1975 - 1976 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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"How do YOU spell relief?"


"I don't want to refinish any more chairs."

"liberace, beware."

"The latest in chokers."

"Sorry, seat is en ."



"K .K. Kewpie"

"Is nothing sacred?"

"I used my face as the model."


Left To Right: "Speak no evil; see no evil; completely evil."

"Prospective student, Kathy?"

"82 U.G."

"Do you believe the neckline on that dress?!"


( "Don't tell me you don't know where the library is!"

"The Duke .. . "

and the Dauphin."

"Sometimes I sits and thinks . . . "

STUDENTLIFESTUDEN"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern"

"Do you remember what time they said the bus was leaving?"

" . .. and sometimes I just sits."


"Far from the madding crowd."

"Uh, .. . wouldn't it help to use a camera?"

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"Tim Coalfield"


, Forest rule #1: "Never look up ."

"Better run, ref!"

"ALL RIGHT, Claudia!"

"Not again!"



"Three coins in the fountain?"


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The annual Festival of Lessons and Carols was held on December14, 1975. The traditional candlelight ceremony included musical selections, largely by Ameri can composers, and instrumental preludes performed by Wayland students. On display in the chapel narthex were Bibles representative of various cultures including the Russian, German , Hindu and Moslem. All aspects of the Festival combined to create an inspirational welcome to the Christmas season.

Action Weekend, held on November 14, 15, and 16, was a totally new concept at Wayland this year. An entire weekend was devoted to miniature seminars which included rock climbing, photography, hiking, pottery and many other unique courses. The activities were a welcome break in the usual routine .


The Wayland Players presented Noel Coward's BLITHE SPIRIT as the first major production this year. The story deals with a widower, besieged by the ghosts of his two departed wives, and the problems which arise. The double-cast comedy was performed before small but appreciative audiences. Some of the more memorable scenes included Mme. Arcati's weighty "crystal" and Charles Condomine's farewell speech (complete with flying saucers). The cast included : Charles Condomine - Alito Abraham, Phil Rauschert; Ruth Condornine - Laura Downey, Laurie Birschbach; Elvira - Helen Wohl wend, Claudia Klossner; Dr. Bradman - Jack Dyer, Kurt Hoehne; Mrs. Bradman Holly Gefvert, Suanne Braaksma; Edith - Jill Sprinkman, Kim Cole; Mme. Arcati - Sally Zellner, Willa Conrad.

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"Mrs. Whittig, could I interest you • m a ....? II

"Ground Hog Day" . . ....~ . .• • •. . ..:.,..,.,,.

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"I think we're losing again."

"After the game"

"I guess they call it 'Buck Buck."'


"BG's Bloomers"

"Must be English"

Spirit Week was: class colors, legal Levis, grubs, class pyramids (crrrack), sack races, egg throwing, and powder puffers. A rowdy pep rally, interrupted by a few locker room rompers, ended the week with the seniors sweeping away most of the awards.


Homecoming was a grand success this year. Beautiful weather and the abundance of class decorations around the campus combined to make the weekend especially attractive to the many parents and students who particpated in and enjoyed the event-filled days. The most highlighted sports event was the football game which was lost, but not without a fight. The game festivities included the announcement of the 1975 royalty. Queen Liz and King Ken were later crowned at the homecoming dance that evening.

This year's orientation program was something new to students coming to Wayland. After arriving on campus, registering, and unpacking, they gathered in the chapel and were assigned to crews. The next few days were spent in a variety of crew activities. Campus tours, community service projects, and the unforgettable initiative course provided information, challenge, and interaction within groups. After the hard work, students relaxed at a musical jam session and were all tied and tangled during the theater games. At the end of orientation, students relaxed with new friends and reflected on days past and those to come.



"If I hear a camera click .... "


"Get outta my way you .... "


Wayland Academy had an international Short Term this year with students visiting Russia and Mexico, canoeing in Florida, and singing with the Wayland Singers on their tour of the eastern United States. In addition, many students pursued special interests on campus such as macrame, pottery, basket weaving, Japanese culture studies, writing, swimming, library research and others including independent projects.

In d ia Radford , Diane Rozo , Kim M eyer, Li z W e nd orf, Sa ll y Sc hli cher, Skippic Smith


Coac h Keil , Peter Clark, Grant Roll ey, Bill W yman , Pet er )un g, Terri Pod gorski, Bill Young, Ken Lawrence, Nick Cress, Tom Ku en zi

Varsity Basketball Wayland 64 Waupun Christian 68 Southern Door 41 St. Mary's 43 Racine Lutheran 62 Queen of Apostles 52 Univ42rsity School 53 N.W. Preps 41 Martin Luther 34 Horicon 28 St. John 's 47 North Fond du Lac 41 St. Mary 's 41 Racine Lutheran 49 N.W. Preps 58 Waunakee 63 University School 57 Martin Luther 57 St. John's

63 56 57

69 57

60 63 50 71 68 64 57 66

84 81 65 59


Steve Ecker, David Blank, Coach Glancy, Rick Miley, jim Schlicher, Miles McMillan, Rex Knauf , M ark Stecker, Pe ter M an ti ce, Brian Ziebell, M ark Koehne, Todd Knaup, Hunt er M ert es, jim Moore

Wayland we 28 so 30 SM 26 RL 44 47 MQA 30 MUS

Junior Varsity Basketball Wayland 43 NWP ML 26 H 37 39 SJM 50 NFdL 22 SM

Wayland RL 51 NWP 33 26 Waun. MUS 32 ML 33 SJM 48

52 40 47 59 49 55

Sally Schlicher, Tam D eii 'Oro, Skippie Smith, Li sa Yod er, Rach el Unkefer, Debbie Williams, B.G. , Alison Lighth all , Chris Baumann, Lee Ann Sea holm , Holly Gefvert, Kim Cole, Lind a H art man, Coach Alpaugh, Sue Bogner, El aine Dev enpo rt , Managers Sally Phillips, Ana j o hnson

Girls' V. Basketball Wayland 26 University Lake 16 N.W. Preps 20 University Lake 18 University School 25 Prairie School 19 Prairie School Brookfield 8 24 N.W. Preps 13 Brookfield

47 60 42

32 57

76 44 59


Nancy Wh e reat\ , Marj Ortloff, Leann e Rosplo ck, Kathy Hoodwin , Ann Se nse nbre nn er, Nin a Callas, Ann Broombaugh, Kath y Ma ye rsak , Dana Billings, Je nny Timm, Coac h Poban z, Wun-Lin g Chang, She lley Larse n, Ke lley Cad y, Willa Conrad

Girls' J.V. Basketball Wayland 8 University Lake N.W. Preps 14 18 University Lake 19 University School 19 Brookfield 22 N.W. Preps 8 Brookfield

27 30 16

20 5 14 6

Cross Country Wayland Won Won Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost

Queen of Apostles Martin Luther University School St. Mary's Springs Waupun Christian Martin Luther St. Mary's University School

2nd in Midwest Preps Conference 3rd at Wayland Invitational (Class "B") 5th at Roncalli Invitational 5th in WISAA State Cham pionships 10th at Beaver Dam Invita tional

Varsity Tennis Wdy!and

3 3 7

2 5

Junior Varsity Tenni s

Edgewood Hori co n Mayville Beaver Dam Horico n Ripon Plymouth University School Edgewood

3 4

0 5 2 0 5


6 4



4 4 5



Edgewood Horicon Mayville Beaver Dam Horicon Ripon University School

0 3 0 4

1 0 6

Peggy Ratcliff, Mary Vrabec , Kathy Ri c ha rds, He le n Bac hhub e r, Sh e ll ey l a rse n , De bbi e Sperry, Vicki Royer , Mary Maier, Mi c he le Willi a m so n, Coac h Keil.


Debbie Williams, Lee Ann Seaholm , Laurie Hawthorne, Tam De ii ' Oro, Rachel Unkefer, Alison Lighthall , Wendy Zellner, Ana Johnson , Judy Bre y, Ind ia Radford , Diane Rozo, Skippie Smith , Chris Baumann, Emily Fowler, Lisa Yoder , Sally Schlicher, Laurie Birschbac h, Coach Pobanz

0 0 0 0 0 0 Tie 1 1

University Lake St. Mary's University School Brookfield University School University Lake Prairie School Prairie School St. Mary's Brookfield

5 2 1 1 2 4 4

0 3


0 0

University Lake St. Mary's

2 1

Pam Daily, Becky Ratcliff, Marj Ortloff, Kati e Vance, Nancy Wh ereat!, jennifer Timm, Sarah Baumgartn e r, Trish Traut , Kathy Mayersak, Pam Dillen , Coach Alpaugh , Kari Lunding , Holly Gelvert, Kris Flom , Jill Sprinkmann, Ann Broombaugh, Cathy Hoodwin , Lisa Mortimer

Wayland University Lake 0 St. Mary's 0 University School 0 University School 0 Lake Univers

7 0 1


1 1 1 0

University Lake Prairie School St. Mary's Brookfield

1 0 0 0

Joel Dwyer, Nick Cress, Tim Caufield, Bryan Wheeler, Randy Eby, Jeff Lain g, Ken Lawre nce, Joe Baum, John Goodrich, John Betts, And y Neff, Paul Wi edenhoeft, Barri e Clay, Jim Kra em er, To m Schmitz, Dave Clarke, Joe St euer, Terry Podgor ski , Jim Bartholomew, And y Woodri c h, Brad Garvey, Roger Brosiu s, Coach Resc h, Asst. Coach Schlicher

V. Football Wayland 28 Brookfield Academy

6 0 0 6 0 0 0

St. John's Notre Dame N.W. Preps

0 34 36 30

Racine Lutheran St. Mary's Ma rtin Luther University School

56 40 25


David Dohman n, Steve Kir sh, Miles McMillin, Hunte r Me rtes, Pe te r Clark , John Clay, Bruce Ras mussen, Jo hn Way ne, Dave Hamill, Todd Kn aup, Dave Ament, Jeff Cobb, Mark Stecker, Brian Ziebell , Warre n Babcock, Steve Logan, Kurt Klomb e rg, Jim Schlicher , Coach Clay

Waylan d 48 0


J.V. Football St. John's N.W . Preps Racine Lutheran


28 16

7 0 7

St. Mary's Martin Luther University School


Adrian Mazar, Mehrshad Moghimifard, Greg Clark, Mark Weber, Mike Ecker, Tom Caufield, joe Schwab, Dan Brickman, Steve Olson , Mark Hahlbeck, Mike Ger hardt, Dave Pi c kard, jeff Sh e ld ahl, Tom Milhaupt, Dal e Lu ck, Jim Acker, Scott Shea rer, Mark Lavi n , Andy Smith, Bill Wym arr;-Coac h Wolfe

V. Soccer Wayland 2 Shoreland Lutheran 4 St. John's 3 Arrowhead - Hartland 0 University Lake 3 Cathedral 1 St. Bonaventure University School 0 6 Maranatha 1 St. Joseph 1 Prairie School 0 Marquette

1 3 2 5 3

8 4

1 4



Bryan Nelson, Jim Woods, Ira Tait, Scott Stephens, Tim Buddig, Steve Ecker, Jon Rowan, Kurt Hoehne, Bob Weiss, Dave Blank, Jeff Perrigo, Bob Halverson, Bill Richards, Dave Koskinen, David Jahn, Jim Moore, Coach Cobb, Frank Babka, Jim Stri.tt, Matt Lamb

St. John's Arrowhead-Hartland University Lake St. Bonaventure University School

0 6 4

2 2 8 1

Maranatha St. joseph Prairie School Marquette

1 2 2 4

Mark North, Scott McDonald, john Goodrich, Mark McMillan, Andy Woodrick, Dave Koskinen, Joe Steuer, Coach Wolfe, Dave Burnham, Mike Brown, Tom Hofbauer, Mike Erwin, Gary johnson, Andy Neff, Wes johnson, Drew Reilly, Jamie Burnham, Dave Ament, Bob Carter, Bruce Rasmussen, Carl Bunn

Boys' Swimming Wayland

40 39 34


41 33

381/2 25

41 33

56 45

24 58

38 94

Milwaukee Lutheran University School St. John's Thomas More Sauk Prairie Monona Grove Milton St. John's University School Ft. Atkinson Green Bay "Y" Sauk Prairie Ft. Atkinson Thomas More Cudahy Milton

44 44 49 34

42 49 441/2

2nd in Private School Relays


41 49 27 38 59 25

44 75

Beck y Rat cliff, Kath y Ri c hard s, li z W end orf, Coac h Wolfe, Vi ck i Royer, Helen Bachhuber, li z Roma no, Peggy Ratcli ff, Jenn y Cobb, Kath y Fl ann er y, Pam Fi sc her, li sa Drak e, Amy Bu ckl ey, Kati e Vance, Trish Trau t

Girls' Swimming Wayland 27 Beaver Dam "Y" 32 Fond du Lac "Y" 27 Nee nah-Menasha " Y"

59 50 58

Matt Songer, Scott McDonald, Nick Cress, Marc Sperry, Nancy Parent, jack Suriano, Mark Duffy, Tom Hofbauer, Mike Sammon , Roger Fish, Charles Bunn, Jim Rigsbee, Jeff Cole, John Wayne, Paul jones, Mr. Fierke, Advisor, joe Kraemer, Mr. Borrud, Advisor.

Won 9, Lost 3 SECOND PLACE St. John's Invitational Tournament. 16 teams participated. Score 317-316 SECOND PLACE Regional Tournament at Steven's Point. 8 teams participated. FOURTH PLACE State Finals Twelve teams participated.

Bet h Unkefer, Pam Dill e n , Kar e n Web e r, Greg Hall , Antonia Fr ede rick , John Scheder, David Scheder, Roge r Fish, David Socha, Alden Wiln e r, Ri c har d Fe ldh a usen, Je ff Ashe, Mary Mcl ea n, Phil Rausc her!, Cliff Unk efe r, M a itr e .Sa mpon


But ch Richmond , Joe Kra e me r, Frank Babka, David Jahn , Brian Hoag, Joh Rowan , Steve Kirsh , John Clay, Jim Kr ae me r, Jack Suriano, Ann Ranso n, Manager, Kevin Walsh, Chris Wi eden hoeft, Je ff Cobb, Barrie Clay, Steve Collins, Tom Schmit z, Paul Wi e den hoeft, Dave Clarke, Roger Brosius, Brad Garvey, Nancy Ros e ne, Coac h Cla y

Varsity Wrestling Wayland 55 Racine Luth. 33 Maranatha 27 Martin Luther 44 N.W. Preps 54 NWNA 29 St. John's 54 Racine Luth. 14 Martin Luther 38 N.W. Preps 17 Dodgeland 6 Oshkosh 23 St. John's Dominican Tourn . = 5th W. Milwaukee Tourn. 13th (Small school champions) Conference Tourn. = 3rd

9 19 34 18 16 26 12 45 21 47 54 35

Wayland 18 12 20 27 17 15 6

N.W. Preps NWNA Martin Luther N.W. Preps Dodgeland Oshkosh





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First Row: Dave Clarke, Shelley larsen, lee Ann Seaholm, Chris Baumann, Sally Phillips, Glenn Traer Second Row : Kim Cole, Jeff Hamar, Tim Caufield, Richard Feldhausen , Tom Milhaupt, Toni Frederick

First Row: Alden Wilner Second Row: Dale luck, Phil Rauscher!, Mike Harings, Butch Richmond, Kurt Hoehne Third Row: Mr . Miller, Advisor, Ward Ambrose, Roger Fish, Mike Klein

First Row: Jill Sprinkman, Vicki Hungerford, Trish Traut, Rachel Unkefer, Nina Callas, Kathy Mayersak, Wendy Zellner Second Row: Mr . Pavao, Director, Peggy Ratcliff, Helen Bachhuber, Nancy Parent, David Blank, lisa Mortimer, Kathy Flannery, Nancy Bertram Third Row : lynn Hudec, Suanne Braaksma, Kris Flom, laurie Birschbach, Judy Brey, Toni Frederick, lisa Drake, Michelle Baylon Fourth Row: Alison Lighthall, Vicki Royer, lee Ann Seaholm, Chris Baumann, Alita Abraham, Ann Ranson, Mary Pat Glunz Fifth Row: leanne Rosplock, Willa Conrad, Phil Rauschert, Kim Cole, Robyn Jeffords, Melissa Wissell, Pam Fischer, Glenn Traer Sixth Row: Bruce Kline, Jack Dyer, Mike Erwin, Brad Garvey, Mark McMillan, Claudia Klossner , Paul Stobbs, David Schuminsky, Kevin Walsh.

First Row: Becky Ratcliff, Nancy Parent, Dave Clarke, Toni Frederick, Paul Wiedenhoeft Second Row: Mike Ecker, Tara Milhaupt, D.]. Fogel, Ana Johnson Third Row: Mr. Lilly, Mr. Keenan, Mrs. Dohman, Mrs. Stecker, Moderators, Tim Caufield, Barrie Clay, Tom Milhaupt, Mr. Borrud, Moderator



First Row: Mary Pat Glunz, Tara Milhaupt, Sharon Basler, Vicki Hungerford, Mike Harings Second Row: Mr. Borrud, Advisor, Suanne Braaksma, Kurt Hoehne, Paul Wiedenhoeft, Mark Duffy, Ward Ambrose, Phil Rauscher!, Alden Wilner


c H 0 0 u

u cN s I E

Barrie Clay, Chris Wi e d e nhoeft, Indi a Radford , Lisa King, Je ff Hamar, Kris Flom , Mr. Seighman, Advisor, Amy Buckley, Brad Garvey, Bob Hofstatter, Martha Howard , Tom Milhaupt, Kim Cole, Kim Meyer, Bill Wyman , Dave Clarke

First Row: Pat Singleton, Rob Urban e k Second Row: Bob W e iss, Toni Frederick, Laur ie Birsc hbac h Third Row: Holly Gefve rt, Nan cy Parent Fourth Row: Mark Posselius, Kathy Prunuske Fifth Row: Matt Songer, Sally Zellner, Sally Phillips, M e lissa Wisse l! Sixth Row: Adrian Ma zar, Phil Rau scher!, Jack Dyer, Lee Ann Seaholm, Robyn Jefford s, Mrs. Hamre, Advisor


Roof: Emily Fowler, Skippi Smith Standing: jim Kraemer, Diane Rozo, Tim Caufield, Tom Caufield, Nick Cress, Jeff Hamar, Dave Clarke, Mike Ecker, Ana johnson , Alito Abraham, Phil Rauschert, Adrian Mazar, Debbie Williams, D. ). Fogel, Matt Songer, Bruce Kline Sitting: Chris Baumann, India Radford, Kris Flom, Alison Lighthall, Mike Erwin, Tom Milhaupt

s c I

c L

E u N B


E Dale luck, Matt Songer, Kim Cole, Mr. Khreish, Advisor, Phil Rauschert, Adrian Mazar




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First Row: Mr. Vicksta, Advisor, Mike Ecker, Kathy Hoodwin, India Radford, Toni Frederick, Kim Cole, Michelle Williamson, Joy Beebe, Rachel Unkefer, Alito Abraham, Michelle Roedl, Pat Singleton Second Row: Nick Cress, Tam Dell'Oro, Tom Kuenzi, Nina Callas, Sarah Baumgartner, Kim Blessman, Sally Phillips, Becky Kroken, Lisa Mortimer, Pam Daily, lee Ann Seaholm

s T c u 0



N Brad Garvey, Kris Flom, Jeff Hamar, Roger Brosius, Kim Cole, Bob Weiss, Shelley larsen, Amy Roedl, Mr. Seighman, Advisor


First Row: Mr. Patterson, Advisor, Alison Lighthall. Laurie Birschbach, Mi chelle Roedl Second Row: Nancy Parent, Jill Sprinkman, Helyn Wohlwend Third Row: Alito Abraham, Helen Bachhuber, Bruce Kline Fou rth Row: Phil Rauschert, Kim Cole

First Row: Kathy Richards, Alison Lighthall, Helen Bachhuber Second Row: Lee Ann Seaholm, Kim Cole, Debbie Williams, Ana Johnson, Toni Frederick, Liz Wendorf, Rachel Unkefer, Skippi Smith Third Row: Lisa Yoder, Vicki Royer, Kim Meyer

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N R D S First Row: Peggy Ratcliff, Michell e Bayln, Nancy Parent, Glenn Traer, Judy Brey, )ill Sprinkman, Nancy Bertram, David Blank, Trish Traut Second Row: Mr. Pavao, Director, Paul Stobbs, Jack Dyer, Kris Flom, laurie Birschbach , Alito Abraham, David Schuminsky, Chris Baumann Third Row: Mark McMillan, Claudia Klossner, Willa Conrad, Phil Rauscher!, Bruce Kline, Kevin Walsh, Melissa Wissell, Mike Erwin

Mr. Kasper, Advisor , Mr . Clay Advisor, Chris Wiedenhoeft, Steve Kirsh, Paul Wiedenhoeft, Adrian Mazar, Tom Kuenzi, Miles McMillan , Tim Buddig, Pete )ung, Tim Caufield, Tom Schmitz, Tom Caufield, Dave Scheder, Barrie Clay, Jim Kraemer , Mike Ecker, Nick Cress, Bryan Wheeler, Ken lawrence, Jeff Hamar, Matt Songer 11 7

"Anyone interested in applying?"


" . .. wants YOU"

"Oh no, 'The Young and the Restless' is preempted!"

"Going, going, gone."


"As 'luck' would have it

"You mean I'm supposed to take out the seeds?!"



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