(]]II Fall !Ell (adventure). Aheart warming tale of students and teachers reunited in a small Wisconsintown after a summer of leisure and frolic.
ffill Faculty ~-17 (melodrama). Agroup of talented educators thanklessly forfeit their lives to match wits with a feisty gaggle of angst-ridden adolescents.
D CIJ Underclass ~(comedy). You've seen them at Shopko. You've seen them at Burger King . Catch the outrageous adventures of those wacky teens on the corner of University and Park.
IPJ Seniors [[](romantic comedy). Follow the trials. tribulations and hilarious hijinks of this years graduating class as they battle overb路earing educators. unruly college applications. and Sodexho's Cabbage Casserole Supreme. ~
CITl II Yearbook
[[](documentary). The Y2K bug threatens the very existence of Wayland's millenia! Pillars. Watch the heroic staff race to meet their deadlines. as they fight off narcoleptic fits and post-lunch food-comas during the dreaded 6th period.
lfJ (]] Dedication [R] (horror). He stalks the halls of the Academic Building mercilessly solving academic problems and rearranging class schedules. The chilling legend of a man who has been sighted numerous times on the hallowed ground of Wayland Academy for over 20 years.
CiiD II Spring [[] (romantic comedy). Azombie army of pasty students swap mukluks for flip-flops and gleefully reemerge into a blossoming utopia of sunshine and pleasure.
II(]] Winter ~
.......... .
reiD (dram a). Two hundred students contemplate eat-
ing Will Keating as they struggle to survive after being trapped together in an icy wasteland . See if they can maintain their sanity as the biter cold threatens to unravel the tapestry of the Wayland Community.
nice peepers Cat Roberts & David Stelsel
pretty pearlies Hally Johnstin & Joe Greene
best dressed Jun Bum Kim & Holly Johnstin
"bon coif" Alison Galster & Ben O'Neil
court jester Larimer
future truck drivers of america Anneke & Wacker
...':'' '!' \
,.~-~~ =-.
' '"j"'
•· .. _.. ~ • .~~'
da class jocks
~··· ~ ' ... ...:
"Rews" & Lindsay Norsworthy
.. -=~-J! -
. .
will likely make their mamas proud Loren Darling & Erin Martens
class flirts Katie Eisenreich & Larry Pitcher
.,..-:-:::-. ·~
r-r-ready okay! hip hip hooray!! Mabel Nuernburg & Pete Vellani
I. . •'\o
,... -
future wayland employees? JPC & Carla Radford 14
blah blah blah Jackie Wright & Joe Greene
"I don't get it" Haleema Khan
teacher's pet I,
Megan Kueling & Loren Darling
www.jcrew.com Jackie Wright & Tim Gardner
g- t- pies Mary Feeney & Drews Gosse/
delectably eccentric Emily Zytkiewicz & Pat Schwemmer
bobby sue & bobby ray townie Sarah Marine & Matt Lienke
drama queen & king Maria Benevidas & Don Kovlic
simply irresistable Larry Pitcher & Alison Galster
• ohmygosh did you hear?? Megan Kueling & Don Kovlic
next britney and backstreet boy Jeff Wang & Cat Roberts
z = 0 c
• "I'LL do it Later" Mabel Nuernburg & Martin Hogg 15
Pared a un suefio , yaqui estamos. Retro spectiva: un afio para nosotras so las.
Farewell Messages: CS-Be happy, no one will ever outdo your actions or words ... ! anticip the election. MN-Thank you for all your kindness; college will be a blast! Hey, how's 1 caveman? JW-For all the chapels you kept me laughing-Thanks for tl1e workout. SM-1 ,. truly miss you, you 're such a sweetheart! MF-Roomies forever! AW-Scandalous' Put on sm undetwear! Can't wait to keep in touch w/ you:) EZ-Do your monster, love you always,l BO-Where are the gargoyles? PV-No, you can't bite my arm. Take a cold shower MT-1 1 so much fun going the backway,kit. MK-Yourstill my fave Englsh 4H teacher' When areâ&#x20AC;˘ doing the hairclips? KW-Will you go out with me? ak+lr+kh-fiersome four forever RC-arr: matey! crow, love you Amantha-pretty japanimation girl, kit. MS-Don't forget our chiclo pock. SM-Stay sweet Mela-keep on laughing PS-You are a poster child. VE-Did you talk Kyle MM-Entonces ... MP-Thank you forbeingso nice. AC-1 will neverforgetM.East, freshm< year was great. CM-Remember to be mean to me MS-1 will never forget you! m+d+m) family-Thank you so much for all the generosity and support. !love you so much. Ican nev give back what you have given me, but I want you to know I am forever grateful! Abby, Ann & Sara-you are the best sisters anyone could ask for. Thank you for being my life long fri e111 and childhood roo mates. Adam, Zach, Aaron, San1, Gabe-Giad Ican call you brothers. ily r: I will beat you in Jujitsu! To my best, best friends Ainsley and lnese-Thank you so much f< all your friendship. Ains-lt's been an awesome fifteen years' M-Thank you for all your he!, hM. to everyone I have ever met: Good Luck! to the class of 2000-make your mark on 11 millennium! "One only needs the approval of themselves and God, the rest will fall into place ... "
I'd rather look around me- compose a better song 'Cos that's the honest measure of my worth. -Ian AndersonThanks for everything Linda, Ray, and Aaron. DG- Sweetie/Well, you can turn that couch sideways and ... (you know the rest). ]G- Black Magic Coconut ... caramel...MP Superstars. ]BK- Roomie #1 AT- O(stay in school) UPs. TT-Roomie/Nice Work Ethic/Was that PbOH? CR- Southern(roadtrips,stupefiedGATTICAswimmer,etc.) Illinois/ Etc. JW-4yeargoltbuddie/Athleticdepartmentfaculty/SI/ ferris+ hogan @grannie's/myplace.
CHRISTIAN I have waited forever for these four years to come to an end, and now I'm not so sure I want to move on. Alot of people have made impressions in my life. D.F + W.K, thanks for listening and keeping me awake in math class. F.F, F.A, Fro, M.M, I.B,A.E, L.M, + J.H. You guys are always there for me, thanks. J.S + T.G thanks for everything and yes I love glass. M.K. E.W + E.Twasfun. K.E you will always be myfriend. M.G + J.D, Tahoe was fun + thanks for keeping me occupied this summer. H.H, S.P + T.G was crazy. Isn't Rhot? E.M you are one reason I made it this far. M.L- your house made Saturday nights memorable. For everyone else who listened to me and supported me thanks.
Adios a todas y ami vida aqui!
EISEN REICH I would like to thank my parents for the opportunity to come to Wayland. The past 4 years have left me with many great memories. I also want to thank my sister, Heidi. Without you, I would never have made it through my freshman year. You're my inspiration. R.M- V-Ball Confrence Champs, jump-roping ghost, Park Central, walks in the rain, E.R ! Thanks for all the great times ! William- We made it ! Freshman homecoming court, I'll miss you.j.W- Had fun being your homecoming queen ....... I'mstill abetterminigolfer. H.K- He'sso cute! Noche, BrickHouse..... more skittles?! H.]- V-Ball was g!]i!1! I love cottage cheese .... .frisbee anyone?! Darlingyou'll always be my king. joe Verde- Those weren't my shoes on the stage! 6-pack by Spring break! Amanda- Stay cool and out of trouble. M.G- where's the stuff? No Metropolis?!! E.L Toes ..... or Larimer-pop? Hmmmmm! T.C- Hey Gorgeous! I love your hair! L.P- The other flirt! T.R- Big Big 1-5. J.S- Second Chance? D.S- Do you want to be 41 ! Monster-Belly Rub! A.T- Shorty! T.T- you're a great brother! P.VOui!!!! E.M- there is a hippopotomis in your pond! Mario- the sacred bridge.jildowhat would I have done without you?! The pool Gang- Thanks for keeping my summers AMAZING!! Mr. Khreish- Thanks for always being there for me. T.GThanks for all your help. J.C- you made history fun! Coach- we almost made it ! Thanks for keeping my last 2 years V-Ball fun ! " Well I guess this is growing up." Blink 182
When I came to Wayland 3 years ago, I never expected wh< would come from this. From Mr. Kasper always yelling at m telling me to due quality work to Coach Hill never letting f1l give up. Michael Zuskar- you have always been my best frie n-: Val, Hil, Ash-I don't know what I would have done withon you. Curtis Meyers and Heather Hoffpauir-fire hydrants ar red. Katie Haag- *& 11 % yo u are pretty. And to everyone els EW, MT, CG, RK, SM,JT, HW-I don' t know what I woul< have done without you.
71Jere u·as a lillie girl ~hildalittlecurl
Righi in the m1ddle of her forebetld And u•ben she U'liJ gOOll Sbe u·as t'fry. rery good But U'ben she U'tlS bad she u·as bomd.- HW.l.ongfelloYr Yama,Papa,Mommy,Kimi&E\l!I')'One else who made it possible for me to come here-Thanks for the opportunity. Sorry for the stress You are the best family anyone could ha\'t. !lore you guys! Kasper- "I don't belie\'t in mathematics·· -A. Einstein See! I'm not the only one. Thanx for kicking my butt when I stopped thinking. EA-you are the best husband and friend I could hare. You always stood by me. Watch out for salamanders! HG&P!!Are they really?IIO\'t youjS-my sexy baby! 110\-e you and I'll aJ.,..a}"S be here for you. Ya still Q\l,'t me 2 & I 0\\1! you I. Someday I promise. LP-a11.w it's socute(j/k) it's a good size_ I love you so much Thanx for the great times. AW-wanna go swimming? it's not too cold tonight P\'-we'd hare hot kids. no more dirty people make them stop. IB-1miss you so much I wish you could have finished the )'ear with me GOTIA KEEP IT ELE\ATED CS-4 20. •sniff• good times JT-The Beast TC-my street cowboy. will you marry me? MO-LIPS, if I were a guy, I'd want )·ou to... WK-stop hiding behind daddy's S$, p•••• DK-Thanx for the talks s••• there's Luebke! Sancho-you're a jerk. I peeess all 0\'er you. penny walk?? JC&LN-party girls Rock!!JW-roommate. thanx for tv."O great years EH-three is too much. •rwitch• be good next year St. \"innie'sn AH-don't pay attention to the little people. just be happy for who you are and everything wilt be fine. r..tA-STOP FOLLOWit-;G ME!!!!!HH-my li'l football chica be good! how can you tell it's a full moon ?G len Dye Vets-they thought 'Nam was bad. Bunni-E ,Thelma,Ciyde(tte), wench. My partner in crime. '"Tis /he pnL'ilegeoffritmdsbip to talk nonstmseand hn1·e 11onse11se respeaed" -Charles Lamb. Hov.• many \"s?We found it! •squeal• I paid for it! You better eat it! What are they doing? Iwant one! \fhooooa! All bnyy mynseeeelf! Did Muffy blinkorwink? And the list grov.'S We survived Rave- 'em (and ourfamiliessaywedidn't accomp. anything all summer) •twitch• (cold? I am) Yes, he likes you, you're beautiful. Now SHliT UP, let's go! No talking, keep eating. llangers. Yellow light &•"%• Sticks. (bless you) Lessss•gag• You girls better not have gone to Madison •ahem• The movie was great. I'm stayingo\-er again. Running water, what is this? Boystealer-1'11 kiss your feet. Guys wait up. Come on! I promise I won'ttalk. Are you girls on drugs? Are we cracked out? •twitch• Tranolen. We'll make it to Further someday. Late night booty calls. No! We are here yet again! let's egg HIS house! Don't tum around and get him. PLEASE! 10 minutes? •check• yet another one. u·ouldn't it be fun to dis a BSB? t-;evercalling them back, they are so cut om 1mean it this time. Goose •squawk•"ljit U'alks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, !hen il;ust nwy be a ducR "-WR !lore you forever. E££-Et:E-EEE How do bunnies $#@•? Small room, same square inch of space. •Jick• 1]0\·e EFAL, EFBLL.& EFHMALIL Thanx for e\'Crything. You are a great friend. I'll ne\·er forget the great•twitch•times 'A-l! had Toemyoneelse +I won't forget you take care, I love you too
HA- watch out for peeping toms. ME-remember the late night cramming. Good Luck in the future! MK-aren't you going to miss aerobics?I like your socks. I wish you luck in college and all that you do! ZS- Thank you for always being there to cheer me up. Good luck with your music! I hope we keep in touch. CS- Thanks for making my senior year so interesting! We sure know how to walk the beach together. Always remember that you are somebody's princess. We should go to the kareoke bar sometime! Beware, you never know when the bats might attack. If Santa and Frosty were more friendly, we would have a holly jolly Christmas! What's acoolerwaytospend your Saturday night, than playing with the toys in Shopko and the dollar store? Whatever happened at Culvers? Have any good water fights lately? Try to stay away from blind dates.
"fused to be Snow While, but I drifted. "-M ae West
a& on
GALSTER "Time is our greatest and most irreplaceable resourve. We cannot do over our past, only right our mistakes in the future. Live!" --CMS
First of all, I would like to thank myfamily for supporting me and believing in me. I would also like to thank the Rauschert family for giving me the opportunity to come here. I'd like to thank the teachers and coaches who gave me the challenges I was looking for when l came to Wayland. Most of all I would like to thank my friends. To all those at orthwestern, thanks to you for all the great fun we had throughout the years. To Stu, you will always be in my heart, brother. To H.P- you have been alot of fun to be with the last hall year. John Mack: just tell me what you do! Oh, we will have to go to Joe's house soon. Loren: you were a great suit-mate. But it doesn 't matter what you are. Terrence: Thanks for being my room-mate, its been fun. All those in the class of 1999 (Ella Dye) thanks for a great Junior year. Joe W: UNC is better than Duke. Joe G: Finally the Great Ones are leaving Wayland. All others should know their roles. Hoodies 4-Life. And to all I missed, sorry.Words of advice-learn to balance your life, you should balance work and play and remember, always do what makes you happy.
GARDNER I can't believe its over, I thought it would never end, but I guess I did have some good times. I met some pretty extraordinary people, i.e., to the coolest girl in the world H.J, we found a common ground.- J.S- P.S.G- Tight roommate. And nothing but love to J.G, M.R, D.K, W.K, M.K, C.S, M.N, A.G, K.E, L.N, MAC, Mr. B, D.G, C.R, E.A, A.H. And to anyone I missed, sorry. I still love you. Peace out! -Tim-
;o'tel(J.tj GOSSE
I just want to thank God for this blessing. Mom- You're my shining star 4life. Grandma- I'm just starting to Rock-N-Roll. Aunt+ Uncle- thanks forcomin through. My Peeps- WK-Josh +Wayland Hall JW- Too much icing LD- OH NO KE- It's curtain call DG- Wanna go 1 on 1 with the GREAT ONE MG- I owe u ]M&]D- B please! Girls- To Hot for TV EA- I need a Hot Girl!J&C- I remember the dance. TC- corndogs& beaches. Throughout this journey I want to thank the whole Wayland community. The time has come for me w shine. My time came. My time went. So let the Records Reflect. One Luv ].G.
GRUNOW "If you can imagine it, You can acheieve it. Of up can dream it, You can become it." -William Arthur Ward Thank you mom and dad, thank you so much for giving me this great opportunity to study at Wayland. This second year abroad was one of the best in my life. ME&PV- best roommates ever, CS- "In America, anybodycan be president. That's one of the risks you take." (A. Stevenson) Good luck!, MT- (WestSide!) "In the end we will notrememberthe words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" (M. L. Kingjr.), AT- "Whenever I climb, I am followed by a dog called 'Ego'." (F. Nietzsche), TT- "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value" (A Einstein) ,JK tennis forever, PS- move to Germany! There is no life in the states! AW... Mr. Gusaas- Best teacher ever! Ms. Kesler- "Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research." (W. Mizner) , Mr. Lennertz- and the dogs are smarter!! I will miss you all! Nevertheless, life goes on ... "The mistakes are all waitingto be made." Come and visit me in Germany one day- oops, shouldn't have said that, but it's far away so the probability that one of you fellows actually shows up is about .001!791 (Thanks Miss Hawley!).
To my family- I love you all. Butch, Raegan, Markyou paved the way, Thank You. To my mother and father- You mean more to me than words can say. To my grandparents-Thank you for your constant support, I love you. And to the lights of my life- You've been great!
"Think of three things: where you came from, where you are going and to whom you must give an accounting." -Benjamin Franklin
To my family: I am very lucky to have such a loving family. Thank you for being so supportive and encouraging me to be my best. Thank you for believeing in me when I didn't even believe in myself. I owe all my achievements to you. I love you all so much and I will miss you these last two years. That I've been here at Wayland. â&#x20AC;˘ Susan: My best firend always+ forever. Even though you weren't here, you helped me stay sane.
HOGG "Long you live, and high you fly, smiles you'll give, and tears you'll cry, all you touch, and all you see, is all your life will ever be. "
A.K.A "Hot": My rapper, retard, and friend all in one. You were always there for me and you definately one true friend. Lindsay and Megan- My Wayland girls. You guys are all special to me in defferent ways. You all have you own unique qualities that will take you far. We have so many memories that I'll never forget. Thanks for alwyas being there when I needed a hug or just someone to laugh at my jokes. You guys are the best. Will- The one night out a week that was dedicated for us to sit and complain+talk about home. I'm happyyou are maturing and finally getting feelings, even before me. Mabel- 2 years of Wayland together., I don't think I'll have another room ate like you. We've been through so much together, alii can really say is Thanks. Tim- I always remember all the time I spent with you and how much fun we had. Don 't ever forget me because I won't forget you. Katie E- "Cottage Cheese Man." Remember, I get first dibs & you get sloppy seconds. I'm glad we became friends this yr. Best of luck next yr. Sheranita-You're a great friend and give very good advice. Remember your too good for Wayland food! I will miss you. Ms. Alpaugh- I'll never forget our trip Milwaukee and coming back at 1:30. Also, our Monday dorm duties & watching my husband on T.V. Dan-Am I really that confusing? "Turns out not where but who you're with really matters." DMB "If !leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?"-Lynard Skynard
-Pink Floyd
"Dream is more precious than life; loss oflife is death of my body, bur loss of dream means death of my soul. Life belongs to ones who believe in the beauty of dream and run toward the future." -Ryan Hong
I am extremely grateful to my parents; I hope $20,000 x 4 wasn 't a waste. Hyun Sam: I wish you the best luck and thanks for being there (in your room). Roy: don't worry. Your body looks good and built. Won Woo: stop living like a bear, ACT!!! You guys are 4-year seniors, roo. Patrick S: my old cell mare, the sky is the limit. Jessica T: Bab Tong, thank you so much and you are the kindest. Matt T: Canadian. Jeff W: Don 't talk. TT: stop talking dirty, Frank Yu: Cool Yo! Alex T: Thankx for rhecredircard, you roo tall!!! INSUNG: IWISHYOUWERE WITH ME AND LAUGHING.
KEATING As I close another chapter in my life, I look back through four years and the
first thing that I can think to say is man what a waste of my time. Although I could not have made it with out the support of my parents through the good times and the bad, thank you and I love you. To my brother Richard and his wife Megan-thanks for everything. EL-Darts? Well see ya later. MH-VOODOO Econ $172.30 JG-always remember Wayland Hall. HJ-I wont forget the bonding talks. AW-? Kl-1- Words cannot describe. KE-How much did you gain? Josh Kand Jeff ]-sure missed you guys this year. TG-watch what I can do to this bottle. Ms. MarthaKesleryour right happiness is not a potatoe. Brown- Thanks for the chalupa trips Mr. Eli Seighman-why dont you play in the street. Everyone that I did not mention, thanks.
. Kl
"Celebrate we will , cause life is short but sweet for certain. We climb on two by two to be sure these days continue." -Dave Matthews
Mom and Dad-you have been the GREATEST influence in
KOVILIC They were filled with strong emotions and passionate feelings, pompous pranks and contemporary classics, Lady Blues and one Sonya Day. Still, though all the times will be remembered clearly and without exaggeration, the time has come for this one to move on. Experiences like this have left me in a state of ease for what's to come next, considering that all that has been seen has been manipulated and rated and devoured. Gratitude to those who aided me along the way, through all the tribulations and triumphs and sleepless nights. The only advice that one hopeless romantic can reveal to the alike: Steady sky colored eyes cannot be tamed. The world is imperfect, we must stand ready. A friend once asked me if the experience was worth the time spent. I am a better person for what I came to learn. I am a
my life, and I thank you for all the opportunities you have presented me with. Jeffrey- It's been great having you here for one year, but good luck without me. HJ- You have been a great friend. Always remember "Do you really want me? Am I really special?" JW- WOW! We went through the best and worst times together. I think it made our friendship that much stronger. By the way, I'm leaving on a jet plane. AG- Is his peanut really pierced? LN- Yes, I got up at 6:00am SH- You were such a great friend. I'll miss you so much MF- What's this; You're being social? TT- Would you like to come to the dance parry?
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
LARIMER Let me tell you a thing or two about this and that: D]- Remember when you barfed in the White Castle parking lot! CS- You are a Little King MH- Saul P. Stienberg JM- Blue Power Pokemon Rules JS- Remember when Dan puked at White Castle? KS- Duba HWIDE! ]W- Stop stalking the big green thing. CR- Let's go make out!
Thanks to all those who cut me some slack through the years; it's really been a great help and it's not forgotten. To mom, dad, Aaron and well, Kate too, there have been many struggles($#!@#%!) with school and the farm, and although it may seem as though it wasn't worth it at times, I think it has all worked out. To Mr. Palm especially, thanks for getting me through the first year at Wayland and all the other times. Let's do Chili John's some time! I hope everything works out for you. Coach Hill and Mrs. Bleifuss-thanks for making things a little better and more humorous. Let's go to the Bahamas again! Miss Kesler-let's go to the farm. MG, ]W, DS and all other day students-It's been fun. Any time! To Sol and Chelsey-It was a great junior year for me, I think we had fun. To So !,Josh and the Leitzke family-Thanks for making your place feel like my home away from home. Let's all get together. "Do not ask for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.'!
LD- Das Shl umF Brown- Freaken Brown, you smell like powder Willy- o, I will not play Darts with you. Grow UP. "Screw you guys, I'm going home" -Cartman. "Now tell me, Can you imagine for a second doing anything just'cause you wanted to, well thats just what I do, so Hurray for me and "%$@ you! " -Bad Religion
" The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt
Mom and Dad-Thank youso much for believing in mydreams and for giving me all your love, support, and understanding throughout the years. I love you. To myfriends-Thanks for your help, your advice, and most of all, your friendship. You've made my life at Wayland a memorable time-you mean everything to me. To everyone atSummerfest- Where's Freedom? Why didn't we get their numbers? To the Electric Pickles- "It's just another Manic Monday ... " Bambi, Mandy, Veggie, Candy-remember Sammy? HK-Noche, Pavo, K, the couch issparkly!, just "blowing his nose", "Skittles" KE-Sweep it baby! CG-Where are my gummi bears? HDSexy Hand! HK47-(I 'm shaking my head at you.) MC-"Baby, oh baby, my sweet baby ... " You're better at that than Baby from Dirty Dancing. TT-Aio Baby! You've been so sweet to me this year. I'm going to miss our 7th hour chats!
and Dad thanks for the support, faith and guidance. jessica-hey princess, don't worry you'll be breaking heans in no time. jackie- I ha\'e only one thing to say, '' Hi mom we're in Madison and the weather is sooooo bad!" he-he-he. Long lh'e the woman! (and Chicago) ~1s. Kesler-! wish you many more invigorating English classes in the future. old age sticks up Keep
"Work like you don 't need any money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching. Happiness is a journey, not a destination." -Author Unknown
signs)& youth yanks them down(old age cries o Tres)&(pas)
)OUth laughs (sing old age scolds Forbid den Stop Must n't Don't
&)youth goes right on
gr owing old
'·One fine day your gonna want me for you r girl" ·The Supremes Mommy-you 're the most beautiful person I know. I love you more than anybody else in the world. I came to high-school a sweet Little girl and am leaving you a proud young woman. Thank you Mommy, God bless you.
WORTHY Daddy- " Give what you have, to someone else it may be better than you dare to think." You have the biggest heart and these are no words to express how much you have done for me over the past four years. Mummy- Through everything, we've endured as daughter and mother, I am still and always wil l be your best buddy.T&K-IIove you guys very much and have missed you terribly. I wish you the best of luck growing up.Tyler-although the past few year have been rocky with your growingmasculinity, Iwill alwaysbethereforyou. Kelly-my refuge from Tyler !. ... maybe next summer the bikini will fit!! Love ya hon, good luck in H.S. To everyone at Wayland, the reason my two years here have been great!!!Mr. Kasper-! don't know what Iwill do nextyearwithoutyourconstantantics and advice.Thankyou for believing in, and pushing me to be the best I can be.Ms. Alpaugh- you have been a great coach and I appreciate you for putting up with me for two years! Hill Family- my mom and dad away from home, thanks' Boucher family- no words to express the gratitude! Mabel- so many memories. Thanks for being my friend, Tyson .... my house, reallv 3 hours to Knox. Ghetto Dog, always late but worth the wait, don't get me going. 'A tme friend thinks of you when all others are thinking of themselves'. Holly- junior year was great. Homecoming, the fabulous 4, No My Norsworthy! lets be models, getting lost in Barrington. B96 ! I'll miss you, keep in touch.PSG-it was great while it lasted.Bear- good luck next year, Homecoming '99was awesome. Finally, to everyone in Chicago, I miss you. Ali- freshman, sophmore year! parties on the back porch. Don't forget me. B.D- thanks for always being there to talk. To all of Glen Dye- I'll miss you guys!!!! Remember always do what makes you happy!!!!! Linds :)
Daddy-I am your daughter and I love you for being my father, thank you. Eva the Diva-you reptile .. llo\'e you lots & couldn't have survived my teen age years without your "delightful'' sense of humor. We should've slept in the park, g01to Funher, scored that 0, not gotten arrested & ticketed, killed the dog, road tripped to Mexico, donated Ryan 's kidney to the mafia & bought a car with ten G's. Who could've known how wonderful public parks can be at crazy hours of the morning. I WANT ONE! Hensley-thank you for the opportunity you've given me. You helped change my lifemore than anyone else ever has. Thank you, you are the best Godfather I cou ld ask for. Mr. Cobb, Mr. Foster, Mr. tennertz, Mr. Kasper, Miss Alpaugh & Mr. Boucher-thank you for belching in me. I couldn't have made it through these 41oong years without you. Do you remember what! was wearing the first day of my freshmen year? See, no matter how bad things look initially, they always get better. Miss Ilawley-thanks much for supporting my academic meanderings. Meg, Trisha, lsa, Lela-you are miss and I love you lots. Satanneke-my favorite best friend and long lost sister. Thanks for being wonderful. You made these 4 long years do-able. We'd beuer still be friends we·re 40 wilh sexy husbands & a bed'n' breakfast. I won 'l do anything disgusting, promise. KilO-you 're the best partner in crime a girl named Shirley could ask for. Thanks for being my friend, even in the light I WANT ONE!!! They're sleeping, they do that sometimes. Mmm Rave'm.. Twitch, twitch. Ali baby, you're one crazy girl. I hope we're friends foreva' You 're beautiful, let's go. BabbsBooty. Booty. Booty. Mmm .. Tyson Beckford. You have something stuck in your teeth. Tank %$# What? Wait you think I'm auractive? Big fine woman. Squeak, squeak. Puckers. Ghetto dog. Yellow lines. You're a fabulous friend and you made my senior year memorable (check NO). Thanks for being there for me, I'll always remember our girl talks .. even the ones at Walkers ... OIIMYGOD it's Mr. Seighman (& Mjss Readak) Bessie-my fabulous friend &wonderful roomie. You're a beamiful person &one of the best friends I've ever had. We had hella fun, I'm going 10 miss you much. I'll always love my lillie carpet Iicker. Take care, keep in touch , &watch out for older men. Chessy-you're my soccer hero. Jeffjosh jon Ricky. Pimpin' the minivan. Arf,arf. We'll always be friends. Chelsey& Princess Sanca-gct over it; you'regorgeous& blonde. •(%$#@ jordan, Sorry Megan (only I know how blonde you really are), Oops Kimber, and Oh No Emily·a\\'W my girls. Remember all our long talks about men & how sad we are that there are none at Wayland .. weD .. welcome to liule sisters weekend:) Utlle3 in one night is too much. Cat-can I ride in your pick up truck, I won't tell my Daddy. Stinky Foot-there's a time &a place for C\'el)1hing, & it's NOT on my bed .. Maria Benevedebaby-You're a beautiful girl and desn•e the world (&A whole lot fo cute men.) Arggg Matiee. I want hot bod. Gracias Marta-estas bonita. Sheranitaremember touring? Thanks for teaching me how to do my hair, curse at dumb people, & thanks most for being my friend when everyone else wasn 't Stinky-I'm Monica, really. Carlita-We had some good times .. make me a s••t Who's wearing wire ribbed undies? Loren-Kiss me you fool. DSL.. Herpes (akaAl)-oppositcs atVactme on my stomach, you on your back. L.arry-if I had your stomach, I 'd wear a bikini 10 prom. Sarah-William II is mine. Andrew-WHOPP Danielle-we shall call you "mini-me." Peter-llove lA. jordan-be nice. Kuenzi UR2tuff. junior girls-boys, diets, je!Jy bellies, you're all cuties. EFAL forever. "Am I fat? Does this make me look wierd? Ohmygod he's soooo cute."
"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Albert Einstein
"But I don't want to walk among mad people, said Alice. 0 h youy can't help that said the cat, We're all mad here. I am mad, you are mad. But how do you know that I am mad? said Alice. Oh, but you must be, said the cat, or you wouldn't be here." -Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland
"I just feel like running." -Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump
HER "Face it, nobody owes you a living. What you acheive, or fail to acheive in your lifetime is directly related to what you do or fail to do. No one chooses his parent or childhood, but you can choose your own direction. Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome, but that too is relative to each individual. " -Unknown PV-Through thick and thin you've been my friend, goods and bads, until the end. You've given meso much, so I'll give to you. Petie V, to thine own self be true. TRMentor love, "Ya gotta represent! " MO-Experience builds character and makes us who we are. Don't regret those things you have done, but those you have failed to do. just go out and do it, dude! TC-Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws ...! will not go, but for a feast of friends, to the giant family. Be the wolf Tommy boy. JS-Sth hour. CR-Thank you for trying to understand. LD andJW- Sorry. JW-The ducks are flying at midnight. Go to the poetry reading. Ali Girl- I'll never forget...From the forbidden palace to Brown Field, from last year to now ... Forever. DK-Always test the water. JT- If the moon was a hotdog, would you eat it? I know l would. -The Bear. KS-Flip out! AWThanks for being there. MN-Thanks for the confidence. AF-OOH, child, things are going to get easier. OOH, child, things will get brighter. EA-Thanks for the good times; thanks for the bad times. TG-Tight!
I'd like to thank my parents for allowing me to take advantagE of Wayland Academy. MH-My personal shrink and so muct more. Don't buy "coins" from old women. EL-Don't ever grov. up, OK? My clothes are NOT all dark! AW-You only won 'causE you're bigger! Love Ya! JM-My Mackaroni. Nonviolence. Yol were really hot in that captains hat! DJ-Thanks for the gallom of MD over the years. Taco Bell, State Street. Ha Ha! CR路 umm ... we have the same initials. I had fun with ya in Warren MG-BEEF! PV-The rodeo clown pimp with gray hair. Enougr said. MN-2 words: wire underwear. WR-Hey Loser! Have fun I'm outta here! Mr. P-Thank you for helping me ma~e somE realizations about myself through literature. All the girls in WC路 Thaks for all the talks, cards, laughs, advice, drawings, sleepovers etc. I had fun!
JPC- No More Physics!
JW- LEAVE ME ALONE!!! EZ- Tenancy, Tennessee, Tennis Shoes!!! AE- See you later, Hick! CG, AM, & ZS- Gemeine Deutsche BO- Run, Ben, RUN! Mom & Dad-thanks for shelling our the cash to send me here, I'll never forget it. Julie-thanks for not killing me when I came up here and for staying my best friend even if I only saw you about once every two months.
OBERTS Those who cease to dream---cease to exist.
LSD Gummi Bears are chasing me One is red, One is blue The yellow one just took my shoe.
I wish I knew how to put it into words. I wish I knew all the answers. I wish I knew all the questions. I wish I were more decisive. I wish I had more options. I wish I were famous. I wish I had more privacy. I wish I were more mysterious. I wish I made more sense. I wish I had more time. I wish the day went faster. I wish it were sunny. I wish it were warmer. I wish it were not Wisconsin. I wish there were no secrets. I wish I were sheltered. I wish I could read minds . I wish I did not have to. I wish I could do whatever I wanted. I wish I knew what I wanted.
JKeli6 6 a
I wish goodbyes were easier.
Come to the edge Its to high Come to the edge We might fall. Come to the edge They did He pushed them. And they flew.
To the ones who helped me to become who I am. Miss Swan, I am forever thankJ for your generosity, without you Wayland may not have been possible.Gigi a1 Boppa- You've spoiled me but I'm not complaining. Mom and Dad-though I mayn always show it, I am deeply appreciative for having such amazing parents. Kirk-desp what you may believe, you are my best friend, and always will be. David C-you are t only one who continued to be a true friend. Ms. Fitzpatrick-after 9 years I can s1 remember all the valuable lessons you taught me. JW-I have no money, car rides home, Where's the Dr? MG-Where's your car? Hz some soup. NT-can the Nova outclass the grocery getter? KE-can I be 4 I? HK-C I steal that dog? AE-My favorite Eisen reich. MC-thanks for always listening. DG-1 take you any sport, any day. SH-You're as good as four years!
SCHWEMMER He who knows does not speak; He who speaks does not know. For this reason, the sage knows without journeying, understands without looking, accomplishes without acting.
-Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
I will not attempt to say anything clever. Isn't that clever of me?
"At the end of my life I don't want to turn back and realize that I have ruined it! The power to live my life is within me." -Bob Dylan
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I want to thank God, my parents and Wayland Academy for giving me a chance to be where I am right now. I will always remember my three years at Wayland, and I will miss all of you guys. Hopefully our lives will intersect again in the future. Coach Crogan-you have been not just a great coach, but my father as well. DK-Stop freaking out, you can be what ever you want if you believe in it. JD-Thanksfor the key. You became the corrupter. MG-How about that weed-head deal? JBK-It was fun rooming with you. MPC-You know you will always be in my heart. DG-I'll make you taste the fire. LD-It's fake, don't pursue it. EM-Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. KE-Are they evil? EAThink sister, think.
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My 2 yrs @ Wayland is finally over! Alot of good times & rough times, but this is just an end to the beginning of my real life. Ultimate love & thanks to my mom and dad for giving me such a wonderful opportunity for a great experience, and fortheir unconditional love and full support. Also with love & thanks to my sister who cared for me all these years and always being there by my side at heart. To God-Thanks for everything. At last without my friends there would not be memories to treasure. Special thanks to my mentor, my roomate MH, and my friends in #1. CG-Keep up the GPA. FYBrothers 4-Eva! I'm Free! JW-Stay cool...in everyting! JBK-SMASH those balls! HSK-Breakin' Korean! KYH-Crazy Jap! And to the rest of the unmentioned friends & asians at the lunch table (that's you too JT!) without all you guys things would not have been the same. God bless you all! Good luck to all2000 and future grads and the great teachers! Keep in touch and love forever, good bye!
"Teach me to love? Go teach thyself more wit. I, chief professor, am of it. And the god of love, If such a thing there be, May learn to love From me." -Abraham Cowley
g eJt£fl,C£
Much love to: joe D-even thoughyou have domestic issues, Katherine M-(4 freakin ' dollars Glo and the posse, the Korean!faiwanese/Chinese-Canadianl German table plus jessica (tt outsider), Valerie ......... sort of, Katie Haag, Too-Tall, self-proclained Mentor of the Week~ Hill, player haters joe G. Terrence R. and Loren D, players Mabel, Carla, and Anneke, Mart ACK! My bach!! Tomic, the Stelsel's, Katie C., Mazage, Taco Bell Leah, Erin M. , Amanda E Ei-i-isenreich, Haleema, and Pawnza the Lazzer. jessica T., you are so much better lookir than your sister, MT. Megan T., you are so much better looking than yoursister,JT. And thE there's Hu Flung Pu.
Thank yo u God. Three years in Wayland is finally over! What is left? Another 4 years of school! Thanks to my parents for sending me here and to those who assisted me during these years. And Guess What? I am nor a boy anymore! Ms. Kesler- Thanks for everything. 'I can't live without yo u.' Mr. Kherish & Mr. Disch- I learnt a lor from you two. Mr. Hanlon- Long live IT!! Loren- Bick to the hick pack, Roommate! Joe G. & Drews G."Know your role and shut your mouth." Long nights talking in 7N fortress!! Erin- I will remember the SF I got from u, my majesry! I am your devoted slave. Katie E.- Calculus forever!! "85lnlnl ". JumBumBum, HyumSam,Jessica T- uguys are deep! Roy-let's work out! Winter- You are my best listener. See uinNY. Good luck to you all!! -Long Xxxx Tong (wetoasis@email.com)
At this time, I would like to clarify a slight misunderstanding. Terence Tong and I are n• assassins. Well, at least I'm not. I've never killed anyone. I've never even fired a real gun. Th ugly rumor was started ages ago by one Bilal Khan, brother and accomplice to the notori01 Haleema Khan and Pawnza the Lesser. He is currently residing in Madison and must I stopped. That is all. Oh, and thanks Mom and Dad.
First and foremost like the rest of my classmates, I'd like to thank my mother. Thanks for pushing me and not letting me get myself down. To all the seniors of 2000 good luck in your future plans, but hey, have fun. Hey DKanother peanut conversation sometime. WK.- four years of each other and four years of Wayland and we're still the same. LP- Hey you always had something good to say. PV- you can't out eat Tait. so stop it buddy. JTThanksforthe longweekendoflaughs. TC- keep playing thatoldguitar.JWkeep talkin, I'll always be there for you. HS- Hey sunshine, a sub some time just for us. AG- summer was fun, how about we do it again. Mr. Trau-Thanks for keeping me in line and for all the other things that you have done for me. EA- Hey save the best for last, have fun under the sun and remember what I say because I'm always right.
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To all of my teachers, thank you for putting up with me. I'm sorry for all of the problems I may have caused. Mom and Dad, thanks for the opportunity to be me. ot is JS
t J
"Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Larry- Good Luck and watch out for Sammy the Superpede Joe W- Peace out fire. Mack- I'm a f@*#ing platypus. Tait- Hope you hit 500 Chip- Keep it up studly Katie-Don't get too hurry up on Tim Sarah-Thank you so much for the cup at Meager's (sorry about Ben licking you) Jackie- Hope you find him.
To all the Wayland Hall boys, a quote from Sean Connery: "Losers say they'll try their best, WINNERS go home and f*#! the prom queen!"- Be a winner!
" Don't beat your head. Dry your eyes. Let the love in there. There are bad times. But that's OK. just look for love in it. Don 't bum the day away." -Dave Matthews Mom and dad-I love and thank you for being the best parents anyone could ever have. Sis-I'm glad that you came to Wayland. Good luck next year without me. !love ya babe, and if there was one piece of advice to give you it would be that boys like blondes. Ben-Thanks for being such a cool big brother. I have always looked up to you. Mrs. Bleifuss-after 4 years of your GREAT knowledge sharing I have come to the conclusion that God gave men brains so they won't hump women's legs when theywalk into the room. Plumpy-Thanks for putting up with me. For future reference don't throw your toupee at people, it might scare them. Oh yeah, one more thing, I do have friends! Emily-You smell like Catsup. Iwill miss you, and Iwill see you in Guam with all of the other rubber duckies. To my ski bum HOLLY(AKA ICE) -it's been fun being a tard with you. We'll have to get together to form "ICY-HOT", and sing SHOOP all day cause we're FREAKIN HUGE!! Thanks for being such a good friend. I'll miss you babe. Oh yeah, try not to get your chest flattened by snowboarders. CARLA(AKA BUTf)-1 am so gald that you let me beat you up all of these years. Thanks for the advice. I'II remember you always. MABEL(AKA MALBERT)-It has benn 3.5 years of going through every single emotion possible. I'm glad I got to spend it with you. It's going to be hard not waking up to "Oh my god he issoooo cute." Oh Yeah ... hachoo ... (Well you know the rest!) I hope we'll be friends till we're 40. MARIA-Hey next time that you kiss someone, make sure it isn 't my sister in the bush. For real now, I am really glad you came here, cause it's been scandalous to the 1st degree. LINDSAY-Hey babe thanks for being there when I needed you. I love you times beer! TIM AND MIKE-two things, the scabs will never go away and I LOVWE YOU MAN!!
" I been hanging around this town on the comer. I been bummin' around this old town for way too long. " -Adam F. Duritz
We judge oursehes by what we feel capable of doing: others judge us by what we ha\'e done.- Anon)mous All good things must come to an end.-Dave Matth~'S Band These past four years ha\l! been one huge rollercoaster filled with ups and downs. Filled with laughter and sadn~ all together. But I have become a better person after this. And I thank the following people for making the impacts that you have made on me that aregoingtolastforever. First and foremost, mom and dad-what can I say that is going to be enough to fully thank you for everything. You have helped me grow and mature into a a young woman that I am today. And for that, !love you both very much. jeff, Tim and Emily- you crazy kids! I love you all more than anything. Thanks for the laughs. Sarah-through all the trials and tribulations, your friendship, and your advice has slowly made me become a better person. You will always be a precious memory that will fore\'er remain in my heart and soul. Laughing, H20 GRL, Beau, Dave, Chi-town, gening lost, camels, boys, college boys, crying, fighting, being there and not being there for each other, and just being the best friends we can be !love you and will never forget our friendship that 11;e shared for a wonderful t\\'0 years. and years to come. Goodbye Sarah !lolly- the bootie girl whom I love. You han! made life in general so much easier and v.urthwhile for me. All your advice has helped through e\'el)1hing. Boys, loonngg talks about nothing and e\'el)1hing, clothes, soccer, skipping, slacking and tanning. You are an idol to me and that >«ill nf!\'er be forgouen. Alison-the best roommate a girl can hare. You listened tome when I cried, and when !laughed, and most of all when I just blabbed. We lea\-e school hoping that friendships last forever, but! know just nov.•, that ours always will. Mabel- )'OU ha\-eopened my eyes to see who I really am. Please remember that beauty lies within both the inside and outside. Yours will be everlasting to someone who willlo\·e you forever. don'tletthe man get you down and keep in touch with this college girl. Linds- thank you for opening my eyes just a little wider. You have shown me what I am able to accomplish if I really want to. You have been a savior when things go wrong, and the best friend. I IO\'e you babe ! Always keep smiling. Megan- my Madison friend. I can't tell )'OU enough how lucky and thankful! have been to ha\·e had your friendship. I wish you all the best in life and success. Anneke- thanks for being there and being crazy with me. Wacker- please keep our friendship in your heart forever. Don- oh what memories we have shared. !.arsons, long walks ln the rain. Your protection and IO\'e has helped me realize who I have become. Maybe someday our paths will cross again. Maria B- our mentor group, laughs and joe at Benrenutos. B.S- thanks for the ride of a lifetime. To those I have left out, you know who you are and you will stay with me in my heart fore\-er. Thanks for the memories, Wayland ! Good-b)'e and good luck to all!
~E "Don't do it dog, it's just not worth it." -Earl Simmons
"In matters of style, swim with the current; In matters of principle, stand like a rock. " Thanx to my family for keeping me on the right track. KE- Your life is a soap opera- Adios, Hat, Dia Mirar, sweep it baby. MC- I need a line "Blow his nose", backpocket, Purple. EM- Thankx for all the help. SmartieSpanish will never be the same, muneca, roche. LM- Hercules, Angel, NOA Geometry, SMs, You are my forever freshman. HD- Hey Veggie- we are the best CAKEMAKERS. LS-I Love the B-ball dance. RY- I'm going to kick the wall. R- What up dog? DS- Jimmy, keep your shoes on. MGmikey, we still have to get you back. JB- What Glitter?Thats a boarding student. JK, HS, RK- Anyung Haseo from Haimunni. Lion King- You're not the great. Electric Pickles- we were great. AE- Hey loser. I guess this is it, but never forget that ...
IEWICZ I believe that everyone who comes into my life is an opportunity. An opportunity to learn or to teach. Above all, I have to thank my family for teaching me honesty and forgiveness, among so manyother things. Thanks to: Jenny M. for always being there. Tiffany]. for encouragement. Sara M. for teaching me sympathy. Natalie K. for laughs. Tim W. for love, inspiration, and skateboarding. Anneke W. for giddiness, being upbeat and persistentlyfriendly. Celia C. for thinking I was cocky but being myfriend anyway. Maria B. for seeing the world through different eyes. Holly A. for listening. Melissa S for teaching me patience (Tennessee!). Amantha A. for intellectual insight. Mike T. for constantly reminding me to keep in touch with my inner child. Rachel C. for open-mindedness, fun and integruty. Matt T. for not actually falling in the street. Mrs. Hanson for teaching me how to see, draw, paint, and what have you. There are so many others that have influenced my life both in profound ways and in the smallest of lessons. I'm thankful for them all, and I hope thati can usewhati've learned to help and teach people I will come into contact with in the future.
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." -Semisonic
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dr. alfred w. grieshaber President
joseph a. lennertz Dean of Academics
m. h. peter trau Dean of Students
robyn f. hardt shcultar. jeanette dediemar Dean of Admissions
cralg t. hill Athletic Director 60
Dean of Institutional Advancement
michael l. stabler Business Manager
diane j. alpaugh History Chair karen k. bleifuss Biology james e. borrud German j. evan brown Art richard a. catalfamo History johnathan p. cicchini History gerald (mitch) j. disch Physics linda 1. fischer English/Assistant Dean of Students e . tyler graham Math sarah j. hawley Math judy 1. hill CTP Tutor david w. kasper Math Chair martha e . kesler English elias a. khreish Science Chair/Chemistry richard w. lash Computers/History robert s . amlellan jr. College Counseling/Economics daniel h. miller Spanish francesca 1. parker English john p. patterson English chair thomas 1. patterson Fine Arts Chair/Music darrell j . sampson Language Chair/Spanish michael j. schneider Spanish eli seighman Librarian frederika susnar Art/Assistant Athletic Director 61
trevor durham Director of Publications alicia lewis Director of Alumni/Parent Relations george hanlon Assistant Dean of Students/ Director of Student Activities richard pittman Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
)~11 i ·,,
jean allemand Assistant to the Academic Dean carol becker Assistant to College Counseling judy coyle Assistant to the President kay braun Secretary to Office of Advancement louise hoff Assistant to Dean of Admissions kris boucher Admissions lana bradley Admissions lisa rogers Admissions janet hessler Wayland Store Manager roxanne kotek Wayland Store Clerk/Athletic Department Secretary eli crogan Boy's Head Basketball Coach william luebke Assistant to Athletic Director nancy tsiamis Accountant patricia kittleson Assitant to Business Manager dr. ayaz samadani School Physician diane mongey Director of Schoen Health Center kathy kayon School Nurse carol miller Assistant to Head Librarian donna grieshaber Dormitory Supervisor kathie raclellan Dormitory Supervisor
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patricia tabb Maintenance mark ward Maintenance kent bence Maintenance janice falkinham Maintenance linda eggers Maintenance doug levenhagen Maintenance charles leystra Maintenance christine shananaquet Maintenance karen owens Maintenance todd bodishbaugh Director of Sodexho Food Services greg de jong Sodexho Food Services wendy boschert Sodexho Food Services keri polsin Sodexho Food Services ron smith Sodexho Food Services craig straseske Sodexho Food Services lisa veling Sodexho Food Services joe weber Sodexho Food Services irene winterhack Sodexho Food Services shannon kohl Sodexho Food Services
Missing Photos: linda griepentrog Maintenance melina miller Dormitory Supervisor
The following pages are but a small sampling of the objects and images created by Wayland Academy students in Visual Arts classes during the 1999-2000 academic year.
FALL SPORTS Wayland athletics started the year in a new conference. Actually it was a reincarnation of the old conference as several teams fro Midwest Classic Conference North left to form new or different conferences. The remaining teams then joined the MCC south to s form , the Midwest Classic Conference. In the newly realigned conference, Wayland maintained its perennial rivalries with St. J Northwestern, Brookfield and the University School of Milwaukee, but was now pitted against such strong WISSA athletic progr< Heritage Christian, Burlington Catholic Central and Shoreland Lutheran. Football, having to forfeit its first two games due to lack of numbers (unfortunately, missing the annual clash with Lake ForestAcad was looking at a very difficult year. They started slow but showed definite promise toward the end of the season against tough conf( opponents. Coach Hill had this to say:
We finished the year 1-7, making USA TODAY with our first win in three years. Many young and energetic, new faces had an imm impact on the team, seeing as we had only two returning starters. Our seniors showed great leadership and had a huge impact on our This group had the biggest heart and the best attitude I have coached at Wayland: they should be proud. Of particular note this season, Coach Hill points toT errence Robinson's 440 yards of rushing and 7 touchdowns as extremely pron for next year. Strong defensive performances this season were turned in by Mark Ohrtman, Tom Campbell and Pete Vellani havi tackles a piece. Wayland's Soccer program turned over a new leaf this season, turning last year's losing season into a winning one. Althoug consistancey of this team was somewhat erratic--playing tough against some of the best teams in the state and yet losing to some tea the MCC basement, Coach Trau chalks this up to Wayland being a young and inexpereinced squad and is very optomistic about
season. He offered the following comments:
Wayland's boys varsity soccer program reboundedfrom a disma/3-16 in 1998 to a healthy 9-6 in 1999. Newcomers helping the program included freshmen Mike Adams (goal), Weston Radford (midfield), jeffKuehling (defense), along with sophomore forward Max Nahaylo junior exchange students Dominik Hueren (forward) and Peter Richter (midfield). Veteran forwards Will Keating, Chris Starz (I 5 goals each this season) and Martin Hogg (9 goals), provided most ofthe scoring punch for the Wolverines, while stellar sophomore jordan Esten and senior David Stelsel anchored the midfield unit. Senior co-captain Alex Wacker and sophomore Nick Teachout led the defensive corps, with senior head-ball specialist Drews Gosse! adding versatility to the lineup. A good returning nucleus should allow the Wolverines to be in the hunt for a 2000 conference championship. ing to the girls, Wayland's volleyball team had reason to be concerned with the conference re-alignment as they were pitted against regular WISSA state qualifiers as Heritage Christian, Catholic Central and Shoreland Lutheran. With the return oflast years starters Johnstin, Katie Eisenreich, Megan Christian and Erin Martens along with the newly added talents of Jessica Tomberlin and Tiffany the Wayland squad proved to be a formidable opponent narrowly missing out on qualifYing for the state tournament. Coach Evan had this to say about the 1999 season:
We had an excellent record this year, finishing 12-4 overall with an MCC record of6-3, marked by outstanding victories over St. joanAntida ofMilwaukee and Racine Prairie. Unfortunately we lost narrowly in two very hardfought matches against secondplace Burlington Catholic Central and third place Shore/and Lutheran which placed us fourth overall in the conference. We also almost defeated the top MCC team, Heritage Christian in an excitingpair ofgames at the conference tournament: that match was probably the best match I have seen a Wayland team play in my time as varsity coach. Special congratulations to senior Holly johnstin who was selected to the all-conference first team and Wayland's MVP this year, considering the caliber of the conference, this is indeed an outstanding acheivement. Congrats also to Megan Christian, who never set a ball before this year managed to place fourth in the conference in assists and is this years most improved player. 81
Girl's tennis had a winning record this year under Coach Freddie Susnar and even saw one of its members, Anna Mehnert, qual the state championship. (Unfortunately she could not attend due to illness.) Coach Susnar had this to say about the season: "Wa girls tennis posted a 5-4 record this year in dual meets. The performance of the team was excellent during the year. Each player imp and really worked hard. From the summer camp to after the end of the year the girls really strived to become better. I am proud their efforts." Girl's field hockey unfortunatly did not finish the season with a winning record but long-time coach Diane Alpaugh was extr pleased with the effortS of her team. She offered this quote:
The season ended with the girls posting a 3-6 record. Each game the Woverines continued to improve. Wayland almost upset the fo team, Hartland Arrowhead, in the pfayoffi finally Losing 2-1. I am really proud ofthe girls game throughout the whole year. Each we improved and our effort was exceLLent. A special acknowledgmentgoes to the outstanding Leadership and exceLLentplay ofcaptains. Kuenzi and Rachel Yeomans. Special recognition to seniors Emily Zytkiewcz, Lindsay Norsworthy and Maria Benavides. Wayland formed (or revived) a cross country team this year. Although Coach Sarah Hawley's hopes were modest, a pleasant su came from freshman harrier, Amanda Eisenreich who managed to qualify individually for the state championship.
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In honor of Wayland's 145th year of existence, the 2000 Pillars offers this brief look back at our school, as it was, around the beginning of the past century.
With the most Emphatic of Advertisement. you. the Reader. are strongly encouraged, using a St dard Photo Copier powered by the Magical Electric force, to manufacture an Enlarged facsim of these Pages. colour them to suit your Whimsy using any Ordinary Art Supplies of the type rea available at such fine Business Establishments as the Wayland General Store located in the Day ~ dent Lounge in the Immediate Proximity of the Seippel Memorial Mailboxes. and finally, using Common·Pair of Cutting Shears also available at the Aforementioned Store. cut out our own Sp' ing Dean of Students. Mr. M. H. Peter Trau, along with his Stunning Arsenal of fine Apparel. and d this Effigy according to your Every Desire. thenceforth telling every Soul you meet of the My1 Wonders you find in the August Pages of the Wayland Pillars Year Book.
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Wayland's sports scene moved indoors as the cold settled in and the snow began to fall marking the start of yet anâ&#x20AC;˘ lengthy Wisconsin winter. There were some interesting differences this winter season over the one a year ago start with, the raucous Super Fans of'99 were out this year as Wayland found a new method of supporting its t( The traditional porn poms and cheerleading routine stepped into the new millenium as the emergence ofWayl Performance Team took center stage at a number of basketball halftimes. The team issued this statement about season: This year's Pom Squad newly christened the Performance Team definitely "Blue" the crowd away. The squafA to say the least, "Larger than Life" with thirty total dancers. Captains Cat Roberts and Esther Aubry led thegn 'Jump" into action, performing at over 15 home basketball games and tournaments. Taking a new twis Performance Team not only used poms but more stylized props as well. Flashy garlands, chairs and a special m guests (thanks Marty) all added to the excitement. Fun, entertaining and a little bit "Crazy, " the 1999Performance Team put on an amazing show.
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The Wayland Basketball teams changed positions this year as last year's State Semi-finalist Boy's ream struggled in the 2000 regular season and the Girl's Basketball team finished with a Conference Championship. Although the Wolverine Boys team finished the regular season with a 11-10 record (6-7 in MCC conference play), they put together some impressive victories in the playoffs, and managed to reach the State basketball championship, where they lost to a tough Marshfield-Columbus team. Other highlights of the season were wins over 1Orh ranked Onieda N arion and a rough Milwaukee N orrh team. "We played a very com peri ti rve schedule this year, facing four ranked opponents. This tough schedule should allow us to have a good run in the post season," said Coach Eli Crogan, "I am happy for our seniors Aleks Tomic, Joe Westra, Joe Greene, Drews Gossel and Dave Stelsel. The Lady Wolverines managed a complete turn around this year finishing first in the five team MCC-Norrh conference. Coach Susnar had this to say about her team: I was eager for the season to start because I believed that this team was going to be a pleasure to coach andfun to watch. We struggled in the early part ofthe sesason with the team chemistry and defining roles, but after Christmas we began to break stride. Our team defines the word TEAM in its simplest terms; afunctioning unit working together to complete a common goal. Captains Katie Eisenreich, Haleema Khan and Bridget Slinger were instrumental in keeping the team focused. I knew we were the team to beat when I started to notice four or jive names appearing in the conference top ten season statistics. The team won the MCC-North conference with a record of7-l (13-6 overall), not having lost a single road game allyear. The biggest victory is yet to come as we push ahead through the regional tournament. From now on every single game is a must win and I know that this group ofplayers understands when I tell them, "whatever it takes." 103
ually impressive this year was the performance of this years alpine ski racing team. Coaches David Kasper and Alpaugh summed up their season in the following statement: Once again, the weather was afactor during the months ofNovember and December. During this time we could only do dry land exercises due to the lack ofcold weather. On january 1-5, thirteen ofthe ski team members wentto Brule Mountain for three days oftraining. The results ofthe camp were very evident early in the competition ofearlyjanuary. It also allowed the boys team to race in the first meet prior to the start ofschool. As the season went on the boys team found themselves doing better and better and in the end qualified for the Conference Race and were invited to participate in the State Ski Meet at Lacrosse. The girls team also did very well and was competetive through out the year. It was only in the final meet that they were beaten outfor a chance at the Conference and State Ski Meets. All in all, we were very pleased with the results ofthe two teams this year. Many thanks to this years captains Anneke Warren and Lindsay Norsworthy for the girls, and Eric Larimer and Chris Starz for the boys. Swim team began the new season with a few new athletes, a new coach and a strong collection of talented veterans. Heidi Zuehlke had this to say at the start of the season: " The co-ed swimming team has great potential this n. With a number of new faces the team is ready for action. It is our team goal to see some long standing school be broken this year. The team is working hard and it will be exciting to see what will be acheived." Indeed did fall this year as the 200 free relay mark for the Sol Wolfe pool fell for the Wayland Girls 0ordan Cole, Hackman, Brie Taylor, Jakie Wright). Congratulations to Brie Taylor, who also set school records in the 100 y and the 50 Freestyle. Captain Jackie Wright wrote this about the Wolverine's season in the water: Well another yearfull ofdedication andperseverence. We are proud ofwhat we have accomplished and we are proud ofthe talent which we have gained from our fellow swimmers, coach and captains Our coach Heidi gave her allfor us and we are lookingforward to seeing her nextyear at the pool. The talented Terrence Tong, jef!Wang, Matt Tam and myself, the four seniors on the squad, would like to say good bye to the team and wish them the best ofluck next season.
Pillars Note For a Yearbook with a May delivery, producing pages that depict Wayland in the Springtime is an extremely difficult task. In order for you to receive this book before graduation, the yearbo k company (in this case Jostens) asks t e school to submit its final pages for processing twelve weeks prior to delivery. In our case, the final deadline was March 6, 2000. So you see, there are atleast two months of spring action and adventure at Wayland that will never make the book. The simple solution to this problem has been to create what is called an insert. A yearbook insert is a signature of pages, bound seperately and an adhesive strip applied to the last page so th at the entire signiture can be pasted in to the book's back cover. However, current Pillars opinion holds that inserts detract from the overall aesthetic and flow of the book. They also have a tendency to fall out or getlost easily. Thus, we don't ha ve an msert. So instead of offering multiple photos of Spring events, over the next three pages the Pillars presents an analysis f the events and traditions that will be taking place over the course ofWayland's spnng season. Mr. Bro
Other Commencement participants: Salutatorian Aleksander T omic
On June 4th, 2000, Dr. Grieshaber will open \'\'ayland's !45th Commencement Exercises.
Featured Commencement Speaker chis year will be Wisconsin Attorney General, James E. Doyle.
Presentation ofDiplomas: The Chairman of the Board ofTrustees' Robert L. Esten '64.
Cum Laude Society Member and National Merit Scholarship Finalist, Erin Martens will deliver the Valedictory Speech.
Junior Marshalls Ashley Kuenzi Eric Davis Megan Christian Kingston Reif
Even though we are a high school, it is likely that Wayland maintains the tradition of its faculty wearing full academic regalia because the school started out as a University. Faculty and Administration march in black gowns which mark the wearers acheivement of a postsecondary degree. Graduates of the academy wear the traditional red cap and gown with red tassle. The tassel, upon receiving the diploma should be moved from the left side of the mortarboard to the right. Informal tradition then dictates that the mortarboard be tossed into the air from the collective heads of the graduates once the President officially closes the commencement ceremonies. Some of the Wayland red robes may also be garnished with a gold tassel worn around the neck. These tassels indicate the students induction into Wayland's Cum Laude Society. Academic Ragalia: The hood and robe indicate specific information about the academic background of its wearer: Velvet Lining: Evey hood is lined with a specific colored velvet. The color inicates the persons area of academic research in which they have earned their degree. Hence on the following faculty members you will see the following colors: Mr. Seighman-Lemon Yellow for a Master's in library science, Mr. Brown-- Chocolate Brown for a Master's in visual arts, Mr. Tom Patterson and Mr. Sampson--Pink for Master's degrees in music, Ms. Fisher, Parker and Kesler--White for degrees in English or Literature, Mr. Graham--Scarlet for a Masters in Religion and for Dr. Grieshaber and Dr. DeDeimer--Dark Blue for Doctoral Degrees in Philosophy. Satin Inner Lining: Sometimes a solid color, sometimes a solid color with a bi-secting chevron (or V shape) of a secondary color, the inner hood lining indicates the colors of the institution where the advanced degree was obtained. So for the following faculty members you would see the following colors: For Ms. Alpaugh and Mr. Catalfamo the colors red and white for Wesleyan University and Dickenson College respectively, For Ms. Hawley and Mr. Lash the colors blue and gold for Carleton College and Lakeland College respectively, For Mr. John Patterson the colors brown and yellow for the University of Wyoming and for Mr. Ciccini the colors blue and white for Middlebury College. The cut-of-the-cloth: The gowns themselves also indicate the level of degree through the cur of their cloth. A robe straight sleaves and hood indicate the earning of a Bachelor's degree. Robes with a pointed sleave and hood indicate the earning of a Master's degree (the hood displayed left is a Master's hood). Robes with rounded points on the sleeves and hood indicate the earning of a Doctoral degree. Also, Doctoral robes may be lined with velvet bars or cheverons.
One of the most exciting events to take place in the Spring is the Wayland Auction. Organized by the Director of Alumni and Parent Relations, Ms. Alicia Lewis (above left with Mr. Davis), last years event saw the auctioning of a '76 Cadillac ElDorado Converrable (above right) , a power boat and a painting by famous wildlife artist, Terrel Knachr. The event is always a good time and helps to raise money for the specific needs of the Academy. Last years funds were used to purchase much needed furniture for Pickard Dining Hall.
The hiding of the Axe is one of the oldest traditions at Wayland Academy, having its origins traced back to 1878. Although the tradition has undergone some overhauls, the current practice involves the prefects of the senior class, hiding the significant pieces of the six-foot axe and then providing the president of the Junior class with the clues before sunrise on an agreed date in the spring. The Juniors have 12 hours to decypher the clues, find the axe and turn it into the Dean of Students, Mr. Trau, in order to earn a dress-code repreive during the final week of school. More than that, finding the axe is more about class pride as last year, many juniors scoured the town, followed the elusive clues and eventually found the axe hidden in the field house. When asked where they would hide the axe this year, head prefect Loren Darling had no comment, but assuredly, it will not be easy to find
The spring is a wonderful time to be a senior as there are a number of perks. Most would say that just getting out ofWayland would be the best perk of all, but there are definitely certain advantages to the Senior Spring: Perhaps the biggest advantage is that Seniors get out of dress code for the final month ofschool--note Haleema Khan modelling a no-dress-code look to the right. As 1999 graduate Lizzy Boucher (left) demonstrates, seniors have the honor of signing the class flag which is to be run up the flagpole at the front â&#x20AC;˘ - - - - - â&#x20AC;˘ of campus signifying the opening of commencement.
----. â&#x20AC;˘beAns There are several fine arts events raking place in the spring. The Spring Musical this year will be Guys and Dolls, directed by Mr. Sampson and Ms. Parker. Several Wayland musicians will have gone on to the Stare Solo and Ensemble Competition in April and then winding down with the Music departments annual Concert in the Park hel in Swan Park every May, (last year's choir is pictured left). A few students will have exhibited their art work, along with the work ofWayland's art faculty, at the Dodge County high school art show at the Seippel Gallery in Beaver Darn in Early March. And there will also be several displays of art by local artist: Verne SallfandMichael Platt (Wayland Alumni) , _....._.. along with an end of the year student exhibition.
Top right: Peter Vellani strains to heave the shot â&#x20AC;˘1!!!!1--llllll!!!~~llfl!l!llllll!!!l-lllllll put during last year's Midwest Classic Conference Track and Field Championships. Middle Left: Likewise caught in the act at last year's Champion~hips, Jessica Tom berlin sets a personal best in the long jump to make the finals . Middle Right: Rachel Yeo mans and Ashley Kuenzi streak down the field in persuit of the b~l for the Wayland Girl's soccer team. Bottom Left: Katie Haag steps into the batters box during the middle innings of a Wayland Girl's softball game. Bottom Right: Katie Eisenreich, during the same game, is photographed as she delivers a pitch.
Back Row: Mr. John Patterson, Patrick Schwemmer, Harlan Tu, David Stelsel,Aleks Tomic, Mr. Mitch Disch. Front Row: Dr. Alfred Grieshaber, Erin Martens, Terence Tong, Larry Pitcher, Catherine Roberts, Melissa Salneve, Mrs. Karen Bleifuss, Mr. Joe Lennetrz
Left to Right: Kendall Vingua, C.J. Kiersten, Joan Marsden, John Mack, Larry Pitcher, Maya Stevanovich, Jordan Cole, Jamie Patrick-Crane, Peter Vellani, Cat Roberts. Missing: Forensic Coach Miller, Aubrey Newberry, Jun Bum Kim, Jin Suntivi Mike Thieman
Brian Zafian, Wyatt Glodell, Veneca Elder, Carla Radford, Megan Christian, Anneke Warren
Sheranita Hemphill, Pamela Rossell, Maria Benevides, Maya Stevanovich, Katie Huss, Megan Christian, Meghan Tomberlin, Terry Cheatham, Chelsey Seippel, Veneca Elder, Hilary Disch
Top: Zoe Schmidt, Rajeev Kumar, Dominik Hueren, Roy Kim, Jun Bum Kim. Middle: Mike Ersland, Mrs. Catalfamo, Mr. Sampson. Mike Zuskar, Blake Corcoran, Brian Zafian, Claus Grunow, Kingston Reif. Borrom: Mr. Catalfamo, Pete Vellani, Larry Pitcher, Par Schwemmer, Max Nahaylo, Helene Weiss, Anna Mehnert
Ashley Kuenzi, Mike Ersland. Dana Leystra, Mike Zuskar, Will Krupecki, Katie Haag, Betsy Tonniges, Andrea Edwards, Missing: Mr. Sampson
Jordan Cole, Megan Patrick-Crane, Mabel Nuernberg, Ashley Kuenzi,] oan Marsden, Thora Stoutner, Sanden Averett, Holly Alexander. Advisor, Mrs. Bleifuss.
Pamela Rossell, Maria Benavides, Maya Stevanovich, Don Kovilic, Pete Vellani, Jamie McCallum, Eric Davis, Alex Yang. Conductor: Mr. Tom Patterson
You know who yo u are
Maya Stevanovich, Rob Pittman, Pat Schwemmer, Chris McPherson, Pamela Rossell , Don Kovilic, Zoe Schmidt, Paul Syzmanski. Conductor: Mr. T. Patterson.
Erin Martens, Sheranita Hemphill, Carla Radford, Larry Pitcher, Anneke Warren, David Stelsel, Cat Roberts . Missing: Aleks Tomic, Jun Bum Kim, Loren Darling
Way, way too many to name .
Katie Haag, Dana Leystra, Veneca Elder, Valerie Szymanski, Mike Ersland, Brian Zafian, Sheranita Hemphill, Cat Roberts, Terrance Robinson, Maya Stevanovich, Jordan Cole, Megan Christian, Carla Radford, Hilary Disch, Paul Szymanski, Katie Huss, Chelsey Seippel
Maria Benavides, Don Kovilic, Rachel Yeomans, Hilary Disch, Peter Vellani, Patrick Schwemmer.
. .--~-. . Time Killer! Maybe its strategy appeals to the intellect or maybe the pretty colored faces appeals to your sense of aesthetics. Whatever the reason, this little amusement was etched into the Wayland hard disks over two years ago. Snood and SouthPark Snood became popular Wayland pastimes in between classes and during study-hall.
The Doggie in the Window? In an effort to curb the juvenile misuse of the internet, Wayland employed the services of that darn "dog" full time this year, driving our rabid internet jockeys up a wall and down the other side .
Good Morning Sunshine! Bleary eyes and cold egg mcmuffins for Wayland's infamous slackers and truants. A new policy this year, some students were required to check in for breakfast every morning of every school day.
• • • • • • • • • • • Romper Stomper! whether you are Looking to simply add a few inches to your deminutive stature or strut to class with the flagerant attitude of a Parisian Fashion Model, you need a pair of chunky boots to complete your Wayland dress code requirements.
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For a sum of money just sho of your Life's savings, you to can buy clothes that are man u· factured to Look Like you slept in them. Why? The 411 on A & F: they were outdoor outfitters before they went trendy fashion hype for the hormonally challenged. Meaning theJ made clothes for miners, Loggers and oudoorsy-types. Today, a person would be hardpressed to find a teenager or even a twenty-somethin g without an A&E garmet buried somewhere in their closet. The jury is still out on whether Mr. A and Mr. F's "durable goods" are hot ... or not!
• •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Karma Beads! We get nothing but good vibes this year from this costume jewelry•.. and who knows, they may even help your chances to be reincarnated as a human (rather than a roach, garden weed or something else as lowly and common).
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• You are probably wondering what the heck do an orange and few bananas mean. Well it could mean that you Wayland students aren't eating enough fruit, but it doesn't. No we needed to go metaphoric so as we could comment on what appears to be two ofthe hottestcolorsfortheyear. Orange and yellow anything looks to be adorning and accessorizing a growing numberin the Wayland community. Although the Pillars does not condone the wide spread use of such hues for fashion, we do agree that if these colors brighten your dark, cold February day, then you should wear them. Its cheaper than therapy •
Let The Bon Ton Roullez! It's hump day and you're starving ••• whats for lunch? Alligator meat? Fried Okra? Please! we're kids! Save the fancy stuff for a more discerning pallete. A chicken burger with Cajun seasoning is about as far as we'll go. But as far as theme lunches go, we grudgingly love them ••• especially when they come with toys and masks and noise-makers and colorful hats!
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A class ring for every finger? That's your perogative. These numbers are big and guady yet surprisingly, a hot item at Wayland this year.
Ugh! Need we say more.
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SPRING SPORTS The Girl's Soccer Team has three goals this season! First, get in shape. Second, learn how to play soccer as a team and Third, win more games than everybody else. --Mr. Graham
Last year the Boy's Tennis Team finished the season with only one loss to Edgewood of Madison and the number one singles player, number two doubles went to state. It will be very difficult to match last years performance because our top players graduated. However, with hard work and intense practices, we hope to compete well and to build the team over again. This year we lack the depth and experience but we will compensate by working hard and with determination. -Mr. Khreish
t year's WISSA State Champions return the bulk of that team this year and are a solid bet to for the state title once again.
Track and Field Season is a grab-bag. The coaches never really know what they have until have until the season's first competition. But, since Wayland never fields the numbers to be a 路ve as a team, this year's goal is to try and qualify more athletes to the WISSA State Meet last year. Only Chelsea Coffman returns to challenge for the conference girls shotput title and ps improve on last year's 9th place finish at State. Miss Hawley will coach the distance events this year and I will be handling the throws, jumps sprints. Both coaches are optimistic that Wayland will see many success stories on the track in the field this season. -Mr. Brown
Baseball is looking to improve this season with added depth and experience coing to the team. 路Ne are hoping that the team comes together and plays well during the spring. Pitching will be the tion mark but hopefully players will step up and make some plays. -Mr. Hill Athletic Director
I are looking forward to a good season with ten new players and eight returnees, six of whom varsity letter winners. We hope to improve upon last year's 3-10 record. --Mrs. Hill
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In accordance with tradition, the Pillars annually recognizes those members ofthe Wayland community who have made significant and lasting contributions to the quality ofthis institution. For his 21 years ofservice as a Spanish teacher, dormitory supervisor and Academic Dean to Wayland Academy, this year's Pillars is dedicated to ...
One day, a continuation of The Wayland Story will chronicle Joe Lennertz' s major contributions to developing an up-to-date and rigorous college-preparatory curriculum- as well as to advancing the high academic standards of the Academy. Until then, those who know will appreciate this yearbook's dedication as yet another indication of the Wayland community's real affection and high regard for our Academic Dean.
President, Wayland
En los veinte afi.os que conozco a Joe Lennertz, el ha trabajado conmigo como profesor de espafi.ol, ha servido de jefe de Wayland Hall cuando yo trabajaba all1, ha sido presidente del departamento de idiomas y ahara trabaja como mi asesor academico. En esos veinte afi.os ha sido mi amigo, mi colega y mi mentor. Me alegro mucho de que le hayan dedicado este anuario porque ha demostrado una incansable dedicacion a Wayland. De verdad, es un modela para los profesores y para los estudiantes par su dedicacion ala ensefi.anza, al aprendizaje y a los principales valores de Wayland. MICHAEL J. SCHNEI
Foreign Language Department 128
ber the first day Mr. Lennertz appeared on the Wayland campus. We were having an opening ty meeting, and Mr. Sampon, the then chairperson of the Foreign Language Department, leaned to whisper in my ear, "We have a good one here." Mr. Sampan's assessment has proved true. ber as well when Mr. Lennertz applied for the position ofAcademic Dean. Several colleauges "He's young, but he's good. I hope he gets it." When he did, I was one of those made . In the years since that appointment, I have continued to remain happy. Mr. Lennertz is firm fair; he is well organized and hard working. Most important to me, he is well grounded in all 1(1u.•~·u·, ... areas. I feel I can talk to Joe about anything, and he often has given me tides of books he I would enjoy reading, or films he thinks I would enjoy seeing. If Mr. Sampon were here today, sure he would whisper in my ear, "I was right, wasn't I?" Yes, indeed!
Proctor Chair in English one thinks of an independent school educator, no individual fits the description more perfectly Joe Lennertz. It is the role of an independent school educator to become involved in the life of students and throughout his years at Wayland Academy, Joe Lennertz has been immersed in the of the community and integral to its success during the last two decades. · gas a dormitory director, teacher and administrator, Mr. Lennertz has achieved the respect admiration of students, parents and his peers and is well respected throughout the independent community. Mr. Lennertz is often consulted by his colleagues in independent schools and has on several accreditation commitees. As the Academic Dean, Mr. Lennertz has been the ..,..... L'v"'" of the community, constantly striving to improve and enhance the academic quality of the Instrumental in introducing technology to the school, Mr. Lennertz has labored to bring into the computer age. is a privilege to have worked with Mr. Lennertz and an honor to call him my friend. SHANE FOSTER
Headmaster of Upper School Nansemond-Su.lfolk Academy 978 this young, skinny, new Spanish teacher was hired and assigned to live and assist in the · ion ofWayland Hall where I was the director and the boss. Shortly thereafter I was impressed this man's knowledge of not only his subject matter but also his ability to deal with students. Now sign on his office door says nothing more than Joseph Lennertz. other faculty and students we all know where we stand with Sefi.or Lennertz who does not words or circumvent the issues. Unlike Ogden Nash who writes about the fact that he prefers who talk behind your back, Mr. Lennertz talks to your face; while some may find this there is no question where one stands ... no ambiguity, no doubt, no confusion. seph Lennertz is well-read and he uses a lot of big words like plethora, contumacious, recalcitrant carpe diem. When he smiles, you know you have broken through the stereotypical dean facade. or not one realizes it, he always has your best interests at heart, and often this takes the form being the hard guy. I have academic questions, I seek out Dean Lennertz. If I have personal problems, I seek out Lennertz. Ifl have a a taste for a gourmet dinner, I seek out ChefLennertz. Over the years return to Wayland to tell him how much he affected their lives in a positive fashion. For me, the key element of an individual's worth. The question to ask is did I make a difference in s life. Along the way my comrade (my boss) and my friend Joseph Lennertz has done that many persons, including me. Wayland is fortunate to have found him. Ell SEIGHMAN 129
Director ofSwan Library
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Yearbook class breaks down as follows: 144 pages, 12 staff, 3 computers and 7 months complete our task. Simple eh?! Any yearbook advisor will tell you that there is nothing li having a small army to complete the daunting task of assembling the school's anm publication. Yet, at twelve pages per person over the course of seven months, there we certainly gaps of time where there was plenty of nothing to do. For this I am sorry, I tri' to make as much work as possible. I am sure you were not too disappointed. You will notice that this year's book contains a "heckuv-alot" more graphics. Much crec to Sony, the makers of the MAVICA camera and to Larry Bislew for providing us with a "partia scanner, so we could be blessed with the plethora of clip/pop art images that you see scatten throughout the book. And many thanks to those who learned or picked up the computer skil to process those graphics. To those who were not so graphically inclined, thanks for t akir the pictures, tracking down the information and doing the tasks I asked of you; your effor are easily forgotten but incredibly valuble. To all yearbookers, I realize that boredom was fact of life in such a large class, but for your efforts and your input (and you certainly h< a great deal of input), I thank you . A huge, magnanimous thanks to Esther, 2000 Pillars Editor Extrodinaire who cetainl wasn't afraid to dive head first into the most complex of tasks. Thank you also to our Directc of Publications, Trevor Durham, for hookin' us up when we needed stuff. To those wh contributed photos and information to the yearbook, even though I have no idea who yo may be, I humbly thank you .
" ... this whole thing about yearbook. I mean, everybody's in this big hurry to make this book to supposedly remember what happened. But it's not even what really happened, just what everybody thinks was supposed to happen. If you made a book of what really happened, it would be a really upsetting book." -Angela (My So Called Life)
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After spending many long Sunday afternoons in the computer lab trying to meet a deadline, I finally feel that we've put together a yearbook to satisfy the demands of the Wayland students. Many thanks to the staff for all the work they did and for putting up with me through my ever-sointolerable outbursts. A special thanks to Ali for helping to calm me down and see things in a clearer light again. I never would have survived sixth hour without you. Thank you to Li'l Bislew, from both Ali and I, for always being a form of entertainment (or is it irritation?) .