1969 - 1970 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF Put your confidence in me . . wonderful, wonderful

I don't care what

you do it's God's green earth baby . . . SteveS., you look like my daughter . . . 0 Kay you hamburgers . . . fermez Ia bouche . . . the party's over . . . we might have a quiz tomorrow .

has everyone read the cliffnotes yet?

If you can,

all the more power to you . . . when I reach the podium, it's time to be quiet . . . live and let live ... you're full of horse nonsense .. . for tomorrow read the sale of two titties . . . would you bet your next vacation on that? . . . every time I talk about mixing martinis, you all drop your beakers

light is light . . .

you'll grow out of being a republican .. . father of the year . . . 0 Kay troopers, scholars . .. math is a step by step by step process ... 2B ¢'R N¢'T 2 B .. . the volume of a doughnut is . . . Oh Giddy Goat . the chapel is in use .. . do the job men

save it for Saturday lunch . .

. you look fine to me; take two aspi-

rin and you'll be all right . . . get in the pool ... this is a place to be quiet, peopie, you're uppsetting me

little mother . . . you don't know anybody on

this floor so get up to your room ... Mr. K. told me to inform you that your at tire is not acceptable.


'hli'~. .


~1 -=




Raymond Patterson, President of Wayland Academy, has moved the school significantly in every area since he was named headmaster in 1953. His awareness of our problems has made possible the opportunity for us to become more involved in the administration of the school.

Dr. Bill Roark, Vice-President, Academic Affairs, has brought a fresh outlook to our education at Wayland. We recognize in him a strong and professionallo'yalty to education.


Fred E. Klaisner, B.S., M.Ed . -Kenr State University

GeorgeS. Cobb, B.A. Alma College

David W. Fierk~: B.A. Va-l paraiso University, M.A. Northwestern U.

David F. Zoerb, B.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison



David G. Proctor, A.B. Harvard University, M.Ed . Boston University Mrs. Helene Fierke, B.A. Valparaiso University Jerry R. Hogan, B.A. Bradley University Gregory S. Hurst, B.S. Miami University, Ohio Vernon Sehloff, B.S., M.A. University of Wisconsin, Madison William E. Esterhay, B.A. Wesleyan University


Social S0iente



Johri Heilman, B.A. Coe College . Jan H~ Lilly, B.S., M .A. WesfVirginia University . Paul A. Schmidt, B.A., M.A. Illinois State University . 路 James B. Molstad, B.S. Wisconsin State University, laCrosse.



Fred L. Schlicher, B.Ed. Wisconsin State College, Whitewater, M.S. State University of Iowa John G. Clay, B.S. Lawrence University Joseph H. Miller, B.S. Wisconsin State University, Stevens Point, M.A. Colorado State College David W. Ka_wer, B.S. Carroll College



Richard Hansgen,B.S. Ohio State University, M.S.T:Cornell University. Richard Holstein, B.S. Lebanon Valley.College.Martin Meyer, B.S., M.S. University ofWisconsin, Madison.


language Mrs. Anne Marie Sampan, Graduate of Ecole Commerciale, Verviers, Belgium. Victor Sampan, B.S., M.A. Marquette University, Maitre d'Escrime, Ecole des Maitres d'Escrime, lnstitut National des Sportes, Paris, France. Father Jerome A. Gard, B.A., M.A. St . Francis Seminary, Milwaukee . Jerry R. Hogan, B.A. Bradley University . Mrs. Constance Koehne, B.A. DePaul University. William Koehne, B.A. Yale University, M.A. University of Michigan, M .A. Northern Illinois University.


路 Music Art

Franklin Stecker: B.A. Northwestern University, M.A. Wartburg College Robert P. Kahn, B.A., M.M. University of Wisconsin, Madison Mrs. Beverly Dohmann, B.F.A., Layton School of Art, Minneapolis School of Art



FIRST ROW: Paul Schmidt, David Kasper, Fred Schlicher, jerry Hogan, Sol Wolfe; SECOND ROW: Mark Schoon, David Zoerb, James Molstad, Victor Sampan; BACK ROW: George Cobb, john Clay, William Esterhay, Martin Meyer. Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Molstad, Mrs. Pellowski

Sports Coaches 14


Robert Nielsen; A.B. Princeton University, B.D. Virginia Theological Seminary Mr. Nielsen is head of the religious program at Wayland and a senior English teacher. -As faculty representative to several student and forum committees, he has becofne-greatly in110lved in student life . I -




library Eli Seighman; B.A. University of West Virginia, M ..A. Western Reserve University ' Mrs.


Wichman; B.A. Carro! I College

-vernon Sehloff; B.S., M.A. University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Publicati _ ons 15

David Zoerb, Gregory Hurst, Eli Seighman, Mark Schoon

Mrs. Maxine Schmidt, Mrs. jennie Sam polis

Mrs. Birkholz, Mrs. Wheeler, Miss Schuster, Miss Peters, Mrs. Leach


Frank Weber

Gordon Knibbs

jackie, Clarence and the gang


ACTIVITIES The Reflections ty -

the OZ

Moratorium Day student forum -

candlelight service

Student Uni-

should the teachers be able to smoke on

campus?, when do you suppose we'll find out whether or not the items we voted on have been considered? Thanksgiving dinner .


Homecoming -

the Sound Street

Latoska La Fonte and the Dynamic Expoits

Festival of Lessons and Carols

lounge or lounge on weekends

Mondays and Thursdays reserved for choir , sometimes son

bus trips to Madi-

tryouts for the plays . . . the deadline three days off and no material .

there's a YW dinner tonight noon for an art trip to ger Blues Band

Prom -

the following students are excused this after-

movies in the Science Building . Mose Godfrey

Postprom -

Wheezer Lockinthe Tayles and the

upstairs of the Masonic Temple ... Final Conflict ... West Side Story . . .




'9 7d..


























Choir Remember the great Wayland choir of '69 -'70? Vanderploeg and Sisko always had something to say and Sogi, too Singing those Nursery Rhymes in front of our parents Practice night after night for the Christmas program Terrorizing Barb Ander son bouncing ballerinas in the basement when we lined up Don't forget Ann's big part in the pro gram - the D . . The long wait after Christmas until Mr . Stecker came back Singing in the Spring at 11:30 .

ROW 1: N. Vrabec, E. Hammett, B. Burnham, A. Wagenknecht; ROW 2: C. Beal, ). Nixon, T. Leith, L. Gieseke, R. Wellman, C. Griggel, D. Leichtle, A. Szweda, C. Murph y, G . Goke y, B. Szweda; ROW 3 : ). Sisk, R. Hughes, S. White, P. Sensenbrenner, T. Platt, D. )ung, K. Cassidy, N. Phillips, K. Sission, B. Disher; ROW 4: A. Proctor, P. Vanderploeg, C. Rosloff, ). Barss, F. Klaisner, ). Unland, K. Kaisner, B. Vanpelt, M. Wells, S. Greenwood.


Drama Mr. Hurst's philosophy: "to provide relevant, excit in g plays in a profess ional manner."- "stude nt envolvement is an obvious goa l. " - "t h e ed ucational theater program in secondary sc hools cannot develop until it is sold to the public. It must be sold on the basis of its cont ribution s to the development o f whole youn g adults in poise, Human relations, self confidence, business management, appreciation of language and awareness of the importance of the entertainm ent media in our way of life." from philosophy to act ion THE IMPOSS IBLE YEARS . . . Impossible play practice schedule ... make-up on first dress rehearsal? ... best performers - Harold and Wendy ... T. Williams ' default ... SUBJECT WAS ROSES ... jets, sharks, chorus dancing, pra ct ice, more practice ... WEST SIDE STORY .. . Ye Merr ie Player s known at a nnu al theater banquet.




Dave, Pete, Ann



Student Forum The students vote to abolish Student Council and initiate Forum . Sept: Forum constitution drawn up. O ct: Elections held . Nov: The Forum well esta blished. Luedk e: The first item of business is ... Clay : I object. You can't do that. Luedke: The chair overrules. Dr. Roark? Roark : I tend to co ncur with Mr. Luedke. Luedk e: I shall see Mr. Patterson and get his approval of my decision- if I can find him. Floor : When do underclassmen get Sat. night out? Luedk e: The matter is still being given serious consideration in committee. Floor : When do . . . Luedk e: The fift een minutes are up. Be sure to atte nd committee meetings for further discussion . May :


Pillars For their efforts in making this yearbook a great one, I would like to thank the following people, in the areas of layout: Debbie Arthur, Ginger Banta, Mary Barnes, jane Barrows, Ellie Cress, Gill Fienup, Kim France, Debby Leichtle, Margie Lindeke, jan Maier, Kris Merrill, Cynthia Murphy, Mary Raemisch, Beth Werner, Anne Zabolio, jane Ziegler; photography: Candy Bill, Kathy Schain, Dan Schuman, Jack Vickery; typing: Kris Kampanat, Beth Pedigo; copy: Steve McCreedy, Margy Sutherland, John Unland; and business: Linda Powell. My thanks go especially to the following people who have utilized their talents with hard labor, in the areas of photography: Steve Smith, Chuck Spencer, and Dave Jung; copy: Barb Van Pelt; Sports copy: Cindy Griggel; business: Pam Smith, Steve Smith, and Steve White; and art: Kathy Sisson . To the second semester )-Class, I extend my appreciation. And lastly, to the man who has developed so many rolls, printed so many pictures and too many extra pictures, and waited with patience and encouragement through the last deadline, I thank our adviser, Mr. Sehloff, for his professional advice. Nancy Phillips

Oops! We made a mistake. Mr. Nielsen, was not included on our list for teachers in the English department. He was inadvertently left out of the English department teachers' section;- we are sorry.

For all you people who like to scribble, the rest of this page is devoted to you.


Post Staffs

The meeting of minds around two tables soft jangle of a smothered radio somewhere and muted voices from above journalism is freedom . lt is writing about your own thoughts and feelings we learned a lot about photography and movies and life ... emphasis on creativity.


YWCA Eating Mr. Knibbs out of this month's budget . . . Horicon ledge picnic ... little sisters - big sisters ... kitchen and baking ... Mayfair ... Christmas dance with Latoska La Fonte and the Dynami c Exploits . .. bake-sales . .. swap shop .. . variety show ... Mrs. Lilly, the new mother.

YWCA CABINET: jan Maier, Jacque Nixon, Beth Pedigo, Kris Merrill, Ginger Banta, ]an Wells, Jan Ziegler, Sarah Lavika, Mari Laing, Shelley Greenwood.


Varsity Club Traditional white blazers of Fridays ... planned ski trips ... initiation ... bruises .. . Wayland's Dinner Club ... all eat and no action ... sportsmanship ... athletic ability with enthusiasm ... Mimi, the athlete to lead the club.

ROW 1: Debbi e Woller, Kris M errill , Jan W ells, Debbie Adams, Beth Clay; ROW 2: Cindy Griggel, Ann Wagenkn echt, Cindy Frank, Mimi Brazeau, Je nny Cowles, Mary Jo Heacox, Sara Lavika, Ginger Banta, Kathy Klaisn er; ROW 3: Glenda Pommerich, Lynn Wagenknecht, Lucy Wilder, Barb Blomberg, Jacque Nixon.


Art Good ole Mrs. "D" . Dickie's " the bird" . but John, that 's physically impossible Fine brushes? good music rocking out to PPM Picasso, Chagall, and "Chagasso" singing Tahari Peter, Paul, and Mary; Peter, Paul, and Mary; Peter, Paul, and Mary; Sparky don't you have any other records! ... wonderful lighting ... 0 Kay, Mrs . Elka-Seltzer, I mean Mrs. Elsesser .. . hungry birds and bubbles ... wheel ing and dealing (pottery - man) push your brush as fast as your mouth and you'll really have something! but who ever heard of lavender trees- Oh! You say you're color blind the case of the missing - everything .. water fights .. artistic painting - each other giggling, gossipping and grubbing.



Homecoming Alias Parents' Weekend Parent visitation to classrooms - trouble ... buffet dinner prepared by Saga food ... junior football players .. . Senior trees .. . Maudie and Barb ... choir's sophisticated Nursery Rhymes . . . warmth for those near the bonfire, red legs for the cheerleaders . . . .class effigies ... "We're the Un and Only" .. . our Soccer team vs. the classes of '67 and '68 ... B.D. defeated by our F.H. team ... exciting football game with powerful University School ... Autumn Festival dance with the Music Street ... Sunday service winding up the weekend.


Christmas Caroling .. . cookies . .. Festival of Lessons and Carols . . . open houses in the girls' dorms . . . two weeks of vacation between Thanksgiving and Christmas ... Mayfair ... more cookies . . . "Hark th e Harold Ang e ls Shout" . . . Lena and Zigg's door . . . Latoska Lafonte and the Dynamic Exploits . . . Christmas vacation ...


SPORTS 0 K guys, let's have some more grassdrills today, and love it

boys, we're gonna run 12 miles

get your routine out of the way

butterfingers today

gees Bloms has got

I' ve gotta lose 61 lbs. by tomorrow afternoon, got any

Exlax? .. . the Hachet Brigade is doing a good job tonight tough you've gotta reach down inside anyway?

boy is he fast

when it gets this who's winning

Get tough Big Red ... cheerleaders are looking good tonight ..

too bad this is Coach Blombergs last year, he's had an excellent career there a girls' basketball game this afternoon? for the game tonight?

what time does the bus leave

do these jerseys stick

what was the final score?

the tennis team has longer hair than the basketball team the girls swim meet pools


let's go watch

if we win conference, let 's throw Mr. Wolfe in the

Zoerb's coaching sure helped the freshman b - ball team .. . TOWELS

I hope we get another shot at Edgewood hockey team?

kick it, Eldge

do we really have a girls' field

pin, pin, pin

... what's the hole Mole? ... we had a good year.

let's eat glass today baby



1 • •• • . . . ·-0






Lyn n


j ani e

Kat hy


Conn ie




Football Jumpin' jack, Screamin' Eagle, and me and Huntzy ... Cakes and Leo left us early ... six o'clock practices ... wind sprints in 90째 heat . .. the year began well with the scrimmage . .. big, big names to remember from the magic 18 include Bloms, Sam, Goon, Gorilla man, Zeke, Cakes, Leo, Rott, Prune, Little Ex, Hank, Lud , and the motley crew ... sure was a gas.

VARSITY- ROW 1: Peter Vrabec, Hank Nielsen , Bill Aylward, Steve Blomber g, Bob Conner, Greg Ludlow, Kevin Roark, Chuck Creighton ; ROW 2: Bob Burford , Buzz Shepard , Pete Prunuske, Paul Rottman, Ryan Hepp, jim Kirsh , Todd Wiley; ROW 3: Coach David Kasper, Ted Bennett, Jeff Schewe, George Van Pelt, Mike Exner, Ed Lachmann, John Horton, Coach John Clay.

ROW 1: Rob Nielsen, Courtney Killeen, John Jan zen , AI Rozo, Dave Ellis, Doug Worley; ROW 2: Allen Brey, Chris Kirsh, John Weaver, Jo Barss, Ralph Awender, Jeff Royer, Bob Barss, Mike Yanikowski, Paul Kleist , Brad Merker, Peter Birschbach, Mr. Zoerb.

Soccer Behind the great offense of Mouse, Russo, Woolly Bear, Razelli, and Sisk, and the defense speared by Vinny, Herby, Duffey, and Proctor, the Wayland soccer team maimed their way through a mediocre season. Mr. Wolfe was pleased despite a few shortcomings and elated with the victory over the House of David team in the Homecoming match.

ROW 1: David lung, jon Sisk, Harold Sogard, Jim Duffey, Bob Vilker, David Rux, Alan Proctor; ROW 2: Kim Roberts, John Caselli, Rob Russo, Eric Herbol z heimer, Alan ]ung, Pete Sensenbrenner, Jim Paul; ROW 3: jay Colosimo, Bill Eldred .



Field Hockey "Every corner is a goal" ... Parents' weekend game defeats B.D .... Lost contacts to sprained fingers ... sticks! ... three laps around the field ... bruised shins . . . cold feet and grass stains ... Mrs . Hogan and Mrs. Molstad ... Bant defending our goal Cowles and her mighty swing Steve McCreedy, the mighty hockey king .

J.V.: ROW 1: Jacque Nixon, Elizabeth Erickson, Shelley Greenwood; ROW 2: Ann Zabolio, Jan Maier, Connie Colley, Jean Cassady, Mibrey Clay, Gretchen Gokey, Martha Eri ckson, Debby Woller; ROW 3: Kay King, Betsy Parker, Mari Laing, Juli e Reynolds, Candy Bailey, Mary Barnes, Margie Lindeke.

VARSITY: ROW 1 : Beth Clay, Jan Wells, Missy Schmidt, Ginger Banta, Ellie Cress; ROW 2: Kathy Klaisner, Mary Jo Heacox, Ann Wagen knecht, Sue Heacox, Cindy Griggel , April Retzer, Chris Merri II , Sue Alexander, Sarah Lavicka , Glenda Pommerich; ROW 3 : Barb Van Pelt, Lynn Wagenknecht, Beth Pedigo, Wendy Wilson .


Girls' Basketball Tournaments . .. W.L.S .... blisters ... intramural teams ... jet Set ... Lew Alcinder's tennis shoes . . . 3seco nd lane ... road to W .L.S .. . . practices? ... All-Stars, Lynn Wag and jacque Nixon . .. second place in tournament .. . Mrs. Pellowski and Mrs . Molestad ... cancelled games ... bench warmers ... depth and spunk and height .. . tough defence ...

ROW 1: Kathy Klaisn e r, Sarah Lavicka, jacque Nixon; ROW 2: Lynn Wagenknecht , ja ne Zeigler, Missy Schmidt, Barb Szweda; ROW 3: Martha Erickson, Chris Busse, Mary jo Heacox .


Cross Country The North and South sixers . . . true grit .. . "The Rivet" ... "acorn man" . . . traveling under a full moon . .. The Wayland Invitational ... ham and eggs served in the locker room ... the elbows at Milwaukee Lutheran . . . a third in conference .. . "the Hawg."

Art Peterson, Don Swanson, Dave Larson, AI Schmidt, Will Luedke, Tom Schiek, Mr. Esterhay, Dave Lockwood, Dave Heminger, John Lyle, Dave Reul.


Fencing Cold masks . .. Electric foils-shock ... pinpoint bruises .. . Saga sandwiches . . . no drinks ... quick changes ... le maitre - Monsieur Sampon ... Giese, Pat, Bonne, Madelaine, Jean, Jacques and Roberte ... eager faces at 6:30 every other Saturday morning.

Betsy Disher, Kim France, Robbie Wellman, Gi ll Fienup, Julianne Koehne, Linda Gieseke, Patricia Leith, Jacques Sampon, Jon Vickery, Dave Heminger, M . Sampon.


Swimming Swim - 18 laps, Swimm -18 plus laps, Swimmm... wet hair and red eyes ... chicken pox ... and Sol said, "Get in that pool" ... Ginger's and Glen dine's houses after meets ... Mr. Wolfe's and Mrs. Hogan's bellows of encouragement - to win.

ROW 1: Mike Yanikowski, Toby Wohlrabe, AI Rozo, Kevin Cassid y, john Janzen, Courtney Killeen , Walter Koskinen; ROW 2: Dave Gilchrist, Hank Nielsen, Dave ]ung, jim Tisdel, Steve Pfeifer, ]on Sisk, Joe Barss; ROW 3: Bill Eldred, Mr. Wolfe, Rick Stahmer, jay Colosimo, Charles ]ung, jim Kirsh, Greg Larsen, jim Tompsett, Ted Meredith, Bob Hughes, Steve White.


ROW 1: Beth Traut, Bev Haner, Wendy Wilson , jan Stoffe l, Maud Debe nham, juli e Reynold s, Mary Barnes, Mrs. Ho ga n; ROW 2: April Retzer, Va l Smith, Lucy Wilde r, jean Cassady, Kathy Sisson.


I ntramurals and P.E. For those of us w,ho could not be on the team, there were the intramurals or the P.E. programs. We were kept physically fit some way or another.


Wrestling Scrambled eggs, Cocoa C ri sp ies o r an o range for six o'clock breakfast . . . catc hin g sleep between bumps traveling in the van ... Ca ry's mouthwash ... Chuck's black eye .. . Steve's doctor prescribes aspirin for torn ligam e nts . .. the com munal ja r of orange juice .. . Caselliano and Todd n eve r got pinned ... Twelfth st reet doesn 't exist ... Ted and hi s hot bomber.

ROW 1: Dave Lockwood, Todd Wil ey, Dave Frank , Tom Schiek , Chris Kirsh, Ted Bennett; ROW 2: Chuck Creighton, Cary Rosloff, George Van Pelt, John Caselli, John Weaver, Jeff Schewe.


VARSITY: Jo hn Hort o n, Jo hn U nl and , Bob Co nne r, Ste ve Bl o mberg, Tom Wi es man, Steve M cCr edd y, Eri c Herb o lzheimer, Pete Prunuske, Frank Je nnejohn, Scott Co ley, Paul Rottman, James Duffey, Bob Vilk er, Pete Vrab ec, Jim Cowl es, Mr. Bl o mberg .



As the season of helmets disappeared and R.B. arrived so did Boy Scout camp Many freshly shaven heads B-Ball is back many victories at first short slump then Big Red on top again still ringing in all the players' minds are base line, blackout, bench jumps, and, of course, the scouting reports 22 wins in a row the Lincoln, State, and Holiday Tournaments names to remember -Bobby, Bloms, Prune, Rott, Frank and Sam, and of course the hatchets.

JUNIOR VARSITY : Dave Park er, Dave Ellis, Craig Meehan, Rich Goelz, Fred Klaisner, Dave Fi erke, Mr. Schoon, Fr ed Miller, Mike Exner, Carl Bendorf, John Tisdel, Harold Sogard.



Sports Scores

Field Hockey

Boys' Swim Team Wayland 68 35 50 38 73 56 36.5 47 17 43 24 29 67 57 38 93

Sauk Prarie Marquette Oshkosh Y St. John's M.A. Milwaukee Lutheran University School West Bend St. John's Rhinelander Oshkosh Marquette Green Bay Y SaukPrarie Milwaukee Lutheran Campion Neenah-Menasha

Tri-meet Wayland 65, University School 64 Milwaukee Lutheran 32 Invitational: Campion Marquette Blake St. John's University School Wayland Record: Won 7 Lost 10

27 60 44 57 22

39 58.5 48 78 52 71 66 21

38 57


Fon dulac Y Fon dulac Y Neenah-Menasha Green Bay Green Bay

2 1 4 junior Varsity 2 0 1 0 0

Kemper Hall University School Prarie School Beaver Dam ULS Beaver Dam

1 0 3 0

Beaver Dam University School Seaver Dam ULS Beaver Dam


3 0

Girls' Basketba ll Wayland

23 22 Tournaments:

University Lake School Uniyersity Lake School Won~

lost1 74

49.5 31.5 23 20 10

Varsity Football Wayland 20 26 8 6 21

39 20 20

Girls' Swim Team Wayland 27 65 52 19 21

Wayland Varsity 2 0 1

25 30 33 76 74

University School Ripon Watertown Milwaukee lutheran Northwestern Preps Concordia fox Valley Racine lutheran Junior Varsity EQotball

Wayland 0 0 8

Academy of Basic education Northwestern Preps Martin luther

49 6


Cross Country Wayland 23 Decils Prep 40 Concordia 20 Milwaukee lutheran 40 Holy Name 35 University ~chool Invitational : 3rd place (68 pts.) Five Schools

Gieseke Gieseke Leith, Gieseke Leith Phillips Leith

Fencing 4th place 6th place 1st, 2nd 3rd 5th 6th

33 19 35 15 20

Menomonee Milwaukee AFLA Jr. Olympics Wauwautosa Wauwautosa

70 79 93 81 58 62 55 73 95 92 92 77

0 3 1

3 0 0 1

2 4 1 8 0



Wayland Dominican Milwaukee Llncoln Fox Valley Wisconsin lut heran Milwaukee Lutheran University School Edgewood Pio Nono Ronca IIi Racine Lutheran Watertown Concordia Northwestern Preps Fox Valley 路wisconsin lutheran Concordia Milwaukee lutheran Racine lutheran Northwestern Prep University School Holy Name (WISAA) Waukesha Memorial


St. John's University School St. Joseph Cathedral University lake St. Joseph University lake St. Bonaventure St. John's Prarie School Wrestling

Basket bail

80 83 82 77 64 76 61 60 49 73

Soccer Wayland 1 3 3 3 1 0

86 65 50 56 56 51 63 59 58 67 72 59 74 67 65 67 61 72 67 62 50 78

0 7 19 29 20 22 26 17 30 31

27 22 12

15 23

Waupun Wisconsin Lutheran Northwest Preps University School St. John's Prarie School lourdes Northwest Preps Fox Valley Kettle Moraine University School Mrlwau Lutheran Carnpio Wisconsin lutheran Milwaukee lutheran

State Regional Tournament State Tournament Conference TournameF:~t

80 10 54

56 40 33 21 35 23 28 27 13

18 21 21 38 33 22 2nd place 14th place 3rd place

STUDENTS Party on second floor you bugar .


Saturday nights with Mr. Hamilton

Is John Lennon really dead ... honorary night study hall list ..

know nothing

whose table are you at

pan after you

you going to lounge tonight? No, I think I'll stay here and

watch Mod Squad; more exciting


I've got the popcorn

Pepsi 101: , hot dogs 201: , girls $10

pinball . .. what a gas . . . what's up at Madison tonight . .. the pizza man is here ... Dear Mr. Candyman, your machine ate up 25¢ of my money ... give me a drag . .. do you have change for a dollar ... Wards, Groose's . . . Mon days, Fridays, Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays reserved for downtown, if you can think of an excuse ... nice guy ... clean laundry on Friday ... chapel became uncordial . ..

. .. . J• •

. ..




Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,

Healthy, free, the world before me, The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.


Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune, Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,

Done with indoor complaints, li braries, querulous criticisms, Strong and content I travel the open road.


Allons! after the great Companions, and to belong to them!


They too are on the road- they are the swift and majestic menthey are the greatest women,


Enjoyers of calms of Sailors of many ash· seas and storms of seas rp, walkers of rna ny a mrle ! of land,

., I

. .

I ~~ , ~


Trusters of men and women, observe rs of cities, so litary toilers, Pausers and contemplators of tufts, blossoms, she lls of the shore,


Dancers at wedding-dances, kissers of brides, tender helpers of children, bearers of children,


Soldiers of revolts, sla nd e rs by gap ing g rav es, lowerers- down of coffins,


Journeyers over consecutive seasons, over the years, the curious years each emerging from that which preceded it,


journeyers as with companions, namely their own diverse phases, Forth-steppers from the latent unrealized baby-days,


Journeyers gayly with their own youth, journeyers with their bea rded and well-grain'd manhood,


Journeyers with their own sublime old age of manhood or womanhood,


Allons! to that which is endless as it was beginningless,

To undergo much , tramps of days, rests of nights,




To merge all in the travel they tend to, and the days and nights they tend to,


Again to merge them in the start of superior journeys,

To see nothing anywhere but what you may reach it and pass it,


To conceive no time, however distant, but what you may reach it and pass it,


To look up or down no road but it stretches and waits for you, however long but it stretches and waits for you,


To see no being, not God's or any, but you also go thither,


To see no possession but you may possess it, enjoying all without labor

or purchase, abstracting the feast yet not abstracting one particle of it,


To take the best of the farmer's farm and the rich man's elegant villa, and the chaste blessings of the well-married couple, and the fruits of orchards and flowers of gardens,


To take to your use out of the compact cities as you pass through,


afterward wherever you go,

. ..,.......... ..

~ ..... :::路路路路 ... .. . ._


To gather the minds of men out of their brains as you encoun ter them,

to gather the love out of their hearts,


To take your lovers on the road with you, for all that you leave them behind you,


To know the universe itself as a road, as many roads, as roads for traveling souls.





Andrew Aylward

Connie Coley

Milbrey Clay

Kevin Cassidy

Ted Bennett

Peter Birschbac h

James Caselli

Allen Brey

Susan Ca ldwell

Class of 73 83

Steven Dohmann

Gregory Hofbauer

Beverly Haner

David Ellis

Shelley Greenwood - .. c;...,

Elizabeth Erickson

Valorie Giulian

Patricia Frinak

David Fierke



Robert Howard

Katherine Lowman

Lorraine Laken

19 73

John Janzen

Tipvipa Kampanat

Christopher Kirsh

Courtney Killeen



Marcy Maloney

Jacques Sampon

Elizabeth Runge

Bradlee Merker

~ ~

Frederick Miller

Robert Nielsen

Alberto Rozo

Margaret Peachey

Jeffrey Royer


Frederick Snow

Tobias Wohlrabe

Richard Stafford

Shane Wohlrabe

Elizabeth Traut

Preston Williams

Nancy Vrabec

Margaret Wells


GiGi Cassady Karen Dunski Walter Koskinen James Skinn e r Michael Yanikowski



Candy Bailey

Wilford Deweese

Mary Barnes

Beth Clay

Brian Bondehagen

Bob Barss

Carl Bendorf

Peter Bissengger

Peggy Bergen

Class of 72 89

William Hartzell

Michael Exner

Paula Hartman

James Feeley

Liz Hammett

Richard Goelz

Gretchen Gokey

Cindy Griggel

Marnie Gordon

Meg Goldstone



Mari Laing

John Horton

Fred Klaisner

Robert Hughes

Kay King

John Hunt

Robert Kettunen

Jerry Johnson

Gay Kellogg

Charles Jung


Cynthia Murph y

Pat Lippert

Michael Lobdell

Richard Mount


'12. Jan Maier

Nikki McCreedy

Louis Mohr

Frank Mertes

Craig Meehan



Daryl Schelkun

Ralph Pachter

Robert Schanuel

Vida Parent

Julia Reynolds

David Parker

Eli zabet h Parker

David Reul

Karla Peterson



Alice Szweda

jeffrey Schewe

Sandra Sykes

Arnold Schmidt

Christopher Stephenson

Kim Sergeant

Douglas Shearer

Richard Stanley

Richard Stahmer


Douglas Worley

Deborah Woller

John Tisdel

Margaret Wharton

George Van Pelt

Gary Wesenberg

Barbara Vrabec

Lisbeth Werner

Jon Vickery


Ralph Awender John Campbell Laurel Sprotte



Sue Alexander

Chris Bu sse

Betsy Burnham

Lori Arthur

Bob Burford

Betsy Bolles

Jane Barrows

Alan Be nder

Joe Barss

Class of 1971 97

Gill Fienup

john Caselli

Martha Erickson

Chris Chapman

jim Duffey

Darcy Claussen

Ellie Cress

Scott Coley

Mary Corwin

Jay Colosimo

Juniors 98

Denny Fox

Jan Hepner

David Heminger

William Gall

Nancy Gibbons

Mary Jo Heacox

Dick Gilman

Peter Harings

Mark Gustafson

Gary Giulian


Ryan Hepp

Marjorie Lindeke

Debby Lei chtle

Eric Herbolzheimer

Edith Hillman

Sarah Lavicka

Jim Kirsh

Dave Larson

Kathy Klaisner

Greg Larsen



Jim Paul

David Lockwood

John Lyle

Dan Nordell

Nancy Maloney

George Neuberger

Barb McNeel

Bruce Mindrup

Ted Meredith

Debby Miller


Rob Russo

Tom Platt

Nicola Ruetz

Glenda Pommerich

Paul Rottman

Mary Raemisch

April Retzer

Kim Roberts

Penni Rigg

Lynn Richardson



)ann Stoffel

Tyri Schiek

Bobbi Schmidt

Kathy Stahmer

Melissa Schmidt

Valerie Smith

Tammi Silverstein

Pete Sen sen brenner

Buzz Shepard

Steve Shaw



Don Swanson

Barb Szwed a

Charles Wagner




Lin Taheri

Lynn Wagenknecht

jim Tompsett

Ann Wagenknecht

Bob Vilker

Barb Van Pelt


Pamela Way

Joseph Wagner

John Weaver

Roberta Wellman

Jane Ziegler

Thomas Wiesman

Ann Zabolio

Todd Wiley

Wendy Wilson


Nancy Bradford Stephen Burstein David Doehlert David Gilchrist William Hutchinson


Edmund Lachmann Arthur Peterson Peter Prunusk e Mark Richardson Michael Van Horn




Deborah Rowland Adams

Barbara jane Anderson

Deborah Jean Arthur

AloneIn the darkness of doubt. Wandering, Through answers run out. Uncertain, Which way to turn . lnexhaustable Alii must learn. Captive, Prisoner of my mind . just one, Amongst my kind. Alone Wm. Barnes

Bruce How_a rd Atterbury

Edmund William Aylward, jr.

William Harrison Barnes


Christine Anne Beal

Candace Fay Bill

Barbara Susan Blomberg

My life seems a book, Of ye llowing pages, Telling of times, Explaining the stages. Each chapter a year, a paragraph a day, Each sentence an hour, But each word my way. I fear it stops short, There lies too much doubt, With nothing "to explain, What the book's all about. -Wm. Barnes

Steve Ronald Blomberg

Mary Catherine Brazeau

David Jerome Burtt


Betsy Joyce Clark

Brian Lee Claussen

Robert James Conner

Wilderness We fear what we don't know: I know what the hills are there for and they Know me. Cut the root and the plant dies. City life is the scary life, insane, tiny and alone. Learn wilderness and you don 't fear anything. - Brian Claussen

James Galvin Cowles

Jennifer Lee Cowles

Charles Willis Creighton


Margaret Ellen Debenham

Elizabeth Chapman Disher

Bonnie Dee Doh mann



William Howard Eldred

Elizabeth Edelblute

Jeff William Emanuel


Teresa Ann Erickson

]ames Thomas Exner

Deborah Wynn Fierke

We were talking about the space between us all And the people- who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion Never glimpse the truth- then it's far Too late when they pass away W e were talking- about the love we all Could share - when we find it to try our best to hold it there with our love With our love- we could save the world-if they only knew. Try to realize it's all within yourself no-one else can make you change

Christine Mary Foth

Kimberly Beth France

Cynthia Louise Frank


David Ray Frank

Kathryn Louise Freeman

Linda Joyce Gieseke

And to see you're really only very small and life flows on within you and without you We were talking- about the love that 's gone so cold and the路 people, Who gain the world and lose their soulthey don't know- they can't see- are you one of them? When you've seen beyond yourselfthen you may find, peace of mind, is waiting thereand the time will come when you see we're all one, and life flows on within you and without you -George Harrison

Sharon Lynn Hartzell

Susan Lynne Heacox

Kimberly Pamela Heide


Debra Kay Helgesen

Judd Blair Hirschberg

jean Campbell Hooker

I' m fixing a hole where the rain gets in And stops my mind from wandering Where it will go. I' m filling th e cracks that ran through the door And kept my mind from wandering Where it will go . See the people standing there who Disagree and never win And wond er wh y they don 't get in my door. I'm painting my room in th e colorful way And when my mind is wandering The re I will go. I' m taking the time for a number of things That weren't important yesterda y And I still go. - Beatles

Jean Marie Janzen

Frank Theodore jennejohn

Alan Fred jung


David William jun g

Kri sa d a Kampa natsanya korn

Christie Lynn Ke ll ey

Time it was And what a time it was. It was A time of innocence A time of confidences Long ago . it must be . I have a photo graph. Preserve your m e mories ; They're all that 's left you. -Simon and Garfunkel

Martha Fre eman Ke ll ey

Linda Lee Lei benson

Patri cia Ann Le ith


Rue Steven Leitzke

Gregory James Ludlow

William Theodore Luedke, IV

Where shall be thine earth when ye llow birds no longer heal , when the sun East set no longer pulses in the drifting universe, when silent gulls h ave left their sea c resting on dissolving shores turn white - breasted toward another sun; where that lift of gentle arm, and cheek all apricot and amber, is a weepness to thine image. 0 thou art a kind, a kindness, thine Art the gentle January sun and soft the unsunned january gray thi s age of thee; and if thin e eyes, an oracle, spun bright out the nervou s slumber of thin stars, be remembered here, then thou wert a keep, a keepness , in mine ea rth and yea r. - Mary Shumway

William Allan Francis Maguire

Stephen August McCreedy

Kristine Seere Merrill


Paul Hami lton Nielsen

Jacquelyne Jayn e Nixon

Elizabeth Anne Pedigo

Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you. Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you. The vagabond who's rapping at your door Is standing in the clothes that you o nce wore. Strike another match, go start anew And it's all over now, baby blue. -B . Dylan

John Stephan Pfeifer

Nancy Alison Phillips

Linda Kay Powell


Allen Joseph Proctor

Edwin Fisher Ringer , Jr.

Moira Ann Roark

Keepsake Boxes Now we shall open boxes and look. In this one a storm was locked up, hoarse from long howling . In this one lay fair weather, a blue sky manuscript. In this one unfolded a gray monotone of a fog afternoon . In each box was a day and its story of air and wind. Sometimes one shook with confusions, processionals of weather. "one day may be too much to gather, consider, and look among keepsakes." -Carl Sandburg

Kevin John Roark

Cary Stephen Rosloff

David Lee Rux


Kat hryn Ann Schai n

Thomas Armour Schiek

All en James Sch li cher

l That out let produ ces pow er, If too many peopl e plug into it, It blows th e fuse . Who are you? I am me. Are you really? Of course. What makes you so sure ? I am my own keeper. But you constantly follow others. Don 't you follow others? No. Who am I? -S.A. Shaw

Dan Paul Schumann

Stephen Arthur Shaw

Jonathan L. Sisk


Kathryn Alberta Sisson

Pamela Cray Smith

Face it. Curiosity will not cause one to dieonly lack of it will Never to want to see the other side of the hill or that improbable country where living is an idyll (although a probable hell) would kill us all. - Alastair Reid

Steven Bryant Smith

Harold Rosher Sogard

Stephen Charles Spencer


Margaret Frances Sutherland

David Beajan Taheri

Somewhere ages and ages hence : Two roads diverged in the wood, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost

Judith Kaye Tingley

James Sumner Tisdel

Robert Henry Torstenson


john Logan Unland

Peter Karl Vanderploeg

At the Crossroads You to the left and I to the ri ght, For the ways of men must sever And it well may be for a day and a night, And it well may be forever . But whether we m eet or whether we part (For our ways are past our knowing), A pledge from the heart to its fellow heart On the ways we all are going! Here's luck! For we know notwhere we are going. - Richard Hovey

Raymond M ichael Varner

Peter Vrabec

Richard joseph Way


)an Diana Wells

Charles Stephen White

Philosophy Break down the barriers As fast as you can Give everyone a chance Approac h everyth in g with an open mind. Yet face reality, Make your decisions, But make them with ca re. Don't be hasty. Then do what you please With whom you please. Don't forget everyone else, They will forget you. -Steve White

Karen Tobey White

Paul David Wild

Lu cy Hoskins Wilder



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r lI


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De benham, Margie; 131 1 Farwell Drive, Madison, WI. 53704 Deweese, Will; 2306 Birch mont Drive, Bemidji, MN . 56601 Disher, Betsy; 1817 North Linwood, Appleton, WI. 54911 Dobbratz, Lisa; 1400 Livsey Place, Watertown, WI. 53094 Doehlert, Dave; 4910 Fond duLac Trail, Madison, WI. 53705 Doh mann, Bonnie; 105 Jefferson Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Doh mann, Steve; 105 Jefferson Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Duffey , Beav e r; 2917 Curry Parkwa y, Apt . 25, Madison, WI. 53713 Dunski , Karen ; 415 South Cedar Street, Horicon, WI. 53032

Adams, Debbie; One Merriman Lane, Ripon , WI. 54971 Alexander, Sue; 903 Pioneer Street, Kalamazoo, M I. 49001 Arthur, Debbi e ; 525 Parkway, Winneconne, WI. 54986 Arthur, Lori; 525 Parkway, Winneconne, WI. 54986 Atterbury, Bruce; 253 Oakwood Boulevard, Hustisford, WI. 53034 Aylward, And y; Route 1, Highway A, Neenah, WI. 54956 Aylward, Bill; Route 1, Highwa y A, Neenah, WI. 54956 Bailey, Candy; 402 East North Street, Appleton, WI. 54911 Banta , Ginger; 1520 Palisades Drive, Appleton, WI. 54911 Barnes, Mary; 808 Lake Shore Dr ive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Barnes, Bill; 6000 South 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI. 53221 Barrows, jane; 2411 East Ridge Road, Beloit, WI. 53511 Barss, joe; 4849 Lakeshore Road, Port Huron, MI. 48060 Barss, Bob; 4849 Lakeshore Road , Port Huron, MI. 48060 Beal, Chris; 32263 Glen Cove, Apt. 8, Farmington, MI. 48024 Bender, AI; 1227 Hiawatha Drive. Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bendorf, Carl; Amana , lA . 52203 Bennett, Ted; 316 Front Street, Beave r Dam, WI. 53916 Bergen, Peggy; 97 LaCross e Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bill, Candy; 160411th Avenue, N.E., Rochester, MN. 55901 Birschbach , Pe te; 706 DeCi a rk Street, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Bissegger, Pete; 145 Cottage Avenue, Fond du Lac, WI. 54935 Blomberg, Barb; 413 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Blomberg, Steve; 413 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bolles, Betsy; Aramco - Box 1297, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Bondehagen, Brian ; 600 Greenfield Avenue , Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bradford, Nancy; 1324 Main Street, Grinnell, lA. 50112 Brazeau , Mimi ; 720 3rd Street, South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI. 54494 Brey, AI; 407 No rth Main, Ma yville, WI. 53050 Burford, Rob e rt; 2016 Culleywood Road, jackson, MS. 39211 Burnham, Betsy; 2421 Ducharme Lane,Green Bay, WI. 54301 Burstein , Steve; 1004 Locu st Lane, South , Albion , MI. 49224 Burtt, Jerry; Burli ngton Road , Muncie, MN. 47302 Busse, Chris; 329 Smedema Drive, Randolph , WI. 53956

Edelblute, Lisa ; 321 Roselawn, Green Bay, WI. 54301 Eldred, Bill; 850 Shore wood Drive, Manitowoc, WI. 54220 Ellis, Dave; 620 3rd Street, South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI. 54494 Emanuel, Jeff; 215 East Edgewater, Cambria, WI. 53923 Erickson, Beth; 1216 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Erickson, Martha ; 1216 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Erickson, Terry; 1216 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Evans, Randy; 3483 Highland Woods , Bay City, MI. 48706 Exner, Jim; 108 York Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Exner, Mike; 108 York Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Feeley, Jim; 11924 South 88th Avenue, Palos Park, IL. 60464 Fienup, Gretchen ; 220 Parana, La Lucila, Buenos Aires, Argentina Fierke, Dave; Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Fierke, Debbie; Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Foth , Chr is; 915 South Quincy Street, Green Bay, WI. 54301 Fox, Denny; 1229 Sandpiper Lane, Naperville, IL. 60540 France, Kim; 27785 Wellington Road, Farmington, MI. 48024 Frank, Cindy; 2524 Fulton Avenue, Davenport, lA. 52803 Frank, Dave; 112 South Univers ity Avenue, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Freeman, Katie; 711 West Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Frinak, Pat; 105 Mohawk Circle, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Gall, Bill; 192 Thornhill Drive, Danville, IL. 61832 Gibbons, Nancy; 415 South Church Street, Hudson, MI. 49247 Gieseke, Linda; Route 1, Box 55, Grayslake, IL. 60030 Gilchrist, Dave; 424 Woodside Avenue, Hinsdale, IL. 60521 Gilman, Dick; 1024 Crown Street, Kalamazoo, MI. 49007 Giulian, Ga ry; 308 West Third Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Giulian, Val; 308 West Third Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Goelz, Ri c h; 144 West Mission Road , Green Bay, WI. 54301 Gokey, Gretchen; Green Ac res, Woodside Drive, Freeport, IL. 61032 Goldstone, Meg; 1035 West 35th Avenue, Gary, IN. 46408 Gordon, Marnie; 72 Jenn ings Road, Battle Creek, MI. 49015 Gr e enwood, Shelley; 816 Brown Hills Court, Rockfo rd, IL. 61107 G riggel, Cindy; 259 Park Drive, Randolph, WI. 53956 Gustafson, Mark; 128 Riverview Drive, Durange, CO. 81301

Caldwell, Sue; 506 Liberty Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Campbell, joe; 324 Coconut Palm Road, Boca Raton, FL. 33432 Caselli, jim; 3232 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL. 60091 Caselli, john; 3232 Wilmette Ave nue, Wilmette, IL. 60091 Cassady, Gigi; 2225 Riverside Drive, South Bend, IN. 46616 Cassidy, Kevin; 316 Sunset Road , Winnetka, IL. 60093 Chapman, Chris; 220 Nurmi Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33301 Chapman, Mike; 220 Nurmi D rive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33301 Clark, Betsy; 77 Summit Stre et, Wild Rose , WI. 54984 Claussen, Brian; 605 Green Street, Dowagiac, MI. 49047 Claussen, Darcy; 605 Green Street, Dowagiac, MI. 49047 Clay, Beth; 401 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Clay, Mibby; 401 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Coley, Connie; 405 Hillcrest Drive, Beave r Dam, WI. 53916 Coley, Scott; 405 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Colosimo, jay; 860 Virginia Street, Gary, IN. 46402 Conner, Bob; 651 Farwell Drive, Oregon, WI. 53575 Corwin, Mary; 3930 Kathmar Drive, jackson , MI. 49203 Cowles, jim; 2424 Ducharme Lane, G reen Bay, WI. 54301 Cowles, jenny; 3321roquois Avenue, Green Bay, WI. 54301 Creighton. Chuck;2201 Cherry Lane, Northbrook, IL. 60062 Cress, Ellie; 312 West Front, Buchanan, MI. 49107

Hammett, Liz; 704 Highland Te rrace, Sheboygan, WI. 53081 Haner, Bev; 1950 Manor Drive, Grinnell, lA. 50112 Harings, Peter; 662 East Oak Street, juneau, WI. 53039 Hartman, Paula; Rural Route 1, juneau, WI. 53039 Hartzell, Sharon; Box 364, Grantsburg, WI. 54840 Hartzell, Bill; Box 364, Grantsbu rg, WI. 54840 Heacox, Mary ]o; 219 North Main Street, juneau , WI. 53039 Heacox, Sue; 219 North Main Street, juneau, WI. 53039


Heide, Kim; 647 Ravine Road, Dundee, IL. 60118 Helgesen, Deb; 3400 Edgewood Drive, Juniper Hills Sout h, janesvill e, WI. 53545 He minge r, Dave; 2141 Benham Avenue, Elkhart, IN . 46514 He pner, jan; 97 North Stewart, Freeport, IL. 61032 Hepp, Rya n; 1700 Waukegan Road, Lake Forest, IL. 60045 He rbol z heimer, Eri c; 1531 South Lehmann Lane , Appl e ton, WI. 54911 Hillman, Dee; 35 King Street, Keo kuk, lA. 52632 Hirschb e rg, Judd; 5330 Primrose La ne, Oshkosh, WI. 54901 Hofbauer , Greg ; 409 North Pl eas ant St ree t , Montp e lier , OH. 43543 Hooke r, jean; 727 Thorne Street, Ripon, WI. 54971 Horton, John; 676 Walnut, Winona , MN . 55987 Howard, Bob; 114 Mo hawk Circle, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Hughes , Bob; 848 South Belmont Lane, Arlington He ights, IL. 60005 Hunt, john; 1300 Rolling Ridge Lane, Sturgis, MI. 49091 Hutchinso n, Bill; 529 East Lincoln, Waupun, WI. 53963 Janzen, ]ea ni ; 2 North Villa Grove, Springfield, IL. 62707 Janzen, Jo hn; 2 North Villa Grove, Springfi e ld, IL. 62707 ]e nnejohn, Frank; 209 Columbus Drive, Marshfield , WI. 54449 johnson , jerry; Aramco- Box 352, Ras Tanura, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia ]ung, AI; 645 South Main Street, Oconto Falls, WI. 54154 ]ung, Charlie; 232 Pierce Street, Randolph, WI. 53956 ]ung, Dave; 232 Pierce Stree t, Randolph , WI. 53956 Kampanat, Kri s Kampanat, Tippy Kelley , Christie; 1212 West Armory, Champaign, IL. 61820 Kelley , Martha; 1212 West Armory, Champaign, IL. 61820 Kellogg, Gay; 5615 Woodlawn Court, Peoria, IL. 61614 Kettun e n, Bob; 1556 Long Road, Kalamazoo, MI. 49001 Killeen, Court; 108 Winn Terrace, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 King, Kay ; 1213 South Homestead Avenue, Freeport, IL. 61032 Kirsh, Chris; 1220 Hiawatha Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Kirsh , Jim; 1220 Hiawatha Drive, Beave r Dam, WI. 53916 Klaisner, Fred; Wa yland Academ y, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Klaisner, Kathy; Wa yland Academy, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Kleist, Pre ach; 707 East Walnut Street, Horicon, WI. 53032 Koskinen, Walt; 315 Lake Road, Menasha, WI. 54952 Lachmann, Eddy; Highwa y 10, Amherst, WI. 54406 Laing, Mari ; 206 Green Street, Dowagiac, MI. 49047 Laken, Lorraine; 4606-85th Street, Kenosha, WI. 53140 Larse n, Greg; 149 North Oakland Avenue, Green Bay, WI. 54303 Larson, Dave; 117 Ridgewood Avenue, Davenport, lA. 52803 Lavicka, Sarah; 1450 East 55th Place, Chicago, IL. 60615 Lei benson, Linda; 1433 Hazel Street, Oshkosh, WI. 54901 Leichtle, Debbie; 324 Front Street. Beaver Dam. WI. 53916 Leith, Tricia; 571 Hill Terrace, Winnetka , IL. 60093 Leitzke, Rue; Hustisford, WI. 53034 Lind eke, Margie; P.O . Box 416, Bessemer City, NC. 28016 Lippert, Pat; 7 Pitner Place, Jacksonville, IL. 62650 Lobd e ll , Mike; 11 20 East Wayne Street, So uth , South Bend, IN. 46615 Lockwood, Dave; Seabury Road , Faribault, MN. 55021 Lowman, Kati e; Route 3, Fond du Lac, WI. 54935 Ludlow, Greg; 2210 Crane Avenue, Kalamazoo , MI. 49001

Lu e dke, Will; 22 Wedgewood Road, Westport, CT. 06880 Lyle, John ; 3419 Michigan Boulevard, Racin e, WI. 53402 Maguire , Bill; 115 Linden Drive, Canton , IL. 61520 Mai e r, Ja n; 725 Oneida Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Malon ey, Marcy; 124 Mohawk Drive, Beave r Dam, WI. 53916 Ma loney, Nan cy; 124 Mohawk Drive, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 M e Creedy, Nikki; 402 East Freistadt Road, Thiensville, WI. 53092 M e Creedy, Sam; 402 East Freistadt Road, Thiensville, WI. 53092 M cNeel, Barb; Rural Rout e 6, Box 90, Burlington , WI. 53105 M ee han , Craig; 1603 Devon Circle, South Bend , IN . 4661 7 M e redith, Ted; 1222 Washington Avenue, Oshkosh, WI. 54901 Merker, Brad; 110 McClellan Boulevard, Davenport, lA. 52803 M e rrill , Kris; Poynette, WI. 53955 M e rtes, Buz; 328 Wilson, Winona , MN. 55987 Miller, Debby; 1134 Oak Knoll Drive, Lake Forest, IL. 60045 Miller, Freddie; 517 York Street, Beave r Dam, WI. 53916 Mindrup, Bruce ; 24 Oakwood Place, Jerseyville, IL. 62052 Mohr, Louie; 68 Ski Hill Road, Box 351 , Ogden Dunes, Po rtag e, IN . 46368 Mount, Rick ; Aramco Box 451 - Ra s Tanura; Dhahran , Saudi Arabia Murphy, Cindy; 104 South Fairway Drive, Bellevill e, IL. 62223 Ne uberger, Ge orge; Rural Route 1, Reeseville, WI. 53579 Nielsen, Rob; Wayland Aca demy, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Ni e lse n, Hank; Wayland Academy, Beave r Dam, WI. 53916 Nixon, Jacque; 225 Nort h 26t h Place, LaC rosse , WI. 54601 Nordell, Dan; 414 West North Street, Jun eau, WI. 53039 Pachter, Ralph ; 8733 Lake Shore Drive, Gary, IN . 46403 Parent, Vida; 822 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Parker, David; CIA Halliburton, Apt. 238, Maracaibo, Venezu e la , South America Parker, Betsy; 700 St. Lawre nce Avenu e, jan esvi ll e, WI. 53545 Paul, Jim; 24 S.W. 42nd Street, Des Moines, lA. 50312 Peac hey, Peggy; Route 1, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Pedigo, Beth; 112 Larrabe e Street, Hori co n, WI. 53032 Pete rson, Pete; Main Stree t, Box 215, Watersmeet, MI. 49969 Peterson, Karla ; Wate rsm eet, MI. 49969 Pfe ifer, Steve; 3310 Micha e l Court, Gree n Bay, WI. 54301 Phillips, Nancy; Box 1068, Pinehurst, NC. 28374 Pl att, Tom; 635 Tiverton Road, Lake Forest, IL. 60045 Pommerich , G le nd a; 593 West e rn Av e nue , Fond duLa c, WI. 54935 Powell, Linda; 104 Missouri Drive, Rive rdale , ND . 58565 Proctor, Allen; 108 Prospect Avenue, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Prunuske, Pete; Route 2, Be aver Dam, WI. 53916 Ra e misch, Mary; Box 121, Dane, WI. 53529 Retzer, April ; 1317 West Moss Avenu e, Peoria, IL. 61606 Reul, Dave; 722 Courtland Place, West Bend , WI. 53095 Reynolds , Juli e; Lantern Lane- Sugar Creek Hill s, Joli et, IL. 60433 Richardson, Lynn; 181 North Shore Drive, Delavan, WI. 531 15 Ri chardson, Mark; 3630 Gordon Road , Elkhart, IN . 46514 Rigg, Penni ; 7894 Country Lane, C hagrin Falls, OH . 44022 Ringe r, Ted; 15611 McGinty Road , Wayzata, MN . 55391 Roark, Kevin; Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Roark , Moira; Wayland Academy , Beave r Dam , WI. 53916 Roberts , Kim; 1300 Wisconsin River Drive, Port Edward s WI. 54469 '


Rosloff, Cary; 7660 Harold Street, Gary, IN. 46403 Rottman, Paul; 173 South Park Avenue, Fond du Lac, WI. 54935 Roye r, Jeff; MayCrest, Mayville, WI. 53050 Rozo, AI; 1115 Adams Street, North Chicago, IL. 60064 Ru etz, Niki; 3216 North 5th Stree t, Niles, MI. 49120 Runge, Louise; 1007 Hillside Avenue, Madison, WI. 53705 Russo, Rob; 505 Oakland Avenue, janesv ille, WI. 53545 Rux, Dave; 516 West Pleasant Street, Po rtage , WI. 53901

Tompsett, jim; 2305 North 3rd Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081 Torstenson, Bob; 905 Chippewa Lane, Wilmette, IL 60091 Traut, Beth; 116 Cottage Avenue, Fond duLac, WI 54935 Unland, John; 622 Washington Street, Pekin, IL.


Van Horn , Mike; 135 South Elizabeth Street, Whitewater, WI. 53191 Van Pelt, Barb; 731 South Elm Street, Hinsdale, IL. 60521 Van Pelt, George; 2003 Winnebago Drive, Fon duLac, WI. 54935 Vande rpl oeg, Pete; Route 1, Hickory Corner, MI. 49060 Varner, Ray; 432 Clarke Street, Calexico, CA. 92231 Vickery, Jack; 602 Oak Street, Lena, IL. 61048 Vilker, Bob; 418 Healy Ave nue, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Vrabec, Barb; 1204 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Vrabec, Nanc; 1204 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Vrabec, Pete; 1204 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

Sampan , jacques; 229 East Maple Avenu e, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Schain, Kathy; 59 East Broadway, Winona, MN. 55987 Schanuel , Bob; Route 1, Hanover, IL. 61041 Schelkun, Daryl; 12603 73rd Court, Palos Heights, IL. 60463 Schewe, Jeff; 2115 Huntleigh Road, Springfield, IL. 62704 Schiek, Tom; 1341 Parkview Drive, Macomb, IL 61455 Schiek, Tyri; 1341 Parkview Drive, Macomb, IL . 61455 Schlicher, AI; 507 Kenyon Lane, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Schmidt, Sparky; 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, FL. 33579 Schmidt, Lisa; 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, FL. 33579 Schmidt, Bobby; 920-7th Avenue, West, Ashland, WI. 54806 Schumann , Dan; 124 West Water Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Sensenbrenner, Pete; 114 Limekiln Drive, Neenah, WI. 54956 Sergeant, Kim; 201 Pleasant Avenue, Streator, IL. 61364 Shaw, Steve; 135 North Hanchett Street, Coldwater, MI. 49036 Shaw, Noah; 2219 Lombard Avenue, janesville, WI. 53545 Shearer, Doug; 635 Park Avenue, Columbus, WI. 53925 Shepard, Buzz; 1113 East Forest Avenue, Neenah, WI. 54956 Silverstein, Tammy; 7530 North Lake Drive, Milwaukee, WI. 53217 Sisk, Jon; 7735 Brookview Lane, Indianapolis, IN. 46250 Sisson, Kathy; Dunham Road, Wayne, IL. 60184 Skinner, Jim; 1804 North Lake Shore Drive, Sarasota, FL. 33577 Smith , Pam; Box 211, Route 1, Menasha , WI. 54952 Smith, Steve; Box 211, Route 1, Menasha, WI. 54952 Smith, Val; Box 211, Route 1, Menasha, WI. 54952 Snow, Fred; 3 Chatham Circle, Kankakee, IL. 60901 Sogard, Harold; 8717 Sand hurst Drive, Knoxville, TN. 37919 Spencer, Chuck; 9327 Congdon Boulevard, Duluth, MN. 55804 Sprotte, Laurel; 322 West Third Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Stafford, jack; 1411 East Forest Avenue, Neenah, WI. 54956 Stahmer, Kathy; Box 569, Route 1, St. Charles, IL. 60179 Stahmer, Rick; Box 569, Route 1, St. Charles, IL. 60179 Stanley, Rick; 4 Coventry on Duxbur y, Plum Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, IL. 60008 Stephenson, Dave; 19 Woodmer Lane, Battle Creek, MI. 59017 Stoffel, )ann; 3634 North Bay Drive, Racine, WI. 53402 Sutherland, Margy; 1729 Embury Road , Kalamazoo, MI. 49001 Swanson, Don; 1013 Nortn Cherry Valley Road, McHenry, IL. 60050 Sykes, Sandy; 7238 Luella Avenue, Chicago, IL. 60649 Szweda, Alice; 1300 North Center Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Szweda, Barb; 1300 North Center Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

Wagenknecht, Ann; 308 East Kent Street, Streator, IL. 61364 Wagenknecht, Lynn ; 308 East Kent Street, Streator, IL. 61364 Wagner, Joe; 606 East Lincoln Street, Waupun, WI. 53963 Wagner, Charley; 515 East Lincoln Street, Waupun , WI. 53963 Way, Pam; 1224 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Way , Rick; 1224 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Weaver, john; 324 South West Boulevard, Elkhart, IN. 46514 Wellman, Robbie; 22 Watch Hill Road , Rock Island, IL. 61201 Wells, jan; 1601 East Broadway, Monmouth, IL. 61462 Wells, Peggy; 730 Oneida Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Werner, Beth; 804 Dickinson Street, New London, WI. 54961 Wesenbe rg, Gary; 106 Burchard Street, Beaver Di!m, WI. 53916 Wharton, Peggy;708 Woodland Avenue, Hinsdale, IL. 60521 White, Steve; 802 West Carpenter Street, Jerseyville, IL. 62052 White, Tobey; 106 West Hickory, Hinsdale, IL. 60521 Wiesman, Tom; 502 South Finch Street, Horicon, WI. 53032 Wild, Paul; 137 Gould Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Wilder, Lucy; 886 South Lake Shore Drive, Lake Gene va, WI. 53147 Wiley Todd; 78 Kendal Ave nue, Maplewood, NJ. 07040 Williams, Pres; 850 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL. 60611 Wilson, Wendy; 2080 Ledgebrook Drive, Route 3, Fond duLac, WI. 54935 Wohlrabe, Shane; USNS Bald EagleT AF50, FPO New York, NY. 09501 Wohlrabe, Toby; USNS Bald EagleT AF50, FPO New York, NY. 09501 Woller, Debbie; Rural Route 1, Box 169, Hartland, WI. 53029 Worley, Doug; 1715 Portage Avenue, South Bend, IN . 46616 Yanikowski, Mike; 811 North Street, Beaver Dam, WI.


Zabolio, Jabs; Vernon County, Genoa, WI. 54632 Ziegler, Janie; 635 Summit Drive, West Bend, WI. 53095

Taheri, Dave; 3451 Highland Woods Drive, Bay City, MI. 48706 Taheri , Lynn; 3451 Highland Woods Drive, Bay City, MI. 48706 Tingley, Judy; Rural Route 3, Howe, IN. 46746 Tisdel, jim; 5600 Lake Shore Road, Port Huron, MI. 48060 Tisdel, john; 5600 Lake Shore Road, Port Huron, MI. 48060


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