New Directions & Worn Paths Wayland Academy commenced its one hundred and forty-second year on August 26th, 1996. We're traveling in new directions, full of adventure and a promise of a bright future. While we undergo obstacles and challenges, we are steadily pedaling down worn paths; learning from our mistakes and growing from the challenge. Students and Faculty enter the new year with great enthusiam and school spirit.
The Spirit and Energy on campus promises a great year. Everyone was very helpful in moving into the dorms. Guidance was given and received; everyone found their new rooms and mates.
Beginning at Wayland AcadeJDy
Registration and orientation kick oii the school year. Orientation is a time ior new students to get to know themselves and others. Everybody involved in orientation works together to overcome diiiicult challenges and obstacles. Here are a iew oi those moments!
1) Nicci smiles for the cam路 era and takes all the credit. 2) What is this all about, again? 3) Where do I go from here? 4) Boucher shows her a拢fec路 tion. s) What kind of game is this?
"Hey what can I say." 2) Fremont just laughs. 3) Looks like fun! 4) Silvia makes it look easy. 5) Now I'm supposed to do what? 6) Wait a minute.
I. Alexa seems to be wea rin g a blindfold fo r no a parent reason .
2. Sarah is modeling the fines t in flourescent yellow headgear.
3 3.Funny, Boucher doesn't seem much like the spider type.
4. T he affectio n in the Sophomore class never ceases to amaze me.
6. Spiderman where are you?
7. Span ier is looking rarher American, don ' r yo u rhink.
Leadership Weekend ... ... WOW!!! Leadership weekend was the first Brochman and canoed around. In the chance for individual classes to get meantime they watched Young- Bin together. Seniors travelled to breakdance to the Manitowish . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Korean version of where they "Gangstas Paradise. Bang-Bang "Who's traversed the Meanwhile in the dead?'' 'high ropes ' Freshman world of courses, truth or outhouses and dare "Are yo u a tents, Reid did his polar bear?" best to lose the entire Juniors climbed, class on a hike. Such jumped, stumbled and zipped sweet memories, the gourmet cuisine, the kin away in Lake Geneva. Sophomores size waterbeds. Memories we will never forget. went to Helen
5. Srop posing Rachel.
1. Kaufman, as always is showing his reknowned enrhusiasm for school acriviries.
2. Lenny... supermodel of rhe furure.
1. 2
3. Jake found himself a new friend.
4. Acrion weekend for Heidi was rhe besr of rimes ...
5 .... and ir was rhe worsr of rimes.
6.Mulder will go to great lengths to show off his legs. 7. A moment of thought and inspiration overcomes Alicia.
I 0. ohhh ... Danny and Nadia are so cure. 9. Ben always grinning and having a good time.
8. Notice the size of the grin on Matt's face.
Spirit Week is a time for class Classes pull together as teams in compete and demonstrate an a work towards a common goal. This year the Senior - •. ._..,. dominated the Freshman, and Junior Classes' Class exemplified competition, and hi
S pan g~
& Ashley coRtemplate;
"What'll it be like to be a senior?"
Freshmen celebrate their loss.
win Spirit Week!
Surfs up!!
z. Dang! Where did that hot路 dog go?
3. 3. This couch is sooo comfortable.
4. Kyle-Nostalgic for yesteryears and pick路 up sticks.
• Bubbas look' in good this lalloween.
Hey, it's Bruce Raschid.
7• Senor Schneider puts on his mean face. 8. Bon Appetite Eric! Mmm.
8 9. Cheeks is jammin.
N e~ Directions, Worn Paths! Make a choice and ieel the power oi your own actions. Choose a path to iollow leaving the old behind. Make each day a new begin路 ning and a new end. Aiiect people and let them aiiect you. Feel the beauty in everday oi you and your iriends' lives.
x) Mabel shows off her abil路 ity in the union.
:z}Mr. and Mrs. Sackett, chill路 ing with Willy the Wolverine.
3} Heidi tries to hide from the camera.
4} lman loves to participate.
Steph and Heather Borisch relaxing on front campus. s}
I) Taking a break from all of the excitement.
:z) Juniors can get along with fresh· men.
Where is the mirror Mr Kasper?
4) Practice outside ••• l on a nice day.
5) Getting acquainted.
6) Susie Cooper, moving in.
Horne coming Homecoming is the time of year when everyone relaxes and lets loose. After a rigorous Spirit Week, and crazy Fall Carnival activities, we chill with our parents and friends to celebrate our victories and defeats.
Heey Macarena! Flexing obviously doesn't turn Laron on. Sorry lman. • • ! Get down and funky Laron! Joe Westra, Craig Felt, Eric: Larimer, Bill Amos, and Ben Bergum gather at the c:ouc:h to attract the babes!
Student Life Left, Sophomore Molly Swain strikes a pose. Right, Seniors Dani Jones and Masayo Takei are ready for the snow. Below, Seniors Brad Stillmank, Katie Nemacheck, Tyson Rittenmeye1; and Kelli MacKay enjoy an Autumn day. Below right, Freshman John Cano is king. Bottom. left, Freshman Leslie Major. Bottom right, Senior Eunice Yang and Junior Vicki Lee.
Left, Seniors Melanie Stevenson & Albert Taylor. ~
A h. .. What we lookin ' at?
' da boyz! You stud muffins! Gabe Doyle and Jake Fakes.
Go Heidi!! Heidi Eisenreich struggles at orientation.
Senior-itis is a disease usually contracted at the end of a person's ]unior year of high school. Certain symptoms include; bullying the underclassmen, being unnecessarily rude to the freshmen, showing no respect for the underclassmen, and stressing the fact that you're older than the underclassmen at least once a day. Senior-itis doesn't seem to last long, however, only 12 months or so. A quick shock to the system of being a freshman in college normally cures all those who are suffering. If you know someone who has caught Senior-itis, don't worry it's not life threatening or contagious, unless you're a junior!
Becky AndersonLife is like music; it has its high notes and its low notes, but its wonderful all the same." -Anonymous I'd like to give my love & thanks to my parents, especially, as well as the rest of my family. H.E, how 'bout those porky cucumbers? J.M. & N.P. "La-la-la-la-la." D.L. Do you want any pixie stixs? T.B. Thank you so much for always being there for me. I never could've done it without you. Little Max- I hope H.E. & I didn't scare you too much. To all the underclassmen: Remember that life is fun and it's yours to enjoy.
!man AswadFour years ago a boy from the Bronx set out on a journey to an unknown place. Four years later the journey is over and after not thinking he' d survive he did. With a few bumps and bruises and a run in with the BDPD this boy leaves Wayland as a young man that has learned many lessons in life. To Mr. Mayer thank you so much. I don't know how I could ever repay you. To my family and friends I love you all and thanks for always being there. Love, Peace and Hairgrease,
I'm outta here!
Kristene BoucherMom, Dad, Steven, and Mikey maybe the house will be quiet now. Lizzy, it's up to U, B good! Sl, A blustery day will always bring us together. DL, dinner wasn ' t bad either. Bel, who knows where we may go? JS! It's over tech boy, get off the ladder! AM, who knows? Hence the birth of Birkensticks. JG, Thanks for everything, Smile! Dios, I wanna play! RO, Ne dis pas de betise! FL, hang in there Frisky! Boogar and Goober, Names's not Warren. SA &A W, I promised. To all those not mention it's been FUN!
Kyle AndersonWhen I think back upon my four years of high school, I think about all of the experiences that I've had, and all of the people I've met. I take something from each of them. From each new encounter I learn more and more about myself. I'll never forget all of the people that I've met. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me in anyway, my family, and especially Winter.
Maren BakerMom , Dad & Family: Thank you letting me experience so much. I Jove you. Barb: I love U. Ramen tepees, stair sledding, coffee. I will always be here. Angie: I was just thinking that' Never underestimate friendship . Beth: star spinning, basement toilet & Suz: Alani s, we got some STUFF. . Jake: we're not related, Glycerine. Albert: do your own homework. Dena: where's the TP? Bel: thank goodness for you! B,D,N:witches. Chris: you make me happy , keep thinking, Scottsdale. Gabe:My angel, !love you . Are we talking yet ?
"We all must live our lives, always feeling , always thinking, the moment has arrived" - Tracy Chapman
Lenny Carroll " I got no deeds to do, no promise to keep" -Simon & Garfunkel. Finally! Tony- my punctual companion; I'll miss you. Suzi-boots that more, CHOCOLATE! Twilight zone-breaking up is hard to do. KIT. Penji- caffeine buzzes, library runs, chess, knitting, death to whiners! Wolf- I'm learning! ( l promise) Jenthe theater on Fridays = Dangerou s' Java walks, One Acts, Morty & Mickey, german , brooms. 'Nuff said. Boo-Boo, Kristin ; enchante. Dev, whatever flies. JKLBBC>bunnies! Luke! ?' Physics !?'
Jenny Carroll " // my happy home to see what I could find out. /left myfo/ks &friends with the aim to clear my mind out.. Well, I hit the roudy road & many kinds /meet there. So on & on/ go, the seconds tick the timeout, there 's so much leJi to know I'm on the road to find out." -The Cat Mom , Dad- Thanks for the experience, I' m glad it's over. B.S, G.P, B.W, A .. T, T.R- It ' s guys like you that make the world go round. Katie- the bright spot in my day- words don ' t express enough. And to all the beautiful ones who have touched upon my life to help me become the person I am today- thanks.
Evan Dold"Do what thou shalt will, be whole the law." -Avlester Crowley
Gabe DoyleMost imp01tantl y, Mom& Dad I love you more than words can explain! Gus, Thanks for making me who I am! IA I can' t thank you enough. Speedracer, you have changed my life, I love you! LR Hang in there. BS-Bumpy Nube Nights. LB & RM Super Sophs. 4 get juices & betTies my hair is natural! DL I enj oyed it! OJ I'm blesed for all the times we ' ve had. Mell y- Mel' JF You kinkie----. NP midwest farmers daughter. BelQuickie? AT cough! BH & SM boyz for life. Life's a game and T'm just a player! I' m out A B Cya bye!
Heidi EisenreichI would like to thank my family, teachers, and friends for helping me through this short period in my life. It was fun. BW &BA- poms was great-NOT! AM-eres mi flor. NP- I'll miss our long talks .... and laughs. KMkeep your cool, and quit flirting!! RO- quit lying. W- quit being so negative. B- I love you. "If my parting has left a void, then fill it with remembered joy. Afriendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, these things I will surely miss. "
Jacob FakesI'd like to thank my family & all my relatives, also all my teachers & coaches who have pushed me to get the best out of myself. To my friends everywhere, I had fun. Eli , thanks for all the fun nights we had at school & for being a friend . Karst- where is the videocamera? Gabe- what's up bro? -Glycerine- Tate & Comp. Hammer! Jill- What are you going to do without me? Starker- Let' s go to Cortina's. " Fly like a butte1jly, sting like a bee " -Mohammed Ali
Judson GreifThank you to all the people that have been in my life. Mom & Dad, Clinton & Alexandra my love and gratitude cannot be expressed in words. To Washington, thanks for showing me what I want out of life. To Jonah, from Superman to Fond du lac, we did it all. To KB , you ' ll always be in my heart. To AM, thanks for being there at Swan at I0 below. BS , you' ll always be rockin' DL, I can pee standing up. When the world turns your back on you, I'll be there.
Jacqueline HaleyA great man once said " Without no struggles, there is no progress." I want to thank some very special people for helping me throughout my struggles at Wayland. 1 want to thank my mom, for giving me the strength to endure the rough times. She is a queen and a phenomenal woman. I also want to thank Mrs. Brick, who has been my friend, teacher, and parent. Words cannot express my gratitude. I want to thank everyone who has given me laughter when I was sad 路and lasting memories to treasure. Peace, Love & Happiness.
Catherine Hoekstra[ would first like to thank all my family for their undying support. Grandma, I can' t say it all in 100 words, but thank you. Mom, your love & support have seen me through it all. Dad, thanks for all the love & the many trips up here. To my aunts, I couldn't have done it without you all. To the people who left before, you've all touched my life, especially KF. Jackie, you ' ve been my inspiration, don ' t ever forget you are a phenomenal woman. Mrs. Brick, you've been my anchor. Thank U.
Danielle Jones"/ can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. " To Dad & Mom who made this possible. Your support & Calling card is what got me through. Angie & Donald, I love you guys. To Family & friends , thanks for all the encouragement & prayers. To JH, I'm always there for you. To Speedracer, I'm blessed also! MM & BS, watch out for firecrackers & doors. To IA, thanks for listening. I love you Moshi. MS, Friends like me are hard to come by let's stay in touch forever. To those before me, its not much without you & to those I left behind, I'll miss you, hang in there. To my Poppi, I wish you were here, I miss you dearly. God Bless the class of '97 and prayers for those who put up with us later.
Alex Kim-
Pamela KunesTo my parents, who never gave up, my sister, who showed me the way, my teachers, who taught me, and my friends, who snuggled with me. Thanks.
Suzanne LampingMom & Dad- Words cannot express my gratitude. Greg-Good luck! I love you guys! Chri s, Neeners, Cari, Chris, Beth, Katie, Trish, Andy, Pen-You ' re mi ssed. Remember cloves, motorcycling the strip, Sluzy?, strip padiddle, Huss fami ly dinners' is ER on? Nikki, my # I Roomie- Footloose, Candy, f01tunes, Q tips/pop, 3-2- 1 Jello' Bubba- I love you with both kidneys! watch those bangs, Monona. Manyou pick the movies, snowstorms,"Head Over Feet." M<u路en- Madison Metro, Alanis! Kristene- Blustery days. Jen- 5hrs in a canoe. Nadia- Cop stories,K wik ttip. " Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled !Jy, And that has made all the difference." - Robe11 Frost
Dena LohseMy parents - you're forever in my heart. Doug- Did you ever know that your my Hero? NP- Gas, 7 majors & 2 minors, Where's my-ah-eaning? Espana, the trees, BM's, withches of the sea, my bear. NS- you' ll look smashing in pink. Jets- lunch was exquisite. AT- when's the wedding? Booch- thanks for your ear. Bel- it's a scrunchie. JG- Girlz are more effici ent winators. JM- those are some interesting car rides. Muld- welcome to Hotel California. GD- Juice me up !
MotTis Mak1'd just Iike 10 thank the people that helped me through these fo ur hard years. I thank my parents for paying my way through Wayland. I'd also like to thank my friends here, Japanese Crew, Korean Klan, thanks for the Asian food. DJ and MS, it was nice knowing you crack heads. JH , thanks for being so nice to me for these four years. lA, LR, BS, thanks for convincing me to play B-ball, or else I'd feel like crap right now. KE, although you' re a freshman, you' re pretty cool, and HE , I'm going to miss you r scream. I'd like to thank the B-ball team and the penthouse roommates, I had a GREAT time II'
Jacky Lim-
Kelli MacKaySomelimes is never enough lf yourflawless, then you 'll win my love Don 't forget to win fi rst place Don 't forget to keep that smile 0 11 your face. -Alanis Morissette Thank you Mom Dave- I love you oh so much, forever. Hookestt路a- Don ' I ever do anything with Freshman. You' re a great fri end . Good luck. Danielle- You ' re such a ... (you know). Steph- Never lose your spunk. AT & Ben- Thanks for being there. Rouz- Maybe someday you' ll grow up. In a time ofjitrtive sigm sweet hellos and sad good!Jyes, tntths have told entire lives.
Anabel ManchesterTo my family , without you l don ' t know where I'd be. To my friends , old and new, I will always cherish the times that we ' ve spent together. Finally thank you to all my teachers; you have made a difference in my life!
Jennifer Mathias-
"When the road is dark and you can no longer see just let my love throw little spark and a little fa ith in me. When the tears you Ct)' can believe, give these loving arms a try and have a little faith in me ... " -Jewel My life hereafter will never be the same. Now I' m off to experience new things, wish me luck! PS-When you go, tum off the DEER! Quickie?!? We' ll always be together Witches'
Andrew MulderHere we see resolution in the first stage, but resolution of a special kind: he resolved to do it like jumping over a precipice or from a bell tower and his legs shook as he went to the crime. He forgot to shut the door behind him and murdered two people for a theory. He committed the murder and couldn't take the money, and what he did manage to snap up he hid underneath a stone. It wasn' t enough for him to suffer agony behind the door while they battered at the door and rang the bell , no, he had to go to the empty lodging half delirious to recall the bell ringing, he wanted to feel the cold shiver again ... -Profiry Petrovitch
Katie Nemacheck-
"The purpose of life, afterall, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." -Eleanor Roosevelt I want to thank my father for giving me the opportunity to come here. Words ca nnot describe how thankful I am. Jenny: Girl, I love you, without you I wou ldn ' t have survived. Boys: What am I going to do without you? Wish you were here Erinn. Bye. Bubba, you ' re cute!
George PavlovicLei 111e.fl_v ll\vay.fro111 this stoned existence Frozen behind wire.fences of'p11rira11 erl,ics Release,n 1he snm,â&#x20AC;˘ and paraly;ing postures. Let the deer go in/0 the woods. Let the angels.flv into the skies. Lei !he buds bloom 011 1he frees. Melt (Mediterranean Lament) Whoever fed us the fantasy that life has a happy ending? Life is hard work and struggle. The rnore courageous you are. the happier you becorne. This is what l've learned through four long, long, long. long years of high school.
Tyson RittenmeyerDisimegrate to relaease this artificial relapse. Reverse !he remorse. Drowned as the hate adds desire /0 our 1rait. Explorer, willing 10 word, speak mind and voice, while words )us/ accen1 111y past choice. f Loss o. purpose. co111111i1 and renew. 111y 1hough1s sli/1 projecting and 111y life, through. TSR-96 Albert- vaccuum tubes and eyeballs Ben- vertical feet? Brad and the Brookfield crew- tacos? Katie and Jenny- you're beautiful Mom and Dad- Thank you for the opportunities and forgiveness.
Nicci PearsonMom & Dael, thanks for rnaking my dreams. realities. G.I. Drew, you're rny idol. To sisters & husbands & M&M's. I hold you in my heart. l'rn not plastic Nadia; Where are the farms'' Hides-you always have been a little ...uh AI-B I've got a kink. yeah you've got the cure' Older Mulder-What up7 ...Need a lift? BA & JM La La /a/ala! It really was bugging rne 1 Donde esta Jaun?... Ayuclame! Mr. President. ..or can I call you Judson? We want Starker off the bench I Jabe-Ya kinky... um...friends 1 Dee-7M&2rn; Witches of the Sea. Espana; l owe you mucho! To all underclassmen-" You Live, You Learn" Don¡t watch your life go by. Taste it 1 To seniors-See you in five' Thanx to all who have made rny life what it is.
Daisuke Sato1 want to say thank you to everyone who helped me a lot. I've had a great two years here at Wayland. I've experienced a lot of good stuff and bad stuff. Thank you to my friends and the friendly Wayland faculty , especially my mentor and tennis coach, who've supported me a lot. I'm glad to have been able to attend this school and meet all the nice people here. I'll never forget this school or Beaver Dam which gave me some excellent weekends. A special thanks to the tennis team and GOOD LUCK!!!
Brian StarkerIt has been a crazy four years. Thanks Dad, Mom, and Matt, because without your help I wouldn't be here. AM it's been fun and we have gone through a lot (Suckey, su ... ). DJ you have always been a great friend and we will go to a dance. KB , LB , and RM you girls need serious he lp. l A, LR, and MM you guys got luck y and I will beat yo u. JF, JG it' s been a fun 2 years and we have done a lot. MS you have a sic k mind but you are always funny. H .E., STOP LOOKING ATME! So to all me friends; LEA YE THE HAIR ALONE'
Jeremy StarzThey say that time flies when you're having fun. The past years have given me so many memories; they will be with me forever. My friends, you mean the world and more. LennyDenn ys and driving tractors; Peter Rabbit in the lighting booth. And the lights ...Oh God, the lights! KristeneKeep smibn' bud. Suzi-It' s funny one time in a thousand ; breakfasts; co nversati ons that kept me sane. Hellooooo Nadia! Heidi, Nikki, Homm age, Jon, Trish; Thanks guy s. Mr. Van Haren, Suzi and Kristene are getting married and Dena has something to show you ... On a scale of I to 7.5 , it was an 8.
Melanie Stevenson" If there is no struggle, there is no progress -Frederick Douglass God wi lling I've completed the Wayland Experience with the help of my mother, Gloria, two unforgetab le aunts, my uncle, & an encouraging family. My thanks truly goes deeper than words . Thank you to the people on campus who made Wayland bearable. DMJ and JLH, a person can fi nd friends anywhere, but I've fo und sisters who live up to there names & are there no matter what, through thick and thin. KIT forever. IHA, I'm speechless, you're one of the most unique people I know. By the way, I don ' t remember the date either' To all of th ose mentioned beforehand , I love you & will never forget yo u! To all not mentioned, you are definitely not fo rgotten !
Bradley StillmankMom and Dad thanks for helping me get through sc hool. I love yo u. Gabe, Jet's get pumped. Tyson, is there a hole in the bottle? Ben, let 's go repelling. Albert, remember the train station? Katie and Jenni , Monday ni ghts rule' Andy, it's naked time! Pat, don't worry, I got a mill. Jen, where' s Gus. Nube Ni ghts Rule ' Dave, skiing, partying, biking, but church? Kri s, don' t get too crazy! Hartmann, if Nordic Mountain was as big as your parties it would be in Utah. Jenni, thanks for being my DB. Megan th anks for prom. Rich, remember our constilation. Later Dudes!
Masayo TakeiAll my experiences at Wayland were my treasure including all my friends and teachers. Thank you for your help and support. I couldn ' t have done it without you guys . Sports always made me fee l better. especiall y Basketball. I want to thank whoever in vented basketball. Thanks to everybody, especiall y my roommate. I appreciate you r support and encouragement. Dani and Melanie always made me laugh hard. I' ll miss you all. Papa, Mama; thank you for your support and help . You wou ld be surpri sed how much [' ve grown in these years away from home.
Albert TaylorOnce there was a light it allways kept turning off and on one time I got tierd of it turning on and off so I sold it but I dido111 no it was a magic lamp one day I found it silling at the icsac/y th e same it was before and lthotthats piculeyer so I told the person ld sold it to and she said when ld come hom.elt was gone so we throw the lamp away in the morning we fond it siting in the same as id had it first so we tried to break it but it wouldn 't break so we new it was magic but when somebody new it was magic it wasn 't magic any th e end. -V icto ri a Taylor, Age 6
Ben Warren-
" Live as !(you expecTed To live for 100 years, bw mighT die TOmorrow." -An n Lee
"There is 110Thing like a sTicky siTuaTion, TO give you The moTivaTion To move. " -Ben Warren To the Ire-Landers: It"s fas t Brad, l swear it is. Wait a minute Albert, What happened to 163 , and why are we in Springfield? Tyson , I' ll always remember chucking woody and heading for Bigfoot. Susalita-l Love You Always, and wherever l end up there will be a place in my heart. Jenny and Katie, thanks for lending an ear. To everyone: "Fare ye weii...Fare ye well.'" " /love you more Than words ca11 Tell " -Jerry Garcia
Masami Yamazaki Thanks to all my friends that I' ve met at Wayland . A special thanks goes out to my mom & Dad! I couldn ' t have done it without your love & support. !love you guys so much' I' ll try my best to do everythin g Mrs . Bleifuss 1 Thank you for your support Ms. Alpaugh. I'm going to miss field Hockey & Abigail. Field Hockey is the greatest sport' Mrs. Wiseman, I can ' t give Murphy a fright anymore! I hope he likes me. Eunice, thanks for always making me feel better. You ' re the greatest roommate, & our room is the sweetest! Heather & Vicky , I love you & I' ll miss you' Atsuko & Yasuo, thank you fo r encourag ing me when l get depressed. The past three years were filled with memories that I' II never forget!
Becky Watersl' d lik e to thank my parents for be li eving, supporting, and encouraging :ne to go on. Thank s for the idea of Way land Dad and for moving Mom. To both Grandmas; I love you. To Bayley; I love you. Mrs. Walter, thank you for the great advice. The talks were great Mrs. Rabaey. Ms. Gerritson , you' re an awesome coach. Mr. Borrud: Sie sind ein absolut Super Lehrer' Danke! Moll y, Co ll ette, Ri a, Heather, Masayo, and Yang; love ya gals! Linds;hair, nai ls, Neons, tanning, 2 hrs.,37 min .,6 sec ... Ky le; cru ising in the NlSSAN' Thank s to all my friend s ' It 's been great hav in g the opportunity to experi ence be ing a boarding and a day student. Atti tude isn't everythin g, but it helps!
Eunice YangMaybe it has been awhile since I remembered to thank my parents. I truly thank you Mom & Dad' for lovi ng me and raising me so well. Now, I'm fin ishin g one of the major ex periences in my life. It hasn't been easy for the past few years, especiall y my years at Way land. I haven' t forgetten a single thing that I' ve done at Way land. I'm taking all the memories with me. Thanks to everyone who helped me. Special thanks to my parents, aunt, Mr. Kasper, and my best friends. I love you all !!
"Hai-yah! " says /man. Who knows what Brad and Tyson are thinking! Betty Boop is in the lower right. Nads must be ... dead?
The Seniors this year set a new standard of excellence for the up and coming to follow. Because their class was so few in the class, everyone knew everything about everyone else within days of just meeting. They rose the ranks of Wayland Academy and gained Knowledge and Character. The class murals seemed to always sum up the year. They went from having "No Clue" as Freshmen to "Boldly Going Where No Class Has Gone Before"when they were Sophmores to "Always Getting Into Sticky Situations" as Juniors. Since it was all over, they had to say, "T-T-That's All Folks!"
Becky Waters, Amy Kuenzi, John Cano, Gabe Doyle, Ben Warren, and Becky Anderson gather to enjoy the bright sun and cool air of a Wisconsin Fall .. A couple regulars of the Senior Lounge.
The three Stooges? Is that your sign Morris?
Oh Almighty Valedictorian! Drink up Eunice.
Senior Lounge--Seniors Lounging--Seniors in their socks Lounging in the Senior Lounge. Aren't we cute??!! Albert Taylor and Anabel Manchesta Maren Bake1; Nicci Pearson, & len Mathias are excited about English Class--sort of
1. Chip Gay takes time out of his busy schedule.
2. Juniors take the lead during spirit week.
5. Eric Huss holds the Juniors spirit banner.
3. Calll-800-Collette.
1. Ahti Westphal and Danielle Lang bask in the sun. 2.Djahmila Cabral and Alexa Law enjoy the outdoors.
3. Chris Kostella taking a break. 4. Motoki Kawanago is surprised!#
1. I'm not mad!!!!! 2.Brooke Conley working in Drawing and Painting. 3. Juniors prepare for Spirit Week. 4. Tony Trapp had his fill of hot dogs. 路 5. Tragedy! 6. Patrick Schelle is always smiling for the camera.
1. Paul Varigos plays some tunes forthe crowd. 2.Jesse Raymond working hard in the computer Lab. 3. Heather Paulus getting moved in to her new room. 4. Ahti is thinking about his long day ahead. 5. What a good bunch of kids. 6. Good friends, good company. 7. Watch out Miss Levin.
Lizzy Boucher
Bill Amos Mercedes Benzinger
Kristian Borrud Ben Bergum
Craig Felt
Crystal Brooks Kelly Carr
Heather Cunningham Susie Cooper
Alicia Kelly
Jerry Fleisner josh Kaufman
Ray Gonzalez Sarah jaeger
Bilal Khan
Tara Leystra Sol Leitzke
Nader Kreish Amy Kuenzi
Jessica MacDonald
]i Won Noh Abel Miller
Heather Niles Rachel Mulder
Tomotaka Ono
Jeanette Strelow Young Bin Park
Winter Raymond Colin Preston
B R L e'
Joe Suh Molly Swain Naoko Takeda
Luke Tomberlin Estavion White Matt Wright
New Directions
Freshmen This year the freshmen class is the first that will graduate into the new millennium. The class of 2000' launched their high school career at Wayland Academy, August 1996. Meeting new faces, making new friends and getting acquainted to a new environment absorbs everyone for a few weeks time.
Carla Radford and Leslie Major paint their spirit mural for the freshmen class.
Spirit soars for the class of 2000.' Look at what we have to offer.
!sa Benzinger, Mabel Nuernberg, and Meghan Whicker hang, and share each others company.
Tim Craine finds time in his busy schedule to read the Daily Citizen.
!sa Benzinger
Loren Darling
Max Gruetzmacher
JunBum Kim
John Cano
Katie Eisenreich
David Kang
Eric Kim
Katie Christian
Timothy Craine
Reid Estreicher
Joe Greene
William Keating
Haleema Khan
Eric Larimer
Ji Woon Lee
Matt Lienke
Leslie Major
Erin Martens
Ariana Namdari
Mabel Nuernberg
Pie Nuernberg
In Sung Park
Carla Radford
Camilla Seippel
David Stelsel
Harlan Tu
Joe Westra
Meghan Whicker
Leo Young-Brooks
Alex Wacker
Heather Monek
1. Female bonding; Meghan Whicker and Camilla Seippel. 2. Katie Eisenreichfinally gets fed up with Will Keating. 3. Tangled up in a new environment. 4. The freshmen class show their spirit.
New Students
Laura Witt'98
Carly Furbee'98 Anneke Warren '00
David Jackson '98 Morgan Manchester'99
Student Life
Wayland Academy Administration
Dr. Alfred Greishaber President
Shane Foster Dean of Students
George Cobb Director of Mentoring
Karla Baedorf Admissions Counselor
Robyn Hardt-Schultz Director of Development
Craig Hill Director of Athletics
Kris Boucher Admissions Counselor
Joseph Lennertz Academic Dean
Jessica DeRemer Admissions Counselor
Douglas Palm Director of Publications and Public Information
I Peter Schuster Director of Finance
Eli Seighman Director of Swan Library
Dr. William Stone Director of Student Enrollment
Will Wideman Director of College Counseling
Gloria Wheeler Director of Annual Programs
NQw r:-acQ!: at Wayland ~~~ ~~~iii~
... NQw DitQction!! and Wotn Path!! It'!! good to !!QQ you all ataund campu!!!
1J1arulty anb ~taff Diane Alpaugh, Social Studies/ History Gary Arneson, French, Fulbright Exchange Faculty in France Karen Bleifuss, Biology Elson Blunt, Computer Science, Math, Philosophy Jim Borrud, German Catherine Brick, Vocal Music, English, Chair Fine Arts Cara Davis, Vocal Music, Choral Gerald Disch, Physics Deanna Disch, Study Skills Linda Fischer, English Polly Foster, Tutorial Derek Gittus, Social Studies/ History
Gary Hodges, Instrumental Music Dave Kasper, Mathematics, Chair Elias Khreish, Chemistry, Chair Deborah Levin, Art John Patterson, English, Chair Jennifer Rabaey, Mathematics Sam Sackett, Social Studies/ History Michael Schneider, Spanish, Chair Gregory Spanier, Mathematics Roger Van Haren , English Sophie Wakeford, French, Fulbright Exchange Faculty from France Dee Walter, Educational Support, Program Chair, Reading, Photography Heather Wiseman , Spanish
Jean Allemand, Administrative Assistant to the Academic Dean Jackie Braatz, Administrative Assistant, Developmen Office Judy Coyle, Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Students Donna Greishaber, Dormitory Supervisor Jennifer Griffin, Secretary of Development Louise Hoff Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Enrollment Management Patricia Kittleson, Secretary of the Business Office Joyce Koepsell, Business Manager Roxanne Kotek, Secretary to the Athletic Director William Luebke, Assistant to the Athletic Director Carol Miller, Library Assistant Sara Sackett, Dormitory Supervisor Jody Thompson , Wayland Store Manager
Heidi Spielman, Intern, Development Office Nancy Tsiamis, Accountant-Business Office Grant Wiseman, Chapel Coordinator, Student Center Supervisor, Dormitory Supervisor
John Omen, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Janice Falkinham, Director of Housekeeping Kent Bence Linda Eggers Kevin Kittleson Doug Levenhagen Charles Leystra Karen Owens Lori Sadowski Jaynee Shefchik Patricia Tabb Karen Uelmen Mark Ward Joe Weber
Del Yaroch, Security
Cathy Lamb, Director of Food Service Anne Apollo Liz Apollo Carol Becker Wendy Boschert Carol Gosse Irene Helgerson Sharon Kohl Kendalee La Porte Nate Meyer Sandy Przekurat Lisa Veling
Diane Moungey , Nurse Mike Van Veghel, Trainer Ann Voigt, Nurse
Arabrmirs Arabrmir.s arr tf7r founbation of ltaylanb Arabrmy. ltaylanb Wrarf7rr.s anb tf7rir arr an intrgral part of tf7r ltaylanb rxprrirnrr.
History, Social Studies, and English.
1. Mrs. Alpaugh after a long day at work.
2. Mr. Sackett working hard. 3. Mrs. Fischer and Mr. Patterson.
1. M1: Citrus helps Pie Nuernberg with her questions. 2. Mr. Cobb relaxes in his office. 3. World Civilizations class. 4. M1: VanHaren in his classroom
Biology, Chf!rni~tty, and Phy~ic~.
1. Sara Knaack thinks visually for physics class. 2. Mr. Kreish smiles large. 3. Nice tie Mr. Disch.
1. David Kang and Eric Kim work on their model bodies in Biology class. 2. Leron Rhue studies intently.
3. Mrs. Bleifuss, leave the kids alone. 4. Chris Kostella in Chem class. 5. Mr. Khreish.
1. Calculus Class! 2. Tim Craine working hard at his Prealgebra. 3. Mr. Kasper working with Silvia Billep. 4. Mr. Spanier in good spirits.
Algebra, Calculus, Geon1etry.
1. M1: Kasper giving some extra math help. 2. Mrs. Rabaey loves her classroom-it's her'second home. 3. M1: Kasper and class. 4. Mr. Blunt "the best" at Prealgebra.
Foreign Languages
1. 2. 3. 4.
Mr. Schneider works at his desk. Mrs. Wakeford makes her point. Mr. Borrud and son, Kristian study German. Mrs. Wiseman, Wally, and Murphy go for a stroll.
Computer Studies 1. Colin messes with the computers. 2. Library computer lab. 3. Craig Felt, Bill Amos, and Jeremy Starz.
Educational Support .
Mrs. Foster and Ms. Walters
1. 2. 3. 4
Mr. Hodges Ja zz Band Mr. Hodges helps Becki Anderson. Mrs. Davis and a baritone.
2. .
Visual Arts
2. Heather Cunningham painting with pastels.
1. Crystal Brooks takes a break from her drawing.
3. Julia Doerrscheidt working in Drawing and Painting class. 4. In Sung Park and Estavion White painting with watercolors.
The ARTs Visual art and music make life more clear. ..
Sol Leitzke practicing his throwing techniques on the potter 's wheel.
The Wayland Jau. Band pe1j'orming at the 1997 Winter Fine Arts Festival.
..J ~'b~ :,
3. Wayland Bell Choir plays during the 1996 Lessons and Carols program. 4. Mrs. Davis directs the Wayland Choir during the 1997 Winter Fine A11s Festival.
tGessous nub <!1arols Wayland presented the 32nd annual Lessons and Carols this year. This year's Lessons and Carols service, an adaptation of a 19th Century service orginating in England's Truro Cathedral, was symbolic of togetherness and shared existence. Singers, instrumentalists, and readers performed to the delight of the community.
1. The lighting of the candelabrum.
2. Wayland Choir Singing.
3. Raul Ramirez, l en Mathias, Brooke Conley, and Jeremy Starz peiforming at Lessons and Carols.
1. Becky Anderson plays the piano for the crowd. 2. Ashley Rideaux sings solo as part of the Wayland Choir. 3. Becky Anderson and Jannah Balzar share the spotlight with Mr. Hodges, Wayland :1路 instrumental instructor.
Wayland Wildlife
Wayland Athletics Wayland athletics have flourished under the leadership of the new Athletic Director Craig Hill. Sometimes the records don't reflect the true effort and spirit that is dedicated by our athletes.
Craig Hill the new Athletic Director is responsible for many of the new changes in the program.
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Mila Cabral risks the wrath of Willie as she ignores his affections.
Junior Jesse Raymond shoots .. ...... and scores!
Wayland is always brimming with school spirit.
Field Hockey
Starting from top left- Coach-Diane Alpaugh, Winter Raymond, Ariana Namdari, Katie Nemacheck, Lenny Carroll, Bottom row-Lizzy Boucher, Pie Nuernberg, Masayo Takei, Jeanna Faust, Kris Boucher, Heather Borisch, Jessica MacDonald
Field Hockey-1996 The girls Field Hockey team had a very successful season. Not only did we score more goals this year, but we also held our opponents goals below previous years. While we were the smallest and least experienced team in the conference, we were a force to be dealt with. For the second consecutive year we won our way into the championship round of the conference tournament. The team was led by captains Kris Boucher, Katie Nemacheck and Jeanna "Bubba" Faust.- Diane Alpaugh
Starting from top left-Russ Oehrnen, Pat Schelle, Ben Warren, Albert Taylor, Jake Fakes, Gabe Doyle, Irnan Aswad, Laron Rhue, David Licklider, Matt Lienke Second row-Coach-Derek Gittus, Eric Huss, Fremont Latimer Chris Kostella, Erik Cornielson, Reid Estreicher, John Cano, Craig Felt, Matt Wright, Tizoc Olivo, Harlan Tu , Coach-Bill Luebke Bottom row-Coach-Craig Hill, Dom Ferraro, Dan Suh, Jason Lee, Leo Young-Brooks, Billy Benowitz, Abel Miller, Paul Varigos, Coach-Sam Adam
Football-1996 Wayland Academy football under new head coach Craig Hill struggled to put a victory on the scoreboard. However they achieved victory in the determination column. The wolverines improved almost every week and each game they went in expecting victory. Senior Jake Fakes was 1st team all "'~-Jo.<... conference selection at defensive back. Seniors Gabe Doyle and Ben Warren made second team all conference. Russ Oehmen was honorable mention all conference. The wolverines did not have a lot of experience, but they are building for next year-Craig Hill
Varsity Volleyball
Starting from top left- Pam Kunes, Collette Green, Jill Fakes, Becky Anderson, Nicci Pearson, Dena Lohse, Masayo Takei, Coach- Shane Foster Bottom row-Heidi Eisenreich, Suzi Lamping, DanielleLange, Jennifer Mathias, Kristi Braund, Alexa Law, Ashley Rideaux
The girls Varsity VoUeybalJ team had a solid season posting an 8-8 record. With a solid core of seniors who had been on the Varsity team for four years. The Wolverine team played some of the best matches ever. Highlights during the season included a win over Beaver Dam High School and close matches with Kettle Moraine Lutheran and Waupun Christian. Suzie Lamping, Dena Lohse, Nicci Pearson , Jen Mathias , Becky Anderson, Pam Kunes, Heidi Eisenreich and Masayo Takei are
going to be extremely difficult to replace and we will miss their leadership on the court. However, they have left their mark and the Wolverine tradition is in good hands and will continue to prosper. -Shane Foster
JV Volleyball
Starting from top left-Carla Radford, Katie Eisenreich, Erin Martens, Ashley Rideaux , Susie Cooper, Rachel Mulder, Coach-Heather Wiseman Bottom Row- Amy Kuenzi , Katie Christian, Jeanette Strelow, Silvia Billep, Mercedes Benzinger, Danielle Lange
Varsity Soccer
Back Row- George Pavlovic, Will Keating, Rouz Rashidbaigi, Matt Spang, Alex Kim, Kevin Kulivar Middle row- Coach- Grant Wiseman, Ben Bergum, Tomotaka Ono, Koske Mori, Jesse Raymond, Motoki Kawanago, Coach- Sam Sackett Bottom row- Tony Trapp, Day Pinyosunun, Andy Mulder, Evan Dold, Ahti Westphal, Judson Grief, Alex Wacker, Maren Baker
Wayland Boys Varsity Soccer Team played well this year, and was led by two senior players . Senior Captains Judson Greif and Andy Mulder were stellar in their leadership, and will be deeply missed. The team played into the second round of the State tournament this year, and played the second ranked team to a 1-0 loss. They forced them to score in the final minutes and the game could
have gone either way. The team lost several key players from last years state semi-final team. Many young players filled those positions, and the future is bright for Wayland Soccer. Matt Spang, Jesse Raymond, and 2time all conference player Motoki Kawanago will return as captains for the 1997-98 season. Other varsity players returning next year include Ben Bergum, Will Keating, Young Bin Park. The Junior Varsity team continues to be a great training ground for younger players.-Grant Wiseman
JV Soccer
Back Row- Nate Yehle, Zach Manley, Eric Larimer, Luke Tomberlin, Estavion White, Tim Craine, Chip Gay Middle Row- Coach-Greg Spanier, Nat Pattaraputtakorn, Joe Suh, Eric Kim, Young-Bin Park, Sol Leitzke, In Sung Park, Tony Trapp Bottom Row- David Stel sel, Ray Gonzalez, David Kang, Jun Burn Kim, Joe Greene
The JV boys' soccer team had a wide range of players in terms of skill and experience. One thing they held in common was an enjoyment of good soccer, and a desire to improve. The teamwork and understanding of the game grew m a very pleasing way, and several individuals (they know
who they are!) made remarkable personal strides in skill and in athletic maturity. Many of this years JV players can look forward confidently to their future in varsity soccer. -Coach, Greg Spanier
Girls Tennis
Back Row: Manager-Tyson Rittenmeyer, Stephanie Arndt, Nadia Samadani, Anabel Manchester, Coach-Elias Khreish~ Faydre Paulus, Heather Paulus, Manager-Daisuke Sato Front Row: Mila Cabral, Naoko Takeda, Julia Doerrscheidt, Brooke Conley, Camilla Seippel, Tara Leystra
Back Row: Manager-Daisuke Sato~ Ji Woon Lee, Vicky Lee, Kristin Badowski, Cassie Bobilya, CoachElias Khreish, Front Row: Megan Whicker, Heather Cunningham, Mabel Nuernberg, Haleema Khan, Sara Knaack
The Wayland Girls Tennis Team finished its season with a 3-3 record. They defeated Luther Prep High School, Watertown High School, and Waupon High School. Wayland captured fourth place out of eight in the doubles invitational. In individual performances, Brook Conley, playing as number one singles, fini shed the season with a (7 -1) record. Brook was chosen as our MVP. Anabel Manchester, the number 1 two singles also finished a very strong season, with a t ! (6-2) record. She also captured the consolation championship in the number two singles catagory at the 1 Midwest Classic Conference. The captain of our team â&#x20AC;˘ and the most improved was Nadia Samadani. Playing as number three singles she finished the season with a (4-1) record. In the doubles category, Tara Leystra and Naoko Takeda the number three doubles won MVP, based on their perserverence to the end. They never quit and always played hard for a quality performance. The team as a whole is to be commended for an outstanding effort and for a great display of unity and character.- Coach Elias Khreish
-r---rr, I
Back Row: Jeremy Starz, Nader Khreish, Jerry Fleisner, Christian Borrud, Coach-Jim Borrud Front Row: Max Gruetzmacher, Nate Retzlaff, Bilal Khan, Joe Westra, Raul Ramirez. Not pictured: Loren Darling.
1996 Season
Varsity and Junior Varsity
The Wayland Academy Golf Team went winless in its 1996 golf season. Wayland put together its fighting spirit every time it entered competition, yet inexperience and lack of depth were factors which the team began to overcome by the end of the season. The highlight of the season took place at the conference meet on October 5th when Wayland managed to tie Sheboygan Lutheran for lOth place. Wayland's sole senior on the team was Jeremy Starz. Other major contributors to the team were Nader Khreish, Loren Darling, Joe Westra, Kristian Borrud, Bilal Khan, and Nate Retzlaff. - Coach Jim Borrud
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Boys Basketball
Coach-Eli Crogan, Manager-Bill Luebke Back Row: John Cano, Craig Felt, Morgan Manchester, Jake Fakes, Iman Aswad, Brian Starker, Morris Mak Front Row: Eric Huss, Judson Greif, Gabe Doyle, Andy Mulder, Jesse Raymond, Assistant Manager- Dani Jones, Assistant Coach-Craig Hill
Back Row: David Kang, Leo Young-Brooks, Bilal Khan, Matt Lienke, Estavion White Middle Row: Manager-Bill Luebke, Motoki Kawanago, Young Bin Park, Nader Khreish, Joe Westra, Daisuke Sato, Coach-Craig Hill Front Row: Joe Greene, Abel Miller, Tim Craine, David Stelsel, Joe Sub
Wayland Wolverines
he boys baksetball team started strong but lost crucial games by one or two points. The team got to know each other really well as the season went on, more and more players began to step up. I man Aswad rebounded well; Judson Greif and Andy 路Mulder were unbelievable. Jake Fakes and Gabe Doyle played a consistently strong season. A seven game winning streak really gave the Wayland Wolverines the impetus to continue playing well; senior captain, Jake Fakes and sophmore Morgan Manchester did , the damage by pouring in about twenty points a game. Our other captain, Gabe Doyle, was an all around player. Another gifted player, Jesse Raymond, ran points and penetrated easily. Congratulations to all the boys basketball players, for a difficult and challenging season. -Gabe Doyle Basketball
Girls Basketball
Back Row: Heather Paulus, Collette Green, Jill Fakes, Nicci Pearson, Dena Lohse Middle Row: Jeanette Strelow, Winter Raymond, Masayo Takei, Coach-Heather Wiseman, Anabel Manchester, Jen Mathias Front Row : Mercedes Benzinger, Haleema Khan, Mila Cabral, Lizzy Boucher, Katie Eisenreich, Coach Heidi Spilman
' The Wayland Girls Basketball team prided itself on its defense this year. Although the Wolverines struggled at times offensively, their defense was always solid. The team was very experienced, with five seniors playing a major role in our victories. Nicci Pearson and Masayo Takei led the team in scoring and Dena Lohse had an outstanding season in scoring and rebounding. Anabel Manchester and Jennifer Mathias added exceptional rebounding skills to the team. In addition to the five seniors the underclassmen improved tremendously and were able to contribute in a major way to the already experienced team. Although the seniors will be missed, with the continued efforts of these younger players Wayland's future in girls' basketball is very bright. -Heather Wiseman
Top Row- Coach- Sam Sackett, Jun Bum Kim, Nate Yehle, Coach- Jennifer Rabaey Middle Row Sylvia Patricia Billep, Heather Niles, Nadia Samadani, Mabel Nuemberg, Camilla Seippel Bottom RowBen Bergum, Chris Kostella, Tizoc Olivo, Albert Taylor, Kosuke Mori.
Swimming The Wayland Coed Swimteam had a very good season, finishing 4 - 4 in "dual" meets and 20 - 31 1 " overall" The highlight of the season was the Metro Invitational where we finished 3rd out of eleven teams due to the efforts of seniors Albert Taylor and Nadia Samadani and juniors Kosuke Mori and Tizoc Olivo. Sarah Jaeger and Chris Kostella placed well in diving despite the fact that we have no diving board! -Sam Sackett
1. Tizoc Olivo, " stop hanging on the board. " 2. Mabel Nuemberg and Kosuke Mori hang in the diving well. 3. Nate Yehle after an event.
Ski Team
Top row- Ahti Westphal, Fremont Latimer, Patrick Schelle, Will Keating, Ben Warren, Brad Stillmank, Bill Amos, Matt Wright, Paul Varigos Middle row- Josh Kaufman, Coach- Mr. Kasper, Alex Wacker, Alicia Kelly, Loren Darling, Eric Larimer, Tyson Rittenmeyer, Raul Ramirez, Sol Leitzke, Coach- Mr. Cobb, Erik Cornielsen Bottom row- Brooke Conley, Julia Doerrscheidt, Anneke Warren, Kristene Boucher, Heather Monek, Coach- Ms. Alpaugh, Stephanie Arndt, Maren Baker, Leslie Major, Jessica MacDonald, Jeremy Starz. s years boys ski team worked very ard and progressed to the point that they became one of the better teams in the conference; only 8 teams out of the conference were able to beat Wayland on any given night. Their performance was rewarded with an invite to the Conference and State meets. As coaches, we were very pleased with the progress of the team. There are a lot of good young skiers. This should allow us to be very competitive in the years ahead. Erik Cornielsen was the most valuable skier and Paul Varigos was the most improved. -Coach Dave Kasper
The 1997 Girl's Ski Team was led by captain Maren Baker. Overall the team did well and improved tremendously throughout the season. The biggest challenge was to be competitive against teams with much more experience. The team developed individual skills and gained valuable racing experience. While the team did not qualify for state this year it did develop into a team which will be in contention for a position on the state list of qualifiers. Julia Daerrscheidt was the team's most valuable skier. Jessica MacDonald was the most improved skier. -Coach Diane Alpaugh
Porn Pons' 97
Top Row: Heather Cunningham, Becky Waters, Faydre Paulus, Molly Swain, Ashley Rideaux Middle Row: Kristen Badowski, Heather Paulus, Jannah Balzer, Rachel Mulder, Katie Christian Bottom Row: Amy Kuenzi, Ria Riana, Isa Benzinger, Naoko Takeda.
Cheering at a Wayland Football Below, Jannah Balz.e1; Heather Cunningham, Molly Swain, Becky Waters, Ria Riana, Leslie Major, and !sa Benzinger keep the crowd interested. Game ... !
1. Erik Cornielsen 2. Jeremy Starz 3. Brad Stillmank
Skiing~ 3.
Go ... Fight... Win
ay land cheerleaders are multi- faceted in their talents. Cheering requires flexibility, enthusiasm, energy, a loud voice, the ability to keep a beat and the ability to stay connected to the audience. With the addition of a new advisor, the Wayland Cheerleaders had a full and prosperous season. While cheering at football games and cheering and dancing at basketball games, this team exemplified the nature of energy and excitement for competition in sport, and for Wayland Academy.
Above, Molly Swain, Becky Waters, Jannah Balzer, and Rachel Mulder.
Cheerleading 96
Top Row: Ria Riana, Jannah Balzer, and !sa Benzinger Middle Row: Faydre Paulus, Molly Swain, Heather Cunningham, Heather Paulus Front Row: Leslie Major, Megan Whicker, and Becky Waters
Sports- the ending to great seasons 96-97
The volleyball crew taking a break from a game.
Heidi Eisenreich enjoying a minute to regroup during volleyball camp.
Clubs and Organizations
1. "Thespians" 2. Bill Amos talking his flying lesson over with his instructor. 3. Thespians performing at Winter Fine Arts Weekend. 4. Aviation Club getting ready for a photo.
1. Fremont Latimer-Yearbook Staff 2. Nicci Pearson and Ben Bergum working hard on the yearbook. 3. Curious George is flying high-Aviation Club.
From left to right: Judson Greif, Jen Mathias, Jeremy Starz, Suzi Lamping, Jackie Haley, Iman Aswad, Anabel Manchester
First Row: Tyson Rittenmeyer, Jenny Carroll, Mila Cabral, Maren Baker, Ahti Westphal, and Brad Stillmank. Second Row: Pam Kunes, Ashley Rideaux, Katie Nemacheck, Heather Paulus, Anabel Manchester, Suzi Lamping, Heather Niles, Jeremy Starz, Masami Yamazaki,and Eunice Yang. Back Row: from left to right: Collette Greene, Katie Hoekstra, Kosuke Mori, Ben Warren, Tizoc Olivo, Colin Preston, Bill Amos, Becky Anderson, and Iman Aswad.
...•• ~
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From Left to Right: George Pavlovic, Ashley Rideaux, Judson Greif, Lizzy Boucher, Carla Radford, Kosuke Mori , Katie Eisenreich, Tizoc Olivo, Rachel Mulder, Tony Trapp, Nadia Samadani , Dena Lohse, Brooke Conley, Nicci Pearson, Anabel Manchester.
Front Row: Mr. Gerald Disch, Andy Mulder, Becky Anderson, Heidi Eisenreich, Suzi Lamping and Mrs. Karen Bleiffus. Back Row: Dr. Alfred Greishaber, Mr. John Patterson, Mr. Michael Schneider, Mrs. Jennifer Rabaey, Mr. Joseph Lennertz, and Mr. George Cobb.
From left to right: Loren Darling, George Pavlovic, Bill Amos, Mr. Grant Wiseman, Fremont Latimer, Eric Larimer, and Harlan Tu.
From left to right: Mr.Elson Blunt, Bill Amos, Nate Yehle, Eric Larimer, Tony Trapp, and Tizoc Olivo.
First Row: Miss Alpaugh, HeatherPaulus, Heidi Eisenreich, Ashley Rideaux Second Row: Jessica MacDonald, Kri s Boucher, Jeremy Starz, and Faydre Paulus.
From left to right: Mr. VanHaren, Judson Greif, Nadia Samadani, Suzi Lamping, Kristine Boucher, Pam Kunes, Beck Anderson, Brooke Conle and And Mulder. Not ictured, Lenn Carroll. cademic Decathlon 97-96 This year's Academic Decathlon team has done an exceptional job. At the time of this writing, the team has ualified for the state finals by placing second in the Stevens Point regional competition in January. The tate tinals will be ld in Madison on March 5 and 6. " At the regional competition, the team earned 22 individual award and the trophy for the nmner-up position. Our am score was the highest ever achieved by any WayJand team in the eleven years since we started participating in the thlon. This will be our third ttip to the state finals in those eleven years, and we look forward to scoring well in March. m very proud of this team!"- Mr. VanHaren, roach.
From left to right: Nate Yehle, George Pavlovic, Eunice Yang, Ahti Westphal, Danielle Lange, Tizoc Olivo, Tara Leystra, Pam Kunes, Jen Mathias, Tony Trapp, Suzi Lamping, Mrs. Karen Bleiffus and Jeanna Faust.
~Student Life
A Winter路 Wonderland at Wayland Student Life 1996-1997 Previous Page: 2.Molly Swain 3. Masami Yama zaki and Nat Pattaraputtakorn 4. Jake Fakes, Ben Warren, and Anabel Manchester 5. Eunice Yang 6. Katie Eisenreich and Eric Kim This Page: 1. Heather Monek, Mabel Nuernberg, Laura Witt, and Mila Cabral 2. Jun-BumKim 3. Alicia Kelly and Masayo Takei 4. Becky Waters and Heather Cunningham 5. ]man Aswad and Laron Rhue
Snowball 1997
1. Silvia Billep enjoys an evening at Snowball.
) '
2. Gabe Doyle and Brad Stillmank cutting some rug!
3. Jeremy Starz and Jessica MacDonald are taking a breakfrom the dance .floor. 4. Katie Eisenreich, Naoko Takeda and Ben Bergum.
~ Winter Wonderland
I. Get down tonight! 2.. Laron Rime, Alexa Law, and Mila Cabral prepare for an evening offood and dance.
3. Collette Green and Winter Raymond take time out for the camera. 4. Heather and Faydre Paulus show Erik Cornielsen how to dance. 5. Dena Lohse, and Suzie Lamping, dancing the night away.
1. Pie Nuernberg and Amy Kuenzi take time out with others during Snowfestfestivities. 2. Carla Radford shows everybody how snowboarding is done. 3. Collette Green and Kosuke Mori enjoy each other's company. 4. Friends, Winter Raymond and Kyle Anderson. 5. Melanie Stevenson and Laron Rhue getting some camera action.
~ Winter Wonderland
1. Katie Nemachek enjoying the outdoors. 2. Heather Borisch, Ariana Namdari, and Naoko Takeda observe the ice sculpture contest. 3. Jason Lee, Joe Suh, and Esta vion White sporting the backwards hat look. (Aren 't your ears cold guys?) - 4. lee turtle . . .! 5. Katie Hoekstra just saying hi! 6. Mercedes Benz inge r :~ spirit is high f or Snowfest 97.
Dedicated to you: Thank You Mr. Cobb
1. Mr. Cobb in the sixties 2. Mr. Cobb in the seventies
Mr. Cobb in the '90s
Mt: Cobb in the '80s
George Cobb Dedicated for over thirty years 1963-Saga Food Director 1967-Director of Public Relations 1969-Director of Admissions 1974-Dean of Students 1996-Director of Counseling & Mentoring "When I first came to Wayland in 1964 I recalled how it was when I was a kid in school. I quickly became part of the campus and realized the types of things I was in need of as a student. One of those things was contact with adults ... my teachers and other faculty members. I still recall several of the faculty and the impressions they had on us .. .I guess I've used their methods and outlooks as part of my overall approach to what I try to do here. " -George Cobb
Mr. Cobb is one of the very few people in the world who wakes up every morning and sees the world with a positive outlook. "Which problem will occur today and how will I solve it...that's fun." Everyday Mr. Cobb helps out students and faculty with problems ranging from boy/girl trouble to serious family issues. But no matter what the problem everyone leaves Cobb's office feeling better than when they came in. Cobb's entire philosophy can best be summed up in hi s own words "We must believe that we can make a difference, so we must keep at it."
Thank you Mr. Cobb, you are the best, and we appreciate all that you do here at Wayland Academy.
Becky Anderson I wonder where my school books are?
Jenny Carroll I'm smashing .. .simply smashing!
lman Aswad
Maren Baker
Kris Boucher
No, no, no! No pictures please!
Aren 't I cute?
Can't touch my Kitty!
Heidi Eisenreich
Judson Grief
Suzi Lamping
I wanna be a super-model!
Future Line-backer for the Packers!
Suzi when she was a pooh!
Seniors celebrate!
Senior Babies
Dena Lohse
Bel Manchester
Hehn! Girlz Rule!
See you in Hollywood Mom!
Jen Mathias
Nicci Pearson
Nadia Samadani
Daisuke Sato
You can't see me!
Sunshine Girl!
An up and coming 1 Crew model!
Ben Warren
Masayo Takei
Masami Yamazaki
Eunice Yang
Kiss me!
Ya think my cheeks are cute?
I'm a big girl, look what I cand do!
Cindy Crawford... Watch out!
Dena Lohse, Nicci Pearson, and Nadia Samadani: the three troublemakers!
Lenny Carroll a kid at heart!
Senior Babies
Wayland's Student Life
Four Year Seniors A large congratulations goes out to these fourteen people. They've seen a lot of changes in faces and places. The only thing that remained true was themselves! Back Row: Kelli Mackay, Andy Mulder, Kris Boucher, Jeremy Starz, Dani Jones, len Mathias, Jackie Haley, Nadia Samadani, Front Row: Heidi Eisenreich, Dena Lohse, Jenny Carroll, Suzi Lamping, !man Aswad, & Morris Mak
Three Year Seniors Almost as great a congratulations goes out to these people. They've seen just about as many changes as the four year seniors. It's ironic to see that there are fewer three year seniors than four year seniors. Back Row: Ben Warren, Nicci Pearson, Melanie Stevenson, Front Row: Katie Nemacheck, Masayo Takei, Katie Hoekstra, Eunice Yang, Masami Yamazaki
1996-1997 Yearbook Staff
.."' .
Kyle Anderson, /sa Benzinger, Ben Bergum, Jackie Haley, Fremont Latime1; Tizoc Olivo, and Nicci Pearson. Miss Levin-Advisor.
Megan Lee Creed 3/21/79 - 3/26/95
Megan Lee Creed, a member of the class of 1997, died in a car accident on March 26, 1995: one day short of her sixteenth birthday.
Megan with her sister Haley.
The hurt and the grief will partially melt away; the memories will always stay of the special one whom we loved so dear-we know she is not in fear. She is happy floating in the sky, and.she has precious wings tofly. She watches over us day by day, and we know that she is notjust "gone" but in a place so far away, where all you do is laugh and play, the birds always sing and the bells always ring. She sleeps on a cloud sofluffy and white, and cuddles her pillow so very tight. ln our dreams she seems so near; even though she '.snot actually here, but in sweet Heaven, a place so grand, someday there we'll again hold her hand. -Haley A. Creed