1968 - 1969 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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CONTENTS ADMINISTRATION ....... 6 FACULTY .. . ... .. ..... . .. 8 CLASSES .. ... ... . ....... 16 SPORTS .... ... ... . ...... 58 ORGANIZATIONS . ... ... 86 STUDENT LIFE ... ...... 100 DIRECTORY ....... ...... 138

Co-editors Kate Merrill Kip Peterson


"'Tis education forms the common mind; Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined."



ADMINISTRATION Wayland experiences a year of watchful waiting as Mr. Klaisner took the positin of acting headmaster in an evolving administration. A !though Wayland saw no revolutionary changes this year, Mr. Klaisner has successfully taken on more responsibilities than usual and has attempted to bring the administration into a closer relationship with the student body. Possibly in future years Wayland will continue this trend so that the faculty, administration, and student body may work together to accomplish their common goal of individual education of the student.

RAYMONDA.PATTERSON President B.S .. M.S. University of Wisconsin FRED E. KLA!SNER Vice President - Acting Headmaster B.S., M.Ed. Kent Stale University

Although Mr. Patterson has been off campus most of this year, he has still been involved in many aspects of Wayland. After he decided to return as Headmaster next fall, the students enthusiastically formed committees to help re-evaluate Wayland policies. Mr. Patterson plans to incorporate some of the useful ideas brought up in the committee meetings in his improvement projects. Because Mr. Patterson is a competent and ambitious leader, everyone is sure he will be successful in changing Wayland to meet the increasing demands on education and especially on private schools.


RUSSELL M. COLEY Business Manager B.S. Carroll College. Purdue University. M.S.

PAUL A. SCHMIDT Director of Admissions B.A., M.A. Illinois State University DAVID W. Fl ERK E Dean ojSenior Boys. Academic Dean Concordia Junior College. Concordia Seminary. B.A .. Valparaiso University, M.A., Northwestern University

ADMINSITRA TION GEORGE COBB Public Relations B.A. Alma College


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L TOR: Mr. Seh/off. Mrs. Mickey, Miss Swan, Mr. Proctor, Mrs. Fierke, Mr. McMurrin.


A student attending Wayland has the opportunity to gain basic knowledge of English composition, drama techniques, and other aspects of literature and creative writing which will serve as strong preparation for college English programs. The Wayland English department, headed by Mr. Proctor, pursues this policy and prepares its students for future learning in college.


L TOR: Mr. Schlicher, Mr. Kasper, Mr. Clay, Mr. Miller.


Under the direction of Mr. Schlicher the math department expands with the other academic areas. The addition of the new senior computer course this year offers students the opportunity to advance their knowledge in Basic Computor Programming .





L TOR: Mr. Hansgen, Mr. Holstein , Mr. M eyer.

1968-69 was the last school year in a series of waiting and testing years in the science department. Mr. Meyer has expanded the independent study program and has completed the trial run for the new Biology II course. All the science teachers have been trying out new books and teaching methods in preparation for moving to the new science building. The physical plant has been completed and will be ready for use in the fall. With the aid of these new facilities, all the teachers feel that the science department can expand to include more students and to explore new areas of science such as astronomy which have as yet been untouched.



L TOR: Mr. Loomis, Mr. Wichman, Mr. Heilman. Mr. Lilly .

Our history department has expanded this year with the addition of Mr. Loomis and Mr. Lilly. They, along with Mr. Wichman, teach the American History classes. In addition, Mr. Lilly is in charge of a new social science course which is being offered to freshmen and sophomores. Mr . Heilman, the department head, teaches three senior courses, European History, Western Thought, and Contemporary Affairs with the help of Mr. Wichman. The history department will, next year, offer a greater variety of courses that will enable the students to study more specific areas of history.


Mr. Sampon

Mrs. Sampan

Knowledge of aforiegn language is useful and beneficial in today's society where communication plays an important role in foreign relations. Wayland has an excellent language department and is grateful for the return of Mr. Sampan from France, after a year's study abroad. The French, Spanish, and Latin courses offered at Wayland are taking new steps to meet the rising demands placed on today's college students.

Mr. Koenhe

Mrs. Koenhe 12


RELIGION This year the religion program gained deeper meaning with today's problems. Popular music was incorporated into weekly chapel services to bridge the gap of the church and the pressures of day to day existence. Rev. Towner and his "Little Foxes" aroused controversy that stimulated self-re-evaluation of faith . Religion in Life Week with Dr. Whyte again demanded that time be taken to question and answer the existence and the necessity of religion. Both Rev. Towner and Rev. Schoon did their utmosts to project and correlate religion with the needs of the students.

Mr. Schoon

Mr. Towner

Mr. Stecker, Mrs. Kane, Mr. Kahn

MUSIC The bouncing basement (music department) had an addition to its ranks, Mr. Kahn joined the "old pros", Mr. Stecker and Mrs. Kane. Together they have extended and refined many musical activities on campus. Their high standard of instruction with emphasis on personal expression gives the student the chance to exploit his musical potential. The choir, ihe Kape//e, and the Academy Singers were a vital part of the music department as well as the instrumental program.


LIBRARY The library began to build toward the instructional-material-centerconcept by expanding the collection of audio-visual aids. The move to microfilmed magazines and documents gave an added dimension for reference work. Mr. Sieghman and Mrs. Wichman continued their fine work in improving the library scene and in assisting Wayland students throughout the year.

Mrs. Wichman

Mr. Seighman

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr. Blomberg, athletic director, and Mr. Wolfe , star swimming coach, have used their talents to promote a strong physical education program. They firmly believe that one should develop the physical aspect of his body as well as the mental. Their success has been enhanced by the new indoor/outdoor facilities now available.

Mr. Blomberg Mr. Wolfe



Office Staff L TOR: Jean Birkholz, Joann Peters, Gloria Wheeler, Harriet Leach.

Housemothers L TOR: Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Sampolis.


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Ij I

Class Officers: Vic, Kate, Bob, Bob.


JIM A NATHAN Soccer 3,4. Golf 3.4. Fencing 4, Pillars Staff 4, Ski Club 3.4. Public Relations 4, Prom Committee 3, Choir 3.

MARY BADER Field Hockey 3, Volleyball 3, Milwaukee Journal Art A ward I .2.3 . Y. W.C.A. Cabinet 3,4 . Vice President 4. Post Staff 4. Dram a Club 1,4. Ski Club 2,3,4, Public Relations 3. Pep Club I, Warren Hall Council I, Prom Committee 3, Choir4, Girls' Chorus 2.

LESLEY BAILEY Fencing 2. National Merit Honorable Mention 4. Y. W.C.A. 2,3,4. Ski Club 4. Public Relations 3,4, Ella Dye Council 4, Prom Committee 3. Choir 2,3,4. Girls' Chorus 2.

JIM BENDER Soccer 1.2. Swimming 1.2.3. 4. Intramurals I ,2, "W" Club 1,2.3.4. Post Staff4 , PillarsStaff4.

JOHN BILL Football 2,3,4 , Swimming 2,3, 4 , Track 2.3.4 . "W" Cluh 2,3,4, Post Staff 3, Drama Club 3 , Ski Club 2,3 ,4 , Academy Singers 3,4. Folk Group 3,4.

TOM BROWN Football2.3, Basketball2,3, 4, Track 2,3, Honor Ro/13, Post Staff 4, Public Relations 4, Wayland Hall Council 3, Student Counci/4, Prom Committee 3.

B. GAY BUTTEMILLER Sofiba/1 2,3,4. Cheerleading 2,3,4, Swim team 2,3,4. Varsily Club 3.4, lnlramurals 2,3,4. Honor Roll 2, Y. W.C.A. 2.3.4. Ca/alinas 2,3.4. Public Relalions 2,3,4, Prom Commillee 3.

ANNE BYFIELD Fencing 2.4. Field hockey 3, Track 2,3,4, Swim /earn 2,3,4, ln/ramurals 2, Y. W.C.A. 2,3,4, Calalinas 2, Pillars Siaff 4. Ski Club 2,3,4, Public Relations 3,4, Academy Singers 3, Girls' Chorus 2.

JAMES CAPE Foo1ball 2,3,4, Mosl Valuable 4, "W" Club 2,3,4, Ski Club 4, Public Relalions 3,4, Baske1ball 2,3,4, Track 2,3,4. Mos/ Valuable 2,3.

BARBARA COLEY Field hockey 3,4, Varsily caplain 4. Baskelball 3,4, Track 3,4, Volleyball 3.4. Varsily Club 3,4, Y. W.C.A. 3,4, Ski Club 3,4, Public Relalions 3.

TIM CONNER Foo1ball 3, Swim learn 3,4. Tennis 3,4, fnlramurals 3,4, Ski Club 4, Public Relalions 4.

DAVE COUCH Soccer 3,4, Tennis 3.4 , Pillars Slaff 4, Drama Club 3,4, Ski C/1.1b 3,4, Choir 3.4. Kapelle 4.

MARC CRAM Football 1. Soccer 2,3,4. Wrestling I,2.3. Tennis I,2,3.4. Fencing 4 . Intramurals 1.2.3, Drama Club I.2. Prom Committee 3, Choir I. Honor Roll3.

KATHY CRUTTENDEN Track 3, Volleyball3.4. Honor Roll3.4. Y. W.C .A. 3.4.

KAREN CUE Y. W.C.A. 4. Pillars Staff 4. Academy Singeu 4 , Honor Roll 4, Catalinas 4.

CHAR CUMBLER Field hockey 2,3,4, Cheerleading 2.3.4. J. V. Captain 3. Track 2. Swim team 2,3 ,4, Varsity Club 2,3,4 , Intramurals I,2,3.4, Honor Roll 4. Treasurer I, Y.W.C.A. I.2.3.4. Catalinas I,2.4. Prom Committee 3. Girls' Chorus 3.

GEORGE DAVIS Soccer I.2,3. Wrestling I. 2. Golf Fencing 4. Ski Club I.2.3,4 . Prom Committee 3.

KATE DAVIS Fencing I,2,4, Basketball4. Y.W.C.A. I.2.3.4. Pillars Staff 4. Drama Club I,2,3,4. Public Relations 3.4. Warren Hall Council 3, Ella Dye Dorm Council 4. Choir I,2.3.4. Academy Singers 3. Girls' Chorus.

DAN DREBLOW Football/,2,3 ,4, Basketball! .2, Golf I , Track 2,3, "W" Club 4.

TOM DRUMMOND Soccer 3, Golf 3,4, Fencing4, Intramurals 3,4.

JENNIFER EAGER Softball 3,4, Volleyball 2,3,4, Y. W.C.A. 2,3,4, Ski Club 3,4, Prom Commillee 3, Ice Carnival Court 2.

MARY EDWARDS Field hockey 2,3, Volleyball 2,3,4, Y. W.C.A. 2,3,4, Ski Clu b 2,3,4, Intramurals 2,3,4, Post Staff 4, Pillars Staff 4, Prom Commillee3.

BOBBI FRANCE Volleyball I ,2,4, Intramurals 1,2,3,4, Milwaukee Journal Art A ward 2, Y. W.C.A. I ,2,3,4, Catalinas I, Post Staff 4, Pillars Staff 3,4, Public Relations I ,2, 3,4, Prom Commillee3.

BILL FULTON Soccer 3, Tennis 3, Fencing 4, Post Staff 4, Drama Club 3,4, Ski Club 3,4, AcademySingers3, Folk Group 3.

PERRY GAUDET Cross Country 4, Basketball 3,4, Track 3, "W" Club 3,4, Honor Rol/3,4 , PostStaff3.

DANA G/ULIAN Cross Country I, Soccer I ,2,3,4, Wrestling I. Baseo all 2, Golf I, Fencing 4, Honor Roll3, High Honor Roll/,2,4, National Merit Honorable Mention 4, Junior Marshal/3.

BRIDGET GOKEY Basketball 4, Swim Team 3,4 , Y. W.C.A. 3,4, Catalinas 3,4, Pillars Staff 3.4, Prom Committee 3, Choir 4. Academy Singers 3.

RANDÂŁ GOLDSTONE Fencing 4, Field hockey I, Volleyball 2, Y.W.C.A. 1,2,3,4, Catalinas I, Post Stafl4, Pillars Staff 2,3,4. Ski Club I, Public Relations 2,3, Prom Committee 3, Girls' Chorus.

DEBE COR DON Volleyball3. Pillars Staff 3,4, Public Relations 3,4. Academy Singers 3.

BOB GREEN Athletic Trainer 3,4, High Honor Roll 2,3, Cum Laude 3,4, National Merit Honorable Mention 4, Class Treasurer 3,4, Pillars Stafl3,4, Drama Club 2.3.4. Ski Club 3,4, Public Relations 2,3,4, Wayland Hall Council 3, Student Council 3,4, Prom Committee 3, Choir 2,3,4, Kapelle 3,4.

JODY GREENHAUS Basketball 4. Sojiball3.4 . lntramurals 3.4. Y. W.C.A. 3,4, Post Staff 4, Pillars Staff 4. Public Relations 4. Prom Committee 3. Homecoming Court 3. Academy Singers 3,4.

STEVE GRIGGEL Football Basketball 1,2 ,3, Track 1.2 .3.4. "W" Club 3.4. PostStajf4. Prom Committee3.

JEFF GROB Soccer 3. Swimming 3. Go/f. Choir3. Folk Group3 , DramaCiub3.

PAULGUSTAFSON Footbaiii.Soccer2. 3,4, Swim team 1.2.3. Tennis 3.4. lntramurals 2, National Art A ward 3. Ski Club 1,2,3.4.

JUDI HARKER Volleyball3. Y.W.C.A.2 . 3,4. Post Staff 4, Pillars Stajf4 . Ski Club 2.3. 4. Public Relations 2.3.4. Warren Hall Council3 . Ella Dye Dorm 4.

CHRIS HEPP Soccer 3.4. Track 3.4. Fencing 4. lntramurals 3. "W" Club 4, Post Staff 3. Studenl Council 4. Prom Commillee 3. Class Represe111alive4, Academy Singers 3.

JACKIE HEWITT Field hockey 2, Basketball 3 ,4, Volley ball 2 ,3,4, Treasurer 2, Y. W.C.A. 1,2,3,4; President 4, Cabinet 2,3, Pillars Staff路 4, Ski Club 1,2,3, Public Relations 3,4, Student Council2, Prom Commillee 3, Homecoming Court2.

DON HUTCHINSON Football 3, Soccer 4. Swimming 3,4, Baseball3,4, .. W" Club 3.4 . Choir 3,4, Kapelle 3,4, Folk Group 3,4 .

HEATHER JOHNSON Track 3, Volleyball 3, High Honor Roll3, Honor Roll 4, National Merit Honorable Mention 4, Y. W.C.A. 3,4 , Pillars Staff 3,4, Public Relations 3,4, Prom Commillee3, Choir 3,4.

JEFF JOHNSON Football 1, Soccer 2, Basketball 1 ,2,3, Tennis I , Honor Roll 1,2,3, 4. National Merit Honorable Mention 4 , Drama Club 2,3.

DENNIS KAGAN Soccer 3,4, Tennis 3,4, Fencing 4, In tram urals 3,4, "W" Club 4, Drama Club 4, Prom Committee 3, Academy Singers 3.

BANCHA KAMPAMA T Soccer 2 ,3,4 , Baseball 2,3, Fencing 4, Intramurals 3, "W" Club 3,4, Prom Committee 3.

LISA LAVICKA Field hockey 1,2.3,4. Track 3. Volleyball I ,2,3, Honor Roll 3,4. Secretary 2, Y. W.C.A. 1.2,3.4. Post Staff 2. Drama Club I, Student Counci/2.

MARK LEICHTLE Soccer 1,2, Tennis I. Honor Roll I ,2,3,4, National Merit 4. String Ensemble I.

ROBIN LEVINSON Field hockey 2,3,4, Basketball/ .2. Manager I, lntramurals I .2,3. 4, Y. W.C.A. I ,2,3,4, Pos1 Staff 3, Pillars Staff I, Drama Club I ,2,3,4, Ski Club I ,2,3,4 , Public Relations 3.4, Prom Commillee 3, Choir 2,3,4, Girls' Chorus 2.

JOHN LLEWWLLYN Football 2 ,3,4. Tennis 2,3,4, lntramurals 2,3,4, Breakfast Club 3. Post Staff4. Ski Club 4. Prom Com miuee 3.

SCOTT LUTZKE Soccer3,4. Basketball3. 4. Baseball 3,4, "W' Club 4, Honor Roll3.4. High Honor Roll 3, Wayland Hall Council 3 . Choir3.

GREG MAYER Football2,4, Swim Team 2.3,4, Golf 2.3,4 , lntramura/s 2.3.4, 路路 W" Club 2,3,4, Ski Club 2,4, Public Relations 2,3. Prom Comm ittee] .

MARY McPHERSON Field hockey 2.3, 4 , Y. W.C.A. 2,3,4, Public Relations 3,4 , Prom Commiuee 3 , Choir 2,3 ,4 , Kapelle 2,4.

DAVE MEAD Soccer I ,2,3,4, Basketball 2, Golf I ,2, Tennis I ,2, Intramurals 3,4. Post Staff 4, Pillars Staff 4, Drama Club I ,2,3, Ski Club 3,4 , Prom Committee 3.

JOHN MEILSTRUP Football 1,2,3,4, Swim Team I ,2,3,4, Baseball/ ,2.3,4, Fencing 4 . .. W" Club 1,2,3.4 , Ski Club I ,2,3,4. Prom Commillee3.

KATE MERRILL Field hockey 2, Softball 2,3 , Swim Team 2, lntramurals 2.3, Secretary 4. Y. W.C.A. . Cabinetl,2,3,4, Catalinas 1.2, Pillars Staff 2.3. Co-editor 4, Ski Club 1.2,3,4, Public Relations 2.3,4 , Student Council4, Prom Committee 3. Prom court 3, Girls' Chorus 2.

JAY MORLEY Football 3,4, Tennis 3,4, lntramurals 3.4, Ski Club 4 , Prom Commillee 3, Academy Singers 3.

SUSAN MULLEN Swim Team 3,4, Intramurals 3,4, Y. W.C.A. 3,4, Catalinas 3,4, Post Staff 4, Drama Club 4. Ski Club 3,4. Public Relations 4 , Breakfast Club 3, Prom Committee3, Choir3,4.

JON MYERS Football 1.3.4. Soccer 2. Golf 1.3. Track 2 ... W" Club 3.4.

BILL O'NEIL Soccer 2.3.4. Wrestling 1.2. 3.4. Track 1.2.3,4. "W" Club 3.4. High Honor Roll Cum Laude 3.4. Nat ional Merit Honorable Mention 4, Junior Marshall 3. Harvard Book A ward 3. Public Relations 2.3. Wayland Hall Council2. Prom Committee 3.

MARY PARENT Fencing 4. Field hockey 2 , Volleyball High Honor R oll 1,2.3.4. Cum Laude 3.4 . National Merit Honorable Mention 4. Junior Marshall 3. Y. W.C.A. 1,2. 3.4. Catalinas 1.2,4. Pillars Staff 2. Ski Club 2. Public Relations 2,3,4. Prom Commillee 3. Choir 1.2.3 ,4, Kapelle4. Girl's Chorus 1.2.

JANET PARKS Fencing 4 . Softball 3. Track 4. lntramurals 3.4. Y. W.C.A. 3.4. Post Staff 3. Pillars Staff 4. Ski Club 3.4. Public Relations 4. Honor Roll 3.4.

KATHY PARSONS Field hockey 2.3.4. J. V. Captain 2. Varsity Captain3.4 . Basketball 3.4. Softball 2.4. Track 2.3 . Volleyball 3.4. Swim Team 3. Varsity Club 3.4. Sec.-Treasurer 4 . Honor Roll 2.3. Vice President 3. Y. W.C.A. 2.3 .4. Ski Club 2.3.4. Public Relations 4. Ella Dye Dorm Council President 4. Warren Hall Council 3, Student Council 3. Prom Commillee 3. Choir 2.3.4. Kapelle 4. Girls' C horus 2. Folk Group 2.3.4. Leader4.

PAT PATTERSON Football Basketball; Most Valuable4. Tennis lntramurals 2.3 . .. w路 Club Honor Roll 4. Class Vice-President I. Drama Club 3.4. Ski Club Public Relations 2.3.4. Prom Committee 3. Coin and Stamp Club 1.2.

VIC PEIRCE Soccer 1,2,3.4. Swimm ing I. 2.3.4. Tennis J. Track 1.2 . .. W" Club 1,2,3 ,4. Vice President 4, Pillars S taff 4. Drama Club 3. Ski Club Public R elations 2.3 .4. Wayland Hall Council 2.3. Student Council 2. 3.4. Prom Committee 3, Varsity Swimming Captain4.

JOEL PETERSON Cross Country 4. Soccer 1.2.3, Golf 1,2,3. lntramurals 2,3. Pillars Staff 3.4. Drama Club 2.3.4. Prom Committee 3, Honor Rol/3.

KIP PETERSON Soccer 1.2.3. Swim team, "W" Club Class President I. 2.3. Pillars Stafi3 ,4; Co-Editor 4. Ski Club I. 2. Public Relations 3.4. S tudent Counci/ 1.2.3. Prom Committee 3. Folk Group 2.3.4. Varsity Swimming Cap tain4.

MIKE PLATT Soccer 1.2.3,4; Most Valuable4. Wrestling Tennis 1.2.3,4. "W" Club 2.3.4, Drama Club 1.2.4. Ski Club 2.3.4. Prom Committee] .

BOB POTTS FoOiba/14 . Wrestling 3, Track 3. Post Staff 3.4. Pillars S taff 3.4. Public Relations 3. Academy Singers 3.

DAN PRUNUSKE Football 1.2.3,4; Varsity captain 4. Basketball 1.2. Baseball 1.2. Track 3.4. Honor Roll/ ,2,3.4.

BARB PURDY Track 4. Y. W.C.A. 4. Drama Club 4. Ski Club 4. Public Relations 4. Choir4. Kapelle4.

GARCIELA REYNOSO Swim team 4. Y. W.C.A. 4.

Volleyball 4.

TOM RINEK Soccer 3,4, Wrestling 3,4, Golf3,4, "W"Ciub3,4 ,Choir3.

CHAR RUGÂŁ Field hockey 2, Basketball 2,3, Volley ball 2,4. lntramurals 2,3,4, Honor Roll 2,3,4 Milwaukee Journal Art A ward 3. Anthology of High School Art A ward 3, Y. W.C.A. 2,3,4 , Catalinas 2, Pillars Staff3,4 , Ski Club 2,3,4, Public Relations 4. Prom Commitlee 3. Prom Court 2.

TOM SCHEBLE Football 1.2,3.4. Wrestling 2,3, Tennis 1.2. Track 3,4. "W" Club 3. 4. Honor Rolli ,3.

JOANN SCHMIDT Swim t eam 4. Y. W.C.A. 4. Ski Club 4, Public Relations 4.

JOHN SIROVY Football/,2,3,4, Wrest ling 1 ,2,3, Track 1 ,2,3, "W" Club I ,2,3,4, Post Staff4, Choir I.

DAVE SMALL Soccer 1,2,3,4, Most Valuable, Wrestling 2,3, Tennis I ,2,3,4 , "W" Club 2,3,4, Prom Committee 3.

JOHN STOEHR Football 1, Soccer 2,3,4, Basketball1,2, J. V. Cap tain 2, Track 1,2,3,4, In tram urals 3.4 , "W" Club 2,3,4, Post Staff 4. Ski Club 1 ,2,3,4.

ZOE STOWERS Swim team 2,3,4, Y. W.C.A. 1.2,3,4, Catalinas I ,2, Ski Club 1, Public Relations 2, Prom Commillee 3, Choir 3,4 , Kapelle4 , Girls' Chorus.

BURNIE SULLIVAN Cross Country I, Soccer 2,3,4, Swim team 1,2,3,4. Tennis I ,3,4, Track 2, "W" Club 2,3,4, Class Vice-President 1, Post Staff 4, Public Relations 4, Prom Committee 3.

DAVE TERRELL Football I ,2,3,4, J. V. Captain 2, Basketball!, Wrestling 2,3, Baseball 1,2, Go!f3 , "W" Club 3,4, Ski Club 1,2, 3,4, Student Counci/2, Prom Committee 3.

JOAN URBANEK Field hockey 2,3, Volleyball I ,4, Honor Roll 2,4, High Honor Roll 1 , Milwaukee Journal Art Award 3, Y . W.C.A. I ,2,3,4, Public Relations 4, Prom Commillee 3, Academy Singers 3,4 , Girls' Chorus 2, Homecoming Court4.

AMY VAN PELT Volleyball3 , Honor Roll 1,2,3,4, National Merit Semi-Finalist 4, Y. W.C.A. I ,2,3 ,4, Pillars Slaff 4, Ski Club 1, 2,3, Public R elations 4, Girls' Chorus I ,2, Academy Singers 3.

ANITA VICKERY Fencing 4, Volleyball 2, Honor Roll 1, Y.W.C.A. 1,2,3,4, Pillars Staff 2,3 ,4, Public Relations 2,3,4, Girls' Chorus 2.

CHRIS VOGEL拢/ Softball /,2, Volleyball 2, Swim team 2,3,4, Intramurals 1..,2,3,4路. Honor Roll 1,2, Y. W.C.A. 1,2,3,4, Cata1inas 1,2,3,4, Vice-President 3, President 4, Pillars Staff 3,4, Ski Club 2,3 ,4, Public Relations 3, 4, Student Council 2, Prom Commillee 3.

MARY VOIGT Y. W.C.A. 1 ,2,3,4, Catalinas I. Post Staff 4, Pillars Staff 3,4 , Public Relations 3,4, Prom Committee 3.

PAT VRABEC Fencing 4, Swim team 3,4, lntramurals 3,4, Y. W.C.A. 2,3,4, Cabinet 4, Public Relations 2 ,4, Academy Singers 3,4.

KAY WAGENKNECHT Field hockey 1,2, 3.4, Soflballl ,2, Volleyball2, Cheerleading I , 2,3,4; Cap!ain 4. Swim team 2,3.4. Varsily Club I ,2,3,4; Vice-President 4. lntramurals I , 2.3,4, High Honor Roll1 ,2,3,4, Junior Marshall3 , Milwauk ee Journal Arl Award 1,2,3 , Junior Girl A ward 3, Third Year Arl A ward 3. Y.W.C.A. 1,2,3 ,4 , Ca1alinas 1,2,3,4, Ski Club 1,2,3,4, Public Relations 2.4; Co-chairman 4 , Prom Commillee 3 , Homecoming Courl I; Queen 4, C hoir I , Girls' Chorus I ,2.

TIM WAGNER Tennis 3.

Soccer 3,4, Swimming 3,4,

DOUG WALTER Foo1ball 2,3 ,4 , Wreslling 4, Track 4. Slate An A ward 2, Milwaukee Journal An A ward 3. Nigh! Honor Roll 3, Pillars Slaff 3,4 , Drama Club 2,3, Prom Commillee3.

DICK WASHBURN Foolba/1 2,3,4. Baske!ball 2, Wreslling 2,3,4. Golf 2.3,4. Intramurals 2,3,4. "W" Club 3,4, Choir 3,4, Kapelle3.4. Folk Group3.4.

LOU ANN WIESMAN Track 3, Volleyball 4, Honor Roll4, Y. W.C.A. 3,4 , Pas! Staff 4, Public Relalions 4, Prom Commillee 3.

RANDY WILEY Soccer4, Tennis4, lnlramurals4, Drama Club 4, Ski Club 4.

JANE WINGQUIST Field hockey 1,2 ,3,4. Basketball 1.2 .3 .4. Softball 1.2 ,4. Volleyball 3,4, Cheerleading 1,2,3,4, J. V. Captain 2. Varsity Club 1,2,3,4, President 4, Honor Roll 2,3,4 , Y.W.C.A . 1,2,3,4 , Catalinas 1.2 .3.4 , Pillars Staff 4, Ski Club 1.2,3,4, Warren Hall Council 2, Student Council 3. Prom Committee 3, Ice Carnival Court I, Choir I, Class Secretary 3, Academy Singers 3, Girls' Chorus 2.

PAT WOLLER Field hockey 2,3,4, Softball 3,4, Volleyball 1,2,3,4. J. V. Captain 2, Swim team 3,4, Varsity Club 3,4 , lntramurals 1,2,3, 4 , Honor Roll 1,3, Public Relations 3 , Y . W.C.A. 1,2,3,4 , Catalinas 1,2, Warren Hall Council3 , Prom Committee 3.

BOB YEOMANS Soccer 2,3,4, Track 2,3.4 , lntramurals 2,3,4, .. W" Club 4, Class President 4, Post Staff 3. Pillars Staff 3,4 , Drama Club 2, Ski Club 2,3,4. Public Relations 4, Co-chairman 4, Wayland Hall Council 3. Prom Committee 3, Student Council 4, Honor Roll4.

WARREN YOUKER Soccer 3.4. Tennis 4. Track 3, In tram urals 3,4. Post Staff 4 , Pillars Staff4, Academy Singers 3.

PAUL YUAN Soccer 3,4, Golf 3,4. Intramurals 3,4 , High Honor Roll 3,4, Prom Committee 3, Public Relations 4, Academy Singers 3.

TODD ZASECK Soccer 3,4. Golf3,4, Wrestling 3,4, Post Staff 4, Pillars Staff 4, Public Relations 4, Ski Club 3,4, Prom Committee 3, " W" Club 3,4.

Class Officers: Allen, Kristine, Debbie , Harold


Jenny Cowles Charles Creighton Marge Debenham Betsy Disher Bonnie Dohmann Bill Eldred Jeff Emanuel

Terry Erickson Jim Exner Debby Fierke Chris Foth Kim France Cindy Frank David Frank

Debbie Adams Bruce A llerbury Chris Beat Barb Blomberg Mimi Brazeau

Margaret Campbell Betsy Clark Brian Claussen Krisa Conner Bob Conner

Greg Ludlow Will Luedke Bill Maguire Kris Merrill Jackie Nixon

Beth Pedigo Steve Pfeifer Nancy Phillips Linda Powell Alan Proctor


Linda Gieseke Bob Guilberr Sharon Harrze/1 Susan Heacox Kim Heide Judd Hirschberg J ean Janz en

Frank J ennejohn AlanJung DavidJung Joe Leek Linda Leibenson Tricia Leilh Rue Lierzke

Margie Southerland CathySyz Dave Taheri Jim Tisdel Bob Torstenson Pete Vanderploeg Richard Way

Jan Wells Keven West Steve White Tobey White Paul Wild Lucy Wilder Cam Yost

Cary Ros/off Kathy Schain TomShiek Dan Schumann JonSisk

Kathy Sisson Pam Smith Steve Smith Harold Sogard Steve Spencer

Class officers: Jim, Dave. Tom , Kathy


Peter Harings John Harker MaryJo Heacox Jan Hepner Jim Kirsh

Kathy K/aisner Jane Krogstad Greg Larson Dave Larson Sarah Lavicka


Sue Alexander Ginger Banta Jane Barrows Alan Bender Betsy Belles Nancy Bradford Betsy Burnham

Chris Busse John Caselli Jim Duffey Martha Erickson Howie Franken thai Nancy Gibbons Mark Gustafson

Tom Purdy April Retzer Mark Richardson Paul Rottman Nicky Ruetz Tyrell Shiek BarbShmidt

Melissa Shmidt Pete Sesenbrenner Val Smith Lisa Spencer Gretchen Stecker Janet Stoffel Don Swanson

Sus Leiby Debby Leichtle Marge Lindeke Ted Meredith Debby Miller

Bob Nelson Dan Nordell Candy O'Brian Tom Platt Glenda Pommerich


BarbSzweda Mary Taves Jim Tompseu Beth Towner Barb Van Pelt Ann Wagenknecht Lynn Wagenknecht

Charlie Wagner Joe Wagner Pam Way Roberta Wellman Tom Wiesman Wendy Wilson Jane Ziegler


Class Officers: Fred, Leslie, Dave, Craig.


Paula Hartman Bill Hartzell Charles Jung Gay Kellogg Fred Klaisner

Janet Maier Nicola McCreedy Leslie Mead Craig Meehan Vida Parent



Karl Andersson Mary Barnes Margaret Bergen Ann Brody Beth Carpenter Michael Chapman Beth Clay

Mimi Disher Mike Exner James Feeley Richard Goelz Gretchen Gokey Meri Goldstone Cindy Griggel

Gary Wesenberg Debbie Woller Doug Worley


Kevin Roberts Joan Rogers Kim Sergeant Jam es S hane Douglas Shearer Laurel Sprorre

Richard Stanley Sandra Sykes A lice Szweda David Va nDer Kamp George Van Pelt Betsy Walker



FRONT ROW: D. Dreblow, J. Lle wellyn, D. Washburn , D. Prunuske, J . Meilstrup, J . Bill, J. Cape. J. M yers, P. Patterson , D. Terrell, D. Walt er. SECOND ROW: J. Morley, J. Sirovy , S . Griggel, B. PoliS , G. Mayer, S. Blomb erg, S. Shaw, G. Ludlow, B. Torstenson, E. Aylward, J. Exner. THIRD ROW: B. Guilbert, Coach Clay, S. Coley, S. McCreedy, P. Vrabec. P. Prunuske, B. Conner, S. Stevens , R. Varner, T. Wiesman, P. Rottman , Coach Schoon , Coach Kasper.


1968 Football Record Wayland 0 27 33 12 7 7 33

Ripon Watertown Racine Milwaukee Lutheran Wisconsin Lutheran Fox Valley Northwestern Preps

Opponent 12 20 14 28 34 7 18

Most Valuable Player Jim Cape Captain Dan Prunuske All Conference Steve Blomberg, Jon Myers

This fall, Way land's spirited varsity football team built up a respectable season under the fine guidance of coaches Clay, Kasper, and Schoon. In our first game inexperienced Big Red lost to Ripon because of early season mistakes. Barely winning our next game, Wayland showed promise against Watertown; this led to a crushing victory over the team 's first conference opponent Racine. The two Milwaukee powerhouses handed Big Red injuries and two defeats. A shaky team , Wayland tied a much inferior Fox Va lley but bounded back to easily defeat Northwestern to keep up a three year string of Homecoming victories. Because of his untiring devotion, the prune Dan Prunuske was elected captain. A much deserving Jim Cape was chosen most valuable after rolling up more yards in three games than any other conference back could in five games; Jim was not elected an conference for reasons unknown. Jqn Myers, playing his style of quick thinking football, was elected all conference defensiveend.


FRONT ROW: J. Schewe, D. Worley, C. Rosloff. T. Wiley, M. Exner, D. Nordell, M. Richardson, J. Shane. SECOND ROW: J. Tisdel, G. Van Pelt, P. Harings. F. Klaisner, J. Tompsett, B. Hartzell, J . Kirsh , J. Harker. THIRD ROW: Coach Blomberg, T. Meredith , J. Duffy, J. Caselli, Coach Bauder.


FRONT ROW: B. O'Neil, A. Proctor, T. Zaseck, B. Yeomans, C. Hepp , M. Piau, T. Rinek, B. Kampanat, B. Eldred, S. Smith. SECOND ROW: P. Yuan, J. Burtt. D. Giulian, C. CreighiOn, S. Lutzke. K. Kampanat , D. Small, B. McNaughton, Coach Wolfe.

SOCCER The varsity soccer squad led by coach Sol Wolfe compiled the best record in Wayland's five year soccer history with a 4-6-1 overall record. Big Red played an exciting brand of soccer, thrilling the home crowds with their fast breaks and numerous defensive stands, while refusing to let up in every game they played. The varsity's desire was evident through,out the season as they once battled back to erase a three point deficit and, despite a five game losing streak in the middle of the season, were victorious in their last three games of the fall. Mean Davy and cool Christopher provided the extra punch for Big Red, the dynamic Golden Toes kicked their way to fame, and lonesome Dexter Platt and Zaserful amused the world with their backfield antics. Under the guiding words of wisdom, "These guys just aren't that tough!'' and"/ just don't understand," Domer built these men into a team that Wayland will never forget.

1968 Soccer Record Wayland I

3,2 3 0,0 I 0,1

2 2

St. Francis Jordan St. John 's University School St. Joseph Cathedral University Lake St. Bonaventure Maranatha College

Opponent 3 3,1


3,2 2


Most Valuable Player Dave Small Captain Mike Platt A II Conference Bancha Kampanat



FRONT ROW: 1. Anathan, M. Cram , P. Gustafson, B. Sullivan , T. Wagner , W. Youker, D. Rux. SECOND ROW: A . lung, D. Kagan , H. Sogard , D. lung, S. Spencer, D. Taheri, P. Vanderploeg, 1. Sisk. THIRD ROW: Coach Cobb, D. Mead, 1. Hirschberg, K. Andersson, D. VanDer Kamp.

George Cobb's J. V. Wonders were undefeated this year, compiling .1 3-0-1 record for the season. Team unity, and rugged play were the main factors in Wayland's first J. V. soccer team 's success. The FroshSoph team ended their season with a 2-6-2 record. Coach Loomis sees potential in the Little Red of '68 - the Big Red of the future.


L TOR: T. S chiek, F. Mertes , J. Un land. B. Maguire, F. Jennejohn , Coach Coley. B. Claussen, J. Peterson , K. Andersson, C. Jung , W. Luedke.

CROSS COUNTRY With the return of cross country to Way/ana, Big Red, under the able leadership of coach Russ Coley, compiled a record of one victory and four losses for their first season. Led by captain Will Luedke the inexperienced members of the team ran diligently regardless of the weather. More progress, however, was made by the cross country men than their record indicates; all of the team members lowered their times considerably as the season progressed. The highlights of the season were the victory over University School and the ten mile run to Horicon. Joel Peterson and Perry Gaudet were the only seniors out for cross country, so next year looks promising with the return of most of this year's members, who have gained knowledge and experience from their 1968 season.

1968 Cross Country Record Wayland 38

39 54

47 24

Opponent St. John 's Concordia Milwaukee Lutheran Wisconsin Lutheran University School

Most Valuable Player Will Luedke Captain Will Luedke


23 19 15



Homecoming Court: Chris Chapman, Kay Wagenknecht , Joan Urbanek, Laurel Sprolle, Margie Deb en ham.


Try harder!



BOTTOM ROW: M. Heacox , S. Heacox, D. Adams, K. Merrill. IJ. Pedigo. L. Lavicka; TOP ROW: C. Frank, L. Wilder , G. Banta. B. Disher, R. Levinson, B. Coley, K. Parsons . J. Wingquist , K. Wagenknecht.

The girls ' athletic season begins each fall with the wack, bump, and grind of field hockey. Cold feet, bruises, and grass-stained clothes are just a few highlights of this sport. But these hardships paid off, for this was the best hockey season we have had in four years. The Redgirls were undefeated until our last game against University School, in which a goal was scored during the last three minutes of the fourth quarter. The team coach and captains helped to create the great amount of enthusiasm and determination of both the J. V. and Varsity squads. The season ended with a field hockey day in Milwaukee. In the morning each squad played two victorious games; in the afternoon we attended a session which was led by a professional field hockey player from England.

Girls' Field Hockey Wayland I

3 9 2 I 4

0 5 I


University Lake Beaver Dam High Prairie School University School University Lake Oshkosh Univ. University School Mt. Horlick Wauwatosa West

Opponents I 0 0 2

0 2 I 0 0


BOTTOM ROW: S. Lavicka , K. Klaisner , G. Kellogg, B. Gokey, G. Pommerich, S. A lexander, J. Stoffel, M. Debenham , A. Wagenknecht; TOP ROW: J. N ixon . M . Lindeke. D. Woller. C. Griggel. M. Barnes .


L TOR: L. Gieseke, T. Leith, B. Dohmann. G. Gokey, T. Erickson, A. Retzer, MonsieurSampon , A. Byfield, P. Vrabec, A. Vickery, B. Purdy.


After disappearing for a year, due to Monsieur Sampan's leave of absence, the Wayland Fencing Team has begun with enthusiasm. With the patient and expert direction of Monsieur, the team, all beginners, has improved a great deal. Barb Purdy, Pat Vrabec, and Linda Gieseke, the team's top fencers, participated in ten tournaments during the year, making several individual victories including Barb's second place and Linda's sixth place in the Invitational Statewide Tournament.



LEFT TO RIGHT: J. Bur/1, S. Blomberg, S. McCreedy, J. M orley, F. Jennejohn, P. Gaudet, T. Brown, P. Pal/erson, J. Myers, S.

Lutzk e, ]. Cape , B. Conner, Coach Blomberg .

1968 - 1969 Basketball 64 Wayland 62 Wayland 70 Wayland Wayland 64 44 Wayland 56 Wayland 65 Wayland Wayland 68 33 Way land 62 Wayland 56 Wayland 50 Way land 47 Wayland 76 Wayland 61 Wayland 57 Way land 49 Wayland 63 Wayland 48 Wayland 67 Way land

Dominican Xavier Edgewood Juneau Fox Valley Wis. Lutheran Mil. Lutheran Racine Lutheran Concordia Watertown Racine Lutheran N. W. Preps University School Wis. Lutheran Mil. Lutheran Concordia N. W. Preps University School Fox Valley Edgewood


Wayland's powerful Big Red provided an exciting season of games this year and fulfilled the fans' cries of" We're #1 !" We started the year quickly by demolishing Dominican. The next game was against the team rated JJ.4 in the state, Appleton Xavier. It was nip and tuck throughout the game; finally, they proved to be one basket better. It was quite demoralizing and therefore, hard to become mentally prepared for the next game, against Edgewood. As a result we lost again, this time by one point . From then on, it was all uphill. Big Red went on to win sixteen straight games, resulting in a 17-0 record in the tough Mid-west Prep Conference. Things were looking up, we knew that we had the ability to match any team in the state; it was just a matter ofproving it.

83 60 69 105 65 70 66 80 80 85 90 83 87 88 67 102 88 79 89 59


This season marked the first year of Wayland participation in state tournaments. As a result , tournament jitters and a previous five day vacation interfered with our timing and shooting. Edgewood put an abrupt end to the season.

Our big men Perry Gaudet and Pat Patterson were both allconference selections. Perry was the conference scoring and rebounding champ, and Pat came in second in rebounding and sixth in scoring. The second team led by Jon Myers , who Coach Blomberg thinks of as, " the best sixth man in the state," proved to be invaluable in practice and during games.

At the close of the season, guard Jim Cape, all-conference for the second straight year, set a school career scoring record of 1,111 points. Steve Blomberg and Scott Lutzke, the other guards, both received honorable mention. Steve led the league in assists, and Scott usually had the task of guarding the opponent's high scorer . 路

This '68-'69 season was a great one and Coach Blomberg and his champs will long be remembered in Wayland's athletic history.



L TO R: C. Meehan, J. Duffy, R. Goelz, J. Harker, P. Rollman, T. Wiesman, S. Coley, Coach Schoon, P. Prunuske, F. Klaisner, P. Hering, B. Vilker, P.

Rhodenbaugh , M. Exner.

72 I

I st ROW: Coach Wolfe, J. Meilstrup , K. Peterson, C. Jung, D. Jung, F. Mertes , W. Hutchinson, D. Larson. 2nd ROW: B. Sullivan, G. Mayer, T. Connor, J. Bender, D. Hutchinson, J. Sisk, S. Pfeifer, C. Wagner, R. Way, G. Larsen, J. Tisdel, J. Kirsh, S . White , D. Schumann, B. Eldred, mgr., J. Tompsell . (missing from picture- V. Peirce. )



Wayland Swim Team 1968 - 1969 52 Wayland Campion Marquette 25 Wayland Oshkosh "Y" 82 Wayland Rhinelander 33 Wayland West Bend 28 Wayland 18 Wayland Milwaukee Lutheran Madison Swim Club 26 Wayland University School 23 Wayland West Bend 27 Wayland St. John's 21 Wayland Campion 47 Wayland St. John's 23 Wayland Milwaukee Lutheran 16 Wayland Green Bay "Y" 35 Wayland

"Wolfe's Wonders" had a bit of a slow start by bowing to Campion the first meet. Not to be defeated, they responded with a string of twelve dual meet victories. Before the year ended they had won the Gator Relays for the second consecutive year, added another conference championship to their credit, came in second in the Campion Invitational and runner-up in the Wayland Invitational. This was the season of their fearless leader's JOOth victory in his eight years of coaching at Wayland, a record reflecting his great coaching abilities. Another rarity was Wayland's having eight seniors on the varsity squad, making Wayland one of the most experienced teams in Wisconsin. Setting and breaking records all year long, Wayland's Swim Team for the '68-'69 ~eason demanded respect wherever it went, a sure sign of champions.

*Wolfe's JOOth Gator Relays first place Campion Invitational runner-up Mid-west Prep Conference CHAMPS Wayland Invitational runm!r-up Co-captains: Vic Peirce, Kip Peterson



43 70 90 62 68 76 68 72 68 74 48* 72 79 60

Four yearsofwhat?!

1st ROW: B. McNaughton. T Wiley, T Rinek. T Purdy . G. Van Pelt . 2nd ROW: R . S chanuel. mgr .. J. S chewe. D. Was hburn . C. Creighton. J . Caselli, Coach Clay .

WRESTLING 1968- 1969 Wrestling Ripon 38 Wayland Waupun 43 Wayland Juneau 5 Wayland Prairie 18 Wayland Wis. Lutheran 54 Wayland Mil. Lutheran 45 Wayland Monona Grove 36 Wayland N. W. Preps 35 Wayland UniversitySchool 27 Wayland St. John's 40 Wayland Wis. Luther-an 39 Wayland Mil. Lutheran 35 Wayland UniversitySchool 21 Wayland N. W. Preps 20 Wayland WISCO Tournament State Tournament

15 7 50 38 3 5 14 19 19 18 11 11 27 27

7thplace(outof8 ) 15th place


WRESTLING The Wayland Grapplers guided by Coach John Clay started the season at a slow pace. Returning Grapplers Tom Schiek and Steve Shaw were out early in the season with casualties. The Grapplers picked up lost ground in their last two matches by defeating University School and Northwestern Preps, which were two tough ones up till the end. Wayland's conference record was 2-6, and we placed fourth in the conference meet, University School squeezing us out of third place by one point. The Grapplers had two indivit/;tal conference champions. Captain Tom Rinek won a really close one at 112 lbs. and finished the season with an overall record of 20-2; Tom also got second place in the WICAA state tournament, which Wayland competed in for the first time this year. John Caselli swept the 145 lbs. class away from a tough Wisconsin Lutheran man and brought home the second conference win. Chuch Creighton finished second after getting caught up in a bad move. The team voted John Caselli "most improved" and Tom Rinek "most valuable wrestler" . Coach Clay should be looking forward to some fine wrestling years to come and a good chance for conference champs next year. Returning lettermen Burt McNaughton, John Caselli, Chuck Creighton, Tom Schiek, Cary Rosloff, Tom Platt, and Todd Wiley should give Coach Clay something to work with next season.


KNEELING: T. S chiek , A . R etzer, P. Way, J . Wells, J. Krogstad, M. Debenham . 2nd ROW: K. S chain, J. Stoffel. V. Smith , C. Frank , W. Wilson, P. Woller, S. Mullen , B. Bullemiller, B. Gokey , Coach Wolfe. 3rd ROW: K. Freeman , G. Banta, L. Wilder, P. Smith, M. S chmidt, C. Vogelei. Z. Sto wers , P. Vrabec.


Girls' Swimming Fonddu LacY 22 Wayland 43 Wayland Oshkosh Y 69 Wayland Madison Swim Club 37 Wayland !Veenah-Menasha Y 33 Wayland Oshkosh Y Fonddu LacY 40 Wayland 38 Wayland !Veenah-Menasha Y

" Get in that pool!! " So began another girls' swimming practice in the Wayland A cademy pool. Daily we'd m ount the mighty red starting blocks and dive in the water, knowing full wei/that after we're through, we'd be late for our next hour class - up flights of stairs, with wet dripping hair and swollen chlorinated eyes. Occasionally , Papa Wolfe would bundle up his darlings for a bus trip , provided with many , many choruses of" Minnie the M ermaid!" Regardless of groans and complaints , the girls display ed diligence and sportsmanship. Under the guiding eye of Coach S ol Wolfe, Moon and her Mighty Mermaids compiled five wins, one loss, and one tie.

72 43 26 58 62 55 57

The girls broke school and pool records , with a little help from Maude and Gladioli. Some of the girls were also able to participate in the AA U meet, bringing hom e gratifying results and well representing our team .



FRONT TO BACK: G. Pommerich. S. Lavicka. M. Heacox. K.

Klaisner. J. N ixon. J. Wingquist. J. Greenhaus . B. Coley, K. Parsons. R. Levinson. M. Brazeau.

The Varsity girls' basketball team, coached by Mrs. Schoon , had a triumphant season, defeating every team it faced except Milwaukee Lutheran who edged out the Redgirls for first place in the University Lake School Invitational Tournament. Not only did Wayland come out second in the tournament, but we also placed Barb Coley, Kathy Parsons, and Mary Jo Heacox on the All-Star team, and Jane Wingquist on the Honorable Mention List. The girls greatly appreciated the fine support shown by both the students and the facu lty throughout the victorious season.

Girls' Basketball Wayland 35 28 51

46 20 44 28 20 35

Opponents University School Juneau University Lake Beaver Dam High Milwaukee Lutheran Juneau Nathan Hale New Berlin Arrowhead


34 42 8

44 33 16




FRONT ROW: B. Clay , G. Gokey, M. Erickson, M. Barnes. 2nd ROW: M. Taves, B. Van Pell, D. Woller, J. Ziegler. TOP ROW: C. Griggel, N. Phillips, G. Kellogg.







L TO R: B. Bullemiller. C. Vogelei. K. Wagenknecht. M. Parent. J. Wingquist. K. Freeman. K. Cue. M. Debenham. K. Sisson. B. Gokey, T. Schiek , T.

White , J. Barrows. A. Wagenknecht.

The Catalina Club is a synchronized swimming group of 14 talented girls. First the girls must try out and if they are good enough to make it, they can enjoy a month of hard work and practice every day. These select few must be able not only to brave the clever comments on wet hair from the passers-by, but also to smile while swimming in the unknown murky waters of the Wayland pool. Under the leadership of Chris Vogelei and Kate Freeman, the show was perfected for two performances in May . This year the theme was "Sounds of Our Times, " which flower child, Kathy Sisson, started off with a gymnastics routine. The show then wound its way through hippies, spies, a yellow submarine, and Wayland's own Bonnie and Clyde. The grand finale brought the show to a successful but sad ending for the girls who enjoyed working together.


J. V. FRONT TO BACK: L. Wagenknecht, Cap't D. Adams, T. Schiek, J.

Nixon, K. Klaisner, A. Wagenknecht.

Captain Kay











L. TOR.: K. Sisson , K. France , J. Urbanek , K. Wagenknecht , G. Davis , B. Dohmann.

The art department, headed by Mrs. Dohmann, impressed the entire school with the creative talent and originality it produced throughout the year. Many exciting works were exhibited at the three art shows held on campus in October, March, and May. The art students took several field trips to various colleges and museums, and many students participated in the Milwaukee Journal contest held in the spring. The highlight of the year, however, was the trip made by Mrs. Dohmann and a group of her students to Greece over spring vacation. Mrs. Dohmann was the main factor in the success of the art department this year. Her friendliness and patience, along with her sensitive artistic abilities, helped gain her the highest respect from every one of her art students. Mrs. "D" did not try to impress her style upon the students, but instead, she let her students learn to develop their own methods and abilities, while she always was nearby to make any meaningful suggestions. A sincere "thanks" from all of your students Mrs. D! "The teacher who walks among his followers gives not of his wisdom, but rather of his faith and his lovingness ." The Prophet

Mrs. Dohmann



The yearbook staff wishes to thank Mr. Sehloff for putting up with all the grief we gave him. A special thanks also goes to Haas studio and the Beaver Dam merchants who supported us from -the start. Heading this year's Pillars were co-editors Kate Merrill and Kip Peters~n with Bob Green (business manager), Vic Pierce (photography), and Jane Wingquist (copy) forming the nucleus of operations.

Fear less Leader

SEATED: A. Vickery, J. Wingquist, J. Greenhaus, W. Wilson, J. Harker. C. Voge/ei; 2nd ROW: A. Van Pelt, K. Merrill, B. Green, R. Levinson, B. Yeomans. K. Cue, K. Merrill. K. Peterson, V. Peirce; 3rd ROW: C. Spencer, B. Pedigo, C. Roslojf. J. Cowles.


L TOR: T. Brown , S. Mullen, S. Griggel, J. Lelewelly n, M. Edwards, T. Ringer, C. Bill, B. France, D. Dreblow, M. Debenham , M . Bader, B. Torslenson,

K. Crullenden .



Under the direction of Mr. Sehloff the journalism class has succeeded in publishing a student paper without the guidance of a permanent editor. The policy this year was rotating editors. Each student had an opportunity to edit one edition of the Post. Thanks to Mr. Sehloff the paper has been offree expression of student opinion. This is the type offreedom the students need and desire, and because of the Post many views have been brought to public attention .



L TO R: M . Edwards, G. Mayer. K . Peterson. B. Sullivan, J . Harker. C. Vogelei, M. Brazeau. H. Johnson, B. Y eomans , M . Voight , R . Le vinson, K. Merrill, L. Lavicka. SEAT ED: C. Hepp , B. Disher.

L TOR: J. Duffey, D. VanderKamp, G. Larsen, A. Proctor, C. H epp, V. Peirce . D. Larson, B. Green, K. Merrill. K. M errill, T. Pial/, B. Yeomans , D. Adams, F. Klaisner. H. S ogard, W. Lu edke.















... c _r


l II


L TO R: J. Nixon, D. Adams, B. Blomberg , A. Wagenknecht, J. Wingquist , K. Wagenknecht , P. Woller. K. Parsons , B. Buttemiller, J. Cowles. G. Banta . K. Klaisner , T. White , M. Brazeau , M. Heacox. (missing from picture B. Coley, C. Cumbler. L. Wagenknecht. )

President Jane Wingquist

The Varsity Club, under the competent leadership of President Jane Wingquist, looks for new ambitious members each spring who have shown athletic ability, sportsmanship, and enthusiasm in the sports they have participated in throughout the school year. After acquiring a minimum of points previously decided by the Varsity Club members, a period of initiation is planned for the prospective members. This year the girls took a night skiing trip to Slinger and gracefully allowed the companionship of several of thesenior men. During the school year, several members of Varsity Club have helped greatly in the coaching of and provided leadership in field hockey and girls' basketball. Being a member of Varsity Club is indeed an honor and the girls wear their traditional white blazers each Friday in honor of the club .




1ST ROW: G. Kellogg, A. Retzer, M. Goldstone. 2ND ROW: B. VanPelt, K. Merrill, J. Ziegler. 3RD ROW: M. Brazeau, S. Hartzell.


L. TO R.: R. Stanley, J. Burtt, P. Rodenbaugh, H. Sogard, D. Larson.


L TOR: K. Davis, K. Parsons. J. Hark er. K. Crul/enden. L. Baile.l'.


L TOR: L. Bailey. B. O' Neil. M. Paren t. H. Johnson. B. Green . A. VanPelt.

1st ROW: H. Johnson, P. Leilh, J. Nixon, K. Sisson, P. Cambpell, N. Philips. 2nd ROW: K. Davis, L. Bailey, Z. S!Owers, M. Parent, W. Wilson, B. Towner. B. Burnham, M. Bader. L. Powell, B. Gokey, B. Clark, J. Barrows, K. Klaisner, L. Gieseke. 3rd ROW: T. Pial/, T. Meredith, J. Schewe, J. Unland. B. Maguire, K. Parsons. S. Mullen. R. Levinson, K. Freeman, B. Purdy, M. McPherson, B. Disher. 4th ROW: H. Sogard, P. Vanderploeg, F. Klaisner. T. Purdy, A. ProClor, D. Washburn, D. Hu!chinson, D. Couch, B. Green, F. Jennejohn, J. Tisdel, P. Sensenbrenner, S. White.


ACADEMY SINGERS 1st ROW: J. Koppleberger. G. Kellogg, M. Golds/one, B. Carpenter, L. Mead, R . Wellman. 2nd ROW: V. Parenl, A. Szweda, G. Gokey, M. Schmidt, D. Woller, M. Su1herland, B. Van Pel!, B. Szweda, B. Clay. 3rd ROW: M. Erickson, P. Hariman, B. Schmid!, V. Smith, T. Erickson, K. Schain, P. Schmid!, S. Heacox.

L TO R: T. Purdy. B. Green. B. Purdy, M. McPherson. A. Proctor. B. Disher, M. Parent. D. Washburn, D. Hutchinson. Stowers, W. Wilson .




1st ROW: J. Nixon . G. Banta, J. Hewitt , P. Vrabec, J . Zie?,ler; 2nd ROW: K. Merrill, L. Mead, M . Bader, K. Merrill. B. Pedigo.


This year theY. W.C.A. has been involved in a variety of activities . The Big-Little Sister program helped create a friendly atmosphere among the classes. The club has sponsored bake sales, breakfasts-in-bed, shopping trips, movie trips, and a drive for UNICEF Under the direction of President Jackie Hewitt and Mrs. Towner, the Y. W.C.A. this fall produced the Talent Show , their annual money raising event.

"Girls ain'tthe only ones with legs//"



1st ROW: D. Washburn. D. Hulchinson. 2nd ROW: W. Wilson. K. Davis. K. Pe1erson. K. Parsons. T. S chiek .

'69.brought many changes to Wayland. Symposium '69 was one of these changes. It changed from "sing-aroundthe-campfire" style music to the progressive beat of modern times. Electronics were introduced for the first time to exploit the group's potential. Harmony and arrangements found themselves in the repretoire instead of the solobackground mood of the past. Although Symposium '69 didn't make many appearances on campus this year, the audiences were very receptive when they did perform . The group experimented in a new realm of music on the Wayland campus; its effect will influence those who continue in its tradition .



But Mr. Fierk e. I was just walking .



The Wayland scales ofjustice!?

To function or not to function. that is the question!


She huffed, and she puffed, and .


I didn't do-it'

Who me? .

A hippie?

Dogpaddlin's a lot of work!


B. D. 's finest.

Cut the gas. Lars!!



Bedtime stories.

Happiness is a wet finger.

Dreaming of sk ibobs and gin fizzes.








The Fine Arts program at Wayland is designed to broaden the students' appreciation of culture and religion. The 196869 season has included piano and organ concerts and formal discussions on religion. One phase of this program is the Community Concert Series, during which famed artists perform on the Wayland campus. Virgil Fox, internationally known organist, began the series with a splendid concert in the Wayland Memorial Chapel. Later in the year, the pianos of Derek and Ray filled the auditorium with contemporary music and jazz pieces arranged by the artists themselves. Religion also played an important role in student life. Each year an outside speaker is invited to address the Wayland students on an aspect of" Religion and Life." This year Reverend James R . Whyte, chaplin of Phillips Andover Academy in Massachusetts, visited the campus and spoke one evening about the generation gap. Reverend Whyte's visit was highlighted by a poem, his own composition, about the Negro in America .



"The duck went quack! quack!" said Dar.

For the last time Drummond. GET LOST'

Wayland's challenge?


A swealer for swee1ie.

Su ns ofsuccess.

l .



Hit the road Jack'

Rock Row.

Domer's nature class .


Shut up Oiseau!

Puppy Love!?


f' /1 play anyone's flute'

R. B. and the boys on the air.

Lay a brick'



Miller's Math Majors.

Gary the Green Giant

What a 8-Ball budget!


You're from Juneau ?

Oh Rick'!


Annie get your gun.



Wayland makes sense.

Here come dajudge!

Where 's Wally ?


I eat my Wheaties!

Joey's bar opens May 31st.

Life goes on.


What dress code!


Saga: 90 proof

They tell me I'm mature.








12 1

God Bless Our Home!

PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Wm . C. Meehan

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Aylward

Mr. and Mrs. SpencerS. Meilstrup

Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. EdgarS. Meredith

Dr. and Mrs . Roger Bender

Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert H . Myers

Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Bergen

Mr. and Mrs . Clark E. Nixon

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brown

Mr. and Mrs . Leonard S. Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burtt Dr. and Mrs. George Buttem Mr. and Mrs. Abbott

and Mrs. Raymond A. Patterson Leonard Peirce r. and Mrs. H. E. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Lowell N. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Charels A . Powell

Mr. and Mrs. John M . '-'u"u''"

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Schain

Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Mills Schanuel

Mr. and Mrs. Robert deS.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J . Sensenbrenner

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. C

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stoehr

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cress

Dr. and Mrs. Marsha ll E. Stowers

Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Cue

Mr. and Mrs . L. W. Sutherland, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Thayer Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swanson

Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Drummond Mr. and Mrs. William H . Emanuel Mr. W. R. France Mr. and Mrs. Harry f. Frank Mr. and Mrs . Robert T. Gilchrist

rs. Arthur Tompsett . Robert Urbanek

Mr. and Mrs . Waldo A. Giulian

Ruard Vanderploeg

Dr. and Mrs. John Goelz

D. S. Van Pelt

Mr. and Mrs . Donald Griggel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hepp

L. Vickery

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin M . Janzen

B. Vogelei

Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Q. Johnson


Mr. and Mrs . James Kirsh

Mr . and Mrs.

ale Wagner Robert A. Wellman

Dr. and Mrs . Erling Dr. and Mrs. S. J .

Mr. and Mrs . Harold H . Lutzke

rs. Marshall A. Wiley

r. and Mrs. Claude W. Youker , Jr.

Dr. and Mrs . Roderick Maguire

Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Zaseck

Mr. and Mrs . Allan C. Mayer

Mr. and Mrs . Berhard C. Zeigler

Mr. Dean McNaughton

'tWell, Junior is still hitting the books . . _. my check book, that is."



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~~ 7J£1fl/£1?. ;DIVT. WIS.


Student Directory lams, Deborah; 404 Woodside Avenue. Ripon , Wiscons in 54971

Davis. George; 1208 LakeShore Drive, Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

exander, Susan; 903 Pioneer Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001

Davis. Kate; 222 E. Delaware Place, Apt. 404 , Chicago, Illinois 60611

•at han,

De benham , Margaret; 1311 Farwell. Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53 704

Jam es; 3320 Delahaut Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301

·dersson. Karl; P.O. Box 668. Orangevale, California 95662

Disher. Elizabet h; 1818 North Linwood. Appleton, Wisconsin 54911

terbury, Bruce; 253 Oakwood Boulevard. Hustiford, Wisconsin 53034

Disher, Marilyn: 18 18 North Linwood, Appleton, Wisconsin 54911

/ward, Edmund: Route I , Neenah, Wisconsin 54956

Dohmann, Bonnie; 105 Jefferson Street. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916 Dreblow, Dan; 720 Fulton Streel, Princeton . Wisconsin 54968

1er, Mary; 505 South East A venue, Waukesha, Wisconsin 531 86

Drummond, Tom; 3252 Old Orchard Lane, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 5490/

'ley. Lesley; 402 East North Street , Appleton. Wisconsin 54911

Duffey . James; 2917 Curry Parkway, Apt. 25, Madison, Wisco1isin 53713

11a. Virginia; 1520 Palisades Drive, Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 ·nes, Mary; 808 LakeShore Drive, Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916

Eager, Jennifer; 236 West Main Street, Evansville. Wisconsin 53536

·nes, William; '6000 South 27th Street, Milwaukee , Wisconsin 53221

Edwards. Mary; 421 Sheridan , Kenilworth, Illinois 60043

rows, Jan e; 2411 East Ridge Road, Beloit. Wisconsin 53511

Eldred, Bill; 850 Shorewood Drive, Manitowoc , Wisconsin 54220

1. Christine, 7069 North Ward Eagle Dr., Birmingham, Mich. 48010

Emanuel. J eff; 215 East Edgewater, Cambria , Wisconsin 53923

der. A lan; 122 7 Hiawatha Drive, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Erickson. Martha; 1216 LakeShore Drive, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

der. James; 807 Seal/ Street, Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916

Erickson, Terri; 1216 LakeShore Drive. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

?en. Margaret; 97 LaCrosse Street. Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916 John; 1604 II th Avenue, Roches ter. Minnesota 55901

Exner, James; 108 York S treet. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

nberg, Barbara; 413 Hillcrest Drive. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Exner. Michael; 108 York Street , Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

nberg, Steven; 413 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916 es. Betsy; A ram co-Box 1297, Dhahran , Saudi A rabia

Feeley, James; 11924 South 88th Avenue, Palos Park. Illinois 60464

fjord. Nancy; 1324 Main Street. Grine//, Iowa 50112

Fierke, Deborah; Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916

:eau. Man; 720 Third Street, South, Wisconsin Rapids. Wis. 54494

Foth, C hristine; 915 South Quincy Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301

h . A nn; 115 Hawthorne Dri ve, Ollum wa, Iowa 52501

France, Kim; 27785 Wellington Road, Farmington. Michigan 48024

vn. Thomas; 3000 North S heridan Road, Chicago, Illinois 60657

France , Bobbi; 9209 Paller Road, Apt. 2H, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016

1ham, Betsy; 242 1 Ducharme Lane. Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301

Frank, David; 808 MacArthur Drive. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 539/6

tein, Steve; 1004 Locust Lane. South , Albion, Michigan 49224

Frank. Cymhia; 2524 Fulton Avenue, Davenport. Iowa 52803

t, Jerome: Burlington R oad, Muncie, Indiana 4 7302

Frank ent hal, Howard; 1841 Debra Lane, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54302

e. Christine; 329 Srnedema Drive. Randolph, Wis consin 53956

Freedman. Stephen; 4802 Holiday Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53 71 1

?miller, B. Gay; 1230 Thornbury Lane, Libertyville, Ill. 60048

Freeman, Kate; 711 West Street, Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

•ld, Anne; 1063 Congress Street. Neenah. Wisconsin 54956

Fulton, William; 156 Duane Street, Burlington, Wisconsin 53105

•bell, John; 324 Coconut Palm Road, Boca Raton. Florida 33432

Gaudet. Perry; 2133 Jefferson. New Orleans, Louisiana 70115

•bell, Margaret; 324 Coconut Palm Road. Boca Raton, Florida 432 James; 13805 Jun eau Boulevard. Elm Gro ve Wisconsin 53122 •Her, Elizabeth; 1036 Moorpark. Appleton, Wisconsin 54911

Gibbons. Nancy;4 15S. C hurch Street, Hudson, Michigan 49247 Gieske. Linda; Route I, Box 55, Grayslake, Illinois 60030 Gilchrist, Dave; 740 South Garfield, Hinsdale. Illinois 60521 Giulian, Dana; 308 West Third Street , Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916

i. John: 3232 Wilmelle Avenue, Wilmelle. Illinois 60091

Giulian. Gary; 308 West Third Street , Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

wn, Cristie; 9911 North Corey Lane, 2 E. Mequon, Wis. 53092

Goeiz. Richard; 144 West Mission Road, Green Bay , Wisconsin 54301

wn. Michael; 9911 North Corey Lane, 2E, Mequon. Wis. 53092

Gokey, Bridget; Green Acres, Woodside Drive. Freeport, Ill. 61032

Betsy: 77 Summit Street. Wild R ose. Wiscons in 54984

Gokey, Gretchen; Green A cres. Woodside Drive, Freepor t,///. 61032

en. Brian; 605 Green Street. Dowagiac. Michigan 49047 ~eth;

Goldstone, Rande; 1035 West 35th Avenue, Gary, Indiana 46408 Goldstone, Meri; 1035 West 35th Avenue, Gary . Indiana 46408 Gordon, Deborah; 425 Kedzie Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53 704

401 Hillcres t Drive, Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Barbara; 405 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916 S co tt; 405 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Green, Robert; 734 Garfield Street, Gary, Indiana 46404

·.Kristen; 605 Clijj\vood Lane, LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54601

Greenhaus. Jody; 17 Linden Lane. Dune Acres. Chester ton. Ind. 46304

·.Robert; 651 Farwell Drive, Oregon. Wisconsin 53575

Griggel. Cynthia; 259 Park Drive. Randolph, Wisconsin 53956

, Tim; 1125 Lake Ridge R oad, Danville, Illinois 61832

Griggel. Steve; 259 Park Drive, Randolph, Wisconsin 53956

David; 434 Coun try Club Drive, Battle Creek. Michigan 49015

Grab, Jeff; 240 Cemral A venue, New Providence. New Jersey 07974

, James: 2424 Ducharme Lane, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301

Guilbert. Robert; Portage Park, Inc .. Portage. Wisconsin 53901 Gustafson , Paul; 128 Riverview Drive, Durango , Colorado 81301

, Jennifer: 332 Iroquois A venue, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301 \1arc: 2270 Valley Road, LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54601

Gustafson, Mark; 128 Riverview Drive, Durango, Colorado 81301

on. Charles; 2201 Cherry Lane, Northbrook. Illinois 60062 ':leanor:312 West Front, Buchanan. Michigan 49107

Harings, Peter; 662 East Oak Street, Juneau , Wisconsin 53039

den, Kathy: 216 West Lake Street. Barrington. Illinois 600 10 rren; 701 West Street, Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916

Harker. John; 55 13 McKenna Road, Madison. Wisconsin 53716

r. Charloue; Rork A venu e, Route 19. Eau Claire , Wisconsin

Harker. Judy; 1701 Indiana R oad, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511


Hartman, Paula; R.R. 1. Jun eau, Wisconsin 53039


Harrze/1 , Sharon; Box 364, Grantsburg. Wisconsin 54840

McPherson. Mary; 1003 lOth Street. Mosinee. Wisconsin 54455

Harrze/1. William; Box 364. Grantsburg, Wisconsin 54840

Mead. David; The Island. Wisconsin Rapids. Wisconsin 54494

Heacox. MaryJo; 219 North Main Street, Juneau. Wisconsin 53039

Mead, Leslie; The island. Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54494

Heacox. Susan; 219 North Main Street. Juneau. Wisconsin 53039

Meehan. Craig; 1603 Devon Circle, South Bend. Indiana 46617

Heide. Kimberly; 647 Ravine Road. Dundee. Illinois 60//8

Meeker. George; 420 South Market Street, Troy, Ohio 453 73

Heim. Greg; 8604 West/2/st Street, Palos Park.lllinois 60464

Meilstrup. John; 1012 North Riverside Drive. St. Clair. Mich. 48079

Heim. Richard; 8604 West/21st Street, Palos Park, Illinois 60464

Meredith, Edgar; 1222 Washingron Avenue. Oshkosh, Wisconsin 5490/

Hepner, Janet; 97 N. Stewart, Freeport. Illinois 61032

Mertes, Frank; 328 Wilson. Winona. Minnesota 55987

Hepp. Christopher; 1700 North Waukegan Road. Lake Forest. !II. 60045

Merrill. Kate; Poynette. Wisconsin 53955

He will, Jackie; 53 7 South I st A venue, Winneconne, Wisconsin 54986

Merrill, Kris; Poynette. Wisconsin 53955

Hirschberg. Judd; 5330 Primrose Lane. Oshkosh, Wisconsin 5490/

Miller, Deborah; 1134 Oak Knoll Drive. Lake Forest. !1/inois 60045

Hutchinson, Don; 529 East Lincoln, Waupun. Wisconsin 53963

Morley. Jay; 1026 Forest A venue. Evanston. Illinois 60202

Janzen. Jean; 2 North Villa Grove, Springfield. Illinois 62707

Mullen, Susan; 1003 Black Road. Joliet, Illinois 60435

Johnson. Heather; 2730 Broadway, Evanston.lllinois 60201

Myers. Jon; 611 East Madison A venue, Milton Jet., Wisconsin 53564

Morris, Daniel; 9/8 Pomiac Road. Wi/melle, Illinois 60091

Johnson, Jeff 102 Mohawk Circle. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 539/6 Jennejohn. Frank; 209 Columbus Drive, Marshfield. Wisconsin 54449

Nelson. Robert; //12 South A/dine Ave.. Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

Jung, A ian; 645 South Main Street. 'Oconto Falls. Wisconsin 54154

Nixon. Jacque; 225 North 26th Place. LaCrosse. Wisconsin 54601

Jung. Charles; 232 Pierce Street, Randolph, Wisconsin 53956

Nordell, Daniel; 414 West Norrh Street. Juneau. Wisconsin 53039

Jung, David; 232 Pierce Street, Randolph. Wisconsin 53956 0' Brien. Candace; 3667 East Linn wood A venue. Milwaukee. Wis. 53211 Kagan. Dennis; 673 7 Hickory Boulevard. Gary. Indiana 46403

O'Neil. Bill; 880 Mandalay Avenue. Clearwater Beach. Florida 33513

Kampanal, Bancha; 1039 Luacha Lane. Phaho/yodhin Rd .. Bangkok. Thailand

Parent. Mary; 822 Lake Shore Drive. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Kampanat, Krisada; 1039 Luacha Lane. Phaholyodhin Rd .. Bangkok.

Pare111. Vida; 822 LakeShore Drive. Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916


Parks. Janet; Southern Peru Copper Corporation . Cas ilia 303. Tacna Peru,

K el/ogg. Gay; 5615 Woodland Court, Peoria. Illinois 6/614

South America

Kirsh, James; 1220 Hiawatha Drive, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Parsons. Kathr; R.R. 2. Box 394. Dundee.lllinois 60118

Klaisner. Fred, Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Patterson, Pat; Hillcrest Drive. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Klaisner, Kathy; Wayland Academy. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Pedigo. Beth; 112 Larrabee Street. Horicon. Wisconsin 53032

Koppleberger, JoAnn; 3780 Pau Ko Tuk Lane. Oshkosh. Wis. 54901

Peirce. Victor; 106 West Hickory. Hinsdale. Illinois 60521

Krogstad, Jane; 424 Farwell Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53 704

Peterson. Joel: 328 Forest Avenue, Kewaskum. Wisconsin 53040 Peterson. KtjJ; 1511 Vermilion Street. Danville.lllinois 61832

Larsen. Greg; 149 North Oakland Avenue, Green Ba1路. Wisconsin 54303

Pfeifer. Steve; 3310 Michael Courr. Green Ben路. Wisconsin 5430/

Larson. David; 117 Ridgewood Avenue, Davenport, Iowa 52803

Phi!ltjJs, Nancy; 525 E. Massachussets A venue , South Pines. Norrh

Lauder. Roberr; 522 West Downer Place. Aurora. Illinois 60506

Carolina 28387

Lavicka. Lisa; 1450 East 55th Place. Chicago. Illinois 60615

Pial!. Mike; 635 Tiverton Road. Lake Forest. 11/inois 60045

Lavicka. Sarah; 1450 East 55th Place, Chicago, lllinois 60615

Pial!. Tom, 635 Tiverton Road. Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Leek. Joe; 1618 Vermilion Road. Duluth, Minnesota 55812

PoliS, Robert; 140 Arbor Lane. Green Bay. Wisconsin 54301

Leibenson. Linda: 1433 Hazel Street. Oshkosh. Wisconsin 54901

Pommerich, Glenda: 593 Western Avenue. Fond duLac. Wisconsin 54935

Leiby, Sue; 2131 Valley Road. LaCrosse. Wisconsin 54601

Powell. Linda; 104 Missouri Drive. Riverdale. North Dakota 58565

Leichtle. Deborah; 324 Front Street. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Proctor. Allen; 108 Prospect Avenue. Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Leichtle. Mark; 324 Front Street. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 539/6

Prunuske. Dan; 109 4th Street. Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Leith, Patricia. 571 Hill Terrace. Winnetka. !1/inois 60093

Prunuske, Peter, 109 4th Street. Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Leitzke. Rue; Hustisford, Wisconsin 53034

Purdy, Barbara; P.O. Box 245,!1/ini Street. Shabbona. Illinois 60550

Leonard, Katherine; 328 North Liberti路 St., Delaware. Ohio 43015

Purdy. Thomas; Route 3. North Ballard Road. Appleton. Wisconsin

Levinson. Robin; 1040 LakeShore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611


Lindeke. Marjorie; P.O. Box 416. Bessemer City, North Carolina 28016 Llewellrn. John; 33 South Blackhawk, Janesville, Wisconsin 53545

Retzer, A pry/ Christine; 13 I 7 West Moss A venue, l'eoria. 1//inois 61606

Ludlow. Greg, 2210 Crane A venue. Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001

Reynoso, Graciela; Primo Verdad 204 Aguasca/ientes. Aguascalientes.

Luedke. Will, 429 Dawn Avenue. Danville, Illinois 61832


Lutzke. Seal/; 1336 Ken ton Road. Deerfield. Illinois 60015

Richardson. Mark; 3630 Gorden Road. 拢/kart. Indiana 46514 Rinek. Tom; 1231 South Main Street. Wheaton. Illinois 60187

Maguire, William; 220 Van Dyke Drive. Canton, Illinois 61520

Ringer. Edwin; 15611 McGinl)' Road. Wayzata, Minnesota 55319

Maier. Janet; 725 Oneida Street, Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916 Mayer. Greg; 1009 Woodward Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53704

Roberts. Kevin; 1300 Wisconsin River Drive, Port Edwards. Wisconsin 54469

McColm, Michael; 80 Country Club Drive, Danville, Illinois 6/832

Roberts, Kim; 1300 Wisconsin River Drive, Port Edwards. Wisconsin

McCreedy, Nicola; 402 East Freis tad! Rd .. Thiensville. Wis. 53092


McCreedy, Steve; 402 East Freis tad! Rd.. Thiensville. Wis. 53092

Rodenbaugh, Preston; 416 Goodland Circle. Memphis, Tennessee 38114

McNaughton, Burt; Pekin Daily Times. Pekin. lllinois 61554

Ros/off Cary; 7660 Harold Street. Garr.Indiana 46403


Rollman, Paul; 173 South Park Avenue, Fond duLac. Wisconsin 54935 Ruetz, Nicola; 3216 N. 5th Street. Niles. Michigan 49120

Tompse/1, James; 2305 North Jrd Street. Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 Torstenson, flob; 905 Chippewa Lane, Wilm el/e, Illinois 6009/

Ruge. Char/one: 70 East Cedar Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611

Towner, Beth; Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Rux. David; 516 West Pleasant Street. Portage. Wisconsin 5390/ Unland, John; 622 Washington Street. Pekin. Illin ois 61554 Urbanek, Joan; 502 Lakeshore Drive. Bea ver Darn , Wisconsin 53916

Schain, Kathryn Ann; 59 East Broadway, Winona , Minnesota 55987 Schaneul, R obert; R oute I , Hanover, Illin ois 6 1041

VanDer Kamp. David;43 Watch Hill R oad. Rock Island, Illinois 61201

Scheibe. Tom; 806 West Street, Beaver Dam . Wisconsin 539/6

Vanderploeg , Peter; Route I , Hickory Comers, Michigan 49060

Schewe. Jeffrey; 2115 Hunt eigh R()ad, Springfield, Illinois 62 704

Van Pelt, Amy; 731 South Elm Street. Hinsdale. Illinois 60521

Schiek. Tom, /341 Parkview Drive. Macomb. Illinois 61455

Van Pelt , Barbara; 731 South Elm Street, Hinsdale, 11/inojs 60521 Van Pelt, George; 2003 Winnegabo Drive, Fond duLac, Wisconsin 54935

Schiek. Tyrell; 1341 Park view Drive, Macomb. Illinois 61455 Schlicher, Allen; 507 Kenyon Lane, Bea ver Darn , Wisconsin 539/6

Varner, Raymond; 432 Clarke Street, Calexico, California 92231

Schmidt. Barbara; 920 7th A venue. West Ashland. Wisconsin 54806

Vickery. Anita; 602 Oak Street. Lena. Illinois 61048

Schmidt. Joann; 920 7th Avenue. West Ashland, Wisconsin 54806

Vilker. Robert; 418 Healy A venue, Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Schmidt. Melissa; 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, Florida 33579

Vogelei. Christine; 1448 West Demeter Drive. Freeport, Illinois 61032

Schumann. Dan; 124 Wes t Water Street. Beaver Darn , Wisconsin 53916

Vo(ght. Mary; 3225 Michigan Boulevard, Racine. Wisconsin 53402

Sensenbrenner. Peter; 114 Limekiln Drive. Neenah. Wisconsin 54956

Vrabec. Barbara; 1204 LakeShore Drive, Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

S ergeant , Kim ; 201 Pleasant Avenue. Streater. Illin ois 61634 '

Vrabec. Patricia; 1204 LakeShore Dri ve, Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 539/6 Vrabec, Peter; 1204 LakeShore Drive. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916

Shane , Jam es; 1050 Terrace Drive. West Bend. Wisconsin 53095 Shaw. Stephen; 135 North Hanchell Street . Coldwater. Minnesota 49036 Shearer. Douglas; 635 Park Avenue, Columbus, Wisconsin 53925 Sirovy , John; 220 Blackhawk Terrace. Bensenville, Illin ois 60/06

Wagenknecht, Ann; 308 East Kent Street. Streator. Illinois 6/364

Sisk, Jon; 7735 Brook view Lane. lndianapolis. Indiana 46250 Sisson. Kathryn; Dunham Road, Wayne, Illinois 60184

Wagenknecht. Kay: 308 East Kent Street. Streator, Illinois 61364 Wagenknecht, Lynn; 308 East Kent Street , Streator, Illinois 61364

Small, David; 425 Arrowhead Drive. Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301

Wagner, Josep h; 606 East Lincoln Street. Waupun, Wisconsin 53963

Smith. Pamela; Box 211. R oute I. Menasha. Wisconsin 54952 Smith. Steve; Box 2 11 . R oute 1, Menasha, Wisconsin 54952

Wagner. Timothy; 606 East Lincoln Street , Waupun , Wisconsin 53963

Smith. Valerie; Box 211, Route I. Menasha . Wisconsin 54952 S ogard. Harold; 8717 Sand hurst Drive, Knoxville. Tennessee 3 79 19

Walker . Elizabeth; 1811 Vilas A venu e, Madison, Wisconsin 53 711

Spencer, Elizabeth; 212 E. Arrowhead Road. Duluth. Minnesota 55803

Washburn. Dick; 1223 Homestead R oad. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 539/6

Spencer. Charles; 212 E. Arrowhead Road, Duluth . Minnesota 55803

Way, Pamela; 1224 LakeShore Drive, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Wagner. Charles; 515 East Lincoln Street, Waupun, Wisconsin 53963 Walter. Doug; 5109 Mirror Lakes Drive, Edina, Minnesota 55436

Sprol/e, Laurel: 322 Third Street. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Way. Richard; 1224 LakeShore Drive. Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Stanley. Richard; 4 Coventry on Duxbury , Plum Grove Village. Rolling Meadows. Illinois 60008

Wellman, R oberta; 22 Watch Hill Road. Rock Island. Illinois 61201 Wells. Jan; 160/ East Broadway, Monmouth, Illinois 61462

Stecker. Gretchen; 2281 Hickory Lane, LaCrosse. Wisconsin 54601

Wesenberg, Gary; 106 Burchard Street. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 53916

Stevens. Sandy John; q08 West 2nd Street, Mu sca tine. Io wa 52 76 1 Stoehr. John; 126 Water Street. Sheboygan Falls. Wisconsin 53085

White, S teve; 802 West Carpenter Street. J ersey ville. Ill. 62052 White. Tobey; 1307 Turvey Road. Downers Grove, Illinois 60515

Stoffel. Janet; 3634 North Bay Drive. Racine. Wisconsin 53402

Wiesman. Lou Ann; 502 South Finch Street, Horicon. Wisconsin 53032

Stowers. Zoe: 2063 M enominee Drive. Oshkosh. Wisconsin 54901

Wiesman. Tom ; 502 South Finch Street , Horicon. Wisconsin 53032 Wild, Paul; 137 Gould Street , Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Sullivan, Burnell; Oakleigh, Mahtomedi. Minnesota 55115 Sutherland. Margaret; 1729 Embury R oad, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001

Wilder , Lucy; 886 South Lake Shore Drive, Lake Geneva, Wis. 5314 7

Swanson, Donald; 1013 No rth Cherry Valley Road. McHenry, Illinois 60050

Wilson. Wendy; Rt. 3 , 2080 Ledgebrook Dr .. Fond duLac, Wis. 54935 Wiley. Todd; 78 Kendal Avenue, Maple wood. New Jersey 07040

Sykes. Sandra; 7238 Luella Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60649

Wiley. Randy;420 West Willow Street. Chippewa Falls, Wis. 54729 Wingquist, Jane; Route 2, Long Grove, Illinois 6004 7 Woller, Debbie; R.R. 1. Box 169, Hartland, Wisconsin 53029

Syz, Cat herine; 404 Calhoun Street, Morris, Illinois 60450 Szweda. Alice; 1300 North Center Street, Beaver Dam. Wisconsin 53916

Woller. Pat; R.R. 1, Box 169, Hartland. Wisconsin 53029

Szweda. Barbara; 1300 North Center Street. Beaver Dam , Wisconsin 53916

Worley. Doug; 1715 Portage Avenue. South Bend. Indiana 46616

Taheri. David; 3451 Highland Woods Drive. Bay City, Michigan 48706

Yeakel, James; Box 434. Freeland. Washington 98249

Taheri. Linda; 3451 Highland Woods Drive. Bay City, Michigan 48706 Taves. Mary; R oute]. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 539/6

Yeomans , Robert; 1123 Chatfield Road. Winnetka, Illinois 60093 Y ouk er. Warren; /Oil Gary Court, Wh eaton. Illinois 60/8 7

Terrell, David; 60 Tonnancour Place. Grosse Point Farms. Michigan 48236

Yost. Cameron; Hesston, Kansas 67962 Yuan. Paul; 226 Prince Edward Rd.. lOth Floor , Kowloon, Hong Kong

Thorp. Wade; Route 2. Stillwater. Minnesota 55082 Tingley. Judith; R.R. 3, Howe. Indiana 46746

Zaseck. Todd; 900 Tomahawk Lane. Niles, Michigan 49120

Tisdel. James: 5600 Lakeshore Road. Port Huron , Michigan 48060

Ziegler. Jan e; 635 Summit Drive. West Bend. Wisconsin 53095


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