Wayland Academy 1995 Yearbook

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WOLVERINE (Glutton) Gulo luscus WOLVERINE (Glutton) Gulo luscus Recognition: Head and body 29-32 in.; tail 7-9 in.; wL 35--{)0 lb. Recognition: Head and body 29-32 in.; tail 7-9 in.; wt. 35--{)0 lb. In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolverine In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolverine looks like a small bear. Dark brown, paler on the head, and with looks like a small bear. Dark broum, paler em tk Mad, and wtth z broad yellowish strip~s that start at shoulders and join on rump. 2 broad yellowish stripes that start at shoulders and join on rump. Feet arc large for its size. Skull (p. 256) has 38 teeth. Feet arc large for its size. Skull (p. 256) has 38 teeth. Considered by some to belong to Old World species (G. gulo). Considered by some to belot!JI~ - tlic!~~gu/o). Similar species: Fisher (p. 59) - without yellowish stripes. Similar species: Fisher (p. 59 - i ~ I \ · s ip . Habitat: High mts. of West, near timberline, and onto tundra Habitat: High mts. of West, • ea , a: d o undra in the North; a wilderness mammaL in the North; a derness mammaL Habits: Active day or night. Solitary. Feeds on anythingHb~ 'ts: tive Y. orlilt.~ 'ol' ry. ~s o~vthing available in the form of meat, also larvae, eggs, berries; has ailab the of eat, al arvae s, b >; has pu or ng , . tro~ ood .. es of reputation for robbing traps and destroying food caches of trappers; travels many miles in search of food. Dens in any trap ; ravels ny i e· h oi o . in any shelte ed place. as lived mor than 15 years in captivity. sheltered place. Has lived more than 15 years in captivity.


~::::~YB~;J:i~:~~~~;i;;~s-~&.;p;~~~:~~~ 1 litter every 2-3 ycm.UJ ' ! t l : l: ,iF e~i 't Yellowish white, blind. 0

Economic status: Apparently does damage to traplines; fur used primarily for trimming parkas. One of the few remnants of true wilderness, and should be preserved.

WOLVERINE (Glutton) Gulo luscus Recognition: Head and body 29-32 in.; tail 7-9 in.; wt. 35--{)0 lb. In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolverine looks like a small bear. Dark brown, paler on tk hecui, and with Z broad yellowish stripes that start at shoulders and join on rump. Feet are large for its size. Skull (p. 256) has 38 teeth. Considered by some to belong to Old World species (G. gulo). Similar species: Fisher (p. 59) - without yellowish stripes. Habitat: High mts. of West, near timberline, and onto tundra in the North; a wilderness mammal. Ha~its: ~clive day or night. Solitar}'. Feeds on anYthing available m the form of meat, also larvae, eggs, berries; has reputation for robbing traps and destroying food· caches of trappers; travels many miles in search of food. Dens in any sheltered place. Has lived more than 15 years in captivity. Probably territorial. Mates April-Aug. Young: Born Feb.-April; 2-3; probably !litter every 2-3 years. Yellowish white, blind. Economic status: Apparently does damage to traplines; fur used primarily for trimming parkas. One of the few remnants of true wilderness, and should be preserved.


, . years. in Econo s atu : A paren o d a e tr mcs; fur· used primarily for trimming parkas. One of the few remnanLs of true wilderness, and should be preserved.

WOLVERINE (Glutton) Gulo lusc~ . . Recognition: Head and body 29-32 m.; tail 7-9 _m.; wt. 35--{)0 Jb. In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolver~ne looks like a small bear. Dark brown, paler on tk kad, and wtth 2 broad yelJ.owish stripes that start at shoulders and join on rump. Feet are large for its size. Skull (p. 256) has 38 te~th. Considered by some to belong to 91d World s~wes \G. gulo). Similar species: Fisher (p. 59) - wt~out ~elloWlSh stnpes. Habitat: High mts. of West, near tlmberhne, and onto tundra . in the North; a wilderness mammal. Habits: Active day or night. Solitary. Feeds on a!lythmg available in the form of meat, also larvae1 eggs, bernes; has reputation for robbing traps and destroymg food cac?es of trappers; travels many miles in search of food. pens m ~ny sheltered place. Has lived more than 15 years m captiVIty. Probably territorial. Mates April-Aug. Young: Born Feb.-April; 2-3; probably 1 litter every 2-3 years. Yellowish white, blind. . Economic status: Apparently docs damage to traplmes: fur used primarily for trimming parkas. One of the few remnants of true wilderness, and should be preserved.

WOLVERINE (Glutton) Gulo luscus WOLVERINE (Glutton) Gulo luscus Recognition: Head and body 29-32 in.; tail 7-9 in.; wt. J.)--QU lb. Recognition: Head and body 29-32 in.; tail 7-l) in.; wt. 35--60 lb. In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolverine In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolver~e looks like a small bear. Dark brown, paler on tk head, and with broad yellrr.uish st~ip{s, t}l~t,.;>t'krt ll-~houlders an~io~n on rump. looks like a small bear. Dark brown, paler on lk lu:M, and wtth 2 broad yelJ.owish stripes that start at shoulders and join on rump. Feet are large for ttW*' ~~~~®J\9~t~~VI\v' Feet are large for its size. Skull (p. 256) has 38 t~th. Considered ~rnirl\l~~~ n~t t~ ·OJ~~ ~ ~A S!lf\Yo (G gulo) Considered by some to belong to _Old World s~etes (G. g-ulo). Similar species: · sh'a"(f>'. ~I)~ Y •w\ Ml'S( t~HYowmY §fri~~s. Similar species: Fisher (p. 59)- Without yelloWlSh stnpes. Habitat: High e.a:nter, biOrtn}b ~e53@ d~ tundra Habitat: High mts. of West, near timberline, and onto tundra in the North; a wilderness mamn;4H ~3 7 in the North; a wilderness mammal. Habits: Active day or mght. "3oliTh r~. F'ee~ 6n anythmg HabltJ: Active day or night, Solitary. Feeds available in the form of meat, also larvae, eggs, berries; has 1 reputation for robbing traps and destroying food cac_hcs of ·..... .,.~~N...: available in the form of meat, also .:.; reputation for robbing traps ~~~~~ ~.:t-..;::~;;;.;-"'!•:;~;".:,: ":; "t;:,'·'"'i"1any miles in search of food. Dens m any as lived more than 15 years in captivity. trappers; travels many mil, sheltered place. Has liv Mates April-Aug. .-April; 2-3; probably 1 litter e,·ery 2-3 yc:m Probably territorial. W .e, blind. \atus: Apparently does damage to traplincs; fur arily [or trimming parkas. One of the few remnant; wilderness, and should be preserved.






• • 1 Andy Gottschalk travels slowly through the registration line. 2 Lauren Patterson finishes unpacking . 3 Chang Won Hong, Dong Jun Lee, and JooHan Kim on their way to the first day of classes, with Andy Nason following close behind .


4 Faydre and Heather Paulus, with Mom, are all smiles anticipating the future at Wayland .




1&3 Lynn Gable and Lia Schillinger take time to pose for the camera . 2 Kris Michaels peruses the schedule to make it all come together.

4 Katie Foster walking to the first assembly of the new school year. 5 Trish Duez, what are you laughing at?



1 Kate Newton and Moren Stoltz ask, "What do you want? " as Soni Parekh gives us a cheesy smile. 2 The camera catches Kyle Henderson off guard . 3 Takeshi Morimoto reaches for the next rope.


1 Chlakl Yamamoto shows everyone what a beautiful smile she has. 2 Stephen Saxon gets a boost from Mr. Spanier. 3 Ben Krieger and his braids make their way across the ropes . 4 Chris Ard attempts the ladder while his group watches on.


1 Kim Porubcan and Jennie Mathias play dress up at the Renaissance Fair. 2 Mr. Boucher. where is the flood?

WEEKEND GETAWAY 1994 offered a variety of opportunities; to discover new places and make new friends, to try out new skills and to relax. It provided challenges and accomplishment. Whether the adventure was sailing or putting, hiking or biking, fishing or shopping, it was fun.

3 Armando Robledo goes for a ride . 4 The sailing crew.


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1 Yoshi Matsuda eats a healthy lunch. 2 Shannon Mandelove relaxes before he heads back to the trails again. 3 Katie Foster is buried alive by Brandon Grieve. 4 Benjamin Park and Nate Yehle get the catch of the day.


1 Mark Triller, Aaron Westra, and Larry Baszynski occupy space. 2 The bikers get ready to take off on their journey. 3 Ben Perlstein becomes king for a day. 4 'Sail away . . .sail away . . .sail away' .


1 Brian Pritts and Kyle Henderson patiently wait their turn. 2 Jeanna Faust surveys the Great Lake Michigan . 3 Peter Bartizal is hangin ' in there. 4 The finale .




• • •l

1 Lincoln Nelson, Kristi Smith, Allison Hebl, and Yvonne Westermann show off their junior spirit. 2 Sophmores Heidi Eisenreich and Albert Taylor look very attentively as the next class representatives are presented to the Homecoming Court . 3 Sunshine waits for Wisam Muharib and Yoko Shimada as they walk up to the stage after being named the senior class king and queen .



1 The girls of the yearbook staff pose for " Clash Day." 2 Liz Goslin joins the " Spirit" ! 3 The junior boys cheerleading squad says. " Stand up and cheer! " 4 The 1994 Homecoming Court revealed .


1 The wild Wayland football fans cheer their team on during Homecoming Weekend . 2 Mr. Reinders comes to the aid of an injured Powder Puff player as the rest of the team looks on . 3 Dena Lohse says," Glamour Shots, here I come!"


1 The seniors celebrate their victory during the Pep assembly. 2 Chuck Scoville serves the ball during the volleyball match against the juniors.

3 Nikki Brown, Beth Schneider, and Salra Khan work on the junior mural. 4 Shareene Lindquist tries to escape Payal Jhaveri during Powder Puff .




WOLVERINE (Glutton) Guio luscus Recognition: Head and body 29--32 in.; tail 7-9 in.; wt. 35-{JQ lb. In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolverine looks like a small bear. Dark brOWtJ, paler on the head, and with

WOLVERINE (Glutton) Cui, Recognition: Head and body In general appearance, excep looks like a small bear. Dart

!~;;tiJ~fi~i:i;f: iu.~ .:u : .,; ann o JJ.'ift~:;~

Habi : I iJ bt ; n ra abi , t: H h n L!'> of West, in the North; a wilderness mammal. in the North, a wilderness m Habits: Act ive day or nigl Habits: Active day or night. Solitary. Feeds on an~·thing · ; aararet~reeC!:d .ttif:Hey or me available in the \fhtaft~ .\hlrllveri~s ~ara reputati 'I for j O'b"b,tn!r_ traps n ncr destr0,¥1\,.tl&,: Tood ~f- e»nof""her'pl.t~O~ , \~~l;ll~g trap trappn:l;I@[Giit9nili'5vFillle0 illl QM~ro ~ lf~LWQ~~ · 1 1.\ t, y l t tr1Mrs ; ~Hlk!! ~ ~Y mile~ sheltered. pla~ea~ ~~ . ~~Jvrf~t~,rtOS cren~ege#e in ~\ftmSQSt~liFI . lived , 1 Probably ton ~~ ·-~~ te •• ·,e5At~· r to other wolv~I~Y.~~Eies~ates ' Young: BoYtY l~\f.~pRt nfh-3)...Ilrobi \_y'1dit tcr everv 2---~\:t:l r~ 't o~~: ~l:-r1.Pnl; 2-3 Yellowish white, blind. oy ar~ IVerse C11U QUI elldW§ ;- l~'-Mild . Economic status: Apparently does damage to traplines; fur Economic status: Apparent used prir'las.ily .for trim!l\Lng,. rwli.P4 (}Q!f....ol.. th~ ,fp'l· -~.tr.>J ~.!.ii. • f.IS~ 3t.~lil¥...f.o ~J,{~ming of true \-Md:rllUl)EilS Jlld~ V..V 1"'¥~4bll9 VVO Vt:::llllt::: Wlut '? Mtr~~s! \rtld shout

fl[~~us reosons: to eat, relax, or p JX:tJQ.!Q1Qt~r·n ta ) Gu 0 w~;c~~~ion: He~(i~~ Qf~QYt~iR~Iin9.¥t~i_Ml1;b~S. S~ti~~Jl}~d bod) In gen~ral appearance,W~IOOO iW@ IWeElfel9o9tXi\:e nd~~t\i~~eR~J~~~:~ e~eJ

~oo;:~W¢r1.~~:tr~ mY~d~~~~~Yr~~~tr?ho~~~t~ r,o~fi;~ th:~

Feet are $tgee1J sf;®f (fn'GSTh~GlJT~Iiiowee;er, Wq~~~fl_ane S!Ze. ' . c?nsidctrK~..bl~ ' ~ ·A~~· _<i11·U~'It~~waweeNn la~~~~lt;fJr\~:r to~~ Sunilar sp~~~ t !Jt. di\Q"Jt..Y~i.t5'wisli stnrn:s ' ·~a . ~ (p . Habitat :Wiifnn(!); OOVe Q~VSJilQ~, ~!Jr:t\g~Qfld ol ~~b(!X[) N "~J ' f Wes in the North; a wilderness mammaL 1 Q~~ erness .r Habits: Active day or night. Solitarv. Feeds on am·thing il b~ ·. 1th or f nil 0 rr available in the form of meat, also la;vae eggs berrie's . . has ava a _e m~ e reputation forr_~l:liwa~~~ Wet~~~ · C€~osper{~Utt~l:lf. rt~ytg tr.j trappers; trav~~~PY. miTe~""Jt 'sear n of . n •. t~~!-:(, t y_ ' ny_ IDl






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· ~~qt:ji ng IAf~rQ~l~~tts hve~ Proba~r~rtne1~tf1' "tt'renuteaves the geogra ~~~r~~f~~ ~a~~~ Young: Born _Feb.--_April; 2-3; probably 1litter e>th'er3~es ~nft\& \WiOftstt~. ' ·

Yellowish wh1te, bhnd. E · t t . Apparen1 · status: Apparent1y does d amage to trap1·mes; f ur conom1c us . Ji rr ming Economic ~e.ti.: - s -1a j,< 1 used pr~arily Ttl~ii\Mmn~ne ~f\ier1nrecismtft:Jiy a~~.ul(EJ.U~~~f)Y~rl shou of true wilderness, and· sn ooTd' o e prese"rVe<f. wond~&V.btJH~W~~ n) Gu WOLVERINE (Glutton) Gido lusc~ . . . Recognition: Head and body 29-32 m.; tail 7-9 _m.; wt. 35-60 _lb. In general appearance, except for the bushy tail, the Wolve~e iook.s like a small bear. Dark brqwn, paler on tlu and with 2 broad yelJowish strjpes_ that start at shoulders and JOm on rump. Feet are large for 1ts stze. Skull (p. 256) has 38 te~th. Considered by some to belong to .Old World s~ec1es (C. guJo). Similar species: Fisher (p. 59)- W1~out ~elloWISh stnpes. Habitat: High mts. of West, near Um.berhne, and onto tundra in th_e North; a wilderness mammal.. . Habia: Active day or night. Solitary. Feeds on a~ythmg availab~e in the fon;t of meat, also larvae, eggs, bemes; reputation for robbmg traps .and destro)'lng food cac~es 0 trappers; travels many miles m search of food. pens 1 ~ ~~y sheltered pla~e. Has lived mo~e than 15 years m captivhy. Probably terntorial. Mates A_pril-Aug. Young: Born Feb.-April; 2-3; proh, 1 ~-~~~ Yellowish white, blind. Economic status: Apparcn used primarily for tri·



Recognition: Head and bod: In general appearance, exce looks like a small bear. Dm 2 broad yeJJq-.oish stripes that Feet are large for its size. ~ Considered by some to be Similar species: Fisher (p. ~ Habitat: High mts. of Wes in the North; a wilderness r Habits: Active dav or nit available in the fo~m of rr reputation for robbing tra trappers; travels many mil ...-~·IP'!!I"" sheltered place. Has lived Probably territoriaL Mates

of true wildernec

in the North; a wilderness mammaL Habits: Active day or night. Solitary. Feeds on anything available in the form of meat, also larvae, eggs, berries; has 16 reputation for robbing t raps and destroying food caches of trappers; travels many miles in search of food. !)ens i~ any sheltered place. Has lived more than 15 years m capttvJty. "0-..-..L.-\...1 ••• ___ ;. __ :_1

.... _. __

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in Habits: Active day or r available in the form of reputation for robbing tr trappers; travels many m sheltered place. Has live T\ ____ t,-Ll..



I Philip Oh and Jeremy Storz hanging in there. 4 Jeremy Faust, Andy and Eric Huss make their way to a large building to collect knowledge .


The Senior Class, in dress code , singing " Wayand , Oh Wayland . . ." from the Alma Mater.

The Senior Class, amidst the frenzy of applying to colleges, getting good grades, maintaining a social life and surviving bouts of senioritis, anxiouslly awaits for graduation day. Beyond the Wayland experience exists the "Great World" with opportunities for the taking and they are ready! This small class is full of spirit individuality, talent and most of all, perseverance. Congratulations Class of 1995, may your future be bright and full of success! 18



Trust your faith and enter By paths the heart divines The sun lies at the center Through gates of creeping vines How faint the rays of former days In avenues of time But It does shine. Emblem of sight. pride of the eyes That shatters the shadow And all of the dark defies.

Family and friends thanks alot for everything you've done for me. Jesse- Wow! We will survive!! (as well as the K.B.'s)

Fresh from boots the chemist. across the pond. 3953 miles from home. 3 came to mosh 24/7. Beaver Dam style. Oh well. maybe next year. Thanks to Pepsi and Coke. Warrant, the bloke who Invented the B.A.M.F .. and Beavis and Butthead. Cheers to the lads and lasses who were my mates (B.G .. C.M.,M.M.). your all sound as a pound for EnglandTadaa. and Have A Nice Day!



Thanks to all my friends that I met at Wayland, especially Angela and Olivia. you guys helped me to get over the hard times. I had a great time at Wayland. Thanks to all my friends In Hong Kong that supported me. Special thanks to my parents.

Wayland offered me a great chance to discover and develop my potential andd confidence. Wayland also helped me to mature mentally and physically. Father and Mother.l really appreciate your support and encouragement. A special thanks to Mr. Shantz, Mr. Disch, Mr. Kreish. Mrs. Blelfuss. amd Mr. Cobb who have instilled In me inspiration and Influenced me with warm attention and help.



It's done! I'm outta here. Thanks. parental units, and my regards to the Twilight Zone. and to everyone who put up with me for this long. Brett, Scott. Lenny. Tom, Lea. Moldy, Hit Man, Faust. Linck, Mr. Mac, etc ... Nudge Nudge. I'm graduating and you're not. nyah nyah. Where's my money?! Get off my couch! 1 didn't get any mall! You cretin! I've often wondered why they reupholstered the furniture, but they never replaced the ceiling tile. You fuel! I'll miss you all. I'm not a very good shot. Push the button, Frank.

"Well. I left my happy home to see what I could find out. 1 left my folks & fnends with the aim to clear my mind out. Well, I hit the rowdy road & many kinds I meet there. So on & on I go, the seconds tick the time out. there's so much left to know & I'm on the road to find out." Cot Stevens.

Let the Sun rlsel -

R. Hunter

Mom & Dad- Thank you for all the opportunities you hove given me. Em & HanGood luck and I hope you have as much fun as I did. To all my friends- #24: Smile. All the time. Bu-Bye!



After four years at Wayland I consider my greatest accomplishment the fact that I didn't magIcally and lnstaneously transform Into a hippy; a rare feat at this Institution. I sincerely thank everyone who helped to prevent this metamorphosis.



Thanks Mom and Kirk for the experience and opportunity. These years were filled with memories I'll never forget. More Importantly I've teamed to eat Dorltos while playing cards, assemble your own lamps, and that Poo-G wiU never beat me. Thanks and good luck to all the Renltas. As a word of advice: stay out of the adults only section, stay close to friends when riding bikes, stop at all stop signs, and don't let anyone steal your watergun. What It all bolls down to Is I know where you live. I'll never forget yo, maybe we'll all meet again. . . at Ponderosa.



People Important to you, people unimportant to you cross your life, touch It with love and carelessness and move on. Children leave parents; friends leave friends; aqualntances move on. People change homes. People grow apart. Enemies hate and friends love and move on. You think of the many who have moved Into your hazy memory. You find you are made up of bits and pieces of all whoever touched your life, and you are more because of It and you would be less If they had not touched you. See you In Korea, roommate. I'm outta herel

First of all. I'd like to wish my fellow green peppers, Rima. Pat and Ansgar a happy doy. Rima - duh. woofl Moren - ThanksgivIng break wos too funl To Hilary- never forget meetIng townies. And to anyone else. have a good llfel



M, 0, & 8- We've had rough times and we've had tough time, but somehow we just keep on truckIng, thanks and I love you. Mr. Scully. Mr. VanHaren, & Mr. Jonesthank you for all your support. I wouldn't have made It with out you guysl Karin- All I wanna do Is have some fun ... preferably not In Mayville! Corey- You make me smile and laugh which Is the best thing anyone could give. You're my best friend. Thanks for alwoys making me feel good. I love you. "He smiled wide many times, think I smiled back once." -TTWS

"Last night In the moments my thoughts were adrift and coasting a terrace approaching a rift, through which I could spy several glimpses beneath of the darkness the light from above could not reach ..." -Phlsh Mom & Dod. Karin. Teresa. LW VA. Bart. Chuck, Pritts, Ople. Finally outll Beaver Creaners?l Wayland Is nice. NTR


.... Sometimes I feel like I am leavIng life behind .... Bee)- we've made It this far who knows what's next. OP- I'm the white rabbit. Yoshl. Wow Cllntlll Kyle, 3 years man, 3 years. Let's raise the Pentagon Ward. One goes out for you too Mr. Boucher. Thanx for everything guys. Mooma. 1 can't use words. they don't say enough. Mom. Dad thanks for all you've done. I'm just a few steps behind you Anners. XDs. sleepovers. Wayland Hall, the land.lt's all been great. Hey Crazy Miranda. look what's happening out In the street. .... and Sunshine's waiting for me a little further down the road ....


BRENDEN GREEN 1 love Wayland, but I must move on. Thanks to all my Wayland friends. and all others who made life lnterestelng. Klff- 8 yrs. gone friend, where does the time go? K.H.Bible songs. Y.M.- Remember the bike. C.M.- Strange noises. Leon-little hot in here, thanks for the water. O.P.See you In the Asylum. M and D. without you I would not be here. Thank you for your endless support and love and for putting up with my Insanity. Sara- Jim Morrison Is back! Anne- Remember me? How can I find the words? I love you. Some dwell on the past. others plan their future, I live for today. "Why must we go on hating, why can't we live In bliss." -c. Stevens

KARA GRYGOTIS "I was once like you are now,

Mom and Dad. thanks for everything. I never would have had all the oppurtunltles without you. Tim; B.A.M.F. and camping forever. Cyrus; Lets take the Roadrunner for a neverending drive. Mike; C'mon man, LOUDER! The variation of lifestyles at Wayland Academy has made my last 4 years memorable. Now we go out Into the real world. Take It easy folks. In a few years we'll see who's winning this game called LIFE.

and I know that It's not easy to be calm when you've found something going on. but toke your time. think a lot. why think of everything you've got. for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not." Cot Stevens. Jess your the best! PAT 491. Jenny and Deana love yo. Melina you were never an extra. Tina. loved that chugging, who threw up on your shoes? Europe? Blzbuzl To my friends at home I'll never forget the gazebo. Vietnam . etc ... Thanks Mom and Dod, for everything. Heather. I have two things to soy. you know, YES!!! Right on East Wash.?



Nice try Josh and Drew.

"Through lives illusions I recall I really don't know life atoll" OPI? H; where Is your room? BJ. Yoshi; enough of this silliness, why do I always buy the food? K2 if only we were all raised by wolves, Klff; XD's, sleepovers. the land, Rasta tree. Cptn Chaos. welcome to Dennys. Sls2 and geek. thanks . Mom, Dad; bet you never thought It would end this way! Dad we will prevail! Throw your life Into high gear and run like an antelope me 'n alIce'! see you crazy cats later cause "there's nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile."




Finally, I am about to take the final step to the different world where I have never been before, and this Is the moment I have been waiting for during the last four years. I wonder what will be waiting for me once I get there. But I am not afraid of anything, because that's what I have been practicing. Now, I am ready to take the step, and have some fun. Guys, isn't It what we have been waiting for? Let's just take the step, and find out what's waitIng for us.

It's a pain; a real pain. But If you force yourself to overcome these pains you can make lt. I'm living proof. Four years man, what a rushl For my acquaintances, thanks. I'm sure you've helped me out somewhere along the line. For my true friends, thanks a load. For those of you I haven't met, we'll see each other In another life. Eternal joy and never ending splendor to those who want lt.



"You have to think Hke you're taller than everybody else." -F.G. Mom and Dad, words could never express all my love and gratitude. Thank you for all your love and support over the years. Our phone calls meant a lot to me. To all my teachers and friends, thank you for everything you have done for me.l have learned a lot from all of you. Until we meet again, I bid you peace. "One song leads to another.

My Wayland experience has been the best of times, the worst of times, the time of wisdom, & the time of foolishness. There are so many people who have been a part of the "trip", you all know who you are & you are all important. First of all. thanks Mom & Dad, you made It all happen for me. Mr. Mcinerney, Thanks for your help & support. The faculty: You all taught me welll The German Block: "Wlr sehen uns wleder." To my close friends, I'll miss you allll "We had everything before us, we had nothing before us." -charles Dickens.

One frtend to another friend. So I'll travel along With a friend and a song."- Anon-





It's over now. I'm finally out of here. Mom & Dad thanks for all your love and support. It wasn't so easy to live here by myself for the last three years. Being away from home, I've realize how much my family means to me. Well, I don't have anything to say anymore, actuany I can't - you know what 1 mean by that. Thanks to everyone, especially my sister and my roommate Aimee. BVEIIII

"Old friend, what are you lookIng for? After those many yeors abroad you come with Images you tended under foreign skies far away from your own land." George Seferis

For my friends - you know who you are. I'm not going to use those silly Initials. I love you all and I'll miss you, but I know we'll meet again. Mom. Dad. you mean everything In the world to me. I love you so much and I thank you for all your support. 1never could have done It wtthout you!



Maybe It has been awhile Since I remembered to thank My parents' effort of giving Me the opportunity to study

" ... he just smoked my eyelids and punched my cigarette... "


Now. I am about to finish One of the major experiences In My life, and I must thank Mv parents for everything. Alttiough It wasn't so easy For the past few years, Especially years at Wayland. I will always remember the mem-

-Bob Zimmerman

To all my friends. past and present; "It's been sweet." Follow your own beet.


That I am taking with me. Thanks to everyone who helped me. And loved me as a real friend. Special thanx to my brother, Young And my best friend, Tera. Best wishes to you alii II



I just want to soy thanks to my family. especially my parents for all your support these years. I would also like to thank all my friends here. You guys are so nice to me. I'm going to miss all of you. It was an of you who made my Ute at Wayland so much better. By the way. Yoon Hee. you're the best roommate In the worldl Thanks!

"The leaves are falling all around. time I was on my way. Thanks to you. I'm much obliged such a pleasant stay but now It's time for me to go. The autumn moon llghta my way but now I smell the rain and with It paln and Its heading my way but now I know I've got one thing I've got to do. Ramble on." -Jimmy Page & Robert Plant



Extra special thanks - Ople, Klff. Krls, Dirty. B.J .• COnt. Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world Schlrmang. Sometimes I try to eat myself, but doesn't work out wen. 1 hate It when this happens. See you later manl

Hopes and dreams. In order to do both you must over come the obstacles of life. To everyone I have met thank you. just because I now know how to deal with you. Morn, Dad - thanks. B.G., C.M .• T.B., BEECH. S.P .• ShopKo and Denny's forever remembered. J.O .• 1always care. Mr. Mac. your secret Is safe with me. To all those people In the past. thanks, It's all your fault. To others who thought that I was unaware. I knew that.

Thank you Mom. I'm still herel MM. BG. TB. NM. live life to Its fullest. Hope your enjoyln' the rldel




This place wasn't that bad. I don't care If I couldn't smoke. I don't care If I had to sign out on cam­ pus. I don't care If I had to keep my room clean. That's all peanuts compared to what life wlll bring me. I had too many great friends to put down Wayland. Thanks everyone, whether you were my friend or my enemy and thanks to the two lndlvlduals who helped me discover who I was.

I'm not going to say specific names because there have been so many special peo­ ple I have met since my ar­ rival at Wayland. SO thanks to all. My exp erelences have been rewarding and my time well spent. Thanks for the memories and allow­ Ing me to be a new person. Smile, I wlll miss you.



"We are the future In a world that Is our's to create." So many mem­ ories, yet not enough time to re­ member. My friends, I thank, for giving me the knowledge and courage that I've accomplished. My time at Wayland was well spent. To my family- thank you for the support and opportunities. To my buddies- I am leaving. but the road between us Is cushioned by the friendships that have lasted. Mom. Dad, Toby, Lisa, and Cinder­ It's time, now, for me to let go. There's always AT&T. LNS- Thank's for being my best friend/sister. I love you.


What 4 long strange years It's been. Mom- You've made me who I am. Thank-you. Nell- I love you & miss you. KT MC, Angle &. Natalie- Without you I would have gone INSANE! I'll be paying you back for many llfetlmes. Melina- I go & I keep on going. LN-Thanks for the advice. MM- ShopKo &. Denny's. Imagine If you were ... Mr. Mcinerney- Thanks for every­ thing. To my friends- Thanks for the memories: Who's In Hawaii? Hey Boo-boo. Sift, 50 pts. Conqueso. "ILK", The Rocks, "Night" Club, MIiwaukee. "For why?" Plethora. "Absolut" night, Toys, "You need tot" WhoshJuulll Above all, BE YOURSELF.


"Two roads diverged In a wood,&. I. .. I took the one less traveled by. & that has made all the difference." R.F. Those who Joined my Journey & took the time to show me new meanings to llfe: THANK YOU. The colors will never be as beautlful as the first time, but I will never forget them: I live an Incu­ bus. Well I don't think I'm going nowhere, someone somewhere understands. Nearly missing all my mar­ bles, this Is not a perfect plan. & It won't be very long, 'tlll I'm going. going. gone. . . & Is there really something wrong with me? - The Posies



To my Um-ma and A-pa, thanks for the many experiences I've had since I first left home. Thank you to all those great people that I had fun with.

Thanks to everybody who made an Impact on my life up to this point.



"When It's all said and done. It's real and lt'a been fun, but wo1 It all real fun?" -Green Day. Sandi and Jerry- Thanks for the support and guitars. Slbllngs­ Thanks for knowing what's right for me. Pupu-tlra ml pulga. Susie­ You're doing It agalnl Feather­ l Y2; Bingle- It sure Is hot In here; Opie, Lauren, Llatard. Erinn, Chris's, Jeff, Jamie. Butthead, and Beavis- You guys are cool. Viva Los Pacers! "You can't be what you were, so you better start be­ Ing Just what you are." -Fugazl. Whoever I forgot Is cool too. I love you FHnger.

"The danger must be grow­ Ing 'cause the rowers keep on rowing and their certain­ ly not showing any signs that they are sloowlng." Wonka In Toad Hon



As the year comes to a close, and we, as seniors, begin moving on to bigger and better things, we must take time to refelect on our ex­ peilences through high school. I wont to thank everyone at Way­ land this year for making It what It was. To my good friends- let us never forget the ruff rides on Nee­ nah trips, Lee Harvey and Big Red. and all the years combine, they melt Into a dream ...

"There Is another name I know about but I can't think of the name now and anyway I am too busy singing, and I hold Pok­ ey the Pig close to me and I smile as I sing because I know of course, who I am. who I wlll always be. I am the cheese" Robert Cormeir The last two years have been, um, mem­ orable. To my parents. who made It all possible, my thanks go deepe r than words. To my friends, we did more than pass the time. Maybe someday we wlll all meet In Utopia. Untll then, farewell to thee.




I want to say Thank You to all those who stood by my side through thick and thin; my family (you know who you are), the fellas on Plnton Ave .• Mr. Pilecki, Ms. Kretschmer. Mr. Mayer. Dr. & Mrs. Ellis ...• the list goes on. To my sweetheart D.J.- I will always be with you, and my love will always remalnl To Laron. Wlsam.lman, & Shareene: hang In there and do your best. because life Is short. I believe In y'all. To all my true friends up here; Don't ever forget me. I value your friendships. Keep In touch & always stay reall

Twilight and evening bell And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness or farewell When I embark. For though from out of time and ploce The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my pilot face to face When I hove crossed the bor. Lord Tennyson.

Thanks all you who taught me something and I hope you have learned from me. If not. I'll leave you with this wisdom: Whatever your hand finds to do. do It with your might; for there Ia no work or device or knowledge or wiSdom In the grave where you are

going. Ecclesiotes 9:10



Inspiration move me right Let sense and color guide me Where other feet have stumbled Uft me over Rghtly Raise the rag-ends of a voice To make some kind of song Not to make It perfect but more nearly right than wrong. Rob-

The cheese stands alone. The cheese stands alone Helgh-ho the meery-o, The cheese stands alone.

ert Hunter

Thanks Mom, Dad and friends for the support and guidance - I needed ltl Brad- the bus stops herel Heather- Please Indulge In procrastination. Bart - Have you seen K.B. WOWI W.A.L.S.T.I.B .....

Happy to be ... . 1 Clint Mosling 2 Kara Grygotis, Jacqui Oberg, Aimee Erickson , Yoko Shimada . Meredith Coulson


To my friends, I hope we stay as we are, to Dominik, the kiss. otosan. okasan. arlgato...


Thanks to my Mom and Dad who supported me and gave me a chance to leam so many things for my life. Also thanks to my lovely friend Hee-Jung Kong who always helps me and made my Wayland life better. Thanks to my greatest roommate, Olivia Mak. "Olivia, you are so coon" By the way, I love you alii (Saranghal).


1~ II thelllerit ObMer by the wQJI. stanclhg

sUintly among da'l-glo ef'IQcloWa. ~t thUndeR like a runaway train. Ttle bumlnC desire to express knoWledge through the language of truth lometmEis rozet my mind f9'the ground. The sCholarly soul as SOle revolutionary sd.lgr:loronce through ornJ'lltclence of a present. lolttetlmes. 1feel that 1suffocate trom lack of lungs. R~REEEOOOM. SHHAARREEE? WHHAA61AMMI SomN~ ~Its

Ike o Venus's

JIVtiaJ) alone on a ship In a

.. of etiquette) - Spldennan

CHRISTINA ZEIGLER I truly thak you Mom and Dad for loving me and raising me ao well "The joys of parents are secret, and ao are their griefs and fears." - Francis Bacon

To my Sisters - I don't know what I would have done If you guys hadn't been there to help me through all the rough times. To my Friends- Molly and Nikki, my daredevils; Beth. the only one with good eye-sight; AA, my punching bag; Blttlle Brendo. the footmodel; and alex. the wideeyed mastermind - It has definately been Interesting. Miss you alii "Our deeds determine us. as much as we determine our deeds." George ENot

1 At the Beach, Rima Kreish and Katie Foster enjoy their weekend away from campus . 2 Kris Graff carries on the Pechous Senior Tradition .




·-:~ r~:z ~ ~== ~--~~

1 Chestnuts roasting on a n open fire . . . 2 " Thank you. thighmaster! " 3 Studying hard, or hardly studying, are we? 4 " Well. you see . officer. it 's like this. .. "


-. b

1 " Don 't dispute us, we 're the snow queens! " 2 Chris John helps Katie Foster put her belt on . 3 "Looks like it's just you and me again ." 4 " What do you want? "



fou~t tjett~t ~eKio~t~

Ct.K tjou ~elieve 1-t1

What is the one thing that you have learned, which you most value, while at Wayland? I've learned that you can count on others, but you also really need to know who you are. I have learned how to learn. What is your favorite place on campus and why? The Day Student Lounge. I can think there. My favorite place on campus is on the side of the Academic Building facing the street. No one ever goes there, so it is very quiet. What is your greatest ambition in life? .. . to be the best person I can possibly be . . . . to be the best tap-dancer I can be! Who do you most admire? I admire the people who go to Wayland for four years!



If your house were burning down and you could only save one thing, what would it be? Either my Bible or stereo. My toothbrush, I can't go a day without brushing!

What was your most memorable moment at Wayland? Three hours of orientation. It will probably be graduation!

Where do you see yourself in ten years from now? I honestly do not know where I see myself in ten years. I just hope I am happy.

1 Alex Schwertfeger, Josh Dalley, Soni Parekh, Michael Moore, Lynn Gable, Rima Khreish, Jonathan Ciesla, II-Chan Hong, Ward Tatlock, Stephen Saxon, Kyle Henderson, Meredith Coulson, Brandon Grieve (not pictured) Opie Jahn (not pictured), are the Four Year Seniors!


2 Soni gives her Mona Lisa smile. 3 Brandon at the beach. 4 II Chan ... thinking. 5 Josh, getting out of here! 6 Sing it Lynn, R-E-S-P-E-C-T. 7 Mountain woman, Meredith. 8 Opie in his "cool" shades.


Bertram Ahrend Yasuo Akashi

Asra Ali Christopher Ard

Larry Baszynski Tate Baumer Brett Boling Nikki Brown Ruth Bruckerman Chris Brudzinski Nico Daniels Patricia Duez

Christian Eichholz Jeremy Faust Soung Jun Go

Elizabeth Goslin Beth Grabowski David Greene

1 Yvonne Westermann relaxing in the dorm. 2 "Can't Wait to be King"- the Juniors mural and theme for spirit week. 3 Regan Richarson gives us a classic pose.


Tetsuya Kubota Dong Jun Lee Seung-Jin Lee Ka Kuen Leung

Shareene Lindquist Neena Mahadev Erinn Mahoney Jeremy McClanahan

Kristen Michaels Tom Mikkelsen Takeshi Morimoto

Ansgar Mues Tadaaki Nakagawa Andy Nason

Lincoln Nelson Sarah OliverThompson Lauren Patterson

Alexandra Pfister Kim Porubcan

1 Pen "Mona" Hommel gets into it at the Renaissance Fair. 2 Erinn Mahoney kickin' back in her room. 3 Katie Humleker and Andy Huss are all smiles.


Alejandro Pozo Adriana Pujals Melina Raffin Regan Richardson

Kierstan Rickey Vijay Sankaran Tina Schirmang Beth Schneider

Heather Smith Kristi Smith Hilary Swortwood

Thomas Tamayo Mark Triller Ben Vanatta

Yvonne Westermann Aaron Westra

Roy Wibisono Chiaki Yamamoto

3 1 Lizzy Goslin cheers on her class during spirit week while 2 Thomas Tamayo and Yuta Kanzaki give the camera a thumbs- up. 3 David Greene being himself as Vijay Sankaran looks on.


lman Aswad Ashanti Blanchard Rachel Borho Kristene Boucher Ellen Carroll

f) ..

Jennifer Carroll Heidi Eisenreich Brie Fields Stacy Ginsberg Catherine Hoekstra

Jacqueline Haley Danielle Jones Takako Kamachi Alex Kim Suzanne Lamping

Jeffery Liebert Dena Lohse Sarah Lutringer Kelli Mackay

1 Brie Fields and Katie Hoekstra -


friends .. . 2 Sophomores- reaching for the stars .

Morris Mak Jennifer Mathias Andrew Mulder Katie Nemacheck Nicole Pearson

Christopher Roberson-Johnson Nadia Samadani James Shafer Lia Schillinger Moren Stoltz

Melanie Stevenson Brian Starker Jeremy Storz Albert Taylor

Masayo Takei Masami Yamazaki Eunice Yang Anthony Zanoni

1 Sophomore spirit leading the way! 2 Morris Mak contemplating the future win? !


~O~fl011fO~l,~ ~oi~tq to 1Uf+he it flf+ppe~t!

ike Uotuet<i-.e ~opko~ot<e is -.ow e~pet<ie-.ceb i-. tke way ol Uayta-.b. Looki-.~ /o~twa~tb to tke bays tkat A~ti-.~ tke~ ctose~< to tkeit< ~~tabuatio-. i-.to tke ~~teat Uo~ttb f1eyo-.b. . . !key at<e A~aaue,/ea~ttess a-.b lutt ol uisio-. . • .~aki-.~ tkeit< way upwat<b a-.b


Jenny Caroll is all smiles!


1-4 Jackie Haley, Anthony Zanoni, Nikki Pearson , and Kris Boucher displaying the characteristic Wolverine smile. 5 Lia Schillinger " hardly" relaxes - on concrete!


1 Shannon welcomes you to the freshmen pages.

Stephanie Arndt Yong Bum Bae Abraham Behinfar

ltzel Benitez Kristina Braund Djahmila Cabral

2 ltzel greets the camera with a smile .

Christopher Carson Brooke Conley Aaron Darling

Jeanna Faust Andrew Gottschalk Eric Huss

3 Stephanie is working hard ot her studies .


1 Eric and Adnan enjoy the sunlight . 2 Freshman spirit . Naoko Ishibashi Hyun Ho Joh Sara Knaack

Danielle Lange Charles Latimer Gi Young Ma

3 Naoko and Baby Bop. Shannon Mandeldove Hikaru Matsuyama Adnan Mirza

Lindsay Mitchen Suzanne Morrison Joshua Noll

4 May , Masayo.and Miyuki bond in America .


Dong II Oh Tizoc Olivo Benjamin Park

1 Anthony finds a comfortable place to study.


Ji-Hun Park Faydre Paulus Heather Paulus

Jason Peterson Jaruk Pinyosunun Raul Ramirez

Jesse Raymond Nathan Retzlaff Loron Rhue

2 Johnnie poses by a tree. 4 Eric shows us his mean streak. 3 Donielle looks on as Suzi gets her hair teased.

Armando Robledo Jean Sayre Matthew Spang

Anthony Trapp Miyuki Watabe Johnnie Williamson

•••• .. ·,..· 'A· .;

Nathan Yehle

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2 ltzel and Faydre show their Wayland spirit . 3 Chris relaxes peacefully by a tree. 4 Raul stops briefly to show us his stuff.




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Brett Baron David Faber Jill Fakes Eric Fitch Lora Greguska

Danwei Guo Pamela Kunes Mark Larsen Peggy Mark Ryan Myers

Jin Hee Park Jessica Stein Ahti Westphal

Kim Neitzel


I .,.

Being a new Wolverine at Wayland is not always easy ... but the Wayland Wolverine always survives

No matter how long we've been here, all Wolverines have the same growl!

1 Yoon Hee Suh and Soung Jun Go wave hello! 2 Ward Tatlock all dressed up for Halloween. 3 Mrs . Maitzen on the prowl! 4 Clint Mosling . Kara Grygotis, Melina Raffin and Lauren Patterson at the new Student Union .


Uoluetti"e' ~t







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1 Jeremy Faust. Fremont Latimer and Andy Huss are the all dressed up with somewhere to go. 2 What were you doing, Yoko Shimada? 3 Neenah Mahadev and Brandon Grieve. happy and content . 4 Friends Forever. Katie Hoekstra and Suzi Morrison . 5 Now. don't you two just look great? Liz Goslin and Jeanna Faust show some spirit. 6 The volleyball girls! 7 So. freshmen and seniors do get along . right Lynn Gable and Heather Paulus?



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1 Grrrr! 2 Relaxing in the Senior lounge. 3 Nikki Brown and Suzi Lamping taking a break from a busy day .

1 Little Bo Peep or Mr. Peterson? 2 Melanie and Johnnie take a moment to smile. 3 Beth enjoying her studies in Swan Library.


William Ellis, President Joseph Lennertz,

Academic Dean

George Cobb, Dean of Students

Lynn Shebesta, Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid

Joyce Koepsell



of Finance

•. ,.•

Kris Boucher, Assoc. Director of Admissions

Daniel Caballero, Chaplain


Nancy Ellis, Director of Special Programs

Shane Foster,

Director of Athletics & Health Education I Director of Student Activities

Robin Groelle, Director of College Counseling

Beth Keller, Assistant Director of Admissions

.. .,... ·••·

DOUQ Palm,

Director of Puolications




...... ()

., _,...


Eli SeiQhman,

(Jirector of Swan Library

. ~....


Gloria Wheeler, .---~

Coordinator for Annual Programs

Mr. Lennertz just says no!


1 Ms. Graham!!!!!!! 2 Mr. Foster is taking care of business. 3 MOUSE! Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Disch sport their stylish animal wear for Hat Day '94. 4 Wayland-0-Wayland; The faculty sing the school song in assembly . 5 Mr. VanHaren is on the road again .


Ctlll'f7• ¡.


Alpaugh,Social Studies/History Gary Arneson,French Karen BleifusS,Biology James Borrud,German Catherine Brick, Choir/Voice Deanna Disch,CTP Tutor

Gerald Disch,Physlcs Linda Fischer,Engllsh Mark

Flagg, ESL/International Advisor Polly Foster,CTP Tutor Dana Graham,computer Science William Hebi,Driver Education

Annie Hoy,warren Cottage Director David Kasper, Mathematics-Chair Elias Khrelsh,Sclence-Chair Heather Klltzke,spanish Gwendolynn Maitzen,vlsual Art Paul Mclnerney,Mathematlcs

John Patterson, English-Chair Peck,CTP Tutor Russell Peterson,social studies/History Tony Reinders, Wayland Hall Director/ Assist . Athletics & Act ivities Robert Schantz,Engllsh Social Studies/History-Chair


Michael Schneider, Foriegn Language-Chair

Rebecca Shepherd,Mathematlcs Rick SoenS,Fine Arts-Chair Gregory Spanier,Mathematlcs Roger VanHaren,English Dee Walter,CTP Chair/Photo/Reading Rhonda ChaloneWinkle,Keyboards

The great roundtable. Mr. Kasper, Mr. Khreish, Mr. Schneider, & Mr. Disch discuss " teacher things" .


Koreen Adams,

Assist Coach-Volleyball Jean Allemand, secretary Mary Anderson, Assist. Librarian Carol Becker,secretary Jackie Braatz,secretary Chris Braemer,store Clerk

Judy Coyle,Administrative Assistant Pam Ganske,secretary Louise Hoff,Admlnistrative Assistant Roxanne Kotek,secretary Suzanne Kraft,secretary Tom Kroeze, Assist . Coach-Football

Linda Kulka, secretary Bill Luebke,Assist . to the Athletic Director

Carol Miller, Secretary/Library Linda Monroe,Business Office Manager William Osheim,Accountant Jennifer Peterson,Director Student Center

Jody Thompson,store Manager

John Weiss,Head Coach Basketball

1 Mr. Patterson discusses with Kyle Jordan. 2 OUCH!!! Ms. Shepherd receives her shot from Sue " Mom" Orlowski.

- 2


Jeanie Winter Wendy Boschert Lisa Budde Carol Gosse Irene Helgerson

Diane Hensler Rick Hughes Cathy Lamb Betty Sutton

Gerda Borrud Chuck Hart Diane Moungey Susan Orlowski Ayaz Samadani

Mr. Peterson becomes anxious as Diane Moungey prepares for his shot.


John Omen Pat Axelsen Kent Bence Barbara Elgersma Janice Falkinham

Peter Geisheker Linda Griepentrog Doug Levenhagen Chuck Leystra Carol Marsh

•••• .. ·..-. ••


Lori Sasdowski Patricia Tabb Mark Ward

·••· •,...• John Omen and Doug Levenhagen clean up the auditorium after the great flood.



~ Gordon Krobert Mark Ward Del Yarock

•••• •·• ·..-. • •••• A

.••••,.... 55

When I think of a dynamic human being whose vigor and keen interest in his pursuits has not been in the least bit dulled by the passage of time, Mr. Patterson immediately comes to the forefront of my mind . The fact that he imbues others with this same enjoyment of life and learning makes him truly distinctive ... Ward Tatlock '95

English is his life . He constantly improves his teaching and command of material. He is truly a lover of the language and literature. Mark Flagg , ESL faculty .

John Patterson is dedicated, compassionate, private and a scholar . .. Eli Seighman, Head Librarian, Swan Library.

1995 marks John Pattersons's 25th year teaching at Wayland Academy. He graduated from University of Wisconsin Whitewater in 1959 and began his teaching career in Brodhead, Wisconsin. Seeking post-graduate studies, Patterson applied for and was awarded the prestigious Woodrow Wilson Scholarship which allowed him the opportunity to study at any university in the United States. Patterson attended the University of Wyoming where he completed his course work and wrote his master's thesis on Shakespeare's King Lear. After receiving his


Master's, Patterson taught English at Laramie, Wyoming; Madison, Wisconsin and Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In 1970, David Proctor, English Department Chairman at Wayland Academy, persuaded Patterson to come to Beaver Dam and the Academy to teach. In his first year, he taught, AP English, Faulkner and Hemingway, Russian literature and expository writing. A few years later, when Proctor retired , Patterson assumed the Department Chair. In the classroom Patterson combines a Socratic method of questioning with a flair for the dramatic. In working with the

famous dagger soliloquy in Macbeth, one might suddenly see an actual dagger appear in his hand as he recites the soliloquy from memory. Indeed, one of his special talents is his ability to dramatize a work of literature, suddenly to become a character, and to voice that character's words perfectly from his vast memory of passages acquired through conscious effort and experience. How many seniors have had a blurry passage in Hamlet become clear through Mr. Patterson's enactment of the role? (continued on p age 57)

In addition to Patterson's ability to bring literature to life inside the classroom and a voracious appetite for reading, he is an extremely hard working individual. He arises very early, at 5:30am and is in his office by 6:30. He especially likes the quiet of early morning as a time to re-read the literature he is teaching, something he does without fail no matter how often he has taught a work before . Then , after school, he goes to his apartment where he prepares his dinner, and as a rule , by six o'clock he is typing worksheets, preparing discussion questions, reading background materials for the next day's lessons, or grading students compositions . The latter task is one he takes very seriously as he seeks to address not only the formal matters in a composition , but the content as well. After four or so hours of work, he watches the news at 10:00pm and works for another hour or so, at which time he retires for the evening . The special qualities of a master teacher are difficult to pin down, but clearly devotion to one's work must be a key ingredient. John Patterson has given his whole life fully to teaching . To a very large degree it is this love and devotion to his work which have made him a teacher who can truly be called a master in his chosen profession .

fie ~t~ub~ /o~t uucol+lp~tol+li~iuq ~t~ub~~tb~ ~ub e~cetteuce iu t~e ct~~~ftOOI+l . . . .,4 Ju~~te~& 1e~c~eft

.. .

Note: The above piece is an excerpt fro m Robert Schantz's article, "He loves to Teach" found in the Wayland Greetings, Vol. 72, No. 3, March, 1989 issue.

The 1994-1995 Pillars is dedicated to Mr. Patterson and his devotion to teaching .


· Woy~onc:f Woht~fiines are ·<dHigent about-collecting Rnowledge. The opportunities that the Wolverine ta~es advanta@.e of are voried. They study English, Social· Studies, History, Mathematics, Foreign Langwages, Science, Computers, Music ond Visual Art. From the Academic Building: ·science Center, Swan Library, Chape.l and new Art Studio, Wgyland Wolverines mQve about to their classes, obsorbing and studying, participating as best they can, to g_aih the necessary skills that can carry them to their · destinations.


. WayJand,Wolverines pre tenaciousabout this ·knowJedge _ g atherihg _process. T,hey strive to suqceed. . by work1ng very hq~o, seeking advic,e from older Wolverines and spending great amounts of fime with th.eir nose:s buried 1n t:;>ooks, music and paint or clay. their endeavors ate always rewarded. The Wayland Wolverine is tn.dy d ·~edicated and clever species.

1 Kris Boucher, Dena Lohse and Sarah Lutringer searching out knowledge . 2 Shareene Linquist at the computer. 3 Nikki Hamilton with her nose in a book. 4 Alex Pfister and Neena Mahadev working on art.



1 Kris Michaels: The inner soul. 2 Jeanna Faust, Matt Spang, Abe Behinfar and Kristi Braund expertly taking a quiz. 3 Jacqui Oberg working on her art. 4 Melina Raffin getting help from Mr. Seighman.

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1 Beth Schneider. Ji Hyun Lee, and Lynn Gable have fun playing in the handbell choir. 2 The banner represents a universal sense of spirituality by incorporating other religious symbols that surrender the Christian. 3 Ansgar Mues. Brooke Conley, Kris Graff. Nathan Retzlaff, and Sarah Lutringer combine their instruments to make a lovely song. 4 Melinda Hadju and Lauren Patterson sing a lovely duet while Mrs . Winkie accompanies them.

Reaching Deep into the Earth to Plant the Seeds of Community


1 The Wayland Choir,including faculty, students and friends. enlightens us with the sounds of the season . 2 Eunice Yang plays a piece by Mozart. 3 Mrs. Chalone-Winkie, an expert on the harp, adds a special sound to the program .




'j)taye~&~ p~&e~eKt $i,..oK '~

'lieU fOOL$

DIRECTOR'S NOTES "Man-the rational animal" Aristotle's definition may stand as a statement of hope rather than of fact, but we, too, sense that the capacity for rational thought characterizes the adult human being. Childhood can be innocently charming, but as it is also powerless, few people want to be trapped there. What forces or institutions might conspire to confine intelligence? Is there such a condition as blissful ignorance? Perhaps Neil Simon was thinking of such questions when he answered the creative "What if?" with a fable about an entire village cursed with stupidity. Rather than focusing on foolishness, Simon explores its causes and cures. "Lack of intelligence," cries Leon, "is self-inflicted, caused by ... the relinguishing of your own self-esteem ... " What redeems people in the end is a pure heart, a trusting soul, faith, and courage. Can personal identity shine in a village where "Know thyself" is impossible because one cannot even open doors or sit down? Thanks to everyone who worked long and hard on the play! Afterwards, to paraphrase Leon, the absence of the play will take some getting used to! -Mr. Mark Flagg

1 A spring morning in Kulyenchikov , Ukraine. 2 The Fools after their final performance . 3 A politically correct balcony scene.


~eti~eta '~ iketite~a ~~ae~e~t~ ....

ike ~ooi~~ o/;hiti~~e ~ ike .,4cto~a '~ 'lii~kt"'ti~te The Wooing of Ariadne Marko Palomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Peterson Vasili .. ... . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. .. Mr. Schneider Ariasne Longos ... . .. . .. .... .. . . .... . Mrs. Brick Janco Langos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Lennertz Father Marias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Schneider Uncle Paul Langos . . ................ Mr. Boucher Marko as Narrator ... .... ..... . . .. .... Mr. Flagg The Actor's Nightmare George Spelvin ...... . .. . . . . . . .. ... Mr. Boucher Meg, the stage manager ..... .... ..... Ms. Keller Sarah Siddons . . . ............ . ..... .. Mrs. Brick Dame Ellen Terry .......... ...... . . Ms. Graham Henry Irving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Peterson

The Reader's Theatre performed. The Wooing of Ariadne and The Actor's Nightmare providing the Wayland Community with another stellar performance. Mr. Flagg arranged and directed the casts creating two evenings of great entertainment, The Wooing of Ariadne. written by Harry Mark Petrakis, wanted the "listeners" to "relate their own experiences and imaginations to the portrayal of other human beings and sense the linking of individual fate to 'an infinitely larger and more providential destiny."' In The Actor's Nightmare. Spelvin (Mr. Boucher) lives the horrors of all stage horrors and to the audience's delight portrays that "not knowing what's going on feeling " with great skill and humor. Kudo's to all for Great Performances!

1 The stage manager tells George that the nightmare is not yet over. 2 Marko is confessing his undying love for Ariadne to her family.



])itaecteb Olif. .,4Ci~ ... 1>a•ci•~ ~~ 'hfy Lile ~ 14e Le~~o• Dancing Is My Life Directed By: Wisam Muharib Sadiqua .. . .......... .. .. . ............ Liz Goslin Dorita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katie Hoekstra Meme ............................. Jackie Haley Andre .. ...... . ............ . ...... David Greene Arena Frankley ... . .... ... ......... . . Lynn Gable The Lesson Directed By: Patrick Mahoney Pupil ...... .. ................ . .. . Jackie Redmer Maid .. . .. . . ...... .. ............ . Beth Schneider Professor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Mahoney

1 The maid (Beth Schneider) reminds the professor (Pat Mahoney) to remain calm with his student (Jackie Redmer) . 2 The dancers (Liz Goslin. Katie Hoekstra. and Jackie Haley) , with their dreams. surround Arena (Lynn Gable) . 3 Andre (David Greene) dances to the music .


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1 Neena comes alive through her creative art. 2 Crystal House and Kelli MacKay display their sculpture. 3 Steve at the piano practicing one of many unique compositions.

1 The view is just so beautiful! 2 The Wayland Choir fill the air with music . 3 Jazz band is not any old group- they 're cool! 4 Mrs . Mosling, a Wayland Wolverine Mom. helps a student out with their mask .



1 Chris Ard and Mrs. Schneider are painting with sponges contributing a square to the Festival Community Quilt . 2 Melinda Hajdu tickles the ivory . 3 Ji Hyun Lee cuts stars for a banner. 4 Ward Tatlock draws from his still life.


Wayland Wolverines are fierce · competitors. Throughout the fait w,ir.l>feF, and spring they eflgage in a variety of sporting events. They are tough, determined and give their ()II to the team they defend. They , participate in FootbdU, rennls, Gdlt, , $occer. Basket:baU, Volleyb~IL Swimming, Sl<llng, Softball and Track. ' From the Field House, Lindsay Gym, tt'le Pool., apd the Great Owtdoors, the Wolve·rirtes stri,v e to win. They work lilard and play hard. The Wayland Wolvierine never giv~s up. It is ·not always easy for ·the Woiverine, · · coach or player, to keep going throu~h ·t hick and thin but they do ttile:ir jobs with great finesse. It is that determination that makes the : Woyl(l:nt:;t Wo~erine a winrier i'n every game pi:Glyed.

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1 Wolverine football , a Wayland tradition . 2 The Basketball team before the big game . 3 Coach Weiss in conference. 4 Fast paced skiing.


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1994 Varsity Football Row 1: Coach Reinders, Morris Mak, Eric Huss, Josh Noll, Phillip Oh, Andy Gottschalk, Tizoc Olivio, Takeshi Morimoto, Bill Luebke Row 2: Manager Jeremy McClanahan, Loron Rhue, Mike Hansen, Andy Huss, Regan Richardson, Jeremy Faust. David Greene, Lincoln Nelson, Fremont Latimer, Manager Nathan Retzlaff Row 3: Manager Tate Baumer, Ashanti Blanchard, Ansgar Mues, Adnan Mirza, Andy Nason, Cyrus Maltman, Drew Pearson, Jamal Williams, Pat Mahoney, Manager Ben Park

I consider myself fortunate to have worked with a very dedicated group of guys this fall. After several of years of coaching at the college level, I have come to admire and respect these young men at Wayland and the challenges which the faced fielding o team of only 22 players. Our seniors, Pearson, Hansen, Mahoney, and Maltman, will graduate knowing that the contributed heavily to a football campaign in which our club was very competitive every week. They set o fine example to our younger players and began what will now be a new and improved brand of Wolverine football. -Coach Reinders

1 Pat Mahoney, Jeremy McClanahan, Morris Mak. and Jamal Williams Notch the action on the field . 2 Coach Reinders gives the orders as the ¡eam intently listens. 3 A classic football picture with a c lassic football )Ose . 4 The spirit of the football team is person ified in Lincoln Nelson. \ndy Nason. and David Greene.


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Row 1: Ms. Alpaugh, Atsuko Ichikawa, Alex Schwertfeger, Johnnie Williamson, Takako Kamachi, Masami Yamazaki, Rachel Borho, Yoko Shimada, Ms. Graham Row 2: Meredith Coulson, Beth Schneider, Erinn Mahoney, Kris Boucher, Jackie Redmer, Nikki Brown, Katie Nemacheck, Katie Humlecker, Noriko Ishihara


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The Field Hockey Team is always a pleasure to work with. The girls are tenacious and always ready to compete. This year's team battled with valor and I was proud. I will miss those who are movig on; Brenda, Jackie, Meredith, Yoko, and Alex - best wishes. We'll get them next year! - Coach Alpaugh

2 Alex Schwertfeger, Yoko Shimada, and Jackie Redmer pose for their last field hockey picture.

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1 Katie Nemacheck, waiting for the bus . 2 Katie Humlecker shows us her field hockey talents. 3 Rachel Borho and Erinn Mahoney relaxing, on the bench .

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Back Row (L-R) Yongho Park, Peter Sander, Chang Won Hong, Tony Trapp, Cody Carson, Chris Roberson-Johnson, Nathan Yehle, Matt Eggert, Manager Brandon Grieve. Middle Row (L-R) Chris Brudzinski, Ben Karch, Day Pinyosunun, Brett Boling, Bertram Ahrend, Alex Kim, Steve Bae, Jon Ciesla. Front Row (L-R) Head Coach Gregory Spanier, Jesse Raymond, Aaron Darling, Jason Peterson, Christian Eicholz, Hikaru Matsuyama, Shannon Mandeldove, Armando Robledo, Woo Jin Kim, Asst. Coach Paul Mcinerney.

"Mom en t s of inspira tion sparkled in a season of com­ mit ted and sp orting play." Grego r y Sp anie r, Head Coach JV Soccer.

(L-R) Tetsuya Kubota, Yoshi Matsuda, Stephen Saxon, and Josh Dalley of the Varsity Soccer team just chillin' on the bench.


1994 Varsity Volleyball Back Row (L-R): Lynn Gable, Dena Lohse , Manager Ben Perlstien, Liz Goslin , Masayo Takei Front Row (L - R) : Coach Foster, Melina Raffin, Kim Porubcan , Jacqui Oberg , Jennifer Mathias, Coach Adams

1994 J.V. Volleyball Back Row (L-R): Coach Klitzke , Lindsay Mitchen, Kristi Braund, Nicole Pearson, Kelli MacKay Front Row (L-R): Heidi Eisenrich, Susie Morrison, Lia Sch illinger, Brie Fields, Danielle Lange



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1 Varsity Volleyball all work and no play! 2 Crystal House. Adriana Pujals. Kim Porubcan. Melina Raffin, and Jennifer Mathias stop to smile before they go out to win the game. 3 The JV team puts their hands in during a time-out.

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Having lost several key seniors from last year's team, the Wayland Varsity Volleyball team knew that the season ahead was for rebuilding and establishing players for next year. However, the team had other ideas, as they played solid consistent volleyball throughout the season. Although the win/loss record was not as good as last year, 1994 saw the continued good play of Lynn Gable and Jacqui Oberg and the emergence on some future stars in Masayo Takei, Suzi Lamping, Dena Lohse, and Jennifer Mathias. Jacqui Oberg was outstanding at the net, leading the MCC statistics in blocking which earned her all conference honors. Lynn Gable displayed the form which has made her an integral part of the Wolverine program for the last four years and we will miss her greatly. Generally the season gave us great foundation and with the caliber of players such as Lohse, Mathias, Lamping, Goslin, and Takei returning the Wolverine Volleyball program looks promising.- Coach Foster "This year the J.V. Volleyball team was filled with athletes who truly loved to play. They were enthusiastic and it was a fun season working with them all"Coach Klitzke

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Bottom left: Hyun Ho Joh, Brian Starker, Dong Jun Lee, Mark Triller, Larry Baszynski, Aaron Westra, Nico Daniels, Ben Vanatta, Anthony Zanoni, Seung-Jin Lee, Daniel Chung, Jeremy Storz, Raul Ramirez, Ji-Hun Park, and Mr. Borrud 2 Hyun Ho Joh, Woo-Jin Kim, and Dong Jun Lee at the club. 3 Fore!


1 The Team! Dongjun Lee , Mark Triller, Woojin Kim , and Hyun Ho Joh . 2 Dongjun Lee gets ready to take his swing . 3 Mark Triller wonders "Where did that golf ball go?!"

Even with only one return winner, 1994 Wolverines Golf Team came together to have an enjoyable and competitive season. I was very pleased with Mark Triller earning all-conference honors at the Midwest Classic Conference. This team gained its character not so much from winning but from learning from its mistakes. -Coach Borrud.



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Back Row (L-R) Asra Ali. Sarah Lutringer, Lauren Petterson, Kate Newton, Allison Hebl, Rima Khreish, Coach Elias Khreish . Front Row (L-R) Payal Jhaveri, Patricia Duez, Yvonne Westermann, Nadia Samadini. Tina Schirmang, Brooke Conley, Meredith Coulson.

"We started the season with a win and we ended the season with a win. Who cares what happened in between, the tennis team had fun and a great experience!"- Elias Khreish "This team was a lot of fun to work with and I'm proud of what they've accomplished. The girls practiced effectively as we worked to improve all aspects of the game. We faced a lot of strong competition this season and we competed very well." - Rick Soens

Back Row (L-R) Coach Rick Soens. Chiaki Yamamoto, Penelope Hommel. Saira Khan. Sarah Lutringer, Naoko Ishibashi. Manager Kyle Jordan . Front Row (L-R) Neena Mahadev, Danielle Jones, Ruth Bruckermann, Anne Kohler, Shareene Lindquist.

From opposite page: 1 Dr. Ellis congratulates No.1 and No.2. This page : (L-R) 2 Action! Ruth dives for the ball! 3 Payal says, "What? Run after a ball? Are you crazy?"


Back Row (L-R) Coach John Weiss, Tetsuya Kubota, David Greene, Josh Dolley, Lincoln Nelson, Aaron Westra, Michael Hong, Bill Luebke. Front Row (L-R) Vijay Sankaran, Jesse Raymond, Stephen Saxon , Mark Triller, Yuta Kanzaki, Michael Hansen . Not pictured : Andrew Pearson .

I believe that we made the next step this year. We are far from where we want to be, but we realized that we can be competitive. It will be a real challenge for next year's group to take the next step. I look forward to see if they can . - Coach Weiss 1 Coach Weiss delivers a small pep talk during the time-out. 2 Watch that ball - what will happen next?


Back Row (L-R) Coach Reinders, Chang Won Hong. Dong Jun Lee, Adnan Mirza. Front Row (L-R) Shannon Mandeldove , Matt Spang, Andy Mulder, Eric Huss, Morris Mak. Not Pictured: Jason Peterson .

The junior varsity began the season with many doubts. wondering what type of team they would become . With many new faces and no clear season objectives, they lost four of their six games and just were not playing well. However, when the guys returned from the December break rested , they were ready to compete . A new offensive game plan was in and the team turned their season around. Every member of the junior varsity played and scored during the course of the season . - Coach Reinders 1 What? Steal the ball? Okay! 2 J-U-M-P JUMP-JUMP TO VICTORY!!


1 Back row : Coach Klitzke. Ruth Bruckerman. Nikki Hamilton. Allison Hebl, Beth Grabowski, Nicci Pearson, Lynn Gable, Coach Schantz. Front Rrow: Alex Schwertfeger, Masayo Takei, Shareene Lindquist, Kim Porubcan, SarahOliver Thompson, Dena Lohse. Meredith Coulson. 2 Team!

Once upon a time there was a girls' basketball team called the Wolverines. In their first several games of the 1994-95 season. The Wolverines tried very hard, but they came up short. Then they lost a game against some Wildcats from University School of Milwaukee that taught them an important lesson. The Wolverines had built up a lead in the first half. but then they grew a little self-satisfied and stopped playing hard . They ended up losing the game. In early losses. the Wolverines knew they had worked hard, and so the losses did not feel all that bad. But this one hurt. A few games later the Wolverines found themselves ahead of the University Lake School Lakers at halftime. Their coach/English teacher, told them that this time they could not afford to be complacent. As he looked in their eyes, it was clear that the seniors, Merideth Coulson, Lynn Gable, and Alex Schwertfeger. who were all in is AP English class, knew exactly what he meant . The younger players such as Allison Hebl, Dena Lohse. Nicole Pearson, and Kim Porubcan asked what the word "complacent" meant. and once the seniors explained the concept it was clear that the players were determined to keep trying very hard through the rest of the game. So, in the second half the team members kept telling themselves: "No complacency! No complacency." They broke huddle at the end of the third quarter holding on to a slim lead shouting "No coplacency! No complacency!" The Wolverines went on the win their game against the Lakers, and in doing so gave themselves a cheer that they used for the rest of the season: "No complacency! " The Wolverines did not go on to win the rest of their games and then capture the state championship by hitting a buzzer beater in overtime against the much larger girls from Beloit Catholic.


In fact. they only won one more game. a hard fought win against Milwaukee Messmer High School. But, they were in a lot of games, and played some very good teams tough . This team was marked by its hard work and positive attitude. When they left the fieldhouse or got on the bus after a game, they could hold their heads up. The coach will always think of this group as a great team to work with because they played with "No complacency." - Coach Schantz

1 Back row: Coach Klitzke, Katie Nemacheck, Jill Fakes, ltzel Benitez, Mila Cobral. Moren Stoltz, Jeanna Faust, Suzi Lamping, Danwei Guo. Front row: Beth Schneider, Liz Goslin , Doni Jones, Shareene Lindquist, May Pinyosunun, Heather Paulus .

2 Heather Paulus shoots a free throw, while team members are ready to rebound . 3 Ms Klitzke gives a "coach talk" .

The girls' J.V . basketball made great improvements this year, in its second year of existance . The players were enthusiastic and very optimistic . Their willingness to learn and their tenacity were the ingredients for a fun and successful season . As a young team these superb, defensive players have a great future to look forward to at Wayland . -Coach Klitzke


1 Back Row (L-R) : Coach Shepherd, Mike Moore, Coach Arneson, Albert Taylor, Coach Winekie. Middle Row (L-R) : Bertram Ahrend, Takaka Kamachi, Nadia Samadani, Sarah Lutringer, Kyle Jordan. Front Row (LR): Trish Duez, Brett Boling, Kristene Boucher, Tizoc Olivo, Nikki Brown . 2 Albert Taylor shows off his sportish swim wear. 3 Tizoc Olivo gets ready for the start of his race.

The 94/95 swim season was a successful season, not in view of wins or losses, but in the area of personal improvement. All athletes worked hard and bettered their times and strokes. I was very happy with the efforts of all the young athletes and how well they progressed as a team. Wayland will only graduate one senior this year. With the number of underclass athletes returning, Wayland should have a good season next year.- Varsity Head Coach Arneson


1 Back Row (L-R): Coach Shepherd, Coach Arneson, Coach Winekie. Middle Row (L-R): Kyle Jordan, Eunice Yang, Kristene Boucher, Jenny Mathias, Soni Parekh, Jin Hee Park, Nate Yehle. Front Row (L­ R): Brooke Conley, Masami Yamazaki, Armando Robledo, Sara Knaack, Trish Duez.

2 Kyle Jordan takes a break in between races. 3 Brooke Conley asks Stephanie Arndt "How does this thing work?"



2 I Yoshi Matsuda shows us his skiing ability . 2 Kris Graff aces through the course . 3 Brian Pritts strikes a pose.


Cheerleading and pom-pons were a joy to work with this year. There was a lot of trial and error, but things came together in the end. Many parents and faculty commented on the difference the girls made in the spirit, attitude, and flow of the games . I'm proud of these young ladies for learning to work out differences. 1 purposefully did not intervene many times in the heart of confict. It is a process and a skill that they will find useful in life. I know several girls would've liked to have thrown in the towel, but in a crunch, they all came through for themselves as well as the team. Even though each of the girls possessed a different level of skill, I honestly believe that each gave what they could in the way of energy, creativity, and spirit. I share in the pride of the school in having these 20 young ladies representing Wayland. - Ms. Hoy


Back Row: 1 Ms. Hoy, Lenny Carroll, Jackie Haley, Faydre Paulus, Katie Hoekstra, Peggy Mark, Melanie Stevenson, Johnnie Wiliamson, Middle Row: Jessica Stein, Heidi Eisenreich, Susie Morrison, Jean Sayre, Kelly MacKay, Rachel Borho, Brie Fields, Front Row: Stacy Ginsberg, Lindsay Mitchen, Lia Schilinger, Jenny Carroll, Danielle Lange, Naoko Ishibashi 2 Lia Schillinger gives Jackie Haley a little hug before a big game. 3 The Wolverine Cheerleaders share their spirit.

1 Drew Pearson wide open for the pass. 2 Lincoln Nelson . Jeremy Faust. Andy Huss, and Regan Richardson have a group hug after the game. 3 Melanie Stevenson , Naoko Ishibashi, Jackie Haley. and Johnnie Williamson in formation . 4 Lia Schillinger. Kim Porubcan. and Jennifer Mathias are ready to play volleyball. 5 We scored!!


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Wovland Wolverines orE;) .involved witn the,ir environment. 'l n,roles of Jeadership,'service, -a nd recreGltion Jney participate with dignity and responsibility. They try hard to,make a ,d ifference. And the W,o~ver:1ne · contributions are apparent. The .wayland _W.olverine manages it's time effectively and effi(~ientJy. Between collecting knowledge and ' it's $porting activit4es, rnany Wolverines p£ilrticlpate in a vaFiety of organizat-ions and events. This ' provides ttle Wolverine with a sense community.

1 Student Council at Roundy Hall. 2 Stacy Ginsberg and Katie Foster . . . 3 Wolverines are diverse! 4 Working on the Chapel banner.


1 Prefects for 1994-1995 include: Lynn Gable, Jackie Redmer, Dan Chung, 11-Chan Hong, Meredith Coulson, Patrick Mahoney, Yoko Shimada, Steve Saxon, and Alex Schwertfeger.

2 Proctors include: Albert Taylor, Jeremy Storz, Liz Goslin, Dong Jun Lee, Kyle Jordan, lman Aswad, Kate Newton, Jessica DeShaw, Clint Mosling, Kris Micheals, Kris Graff, Soni Parekh, Katie Humleker, Payal Jhaveri, Ashanti Blanchard, Anthony Zanoni, Melina Raffin, Seung-Jin Lee, Kyle Henderson, Mike Moore, Erinn Mahoney, Nikki Brown, Ji Hyun Lee, Yoko Shimada, Jackie Redmer, Meredith Coulson, Dave Faber, Jeff Liebert, Chang Won Hong, Vijay Sankaran, Pen Hommel, Shareene Lindquist, Aimee Erickson, Olivia Mak, Sarah Oliver-Thompson, Christina Pomponio.


1 Jackie Redmer, Pen Hommel, Alex Schwertfeger, Payal Jhaveri, Cyrus Maltman, Patrick Mahoney, Soni Parekh, Lynn Gable, Kyle Jordan, Lenny Carroll, Kristene Boucher, Jeremy Storz, and Ms. Alpaugh, faculty advisor. 2 Jackie Redmer, Kris Boucher and Lenny Carroll, take a bow.

3 Meredith C oulson, Alex Schwertfeger, Lynn Gable, Asra Ali and Ms. Alpaugh, faculty advisor.

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The 1994- 1995 Yearbook Staff has been a pleasure to work with. We were a small group but dedicated and effective - We all worked well together even at 8:00a.m . or after a long day! For the staff's first book and my second,it was a colosssal job completed with creativity and professionalism! Thank you everybody on the staff . .. you are great and apppreciated. To seniors, Kyle Jordan and Payal Jhaveri, we will miss you ... To all those who shared ideas, photographs, writing, THANK YOU! The Yearbook is truly a community effort. Mrs. Maitzen- Pillars Advisor Staff Tina Schirmang , Kim Porubcan, Payal Jhaveri, Kyle Jordan, Erinn Mahoney, Melanie Stevenson, Suzi Lamping, Liz Goslin and Mrs. Maitzen

1 Second semester staff. taking a break for the yearbook! 2 Erinn Mahoney and Suzi Lamping hard at work . 3 First semester staff on moving day.


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Staff Clint Mosling, Brandon Grieve , Chris Brudzinski, Larry Baszynski, Katie Humleker, Pat Mahoney, Keith Leung, Kyle Jordan and Mrs. Brick

1 Katie Humleker looks on as Pat Mahoney works with the computer. 2 The Campus Chronicle 's new look . 3 Wayland 's favorite journalists.


Wayland Wolverines can participate in a variety of after-school activities like Games, Newspaper, Weight Lifting, Literary Magazine, Wayland Art Project, Aerobics, TaeKwonDo, Dance and College Planning .


1 Katie Humleker testing her vision . 2 Mr. Pete thinking about Colorado. 3 Liz Goslin, Neena Mahadev, ltzel Benitez, Jean Sayre, Suzi Lamping , Trish Duez and Pen Hommel do the locomotion! 4 Katie Foster and Rima Khreish take a break from aerobics .


1 If you don't want to party, then you should go home! 2 Trish Duez and Patrick Mahoney strike a pose! 3 Anne Kohler and B.J. Greene having a friendly chat.


1 Can we get down or what? 2 Lizzy and Armando are all smiles! 3 Neena Mahadev and Brandon Grieve getting crazy! 4 Deana Lohse and David Faber stress their comical sides! 5 Melanie Stevenson and Johnnie Williamson are just a tad bit excited about Snowball!


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The Wayland Wolverines engage themselves in a plethera of activities. It's a time to get caught up on sleep, studies, and have a lot of fun, be it on campus or off . Wayland Wolverines look forward to Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

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1 Hangin' with the boys; Thomas Tamayo, Yuta Kanzaki, Regan Richardson, and Vijay Sankaran. 2 Jennifer Mathias, Pen HommeL and Kyle Jordan enjoy the scenery.


1 Mike Moore and Brandon Grieve talking the talk in Ella Dye. 2 Brooke Conley and Christian Eichholz listening to Melinda Hajdu sing and play during a Weekend Getaway to Lake Michigan . 3 Is that a boarding student in the day student lounge? 4 Katie Hoekstra caught off guard in Warren Cottage. 5 Chiaki Yamamoto, May Pinyosunun, and Masayo Takei enjoying the outdoors .


;Jt.ylt.Kb ;JoluettiKe~ Involved with all sort of activities ... They study, play, socialize, prepare for the coming week and be themselves .. .

Katie Nemacheck, studying on Saturday?


1 Cyrus Maltman is hanging out in his room. 2 Friends enjoying the good things in life , JUNK FOOD! 3 Jacqui Oberg stuffs everything in her closet to pass room inspection. 4 Trish Duez, Alex Pfister, and Ms. Alpaugh having fun cheering for the Wolverine team! 5 Boo! Melinda Hajdu is floating around!


1 Jackie Redmer, proctor, on the job at Warren Cottage . 2 A fine looking group awaits the beginning of Lessons and Carols. 3 Chuck Scoville in a contemplative mood. 4 Snow Angel created by Erinn Mahoney. 5 Kyle Jordan and Pen Hommel welcome Lenny Carroll to the ranks of Thespian.




... 54 Lamb, Cathy ............... Lamping, Suzanne 36,48,91,101,103, 104,107,111,120

Lange,Danielle ............... 41,42,82 44 Larsen, Mark ................. Latimer, Charles ..... 41,47,62,75,76,120 Lee,Dong Jun .. . ... 2,34,85,89,100 Lee.Ji Hyun ..... 23,29,73,84,99,100,106 Lee, Seung-Jin . . ...... ....... 34,100 Lennertz, Joseph .................. 50,68 Leung, Ka Kuen ................ . . 34,105 Levenhagen,Doug .................. 55 Leystra, Chuck ..... . . ....... 55 Liebert, Jeffrey ............... 36,80,100 Lindquist, Shareene .. 13, 34,58,74,87,90,

Scoville, Chuck ..... 13,26,28,80,94,117 Seighman, Eli ......... 50,63 Oberg, Jacquelyn 24,26,28,63,82,83, Shafer, James ........ . ........... 37,80 113 Shebesta, Lynn ... . 50 Oh,Dong ll .................. 17,42,76 Shepherd, Rebecca .. . . .. . ..... 52,92,93 Oliver-Thompson, Sarah 33,34,74,90,100 Shimada, Yoko .. 10,26. 29,47,71,78,100, Olivo, Tizoc ............... 42,76,92,101 106 Omen, John ................... 55 Smith, Heather ...... , . ......... . .... 35 Orlowski, Susan ................... 54 Smith, Kristi ............ 10,16,35,94 Osheim, William ............. . 53 Soens, Rick ......... , ......... 52,86,87 Spang, Matthew ..... , ...... 43. 63,80,89 Spanier, Gregory ............... 5,52,81 Starker, Brian . . ....... ......... 37 Palm,Doug ... ...... . . 50 Storz, Jeremy ... 17,37,61, 84. 94,100,120 Parekh, Sonali ... 4,24,30,93, 100, 102, 116 Stein, Jessica .. .......... 44,96 Park, Benjamin .............. 7,42,62,76 Stevenson, Melanie 11,37,49,96,97,103, 104,109

Park, Ji-Hun ...................... 42, 94 Stoltz, Maren 4,37,91,120 Park, Jin Hee ............... 44,71,93 Suh, Yoon Hee .......... 27,45 Park, Yongho .................... 25,81 Sutton, Betty ... . .................... 54 Patterson, John ............ . ...... 52,84 Swortwood, Hilary .............. 35 Patterson, Lauren .... 2,34,45,71,86 2,42,43,66,96,120 Paulus, Faydre .. Paulus, Heather 2,42,47,66,91 .. 25,72,76,97 Tabb, Patricia ... Pearson, Andrew ................ 55 Ma, Gi Young ..... . ......... 41,106 Pearson, Nicole ........ .. 37,39,82,90 Takei, Masaya .... 37,41,71,74,82,83,90, Mackay, Kelli 36,70,72,82,96 Peck, Lisa ....................... 52,72 111 Mahadev, Neena . 34,47,59,70,72,87,94, Perlstein, Benjamin ..... 8,25,62,82,83,94 Tamayo, Thomas .......... 35,94, 80,103 107, 109,120 Peterson, Jason ............... 42,81,89 Tatlock, William ............ 27,30,45. 73 Mahoney, Erinn ... 11,34,66,78,79,94,99, Peterson, Jennifer ................. 53,80 Taylor, Albert .......... 10,37,75,92,100 100, 104, 117 ............. . 53 Peterson, Russell .... 49,52,54,68,80,107 Thompson, Jody Mahoney, Patrick . 23,28,66,69,75,76,77, Pfister, Alexandra 34,59,94, 103,113,120 ............ 43,81 Trapp, Anthony 100,102,105, 108 Pinyosunun,Day ................. 42,81 Triller, Mark ................. 8,35,85, 88 Maitzen, Gwendolynn ......... 45,52,104 Pinyosunun,May ............. 41,91,111 Mak, Morris ..... . ...... 37,76,77,89 Pomponio, Christina ........... 25,84,100 Mak, Olivia ........... 23,100 Porubcan, Kimberly ... 6,11,33,34,61,74, Vanatta, Ben .... Maltman, Cyrus .... 23,71,73,76,102,113 ........ 35 82,83,90,97,99,101,103,104 Mandeldove, Shannon 7,40,41,81,89, Pozo, Alejandro ................. 51,52 35 VanHaren, Roger 109 Pritts, Brian .... ......... 9,25,28,94,95 Mark, Peggy ............. . ....... 44,96 Pujals, Adriana ... . ..... . .. 35, 103 Marsh, Carol .. .... . ............ 55 Walter,Dee ....... . ........ 52 Mathias, Jennifer 6, 37,66,82,83,93,97, Ward, Mark .................. 55 120 Matsuda, Yoshifumi 7,23,28,80,81,94,95 Raffin, Melina ....... 35,45,63,82,83,100 Watabe, Miyuki . ............. .... 41,43 Matsuyama, Hikaru ............... 41,81 Ramirez, Raul ................. 42,43,94 Weiss, John .................. . ... 53,88 McClanahan, Jeremy . 34,48,61,76,77,84 Raymond, Jesse ......... 42,81,88 Westermann, Yvonne ... 10,32,35,86,94 Mcinerney, Paul .............. 52,81,120 Redmer, Jacqueline .... 25, 29,69,78,100, Westphal, Ahti ...................... 44 Westra, Aaron ..... .... 8,35,61,84. 88 102,117 Michaels, Kristen ..... 3,34,63,80,94,100 ............. 50 Mikkelsen, Tom ...... Reinders, Tony ............. 52. 76, 77,89 Wheeler, Gloria 34,111,120 ....... . .... 35 Retzlaff, Nathan ......... .... 42,76 Wibisono, Roy ... MIiier, Carol ......... ..... 53 ... 76,77 Mirza, Adnan ........ 41,75,76,89,101 Rhue, Loron ...................... 42,76 Williams, Jamal ..... 42,43,49,78,96,97, Mitchen, Lindsay ...... .... 41,82,96 Richardson, Regan ..... 32,35,76,97,101 Williamson, Johnnie 103, 109 Monroe, Linda .. ... . ........... 53 Rickey, Kierstan ..................... 35 ............... 92. 93 37. 40,43, Winekie, Lynn Moore, Michael .... 23. 29,30,92,99,100, Roberson-Johnson, Christopher Winier, Jeanie .... . . . ................ 54 106,111,116 62,81 6,43,81,93,101,109 Morimoto, Takeshi .............. 4,34,76 Robledo, Armando Morrison, Suzanne .... 41,42,47,62,82,96 Mosling, Clint ......... 24,26,45,100, 105 Yamamoto, Chiaki 5,35,87. 94,111 Moungey,Diane ............. 54 Yamazaki, Masami ............. 37,78,93 Samadani, Ayaz . . . .......... 54 Mues, Ansgar ............... . . 34,76,94 ......... 37,65,93,103 37,86,92,101,103 Yang, Eunice .. Muharib, Wisam ... , ... 10,24,69,103,116 Samadani, Nadia Yarock, Del .............. . ....... 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Sander, Peter Mulder, Andrew ........... 37,80,89,103 Yehle, Nathan ........... 7,43,81,93 Myers, Ryan ... .. . .... 44,94 Sankaran, Vijay . 35,61,80,84,88,100,120 Sasdowski, Lori ...................... 55 Saxon, Stephen 5,26,30,70,72,80,81, 88,100,103,109,116 Zanoni, Anthony 37,39,100,103 Nakagawa, Tadaaki ....... 34,80 Sayre, Jean ................. 43,96,107 Zeigler, Christina 27,87,101, 103 Schantz, Robert .................. 52,90 Nason.Andy ...... ... 2,34,71,76,77 Neitzel, Kim ......................... 44 Schillinger, Lia ........ 3,37, 39,82,96,97 Nelson, Lincoln ... 10,34,66,76,77,88,97, Schirmang, Tina ........ 11,35,86,99,104 Schneider, Elizabeth 13,35, 69,72,78, 91, 101 103 37,78,79,91,112 Nemacheck, Katie Schneider, Michael .............. . 52,68 Newton, Kathryn ... 4,24,28,86,100 Noll, Joshua ................. 41,76,101 Schwertfeger, Alexandra .... 26,30,78,90, 91, 100,101,103 Lohse,Dena .... 12,36,59,82,83,90,101, 103,109 Luebke, Bill ............ 53,76,88 Lutringer, Sarah .. .. 36,59,86,87,92


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Finally - It's been said before but it's still all true, Wayland Wolverines are a wild bunch; diverse, creative, active and full of the richness of life A great year . .. 1994-1995.

1 Jennifer Mathias and Lynn Gable friends . 2 Mr. Mac into his Math! 3 Halloween! 4 Neena Mahadev, Alex Pfister, Nikki Brown, and Jeremy Storz enjoy the fresh air and Wolverine sports .




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