1963 - 1964 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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Wayland Academy Beaver Dam, Wisconsin






1964 PILLARS A W ayland Publication

Grace Baldwin Leslie Bradburn Betty Brownell Ellen Burns Kathy Dickerson James Freeman Jeffrey Lasher Neal Luken Mary Reier Margaret Roller Phillip Seippel Harold Shaw Alan Tracy










Richard Neuman served as Wayland's business manager from 1944 until 1962, when his failing health compelled him to resign. His recent death reminds us of his eighteen years of selfless dedication and diligent servic~. Besides handling the co路mplex business affairs of the school, he showed a personal interest in the students and their activities. It is with gratitude that we, the staff of PILLARS 1964, dedicat~ this yearbook to his memory.
























































Here we stood Some time ago on the hard flagstone Having turned our backs on West Pleasan! Street, On North Main Street and Apartritent 1903, Lake Road and South Cicero Avenue, And felt so dimly or not at all What time would show. How we became One With the rebellious, the brooding quiet ones, The diligent and the vociferously disenchanted. How we stood irreverent in Holy places, Watched the autumn wind tear at the campus trees Leaving them gray and stiff and bare, Felt the storm-driven volleys of raindrops Batter the classroom windows and turn to snow. Saw our homesick thoughts reflected in the crisp sunlight. Like greedy misers We turned over each ransomed hour Through the tedious winter, Crowded between the big-elbowed clasl! bells, To salvage precious kernels of time That we might live them privately In some contested corner of our guarded world.

Now the bells surnmon us no rnore To rise or eat or sleep.

Now the trees are green again And the air is still. the things we want to keep, And there among the old quizzes With the red circles of reproach, There, folded and forgotten among the history notes, Trampled and heel-marked Among all these suddenly unimportant answers Lies the undeniable assertion That does not submit itself to words But guarantees nevertheless That we shall feel hot tears at our eyes At Baccalaureate when they sing 'God of Our Fathers'.





The Pillars, as you know it to day, i&S 20 years old. The foreward written fo r the 1944 edition provid~ t he reason and j ustificatio.n for publishing a school annual. The 1944 co-editors, Marion Kohn Arbour and Jack Smelts, along with the advisor, Mr. R. E. Bowers, turned out an excellent school an.nual and established a pattern of quality which has been identified with each edition . This year's book is no exception. In back of this long line of successful publications which reflect the tone a.nd spirit of the school year, we find a dedicated faculty and a loyal student body. A Pillars staff can be extremely competent and pro· fessional but can only reflect by pic· tures and words the true to.ne of campus life. The quality of this tone· is directly related to the quality of the faculty and students. Wayland has been fortunate on b oth counts. Con · gratlllation.s to the lo.ng line of editors, staff members, and faculty adviwrs who have successfully reported and reflected this one quality. The qual· ity of dedication found in the follow· ing lines by Lewis Mann a.nd person!· fied by you , the students and faculty of Wayland Academy:

"If something of you isn't living long after your spirit has fled,

If your ha.nd ceases toiling and giving the mi nute your bo dy is dead, You have qui ted the world as a debtor and failed in th e in fi nite plan, Ea rt h shall smothe r your memory, fo r you have rendered no se rvice to rna Lewis Mann

Raymond Patterson Headmaster B.S. University of W isconsin M.S . U niversity of Wisconsin

"A ma.n's real possession is his mem ory. In nothing elee is he rich, in nothing else is he poor." A foreward found in the 1944 edition of the W ayland Pillars.

Glenn Hostetter Assistant Headmaster

Richard Boya Assistant Headmaster

A.B. Asbury College A.M. University of Chicago

B.A. Lawrence College University of Wisconsin University of Chicago



Hobart Tucker Dean of Boys

Latin A.B. Princeton University University of Heidelberg Sorbonne American Apdemy, Rome

Ellen Pihlstrom Dean of Girls English B.A. Lawrence College M.A. University of Wisconsin University of Colorado St. Louis University

v John Blythe

Ronald Hering

Alice Tealey

Chaplain B.A. Ottawa University I.D . Andover Newton Theological Sch ool

Testing and Guidance Counselor B.A . University of Wi sconsin M.A. University of Wisconsin

English, Speech B.A. Wieconsin State College Eau Claire


John Castle

William B. Chase

Linda Clark

English, Speech B.S ., Templ e University S.T.B. Templ e U niversity M.T. Lutheran Seminary Kan sas State U niveroity University of Wisc onsin D.D. Waynesburg College

Ph ysics B.S. Springfield College University of Wiscon sin University of Co.nnecticut New Mexi co State Univers ity Marquette University

Director of Music B.A. Lake Erie College M.M. University of Wisconsin

Richard Holstein Beverly D ohmann

John Heilman

Art Instructor Minneapolis School of Art B.F.A. Layton School of Art

En glish, \\1estern Civili2;ation B.A. Coe College University of Iowa

Chemistry B.S . Leban on Valley Colle ge University of Wi sconsin Princeton University Kenyon College

Helen Kane

Robert Krenzin

Jon Labahn

Muoic B.M . Uhiversity of Wiscomin

Mathematics B.S. University of Wiscomin M .S. University of Wi scomin

Administrative Aosistant University of Richm ond B.A . Kalamazoo College

Martin Meyer Jr. Douglas Lawder Spanish B.A. Kenyon College Cornell University U niversidad Auton omo de Mexico

Biology B.S. Univeroi ty of Wisconsin M .S. University of Wisco n sin University of Wisco nsin- Milwaukee Indiana University Ball State Teachers College

Hildegard Olson R .N. Univen•ity o f Minnesota Sch ool of Nursing

David G. Proctor English Department Chairman A.B. Ha rva rd University M . Ed . Boston University Bread Loaf School of English-

Jennie Sampolis Director of Residen ce

Anne-Mane Sampan French Ecole Commerciale, Vervie rs Marquette U ni versity Universite' Laval

Middlebury Coll ege U niversity of Wisc onsin

Victor Sampan Foreign Language Department Chairman French B.S. Marquette University M .A. Marquette University Universite' de Liege University of Wi sco nsin Universite' Laval, Quebec Ecole Commerciale, Verviers

Maxine Schmidt Dormitory Coun.selor

Paul Schmidt Social Science B.S. Illin ois State Normal University

Frederick Schlicher

June Schultz

Vernon Sehloff

Mathematics Departm ent Chairman B.Ed. Wi sconsin State College, Whitewater M .S. State University of Iowa University of Wi sco nsin Knox College

R .N. Mercy Hospital School of Nur sin r, O shkosh State College, O shkosh

English B.S. University of Wisconsin University of Wi sconsin

Edward Shuster Alth ea Shuster English, M athematics B.A. Colby College Harvard University

Histo ry, German B.A. Hobart College Boston U niveroity Law School Middlebury College

Robert Smith Mathematics B.A . Lawrenc e College University of Wisconsin

Mary Swan

Rhea Wheeler

Homer White

English B.A. Carleto.n College M.A. University of Chicago Univeroity of Maine

English, Spanish B.A . Mount Union College

Dining Room Supervisor

Alton Wichman History Department Chairman B.A. Carrol! College University of Wisconsin University of Chicago

LaVita Wichman Libraria.n, English B.A. Carroll College University of Utah

Sol Wolfe Boys' Phy . Ed. Director of Residence A.B. Hillsdale College University of Michigan Central Michigan College



Standin g here toda y, wz look back over th e past fo ur years of memorable ex periences at Wayland. Early in our freshman year , in路 a flash of energy, we di sco vered th e " missing link " between anthropology and W ayland life to produce a first pla ce skit at H omzcomin g festivities. That spring w e sponsored the traditional "Sadie H aw kins' D ay " w ith th e " chase", " shotgun w eddings" , and "dog-patch d uds". At th e colorful Sophomore Carni val, an old car , a sledge hamm er , a stockade, and a jai l p roduced a "smash hit", charac terized by its originality. At the close of our sophom ore yea r, th e superiority of th e class wa s evid ent. With the beginnin g of the junio r yea r, came immediate preparations for our p rom. Although w e worked furi ously and diligently, th e final touch es were added onl y moments b efor e th e beg nnin g of th at elega nt evening. Th e festive atmosphere of "Gaiete Parisienne" lin gered throughout th e p rom and post -prom party at the Y .W .C .A . w here our own " Fabulous C oachm en" entertain ed us. In September of 1963 , beginning the final portion of our seconda ry educa tion, in spite of the weight of college acceptance, our class spi rit was not dampe ned . The H omecoming skit, based on life in th e new "m en's" dorm . wo n top honors and th e C hri stmas D ance assum ed a new distinction. Exhibiting ncl usive class ch aracter, we obtained the AXE and restored the tradition of class rivalry over its possession. A s C ommencem ent D ay approaches we realize th e n eczssity to prepare ourselve for the challenges of the future, and place these years behind us.






Stephen Peter Beers 389 North Shore Drive Fontana, Wiscon6in uth Group 2, 3; Wayland Hall unci! 2, 3; Water Ballet 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Swimming I, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4; "W" lb 3, 4.

Cheri Lee Belcher I 07 5 Wayne Street Gary, Indiana YWCA I, 2, 3, 4; Warren Hall Coun• cil 4; Pillars staff 4; Post staff 3; Water Ballet 2, 3, 4; Ski Club I , 2, 4; Nativity 3; Rouland 3, 4.

Frederick Irving Bissell 952 Plymouth Road, East Grand Rapids, Choir 4; Football I, 2; Track I, 2; Ski Club I,

Southeast Michigan Swimming I· 2, 3, 4.

Roger Roberts Boelio 243 3 Clawson Avenue Royal Oak, Michigan Pm:t staff 4 ; Rouland 4.

John Bosshard

Nancy Louise Brill

Bangor, Wi6consin Wayland Hall Council 3: Post staff 4: Wrestling 3, 4: Baske tball 2: Track 2, 3; Golf 4; Hon or Roll 2, 3.

R oute 1, Box 412 Oswego, Illinois YWCA I, 2, 3, 4: Ch oir I , 2, 3, 4: Girl s' Ememble 2: Mix ed Ensem ble 4: Warren Hall Council 4: Water Ballet 2. 3, 4: Nativity 2, 3: Roulan d I, 4; Prom Committee 3.

Elizabeth Bronson Brow nell

Susan Joan Brooks 721 South Shore Drive Holland, Michigan YWCA 3, 4: Water Ballet 3, 4; Ski Club 3: Rouland 3.

1212 Opeechee Street Appleton , Wisco.ns in Student Senate l , 2, 3, 4: YWCA 1. 2, 3, 4: Cabinet 2: Youth Group 1. 2. 3: R elig ious Advi6ory Council 3: Choir 3. 4: Pillars editorial staff I , 2, 3, 4: Girls' H ockey 2, 3, 4: Girls' Basketball I , 2, 3, 4: Water Ballet I , 2, 3, 4: C heerleading 2, 3, 4: J. V. Captain 3: Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4: Var路 sity Club 2, 3, 4: President 4: Home路 coming Queen 4: H onor R oll I, 2, 3, 4.

Paul DaviJ Buchholz 38 Old Creek Road Palos Park, Illinois Youth Group 2: Post staff 2, 3: edi路 torial 6taff 4: Greetings staff 4: Foot路 ball 2: Swimmi.ng 2: T rack 2: Ski Club 2, 3, 4: Rouland 4.

Christine Lee Casey 217 Gladstone Street Aurora , Illinois YWCA 4; Girli Hockey 4 ; Basketball 4.


Valentine Hunter Christmann

Kayla Jan Conrad

166 Abin gdon Avenue Kenilworth , Illin o is Youth Group 3: Wayland Hall Council 2, 3: Post staff I , 2: Football I, 2: Wrestling I, 2, 3, 4: Co-captain 4: Track 3, 4: "W" Club 2, 3, 4.

I 509 Timberlane Drive

Deborah Coulson Andrew Allen Coulson Route I, She rman Road Slinger , Wiscon sin C hoir 4: String Emem ble 4: Po.st Staff 4 ; Football 2: Wre>tling 2: Track 1, 2, 3, 4: Ski Club I , 2, 3, 4: Honor Roll I , 2, 3, 4.

R oute I, Sherman Road Slin ger, Wiscon sin YWCA I , 2, 3, 4; Ch oir I , 2, 3: String En sembl e 4: Girl i H ockey 2, 3, 4: G irl i Basketball 2, 3, 4: Water Ballet I , 2, 3, 4: Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4: Varsity Club 2, 3, 4: Honor Roll I , 2, 3, 4: Junior Marshall 3.

Kalamazoo , Michigan YWCA 3, 4: Y outh Group 3; Water Ballet 3, 4: Ski Club 4: Honor Roll 3, 4.

William Wood Cross 910 Ea>t Forest A venue Ne enah , Wi6consin Cia>' p re,id ent 3: St ud ent Senate 3, 4: President 4: Y outh Group 2, 3: Reli giom Ad viso ry Coun cil 3: Wayland H all Coun cil 2, 3: P ost editorial staff 2, 3, 4: T enni s 2, 3, 4: "W" Cluh 2, 3. 4: Roul and 2, 4: Honor Roll 2, 3, 4: Pro m Committee 3.

Sarah Bridget Cullen

Peter Hall Detweiler

Charles Henry Dinkel

226 Park Avenue Beaver Dam , Wi scomin YWCA 1, 2, 4; Water Ballet 3, 4: Ski Club 4: Town Club 1, 2, 3; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4.

1704 Lake Shore Drive Two Rivers, Wiscomin Student Senate 3: Wayland Hall Council 2, 3: Post staff 3, 4: Football 2, 3, 4; J. V. "Captain 2 ; Wrestling 3, 4; Basketball 2; Track 2, 3, 4: Ski Club 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4: Secretary路 treawrer 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4.

219 Davis Street Fox Lake, Wi scomin Cross Country 1, 2 ; Wrestling 1: Golf 1: Track 2 ; Town Club 1, 2, 3: Rou路 land 2, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4.

Mark Drew Edwards 1 32 7 Ca6s Street LaCrosse, Wisconsin Wayland Hall Council 2, 3; Wre stling 3, 4; Basketba]] 2; Track 2, 3, 4 ; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Rouland 4; Choir 4.

Patricia Crinion Eichenseer

Robert Lee Esten

66 Windmill Lane Arlington, Massachusetts YWCA 1, 2, 3; Youth Group 1, 2, 3; Pillars staff 2; Post staff 1, 2; editorial staff 3, 4; Girls' Hockey 3; Girls' Basketball 3, 4; Water Ballet 1, 3, 4; Fencing 1, 2 ; Ski Club 1; Varsity Club 3, 4; Art Club 1; Spring Play 1; Nativity 2, 3; Youth Group Ad路 visory Council 2.

1208 Homestead Road Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Clas.o; President 1; Student Senate I, 2, 3, 4; Choir 1, 2, 3, 4: Mixed En路 semble 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Golf 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Nativity 1: Rouland 1, 3; Prom Committee 3: Town Club 1, 2, 3; Honor R oll 1, 2, 3, 4.

James Patrick Freeman

H enry John From m III

Susan Beth Gillmer

1865 Sherwoo d Drive Beloit, Wi Ecomin Cia '> vice pre!'ident 4: Student Senate 4 : Vice Pre!<ident 4 ; Youth Group 2: Wayland H all Co uncil 2, 3: Pillar!' edito ri al 'taff 3, 4: Water Ballet 4 : Swimming 2, 3, 4 : Track 2, 4 : "W" Club 2, 3, 4 : Vice Pre!'ident 3, 4: Roul and 4: Prom Committee 3.

I 505 Eas t Main Stree t M er rill , Wiscon,in Wayl and H all Co u ncil 3, 4: Football I , 2, 3, 4, 5: Ba!<ketball I. 2: Track l, 2, 3, 4, 5: Cap tain 4 : "W" Club 3, 4, 5: Prom King 4: "Coac hmen" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1004 We!<t Fourth Stree t R ed Wing, Minne fota YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4 : W a rren H all C o uncil 3, 4 : Sec retary 4: Po!'t staff 3, 4 : Girl , ' H ockey 4: Wate r Ball et 3, 4: Ski C luh 1, 2, 3, 4: Prom Committee 3.

Thomas Jon Goetting 519 Grove Street Beaver Dam , WiEco.min Cla ,o,o Pres ident 2, 4: ClaEE Vi ce Pre,o路 id e nt 1, 3: Stud en t Senate I , 2, 3, 4 : Swimming I , 2: T rack 1, 2. 3, 4 : Ski C lub I . 2, 3, 4 : H o n or R oll 1, 2, 3, 4: Junio r Mar>h all 3: Cum Laud e 3. 4 : Pr om Committee 3: T own Cluh 1, 2, 3.

William Benjamin Graham 11 8 Moh awk Dri ve Beave r Dam . WiEco.n>in Choir 1, 2. 3, 4: Mixed Emembl e 1, 2, 3, 4: Pillar' editorial Eta ff 3: Swim 路 ming 1: Track I , 2: Ski CI1Jb 1, 2, 3, 4 : Na:ivity 1, 2. 3: R o ul and 1, 2, 3, 4 : Town Cluh 1. 2, 3: Ho.nor Roll 1, 2, 3. 4.

Lind a Pribe Greenfield 1 I 7 H armon Circle Sun Prairie, Wi sco nsin YWCA 4: Choir 4 Pillar!< , ta ff 4路 Girl s' H ock ey 4: G rl s' Baoketbal] 4: W ater Ballet 4: Sk Club 4 : Honor Roll 4 .

Anne Elizabeth Hall

R obert Michael Haney

DonalJ Stewart Hanson

I 717 Brookwood Dri ve Gary, Indi a na YWCA 2, 3, 4: Y ou th Group 2, 3: Choir 2, 3: Mixed En se mbl e 3: Poft staff 2: editorial ; taff 3, 4: Greetings staff 4 ; Girls' Hock ey 2, 3, 4: Girl s' Bask etball 3, 4 : Water Ball et 3, 4: Che erleadi n g 3, 4: Captain 4: Ski Club 4: Va rsity Club 3, 4: Honor R oll 3.

219 Ro o.sevelt A ven ue E au Claire, Wi sconsin Youth Group 3: Choir I , 2, 3, 4: Mixed E nsem ble l , 2, 4: Track I , 2, 3: Ski Club I, 2, 3, 4: Nativity I, 2, 3: Rouland I, 2, 3, 4.

10652 We st G ran tosa Avenue Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Football 2, 3, 4: Basketball 2, 3, 4: Track 2, 3, 4: "W" Club 2, 3, 4.

Marcia Leigh Harrer

M ary Lindsay H astings

I 210 E verg reen Avenue Beloi t, Wisconsin YWCA 3, 4: Pillars Staff 4: Water Ballet 3, 4: Ski Club 4: R ouland 3, 4: Pr om Committee 3.

I 52 5 Ea6t River R oa d Mi nneapolis, Minneso ta YWCA 4: String Ensemble 4: Water Balle t 4: Ski Club 4: P ost Staff 4: Youth Grou p 4 ; Choir 4.

Paul R aymond H orvath 203 South High Street Rand olph , Wisconsin Wrestling 1: T own Club 1, 2, 3.

John Craig Hughes

Margaret Ann Johnson

Karen Sue Juhl

310 North Kalamaz oo Avenue Marshall. Michigan Youth Group 2; Wayland Hall Coun· cil 3: Pillars edi torial staff 3; Foot· ball 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2: Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Cum Laude 4.

128 Superior Street Wauseon , Ohio YWCA 3, 4: President 4 ; Girl6' Bas• ketball 3, 4: Water Ballet 4; Ski Clu.b 4: Prom Committee 3.

250 6 East Ja ckso n Boule va rd Elkhart, Indian a YWCA 3, 4 ; Cabinet 4; Pillars staff 4; Post staff 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Water Ballet 4.

Jeffrey Ramsdell Lasher

Neal James Luken

947 }aeon Way Pacific Palisades, California Pillars editorial staff 3, 4; Swimming 3; Track 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; "Coach· men" 4; Water Ballet 4.

50 5 W alnut Street Beave r Dam , Wisconsin Pillars editorial staff 4: Football 4; Town Club 3; "W" Club 4; Prom Committee 3.

Gloria Jean Knowles Rural Route 4 Attica, Indiana YW<?A 2, 3, 4; Youth Group 2, 3; Girls Hockey 3, 4; W ater Ballet 3, 4; Cheerleading 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Homecoming Court 3; Rouland 3, 4.

Michael John Maier

Eric Lyon Miles

Thomas Mills Mink

72 5 Oneida Street Beaver Dam , Wisco.nsin Class Vice President 2: Student Senate I , 2: Mixed Ensemble 2: Football I. 2, 3,, 4: Captain 4: Basketball I, 2, 3, 4: Track I, 2, 3, 4: "W" Club 2, 3, 4: President 3, 4: Honor Roll, I, 2, 3, 4: Town Club I, 2, 3: Post Staff

21 Ridge Drive, Dune Acres Chesterton, Indiana Wayland Hall Council 3: Football 2: Basketball 2: Track 1, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club I, 2, 3, 4.

1341 Ashland Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Wayland Hall, Cou.ncil 33; Football I, 2, 3, 4: Wrestling I , 2, 3, 4: Track I, 2, 3: Ski Club 2, 3, 4: "W" Club 2, 3, 4: Post 4: Co-Captain Wrestling 4.



James Leon Oesterle Stuart Lester Moul I 5 South Walnut Street Mayville. Wisconsin Post staff4: Football 4; Basketball 4: Track 4; " W" Club 4.

7048 Knickerbocker Parkway Hammond, Indiana Wayland Hall Council 3: Post staff 3, 4; Football 2, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4: Golf 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4.

Richard Sherman Paris Lake Road Ashburnham, Massachusetts Choir 4: Football 1, 2, 3; Swimming 1, 2; Track 2: Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; P~t staff 4.

Alan Hayford Paulson

Peter James Pinkham

Harriet Emerson Porter

491 North Main Street Juneau, Wiscon sin Choir 3, 4: Mixed Ensemble 2, 3, 4: Football I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4: "W" Club 2, 3, 4: Rouland I; Town Club I , 2, 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Marshall 3; Cum Laude 3, 4.

404 Wood sid e Street Ripon , Wi sconsin Wayland Hall Council 2, 3; Football I , 4: Swimming I ; Wrestling 4: Golf I : Track 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll I, 2.

431 Essex Road Kenilworth, Illinois YWCA I, 2, 3, 4: You th Group I, 2, 3; Choir I ; Girls' H ockey 3, 4; Water Ballet I , 2, 3, 4; Cheerleading 2, 3, 4: Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4: Varsity Club 3, 4: Homecoming Court 2; Nativity 2, 3.

Virginia Carolyn Powers 213 Park Avenue Beaver Dam , Wisco.nsin YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Ho ckey 3, 4: Girls' Basketball 3, 4: Varsity Club 3, 4; Town Club l, 2, 3, 4.

Barbara Gray Purdy North Ballard Road, Route Appleton, Wisconsin Class secretary 1: Student Senate 4; Secretary 4; YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Cab路 i.net 2, 3, 4; Girls' En semble 1, 2, 4; Warren Hall Council 2, 4; Dormitory President 4; Girls' Hockey 2, 3, 4; Girl s' Basketball 2, 3, 4; Water Ballet I , 2, 3, 4 : Cheerleading 2, 3: Fencing 1, 3, 4; Ski Club I , 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Nativity 2, 3; Rouland 1, 2, 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; Choir, 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4.

Gail Louise Qualls 711 Lake Shore Drive Beaver Dam , Wisco.nsin YWCA 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' En semb le 2, 4: Town Club 1, 2, 3: Art Club 2, 3, 4; Nativity 1, 2, 3: Rouland 4: Pillars staff 3; Prom Committee Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4.

I, 1, 3, 3路

Jennifer Anne Raineri 502 Sixth Avenue North Hurley, Wisconsin YWCA 4; Choir 4.

Pamela Jean Rawn

William Kent Reade

9524 Lincolnwood Drive Evanston , Illinois YWCA 3, 4; Youth Group 3; Pillars 6taff 4; Girls' Hockey 4; Water Bal路 let 3, 4: Ski Club 3, 4; Rouland 3, 4.

510 Diamond Boulevard John stown, Pennsylvania Football 1, 2; Wrestling 1, 3; "W" Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Roll 2.

Ralph Osborne Robinson Thomas Edward Reineck 2400 Lakeview, Ap artment 1903 Ch icago, Illin ois Football 3, 4: Basketball 3, 4 ; Track 3, 4; "W" Club 4.

257 W oo dstock A venue Kenilworth, Illin ois W ayland Hall Cou ncil 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestlin g 1. 3, 4; Track 1, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; "W" Club 3, 4; Choir 4.

Margaret Jean Roller 309 Sou th M ain Street M onmouth, Illin ois YW CA 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4: War路 ren H all Cou ncil 4 ; Pillars editorial staff 4; P ost staff 3; Girl s' Basketball 3; Water Ballet 3; Prom Committee. 3; Honor Roll 3.

Renay Emily Rux

Ricarda Ruth Sals

Elizabeth Eddy Schmidt

516 West Pleasa nt Street Portage, Wis~onsin YWCA I , 2, 3, 4; Girl s' En sem ble 4: Mixed En sem ble I , 2 ; Warren Hall Council I, 4 : W ater Ballet 2: Ski Club I, 2: Rouland I, 3, 4 ; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4.

9001 South Cicero Avenue O akl awn , Illin ois YWCA 2, 3, 4 : Girl s' Basketball 2, 3, 4: W ater Ballet 4: Ski Club 2, 3, 4: Prom Court 3: Rouland 3, 4.

919 P aw.nee R oa d Wilmette, 11lin ois Student Senate 4 : YWCA I, 2, 3, 4: Treasur er 3. 4 : Y ou th Group I : Choir 4 : Mi xed En sem bl e 4: Warren Hall Council 4 : Girls' H ockey 2, 3, 4 : Girl s' Basketball 2, 3, 4 ; Water Bal· let I , 2, 3, 4 : Cheerleading I , 2, 3, 4; J. V. Caotain 2; Ski Club I , 2, 3, 4: V arsity Club 2, 3, 4; Nativity 2, 3, Rouland 3, 4.

Sydney Ann Schumaker 741 Sou th Chestnut Avenue Arlin gton Heights, Illinois Class Secretary 3, 4: YWCA I , 2. 3, 4: Y outh Group I : Choir 3, 4 : Post etaff 3: Girls' H ockey 4 ; Girls' Basket· ball 4; Water Ballet I, 2, 3, 4; Fenc· ing I , 2: Ski Club I , 2, 3, 4 : Varsity Club 4 ; Rouland 3, 4; Prom Commit· tee 3: Activities Committee 2.

Phillip Robert Seippel Route I Beave r Dam , Wisconsin Youth Group 3; Pillars editorial staff 4 ; Water Ballet 4; Football I, 2: Swimming I, 2, 3, 4: Track I, 2 ; Golf 1: "W" Club 2, 3, 4 ; Rouland 4: Town Club I ; Choir 4 : Honor Roll 2, 3, 4.

Harold Wayne Shaw 506 East Mill Street Beaver D am, Wiscon sin Pillars staff 3: editorial staff 4 ; Foot· baJI 1: Wrestling I, 2; Golf I, 2, 4; Fencing 3: "W" Club 2, 3, 4 : Town Club I , 2, 3.

Sally Ann Snyder

Jane Stewart Shuck

Muffet Lee Smith

94 Euclid Avenue Delaware, Ohio YWCA 3, 4: Cabinet 4: Choir 3, 4; Girl s' En sem ble 4; Ski Club 4; Prom Committee 3.

545 Illinois Avenue Green Lake, Wi6con sin YWCA 4: Choir 4; Mixed Ense mble 4; Girls' Hockey 4; Girl s' Basketball 4; Homecoming Court 4; Ski Club 4.

Suzanne Stevens 9 Geneva Drive Mu scatine, Iowa YWCA 3, 4; Choir 3, 4: Water Ballet 4; Fencing 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Hon路 or Roll 3, 4; Cum Laude 3, 4.


David Paul Strauch

Patty Lynn Stiehl 1900 Fremon t Street Algoma, Wisco nsin YWCA 3, 4: Girls' Basketball Water Ballet 4.

61 5 North Center Street Beaver Dam , Wisco.nsin YWCA 1,2,3 ,4: Girl s' Hockey Town Club I , 2, 3.


3365 South Sixty-fifth Street Milwaukee 19, Wisco nsin Youth Group 2; Wayland Hall Council 3; Croos Country 1, 2; Football 1, 2; Swimming 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 4.

Jane Elizabeth Strub

Phillip Hayes Templeton

Nancy Maria Thomas

403 Mary Street Beaver Dam , Wisconsin YWCA 1, 2, 4: Choir 1; Mixed Ensemble 1, 2: Nativity 1, 2, 3: Town Club I, 2, 3: Rouland 3; Water Ballet 4.

Thirty-fifth and Adamm s Hin sdale , Illinois Youth Group 2, 3: Wayland Hall Council 2, 3; Water Ballet 4 : Swimming 2, 3, 4 ; Ski Club 2, 3, 4 ; "W"路 Club 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4 .

311 Ogden Dunes Portage, Indiana YWCA 3, 4: Youth Group 3; Post staff 3, 4; Honor Roll 3, 4.

John Richard Winquist Route 2 Long Grove , Illinois Class Treasurer 3: Wayland Hall Cou.ncil 3; Football I , 2, 3, 4: Captain 4 : Ba6ketball 1, 2, 3, 4: J. V. Captain 2; Track I , 2: Tennis 3, 4: Ski Club 2. 3, 4: "W" Club 2, 3, 4: Honor Roll 1.

David Frederic Zoerb

Richard Eugene Yeager 1138 Ea st Colonial Drive Racine, Wisconsin Cl ass Secretary 2: Youth Group 2, W ater Ballet 3, 4: Football I, Swimming I , 2, 3, 4 : Captain Track I, 2, 3, 4 : Golf 1: Ski Club 4 : "W" Club I, 2, 3, 4.


3: 2: 4: 3,

613 Park Avenue Kiel, Wi sconsin Youth Group 3: Choir 3; Mixed Ensembl e 3: Wayland Hall Council 3: Post editorial staff 3, 4 : Editor-inChief 4: Greetings st aff 4 : Football 3, 4: Basketball 3: Track 3: "W" Club 3, 4; Rouland 4.

But in the midst of these Lies the fun of life.


It would not be true to say our school Is relaxing, all-pleasant and all smiles. But it is an opportunity to be chaiienged and to grow.


Dick Sam


N earing the completion of our junior year, we realize that it will have been the most decisive and productive of the four years. Thi s is b ecause, as juniors, we beca me deeply involved in and concerned with school affairs. W e exerted a supreme effort to carry out to perfection th e responsibilities of our class. The initial evidence of this was our "blue ribbon" effi gy, "Looks Like W e'll Dunk 'Em, Donut ?" and our " red ribbon'' skit, " The Wayland Story R evised" at H omecoming. Our next opportunity to exhibit our cl ass spirit, a dorm activity called "Outer Limits", in our opinion, merited the Best Wayland Activity Award . Since we are fam ous for o.ur delayed action and spectacular results, our junior prom received little attention until after Christmas, then we stea med ahead at t op speed and with full force. Firs't, imagination carried us into the world of fantasy, then the plans materialized, and finally we ex~cuted the "blue prints" to create magnificence and splendor out of lumber, nails, and rolls of paper . A s we look ahead to our fourth and fin al year, we visualize college applications, the new dorm, senior privileges, and graduation.

Grace Baldwin

Jill Behlendorf

Tuny Bradburn

Jim Byrket

Suzy Casey

Robbie Clague

Irene Beinoris

Bill Bender

Doug Carlston

Lynn Cartee

Steve Clinard

John Cohnstaedt

Jay Collier

Peg Crawford

Bill Davis

Steve Detweiler

I Kathy Dicker60n

Tom Ellis

Scott Doolittle

Dave Douglas

Doug Faile

Alice Fechheimer

Linda Ehnborn

John Fisher

Curt Gallenbeck

Jill Graefe

Karl Herpolsheimer

Claudia Higgins

Betty Hultquist

Ron Iehl

Sue Graves

Gigi Houck

Katie Jahns

Mary Jo Hales

Mary Jo Howard

Nancy Jensen

Craig Johnson

Peter Knaup

Frank Kuechmann

Jeff Johnson

Bill Kalmbach

Julie Kidd

Noelle Knobe

T om Koch

Mike Kopff

John L. Laird

Bob Lavicka

Ed Lentz

路 Barb Link

Phil Llewellyn

Barb Lueking

Joanne Mclay

Tony Maiken

Dave Mead

Mary Lou Miller

Scott Miller

Jill Moore

Pat MorriSBOn

Chris Neese

Fred Newall

Art Nichols

Gail Pinkham

Bi)) Pondelicek

Mary Poslustny

N a.ncy Prentiss

Becky Reedy

Margie Regnery

Mary Reier

Joan Reynolds

Jay Richards

Nancy Rockwell

Jack Saunders

Phil Schultz

Tom Sehloff

Mike Seith

Trudy Sensenbrenner

Sam Shaw

Terry Shaw

Craig Smith

Sally Staub

Walter Steiner

Chuck Swain

Roger Swanson

Ada Schuchardt



Ruth Veltkamp

Alan Tracy

Dick Tye

Tom Upton

Chris Warren

Kirt West

Lynne Yeager

Heidi Zook


Jim Ellen



The unique characteristic of our sophomore year : escaping the despicable epithet, "Frosh ", dominated the atmosphere of the year. With one year behind us, we confidently returned to the campus last fall eager to apply the experience and proficiency we had developed in our first year, and resolved to amend the failures and mistakes of the preceding term. Deeming ourselves worthy of greater respect and a higher rank in the eyes of the student body, we inflicted our self-delegated authority on the innocent and vulnerable freshmen. Homecoming, the first important event of the year, brought plans for an effigy and a skit. Only temporarily disheartened, when our skit was eliminated at the dress rehearsal, we quickly and successfully substituted with an invasion of the Wayland "gnomes". Our effigy, "We'll De-Rail 'Em", brought a second place and the justification for our class pride. The apprehension, drudgery, and disappointment instilled in us an enduring class spirit, dedication, and unity. The success of our Sophomore Carnival not only verified the existence of these qualities, but also prognosticated the boundless capability of our class.

Debbie Abel

Jeff Anderson

Margaret Beebe

Maggie Bentley

Sue Berke

Ellen Burns

John Clark

Steve Colby

Bob Edwards

Erik Forsgren

Barb Goldberg

Lois Bessinger


Bonnie Blair

Arta Dreblow

Jim Goldstone

Bob Graham

Bob Grissett

Dave Hancock

John Herman

Nadine Hess

Steve Hoeft

Curry Horak

Arlene Horvath

Jean Jackman

Bob Jacobson

Jayne Kay

Barb Klatt

John 0 . Laird

Eric Larwn

Jea.n Leimbacher

Barb Lindeke

\ Steve Lozoff


Myer ~

T om


Lu t~ey

Mile ~

Rich Oe ~te rle

Lynn Newman


Rick Moulton


o ~an n

Pam Owen

Jane Paris

Morie Raymond

Mary Reslock

Jean-Pierre Sampon

Jane Saundere

Marc Paulson

Art Pierce

Paul Rivett

Rich Rosenthal

Pete Schmidt

Jack Singleton

Roger Smith

Craig Sogard

Budd Starr

Candy Stevenson

Barry Temkin

Jon VVagenknecht

Jim VVangerin

Bardy Way

Paula Wolfe

Jim Wood

Betsy Y oemans

Hans Zoerb


T om

Bar i Ka y

Adjustment - the life or death propostt!On that we freshm an faced last fall. Our preconstructed ideas disintegrated as w e drove into the "bull ring" on the first da y. From then on we were exposed to the situ, ation in its true prospective. Panic,stricken, we wandered about attempting to act nonchalant. Numerous facts about the dining room conduct, study hall pro, cedure, seating charts for this or that, rules, regula, tions made our heads swim. Instructions concerning manners, co-educational behavior, the proper dress were poured at us, too profuse to remember. In spite of all our concentrated effort, we still made mistakes, which only called attention to our lack of poise. Just about th e time we felt confident, a new season brought a raft of changes, once more we were lost. Finally, as we became secure and learned to relax, the environment proved more profitable. At this time we could concentrate on our studies, class projects, and athletic endeavors. Now that the year is ending, retrospection minimi2;es the enormity of our conflicts with the school and with each other. As a result, we are looking forward to next year with optimism and anticipation.


The Terrible lntlepentlence

Chip Altholz

Dianne Bondehagen

Bari Boyer

Chuck Burton

Linda Corporo.n

Charlie CroR'

Jani.:e Decker

Kevin Fitzpatrick



Tom Fol som

Don Carlston


Down ~

Vaughn Friday

Mary Gale

Ken Gallenbeck

Margie Griswold

Phil Groebe

Kevin Gustafson

Susan Hiestand

Marsha Holland

Frances Horvath

Dan Knowlton

Jeff Learman

Kurt Leichtle

Hugh Kirsh

Dick Looze

Rob Meneilly

Barb Nelson

Mike Machkovech

Tom Maier

Fred McPherson

Mike Myer

Gil Myers

Pete Nast

John Newman

Bill Oberg

Kay Oliver


Barb Patek

Tom Pflanz

Kate Reynolds

Mark Saunders

Bill Skinder

Paula Sprotte

Gary Pierce

Gail Shelle>tad

Michelle Vickery

John Ranson

Rick Shoemaker

Karl Wagenknecht



Und~r the able coaching of Marty Meyer, .backfield coach Fred Schlicher, and line coach Bob Sihith, Wayland's Eleven opened the season in a non-conference game against New Glarus High School with a trouncing 49-0 win . In the first conference tilt, Wayland crashed through M. U. S. 20-6. Th~ Big Red's next stop was at Milwaukee Lutheran where the team suffered a disheartening 27-7 defeat.

On the following weekend th~ Redmen revealed th eir unflinching determination by scraping past their arch-rivals, Country Day, 7-6. Returning to Brown Field the Big Red made an impressive defensive stand under the skillful leadership of co-captain John Winquist, defeating Lake Forest 7-0.

Th e R edm en next encountered a defeat at th e: hands of Racin e Luth eran , fallin g ~2-D. Th e fi ghting R ed were not to be cru h eel th ough ; for on the foll ow in g weekend , W ayland emerged vi ctori ously in th e annual H omeco min g cla sh. Victory was effec ted in th e final minutes of th e ga me b y th e deadl y M aier-Z oerb pa ss combi1ution, whi ch fr equentl y brought onl oo kers to th ei r feet through out th e season. In th e fin al ga me o f th e year, th e R edm en met th eir th ird defeat , losing 19-7 to Wi sconsin Luth eran. At th e conclusion of a successful seaso n, th e: squad ch ose D ave Z oerb as most va luable play er. Later at a meetin g of the con fe rence coach es, T om Rein eck was clectc:d to the fi rs t tea m all -co nference as ;t t;~c kl e. D ave Z oerb and co-captain Mick Maier were both elected to th e seco nd tea m all-co nference as end and quarterbac k respect ively . N ext year W ayland wi ll co mpe te ind epend entl y, and th e wealth of returning lettermen should provi de the same exciting style: of football .

Back row: S. M oul, T . Reineck, F. Newall , S. Detweiler, M . Kopff, C. Smith, D. Tye. 2nd row: E. Lentz, K. West, B. Lavicka, S. Shaw, K. Ruhloff, C. Gallenbeck, D. H anson,

M . Seith . 3rd row: D . Faile, J. L. Laird, T . Upton , R. Swaneon, A. Ni chol s, J. Johnso.n, S. D oolittle, P. Detweiler, P . Pinkham, M. Raymo nd. Front row: J. Fromm , J. Oesterle, T . Mink, R. R obinson, S. Beers, B. Esten , M. Maier, J. Wingquist, D. Zoerb, P . Schultz.

Wayland 49 20 7

7 7 13 14 7

Opponent 0 N ew Glarus High 6 Milwaukee University School 27 Milwaukee Lutheran 6 Milwaukee C ountry Day 0 Lake Forest A cademy 32 Racine Lutheran 7 N orthwestern Prep s 19 W isconsin Lutheran

Moments of silent prayer

Back row: H . Zoerb, T. Fol6om , V. Friday, G. Myers, K. Wagenknecht, J. Neuman, G . Pierce, D. Downs. 2nd row: R . Grissett, E. Lar&on , P. Rivett, B. Way, K. Fitzpatrick, F. McPher-so n, M. Mach-

kovech, J. R anson, D. Carlston. 3rd row: C. Altholz, T. Maier, R . Jacobson, J. Singleton, E. Osann, D. Knowlton, J. Clark, R. Looze. Front row: T . Pflanz, D. Hancock, R . Rosenthal, B. Edwards, S. Colby, j. Wagenknecht, B. Tempkin, M. Saundere.

Coach Wolfe's Frosh-Soph squad has seen better seasons. The Little Red failed to score a sing!<: point in the season's five games. The 1963 reco rd is depressing. The Jayvees came closest to winning in their first ga me, with Northwestern Preps of W atertown triumphant, 6-0. The second , Country Day, resulted in a 28·0 score. Not to be outdone, St. Mary's of Fond du lac beat the Little R ed 24-0 th e following weekend. With the Wayland squad highly keyed ·up aft er three successive defeats, M . U . S. edged by th e Wayland eleven 39·0. Coach Wolfe stepped up practices and built up team morale for the final clash of the season, a return try against North western Preps. Th e Preps, however, defeated the Jayvee team 26-0. Today's Junior Varsity football is the core for to· morrow's Varsity. Experience is the key word in tnis

preparation, and this year's Jayvees certainly had plenty of that. No one wishes to discourage them by saying this, for anyone who has done his best deserves credit. Traditi onally, Wayland's Junior Var· sity has met stiff competition with the large schools in our conference. Now that Wayland is indepen· dent, our Jayvees can play teams closer to their own level of ability. · True Wayland spirit was never lacking, although the season's record may show the opposite. As any· one who has undergone a year of Mr. Wolfe's coaching will testify, Coach Wolfe instills a high degree of m o r a I e and the will to win in his players. His grinding workouts are a memorable experience. Look· ing forward to a better season next year, Coach Wolfe has many returning lettermen and the annual prospect of football-playing freshmen.

L. to r.: J. Goldstone, R. Swanson, K. West, J. Wingquist, S. Doolittle, B. Esten, S. Moul, T . Reineck, D . Hanson, B. Lavicka, A. Paulson, J. Byrket, M. Maier, J. Saundere, D. Zoerb, P. Schult2:, P. Llewellyn .

The Big Red opened their season with a 84-67 win over St. Mary's Springs in a non-conference tilt. This initial victory was the start of a twelve game winning streak for the Redmen. St. John's Military Academy, M.U.S., Wisconsin Lutheran, Milwaukee Country D;ty, Racine Lutheran, Northwestern Preps , Lake Forest A cademy, Juneau High School. and the defending confer ence cha mpions, Milwaukee Lutheran, fell victims to the high flyin g Redmen, 60-56. The Milwaukee Lutheran game was a highlight of the season as Tom Reineck and AI Paulson led the Big Red to victory over the Red Knights with 16 and 24 points respectively. ·At this time the undefeated Redmen were ranked third in the state private high school ratings. When the squad returned after long weekend, they received quite a blow when it was announced that 6'5'' center T om Reineck had mononucleosis and would be lost for the rest of the season. In their first game without Reineck, MUS nosed out the battling Redmen, 83-80. The following night, the Big Red travelled to Wisconsin Lutheran only to be outclassed by the Vikings, 93-57. The Red men started the "road back" against Racine Lutheran the next weekend. Senior Dave Zoerb 'found' himself in this ball game as he con-

tributed 17 points and 17 rebounds to the winning effort. Sophomore Morrie Raymond made his debut in this game also, and scored ten points. The r e· v~mped Redm en won their next three games by size· able margins. This set the stage for the second Milwaukee Lutheran game which would give the winner a share of th e championship. The big Red could only muster 11 points in the first half, and despite a spirited fourth quarter rally, the Red Knights hung on to win 51-45. • At the conference tournament in Milwaukee. th e Big Red walloped the Preps 71-54 in the first round, but could not overcome the talented Wisconsin Lutheran Vikings in the second round as they went down in defeat, 61-48. AI Paulson, the team's most valuable player, was named to the all-conference first team and second team all-state in the private school ranks. Co-captains Mick Maier and Tom Reineck were selected to th e second all-conference team. Reineck received special mention to the all-state team . The team will lose seven seniors: Paulson, Maier, Reineck, Zoerb, Stu Moul, John Wingguist, and Bob Esten, but with the return of Don Hanson, Jim Byrket, Morrie Raymond, and Bob Lavicka plus a host of J.V. alumni, the outlook again is bright.




2?1 42 34 29 37 21 26 25 29 38 40 27 29 13


W est Bend St. John's M . A. M onona Grove Wis. Lutheran M. C . D . Wis. Lutheran Mil. Lutheran N. W. Preps Lake Forest Fond du Lac M . U.S . Mil. Lutheran St. Joh n's M. A. N . W . Preps Fond duLac

19 5 12 13 10 18 18 14 13

9 12 15 16 29 10

W ayland 72

57 48 76 81 79 69 48 58 41 80 48 45

Opponent Concordia M arquette Madison West Green Bay "Y" Manitowoc M. U.S. Mil. Lutheran Rhin elander Lake Forest M adison W est Lawrence College Frosh . M. U.S. Green Bay " Y"

Back row: B. Kalmbach, T. Maier, R. Moulton, K. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Shuster, H. Zoerb, M. Mach路 kove ch, C. Soga rd, E. Osann. Front row: M. Saunders, E. Forsg ren , R. Grissettt, D . Hancock, M. R aymond, B. Edwards, S. Colby, D. Downs, A. Pierce, S. H oeft.

22 :18 46 19 14 16 26 47 37 54

15 47 50

J. Bosshard, J. Cohnstaedt, C.Neese, R . Clague, C. Altho!~, J. Anderson, T. Maiken, Herman , B. Oberg, R. Rosen thal, A. Nichols, F. M cPherson. Front row: R. Robinson, T. Mink , C. Smith, M . Edwards, P. Detweiler, S. Detweiler, J. Oesterle, B. Chrietmann, T . Upton. Ba.:k row: P. Riv ett, E. Larson,

J. Flonne, E.



Th e 1963-64 Wayland wrestling season was the most successful in the school's hi story and culminated in th e t eam's third consecutive conference title, a dream that began three years ago when coach Bob Smith form.ulated his first Wayland squad. The team overwhelm ed fourteen opponents while losing to N orthwestern Preps twice during the year. However, the victory at the conference meet in the Northwestern gym was both sweet and deciding as both teams had pointed at the "big one" all year long. Th e tea ms seniors: co-captains P ete Detweiler, Bing Chri stman , and Tom Mink, plus regulars Jim O esterl e, Mark Edwards, and R alph R obinson were the tea m's backbone. Pete was conference champion at 12 3 lbs. for th e second year in a row with a 3-4-0 record w hich ea rn ed him the squad 's most valuable wrestler award . Th e teams second gold med al win-

ner was Mark Edwards who at 130 registered a 14-1-2 record in addition to his conference crown. Bing "The Snake" Christman accounted for the team's third gold medal with a surprise upset at 168 lbs. over the ca ptain of the Preps. His record was 10-2- 1. C ocaptain T om Mink and Jim Oesterle both lost close matches in the second place finals. R alph Robinson took a bronze medal in the tough 183 bracket. D espite the team's lack of depth and injuries which kept the team from full strength, Mr. Smith's shrewd judgment and foresight kept the team together all the way to the top . Th e fact that every wrestler got third or better is a credit to his skill. The returning lettermen , Steve Detweiler (9-6), Craig Smith (10-3-3 ), Fred N ewall (7 -6) , Thorn Upton (10-3-3 ) , and versatile John Laird promise a strong nucleus on which to build next year.

Under the direction of Coach Sol Wolfe, the Wayland mermen again compiled a fantastic record of twelve wins and only two defeats. In the course of the season, Wayland defeated two top state teams and captured the conference crown for the third consecutive season. The team was captained by Dick Yeager, undefeated in the 100 yd. Backstroke and the 200 yd. Individual Medley for three years; and Jim Freeman, a first place freestyler. In the season opener, Wayland trounced Concordia 72 to 22. In the following few weeks, the mermen drenched Marquette and defeated potential state champions, Madison We5t. The fcllowing four meets were decisive victories for Coach Wolfe's swimmers. Wayland then upset Rhinelander, another highly ranked state team. Two weeks later in a second clash with the formidable Madison West, the swimmers' fantastic record of 32 consecutive wins came to a halt as West caught the Redmen off guard and slipped past in a 54 to 41 victory. Wayland's only other loss was in the final meet of the season when Green Bay "Y" edged the team 50 to 45. Among Wayland's numerous other victories were the Lawrence College Freshman and the perennially challenging Lake Forest Academy . The season ended with Wayland's capturing the conference title by sweeping six of eleven events. Conference champions were Captain Dick Yeager in both the Individual Medley and Backstroke, Steve

Beers in Diving, Mike Kopff in the 100 yd. freestyle, and Bill Bender in the Butterfly. Several weeks later, while the majority of the students were relaxing during Spring vacation, Captains Jim Freeman and Dick Yeager were attending the State A.A.U. Swimming Meet. Challenging numerous high school and college entries, Jim Freeman placed fourth in the 100 yd. Backstroke while Dick Yeager compiled record after record in a performance that will not be forgotten for years. Dick first smashed the 200 yd. Individual Medley state record with a winning time of 2:14.6. He then equalled this performance by setting a state record of :5'8.6 in the 100 yd. Backstroke. Finally, he shattered the 200 yd. Backstroke record with a 2:16. 5'. Dick also placed second in th e 50 yd. Freestyle and fourth in the 100 yd. Freestyle. His times in these two minor events were unofficial Wayland records. Dick had been elected most valuable swimmer two of the four years he has attended Wayland. Congratulations to Dick Yeag-er and Jim Freeman for truly fine performances. Since the first Wayland swimming team eleven years ago, the Wayland mermen have compiled 101 victories and only 12 losses . The four seniors, Dick Yeager, Jim Freeman, Flip T empleton , and Steve Beers, will certainly be missed by the team next year, but Coach Sol Wolfe has the prospect of many returning lettermen who shall again produce an outstanding season....

Back row: T. Koch, J. Fisher, S. Miller, B. Bender, D. Tye, C. Burton . Middle row: M. Kopff, B. Davis, J. Wagenknecht, J. Singleton , J. Wangerin, F. Templeton, D. Yeager, J. Freeman, S. Beers, Mr. Wolfe. Front row: S. Shaw, D . Oesterle, B. Starr, K. Wagenknecht, D. Knowlton, R. Shoemaker, G. Pierce, B. Tempkin, K. Gustafson, M. Paulso.n, R . Graham, K. Gallenbeck.

Girls' Basketball

First Row: C. Casey, D. Couleon , B. Brownell, L. Schmidt, R. Sals, S. Gilmer. Second row: V. Powers, B. Pu rdy, P. Eichenseer, L. Cartee, P. Johnson, L. Greenfield, S. Schumacher, Mgr. Third row: Mrs. Heilman, Coach, N . Prentioo, Manager, S. ~raves , A. Schuchardt, M. Jo Howard, B. Link, M. Hastings, B. Lindeke, P. Rawn.


Girls' Hockey

First Row: C. Casey, Manager, S. Schumacher, Manager, M. Karlen, L. Greenfield, G. Knowlea, L. Schmidt, B. Brow.nell, V. Powers, H. Porter, M. Smith, P. Rawn , A. Hall , S. Gilmer. Second row: A. Schuchardt, B. Link, B. Reedy, P. Wolfe, E. Bur.ns, G. Pinkham , N. Hess, L. Bessinger, C. Shauer, C. Warren , D. Coulson, B. Purd y. Third row: Mrs. Chase, Coach, Mrs. Schuster, Coach , H . Zook , P. Eichenseer, J. Leimbacher, J. Saunders, N. Prentiss, M . Jo Howard , L. Ehnborn.



The Hours

The Hours


"You are a child of God."



Back row, left to right: H. Shaw, P. Detweiler, B. Esten, D. Zoerb, W. Cross, T. Mink, F. Newall, D. Tye, B. ·Bender, J. Freeman, S Shaw, F. Templeton, D . Faile, T. Ellis, J. Wan• gerin, J. Richards, A . Paulson. Front row, left to right: T. Upton, J. Fromm, T . Reine ck, P . Schultz, M. Maier, R . Robinson , ]. Wingquist, D. Hanson, E. Miles, S. Beere, J. Oesterle, M. Kopff, J. Fisher, C. Smith .

Seated I. to r.: B. Purdy, N . Prentiss, B. Brownell, G. Knowles, H . Porter. Standing: E. Schmidt, S. Staub, D. Coul.son, S. Casey, V. Powers, P. Eichenseer, A. Hall.

L. to R.: F. Schlicher, P. Schmidt, M. Meyer, S. Wolfe, R. Smith .

Basketball SCOREBOARD Wayland 84 83 78 70 71 77

9'i 67 87 61 60 78 80 57

73 R1 70 4)

St. Mary Springs St. John's Military M . U.S . Wisconsin Lutheran Milwaukee Country Day Racine Lutheran Northwestern Preps Lake Forest St. John's Military Juneau H.S. Milwaukee Lutheran Milwaukee Country Day M . U.S Wisconsin Lutheran Racine Lutheran Northwestern Preps Lake Forest Milwaukee Lutheran

Opponent 67 44 64 63 64 73

62 46 51

59 56 54 83 93 72 5R 52 51

Midwest Prep Conference Tournament Wayland 71 49

Opponen t Northwestern Preps Wisconsin Luth eran




L tor.: L. Schmidt, L. Greenfield, R. Esten, D. Zoerb, B. Purdy, W. Graham .



'路路"路*'''I 1 j





Facing temptation - Forgiveness - Reconciliation The search for meaning - "thy will be done" Lake Geneva "Confrontation, Committment, Culture" "Reconciliation', - with God, myself, others, and the world Freedom and Responsibility - Responsibil ity and Freedom God : "Come Satan, push me off this rock. Then you will know . . . Satan : You do not exist ... You are only a creation of the imagination . . .

Seated, I. to r.: B. Purdy, P. Johnson, E. Schmidt, M. Miller. Standing: J. Shuck, K. Juhl, M. Reier, J. Paris, B. Link, G. Shellested, E. Burns.

Standing, left to right: A. Hall, S. Brooks, P . Morrison, R.Reedy, J. Tench, A . Schuardt, M . Howard, N. Rockwell, R. Veltcamp, I. Benioris, T. Sensenbrenner, N . Knobe, J. Graefe, A. Drebl路ow, J. Jackman, B. Boyer, J. Behlen路

dorf, J. Leimbacher, M . Posluszney, B. Goldberg, P. Roller. Seated: S. Gillmer, L. Yeager, J. McLay, C. Higgins, G. Pinkham, N. Thomas, M. Hastings, K. Dickerson, M . Harrer, L. Bradburn, L. Ehnborn, P. Wolfe, L. Carter, K. Conrad. Kneeling: S. Berke, K. Oliver, M. Gale, M . Vickery, M. Vickery, M. Griswold , J. Decker, D . Bondehagen, E. Barthel , L. Corporon, K. Reynold6, P. Sprotte, L. Neuman. <>n

Mixed Ensemble Back row: F. Newall, B. Graham, A . Paulson, B. Esten, B. Haney. Front row: L. Schmidt, M. Miller, N . Brill, M. Smith, M . Reier.

String Ensemble

Back row, I. to r.: M. Hastings, M . Vickery, P. Sprotte, D . Coulson, Mrs. Kane. Front row, I. to r.: B. .Boyer, C. Higgins. A . Coulson, 路L. Corporon, K. Leichtle.


Student Senate

The student Senate of Wayland Academy devoted its endeavors this year to the establishment and maintenance of Wayland's traditions of high conduct, to the elevation of Wayland's scholastic, social, and athletic life, and to the solution of the campus problems. The newly created Senate Executive Committee was concerned with the tone and the outlook of the school, as well as with the student-faculty communications and the disciplinary actions. Another group organiz;ed by the Senate is the Activities Committee. These students carefully planned, organiz;ed, and supervised the school's activities for each week end. The actual accomplishments of the Senate began at the beginning of th<! school year. Their success with the Mixer was quickly followed by that of Homecoming, and later by another hay activity and an outstanding activity featuring a jaz;z; band. They also suggestzd a plan for improving the Lindsey gymnasium, supervised the Chapel Benevolence Fund, and reviewed the purposes and accomplishments of the other organiz;ations on campus.

Standing: M. Machkovech, T. Maier, W. Cross, J. Freeman, B. Esten, T. Upton, J. Goldstone, E. Osann. Seated: B. Brownell, B. Purdy, L. Schmidt, N. Prentiss, B. Goldberg, S. Detweiler.

Stmding: J. Sampon, J. Collier, Mr. Sampon, B. Graham , H . Shaw. Seated: M . Gale, B. Purdy, B. Boyer, P. Sprotte, J. Tench , G. Pinkham .


Standing: P. Seippel, J. Freeman, Mr. Sehloff, N. Luken, H . Shaw.

Seated: G. Baldwin, B. Brownell, E. Burna, K. Dickerson, M. Reier, T. Bradbur.n, P. Rollet


Back row, 1. tor.: F. Templeton, M. Maier, A. Coulson, F. Bi6sell, D. Zoerb, D. Paris, W. Cross, S. Miller, R. Boelio, Mr. Heilman. Middle row, I. to r.: B. Tempkin, K. West, J. L. Laird, S. Lozoff, J. Bosshard, P . Buchholz, B. Haney. Frow, I. tor.: M. Hastings, P. Eichenseer, K. Juhl, S. Gillmer, N. Thomas, A. Hall.


Left to right: Anne Hall, Captain, Gloria K.nowles, Sally Staub, Betty Brownell, Liz Schmidt, Harriet Porter.

Mary Jo Howard Pam Owen Arlene Horvath

Nancy Jensen Peg Crawford Grace Baldwin

Standing: L. Schmidt, N. Brill, R. Rux, P. Roller, C. Belcher, S. Gillmer. Seated: B. Purdy.

Girls' House Council to r.: T. Bradburn, N . Prentiss, Mrs. Sampalis.



Ski Club

Wayland 1s so many things

alive .

The campus, the classes,

i : r"'

'\- ~; ~


: .~


.. '


it's the people


Wayland is so many thingsThe campus, the classes, the fun. But most of all, it's the people That make it spirited and alive. The hours of study seem endless The bells and cordial meetings too. But in the midst of these Lies the fun of life. Remember the pranks we've pulled? The occasional satisfaction of pulling the Wool over a favorite teacher's eyes Far out-weighed the fear of being caught.

The friends we've made here mean alot. They seem to be this school. You can't help smiling As you recall some of those times together. These kids come from all over. You can learn so much from them. 1 know. I have. The knowledge gained at Wayland Is more than facts from books. Day by day you've watched and tried, Succeeded and failed. But don't worry; you 're not alone. Others were there trying too. It would not be true to say our school

Is relaxing, all-pleasant and all smiles. But it is an opportunity to be challenged and Looking back, I see many things I am not able to put on paper But I feel and I know. Wayland is what you make it. Give a little -you'll see!




Day by day

an opportunity to be challenged


pulling th e W ool o v er a favorite teac her' s e yes

The hours of study seem endless -


Y o u can ' t help smiling

The knowledge gained at Wayland the fear of being caught.

Is more than facts from books.


Is it finished or isn't it?

And the carpet is that thick

I'm moving anyway

Come on team, we're with you, Fight Go, Fight, Win


Freshman effigy


ILIN E Sophomore effigy

C>un.lc 'em Juniors

Yeah, Seniors!

Yeah, Seniors!


Seniors, the a.z will fall.

Knobby knees and that ain't all

King of kings- Tom Mink


I'd rather play football!

You named 'it'. Rick!

Introducing the Beatie's dog

You shouldn't have!

Here's to you!

It finally came

M. H

Christmas for Tarzan and lane

Miss America's Grandma

Wanna play fish ?

'l It was a lovely evening


Look Mom, I had all cavities

Mopsy's back

Who said we couldn't have animals in the dorm?

You're lridding


Well. are your lights out downstairs?

Where did he go?

Up on the h ousetop

One jolly coachman

The Jim Langdon Trio performs



Roll 'em out . . . . (Rawhide)

Vhere's the lire?

Prom 1963

Rouland 1963

The friends we've made here mean alot. They seem to be this school. You can't help smiling As you recall some of those times together.

tese kids come from all over. •u can Iem:n so much from them. mow. tave.

Directory Abel, Deborah, 305 Fall Street, Williamsport, Ind. Altholz, Charles, 1865 Dale Avenue, Highland Park, Ill. Anderson, Jeffrey, Rt. 2, Box 37, Beaver Dam, Wis. Atterbury, Lee, Hustisford, Wi.s. Baldwin, Grace, 307 South Cherry Street, Marshfield, Wis. Barthell, Elizabeth, 618 Washington Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Beebe, Margaret, 918 East Grand Ave., Beloit, Wis. Behlendorf, Jill, 3i40A East Layton Ave., Cudahy, Wis. Beinoris, Irene, 295 Forest View Ave., Wood Dale, Ill. Bender, William, 807 Scott Street, Beaver Dam, Wis. Bentley, Margaret, 1714 North Logan Ave., Danville, Ill. Berke, Susan, 19336 Prairie, Detroit 21, Mich . Bessinger, Lois, 4980 Marine Drive, Chicago 40, Ill. Blair, Bonnie Jane, 145 Laurel Ave ., Highland Park, Ill. Bondehagen, Diane, 600 Greenfield Ave. , Beaver Dam, Wis. Bosshard, John Jr., Bangor, Wis. Boyer, Bari, 1012 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis . Bradburn, Leslie, (girl), 800 W. Hutchinson St., Chicago 13, Ill. Brooious, Barbara, 99 Pine Tree Rd ., White Bear Lake 10, Minn. Burns, Ellen E., 2707 Oxford Rd., Madison, Wis. Burton, Charles Jr., 107 East Farnham Lane, Wheaton, Ill. Byrket, James, 215 East Winter St., Danville, Ill. Carlston, Donal, 1740 Grace St., Dubuque, Ia. Carlston, Douglas, 1740 Grace St., Dubuque, Ia. Cartee, Lynette, 7 West Conron, Danville, Ill. Casey, Suzanne, 1131 Wi.s. River Drive, Port Edwards, Wis. Clague, William, 803 East Calumet Rd ., Milwauke 17, Wis. Clark, John, 408 Mary St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Clinard, Stephen, 6022 Green Tree Rd., Madison 5, Wis. Coh.nstaedt, John, 913 East Juneau Ave., Milwaukee 2, Wis . Colby, Stephen , 3714 Busse St., Madison 4, Wis. Collier, John, 1364 East 58th St., Chicago 37, Ill. Corporo.n, Linda , 7544 Delmar, University City, Mo . Crawford, Peggy, 11956 South Artesian Ave., Blue Island, Ill. Cross, William, 910 East Forest Ave., Neenah, Wis. Cross, William, 910 Ea.st Forest Ave., Neenah, iWs. Davis, William, 219 East Raymond St., Danville, Ill. Decker, Janice, 3517 West Hillcrest Ave., Dayton 6, Ohio Detweiler, Steven , 1704 Lake Shore Drive, Two Rivers, Wis. Dickerson , Katharine, 2219 Vermilion Road, Duluth 3, Minn. Doolittle, Scott, 2 210 Birchwood Drive, Rockford, Ill . Douglas, David, 1119 Lincoln Boulevard, Manitowoc, Wis. Downs, Donald Jr. , 909 South Batavia Ave. , Geneva, Ill. Dreblow, Arta , 720 Fulton St., Princeton, Wis. Edwards, Robert, 802 Grove St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Ehnborn , Linda, 245 Lake St., Montello, Wis. Ellis, Thomas, 1040 3rd St., South, Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Faile, Douglas, 12 2 Fourth St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Fechheimer, Alice, 265 Maple Ave ., Highland Park, Ill. Fisher, John, 502 Wilkin Road, Danville, Ill. Fitzpatrick, Kevin, 1706 25th St. , Rock I.sland, Ill. Florine, Joh.n, 415 Haskell St., Beaver Dam, Wi s. Folsom, Thomas, Manitowish Waters, Wis. Forsgren, Erik , 364 Lake Road, Menasha, Wis. Friday, Vaughn , 413 'South Randall Ave., Madison ..路1'5' , Wis. Gale, Mary, Box 297, Crabapple Island, Fox Lake, Ill. Gallenbeck, Kenneth, 3 562 Hillcrest Drive, Pewaukee, Wis. Goldberg, Barbara, 825 West 35th Ave ., Gary, Ind. Goldstone, James, 1035 West 35th Ave., Gary, I.nd. Graefe, Jill, Westwind, Kohler, Wis. Graham , Robert, 118 Mohawk Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis. Graves, Susan, R. R . 4, Red Wing, Minn. Greenfield, Linda. 1117 Harmon Circle, Sun Prairie, Wis.

Grissett, Robert, R . R. # 3, Dixon , Ill. Griswold, Margery, 813 West St. Andrews, Midland, Mich. Groehe, Philip Lee, 8045 Farmhill Lane, Palos Park, Ill. Gustafson, Kevin , Box 422, Route 1, Lake Zurich, Ill. Hales, Mary Jo, 470 Grove St., Manawa, Wis. Hancock, David, 204 South 20th St., LaCrOoSse, Wis. Herman, John, 1960 East River Terrace, Minneapolis 14, Minn . Herpolsheimer, Karl, 1711 South Shore Drive, Holland, Mich . Hess, Nadine , 2837 North Meade Ave., Chicago 34, Ill. Hiestand, Susan, Princeton, Wis . Claudia, Higgins, 3218 N. Bigelow St., Peoria, Ill. Hoeft, Steven, 409 North St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Holland, Marsha, P. T. Stanvac Indonesia, Sungei Gero.ng, Palembang, Indonesia Horak, Curry, 1001 Chanticleer Lane , Hinsdale, Ill. Horvath, Arlene, 203 South High St., Randolph, Wis. Horvath, Frances, 203 South High St., Randolph, Wis . Houck, Aimee, 6226 Clarendon Hills Rd., Clarendon Hills, Ill . Howard, Mary, 114' Mohawk Circle, Beaver Dam , Wis. Hultquist, Betty, R . R. # 2, Red Wing , Minn. Iehl, Ronald, 120 Superior Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. Jackman, Jean, 1405 Meadowbrook Lane, Kalamazoo, Mich. Jacobson, Robert, 4211 West Beach Road, Oconomowoc, Wis. Jahn.s, Katherine, 655 Roosevelt St., Gary, Ind . Jensen , Nancy, 335 Lake Road, Menasha, Wis. Johnson , Craig , 2730 Broadway, Evanston , Ill. Johnson, Geoffrey, 12 Hong Thap Tu, Saigon, Vietnam Kalmbach, William , 4625 North Cramer, Whitefish Bay, Wis. Kay, Janye, Box 13, Cambria, Wis. Kidd, Sharon, Box 226, Hayward, Wis. Kirsh, Hugh III, 1010 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis. Klatt, Barbara, lOS LaCrosse St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Knaup, Peter, 214 Lake St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Knobe, Noelle, R . R. 1, 13698 West Bonnie Lane, Menomonee Falls, Wis. Knowlton, Daniel, 701 Fairfield Drive, Beaver Dam, Wis. Koch, T 0 m, 509 East' Mill St., Beaver Dam, Wis. K0 pff, Michael , 400 Madison St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Kuechmann, Frank, Box 202, Walnut, Iowa. Laird, John L., 562 Earlston Road, Kenilworth, Ill. Laird, John 0., 5703 Kirkwood Drive, Washington 16, D. C . Larson, Eric, 149 North Oakland Ave., Green Bay, Wis. Lasher, Jeffrey, 947 Jacon Way, Pacific Palisades, Cal. Lavicka, Robert , 415 Aldine, Chicago, Ill. Learman, Jeffry, R. R. #3, Juneau, Wis. Leichtle, Kurt, 324 Front St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Leimbacher, Jea.n, 511 East Palladium Drive, Joliet, Ill. Lentz, Edgar, 423 Healy St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Lindeke, Barbara, 233 W. Alabama Ave., Bessemer City, N. C Link, Barbara, 2109 Jarvis, Chicago, Ill. Llewellyn, Philip, 212 Ea.st Winter Ave., Danville, Ill. Looze, Richard, 2920 North Wooded Lane, McHenry, Ill. Lozoff, Steven, 7237 North Lombardy Rd ., Milwaukee, 17, Wi! Lueking, Barbara, 20 Mayfield Ave ., Fort Thomas, Ky. Luken, Neal, 505 Walnut St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Lutsey, Tom, 1348 Russell St., Green Bay, Wis. Machkovech, Michael , Route I, Beaver Dam, Wis. Maier, 'Thomas, 72 5 Oneida St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Maiken, Anthony Palmer, 7 Valley Road, Beloit, Wis. McLay, Joanne, P. 0. Box 216, Poplar Grove, Ill. McPherson, Fred, 221 Washington, St., Mosinee, Wis. Mead, David, 511 Mead Court, Geneva, Ill. Meneilly, Robert Jr., 4110 West 89th St., Prairie Village, Kar

Miles, Gregory, 62 Briarwood Drive, Terre Haute, Ind . Miller, Mary, 133 Riverlawn A ve., Watertown, Wie. Mill er, Scott , Box 1872 , Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Morrison , Pat, 1710 Ea ~ t Erie Ave ., Lorain, Ohio Moore, Mary Jill , 1754 Sherwood Drive, Beloit, Wi>. Moulton , Ricks, I 27 EaH Patterson, Roodholl!;e, 111. Myer, G. Michael, 933 Lathrop Ave ., Racine, Wi s. Myers, .Gilbert [][ , 611 E. Madiso n Ave., Milton jun ction, Wi; . Myers, Karen , I 040 Huckleberry Lane , Glenview, Ill. Nast, Peter, 409 We~ t Mackie St. , Beaver Dam. Wi>. Ne ese, Christopher, Route I , Clinton , Wis. Nelson, Barbara , IH South 35th Ave., East, Duluth , Minn . Newall, Fred, Diamond Lake Marina , Ca.ssopoli>, Mi ch. Newman, John , 214 Highl and Boulevard, Waterloo , Iowa Newman, Lynn , (girl) , 214 Highland Boulevard, Waterloo, [;,._ Nichoh, Arthur , 1068 Plummer Lane , Ro chest er. Minn. Oberg, William . 1212 Larrabee Lane, Northbrook. Ill. Oesterle, Richard , 7048 Knickerbocker Parkway, Hammond. lnd O liver, Katherin e Anne , 812 Lin coln. Winnetka, Ill . Osann , Edward R. , 92 We st R. , Dun e A cre >, Ch esterton. Ind . Owe n , Pamela, 900 H arger Road, Oakbrook, Ill. Paris, Jane , Lake Road , Ash burn ham. Ma s>. Patek, Barbara, n4 No rth Columbus, Rand olph . Wi >. Paulson, Marc, 491 North MaLn St., juneau , Wi s. Pflan;:, Th omas, 430 W est Wiscomin St .. P ortag e. \\' i, . Phillips, Linda, 500 Park Dri ve, Kenilworth. 111. Pierce, Gary, 4H Jan esville St., Ore gon , Wi s. Pierce, Arthur, 1171 N. Questin Road, Palatine, Ill. Pinkham , Gail , 40 4 W oo dside, Ripo.n, Wis . Pondelicek , William Jr., 2353 S. 6th Ave ., North Riverside, III. Poslu s.:ny, Mary Gail, 3653 Sout h 75th St., Milwaukee 20, Wi8. Prentiss, Nancy, 10 East Schiller St., Chicago 10, Ill. Raineri , Jennifer , 502 - 6th Ave., Hurley, Wis. Ranson , John, 400 Pros pect Ave ., Beaver Dam, Wis. Raymo.nd, Morris, 1009 MacArthur Drive, Beaver Dam, Wie. Reedy, Rebecca , 622 Beverly Drive, Macomb, 111. Regnery, Margaret, 306 East First St., Hinsdale, Ill. Reier, Mary, 5'16 Fourth St., Beaver Dam, Wis. Reslock, Mary, 5'26 West Lincoln St., Waupun, Wis. Reynolds, Joan, 500 East Ridge St., Marquette, Mich . Reynolds, Katherine , 5'00 East Ridge St., Marquette, Mich . Richards, Jay, 340 Crabtree Lane, Glenview, III. Rivett, Paul , 2437 M cAree Road , Waukegan , III. Rockwell, Nancy, 532 Fair Oaks Ave., Oak Park, Ill. Rosenthal , Richard , 8330 Schreiber Drive, Mun ster , Ind . Sals, Ricarda, 9001 S. Cicero Ave., Oaklawn, III. Sampan, Jean Pierre, 229 East Maple Ave ., Beaver Dam, Wis. Saund ers, Jack , 304 South V ita Ave. , Beaver Dam, Wis. Saunders, Jane , 304 South Vita A ve., Beaver D am, Wis. Saunders, Mark , 304 South Vita A ve., Beaver Dam , Wie. Schmidt, Paul F. Jr. , (Peter), 228 East 7th St., Hin sdale, Ill. Schuchardt, Ad a, Rt . 2, Box I 53, Lon g Grove, Ill. Schult.:, Philip, 298 North University Ave. , Beaver Dam, Wis. Sehloff, Tom , 120 Cleveland St., Beaver Dam , Wis. Seith , Michael , 905 9th St., Mosinee, Wis. Sensenbrenner, Mary (Trudy) , 1601 South Outgamie St., Appleton , Wis. Shaw, Samuel , 13 5 Hanchett, Coldwater, Mich. -Shaw, Terrence, 506 East Mill St., Beaver Dam , Wis. Shellestad , Gail, 5'26 High St., Milton , Wis. Shoemaker, Richard , 1342 Ny·O·Da Place, Highland Park, Ill . Shuck, Jane, 95 Eu cl id A ve., Delaware, Ohio Singleton, Jack , I 505 South Fisk St., Green Bay, Wis. Skinder, William , 808 Rice St., Highl and P ark , Ill. Smith , Craig, 222 Center St. , Stevens Point, Wis. Smith, R oger, Vermi culite of Hawai i Inc. , 842A Mapunapuna St., Honolulu 17, Hawaii


Sogard, Craig , 107 We>t 7th St. , Beard>town , 111. Sprotte, Paula, 717 DeClark St., Beaver Dam. W i>. Starr, Oliver III, 54 West Road , Dun e A cre ;. Chc<ltcrtnn. hd Staub, Sarah , 637 Drexel Ave ., Glen .:oc. Ill. Steiner, W alter Jr ., Roc kwood Trail . Rt . 2, Wauke >ha. Wi>. Stevenso n, Candida, 31 I South Oak St .. Hin sda le. Ill . Swain, Charles, 124 Yz Jam e> St., Beave r Dam . Wi- . Swan~on, Roge r, Route I , Prin ce ton . Wi, . femkin. Barry. 916 Lak e Shore Dri ve. Beaver Dam. \)...'i, _ Tench, Jill . 11 31 1 fairway.• Dnve, Creve Coct11· 41. \1" . Tra.:y , Alan , Route 1. ,'\,·;don , \V, ,. Tyc. Ri chard . 2 56 Ea >t Dlvtsltln St., Fond du L: •.:. \\'t; . Upton , Th oma> . 70<) Co ll ege St., Beloit. W i'. Veltkamp, Ruth. 123 Gro\"e St. , Bea ve r Dam , Wi >. Vic kery, Mi chelle , 602 Oak St., Lena , Ill . Wag enkn ec ht , Jon , 30/l Ea> t Kent St., Streator, Ill. W agen kn ech t, K'lrl. 308 EMt Ken t St.. Streator, Ill . W ange rin, Ja me;, 324 St. Francis Dri v;:, Green Bay, Wi .- . Warren , Chrit~tine, 198 Michaux Road , Ri v er ~ id e , Ill . Way, Bardwell, 108 North Park Lan e, LeSueur, Minn . We >t , Richard . 214 South Ran kin St., Appleton, W i>. Wolfe, Paula . 296 North University A ve., Bea ver Dam. W1.• . Wood , James , 992 Pine St., W innetka, Ill. Yeager, Nancy, 11 38 EaH Colonial Drive , Raci ne, Wi,. Yeoman >, Eli;:a heth, 236 17th Place , LaCro5 ~ e . Wi;. Zoerb, Han,, 61} Park Ave ., Kiel, Wi,;. Z oo k, H eidi , 2641 North Hackett A ve., Milwauke~ II , Wi ;. _




Stu Maul

"Let's g~t fired up!"


Andy Coulson (Coulie)

"To the cook!"

run.ning back to get glasEes

Jim Oesterle (Ostie)

"Where 's Pinkham?"

at desk

Muffet Smith (Muf)

"Never send for whom the bell toll s: It tolls for thee."

dining room

Mick Maier

"I thought that was a good joke!"

on the football field

R alph Robinson (Phlar)


with Muffet

Jane Shuck (Janie)

"Roomie, there's a hex on us!"

at the fete of the cross

Bob Haney

"Oh God!"

at teachers' tables

T om Reineck (Reineck the Terrible)

"Shut up!"

over the basket

Bing Christmann (King, Snake)

"Chunk! Whomp!"

all over the sidewalk

Susie Brooks (Baines)

"Who's L.B.J.? Duh!"

writing letters home

John Fromm

"You bet your banana!"

State St., Madison

Sydney Schumacher ( Syd)

"Please tern pt the weak!"

Mrs. Schmidt's room

Linda Greenfield (Greeny)

"Is that UGLY!!"

Ma', Corner

Pat Eichenseer

"Everyone just cracked up!"

Anyplace I shouldn't be.

Gloria Knowles (Gio)

"Hi ya: Peeps!"

on the sun deck in zero-degree weather

Kayla Conrad (K)

"I don't believe you."

In bed

Paul Horvath

" Hi, Beautiful!"

Dick Yeager

"Forget it!"

in illegal places at illegal times with illegal people

Karen Juhl (Shirley)

"You big boob!"

smoking room

Suzanne Stevens (Suzy)

"Who cares?"


Jeff Lasher (Lash)

"Who cares?"

Andalusia or M.C.

Don Han son (D . S.)


on the basketball court

Betty Brownell (Bets)

"I don't get it.'"

girls' smoking room

T om Mink (Minker)

"Put that in your pipe and smoke it!"

chasing Glo

Mark Edwards (Little Eddy)

"Can I have a sip?"


T om Goetting (Stork)

"Do you see what

Jane Strub (Janie)

"Hi, Doll!"


Debby Coulson (FernDock)

"Get off the Commode!"

talking to Arnie

Flip Templeton (Temps)



John Bosshard (Beatle,Boss)

"This is true"

in the wro.ng places

Woodie Cro&S

"I don't understand it!"

in his room behaving himself -

Nancy Brill (Brill-0)

' Til never tell!"

pleading her case


in those wild pants




boxer shorts

mortician or movie producer buy Little Switzerland a hard time

a picture of Miles (the M ouse Man)


the >ki patrol cant' give me

a book

to break the study habit


to toll the bell

a Mai er joke

to complete a pass


to be a >kydi ve r


never to con form!

a Western Civ. test

to make a come路back to Chri >tmann

fir st aid kit (John son & John so.n )

to >uck a littl e juice

headgear and wrestlin g shoes

leave here with >make rollin g off my tire s

? 路up and a Joseph's shoe box

own a contem porary ca rd corporation

guitar pick

to ge t out of hi gh >chool!


Win st o~

to be a flip-top box

a lemon drop

to be bui lt like M a

something absolutely unbelievable to do

to become innocent

wooden ring

to look my age


to get into college

a carload of girls

to grow a beard

the Western Civ. assignment

to be the cham pion st roker of the wo rld

California Sun

to fu lfill the crystal ball's wishes


to go to Sta nford

bills to pay

confide ntial

El ements of Style

to graduate from Wayland

her Pate Doli

to quarter back the Gree n Bay Packers

a face


somethin g Able

have a drivers license for more t han 2 months

a Yolk s wagon

to be paid to ski


to sing in th e Met

Mr. P eanut Cup

to be a war hero

an out

to be basically secure

a remark

to be in grou p 4 for a week or ,t wo

a rotten imperso nation

to please someb ody

an excuse

to figure out Mr. Wichman 's gradin g system





Liz Schmidt ( Schmitty)

"It's been a long hard day."

anywhere but here

Paul Buchholz (Buck)

"If you can't be good, be careful!"

at barber and "Fun in the Sun" Treasure.

Sarah Cullen

"Does that make you cool!"


Marcia Harrer (Swampy)


with Enis

Cheri Belcher (Belch)



Mary Hastings (Mar Mar)

"It really

Renay Rux ( Ren)

" Holy Moly"

''burdening" fir.s.t floor

Peg Roller (Fatty)

"It makes me so mad!"

room 100

Jennifer Raineri


near a radio

Sue Gillmer (Ma, Sue-the-Sex)

"Let me entertain you!"

at my Ann

Virginia P owers (Virgin)

"What class is going on now? Swan's?"

bug ~


in illegal places at illegal times with illegal people

Mi ss



any place that's intoxicating

Dick Paris (Lou Groza)

"Per aspera ad astra."

in the shower

Patty Stiehl


change to own room

Harriet Porter ( Harrie)

"Give me a b reak"

20-7 land



Y. W. room

Chris Casey (Topher)

"Would ya not!"

whistling in the shower

Bob Esten (Rawbut)


Phil Seipple ( Seip)

"Who cares?"

on weekends

John Hughes (Hug)

"This is true!"

at Ward's on girls' day

Dave Strauch (Curley)

"Que importa"

on the bottom of the pool

"Umniay Kratshia!"

language lab

Harry Shaw

''I'm through!"

blowing up Chern lab

Barbi Purdy

"I don't know what to do!"

in Roundy

Pete Detweiler (Pote}

"Come .on, you guys, cut it out!"

wherever not caught

Peg Johmon (Crow Feet)

"What do you mean the sweater doesn't fit?"

practicing B-ball

Gail Qualls (Qually}

"What time is this class over?"

in the smoking room


Billy Graham




Swan, I do love you!"

in the study hall -

(not studying)

John Wingquist (Keest)


Swan Park

Steve Beers (Brew)

"It's dubious ."


Ricki Sals (Icky)

"Oh Hastings!!!!"

tree "65" & listening to P.C. on the phone

Chuck Dinkle

"Oh yeah!"

in the tow.n room

Pam Rawn (Rawnche)


smoking room

Eric Miles (Rod)


AI Paulso n

"That's gro.ss!"


at the bottom of everything

playing schmeer n ot, willfully, in Juneau



my eagle!

to find myself the bi ggest eagle I can get

my Ehnborn

to succeed without really trying

gu libility

to get a seeing eye dog

my bunny

to have an Enis of my own


to have all my questions answered

someth in g to do

to perfect Porter's talent


to buy braces for a friend to get the physics award

a candy bar killing jar

moth collector

Sydney's themes

to corrupt Barb

the key to my apartment

to ge t Geittman


to pay off all my bo gus checks

homewo rk


static from the admini stration

to get out of this goldfis h bowl


to live in France

En is

eat, drink, and be merry


to return to Wayland and teach western Civ. and Physics


to be more obnoxious


to build a statue in memory of Harvey Lee O swal d


to be a .Co..•ta Delta beach bum

a foreign accent

to gain fifty pounds

trouble and an excuse

stay single (as long as possible)

a campaign

to be an Stan fordized Indian

his Pote

to be a professional B-b all center

my little blue man

to go to an activity with Tom!


to get out of Beaver Dam


to replace the physics teacher

a banjo

to ........................ !?


to relay information before P .C .

a smile

to remember Maier jokes


to have ambitio.n

a comb

to meet the Phantom

that gutless Tempest

to di5cover San Francisco


CLUB "400" Located 2 blocks off U. S. lSI on County Trunk "G"

STEAKS- CHICKEN- SEA FOODS Serving daily 5:00 p.m. till II :00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 noon till 10:00 p.m. ,..------< For Reservation Call 885-9986

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Home Improvement Center

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I 004 N. University

Beaver Dam




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Dial TU 5-4407


Compliments of


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Beaver Dam, Wisconsin




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Beave r Dam , Wi s. Beaver Dam

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Compliments of


LUNDE CONSOLIDATED Hwy. 33 East of City Limits and 30 I N. Center St. BEAVER DAM, WISCONSIN

DAIRY QUEEN 1505 N. Center Beaver Dam, Wis.

SUNNY SPOT Restaurant 1505 N. Center Beaver Dam, Wis .

Compliments of


Compliments of

The Old National Bank " First in Community Service"




Chicken -


Sea Food

Quality Clothes

"Cocktails of the Finest"


Men and Boys

Private Dining Room

Businessmen's Luncheons

A Good Assortment


Servings daily from noon to I I :30 p.m.

The Latest Styles

Except Mondays I 08 Front 415 E. South St.

Beaver Dam

GRAND VIEW MOTEL AAA Approved 22 Carpeted Units With Television and Room Phones Ceramic Tile Baths With Showers Highway 33, North of Beaver Dam

Phone for Reservations TUrner 5-9208


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Beaver Dam

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412 Healy Avenue

Beaver Dam

Compliments of



Everything in Hardware

Department Store 121-123 Front St.

Beaver Dam


Dial TU 5-5769








The store of a thousand gifts.


BRIESE COMPANY Funeral and Ambulance Service

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Furniture -




For a Better Beaver Dam





Self Service

the most in DRY CLEANING






Mayr's Feed - Beaver Brand Seeds Best-0-Wheat Flour

"It's New When We ' re Thru" Beaver Dam, Wis.


Beaver Dam


Sun Prairie


Compliments of




Good food at popular prices "Fine food served right" 1006 N. University

Beaver Dam, Wis.


Beaver Dam

Carl Koch Clothes for men and young men A HOME OWNED STORE

Beaver Dam


Compliments of


BEAVE.R DAM PAINT AND GLASS CO. "Hardware and Gifts"

Esser Paints

21 0 S. Spring

Phone TU 7-2240

Beaver Dam, Wis.

209 Front St.

Beaver Dam, Wis.


BAUER'S TOY STORE Established 1927

Magazines, Newspapers Gifts and Sundries

117 Rowell Street

Phone 887-2182

204 Fro nt

Beaver Dam




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Beaver Dam, Wis.


For the best food in E>odge County Smart people dine at the

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Compliments of

Reier's Beaver Flora1l


" Flowers for th.at occasion"

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709 Park Ave.

Beaver Darn

Beaver Dam, Wis.

Highway 33 North of Beaver Dam, Wis.

For Reservations Ph

Phone 885-9288

SUNSET HEIGHTS MOTEL AAA Approved Phones and Television In All Rooms 9 Modern Units With Central Heating and Showers Two Good Places to Rest- "Home" and "Here."


State Bania

Member of F.D.I.C. "The friendly bank that service built. "

KIRSH FOUNDRY, INC. Malleable and Gray Iron Castings

Beaver Dam


Snacks or meat-cuts taste great For friendly, fast service Jan and linda come to

When you order from


Free delivery



Beaver Dam

Phone TU 5-9201 109 South Center



Beaver Dam

Compliments of



Paint Store

Quality home furnishings fo r 103 years TU-5-6961

101 Front St.


Beaver Dam

Compliments of


"We sell Trojan Candy"

"We specialize in fashion and quality" Wisconsin

Beaver Dam Beaver Dam

143 Front Street



Crafts, Models, Trains, Ph ilatelic and Numismatic Supplies, Artist Materials, Photographic Equipment

Featuring RED GOOSE SHOES John C. Roberts & Grace Walkers

Dial 885-5816

228 S. Spring St. Beaver Dam, Wis.

Compliments from






Dodge - Dart - Lancer

Mercury - Comet




Cadillac- Pontiac- Tempest

Ford- Falcon

Chrysler- Plymouth - Valiant




Chevrolet - Corvair - Chevy II - Buick


True ••. and that's why so many folks start saving early at



THE BEAVER BOOTERY For famous names in footwear .

Home of fine candies and ice cream

Shoes for the entire family 127 Front Street

sandwiches and coffee

Beaver Dam

I 017 N. Spring

Beaver Dam

Compliments of



Complete line . of Indoor & Outdoor Sporting Equipment

123 N. Spring Street

Harold Mellentine Turner 5-3937





Famous brands in furniture at lowest prices· anywhere 218 Front Street

121 Spring St. Beaver Dcr.1, Wis.

We Sell Mautz Paints 114 N. Spring St.

Beaver Dam

Beaver Dam, Wis.

Compliments of



Modern Living Is


Today's graduates - .. tomorrow's citizens. Then, as now, the key to modern living will be dependable, low-cost electricity. Reddy Kilowatt may bring you power from atomic energy • . . but his role in tomorrow's scientific and technological fields won't keep him from giving you the service you expect. More than ever, you'll live better . . . electrically.






& 1040

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The "Milwaukee" label on all foods served is your assurance of Finest Quality. We specialize in Birdseye Frozen Foods General Mills Quality Products H. J. Heinz "57" Varieties See us for all your needs in Fruits, Vegetables, Juices, and Frozen Foods. Also a complete line of Foreign and Domestic Cheeses.


Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Manufacturers of the Largest and Most Complete Line of Gas and Electric Ranges, Water Heaters, and Modern Built-In Ranges.


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