 Broadway, Eau Claire, Wis. Meredith, Chi, 1222 Washington Avenue, Oshkosh, Wis. Merrill, Judy , Route 4, Leonard's Point Lane, Oshkosh , Wis. Meyth~ler, Bunny, 425 Sheridan Road, Kenilworth , Ill. Mutchow, Sally, I I 04 Milwaukee Street, Kewaunee, Wis . Neu , Lawrie , 133 Iroquois, Green Bay, Wis . Newall, Lewis , 216 King Road, Niles , Mich. Owen, Steve, 60 I 12th Avenue, West , Menomonie, Wis. Palmer, Hugh , 1662 North Vermilion Street, Danville , 111 . Perry , Tom, 1604 South Cedar Avenue, Marshf ie ld , Wis. Peterson, Susie, Watersmeet , M ich . Raftery, John , 120 South Bennett St reet , Geneva , Ill. Reynolds, Pete , 2200 West 57th Avenue , Gary, Ind . Rhodes, Linda, 606 West Acacia Road , Milwaukee 17 , Wis. Roberts, Tony, 308 East Wisconsin .A venue, Neenah , Wis. Rodenbaugh, Lloyd, 416 Goodland Circle , Memph is II , Tenn. Ronin, Judy, 120 East Woodland Road, Lake Forest, Ill. Sayre, Jim, M & S Manufacturing Company, Hudson, Mich. Sloan , Steve , 1403 Mayfield Avenue, Joliet, Ill. Smith, Scott , 120 Prospect Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. Sparling, Sally, 714 Honey Creek Parkway, Wauwatosa 13, Wisconsin Tempas, Jeff, I 15 North Park Lane, LeSueur , Minn. Thiel, Jim, 271 South Main Street, Mayville, Wis. Thompson, Chris , R.R. I, Crivitz, Wis . Tye, Jack, 256 East Division Street, Fond du Lac , Wis. Vaughn, Sandy, 3902 School Road, Apt. D, Madison, Wis. Vilker, John , 418 Healy Avenue, Beaver Dam, Wis. von Ende, Carl, 307 Second Street, Mosinee, Wis. Weisse, Bobby, 930 Reed Street, Plymouth, Wis.

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