1970 - 1971 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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Editors: Anne Zabolio Ted Meredith Cover: Tyri Schiek


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The advent of a year; We see a new visage, Hear a new song; Construct new edifices, Explore new minds; The Dawn Of our Future. T.M.



UNDERCLASSMEN Finding friends in astonishing numbers Since we've been away from home We're forced to make a path in life With sincerity, on our own With childhood in one hand And adulthood in the other We find a pause in time To call each other brother


The small but mighty freshmen, with their small but mighty president Julie Heacox, developed into a fine class after overcoming their inabilities to cheer louder than the cheerleaders at the pep rallies. They "came on strong" with their 3rd place Homecoming effigy, a worthy accomplishment for a first effort. As the youngsters of Wayland Academy they keep trucking onward tolerating their early bedtimes and curfews knowing that in a mere three years they would be enjoying the freedoms of being mature and well-balanced Seniors.

Class Officers: Julie Heacox, Bradford Harrison Moderator: Mr. George Cobb

Wendy Babcock

Sue Braden

Barbara Coy

You ' re kidding! Mike isn ' t really downstairs.

Adrian Davidson

Two heads are better than one.

Bruce Dinsmore

Anne Emison


Debra Dorman

Scott Ehlenfeldt

Conrad Freeman

Brian Garrett

William Gehrmann

Mary Glos

Patrick Gokey

Jim Hammer

Sandra Hansberge r

Who do you think you are?

Brad Harrison

Jutie Heacox

Cindy Hewitt

Barbara Jamrich

Michael Kirsh


Is this for the cover of next week's

Post ~

Eva Klossner

Virginia Little

Roberta Nedelkoff

Lawrence Niles

Judith McNeel

We' II start our diet tomorrow.

Christina Pabst

Warner , ou t! This is the Freshmen's plan to inva de W a rren .


Mitchell Pollak

Chris Stray

Theresa Szweda

Gretchen Trumpf

James Wiesm a n

James Yanikow ski

I thought we started yesterday?

Jane Richards

Karen Schoettler

What next, drinking permission ?



Claiming fame as the class with the most spirit the class of 1973, with President Shelley Greenwood had a monopoly on the spirit stick and were victorious in the Homecoming effigy competition. Setting an example for the school with their class unity, the sophomores continued throughout all the athletic events of the year including snowball fights and Sunday afternoon football games. They got their first taste of what it really is to be sophomores when they had PSA T's. They look forward to graduating from U nderclassmen to Upperclassmen and all of the symbols of that high position; class rings, prom, driver's licenses, and class members on the varsity teams.

Class Officers: Shelley Greenwood, Robert Howard Moderator: Mr. Elias Khreish

Andrew Aylward

Theodore Bennett

Peter Birschbach

Allen Brey

Eric Bergman

Two A's and two B' s!!

It's soup now r

Jean Cassady


Cindy Burns

Susan Caldwell

Kevin Cassidy

Milbrey Clay

Connie Coley

Hugh Din smore

Steve Dohmann

Karen Dunski

David Ellis

Hold still Van Gogh.

Jean Fauntleroy

David Fierke

Elizabeth Fodden

Carole Foss

Tootsie pop break.

Pa tricia Frinak


Eric Gefvert

Ann Gibbons

Shelly Greenwood

Gregory Hofbauer

Valorie Giulian

Break the glass, my pom-poms are on fire'

You turn me on!!

David Hepner


Roberta Hansel

Christy Harmon

Gail Hiegel

Robert Howard

John J a nzen

Tipvipa Kampanat

Paul Klei st

Courtney Killeen

Walter Kosk inen

Red and blue does ma ke purple!

Katherine Lowman

Marcy Maloney

Stuart McCreedy

Diane Meredith

Bradlee Merker


Wayland material.

Fred Miller

Kathryn Okamura

Sara Miller


Charles Nielsen

Overfield Then came Bennett.

Peggy Peachey

Stanley Pfeifer

Andrew Roski

Jeffrey Royer

Whaddya mean Goodell lost?

Curtis Radford


Alberto Rozo

Elizabeth Runge

Jacques Sampon

Lee Ann Sims

Frederick Snow

Have you seen Minnie?

Richard Stafford

Mark Stetson

Nancy Teumer

Elizabet h Traut

Look out on the fire escape!

Nancy Vrabec


Thomas Warner

Margaret Wells

Shane Wohlrabe

It's k-o-o-c-h-y, k-o-o-c-h-y, k-o-o, ask a ny baby . Tobias Wohlrabe

Look into my eyes. Ails well that ends Wells .


Dirk Wood

Michael Yanikowski

Kim Wright

Terry Foltz

I' ll just si t here until! can wear blue jeans to Chapel.

Sophomore Harmony .

Tilt your own machine!





JUNIORS The class of 1972, led by Rich Goelz, slowly developed spirit and came through with a STRONG 2nd place effigy (again) and "Better Than Best" pep buttons. They have taken full advantage of their new status as upperclassmen , flashing class rings, driving to school everyday, and not attending study hall. The class has been plagued with the perpetual problems of deciding on a prom theme, College Boards, and choice of a college. Everyone is trying to climb to the senior level and the prospect of graduating in a year is exciting.

Class Officers: Rich Goelz, Meg Goldstone, Mr. Casper.


Ruth Ankenbruck

Ralph A wender

Mary Barnes

Robert Barss

Candis Bailey


Margaret Bergen

Peter Bisseger

Betsy Bush

Pakorn Bussbong

The Secret of Worley's Success - Saga Juice

Brian Bondehagen


Gary Charlton

Richard Claus

Beth Clay

Michael Exner

Lisa Frederick

Check Mate?

Richard Goelz

Gretchen Gokey

Meri Goldstone

Margaret Gordon

Is my eye liner on straight?

Cynthia Griggel


Lee Harker

Paula Hartman

John Horton

Thomas Hoyum

William Hartzell

I wasn't really trying to skip out of chapel .

Who's gay?!?

Jane Johnson


John Hunt

James Huntington

Jerry Johnson

Charles Jung

Gay Kellogg

Kathryn Kersman

Mark Ketola

Robert Kettunen

Kay King

. . . and a vegetable may respond to you

Christine Knowles

Mari Laing

William Lambert

Valerie Lenz

Jan Maier


Here is my deal

Nicola McCreedy

Frank Mertes


Ellen Osann

Cynthia Murphy

Now if I go down town I'll have to change my pants.

and get this trash out of here .

Jane Parfet


Ralph Pachter

Vida Parent

Elizabeth Parker

Laurence Parker

Marcia Perry

Karla Peterson

The Way land way of life: Grin a nd Bear It.

Preston Rodenbaugh

Francine Roth

Marlee Roth

Elizabeth Ruenzel

Julia Reynolds

Richard Russo


David Reul

Thomas Rhines

Sex and the Single Junior .

Arnold Schmidt

Nancy Seifert

Elizabeth Smith

Laurel Sprotte

Douglas Shearer

We're knott late,

Richard Stahmer

Richard Stanley

Alice Szweda

John Tisdel

Put yourself in Vida' s wig!

Christopher Stephenson


Jon Vickery

Barbara Vrabec

William Warner

Lisbeth Werner

Gary Wesenberg

are we Mr. Fierke?

Margaret Wharton

Wendy White

Deborah Woller

Doug Worley

Juli Zeitz


Here she comes: Miss America .

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FACULTY Faculty are the carpenters of our minds And the supervisors of the construction of our life With their own and outside knowledge They shape our lives with delight The soothsayer's pen And the magistrate's tongue Aid in our education while we remain young To guide our purpose before we sing away life's song



Admin is tra tion Before moving onto Wayland's campus last fall, the new Headmaster, Mr. James Burnham, seriously considered the objectives of our school as he guided himself with A Studied Madness. Mr. Burnham is aware of the problems facing education and boarding schools today. With concern and ability he has established his methods of achieving excellence within each student. Although the student' s viewpoints may deviate from Mr. Burnham's on some issues, we trust that the men in Roundy do not use circular reasoning . We respect Mr. Burnham for having firmly established his goals here on our campus and we hope that these goals will be realized in our lives .

James R. Burnham, President; B.A. M.Ed. University of New Hampshire.

Through the work of Mr. Fierke, all of the students were placed in classes last fall to learn with exposure and enthusiasm. Now in spring we can leave the school with a firm foundation of knowledge upon which we can build the world in which we will eventually be leaders . Mr. Fierke has also guided the members of the class of 1971 into colleges and further education to complement the individual and his Wayland background. We can only say that Mr. Fierke is a "giant among men." David W . Fierke, Director of Studies; Concordi a Junior Co llege, Concordi a Seminar y; B.A. Va lpa raiso U niver sity, M .A. Northwestern U niver si ty.


Behind the front offices of Roundy we have come to know the Roundy ring of workers, alias Mr. Cobb, Mr. Andrews and Mr. Mueller. These men work all day, apart from the 10:00 coffee break, to keep the groundwork of Wayland stable.

George S. Cobb, Public Relations, Admissions, Alumni ; B.A. Alma College.

John T. Mueller, Bu sine ss Manager ; B.A. University of WisconsinMadison.

Thomas G . Andrew, B.S. Wisconsin State University-Oshk osh .


Dormitory Directors

Pamela Hurst, Dean of Girls; B.A. Western College for Women, University of Wisconsin- Madison.

William J . Schmidt, Dean of Students, Social Science II ; B.S . East Stroudsburg College, Medical College of Virginia, M.A. University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. University of North Carolina.

Father Schmidt and Mother Hurst organized the Wayland Breakfast Club and other fun associations. They have helped each one of us find our laundry lockers and adjust to the Wayland life in general. Sometimes, like our parents, they have " helped" us when we did not wish to be helped. Mrs. Sampalis and Mrs. Schmidt have kept the underclassmen girls, and sometimes the boys, running at a fast pace . So Daddy Schmidt and Mommy Hurst, Wayland's "odd couple", do all right with "yours, mine and ours", 270 children. Jennie Sampalis, Dorm Mother

Maxine Schmidt, Dorm Mother

Oh no, it's a campus cop!


Social Science Tucked in a corner of the basement in Linfield, the sharp minds of Mr. Heilman' s social studies teachers have pinpointed countless issues for debate this year. Mr. Heilman assumed a strong role on the issues in David Schoenbrun's lecture last November. The "Princeton look" is a topic which our new Mr. Maier is often called upon to defend . Mr. Lilly enjoyed this pad in the basement, but liked to expound on his ideas in the classroom. Dr. Schmidt, although his office is located in Roundy, frequently has partaken in the discu ssions.

J ohn Heilm a n, C hai rm a n; Socia l Science II , III ; B.A . C oe College, Uni versity of Iowa, M .A . U niversity of Wisconsin- Madi son.

Ye s, a strong social science department is a necessity in a coed boarding school.

Things a re looking up!


Michael Maier, Socia l Science I, II , Ill ; B.A . Prince ton Univer sity, Uni versity of Wi sconsin-Madison .

J an H . Lill y, Socia l Science I, II , III ; B.S., M .A . Wes tern Virgini a Unive rsity.


English On the ground floor of Linfield, two new English teachers have come this year to strengthen our knowledge of the subject. Mr. John Patterson, brings enthusiam to the department and Mrs. Knott adds her southern comfort. Mr. Proctor unites his group, also including Mrs. Fierke, Mr . Ester hay and Mr. Hurst, with this goal:

l. To understand literature with great affection; 2. To acquire for authors a predilection; 3. To lea rn to write for one' s self-protection that's English ."

David G . Proctor, C ha irm a n; Latin I, Speech, Eng li sh II ; A.B . H a rva rd Uni versity, M. Ed. Bos ton Uni versit y, Breadloaf Schoo l of Eng li sh-Middlebury C ollege.

John P . Patterson, English IV; B.A . Wisco nsin State Universit yWhitewater, M .A . U niversity of Wyoming , U niversity of WisconsinMadison.

Emil y D. Knott , Engli sh Ill , IV; B.M . Wesleyan C ollege, M .A. U niversi ty Georgia .


What did you call me?

Gregory S . Hur st, English I I I; B. S. Miami University, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Helene Fierke, Engli sh I; B.A. Valparaiso Unive rsity, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

William E. Esterhay. English II, III ; B.A. Wesleyan University. Gee Dad , I'd like to be as big as you a re when I grow up!



Centered in the basement of Linfield, the four calculating minds of the Math Department click away in one room . How could the department consistently provide their high quality work? The cultural stimulus of visits to the office across the hall and the computer next door have eased the burden. Yes, the math department has run a "Schlicher" operation than in past years.

Fred L. Schlicher, Chairman; Math III, IV ; B.Ed. , Wisconsin State University-Whitewater, M.S. State University of Iowa, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Knox College, Drew University .

Joseph H. Miller, Math II, IV; B.S. Wisconsin State University-Stevens Point, M.A. Colorado State College.

David W.路Kasper, Math II , III ; B.S. Carroll College, M.S . University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

John G. Clay, Math I, Ill; B.S. Lawrence University, University of California, University of California, Wayne State University.

Wayland 's Wizard


Science In the east part of the Science Building, Mr. Hansgen has had the physics students marveling at the phenomena of life while the astronomy group was seeing the stars meanwhile our new Mr. Khreish amused the Chern kids with mysterious mixtures of chemicals and his personality. Across the building Mr. Meyer has projected his knowledge in a thundering roar. Mrs. Maier, new to Wayland, kept our minds growing as fast as our plants. From his vantage point atop the Science Building, Mr. Hansgen has kept an observing eye on the "mad scientists of Wayland" to make them an effective group. Richard Hansgen, Chairman; Physical Science, Astronomy, Physics; B.S. Ohio State University, Ohio Wesleyan University, National Science Foundation, M.S.T. Cornell University.

Martin Meyer , Biology I, II ; B.S. , M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Indiana, Ball State College, Lawrence University.

Elias Khreish, Chemistry; B.S. Wisconsin State University Claire, M.S. Wayne State University.

Linda Maier, Biology l, II ; B.A. Ohio Wesleyan University. Take the picture fast, we' re getting tired of smiling .



Languages The language department has a good perspective on campus events from their prominent position on 3rd floor. Monseiur keeps firm control over the department but sometimes he is seen with fencing equipment. Madame helps Monseiur to give the students a flavor of the excellent French culture. Meanwhile the Spanish Department is run under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Koehne at a pace almost as fast as that of Mr. Koehne's eating. Latin is a dramatic class with Mr. Proctor enacting Caesar's episodes. With Mr. Hogan at the control tower the German class has been propelled to even greater planes this year with the new 3rd. year course. The language teachers are trying to teach us a new language yet these classes are the ones in which we understand the least of what they are saying .

Victor Sampon, Chairman, French III, IV; B.S., M.A. Marquette University; Ecole Commerciale, Verviers, Belgium; Universite de Liege, Liege, Belgium; University of Wisconsin - Madison; University Laval, Quebec, Canada; La Sorbonne, Paris, France. Maitre d'Escrime, Ecole des Maitres d'Escrime, Institut National des S portes, Paris, F ranee.

I Control tower to flight 107, come in please.

Anne Marie Sampon, French I, II; Graduate of Ecole Commerciale, Verviers, Belgium ; Marquette University; Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada. 42

Jerry R. Hogan, German I, II, III; B.A. Bradley University, Eastern Illinois University.

William Koehne, Spanish II, III, IV; B.A. Yale University, M.A. University of Michigan, University of Chicago, M.A. Northern Illinois University .

Constance Koehne, Spanish I, II; B.A. DePaul University .



The name of Mr. Stecker rings a familiar bell with all the Wayland faculty and students. Mr. Stecker daily brought the "Pedals, Pipes, and Pistons" into our lives as the chimes rang across campus. He brought culture into our lives. Sharing the music chamber Mr. Kahn taught voice and piano to his students . Mr. Kahn's enthusiasm for music was shown on December 16th when he led the chapel assembly in a Happy Birthday to Beethoven. Together Mr. Stecker and Mr. Kahn made a notable contribution to the Wayland life. Franklin Stecker, Choir, Piano, Organ; B.A. Northwestern University, M.A. Wartburg College.

Religion Robert P. Kahn, Piano, Voice; B.A., M.M . University of Wisconsin Madison.

Three times a week we attended chapel assemblies which Mr. Neilson organized. The weekday assemblies had topics ranging from Mrs. Maier's "Ecology Today" to the Sampon's classes rendition of French carols. At the 6:45 Chapel Service Sunday evening we listened to many speakers outside of the Wayland community. We have shared the chapel experiences together .

Robert Nielsen, Chaplain; A.B. Princeton University, B.A. Virginia Theological Seminary, University of Wisconsin - Madison .


Art Mrs. Dohman maintained a fantasy department of "dittle blobbers" and "squiggles" in her haven off the girl's gym. When Mrs. Dohman instructed "take and render", her students produced high quality work. Mrs. Dohman has been a dear woman to the Wayland students.

Beverly Dohmann, Art I, II, Ill, IV; B.F.A. Layton School of Art , Minneapolis School of Art .

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Mr. Sehloff advised the staffs for the Wayland Post the literary magazine, and the Pillars Year book. He has been the navigator for the sailing parties in the Pub Room . Although Mr. Sehloff has never run a tight ship he has always kept afloat despite the tidal waves of publications .

Vernoo Sehloff, Journalism , Director of Publications; B.S., M.A. University of Wisconsin - Madison .

Library The library was a constant source of amazement for the school. Innovations were introduced regularly; however, Mr. Seighman always seemed like the library was bankrupt when he delivered his pleas for fines before each vacation. Despite any difficulties Mr. Seighman with Mrs. Wichman's help ran an efficient operation and students sensed the security which Mr. Seighman effected.

Eli Seighman, Director of Resource Materials; B.A. University of West Virginia, M.A. Western Reserve University . La Vita Wichman, Librarian, B.A. Carroll College.


Athletics A solid man as the head of the athletic department was Sol Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe enthusiastically coached the fall soccer team, the winter swim teams, and the spring tennis. Mr. Wolfe, to the students' delight, has lived fully up to his name by attacking sports aggressively. Mrs. Molstad assisted Mr. Wolfe as head of the girls' sports program . This year the program included health class once a week . Mrs. Anema and Mrs. Anderst assisted Mrs. Molstad to make the girls' sports an even more active program.

Sol Wolfe, Acting Athletic Director; A.B. Hillsdale College, University of Michigan.

Patricia Anema, Girl's Physical Education; B.S., M.A. University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse.



Jane Molstad, Girl's Physical Education; B.S. University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse.

Donna Anderst. Girl's Physica l Education; B.S. North Dakota State University, M.S . Pennsylvania State University.


Health New for Wayland use was a health center this year, a popular location to visit on Monday mornings. Although trips were difficult to make with a raging fever, few students suffered serious afflictions. Once in the center Mrs. Stecker and her crew of nurses quickly restored the students' health. Thus we were able to attend classes again without missing too much valuable classroom time. Mrs. Stecker has organized a nursing crew to cure all the affictions a student could suffer from.

Alice Stecker, R.N ., Director of Student Health .

Lorraine Braker, R.N.

Marie Schuster, R.N .

The pleasures of our new Student Health Center.

Activities The planning of student socializing was the responsibility of Mr. Zeorb . Each Wednesday the colored sheet of the weekend activity schedule was posted by Mr. Zeorb . Occasionally however, spontaneous activities deviating from the planned events brought added enjoyment. All students did attend the lecture series, including speakers Hale Hal Brune and David Shoenbrun, which Mr. Zeorb had planned.

David F. Zoerb, Student Activities Director; B.S. University of Wisconsin - Madison .


Saga Foods, Book Store

Office Staff

Gordon Knibbs, Director.

Mrs. Weisensel, Mrs. Leach, Mrs. Wheeler , Mrs. Birkholz , Miss Peters.

Students, naturally enjoying nibbling on snacks, always appreciated the friendship of Mr. Knibbs , the Saga kitchen head. Mr. Knibbs has consistently tried to maintain the Saga Foods standards. Next to the Saga Kitchen Mr. Weber manages his bookstore where new students flock to buy boxes of Wayland stationery and T-shirts. Although Shop-Ko posed a threat to the Bookstore' s business, the items which Mr. Weber sells are mostly those unmatched memoirs of Wayland life which can be purchased only at our bookstore. Below the Saga Kitchens was the timeclock for our gnomes, the men who work around the clock. Through their continual efforts these men influenced our lives more than we realize.

Frank Weber


Clarence, Director of Gnomes.

Clarence's Staff.



The Townies are united! This year the townies, headed by their swinging Tarzan, Gary Giulian, and backed by mighty George of the jungle, are trying to gain power. They feel they are a solid party in this menagerie and want to have their voices heard. Townie power arises! Townies overflow - from their white clapboard infirmary "Townie House", from the very red, white, and blue woodwork of Warren Hall, from the smoke-filled depths of Ella Dye, and directly from their cars. Down on Wayland they descend and want to be known not only as Waylandites, but also as TOWNIES!



Y.W.C.A. is the girls' social group on the Wayland campus. They sponsor the big/little sister program, various charities, the annual Christmas dance, and keep the girls fat with their occasional dinners of spaghetti, pizza, or hamburgers.

ROW I, K. Okamuro, G. Banta, L. Taheir, J . Ziegler, S. Hansberger. ROW 2, P. Finak, K. King, Mrs. Lilly, J. Maier, B. Parker, S. Greenwood.


Wayland 17

R . Gibson, P. Hartman, R. Nielson, J. Diels, C. Pabst, B. Clay, D. Larson , B. Vra bec, A. Brey, R. Wellman , G. Fienup, B. Ogden, D. Gilchrest, L. Frederick, Dr. Schmidt, Mr s. Maier , Mr. Seighman.

The Radical Group on Campus Are you physically, morally, and psychologically fit to risk daily pains of starvation, to face the jeers of your family , friends, and faculty, and to get a good night's rest? Then you are a potential candidate for the elite Wayland Seventeen. We, the radical group on campus, are all united under one common creed: "Tis better to sleep than eat" (especially when you' re too tired to know what you're eating anyway .) We who have from the first wholeheartedly supported the radicalism of breaking away from the American institution of breakfast were once not so powerful. In fact, at one time our ranks heroically sported the name of "The Wayland Two", now universally recognized as the Chief Anti-American Agitators and Commies at Wayland, (better known as Robbie and Gill.) Our ideals are now acclaimed by more than seventeen valiant individuals, and spiritually supported by the entire student body (except, ofcourse, "Joe Jocks"). In closing, we merely hope that our highly perfected negative attitude and "Poor" conduct awards may inspire our successors to greater "heights" of undergroundism . Peace, Big Brother .


Wayland Choir

ROW I, G. Gokey, K. Kersman, N. Vrabec, J. Fauntleroy. ROW 2, B. Clay, C. Coley, L. Hammett, L. Seehausen, B. Burnham, J. John son, B. Szweda, A. Wagenknecht, C. Knowles, M. Perry, M. Laing, N. McCreedy, A. Szweda, M. Goldstone. ROW 3, B. Ogden, C. Stray, S. Schmidt, R. Stafford, A. Roso, C. Griggel, R. Wellman, C. Burns, C. Murphy, E. Osann, D. Claussen, P. Wells, D . Leichtle, S. Caldwell. ROW 4, J . Barss, B. Mindrup, P. Sensenbrenner, D. Larsen, W. Deweese, T. Meredith, C. Jung, E. Gifuert, T. Bennett, G. Fienup, J. Cassady, B. Runge , S. Flemming, B. Traut, S. Greenwood.


Wayland's '70-'71 choir was fabulous under the mighty Mr. Stecker. Practicing at least three times a week, the kids worked up to the annual Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols. Of course they were aided by the ensemble, led by another singing master - Mr. Kahn. Not only Christmas inspires the young masters; field trips and graduation also are incentives for excellent performances. This choir keeps the reputation of the Wayland voices clean.

ROW I, C. Murphy, B. Traut, J. Fauntteroy. ROW 2, S. Greenwood, S. Fleming, L. Seehausen.



G . Larsen, J . Caselli, R. Goelz, R. Stahmer, J. Lyle, T . Wiley, M. Richardson, P. Harings, M. Eickhoff, B. Shepard, B. Mindrup, T. Ryans, F. Miller, S . Wohlrabe, J. Kirsh, G . Parker, J. Barss, J. Colosimo.

Unvarsity Club

The newest org-un-izat-un un the Wayl-un-d campus this year is the unVarsity Club. Un-der the un-direction of a board of un-directors, the un-Varsity Club has been trem-un-dously successful un-attracting new un-members to un-fill its ranks. The un-Varsity Club meets un-regularly (wh-un-ever a member feels un-motivated un-ough to uncal! a meeting). Our meetings are of un un-compulsory nature un-d are held at un-specified locations un campus. The un-Varsity Club is dedicated to the proposit-un tha t the un-ly good org-unizat-un is un un-org-un-izat-un.


The "W" Club, which is the "men's" athletic association, consists of those "men" who have earned a varsity letter in one of the many sports Wayland offers. The Club is not very active as a group, but the individual members are the backbones of Wayland's teams and spirit.

Varsity Club and G.A.A.

D. Waller, C. Griggel, B. Clay, S . Lavika, G . Banta, G. Pommerich, L. Wagenknecht, K. Klaisner, A. Wagenknecht.

The GIRL'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION is an organization for all girls involved in sports activities. The governing board, led by Glendola, is made up of the Varsity Club, which is those girls who have been extremely active in the Club's programs.


Along with sponsoring intramurals and interscholastic sports events, the club will also sponsor a Water Carnival week-end in April. Members also run a concession stand at all home ball games, and try to promote school spirit.


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G. Banta, G. Pommerich, K. Klaisner.


German Club

Board: D. Woller, Herr H oga n, D. Leichtle, K. Lowman, K. King, R . Russo.

Deutschland uber alles! The Germans at Wayland have banded together into a regime known as the German Club. As Germans they eat, drink, and are merry - once or twice a year - Christmas, and spring. They also have hopes of fine things to come such as Puppenspiele (puppet shows) and Mader's Restaurant. Made up of the first, second, and third year students, the Germans are a strong faction of Wayland life.



F. Mertes, R . Pochter, J . Tisdel, D. Worley, R . Goetz, W. DeWeese, D. Parker, G. Banta, S. Lavicka, B. VanPelt, A. Wagenknecht, L. Wagenknecht, A. Zabolio, T. Meredith, G. Larson, P. Sensenbrenner, E. Herbolzheimer, M. Laing, J. Reynolds, C. Bailey, B. Parker, D. Woller, M. Goldstone, K. King. K. Klaisner .

This year Wayland's newest innovation (among others) was the Proctor System. These "specially appointed" students kept the dorms under control and happy, advised fellow students, and made life at Wayland more fun than it ever was before?


Thespians Troupe 1538

D. Lockwood, J. Duffey, L. Wagenknecht, M. Schmidt, President W. Wilson , S. Greenwood, B. Van Pelt, S. Caldwell, Secretary L. Seehausen, Treasurer A. Retzer, J. Ziegler, M. Barnes, P. Rottman , P. Sensenbrenner. Missing: R . Awender, A. Wagenknecht, K. Klaisner, L. Hammett, D. Reul, V. Smith .


Sept. 27 -

An Evening of Reader's Theater Nov. 6 & 7 - Stage Door Jan. 24 - Chamber Music & American Dream Mar. 5 & 6 - Picnic May 21 & 22 - Terracide

• • • • •• ••

Troupe 1538 of the International Thespian Society is an educational organization which aims to establish and advance standards of excellence in all phases of theater arts, and which aims to create an active and intelligent interest in theater arts in secondary schools. The focus of the Society has always been on the student, himself - his achievement, his involvement and the betterment of his education in theater. Being an honor society, Thespian membership is granted for the performance of meritorious work in theater arts which meets the general guidelines of the Society as well as the qualifications and standards of respective Troupes. The society publishes a Dramatics magazine; has a royalty adjustment plan; a library loan service; distributes student member materials; holds special programs and state, regional, and international conferences: and provides scholarships for graduating Thespians . President - Wendy Wilson, Secretary - Lyn Seehausen, Treasurer - April Retzer.



Assisted by our fearless Mr. Sehloff, the 1971 staff has held the Pillars together for another year. Each time we entered the pub, the Sehloff spirit engulfed us; the toppling stacks of work made us wish to sail off. These times of sailing off though, propelled us through the long hours of working time. The Mickey Mouse antics, Julie Zeitzy's shoplifting acts, parties from our Parent, Vida, Zeitzy's inflatable toys and many snow fights helped us breeze through the deadlines. Some staff members did not need these light moments to keep their balance. Whenever Miss Szweda descended to the Pub, Alice was in wonderland. Even when the campus cops checked on the darkroom activities during the weekends, the staff members continued to sail off. Although co-editor Ted Meredith's attitude was somewhat negative, because he worked in the darkroom, his photographic work exemplified the light of his skill and humor. The Pub Room has been a wonderland for working and sailing off. The staff members have exerted themselves to make the 1971 Pillars an excellent book. We thank each of the people listed and those that go unmentioned for their dedication and contributions. Only through their cooperative effort, especially on those deadline evenings, has this book been made possible .

STAFF HEADS CO-EDITORS: Anne Zabolio Ted Meredith ADVISOR: Mr. Sehloff EDITOR'S ASSISTANT: Alice Sweda BUSINESS MANAGER: Dave Larson DEPARTMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY: R. Ankenbruck B. Burnham J. Lyle R. Nei lson W.White J. Zeitz PROOFREADING: G. Neuberger D. Gilman

WRITING: C. Smith Ed Lachman TYPING: A. Wagenknecht L. Arthur M. Barnes M. Corwin J. Hermann C. Bailey D. Fox ART: T. Schiek A. Prunuskc M. Schmidt SECTIONS UNDERCLASSMEN:

FACULTY: V. Parent J . Maier ORGANIZATIONS: D. Leichtle J. Parfet STUDENT LIFE: D. Woller B. Schmidt SPORTS:



SENIORS: S. Alexander ADVERTISEMENTS: B. Van Pelt K. Klaisner D. Meredith R. Wellman


L. Hammett P. Hartman K. Coy C. Hewitt K. Schoettler

Those editors never could see clearly .



J. Stoffel, S . Alexander, T. Schiek , M. Huston , J. Barrows, P. Rottman , M. Raemisch, M. Richardson , W. Wilson , E. Smith, G. Kellog, N. Gibbons, K. Miller.

Big news on campus? Get it down to the Pub and it' ll make the next issue of the Post - when it finally gets off the presses. Taken care of by the two Journalism classes, the Post is properly proof read, typed and distributed; all with the help of Mr. Sehloff, of course, the permanent resident of Roundy Pub room . The paper includes such pertinent news as "Ella Dye Swings", "The Townie Girls are Dead" and "Wayland Hall makes the Scene" . The Post has always been the source for true gossip and will continue to provide the Wayland student with all vital information concerning his tightly knit Wayland society.


Campus Hosts

J. Barss, A. Wyman, P. Birschbach, A. Zabolio, C. Stray, M. Barnes, P. Peachy, C. Bailey, S. Alexander, J. Reynolds, P. Frinak, J. Parfet, J . Maier, M. Raemisch, B. Traut, M. Schmidt, L. Seehausen, Y. Parent, C. Griggel, D. Woller, E. Cress, J. Barrows, T . Foltz .

Remember all those people selling "tickets at games and giving tours to "prospectives." These are W路ayland salesmen - Campus Hosts. It's their job to present Wayland in the best possible light by answering eagerly every question and offering valuable comments. These salesmen take their "on road" direction from Mr. Cobb, of the faculty, and Greg Larson, a peer.

Wayland consists of individuals.


STUDENT LIFE Past row after row of flowered, epitaphed stones we march onward In the pastures of Heaven to picket the Devil for tempting us Daily.

T.M .

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time .

Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


And now, a word from our sponsors. Cheers!



~ -~

-[,ends ~

Well, it's cheaper than downtown.

Yes, dissecting can be fun!

Ex marks the spot.


Love potion # 9

This darn typewriter can't even spell .

And it keeps my breath fresh for hours!

It's fo' yo' own protekshun, dar lin'

Perhaps if we watch a little longer ..


The new look

Parents' Weekend, Sophomore's reign

"To live, to die"

The ladies' room, please


To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting. e.e. cummings

When it rains, it pours!

Ho, Ho, Ho ... the tidings of U nvarsity Club .

And this is the weaving of Wayland ...







. i


Hello, Beaver Cleaners? Where are my shirts?

Think we can afford it?

Charles Dikkuns?


This is the best mouthwash I ever drunk!

And to think I left B. D. for this.

Schroeder thinks that Sue is second to Beethoven .






It'll tickle your innards.

Teachers never make mistakes.

A thoroughly engrossed audience.


It sounds a bit fishy .

Aural intoxication.

I bid you adieu .



Happy trails to you!

No one ties with Smith's class.


The spirits of chapel.

Bring in the Maine attraction .

I thought she put it in Teumer's bed .

The zany zookeeper.




SPORTS! On the grassy slopes of old Brown Field two fearsome monsters meet. They pound their chests and gnash their teeth that one should see defeat. They rush to face the fitful foe; the battle is begun. They race around and shake the ground. The victor can be but one!




ROW 1: D. Lockwood, P. Prunuske, S . Coley, G. Parker, R. Gibson, M. Huston, T. Wiley, D. Shepard, P. Rottman, M. Richardson, W. Hepp, J. Kirsh. RC 2: D. Worley, M. Exner, R. Barss, R. Awender, T. Rhines, R. Vilker, S. Lyon, J. Duffey, M . Eikhoff, Mgr. B. Ogden. ROW 3: Coach D. Kasper, L. Parker, Pachter, Mgr. R . Claus, W. Lambert, T . Wiesman, R. Burford, Mgr. J. Horton, Mgr. R. Stanley, Asst. Coach F. Schlicher, Asst. Coach W. Schmidt.

This proved to be a good year for the Wayland Redmen; especi; ly, with the help of Paul Rottman, Rick Gibson, Buzz Shepa1 Tom Wiesman, and all of the other seniors. The juniors a1 sophomores from this years squad are looking forward to an ev better year for Big Red next year. Coach Kasper also has had , excellent year during this, his first year as head coach of the W a land Redmen. Varsity Football







New Holstein



Milwaukee Luth.



Northwest Preps



Wisconsin Luth.


Fox Valley


Racine Luth.


University School


Total pts.


6 20 8


Asst. Coach Schlicher, Asst. Coach Maier, Coach Kasper.


Captain Tyri




J. V. Football

ROW 1: T. Wohlrabe, A. Brey, P. Birschbach, D. Ellis, P. Kleist, J. Janzen, J. Yanikowski . ROW 2: M . Kirsh, C. Killeen, B. Merker, D. Hepner, S. McCreedy, J. Royer , B. Garrett. ROW 3: A. Aylward, S. Ehlenfeldt, A. Rozo, J . Wiesman, E. Gefvert, C. Freeman, L. Niles. ROW 4: Asst. Coach Meyer, Mgr. C. Radford , Coach Zoerb.

The scores weren't too high - but the team was determined. When the freshmen return to the gridiron next year as sophomores, they will have the help of new team members, Mr. Meyer, and Mr. Zoerb in their quest for a victorious team .

J. V. Football

w 6 0 12 0 0 0 8




Martin Luther St. Mary's Springs North west Preps Edgewood West Bend East University School Lake Forest Total pts.

20 32 14 42 36 34 6 178

Cross-Country In his second year as coach of the cross country team , Mr. Esterhay has developed increased student interest in the sport. Despite a 2-8 record, the cross country team has had a successful and beneficial year.

Cross Country




J.F.K .



DeS ales



St. Johns M.A.



Holy Name






University School



Milwaukee Lutheran



Wisconsin Lutheran


Wayland Invitational:






ROW 1: S . Dohmann, J . Hammer. ROW 2: B. Mindrup, J . Lyle, P. Peterson, F. Mertes, T. Platt. ROW 3: C . Jung, P. Rodenbaugh, R. Nielsen .

Coach Esterhay


\ Soccer

ROW 1: C. Wagner, J. Tompsett, J. Caselli, G. Larsen, E. Herbolzheimer, R. Ru sso, T. Meredith, J . Colosimo. ROW 2: Coach Wolfe, D. Shearer, D. Stephenson, B. Warner, J. Huntington, T . Hoyum, R. Russo, W. Deweese, Asst. T. Terrell. ROW 3: J . Johnson , J. Tisdel, J. Barss, B. Bondehagen, R. Goelz, P. Bissegger, R . Stahmer, G. Charlton.

Varsity Soccer



0 St. Joseph


St. Bonaventure

2 Prairie School St. Johns M.A.

Coached by Sol Wolfe, the varsity soccer team had a good squad but a rather unsuccessful year. Though they played hard, they couldn't muster better than a 0-8-3 record. The returning soccer players will be looking forward to a better season next year.


2 2

0 Marquette High School 3 0 St. Joseph 0 University Lake


0 University School University Lake


St. Johns M.A.

2 Catherdral


Coach Wolfe




Field Hockey Field Hockey


0 University School


Beaver Dam



Beaver Dam



University School


Total pts.


ROW 1: G. Banta, W. Wilson, Coach Mrs. Molstad. ROW 2: S. Alexander, J. Stoffel, G. Pommerich. ROW 3: M . Lindeke, M. Schmidt, K. Klaisner, B. Burnham. ROW 4: C. Griggel, J. Reynolds, M. Laing, C. Bai ley, B. Clay. ROW 5: E. Cress, D. Woller, B. Schmidt. ROW 6: S. Lavicka.

The varsity hockey team finished the season with a record of 1-3. With Glenda leading the squad on offense, and Missy, Beth, and Mary Jo leading on defense, the team's skills seldom went unheeded. After losing their first two games, the girls got a good work-out from Coach Molstad, which helped their game significantly. Coach Molstad

~路 88



J. V. Soccer and J. V. Cheerleaders

ROW I, R. Howard, F. Snow, F. Miller, D. Fierke, R. Stafford, W . Koskinon, ROW 2, E. Bergman, G. Hofbauer, B. Dinsmore, M . Pollack, A. Davidson , ROW 3, B. Harrison , P. Overfield, A. Roski, ROW 4, Mr. Hogan.


w l 0 0 3 3 0 0 l 4 0

0 St. John's St. Joe' s St. Bonne Prairie School St. John's St. Joe' s University Lake University School University Lake Cathedral Total


Coach Hogan

0 7

l 4

2 0 l 2 19

Under Coach Hogan, the junior varsity soccer team had a tremendously successful year, compiling a 5 to 5 record by the end of the season. Little Red displayed the spirit, skill, and courage which made this year one to be remembered and which will provide a strong contending varsity team in the years to come . ROW I, W. Babcock, B. Runge, C. Coldy, ROW 2, B. Traut, G. Heigel, G. Cassady.


J. V. Field Hockey Although the Wayland junior varsity field hockey team has not had an extremely impressive year on the scoreboard, the girls all agree that the experience gained will be of great advantage to them on the varsity team next year and in the years to come. Better luck next year, girls .

ROW I, M . Clay, C. Pabst, S. Greenwood, J. Fauntleroy . ROW 2, C. Burns, R. Nedelkoff, Coach Molstad. ROW 3, G. Trumf, D. Meredith, J . Zeitz. ROW 4, J . Maier, M. Barnes, C. Peterson, D. Dorman .





Beaver Dam ULS Beaver Dam ULS



0 0 I


4 2 3



Coach Molstad


ROW ONE: R. Stanley, T. Meredith, R. Goelz, C. Huntress, S. Burns, R. Gibson, R. Pachter, P. Prunuske, S . Coley, P. Rottman, R. Vilker, L. Parker, M . Houston , J . Tisdel, M. Exner , J. Horton , CENTER: Dr. Schmidt.

Dr. Schmidt brought new spirit to the basketball team this year. He coached our Redmen to a worthy record of sixteen wins and seven losses. As the season progressed the Redmen improved their teamwork. Of the last twelve games played, ten of them were Wayland victories. Throughout the season Rottman's "red-hot" shoes flashed from the court. The team members grew through these common experiences and often they would congregate in jolly social gatherings. Meredith, Horton and Stanley were always ready to help the team in their role as managers. In February the five boys' basketball managers united to play the girls' varsity team. The managers increased the respect for the boys' game by heavily defeating the girls. To terminate the season the Redmen played two games in the tournaments before Edgewood defeated them. Our Redmen deserve praise for having "paid the price" and achieving results.


78 64

65 54 68 66 77

56 71 89 81 89 72

78 61 76 50 85 85

Coach Schmidt




St. John's University Lake West Bend Pio Nono Fox Valley Wis. Luthern University School Martin Luther Racine Luthern N.W . Preps Fox Valley Wis. Luthern Milwaukee Luthern Concordia Racine Luthern N.W. Preps Martin Luther University School St. Joseph's Beloit Catholic Edgewood

0 40 66 58 49 53 63 55 61 77

68 76 74 61 69 76 68 45 59 57 71 78


J. V. Basketball

ROW ONE: C. Stray, L. Niles, A . Davidson, J. Weisman, A. Aylward, R. Howard, D. Fierke, F. Miller, W. Gehrmann, J . Yanik owski , S . Wolhrabe, D. Ell S. Schmidt. CENTER: Coach Z oerb .

Little Red suffered a somewhat disappointing season, winning only seven games, while losing eleven. Their conference record was not much better , at four wins and nine losses. However, Little Red Displayed glim mering promise for the future ; we can look forward to seeing Rob Howard , Fred Miller, Dave Ellis, Dave Fierke, and Shane Wohlrabe on the varsity squad next season . The 1. V. Cagers started the season strongly, sweeping their first three games. Then the team began to develop problems - problems which caused the team to drop games to teams they had defeated earlier in the season . Nevertheless, Coach Zoerb, undaunted , did a fine job with the boys, and can look forward to an experienced ball club next year.

w 48 47 54 41 52 39 60 63 51 58 52 51 51 43 54 40 56 40

St. John 's University Lake West Bend East Fox Valley Luth . Wisconsin Luth. University School Martin Luther Racine Luth. Milwaukee Luth. Edgewood Northwest Preps Fox Valley Luth. Wisconsin Luth. Milwaukee Luth . Concordia Racine Luth. Northwest Preps Martin Luther


0 33 30 52 45 61 46 40 60 56 69 38 70 57 71 59 63 45 63


ROW ONE: J . Sampon, B. Jamrich, J . Thon, T . Foltz, V. Lenz, J . McNeel, ROW TWO: R. Gilman, Monseiur Sampon, D. Wood, T . Kampanat , E. Fodden, S. Miller, J . Vickery, ROW THREE: R. Kettunen, G . Kellogg, E. Werner, W. White, K. Lowman, C. Murphy, ROW FOUR: R . Wellman, G. Fienup, P. Gokey, M. Ketola.

Meet: Menomenee Falls Foil Invitational A.. F.L.A. Foil /


A.. F.LA. Epee Mequon-Thiensville Foil Invitational Menomenee Fa lls A .F.L.A. Foil Meet

Recognition: 6th. 8-4th, 6th, 7th, G-5th, 6th, 7th 8-5th 8-4th, 7th G-6th, 7th 8-4th, 5th

Inconspicuously tucked into the balcony of the field house, the fencers have practiced since last September. Indications of the fencers' involvements spot our campus. The wooden dummies stand in position at all times, and often they startle strangers, but the fencers themselves meet after school each afternoon. Jack Vickery' s consumption of Saga food is another indicator of the energy fencers expend. Jacques Sampon and Jack Vickery are the co-captains of the team this year . A s the record states, their continual practicing brings the fencers recognition when in competition . Monsieur Sampon silently sharpens the skills of hi s students.



ROW ONE: F. Snow, B. Harrison, T. Benet, T. Wiley, J. Caselli, M. Eickhoff, Coach Clay, E. Esterhay, A. Brey, S. Pfiefer, M . Kirsh , P. Bushabong. CENTER: D. Ruel, C. Radford, T . Wohlrabe, S . Ehlenfeldt.

w 6 13 38 8 11 19 11 3 26 23 18 11

0 Juneau Horicon Northwest Naval Preps Wisconsin Luthern Queen of Apostle Lourdes Milwaukee Lutheran Martin Luther University School Fox Valley Ronca IIi


50 41 18 43 43 29 39 49 24 36 31 42

Mr. Clay's wrestling team underwent a season of rebuilding . The record, 2, 10, did not indicate wrestling prowess; however; individuals did contribute great effort s. John Caselli was undefeated this season. Todd Wiley, Tom Rhines and heavyweight Mike Eickhoff were consisten t winners . First year wrestler Eickho fl learned his moves quickly and wrestled hi5 way into first place in the tournament. The team had only three returning wrestlers . The other members of the team gained experience by rubbing noses with the mat while building themselves for a stronger team for 1971 -72. We can look forward to a more experienced team nex t year with returning wrestlers, Benet, and Rhines to lead our Redmen to victory. The team as a whole should be great! ) improved.


Boys' Swimming

ROW ONE: C. Killeen, R. Stahmer, P. Rodenbaugh , W. Koskinen, J. Co losimo, C. Freeman, J. Barss; ROW TWO: Coach Wolfe, J. Tompsett, B. Lambert, M . Yanik owski , G. Larsen, J. J anzen, J. Kirsh , A. Rozo, E. Bergman, B. Barss .

w 64 65 49 65 36 51 38 43 42 78 63 22 40

Boy's Swimming Neenah Menasha Y West Bend East Marquette Mil Luthern Madison West St. Johns M.A . Sauk Prairie St. Johns M .A. Campion University School Lake Forest Green Bay Y Sauk Prairie

Coach Wolfe


0 30 29 46 30 59 44 57 52 53 17 32 73 55

The Wayland Swim Team, under the able direction of that irreplaceable sage, Coach Sol Wolfe, again mounted a successful season. The boys stroked their way to a season's record of 12 wins and 6 losses. Along with his favorable record, the boys took the Conference Trophy for the eleventh straight year! The boys and girls also had a good time in the coed meets. The team had a great season, but many seniors will be leaving Lindsey pool forever. Never fear though, for many of the underclassmen are looking good. Congratulations for a sue. cessful season, and good luck in the next.

Girls' Swimming

.OW ON E: D. Meredi th, J. Heacox, B. Tr aut , S . Braden; ROW TWO: J . Rey nold s, J. S toffel, G . Pommerich, D. Dorm a n; ROW THR EE: Coach Wolfe, C. 路oss, A. Wyman, G. Trumpf, S . H ansburger, K. Coy.

f he girl's swim team , under the direction of Coach Sol Wolfe (who else?), fi nished the sea son with a di scouraging record of no wins and five losse s. Though they didn' t swim away with any victories, the girl s had many close meets, while di splaying a spirit a nd sports "womanship" that could not be equalled. Although the team will lose senior backstroker Jan Stoffel, who incidentally holds the pool record in that event, and di stance swimmer Glenda Pommerick , the girl s are looking forward to a great year next season with the returning underclasswomen . Girl' s Varsity Swimming Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland



38 30 22 47 45

Neenah-Menasha Y 50 West Bend Swim Club 55 Green Bay Y 73 Green Bay Y 48 Fond duLac Y 48


Girls Basketball

ROW ONE: C. Griggel, K. Klaisner , G. Pommerich, M . Schmidt. ROW TWO: M. Heacox, C. Bailey, B. Parker, N. Vrabec, G. Trumpf.

University Lake Tournamer The girls basketball team, led by Glenda Pommerich, had a nearly flawless season winning ten ~hile losing only two. The team started the season by bringing home a trophy from the tournaments at University Lake School. The girls continued to have a tremendous season, and showed every team the spirit of red wornen power. The team will be losing seniors in key position; however, the juniors and "graduating" J.V.'s will lend a hand in continuing victories.


w 37 33 41 36 35

St. Mary Dominican University Lake Dominican Dominican

42 43 30 43 54 54 49

Edgewood University Lake University Lake Edgewood Beaver Dam Waupun Martin Luther


3 2 3 J

4: 3 31 4~ 3~


Apr yl




J. V. Basketball

ROW ONE: K. Schoettler, S. Greenwood , M . C lay, ROW TWO: B. Clay, K. Okamuro, ROW THREE: K. Dunski, V. Giulian, R . Ankenbruck .

w 18 28 17 18 34 20

0 University Lake Edgewood Beaver Dam Waupun Edgewood University Lake 101

15 16 28 15 35 38

All the world is an athletic field and we are merely players.

Crusher Caselli Conference Champ 3 years Never pinned

4 year Wayland wrestler Record







I 4 3

0 I 0 0

13 5

George gets Brun's sports latest.

1970-71 1969-70 1968-69 1967-68

Don't you wish everybody did?


Sportsmen must hang in.

Sporting Life

Hog went wild.

Monsieur, the starch is working well.

From this point of view, life is a real dive.

The Wayland belles ring good cheer.


Reynolds saved Leno's life ten times now.

Overall, he is a good shot.

Weisman has an uplifting experience .


Aren't we all " hung up" to some degree?

The muscles wrinkle Prune's skin .

路' [ ca n't see straight anymore."

Wendy's strength is in her hai r .


Are you sportable?

King Joe reigns in 1970.

Warming up for the baseball season.

The # I sportsman's magazine.

Once a jock , always a jock.


SENIORS Forever we scurry across the beaches of Innocence into a sea of Fate like hordes of Lemmings To be buffeted by crests of life, Swallowed by swells of death, And drowned. T.M.



Susan Baker Alexander

Lori Jan Arthur

Behind closed doors we leave An empty football field Recurring memories of locker rooms Somewhere in our minds

Jane Elizabeth Barrows

Virginia Lee Banta

Joseph Townsend Barss


Alan Lee Bender

Cara Berman

Nancy Sarah Bradford

Somewhere, too, remains the thought Of people we have known Of faces present in our mind Living there always

Robert Troy Burford

Elizabeth Ann Burnham

Christine Ellen Busse

John Wallace Caselli


Darcy Louis Claussen

Scott David Coley

Somewhere lost, a helping hand Hard to believe it's gone A replacement will be hard to find For a friend I've known so long

Mary Ann Corwin

Jay Thomas Colosimo

Eleanor Riford Cress


Wilford Robert Deweese

John Leslie Diels

James Richard Duffey

Behind us lies a textbook A pen, a hand, a thought To review a life's experience And dreams we've often sought

Everett Eickhoff

Martha Jean Erickson

Gretchen Anne Fienup

Susan Fleming


Denise Marie Fox

William Scott Gall

We've cried, we've laughed, we've been at peace With all worldly cares gone Somewhere along the line we've shared The fragment of a song

Richard Gibson

Nancy Raye Gibbons

David Foster Gilchrist


Richard Hayes Gilman

Gary Glenn Giulian

Elizabeth Ann Hammett

The song being the song of life With all its different side, With future just a gust away And all our plans defined

Peter John Harings III

Mary Jo Heacox

Janet Best Hepner

William Ryan Hepp


Eric Herbolzheimer

Jo Ann Herrmann

Where are the busy halls Of homes we all have shared And friends we've offered handshakes To show that we had cared

William Ellis Hutchinson

Mark Douglas Huston

James T. Kirsh Jr.

11 6

Kathy Lynn Klaisner

Edmund James Lachmann

Gregory James Larsen

We'll share a cup of coffee In a sugar bowl of time The creme of expectation In the hopes we'll someday find

David Christopher Larson

Sarah K. Lavicka

Deborah Louise Leichtle

Marjorie Irene Lindeke


David Richard Lockwood

John Burton Lyle

Behind us now, hallowed halls Conference room debates The stars' celestial bodies And probability of fate

Nancy Susan Maloney

Scott Lyon

Edgar Sawyer Chase Meredith Jr.

11 8

Kay Anne Miller

Bruce Patton Mindrup

George Leonard Neuberger

When all the seasons die away The leaves turn crisp and fall But new ones grow in their place To answer nature's call

Anneliese Neuerburg

Daniel Warren Nordell

George Safford Parker lli

Thomas Carroll Platt


Glenda Jean Pommerich

Peter Jeffery Prunuske

We answer nature's call as well In our own individual ways We'll grow and prosper in our time Before our season's melt away.

Apryl Christine Retzer

Mary Lucille Raemisch

Mark Edward Richardson


Paul Joseph Rottman

Francis Robert Russo Jr.

Tyrell Lynn Schiek

Behind us now the chapel doors Save the hope for holy grace A crystal beam of God-like light That sheds upon our face.

Barbara Sue Schmidt

Melissa Louisa Schmidt

Lyn Von Seehausen

Peter Sensenbrenner


Donald Carrington Shepard III

Curtis Nolte Smith

It dictates hope and fortune It forms our inmost tone It takes our hand so gently And tries to lead us home.

Janet Sidney Stoffel

Valerie Claire Smith

Donald Charles Swanson


Barbara Marie Szweda

Linda Jane Taheri

James Jackson Tompsett

The hymn books are closed at last The songs are finally sung The bells will ring inside our souls As God's work is done.

Barbara Kay Van Pelt

Robert Paul Vilker

Ann Marie Wagenknecht

Lynn Marie Wagenknecht


Charles Raymond Wagner

Joseph Harris Wagner

The twilight of our life here Is finally at hand Soon we'll take our knowledge, take our dreams And we'll become a man.

Roberta Marion Wellman

Pamela Jean Way

Thomas Richard Wiesman


Robert Todd Wiley

Wendy Wilson

Jacquelyn Woods

We'll mount the rising sunrise With the knowledge we acquired We'll ride the wings of Mercury And set the world on fire.

Anne Kane Dominique Zabolio

Jane Margaret Ziegler

Leaders Herbie, Ted , and Mr. Lilly

The advent of a year; We see a new visage, Hear a new song; Construct new edifices, Explore new minds; The Dawn Of our Future.







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METALFAB, INC. Metal Fabricators Beaver Dam, Wis. 53916 MANUFACTURERS OF SHEET METAL PRODUCTS 401 Madison St.


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Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Allan Arthur Mr. and Mrs. E. William Aylward Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bailey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barrows Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Claus Mr. and Mrs. William Dorman Dr. and Mrs. Finch Mr. and Mrs. William Gall Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Greenwood Haas Studio Mr. and Mrs. Gene Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Heacox Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herbolzheimer Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoyum Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hunt Mrs. Patricia Huntington Mr. and Mrs. John Jamerich Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Janzen Mr. and Mrs. Lyle King Mr . and Mrs. James T. Kirsh Mr. and Mrs. Donald Koskinen Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Larsen Dr. and Mrs. Erling Larson Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S . Meredith Mr. and Mrs. RayT . Parfet Mr. and Mrs. R . William Perry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sensenbrenner Mr . and Mrs. Richard B. Stanley Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swanson Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Tompsett Dr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Vickery Dr. and Mrs. T .W. Wagenknecht Mr. and Mrs. Hale Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Werner Mr. and Mrs. A . B. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. C . David Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Albert C . Zabolio

I I .1 IJ ------ -

Student Directory E


Ehlenfeldt, Scott; 91 West Water Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Eickhoff, Mike; Land O' Lakes, WI. 54540 Ellis, Dave; 620 3rd Street, South, Wis. Rapids, WI. 54494 Emison, Anne; 1528 Old Orchard, Vincennes, IN. 47591 Erickson, Martha; 1216 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Exner, Mike; 108 York Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

Alexander, Susie; 903 Pioneer Street, Kalamazoo, MI. 49001 Ankenbruck, Ruth; 667 Briarwood, Littleton, CO. 80120 Arthur, Lori; 525 Parkway, Winneconne, WI. 54986 Awender, Ralph; 1317 LaCresta Drive, Freeport, IL. 61032 Aylward, Andy; Route I, Highway A, Neenah, WI. 54956



Babcock, Wendy; 3210 Magnolia Circle, Kala mazoo, MI. 49001 Bailey, Candy; 402 East North Street, Appleton, WI. 54911 Banta, Ginger; 1520 Palisades Drive, Appleton, WI. 54911 Barnes, Mary; 808 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Barrows, Jane; 108 North Lake Shore Drive, Route 4, Box 370, Lake Geneva, WI. 53147 Barss, Joe; Barss, Bob; 4849 Lakeshore Road, Port Huron, MI. 48060 Bender, AI; 1227 Hiawatha Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bennett, Ted; 316 Front Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bergen, Peggy; 97 LaCrosse Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bergman, Eric; R.R.# 3, Cassopolis, MI. 49031 Berman, Cara; 3400 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL. 60657 Birschbach, Pete; 706 DeClark Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Bissegger, Pete; 14 5 Cottage Avenue, Fond duLac. WI. 5493 5 Bondehagen, Brian; 600 Greenfield Avenue, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Braden, Sue; 851 A Lake Shore Drive, Lade Geneva, WI. 53147 Bradford, Nancy; 1324 Main Street, Grinnell, lA . 50112 Brey, AI; Rt. 3, Box 68, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Burford, Robert; 2016 Culleywood Road, Jackson, MS. 39211 Burnham, Betsy; 2421 Ducharme Lane, Green Bay, WI. 54301 Burns, Cindy; 105 Stratford Place, Mount Prespect, IL. 60056 Bush, Betsy; 949 Fisher Lane, Winnetka, IL. 60093 Buss bong, Pakorn; Royal Thai Embassy, 1906-23rd Street, N .W ., Washington, D.C. 20008 Busse, Chris; 329 Smedema Drive, Randolph, WI. 53956

Fauntleroy, Jean; !Ill Meadows Road, Geneva, IL. 60134 Fienup, Gill; 220 Parana, La Lucila, Buenos Aires, Argentina Fierke, Dave; Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Fleming, Susan; Route I, Horicon, WI. 53032 Fodden, Liz; 1128 North lith Street, Manitowoc, WI. 54220 Foltz, Terry; 17 Indian Hill Road, Winnetka, WI. 60093 Foss, Carole; 34 Hutchinson Street, Sale, Victoria, Australia, 3850 Fox, Denny; 1229 Sandpiper Lane, Napervill, IL. 60540 Frederick, Lisa; 900 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Freeman, Conrad J . III; 711 West Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Frinak, Pat; 105 Mohawk Circle, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

G Gall, Bill; 192 Thornhill Drive, Danville, IL. 61832 Garrett, Brian; 837 Larchmont La ne, Lake Forest, IL. 60045 Gefvert, Eric; 10117 Old Orchard Court, Skokie, IL. 60076 Gehrmann, Bill; 2125 Sunnyside Avenue, Burlington, lA. 52601 Gibbons, Ann; 415 South Church Street, Hudson, MI . 4924 7 Gibbons, Nancy; 415 South Church Street, Hudson, MI. 49247 Gibson, Rick;# 2 Gibson Drive, Oberlin, OH. 44074 Gilchrist, Dave; 424 Woodside Avenue, Hinsdale, IL. 60521 Gilman, Richard; 1024 Crown Street, Kalamazoo, MI. 49007 Giulian, Gary; 308 West Third Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Giulian, Val; 308 West Third Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Glos, Mary; 1744 Highland Drive, Freeport, IL. 61032 Goelz, Rich; 144 West Mission Road, Green Bay, WI. 54301 Gokey, Gretchen; Green Acres, Woodside Drive, Freeport, JL. 61032 Gokey, Pat; Green Acres, Woodside Drive, Freeport, IL. 61032 Goldstone, Meg; 1035 West 35th Avenue, Gary, IN. 46408 Gordon, Marnie; 72 Jennings Road, Battle Creek, MI. 49015 Greenwood, Shelley; 3828 Spring Creek Road, Rockford , IL. 61111 Griggel, Cindy; 259 Park Drive, Randolph, WI. 53956

c Caldwell , Sue; 506 Liberty Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Caselli, John; 3232 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL. 60091 Cassady, Gigi; 2225 Riverside Drive, South Bend, IN. 46616 Ca!isidy, Kevin; 316 Sunset Road, Winnetka, IL. 60093 Charlton, Gary; 2633 Norlth Oak Park Avenue, Chicago, IL. 60635 Claus, Dick; 911 Green Tree Road, West Bend, WI. 53095 Claussen, Darcy; 605 Green Street, Dowagiac, MI. 49047 Clay, Beth; Clay, Mibby; 401 Hillcrest Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Coley, Connie; Coley, Scott; Route 2, Juneau, WI. 53039 Colosimo, Jay; 860 Virginia Street, Gary, IN.46402 Corwin, Mary; 3930 Kathmar Drive, Jackson, MI. 49203 Coy, Kelly; 705 Meadows Road , Geneva, IL. 60134 Cress, Ellie; 312 West Front, Buchanan, MI. 49107

H Hammer, Jim; 413 South Lincoln Avenue, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Hammett, Liz; 704 Highland Terrace, Sheboygan, WI. 53081 Hansberger, Sandy; Route 2, Box 184, West Chicago, IL. 60185 Hansel, Berta; 419 West Elm Street, Wautoma, WI. 54982 Harings, Peter; 662 East Oak Street, Juneau, WI. 53039 Harker, Lee; 2067 West Collingswood Drive, Beloit, WI. 53511 Harmon, Chris; Hickory Hollow Drive, Dundee, IL. 60118 Harrison, Brad; 505 St. John 's Road , Delafield, WI. 53018 Hartman, Paula; R.R . I, Juneau, WI. 53039 Heacox, Julie; 219 North Main Street, Juneau, WI. 53039 Heacox, Mary Jo; 219 North Main Street, Juneau, WI. 53039 Hepner, Dave; 97 North Stewart, Freeport IL. 61032 Hepner, Jan; 97 North Stewart, Freeport, IL. 61032 Hepp, Ryan; 1700 North Waukegan Road, Lake Forest, IL. 60045 Herbolzheimer, Eric; 1531 South Lehmann Lane, Appleton, WI. 54911

D Davidson, Adrian; 230 I Roys Avenue, Elkhart, IN. 46514 Deweese, Wilf; 2306 Birchmont Drive, Bemidji, MN. 56601 Diets, John; 214 Roller Avenue, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Dinsmore, Bruce; Dinsmore, Hugh; 517 Shady Lane, Biltmore, Barrington, JL. 60010 Dohmann, Steve; 2-7H Brookwood Circle, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Dorman, Debra; Park Boulevard, Freeport, IL. 61032 Duffey, Jim; 2917 Curry Parkway , Apt. 25, Madison, WI. 53713 Dunski, Karen; 415 South Cedar Street, Horicon, WI. 53032


Herrmann, Jo; 825 Parkside, Elmhurst, IL. 60126 Hewitt, Cindy; 537 South 1st Avenue, Winneconne, WI. 54986 Hiegel, Gail; 28 Fuller Court, Madiso n, WI. 53704 Hofbauer, Greg; 409 North Pleasant Street, Montpelier, OH . 43543 Hor ton, John; 676 Walnut, Winona , MN. 55987 Howa rd , Rob; 114 Mohawk Ci rcle, Beave r Dam , WI. 539 16 Hoyum , Tom ; 4901 Hi ghcrest Road, Roc kford , IL. 61107 Hunt, John; Rt. I, Crooked Creek Road, White Pigeon, MI . 49099 Huntington , Jim; 2707 Highland Court, St. Joesph, MI . 49085 Huston , Mac; 141 South Professor Street, Oberlin, OH. 44074 Hutchinson, Bill; 529 East Lincoln , Waupun , WI. 53963

Mertes, Buz; Box 300, Homer, MN . 55942 Miller, Freddie; 517 York Street, Beaver Dam , WI. 539 16 Miller, Kay; St. Naziana, WI. 54232 Miller, Sara; 93 17 South 51st Avenue, Oaklawn, IL. 60453 Mindrup, Bruce; 24 Oakwood Place, Jerseyv ille, IL. 62052 Murphy, C indy; 300 Gettysburg Drive, Apt. A, Belleville, IL. 62223

N Nedelkoff, Robbie; 28 West Main Street, Salineville, OH . 43945 Neuberger, George; R .R.# I, Reeseville, WI. 53579 Neuerburg, Anneli; Durresbachstr. II , 5202 Hennef/ Sieg, Germ a ny 2470 Nielson, Rob; 304 East Maple Avenue, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Niles, Larry; 705 Oneida Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Nordell, Dan; 414 West North Street, Juneau , WI. 5.3039

J Jamrich , Barbara; 537 West Kaye, Marqette, MI. 49855 Janzen, John; 2 North Villa Grove, Springfield, IL. 62707 Johnson, Jane; 2730 Broadway, Evanston, IL. 60201 Johnson , Jerry; Aramco - Box 1686, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Jung, Charlie; 232 Pierce Street, Randolph , WI. 53956

0 Ogden. Bruce; 8945 Cottage G rove Avenue. Hi ghland , IN . 46322 Okamuro, Kath y; 141 3 Merrill Street, Ka lama zoo, M 1.. 4900 I O sa nn , Ellen; 92 West Road, Dune Acres, C heste ron, IN . 46304 Overfield, Pete;233 1 Grey Avenue , Eva nston, I L. 6020 I

K Kampan at , Tippy; 1039 Luacha Lane, Phalolyodhin Road , Bangkok, Thailand Kellogg, Gay; 56 15 Woodland Court, Peoria, IL. 61614 Kersman , Katie; 301 East Circle Drive, North Muskegon, MI. 49445 Ketola , Mark; 402 South Genesee Street, Morrison , IL. 61270 Kettunen , Bob; 1556 Long Road , Kalamazoo , MI. 49001 Killeen , Court; 108 Winn Terrace, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 King, Kay; 1213 South Homestead Avenue, Freeport, IL. 61032 Kirsh, Jim; 1220 Hiawatha Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 539 16 Kirsh , Mike; 1220 Hiawatha Drive, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Klaisner, Kathy; 1796 Juniper Circle, South Milwaukee, WI. 53172 Kleist, Preach 707 East Walnut Street, Horicon, WI. 53032 Klossner, Eva; 1112 North Center Street, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Knowles, Christy; 1101 Fargo Boulevard, Geneva, IL. 60134 Koskinen , Walt; 315 Lake Road, Menasha, WI. 54952

p Pabst, Christy; 546 Chatham Court, Neenah, WI. 54956 Pachter, Ralph ; ll 733 Lake Shore Drive, Gary, IN . 46403 Pa rent , Vida; 822 La ke Shore Drive, Beaver Dam , WI. 539 16 Parfet , Jane; 2133 Benjamin Avenue, Kalam azoo, MI. 49001 Parker , Betsy; 700 St. Lawrence Avenue, Janesville, WI. 53545 Parker, George; 700 St. Lawrence Avenue, Ja nesville, WI. 53545 Parker, David; CIA Halliburton , Aptdo, 221 , El Tigre, Estado Anzoategui , Venezuela, South America Peachey, Peggy; Route I, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Perry, Marci a; 921 Ray Street, Geneva, IL. 60134 Peterso n, Arthur; Main Street, Box 215 , Watersmeet, MI. 49969 Peterson, Karla; Watersmeet, MI. 49969 Pfeifer, Stan; 3310 Michael Court, Green Bay, WI. 54301 Platt, Tom; 635 Tiverton Road, Lake Forest, IL. 60045 Pollak, Mitch; 7825 Lake Shore Drive, Gary, IN . 46403 Pommerich, Glenda; 593 Western Avenue, Fond duLac, WI. 54935 Prunuske, Ann; Route 2, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Prunuske, Pete; Route 2, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

L Lachmann, Eddy; Highway 10, Amherst, WI. 54406 Laing, Mari; 206 Green Street, Dowagiac, MI. 49047 Lambert, Bill; 2231 Carroll, Bay City, MI. 48706 Larsen, Greg; 149 North Oakland Avenue, Green Bay, WI. 54303 Larson, Dave; 117 Ridgewood Avenue, Davenport, IL. 52803 Lavicka, Sarah; 1450 East 55th Place, Chicago, IL. 60637 Leichtle, Debbie; 324 Front Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Lenz, Val ; 5017 Brookview Road , Rockford , IL. 61107 Lindeke, Margie; P.O. Box 416, Bessemer City, NC. 28016 Little, Ginny; 2424 Broadway , Kala mazoo, MI . 49001 Lockwood, Dave; Seabury Road, Faribault, M N. 55021 Lowman, Katie; Route 3, Fond duLac , WI. 54935 Lyle, John; 3419 Michigan Bouleva rd , Racine, WI. 53402 Lyon, Scott; 408 Greenbriar, Riverwoods, IL. 60015

R Radford , Curt; 3750 Pau Ko Tuk Lane, Oshkosh, WI. 54901 Raemish, Ma ry; Box 121 , Dane, WI. 53529 Retzer, Apryl; 1317 West Moss Avenue, Peoria, IL. 61606 Reul, Dave; 722 Courtland Place, West Bend, WI. 53095 Reynolds, Julie; Lantern Lane - Sugar Creek Hills, Joliet , IL. 60433 Rhines, Tom; 62 1 South Cochran Avenue, Charlotte, MI . 48813 Richards, Janie; 1232 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Richardson , Mark; 3630 Gordon Road , Elkhart, IN . 46514 Rodenbaugh , Preston; 475 North Highland Avenue, Memphis, TN . 38111 Roski , Andy; 1110 Justine Drive, Kankakee, JL. 60901 Roth , Francine; 2749 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL. 60091 Roth , Marlee; 7530 Forest Avenue, Gary, IN . 46403 Rottman , Paul ; 173 South Park Avenue, Fond du Lac, WI. 54935 Royer, Jeff; Maycrest, Mayville, WI. 53050 Rozo, AI; 111 5 Adams Street, North Chicago, IL. 60064 Ruenzel, Liz; 26 Muirwood Drive, Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137 Runge, Louise: 1007 Hillside Avenue, Madiso n, WI. 53705 Russo, Rob; 505 Oakland Avenu e, Janesville, WI. 53545 Russo, Rich ; 505 Oakland Avenue, Janesville, WI. 53545

M Maier, Jan; 725 Oneida Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Maloney, Marcy; 124 Mohawk Drive, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Maloney, Nancy; 124 Mohawk Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 McCreedy, Nikki; 402 East Freistadt Road, Thiensville, WI. 53092 McCreedy, Stu; 402 East Freistadt Road , Thiensville, WI. 53092 McNeel, Jude; Route 6, Box 90, Burlington, WI. 53105 Meredith , Diane; Box H, Elburn, IL. 60119 Meredith, Ted; 260 East Chestnut Street, Apt. 3607 , Chicago, IL. 60611 Merker, Brad; 3460 West Colette Court, Mequon, WI. 53092



Vickery, Jack; 602 Oak Street, Lena, IL. 61048 Vilker, Bob; 418 Healy Avenue, Beaver Dam , WI. 53916 Vrabec, Barb; 1204 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Vrabec, Nancy; 1204 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

Sampon, Jacques; 229 East Maple Avenue, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Saterbo, Rich; 808 Castlewood Lane, Deerfield, JL. 60015 Schiek, Tyri; 1341 Parkview Drive, Macomb, JL. 61455 Schmidt, Lisa; 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, FL. 33579 Schmidt, Sparky; 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, FL. 33579 Schmidt, Bobbi; 920-7th Avenue, West, Ashland, WI. 54806 Schoettler, Kari; 1632 Fourth Street, Port Edwards, WI. 54469 Seehausen, Lyn; 36 Briar Lane - The Oaks, Rockford, JL. 61103 Seifert, Nanci; 1102-6th Street, De Witt, lA. 52742 Sensenbrenner, Pete; 114 Limekiln Drive, Neenah, WI. 54956 Shearer, Doug; 635 Park Avenue, Columbus, WI. 53925 Shepard, Buzz; 1113 East Forest Avenue, Neenah, WI. 54956 Sims, Lee Ann; cfo Arabian American Oil Co. Box 661, Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia, 6014 Smith, Curt; P.O. Box 7, Neenah, WI. 54956 Smith, Ellie; I Nelson Lane, Bay City, MI. 48706 Smith, Val; Rt. I, Box 211, Menasha, WI. 54952 Snow, Fred; 3 Chatham Circle, Kankakee, IL. 60901 Sprotte, Laurel; 322 West Third Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Stafford, Jack; 1411 East Forest Avenue, Neenah, WI. 54956 Stahmer, Rick; Rt. 3, Box 184, St. Charles, JL. 60174 Stanley, Rick; 4 Coventry on Duxbury, Plum Grove Village, Rolling Meadows, IL. 60008 Stephenson, Dave; 19 Woodmew Lane, Battle Creek, MI. 49017 Stetson, Mark; 106 Florida Avenue, S.W ., Orange City, lA. 51041 Stoffel, Jan; 3634 North Bay Drive, Racine, WI. 53402 Stray, Chris; 555 Cornelia, Apt. 1512, Chicago, JL. 60657 Swanson, Don; 1013 North Cherry Valley Road, McHenry, JL. 60050 Szweda, Alice; 1300 North Center Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Szweda, Barb; 1300 North Center Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Szweda, Theresa; 1300 North Center Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

w Wagenknecht, Ann; 308 East Kent Street, Streator, JL. 61364 Wagenknecht, Lynn; 308 East Kent Street, Streator, IL. 61364 Wagner, Charley; 515 East Lincoln Street, Waupun, WI. 53963 Wagner, Joe; 606 East Lincoln Street, Waupun, WI. 53963 Warner, Bill; Route 4, Paw Paw, MI. 49079 Warner, Tom; Route4, Paw Paw, MI. 49079 Way, Pam; 1224 Lake Shore Drive, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Wellman, Robbie; 22 Watch Hill Road, Rock Island, JL. 61201 Wells, Peggy; 730 Oneida Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 539lb Werner, Beth; 804 Dickinson Street, New Londan, WI. 54961 Wesenberg, Gary; 106 Burchard Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Wharton, Peggy; 1224 Laurie Lane, Hinsdale, JL. 60521 White, Wendy; 115 Woodview Drive, Cortland, OH. 44410 Wiesman, Joe; 502 South Finch Street, Horicon, WI. 53032 Wiesman, Tom; 502 South Finch Street, Horicon, WI. 53082 Wiley, Todd; 78 Kendal Avenue, Maplewood, NJ. 07040 Wilson, Wendy; 2082 Ledgebrook Drive, Route 3, Fond duLac, WI. 54935 Wohlrabe, Shane; 5704 North Drake, Chicago, IL. 60645 Wohlrabe, Toby; 5704 North Drake, Chicago, IL. 60645 Woller, Debbie; R.R . I, Box 169, Hartland, WI. 53029 Wood, Dirk; 202 West Market, Box 37, North Liberty, IN. 46554 Woods, Jacques; Route I, Snug Harbor Drive, Waupaca, WI. 54981 Worley, Doug; 1715 Portage Avenue, South Bend, IN. 46616 Wright, Kim; Winding Trail Road, Oak Knolls, Dundee, IL. 60118

y Taheri, Lin; 3451 Highland Woods Drive, Bay City, MI. 48706 Teumer, Nancy; 9083 North Lake Drive, Milwaukee, WI. 53217 Tisdel, John; 5600 Lake Shore Road , Port Huron, MI. 48060 Tompsett, Jim; 2305 North 3rd Street, Sheboygan, WI. 53081 Traut, Beth; 116 Cottage Avenue, Fond duLac, WI. 54935 Trumpf, Gretchen; Box 107, Birchwood, WI. 54817

Yanikowski, Jim; 811 North Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916 Yanikowski, Mike; 811 North Street, Beaver Dam, WI. 53916

z Zabolio, Zabs; Vernon County, Genoa, WI. 54632 Zeitz, Juli; 2137 Washington Avenue, Wilmette, JL. 60091 Ziegler, Janie; 635 Summit Drive, West Bend, WI. 53095

v Van Pelt, Barb; 73 1 South Elm Street, Hinsdale, IL. 60521


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