1971 - 1972 Wayland Academy Yearbook

Page 1

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Jame s R. Burnham President B.A., M.Ed. U ni ve rsity of New Hampshire

David W . Fierke Director of Studies and College Placements Concordia Junior College, Concordia Seminary B.A . Valparaiso University , M.A . Northwestern University


John T. Mu ell er Bu siness M a nage r; B.A. U ni vers ity of Wisco nsin , Ca liforni a In stitute of T ech no logy

GeorgeS. Cobb Director of Admi ss ion s and Rel ation s B.A. Alma College

Willi a m J. Schmidt Dean o f S tudent s, Social Science B.S. East St ro ud sburg Co ll ege, Medical College of Virginia , M.A . Un iversit y of Penn sy lva nia , Ph.D. U ni versit y of Nort h Carolina

Pamela Hurst Dean of Girl s; B.A. Western Co llege for Women, University of Wi scons in

Eli Seighman Director of Reso urce Mat eria l, Dor mito ry Supervisor: B.A . Universtiy of West Virginia, M .A. Western Reserve U ni vers ity

Virginia Gross Public Relation s and Publi catio ns, Dormito ry Supervisor: B.S. U ni vers it y of Wisco nsin-Mil wa uk ee , Sac ra mento State College


Donna Andherst , Girl ' s P.E.; B.S.N. Dakota State U niversity , M.S. Pennsylvania State University. John G. Clay, Math; B.S. Lawrence University, University of California, University of Minnesota, Wayne State University . Beverly Dohmann, Art; B.F .A . Layton School of Art, Minneapolis School of Art. Richard Hansgen , Physics, Ph ysical Science; B.S. Ohio State University, Ohio Wesleyan , National Science Foundation , M.S.T. Cornell University. John Heilman , Social Science; B.A. Coe College, University of Iowa, M .A. University of Wisconsin . Jerry Hogan , English, German; B.A. Bradley University, Eastern Illinois University. Gregory S. Hurst, English, Director of Theatre; B.S. Miami University, University of Wisconsin .


Robert P . Kahn, Music; B.A., M .A. , University of Wi sco nsin . David W. Kasper, Math ; B.S. Carroll Co ll ege, M.S. University of Wisconsin, Milw a ukee. Elias Khreish , Chemistry; B.S. Wi sco nsin State University - Eau Claire, M .S . Wayne State University. Emil y Knott , English; B.M . Wesleya n College, M .A. University of Georgia , University of Wisco nsin . Constance Koehne , Spanish; B.A. De Paul University, Universidad Autonoma Del Estado de Mexico. William Koehne, Spanish; B.A. Ya le University, M.A. University of Michigan, University ofChicago, M.A. Northern Illin ois University. Jan H . Lilly, Social Science; B.A ., M .A . West Virginia University.


Linda M aier, Bio logy; B.A. Ohio Wesleyan U ni versit y . Michael Maier , S oc ia l Science; B.A. Princet o n U ni versity, U ni versity of Wisconsin . M a rtin Meyer, Bi ology; B.S. , M.S. Universit y of Wiscons in - M adi so n, University of Wisc o nsin - Milwaukee, Un iversity of Indi a na, Ba ll Dat e Co ll eg e, Lawre nce U ni versity. Joeph H. Miller , Math ; B.S. Wisconsin Sta te U niversi ty - Stevens Poi nt , M.A . Colorado State Co llege . John P. Patterson , English; B.A . Wisconsin State University - Whitew a ter, M.A. U niversity of Wyo ming, University of Wisconsin. Carol Pellowski, Girl's P.E. ; Kent State.


David G. Proctor, English , Latin ; A.B. Harvard University , M.Ed . Boston University, Breadloaf School of English - Middlebury Co ll ege, University of Wisco nsin Madison . Phillip Resch , Boy's P.E., Dormitory Supervisor; B.S. University of Wisconsin. Christine Robinson, English, Dormitory S upervisor; B.A. State Universit y of New York - Albany, M.A. University of Wisco nsin . Anne Marie Sampon, French; Graduate of Ecole Commerciale Verviers, Marquette University, Universite Laval. Victor Sampon , French; B.S. , M .A. Marquette University, Ecole Co mmerc ia le Verviers, Universite de Liege, University of Wisconsin , Universite Laval , La Sorbonne, Maitre d' Esc rime , Eco le des Maitres d'Escrime, lnstitut National des Sportes, Pari s. Fred L. Schlicher, Math ; B.E D. Wi sconsin State University - Whitewater, M .S. State University of Iowa , University of Wisconsin, Knox College, Drew University.


Alice Stecker, Director of Student Health; B.S.N ., M .S. Marquette University. Franklin Stecker, Music ; B.A . Northwestern University, M.A . Wa rtburg Co llege. Lavita Wichman, Librarian , Typing; B.A . Carroll College. Ralph Wiedenhoe ft, Chaplain - Counselor; B.A. University of Minnesota, B.D. Luther Theological Seminary. Sol Wolfe , Athletic Director; A. B. Hill sd a le College, Un iversity of Michigan. David Zoerb, Administrative Assistant, History; B.S. U niversity of Wiscon sin .


Frank Weber - Bookstore

Marie Schuster - Registered Nurse

Charlotte Fetzig - Nursing Assistant

Clarence Radel Maintenance

Gordon Knibbs - Food Service

Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Hansgen, Mrs. Weisensel, Mrs. Birkholtz, Mrs. Leach, Miss Peters - Office Staff

Maintenance Crew



-.. -路 ~ tntt'rs I#

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You know wherever you are I'll come running to see yo u again Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall All you've got to do is call And I'll be there

Candis Melville Bailey

Mary Ellen Barnes

Soon I will be there To brighten up even your Darkest nights You just call out my name

Margaret Sue Bergen

Robert Winston Barss

When you're down and troubled And you need a helping hand and Nothing , nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me

Peter Alan Biebel


Peter Arnold Bissegger

If the sky above you should grow Dark and full of clouds And the old north wind begins To blow - keep your head together And call my name out loud

Brian Melvin Bondehagen

Betsy Bradley Bush

Soon I'll knock upon your door Ain't it good to know You've got a friend

Shaun Michael Byrnes

Jacqueline Ann Campbell

When people can be so cold They'll hurt you and desert you They ' ll take your soul If you let them - but don't you Let them . You've got a friend. Carol King

Jean Ellen Cassady

Gary Thomas Char lton


\ Suchai Chindavanich

Beth Ann C lay

Are you going away with no word of farewell? Will there be not a trace left behind? Well I could have loved you better Didn't mean to be unkind You know that was the last thing on my mind.

Michael Patric k Exner

Marilyn Boe n Disher

Lisa An n Frederick


Guy Domi nic Gehring

Richard David Goe lz

Gretchen Eli zabeth Welch Gokey

I am a maid of constant sorrow I've seen trials all of my da ys I'm going back to California Place where I was partly raised

Meri Ell en Goldstone

Margaret El len Go rdon

Cynthi a Marie G riggel

William Robert Hartzel


To accomplish this we Must have hope based on A clear idea of what the world And life have to offer

John Steven s Hort on

Th omas Hoy um

Part of growing up is Getting ready to share The responsibility for the world -

Robert Dullam Hu ghes

Mary Ellen Huey

Dreams are the food The soul must have to survive. We all have our dreams; Some of them shared Some of them secret.

John Walter Hunt


Carroll Benton Huntress III

The most difficult lesson The road teaches, is that life Is often less Sometim es more But always different.

Jane S tu a rt Jo hn so n

Jerry Ro land Jo hn so n

In the new realiza rions, new pains, And new joys - you see yourself Differently, but yo u must accept it Because you . Are the center of it all

Char les Fenelon Jung

Ho ll y Ca ro l Kaeser

You and everything you see In the world blend together Into a dream th at is . Yourself.

Kathryn Sue Ker sman

Mark Fi ll mo re Keto la


Robert Gibbs Kettunen

Mari Barbara Laing

How can I go forward when I don't know which way I' m facing? How can I go forward when I don't know which way to turn?

Janet Marie Maier

Valerie Anne Lenz

Nicola Gail McCreedy


Ann Baldwin McDonald

Frank Guett in ger Mertes, Jr.

Bruce Edward Ogden

How can I go forward into something I' m not sure of? You know life can be long You've got to be strong.

Vida Evelyn Parent

J ane Parfet

Elizabeth Weedon Parker

Laurence David Parker , Jr.


Just a boy and a litt le girl Trying to change the world Isolation The world is just a little town Everybody trying to put us down

Anupoch Pasawat

Marcia Nettie Perry


Ann Marie Prunuske

Karla Jean Peterson

People say we got it made Don't they know we're so afraid Isolation We're afraid to be alone Everybody got to have a home

Julia Laird Reynolds


Thomas George Rhines

I don' t expect you to understand After you've caused so much pain But then you're not to blame You're just a human A victim of the insane

/ Presto n Dulmage Roden baugh

Richard Kr affert Ru sso

We're a fraid of everyone Afraid of the sun Isolation The sun will never disappear but The world may not have many years

Arno ld William Schmidt, Jr.

Dou glas Romney Sheare r


Laurel Eli za beth Sprotte

Richard Alan Sta hm er


John Lennon

So hard to shed the life of before To let my soul automatically soar Sew up the wounds of evolution So what if life's a revelation

Richard Baxter Stanley II

Christopher David Stephenson

So hard to laugh a child -like giggle When the tears start to torture my mind

Alice Marie Szweda

Sandra S ykes

So hard to answer future's riddle When ahead is seeming so far behind

John Hamilton Tisdel


Jon Livingstone Vickery

Long promised road Trail starts at dawn Carries to the seaso n's ending Flows to the source, ge ntle Force, never end ing

Barba ra An n Vrabec

Lisbeth Ann Werner

So ha rd to drink of passion's nectar When the tas te of life is holding me down

Marga ret Anne Wharton

Caro l I rene Wilson

So hard to plant the seed of reform So set my sights on defeating the storm . Carl Wilson, Jack Rieley

Douglas Grant Wor ley

Juli Zeitz


unrot路~ j

Andy Aylward

Pete Birschbach

Julie Batchelder

Ted Bennett

AI Brey


Eric Bergman

Pakorn Busabong

Colin Byrnes

Sue Caldwell


Connie Coley

Dayle Davis

Hugh Dinsmore

Steve Dohmann

Karen Dunski

David Fierke

Li z Fodden

Terry Foltz


Dave Ellis

Carole Foss

Pat Frinak

Eric Gefvert

Ann Gibbons

La nce Gillis

Val Giulian

Shelley Greenwood

Roberta Hansel

Chris Harmon

Gail Hiegel

Greg Hofbauer


Rob Howa rd

Tip py Ka mpa nat

Dave Kowa lski

John Ja nze n

Co urtney Ki llee n

Kate Lowma n


Jeff John ston

C la udi a Juley

Paul Klei st

Walter Kos kinen

Diane Meredith

Fred Miller

Sara Miller

Mary Moblo

Roger Nap

Kathy Okamuro

Peg Peachey

Dave Poboisk

Steve Poser


Scott Provost

C url Radford

Jeff Roye r

Jacq ue s Sam pon

Andy Roski

AI Rozo

Lowell Snorf


Beth Run ge

John Russe ll

Fred Snow

Jock Stafford

Beth Traut

Peggy Wells

Toby Wohlrabe

Ann Wyman

Kim Wright


Nancy Vrabec

Shane Wohlrabe

Mike Yanikowski

Marty Alexander

Brooke Barss

Jon Brooks

Brian Busse

Bruce Boswell

Jan Crow

Howard Donnelly

Bruce Dinsmore


Sue Braden

Adrian Davidson

Mary Fleming

Conrad Freema n

Ma ry Glos

Sand y Han sberge r

Brian Gar rett

Jennie Gosin

James Hammer

Brad Harri son

Julie Heacox


Mike Ha mmell

Karen Heili genstein

Cindy Hewitt

Mark Hiegel

Eva Klossner

Steve Lamsam

Jim Lyman

Fina McGarn

Bea Miley

Jenny Neese

Larry Niles

Martha Parker


Mike Kirsh

Mitch Po lla k

Mary Pomme rich

Sa ll y Sa nde rson

Ka ren Sc hoe ttler

Lee S mith

C hri s S tray

Mo Ra dford

M a ry Schroede r


J a ne Ri cha rd s

C hip S hand

I Theresa Szwed a

Diane Teichman

Gretchen Trumpf

Cr a ig Van Engelen

Greg Walker

Dave Warnock

Cathy Whereatt

Bill Wiedenhoeft

Jim Wiesman

Joni Wise

Jim Yanikowski



John Allard

Bob Bissegger

Danielle Boothe

Paul Brey

Jim Bril

Wendy Brown

Lea Busse

Kevin Byrnes

Julie Castelo

Phil Dhein

Doug Fallos

Jane Fowler


Ma rk Gerha rdt

Tom Gibbons

Luke Hartm an

Jeff Hawley

Kevin Kirsh

Steph ani e Gross

Jennifer Janci

Bob Ki st ler

Jul i Koe hne


Rhoda Ha ll

Dottie Jung

John Krae mer

Dawn LaReau

Terry Machie

Lee Mickus

Pete Lehr

Phil Mack

Nancy McMillin

Bruce Murphy

Steve Patterson


Cherie Ludwig

Cliff Madi son

Meg Pedigo

Ca rolyn Peifer

Kent Pi eper

Li za Prunuske

Nila Robi nson

Li sa Roye r

Vic ki Sax !

Marty Sco tt

De ni se Siege l

Geo rge Soc ha


Denni s Raetze l

John Schlicher

Kris Stone

Theodora Urban

Glenn Wiedenhoeft

Marney Terrill

Tom Thompson

Mike Yrabec

Dianne Wadman

Chris Worley

Pat Wiesman


Sara Traut

Mike Wendorf

Chuck Zitsman






Parent's Weekend Court Denise Siegel - Freshman Candy Bailey - Senior Jan Maier - Queen Terry Foltz - Junior Brooke Barss - Sophomore


Juni or C lass: I st place

Freshman C lass: 4th place

Sophomore Class: 3 rd place

Senio r C lass: 2nd place








ALPHA OMEGA PLAYERS The World of Sandburg
















I thought this concert was cordial.

Hey Doug! Cheerleading tryouts were last week.

Junior Grass Day.


Dear Dia ry, He's late again!

Hey, loo k wh at just ca me out o f Wa rren .

Actu a ll y I' m not pl ay in g pool I' m studyin g the forces o f ph ys ics.


Now men, that isn't the "Wayland Way".

You can't even carry on an intelligent conversation with this thing.

~Que pasa~


Hurry up, I can't hold this pose forever!

Sophomo res mu st be in the ho le aga in '

What do ya mean "am I copying"?


Vichery's secret attack approach .

Maier's seed and feed.

Come on in Dave, the water is great. Excedrin Headache# I .


This is a competitive sport!?!


.. yo ur so n prays ... before exams.

Feeling groovy! Just eating my Lucky C harms.


Senior Enthusiasm

But , Mrs. Hurst' I've on ly taken three illega l night s out this week !

Boy wou ld yo u look good in a pixie


One picture is worth a thousand word s 1


Those two are driving me up a tree'

My .. W .. stands for .. Wonderful ..


Le chewing-gum au panier!

I feel like the boy holding up the dik e .

I'm drea m ing o f a hoppy New Year .


Sure, I understand your dilemmar.

Ugh, I shou ldn 't have had that third desse rt.

Don't let the look fool yo u, girls.


U-rah , rah , Wayland.

Jenny , you can ' t do it without a paintbrush.

No, Eli. We don ' t have any bac k issues of MAD .


The tow ni e to uch o f excellence .

Wh a t a m I bid fo r thi s auth enti c aucti oneer?

Come on. Mr . Knibbs, I'm headwa ite r . G ive us a n ex tr a piece .


Everybody's off the beat except me.

Wh ere's my smo kes?

Wh o stole my cream rin se?


Hey Doc! Got a minute?

Wonder Wendorf can I have your autograph?

So this is what Mr. Burnham does all day'


Mr. Khreish'lllove thi s '

And this isn ' t even my "I love Wayland" smile . All right, Who threw the eraser')


I don't blame the bird , but why on mery

Hooti, the dancin g bear.


I can see it now, the Kahn Pianerettes on the Lawrence Welk Show.


1-2-3 kill the referees.

Kill it Carol!

Chris has gone astray.

Sue I can't find a nything wrong with yo u except the Math test.


Hey guys! Wrong goal post.

A typical Wayland meal - 8,469.99 calories.

Weekend Activities at Wayland.

A quiet, subdued atmosphere.


David A. Way Born: December 2, 1954

Died: December 6, 1971

God's Being touched his soul and he slept Tenn yson


R. Kistler. C. Bailey. P. Peachey, A. Gibbons. R. H ansel. V. Parent. N. Vrabec . S. Ca ld well. T. Szweda. M. Parker. B. C lay. A. S zweda. J . Brooks. G. Gokey. J. J a nci . E. Ber gma n. Not pictu red: M. Clay. C. Jung. J. Wise. M. Laing, B. Harri so n. L. P runeske. S. Lam sa m , L. Frederic k.

Our annual tribute to Wayl an d Academy this yea r came in the form of a computer dance. Thought up ingeniousl y by our own Charlie Jung, it was better organized than in previous years, and watchin g the development of the computerized couples proved very entertainin g . On our publishing side, we had onl y 26 people bringing yo u this annual, and despite the many strenuous deadlines and agonizing difficulties put up with by our co -editors, Alice Szweda and Vida Parent , and o ur ever-patient advisors, Miss Virginia Gross, Mr. John Patterson , Mr. David Proctor and Mr. David Fierke, and also o ur diligent photographers, Brad Harrison and Eric Bergman.



Aside from go rg ing them se lves at their monthl y dinner s, the varsity club members serve a real purpo se at Wayland . At the halftime of basketball and football ga mes, they suppl y us with refreshments, and spo nso r the homecomin g dance in the fall. These girls, with their nashy Friday varsity jacket s give a big boost to sc hool s pirit every year.

TOP ROW: L TO R - J. Reynolds, C. Bailey, C. Coley, M. Glos , S. Br aden, M. Gordon, B. Parker . BOTTOM ROW: L TO R V. G uilian , M. Barnes, S. Greenwood , K. Okamuro, C. Grigge l, G. Trumph.


The men 's ath letic association at Wayland tradit ionally goes by the name of the " W Club". The members of this group are those who have earned a varsity letter in any s port. These students bring good sportsmanship and school spirit to Wayland the year round.

L TO R S. Wohlrabe. S. Byrnes, M. Exner, D. Worley. J . Tisdel , R. Russo. C. Huntress. Mr. Kasper, J . H ammer. J. Jan ze n. C. Killeen, F. Miller , Mr. Resc h.


Y W CABINET Under the direction of President Jan Maier , and with the assist ance of Mrs. Lilly, the YWCA began the year with the Big-Little sister program and the Talent Show. In addition to school -cen tered projects, the Y W members supported an Indian child through the Save the Children Federation As always, it was a successful year for th e Wayland YWCA.

TOP ROW: B. Parker, J. Maier , B. Werner. 2nd ROW: K. Okomuro , S. Green wood, P. Frinak. 3rd ROW: S. Han sberger , T. S zweda , M . Parker. 4th ROW: T. Machi, Mrs. Lilly. P. Weisman.


The class of 1972 scholars were Anne Pruneske, a semi -finalist, and Charlie Jung, Vida Parent, and Betsy Parker , each of whom received honorable mention. Merit society members must be in the upper two percent of the National Average. We would like to con gratulate these seniors and wish them success.

L TOR: B. Park er. C. Jung. V. Parent , A. Prunu ske.



FRONT ROW L TO R: S. Braden , M. Go ld stone. B. Werner. G. Gokey, P. Wharton . R. Hansel, N. McCreedy , C. Peterson , S. H a nsbe rger , S. Greenwood, K. Okamuro , S. Caldwell. TOP ROW: Mr. Hurst , G. Haufbaur , E. Gefvert , B. Ogden. C. Stray, C. Jung, C. Coley. Not pictured: M. Barnes, B. Runge, B. Harri son. E. Klossner. M. Parker. J. Royer. J. Russell. S. Sanderson. S. Schmidt, C. Zit sman .

The International Thespian Society is an honorary educational organization which aims to establish and advance the standards of excellence in all phases of Theater arts in secondary schools. This year Troupe 1538 took an active part in the three day Wisconsin State Thespian Conference and presented a cutting from SWEET CHARITY, with Eva-Marie Klossner and Bruce Ogden . In June over ten Wayland thespians will attend the five day International Thespian Conference held every two years for over 3,000 dramatic students. Troupe 1538 was selected to actively participate in the conference (one of the 60 schools out of 3,300 to be selected) by presenting an improvisational workshop performance . On campus, the thespians induct new members into the Troupe in December and May with a formal initiation performance ceremony. Participating in dramatic productions throughout the entire year, the thespiarls still find time to sponsor a St. Patrick's Day Dance and the Annual Theater Banquet in late May . The Wayland Thespians are truly involved!


FRENCH CLUB Le Cercle Fran~a is , noted for its quality, not quantity, had trouble finding itself this year. However, when active, it produced a skit, a trip to a play, and a movie on campus. By choice, the meetings were not com pul so ry and were con ducted in French with the aid of Mme. and M. Sampon. Elected as offi cers were: Jeanne Maier, Presidente; Jacqueline Wells , Yice-presidente; Anne Bailey, Secretaire; Cat Kersman, Treso riere; Catherine Low man , Publicite. Ca gaze! -

L TOR: P. Peachey , Mme . Sampon, K. Low man , J. Maier, V. Pa rent , S. Greenwood , A. Szweda. J. Koehne , P. We ll s, P . Wharton , K . Kersman , M. Sampon , C. Ba il ey.

SPANISH CLUB The Sp anish <Ziub, whose president was Eric Bergma n, was very active this year. A lthough this was its first year, like man y other organizations at Wayland, it sponsored bake sales, trips to Milwaukee Folk Fair s, rai se d mone y for the short term Mexico trip , and also tr aveled to several ot her places . The member s learned about Sp a ni sh culture and ex perien ced new ideas in food, dance, and general life.

Mr. Koeh ne, Mrs. Koehne, Br. Ba rss, B. Barss, P. Bergen, E. Bergman , J. Bril , W. Brown , H. Din smore, H. Donnell y, K. Dun ski , E. Gefve rt , L. G illi s, M. Gordon , C. Hewitt , T. Hoy um , M. Huey, C. Huntress, R. Kistl er, J. Kraener, D. Meredith. J. Neese, J. Pa rfet, K. Pieper , M. Pom me rich , S . Provost, C. Rad ford, M . Radford, J. Roye r, V. Sax I, M. Scott , C. Shand , D. Smallega n, L. Sprotte, C. Stray , D. Teich ma n. D. Warnoek , C. Whereatt , C. Wil so n, J. Wise.




Thi s year's German Club activities were quite va ried and numerous. They range from dining at a German restaurant to skating parties . Members didn't even have to be German students to participate, but they probably learned something about the German culture, anyway. At their monthly meetings , president Anne Prunuske, and Mr . Hogan always managed to think new things to do.

B. Weidenh oeft. E. Klossner. S. Sykes. P. Birschbach . .J . H am mer. S. Sanderson. J. H eacox. A. Prunu skc. L. Prunu sk e. S. Trou t. G. Trumpf, D . Siege l. J . Ri chard s, P. Klei st. A. Brey. Mr . H oga n .


Thi s yea r the political science club, headed by Mr. Heilman, had big plans for visiting government buildings. While on campus, its open di sc uss ion meetings were always controversial and a lot of fun. Although this was its first year at Wayland, also the political science club stimulated many mind s.


G L TOR : P. Frinak. F. Snow. V. G uilian . S. Sykes. SITTING L TOR : B. Bu sh . .J . Camp bell .



The proctor system , which completed its second year at Wayland, has added a lot to the peace and quiet of the dorms, and has also made the dorm supervisor's work easier. The proctors are a chosen group of students who continually try to uphold dormitory rules Successful or not we love them all!!??

BOTTO M ROW L T O R: B. Traut , J . Reynolds, J. Parfet. 2nd ROW: K. Ok a mura, S. G reenwood, B. Pa rk er. B. Werner , G. Go key . 3rd ROW: A. Wyman , J . Cass ad y. D. El li s, T . Hoy um. 4th ROW: A . Rozo . R. St afford , R. H owa rd , J. Royer. No t pict ured: M. Mo bl o , D. Meredith , C. Juley, C. Foss, E. Fodden , M. Perr y, R. Ru sso , A. Ros ki , J. J a nzen , D. Pa rk e r, R. Goel z, A . Aylwa rd.

CAMPUS HOSTS This year the campus hosts were especially active. Their greatest success was Homecoming weekend, when they helped lost parents get to their children's classes, sold tickets to the games, gave tours of Discovery Hall, and generally put the school in a very good perspective. Aside from Homecoming , the campus hosts, directed by Wayland's own top salesman Mr. George Cobb, showed the campus to many prospective Waylanders.

BOTTOM ROW L TOR : T. Folt z, B. Traut. 2nd ROW : P. Wh a rto n, G. C assady , J. Koehne , A. Gibbons, B. Runge. 3rd ROW: Y. Guilian , C. Ba iley , J. Maier, P. Peach ey, L. Frederick, Y. Parent, J. Crow, P . Frinak .


HOUSE COUNCIL Another rookie organization that proved successful was the Wayland Academy Hou se Council. It was composed of people chosen from each dorm. These students represented the student body at meetings with Dr. Schmidt and Mr. Burnham . Our suggestions and gripes were brou g ht to attention through the House Council thus allowin g the stu dent s to play a more active part in Wayland life . SITTING L TOR: A. Ro sk i, R . Han sel. STANDING L TOR: H . Din smore, T. Foltz, E. Ber gm a n, S. G reenwood, K. Okamuro, .J . Maier. Not pictured: B. Bush .



The Judicial Committee, with some new innovations suggested by Mr . Mick Maier , consisted of two faculty members and three students. This panel discussed and advocated penalties for major infractions of school rules . The committee's recommendations were given to Mr. Burnham, who made the final decisions. The J .C. is a good system and we would like to see it continued.

SEATED: Mr . Ma ier , Mr s. Dohm an, Mr. Meyer , Mr. Schlicker, STANDING: K. Low m an, B. Clay, R . Howa rd , P . Biebe l, J. Maier, P. Peachey, K. Okamuro, P. Birshbach, F. Snow, B. Werner, P. Kl eist, J. Parfa it. Not pictured: Mr. Lill y, C. Harm on.


CHESS CLUB Chess Club proves to be a short subject to relay to our readers. Supervised by Doc Schmidt , this was its first year in existence . There were around twen ty-five members, all concentrating schorlarly on capturing their opponents by devastating plays, in hopes to show them off while playing in matches with another schools this year.

P. Peachey, A. Szwed a, A. Brey, M. Scott, S. Provost, S. Patterso n, A. Davidson , M. Moblo , B. Kistler, Dr. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, C. Freeman, G. Gehring, R. Nap, G. Trumpf.


Organized after Christmas, the newspaper staff was a small but ambitious group. Their main goal was to put out a publication which was not a gripe sheet, as in other years, but which allowed room for constructive criticism.

L TOR: T. Bennet , K. Dun ski, P. Well s, S. Ca ld well , A. Szweda , P. Peach ey.




G. W a lk e r, J. Broo ks, C. Madi so n



B. Runge B. Brooke C. Ludwig D. Siegel B. Traut S. Hansberger J. Batchelder C. Coley G. Gokey C. Bailey G. Cass id y B. Clay

B. Wiedenhoeft G. Walker S. Patterson E. Gefvert B. Hughes R.Nap G. Hofbauer B. Ogden J. Royer L. Royer A. Rozo B. Kistler


D. Fallos S . Caldwell P. Wells M. Fleming C. Worley N.Vrabec P. Frinak S. Greenwood J. Janci J. Koehne J. Wise A. Szweda

T. Szweda M. Pedigo E. Klossner B. Clay V. Parent C. Jung K. Kersman M. Perry J. Maier

The traditional choir Christmas program, the Festival of Lessons and Carols, was presented on December 12 . The festival this year was even more beautiful than those of previous years, and under the direction of Mr. Stecker, the hymns and carols rehearsed to perfection were performed quite successfully, despite everyone's fear of being set on fire . After Easter, the choir sung for several off-campus events.



MATH CLUB Another beginning organization at Wayland, sponsored by Mr. Miller and familiarly known as "Miller's Marauders", was the Math Club. Basicall y, this group was con cerned with the different concepts of new problems in mathmatics . This involved working problems and learning new methods of solving them.

David Kowa lski .

ot pictured: Mr. Kahn.

SITTING L TOR: V. Guilian , S. Sykes. STANDING L TOR: Mr . Miller, P. Frinak. J. Campbell, F. Snow, B. Bush.



FRONT ROW: C. Huntress, P. Rodenbaugh , C. Byrnes, D. Worley, T. Rhines, B. Barss, R . Stanley, S. Byrnes, A. Aylward, M. Exner. SECOND ROW : J. Brooks, R . Nap, T. Wohlrabe, J . Russell, A. Brey, L. Gillis. P Kleist, C. Killeen. A. Rozo. BACK ROW : Mr. Kasper, D. Warnock , J . Janzen, D. Ellis, E. Gefvert, T. Bomier, P. Birschbach, M. Yanikowski , Mr. Schlicher, !Y! r. Maier, Dr. Schmidt.

1971 Football (Varsity) Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Lost 7 Tied

Arrow head-Hartland 6 Ithaca 6 Wisconsin Lutheran 0 Preps 7 Martin Luther 0 St. Mary's 7 Racine Lutheran 0 7 University School I WonO

13 35 69 41 27 7 7 46

Coach Dave Kasper had a difficult time this year pulling together a good football team. Injuries to key players and inexperience as an overall team were factors that hindered the team's development. Their record was 0-7I. The one shining star for our team, however, was Chip Huntress. He made the all-conference team and was also elected captain and the most valuable player by his team mates. Bob Barss was selected as the most improved player. There were a great many juniors on the starting lineup, so there is definitely hope for next year.




FRONT ROW: S. Lamsam, J. Wiesman, J. Yanikowski, J . Lyman, M . Kirsh, M. Hammett, M. Hiegel, B. Garrett , L. Niles, B. Busse, SEC OND ROW: B. Boswell. H. Do nnell y. K. Pieper. C. Madi son. J. All a rd , M . Gerhardt , M . Vrabec . K. Kirsh , B. Ki stler . J . S chlicher . L. Hartman . BACK ROW: Mr. Meyer, C. VanEngelen , C. Zit sman, M. Wend o rf, K. Byrnes, P. Lehr . P. Brey, Mr . Resch.

1971 Football (J.V.) Wayland 0 Wayland 13 Wayland 12 Wayland 0 Wayland 0 Won I Lost 4

Wisconsin Lutheran Preps St. Mary' s Racine Lutheran University School

42 18 0 7 42



1971 Cross Country Wayland 28 J FK Wayland 31 St.John Military Academy Wayland 38 Holy Name Wayland Invitational 12th place Wayland 38 University School Wayland 31 Milwaukee Lutheran Conference Meet 5th place Wayland 40 Wisconsin Lutheran Won 0 Lost 6

27 28 22 22 28 20

FRONT ROW : S. Provost, B. Wiedenhoeft. BACK ROW : S. Wo hlrabe. J. Hawley, T . Hoyum , F. Mertes.


K. Peterson , T . Foltz, M . G los, K. Wri ght , G. Hiegel , C. Harmon , N . McCreedy, M. Di sher , B. We rner , K. Dun s ki, A. Gibbon s, Y. Giulian , D . Davis, Y. Pa rent , Mrs. Dohm a nn .



FRONT ROW: D. Stephenson, B. Kettunen , J. Hunt, R. Russo , R. Howa rd , J. Stafford , J . Tisdel. SECOND ROW: D. Shearer, D. Poboisk, F. Miller, D. Fierke, S . Poser, B. Bondehagen. THIRD ROW: J. Johnston, H. Dinsmore, R. Goeltz, B. Ha rtzell , D. Kowalski. BACK ROW: Mr. Hoga n, E. Bergman, A. Rosk i, G. Charlton , P. Chinda va nich , A. Pasawat.

1971 Soccer (Varsity) Wayland 6 Wayland I Wayland 0 Wayland I Wayland 0 Wayland 0 Wayland 0 Wayland I Wayland 2 Wayland 4 Won4 Tied I

Pio Nono Prairie School Cathedral University School St. Bou na venture St. Joseph University Lake St.John Military Academy DeSales Marquette Lost 5

The varsity soccer team, under the direction of its new Coach Jerry Hogan, showed a much improved record over past years. They finished the season with a 4-5-1 reco rd. The team suffered a heavy loss when one of the best players, Paul Chindavanich, was unable to play the entire season . Wayland can, however, be proud of Rich Goelz who was named as first string all-conference goalie.

0 0 5 I 4


0 0




FRONT ROW: J . Brill, R . Bisseger, D. Raetzel, J . Hammer , B. Harrison, P. Dhein. BACK ROW: T. Gibbons, B. Murphy, B. Dinsmore, M . Pollak, A. Davidson, S. Paterson, Mr. Khreish.

1971 Soccer(J .V.)

Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Won 4 Tied l

0 2 0 0 3 l l 3

Prairie School Cathedral University School St. Bounaventure St. Joseph University Lake St. John Military Academy Marquette

The junior varsity soccer team, under the direction of coach Elias Khreish, had a very disappointing season this year. It is hoped, however , that next year they will be able to improve on their 0-8 record. l

5 6 l 4


2 5

Lost 5



FRONT ROW: R . Hall, D. LaReau, M. Terrill, K. S to ne, J . Neese, D. Wadman, T . Urban, D. Siegel, J. Heacox. P. Bergen. S. Tra ut. SECOND ROW: B. Bush. N. Mcmillin , L. Royer, T. Szweda, L. McGa rn , K. Heili genstei n, C. Juley, K. Okamuro, C. Foss, J . Richards, M. Sch roeder. BA CK ROW: A. Szwed a, J . Gos in , D. Meredith, M. Moblo, M . Fleming, Mrs. Maier, N. Rob in so n. S. Gross, M . Gordon. C. Lud wig. J . Wise, S . Miller .

1971 Girl s' Tenni s

Wayland 3 Wayland 2 Way land 0 Wayla nd I Wayland 2 WonO Tied I


University Lake University School Prairie School University Lake Edgewood Lost 4

3 5 8 6 7

GIRLS' FIELD HOCKEY Both the junior varsity and varsity field hockey teams had rather disappointing seasons with records of 1-3 and 2-4- 1 respectively. The lack of results, however, did not hinder their enthusiasm for the game. All the girls particularl y enjoyed their coach, Mrs. Donna And erst.

1971 Girls' Field Hockey (Varsity)

FRONT ROW:. Trumpf, M. Clay, M. Laing, M. Barnes, C. Bailey. BACK ROW: C. Griggel , A. Pruneske, B. Pa rker, J. Reynolds, B. Clay .

Wayland 0 Wayland Wayland 0 Wayland I Wayland 6 Wayland 4 Wayland 2 Won2 Tied I

Prairie School Beaver Dam University School Beaver Dam St. Marys Brookfield University Lake Lost 4

6 7 2 I 4

1971 Girls' Field Hockey (J.V.) Wayland 0 Wayland 0 Wayland 0 Wayland 6 Won I Lost 3

'Prairie School University School University Lake St. Marys

5 2 3

FRONT ROW: L. Busse, B. Miley, M. Radford , M. Pommerich. SECOND ROW: D. Teichm a n, J. Janci, Y. Saxl, P. Wiesman, C. Worley, J. Koehne . BACK ROW: T. Machie, K. Schoettler, J. Crow, M. Alexander .


11 3


GROUND: M. Parker, G. Cassidy, M. Moblo, B. Parker. SIGN: S. Hansberger, B. Tra;Jt, S. Sanderson.




cl~ ' 路ESTABLISHED 1855 路

D. Siegel, P. Wies man, D. Jung, D. LaReau , L. Royer, C. Worley, J . Heacox.



STANDING: M. Exner , D. Ellis, J. Tisdel, S. Byrnes, J. Russel , F. Miller , D. Fierke, A. Schmidt , T. Bomier, R. Howard , C. Byrnes. D. Parker, G. Gehring; CENTER: Dr. Schmidt, J. Ho rt on , Mr . Resch.

1971 -72 BASKETBALL (Varsity) Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Won 4

The Varsity Basketball team, under the direction of Dr. Schmidt, had a disappointing season with four wins and sixteen losses . Because of close scores, many of the games were exciting. The team suffered with the loss of Mike Exner and Shaun Byrnes. Next year because of the experi enced juniors we should have a better season.


41 55 55 56 58 53 37 58 57 64 58 50 50 39 61 60 55 57 42 61 51

West Bend East University Lake Pio Nono St. Marys of Burlington Wisconsin Lutheran Milwaukee Lutheran University School Racine Lutheran University Lake Northwest Preps St. Marys of Burlington Wisconsin Lutheran Martin Luther Milwaukee Lutheran St. Johns Military Academy Assumption Racine Lutheran Northwest Preps Martin Luther University School St. Marys (of Fond duLac) Lost 16

57 47 99 45 71 72 49

76 53

68 61 72


82 63 80 65 52 54 65




L TOR : M. Vra bec, S . Patterson , M. H ammett , S. Ehlenfeldt, L. N il es, J. Wei sman. Not pictured: Mr. Burnh am , A. Davidso n, M. Wen dorf, K. Byrnes, J. Hawley, G. Walker, J. Yanikowski , P. Brey .

1971-72 BASKETBALL (J.V.)

The Juni o r Varsit y Basketball team, under the direction of the new coach Mr . Burnham , also had a disappointing season. Their record was two wins and eighteen losses. The boys on the team however, show promising talent. With more experience a nd teamwork they should become a great team .

Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland W ay land Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Won 2

11 8

48 66 36 45 32 30

44 40 86 43 53 47 47 49 51 37 34 47 38 42

West Bend East University Lake Pio Nono St. Marys of Burlington Wisconsin Lutheran Milwaukee Lutheran U niversity School Racine Luthera n U niversity Lake Morthwestern Preps St. Marys of Burlington Wisconsin Lutheran Martin Luther Milwaukee Luthera n St. Johns Military Academy Assumption Racine Lutheran M orth western Preps Martin Luther University School Lost 18

53 32 65 69 49 61 59 76 52 60 76 66 65 51 57 11 5 71 58 54 55



FRONT ROW: D. Worley , B. Hughes, R. Stahmer, B. Barss, P. Rodenbau gh, Mr. Wolfe. MIDDLE ROW : C. Shand, B. Busse, J. Janzen, M. Yanikowski . BACK ROW : W. Koskinen, C. Freeman, C. Killeen, D. R at hje, L. Hartm a n.

197 1-72 BOYS' SWIMMING Wayland 49 Wayland 51 Wayland 32 Wayland 42 Wayland 64 Wayland 25 Wayland 37 Wayland 21 Wayland 32 Wayland 64 Wayland 27 Wayland 60 Wayland 51 Wayland 57 Wayland 39 Conference:

The boys swim team , under the directio n of Mr. Wolfe, had a good season winning the conference meet. In the 400 free-style relay, Walter Kos kinen , Courtney Killeen , Chip Shand, and Rick Stahmer broke the o ld record I :53.1 in the conference meet estab li shed in 1967. The new record is 1: 503.


St. Johns Military Academy Neenah-Menasha "Y" Marquette Sauk Pr a irie Milwaukee Lutheran Campion St. Johns Military Academy Marquette Sauk Prairie Oconomowoc Green Bay "Y" Milwaukee Lutheran University Sch oo l Oconomowoc Green Bay "Y" Wayland University Sch oo l Milwaukee Lutheran

45 34 63 52 31 70 58 74 63 31 60 34 43 37 55 67 53 45


BA C K ROW: J . Fowler, J . Heacox, M. Terrill , M. Pedigo. MIDDLE: J . Janci, L. Ro yer, D. Meredith , T. Machie, J. Crow, M. Mobl o. FRONT ROW : M. Pommerich, E. Kloss ner, J . Richard s, T. Szweda. C. Stone . Not pictured: G. Trumpf, D. Jun g. L. Busse. P. Peachey. K. Heili genste in , B. Barss, N. Robin so n, B. Traut , M. Di sher. C. Foss, Mr . Wolfe. S. Gross, C. Wil so n.

The girl s' swi m te a m h ad g re at enthusiasm this yea r. Four of the girls qualified for the state YMCA swi m meet. They were Lea Busse, Mary Pommerick , Diane Meredith, and Dottie Jung . Besides qualifying , Dottie Jung broke the old school record , I: 25.3 sw imming the breast stroke in I :24.9. The seaso n was not as goo d as it could have been because of the loss of an experienced sw immer , Beth Traut.

197 1-72 GIRLS' SWIM M lNG (Varsity a nd J. Y.) W ay la nd Wayla nd Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Won

12 1

(V .) (J.Y .) (Y.) (J .Y.) I

40 37 16 15 37 45 Lost

Neenah-Menasha " Y" Fond du Lac "Y" Green Bay " Y" Green Bay "Y" Green Bay "Y" Green Bay " Y" 5

55 53 71 69 55 40


L TOR: Mr. Cia). D. Fa ll os. P . Mack, C. Zit sman , C. Madison , G. Smith. J. Lyma n, J. H ammer. Not pi ctured: S. Lamsam. J. Schlicher , B. Wiedenhoeft. P. Dh ei n. T. Bo mier. S. W o hlr abe, K. Kirsh. M. Kirsh , B. H arrison.

1971 -72 WRESTLING Way land Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland W ay land Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Wa yland Won

The wrestling team members are to be commended for their dedication to the spo rt. Each match they wrestled, took great courage, since they were inexperienced and to o k seasoned opponents eac h m atc h. As they obtain experience they will become winners .


24 6 15 18 6 15 0 3 3 6 0 7 0 0 30 I

Brandon Dodgeland Prairie Preps Fox Valley Martin Luther Horicon Hustisford Wisconsin Lutheran Campion Lourdes University School Roncalli Milwaukee Lutheran NMNA 14 Lost


63 12 51 63 46 67 63 64 63 58 58 69 62 34



SITTING L TOR : G. Socha. S. P rovo st, J. Kraemer. G. Wiedenhoeft. STANDING: M. Sampon. J. Vickery, J. Sampon , D. Boothe, L. Mi ckus , M. Sco t t. Mr s. Burnham , Mr. Krieg . Not pictured: J. Koehne, W. Brow n.

Jacques Sampan , capt. epee team , 1st epee Wis. AFLA Unclassified and Nation a l "C" classification March 1971: 3rd epee Ill. AFLA Under- 19 Dec . ' 7 1. Jon Vickery, capt. foil team , 3rd epee March '7 1. 5th Midwest , Louisville , May ' 71, 2nd epee Ill. Dec. '7 1; 1st epee Ill. U nder - 19 Feb. '72 . Sc ott Pro vos t , 7th epee, Ill. Feb '72 . Martha Scott 2nd, Julie Koehne 3rd, Wendy Brown 4th , in Mequon -Thiensville meet ages 14- 15; Lee Mickus 3rd for ages Under- 14. Jacques and Jon are 2nd yea r lettermen. Alii the girls began this year. George Socha, having reached the semi-fi nals sev eral times , is the mo st promi sin g of the beginnin g foilmen. Mr. Krieg, Math teacher in Horicon, formerly of U - W ( M adison) foil team has offered services s ince spring. Mrs. Burnham is helping with the g irl s . The entire program is under Maitre Sampan.



L TOR : M . Glo s. D. LaReau , N. Vrabec. M . C lay, K. Ok amuro. S. Braden. P. Wei sman , K. Schoet tl er. S. Sanderso n. M . Flemin g, C. Griggel. G. Trump f. B. C lay. Not pict ured : A. Prun eske. Coach Mr s. Pel lowsk i .


1971-72 GIRLS' BASKETBALL Wayland Wayland Way land Wayland Way land Wayland Wayland Wayland Wayland Won 3

27 24 22 26 34 24 26 33 21

Lo st

St. Mary 's University Lake St. Mary's Edgewood Edgewood Waupun University School Campbellsport Beaver Da m 6

Wayland Way land Way land Way land Way land Wayland Wayland Wayland Way land Way land Wo n 4

74 16 35 41 44 26 23 31 29


37 15 66 32 39 25 32 20 10 9 Lo st

St. Mary's U ni versit y Lake ABE Edgewoo d Broo kfield Edgewood Waupun University School Ca mpbell sport Beaver Dam 6

17 26 19 42 18 35 7 28 13 41


STANDING: V. Giulian, N. Vrabec, M. Glos , M. Clay, K. Okamuro , M. Gordon, C. Bailey, K. Schoettler, S. Sanderso n, M. Fleming, G. Trumpf, M. Alexander , B. Vrabec, B..Clay. SEATED: S. Br aden, M. T errill, J. Zeitz, D. LaReau, P. Wei sman, C. Gri ggel , J. Wise , D. Tei chm a n .

1971-72 VOLLEYBALL (Varsity)

1971-72 VOLLEYBALL (J.V.)


Wayland 15 17 Wayland 14 15 15 Wayland 15 15 Wayland 14 15 Wayl a nd won Wayland 5 15 15 Wayland 15 6 15 Wayland 15 15 Wayland 15 9 15

Waupun Brookfield

Beaver Dam Waupun by default St. M a rys Edgewood

Beaver Dam

University School Brookfield

Wayland 15 15 Wayland 10

11 15 16 9 6 11 10 12 12

Waupun Brookfield

8 Wayland

2 15

Beaver Dam

8 Wayland

6 14 Wayland 6 6 Wayland 13 13 Wayland I II Wayland 9 10 Wayland 7 15 15

15 0 11 13 15 11 7 5 3 15 5 126

Waupun St. Marys Edgewood Beaver Dam University School Brookfield

....5 13 15 15 15 13 15 15 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 3 3


Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker Alexander Mr. and Mrs. E. William Aylward Mr . and Mrs . Henry W. Bailey Mr . and Mrs. Tilden Batchelder Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Bomier Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Busse Mr. and Mrs. J . Donald Charlton Mr. and Mrs. Willmer J . Dav is Mr . and Mrs. Henry Dhein , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Dinsm ore Mr . and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Duward L. Finch Mr . and Mr s. Charles E. Gibbon s Mr. and Mrs . Waldo A. Giu li an Mrs. Jo seph Gokey Mr . and Mrs . Daniel Greenwood Dr . and Mrs. Richard Gross Mr . and Mrs. Gene L. Harm on Mrs. John Hewitt Mr. and Mrs . J. M. Hiegel Mr. and Mrs. William Hofbauer Mr. and Mrs. RobertS . Horton Mr. and Mrs . Edwin A. Hoyum Mr. and Mrs . Jack D. Hugh es Dr . and Mrs. Erwin M. Jan zen Mr. and Mrs. James T . Ki.rsh Mr . and Mrs. Char les Kleist

Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. Walter H . Lyman , Jr. Mr. and Mrs . Th omas P. McCarth y Mr . and Mrs. Mil es J . Mc Millin Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Nap Mr . and Mrs. Gaile M. Parent Mr. and Mr s. Ray T . Parfet, Jr . Mr. and Mrs. R. William Perry, Jr. Dr. and Mr s. R.F. Poser Mr. and Mr s. Robert B. Radford Mr. a nd Mrs. Willi a m D. Radford Dr. a nd Mrs. Wm . G . Richards Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ros ki Dr. and Mrs. John H. Ru sse ll Dr. and Mrs. George Saxl Mr . and Mrs. Orv al W. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs . Harold A. Schrock Mr. and Mrs . Lowell D. Snorf, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Stanley Dr . and Mrs. C. D. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Delbert M. Stone Mr. Don A. Teichman Dr . and Mrs. Jam es H. Tisdel Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Werner Mr . and Mrs. J ose ph B. Wharton , Jr. Mr . and Mr s. Sherwood D. Wil so n


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Disher, Mimi; 18 17 No rth Linwoo d Avenue; Appleton, WI 54911; 414733-6337. Dhein , Phil; 509 Summit Drive; West Bend , WI 53095; 414- 334-5249. Din smore , Bru ce, Hugh; 5 17 Shady Lane, Biltmore; Barrington , I L 60010:312-381- 1453. Doh mann , Steve; 2-7 H Bro o kwoo d Ci rcl e; Beaver Da m WI 539 16 ; 414 885 -600 1. Do nnell y, Howard; 2346 Ashland; Evansto n, I L 6020 I; 3 12-328 -8797 . Dun s ki , Karen; 415 S o uth Cedar Street; Ho rico n, WI 53052 : 414-485 4463.

Alexander, M a rtha ( Mart y) ; 903 Pioneer Street ; Kal a mazoo, M I 4900 I; 616-342-8542. A llard , J ohn; 2231 East 67th Street; Chicago, I L 60649: 312-324-2282 Aylward, Andy: 11 8 Old Glory La ne; Neenah , WI 54956 ; 414-722-4443 .

B Ba ile y , Ca nd y; 402 East North Street; Appleton , WI 5491 1; 414-7 34-9 3 3 I . Ba rnes , Mary; 808 Lak e Shore Dri ve; Beaver Da m, WI 539 16; 414-885 368 1. Barss, Bob; Brooke; 4849 Lak esho re R oa d; Po rt Huron , Ml4 8060; 3 13385-330 I. Batchelder, Julie; 1247 C rane Boulevard ; Libertyv ille , IL 60048 ; 3 12362-8088. Bennett, Ted; P .O. Box 116; Beave r Da m, W! 539 16; 414-885-6270. Bergen, Peggy: 97 LaC rosse Street ; Beaver Dam , WI 539 16; 414- 885 3516. Berg man, Eric; R.R. #3; Cassopo lis, M I 490 3 1; 616-445-8537. Bergst rom, Jeff; Sprin g Co urt; Ceda rburg, WI 530 12. Biebel , Pete; 356 Fo rest Avenue: Green Lake, WI 54941; 414-294-3452. Birsc hbach. Pete: 706 DeC la r k Street ; Beave r Da m , WI 539 16: 41 4-88595 49. Bissegger, Pete: Bo b; 145 Cottage A venue; Fond duL ac, Wl 5493 5: 41492 1- 1640. Bomier , Terry; 143 N o rth Park Avenue; Neenah , WI 54956: 414-722 0239. Bon deh age n, Bri a n; 600 Greenfield Avenue; Bea ver Dam , WI 539 16; 414-885 -6637. Boo the , Da nielle: 3 Pine Lane-Dune Acres ; C hestert o n, IN 46304; 2 19926-2840 . Boswell , Bruce: 38 17-45t h S treet Court; R oc k Isla nd , I L 6 120 I; 309794- 1459. Braden, Sue: 85 1A Lake Shore Drive; La ke Geneva, WI 53147; 414-248 3394. Brey, AI; Paul ; R oute 2, Beaver Da m , WI 539 16: 414-88 7-7306. Bril, Jim ; 2620 Appletree Lan e: Northbrook, IL 60062:312-272 -7485. Broo ks, J o n; 528 Russe ll Av enu e, North: Minneapoli s, MN 55 405:6 12377-6783 . Brown , Wend y; 609 West Street; Beaver Dam, WI 539 16; 414-885 -6647 . Bush, Betsy; 949 Fisher La ne ; Winn etk a, I L 60093; 3 12-446-5753. Bu ss abong , Pako rn; 1-5 S o i Rongliengdeg, Bamrungmuang R oa d ; Ba ngko k, Th ai land. Busse, Bri a n; Le a: 329 Smedema Dri ve; R a ndol ph , WI 53956: 414- 3263510. Byrnes, Co lin : Kevin; Sh a un ; 92 1 S o uth Sp rin g Street ; Beaver Dam , WI 5391 6:4 14-885-5335 .

E Ehlenfeldt , Scott: 415 Y2 W. Maple; Beaver Da m , WI 5391 6; 414-887 7470. Elli s, Dave: 620-3rd Street , South, Wi sco nsin Rapid s, WI 54494: 7 15423-6541. Exner, Mike: 108 Yor k Street; Beaver Da m, WI 53 91 6; 414-887 -2577.

F Fall os, Do ug : 1013 Popl a r Street: Waukegan , IL 6008 5:3 12-244-55 92. Fierke, Dave; Wayland Academ y: Beave r Da m, WI 5391 6; 414 -8855000. Fle ming , Mary; Ro ute I; Ho ricon , WI 53032: 414-485 -2507. Fadden , Li z; 1128 North lith Street; Manitowac , WI 54220: 414-682 9583. Foltz, Terry; 17 Indian Hill R oad ; Winn etka, I L 6009 3: 3 12-446-002 5 . Foss, Carole: 34 Hutchi so n Street; S a le, Victor ia 3850, Au stralia: 443934. Fo wle r, J a ne : 1102 Sherm a n Avenue; Madi so n, WI 53706; 608 -2 5 112 17. Frederick , Li sa; 900 La ke Sh o re Dri ve: Beaver Dam , WI 539 16; 414885 -655 1 . Freeman , Co nrad; 7 11 West Street; Beaver Da m, WI 53916; 414-885 6740 . Frinak , Pa t: 105 Moh awa k Circ le; Be aver Da m , WI 539 16: 414-885 5563.

G Garrett. Brian; 837 La rchmont Lane; Lake Forest, IL 6004 5: 3 12-2349388. Gefve rt , Eric ; 824 Propsect; Winnetk a, I L 60093; 312-H 16-7657 . Gehrin g, Guy; 667 Sun se t Circle: Green Bay, WI 54301; 414-336-5842. Gerh a rdt , Mark: 704 Wilder Dri ve; Madi so n, WI 53704; 608-244-2441. Gibbon s, Ann; T o m; 41 5 South C hurch Street; Hud so n, Ml49247; 3 13448-7561. Gilli s, Lan ce: 1330 Sylvan Wa y: West Ben d , WI 5399 5: 414-338-1906 . Giu li an, Va l; 308 West Third Street ; Beaver Da m, WI 539 16: 414-885 58 41. Gl os, M a ry; 1744 Highl and Dri ve: Freeport, IL 6 1032:8 15-2 33-1 5 16 . G oelz , Rich : 144 West Mi ss ion Road ; Green Bay, WI 5430 1: 414-4 353322. Gokey, Gretchen; 1807 Green Acres, Woodside Drive: Freeport, I L 6 1032: 8 15-232-8826 Gold stone, Meg: 6566 Van Bure.1 Street; Merrillville, IN 46410 . Gordon, Marnie; 72 Jennings Road: Ba ttle Creek, Ml 49015 : 616-963 3167. Gos in , Je nnie: P.O. Box 7; Neenah , Wl 54956; 414- 722- 173 2. Greenwo od , Shelley; 3828 Sprin g C reek R oad; Roc kford , I L 61111; 8 15-877-34 54 . Gri ggel, Cindy; 259 Park Drive: Randolph , WI 53956: 414-3 26 -3435 . Gross, Stepha nie; 25 Frontenac; G odfrey , IL 62035; 618-466-2664.


Ca ldwell, Sue; 506 Libe rty Street; Beaver Da m, WI 53916; 414- 885 344 2 . Cam pbell , Jackie: 1528 Timberline Drive; Bettendorf, Iowa 5272 2:3 19355-2943. Cassady, Gigi: 2225 Ri verside Dri ve; South Bend , IN 4661 6: 219 -2335091. Castelo, Julie: 704 LaSell Dri ve; Champaign , IL 61820; 217-352-5490. C ha rlto n, Gary; Goldsmith 39: Mexico 5, D. F. C hindav a nich , Su chai Gai: 182/3 "Suwatch ai Hou se" Songpon g Rd.; R uj buri , Th aila nd. C lay , Beth , Mibby; 401 Hill crest Dri ve; Be aver Dam, WI 539 16; 414887-1583. Coley, Connie; Box 53: North Pr a irie, WI 53 153: 414-392 -2656 . Crow , Jan; 22 18 Wilson Court: St. J oseph , Ml 49085 ; 616-YuJ -1 423.

H Hammer, Jim ; 413 South Lin co ln Avenue: Beav er Da m, WI 539 16; 414885-9113. Hammett , Mik e: 704 Hi ghland Terrace: Sheboyga n, WI 5398 1: 414452-4040. Han sberge r, Sandy; Route 2, Box 184; West C hicago, I L 60 18 5; 3 1223 1-6846.

D Davidson, Adrian: 230 I Roys Avenue; Elkhart , IN 46 5 14: 219 -5226986. Dav is, Da yle; 62 1 Courtland C ircle; Western Springs, I L 60558: 3 12246 -5989 .


Lehr, Pete; 945 Pine Tree Lane; Winnetka, l L 60093; 312-446-72 14 . Lenz , Val; 5017 Brookview Road; Rockford, I L 6 11 07; 8 15-398- 1972. Lowman, Kate; Route 3; Fond du Lac, WI 54935; 414-922-2859. Ludwig , C herie; 1040-42 nd Ave nu e, # 60; East Moline, I L 61244; 309755-5450. Lyman , Jim; 18 Stelte Lane; Sp rin gfield, IL 62702; 217-546-7331.

Hansel, Roberta; 419 West Elm Street; Wautoma, WI 54982; 414-7872155 . Harmon, Chr is; Hickory Hollow Drive; Dundee, IL 60118; 3 12-4265617. Harrison, Brad ; 505 St. John ' s Road ; Delafield , WI 53018: 414-6463799. Hartman, Luke; 634 East Oak Grove Street; Juneau WI 53039; 414-3864603. Hartzell, Bill; Box 364: G rant sburg , WI 54840; 715-463-5570. Hawley, Jeff; 311 South Un iversity Avenue; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-887-1330. Heacox, Julie; 219 Nort h Main Street; Juneau, WI 53039; 414-386-2002. Heiligenstein, Karen; 8210 N. Green Bay Road; Milwaukee, WI 53209; 414-354-2121. Hewi tt , Cindy; 537 South 1st Avenue; Winneconne, WI 54986; 414-5824240. Hiegel, Gail; Mark; 28 Fuller Court; Madison, WI 53704; 608-249-6679. Holbauer , Greg; 409 North Pleasant Street; Montpelier , OH 43543; 419-485-3200. Horton , John; 676 Walnut; Winona, MN 55987:507-452-7677. Ho ward , Rob; 114 Mohawk Circle; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-8855584. Hoyu m, John ; 4901 Highcrest Road; Rockford, IL 61107 ; 8 15-3999086. Huey , Marne; 615 East Bijou Avenue; Fort Morgan, CO 80701; 303867-52 13. Hughes , Bob; 848 South Belmont Lane; Ar lin gton Heights, l L 60005: 3 12-CU-6688. Hunt , John ; Route I, Crooked Creek Road ; White Pigeon, M I 49099: 6 16-651-7542. Huntress , Chip; 33 1 East School Road; Milwaukee, WI 532 17; 414-9643188.

M McCreedy , Nikki; 402 East Freistadt Road; Thiensville, WI 53092; 414242-3733. McDonald, An n; 513 East Valley Drive; Pleasant Valley, ! A 52767; 319355-4427. McGarn, Fina; 7009 Lloyd Street: Wauwatosa, WI 53213 : 414-4759136. Machie, Terry; Southern Peru Copper Corp. , Casilla 35 ; Ito , Peru , South America. Mack, Phil ; 108 Green Street; Dowagiac, M I 49047 ; 616-782-2246. McMillin, Nancy; 4113 Buckeye Road; Madison , WI 53716; 608-2226882. Madison, Cliff; 4265 Pasadena; Detroit , M l 48238; 3 13-WE 1-01 78. Maier , Jan; 725 Oneida Street; Beave r Dam , WI 53916 ; 414-885-4393. Malcolm , Jim; 14 Appomattox Court; Madison, WI 53705 ; 608-83683 14 . Martin , Suz ie; 35 Longmeadow; Pine Bluff, AK 7 160 I; 501-536-2797. Meredith , Diane ; Box 66; Princeton , WI 54948; 4 14-295-3194. Mertes, Frank; Box 300; Homer, MN 55942; 507-452-2779. Micku s, Lee; 4735 Sou th Centr a l Avenue; Chicago, I L 60638; 312-4580462. Miley , Be a: RFD# 2; Plymouth, Wl53073 ; 414-893-5541. Miller , Fred ; 517 York Street; Beaver Dam , Wl53916: 414-885-6411. Miller , Sarah; 93 16 South 5 1st Avenue; Oak Lawn, lL 60453; 3 l 2-G A232 11 . Moblo , Mary ; 3 15 North Lincoln; Lakevie w, M I 48850: 517-352-6287. ~urphy , Bruce; 73 19 North Br idge Lane; Milwaukee, WI 532 17; 414352-6480.

J Janci, Jennifer; 4835 Buchanan Street; Gary, l N 46408; 219-981-2648. Jan zen, J ohn; 2 North ' Villa Grove; Springfield, I L 62707; 217-529-1865. J oh nson, Jane; 2730 Br oadway; Eva nston , IL 6020 1; 3 12-864-433 5. John so n, Jerry; Aramco-Box 1686; Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. John sto n, Jeff; 13 30 No rth Avenue , Bannockburn; Deerfield , IL 60015; 312-945-2211. Juley, Claudia; Route I, Box 47; Manawa , WI 54949; 414-596-3830. Jung, Charlie; Dottie; 232 Pierce Street; Randolph, WI 53956; 414-32654 12.

N Nap, Roger ; 5253 Brook way Drive; Bay City, M l 48706: 517-686-3878. Neese, Jennifer ; 3424 Dover Road ; Pom pan o Beach , FL 33062 (winter); P.O. Box 433; South Beloit, WI 61080; 608-365-3647. Niles, Larry; 705 Oneida Street; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-887-1536.



Ogden , Bruce; 8945 Co tt age G rove Avenue; Hi gh land IN 46322 ; 219838-1 567. Okamura , Kathy; 141 3 Merri ll Street ; Kalamazoo , M l 49001: 6 16-F 147420.

Kaeser, Holly; 6897 Kenwood Road; Cinc inn at i, OH 45243; 513-8913964. Kers man , Katie; 30 I East C ircle Drive; Nort h Mu skegon, M I 49445; 616-7 44-1284. Ketola, Mark; 402 South Genesee Street; Morri so n, IL 61270; 8 15-7722120. Kettunen, Bob; 1556 Long Road; Kalamazoo, M l 4900 I; 616-342-6406. Killeen , Coutrney; 108 Winn Terrace; Beaver Dam, WI 53916; 414-885392 1. Kirsh, Kevin; Mike; 1220 Hiawatha Drive; Beaver Dam, WI 539 16 ; 414885-9158. Kistler , Bob: Lantern Lane; Joliet, IL 60433; 815-723-6862. Kleist , Paul; 707 East Walnut Street; Horicon, WI 53032; 414-485-4553. Klossner , Eva; 111 2 North Center Street; Beaver Dam, WI 539 16; 414885-4440. Koehne, Juli ; 106 Prospect Avenue; Bea ver Dam, WI 53916; 414-8871578. Koskinen, Walt; 3 15 Lake Road; Menasha, WI 54952; 414-725-4984. Kowalski , Da ve; 5278 Parkway Drive; Bay City, M I 48706; 5 17-6842805. Kraemer , John; Willow Street, Box 29; Plain, WI 53577; 608-546-250 I.

p Parent, Vida; 822 Lake Shore Drive; Beaver Dam, Wl53916; 414-8854208. Parfet , Jane; 5228 Sheffie ld Road ; Hi ckory Corners, M I 49060; 6 16629-93 13. Parker , Betsy; Martha: 700 St. Lawrence Avenue; Janesville, WI 53545; 608-754-9002. Park er, David; CIA Halliburton , Aptdo. 221; El Tigre , Estado Anzoategui , Venzue la, South America. Pasawat, Anupoch; 184 Sukhumvit 49; Bank ok II , Thailand Patte rso n, Steve; 323 Hillcrest Drive; Beaver Dam , WI 539 16:414-8853077. Peachey , Peg; Route I; Beaver Dam , WI 539 16; 414-885-3247. Pedigo , Meg ; 11 2 Larabee Street; Horico n, Wl53032; 414-485-3376. Peifer, Carolyn; 2 147 Maple Avenue; Northbrook , IL 60062; 312-CR21161. Perry, Marcia; 92 1 Ray Street: Geneva , I L 60 134; 3 12-232-0039. Peter son , Karla; Watersmeet, Ml49969; 906-544-3486. Pieper , Kent: Route 2: Dodge Co unt y Ai rport: Juneau, WI 53039: 414386-2347. Poboisk, Dave; 455 Shoreline Drive; Decatur, I L 62521; 2 17-423-257 1. Pollak , Mitch; 7825 Lake Shore Drive; Gary , IN 46403: 219-938- 16 16. Pommerich , Mary; 593 Western Avenue; Fond duLac , WI 54935; 414922- 1327.

L Lai ng, Mari ; RFD# 3, Mill Pond; Dowagiac, Ml49047; 616-782-2766. Lam sam , Steve; 68 / I Soi Asoke, Sukumv it Rd.; Bangkok , Thailand. 912562. LaReau , Dawn; CT-DE R.R. # 2, Box 46; Beaver Dam, Wl53916; 414885-9272.


Poser, S teve; 3 14 S outh C ha rles Street; Co lumbu s, WI 53925 ; 4 14-62329 19. Provos t, Sco tt : 309 East Jam et Stree t; Mackin aw C ity, Ml 4970 1; 6 16436-5484 . Prunuske , Ann: Liza: R .R .#2, Box 133; Beaver Da m, WI 539 16: 414885 -4 722.

Sykes, Sa ndy: 72 38 Luella A venue; Chicago, IL 60649; 3 12-M U4 - 1854. S zweda, Al ice; T he resa; 1300 No rth Center Street ; Beaver Dam , WI 539 16; 414-885-6823.

T T ei chm a n Di a ne : Goodyea r J a m a ica Limited , P.O. Box 102; Kin gston 10, J a maica . Terrill, M a rney; 236 La kew ood Bouleva rd ; Madi so n, WI 53704; 608249-6 188 . Th iede, A ndrea : 33 19 Adam s, Street; T wo Rivers, WI 54241 ; 414-793 1096 . Thiem a n, Tamr a; 2335 N o rth Third Street; Sheboyga n, WI 5308 1; 414-4 58-114 7. Tho mpso n, T o m ; East Front Street: Peshtigo, Wl 541 57; 7 15-582-41 22. T isde l, J ohn; 5600 Lak e Sh o re R oad ; Port Huro n, M I 48060; 3 13-38 5494 3. Tra ut , Beth ; Sar a; 11 6 C ott age Avenue ; Fond duL ac, WI 5493 5; 4 14922-38 16. Trump f, G retchen; 603 o rth C itru s Ave nue; Escond ido, C A 92025; 7 14-747 -734 1.

R Rad fo rd , C urt ; 3750 Pa u Ko Tuk La ne ; O shk os h, WI 5490 I: 414- 23 59247. R adfo rd , M o: 17 19 C hestnu t Street: O shk os h, WI 54901 ; 414- 235-0966 . R ae tze l, Den ni s; 3 145 East Vill age La ne; Port Huron, M I 48060 : 3 1398 2-4678. R athje, Dave ; 30 WOI 5 A rm y Tra il R oad ; Ba rtl et t, IL 601 03: 3 12-837823 1. Rey no ld s, Julie: La ntern La ne, Su ga r Cree k Hill s; J o liet, IL 604 33 : 8 1572 6-7 385. Rhin es, T o m : 524 Warren Ave nue; C ha rl o tte, M I 488 13: 51 7-54 3-2258 . Richa rds, J a ne: 1232 La ke S ho re Dri ve: Bea ver Da m , WI 539 16; 4 14885 -9049. Robi nso n, N il a; Rural Ro ute I: Ada ms, .WI 539 10: 608 -339- 3988. Rodenbau gh, Pres ton : 475 N o rth Hi ghl a nd Avenue: M e mphi s, TN 38 11 I; 90 1-458-7 35 1 . Ros k i, A nd y: I I I0 Ju stin e Drive; Ka nk a kee, I L 6090 I; 8 15-932-8434 . Royer, J eff: Li sa: M aycrest; M ayv ill e, WI 53050: 41 4-387-5757 . Rozo, AI: 111 5 Ada ms Street: N o rth C hi cago, I L 60064; 31 2-623-7 009. Run ge, Beth : 1007 Hill sid e Avenue : M adi so n, WI 53705; 608-238 -5783 . R usse l, J o hn : 11 06 East Gra nt S treet; Applet on . WI 54911 : 4 14-7346 125. Ru sso, Ri ch; 505 O a kl a nd Avenu e: J a nesv ille , WI 5354 5; 608-752-87 40.


Urba n, Theod ora ; 602 W as hingto n A venu e; Oshk os h, WI 5490 1; 4 1423 1-11 95.

v Van Enge le n, C ra ig; 16 124 N.E. 12th Street; Bell vue, WA 98008; 206747-6785 or 753 G ribbin La ne; T oledo , OH 4361 2; 41 9-478 -4 38 1. Vick ery, J a ck ; 602 Oak Street ; Lena , I L 61 04 8; 8 15-369-2823. Vra bec, Ba rb; Mik e; Nan cy; 1204 La ke Sh ore Dri ve ; Beaver Dam, WI 539 16: 414-885 -5304.

s S a mpo n, J acques, 229 East Ma pl e Av en ue : Beaver Da m , WI 539 16; 41 5-885 -6075 . S anderso n, S a ll y: 611 West Pleasant Street; Port age, WI 53901; 608742-374 3 . Sax l, Vick i: 923 Do lores Dri ve; Bense nville, IL 60 106; 3 12-766-4724. Sch licher, J ohn : 200 No rth U ni ver si ty Ave nu e; Beave r Dam. WI 539 16; 414- 885-9 135 . Schmidt , S pa rk y: R.R 6, Juniper Hill s, S o uth : J a nesv ill e, WI 53 545; 608-752 -7746. Schm itt , Debb ie: 645 29 th Street , N .E.; Ced a r R a pids, 10 52402: 3 19364-0325. Schoe ttl er, Ka ren; 163 2 Fou rth Street; Port Ed wa rd s, WI 54469: 7 15887 -3377. Schrock, Brad: 5 10 Ca rter Road ; Gos ke n, I 46526; 2 19-533-7038. Schroeder , M ary Beth : 4 3 18 W a kefi e ld S treet; M adi son, WI 537 11: 608233-85 42. Sco tt , M a rt y: 2605 Cr a po Dri ve , B; Burlingto n, lA 52601 ; 3 19-75 2069 1. S ha nd , Chip: 900 Eas t Portl a nd ; Spring field , MO 65804: 41 7-883 -0333. S hea re r, Do ug: 635 Pa rk Ave nue ; Co lumbu s, WI 53925; 414-623 -5766. S iege l, Deni se: 18 14- 18th Ave nue ; Kenosha , Wl 53 140; 414-55 1-9556. Sma ll egan, Da n: R .R 1: Zee la nd , Ml 49464; 61 6-875 -8060 Sm ith , G reg: 4836 Sh o rela nd Dri ve: W hi te fi sh Bay , WI 532 17: 4 14-3324 180. Smi th, Lee; 734 No rth M a in Street; G le n Ell yn, IL 601 37: 3 12-H093263. S no rf, Lowe ll ; 2 105 Ken il wo rth Av enu e: Wilm ette, I L 6009 1; 3 12-2 5 16488. Snow, Fred ; 3 C ha th a m C ircle; Kan k akee, I L 6090 1; 8 15-9 32-5005. S ocha, Geo rge ; Ro ute I ; M a rsha ll , WI 53559; 414-655-3 211 . Sprotte, Lau rel: 322 Wes t T h ird St ree t; Beaver Da m . WI 539 16; 414885-34 79. Stafford, J ock : 14 11 Eas t Fo res t Ave nu e: eena h, WI 54956; 41 4-725 1802 . Sta hmer , Ri ck: Ro ute 3, Box 184; St. C ha rl es, I L 60 174; 31 2-584-41 35 . Step henso n, Dave ; 19 Wood mer La ne; Ba ttle C reek, M I 490 17; 6 16964-0445. S tanl ey, R ick; 4 Covent ry o n Du xbury, Plum G rove Vill age; Ro lli ng Meadows , I L 6008; 3 12-358 -4665. S to ne, Kri s: 48 11 N o rth Sterlin g Service Road ; Peo ri a, IL 6 16 14: 309 69 1-4577. Stray. C hris; 555 Co rneli a.# 15 12: Chi cago, I L 60657: 3 12-327- 1628 .

w Wadm a n, Diane; 1860 Churchview Dri ve; Brookfield , WI 53005 ; 41478 2-4427 . Wa lker , G reg; 8 107 So uth Lue ll a Avenue: C hicago, IL 606 17; 31 2-7312894. Wa rn oc k, Dav e; 4482 N orth Pros pect Avenu e; Mil wa uk ee, WI 53 211 ; 414-962-6148 . Well s, Peggy; 730 One id a Street; Beaver Da m , WI 539 16; 414-885-3 105. Wend orf, M ike: 702 La ke Sh o re Drive; Bea ver Da m , WI 5391 6; 41488 7-2576 . Werner, Beth; 804 Dickinson Street; New Lo ndon WI 54961; 414-982 2772. Wh a rt o n, Peggy; 1224 La urie La ne; Hinsda le , I L 60 52 1; 3 12-32 5- 1082 . W herea tt , Ca thy; 3308 Cha sm La ne; M a nit owoc, WI 54220; 414-682 63 19. Widenh oe ft , Glenn : Bill ; 122 W a lnut Street; Beaver Da m, WI 539 16; 41 4-887 -7865. Wiesm an, Jim ; Pa t; 502 S out h Fin ch Street; Ho rico n, WI 53032; 4 14485 -247 1. Wils o n, C arol: 201 3 C lover R oad ; Northbr oo k , IL 60062: 3 12-272 -8069. Wi se, J on nie; 405 1 Easte r R oad; La C rosse, WI 5460 I; 608 -788 -48 10. W ohlrabe, Shan e; T oby: 5704 No rth Dra ke; C hicago, IL 60 645; 3 12K E9 -268 1 o r 5 1 No rth Wi sco nsin Street; De Pere , Wl 5411 5. Worl ey, C hri s; Doug; 17 15 Po rt age Avenu e; So uth Bend , IN 46616: 2 19232- 7822. Wri ght, Kim ; Windi ng Trail Road , Oak Kn o ll s; Dundee, IL 6011 8; 3 12428-4350. Wyma n, An n: 2896 Fo nd du Lac R oad : O shk osh, WI 54901; 414-23 14746 .

y Ya nik ows ki , Jim ; Mike; 8 11 N orth Street; Beaver Da m , WI 5391 6; 414885-9097 .


Z eitz, Juli ; 2 137 W as hingt on Avenue; W ilmette, IL 60091 ; 3 12- 25 10605. Zit sma n. C huck; 5 149-G Longbra nch La ne; Co lumbu s, OH 43 2 13 ; or 430 Broa dm oo r Boul eva rd , S outh ; Spring fi eld, OH 45504; 5 13-3998 176.


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