•,_, •.
·- ~
! ,:
I realize that the greatest times in my high school career are the gaps in my mind. -Ben Anderson
Benjamin Anderson
Rowena Barre,.,.
"What a lang strange trip it's been" Mom, Dad, Will, thanks for supporting me through everything, I never could have done this without you. Grandpa, thank you for giving me the opportunity to come here, it has made my high school memories the best they could be! lsa Rase I lave you honey! I wish that you could be here to share the rest of my year. Don't cause a disturbance! jJ it's been rough but I still love you I MS 14 months is a lang time. What kind of night is this? CS
kings ore social, crown yourself. What's your favorite extra-curricular activity? SC "Beauty is where you find it, not ius! where you bump and grind ill" Welcome Alumni! SC &EA The busses are ghetto. Cf Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds? Small talk. RM give her nut's Pete. RR You made my freshman year worthwhile, thanks for being there for me. "Us Californians got to stick together" HPeoce I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled ond do not be afraid." John 14:27
1\-tercedes Benzinger
Mom ond Dad, even though you were wrong 99% of the time, thanks far all the advice. Mr. VanHaren, Mr. Palm, Mr. Borrud, and Ms. Alpaugh thanks far being right 99% of the time. Larimer - Pop, Have one what? Hagg- he ain't no pig. Will you're annoying. Rachel , married? Senior girls rock!! J.S.F. Nader, Night Trap is boring. Tara, you should wear a turtleneck. Luke, you're a slacker. Lizzy, Congratulations on getting head. Cat, That was a great foursome. Croig, Craig, Craig, What should we do. Go get it on!! BILL I
first of all, I would like to thank everyone who gave me the opportunity to go to Wayland and helped me get through four years here, especially my parents who were there for me the whole way. I couldn't have made it without the help of all my teachers, who gave me the inspiration to keep going in this fun filled journey. It was a long hard battle, and I can 't believer that it's finally aver. Now the real fun begins, unfortunately there's a lot more work coming up, though. The main thing I learned here ws to take advantage of every minute and every situation, or else life will pass you by. I will miss this place very much, bull will never Iorge! it for the rest of my life. Ray· The 7· stringer knows all except combination to guitar case! Mike· You
Fascist , Go Cubs! "A penny saved is a penny earned"· Beniamin frankl in "Please do not put your life in the hands of a rock and roll band, who will throw it all away" ·Lars Ulrich "A life unexplored is a life not worth living" · Kirk Hammett "Those people who tell you not to toke chances, they all are missing on what life's about. You only live once so take hold of the chance , or end up like others, same song and dance ."· James Hettfield HThe times I burned my guitar, it was like a sacrifice . You sacrifice the things you love . love my guitor!h · jimi Hendrix
Kris,.ian Borrud "Some people come into our lives and quickly
go. Some stay for o while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we ore never, ever the same."
- source unknown
A special thanks to my parents , who hove had to endure so much in these post four years . I love you guys . Kristene , your advice
end attention hove helped me through tough limes. Steven and Michael, your smiling faces and constant wisecracks olwoys make me smile. Thank you for everything. Morgan, You are my Sunshine. You make
me happy when skies are gray. Amy, eres Ia mejor amigo , Ia Reina del Mundo. Katie ,
Halloween '96, the winning freethrow . Molly, "It's just there!", it's been fun. josh, my first at Wayland . I'll miss your English notebook, your hand, your hugs, and you. Carlene, where was my Clinton on that one?
AGGIS forever. lindsay, you pulled a Lizzy! One way street the wrong way twice! Cot,
Chicago Thongs! (almostl Ben, Thanks for the Valentine 's Day gift. (I didn't forget. I We 've had some good limes. JeH, our date was fun . Glad you could join us. Mabel, Tatar times were great. Mercedes, The Bush
Club. To all : "Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you 're going to miss in years ahead.
8 -
I love you mom, dad, Rael, Brooke, Chris. I om so lucky to hove you guys. Esther - toss the cheese. Lindsay/Carlene- white Tshirts in the rain. Holly- straws, chocolate sauce,
sneaking out. lso - thanks for trying to teach me how to clap and stomp. Lee- bench cheerleaders, storbucks, Fantasias, 3 B's. jell - What would I have dane without you here? I lave you. Dana -Thanks lor your help, I will always remember our talks. Jim - "Believe in Angels". Cat- Slumber parties. Brian- You are the best, try to stay awoke in class. Benthanks for trying to teach me about sports.
Rachel- thank god you were in 8th with me. Josh- promise me you will never change.
Will- I'll never forget you. Megan- he's wearing green today!
Mark- art was the best. SH, JG, MB, AK, EW, PS, JW, El, SA, MH, I love all of you very much. I will never forget anyone here.
am very glad that you were a port of my life. "Somewhere over the rainbow, skies ore blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true."
It has been on exciting four years
of my life I would like to thank my parents for helping me get through high school. I love you both dearly. I hove accomplished a lot during my high school years. It is true that a person con accomplish anything if they put their mind to it. I can't wait to get to college. lJ -I'll miss you, Smokey! DM- You were o great roomote. LB- You're a good friend who has o lot of school spirit. RG- What's up Gospel. EW- I'll miss you babe. I om going to miss all my friends. It's been great! Fronk A. Clark
"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose." Janis Joplin To my sisters, especially jeanette, thanks far helping me through everything. C.S.- Is Wiseman's light still on? Mmm, cheese, ahhhh. I'll always remember drinking Sunkist on those storybook days. Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you, girl. D.K. Butterscotch and strawberries, no sprinkles please. J.S. and E.W.- a little too much character. W.S.Where's the alebellaflaw. T.G.Feelin' tight? j.S - It's been sketchy at times. B.W. -You'll always have a piece of my heart. M.S. pick 'em big and stupid. M.B. finally sitting at the top of the "cool bleachers," waiting to say "Welcome Alumni."
Susie Cooper First, I would like to thank Gad for all the blessings I have been given. Thanks to my family and friends back home for all of their support, and for always being there when I needed you. Thanks to the faculty and staff for their help and support preparing me to start a new journey. MR -We both are the victims of sprained ankle, take care of your ankle and have fun in Cali, not too much though. JW- thank you for noodles everytime I was hungry. MH, MW, AM -I have had so much fun being your roommate this year- penthouse forever! To Lia , thank you for everything you have dane to me; I will always cherish the moments we spent together, and I am hoping that we will soon be together again. WS- Jo, lo kala ketemu di Indo jangan sombong Ina. Kapan - kapan kilo makan sale di Apjoy yak ... take care man! Lastly, to my Wayland friends, I'm going to miss you guys. Take care and good luck in life. Always be yourself and do your best .
Yudha Darniat
I'm on to bigger ond better from wetter to gettin cheddar . I would like to thank the following individuals for being true to the gizzame JW, LK, RH, NK, BB , EL, BA, JS , CR, EW, Flipmode Squad. Mr. Khreish, thanks for supporting my academic cause. Mom and Dad, thank you for this opportunity. Much love to my BSO buddies.
Three years ago, I came here as on immature
little kid. Dealing with having to repeal a year of high school )at a boarding school no less!!) gave me a lot to consider. I knew I
had to grow up. I did this through meeting o series of people that have changed my life forever. I metln Sung Park and I learned temperance and to think about what! say
before I speak. I met Anneke and I learned to see the good in every situation. 1 mel Craig and I learned to see the humor in
everyday life. I mel Leo Wong and I learned that my word is the most powerful thing I can give someone. I met Abel and I learned to
laugh to myself instead of gelling angry when people act stupid. I met Naoko and I learned the value of having someone to talk
to about anything. As the old saying goes: "It tokes a whole village to raise a child". Because of the people ot Wayland, I'm a man now. I'm ready to face the rest of my
life. Thanks to: Mom, Shelly, The Group, john Hanold )Molasses and Shrubbery forever!), The Various Fornelli's, Kristian )Some folk' II never eat a sock, but then again some folk'lllike Kristion the slack-jawed yokel!. Easter )my favorite holiday!. Amy )you con keep the dumb book, OK2) Bernie Hyland and the Hyland Militia, The Great North - American Abel )you're the COOLEST! I. Gospel Frank )keep on dancin , my brotheriJ. Luke Tomberlin, Bonerod , Captain Football, and the other SSS's. L8er y'all LWEWJSF!
•Am I giving enough, is it all it should be, when the water gets rough will you still swim with me?~
-VOT Mom- I know you would never let me fall, but thank you for felling me stand on my own two feel. Dad- East coast: you'll always be in my heart. I love you. West coast: Thank you for everything. It's never too late. Tom- I know I could never repay you for all you have done, so I hope you'll always know I will forever appreciate it. Colin- Try to realize it's all within yourself no one else con make you change. Your large Marge African Boally Hopping jungle Bunny. I love You. Cherilyn BBC and Justin's forever. Sara Cleveland sorry about HR! Bo- There ore not enough words. You are my sister and J love you. Thank you for everything. To my Katherine, my angel, success has always been yours, I'm so proud of you. I miss my twin. JT I thanks for staying until 3:00 in the morning I lee, Holly, Tara, and lindsay need I say more, or will J CREW be enough. Don't pull a Lizzy! I'm going to kick you! BA, JW Thanks lor ruining our friendship! josh Kaufman I 7th hour gossip I you'll always be my biggest regret, Estavion- thank you!!, 13, J), MK, MN, Mid f ielders, BB, ZEUS, KB, AMI, ELWOOD, WK, Bullerllies, Cat, Pyramid Crew, CLiff I MISS YOU! MM ITwix ). WRW3. Mike H-I win! ALOHA.
"Don't let what others think decide who you are" DR
Carlene Atalia Hau,.anen
First off, I'd like to thank my family and friends in Traverse City, Ml for their support. Without them I would have never done it. As for Wayland, I give shout outs to the Molotov Cocktails, the relentless Cheapskate and AAP. Without them and their vociferous noise I would probably be able to hear. In the Immortal words of the goofy hick, James Hetfield . . .. Yi heah! Mr. P, two words ... fob five! MN ... talk for once! MR ...... you idiot! JD ... your nuts! your my monkey! I thank my '98 penthouse Boys for positive encouragement. it's pop! And to all of the fallen comrades that were never able to finish a Wayland year, jViva Coliba!
Atichael Hyland
Mom and Dod, Thank you for the opportunity!' II forever love you. Jamie, Dove: I wouldn't be the person I om if it weren't for you guys,
thanks. Coach Hill: Thanks for everything, I'll miss you. Mr. Palm: You were a companion-
thanks for being there. josh, my best friend, I love you and I'm gonna miss you-hoodrot! TC: Thanks for joining me for this year-we
hod fun together. I love you. LM:Whot con I soy-you've mode this year memorable. I'll
miss you. MM: Glad I could hook you up with the run-through. I love you, brother. Westra: It's all yours, take good core of it for me! LB- You're awesome: I'm gonno miss you. RM: I love you so much ... oustonding year!
IB: I love you little sis-keep in touch. WK and DK: You're both punks but I'm still gonna miss you MR, JW, NK, PSG, CF, DM, CH, Hj, LN, BA, BB, MB, MS, JG, DG, and ~smokey": I love you
and I'm gonna miss
yaul Take care, Wayland- it's been an amazing year! "Toke your hands now from your eyes my love, Alt good things must come to an end sometime.H -Dave Matthews
Jeff Jenks
My lovely mother - I love you very much and I'll never forget wahl you did lor me this year. Dad -Thanks for giving up your wile for a year, sorry you couldn't be here, too. Tiffyou corrupted me loa young, bull still love you. Jeff- My best friend, we hod some great limes that I will never forget. (Hold my finger, I can't leel my legs, Veronica Bruce) R.M. - talented girl, sorry Kris wasn't here this year, but you still gat played. C. H.- I enjoyed our 7th hour talks. Oh and you have beautiful legs. M.M.- she likes it my way. l.B.- My hand couldn't survive without you, you bring joy to my days. l.M.- You must be doing something wrong, so how's the stiffness
in your neck? JW.- What's up with your shoulder? l.T. - do your homework lor once. And to everyone else who brightened up my days WK, MR, DK, TC, BB, MS, MB, CF, NK, DM, plus everyone I forgot. A special thanks to Mr. Kasper, Mr. Palm, Mr. Jong and Mrs. Hoff. Coach Hill- sorry for interrupting your romantic night out with the
old lady, I'll miss you all now that my time here is done.
"Fame is a vapor, popularity is an occident, money takes wings. Those who cheer you on today may curse you tomorrow. The only thing that endures is character" -OJ Simpson, late '70's Analyze what is said because the magnitude of truth in a statement is not always obvious.
I would first like to thonk my parents for giving me the opportunity to attend this fine academy. I have learned a lot throughout my years at Wayland beyond academics, and for those who helped me survive, I'd like to offer a big shout out: The Wayland No limit Soldiers- JW, CF, and BK . RM (Luke 22 44)I'll always be a better minigolfer, and KE- you're head's not that big. JK, JL MR, and BB- you're in my heart forever! CF, a.k.a. regression, remember that you can't get by an your looks, and JW, a.k.a. Dick Vitale, I' ll see you on T.V. someday. J. and C. remember TQ, EW, and JS forever. Live large Playboys! "The sky's the limit. "- Chistopher Wallace
"'acler Khreish
Finally, I am about to take the final step to the different world where I have never been before, and this is the moment I have been waiting for the last eighteen years. I wander what will be waiting for me once I get there. But I am not afraid of anything because that's what I have been practicing. Now, I am ready to take the step, and have some fun. Mom and Dad! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to study abroad. Also thanks to big sister and brother- in - law in L.A. for everything that you did to me. And as you know , second sister and brother - in - law UH)! Thank you for everything! Finally, thanks to a ll my friends who always share fun with me!
Is that the mind's last soundless, dying cry? Who will remember? There was no rustling of old crowds as my long, wrenching, joyous voyage ended, only the question, "Who will remember?" and a small sign in the renting office at New Ebbets Field Apartments saying, as if about the past, NO VACANCY, Files Closed. -Roger Kahn To my parents- You have done everything for me, my accomplishments would mean nothing without you. Grandma- thank you for all that you've done. StefVaiAmAsh Do we really have to have our pictures taken again? To the rest of my family- I couldn't have asked for better Lizzy- You are the last true romantic. Kate and ji Won We have each other, what do we need anyone else for? joshlyn Logic never could convince a heart. Megan C and Hilary- You girls are the sweetest. Jeanna - Heaven knows how much I need you, I never stopped believing.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything ot all.
Mom and Dad, thank you so much for your love and support. I Love you. Good luck in high school Dana! Kristi - We've had so much fun together! Guys, movies, Pizza Hut, not to mention harrasing jelloman and Punk! Anneke- Thanks for being such a good friend. Good luck next year! Have fun, and come visit me! Mr. Kasper, Mrs. Bliefuss, and Mr. Cobb - Thank you so much for all of your help and advise. You've been invaluable to me. For all that I haven't mentioned, good luck and have fun!
I'd like to thank my parents for their love, help, ond guidance. Dad, thanks for always supporting me in everything I do. Mom,
you're the greatest mom o kid could have. I love you both. Anabel, you've had your moments, but I still love you. Thanks for all the help you've given me. You're a great sister. To the rest of the family, you've always been there. Thanks. Lizzy, It's been o looong lime. Through it oil you've been my best friend, not just my girlfriend. You are sooo
much fun. To the Boucher Family, thanks for the bed ond breakfast, I really appreciate it. Coach Crogan, I appreciate everything you've done lor me, ond I'm glad I got to play my linal high school games for you. Coach Hill, I enjoyed all the talks we had almost every break period. Sam, Matt, lloyd, John, Aja, Katie, and all the rest of the guys back home, sorry I couldn't be there this year, but I'll always remember the limes we hod. To the Falkensteins and the Honsons, thank you for all the guidance you gave me, and
for always looking out for me. Jeff, thanks for the hookup, I'm glad I got to know you, I enjoyed the year we had together. Carlene, thanks for the twix, good buddy. josh, you've been a good lriend, but you're still a twit from sophomore year. Joe, you'll never be a better
golfer than me. Thanks for the rounds. To everybody who didn't remind me to put them in my quote, too bad I
The most priceless possession that I hove is my family. Don and Mikeyl'm glad I've got delinquents for brothers, makes me look like the good kid!jodiYou've been one of the greatest additions to my life. Daddy- You ' re not just my father , you're my best friend. Mom- Everyday that posses makes me one day closer to seeing you again. You showed me what really matters in life.Seighmon- Thanks for everything.Toro- B3 , Yuppies? Holly-8th hour talks about sex!Rob the vending machine. Carts-Smelly roomote, Leos. Jeff- "Maybe nothing lasts forever, not the mountions or the sea . But the times we hod together, they will always be with me"-Somples Sweet dreams. Brion-N'sync.JoeThonks for bothering me.lso ,Mobel , Alicio ,Lizzy,Jockie,Cot,Ester,Ben ,Don , Petejosh,Morgon,Dono,Wiii ,Mike,Mork and all the rest.LF-Thonks for the yeors.Jo-"A best friend knows the song of your heart and reminds you when you forget it. "To the gals and guys, it wos fun while it lasted. "If you hold on tight to what you think is your thing , you may find
To all those who hove influenced me in my life: Mom, Dod, David, Dom , Megan , Mephetic Chremloch , my boys in Embalm , Rosemary, Alex, Christmol Trees and the rest of Hospital Records, Coach Hill , Roy, Mike, Mark, Craig , Jeff, Josh , Kristion I John Elwoy is still old ), Joe I Westra 3: 16! ), Terrance- keep those pants low! , WYSO Boss section, Lizzy, Morgan , Molly, Jeff, Martin , Tomic, Carlene, Lee , Taro , Amy, Roach , Luke, Fronk, whoever mode my Warlock at B.C. RICH, Mr. Borrud , Tony B, Sepulture , Limp, Bizkit, Fear Factory, Alex Webster and C. Corpse, Mesuggoh, Dissection, Brujerio, Henry Rollins, Nosum , Internal Bleeding - thonx for the shirt! Estovion , Leo, Jason , Joe Suh and whoever may fall victim to the TIMN, and Suffocation I om your savior shapeless to your perception for I om you pierced from within
First of all, I would like to say thank you to my family for giving me the opportunity of being
at Wayland. I probably couldn't hove mode it this for without the support of family and friends. The post four years hove been a great fun filled journey. I can't believe my time here is coming to on end. I have
learned at Wayland you hove to toke advantage of each and every minute of your
life or it will be over before you also, hove learned at Wayland meaning of friendship. When I hope my friends and I will keep
know it. I the true graduate I in touch. I
feel I have gotten to know many great and
wonderful people through Wayland. I will miss you all, even the people I didn't get to know real well. I consider all the people at Wayland as a port of my family and together we con do anything we set our mind to. I
hope in fifty years I still remember my Wayland family and that I am still associated with them. P.S.- I would like at this time to thank some people for being there when I needed them Thank you Borrud Child, Gonzo (We hove had some great times). my name is Valerie
and lllive in Warren Cottage, Mr. Cobb, Hyland, Bear Hair, Natalie, little Bear with red hair, and all my other friends
"Resolved to toke Fate by the throat and shake a living out of her." -Louisa May Alcott to my closest friends, best teachers and the two greatest mentors a girl could hove: thank you for the times. to my family: you ore the biggest parts of me. Dod- my determination, my goals, my strength. Martha- my smile and reasons to. Gronno - the best stories, life lessons and roots. Sarah - my dearest baby sister and favorite princess. i love you. !most?!) kate
"Everything has changed, absolutely nothing has changed." PJ Mom· thanks for letting me be a dreamer. Andy- Guhi Guh Guh Guh Guh! Molly- Wanna go to Fond du lac? johnny love- We'll always have Biology and those hours tha t should have been spent working scholarship. It was fun. Remember to take core of the cow. josh· Thanks for keeping an eye on me. Katie· Handbells and hotels, parked cars loops I) and flat tires. We had a lime. Beware of jumproping ghosts IHee Hee) and watchout· THERE'S A MOUSE IN THE lOCKERROOMt "When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught how to fly ." · B. Winter Kris- Thanks for the wings . You 're forever in my hea~ . "Until we do loose ourselves there can be no hope of finding ourselves." ·H . Miller Love, Poptorls
Thank you Mom and larry for giving me the opportunity to attend Wayland and supporting me throughout high school. • A friend is a gilt you give yourself" I want to thank everyone for making my senior year the best ever. Ji·Thank you, Thank you, for letting me crash in your room on all those late nights. My southern belle's ·we shared some Y<Q!ID_Iimes during the volleyball season· some I'll never forget! HK· what color are the stairs? EM & HK· thanks for the great limes we shared on the weekends & the so-called study sessions!! HK#2· SSSSHHHHHHHHHI!!! CF· do you hove a pink scarf I can borrow? Ben & Josh-you two made some days miserable, but I think I am going to miss you bath !especially your hugs)! To the swing in' group, we sure had a lot of fun· I am never going to forget it. R· all of the donut runs and daily chats ore memorable. "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."
Alii have to say is THANK YOU! Thank you Mom ond Dad for trusting me oil the woy . Thank you my friends for letting me have the most wonderful and valuable experiences ond adventures with you guys. Thank you Wayland for . .. letting me graduate! Three years have passed so fast that I can't even believe it. I'm sure I'll miss Wayland wherever I go or whatever I eatl (?) Lastly, I'M OUT OF HERE ! ! ! p.s. AGGIS, that's the way we spell success!
Thanks to my Mom and Dad who supported me and gave me and opportunity to study here at Wayland. Last four years were the greatest moment that I have had in my life. I will now have another great experience in my life. I have sa many people to thank for brought me up to this point. Teachers and friends all of you thank you so much and I will never forget you. Thonx: All the Koreans here at Wayland. "jalitgura, Greego .. Gomapda." My roommate Young-Kyu, and all the teachers. Special Thanx: My close friends in Korea, Eric, Dave, In-sung, Heung-Rak, Young-Uk, Hyun-Woo, all the great singers in Korea. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and 1. .. 1 took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference" - RJ.
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve.
I was mode weak, that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health, that I might do greater things. I was given infirmity, tha t [ migh t do better things. I asked for riches, that I might be ha ppy. I was given poverty, that I might be wise. I asked for power thai I migh t have the praise of men. I was given
weakness, that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life. I wos given life, that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for· but got everything I hod hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am,
among all people, most richly blessed. -on Unknown Confederate Soldier I would like to thank my grandparents, my mom for giving me endless support, my dod for being my "coach " , Jesse for being there to talk to, Kyle for being my best friend ond guidance counselor, Kosuke for the laughs and encouragement, Alicia for listening to all my
complaints, and the many others whose lives ond friendship hove led me to become who I om today.
· First of alii would like to thank my lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If it weren 't for him I would be nothing. Secondly I wont to thank my parents for working hard, and giving me the advice I need to succeed in life. My parents do everything they con for me, and I love them for it. I also wont to thank my brother for always being there to talk to if I needed advice or hove a Iough . I would like to also thank my cousins Reagan , and Sheronito for always being there when I needed them . To my entire family , I love all of you . · KB ·calm down. CF- Bratsky JG · GheHo Oueen JGreene · 007 4life AK ·Your the bomb NK · Keep livin kid OM- Your a senior Quote
Pete V · Scorbonies leo · Coli for life · TS · ER • AG · BM · EW · YD- Gimme Coke! - TG - Thots tigh t RG · woterpowder Mike H - Insane Communist BKhon · Billy groytooth MM·
Wijo · Crazy Asian JW ·Johnson Johnson MW-
"And surely I am with you always, Ia the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20) I've had many bumps and unexpected
detours in my journey through life so far. I guess it all worked aut for the best, though. Many people hove helped me get to where I am today. Thanks for all the memories, laughs, and tears. It was oil worth it. Mom and Dad: I couldn't have asked for better parents. Your works of wisdom touched the heart. As the fifth child, I can proudly say, "We all mode it." Thanks for everything. I love you two. Erich, Aaron, Angelene: I learned a lot from you three.
Ezra: You're my closest friend. Thanks for always being there, especially when ! needed you the most. love yo, big brother. uwherever you go, smile , you never
know who con be touched by such o little thing. Whatever you do smile, it makes people wonder what you've been up to.
Nikki: Keep your head up. I believe in you. MS, MB, LB: Who's eating Gilbert's gropes? CB: We made it through English doss. Now you hove to shake my hand. Ho, ho. jS: You're my little frosh boy. FC, KM: Thanks for showing me around. BS: Keep up the good work. I taught you well. To all my teachers, mentors, coaches, and other friends: Thank you for supporting me and helping me through my journey we call life. Memories are forever.
Those who would hove nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers. -Unknown
To my parents thanks for always backing me up no matter what and taking time to listen to my problems. I love you both very much and consider you both two of my closest friends Elliott you're the best brother thanks for always being there to cheer me up. You ore
better than o pony. To the rest of my family thanks for your help. KT- Nope, Not Yet, I Don't think so, UH UHH. We hove such great memories, don't we. What ore you going to do next year without me? Katie - Watch out for the
curbs. lso -What would hove happened if you hadn't said hi? Anneke- Hey roomie! Holeemo- Two words "Chino Palace". Ali-
Clean the pockets II! Keep it legal. Maxhow boring cor rides & German are going to
be without me. Esther- Watch out for tong lady! RM- Go Rachel lee! II When we forget ourselves, we usually do something that everyone else remembers. -Unknown
Always look for the white thing in the blue port of the sky.
'T d trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday" -Janis Joplin I hove come a long way since I first entered
the Wayland community. I hove come to realize I'm not at the end of o journey, but at the beginning of o new one. I could not hove mode it without the love ond support of the few people who hove mode o difference in my life. To my parents, thank you for the opportunity tho come here and the support that has kept me here. Kelli, we've hod some limes alnght. The memories keep coming, but somehow the past is forgotten. Mercedes,
thank you for being o truly terrific friend, you have always been there to listen and to put up
with me. You hove been my much needed sister. 1 will miss you next year. Mrs. Bleifuss you hove guided me through these treacherous
4 years, you will not be forgotten.
Come gather 'round people Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters Around you have grown
And accept I that soon You'll be drenched to the bone If your time to you Is worth savin' Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like o stone For the limes they are a chang in'
-Bob Dylan
Nlolly Svvain
Under Clossmen: live now BA- $8 for lerioki beef JK- You're stupid (smorlo ... ) T2- Davis? what's that? EH- huoh! hey that's my thought. Kisses & !weeks. JM- missed you. How's the cow? KB- Mmm. Choc. Ice Cream My rents - thonx for all JT- bod girl RG - Soul food, Sun Teo, Trolls, Tri-selos and Ice Oueen. MN- one year. Dove M. TW - A brother, I'll miss you HB and Moll- you dirty Germans. B.C. -Photos and dangling corral locos. Kale- Halloween, the window, the stage, EH 's basement, Parks , Phone bills, your roof.. No regrets. I love you. "There is lrulh in jest, and humor in everything" It's post midnight.
Luke Tomberlin
It's been long four yeor adventure here at Wayland, but it's been fun at times. I think the whole experience has expanded my horizons for the better. As the saying goes, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" and I think Wayland has definitely mode me stronger as a person . I hope all the seniors here at Wayland achieve what they wont in life. And I thank all my friends, teachers, and most of all my parents for their strong support, which made it possible for me to succeed. Eternally Greotful, Matt Wright
Maria Benavides
.9; ) . /t
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Brian Cary
Holly Johnstin
~:1, Mary Feeney
. .· ••• .
thCh e>. of the
:;\,\: .:.,路 .r; Chelsea Coffman
~· ·1
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Abby Rehfeldt
Anything AFis HOT, HOT, HOT this year and you can even meet hot college guys at your local AF retailer.
WE GOT YOUR POCKETS RIGHT HERE! These pants have room enough for a family of four! Straight from the barracks of your friendly Army Reservists and now available en masse at your Local trendy clotheirs at your Local trendy mall. These pants are flying off the shelves and onto the wee gams of Wayland's boys and girls. Note for Mr. Trau, these pants have excessive patch pockets!
We know you've had a hard day of harassing teachers, handing in last minute homework and trying to impress the ladies but could ya' try to straighten up slobnick. A loose tie with a top button open looks like you had a few bourbons after feeding the horses in the barn. Try buttoning up that collar along with a neatfour-in-hand knotfor that tie.
There are few master teachers who make a substantial impact on students lives over the years, and who earn the honor of becoming a Wayland Pillar. David Kasper is one of those genuine and caring educators, who loves teaching and loves young people with a great zeal, devotion and commitment. Elias Khreish - Science Chair
David Kasper is a master teacher in the true sense of the word . In the classroom he is organized, inovative and responsible . As an educator he can always be counted on to go the "extra mile " with his students, advisees, athletes and collegues . Over the years Dave has provided the leadership for bringing students and faculty together in countless outdoor programs and activities . Dave has been both a role model and a friend to me and also to many others . His love and dedication to Wayland play a large part in making Wayland a special place . Diane Alpaugh - History/Social Science Chair
David Kasper bespeaks the characteristic description which we all hope will be applied to each of us at some point during our service to Wayland: a concerned involvement in the life of the campus community. He is truly dedicated to and interested in the teaching of his subject matter, as well as in the academic development of his students and advisees . Dave also cares about the young people in their varied co-curricular pursuits and social activities . He' s demanding, but he always cares . Doug Palm Director of Publications and Public Relations
Left: Dan Sommers makes his way back from Roundy. Another work crew Dan? Top Right: Inese applies makeup for her part in the Fall Play. Bottom Right: Erin and Chelsea go on the attack during a field hockey game.
Right: Pete and Jessica exchange snow outside of Wayland Hall. Top Left: Wacker lofts a shot to keeper, Will Keating in pregame warmups. Bottom Left: Jay seems none too exctied to be working with the clay this moring . Try get a few more z's Jay.
After all, we had a good time and we progressed tremendously in terms of teamwork and skills . At the end we were able to score on every opponent and we beat teams that had beaten us in the first game . I also want to thank the girls for the great attitude and enthusiasm over the whole season. I'm looking forward to continue coaching this team next season to have a lot of fun again . Diane Alpaugh Honorable Mention: Lizzy Boucher
We have had some great improvements during the year although, based on wins and losses, the season was kind of a disappointment. Our team at the end of the season was fortunately a completely different team. Towards the end of the season the guys always gave their best and I' m looking forward to coach this team next year. With many of our starters coming back, we should be able to become a .500 team over the next two years and we hope to score against every team we play. Peter Trau Honorable Mentions: Chris Storz, Jordan Esten , Young-Bin Park 2nd Team All-Conference : Alex Wacker
The girls tennis team was young this year and had a long season. The high point was a 6-1 win over Burlington Catholic 路 Central and we finished tied for 6th place in our region at the end of the season. We are looking to improve next season, with a l<!>t of..returning players. And, at least we had a better season than the football team. Dave Gusaas 路
What a phenomenal year we had! When I started coaching th is team , I was think ing it would be an achievement just to finish in the top five of our conference. We caught a break with a conference realignment in the MCC , which grouped some teams with similar volleyball histories; it also reduced the teams in our conference to five. The girls came into the season with average expectations, but an extremely positive attitude toward the game . Although we lost the first two games, we went on to win the next 10 and to tie for the MCC central Championship . Congratulation to all the g irls for putting together a winning season and on winning the championship . Also , congratulations to Holly Johnson and Katie Eisenreich who were elected to the AllConference First Team and to Rachel Mulder who was elected to the second team . Evan Brown
Our kids worked very hard this season . It was a disappointment that we couldn't make the state play-offs . But as I said, our kids worked great and that' s really all a coach can ask for . I' m proud of being the coach of this team . Next year we need to work on our strength, because with Dan Messer and Morgan Manchester departing , we're losing two of our strongest players. But we'll bounce back. I' m looking forward to coach this team in 1999. -Craig Hill 2nd Team: Josh Kaufman (offense/defense) Morgan Manchester (defense) Honorable Mention: Dan Messer
The 1998 Coed Cross Country team ended its first season on a strong note, with all the varsity runners either running or tying their personal best on the last meet. Considering that this was our first cross country season in a long time, that most of the runners started this season without much experience in running or racing , and that we were the smallest team in all the meets, we had a pretty successful year . With 3 varsity runners graduating this year, next season will depend on runners like Jeff Reisberg , Loren Darling or Justin Soifer stepping up . Over all, it was a good learning experience for all of us. Paul Jang
Wondering who those cute girls are, dancing at the basketball games? Well, that' s us, the pomers . We are led by captain Lee Marcheschi and co-captain Cat Roberts, who have helped the team come a long way . The squad will be attending a dance competition in February. The first ever that Wayland has performed at, and we hope to place . The girls worked hard, and it has paid off.
Wayland Girl's basketball team is finally breaking stride. A slow first semester start made for an emotional moral victory against Oshkosh Christian to put the team 3-9 with less than half the season remaining. Seniors Winter Raymond, Lizzy Boucher, and Alicia Kelly have been strong contributors to the team . Underclassmen have shown great prom ise and good things are ahead for the Lady Wolverines . - Coach Freddy Susnar
The 1998-99 Boys Varsity Basketball team has created excitement in the fieldhouse . With a 15-1 record and a #2 ranking state-wide, our team is having one of the best years in school history. Our players are "making it happen " . Coach E. Crogan
The warm weather in November and December made it impossible for the Ski Team to get out on the ski slopes before the Christmas break. This lack of practice time put us about two weeks behind schedule. However, with the returning skiers being led by last years letter winners we should still find ourselves offering strong competition for the rest of the area ski teams. The speed at which the team develops will determine how succesful our team will be as far as wins and losses are concerned. This years captains are Ann eke Warren for the girls and Josh Kaufman for the boys.
- Coach David Kasper
I've been most impressed with the spirit of the team this year . It is a challenge to be a co-ed team competing against all male earns, but the Wayland swimmers have done a great job keeping up their moral and cheering on their teammates . Senior captains Ben Bergum and Carlene Hautanen have served as great leaders and motivators this year . Both of them and several other Wayland swimmers should do well at the small school state meet. -Coach Carrie Covington
With the retirement of longtime coach George ~ obb, the Wayland Girls Soccer team will find itself under new management this year. Coach Martha Kesler will find a few seniors for leadership along with returning conference all-stars Carla Radford and Lizzy Boucher. The Lady Wolverines are looking to finish in the upper half of the conference this season .
Last year's Softball team had a surprising season. They Wolverines finished at .500 under the coaching of Coach Judy Hill. This year the Softball team is under the new management Wayland's own Coach Freddy Sussnar. This year returns a few senior starters and will likely be looking at a development year. But good things are expected.
After a 1-8 conference record last year, the Wayland Golf team eagerly seeks to improve and will look to returning lettermen Joe Westra, Kingston Reif and Loren Darling for experience on the golf course . New golfers Morgan Manchester and Gabriel Borrud will be expected to give a positive contribution as well. Coach J. Borrud
Track always seems to be in a hard spot every year. The numbers and
caliber of the athletes we get aut depends on the whims of the students from year to year . Some years we have interest and some years we don 't. This year Mr. Jang and I have no idea what to expect from our team . Our expectations always start out low, but one thing is for sure , we are always pleasantly surprised by the performance of some athletes every year. last year it was luke Tom berlin making the state standard in the high jump and placing third overall in the conference in that event (and we have a tough conference). Of course we look for luke to head to the state champion-
ships (hopefully in two events) again this year and we also look for throwers
Dan Messer and Pete Vellani to possibly obtain the state
qualifying standard. We ore looking for Frank Clarke to pick up his endurance and start kicking tail in the 400 and 800 this year . And we are hoping that Lizzy Boucher' s natural speed and training she will be getting in soccer to help her obtain a standard for state in the sprints . We
are also hoping that Jeff Reisburg , Chris Storz and Tom Hofkens push each other in the distance events and lower their times. Best of luck to all
athletes . -Coach Evan Brown
Baseball had a difficult season last year as they were rebuilding from scratch in a very difficult conference . This year, Baseball is hoping to develop some solid pitching and consistent batting so they can begin to be competitive this year . This year's Wayland team has a new skip this year as Coach Hill passes the reigns to Coach Bob Maclellan and Coach Jason Hecht.
The Boys Tennis Team achieved a commendable record of 17-2 last year . They won the championship of a quad meet at Watertown and came in 2nd in the Midwest Classic Conference at University School of Milwaukee. With the loss of some key players th is year, it will be difficult to repeat such a success, but it is certainly one goal. Nader Khreish , the number one singles and the MVP last year is anticipated to repeat, or perhaps improve on his nearly perfect 18-1 record last year. We hope that Brian Cary, a newcomer junior, can help us a great deal. I am confident that through hard work and effort we will have a very good season . -Coach E. Khreish
.... X
an international experience at Wayland Academy It is an amazing opportunity as a high school student to study abroad. So when I heard of the organization ASSIST (American Secondary Schools for Independent Students and Teachers), I jumped at the chance to travel to America; I could see the sights, eat junk food, watch NHL hockey (since I am hockey nuts) and study in their elite schools. In early August of 98, I left Germany and landed i scenic Newark with my family, who decided to tag along and see some of the sights with me before I headed off to school. New York was the biggest thing I had ever seen. We crossed into the city through the clausterophobic Holland Tunnel, and it seemed to me that the city spread itself out to infinity in every direction. The streets and avenues went on for ever and the buildings streched to ridiculous heights; there were people in every nook and cranny of the place. We have cramped cities in Europe but New York, it was simply the most unbeleivable thing I have ever seen. So me and my family walked the streets, ate the food, took in the sights and then moved on to the next star-spangled megalopolis. We ended up visiting Washington and Boston before I had to make it up to Concord's St. Paul's School for my appointment with the friendly ASSIST representatives. The ASSIST seminar was very interesting as w~learned the ins and outs of life at the American Boarding school. We were told such things like the teachers would help you after class hours. Or they told us that the students were very open minded, generous and would more than likely invite us to their houses over the breaks. They also gave us the regular spiel on how to handle stressful situations, do's and dont's, realtionships and homesickness. Blah, blah, blah! After three days I was ready to be placed in my new school. I was ready to see the gothic cathedrals, ancient halls and pristene landscapes of my new school. Would they place me in the mountains of Vermont, or just up the Hudson River from New York City or maybe up the coast from Boston near the resorts in Southern Maine? I was ready for the postcard prep-school life, so you can imagine my glee at being placed in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin: Afarm town of fourteen thousand in a state known for cheese. Me and some other ASSIST students (Carina, Mathias and Inese) travelled into the biggest and most confusing airport in the world where we would catch a connecting flight into Madison. We were met by Mr. Boucher and Mr. Luebke and their Wayland Van and they proceeded to drive us fourty five miles Northeast toward Beaver Dam. We got off on route 33 where we were qreeted bv somp of thl> m::~inct:H/C nf ":>n"O,Hâ&#x20AC;˘~~~ 1 ... .. - - . -
MacDonalds, Burger King and plenty of shopping for everyone. I was pleasantly surprised when we pulled up to Wayland Hall. It was such a large and formible hall. Wayland's yellow brick and gleeming white pillars were beautiful waning sunshine of the afternoon. It was truly a beautiful building until I moved in. My room was fairly big but the chipped fake-wood panelling seemed to bring the rooms aesthetic appeal down somewhat. Not to mention I was placed in the same room with a crazy Japanese student, who listened to strange music at all hours of the morning! After moving in, I went over to Roundy Hall to meet the powers that be. I introduced myself to Mr. Trau who was in his office talking with Aleks Tomic. After shaking hands with Mr. Trau, Aleks then stood up to shake hands with me. I strained my neck to take him in as Aleks rose and offered me his gigantic hand. Wow! I had never met anyone that tall who was of such a young age. We rarely grow them that big in Germany. To my relief not all of Wayland's students were enormous. They were all shapes and sizes. I was prepared for difference but, for the most part, American students were not unlike German students. After finding out I was in the middle-of-nowhere U.S.A, I was honestly dissapointed, but my time here at Wayland has been great with only one exception. I had a difficult time with my living situation. Its not that I had a problem with my roo mates at all. The outside of Wayland is marvelous, but the room decor leaves a lot to be desired. The rooms and halls in Wayland have all the charm of a reform school cell blocks. And the heater system! I have never heard anything so loud at night when I am trying to sleep. Its was as if someone was hitting the pipes with a hammer at 3 a.m. Yet when it comes to the bigger picture, the overall experience of my time at Wayland, the rooms were not so bad. I have been very impressed with a great many things in my experience at Wayland. For instance, in Germany we rarely have competitions against other schools in sports. It was great, this past fall to play soccer against so many different schools and now I am looking forward to golf season. I was also impressed with the Cum Laude Society (Wayland's elite academic society is the oldest in the mid-west) and with the regular Friday chapel services. But most impressive to me and to the other students from Germany was the quality and caliber of the teaching at this school. It came as a surprise to me and the other European Students that we encountered some of the best teachers we have ever had here at Wayland. In Germany, it is said that American teachers are poor and that the classes are easy, but that has definitely not been the case. The teachers at Wayland really love to teach and work closely with students and this, in my experience, is not the case with my teachers in Germany. I can point to several examples of dedicated teachers here at Wayland. When I asked the other German students who their best teacher was, we unanimously aggreed that Mr. John Patterson was our favourite. Every day you feel that the man loves to teach and I really learned a great deal in his English class. We also had truly positive learning experiences with Mr. Khreish and Mr. Gusaas. They present their knowledge to students in a very understandable and challenging form. Mr. Gusass is perhaps the most layed back teacher I have ever had; in Germany if I ask my Math teacher for help he tels me to go ask another student but not Mr. Gusaas, he always seems to be available at almost anytime to help me or any student with Calculus. I know I can't speak for all of Wayland's students but orking with Mr. Gusaas, Mr. Patterson and the other teachers at Wayland has been a fantastic experience for me and for the other German students. Sure, it was no New York or Boston. I spent a year at a tiny dot on the U.S. map, but it proved to an incredible year and I have many great friends. In a slight twist, I started the year unsure about Beaver Dam, but now I will certainly miss this place and its people greatly when I leave to go back to Germany in June. I would like to thank my parents an ASSIST for giving me this opportunity. I would most defintely recommend this experience to many other foreign students who are looking to come over to the United States to study.
"I was ready for the postcard prep-school life, so you can zmagme my glee at being placed in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin: A farm town of fourteen thousand in a state known for cheese."
Ben Bergum Lizzy Boucher Craig Felt Alicia Kelly Dan Messer Kate Mitchell Not pictured: Jeff Jenks
••••• • • • •• •• •
prefect is a senior •. • entrusted with • • administrative tasks. ! • The Prefects at Wayland • !Academy report directly; to the Dean of • Students.
Esther Aubry, Lizzy Boucher · Ben Bergum, Frank Clark Susie Cooper, Yuddha Damiat Veneca Elder, Craig Felt Ray Gonzalez, Drews Gosset Joe Greene, Sheranita Hemphill Alicia Kelly, Don Kovilic Dennis Krings-Ernst Megan Kuehling , Kate Mitchell Denise Netko, Ji Won Noh Larry Pitcher, Camilla Seippel Valerie Szymanski , Peter Vellani Anneke Warren, Martin Weigand Brian Zafian
•••••••• • •• •• • Proctors are •
~ students elected by ~ dormheads or the • • Dean of Students to • • helptheteachersand • ~ other faculty in dif- : •. ferent places. s,• r1
• •••••••
Ben Bergum Lizzy Boucher Megan Christian Loren Darling Hilary Disch Veneca Elder Joe Greene Alicia Kelly Nader Khreish Joan Marsden Dan Messer Kate Mitchell Rachel Mulder Denise Netko Winter Raymond Cat Roberts Bridget Slinger Molly Swain Jeff Wang Emily Whitehorn
••••• ~.
• Every class has •t.
~ their small cabinet ":elected by all the class • members. These • • : cabinet members can : J suggest new ideas to • .. the faculty. •
• er Esther Aubry Lizzy Boucher Megan Christian Frank Clark Eric Davis Hilary Disch Veneca Elder Michael Ersland Sheranita Hemphill Drews Gossel Haleema Khan Kate Mitchell Rachel Mulder Kingston Reif Valerie Szymanski Anneke Warren
._...... .... .. • • Student
~ Leaders selected ~
' by the Admissions office who show the campus to parents or visitors on special ~ events.
••... .
• • • : (
• • ,.••
Mrs. Bleifuss Mr. Disch Dr. Greishaber Mr. Kasper Mr. Khreish Mr. Lennertz Mr. J. Patterson Mr. Schneider Mr. Seighman Frank Clark Amy Kuenzi Tara Leystra Kate Mitchell Winter Raymond Bilal Khan Craig Felt
• An honors • : soceity elected •. • by the present • • members. To be a • • member you have to • : be an outstanding : • student and agood • •. representative : •. ofWayland :
•.. • •••••
Director- Mr. Pickney Laurel Allen Chelsea Coffman Michael Ersland Kathleen Haag Alicia Kelly Denise Netko Young-Bin Park Rob Pittman Jee Yoon Yeom
•••••••• • • •
.• My first semester •. • here at Wayland Acad- • • emy has been atrue joy. • • I am especially proud of • : the choir's accomplish- : • ments. I look forward to • • next year with great mu- • • • sica! expectations.
.• •. •
p· -Mr. mckney
Megan Christian Katie Eisenreich Haleema Khan Mathias Kramer Amy Kuenzi Ashley Kuenzi Tara Leystra Erin Martens Rachel Mulder Kingston Reif
•••••• •• •
: The Wayland t. • Handbell Choir is • : the premiere group ; that rings in the • • : holiday spirit at : • lessons and • • carols. •
Maria Benavides Kristian Borrud Frank Clark Eric Davis Ray Gonzalez Dan Messer Kate Mitchell Patrick Schwemmer Peter Vellani
•••••• • • • •• The ••
Wayland Jazz Band is at home with the jazz classics, charts from the Big Band Era, and the new jazz fusion sounds.
•• • • • •
• • •• • ••••••
Lizzy Boucher Mercedes Benzinger Ben Bergum Kristian Borrud Alicia Kelly Bilal Khan Nader Khreish Tara Leystra Abel Miller Rachel Mulder Young-Bin Park Winter Raymond Molly Swain Not Pictured: Josh Kaufman Luke Tomberlin Matt Wright
. ..• •
the people • •• thatAllhave spent all ••
• • •
Ms. Alpaugh Maria Benavides Lizzy Boucher Frank Clark Eric Davis Ray Gonzalez Kate Mitchell Rachel Mulder Patrick Schwemmer
•• ••• • : Thespians are •. • those students and • ;faculty who take part in~ • the production of plays • : at Wayland. Whether it : • is backstage, behind • ~ the scenes or acting : a, on the stage. :
••• • • • •••••
four of their high school years at Wayland Academy.
• • •
• •
Mrs. Bleifuss Ashley Kuenzi Tara Leystra Mabel Nuernburg
•••••• • •• •• Althoughnotas
activeasyearspast,the Ecology Club d1d spoosor 1ts
• •
annual T-shlrtsale and toy collection at Christmas. Some of the members planted bulbs in the fall to brighten up the campus in spring . Theclubalsopresentedachapet
•• ••• •
• • • •• ••••
service commemorating
Earth Day m April .
Congratulations to the 1999 Pillars Staff on job very well done. I beleive that this year's Pillars was an extremely positive experience for all involved. The staff came charging out of the gate this year as we finished the bulk of our Layouts by mid-October and, other than a few photo shortages, deadlines were never a problem. We also had very Little error correction to do this year which is testimony to careful page preparation the first time. Such a hard working and eager staff made my job a cake-walk and I am ceratainly greatful. Special thanks to Lizzy and to Esther for a great deal of extra effort. Also, thanks should go out to Doug Palm for hooking us up with photos and information when we needed it
Yearbook has given many bored souls the opportunity to do their nails, finish their eighth period homework and to catch up on Long Lost sleep. Therefore, every senior who takes this as a "blow-off" class gets what they want out of it, along with the chance to revise their senior quote as many times as they want. "I Let my mind wander and it never came back," Calvin and Hobbes
Thralls and Lack;es They busted their humps to bring you this slick PILLARS production
It was great to work on the Pillars 98/99. The whole year was fantastic. I want to thank my parents, friends and teachers, for making this year special.
to alt of wayland ... you can each personally thank ....ollllllllll me for this great yearbook. I accept tips ~
Before most Wayland students realize they are even in school, the yearbook cover needs to be designed and shipped off to the publsiher by the second week of school. The cover is designed to customer specifications and processed seperately from the rest of the book. If you happen to be wondering about this year's cover, the idea for the material came from a conversation I had with a former advisor friend-a-mine a couple years ago. We happened to be talking about velvet Elvis paintings when we thought that a black velvet cover with screened-on orange, tiger stripes would be very cool for a yearbook cover design (the school's mascot was the bengals). The yearbook rep at the time couldn't find the material so we had to opt for something else. So I was hoping to slide the velvet idea in last year but I figured that might be too bold of a move in my first year at Wayland . So now in my second year, here it is, minus stripes and other tacky embellisments, your 1999 Pillars, swadled in red , fau x velvet! Isn't it dreamy to the touch?! The photo idea came to me early in one of my long drives from Toronto. The books are from the Library (Victor Hugo if I remember correctly) , the feather is from a collection of costume feathers Mrs. Parker had at her disposal and the lamp I bought from the Pyramid out on Route 33 for $7.95. The composition was photographed and enhanced in Photoshop. The image should make complete sense to all in the Wayland community. If it doesn't, then you need to go and look at our 144 year-old school crest there sleepy-head. 137