f Contents
of Wayland ........... 16
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Warming to Wayland
1. Registration line signals the beginning of academics at Wayland. For Wayland families, Mr. Foster explains the student activities and sports rounding out the total program. 2. Andy and Eric Huss at registration anticipating the new school year.
Registration and moving in are the times when you really understand what it's like to grow up. You're slapped in the face with a ton of responsibility, things you never thought you would have to do until you slowly progressed into that stage that everyone calls adulthood. But all in all, you realize that moving into a dorm with 70 other students and a roommate who is your exact opposite, can't really be all that bad. If you really think about it, most of us have done this or will do for the entire four years that we spend at this glorious place we call Wayland Academy. Wayland Academy does take a bit of time getting accustomed to; the work, the play, the food, the rules and being away from where one comes from .... where ever that may be; North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, or the Middle East. The student body of Wayland is a Global Community that warms to one another forming friendships that lasts for a lifetime. The journey begins .... Introduction
>illars XII
GLOBAL WARMING international community universal diversity worldly
relationships friendships fellowship respect unity
Wayland Academy 101 North University Beaver Dam, WI 53916 414.885.3373
1. Eri Ogasawara and Miho Ozeki welcoming everyone to Warren cottage. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman are you gonna make it through this alive? 3. Tara Leystra, Sara Knaack, Kristin Badowski are all smiles outside of the dining hall. The warm up process begins!
Orientation Orientation is the act or process of orienting or of being oriented . Wayland Academy's orientation is a time when students come from every direction of the world and join together in small groups to learn to work together. Some people think orientation is fun, challenging, and even scary at some times. It is a time to get to meet other students, make new friends and feel a part of the community working together, getting through obstacles, such as "The Wall", laughing and having a lot of fun. Orientation helps ease students into the academic year by building unity.
1. Rachel Mulder, Helen Sullivan, and Mr. Neuberger all do the chicken dance. 2. Luke Tomberlin shows Youmi Kim how to get down and square dance. 3. Initiative workers, Chris Ard and Ben Warren work hard at their job. 4. Everyone watches Matt Wright while he attempts to go across the Fidget Ladder.
1. Pete Prunuske goes off in his own world dancing to the beat. 2. Stay steady Ashley Rideaux. 3. Beth Schneider spots Amy Kuenzi while she tries to get across the tight rope.
Leadership Weekend _ _ Leadership weekend is a time for fellow classmates to participate in a wide variety of new activities and new adventures. This year a different approach to the weekend was tried, each class went together to discover themselves individually and as a group. Each of the four groups left for their destinations with great anticipation and came back with a new sense of unity. Rock climbing, canoeing, rope courses, sailing, and hiking were just a few of the challenges. There were opportunities to achieve and learn more about oneself as well as each other. The weekend was a great success! 2.
1. Ahti Westphal and Dominic Ferraro grasp hands to support and balance each other on a low ropes course. Ropes courses challenge one's courage, determination and problem solving skills as an individual and as a group. Trust and the willlingness to work together are the focus of these activities. 2. Molly Swain and Alicia Kelly stop for a smile in front of Lake Michigan. 3. The sophomore class.
1. A group of Sophomores take a break after a long hike around the lake. 2. Shannon Mandeldove enjoys a few minutes to reflect about his weekend. 3. Lizzy Boucher and Rachel Mulder came prepared for their weekend of fun . It was truly a wonderful weekend with picture perfect weather and warmth that went beyond the sun's autumn glory.
The Juniors camped at Upham Woods and spent days at Devil's Lake, where they canoed, rock climbed, and hiked. The Seniors went to a camp in Manito-wish, where they participated in activities that taught them leadership qualities on a low ropes course and a high ropes course. The weekend helped create a sense of fellowship and an opportunity to learn important lessons beyond the classroom.
1. Senior prefects ca ll for a group hug. 2. Nadia Samadani caught in the act of having fun! 3. Andy Mulder says, " Pl ease don't let me fall! " 4. On a co ld Su nday morning juniors stay warm . S. Nikki Brown is Tarzan: Aaah! Are we hav ing fun yet? 6. Chan Won Hong, Woo jin Kim , Dong jun Lee, Mindy White, Saira Khan, and jin-H eePark toodle around th e lake in the North Woods. 7. Beth Schneider ca ught in the act of sm iling as well!
1. Enter ... the king and queen! Andy Huss & Victoria Dim itrov. 2. Maggie johnson, Thomas Tamayo, and Kris Michaels clash with a vengence. 3. Suzi 'the Smurf' Lamping and her consort, Matt Spang. 4. Eight lovely ladies and a .. . WOLVERINE? 5. The senior class championship tug-of-war team!
Spirit Week Class Spirit A Change of Pace Color Clash Jeans Day Celebrity Day Red & White Day School Spirit
As a part of the Spirit Week competitions, each class is given the materials to make a mural. This is often where class themes are born and flourish throughout the year. The freshmen declared their independence with "Don't Step on the Fresh Fish." The Sophomore class shot for the sky with their class rocket. The juniors found themselves in a sticky situation with Winnie the Pooh, and the seniors headed off into the unknown "Where the Sidewalk Ends ... " All of the murals look great and set a new standard for years to come. The murals found a home in Swan Library.
1. Are you ready for this? Homecoming Court '95: jackie Haley and judd Greif; Lizzy Boucher and Lee Nason; Dominic Ferraro and Heather Paulus; Victoria Dimitrov and Andy Huss. 2. The freshmen put their best foot forward. 3. R.C. House and Kate Bourquin bond at the pep rally. 4. The class of '98 present their mural. 5. The juniors ... in a sticky situation. 6. The pride of the senior class- don' t fall!
SPIRIT WEEK is a time for the freshman, sophomore, junior, and
senior classes to pull together and show their enthusiasm. They compete for the honor of being top class and to prove their prowess. Every day there was a different competition; Monday was class colors day, Tuesday was clash day, Wednesday jeans day, Thursday celebrity /seventies day, and Friday, red and white day. For every person who participated, the classes got points. During the evenings, there was volleyball and tug-of-war. Friday evening was the Pep Rally, where class cheers, murals, and rocks were added to the scores. The Junior and Senior classes were tied at the end of the judging, and had to have a tug-of-war as a tie breaker. In the end the junior class won the prize, a week out of dress code. Well worth the effort for hassle free dressing! All in all, it was a very successful spirit week for everyone! Introductions
The Global Community
1. Youmi Kim and Heather Paulus are friends from across the miles 2. Eri Ogasawara and Miho Ozeki enjoy the last of the autumn days. 3. Chang Won Hong, Dong jun Lee, jae Min j o and Hee Seck Yoon wait to cl imb the tree. 4. Victoria Dimitrov and M ay Pinyosunun relax in front of Health Center before leadership weekend.
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Wayland Academy enjoys a special advantage as an educational institution. It is a diverse and global community; fifteen countries and ten states are represented by the students. The flags of the countries are shown in aphabetical order: Cananda, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mali, Poland, Saudta Arabta, Spatn, I hat land, Venezuela and the--.-0..-n-,t..--e-a..----States of America.
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Row 1: Ming Kaewvicheara, Samir Badani, Joo Han Kim, Chang Won Hong, Dong- jun Lee, ]in- Hee Park, Youmi Kim, Eunice Yang and Mrs. Wakeford. Row 2: Ashley Rideaux, Freeman Tang, Roy Wibisono, Tadaaki Nakagawa, Daniel Martinez, Thomas Tamayo, Katharina Precht, Helen Sullivan, Edda Happ, Victoria Dimitrov, Masayo Takei, May Pinyosunun, Eri Ogasawara, Atsuko Ichikawa, Chiaki Yamamoto, Woo ]in Kim and Masami Yamazaki. Row 3: Melina Raffin, Krisztina Precht, Hans-jorg Schulz, jae Min Jo, Seung-Jun Go, Wojciech Wieckowski and Hyun Ho Jo. Row 4: Tetsuya Kubota, Daisuke Sato, Jonathan Balzer, Yoshinao Kusayama, Marc Lores, Yuta Kanzaki and Yasuo Akashi.
1. Danielle jones 2. Pete Prunuske 3. Kim Porubcan, Sarah Oliver-Thompson and Shannon Mandeldove 4. Samir Badani 5. Amy Kuenzi, Helen Sullivan, Rachel Mulder, and Kristene Boucher 6. Kevin Kuluvar, Kelly MacKay, Kejuan Hayes, Liz Goslin. 7. Eunice Yang.
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Yasuo Akashi Thank you to all my friends that I had a lot of fun with - like " Happy Hour." Stay cool, guys!! And also thank you to all those who supported me since I came here. Finally, I've realized how much I need my parents. Mom and Dad- Thank you for everything you've done for me, I would never have had all the opportunities without you .
Chris Ard " Each emotion fills an empty hole, And the holes line the surface that can't let go. Temples of faith spawned by underlying needs, Retreat like cowardice amateur seas. And the silence brought forth resembles my life."
Larry Baszynski My experience here at Wayland has been eminent. I've turned my life around for the better and now I have a promising future to look forward to. I want to thank my parents for believing in me and giving me support to make my past two years here at Wayland successful. My hat goes off to the staff and it will be sad to leave. Wayland has turned me in the right direction now it is my job to strive for success in life.
Asra Ali To all my friends, thanks for the memories. Asmita, I couldn't have made it without you. I LOVE YOU! Bethalita, I haven't seen you in so long. Thanks for everything. If nothing else we" II always have D.I.D .S. DL, I' m sending you a B. Fuzzy. KH, never forget steering into trees on action weekend. To the freshman cult and new member, despite everything we always had fun . Nads, S and A tennis center. C2, #1 and #2 lists and talks before German. S. Dena, SL, MC, HW, NM, SK, Freak, and all the rest, it's been fun . Bu-Bye "If you'd like to find out what's behind these cold eyes? You'll just have to claw your way through the Disguise"- Pink Floyd
Samir Badani Finally, I am about to end my school career and enter college. I have been waiting for this for the last couple of years. I'd like to thank all the faculty members and the students who helped me out in this new environment. Good luck to all Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen.
Tate Baumer First, I'd like to thank my parents for spending the money for me to go to Wayland. Especially my mom, who moved when I was a junior so I could be a day student. My Dad was an important part of my high school years in my auto racing. I was lucky enough to win a feature race while in high school. Thanks, jeremy, for being a great friend . I' m thankful for the time I've had at Wayland, and especially for these friends: jeremy, Andy H, Andy N, Andy M, Saira, Neena, Regan, Beth, and Mark.
Seniors Q-2-9
Brett Boling Remember - no one is a failure as long as they have friends! P.S. Thanks for the wings .
Chris Brudzinski In my four years in high school I have met some of the oest friends I will ever have. Karch - chili dog! You gotta' chill! Mulder - the babysitter... Tom - keep in touch . Beth -groove is in the heart. Katie - cha.P.el. Nikki snowball. Lincol n - big like a pickle. Suzi - long talks. Nina! Albert, Mindy, Eisenreich, Pe rlsteinhthanks. The Marv - I couldn't ave made it without you guys. Karim and jessica. Harmann - thanks for looking out for me; I hope we meet again someday. Maine South and Maine West. Rich thanks for being there for me. Adam how's the Blazer? Gary- SUIJ, bro! Get your groove on! Mike - thanks for being a brother I can look up to. Mom and Dad - thank you for the opportunity to go away to school. Thanks to everyone else who has helped me along the way. "Everything has changed, absolutely nothing's changed." - P.). " ... Think of everything you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not." - Cat Stevens
Patricia Duez "The goodbye makes the journey harder still" - Cat Stevens. Mom and Dad - I love you. I don't think I can ever fully convey my gratitude. jenny & Chrissy - It's been quiet without you. To my co-conspirators, a short trip down memory lane ... Lion King at 6 A.M. Snowcovered toilets. Milwaukee. Woodchuck. The Axe. Park Place. The Apartment. European History. Pizza wfout the cheese. The Prefect Legs. Soccer. Sausage. Donkey Kong Country. Railroad tracks. (America the Beautiful) Hamsters. Dinosaur Candles. 90 minutes of calculuS=Phoenix. The memories go on and on, yet somehow the past escapes me.
Nikki Brown Mom and Dad - Thank you for putting your feelings aside and giving me this opportunity. I Love You! Suzi - You' ll always be my roommate. Candy was sweet. Thank god for unanswered prayers. Ben and jerry's, Fro-yo, early morning study sessions, walkie talkies, Poison, AC/DC, November Rain, Anymore, Paper equals crisis. Sweet dreams, Niekterpoo, I Love You! Happy, my love? Hooray for you! Hooray for me!. .. Andy- "You shook me all night long." Linck - Thanx! Science World! Heather, Melissa, Bubba, Neena, Kierstan, Saira, Trish, Katie, Pen, Beth, and all my other friends - Thank you for everything.
Victoria Dimitrov I think I can say I had a great time at Wayland and in the U.S. overall. I had many experiences, improved my English, got to know many different and interesting people, and the most important: I found really good friends . Thanks to all the people that helped and believed in me during this year. You, Mag, were the best roommate I could have. I enjoyed the time (FUN, FUN, FUN) with you . Thank the nicest people, Lauren and jenny, for the close friendship . lch hoffe wir bleiben Adoph's schwestern and in Deutschland, Eddi! I wish you the best and hope we will meet again sometime in the future.
David Faber I want to thank my parents for everything they have done for me and all the values t hey have instilled in me through all these years.
Jeremy Faust
Dad - I couldn't have made it without you. Thanks for everything. jeanna - Enjoy your last two years, they're all you've got. Tate - Let's go racing! Linck -Come to j.T.'s, we'll have the money. Andy- Someday they'll all be ours! Karch - German was the best! Triller - Talk! NasonYou're out of control! Regis- It's us against you . jake - HAMMER! Kate, Beth, Nikki, Pen - You guys, oops, ladies are the best! Everyone else - I' ll miss you all. Well, some of you. O.K., a few. And remember this ... "There is no great genius free from some tincture of madness." -Seneca
Elizabeth Goslin
Thanks to my family for all you have done. I love you. Dad, you'd be so proud of me. The Fakes - I could never have made it without you . jill, you are my " bestest'' friend . A few other friends: Bubba (oldest friend), Heidi (volleyball bud), Danielle (smurfie), Lindsay (greatest friend), Lizzy (squared), Amy (best freshman) and judson (what a man!) . Thanks to all for being there. Amy and Katy super nice. Kiersty - " bestest" roommate. Russ, my weekend fling, you brighten my day whenever you're in my sight. To the rest, who I didn't mention, you're in my heart.
Deana Heilmeyer
They danced down the street and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars, and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Aww."
Soung Jun Go
Finally, my high school life is ending. I have been eager for this time for many years. Now I feel I am free man already. Thanks to my mom and dad for supporting and looking after me always, my uncle for giving me a chance to study in the U.S.A., the faculty, and all my friends . Good-bye, everybody. Goodbye, Wayland.
David Greene
As time passes, we will perhaps venture down many, many roads as we look for the answers to the questio ns in our minds. We will perhaps drift many miles apart as we seek to satisfy the desires of our hearts. And though we move on and encounter the changes of life, let us not forget. May our friendships endure forever. Mila: I'll always love you . My Boys: I got your backs for days . Girls: I use natural juices and berries. Penthouse, {A.W., LB ., M.T.): Don't say what; they call it a Roy-al with cheese! Represent 96 Grandma A.K.A. Fila Fred B.K.A. A Good Friend. As time passes, we will perhaps venture down many, many roads as we look for the answer to the questions in our mind . We will perhaps drift many miles a part as we seek to satisfy the desires of our hearts. And though we move on and encounter the changes of life, let us not forget . May our friendships endure forever.
Penelope Hommel
"We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." Mom, Dad, that was fun, now what? Thanks, Dave, you always understand. Ready for another four years? Russ, )en, you went further than needed, couch talks, vet runs. I miss you. Nik! Farm girls rule. Suzette, I love you. No homework - bad for sanity. Bubba, roll 'em real tight, and I don't sleepwalk! Kiersty, we survived!? Lost child syndrome, trash cans. Beth, check for cushions. Huss, Faust. Thanks, remember me. My advice: Never pull Schneider's finger; Lennertz is almost always joking; don't undress in front of windows.
Chang Won H ong
Wayland Academy is my first school in the United States . I had a great time here. I would like to give my thanks to: Dad, Mom, my brother and all who have helped me. I'm not going to forget the good times I had with you guys. Special thanks to: K.G., Glen Five, Mr. Cobb, Mr. and Mrs Brick. (From sand clock.)
Catherine K. Humleker
Remembering games and daisy chai ns and laughs-Pink Floyd; Katie-slippery hills, eggs, and everything else. Thanks for everything; Mer- dead in the van, skunks, curled up in bed tanks. I'll never forget it; Bev- Cj, stained streets, spench, field hockey. Me mo ries last fore ver. To all the others- Popego, sitti ng in rivers, raccoons, pool, tackle Economics, buck-buck, Julie's exploding marshmallows, sizzlean, gi rl s with braids, Don key Kong, ER, fountains, cheese sticks, basement, America the Beautiful. Mrs. B. and Mr. M- I did it! Mom, Dad, Ellen- Than ks for life's lessons. I love you! Nana, Grandma, Grandpa- No one could ask for better!
Atsuko Ichikawa
Don't walk in front of me, I may not always follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not always lead. just wa lk beside me, and be my friend . To my parents: Than k you for your support and all opportunities you have given me. To my friends: Thank you for all your support. I wish you good luck. Special thanks to Ron and Linda. I really appreciate you r help.
Crystal House
Special thanks to Grandma, Mom, Kody, Corby, Yuma, RC, joslaga. jessica and Sephen, life wasn't much without you. PooGee what would you do if I fell down a lot of steps and then ... Would you still be my friend if... Meli Mel and Dani D., Money, shows and clothes and leave the beeper at home. Sara Roach, Weed P and Bean keep in touch. Anyway, Tomas, thanks for OH! Pacal. Lo siento lman. To the saggin' crew, get your hair cut. Casita, they may be smart but you can brawl. What' s up to Tresis and you thought I exaggerated. Now what?
And rew Huss
" I think I'm dumb or maybe just happy'' -Kurt Cobain Katie- I don't know what I wou ld do without you. I guess you can beat me up, anytime, anyplace. I worship you. Family- You've kept me semi-sane(?). Thanks. Beth, Her, Nikki (and the rest of my sisters)- You've kept me semi (?) insane. Jer, Linck, Tate- Keep SYMing, you fugly, ummmmm, errrrr something. Hey jer, MAYBE someday we'll get one. Much love to all. I would like to especially thank Katie for writing this lyrical masterpiece. Once again .. . you're the greatest, smartest, and perfection personified. (Gee Katie, think you over-did it a bit.?!)
)ae M in )o
I want to give thanks to everyone who helped me in these four years of my Wayand life. A special thanks to my mom and dad and my sister's who gave me a lot of support and advice. Goodbye everybody. I hope I can see you all back later.
Attitude isn't everything, but it helps!
Rithivut Kaewvicheara
I don't really have much to say because this is my tirst and last year here at Wayland. I want to say thank you to a bunch of people for being so nice to me. Thanks to Day, May, Chan, and Nat for being with me everyday. (Of course they're the only five Thai people). See you all in Thailand. Eric Cornielsen, stay cool man, and don't try to do silly things anymore. I'll be back to see ya. Thanks to Jenny, Erinn, Katie, Lauren, and Melina. I'll miss you guys alot. (I'm not afraid of that thing, too) . Tadaaki, Yasuo, Tetsuya, and Yuta, nice knowing you guys. Kyle, l wish you a good year next year. Thanks to Mr. Palm for being such a concerned mentor. Thanks to all the teachers. And the one and only person who I really have to say 'thank you' to, my Dad.
Ben Karch
Endless thanks to my dad, sister, and grandparents. Without their support, I couldn't have made it. I've come a long way in the four years I've been here. I'm not just at the end of a journey, I'm at the beginning of a new one. jerI don't need to say much except for German class- no Yiddish! Linck- we've put up with each other for four years- Ring around the nostril! Chris- Chili dog! Ahti and Fre- What?! Well, now I'm off down another hallway of this thing called life, and I hope I choose the right door. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.
Ryan Johnson
Mom, Dad, Gma, Gpa- Thanks for making it possible and for the support. I couldn't have done it without you. ].G.- kicked out twice- good job! Let's drive golf in the dorm. Bell isn't here. Take it easy- I'll see you again someday. D.W.- dusted at Warnesses. I swear I didn't know. Mr. Bell- Thanks for keeping me in line. B.K.- stone benches or field house? KS man! 'When the doors of perception are cleansed, man will see things as they truly are-infinite." William Blake
Yuta Kanzaki
Thanks to all my friends that I met at Wayland. Special thanks to Gaku, Kei and B*kool.
Saira Kahn
There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open. -NIKE
Sit down by a clear blue stream, watch a cricket, weave a dream, wish upon the first bright star. .. celebrate how loved you are. Saturdays Mom and Dad thank you so much for everything. To Bilal, Haleema, Humza, Trish, Heidi, Mila, Beth, Katie, Nikki, Chris, Asra, Neena, )in-Hee, Mulder, Mindy, C.W., D.)., my cousins, my prefect buds, the CKK, my teachers, and everyone else- it has been a great road so far. Thank's.
Seniors 1).23
Keith Leung
I was glad to study at Wayland. I am sure after I leave Wayland I will miss my classmates and teachers very much, especially my mentor, English teacher, and math teacher. I wish all Wayland's students and faculty members an enjoyable life next year.
Shareene Lindquist
Mom, Lialette, thanx 4 your love and support. Kenny - wanna spend another weekend with us? Mr. Mayer, words can't begin to express my gratitude. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. Melonhead, do your own trig homework. P'fects Popego? Nadia, why do women wear red lipstick? "G .B.," Ninjaroach, can I have a price check on the handcuffs? Poo-G, it does just roll off your tongue. Spanish church? jill, Mila, Nicci, Dena, it was a long night. Laron, Cobb, Lennertz, take care of you for me o.k. To everyone else, rememberYou gotta have all or nothing, baby.
Marc Lores
First of all, I want to thank everybody who made it possible for me to enjoy myself at Wayland . Of course, I want to thank Thomas and Daniel, who shared with me some happy hours. Thanks a lot, I will never forget that.
Erinn Mahoney
This bridge will only take you halfway there To those mysterious lands you long to see: Through gypsy camps and swirling Arab fairs And moonlit woods where unicorns run free . So come and walk with me and share The twisting trails and wondrous worlds I've known. But this bridge will only take you halfway there The last few steps you'll have to take alone. - Shel Silverstein Thank you, Mom and Dad, for more than words. Sis -you're beautiful. Keith - Never look down. Deana - Keep on Rid in' . Katie -you're golden. P.S. If you go, take a jacket.
Neena Mahadev
I remember walking along the railroad tracks, and Fishy' s declaration of how lucky we are - then our outburst of "God Bless America." Well, Fishy was right- we are lucky. We've got our entire futures ahead of us. I'd like to thank my parents for the future they've given me. My friends are of equal importance to me, because they're the ones who've been there for me these past two years. So thanks, friends (you know who you are); you've been my shoulder to cry on, and a smile to warm my day. I've been lucky to have such good friends. I love you all.
Daniel Martinez
Thank you to my family for giving me the opportunity to study at Wayland Academy. Thanks also to Thomas and Marc - I enjoyed Happy Hours, popcorn at six a.m. Thank you to the police for helping me in my difficult moments on Saturday night, and to all the seniors - have a good life and a lot of happy hours.
Kris Michaels ramblings ... simple- search- truth- questionwonder- attempt- create- playteddy- share- sunflowers- laughterappreciate- gaia- imagination- danceunfold- explore - believe- sunbathsgive- love- daisies- reflection- faith patience- listen- spi rit- singcontemplation- observe- relativityunderstand- accept- forgive - restmoondances- enjoy- in nocencebeauty- silence... mooma my appreciation to those who've e ntered my life and shared the beauty of themselves ... and to my parents- for it was i who entered your life- for many years we struggled unable - unwilling to step back and view our relationship unbiased- but in the time that's past i've come to find peace and i wanted to tell you, thank you
Mohammed Mohammed
Here at Wayland, the last step before college, I had a really great time during my senior year, considering it was the hardest of the twelve years. People here are friendly and they act as if they have known you for a long time and will still know you after graduation. I hope that the class of '96 makes a difference more significant than the other classes . I am going to miss the people from Wayland . I am very grateful to my parents who helped helped me to get through high school. Special thanks to my uncle who was always there when I needed him . I hope that as I become an adult, I will be able to pay back all the people who helped me .
Andy Nason
To those I know and those I don't: It was a thrill! But I've done it in four short years. 'To Lee: Hang in there, you only have three years left. Ha Ha!! To jer, Andy, Lincoln, Tate, jake, and Brian: No talky talk. To Aaron, V.j., Dave, Regan, Dave: Good luck in college. To jill, Lizzy, and Danielle: Play hard and have fun. To the guys at home - Cory, jeff, Doug and Dave: We are all out of high school and joini ng you, josh, in college . To everyone else: We've done it! Good Luck and Have Fun!!
Zak Moen " Hide not thy tears on this last day Your sorrow has no shame; To march no more midst lines of gray; No longer play the game . Four years have passed in joyful ways. Woudst say these old times dear? Then cherish now these fleeting days, The few while you were here ." - JD Salinger, 1936 yearbook quote
Thanks to: my parents, Grandma Moen, Rev F.W. Theiste, jackie McFaul, and everyone who has believed in me. No Thanks: You know who you are!
" Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing eve rybody." - The Catcher in the Rye
Tadaaki Nakagawa
As I see the sky through the tree branches, it looks as if it goes on forever, an endless mystic of sorrow. The clouds stop my vision of the outside world. My inner thoughts are confusing, the sky is confusing, a mangled picture; the stillness of the rolling clouds.
Lincoln James Nelson
Mom and Dad, without you I'm not where I am, I am not who I am . Gunter: "I'm still fresh ." Lilia: No puedo olvidor que hisiste para mi. Marco: "Tus ojos ... " Ningun amigo me hic6 tanti que tu. Thanks. Albert: tomorrow's Aug. 26, it's going to storm, grab your bat, we can plant a tree. Boo, here, only in my solitude can I find your company. But, I' m with you. Do you trust me? jake: HAMMER! Karch : Ring around the nostril. P: You truck driver! 27 to 45 you guys are always right. I'll stop in at "JT's Auto Fab and Repair." You can tell me how Rush will be preside nt. Nikki : Fun! Homer: I'm proud of you. Keep working and throwing hard. ANDY: I love you, man . Mila: #12.
Sarah Oliver Thompson
Mom : thanks for bringing me in this world, teaching me what it' s all about, and reminding me you can take me out. To my Bros - I love you guys. K.P. and Bean, I don't know what I'd do without you both . Let's never grow apart. Poo-G , Casa - We've had many laughs, Poo-G thanks for being there. N.S. - It's All Good. I'll miss you. David, " Be strong and let your heart take courage." Psalm 31 :24 Love You Always! D.F., K.P., Bean, Poo-G, Casa, Love should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. It is a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. God Bless All.
lauren Patterson
I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine, You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, It's beautiful. Frederick S. Perls Thanks to everyone who has been there with me through the good times and the bad. Mom, Dad, and Leslie - I love you and I know that I couldn't have made it this far without you . As for the friends I've made here, I want you to know that no matter what happens you will always be in my thoughts. Champ! Melina, jenny and Tadaaki- I love you and will never forget you.
May Pinyosunun
Two years at Wayland, and I had a lot of new experiences here. Thank you for every teacher in Wayland, especially my mentor, Mrs. Fischer, who always takes care of me like my mom. Thank you for my friends, especially the japanese girls. Masayo, Masami, Atsuko, and Chiaki, thank you very much! And thanks to my Thai friends Ming and Nat, and my brother and my parents.
Jin-Hee Park
The moments spent at Wayland will be engraved in my mind as beautiful memories, and I' m going to miss them a lot. I thank so many people I don't know how I should address them all, but I especially thank the Wayland Koreans for having ke pt my days so "alive." I found myself very happy among them . Thank you, big brother, I used you as my essay subject about three times here at Wayland. Most of all, thank you, Mom and Dad, for having provided the means for all the wonderful things to happen to me in the first place.
Chanarong Phinyosunun
Although I have only been here one year, I greatly appreciate coming to this school. At first I tried to think how this school would be, and now I know: it is a very good school. Thank you to the teachers who helped teach me to know everything. Thank you to my friends who gave amusement to me. Thank you for everything, for everyone. Wayland has been very kind, and I am really grateful for this school. Thank you.
Kim Porubcan
Mom, Dad, Ben and Andy Without all your love, support, and patience, who knows where I would be today. Much thanks and love. Bean & Ollie- It's been a long 4 years (almost) don't forget about your little "GB." Love ya. Poo-G & Crystal - Remind me to buy hair dye & does much thanks & love sound Ghetto? Mi hermano, Mi brother? Nads - it's almost overKeep the faith . Fresh, white bread? Champ & Frenchie Thanks for being there. LR Peace I leave with you . My peace I give you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid . - John 14:27
Peter Prunuske
"If it don' t make dollars, it don't make sense."
Melina Raffin
Pendant que je dormais Pendant que je revais Le aiguilles ont toure II est trop tard Mon enfance est si lair II est deja demain Passe, passe le temps I n'y en a plus pan tres' long temps Papa, Maman, Patrice and Johanthank you for everything. I love you . jenny- thanks for aways being there. Lauren and Tadaaki1 will never forget you . I'm not a melonhead!
Kierstan Rickey
To my Mom and GrammaThank you for your love and support, I hope I can make you proud. Bubba- "Close to you", trashcans, My So-Called Life, Is there life afte r Bubba? Pen- We finally made it! Dye your hair blonde. Suzi- the honorary senior; I'll miss you. Take care of Eeyore. Nikki- Nine Bufoges! LizRemember gree nbean casserole, Culvers, and the Fleet experience. Neena- Lock you r door! Heidi- Hang in there, only one more year. Mrs. Maitze n and Ms. Alpaugh- I wouldn't have gotten th rough the past three years if not for you r help.
Adriana Pujals
To Mi Familia thank you for not giving up on me & for the opportunity to turn my life around. I love you. To the Clique, don't be giving money out to strangers. KIMMY don't forget to buy hair dye & much love & thanks does sound ghetto. BEAN WHERE'$ THE BABY? Is that string suppose to hang out. SARAH Breathe out of your mouth . WORD. CASA don't walk up stairs while dizzy. Is it? Is it what? TOMATO do you want to die? Fiesta en los pantalones. ANYWAYS. Dani D & MEL I'll miss you & don't forget me. THE BOYZ You'll miss us.
Regan Richardson
A young man has come a long way, since first stepping into the Wayland community. I would like to thank my entire family for being supportive. Mom and Dad thanks for being faithful. To my siblings; thanks for looking out for your younger brother. To Wisam and Steve; thanks for being there. To jerry, Stephen, and Brandon; I' m coming back to Cali. To the Penthouse crew; thanks for making things interesting. To the Renitas; it's all good. I thank God for continuing to open doors for me . To anyone struggling; keep your head up.
Vijay Sankaran
As I look back at my four years at Wayand Academy, I search in vain to find what values it's instilled in me, I've learned how to fall asleep despite a roommate who snores like a chainsaw, And I' ve learned how to live in Wayland Hall ... I've learned how to get clean or bathe in a communal shower, I've learned how to cope without any T.V. shows due to the strictly enforced study hours, I've learned how to de pend o n Ramen for my main sustenance, And as for laundry, I've become accustomed to wasting 500 cents. In conclusion, to e nd this poem, I give the junior some advice, When writing your senior quote, don't wait 'til the ve ry last night!
Beth Schneider
"Always watch where you are going. Otherwise you may step on a piece of forest that was left out by mistake." -Pooh Mom and Dad: Alright...you guys ARE always right (sometimes) . I LOVE YOU BOTH! K.T. and Mer: Billy Ray, vibrato lessons, and our morning at julie's were the best (not to mention ENIGMAS like Rikki and the rats). Senator D. F. B. (I promised) And now ... happy meals, river swimming, deciphering?!, AGGIS ... the list goes on . How appropiate. Well, Bub!
Kristi Smith
Only a moment ago We were young and we were dreaming. Only a moment ago I could see where the roads would lead and what tomorrow was bringing... now that it's time to leave we've seen all our many years g~ it all went so fast, why couldn't it last only a moment more. - LSSO To a my friends and familythank you Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you . Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out. - Alanis Morissette
Thomas Tamayo
Gracias to my parents, Grandparents and Venezuela. Thanks to my Happy Hour friends, Marc and Daniel; Adriana Cuba libre and japanese friends, thanks for everything. Mr. Cobb, Mr. Mac, Ms. Alpaugh, no more Manana; Mr. Kasper, for those ski trips to theWisconsin Alps; El Professor, my tutors and Gold Bond. Our friend in Burger King and in the police station for helping me in those difficult moments on a Saturday night, to Casa for help in Pascal; to all my AP teacher, to D.). Zucaritas and to all the Senior Class have a Grateful life.
Heather Smith
I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy to calm when you've found something going on, but take your time, think a lot, think of everything you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not - Cat Stevens
Edward Sopanan Hi! It's me, Ed ... I' d like to thank my parents who afforded me to study at this great school, Wayland Academy. Also, I want to thank my girlfriend, Jeannie, who always supported me to study hard . And I want to say "thanks for all the great time" that I had spent with all my friends at Wayland . I'll never forget all those experiences and I' ll keep it as an unforgettable memory. And thanks to all my teachers: Ms.Aipaugh, my mentor and history teacher; Mr. Cobb, a very, very good Economics teacher and a nice dorm supervisor; Ms. Maitzen, "the funny teacher"; Ms. Fischer; and Mr. Spanier, "Mr. Calculator" ... and not to forget Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Sackett, "Two Coaches". And I have some words to the generation after us. " Don' t lose your spirit. .. a Wayland spirit" and study hard . Being a senior is hard . You carry a big responsibility to work hard for the best college. Once more, thanks to everybody involved at Wayland.
Freeman Tang
The most important things I learned this year at Wayland were: being independent, dealing with my reponsibilitites, and what my family and friends back home really mean to me. The study atmosphere here will certainly help me a great deal during my college years. I would like to use this opportunity to thank Mr. Cobb and Mr. Hunter in helping me so much with my difficult start at the beginning. Also thanks to other teachers and friends .
Mark Triller Thanks to everyone who helped me get through my two years at Wayland.
Mindy White I live by the motto that life is a sport, so play hard. So to all of you out there that don't know what yo u' re doing with your lives, find and do what you like to do best and stick with it. I would like to say thank you to Mr. Foster for putting up with me for all the time I had to be put up with. And I especially like to say thank you to my parents for sending me to Wayland .
Aaron Westra Mankind is notoriously too dense to read the signs that God sends from time to tim e. We require drums to be beaten into our ears, before we should wake from our trance and hear the wacki ng and see that to loose oneself in all is the only way to fi nd oneself. - M ohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi
Roy Wibisono It has been great years at Wayland, finishing my high school career with satisfaction. I've experienced a lot of good and bad stuff that has been for the most part enjoyable. I would like to thank Mom and Dad for your understanding and guidance. Thanks for all my friends both at W ayland and my home country for your support; th anks for all Wayland's faculty who helped me gain a good reputati on at Waylan d. And special thanks to my mentor, Mr. Patterson and to Mr. Seighman, thanks for the attention that yo u've given me. Love and Peace.
Wojtek Weickowski
Wayl and? (After two months of expereince): Too hot in th e summer, too much rain in the fall, too col d in the winter, probably something wrong in the spring; too many quizzes and tests, too difficult classes, too early breakfast, too boring weekends ...but after about twenty years w hen I will be rich and famous, I will probably love this school!
Chiaki Yamamoto When monkeys eat bananas, These are monkey in the zoos or zees. We get these things all jungled up, The way chicks have the pip or pup. For monkeys swinging twos by twos, In three tops not in zees or zoos. Don't have bananas bad for teetn, But luts of nos below beneath. Time has gone so fast. Even all my hard experiences here will change to good memories in my futrure . To my friends: thank you to all who know me well and gave me lots of fun . I' ll never forget you guys and wish you good luck. And to my parents: thank for your love and all you support.
Hee-Seck Yoon
Living in Wayland for a year has kept me quite busy. I had to get up early in the morning because I had to finish my homework. I had to check my mailbox everyday because I was waiting for my stuff th at I had ordered. I couldn't take a nap after school because I had to go after school activities. I had to gather $2 .50 in quarters every week because I got so much laundry. I had to check every room once a week because I got duty. I had to go ShopKo because I needed some foods that I'm eating at night. I went to Beaver Dam Mall every Friday because I had nothing to do in the dorm . That's about it!
1. The intern ational crowd gives the thumbs up for th e fall semester. 2. Lincoln Nelson shadow dancing. 3. Shareene Lindquist and M elina Raffin demostrate "prefectorial" methods! 4. Vijay Sankaran working on his co llege appli cations at Swan Library .
Seniors 1]21
Becky Anderson Kyle Anderson lman Aswad jonathan Balzer jerry Beam
Friedrich Bertz Kristene Boucher Ellen Carroll jennifer Carroll Evan Dold
Gabriel Doyle Heidi Eisenreich jacob Fakes judson Greif jacqueline Haley
Edda Happ Catherine Hoekstra Danielle jones Duck- Ho Kim Pamela Kunes
Krisztina Kusnyer Suzanne Lamping
Jeffrey Lang Kyung Taeg Lim
Dena Lohse Kelli Mackay Morris Mak Jennifer Mathias Donald Mattson
Andrew Mulder Katie Nemacheck George Pavlovic Nicole Pearson Katharina Precht
, •.
. ¡I
Tyson Rittenmeyer Christopher RobersonJohnson Nadia Samadani Daisuke Sato Hans-Jorg Schulz
Brian Starker Jeremy Starz Melanie Stevenson Bradley Stillmank Maren Stoltz
Jerry Sweat Masayo Takei Albert Taylor Ben Warren Rebecca Waters
Masami Yamazaki Jung Yoon Yang
, ., '
.. J .
1. Alex Kim . 2. Andy Mulder and Suzi Lamping. 3. jackie Haley and judd Greif are happy to be a king and queen, at least for the night. 4. You guys are doing a great job!! But who is that mask man? 5. Lenny Carroll. .. ..
juniors wait patiently for the next year to come, making them seniors, finally. In the mean time, they pull together knowing that their future is soon!
SOPHOMORES Stephanie Arndt Kristin Badowski Daniel Beam Cassie Bobilya
1. C3 (Christopher Cody Carson) 2. Sara Knaack stops before class starts. 3. jesse Raymond takes a rest out by the soccer field before practice. 4. Hey Ahti Westphal, What have you been up to? 5. Shannon Mandeldove, off to class!
Kristina Braund Djahmila Cabral Christopher Carson Brooke Conley
Erik Cornielsen Jill Fakes Nicholas Farran )eanna Faust
Dominic Ferraro John Gay Eric Huss Hyun Ho Joh
1. Mila Cabral e nj oys th e o utdoo r li fe at Wayland . 2. The dress code and ti es. Erik Co rn ielsen uses creati vity and a se nse of hum or to "co nform" ! 3. Soph omores show school sp irit at a Pep Rally.
Motoki Kawanago Youmi Kim Sara Knaack Kevin Kuluvar
Danielle Lange Charles Latimer David Licklider Shannon Mandeldove
Lindsay Mitchen Alvaro Moreno Kosuke Mori Russell Oehmen
1. Chip Gay enjoys outdoor life at Wayland. 2. Cassie Bobilya and Kristin Badowski, blonde friends forever and ever and ever. 3. Danielle Lange and Nate Retzlaff studying at the DSL. 4. jeanna Faust tries to catch falling leaves.
Benjamin Park Natsanon Pattaraputtakorn Faydre Paulus Heather Paulus Jaruk Pinyosunun
Eri Ogasawara Dong II Oh Tizoc Olivo Miho Ozeki
Raul Ramirez Rouzbeh Rashidbaigi ]esse Raymond Nathan Retzlaff
1. Youmi Kim ta kes advantage of th e stu dy lounge on the third fl oor in the Academic Center.2. Dom Ferraro, Heather Paulu s and As hley Rideaux at th e U nio n. 3. Shannon M andeldove listening intentl y. 4. NateYehle smiles. 5. Rouz Rashidbaigi and Kellie MacKay.
Laron Rhue Ashley Rideaux Matthew Spang Helen Sullivan
Anthony Trapp Ahti Westphal Nathan Yehle Yuichiro Yoshikawa
Mercedes Benzinger Ben Bergum Kristian Borrud Elizabeth Boucher
t Kate Bourquin Eric Christofferson Jeremiah Fleisner
1. Nader Khreish and Kristian Borrud, you guys should be studying, not posing for the camera. 2. Molly Swain lounging around. 3. Am y Kuen zi at day' s end .
Rhiannon House Wonho Kang Joshua Kaufman
Alicia Kelly Bilal Khan Nader Khreish Amy Kuenzi
4. Fanta N'Diaye and the rest of the math class, calculate time left in the se mester. 5. Josh Kaufman becoming th e king of foosball. 6. Colin Preston hard at work ...
Sol Leitzke Tara Leystra Abel Miller Rachel Mulder Lee Nason
l Fanta N'Diaye Heather Niles
1.Winter Raymond and Amy Kuenzi are hard at work in the computer lab. 2.Ben Bergum stops to ponder the equation. 3.Rachel Mulder.
Brian Park Colin Preston
Winter Raymond Molly Swain Naoko Takeda Luke Tomberlin Matt Wright
4~ Freshmen
1. Kristian Borrud. "Ok, this isn' t so bad!" 2. Tara Leystra trying to do her homework in the DSL ... Good Luck Tara!! 3. Mercedes Benzinger and Molly Swain are carrying a heavy load! 4. Luke Tomberlin eats his ice cream in the locker room. 5. Nader Khreish warms up at Swan Library.
The Class of 1999
1. Laron Rhue, jill Fakes, and Kevin Kuluvar 2. Kati e Nemacheck 3. Katie Humleker, Beth Schneider and Pen Hommel 4. Brian Starker, Andy Huss, and j eremy Faust; Feelin ' Good! 5. Edda Happ with a friend.
Student Life
1. Eric Christofferson and Liz Goslin . 2. Pen Hommel gets to the nature of things. 3. jake Fakes, Tate Baumer, Lincoln Nelson and judson Greif on campus. 4. Luke Tomberlin, Amy Kuenzi, Rachel Mulder and Helen Sullivan - there is no parking here! 5. Ben Karch .
Student Life
ADMINISTRATION Dr. Alfred Grieshaber,
Interim President
Kris Boucher, Director of Admissions George Cobb, Dean of Students Shane Foster, Director of Student Activities
and Athletics Bruce Hunter, Director of College
Counseling Suzanne Kraft, Admissions Counselor
Joseph Lennertz, Academic Dean Douglas Palm, Director of Publications
and Public Information Eli Seighman, Director of Swan Library Dr. William Stone, Dean of Enrollment
Management Gloria Wheeler, Coordinator for
Annual Programs
Mrs. Grieshaber, Mr. Seighman and Dr. Grieshaber form a great trio at the beginning of school picnic.
Mr. Boucher works hard at admissions!
Faculty and Staff Diane Alpaugh, Socia l Studies/ Histo ry Gary Arneson,Fre nch, Fulbright Exchange Faculty in France
Karen Bleifuss, Bio logy Elison Blunt, Co mpute r Science James Borrud, German Catherine Brick, Voca l Mus ic
Deanna Disch, Tutor ia l Gerald Disch, Ph ys ics Linda Fischer, English Polly Foster, Tutorial Derek Gittus, Socia l Studies/ History Intern
Diane Heifers, Key board Music
Dave Kasper, Mat he mati cs, Chai r Elias Khriesh, Chemistry, Chair Gwendolynn Maitzen, Visua l Art Paul Mcinerney, Math ematics Kevin Neuberger!. Social StudTesf History
Mathhew Nink, English
John Patterson, English, Chair Laura Podell, ESL Jennifer Rabaey, Mathe matics Anthony Reinders, Wayland Hall Direc tor, Assistant Directo r o f Stu dent Acti vit ies and Ath le tics
Sam Sackett, Social St udies/History Michael Schneider, Spanish, Chair
Rick Soens, Instrume ntal Music, Fi ne Arts Chair
Gregory Spanier, Mathe mat ics Roger Vanharen, English Sophie Wakeford, Fre nch, Fulbright Exchange Faculty fro m France Dee Walter Educationa l Support Progra m Cha ir, Readi ng, Photography Heather Wisemen, Spanish, Warren Co ttage Dormitory Director
Mr. Van Haren in his habitat!
5~ Faculty
1. Mr. Patterso n and Lind say Mitchen. 2. Mrs. W akefo rd is ready for camping.
Jean Allemand, Ad m inistrati ve Ass istant
to the
Aca demic Dean
Mary Anderson, Librarian -Sw an Library Carol Becker, Secretary to th e Director of College Co unseling
Jackie Braatz{ Adm inistrative Ass istant, D evelopm ent Of ice
Judy Coyle, Adm inistrative Ass istant to th e Pres ide nt
Jennifer Griffin, Secretary Development Office louise Hoff, Adm ini stative Ass istant to th e Dean of Enrollment M anagement
Patricia Kittleson, Secretary of the Bu siness Office Joyce Koepsell, Business M anager Roxanne Kotek, Secretary to th e Dean of Stud ents and to the D irector of Student Activities and Ath letics
linda Kulka, Secretary to the Director of Pu blicati ons and Public Informati on Bill Luebke, Ass istant to the Athletic Director Carol Miller, Library Assistant -Swan Li brary Kim Neitzal, W ayland Store Clerk Jody Thompson, W ayland Sto re Manager
Nancy Tsiamis, Aco untan t-Business Office James Wakeford, Dormi tory Superviso r John Weiss, H ead Coach . Boy's Basketball Grant Wiseman, Chapel Coordi na tor, Student Center Supervisor, D omi tory Supervisor
Cathy Lamb, Sodexho
Sodexho Food Service
Anne Apollo Wendy Boschert Lisa Budde
Carol Grosse Irene Helgerson Sharon Kohl Kendalee LaPorte Nate Meyer
linda Nault Marge Selchert Jaynee Shefchik Todd Vant Hoff
Diane Moungey,
Director of Health Center
Sue Groehler, R. N . Chuck Hart, Athl etic Trainer Sherry Reifsnider, Drive r, Unit Clerk
Heal S~Staff
Ayaz Samadani, MAJ.,
School Ph ysician
Food Serv ice
John Omen
Superintendent of Buildings and Grou nds
Janice Falkinham,
Director of Housekeeping
Kent Bence Cory Bradley
ten a nee
Linda Eggers Douglas Levenhagen Charles Leystra Karen Owens Lori Sadowski
Patricia Tabb Karen Uelmen Mark Ward Mark Wolfgang Linda Griepentrog Housekeeping
_.•• ur •-
Gordon Krobert Mark Ward Del Yaroch
a J Campus Security
Mr. Seighman, We Love You!
The 1996
Pillars it is ded1cated to you ...
There are a lot of facts that we could recite about Eli Seighman - an AB from West Virginia University in 1961, an MALS from Case Western in 1963, a member of the Wayland community since 1967, librarian, organist, audiovisual guru, friend, mentor dorm supervisor, collector of furniture, dancerextraordinaire, wild party thrower. But these are only activities and don't come anywhere near telling the whole story. Eli Seighman is what a professional member of the faculty should be truly committed to the boarding school experience - especially here at Wayland. No matter what he does, he does it 100% and always for the benefit of the students, his colleagues, his friends and the Academy. A lesson I have tried (unsuccessfully) to teach him for many years is how to say "no" . I honestly don't think the word is in his vocabulary. And if it were, he would not be the Eli Seighman we know and love. As a friend, my memory goes all the way back to our first meeting. I had just arrived on campus and was told to see the Librarian in Lindfield. I ran into him on the front steps . We both smoked at the time and he offered me a cigarette - and then promptly dropped the pack, spilling all the cigarettes on the sidewalk. Little did I know that this first mishap would recur over the next 18 years . Those who know him well , know how prone he is to spilling, dropping, losing and especially running into things. He and I laughed that day as we came to know each other and have rarely stopped laughing since . I consider myself very lucky to have Mr. Seighman as a colleague, but even luckier to have him as a friend. joe Lennertz - Academic Dean
Years from now, when Wayland alumni turn th eir thoughts toward Beaver Dam, they will remember a dedicated educator who cared more about students and about Wayland than about himself. They will reminisce about Eli Seighman's many tal ents: playing the organ and his love for music, assisting the entire community with audiovisual support, and presiding over one of the fine st college preparatory libraries in the country . They will reflect upon his compassion and his care. Dr. Alfred Grieshaber President
Mr. Seighman is everyone's friend. When someone is upset, Eli hopes to comfort. When one needs help, Eli lends a hand. Scurrying around the campus, involved in all aspects of campus life, Mr. Seighman makes life more pleasant wherever he appears. His library is the learning center of the campus, but within the library the greatest resource is Mr. Seighman himself. What a gem ! john Patterson - English, Department Chair
When I ca me to th e Wayland ca mpu s in 1992 to interview fo r a teaching position, I was overwhelmed by th e beauty of the ca mpus, th e maturity of th e stud ents, and the strenuousness (or so it seemed to me) of th e interrogation I received at the hand s of an excepti onal fac ulty and administrati ve staff w ho obviously ca red deeply about the we lfare of th e stud ents under their ca re. Am id th e was h of th ese im pressions, one person's interview stood out distinctly fro m th e rest as I drove away from Beaver Dam. That perso n was Eli Seighman. In th at first disc ussion, I observed severa l thin gs about Mr. Seighman. His obvious professionali sm tempered w ith kindn ess (with kindness the key wo rd ); th e breadth of his ed uca tion and range of his abilities; hi s compassion , both for th e poor interviewee before him and th e stud ents he represented. It was evide nt fro m the out set how much he cared about Wayland . In th e yea rs since that first mee tin g, I have co ntinu ed to cas uall y observe my frie nd, Mr. Seighman. I have observed th e way returnin g stud ents flock to him during alu mni events as to an old and loved fr iend . I have seen th e way other facu lty have tru sted him and co me to him w ith co nce rn s both professiona l and persona l. I have recall ed th e frustrat ions and fea rs of my first yea r at Wayland , when I fe lt Eli to be such a lifeline th at I fina ll y told him that I wanted to have my ashes throw n over him when I died. (As in all thin gs, he took that proposal we ll.) And I have fina ll y observed something else: Mr. Seighman is an observe r, too, but he is also much more: H e is an active participant, always. The difference w ith Eli is th at he does so much more th an is asked of him, w hile bein g cheerful and pleasant abou t it. The joy he takes in his wo rk is evident in everything th at he does. He is effective, professional, ca rin g, and kind ; a lovely, loving man. Th e more I have observed him and lea rn about him, the more I love him, and in th at I know I am not alone. How many people ca n we say that about? Cath erin e Bri ck - Music Faculty
1. jackie Lim working in the Art Studio. 2. Mr. Blunt, jin Hee Park and Sa ira Khan on line to the Internet. 3. Deana Heilmeyer and Chris Brudzinski doing homework at Swan Library 4. Regan Rich ardson 5. Mindy White and finals .... 6. Pen Hommel is off to class. 7. Hans-jorg Schulz studying on the third floor Acade ic Building.
u <( I
5~ Academics
Academics [).29
History, Social Studies and English Studying time in th e past and present, history and soc ial stud ies exp lores who we are and w here we come from; thi s in turn helps us to understand ourse lves in relationship to others. Courses offered st udy in depth events, people, and definin g ideas that have shaped World Civilizations. As we learn more about history and soc ial stud ies, we ca n wa rm up to the global co mmuni ty. En gli sh gives us a wo rkin g kn owledge oi the tools o f the language so we may speak, write, and think effect ively . Read in g lead s us to look upon literature as human experience, enabling us to read w ith understand in g and enjoyment, and developing a sta nd ard of taste and criticism. Reading opens the wo rld to us all.
1. Mr. Neuberger's AP History class. 2. Politics- then and now. 3. Mr. Sac kett getting a lecture together. 4. Ms. Alpaugh, veteran teac her of U .S. History .
6~ Academics
1. Mr. Patterson checking up on Vijay Sa nkaran in AP Engli sh. 2. Mr. Nink's first hou r class. 3. Mr. Va nharen reads to his class. 4. Melina Raffin taking an exa m. 5. Readings of poetry, short stori es and origin al mu sic at th e Eclectic Cafe, an ex tension of th e cl assroom. Mr. N ink, mas ter oi ce remon ies. 6. Mrs. Fi scher's class.
Science and sc ientii ic facts only have transitory val ue unless they are used to help us grow as human beings. Biology stresses the unity of life and th e co mmon functions of all organisms. Chemistry promotes the ability to observe and expe rim ent acc urately, to ana lyze problems on the basis of scientific techn iqu es and to apprec iate it s effective role in the advancement of civi lization. How thin gs wo rk is exp lain ed by the understand ing of physics. Data coll ection, interpretat ion, and formulating hypotheses and theories takes us to a practical understanding. Thi s is the foundation ior iuture doctors, engineers, sc ienti sts that explore and find answers making ou r wo rld safer, healthi er and more efiicient.
1. Chris Roberson-Johnson and Deana H eilmeye r doing a c hemistry lab. 2. Mr. Disch and his eight o'clock physics class . 3. Mrs. Bleifuss c hecking out som e little critt ers. 4. Mr. Bones revea led. 5. Gabe Doyle is Mr. Sc ience.
6~ Academ ics
Math Problem solving and understanding logica l orga ni zat ion is th e basis of math emati cs. W ayland's Mat hematics progra m provides a strong preparation fo r co llege, w hile also providing each stu dent w ith too ls to beco me an in te lligent co nsumer and a co ntributing member of society.
1. Ind ividual attention is th e co rn ersto ne of Wayland Aca demics . Before a test, Don M attson ge ts so me coac hing fro m M r. Mac. 2. Anabel M anchester. 3.Ka tie Ne macheck, Geo rge Pavlovic and Chris Roberson-j ohnson discuss a math problem w ith M r. Kaspe r. 4. Mr. Spa nier's answer sheet. 5. j enny Ca rro ll . 6. Mrs. Rabaey in class w ith Luke Tomberlin, Erik Corn ielsen, Becky W aters, and Matt Spang.
1. Co lin Pr es ton studi es und e r th e Fr enc h arti st Paul G aug uin . 2 . Outdoors in the cold , French is spoken by W ojciech Wieckow ski , Kri stene Bo ucher,Ru ss O ehmen, Nee n a Ma had ev, j acki e Haley, Ca ssie Bobil ya, and Kath arin a Precht. 3. Germ an in Mr. Borrud 's c l ass . 4 . Caught in the act of speak in g Sp ani sh, Mr. Schneider, j enny Carroll and Crystal House. 5. En glish as a Seco nd Language is an important asset to th e program. M iss Po de ll wo rk s w ith Al varo M oreno of Spain.
6![1 Academics
Foreign Languages Learni ng ano th er language leads to commu nica tin g and relatin g to others of di ffe rent cultu res all owing us to think beyond o ur own borders. Languages offered at W ayland are: Spani sh, French, German , and En glish as a Second Language. Spea k up and Warm up!
Computer Science
Understanding and inco rporating co mputers into our lives is a sign of th e times. Internet, World Wide Web, programming, inform ati on gatherin g, co mmuni cat in g, di scuss in g, sharing ... very necessary skills for th e 21st Century.
Educational Support Program Reading enhancement, developmental readi ng, stud y ski lls and personal Lu lured academic support are importan t to success and "achieving the grad e". 1. Computer studies is req uire for all freshmen . Luke Tomberlin, Sol Lietzke, Abe l Miller and Alicia Kelly are learning the way of th e comp uter. 2. Mr. Blunt helping out with a problem. 3. Mrs. Disch has the necessary books for tutorial at her finger tips! 4. Mrs. Foster wo rking with Jeff Lang on an assignment. 5. Shannon Mandeldove and Nick Farran study under th e helpfu l eye of Ms. Walter.
Music 1. Th e Wayland Choir in performance. 2. Becky Anderson in her private voice lesson w ith Mrs. Brick. 3. jonathan Balzer in co nce rt. His performances always impress th e aud ience . 4. Miss Heifers in her stu dio . 5. Zak Moen and hi s gu itar. 6 . .Yo umi Kim's lesso n interrupted . 7. Mr. Soens lead s th e famo us and energetic j azz Band. They play a va ri ety of "gigs", much to the delight of all.
6~ Academics
Music courses encourage ind ividual and group learning by participating in many programs both on ca mpu s and in the com munity . Opportunities to perform in the Wisconsin State Solo and Ensemble Competition provide a high standard to reach fo r in mu sica l grow th. Music is a language w ith no boundaries. It delights, impresses, and cha llenges both the performer and li stene r.
Visual Art Th e visual arts allow for a personal statement through crea tive problem solving. Investi ga tin g a va riety of media allows for exploration of expression. Painting, drawing, sculpture, papermaking , fibers , ce ram ics and photograph y provide a diverse avenu e to communicate differently and creatively.
1. Maren Baker makes hand made paper art from recycled paper pulp. 2. Alex Kim works on his Circle Th eorem drawing. 3. The Art Studio w indow, a respite from the normal classroom. 4. j enny Carroll and Ms. Walter in th e darkroom. 5. Kristene Boucher, Jeff Lang and Luke Tomberlin work on their scu lpture boxes. 6. May Pinyosunun finishing her project.
'5."'路' '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Academics
& Carols This year's Festival of Lesson and Carols service, an adaptation of a 19th-century service originating in England's Truro Cathedral, illustrates the celebration of continual seasonal change and fruition through visuals and music. Each year the Fine Arts Department produces this magnificent program that reaches out to the area community featuring the manr. talents, both visual and musica , of the students from Wayland. It is Wayland's very own seasonal tradition. 1. The banner represents the cycle of life, depicted by an apple motif: spring' s blossom, summer' s leaf, autumn's harvest fruit, and the bare branch of winter, all nurtured by the sun . This year' s theme and banner design was developed by Mrs. Maitzen and made with the help of the Wayland Art Project members and Mrs. Bleifuss. 2. Shareene Lindquist recites a portion of the text. 3. The Wayland Choir, including Mr. Seighman and Mr. Brick.
6~ Lesson & Carols
1. judson Greif lights the way at the beginning of the program. 2. jennifer Mathias is one of the featured soloists. A beautiful contribution to the program. 3. Ms. Heifers accompanies Zachary Moen as he plays his violin .
All photographs on pages 68 and 69 by Ke ith D. Glasgow Photography.
Lessons & Carols
1. Sport fans: Faydre Pau lu s, Pen Hommel, N ico le Pearson, H ea th er Paulus, Nikki Brown and Lizzy Goslin. 2. Nadia Sa madani. 3. Wayland Football. 4. Wayland Soccer. 5. Wayl and Vo ll eyball. 6. On th e slopes, George Pavl ovic. 7. Wayland Girls Basketbal l.
~ Q) ~
Row 1: Atsuko Ichikawa, Erinn Mahoney, Katharina Precht, jeanna Faust, Nikki Brown, Liz Boucher, Maggie johnson and Cromwell. Row 2: Eunice Yang, Masami Yamazaki, Kristene Boucher, Ms. Alpaugh, Katie Humleker, Beth Schneider, Katie Nemacheck.
What a season! What a team! Thanks for making this an excellent year. Hard work, dedication, and playing with spirit... that's what it takes ... Seniors, we're going to miss you and know that you are now a part of the winning tradition of Wayland Field Hockey. Let's do this again next year! - Coach Alpaugh
1. Coach Alpaugh puts it in writing for Maggie johnson. 2. Behind the mask, jeanna Faust defends her goal.
Field Hockey
QUOTES "This has been an extraordinary year. I thank the entire team for the fun I have had. What a great way to end a three year career ... !" Erinn Mahoney '96 In my four years on the field hockey team, I have never played with a team like thiis one. We not only had fun but we achieved what was thought to be impossible ... WE WON! Thanks for making the season great." Katie Humleker '96 "We won! We all played well do the same next year S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!" "I've never been more proud to play on a team with so much heart and determination. We were amazing!" Jeanna Faust '98
1. Warm-ups in the rain. 2. Erinn Mahoney shoots and scores ... !
Victory is so sweet!
The Wayland Field Hockey team wins their first game in five years, the first of three games won during the season. The team gathers by the Victory Bell to ring in their success! Field Hockey
Row 1: Lincoln Nelson, jake Fakes, Regan Richardson, Wojciech Wieckowski, Gabe Doyle, Albert Taylor, Philip Oh, Tizoc Olivo. Row 2: Russell Oehmen, Matt Wright, Pete Prununske, Andy Nason, josh Kaufman, Eric Huss, Lee Nason. Row 3: Dave Licklider, Hans- jorg Schulz, Friedrich Bertz, Ben Warren, Fremont Latimer, Dominic Ferraro, Andy Huss, jeremy Faust. Row 4: Managers - Ben Park and Tate Baumer. Row 4: Assistant to the Athletic Director, Bill Luebke; Assistant Coach Derek Gittus, Head Coach Tony Reinders; Assistant Coach Matthew Nink.
1. Thanks to Mrs. Bleifuss and the Ecology Club for our mascot Willy the Wolverine. 2. Lincoln, what are you smiling at- the game isn't over yet!
7~ Football
It ha not been easy, but then, no one said it would be. We have been working hard these past two years to rebuild a football program. Despite a 1-7 record this past season, there were times when we were our own worst enemy. And, although we may not be entirely over our growing pains, we have come a long way in two years. The most difficult times are behind us. The foundation for success has been laid due in large part to the sacrifices made by this team. The players which will return are committed to turning our football program into one of the finest in the conference. I am optimistic about the future and thank this year's team for their efforts. Coach Reinders
1. The football team discussing the upcoming game. 2. No.22, Gabe Doyle is ready for his turn at a touchdown. 3. Come on coach, put us in. We want to play, too!
Row 1: Suzi Lamping, Liz Goslin, Coach Foster, Heidi Eisenreich, Masayo Takei. Row 2: Mindy White, Melina Raffin, Becky Anderson, jennifer Mathias. Row 3: Dena Lohse, Nicci Pearson.
The girl's volleyball team had another fine season scoring several victories against tough competition. The highlight of the season was the victory over the Beaver Dam volleyball team, one which every player contributed to. The Wolverine team always gave 100% and their committment and dedication was obvious to all who attended home games. After a third place finish at the conference tournament the girls next challenge was the WISAA Regional. After a tremendous struggle and an overtime game, Wayland was defeated by Oshkosh Lourdes. This team was a delight to coach and I will miss our three seniors who gave so much inspiration and leadership to the team . Coach Foster
I wish we'd won more games, but we played hard and had fun. We all became really close and I had a great time! Good luck seniors, next year Juniors. Remember "Don't Go There! Click!" We beat Beaver Dam High School!! We gave some of the best teams in the conference a real run . And when the Wayland Varsity team was on, we were so on, it was amazing. Melina Raffin, Liz Goslin, and Mindy White will be missed . The Varsity Volleyball team was a blast this year. When we were ahead, we were way ahead. In my four years at Wayland, this has been our best year so far. I'm going to miss playing with the team. I wish the girls next year much luck. Nicci, don't go there.
1. Becky Anderson, Melina Raffin, Liz Goslin, Masayo Takei, and Mindy White take a rest from volleyball and get a pep talk. 2. Dena Lohse, Jennifer Mathias and Becky Anderson bop their heads to the music (the Carpenters). 3. Ashley Rideaux ready to win.
The 1995 Junior Varsity season was a recordsetting season for the Wolverines. For the first time we defeated Sheboygan County Christian. We beat Beaver Dam High School at their invitational. The winning attitudes of the players made every match exciting and fun to watch . Finishing with 13 wins and 7 losses the team had an excellent season. Coach Wiseman
VOLLEYBALL It was fun ... once I could walk again. Those duck walks! Our volleyball season went well. We accomplished many things we intended to do. we beat teams that we never have before beaten by Wayland. Our team worked together and all enjoyed the sport. Volleyball season was great. Camp was a lot of fun. I'm sad it's over, but I' m looking forward to next year.
Row 1. Amy Kuenze, Eri Ogasawara, Coach Wiseman, Kristi Braund, Danielle Lange Row 2. Rhiannon House, Ashley Rideaux, jill Fakes, Winter Raymond, Pam Kunes, Rachel Mulder, Helen Sullivan.
Junior Varsity Team Picture Front Row (L-R): Mak Morris, Wonho Kang, Sol Leitzke, Ben Bergum, Ahti Westphal, Evan Dold,
Alvaro Moreno, Bilal Khan, Jeff Lang. Middle Row: Head Coach Gregory Spanier, Nate Yehle, Chris Roberson-Johnson, Chip Gay, Kosuke Mori, Kevin Kuluvar, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Luke Tomberlin, Kristian Borrud, lman Aswad, Assistant Coach Paul Mcinerney. Back Row: Natsanon Pattaraputtakorn, Tony Trapp, Jesse Raymond, Nader Khreish, Eric Christofferson, Rouz Rashidbaigi, Shannon Mandeldove, Erik Cornielsen, Day Pinyosunun, Duck-ho Kim .
1. Andy Mulder is about to score. 2. Yuichiro Yoshikawa beats his opponent to the ball.
Back row: Nadia Samadani, Stephanie Arndt, Coach Elias Khreish, Krisztina Kusnyer, Asra Ali. Front Row: Pen Hommel, Youmi Kim, Brooke Conley, Dani jones, Edda Happ, Chiaki Yamamoto.
It is of great quality to be the most valuabl player on a team, but it is of quality to be a most person. In my estimation as the members of the Girls Tennis am have attained both qualitie . Coach Khreish
1. & 2. Double partners Trish Duez and Brooke Conley during and after the match. How did they do? 3. Tara Leystra volleys the ball. 4. Separated by net...Faydre and Heather Paulus.
1. â&#x20AC;˘
JUNIORVARSITY TENNIS: Victori a Dimitrov, Cassie Bobilya, Faydre Paulus, Heather Paulus, and Coach Soens. Not pi ctured: Sara Knaak, Tara Leystra, Kristi Smith, Heather Smith, and jenny Carroll.
Row 1: Brad Stillmank, Young Bin Park, Nathan Retzlaff, Mark Triller, Tyson Rittenmeyer. Row 2: Brian Starker, Coach Borrud, Dong jun Lee. Not pictured: Chris Joh, Aaron Westra and Jeremy Starz.
"The 1995 golf season picked up as we went along. Even though the Wolverine Golf team had to settle for a 2-8 record in Midwest Classic Conference Dual Meets, we did play rather well in the conference meet and the WISM sectional meet. Mark Triller earned All Conference honors as well as qualifying for the WISM State Golf Tournament in Madison. Mark Triller, Aaron Westra, and Dong jun Lee were the heart and soul of this team." - Coach jim Borrud
1. Dong ]un Lee. 2. The unknown golfer takes a swing. 3. Mark Triller lines his shot up. 4. D.]. Lee, Aaron Westra, and Chris ]oh rest prior to teeing off. 5. Aaron Westra shows his style.
___ G_o_lf~S
AAP' S Alternative Activity Program
1. Eunice Yang wo rking on th e Community Quilt in Sewing Project. 2. Building the se t for thi s year' s play is Nathan Retzlaff with the " power tool ". 3. Andy Mulder is playing badminton 4. Mrs. Rabaey is the faculty sponsor for badminton . 5. Mark Triller and Larry Baszynski are building their bodies in we ightlifting.
! 1. Mr. Disch faculty sponso r for weightlift in g. 2. Roy Wibisono loves to report the score at Bowl in g, an AAP sponsored by Mr. Neuberger and Mr. Seighman. A ve ry popular after school activity. 3. The set buildin g AAP for th e mu sica l N unsense. Show time in April. An excellent head start sponsored by Mr. Van H aren and Mrs. Brick. First row: Hans-jorg Schulz, Brett Boling, Mr. Va nHaren, Keith Leung. Middle Row: Tony Trapp, Nathan Retzlaff, Evan Dold, Chip Gay. Back Row: Lenny Ca rroll , Tara Leystra, Asra Ali , Sara Knaack, Mrs. Brick. 4. Katie Nemacheck displays her embroidery she made in the Sewing Project AAP. 5. Jeffrey Lang, Fri Bertz, Eric Christofferson, Ke lli MacKa y, Katie Hoekstra, and David Li ckl ider hanging out at the bowling alley.
The Girls' Basketball team had their best season in the history of the school. Not only did th e Lady Wolverines post a winning record for th e first tim e in decades, they won the Midwest Classic Conference East Division titl e, which is a first fo r girls' basketball at Wayland . Wayland ' s season reco rd was 11 -4, and having defeated M il wa ukee Messmer in the quarter finals of the WISAA Regional, Wayland lost the semifinal ga me to Kettle Moraine Luth eran. There were many highlights throughout the season, including a conference record of 8-1. Perhaps the major ach ievement was having four players represented on the MCC All Conference team. Mind y White and Masayo Takei were named to the first team, wh ile Nicci Pea rson and Dena Loh se rece ived honourable mentions . Mindy White was also named outstanding player of the year for th e confere nce. Wa yland w ill mi ss the grad uating seniors but th ey have established a foundation upon which we ca n grow and continue to improve our program.
Va rsity Team- Row 1: Coach Foster, Masayo Takei, Li zzy Goslin, Shareen Lindquist, Winter Raymond , and Mrs. Wiseman. Row 2: Nikki Brown , M indy White, jill Fakes, Nicole Pearson, and Dena Lohse.
- Coach Shane Foster and Ass iatant Coac h H eath er Wi se man
1. JV Girls Basketball team. 2. H eath er Paulus and Mila Cabral and somebody' s foot at practice.
Girls' Basketball
1. Varsity Girls' Ba sketball team and Coach Foster, ge ttin g rea dy to w in! 2. Wayland's points! 3. Dena Loh se shoots for two points.
JV Tea m- First Row: Coach H eifers, Youmi Kim, Rhiannon H ouse, Li zzy Bou cher, and Dong )un Lee. Top Row: Stephanie Arndt, Krisztina Ku snye r, H ea th er Paulus and j ean na Faust.
Girls' Basketball
1. Wayland's Varsity Boys' Basketball Team . Row One: Morris Mak, Shannon Mendldove, jesse Raymond, Vijay Sankaran, and Aaron Westra. Row Two: Iman Aswad, jake Fakes, Pete Prunuske, Coach john Weiss, William Luebke, Lincoln Nelson, David Greene, Gabe Doyle.
Certainly I believe that this year was a step in the right direction for the boys and the program. I feel that our new players like Pete Prunuske, jake Fakes, and Gabe Doyle blended in well with our returning players. Aaron Westra and David Greene both improved considerably and played significant roles in our championship season. jesse Raymond, who played the entire season injured, proved what a competitor he is with a super season. Really the entire team deserves a congratulations for their efforts throughout the year. The season certainly provided its share of excitement. Aaron Westra's three-pointers at the buzzer versus Burlington Catholic and New Glarus provided Wayland with two big wins. jesse Raymond's allely-oop layup at the buzzer capped off a terrific performance against Alden-Hebron as Wayland won big, 61-29, at home. Who will forget jake Fakes' clutch free throws in the final 1.7 seconds to lift Wayland past Lakeside Lutheran and keep our state drive alive? I hope that this season was just the first of many exciting years of basketball here at Wayland. - Coach Jo hn WeiSs
2. Everyone watches as the ball makes it's way towards the net. 3. Aaron Westra dribbles the ball, on the offensive.
Boys' Basketball
1. j .V. Boys' Basketball Tea m: Row One: Bilal Khan, Shannon Mande ldove, Motoki Kawa nago, Nader Kreish, and Morris Mak. Row Two: Coach An th o ny Reinders, David Ka ng, Eric H uss, Lu ke Tomberlin, lman Aswad, Laron Rhu e, W illiam Lu ebke.
2. Coach We iss and the tea m look on. 3. Aaro n Wes tra tri es to decide w ho shou ld get th e baii. .. Jake o r Pete? 4. jake F ~kes , Jesse Raymo nd and Pete Prunu ske du ri ng ti me o ut. 5. jesse Raymo nd moves in towa rds th e basket.
Boys' Basketba ll
Swim Tea m '95 - ' 96: Row 1 in Pool : Mohammed Mohammed, Nate Ye hle, Albert Taylo r, N ick Fa rran, Colin Preston, Tizoc O livo . Row 2: H ea th e r N il es, Brooke Co nley, V icto ri a D imit rov , Ke ll i H o b b ie, Nad i a Sa m ad a n i, Sa i ra Khan. Row 3: M r. Sackett, Kosuke Mori, Kri s Bo ucher, Ben Bergum, Alvaro M oreno, Mr. N ink.
l.Kri s Boucher is checkin g th e swim min g tea m record. 2. Coaches Mr. Nink and M r. Sackett are discussing th e team.
9~Swimm i ng
1.)ud son Greif. Sa ira Kh an and Mr. N ink. 2. Vi ctoria Dimitrov. 3. On yo ur mark, get se t, GO! 4. Nadia Sa madani, Vi ctoria Dimitrov, Kosuke Mori, and Albert Taylor. 5. Nick Farran is jumping into th e start of th e race.
Our overall record doesn' t show how competitive our team was this season . Despite the fact that we had such a small team, we had some pretty close meets. This was a great season for the swimmers and coaches. In practice we focused on working hard and having fun, especially when we played water ultimate frisbee or had intra squad relays . At meets the swim mers did a good job improving their times. Special notice goes to Victoria Dimitrov for establishing a new school record for the girls' 100 yard breaststroke at 1:1 7 .38. Varsity and JV Swimmin g Coach Sackett and Coach Nink.
This yea r's team had 1 7 boys and 7 girls. Our boys team was a very yo ung team with the varsity team being composed on one fre shman, two sophomores, three juniors and one sen ior. Th ey did exceptiona ll y we ll and in the end qualified fo r the co nference race (top 12 teams in the conference). As a result of the conference race showing, Wa yland qualified for th e state championsh ip race at Lacrosse, Wisconsin. With the experience that we have ga ined this year, we shou ld enter next yea r w ith a much higher level of confidence and expectation for the varsity team. Th e junior Varsity also did well in ga inin g a first and three seco nds throughout the six race season. The girls team skied well enough to be in th e thick of the pack right up until the fina l race of the season . W e were pl ease d with their progress and fee l th at th ey did ve ry we ll during the season. The unfortunate part of th e girls team is that we w ill lose 5 of the 7 members to graduation this year. Because of this , next yea r will be a rebuildin g year unless we get some new high quality ski ers attending W ayland next fall. - Coach Kasper
9~Ski Team
1995-1996 Wa yland Ski Team: Row One: Raul Ramirez, Sol Leitzke, Erinn Mahoney, Tyson Rittenmeyer, Mr. Cobb, Bill Amos, Maren Baker, and Neena Mahadev. M iddle Row:Ms. Alpaugh, j eremy Starz, Young Bin Park, Matt Wright, Kate Bourquin, j osh Kaufm an, Edda H app, Eric Co rni elsen, and Mr. Ka sper. Row Three: Aht i Westpha l, Fre Latimer, George Pavlovic, Ben Warren, Voytek Wieckowski, Kristi Smith, Kris Michaels, Brad Stillm ank, and Thomas Tam ayo. 1. You ng Bin Park and Matt Wright gettin g ready fo r practi ce.
On the slopes with : 1. Kristi Smith 2. Eric Cornielson 3. Thomas Tamayo 4. Erinn Mahoney 5. Jerem y Starz
Ski Team
1. 1995- 1996 Wayland Cheerleading Squad: Faydre Paulus, Ashley Rideaux, Rachel Mulder, Mercedes Ben zinger, Amy Kuenzi. 2. Waiting for th e action to begin. 3. The cheerleaders cheer on jesse Raymond of the Varsity Basketball team. 4. Faydre Paulus and Ms. Podell, faculty advisor to cheerleading and poms, were trying to discuss something important.
1995- 1996 Wa yland Pam Squad. Row On e: Heidi Eisenreich, M erce des Ben zinger, Naoko Takeda. Row Two: Eri Ogasawa ra , Miho Ozeki, Kri stin Badows ki , Amy Ku enzi, Ra chel Mu lder. Row Th ree : Ms. Podell , Becky W aters, Cassie Bobil ya, Becky Anderson, Fa ydre Pau lus, Moll y Swa in, As hley Ridea ux. 2. Naoko Takeda during Pom s practi ce. 3. The Pom s sq uad strikes a final po se. 4. Ms. Podell, Becky Anderson , Naoko Takeda, Eri Oga sawa ra, M iho Ozeki , Kristin Badowski and Cassie Bobilya ... Having a group photo at a swim meet?
Ecology Club The Ecology Club has taken on two major projects this year . The iirst proj ect consists oi building a pond and outdoor relaxation area ior students between Discovery Hall and Warren Cottage. The second project is a major recycl ing project providing toys and clothes ior under-priviledged citizens oi Dodge County. And oi course, continuing efiorts to promote recycling oi paper, plastics, and paper on campus as we ll as the popular TShirt sale remain important to the club. Members pictured are: Chuck Le yst ra, Technical Advisor, Mrs. Bleiiuss (iacu lty advisor), Sara Knaack, Danielle Lange, Suzi Lamping, Melina Rafiin, Katie Humleker, Don Mattson, and Tony Trapp. Not pictured: Beth Schneider, Asra Ali, jenniier Mathias, Danielle jones, Nate Yehle, Neena Mahadev and Ahti Westphal.
Thespians Wayland has chartered Troupe 1538 oi the International Thespian Society, and honorary organization oi more than 3,000 secondary schools, the aim oi which is the advacement and improvement oi theatre arts. Students are eligible for membership in Thespians aiter having worked at least 100 hours on or ofi stage during high school, and 50 oi those hours must have come from participation Wayland Players' productions. Pictured are Mrs. Brick, jeremy Starz, Kristene Boucher, Liz Goslin, Lenny Carroll, Pen Hommel, Beth Schneider, Ms. Alpaugh and Mr. VanHaren.
The Varsity Club The Varsity Club is the girls' orgain ization ior varsity sportsletter award witnners. Its purpose is to foster iel lowship among iemale letterwinners, to create sportsmanship and interest in athletics, to develop school cooperation and spirit, to promote the school's athletic philosoph y, to spon sor activities, and to raise iunds for athletic awards. Pictured are: Asra Ali, Nikki Brown , Saira Khan, Neena Mahadev, Liz Goslin, Nadia Samadani, Nicci Pea rson , Katie Humleker, Trish Duez, )en Mathias, Dena Lohse , and Ms. Alpaugh (iaculty sponsor). Not pictured: Brooke Conley and Melina Raiiin.
1 Peopl e are alw ays relax. 路 Ill . th e Stud ent Un1on 1ng d during th e day. 2. Mr. an Mrs. Wi se man w orklll g togeth er. 3. Th e new ad d ition to th e St udent Union . 4 Nader Kre ish, Kn stla n B~rrud , j eremy Faust, and And y Huss . Fu ss ball, fres hmen aga in st se n1ors. 5 .. M elani e St eve n son , Mind y White and A my Kuen zi no t o nl y u se th e U nion for entertain ment ' but also fo r studyin g. 6. Loo kin g In at Mr. Wi se man, the Union coordin ato r. Th e Union , thi s yea r, h as gro w n In popularity as it becom es a very "warm " place to be.
O ve r last summer, M rs. W ise man (a ka Senorita Bo nita) chaperon ed a group of W ay land Stud ents mad e up of D ena Lohse, Kim Porbu ca n, Nadia Sa mada ni, N icc i Pearso n, Pen Hommel, and Bri e Fields, to Spa in . Durin g th e three wee k trip, th ey lea rn ed w hat th ey loved about th e Spani sh culture and also bega n to appreciate thin gs back home in th e U .S. Th e short vaca ti o n made las ting memo ri es that th e gro up w ill cheri sh foreve r.
WaylandWorking Hard and Playing Hard 1. Ms. Walter shows Katie Hoekstra how to file her negatives. 2. Mr. Cobb, assisted by Mr. Reinders, suits up for Sumo Wrestling, an innovative way to spend a Saturday night! 3. )eanna Faust. 4. Young Bin Park . . . Achooo! 5. Daisuke Sato studying hard. 6. Mr. Disch's physics c la ss care full y watches the demostration.
1. Gues t spea ker, Col. M ark Lee, w ith Dr. Grieshaber after relatin g his experiences as an astronaut. Col. Lee, an eleven yea r veteran of th e NASA Spa ce Program is scheduled to be the payload co mmander on th e 1997 flight on th e STS-82, th e second Hubble Space Telescope maintenance mi ssion. Col. Lee has spent 55 0 hours in orbit and shared insight into how to becom e as tron aut and th e bea uty of space fli ght. As Lee sa id, " Yo u don' t see boundari es in space, we need to work toge ther to maintain th e planet. " It was a va luable hour listening to Col. Lee . 2. Sol Leitzke workin g on his art. 3. Ahti Westp hal, H eidi Eisenreich , Kri szt ina Ku snyer and The Tale of Two Cities . 4. Enterin g Chapel tw ice a week. 5. Becky Wate rs. 6. Th e beloved snack machin e. A happy addition to Lindsay Foye r. 7. Pen Hommel at Swa n Library. Way land; a place to grow, a place to learn and a pl ace to play.
1. What are you looking at, Andy Murlder ? 2. Bad guys!! 3. Ellen Caroll and Sol Leitzke are looking for the circus. 4. Ashley Rideaux = Cat women (?)
1. Maggie Johnson (3.} Edda Happ and (4.) Trish Duez, have interesting hats, indeed! 2. ]en Mathias is making up Matt Spang's face . 5. Three trouble makers! Nicci Pearson, Dena Lohse, and Nadia Samadani.
1. Brooke Conley and j erem y Starz. 2. Brad Stillmank and Amy Ku enzi. 3. As hley Rid eaux. 4. Katie Humleker hits th e dance floor. 5. Heather Paulus and Dom Ferraro. 6. Seniors Trish Du ez, Katie Humleker, Beth Schneider enjoy their last Snowball at W ayland.
Snowfest Snowfest 1996, a Wednesday w hen the temperature was w inter wa rm , the su n shone, th e snow perfect and spirits happ y. It was a great way to combat the February blahs .. . only smiles existed thi s day! 1. Mr. Wiseman getting everybod y wa rm ed up before going outdoors for va ri ous activities. 2. Eve rybody taking a break: Katharina Precht, Erinn Ma honey, Tyso n Rittenmeyer, Alex Kim , Woo jin Kim , Kate Bourquin, Youm i Kim, Morris Mak and Freeman Tang. Sitting: j ackie Lim, W in te r Raymo nd, Kyl e Anderson. 3. Pen Ho mmel and Kristene Boucher runnin g from a barrage of snow! 4. Mrs. Wiseman checking her schedu le. Th e Wi seman's organized th e event w hich included a snow scul tp ing contest, trayball, the lditerod, snow soccer, a scavenger hunt and relay races. 5. Creative forces at wo rk; the snow turns into sculpture' 6. Team # 1 O's ma sterpi ece; Snow Frog.
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1. Don Mattson working on his self portrait in th e art studio and dorm . 2. Erinn Mahoney reading her journal at the Eclectic Cafe on a Friday night. 3. Masami Yamazaki working hard as usual! 4. Festival of Fine Arts provides alternative activities one weekend in February. Dr. G making a block for the 1996 W ayland Community Quilt. 5. The 1995 W ayland Community Qui lt. 6. Andy Mulder relaxing. 7. Laron Rhue taking a break from studying Saturday afternoon . 8. The Chess Ladder, a great way to spend an evening or afternoon . 9. An impromptu basketba ll game in Lindsa y Gym. 10. Iman As wad reads poetry. 11 . An ever popular weekend activity, Lau ndry! Lindsay Mitchen is happy hers is completed. 12. Brian Starker and Jennifer M athias are dressed up for th e Saturday Night Dance. 13. Kyung Taeg Lim . 14. jackie Haley, Melanie Stevenson, and Dani ]ones ready for th e dance. W eekend Activiti es are dive rse: State Street in Madison , restin g, swimming, Capture-the-Flag, dances, hanging out at the dorm or Union, learn ing how to knit, games and of co urse studying, Wayland works hard and pla ys hard!
- - - - - - Warmed Up
To the Wayland Experience
'-Jaoko Takeda, Mi ho O ze ki , Eri Ogasawara. 2. Mind y White. 3. uke M ori. 4. Fanta N'Dia ye. 5. Hea the r Paulu s and Ahti Westphal. 6. ky Waters and Ki erstan Rickey. 7.Yo umi Kim and Krisztin a Kusn ye r. 路ett Bolin g and Roy Wib isono. 9. Faydre Pa ulu s and As hley Ridea ux. Ben Park and Gabe Doyle. 11 . Tyso n Rittenmeye r, Ben Warren, and :l Stillmank. 12. Dave Faber.
Parting Shots
2. ........
1. Victor ia IJimi trov and Eclcla Happ. 2. Eri Ogasawara. 3. Thomas Tamayo. 4. j ere my Starz. 5. A lva ro Moreno. 6. Helen Su lli va n . 7. Ben Park.
Smiles, Studies, and Friendships, this is Wayland 1995-1996
Ca ndids
1).21 7
53, 76, 90, 91
Lu ebke, Bill
83, 88, 89, 108, 11 3 35, 63, 72, 80, 94 35, 71, 72, 78, 88, 99, 100, 103, 10 7 Phinyosunun, Chanarong 27 Pinyosunun, Day 40, 81 14, 15,2 7,6 7 Pin yos unun, May 52, 64, 96, 97 Pod ell , Lau ra 16, 18, 27, 33, 71, 103 Porubcan, Kim Precht, Katharina 15 , 35, 64, 74, 109 Presto n, Colin 43, 44, 64, 92 Prunuske, Pete .... .. . . 5, 16, 28, 76, 90, 9 1 . 28 Puj als, Adriana Pavlovic, George Pearson, Nicci
M MacKa y, Kellie 16, 35, 41, 87 Mahadev, Neena 25, 64, 94, 99, 100, 101 M ahoney, Eri nn .. 18, 25, 74, 75, 94, 95, 109,
111 52, 68, 120 35, 90, 91, 109 46, 64 7, 16, 38, 39, 41' 65, 8 1, 91, 98 15, 25, 80 Martinez, Daniel Mathias, j en nifer . 35, 48, 69, 71' 78, 100, 107, 111 Mattson, Don 35, 63 , 80, 100, 111 McCarth y, Claudia 46 Mcinern ey, Paul 52, ()1, Ill Meyer, Nate . . 54 Michaels, Kris 10, 18, 26, 33, 80, 94 Miller, Abel ........ 44, 65 Miller, Carol 53 Mitchen, Lindsa y 40, 53, 111 Moen, Zak 26, 33, 66, 69, 80, 98 Mohammed, Mohammed 26, 80, 92 Moreno, Alvaro 40, 64, 8 1, 92, 11 7 Mori, Kosuke 40, 81 , 92, 93, 113 Morris, Mak . 81 Muld er, And y 9, 35, 3 7, 70, 71, 80, 8 1, 86, 101 , 106, 111 Muld er, Ra chel . 4, 7, 16, 44, 48, 49, 70, 19, 96, 97, 99 Maitze n, Gwendolynn Mak, Morris Manchester, Anabel Mandeldove, Shannon
0 40, 64, 76 . 3, 14, 15, 40, 79, 97, 11 3, 117 Oh, Dong I. 40, 71, 76 Oliver-Thompson, Sarah 16, 18 Olivo, Tizoc 40, 76, 92, 99 Omen, john 55 Owens, Karen ........ 55 Ozeki, Miho 3, 14, 40,97, 113 Oehmen, Russell Ogasawara, Eri.
p Palm, Dou glas 50 Park , Benjamin 40, 48, 76, 113, 117 9, 15, 27, 58, 98, 101 Park, jin-Hee Park, Youn g Bin 44, 84, 94, 104 Pattaraputtakorn, Natsa non 40, 81 Patterson, john 52, 61 Patterson, Lauren 18, 27, 33 Paulu s, Fa yd re . 4~ 7~ 71, 72, 83, 96, 9~
11 3 Paulu s, H eather ... 14, 40, 41 , 70, 71, 72, 82,
u 55
52, 63, 86 15, 18, 28, 3 1, 61, 78, 98, 100, 101 , 120 Ramirez, Raul 41, 94 Ras hidbaigi, Rou z 41 , 81 38, 41 , 48, 8 1, 90, 9 1, 96 Ra ymo nd , j esse Raymond, Winter 44, 79, 88, 109 56, 76, 91 Reinders, Tony 40, 41, 84, 86, 87 Retzlaff, Nath an 41 , 47, 9 1, 111 Rhu e, Laron 18, 28, 58, 76 Richardson , Rega n Ri ckey, Ki erstan 18, 28, 71, 113 Rid ea ux, Ashley 5, 15 , 41 , 71, 78, 79, 96, 97,99, 106, 108, 11 3 36, 84, 94, 109, 113 Rittenm eyer, Tyso n Roberson-johnson , Chris 36, 62, 63, 81 Rabaey, jennifer Raffin, M elina .
s 0
67, 81, 9 1 41 , 81 , 87, 100 30, 84, 85, 86 53
Trapp, To ny Trill er, Mark Tsiamis, Nancy
Uelmen, Karen
N Nakagawa, Tadaaki .. . . .. 15, 26 Nason, Andy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 76 Nason , Lee 44, 76 Nault, Linda .54 Neitzal, Kim 53 Nelson, Lincoln 18, 26, 3 1, 33, 49, 76, 90 Nemacheck, Katie 35,47, 63,74,87 Neuberger, Kevin 4,46, 52,60, 87 Niles, Hea th er 44, 92 Nink, Matthew 52, 6 1, 76, 92,93 N' Diaye, Fanta 43, 44, 113
Tan g, Freeman 15, 29, 80, 109 Taylor, Albert 36, 76, 92, 93, 98, 99 Th ompson, j ody . 53 Thompson, Sarah 0. . 27 Tomberlin , Luke .. 4, 44, 4 5, 49, 63, 65,
52, 60, 80, 92, 99 ....... 55 . . 9, 3~ 72, 82, 92, 93, 99, 100, 101 , 103 , 107 Sankaran, Vijay 18, 28, 31 , 61 , 80, 90, 99, 101 Sato, Daisuke 15, 36, 104 Schneider, Beth 5, 9, 18, 29, 47, 70, 71' 74, 98, 100, 108 52, 64 Schneider, Michael Schul z, H ans-j6rg 15, 36, 58, 76, 8~98 50, 56, 57, 68, 87 Seighman, Eli Selchert, Marge 54 Sh efchik, j aynee . 54 Smith , H ea th er . 18, 29, 33, 71, 83 Smith, Kri sti 18, 29, 83, 94, 95 52, 66, 83 Soens, Ri ck 29, 80 Sopanan, Edward Spang, Matthew 10, 41 , 63, 80, 107 Spani er, Gregory 52, 63 Starker, Bri an 36, 47, 84, 111 Starz, Jeremy .... 36, 71' 84, 94, 95, 98, 100, 108, 117 Stevenson, Melanie 36, 98, 102, 111 Stillmank, Bradley 36, 84, 94, 99, 113 Stoltz, Maren ................ ..... 36 Stone, William 46, 50 Sullivan, H elen . 4, 15, 16, 41, 49, 71, 79, 117 Swa in, Molly 6,42 , 44,45,97, 99 Sweat, j erry 36, 80 Sackett, Sam Sadowski, Lori Samadani, Nadia
52, 6 1, 87, 100, 101
VanHaren, Roger
w Wakeford, j ames 53 Wakeford, Sop hie 15, 52 Walter, D ee 52, 65, 67 . 55 Ward, Mark 4, 36, 76, 94, 98, 11 3 Warren , Ben Waters, Becky 36, 63, 97, 105, 113 Weiss, jo hn 53, 90, 9 1 Westphal, Ahti .. 6, 38, 41 , 81, 94, 100,
105, 113 Westra, Aa ron 18, 30, 84, 85, 90, 9 1 Wheel er, Gloria 50 White, Mindy 9, 30, 58, 78, 88, 102 , 11 3 Wibisono, Roy 15 , 30, 113 Wieckowski, Wojciech 15 , 31, 64, 76,
94 53, 79 3, 46, 48, 52, 88, 99, 102 , 109 ..... 55 4, 43 , 44, 76,94
Wiseman , Grant Wiseman , Heather Wolfgang, Mark Wright, Matthew
y Yamamoto, Chiaki Yamazaki , Masami Yang, Eunice . Yaroch , Del Yehle, Nate Yoon, H ee-Seck Yo shikawa, Yuichiro
15,3 1,33,82 15 , 36, 74, 111 15, 16, 36, 74, 86, 99 .55 4 1, 8 1, 92, 100 14, 31, 80 41 , 8 1
Tabb, Patricia . 55 Takeda, Naoko 44, 97, 113 Takei , Masayo 15, 36, 78, 88 Tamayo, Thomas .. 10, 15, 29, 33, 80, 94, 95,
Index [).21 9
Yearbook Yearbook is always a big job. Added to the complex pro cess was lea rnin g a new co mputer program. Now all of th e yearbook is put on the comp uter wh ich is standard in publishing. It makes for organ izatio nal problems w hen you onl y have a co uple of computers to use. The Yearbook Staff did a good job learnin g the program on top of learning page design and compositio n of the overall book. jeanna Fa ust' s idea for th e theme gave us the impet us for the design . The book is a ce lebration of Wayland ' s diverse student population. Wayland Acade my is a great place to be and thi s is reflected in the positive attitude of this years' book. The 1995 1996 Pillars Staff hopes that thi s book w ill help keep th e memories alive . Thank yo u Yearbook Staff for your work. A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Nink fo r th eir help proofreading. Mrs. Maitzen, faculty advisor.
Colophon The Pillars Yearbook, volume 52, is printed on matte 80# talc paper using Athena type throughout. The endsheel stock page is printed on 80# passport talc w ith applied ink black # 1. The 120 page, 81/2 x 11 trim size book is Smyth bound. 200 copies were printed. Cover specifi cat ion s include a w hite #!l4!l w ith the grain impression, Expression and gold fo il appl ied wrapped around 150 point binders board. All work was completed on a Macintosh LC II and a Macintosh PowerBook Duo 230. The book is manufactured by the Taylor Publishing Compa ny of Dallas, Texas. The Taylo r repre se ntative is Shei la Wilberding, who is and has always been a tremendous help. Thank You, Sheil a!
12~ Yearbook
1. The Yearbook staff gathers around fo r their new assignments. First semester Staff: Melina Raffin, Li z Goslin, Cassie Bobilya, Lenny Carroll, j ea nna Faust, Shareene Lindquist and Chan g Won Hong. 2. Lizzie Goslin searc hes for perfect photo. 3. Shareene Lindqui st is wo rkin g hard on th e comp uter. 4. Mrs. Maitze n makes notes of w ho is doing w hat. 5. The second semester Yearbook staff, dedicated, determi ned, compete nt and tired. Chang Won Ho ng and Cassie Bobilya alon g with Mrs. Maitzen co mpleted 60 pages 1n two months.
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Mus i.e
Versatile and charming, Emma Thompson wrote the script for and stars in •sense and Sensibility, • a touching comedy about two sisters falling in love.
WhatEVER! Alicia Silverstone stars in •oueless" os a Beverly Hills princess. The hilarious summertime teen comedy is bosed loosely on on 1816 novel by Jane Austen.
In •Casino,' Sharon Stone ploys a veteran Los Vegas hustler in Martin Scorcese's three-hour depiction of how the mob controlled and ultimately lost Los Vegas.
•aabe,' a family-oriented ftlm from Australia, features a talking pig that becomes a sheep herder and a hero among his barnyard friends. James Cromwell stars os the farmer in this delightful story of diplomacy and courtesy.
Woody the pull-string cowboy and Buzz Ughtyeor brightened the holiday season in "Toy Story,• Disney's feature-length, computer-animated smash hit. ALouisiana nun's true-life relationship with a deathrow inmate is grippingly portrayed by Susan Sorandon and Seon Penn in •oead Man Walking."
Mike Nelson and Servo spent yet another year ridiculing bod movies, to the delight of "Mystery Science Theater 3000w fans
On "Frasier," the Crone family and friends maintained their pointed toke on life in Seattle.
Jonathon Silverman negotiated the hazards of New York Oty's single life in -Tbe Single Guy.â&#x20AC;˘
The fast-paced intrigue of "ERâ&#x20AC;˘ mode it the No. 1 show in America's homes.
._ ,-_
.... .
Student Soapbox "I never judge a
\ ,._ _ _ friend by appear-
lim Allen continued to bring his unique slant on masculinity to his role as father, husband, and hast of "Tool lime" on ABC's "Home Improvement."
once, sex, race or age. Attributes I value in my friends are honesty and deditotion! Esther Williams - Vancouver, Wash.
U.S. record soles for country megastar Garth Brooks surpassed all artists except the Beatles following the release of "Fresh Horses," his first studio album in two years.
Shania Twain first hit the charts with "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under," and went on to release the blockbuster, 3 million-seller album "The Woman in Me.•
TLC was rhythmand blues'
;;::::::======--.. .
most tolked about act of the year with "Waterfalk.•
Hootle & The Blowfish were named the year's top aduh contemporary artists for their debut album •eracked Rear V'I8W, • which sold 11 million copies and spun off a string of singles and video hits.
Coolio and LV. collaborated on the year's lop single, "Gangsto's Parad'ISII/ from the "Dangerous Minds" soundtrack. All two hours and 28 songs of The Smashing Pumpkins double album •Mellon Callie and the Infinite Sadness" soared to No. 1on the charts.
It debuted at No. 1 after o$30 million promotional push, but Michael Jackson's "HIStory" fell short of expectations when soles dropped sharply after the initial robust showing.
The Eagles surprised veteran rockers with the success of "Hell Freezes Over."
Released 25 years after the Beatles broke up, •Anthology 1• sold 2 nu11ion copies in three weeks.
Contemporary Christian
Soul dynamo Kenneth "Babyface• &nonds aeated a soothing mix af love songs pelfonned by TLC, Whitney Houston and teen star Brandy in the best-selling sounchrock of "Wailing to Exhale.•
lnd ~ du n •w m~si'
Oy .,• .~,. r- ~- tcdli ,,..••• A.uilf• lr. ..u ••• , .. I:........ ,.,; tfrklf•. a .... ,• .-.w,... 1•: lut £Wt'. J.Ji-•~"• S. ~~:;• tln l• ll'- •lfltl ~("· WI••••· All H• w SugJ Wd tJ., ""d ProJuc ..J by Je~byfou
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performer Amy Grant's album "House of Love" sold 2million copies.
Soapbox "I listen to all
different kinds of music because I feel if makes me a more diverse person and enables me to relate to more people.• Brooke Hutson - Cubo, Mo.
The Dallas Cowboys, pro football's team of the '90s, won their third Super Bowl in four years with a victory over the P"rttsburgh Stealers in Super Bowl XXX.
Dazzling Pete Sompros wos an American hero ot home and abroad, winning tennis' Triple Crown with victories in Wimbledon, the U.S. Open and the Davis Cup.
--= -=!.
The never-say-die A~onta Braves final~ won oWorld Series title when they defeated the American League <hampion develond Indians in the October dossit
Future Hall of Fame quarterback Dan Morino of the Miami Dolphins .aiiti...!l!!!MI!J'/ surpassed Fran Torkenton os the NFrs oil-time leading passer.
Amid howls of protest, controversial heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson returned to the ring after serving prison time for rope, knocking out challenger Peter McNeeley in a mere 89 seconds. In sp"rte of fomi~ problems and nagging injuries, Steffi Grof maintained her top ranking in women's tennis with victories in Wimbledon, the U.S. Open and the French Open. Basketball magic rome olive in Los Angeles when Eorvin (Magic) Johnson announced his return to the LA. Lokers after four years of retirement bemuse of his Tennis great Monico Seles mode a breathtaking comeback to the infection with HIY, the court following her recovery virus that muses AIDS. from a stab wound inflicted by a deranged spectator two-anda-half years ago.
Col Ripken Jr. broke Lou Gehrig's 56-yearold record when he played in his 2,131 consecutive game Sept. 6.
Soapbox "I like to be around positive people. Agood self-esteem and a good oH"rtude ore important to me." Michael Turner Madison, Tenn.
Twenty-year-old Shannon Faulkner won olwo-year court battle for admission to The Gtodel, on all-mole military academy, only to leave after the first grueling week because of exhaustion. She was joined by 30 male cadets, who dropped out for the some reoson. President Bill Clinton and Congressional Republican leaders Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich foiled to reach a compromise on the 1996 federal budget, resulting in on unprecedented shutdown of government operations.
Merger mania reached o peak when Time-Warner and Turner Broadcasting joined forces, creating the world's largest media company.
Air Force Capt. Scott O'Grady earned the admiration of the nation for surviving six brutal days in a Bosnian forest after being shot down by Serbian gunfire.
Americans were left deeply divided by the acquittal of OJ. Simpson, whose eight-month-long, televised murder trial riveted the nation's attention and mode celebrities of both legal teams. ..-.!.....~. . . . Superhuman determination
characterized the ongoing recovery of odor Christopher Reeve, who was left almost totally paralyzed following a freak horseback riding acddent.
The gritty House Speaker from Georgia, Rep. Newt Gingrich, was named Time llil.-lllililiiifillilil._. magazine's Man of the Year for his role in Close to a dozen Republican presidential leading the Republican hopefuk, induding front-runners Patrick Those who soid it wouldn't lost were right. Usa Marie Presley Buchanan, Bob Dole, Lamar Alexander and Revolution. and pop superstar Michael Jackson called it quits after a brief Steve Forbes, tossed their hats in the ring and intriguing marriage. as the 1996 presidential campaign opened in earnest.
Still vigorous at age 75, Pope John Paul II stopped in the United States on his world tour. 83,000 faithful stood in the rain for his Mass at Giants Stadium in New York Gty.
Mother Nature clobbered the eastern United States with 30 hours of nonstop snow, piling up two feet of the white stuff from North Carolina to Maine. It was the East Coast's worst snow storm in SO years.
Although his book was on instant best-seller, Colin Powell disappointed many Americans when he decided not to run for the presidency.
Controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Forrokhan sent out a call for one million African American men across the country to gather in Washington, D.C., as a sign of unity and commitment in the Milhon Man March. Unusually turbulent weather spawned a record 111 hurricanes in the western hemisphere, leaving 11 0 people dead and billions of dollars in property damage.
·ss•took a dive as Congress abolished the national speed limit and gave states the right to set their own limits--or do away with them ahogether, as several Western states did. Hillary Rodham Ointon bealme the first Arst lady to face a grand jury when she was subpoenaed to testify in the Whitewater affair. The testimony copped a year of high visibdity for Mrs. Chnton, who also addressed delegates to the U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing, China.
Student Soapbox *My teen years ore different from my porents' because they had more freedom and more opportunities in the career world.• Dono lewis -Madison Heights, Vo.
Nearly four years of civil war in Bosnia ended with the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords and the dispatch of 0 multinational peacekeeping force tothe
America's obsession with the Internet grew as the number of home pages--ond users--prol~erated on the World Wide Web.
Java joints like this Starbucks Coffee shop sprung up on every urban corner as '96 spawned the coffee craze. The road to the future is paved with microchips! says computer guru and billionaire Bill Gates in "The Road Ahead,* his much-anticipated map to the techno-future.
Microsoft Corp. launched its new operating system, Windows 95, selling 16 million copies in four months, thanks to o 23-cify promotional tour.
Oprah Winfrey, celebrating 10 years os America's mast-loved talk show hast, avoided trash-TV topics and outrageous audience participation, unlike her doytime competitors, including Jenny Jones and Ricki Luke.
Student Soapbox "Trust ond companionship ore important ottributes in my friends. Because if you can't trust a friend, are they really a friend? And companionship is essential for o goad
Switzer - Lakeside, Calif. ~lationship." ,=lr~r=======::::::======:::II!IJII~reJoshua
Fashion ads for Colvin Klein jeans and The Gop featured next-door-neighbor types sporting casual body language and carefree, comfortable cottons.
Above clockwise hom len
Jerry Garcia, 53, leader of the Grateful Dead Sergei Grinkov, 28, champion Russian figure skater Evo Gabor, 74, actress Gene Kelly, 83, entertainer 'fllzhok Rabin, 73, Prime Minister of Israel Not pictured
Wolfman Jock, 57, rock 'n' roll disc jockey Barbaro Jordon, 56, constitutional scholar ond former congresswoman from Texas Butterfly McQueen, B4, actress Mickey Montie, 64, Hall of Fame baseball player Dean Martin, 7B, entertainer Audrey Meadows, 69, actress Orville Redenbocher, BB, ..lt.:;-)joj!L'1, popcorn king R1ght
George Burns, 100, entertainer Š1996ToylorPublishingCo.
During leisure time, teens opted for casual ond comfortable sportswear, sporting vivid reds and navys.