1994 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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That was THEN This is



101 N . University Avenue Beaver Dam, WI 53916 414-885-3373 1



PILLARS has been an integral part of the Wayland community by keeping a pictorial record of the people, places and spirit of the school. If one looks closely, the fireplace of the new Swan Library appears in the old library in Linfield Hall. That was THEN! Now as the yearbook celebrates its golden anniversary, this special issue brings together both the Wayland past and its present. This is Wayland NOW!

NOW - Studen ts pose outside Pickard Hall. THEN - Studen ts study in Lin field Li brary (p hoto circa 1950).

Then -


Wayland Cam p us (ph oto circa 1920).

THEN NOW tage.

A student cogitates in Way land Hall.

Students a re happy in front of Warren Cot-





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;~ REGISTRATION AND MOVING IN begin the academic year at Wayland. It is a time of excitement and anticipation of what the new school year will bring. With help from parents, administration and faculty, students get settled and involved in the Wayland community.

Thom as Tam ayo discusses with Ms. Walter w h at to exp ect in the upcoming sch ool year.


Mr. Boucher lends a h elpin g ha nd to Wisam Muharib and his mother.

A va n wa its to be unloaded .

Getting ready for th e school year hasn ' t changed over th e yea rs (photo circa 19 70).


- ----- -


Angela Au takes time out to smil e before getting back to work.





,:/1 ORIENTATION enables students from many different places to get to know each other. Students engage in numerous challenging activities where they learn to rely on others and to gain confidence in themselves. They learn quickly that Wayland is a community where working together is an important key to success. Orientation is a time for trust, as students make new friends and have fun.

Liz McNally and Kelley Baker give Stacy Paper encouragement to pull through . Christina Zeigler wa lks th e lin e . Kelli Mackay, Kris Boucher, Asma Ali show the unity of Wayland spirit.


Ellie Elkins sh ows w hat a grea t tim e she is having at Orientation. jere my Starz ge ts a lot more than just one helpin g hand . Students m eet the chall enge of the pole and tire .


Kris Graff bikes the trails at Kettle Moraine. Kelley Baker is all wound up after a rough day.

Niles Shirey tests his line for the steep ascent.

is a time .for students to .get together for a dtfferent expenence away from school. Students learn to c communicate and have fun with their peers. In the beginning students leave c with feelings of anticipation but they return with a sense of accomplishment and renewal.



!1 -C h a n Ho n g a nd Do ng-Jun Lee have a re lax ing m o m e nt o n the Wolf Ri ver.

Ms. Alpa ug h a nd Miche ll e Ko lpin in te n tly wa tch th e climbe r.

Albert Tay lo r is o n his way '


Catherin e Ludlow, Kelley Baker, and Celend a Wagenkn echt enj oy their weekend a t Devil 's Lake.


II -Cl1an Hong ra ft s on the Wolf Ri ver.

jennifer N il sse n contemplates h er nex t move a nd Steve n Breitzka is read y to bike away.


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friendly competitions . Each class shows off its colors and its taste in .mismatch1ng clothes, constructs murals, paints a rock and competes in volleyball, powderpuff f o o t b all and tu g-o-w ar. Most importantly, each class shows its enthusiasm and support for Wayland. The activities of Spirit Week cl umina te with the Friday night pep-rally, the Saturday athletic competitions, and, of c o u r s e , P a rents' Weekend.

Ka ti e Huml eker, Beth Schn eider and Tom Weis sh ow off their ch eerl eading faces .

Brand on Gri eve and th e Juni ors celebrate th eir victory 1


Asma Ali, Shareen e Lindquist, Meredith Coulson, Ra na S tephens, As ra Ali , Lynn Gable, and Melina Raffin dress their bes t for Clash Day!

Girl s of Powder Puff Foo tball are d etermined to win! Peter Baum ga rtner is rea dy to make th e perfect se rve fo r voll ey ball.


~ 13


jason Liao, Karen Dahl, Tulin Waters and other seniors pull for victory'

Reaching for the point!

jenn y Heiser, Jim Downing and the jazz Band create excitement at th e Pep Ra lly.


!man Aswad, Morris Ma k, and jeremy Starz piece toge th er the Fres hmen Class mural. Th e Wave sweeps through the Lindsey Gym, spl as hin g over students, faculty, sta ff and pa rents!


STUDENT LIFE Takahiro Hashim o to, Brian Sweeterman, Ali Zuberi and Kimihiko H ara d a rela x a t th e dorm .


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Stud en ts in Wa rren Co ttage (photo circa 1940) .

That Was Then


FRESHMEN Their first year and ready to GO! Irnan Aswan Ashanti Blanchard Kristene Boucher

Ellen Carroll Jennifer Carroll Megan Creed

Heidi Eisenreich Jay Fortier Stacy Ginsberg

Jacqueline Haley Franklin Humphreys Danielle Jones

Jay Fortier manages a smile, even with one eye! Dena Lohse and Nadia Samadani goofing around before classes. Kris Boucher checks her mailbox.


The Class of 1997 Suzanne Lamping Dena Lohse Sarah Lutringer

Kelli MacKay Morris Mak Jennifer Mathias

Aaron Morriss Andrew Mulder Jennifer Nilssen

Jin Woo Park Nadia Samadani Brian Starker

Jeremy Starz Maren Stoltz Abert Taylor

Ben Warren Craig Woods

Jennifer Mathias breaks for a joke. Aaron Morriss towers and looks upon the world.


SOPH0 M 0 RES Doing Things Right! Yasuo Akashi

Asra Ali Brett Boling

Nikki Brown Sherri Conant Jeremy Faust Elizabeth Goslin David Greene

Nicolette Hamilton Deana Heilmeyer Jennifer Heiser Penelope Hommel Chang Won Hong

Crystal House Catherine Humleker Andrew Huss Jae Min Jo Yuta Knzaki

Benjamin Karch Kongo Kawakita Saira Khan Joo-Han Kim


The Class of 1996 Tetsuya Kubota Christopher Lambkin

DongJun Lee Shareene Lindquist

Erinn Mahoney Thomas Mikkelsen Lincoln Nelson Sarah OliverThompson Lisa Orlando

Lauren Patterson Kimberly Porubcan Melina Raffin Regan Richardson Kierstan Rickey

Andrea Rodriguez Vijay Sankaran Tina Schirmang Elizabeth Schneider Rana Stephens

Hilary Swortwood Thomas Tamayo Michael Tock Thomas Weis Aaron Westra


JUNIORS ALIVE TheClassof1995 Peter Bartizal Marco Billep Albert Blanchard Matthew Calmeyn Daniel Chung

Jonathan Ciesla Jennifer Clune Christian Coffeen Meredith Coulson Joshua Dalley

George Demos Jessica DeShaw Lynn Gable Kristofer Graff Brenden Green

Brandon Grieve Michael Hansen Handi Haryono Takahiro Hashimoto Kyle Henderson

Melissa Hill Ryan Hilt ll-Chan Hong

Doerthe Hueckel Warren Ishmael Christopher Jahn


Ward Tatlock, our fearless leader! Peace, Baby! (Rima Khreish). Cyrus Maltman on the way to stardom!

Payal Jhaveri Kyle Jordan Hee Jung Kang Rima Khreish Alice Lederle

Ji Hyun Lee Patrick Mahoney Olivia Mak Cyrvs Maltman Yoshifumi Matsuda

Michael Moore Clint Mosling Wisam Muharib Kathryn Newton Louise Nordling


JUNIORS IN WAY-LAND Jacquelyn Oberg Taro Okubo Stacy Paper Sonali Parekh

Yongho Park Andrew Pearson Benjamin Perlstein Christina Pomponio

Jaqueline Redmer Stephen Saxon Kathryn Schneider

Jessica DeShaw chillin' at the pool! A picture says a thousand words for Kyle Henderson! B.J. Green ... Superhero in disguise!


BE AWARE OF WONDER Alex Schwertfeger Charles Scoville Yoko Shimada Yoon Hee Suh Brian Sweeterman

William Tatlock Lindsey Thomas Christina Zeigler Mohammed Zuberi

Meredith Coulson vants to suck your blood! Space Balls, George Demos and Warren Ishmael. Kate Schneider and Lindsey Thomas show off their Pearly Whites! What's up, Chuck?! Guten Tag, Alice! Josh and Kyle sportin' some crusty dreads!


WELCOME NEW STUDENTS Tate Baumer Wing Chow Aimee Erickson

Brie Fields Kara Grygotis Woo Kim

Jacob Larsen Lisa Lowder Kristen Michaels

Brian Pritts Adriana Pujals Seth Rozanoff

Tina Schirmang Heather Smith Paul Velten

Adjustment to the Wayland way of life is the most difficult, but I found it easy to make new friends. The teachers care and give a lot more time; it's more one on one and in that respect I feel that I am getting a better education. Jake Larsen '95.


Jarrit Venema Elizabeth Walsh Cory Weinberger

WAYLAND -When it was Then 27


The Senior Class picture. Tom Castle and Jeff Livesy stand on top of the Elle Dye dorm being a part of the picture in their own way!

After twelve years as President of the Academy I believe I have some perspective as to how the class of 1994 stacks up. This is a very strong and talented class that has achieved much while at Wayland; but the best is yet to come. While you can take pride in what you have accomplished, I look forward to learning of your furture accomplishments. Good luck and God speed! Dr. Ellis 28



To my friends: Thanks for the memories. I will always remember the good times we had. Ozzy: we've been through a lot. Thanks for being there when I needed you. I love you. I am free finally Freedom Fighter. I made it, still single. Bo-Bo: You smell nice with women's perfume on, you'D never beat me in Ping-Pong. Beth: I hate 'em,

Where am I suppoeed to go with a small bag undemeath my arm? What am I looldDs for? Am I able to find it? The roaming winds are blue? Oh, I don't Know....

lHAT'S YUCKY! Saawny son, big son, daughter. BEHAVE

YOURSELVES! Heather: Bee000, cologne, tobo, pequeno tobo. Sixth hours on top of the library have been interesting. Alex: why do birds suddenly appear....

SHEILA ARNDT " ...And you smiled because you knew." To friends: Purple ba-

nanas, deerlegs, "doorknobs," rooftops, State Street Trips , genies, tulips, "Nov.21," camping, waterfalls, "worms," U2, Clapton, Big Head Todd, Spring Break, liquid clock work, lego factory, Mels. Chewy: Miss you. Celenda: Thanks for everything. Later. Carissa: You're German? Road trip. Good times always. Soni: Keep smiling. Sean: Bado, music, long talks. Susan: long four years! Mr. Cobb: Thanks for the support. Parents: Thanks for it all. Siblings: Be good, stay in touch. "All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise." -Beatles

frozen lemonade,

~ thou beyOnd thyeelf, but 8rit be sun that thOu thylelf be strong in body and mind. -Unbown



Thanks, my sisters and brother, espedally Amy, who took care of me. Thanks to all my friends I met at Wayland. You guys made Beaver Dam lovely.l will never forget the spring break in 1993. Thank you to my friends in Hong Kong. Sorry that I am always too lazy to write to you guys. Special thanks to my parents. 1will try my best to do everything.

'1 don't zeally have much to say cause I'm liYing from day to day, somewhere.'' (0111.) Gmndma and Dad- Thanks for the experience, love, and support. VictoriaSomewhere over the Rainbow. To everyone: Missions, Cheesebugers, houseboats, and lost coats. Your my soul sister. I'm not going to your concerts! Gnen Cheese, Pride of Cucamonga. LOVE, Chube, 'l'l degrees. Cat, irs just the light! I'D meet you at Denny's in Alaska. Miley- bsf forever. Hang in there, Kate. '1 wish I knew for sure just where we were bound, what we will be doin', what we're gonna find."- Grateful





To all that know me l thank. To all that knew me I thank, and that's il See ya later!

Wow, its been 4 years! I don't believe it! -hold on to those good memories! -appreciate life for what it is and hope for better tomorrows. -we are all going in different directions. I want to wish everyone lots of luck. -I hope we meet again, will you remember me? -I'll always remember you and all the good memories -Special thanks to: my Mom, Dad, Larry, Miki, and to my friends: Angela, Benji, Dave, Emily, Heather, Kevin, Kumiko, tizzy, Marl, Maria, and Matt. Please keep in touch!



Mom - words could never express my love and gratitude. Dad - you will always be alive in my heart. My close friends - though it's time to move on, we'll always have our memories ... Seinfeld tree climbing coffee clutch Ben &: Jeny's Dementing Play-Cob Dirty Dancing U2 field hockey wacka clown camp vampire bwps star spinning doorknob slick butt Mold-A-Rama elephant stressing out about everything and nothing. To everyone who has made my four years at Wayland so enjoyable - live, love, laugh. ..and be happy. Thank you and goodbye.

Where to begin? Doug: 15 years and I'll be up $1000, remember trips to Madison, and stay away from Psycho Super Americas. Nicole: Through the best times and the worst times, we've at least maintained a pulse. Sue: Power wheels. Need I say more? Nickie: Silk sheets? AI and Mer: Cheers to the two most. ..hmmm, unique girls I know. Barb, Mom, Dad: Thanks for the support and for never asking too many questions. Zucchini Brothers: Live long, cut twice. To all my friends: Wait for the publication of my journal! Surprise, surprise, surprise!!! Poe, Schantz: Thanks for the inspiration.



After spending three years at Wayland, I now feel prepared for a better life. I've had the great experience of knowing people from different parts of the world. I want to thank my parents for giving me this opportunity, my mentor, Mr. Bowers, my friends, and the faculty who have made this a wonderful experience. I hope to see you all again. Adios!




I remember my sophomore year, which was my first year at Wayland. Since then, I have strived my way aimlessly without looking back. My life was not always easy during- my three years at Wayland. However, I believe I have gained and learned a lot &om these years of experience. Most of all, I'd like to thank my Mom and Dad who have trusted me so far. I also truly thank my nice Korean friends, Zaid, and my great teachers. Special thanks to my uncle who has been a really good adviser. All my dear friends, have a wonderful future.

I wanted only to try to live in accord with the promptings which came &om my true self. Why was that so very difficult? -Herman Hesse Mom and Dad, thanks for helping me along the way. Doug, stay sane! I love you, big brother! Jessica (minnunskompis) you are my sunshine.•• Katester- Silent in the Morning ... Keep in touch .• Gumpy, did you do your French? Well, we're finally done! Can you believe it? Allison, thank you for being a friend. Let daisies and love fill our lives with happiness.



Mom and Dad, thank you for all of your love and support these past two years; I couldn't have made it if it wasn't for our phone calls. To the gang: I leave you eight bagels, talent for the pageant, "they ripp off your clothes," "This "cat" is too good for yo "butt," and Mayg and Quart "My Dad"! To JoAnna: You're my best friend, tool If you want to sing outjsing outjand U you want to be free/be free/ cause there's a million things to bejyou know that there are. - Cat Stevens

"To dream the impoaslble dream" -Don Quixote I never have dreams when I sleep, that I can n!Dlell\ber. Though I could write a book of the ones I have when I am awake. A book of inspirations that open my mind to the world around me. Wayland has been one to write about. I will never forget the good times. Fire! Fire! Thanks Mom and Dad for never giving up. And thanks to everyone who has been there for me. Stay on the sunny side!



"The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation &om the self."- Albert Einstein. Mom and Dad, thank you so much for everything. Mr. Schantz, you have been a great mentor and friend. Penthouse Bro's, have a good time and keep in touch. Trap, Celenda, Ali and Nord we had some fun times. Kate, you're the best! Niles, 4th hour batting practice. To everyone else ain't nuthin' but a "G" Thang!l

A soul in tension that'sleaming to .fly condition grounded but determined to try can't keep my eyes &om the circling skies tongue tied and twisted just an earth bound misfit I -Pink Floyd. Kelly- Here come the blue skies Here comes springtime when the rivers run high and the tears run dry.-The The La La Love you! -Black Francis. Duncan -some how I absorbed the world's genetic hoJTor, while my brother inherited the sweetness and patience of someone who befriends birds -Carrie Fisher. Mom and Daddy -And if I seem a little strange that's because I am.-The Smiths.


NICKlE FABISIAK A life of pages,waiting to be filled/ A heart that's hopeful, a head that's full of dreams/ ...to find my place in this world Michael W. Smith. Mom, Dad, and Jason (Boy)-Thanks for the love and support. I love you! Pokey- too many memories! Dena, my Uttle sis'; I'll always be watching out for you! Soni- men in windows, 3 oop cars and a boat? Melissa, Catherine, Meghan, Jennifer- Let's talk about sex Babe-bel Pdsoned princess- forever your freedom fighter! We may be leaving, but the memories will always stayU


STEPHANIE FISHER "Just as no one can tell how you feel about a beautiful sunset. no one can tell you how to live your life. You are the artist... and must

shape your experiences with your oun hand."- Susan Staszewski. The past few few years haven't been easy but I've finally made it! Thanks, Mom, Dad, and Cristy for everything. And thank you to all those who have touched upon my life to help me develop into the person I am today.

IOUS GEt.JRJNK What's the use of somebody who doesn't wonder? -Dobbs. bold as suruise equally indiHerent

itchy young catalysts in forgetting remember the way i was when i was here it's a gift i leave for you

HENDRICK GOLDBECK "Ich arbeite, also bin ich krank."(?)... -me

For me this year is just a perfect opportunity to broaden my ho-

rizon. Thanks a lot to everybody who helped me to see things in a diHerent way, especially Alex and

Pat. Last but not least thanks to my parents who made all this possible for me.







If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is be­ cause he heus a different drum­ mer. Let him step to the music he heus, however measured or far away.- Henry Thoreau. Keeping t his in mind, I present my thoughts upon it - My little Po­ nies Rule the Universe!

I just thought I should say some­ thing so that everyone will re­ member me. Thank you, but to a few people thanks isn't enough. You should know who you are! One other thing, I should say and I can't believe I'm saying it; I think I'm going to miss this place. Well, it's been a nic e life and good luck. (I know it is cheesy, but what can I say!)



1 yr. varsity football, 1 yr. varsity basketball, 1 yr. Ella Dye. It was my first year at Wayland. During the school time, only one word attracted me. It was 'Graduation.' I came to Wayland with some­ thing special- a dream, which not everybody has. But now, I don't have to think about it anymore, because I am having them even now. It is to have to test my pa­ tience. Without my parents, my friends, my teacher and my lover, I would not be able to stand like this. Remember this! 'TID\e is still going on. Once it's gone it never comes back. However, love and belief will always stay with me.' From the bottom of our earth.

First of all, I'd like to thank my grandparents, parents and two older brothers who have always supported my studying abroad. From Wayland Hall to Ella Dye, it seemed a long way, but now I feel it was short. Through three yea rs at Wayland, I think I've had fun even though I forgot most of what I have learned in class. However, there is one thing I'll NEVER for­ get. It is nice people whom I've met in Wayland. Also, I'd like to thank all faculty members and KOREAN FRIENDS. •special thanks to: Mr. Scully, Mr. Cobb, Mr. Flagg, Mr. Disch, Mr. Spanier, and Ms. Groelle.


SEOUNG-WOOK KIM Dad and Mom - Thanks for giv­ ing me the chance to prove my­ self. I g rew a lot in these two years. Thanks to all my friends and all Koreans at Wayland. Spe­ cial thanks to Dong-Jin Park and Mr. Cobb. Let's get out of here!




Thanks, Mom and Dad, for providing me with an experience of a life time. Scott, Dawn, .. all of us finally made it through. To all the faculty and friends I have acquired, thanks for shaping me and helping me grow over the last four years. Mr. Cobb, you were always there when I needed a talk. Always remember to keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

Mom and Dad, thank you for everything you've done. I know it has been a struggle, but I finally made it. Matt, I know we've had our differences many times, but you have always been a great brother and friend. To my friends: "can I have eight bagels?"; "my goal in life is to become a vet because I love children."; "You know what else they do? they rip oH your clothes!"; "This Kitty's too good for your butt!"; "look Tulin, a red bus!" You're wrong Jools, My Dad!



Thanks to all thole people who have been dear to me. Tsaia' famlly, Orlowalcis' family, my mentor Mr. Flag, Coach Bowers, and all my friends at Wayland. Without you I would not have made it through this long journey. Mom and Dad, Thanks for supporting me and see you guys at June 5th. Gramma- I love you very much.



"Well, I said, as I've looked back, on all the thoughts I've had. They reflect just what I'm leamlng."RUSH. Mom and Dad thank you for the opportunity and words of encouragement I LOVE YOU BOTII. John, Jim and Michelle you are my world, thanks for the words of wisdom. Andrew J, Chad E, Bryan A "Enjoy every golden sparkling drop of this brew." I love you guys! Brittany "I tot I taw a puddy tat!" I love you. Mrs. Foster, Mr. Mcinerny, and Mr. Lennertz, a world of thanks. Hockey state champs 91. Penthouse Bro's we showed them, FLY BY NIGHT I'M OUTTA HERE!II

I've learned two things at Wayland: follow your heart. and stay away from Psycho Super Americas. Steve: $$$ es muy importante. Nicole: the east?? Albow: you're bom to be different. Sue: Relax, things will work out Drew: Where's the wedding? Aaron and Mike: You can't go wrong when you're from Waupun. AA: BEE-OTCH!I Mom, Dad, and Dena: Thanks for everything. I love you. Thanks to all my friends, you helped to form who I am. Cindy Crawford, here I comet Make sure the Lamborghini is warmed up when I get there. GO IRISH!




Wayland has done more than enough for me. I don't lcnow who an to thank, there - 80 many who deserve it. To whom it may com:em- inissions, "the clique"

"Sarcasm. is an art .form not to be taken lightly."- Me. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for making the ilnpossible possible.

~ • • IWDion, pizza party,

~ Head 'l'odd. I have a Sbldent announcement, let's snuggle, are you ~ rm taking you to one of my ~certs, who's closet, no . w:t~~i(·; •u Dight, it's not the light, '""''Jmw~A -tlu J:>aby, let's talk about I love I

,.,,, ,....,..~,., ~lfwOnc:llerft~:Peoplle. I

ELIZABETH A. MCNALLY Reading and writing are inflicted by sc:hoolma8tel's, but a crack shot is the work of God.- Prank Forester (Henry Herbert)

RICK MORIU$SEY -·_,....,,.for my haideore: - ~~- ~- ~~d~~a the edges, ·P.At:• Willtd\ OUJ for that! You bet! Moses in the house. ~tilie;

Duck, Duck, Goose Varia.n.t and the Pun~n Maddrie. Kyle: The Fireside talks, they did D'I01e than just pass the time. I am totally sane,; Hendrik: Flush the legion, Flush Plush the Legioa And additional amtpliments to Mr. Waters, and the Indo Crew. I never saw it cmning, its amazing! I'm done. Hope to see everyone at the umnentionable parlor. Brinn, I'm not going anywhere.


"Mamm.a. ~many WOrlds I've aeen sincal first left hosne."~Garda

DAVID NORD I chose to come to Wayland because things weren't working out for me, academically at my old school. 1 think thAt overall Wayland has been a good experience for :t;M, but when thinking of or considering Wayland keep in mind, "The head i8 always taken in by appearences and by ~ts. And in the World,. it is only the many who need be cxmaidered. The few find a place in the world. only when the many discover reasons to follow them." (Machiavelli) To the few here at Wayland who have made this year so much easier, Thanks.


Bert you need to throw a little more hook. Matt, you need to throw the ball out farther and also aim. When you two guys accomplish these tub then you will be able to take on the CentennJal Lanes Pro Bowling Tour Champions, Orlow and Hardy. Thanks Charlie, for 1~ me use your quallty, ABC approved lanes. Dad. you should keep feeding youmelf mushrooms to keep you in the dark. You seem to bowl better this way. Thanks Ma and Outsider for all the fun times.






I would like to thank my Mom and Dad for ali of the encouragement they gave me over the past four years. I would also like to thank ali of my friends here at Wayland. You guys have been a lot of fun to be around and I am glad that I met you guys. I will not forget ali of you guys. Thanks again Mom, Dad, and friends.

Wayland Academy is my first school in United States. I had a realiy great time here, met a lot of friends and established my individuality. I would like to say thanks to Mom and Dad who gave me an opportunity to study at Wayland Academy. Thanks to Dr. &: Mrs. Woo and Mr. S and Mrs. B who took care of me during the past three years; if I didn't have your care, I could not have done it. Thanks for ali of my friends, especiaiiy classmates in Chemistry; Chris, Susan, Tommy, and Jockeyaackie). Have a wonderful life everybody!



I want to thank the school, but

above ali my great parents who made it possible that I could spend this year at Wayland. It was a great experience and I had a lot of fun. I learned a lot about America and its people. The things I learned, will help me throughout life. One of the most important things I learned (it was one of the very fmt things!) is the term: "That bites the big one!" I will never forget that, it doesn't refer to my opinion about Wayland at all though! It was great!

"Situation no win. Rush for a change of atmosphere ... Gotta get myself right outta here." It's been quite an experience here in Beaver Dam. Missions that kept the family business alive, virtual realities, "La Grange,'' Blondie, Bruni, and a partridge in a pear tree. C Cub and Special K, I love you! "You and I will meet again when we're least expecting it. One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face. I won't say good-bye my friend, for you and I will meet again."- Tom Petty



Oh spiritual and emotional intoxication! Kasper, thanx for understanding. Dad, I owe you more than words. Kwis, you are my ecstasy of escape, the landscape of my dreams. You have smiles wider than oceans and beauty. La cervesa esta en Ia camioneta! To the real ones: Thanx for being you!

To my wonderful and diverse family, thanks for your wonderful and diverse words of wisdom over the past few years. I'd like to thank anybody who ever took the time to show, explain, or teach something to me. I'd especiaiiy like to thank Mr. Schantz, Mr. Mac, Mrs. Foster, and Mr. Soens for their teaching and friendship. I'd like to thank anybody who I've spent time laughing, talking, or just surviving with. Thank you Jon, Peter, Dave, Uz, Michelle, Dominik, and Zaid for all the times. I also like to give indirect thanks to the Colorado Crew, Paul Simon, Northern Minnesota, Boulder Urgent Care, the Chronicle Staff, and Da Cajun Way.



" The wheel is tumin' and you

First of all, Thank youl Mom! I had great time at Wayland Acad· emy. During these four yeans, I met so many people that helped me get out of here (WA). You guys were so helpful. Without you guys I never can get out of here. Thanks all! Special thanks to all Koreans, all Swim mates, all faculty members, and all my &lends. I will miss you guys!

can't slow down. You can't let go, and you can't hold on. You can't go back, and you can't stand still. If the thunder don't get you the lightnin' will." -Jerry Mom, Dad- Thanks for the experience; I will see you both in Alaska! Celenda, .Kelley- 111 see ya, on tour! Trapper- 111 see you in the Yukon territory! Nord- You were rlght about the Gold Bondi Penthouse- Thank you, for a teal good time! Jim- 4th hr. always battin' 1000, Bob, Tribe, Snoop. Kate- NOT FADB AWAY, 831, FORBVBR



Well, it's finally over, a long four year haul and without my &lends I couldn't have made it. Benji. .Kevin, Doug, Dave, Jason, and Steve- four fun filled yeans. The camping trip to the Wisconsin Dells, the bowling event of the century, and the mother jokes. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for giving me the opportunity to go to school at Wayland. Coach Bowers, baseball and football seasons were fun. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to show my talents. By the way, I'm sending you my doctor bills. Doing a good job u a Mentor, Mr. VanHaren. Keep it

Thanks Mom and Dad. I give all the happineae to my parents for supporting me. It hu been great years for me at Wayland Acad· emy.l believe all the thinp I haw done and leamed (cB. WOrD, sports, and dorm life) will help me to prepue for my future. Ancl I would lle'Ye1' forget the things I haw teamed in the echool. I alto want to thank my &lends and teachers who help me. (AN-



HIROICI TANAKA I thank you for everything you've done.

DLLYB.TOCK Grandma and~' you haw ~me with the GPPortunitY

of a Uletime and I d\ink. yoU. Couldn't haw made It ~t you Mom and Dad. To Mrs. Bleifuu, my three IOODUl\atee, and the teSt of ~ ~ know who you are, a lri~ like OU1'I is meant to lut. ludt

Ml~~~~~= asJsh

Somewhere ages and

ages hence:

Two roads dive!pd in • wood, and II took the one 1esl trav· eled by, And that hu made all the diflerence." Robert Frost



"If you smile at me, I will understand because that is something everybody everywhere does in the same language." Mom, Dad, Eric- Thanks. I love you. To all the rest: We've been high, we've been low, we can go anywhere we want to go. "The more things change the more they stay the same after all." Remember: Nov. 21, State Street Trips, missions, cheeseburger houseboat I lost my coat. Ippy, Dave, Missy, Langdon- Wasn't the same without you! Turtle, monkey, owl, square dance. Do people here get schwacked?" "Rules and regulations. Who needs them?" Seventy seven degrees Fahrenheit.

TULIN WATERS "Through our great fortune, in our youth our hearts were touched with fire. It was given to us to learn at the outset that life is a profound and passionate thing." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Dad, your "hot shot" loves you more than life. Mom, TE QUIERO, always! Elizabeth, a big kiss, little sister. What a crazy four years it's been. To my little island under the sun, 111 be back. Joybug, what would I have done without you? Christine, I have a little guessing game for ya! Wuv you puffy. Love, Peace, and Happiness my friends, Go find it.

RYAN WATERS B.LB.- I would like to thank my teachers, my parents (I guess), but especially my close friends who changed me in ways I never could have on my own. M.I.N.B.O.M.O.

HEATHER WIGGINS Thanks to my Grandpa and parents for making this all possible. To Uz, my sister, Meredith, my niece, Nicole, my mentor group buddy, Katie and Beth, my breakfast buddies, and my roommate Kelly- Thanks for the memories. Benji, Matt, Kevin, Dave, and Toni- I'll never forget you or the fun we've had. Asma and AsraThanks for everything! To all of my friends- I'll miss you! DeniseWhere's the circus? SCHMURF



Thank you Mom, Dad, Jason, Heidi, and Christopher for all your love, support, and strength that put up with me all these years. I love you. I'm sorry it took me so long to say it. Oh, and what to say to all of my girlies? Where can I begin to explain... one year with you has made me start my quest for an 8'9, 13 lb body! Thanks for tee-heeing me when you found it necessary. There is so much more I want to say, but It's hard to write my feelings In 100 words or less. I love you! Oh, by the way Maygh, Jooliee, and Rinz, MY DAD INFINITE! Do they have Dads in Sweden?




Thank you Allah Taala for helping me fulfill my year at Wayland successfully. Thank you Mummy and Abu for giving me a chance to such a culture. I would like to thank all the faculty who have helped me reach where I am. I would like to thank all my friends, especially those in the camel jockey fan club. I would like to thank all my Korean friends especially Chris Choi. I would like to thank the field hockey team in that it was one of my most memorable ~ences at Wayland. It's time to get out of here. (Khudaha.fiz)

Seconds seem like minutes, minutes seem like houn, hour& seem like days, days seem like weeb, weeks seem like months, montiUr seem like years. 11me hu 30M bY and it hu gone by fast. Bftn ff

everyday seems like an entire ad..

venture to overcome. Even though all my true frienda are like 5000 miles acroee the border of Texas; I have met some good friends here at Wayland. I will like to thank my puents lor thJa wonderful experience!

Charlie Shaw tries to make a point. Don't fall off Nato ZuaZua! Jason Liao gives his dashing smile for the camera. Nicole Brandrup and Anne Lutringer always are happy to go to class. Heather Wiggins slyly glimpses up towards the camera. Don't Dominik Scheruhn and Hendrik Goldbeck look happy ... wonder why?! Chris Geurink, a natural!





Megan Creed's books are piled high as she tackles her studies -

The Reality of Wayland.

THEN- Students in 1952 deal with their classroom reality.

THE REALITY of Wayland is personified in its Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Student Leaders . .. All making the school run smoothly.




GEORGE COBB, Dean of Students

LYNN SHEBESTA Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid

I<ATHLEEN SINEL, Director of Finance


Assoc. Director of Admissions



Director of Special Programs

SHANE FOSTER, Director of Athletics and Health Education

ROBIN GROELLE, Director of College Counseling

BETH KELLER, Assistant Director of Admissions


Director of Publications and Public Information

ELI SEIGHMAN, Director of Swan Library

GLORIA WHEELER, Coordinator for Annual Programs

Ms. Shebesta in her natural habitat and Roundy Hall, the seat of government!


Guiding Wayland Through the Year .

THEN - Mr. Khreish doing chemistry lessons way back when.

Ms. Diane Alpaugh

Mr. James Borrud

Mr. George Cobb

Mr. Patterson interprets a book.

Mr. David Kasper, Mr. Joeseph Lennertz, Mr. Eli Seighman and Mr. Roger Van Haren. NOW- Mr. Boucher takes it all in stride!

The Administration, Faculty and Staff are an important part of the Wayland Community. Believe it or not, Wayland employs more than 90 people to help the students in various capacities. These people provide a cheerful, clean learning environment and they deserve credit for helping students graduate. Wayland Academy students THANK YOU faculty and staff for all your smiles and help ... Love, The Wayland Students. 45




DANA GRAHAM Computer Science WILLIAM HEBL Driver Education ANNIE HOY Warren Cottage Director DAVID KASPER Mathematics-Chair ELIAS KHREISH Science-Chair HEATHER KLITZE Spanish


TONY REINDERS Wayland Ha ll Director ROBERT SCHANTZ English Social Studies/History-Chair

MICHAEL SCHNEIDER Foreign Language-Chair

JAMES SCULLY Social Studies/History REBECCA SHEPHERD Mathematics

RICK SOENS Instrumenta l Music GREGORY SPANIER Mathematics ANN TEICHOW CTP Chair ROGER VANHAREN English/ Director of Student Activities

DEE WALTER Fine ArtsChair /Photo j Reading




JUDY COYLE Administrative Assistant

PAM GANSKE Secretary LOUISE HOFF Administrative Assistant JOYCE KOEPSELL Assistant Accountant ROXANNE KOTEK secretary SUZANNE KRAFT Secretary

TOM KROEZE Assistant Coach-Football LINDA KULKA Secretary JODY LECOULTRE store Manager BILL LUEBKE Assistant to Athletic Director CAROL MILLER secretary/Library LINDA MONROE Business Office Manager


Mr. Foster hard at work with athletic schedules. Ms. Alpaugh at Warren Cottage. Ms. Lecoultre going home after inventory at the Wayland Store.




.. .a man, an individual, a person, some might call him a character. .."

Joe an is f;,mily; Michael, Shelley and Carol.

Mike and his Dad at Wayland's 1987 graduation. Joe and Shelley celebrating the New Year.


Joe Miller was born 54 years ago. A native of Princeton, Wisconsin, he was the valedictorian of his high school class and married Carol in 1961 prior to his graduation from the UW- Stevens Point in 1962. He was a dean's list student at Stevens Point majoring in economics and mathematics. In 1967 he received his MA from the U of N Colorado. He began his teaching career in 1962 at Wittenberg High School where in addition to teaching hign school mathematics, he served as the curriculum director in elementary mathematics for the Wittenberg School District and was lresident of the mathematics section of the Centa Wisconsin Education Association. He was elected to the Wayland Faculty in 1967. In addition to teaching almost every mathematics course offered by the academy, he also served as a dormitory supervisor, mentor and golf coach. He was recognized for his 25 years of sevice to the Academy at the 1992 Alumni Reunion Weekend banquet. He is survived by his wife Carol, who is the secretary /library assistant at Wayland, his daughter Shelley of the Wayland class of 1987 and his son Mike of the Wayland class of 1985. Dr. Ellis, 11/5/93 Chapel

25 Years Of Service & His Smile ...

Joe at Wayland 1993, with man's "best friend" and at the helm.

Joe, you are still a part of Wayland, in our hearts and memories .. .we miss you.







Deb Schweitzer and Sue Orlowski giving their best as always!



MAINTENANCE STAFF JOHN OMEN Superintendent of Buildings and Grou nds



Mr. Omen taking care of business.

Ms. Tabb caught in the big sweep.


Mr. Wolfgang in his domain.


ORGANIZATIONS Academic Decathalon Wayland's Aca-Dec team for 1993-1994 had a really successful year, placing eleventh in the state contest on March 2 and 3 at Madison. Wayland was the top-scoring team in two of the ten divisions of the competition receiving plaques for essay-writing and interview. 1bree students also won individual medals: Sheila Arndt won the bronze medal for essay, Anne Lutringer won silver for interview, and Susan Park won the gold medal for essay and bronze for interview. Nicole Brandrup was awarded the "Top Scholar" plaque for having the highest individual total score for Wayland. I am very proud of this team's spirit and dedication. They represented Wayland honorably and well. Mr. VanHaren

Members: Steve Breitzka, Doug Lohse, Ryan Waters, Jon Ciesla. Anne Lutringer, Nicole Brandup, Liz McNally, Mr. VanHaren, Susan Park and Sheila Arndt.


Members: Katie Humleker, Dena Lohse, Paya! Jhaveri, Suzi Lamping, and Ryan Waters. Liz McNally, Asra Ali, Christina Zeigler, Wisam Muharib, Regan Richardson, Lincoln Nelson


Members: Paya! Jhaveri, Ms. Hoy, Lisa Orlando. Suzi Lamping, Heather Wiggins, Liz Goslin. Liz McNally, Emily Schriver.



Top row: Han Soo Shon, Sam Kim, Doug Lohse, Hector Brunell and Jason Liao. Bottom row: Stephanie Fisher, Nicole Brandrup, Karen Dahl and Liz McNally.


Top row: Dan Chung, Kris Graff, Kyle Jordan, Patrick Mahoney, Marco Billep, Wisam Muharib, Mike Moore, Brandon Grieve, Karen Dahl, Charlie Shaw, and Hector Brunell. Middle row: ll-Chan Hong, Jeff Kim, Woo-Sung Ryu, Han Soo Shon, Dave Hommel, Cyrus Maltman, Jackie Redmer, Michelle Kolpin and Yoko Shimada. Bottom row: Julie Cunningham, Lindsey Thomas, Courtney Worrell, Mami Hayashi, Kelly Tock, Stephanie Fisher, Kris Geurink, Catherine Ludlow, Heather Wiggins, Meredith Coulson, and Liz McNally.

Charlie Shaw, Mami Hayashi and Patrick Mahoney, serious and not so serious!



? ••••• •

Liz McNally - study, study, study! Tina Schirmang, Melina Raffm, Louise Nordling, Peter Baumgartner and George Hales hanging out at the dorm. Beth Schneider, stylin' in plaid. Here's looking at you Ben Perlstein, Nato ZuaZua and Thomas Tamayo.


Kris Geurink watches Christine Ashby freak as her books fly to the ground! Karen Dahl is Stayin' Alive in the '70's. Sam Kim, Chris Choi, Young Sang Seo are chillin' out at ten o'clock. Alex Schwertfeger takes a few minutes out of her day to say "Hi" before class begins.




NOW - Pen Hommel prepares her vocal music with faculty members Catherine Brick and Rhonda Chalone.



THEN- The art classroom and the still life in 1949.

The FINE ARTS, an integral component to any education, grow and flourish this year at Wayland. Music, photography and visual arts all bring a touch of class to Wayland and the community with numerous exhibits and performances thoughout the year.



by Reginald Rose- Performed by the Wayland Players, November 12 and 13, 1993.

Scenes from TWELVE ANGRY JURORS . The cast: Sheila Arndt, Steven Breitzka, Karen Dahl, Stephanie Fisher, Lynn Gable, Hendrik Goldbeck, David Hommel, Pen Hommel, Kyle Jordon, Pat Mahoney, Wisam Muharib, Jackie Redmer, Beth Schneider and Zaid Zakaria


The appeal of polarities is their simplicity. The contrasts in good or evil, black or white, rich or poor, guilty or not guilty catch people's attention offering relief from the de­ mands of intense perception, reflection and judgment. That is what this play is about. The most difficult part of preparing the play was never having a majority for votes! We were always missing jurors at rehearsal due to busy schedules. Only on the night after we played "Insults" did everyone want to attend rehearsal - in order to get even. We also didn't realize how thirsty Pat Mahoney would be during performances. The water cooler should have got priority billing. Building the set was a bit like building a real room. Fortunately, we had the curious and, shall we say, sur­ prising carpentry of the Zucchini Brothers to guarantee that we always had at least two chances to learn how to cut and fasten. Hence, their motto, "Measure once and cut twice." The talents of Mrs. Maitzen and her crew covered a mul­ titude of "oopses." It was a lot of hard work that paid off. I would say that TWELVE ANGRY JURORS was a great success. Thanks everybody! Mr. Flagg - Director

More scen es from the play. Tech­ nica l Crew: Asma Ali, Nicole Brandrup, Stev e Breitzka, Chris Coffeen, Heidi Eisenreich, St e ph­ anie Fisher, David Hommel, Katie Humleker, Michelle Kolpin, Cy­ rus Maltman, Clint Mosling, Jac­ qui Oberg, Susan Park, Charley S haw, Yoko Shimada and J eremy Starz. Pro­ duction Staff: Mr. Flagg, Mr. D e­ ag er and th e Zucchini Brothers, Mrs. Maitzen, Mrs. Flagg, Mrs. Fi­ scher, Ms. Walter, Clint Mosling, Adam Flagg, Liz McNally and Ja­ son Liao.


READERS' THEATRE The Girl in the Freudian Slip Readers' Theatre is a yearly event starring Wayland Faculty. This year's delightfully funny play, written by William F. Brown and directed by Mark Flagg, was about middle-age, miscommunication, insight, life and love. The cast included Roger VanHaren, Catherine Brick, Rebecca Shepherd, Mark Flagg, Greg Spanier and P-oHy Foster. The performance provided a truly professional night at the theatre! Brava and Bravo!


Student-directed and student-written one-act plays are performed each year during the Winter Fine Arts Festival. These dramas give students the opportunity to bring their ideas to life on stage. Mrs. Fisher My Baby's Gonna Make It was written and directed by Wayland student Wisam Ali Muharib. It is a story about a black family and the mother's struggle against the hardships of ghetto life. She emerges from her hardships a stronger person, a person determined to make a better life. The cast includes: Jacqueline Haley, Albert Blanchard, Shareene Lindquist, Sarah Oliver-Thompson, Jacqueline Redrner and Stephen Saxon.

Scenes from the original production: Ebonie(Shareene Lindquist) helps Mrs. Jones Oacqueline Haley). Mrs. Jones discusses her son Antoine (Albert Blanchard) with the authority figure Oacqueline Redrner). Shaquila (Sarah Oliver-Thompson), Husband (Stephen Saxon) and Mrs. Jones after the funeral.


A Visitor From Forest Hills by

Neil Simon. On their daughter's wedding day, the mother and father of the bride cannot get their daughter, Mimsy, out of the bathroom. No amount of coaxing from them will convice her to come out! The cast included: Susan Park as Norma, Pe­ ter Baumgartner as Roy, Courtney Worrrell as Mimsy and Fortunato Zuazua as the Groom, Borden. Norma trying to stall the reception. Roy having a few choice words with Mimsy. Norma, Roy and Bordon re­ lieved that the marriage can finally be performed.

Karen Dahl directed excerpts from Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew, and A Midsummer Night's Dream in It. The cast included: Patrick Mahoney - Hamlet, Elizabeth McNally Ophelia, Kyle Jordan - Petruchio, Sheila Arndt Katherina, Kristin Geurink - Puck, Alex Schwertfeger - Dew Drop fairy, Zaid Zakaria - Oberon, Emily Schriver - Titania, Hendrik Goldbeck - Demetrius, Jacqueline Redmer - Helena, and the Fairies: Pen Hommel, Frank Humphreys, Ben Perlstein and Kim Porubcan.

Shakespeare as You Like

Charley Shaw related to Alistair Cook? Katherina and Petruchio battle it out.

Puck and the Dew Drop Fairy. Titania and Oberon discussing love. Hamlet's famous soliloquy timeless as always!


FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROLS The symbol of the Dove is universal for love, peace and the Holy Spirit. The Festival of Lessons and Carols service is an adaptation of a 19th-century service originating in England's Truro Cathedral. It illustrates the idea of universal peace through visuals and music. The Wayland Community includes a diverse population and in honor of that diversity the 1993 program celebrated peace; a peace within ourselves, between neighbors, and among nations. It was truly a beautiful performance by all involved.

The Festival Choir and The Chapel transformed by the moment.


The Handbell Choir brings a delicate sound of Christmas to the Chapel.

The Festival Choir singing its best with the help of students, faculty, and community members.


MUSIC The Wayland Choir: Marco Billep, Lenny Carroll, Lynn Gable, Liz Goslin, Jenny Heiser, Pen Hommel, Kyle Jordon, Michelle Kolpin, Jason Liao, Lisa Lowder, Anne Lu­ tringer, Liz McNally, Aaron Morriss, Keny Park, Lauren Patterson, Dominik Scheruhn, Yoko Shimada, Heather Wig­ gins, and Courtney Worrell.

I'm impressed with the ded­ ication, maturity and musi­ cianship of the talented young people at Wayland. Mrs. Brick

Aaron Morriss vo­ calizing at his lesson wit h Mrs. B r i ck. Charley Shaw solos. S t e ph en S axon's fi n g e rs d a n c in g across the keys. Jim Downing and the Jazz Band. Lynn Ga­ ble singing.


Alive and Well at Wayland

The Jazz Band: Stephen Saxon, Ben Perlstein, Ali Zuberi, Albert Taylor, Ryan Hilt, Dominik Scheruhn, Charley Shaw, Chris Jahn, !man Aswad. Mr. Soens, Jenny Heiser, Jim Downing, Sarah Oliver-Thompson, Chris Coffeen, Seth Rozanoff. This years Jazz Band has been bigger and better than any previous bands at Wayland. We've been fortunate enough to acquire rune new members and for the first time we've competed at the class A level at the annual Solo and Ensemble Festival. I would like to acknowledge and congratulate Jim Downing and Charley Shaw for their four years of particpation with the band. Mr Soens.

Woo Sung Ryu playing Chopin; Do~nik ~cheruhn and J:Us trumpet; Beethoven guides Kyle Jordan at his music lesson as Miss Chalone watches the fingering.

'Pavane for Spring by Eugene Butler performed by the Girls' Ensemble- Triple Trio which took a first in the B class level at Solo and Ensemble Competition.

My students have done a wonderful job this year, with eight students going to State Solo an.d Ensemble. I am losing so~e of my favorite students, but I am anxious for them to pursue therr college studies. Many are planning to c~nti~ue taking lessons. as an elective. I wish everyone good lucl<; I will rmss you dearly! Miss Chalone


Clint Mosling has the photographer's eye. Cindy Schilder creates art from paper pulp. Cyrus Maltman and Yoshi Matsuda critique their prints.


Stephanie Fisher diligently works on her project. The visual arts come into focus at Whiting Gallery. Niles Shirey and Kate Schneider working together in papermaking class.


Creating with Hands and Mind

The Visual Arts are becoming more integrated throughout Wayland. This year, Mrs. Bleifuss' biology classes learned the process of papermaking, a marriage of science and aesthetics. The photography class and art fundamentals class collaborated on large collages. Art history students made their own versions of "prehistoric" cave drawings. Ms. Graham and Mrs. Maitzen worked with the computer students to come up with computer generated graphics. A design by Sarah Lutringer became the cover and theme for the Winter Fine Arts Festival. The First Annual Miniature Exhibition, open to all of the Wayland Community, young and old, was a success. And the Twelfth Annual Winter Fine Arts Festival was bigger and better than ever. There has been a sharing of materials, talent and ideas that results in positive productivity. It has truly been a great year for Fine Arts at Wayland!

Figure drawings, paintings, computer art, papermaking, and photographs displayed for the Fine Arts Festival. Ji Hyun Lee looks intently and draws the figure carefully.

Jenny Nilssen works carefully on her clay project. Erinn Mahoney counts off film for her next shoot. Chris Jahn uses the wheel to create a surreal work of art in Ceramics class.


SPORTS Mami Hayashi and an opponent battle for the ball. (Racine Journal-Times photograph by Paul Roberts.)


An early 20th C. Wayland Football Player.


FOOTBALL "Success is in the way you walk the paths of life each and every day. It is in the little things you do, and in the things you say. It is not in reaching heights of fame, It is not alone in reaching goals that all men seek to claim. Success is being big of heart, clean and broad of mind. Success is being faithful to your friends and to the stranger kind. Sussess is in your family and your teammates and what they learn from you. Success is having character in everything you do."

Mike Hansen #10 on defense against Maranatha Baptist Academy.

Coach Bowers

Varsity Football: Coach Boucher, Rick Morrissey, Brian Sweeterman, George Demos, Drew Pearson, Dave Hommel, Doug Lohse, Mr. Kroeze, Mike Moore, Regan Richardson, Taro Okubo, Cyrus Maltman, Lincoln Nelson, Matt Starker, Mr. Luebke, Jeremy Faust, Mike Hansen, Jeff Kim, Chris Lambkin, Jason Okon, Coach Peterson, Andy Huss, Albert Blanchard, Jason Liao, Young Sang Seo, Chuck Scoville, and Coach Bowers.


JV Football: Chris Lambkin, Regan Richardson, Bill Luebke, Lincoln Nelson, Andy Huss, Handi Haryono, Jay Fortier, Coach Boucher, Albert Taylor, Wisam Muharib, Marco Billep, Craig Woods, Coach Kroeze, Brian Starker, Ashanti Blanchard, Frank Humphreys and Jeremy Faust. The JV football team on the field.

Coach Bowers inspires the team.


To all Senior Varsity Football Players: In order to succeed, you must first believe that you can. All you dreams can come true - if you have the courage to pursue them. Thank you for your dedication and loyalty to our football program. I wish all of you the very best in your futures. "Big Red Decree in '93" Coach Bowers

Chuck Scoville running against Northwestern Military and Naval Academy. Jason Okon, Jason Liao, and Doug Lohse. We Won!

1993 Midwest Classic Conference 1st Team: Jason Liaooffensive tackle Jeff Kim linebacker Hononable Mention Team Jason Okon defensive back Rick Morrissey defensive end Drew Pearson linebacker AndyHuss defensive back


Jeremy Faust takes a break during the grueling practices in August. Coaches Bowers and Peterson devise stragedies for the next play .

Taro Okubo, Brian Sweetman, Chuck Scoville and George Demos before the game.

Jason Liao rings the victory bell and it tastes oh so good!



1993 Team: 1st row: Christina Pomponio, Michelle Kolpin, Jennifer Clune, Kelley Baker, Zaid Zakaria, Jessica DeShaw, Ellie Elkins, Celenda Wagenknecht, Mari Fujita. 2nd row: Coach Graham, Stephanie Fisher, Nicole Brandrup, Katie Humleker, Jackie Redmer, Coach Alpaugh. 3rd row: Beth Schneider, Yoko Shimada, Alex Schwertfeger, Kumiko Hayashi, Kris Boucher, Erinn Mahoney, Marni Hayashi.

Alex Schwertfeger, Nicole Brandrup, Michelle Kolpin,

and Marni Hayashi smiling about their sport.


The team getting tough for the upcoming game.

This Jear the field hockey team playe well, especially considering the talented competition we faced. Unfortunately, our record doesn't show our efforts! Although we only scored six goals the entire season, everyone put forth a lot of effort and played as a team. Most importantly, we made it a priority to have fun and keep our spirits up. After playing varsity field hockey for four years at Wayland, I'll certainly miss Ms. Alpaugh, Ms. Graham and the rest of the team. It's been a great experience! Nicole Brandrup '94

The game begins. Michelle Kolpin battles for the ball while Jessica DeShaw, Celenda Wagenknecht, Ellie Elkins, and Nicole Brandrop work as a team offensively. The field hockey team in action.

The drive is on.

Coach Alpaugh and the team, dedicated to the cause.



Top Row: Aaron Morriss, Dominik Scheruhn, Woo-Sung Ryu, Steve Breitzka, Aaron Westra, Carr Purser; Middle Row: Mr. Borrud, Brett Boling, Michael Tock, Jeremy Starz, Ayodhya G!enardi, Tom Mikkelsen, Mr. Mcinerney; Bottom Row: Chris Coffeen, Kevin Orlowski, Dong Jun Lee, Kimihiko Harada.

Woo-Sung Ryu and Aaron Westra get a little practice at Old Hickery.


The pool makes an attractive background as Mr. Mcinerney prepares his swing.

At the left Dominik Scheruhn prepares to swing while Steve Breitzka looks on. Above, Mr. Borrud checks to see that all is ready for another meet.

The 1993 golf team returned from all of its meets feeling proud of its accomplishments, winning eight of its meets and coming in as one of the top three teams in most of the others. At the end of the season three golfers were selected for all conference honors: Steve Breitzka, Carr Purser, and Dominik Scheruhn. Dominik was also a WISAA state qualifier where he came in with a score of 164. Steve Breitzka ¡shows the form that won a college golfing scholarship.


Lauren Patterson delivers a powerful play.


The season began with many new faces, high hopes and new goals. Soon the new faces became new friends and plans were laid to meet the goals. Through hard work and ded­ ication the girls' individual goals came closer. Even though not all of our goals could be fulfilled in this short season, these girls never let me down and should certainly be very proud of their team and their season. Thanks Ladies! Coach Feilbach.

1993 Varsity Tennis Team. First row: Louise Nordling, Asma Ali, Kate Newton, Coach Feilbach, Rima Khreish, Lauren Patterson, Susan Park. Second row: Peter Baumgartner, Asra Ali, Grace Choi, Courtney Worrell, Christina Zeigler, Sheila Arndt, Meredith Coulson, Tom Castle.


The J.V. Tennis Team had a successful season in which the girls worked to improve on the fundamental skills of the game. We had some exciting matches this year and I look forward to seeing some of these girls at the varsity level next year. Coach Soens

First row: Nadia Samadani, Maria Martinez-Herrera, Coach Soens, Sara Lutringer, Saira Khan. Second row : Yoon Hee Suh, Heather Wiggins, Payal Jhaveri , Megan Creed, Shareene Lindquist.

Sheila Arndt concentrates on her volley. Louise Nordling takes a swing at the ball.


Melina Raffin gets ready to serve.

The Varsity girl's team did exceptionally well this year, finishing sixth in the Midwest Classic Conference, Wayland's highest finish in ten years! The team anchored by junior setter Lynn Gable, senior spikers Meghan Kronzer, Nickie Fabisiak and Liz McNally posted a nine and nine record for the season, recording a win over previously undefeated Winnebago Lutheran in a thrilling three game match. Freshmen Jennifer Mathias and Dena Lohse provided solid support and were a great addition to the team earning varsity letters in their first year of the program! I was especially happy for the seniors on tne team who started playing as freshmen when I took over as the coach back in 1990. We battled as a team through three long seasons, slowly improving our skills, until this year when our hard work began paying off. Of all the teams that I have coached, this team has been the most satisfying because of their hard work and never-quit attitude. Although we lost some very close matches, the girls never gave up and this earned them a tremendous amount of respect from other teams. Coach Foster.

First row: Jacqui Oberg, Karen Dahl, Nikki Brown, Melissa Hill, Meghan Kronzer. Second row: Crystal House, Nickie Fabisiak, Kierstan Rickey, Catherine Ludlow, Elizabeth McNally. Third row: Assistant Coach, Ms. Adams, Kelly Tock, Dena Lohse, Lynn Gable, Jennifer Mathias, Lindsey Thomas, Coach Foster.


Liz Goslin getting ready for the ball. Catherine Ludlow and Nickie Fabisiak celebrating with the team's trophy . Coach Foster listens to the proposed strategy.

J.V. Team. First row: Sara OliverThompson, Rana Stephens, Lenny Carroll, Soni Parekh, Melina Raffin, Maren Stoltz, Jennifer Carroll, Kim Porubcan, Deana Heilmeyer. Second row: Coach Disch, Kelli Mackay, Sherri Conant, Suzanne Lamping, Liz Goslin, Heidi Eisenreich, Jennifer Heiser, Hilary Swartwood, Coach Klitzke.


Varsity Team. Standing: Soni Parekh, Il - Chan Hong, Doug Lohse, Hendrik Goldbeck, Coach John Weiss, Steve Breitzka, Jason Liao, Aaron Westra, Jacqui Oberg. Bottom row: Vijay Sankaran, Carr Purser, Mike Hansen, David Greene, Andy Huss.


Ready, Break!- Andrew Pearson is ready to pass. To take or not to take, that is the question for Carr Purser. Aaron Westra is trying to save the ball. Taking a time out to regroup.

JV Team. Top row: Yuta Kanzaki, Iman Aswad, Lincoln Nelson , Coach Reinders, Tetsuya Kubota, Andrew Mulder, Craig Woods. Bottom row: Jeremy Faust, Ben Karch, Stephen Saxon, Yasuo,m Akashi, Brian Starker, Morris Mak, Dong Jun Lee.

Lincoln Nelson thinks he can intercept the pass. Andy Mulder disagrees! Dong Jun Lee and Tetsuya Kubota are warming up.

Score keeping, stats and the Jazz Band, essentials to any basketball game!

I wasn't sure what exactly to expect, this season being my first year with the Varsity team. I had certain goals for this team that had very little to do with wins or losses. I knew that we would have a very young team and I wanted us to come out of this season with at least two things: solid in the fundamentals of the game and to learn how to compete night in and night out. I knew that if we did that the winning would take care of itself. We accomplished these goals. Anybody who watched us knows we became a much more competitive team. Besides the four wins we had, we lost many games by fewer than five points. If we can build on the success we had this year, I look for big things to happen next year. Coach John Weiss


Varsity Team. Top row: Ms. Klitzke, Jenny Clune, Kate Newton, Mr. Scully, Lynn Gable, Nickie Fabisiak, Takashi Aoki, Tom Castle. Bottom row: Nikl<i Hamilton, Meredith Coulson, Maren Stoltz, Dena Lohse, Liz Goslin, Jennifer Mathias The team ready to take the challenge. Liz Goslin saves the ball from a steal.


Ms. Klitzke encourages the girls during their practice.

The JV Girls' Basketball team began the season as a very inexperienced group. Most of the girls had never played in a game before. Although they ended the season with only one win, there were many close games which were lost by only one or two points. Their abilities improved as the season progressed and it was exciting to see the growth of this Wayland Team. Coach Klitzke Lynn Gable thoughtful after the game. Kurniko Hayashi, Kim Porubcan and Kelli Mackay at practice.

JV Team. Top row; Melina Raffin, Megan Creed, Jenny Carroll, Rana Stephens, Ms. Klitzke, Crystal House, Jenny Nilssen, Shareene Lindquist. Bottom: Lenny Carroll, Sarah OliverThompson, Kurniko Hayashi, Dani Jones, Lis Goslin, Kim Porubcan, Kelli Mackay.



JV Swimming: Mrs. Scully, Kimihiko Harada, Brett Boling, Handi Haryono, Jon Ciesla. Beth Schneider, Stacy Ginsberg, Jackie Redrner, Nikki Brown and Lisa Orlando.

Frank Humphreys - "Tastes great, less filling!" Brett Boling - "Kick boards are good!"


Melissa Hill a nd Mike M o o r e love Wa yla n d s wim min g. K o ngo Kawakita is simply marvo­ lous! Enough sai d, Mr. Arneson.

Varsity Swimming: Jessica DeShaw, Mike Moore, Susan Park, Marco Billep, Mr. Arneson. Tommy Iwo, Saira Khan, Nadia Samadani, Sarah Lutringer, Albert Taylor. Kongo Kawakita, Melissa Hill, fosh Dalley, and Han Soo Shon.



Kris Graff no longer "grasshopper." Grace Choi and Tina Schirmang plus members of the Ski Team getting in shape.

Pen Hommel and Andrea Rodriquez getting ready. Deana Heilmeyer listening to aerobics instructor Ms. Chalone.

POMS Jackie Haley in great porn form! Mrs. Petersen, Katie Humlecker, Kierstan Rickey, Jenny Heiser, Hilary Swartwood, Pen Hommel, Brie Fields, Kris Boucher, Andrea Rodriguez, Suzi Lamping, and Heidi Eisenreich; members of the squad.



Mr.- Olympia ... Nato ZuaZua! Dorthe Hucke! tries something new. Ryan Hilt displaying his Herculean bicep. Regan Richardson working on his legs. Ayodhya Glenardi on the bench press.



Michelle Kolpin loves to spar. The "Master" - SeongJong Kim! Kyle Kaufmann throws a power kick.

Lisa Karch and Christine Ashby practice their moves. Becoming one with nature.


Members: Asra Ali, Ms. Keller, Charley Shaw, Mrs. Brick, Nicole Brandrup, Sam Kim, Ben Warren, Chris Choi, Zaid Zakaria, Ward Tatlock, Ryan Hilt, Alex Mickelson, Wisam Muharib, Pat Mahoney, Christina Pomponio and Emily Schriver.

Three ideas had a major impact on this campus newspaper: First, there was idealism and the dream of creating this ambitious project. The idealism was backed up by the realism of concrete planning and finally, a progressive attitude gave us the perseverance to actually publish. It was difficult to map out a plan to run ana print the first edition, but we did it. As we smoothed out the wrinkles, we found it interesting to search for stories. All my thanks go to supervisors Ms. Keller ana Mrs. Brick; to the editors, and to all those who worked through the difficulties to make this a success. I hope this newspaper will be used throughout its coming years as an instrumentofcommunication for the campus. Charley Shaw, Editor, 19931994.

Ms. Keller discusses new ideas with Wisam Muharib, Alex Mickelson and Christina Pomponio.

Mrs. Brick is helping Ryan Hilt while Asra works on her article.

Kyle Jordan is waiting for Chris Choi to finish his work so he can print out and proof his article.


The Voice of Wayland

" A newspaper can drop the same thought into a thousand minds at the same moment."


Alexis de Tocqueville


The Memory Hunters .... The Yearbook struggled a lot this year but with determination, dedication and a lot of late nights and Saturdays the job got done. A big thank you to the staff for their efforts and a very special thanks to the following students: Heather Wiggins, Asma Ali, Payal Jhaveri, Jeremy Starz, Angela Au, Marl Fujita, Sam Kim and Mr. Patterson for putting in time above and beyond regularly scheduled AAP. Mr. Palm and Gloria Wheeler deserve rounds of applause for helping out countless times with photos and Ms. Walters for lots of moral support. As difficult as it is to put together a yearbook, there is certain satisfaction from the process .... as well as the end product. Take care and enjoy. It could not have been completed without everybody's help! Mrs. Maitzen

The Staff in the Art Room.

C(: !


YEARBOOK STAFF: Ali Asma, Angela Au, Julie Cunningham, Jim Downing, Marl Fujita, Payal Jhaveri, Hee-Jung Kang, Sam Jung Kim, Ji Hyun Lee, Cyrus Maltman, Clint Mosling, Emily Schriver, Yoon Hee Seo, Niles Shirey, Jeremy Starz, Tulin Waters, and Heather Wiggins.

Marl Fujita and Angela Au search for the perfect picture. Heather Wiggins and Mrs. Maitzen plan the next step and wonder if it's ever going to get completed! Payal Jhaveri, Hee Jung Kang and Ji Hyun Lee check out their finished page.




Brandon Grieve in his '70's best, doing the disco thing.

THEN- In the late '30's this was considered fun ....

The demand on one's time at Wayland is all consuming academics, sports, AAP's, study and more study, but there are always moments of fun and DIVERSIONS ....

MULTICULTURAL CLUB The Multicultural Club's m1ss10n is to take advantge of the wide variety of cultures on the Wayland Campus. The club strives to unite cultures and maintain cultural aware­ ness throughtout the school. The association celebrates as many different culture-related holidays as possible with the assistance of its members/advisors. Wisam Muharib

Club Members: Jenny Nilssen, Ben Perlstein, Olivia Mak, Ms. Feilbach, Zaid Zakaria, William Chow, Maria Martinez-Herrera, Morris Mak, Stephen Saxon, Thom­ as Tamayo, Jackie Haley, Nato ZuaZua, Angela Au, Toni Bislew, Soni Parekh, Asra Ali, Wisam Muharib, Rima Khreish, Dorthe Huckel and Stacy Ginsberg.



p I A N

Members: Steve Breitzka, Peter Baum­ gartner, Karen Dahl, David Hommel, Michelle Kolpin, Liz McNally, Nicole Bra n d rup, P a t M a h o n e y, C y rus Maltman, Asma Ali, Sheila Arndt, Lynn Gable, Soni Parekh, and Charley Shaw.


Members: Kelly Baker, Asma Ali, Liz McNally, Nicole Brandup, Nickie Fabi­ siak, Meredith Coulson, Catherine Lud­ low, Michelle Kolpin, Karen Dahl, Asra Ali, Anne Lutringer, Sheila Arndt, Lynn Gable, Lindsey Thomas, Toni Bislew, Alex Schwertfeger, Ms. Alpaugh, Heath­ er Wiggins, Rana Stephens, Kumiko Hayashi, Marni Hayashi, and Susan Park.



Members: Lenny Carroll, Jon Ciesla, Meredith Coulson, Julie Cunnin�ham, Nickie Fabisiak, Stephanie Fisher, Lynn Gable, Liz Goslin, Brandon Gneve, George Hales, Jackie Haley, Kyle Henderson, Katie Humleker, Paya! Jhaveri, Rima Khreish, Michelle Koplin, Liz McNally, Maria Martinez-Herrera, Sarah Oliver­ Thompson, Susan Park, Kim Porubcan, Beth Schneider, Emily Schriver, Kelly Tock, Heather Wiggins,

Heather Wiggins, Emily Schriver and Maria Martinez-Herrera pause from their work.

People Against Violent Environments is a national organization which helps families cope with abusive households. Wayland students volunteer their time to help children by bringing some simplicity and kindness into their lives through friendship.


The Wayland Academy Ecology Club was formed by students who hope to bring an awareness of the environment to their community. Projects include an on going recycling program for all campus buildings, I-Shirt sale and the April celebration of Earth Day. The Ecology Club mission is to promote the sharing and caring for the Earth.

Ecology Club members: Katie Humleker, Michelle Kolpin, Meredith Coulson, Asra Ali, Beth Schneider and Mrs. Bleifuss in the Swan Library Jungle!


Despite the very cold temperatures, Wayland is transformed into a Winter Wonderland.


Ben Perlstein, Doethe Hueckel, Olivia Mak, Nadia Samadani, Alice Lederle and Pen Hommel and their final moments before the big dance. Dominik Scheruhn keeping Yoko Shimada very warm.

Dave Hommel, Pen Hommel, Nickie Fabisiak and Steve Breitzka all dressed . up with somewhere to go! An excellent meal, great dining partners and the dancing. Yoon Hee Suh enjoys the moment. The elegant evening takes the chill off the cold February night.




Stephanie Fisher, Lindsey Thomas, Courtney Worrell, Mami Hayashi, Julie Cunningham, and Meghan Kronzer being themselves.

Yoshi Matsuda wants to swim, but he has to finish his homework first. Angela Au, Marl Fujita and Yoko Shimada take a study break. Clint Mosling ready to make a video of Wayland's cold winter.



Monday and Erinn Mahoney. Nato Zuazua and Jeff Kim say, "Ok! Take our picture!" Takashi Aoki and Michael Hong agreeing about their plans for Friday after school.

Jenny Carroll and Kim Porubcan after school. Rick Morrissey and Michael Hansen enjoy getting attention from Ellie Elkins, Louise Nordling, Courtney Worrell, and Lindsey Thomas.


Jackie Haley's beautiful smile! Kelli Mackay and Jacqui Oberg watch intently Wayland's World. What are you doing, Ben Perlstein? And Branden Grieve .... what's going on?

Ever watchful, Clint Mosling takes a break from documenting Orientation. Ben Warren tries to keep warm in 1994's sub-zero temperatures. All right, Opie!


THE FACES OF WAYLAND: Megan Creed, Handi Haryono, Yuta Kanzaki, Tom Weis, Yoshi Matsuda, Seong-Jong Kim, Deana Heilmeyer and Heather Wiggins.


Things are looking up for Ryan Waters and Chris Geurink. Ben Karch having a fun time in the Student Union. Jackie Redrner and Rima Khreish pause together before class. Han Soo Shon working hard.


Jason Liao and Sam Kim checking up on the foreign rate. Hendrik Goldbeck shining in the sun.

Alex Mickelson and Jeff Livesey talking to ... ? We'll never know! Ladies of the Choir and Handbells ready for the concert. Carr Purser has to wash his pile of dirty clothes.

Marco Billep, Christina Pomponio, and Kyle Jordan.


THE CLASS 1994 -


Christine Ashby Asma Ali

Sheila Arndt Angela Au Toni Bislew

Nicole Brandrup Steve Breitzka Hector Brunell

Chris Choi Julie Cunningham Karen Dahl


IMy! How You Have Changed!!!

Ellie Elkins Nickie Fabisiak Jim Downing

Stephanie Fisher Mari Fujita Kris Geurink

George Hales Kumiko Hayashi Mami Hayashi

Dave Hommel Lisa Karch Michelle Kolpin


Maria Martinez-Herrera Meghan Kronzer Jeff Livesey

Doug Lohse Anne Lutringer Catherine Ludlow

Liz McNally Kevin Orlowski Jin Park

Susan Park Woo Sung Ryu Rick Morrissey


Dominik Scheruhn Young Sang Seo Emily Schriver

Niles Shirey Matt Starker

Kelly Tock Ryan Waters Tulin Waters

Heather Wiggins

Courtney Worrell

Nato Zuazua

Lynn Gable and Nicole Brandrup being Wonder Women!


INDEX A Adams, Ms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Akashi, Yasuo . ..... . .... . . ... . 1, 20, 81, 85 Ali, Asma ... .. .. .... 6, 13, 29, 59, 78, 98, 108 Ali, Asra ... . .. . ..... 13, 20, 52, 78, 94, 98, 99 ALLEMAND, JEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ALPAUGH, DIANE . . .. 9, 45, 46, 74, 75, 91, 98 ANDERSON, MARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 AOKI, TAKASHI . . . ..... . .... 29, 80, 86, 103 ARNDT, SHEILA . ... 29, 52, 58, 61, 78, 91, 98, 108 ARNESON, GARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 89 ASHBY, CHRISTINE ... . . . .... 29, 55, 93, 108 Asma, Ali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Aswad, Iman . . ..... ...... . 15, 18, 65, 81, 85 Au, Angela ..... . .. 5, 29, 95, 98, 102, 107, 108 AXELSEN, PAT . .... . ...... .... . .... . .. 51

B Baker, Kelley . .. . . ..... 6, 8, 10, 29, 74, 91, 98 Bartizai, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 91 Baumer, Tate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Baumgartner, Peter .. . 13, 30, 54, 61, 78, 91, 98 BECKER, CAROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 BEDKER, RICK . ............ ... . ... ... . 51 BENCE, KENT .... . . ............. . .. .. . 51 Billep, Marco . . . . ........ . 22, 53, 64, 89, 107 BISLEW, TONI . . . .. . .. .. . . . .... . 30, 98, 108 Blanchard, Albert ... . . . .. . . .. ... . . ... 22,60 Blanchard, Ashanti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 BLEIFUSS, KAREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 67, 99 Boling, Brett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 20, 88 BORRUD, GERDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 BORRUD, JAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 46 BOSCHERT, WENDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 BOUCHER, KRIS . . . ... . . ... . . . .... 5, 44, 45 Boucher, Kristene ...... . ... . .. . . 6, 18, 74, 90 BOWERS, DARREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 BRAATZ, JACKIE ... . .. ............. .. . 47 BRAEMER, CHRIS .. . ..... ....... . ... .. 47 BRANDRUP, NICOLE .. 30, 41, 52, 53, 59, 74, 75, 94, 98, 108, 111 BREITZKA, STEVEN . . . . 11, 30, 52, 58, 59, 84, 98, 101, 108 BRICK, CATHERINE ..... .. . ... 46, 56, 60, 94 Brown, Nikki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 82, 88 BRUNELL, HECTOR . .. . ... .. . 30, 53, 80, 108 BUDDE, LISSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

c CABALLERO, DANIEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Calmeyn, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 91 Carroll, Jenny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 83, 87, 103 Carroll, Lenny ... . . .. . . ... . 18, 64, 83, 87, 99 CASTLE, TOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 30, 78, 86 CHALONE, RHONDA . . .. ..... 46, 56, 65, 90 CHOI, CHRIS . . . . . . ... . .. 31, 55, 94, 108, 119 CHOI, GRACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 78, 90 Chow, William ..... . ..... .. . . . ... ..... . 98 Chow, Wing ...... .. .. .. . . ... ... ...... . 26 Chung, Daniel . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . ... 22, 53, 80 CIELA, JON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Ciesla, Jonathan .. . . . .. .. . ..... 22, 52, 88, 99 Clune, Jennifer .... .. .. . .. ... ..... 22, 74, 86


COBB, GEORGE . . ........ . ... 44, 45, 80, 91 Coffeen, Christian . . .... . ... . .... . 22, 59, 65 Conant, Sherri .. . . ... . .... . ... . .. .. . 20, 83 Coulson, Meredith .. . . 13, 22, 53, 78, 86, 98, 99 COYLE, JUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Creed, Megan .... . ........ 18, 42, 79, 87, 105 CUNNINGHAM, JULIE ... 31, 53, 95, 102, 108


. . 14, 31, 53, 55, 58, 61, 82, 98, 108 Dalley, Josh .......... . . . . . ...... 22, 80, 89 Deager, Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Demos, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 117 DeShaw, Jessica . . .. . ... . .. . . . . 22, 74, 75, 89 DISCH, DEANNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 DISCH, MITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 83 DOWNING, JIM 14, 31, 64, 65, 95, 109

E EBERT, GWENDOLYN . . ......... . ... . .. 51 Eisenreich, Heidi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 59, 83, 90 ELKINS, ELLIE ......... 7, 32, 74, 75, 103, 109 ELLIS, NANCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ELLIS, WILLIAM .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . ... . .. 44 Erickson, Aimee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 91

F FABISIAK, NICKlE . 32, 82, 83, 86, 98, 99, 101, 109 FALKINHAM, JANICE .. ... .. . . ......... 51 Faust, Jeremy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 85 FEILBACH, LAURA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 78, 98 Fields, Brie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 90 FISHER, LINDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 59 FISHER, STEPHANIE . . . 32, 53, 58, 59, 66, 74, 91, 99, 102, 109 Flagg, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 FLAGG, MARK .................. 46, 59, 60 Flagg, Mrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Fortier, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 FOSTER, POLLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 60 FOSTER, SHANE .. . . . ... .. . . . .. . 44, 47, 82 FUENTE, JOHN DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 FUJITA, MARl ... .. . . 32, 74, 95, 102, 107, 109

G Gable, Lynn .. . . .. 13, 22, 58, 64, 82, 86, 98, 99 GANSKE, PAM ... . .... . ........... . ... 47 GEURINK, KRIS .. . ... 32, 53, 55, 61, 106, 109 Ginsberg, Stacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 88, 98 GLENARDI, AYODHYA . . . . .. . .... 32, 38, 92 GOLDBECK, HENDRIK . 32, 41, 58, 61, 80, 84, 107 Goslin, Liz .. ... . .. .. ... 20, 52, 64, 83, 86, 87 GOSSE, CAROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Graff, Kris ........... . ... 8, 22, 53, 80, 90, 91 GRAHAM, DANA ..... . .. . . ... ... 46, 67, 74 Green, Brenden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 80 Greene, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 84 Grieve, Brandon .. . . . . . . ... 12, 22, 53, 99, 104 GROELLE, ROBIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Grygotis, Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

H HALES, GEORGE .. . . . .... 33, 54, 91, 99, 109

Haley, Jackie .... . ...... 18, 60, 90, 98, 99, 104 Hamilton, Nikki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 86 Hansen, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 84, 103 Harada, Kimihiko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 33, 88 Haryono, Handi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 88, 105 Hashimoto, Takahiro . . .... . . .. . . . . 16, 22, 81 HAYASHI, KUMIKO ... 33, 74, 87, 98, 107, 109 HAYASHI, MAMI ..... 33, 53, 74, 98, 102, 109 HEBL, WILLIAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Heilmeyer, Deana .. . . .... . . . . 20, 83, 90, 105 Heiser, Jenny . ..... . . ... 14, 20, 64, 65, 83, 90 HELGERSON, IRENE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Henderson, Kyle ......... ... . .. 22, 80, 91 , 99 HENSLER, DIANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Hill, Melissa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 82, 89 Hilt, Ryan ..... . ..... . .. . .. 22, 65, 80, 92, 94 HOMMEL, DAVE .. 33, 53, 58, 59, 98, 101, 109 Hommel, Pen ...... . 20, 56, 58, 61, 64, 90, 101 Hong, Chang Won . . . ... . . ...... .... . 20, 81 Hong, ll-Chan . .... .. . .. . . 9, 11, 22, 53, 80, 84 Hong, Michael . .... . .... . ...... .... . .. 103 House, Crystal ..... . . . . ...... . ... 20, 82, 87 HOY, ANNIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 52 Hucke!, Dorthe ...... . .... . .... .. 92, 98, 107 Hueckel, Doerthe ... ... . . . .... . .. . .. 22, 101 HUGHES, RICHARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Humleker, Katie . . . . .. 12, 20, 52, 59, 74, 90, 99 Humphreys, Franklin .. . ... .. . .... . 18, 61, 88 . Huss, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 84

I Ishmael, Warren ... ... . . . ...... . ..... 22, 81 IWO, TOMMY ..... . . . ... . ... 33, 80, 89, 119

I Jahn, Christopher ..... .... .. 22, 65, 67, 80, 91 Jandeska, Adam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Jhaveri, Payal .... . . ... . . ... 23, 52, 79, 95, 99 Jo, Jae Min ...... . ....... . ... . ....... 20, 81 Jones, Dani ... . . .... . ............ . 1, 18, 87 Jordan, Kyle ... . . 23, 53, 58, 61, 64, 65, 80, 107

K Kang, Hee Jung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 95 Kanzaki, Yuta .. .. . . .. . . . . . ... 20, 81, 85, 105 Karch, Ben ... ... . ..... . . . ... 20, 81, 85, 106 KARCH, LISA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 93, 109 KASPER, DAVID ... .. .. . .... ..... 45, 46, 91 KAUFMANN, KYLE . .. . . .. .. . . . . . ... 34,93 Kawakita, Kongo ............ . . . . . 20, 80, 89 KELLER, BETH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 94 Khan, Saira . . ... . ....... .. . .. . ... 20, 79, 89 KHREISH, ELIAS . . ... .. . . ....... 45, 46, 119 Khreish, Rima ........... . 23, 78, 98, 99, 106 KIM, JEFF .. .. .. . . . . ... . .. .. . . . . 34, 53, 103 Kim, Joo-Han . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 81 KIM, SAM . . ...... .. .. . 34, 53, 55, 94, 95, 107 KIM, SEONG-JONG . . . ... .. ..... 34, 93, 105 KIM, SEOUNG-WOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 81 Kim, Woo . . . .. . . . .. . . . . ... . ...... . . .. . 26 KIRCHOFF, GARY ... . . ... ... .. .... . ... 51 KLITZKE, HEATHER .. .. ...... 46, 83, 86, 87 Kolpin, Michelle . . . 9, 35, 36, 53, 59, 64, 74, 75, 93, 98, 99, 109 KOTEK, ROXANNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 KRAFT, SUZANNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

KROBERT, GORDON ................... 51 KRONZER, MEGHAN . 35,36,82,91,102,110 Kubota, Tetsuya .................. 21,81,85 KULKA, LINDA ........................ 47 KUMALA, FRANKIE ................. 35,36


LAMB, CATHY ........................ 50 Lambkin, Christopher ................... 21 Lamping, Suzi ................ 19,52,83,90 Larsen, Jacob ........................... 26 LECOULTRE, JODY .................... 47 Lederle, Alice .................. 23,101,107 Lee, Dong Jun ..................... 9, 21,85 Lee, Ji Hyun ..................... 23, 67,95 LENNERTZ, JOSEPH ... ............. 44,45 LEVENHAGEN, DOUGLAS .............. 51 LEYSTRA, CHARLES ................... 51 LIAO, JASON .... 14,35,36,53,59,64,84,107 Lindquist, Shareene ......... 13,21,60,79,87 LIVESEY, JEFF ........... 28,35,36,107,110 Lohse, Dena ............... 18,19,52,82,86 LOHSE, DOUG ........ 35,36,52,53,84,110 Lowder, Lisa ........................ 26,64 LUDLOW, CATHERINE . 10,36,53,82,83,98, 110

LUEBKE, BILL ......................... 47 LUTRINGER, ANNE .... 36,41,52,64,98,110 Lutringer, Sarah .................. 19, 79,89


Mackay, Kelli .............. 6,19,83,87,104 Mahoney, Erinn ........... 21,67,74,91,103 Mahoney, Patrick ..... 23,53,58,61,80,94,98 MAITZEN, GWENDOLYNN ... 46,59,67,117 Mak, Morris ............... 15,19,81,85,98 Mak, Olivia ..................... 23,98,101 Maltman, Cyrus ......... 23,53,59,66,95,98 MARSH, ROBERT ................ ...... 50 MARTINEZ-HERRERA, MARIA ... 36,79, 98,

99,107,110 Mathias, Jennifer ................. 19,82,86 Matsuda, Yoshifumi ....... 23,66,80,102,105 MCINERNEY, PAUL .................. 1,46 McKay, Kelli ............................ 6 MCNALLY, LIZ ... 6,36,52,53,54,59,61,64, 82,98,99,110 Michaels, Kris ....................... 26,91 MICKELSON, ALEX ............. 36,94, 107 Mikkelsen, Thomas ......... ............ 21 MILLER, CAROL ........... ......... 47,48 MILLER, JOE . ................... 46,48, 49 Miller, Mike ........................... 48 Miller, Shelley ......................... 48 MONROE, LINDA ...................... 47 Moore, Mike ................. 23,53,89,117 Morriss, Aaron ...................... 19,64 MORRISSEY, RICK ............. 36,103,110 Mosling, Clint ..... 23,59,66,80,95,102,104 MOUNGEY, DIANE .................... 50 Muharib, Wisam ... 5,23,52,53,58,60,94,98 Mulder, Andrew .................. 19,85,86


NAGLER, CAROL ...................... 50 Nelson, Lincoln .................. 21,52,85 Newton, Kate .................... 23,78,86 NIEMAN, MICHAEL .................... 51 Nilssen, Jenny ............. 11,19, 67,87,98 NORD, DAVID ..................... 37,80 Nordling, Louise ...... 23,54,78,91,103,117


Oberg, Jacqui ............. 24,59,82,84,104 OHLEMILLER, VALERIE ... ............. 50 OKON, BENJI ............. ............. 37 Okubo, Taro ............. .............. 24 Oliver-Thompson, Sarah .... 21,60,65,83,87 OMEN, JOHN ......................... 51 Orlando, Lisa ................ 21,52,88,117 ORLOWSKI, KEVIN ................ 37,110 ORLOWSKI, SUSAN ................... 50 OSHEIM, WILLIAM .................... 47


PALM, DOUG ......................... 44 Paper, Stacy ............ ......... .... 6,24 Parekh, Soni .................. 23,83,84,98 PARISI, JACQUELYN ................... 47

PARK, JIN ................ 19,37,80,81,110 PARK, KENY .................... 37,64,80 PARK, SUSAN .. 37,52,59,61,78,89,98,110, 119

Park, Yongho ....................... 24,81 PATTERSON, JOHN ................. 45,46 Patterson, Lauren .............. 21,64,78,91 Pearson, Andrew ............ ........... 24 Perlstein, Benjamin .. 24,54,61,65,81,91,98, 101,104

Peterson, Mrs. ..... 54,81,90,91,98,101,104 PETERSON, RUSSELL ...... .. .......... 46 Pomponio, Christina .......... 24,74,94,107 Porubcan, Kim ............ 21,61,83,87,103 Pritts, Brian ............................ 26 Pujals, Adriana ......................... 26 PURSER, CARR ...... ........ ....... 38,84


Raffin, Melina ...... 13,21,54,82,83,87,117 Redmer, Jackie .. 24,53,58,60,61,74,88,106,

119 REIFSNIDER, SHERRY .................. 50 REINDERS, ANTHONY .. ............ 46,85 Richardson, Regan ................ 21,52,92 Rickey, Kierstan .................. 21,82,90 Rodriguez, Andrea ................... 21,90 Rozanoff, Seth ...................... 26, 65 RYU, WOO-SUNG ..... 38,53,65,91,110, 119


SADOWSKI, LORI ..................... 50 SAMADANI, AYAZ M.D. ............... 50 Samadani, Nadia .......... 18,19,79,89,101 Sankaran, Vijay .................. 21,81,84 Saxon, Stephen ....... 24,60,64,65,80,85,98 SCHANTZ, ROBERT .................... 46 SCHERUHN, DOMINIK .... 38,41,64,65,91, 101,111

SCHILDER, CINDY .................. 38,66 Schirmang, Tina ........ 21,26,54,90,91,117 SCHLAGEL, JANICE .................. . . 51 Schneider, Beth ...... 12,21,54,58,74,88,99 Schneider, Kate ..................... 24,66 SCHNEIDER, MICHAEL ...... ...... .... 46 SCHRIVER, EMILY .. 38,52,61,94,95,99,111 Schwertfeger, Alex ......... 25,55,61,74,98 Scoville, Charles ....................... 25 SCULLY, JAMES ........ ............ 46,86 Scully, Mrs. .... .................... ... 88 SEIGHMAN, ELI .................... 44,45 SELCHERT, MARG ................... . . 50 Seo, Yoon Hee ......................... 95 Seo, Young Sang .................... 55,111 SHEBASTA, LYNN ..................... 44 SHEPHERD, REBECCA ..... .. ....... . 46,60

Shimada, Yoko .. 25,53,59,64,74,91,102,107 SHIREY, NILES ......... 8,39,66,80,95,111 SHON, HAN 500 ............ 39,53,89,106 SINEL, KATHLEEN ...... ............... 44 Smith, Heather ......................... 26 SOENS, RICK .................... 46,65, 79 SPANIER, GREG .............. 46,60,81,91 Starker, Brian ....................... 19,85 STARKER, MATT .................. 39,111 Starz, Jeremy ........ 7,15,19,59,91,95,117 Stephens, Rana ............. 13,21,83,87,98 Stoltz, Maren .................... 19,83,86 SUH, SANG YOUNG ... 39,41,53,59,64,65, 80,91,94,98

Suh, Yoon Hee .................. 25, 79,101 SUTTON, BETTY ....................... 50 Sweeterman, Brian .. .............. 16,25,91 Swortwood, Hilary ................ 21,83,90


TABB, PATRICIA ....................... 51 Tamayo, Thomas ......... 4,21,54,81,91,98 TANAKA, HIROKI .................. 39,80 Tatlock, Ward .. .. ...... .......... 25,81,94 Taylor, Albert .................. 9,19, 65,89 TEICHOW, ANN ....................... 46 Thomas, Lindsey ...... 25,53,82,98,102, 103 TOCK, KELLY ............ 40,53,82,99,111 Tock, Michael .......................... 21


VANHAREN, ROGER .......... 45,46,52,60 VELING, JOHN ......... ............ 47,80 Velten, Paul ........................... 26 Venema, Jay ........................ 26,91 VICK, HAZEL .......... ............... 50


WAGENKNECHT, CELENDA .. 10,40,74,75, 91

Walsh, Elizabeth .................... 26,91 WALTER, DEE ... .......... ....... 4,46,59 WARD, MARK ......................... 51 Warren, Ben .................... 19,94,104 WATERS, RYAN ......... 40,52,80,106,111 WATERS, TULIN ............ 14,40,95,111 Weinberger, Cory ...................... 26 Weis, Tom ...................... 12, 21,105 Weiss, John . ................. ....... 84,85 Westra, Aaron ....................... 21,84 WHEELER, GLORIA .................... 44 WIGGINS, HEATHER ... 40,52,53, 64,79,95, 98,99,105,111

WOLFGANG, MARK .. .......... ....... 51 Woods, Craig ....................... 19,85 WORRELL, COURTNEY .... 40,53, 61,64, 78, 102, 103, 111


YAROCH, DEL ........................ 51


ZAKARIA, ZAID ........ 41,58,61,74,94,98 Zeigler, Christina ............... 6,25,52,78 ZUAZUA, NATO ... 41,54,61,80,92,98,103, 111

Zuberi, Ali ................ ......... 16,65

Zuberi,Mohammed ..................... 25


George Demos and his hat. Wayland Elves at the Mall. Are we happy yet? Tina Schirmang, Melina Raffin and Louise Nordling at Warren Cottage. Lisa Orlando trying to cheer Mike Moore up. Jeremy Starz caught in the act of helping with Yearbook! Mr. Bones and Mrs. Maitzen, at home in the art room.


That was Then

Then- Wayland students in class, circa late 1940's.


f!his is Now

Friends, Memories and Thoughts

Now- Wayland students, Susan Park, Jackie Redrner, Woo-Sung Ryu, Kristomus Iwo and Chris Choi in class with faculty member, Elias Khreish.


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