Gaston County’s
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Thursday, August 12, 2021
Good news for great people! Volume 87 • Issue 32
Our Mission: Moms In Prayer International impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.
• Belmont • Cramerton • Lowell • McAdenville • Mount Holly • Stanley
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Ashley Price formally recognized as 2019 Gaston Co. Firefighters officer of the year By Alan Hodge
Stanley Fire Dept. deputy chief Ashley Price was formally recognized at last Monday’s town council meeting as the Gaston County Firefighters Association 2019 Officer of the Year. Due to Covid restrictions last year, it was not possible to do an in-person award presentation until now. Nonetheless, the award was richly deserved. “I considered it a great
compliment to be considered for the award,” Price said. “There were a lot of great candidates in the county. It’s something to be proud of.” Chief Eric Withers was on hand at the award presentation. “Ashley is a model member of the Stanley Fire Dept. from the standpoint of his commitment to the fire service and the community and I am extremely proud of him,” Withers said. “He is also a role model for the staff and I
rely on him heavily.” Price, 40, and a native of Stony Point in Alexander County, comes from a line of firefighters. “My grandfather Jay Lee Price was a fireman in Stony Point,” said Price. “My late father Dale was also a member of the Stony Point department and full time in Statesville.” Price recalled being exposed to the fire department as a child. See PRICE, Page 4
Belmont trolley project back on track By Alan Hodge
After some delays, not the least of which was the Covid 19 pandemic, the Belmont trolley project has started to pick up speed and there’s light at the end of the tunnel regarding its completion. First a bit of background for those not familiar with the six year saga of the trolley and how it got to Belmont.
The trolley first arrived in Belmont in early October, 2015 after many, many months of planning, financial figuring, a 3,000 mile journey, and lots of crossed fingers. The trolley was trucked from a museum in British Columbia to Belmont. Belmont Trolley, Inc. had raised $25,000 and bought the J.G. Brill streetcar, a 1913 model made in Philadephia,
Belmont Trolley Inc., co-vice president Nate Wells with the trolley at its current home the CityWorks garage.
from Fraser Valley Historical Railway Society in Surrey, Canada. See TROLLEY, Page 6
Ashley Price (center) with Stanley mayor Steven Denton and fire chief Eric Withers. Photo by Bill Ward
ROCKY BRANCH PARK NOW OPEN - Surrounded by other dignitaries, Belmont mayor Charles Martin (Hawaiian shirt) cuts the ribbon to officially reopen Rock Branch Park. See details on page 13.
Welcome to Shelby, Cleveland County NC Celebrating 10 years as the Home of the American Legion World Series While you’re here, watch the games and explore all that 6KHOE\ DQG &OHYHODQG &RXQW\ KDYH WR R; HU
For things to do visit
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Thursday, August 12, 2021
Was it just a jar of roasted peppers or was it…
Well, the monthly TV cable bill came to the house and it was a couple hundred bucks. Later in the day I was sitting in front of the TV sloth-style with a refreshment in one hand and the remote in the other. I turned the box on and started surfing the channels we pay so dearly to watch. The first channel showed some people rioting. The next channel showed a news cast where they were saying we are all going to catch Covid- shots or not. The next channel showed some race cars going around and around in a monotonous circle while the commentators made remarks about the condition of the ‘tars’ and when they would need changing. The next channel showed some news cast talking heads blaming Trump for Covid. The next channel showed a man cooking hamburgers. The next channel showed a preacher asking for money. The next channel showed some nekkid folks in the jungle. The next channel showed a ball game. The next channel showed some hillbillies making moonshine. The next channel showed some news cast talking heads saying there was no border crisis. The next channel showed a doctor and a woman explaining how wonderful a certain product was at controlling enlarged prostate. The next channel well... you get the idea. In other words, there was nothing much fit to watch on TV and it costs an arm and a leg. I call it “Nothingvision”. You might think I am joshing, but once when I was a kid I told my mom that one day people would pay to watch TV. She said I was crazy. A TV prophet is not recognized in his own home. Once upon a time we had three TV stations to choose from ... WBTV, WSOC TV and a third one whose call letters escape me. Our
By Tony Marciano I was at the store while on vacation buying items for lunch. My wife and I picked up the cold cuts, cheese, bread, mayonnaise, and mustard. I also went down the pickle aisle to get some toppings for our sandwiches. There, I found a jar of roasted peppers. I love them. My mother loved adding them to her sandwiches. I reached up to the shelf where the roasted peppers were placed and put my hand on a jar. As I picked it up, a strange feeling came over me. It was a sense of sadness. I knew what was going on. I miss my mother. Twenty-three years ago, she moved in with us shortly after I arrived in Charlotte. Our home became the Walton’s. Three generations lived under the same roof. We designed the home so she had a true in-law suite (she had her own kitchen). She was part of all the family events. Had she been alive, my wife and I would have taken her with us on vacation. She would have joined in the fun. I would have purchased the roasted peppers because she enjoyed putting them on her sandwich.
TV set had what we called “rabbit ears” on top. This was the antenna. To increase reception, we put little flags of aluminum foil on the end of the ears. It worked. It was Alan Hodge free. The TV stations Banner-News Editor signed off a little after midnight. The sign off deal consisted of the playing of the National Anthem while a flag waved. After that the screen showed an Indian chief’s head wearing a war bonnet. News shows were first class journalism and stuck to the facts. Guys like David Brinkley, Chet Huntley, and Walter Cronkite had class. The theme song for the Huntley-Brinkley report was the scherzo from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Shows like I Love Lucy, The Little Rascals, Gunsmoke, and Andy Griffith Show had value. Sharon is a Gunsmoke fanatic. She watches reruns every afternoon. I too have taken up watching it. Marshall Dillon needs to backhand a lot of the news people on Nothingvision and knock some common sense into them. Come to think about it, he needs to go to D.C. and backhand some sense into those childish political leeches there too. Local shows like Fred Kirby the singing cowboy were wholesome and happy. Sunday afternoons in front of the TV meant Tarzan and Hercules movies. My late, great uncle Herbert Surratt called TV the “idiot box”. As I sat pondering the cost of the cable bill vs what the screen offered for those hard earned dollars, I wondered who the real idiot was, maybe me for forking out the dough.
I can smell fall ya’ll from 90 degrees to 75 degrees in one day and the cooler temperatures struggle to return the next day, but just can’t quite beat the heat. I love this time of year because it comes as a great relief from the burning flames of summer. By the way, summer is, and will always be my least liked season. Guess that comes with growing older.. of course, others may digress. I know the brutal heatwave is returning once again, but I sure have enjoyed the sneak peak of what’s in store. My fall decorations and fall apparel are close by, and I can hardly wait to pull them all out. So mark your calendars and let’s begin counting down the days. Fall will begin on Wednesday.. September 22 this year. Bring it on!
Benson Funeral & Cremation Service
101 Oak Grove St., Mt. Holly
Creating memories with dignity & respect
ing with both of these beautiful fall flowers. I actually have two mums on my front porch now (from last year) and they are already blooming..and have been for a few weeks. Another hint that fall is knocking on our door. Fall festivals..I sure hope we have lots of them this year. We were simply robbed in 2020. There are so many fun places to visit here within a short amount of time. As you all know, one of my absolute favorite places to visit (anytime of the year)… but most of all during the fall, is Shatley Springs in Crumpler NC. I’m already planning a day trip there as soon as our schedules here allow. Pumpkins, apples, jellies, and so much more will be a welcomed site there. The food won’t be bad either. Fall is when the high drops
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loose and began its trip to the ground. I pondered just a bit that this 60 seconds of free entertainment was already orchestrated…given the fact fall is around the corner. We humans, (I know I am) begin to crave cooler weather, and all it brings. Soups, stews, fleece, sweaters, boots, and lots of hot chocolate and coffee. It’s inevitable to succumb to *all things fall*. And of course, with fall comes pumpkin spice (everything)…coffee, cupcakes, creamer, doughnuts, candles, and even an array of pumpkin desserts. One dish I haven’t seen though around these parts is pumpkin spiced grits (gulp). Mums and pansies can’t be too far away from making their debut in area stores. I always have enjoyed decorat-
By Lisa Harper Mother Nature recently teased us with a much welcomed cool snap..short lived as it was, I couldn’t help but notice other elements of fall in my yard this week. Squirrels have begun packing their cute little cheeks with nuts. I had already noticed a few weeks ago the walnuts were falling in my back yard. Our tomato and pepper plants are winding down; though here recently, we have had an abundance of produce hanging on the vines..more than what we’ve seen since our gardening endeavors began two years ago. The leaves are starting to make gradual changes also. I was sitting on my front porch swing a few days ago and glanced up to see one yellow leaf, way up high in a neighbor’s yard. It turned
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Now she is gone, having passed away in December. We spent ten years watching her deteriorate from dementia and then Alzheimer’s. When someone has these diseases, you watch them walk backwards into a fog. While you know they are still there, eventually you can’t see them. Then you can’t hear them. For the last five plus years, my mother didn’t know who I was. We were able to keep her in our home these ten years. Her prayer was that she would die in her home. She did. Since my mother’s death, a friend has been sending me a booklet each quarter about grieving the loss of her life. I received the third one and said to myself, “I’m good. I grieved her death for ten years before she died.” One of the booklets said something would trigger her loss and you might find yourself breaking down into tears in the future.” Again, I reminded myself, “That may be for other people but not me. I’m fine.” Who would have known that a simple jar of roasted peppers would trigger feelings of grief and loss? I looked at the jar and said to myself, “I miss my mother.” When my father died thirty plus years ago, people came up to me and said, “You should be rejoicing that your father is in Heaven with
Jesus.” I would just smile at them. I Tony Marciano preached his funeral sermon based on the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” Lazarus died. Jesus came to the tomb and saw the people weeping over his death. He was deeply moved and then, “Jesus wept.” We weep because we miss the people we love. We weep because there is still so much living that we want to do with them. There are still days when I want to sit down with my mother and ask her questions. I want to know about her growing up years, meeting my dad, the challenges of raising three children when my father’s work was inconsistent. I want to hear the funny stories as only she can tell them. But I will never hear them from her voice again. It is now my job to remember them and pass them onto my children. They will smile at me. Unfortunately, they don’t know my relatives as I did. They will forget those stories and they will be lost forever. It’s okay to miss the people that have gone on before you. It’s okay to grieve their loss. I’ll be back in two weeks. Until then, live well my friend.
Phone 704-825-0580 Fax 704-825-0894 Office: 128-C N Main St. Belmont • NC
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Thursday, August 12, 2021
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Handsel’s Flooring Center The Area’s #1 Discount Floor Center 101 S. Main St., Stanley, NC 28164
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Good Luck to All Athletes!
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Raj Patel ©CommunityFirstMedia
4253 S. New Hope Rd. Gastonia, NC 28056
Berry vs Mountain Island Charter - CFI Jamboree Mountain Island Charter at Anson County Cabarrus Stallions at Mount Island Charter Open Date - Bye Week Union Academy at Mountain Island Charter Pine Lake Prep at Mountain Island Charter MICS at Community School of Davidson Winston-Salem Prep at Mountain Island Charter Mountain Island Charter at Christ the King Bishop McGuinness at Mountain Island Charter Mountain Island Charter at Carver Lake Norman Charter at MICS
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Thursday, August 12, 2021
91 69
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91 68
85 66
82 66
80 65
PM Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
PM Thunderstorms
Partly Cloudy
Public transport input wanted Do you want to participate in a CONNECT Beyond Listening Session and help shape the future of mobility/ transportation in our region. Participants receive a $25 gift card. The CONNECT Beyond Team is talking to community members from across our 12-county region to help
refine the recommendations for our Regional Mobility Plan. This Regional Mobility Plan is really important because it will guide future public transit investments in our region and serve as the blueprint for how our region develops an integrated mobility/transportation network.
These 30-minute virtual Listening Sessions can be done in English or Spanish, and each household that participates will receive a $25 gift card! To sign up for a virtual Listening Session, you can either text “I am in” to (704) 666-2951 or sign up online at
I’m tired! Rev. Trent Rankin Salvation Church, Gastonia, NC
Chief Withers reads Price’s award proclamation. Photos by Bill Ward
PRICE From Page 1 “My passion for firefighting began at an early age,” he said. “I remember riding in the truck with my dad and going to the station and climbing on the trucks.” Price signed on in 2000 as volunteer with the Stony Point department and came to Stanley in 2006 also as a volunteer. He received his firefighter certification at Gaston College. But Price’s route to a full time firefighter career took a detour. After graduating from Alexander County High in 1999, he went to Catawba Valley Community College and received a degree in mechanical engineering. He went on to work for an Italybased firm named Bavelloni and then for his current full time employer Salem Distributing. Now, Price works at the Stanley Fire Dept. part time, skillfully managing to juggle home, work, and firefighting
Price with wife Natalie and daughters Avery (center) and Ashlyn. time. “I work up to 20 hours a week at the station,” he said. “The hours are random.” Price sees a bright future not only for himself, but for the Stanley Fire Dept. as well. “With support of the town council, the department has grown,” he said. “I see big things in the future with chief Hullett and Withers. “I want to learn and grow in my po-
sition as well. We are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve the department.” Price is also keen on getting young folks involved in the department. “I want to reach out to youth and show them what a great career firefighting is,” he said. “I want to share the passion I have for this service.”
Summer is an exciting time to be alive. It is a time of fun, vacations, and sunny days. However, summer can be an exhausting time as well. Here in North Carolina, our summer days are long, hot, and humid! These hot days can make us really tired. After a few hours out in the hot sun, we are ready for a nap. Life in general can make us tired these days. There is so much we go through each day that makes us tired, not just physically, but spiritually as well. In Jeremiah 20:7-12, we find the prophet Jeremiah exhausted. Jeremiah was a prophet of God to the people of Judah. Judah was lost in sin against God. They worshipped the idols of the peoples around them and rebelled against God continually. Jeremiah called the people to repentance, but they would not listen. Jeremiah was often imprisoned and mocked for his words of God. Meanwhile God was preparing to judge His people. They were surrounded by the Babylonian army, and soon they would fall and be taken into captivity. Jeremiah was surely tired. Often, we are tired as well. We live in an exhausting time. Jeremiah faced many challenges in his work
for God. We face tremendous challenges too. Our daily life is dominated by COVID, political uncertainty, and economical challenges. Also, we are attempting to live for God Rev. Trent Rankin when, like in Jeremiah’s day, many people do not want to hear anything about God. In such a challenging time we get tired, we get exhausted, and many times, we may be ready to quit. Jeremiah was so tired of people threatening him, and mocking God, that he was ready to quit. It is natural to want to give up. It is much easier to quit. It would have been much easier for Jeremiah to stop prophesying for God. In Galatians 6:9 Paul writes, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (ESV). Jeremiah knew that although his life was hard, and he was tired from the many challenges he faced, he served a powerful, faithful God. It is easy to get tired from daily life, yet our God is greater than anything this world throws at us. Today, find some rest, not just physically, but spiritually also. Seek God in prayer, and find refreshing, refocus, and a new drive to continue on. You may be tired, but you God never tires of walking with you!
Sign up for Lowell Citizens Academy It’s not too late to sign up for the Lowell Municipal Citizens’s Academy because the deadline has been extended to Monday, August 16. If you have wondered how the City of Lowell government works, you’re encouraged to apply for the 2021 Lowell Municipal Gov-
ernment Citizens Academy. The 10-session course provides an in-depth view of all City of Lowell operations. The 2021 program starts on Monday, August 30 at 6 p.m. Sessions will be on alternating Mondays at 6 p.m. with a graduation ceremony at the January 11, 2022 City Council meeting. Each two-hour
session includes presentations by City employees, hands-on activities, group discussions, facility tours, a police ride-along and a chance to ask questions of City leaders and staff. Applications are due by August 16, 2021. Apply online today! https://tinyurl. com/5b6u3zyu
East Catawba St. between Glenway and Park streets will be closed for several weeks. The closure is due to construction on the Chronicle Mill project. Photo by Alan Hodge
The Banner News /
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Page 5
James Oliver Pendleton James Oliver Pendleton, 93, of Hickory, passed away peacefully at his residence, Tuesday, July 27, 2021. He was born June 9, 1928, in Cramerton, NC, to the late James Franklin Pendleton and Margaret Oliver. Jim was a long-time member of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Hickory and retired from sales in the furniture industry. He
enjoyed golfing, vacations with his family, early morning walks on the beach and then sit at the water’s edge in the late afternoon, having hamburgers and hot dogs for his birthday dinner, and, most importantly, being with his family. He especially loved meeting and talking to people, never meeting a stranger. He knew people all over town and after retirement his day would start by making the rounds to five or six places to say hello. Jim, aka “Corky” in his younger days, played high school sports and excelled in both football and basketball for Cramerton High School. After graduating from high school, Jim attended Belmont Abby College in Gastonia. He then joined the US Army and was stationed in Germany in the early fifties where he had the opportunity to visit several countries. He loved the culture and the scenery but, most of all, he loved the food. Jim always had plenty of stories to share. He met the love of his life, Martha Cornelia (Connie) Owens after he returned
SUMMARY OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO REDEVELOP A BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY Brownfields Property Name: Acme Spinning Mill Brownfields Project Number: 23045-19-036 Pursuant to the North Carolina Brownfields Property Reuse Act (the “Act”) authorized by North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) § 130A-310.30 through 130A-310.40, and specifically pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.34, Belmont Industrial, LLC, as Prospective Developer, has filed with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) a Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property (“Property”) located at 192 Woodlawn Street and 646 Cason Street, Belmont, Gaston County, North Carolina. The Brownfields Property, which is the former site of Acme Spinning Mill, consists of approximately 60.6844 acres. Environmental contamination exists on the Brownfields Property in soil, groundwater, soil vapor, and surface water/sediment. Belmont Industrial, LLC has committed itself to redevelop the Brownfields Property for no uses other than office, industrial, warehousing, parking, and with prior written DEQ approval, other commercial uses. The Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property includes: (1) a proposed Brownfields Agreement between DEQ and Belmont Industrial, LLC, which in turn includes (a) a map showing the location of the Property, (b) a description of the contaminants involved and their concentrations in the media of the Property, (c) the above-stated description of the intended future use of the Brownfields Property, and (d) proposed investigation and remediation; and (2) a proposed Notice of Brownfields Property prepared in accordance with NCGS § 130A-310.35.
home from the service while she was teaching in nearby Paws Creek. They were married April 15, 1954 and had 2 daughters. After living in Kinston, NC for a short time where their first daughter, Beverly, was born they moved to Hickory where their 2nd daughter, Sherree, was born and called it home for over 60 years. Jim passionately worked through St. Luke’s with the Hickory Soup Kitchen, raising money and collecting food. He was also a huge advocate for the staff and their hard work. He petitioned for advancement and pay raises that were granted. From his hard work and commitment to the Soup Kitchen, he was asked to serve on the board which he gladly accepted. He served on the board for many years before finally retiring in December 2016. Jim’s favorite past-time was golf. He played for over 40 years and shared his love of the game with his three grandsons, Loren, Matt and Kyle. He started some at an early age and would have clubs cut down to fit their small size. He gave them starter sets, bought clubs and shoes throughout the years, gave instructions and took them to the golf course as often as possible. They also spent a lot of time at their favorite golf shop, D&S Golf. Jim had many great memories of time spent on the course with these three boys, his friends in Hickory and his long-time friend, Al Hoke. Jim and Al would always have a friendly competition and wager going on that led to many fun stories around the dinner table. His grandsons cherish their time spent with him and shared Jim’s passion for golf. Loren and Matt played on the Hickory
High School golf team and won State Championships in their respective years. They had a great teacher in their grandad! They all continue to play and enjoy golf today. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his beloved wife of almost 64 years, Connie Pendleton, his brother Gerald and sister Joretta. Those left to cherish his memories of loving husband, father and grandfather are daughters Beverly Ballard and husband Sid of Hickory and Sherree Harris of Hickory; grandchildren, Loren Harris, Matt Harris and wife Caiti of Charlotte, Kortney Munday Coulter and husband Ryan of Newton, Kyle Munday and wife Melissa of Hickory; great-grandchildren, Rylan Coulter, Raegan Coulter and baby boy Munday to arrive in November. A Memorial service to celebrate Jim’s life will be held Sunday, August 22, at 5:00pm at St. Luke’s UMC. The family will receive friends following the service in the church parlor. The family wants to give special thanks to his caregivers that stayed by his side for the past 3 ½ years: Shelly Cox, Abigail Argueta, Hellen Argueta, and Ada Galeano. Also, a special thanks to the wonderful nurses and care he received recently from Carolina Caring, especially Marqueritte. Memorials may be made to the St. Luke’s UMC Memorial Garden Fund or The Hickory Soup Kitchen. Bass-Smith Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the Pendleton family and on-line condolences may be sent to
The full Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property may be reviewed online at the DEQ public record database, Laserfiche, by entering the project number 23045-19-036 into the search bar at the following web address: The “Act” requires a public comment period of at least 30 days. The first day of public comment is defined as the day after which all of the following public notice tasks have occurred: the date this Notice is: (1) published in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the Brownfields Property is located; (2) conspicuously posted at the Brownfields Property; and (3) mailed or delivered to each owner of property contiguous to the Brownfields Property. Written public comments may be submitted to DEQ within 30 days after the public comment period begins. Written requests for a public meeting may be submitted to DEQ within 21 days after the public comment period begins. These periods will start no sooner than August 11, 2021, and will end no sooner than the later of: 1) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after that; or 2) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after completion of the latest of the three (3) above-referenced tasks, if such completion occurs later than the date stated herein. All public comments and public meeting requests should be addressed as follows: Mr. Bruce Nicholson Brownfields Program Manager Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 CE 8/11/21 BN 8/12/21
The Gaston County Museum in Dallas is celebrating the art of North Carolina native, Philip Moose, in a new exhibit, Art by Philip Moose. Enjoy the riveting landscape art inspired by Moose’s travels around the world and those a bit closer to home, and dive into the history of the artist and a collection of acclaimed artists from the surrounding area. Art by Philip Moose is on display now in the museum’s Gathering Room until September 4th 2021.
Gaston County public health to provide state-funded $100 covid-19 vaccination incentive Effective August 6, anyone who gets a COVID-19 vaccine at Gaston County’s Public Health Department can get a $100 gift card for their time. The gift cards are funded by the State of North Carolina in an effort to encourage more people to get vaccinated. In addition, anyone who drives an unvaccinated person to get their shot will receive a state-funded $25 gift card. You must be 18 or older to receive the incentive. The incentives are part of the state’s Summer Card program and come as Gaston County Public Health aims to boost local vaccination rates amid rapidly rising case counts in the community. Currently, 37 percent of Gaston County residents are fully vaccinated and 40 percent are partially vaccinated against the virus. Statewide, 46 percent of the population is vaccinated. What’s good news, said Public Health Director Steve Eaton, is that the vaccines against COVID-19 are showing tremendous protection against the virus. “The simple truth is the
vaccines work,” Eaton said. “We are excited to be able to offer the incentive provided by the state in an effort to increase the number of our residents getting vaccinated.” The gift cards are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The county’s Public Health Department will be posting to its Facebook page when more gift cards become available and when it has run out for the day. The Public Health Department has all three vaccines – the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson – available. The vaccines are free, regardless of insurance status. Those entering the health department will be required to wear a mask during the duration of their visit there. Residents do not need an appointment to get a vaccine. They are available to any resident over the age of 12 Monday through Friday from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the health department facility at 991 W. Hudson Blvd., in Gastonia. More information about vaccination opportunities can be found at GastonSaves. com.
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The Banner News /
Page 6
Thursday, August 12, 2021
The trolley making its arrival in Belmont October 2015.
The trolley in its youth as a workhorse in Portugal.
The trolley will eventually live in a barn like this in downtown Belmont.
TROLLEY From Page 1 It took another $16,000 to pay Admiral Merchants Motor Freight to wrap the trolley in plastic similar to that used to protect expensive boats and cars during transit and make the journey. Upon arriving in town, the trolley was put in the City of Belmont Public Works building (now CityWorks) where it remains. The trolley needed a lot of work, both cosmetically and mechanically. Volunteers began the process of taking it apart, painting, upholstering, rewiring, running hydraulic lines, and getting the massive wheels and electric motors freshened up. Work was done by folks ranging from professional trolley repairmen to Boy Scouts. Belmont Trolley Inc, covice president Nate Wells
talked about the work done by Boy Scout Troop 56 member Zander Wells (his son) for his Eagle Scout project. “He has been working on repairing the roof canvas, patching, and sanding the whole car getting it ready for paint.” Nate said. “It should have paint in a few weeks.” Another big job on the trolley was getting the seats redone. That involved taking the frames apart and painting them as well as doing the upholstery in original style rattan. “Donald’s Upholstery in Charlotte did a great job on the seats,” said Wells. “They are all ready to be installed.” The trolley’s wheels and drive train are out from under it now, but will soon be ready to put back in place. “The motor and wheels are
The wheels ready for installation.
Lena Wells doing some painting.
done,” said Wells. A very interesting part of the drive train portion of the restoration involves the electric propulsion system. “We are working with UNCC and the senior engineering class to design a battery system for the motors,” said Wells. The bottom line? Wells estimated the trolley will be ready for action in the spring of 2022 if all goes according to plan. When operational, the trolley will be carrying on a transportation tradition in our area. The history of electric powered passenger trains in eastern Gaston County goes back to the early part of the 20th century. The story begins with the Piedmont Traction Company that established a route between Charlotte and Gastonia in 1912. The track electrified to 1,500 volts DC with power supplied from Troop 56 Boy Scout Cooper Sass and his dad Michael pitching in. mainly hydroelectric sources.
Lena, Mason, and Zander Wells hard at work.
Additionally both segments were built to steam road stanSeat frames freshly painted. dards. In 1914 the name was changed to Piedmont and Northern Railway, also known as P&N. The P&N tracks between Gastonia and Charlotte stretched for 24 miles. There was a three mile spur line to Belmont that operated from 1916 to the early 1930s. The Belmont trolley will operate on part of the original 1916 spur line from downtown Belmont to Wilkinson Blvd. Other stops on the P&N between Gastonia and Charlotte included Mount Holly, North Belmont, McAdenville, Lowell, and Ranlo. Newly upholstered seats. The Piedmont and Northern Railroad was the brainchild of William States Lee, vice-president of Southern Power and Utilities Company. In 1909 he proposed to James B. Duke, president of Southern Power, that the company construct an “electrically powered interurban railway system linking the major cities of the Piedmont Carolinas.” Duke supported the project because he believed it would stimulate the industrialization of the Piedmont. The railroad would create “a mill a mile,” proclaimed its supporters. The trolley was an important means of transportation to work for mill employees, most of whom did not own a car or have access to a bus. Unlike similar interurban systems the P&N survived the Great Depression and was later absorbed into the Seaboard Coastline Railroad (CXS) in 1969. Once part of CXS, the Gaston County tracks are now owned by the NC Dept. of Transportation. Zander Wells fixing the trolley roof.
Photos by Alan Hodge
The Banner News /
Thursday, August 12, 2021
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Gaston County Schools: Back-to-School Orientation and Open House List Gaston Schools will conduct orientation/ open house programs to prepare students for the beginning of a new school year. The programs are listed below in alphabetical order by elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. If you have a question about orientation, please contact your child’s school. Please note that this list will be updated as necessary to provide the latest information for students and parents. Local schools are listed below. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Belmont Central Elementary Thursday, August 19 Meet-the-Teacher Orientation (All Grade Levels) Last Name A-K, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Last Name L-Z, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. Catawba Heights Elementary Thursday, August 19 Drop-in Orientation (All Grade Levels) Last Names A-L, 4:00 p.m. Last Names M-Z, 5:00 p.m. Kiser Elementary Wednesday, August 18 Third Grade Orientation, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Fourth Grade Orientation, 5:00 p.m.
y r p O
Fifth Grade Orientation, 5:30 p.m. Lingerfeldt Elementary Tuesday, August 17 Meet-the-Teacher Orientation Siblings, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Second Grade, Fourth Grade, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Meet-the-Teacher Orientation First Grade, Third Grade, Fifth Grade, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Lowell Elementary Thursday, August 19 Drop-in Orientation (All Grade Levels), 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. McAdenville Elementary Thursday, August 19 Meet the Teacher Orientation (All Grade Levels) Last Name A-K, 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Last Name L-Z, 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. New Hope Elementary Tuesday, August 17 Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade, 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade, 5:00 p.m.
WNCW and The Foundation Performing Arts Center present A Drive-In Concert featuring
southern culture on the skids Saturday, Sept. 11 at 8 pm
“Out Back” in the parking lot behind The Foundation Performing Arts Center at Isothermal Community College
Admission sold per car with a limited number of cars allowed to maintain social-distancing.
Tickets and more info at
North Belmont Elementary Thursday, August 19 Drop-in Orientation (All Grade Levels) 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Page Primary Wednesday, August 18 Open House Last Names A-K, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Last Names L-Z, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. Pinewood Elementary Thursday, August 19 Open House Kindergarten, Second Grade, Fourth Grade, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. First Grade, Third Grade, Fifth Grade, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Rankin Elementary Wednesday, August 18 Kindergarten Orientation (by appointment), 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Kindergarten Orientation (by appointment), 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Open House (Grades 1-5), 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Springfield Elementary Wednesday, August 18 First Grade Orientation, 4:00 p.m. Second Grade Orientation, 5:00 p.m. Sunday, August 22 Kindergarten Orientation, 2:00 p.m. MIDDLE SCHOOLS Belmont Middle Friday, August 13 Sixth Grade Camp, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 17 Drop-in Open House Last Name A-K, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Last Name L-Z, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. Cramerton Middle Friday, August 13 Camp Cramerton for Sixth Graders, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 17 Sixth Grade Open House, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Seventh Grade and Eighth Grade Open House, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Mount Holly Middle Thursday, August 12 Sixth Grade Orientation, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Open House, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Stanley Middle Sunday, August 15 PTO Blue Devil Dash Sixth Grade, 3:00 p.m., and Seventh Grade, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 18 Seventh and Eighth Grade Schedule Pick-up, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Sixth Grade Orientation, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. HIGH SCHOOLS Stuart W. Cramer High Friday, August 13 Storm Academy (Ninth Grade Camp), 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Thursday, August 19 Open House Last Name A-K, 5:30 p.m. Last Name L-Z, 6:15 p.m. East Gaston High Thursday, August 12 Ninth Grade Camp, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Thursday, August 19 Open House, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. South Point High Friday, August 13 Ninth Grade Orientation, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 18 Open House Last Name A-K, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Last Name L-Z, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. This list was updated on August 4, 2021.
Gaston Schools sets face coverings policy Last week, Governor Cooper announced an update to the “StrongSchoolsNC Public Health Toolkit (K12)” document, which provides COVID-19 operational guidance for schools. The updated “Toolkit” took effect on July 30. https://covid19. Since the new “Toolkit” took effect, there will be no state law or executive order requiring face coverings on school property. During a special meeting on July 27, the Board of Education affirmed that face coverings will be optional since there is no state requirement. However, per a federal order from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), stu-
dents/employees riding on school buses and activity buses (public transportation) are required to wear a face covering while on the bus. The “Toolkit” does not specify a requirement for face coverings on school property; it instead states that school districts should require face coverings for all students and employees in elementary schools and middle schools (grades K-8) and for unvaccinated students and employees in high schools (grades 9-12). Parents and employees are encouraged to review all sections of the “Toolkit” carefully. It is especially important to review the section titled “Handling Possible,
Suspected, Presumptive, or Confirmed Positive Cases of COVID-19” that begins on page 13. This section outlines how the quarantining of students/employees will be addressed when there is a case of COVID-19. School officials will continue their partnership with the Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services to monitor the COVID-19 metrics for Gaston County. Based on the metrics and other factors, the Board of Education reserves the right to require face coverings in the future if it is determined that face coverings are necessary to keep schools open.
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Thursday, August 12, 2021
Banner News Fellowship & Faith
Church Directory Morningside Missionary Church 711 Morningside Dr. 704-822-9142
Mt. Holly Church of God 208 Rankin Ave. 704-827-8596
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church 339 S. Hawthorne St. 704-827-4320
New Covenant United Methodist
14514 Lucian Riverbend Hwy. 704-827-4468
Cramerton Independent Presbyterian Church
New Providence Baptist Church 1104 Old NC 27 Hwy. 704-827-0822
New Saint Paul Holiness Church
Burge Memorial Methodist Church W Glendale Ave • Mt Holly, NC Grace Wesleyan Church 6014 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-7959
Employees of
Henry’s Chapel Ame Zion Church
455 Sacco St. 704-825-6007
Loves Chapel Presbyterian Church 204 Lincoln St. 704-825-8342
210 Park Street, Belmont NC
Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter 216 N. Main St. 704-825-2483
Message of Love Church
BELMONT Alexander Memorial Baptist Church 208 South Main Street 704-825-3216
Brotherhood/Sisterhood WNCC UMC 120 Park Street 704-825-1333
Catawba Heights Baptist Church 311 Belmont Road 704-827-8474
Christ Church Presbyterian Church 901 Catawba Street 704-461-8614
CrossFix Ministries 6131 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-879-4499
Crossroads Church 101 Beaty Rd. 704-827-8381
Centerview Baptist Church 2300 Acme Road 704-827-2061
East Belmont Baptist Church 501 Catawba Street 704-825-5780
East Belmont Church Of God 320 E. Catawba Street 704- 825-8845
306 Pearl Beaty Dr. 704-827-6500
Mount Moriah Baptist Church 110 Lincoln St. 704-825-2046
4357 S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-1697
New Life Baptist Church 201 Oak Trail 704-822-6195
New Mills Chapel Fire Baptized 104 Morning Glory Ave. 704-825-5457
North Belmont Church of God 2316 Acme Rd. 704-827-4092
O’Conner Grove Church Ame Zion 613 N. Main Street 704-825-5576
Park Street United Methodist 120 Park Street 704-825-8480
Power of the Spirit Church Queen Of The Apostles Catholic Church
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
503 N. Main Street 704-825-9600
First Baptist Church 23 N. Central Avenue 704-825-3758
First Foursquare Gospel Church 8 Elizabeth Street 704-825-5811
First Presbyterian Church 102 S. Central Ave 704-825-3357
First Presbyterian-Belmont 112 S. Central Ave 704-829-0668
Sanctuary of Praise Ministries 124 Georgia Belle Ave. 704-579-7823
South Point Baptist Church 124 Horsley Ave. 704-825-9516
South Point Freewill Baptist 297 Gaither Rd. 704-825-8045
South Point United Methodist 510 South Point Church Rd. 704-825-4019
Springwood Freewill Baptist 826 Stanley-Spencer Mtn. Rd. 704-827-7801
St. Marks United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church of Belmont
701 Secrest Ave. 704-825-8175
807 South Point Road 704-825-2106
The Pointe
Fresh Anointing Church of God 71 McAdenville Road 704-825-7283
Friendship Baptist Church 5008 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-3276
312 W. Glendale Ave. 704-827-2726
Catawba Heights Church of God CBC-Memorial Apostolic
909 Edgemont Ave 704-825-5346
6325 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-755-5034
Burge Memorial Methodist Church
212 South Street 704-825-7269
118 School Street 704-827-7071
Exodus Church
122 Tomberlin Rd. 704-827-4225
East Belmont Free Will Baptist
120 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road 704-827-3366
Containers/Trailers Sales & Storage Rental
Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist New Hope Presbyterian Church
6700 Wilkinson Blvd 704-825-1709
Unity Baptist Church 1005 Catawba St. 704-825-8730
Upper Room United Pentecostal 1405 Armstrong Ford Rd. 704-825-0604
416 Woodlawn Ave. 704-824-1745
North Main Baptist Church
Cramer Memorial United Methodist Church
1304 N. Main St. 704-827-6141
Redemption Hill Church
Restoration & Deliverance 804 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-820-0954
Revival Tabernacle of Mt. Holly
230 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-0968
Chapel Baptist Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-5526
First Baptist Church
Life Church
105 Pine Rd. 704-827-3856
501 Cramer Mountain Rd. 704-824-4286
River of Life Full Gospel Church
Riverside Baptist Church 171 S. Main St. 704-824-7785
740 Rankin Ave. 704-827-5181
West Cramerton United Methodist Church
Shiloh AME Zion Methodist
207 Lowell Ave. 704-824-4213
1117 Old NC Hwy 27 704-827-8826
St. Anthony of Padua Traditional Catholic Church
108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd. 704-827-8676
The Barn at Sandcastle Farm 155 Sandcastle Rd.
St. Paul FHB Church 1529 Old Hwy 27 Rd. 704-827-5851
Tuckaseege Baptist Church
Gateway Cowboy Church
STANLEY Amazing Grace Baptist Church
511 Tuckaseege Rd. 704-827-4301
7280 Sifford Rd. 704-827-6277
Way of the Cross Baptist Church
Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran
238 Lanier Ave. 704-827-8111
203 S. Main St. 704-263-2621
Wesley Chapel Holiness Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-1993
Westview Presbyterian Church
Community Pentecostal Center 320 Ralph Handsel Blvd. 704-263-8731
First United Methodist Church
Community Christian Fellowship
1020 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-2026
2560 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-5881
First Presbyterian Church
Bethlehem Church
512 Old Mount Holly Rd. 704-263-4275
Core Church 707 Westland Farm Rd. 704-822-8033
Cornerstone Family Worship 709 Rankin Ave. 704-671-8640
Covenant United Methodist 110 Underwood Dr. 704-820-0603
Family Worship Center 1013 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-7656
Finish Line Christian Center 1792, 108 N. Main St. 704-980-285-8334
First Baptist Church-Mt. Holly 300 S. Main St. 704-827-2481
First Free Will Baptist Church 841 Noles Dr. 704-827-7461
First Presbyterian Church 133 S. Main St. 704-827-0521
First United Methodist Church 140 N. Main St. 704-827-4855
3100 Bethlehem Church St. 704-823-5050
Carolina Community Baptist 604 Martha Ave 704-824-2872
Center Baptist Church S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-4121
5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-263-2691
Gold Hill Missionary Baptist Church 7447 Old Plank Rd. 704-827-7966
New Faith Baptist Church 1224 Mayberry Rd. 704-263-0249
Epic Church
New Life Baptist Church
100 Indian Walk 704-671-4652
527 N. Buckoak St. 704-263-4647
Lowell Church of God
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
804 W. First Street 704-824-3383
2717 Dallas/Stanley Hwy. 704-263-4406
Lowell Free Will Baptist Church 3010 Lowell Rd. 704-824-9389
Lowell Smyre United Methodist Church
Springfield Memorial Baptist Church 2920 Dallas-Stanley Highway 704-263-4426
Stanley Church of God
201 N. Main St. 704-824-8814
324 N. Main St. 704-263-4041
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Stanley Pentecostal Holiness Church
120 Branch St. 704-824-4535
113 E. Parkwood St. 704-263-2131
First Baptist Church of Lowell
Trinity Full Gospel Church
400 W. 1st St. 704-824-1215
303 Sunset Dr. 704-263-9765
Goshen Free Will Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
1300 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-3076
317 W. 1st St. 704-824-1213
Grace Baptist Church
New Life Church
300 Westland Farm Rd. 704-827-8600
128 Robbins St. 704-824-1356
Hickory Grove Baptist Church
Presbyterian Church of Lowell
3717 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-827-3939
207 E. 1st St. 704-824-3807
Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s Witnesses
Restoration Church
1736 Kelly Rd. 704-263-0199
1800 Spencer Mountain Rd. 704-824-5250
112 White Jenkins Rd. 704-681-2017
Lighthouse Full Gospel Church
Woodlawn Baptist Church
530 N. Hawthorne St. 704-827-1442
1101 N. Main St. 704-824-4261
Living Witness Ministries
Goshen Presbyterian Church
513 Woodlawn Ave. 704-827-5185
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
143 Church St. 704-824-5380
Roper Street 704-601-5146
110 S. Main St. 704-827-4751
McAdenville Baptist Church
Grace Korean Ch Assembly-God
Bethel Baptist Church
Macedonia Baptist Church
124 Georgia Belle Ave 704-965-1004
NC Highway 273 704-827-9846
1951 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-9224
Will of God Church
East Wilkinson Blvd. 704-824-5319
Ridgeview Baptist Church
5339 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-8252
Cramerton Temple of God Church
235 8th Ave. 704-824-1991
541 Costner St. 704-827-0004
Gaston Christian Church
154 N. Main St. 704-824-3831
826 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-2999
Second Baptist Church
Hood Memorial AME Zion Church
Cramerton Free Will Baptist
1529 Old Hwy. 27 Rd. 704-827-5851
1120 Charlotte Ave. 704-530-5174
151 Henry Chapel Rd 704-825-0711
151 8th Ave. 704-824-3889
Lakeview Baptist Church
192 Main St. 704-824-2740
McAdenville Wesleyan Church 300 E. Wesleyan Dr. 704-824-1073
United In Action of Stanley 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-524-0555
Welcome Baptist Church 811 Mauney Rd.
Bright Light Baptist Church
Don’t see your church listed? Email us today at
For information on getting your business listed here call 704-825-0580
Thursday, August 12, 2021
The Banner News /
Scenes from Stanley Jamboree The Town of Stanley held another street dance concert evet last Thursday. A beautiful evening brought out Stanley’s beautiful people. Here are some scenes. Photos by Bill Ward
Page 9
The Banner News /
Page 10
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Basketball is life, the rest is merely paperwork
Brooke Wilkinson away and drove home, to Davidson. When it ended the second time, she eventually became Chief Financial Officer of Wilkinson Family Incorporation, the umbrella of her family’s two car lots, finance company and real estate interests. She works with her dad, Jeff Wilkinson, and her brothers, Kevin and Tyler. “I retired from the sport. My family laughs at me because I call it a retirement. I took six months off and didn’t work anywhere,” she says. “I visited people, traveled to Myrtle Beach for a month to visit my grandma, hung out with my nephews, honestly just laid low and got my time back and regrouped about what I wanted to do for the future. It took me six months to figure that out.” Then the phone rang. Wilkinson was chosen for the Mount Holly Sports Hall of Fame. “I was very shocked, very humbled. It’s definitely something I never would have thought of being considered for,” she says. “I’m so very grateful. Not a lot of people get that in their lives. My mom and dad are over the moon.” It had been 20 years since she started play on the Stanley Junior High, then Stanley Middle, basketball, softball (she played shortstop) and track teams, and was named MVP of each. She was the county Division II track meet MVP in 1998 and the school’s Athlete of the Year for 199798. At East Gaston High School, she totaled 1,265 points, 572 rebound and 384 assists as a 5-foot-8 point guard and graduated as the second-highest girls team scorer in school history. The night she joined the 1,000point club, coach Ernie Bridges said, “She is one of the most athletic individuals I’ve coached in my 14 years, male or female.” She won numerous basketball awards, was MVP in softball in 2002, her senior year, and made the All-Charlotte Observer Team and was an All-Charlotte Observer
Scholar Athlete. She also was senior class president. “I’m never the kind of person to do nothing. If I had free time, I’d fill it with something else, so I was lucky to be voted class president. There were a couple of late nights, and I had to learn time management very quickly, but my mom (Sharon Bryant) is a very academic person, and she wasn’t going to let my academics fall because of sports,” Wilkinson says. “As long as I could keep my grades where they were, that was my end of the deal. She definitely helped me.” In her first game at Gardner-Webb, she led the team with 14 points. Her senior year, 2006, she was on the honor roll, won the Coaches Award, made the Atlantic Sun Conference All-Academic Team and led the team to its first tournament championship game in school history. She also lived the demands of being a Division I athlete. “I know kids whose dream is to be a D1 athlete. That was mine. I was going to do it no matter what,” she says. “But, it’s a whole other level. We worked out four times a day. We weight-trained. We conditioned at 5 a.m. We had study hall for two hours. It was a job within a job. I try to remind people, other college students get weekends to go home. We had two-a-days on weekends, or were flying to a game. I was very much supported by my parents. There are two things that are important to me, and that’s Jesus Christ and family, and that’s why I chose Gardner-Webb, because it’s a Christian school.” Her first coaching job was point-guard coach at Wingate University from 2006 through 2008. One of her players, Anna Atkinson, was 2008 Regional Player of the Year, the season the team made the NCAA Division II Tournament Elite Eight. While point guard coach and recruiting coordinator at Mars Hill from 2008 through 2010, her player Brittany Young was the leading scorer in the South Atlantic Conference. Wilkinson returned to
Gardner-Webb as recruiting coordinator/ assistant for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 seasons. The women won the Big South title in 2011 and made their first-ever appearance in the NCAA Tournament. During her short break in 2012, Wilkinson thought she could relax. Didn’t happen. “I thought I was ready,” she says, “but I wasn’t.” She took the job at Gaston Day School and coached the team to an undefeated (10-0) conference season and 23-6 record overall. She was Southern Piedmont Athletic Association Conference Coach of the Year. Then came Lincoln Memorial, as associate head coach (2014-15) and, finally, Lynchburg. “Honestly, I was about 30 when I went back to Gaston Day, then Lincoln Memorial, and being a college coach is fantastic – you’re living your dream, but it’s a lot of hours. Your whole life goes into coaching, taking care of your team, travelling all over the world. We went to Canada; I went overseas recruiting. And it’s fun, until you realize that in two months, you’ve only been at your house two nights.” Now, her criteria as a recruiting coordinator can be used for day-to-day life: “The first thing is attitude. Was there a good attitude? How did they respond if they missed a shot or made a mistake? Before you even look at talent, look at attitude,” she says, “because every person wants to play. If they struggled, were they giving it their all? Recruit the person, not just the athlete.” BY THE NUMBERS Stanley Junior High/ Middle School 1996-1998: Softball, girls track and girls basketball Most Valuable Player, 1997-98; County Division II track meet MVP, 1998; Stanley Athlete of the Year, 1998. East Gaston High School 1998-2002: Three-time crosscountry MVP 1999, 2000, 2001; All-Conference volleyball, 2000; All-Conference cross country, softball and
basketball, 2000, 2001, 2002; All-Gazette basketball 2001, 2002; Coaches award 2000-01 and Best Offense award 200102, basketball; Best Defense, softball 2000; Warrior Award, softball, 2001; MVP softball, 2002; Gazette All-Tournament, and Charlotte Observer All-Tournament, softball, 2002; East Gaston Female Athlete of the Year, 2002. Gardner-Webb (player) Class of 2006: Four-year starter; third in G-W Div. I history with 106 games played; Most Versatile player 2005; 2006 Atlantic Sun Conf. AllAcademic team; 2006 Coaches Award; Team was conference tournament runner-up in first conference title game in Div. 1 history, 2006. Wingate University 20062008: Assistant coach, 200607, 2007-08; NCAA Div. II South Atlantic Conference runner-up 2007; conference champion 2008; regional champion 2008; NCAA Div. II Tournament Elite Eight, 2008. Mars Hill University 20082010: Recruiting coordinator/ assistant coach; college professor; NCAA Div. II South Atlantic Conference Tournament quarterfinalist; Top 25 for Division II team GPA. Gardner-Webb University (coach) 2010-2012: Recruiting
coordinator/ assistant coach. Big South Championship, 2011; First-ever NCAA Div. I Tournament appearance, 2011; Player Dominique Hudson invited to WNBA draft, signed professional contract overseas. Gaston Day School 20132014: Season record 23-6 and undefeated (10-0) in Southern Piedmont Athletic Assn. Conference; N.C. Independent Schools 2A State Tournament quarterfinals; Conference Coach of the Year 2014. Lincoln Memorial University 2014-2015: Associate head coach/ recruiting coordinator; NCAA Div. II South Atlantic Conference Tournament quarterfinals. Virginia University of Lynchburg 2015-2016: Senior women’s athletic administrator/ associate athletic director; college professor; head coach; most school wins in one season. After having had to cancel the 2020 event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mount Holly Sports Hall of Fame is pleased to announce that the 2021 event will be held on August 21, 2021 at the Mount Holly Municipal Complex at 6pm. Tickets are available for $20 at Moose’s Pharmacy and David’s Detailing.
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By Kathy Blake She grew up in a small town, where boys didn’t notice, or care, that their teammate was a girl. She was as good as them, or better, and her two brothers – one older, one younger – let her tag along, bring her skills. “I would just sign up for anything. I played with all the guys in rec league, and I was the only girl,” she says. “I grew up in Stanley, and I have a younger brother and we were always on the same team, and I always made All-Stars. In a small town, it didn’t bother them. They didn’t offer any girls programs at the time. “I was just one of the boys, and I wanted that, my parents wanted that, and they didn’t treat me any different. I have a great memory of it all.” Brooke Wilkinson played basketball, mostly, but experimented with softball and track and field, because when you crave competition, it’s yearround. Her first girls-only team was sixth grade basketball, then softball a year later. But it was basketball that became an essential accessory, like wearing a favorite watch, or toting your lucky pocketknife everywhere, even on Sundays. She needed to play it, coach it, recruit its next devoted. “Sometimes, especially when we went to All-Stars, they realized I was a girl, but that was being around teams from other counties. It definitely helped with my competitive side. I’m crazy competitive,” she says. “I think it helped with other things, like getting athlete of the year, and getting a scholarship. It helped on all those levels.” Wilkinson, who turned 36 in August, played for Stanley Junior High (a.k.a Middle School); East Gaston High and Gardner-Webb, on a full ride, where she was a four-year starter. She coached at Wingate University – where she earned a Master’s degree – and Mars Hill, in Mars Hill, N.C.; at Gardner-Webb in Boiling Springs; Gaston Day School; Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tenn.; and Virginia University of Lynchburg. In between there, the basketball ended once, in 2012. She thought she could handle being away, taking a regular job at her family’s business. But the sport pulled like a magnet, and in 2013 she let it take her back. Her journey that started with Stanley neighborhood pick-up games now led to Gaston Day School, then to Lincoln Memorial, as associate head coach and recruiting coordinator. It ended, for the last time, in 2016 with Lynchburg in her rear-view mirror, after a year as head women’s coach and senior women’s athletic administrator/ associate athletic director. She had the most wins, ever, in one season that year and was a college professor. One of her courses was organizational leadership. Wilkinson put basketball
The Banner News /
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Page 11
Mount Holly Police Dept. 2020 Annual Report The Mount Holly Police Department has published their 2020 Annual Report. This is the first Annual Report produced by the MHPD, and will be followed each year with a new edition. The MHPD 2020 Annual Report includes information regarding programs, initiatives, budget items, activities, and statistical data. There is an interactive feature that allows the reader to access additional information as well. “The 2020 Annual Report serves as a snapshot of where the MHPD is now, and where we hope to advance with input from our commu-
nity and partners” Chief Don Roper. The department produced a number of copies that were distributed to community members, businesses, and partner agencies. The report has been placed on the City of Mount Holly web page for the public to view. Anyone wishing to view the 2020 Annual Report can go to and click on the Police Department tab under Departments. There is also a link to the report on the Mount Holly Police Department Face Book page (@MHPDNC).
The Belmont Abbey women’s soccer team was awarded a Bronze version of the United Soccer Coaches College Team Ethics and Sportsmanship Award. Teams can receive either the Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze version. This award recognizes teams that exhibit fair play, sporting behavior and adherence to the laws of the game, as reflected by the number of yellow caution cards or red ejection cards they are shown by referees throughout the season. Belmont Abbey has now received an award for seven years in a row. To receive a Platinum, a team may not accumulate any red or yellow cards during the season. The Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards are based on how many cards a team receives, and how many games they played.
Working and living with a sense of purpose and meaning may lead to long life
Baptism... Full Gospel Church in Mt. Holly recently held a baptism service. Pastor Judd Burnett (left) baptized a number of folks. The church is at 1120 W. Charlotte Ave. Services are Sunday School 10 am, Sunday Morning Service 11am, Sunday night service 6pm, Tuesday night Service 7 pm. Photo provided
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By Scott Mautz Here’s a news flash: In today’s world, work and life are intertwined beyond separability. We’d love to work longer, more productively, with more passion, and live that way too. Which is why a study published in May 2019 caught my eye. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association by a team of University of Michigan researchers. The team analyzed data from the 27-year-old Health and Retirement Study (a U.S.-based, nationally representative well-being study) and found that one thing led to people living longer. That one thing is inescapably interwoven with happiness, fulfillment, and maximum productivity at work. Working and living with a sense of purpose and meaning. The researchers found that those who had meaning and a sense of purpose (as measured by answers to questions from well-being self-assessments) lived longer lives than those who’d self-reported little to no sense of purpose and meaning. Other University of Michigan research (2010) clearly shows that working with a sense of purpose and meaning leads to far greater engagement, motivation, productivity, and retention. Purpose is the profound “Why?” Having it creates a sense of mission to do something worthy. It’s your significant “yet-to-do” in life. Purpose integrates who you are with what you do. It inspires us to renew our commitments and stretch further to manifest it, which is why having a sense of purpose in your work is so powerful. So the case for working and living with a sense of purpose is crystal clear. But
how to enable that? One word: introspection. In my book Make It Matter, I shared a set of introspective questions, the answers to which can help you identify your work and life purpose. I’ll share a selection of those questions here. To unlock your purpose, consider each of the following: 1. What are your superpowers? Don’t be modest. You know what you’re really good at. How can you leverage that strength, like a superhero, to do good for the world? When you choose to use that strength towards a purpose, something bigger than yourself, it elevates to superpower status. 2. What are your values and beliefs? What do you most strongly believe in--to the extent it helps guide your everyday actions? Staying true to those non-negotiable values is one of the simplest, most direct ways I encourage people to work and live with a sense of purpose. And when people at work see you unswervingly living your values, even in times of adversity, it’s downright inspiring. 3. What would you do for free? Pay attention to what you’re doing when you lose track of time. What do you daydream about? Those things you get absorbed in can be signals of something you were meant to do and that if you pursued further would bring profound meaning. 4. What have been your happiest moments? What were you specifically doing in those moments and what about them brought you such joy? Look for themes. The common threads can provide clues as to what your purpose might be. 5. What have you learned
from career misfires and triumphs? Wrong turns in your career, while also being valuable learning experiences, help you bring the contrasting triumphs into focus. Reflect on what was happening during both misfires that brought pain and victories that brought joy. Who were you in those times? What did you excel or flounder at? Clues to your purpose lie within. 6. What deed needs doing? What is your cause? What problem needs solving? What does the world need that you’re well suited to provide? Note the higher-order, bigger-than-you, nature of each of these questions. Our purpose often feeds something greater than ourselves. 7. What would co-workers miss if you weren’t there? This speaks to those inspiring, magnetic characteristics you have that others are drawn to and well-served by. What would be missed could be telltale signs of what you can perpetuate and accentuate in service of your purpose. 8. What would people say you were meant to do? What characteristic would others feel compelled to speak about in your absence? What have others said about your talents? Have you ever heard the phrase, “Wow, you could be a ______”? Still more clues on the path to purpose. So be purposeful about discovering, articulating, and living and working with purpose. Lots of things will be longer (and deeper)--your work, life, happiness, and fulfillment. Scott Mautz is a keynote speaker and the author of Find the Fire and Make It Matter. Follow him on Twitter @scott_mautz.
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Page 12
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Carports • Garages • Portable Storage Buildings Metal Roofing and Accessories 704-482-7880
Basket Making Class Saturday, August 21st Belmont Historical Society is partnering with local artisan, Nancy Duffie, to offer a class in basket-making at the museum on Catawba Street. The selected project for this class is a tobacco basket: as described in Carolina Country Magazine, “Tobacco baskets, once a common utilitarian product in the tobacco markets, have become a hot commodity as wall art in homes across the country. The first baskets were made in Kentucky, but North Carolina became the primary
producer of tobacco baskets by the late 1800’s.” These baskets are also beautiful as tabletop decor. The class will be held on August 21st and seats are limited. Registration is $50 per person and must be paid in advance. The fee includes all materials needed for one basket. To secure your spot, contact Elizabeth Atterberry at 704-813-2648 or Martha Page at 828-455-1937 no later than Friday, August 13th.
Extension Master Gardener program coming up Don Boekelheide will be speaking August 19, 2021, 10:00 – 11:00 am on “Fall Food Gardening” for the Extension Master Gardener August program. The event will be held at the Citizens Resource Center, 1303 DallasCherryville Highway, Dallas, NC. There is no admission charge and reservations are not required. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Linster at balinser@ or 704-674-0860. About North Carolina Extension Master Gardener Volunteers
EMG Volunteers support the mission of North Carolina Cooperative Extension by educating residents about safe, effective and sustainable gardening practices that grow healthy people, gardens, landscapes, and communities. Our vision is a healthier world through environmental stewardship. We have 100 + Gaston County members. If this is of interest to you; you may want to consider taking our next course. Contact Julie Flowers, Horticulture Agent for Gaston County, at (704) 922-2104 or
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Thursday, August 12, 2021
Page 13
Belmont Mayor Charles Martin and Cramerton Mayor Will Cauthen shared the stump... actually a large stone.
A large crowd showed up for the ribbon cutting and to try out the new Rocky Branch Park trail.
Photos by Alan Hodge
Rocky Branch Park now open By Alan Hodge
After months of being closed due to a major upgrade project, Belmont’s popular Rock Branch Park was officially reopened last Saturday with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Numerous dignitaries as well as members of the citizenry were on hand for the event. “I hope everyone gets a chance to use this great property,” said Belmont mayor Charles Martin. Cramerton mayor Will Cauthen agreed. “This is a great partnership with Belmont the trail is stunning,” The upgrade project was done by Chapel Hill based Nature Trails. Crew members tackled tasks like bridge building, brush clearing, and trail blazing. When asked about the re-opening of the park City Manager Adrian Miller stated, “These improvements to Rocky Branch Park came from a grassroots group of Belmont residents wanting to make the park and its trails more accessible to more people, not just mountain bike enthusiasts. They built on the original vision for the park from 2013 and worked with the City of Belmont, Town of Cramerton, Gaston County Schools, and the Carolina Thread Trail to make it happen. They have spent the past three years planning, coordinating, and fundraising to provide the nicest mountain bike and trail walking park in the area. We appreciate all of their efforts to make this vision a reality, especially with the amount of private funding for the project, which reduced the cost to our taxpayers.” According to Parks and Rec. director Zip Stowe, the purpose of the major up-
grades was to make Rocky Branch a more walkable and a family friendly oasis of outdoor area just a couple of blocks from the heart of downtown. So, why was the project undertaken? “The trail was widened to give it multi-purpose use,” said Stowe. “Several of the old bridges were taken out and replaced with seven new ones. The trail will be a lot better for walking. There’s also a new split rail fence.” Improved drainage and erosion control was also included in the work. The improved trail is nice and wide and covered in crushed gravel. The new bridges are sturdy and crosses the creek at several scenic locations where the water flows over large and small stones. The overall feel is like being in a deep and lovely forest despite the fact that downtown Belmont is barely a mile away. “We hope to bring groups to the trail for activities such as nature walks,” Stowe said. “It’s nice and peaceful in the woods.” Future phases include the construction of a 1.1 mile intermediate trail loop (for mountain biking, hiking and trail running) which is underway, a 1.1 mile advanced trail loop (for mountain biking only) to follow, and a bike skills area adjacent to the Belmont trailhead. The progressive trails will include natural-element bike park style features such as rock gardens, boardwalks, jumps, and dirt drops. This creates the region’s most unique, volunteer supported, urban trail systems for bikers, hikers, and outdoor enthusiast to enjoy. The Rocky Branch Park trail is the first and only intermuncipal park trail in Gaston County. It begins on Woodrow Ave. in Belmont
and ends behind the EMS station on Eagle Rd. in Cramerton. Park History Rocky Branch Park was developed in 2012 as a partnership between Belmont City Council, Belmont Police Department, South Main Cycles, Piedmont Area Singletrack Alliance and community volunteers as a Belmont Police Department outreach project. In May 2012, Officer Douglas Huffstetler and a group of volunteers led the initial construction effort by creating the first trails and bridges in the park. The park’s growth continued in January 2013, when the City of Belmont entered into a land use agreement with Virginia Feimster, allowing the city to use her property, significantly increasing the size of the park. In 2016, the non-profit trail advocate, the Tarheel Trailblazers, signed an agreement with the City of Belmont to maintain and develop the trails at Rocky Branch Park, appointing Bruce Euler as the Trail Coordinator. Bruce led a team of community and Tarheel Trailblazer volunteers to construct an additional four miles of trails and features. In December 2018, the Tarheel Trailblazers executive board appointed a group of community members to serve on the newly-formed Rocky Branch Park Committee. The Committee’s charge was to create an inclusive, progressive trail system connecting Belmont to Cramerton. Facilitated by partnerships with the City of Belmont, Town of Cramerton, Carolina Thread Trail, Gaston County Parks and Recreation, and Gaston County Schools, the Committee engaged Community Trail Design to develop a master plan for the park that was adopted by Belmont City
Rocky Branch Park Committee chair Dave Baker addresses the Council in October 2019. ribbon cutting throng. The Committee led fundraising efforts to construct the newly designed park and Nature Trails LLC began construction in January 2021. Support from local businesses included Greenworks, Feel Good Meals, South Main Cycles, MB SouthEast and DesignTech. Corporate support was provided by REI Co-op, Gaston Community Foundation, AmerisourceBergen, Duke Energy, Atrium Health and CaroMont Belmont city clerk Jamie Campbell and daughter Peyton get Health. Over 100 community snacks ready for the ribbon cutting crowd. donors contributed to investing in this project in addition to support from the City of Belmont and Town of Cramerton. A special thank you to the members for the Rocky Branch Park Committee for all of their time and efforts over the last three years on this project. Their passion and dedication to this project has helped make this park an amazing asset to both the Belmont and Cramerton communities. Belmont resident Bob Atterberry checking out the new signage.
This group walked the trail on Saturday. Bob and Elizabeth Atterberry, Anna Young, Doris Mitchell and Jeanette Rodriquez.
The Banner News /
Page 14
Thursday, August 12, 2021
To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 ANNOUNCEMENTS
MOVING SALE. Lawnmower 14HP, 42” cut, tillers, weedeaters, yard/garden power tools, treadmill, furniture, Greenhill area. Call to see 828-286-3529
NEED A LABORER At Auto Parts U Pull & Scrap Metal of SHELBY. Must have a valid driver license. Apply in person at 1025 County Home Road, Shelby, NC. 28152. 704-4724666.
THE SPANGLER REUNION will be Sunday, August 15th, Double Shoals Baptist Church, 12-Noon, followed by lunch. Please bring well-filled basket.
REVIVAL AT CHARITY BAPTIST CHURCH 113 Charity Church Rd., Lawndale, NC with Bro. Johnny Owens August 8-11, Sunday, Homecoming Service at 10:30am, Meal to Follow; and Mon.Wed. at 7:00pm. Special Singing Each Service! Including: The Chosen Few, The Gene Owens Family, The Crossroads Rescue Men, and others. (704) 419-4574
COINS * COINS * COINS. We Buy & Sell Coins. “Coin Collector Supplies.” JAKE’S KNIVES & COLLECTIBLES. 1008 South Lafayette Street, Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 (980) 295-5568
EMPLOYMENT SALVATION ARMY STORE IN SHELBY has part-time positions available for store clerks, truck driver and truck helper. Apply in person at 305 N. Lafayette St., Shelby - 9am-12noon or 1pm-4pm Monday-Thursday. WANTING TO HIRE: ORDAINED PASTOR for a small, non-denominational, traditional Christian church in the Shelby area. Send resume to: “Pastor”, 836 East Main Street , Shelby, NC 28150 NOW HIRING. Come Grow with us Now Hiring Operators and Laborers, Competitive Pay, Apply online at Piedmontllc. com or call 704-600-6534 FULL TIME EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC. Apply In Person at 1900 Elizabeth Ave., Shelby, NC
CALL HENRY DODGE. 704470-5241. For Free Estimates on Home Improvement needs. Laminate Floor Installation, $2.50 per square foot. For Labor only.
ROB’S LAWN CARE. I do lawns in the Shelby Area. Reasonable Rates! Call 704-4875065 or (704) 297-0325
NOW HIRING LANDSCAPERS FOR FULL TIME YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT. Must have valid driver’s license and transportation. (704) 473-0341 NEED HELP TO SIT WITH ELDERLY LADY. Days, Nights and Weekends. In the Bostic Community, Rutherford Co. Compensation depends on qualifications. (She does have cats) If interested call Cathy @ 828-447-2419
LOCK ‘N’ ROLL STORAGE. “ALL NEW” 10’x10’ and 10’x15’ Storage Units Available. Self Store Dawn til Dusk. Secure and Convenient! Located at 1002 Polkville Rd., (Hwy 226 N.) Shelby. Located next to 5 Star Auto Sales. or Call (704) 484-4112
IN NEED OF A ROLLBACK DRIVER. Auto Parts U Pull & Scrap Metal of Shelby, Must have experience and a good driving record. Apply in person at 1025 County Home Road, Shelby, NC (704) 472-4666 FULL TIME MAINTENANCE MAN NEEDED. Maintain rental properties. Must have valid NC Drivers license. Pay depends on experience. (704) 473-4299 ONE ON ONE CARE is hiring for all shifts. Full/part-time hours available. Group homes are 6 beds or less. CNA/Nursing assistant jobs available but not required. No exp. necessary, all trainings included. Please apply in person at 203 Lee St., Shelby. NOW HIRING Roofing Laborer. Call 704-477-0516. JOB FAIR SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 2021 8AM TO 12PM at 2080 HWY 226 BOSTIC, NC. Be part of a company that has been around for over 150 years! Milliken’s Golden Valley location is hiring for the weekend crew. Hours are 1st shift 8am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday or 3rd shift 8pm to 8am Saturday and Sunday. Once hired by Milliken full benefits package will be available for part time employees to include: Benefits include: • Medical—Blue Cross Blue Shield • Dental—Cigna • Vision—VSP • Short-Term Disability • Life Insurance • 401K with a company match • Nurse Practitioner Program • Paid Vacation and Holidays (828) 245-8787
BUSINESS SERVICES HANDYMAN SERVICES. NOW IS THE TIME for all your pressure washing needs. Offering: mulching, trees and bushes trimmed, clean flower beds, minor repairs, decks stained & restored. Any Handyman Services. No Job too Big or Small! References available. We will show up and do the job. Call us first, 704-692-4449. RETIRED GENERAL CONTRACTOR AVAILABLE for small job repairs and fixes. Deck repair a specialty. Rutherford/Cleveland County areas. Bob, 828-476-6058. TRACTOR & DUMP TRUCK SERVICE. Bush Hog, scrape driveway, gravel parking pads, lot clearing and much more. Reasonably priced and insured. Call Chuck 704-692-7536. (704) 692-7536
ROOFING, SIDING, GUTTERS, LEAF GUARDS. Tim’s Roof Contractors is your local professional on all types of shingle roofing, metal roofing, Flat roofing and we install all styles and colors of vinyl siding, soffits, fascia trim and aluminum wrap. We are highly rated on Google 4.9 stars with 135 reviews/ BBB accredited with an A+ rating/ Background checked plus Owens Corning Preferred Contractors status. We offer Free Quotes / Roofing repairs and replacement services. Call us to talk to the local pro for services in Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln and Rutherford Counties. Call us today 980-522-5606 or contact us through our website We would like to earn your business. (980) 522-5606 sales@
CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Summer Tuneup Special, $59.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704477-9119 or 704-472-9367. IT’S TIME TO TRIM CREPE MYRTLE TREES. Spreading Mulch or Gravel, minor chainsaw work and storm clean-up. I can do many of your outside chores with over 15 years experience all over Cleveland County and stretching to the Forest City area. Nice, honest, dependable, clean, drug-free, he’s an all around great guy and handyman, so call Rob today and see what I can help you with. 980-295-0750.
HOME HELPER/COMPANION. Assist with activities of daily living. Excellent references. Cherryville, NC and surrounding areas. Call Denise, 614-551-1658. Thank you. REAL ESTATE CLASSES. Register for Real Estate Prelicense, Postlicense and CE at Top-Rated Virtual Programs - Engaging Instructor - High Pass Rate. (828) 333-7059 thomasresnc@ SHIPMAN’S MASONRY- 48 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Brick, Block & Stone, Outside Fireplaces, Foundations, Underpinnings. “Free Estimates”. 1st Quality Work! (863) 532-1587 TRIPLE D PAINTING LLC. All your painting needs, free estimates, over 25 yrs experience! Framing, facial boards and much more wood work available! Making your home, building or business look new again. (704) 418-5736
GREY POWER LIFT RECLINER, (CATNAPPER). Never used. Paid $736 at Laughlin’s in Shelby. Asking $500. (828) 748-7973
HORSE QUALITY HAY. Square and round bales, also 3x3x8’ bales. Call (704) 4876855
KING KOIL QUEEN SIZE pillow top, firm, 12 inch depth mattress set. Excellent condition. Cash only $400.00 Forest City. 828-305-1834 ENCLOSED TRAILER IN STOCK. Dump trailers in stock and more on the way! J. Johnson Sales, Inc., Forest City. 828-245-5895. KILL ALL YOUR WEEDS! Ranger Pro 2.5 gallon. $44.00. 828-287-3272. 50+ TRAILERS IN STOCK NOW. More on the way! Areas largest selection, quality, best price. J. Johnson Sales, Inc., Forest City. 828-245-5895. HAVE A STORAGE BUILDING NOT USING, OUTGROWN IT? Sell it, trade in for new bigger one. We take trades, we buy used buildings. Must be factory built, able to move. J. Johnson Sales INC. 828-245-5895.
ESTATE/YARD SALE Sat Aug 21st, 2021 from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Estate Yard Sale, Furniture, household items, Tom Clark gnomes, tools, too much to list. 837 East Main Street, Shelby NC Shelby, NC 28150 (828) 2446597
ALL METAL GARAGES. Big Discounts! Zero down. Call for more details. 828-382-0455.
HUGE YARD SALE Sat., Aug. 14th, 2021 from 7:00 AM - Until Craft supplies, household/ kitchen items, linens, bird houses/cages, framed needlework and pictures, furniture, some probably antiques. 471 Beason Road, Mooresboro, NC Mooresboro, NC 28114
REFRIGERATORS, STOVES, WASHERS, DRYERS. Discount Prices. 1205 Earl Road, Shelby NC. (704) 487-4443
BIG INDOOR YARD SALE. Sat, Aug 14th, 8:00am. Beauty salon equipment, antique parlor set, children’s toys, Christmas wreaths, much more. Rain or Shine! A&S Center, 425 Cherryville Road, Shelby, NC 28150 LOCK ‘N’ ROLL STORAGE. “ALL NEW” 10’x10’ and 10’x15’ Storage Units Available. Self Store Dawn til Dusk. Secure and Convenient! Located at 1002 Polkville Rd., (Hwy 226 N.) Shelby. Located next to 5 Star Auto Sales. For Info Call (704) 484-4112
Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon
RUTHERFORD COUNTY YARD SALE. 397 Mt. Pleasant Church Rd, Forest City, NC, Tue., Aug 10th -14th 8am until. Too much to list. For more info call 828-245-4496 Forest City, NC 28043
ANTIQUES UNIQUE ANTIQUE STATION: Farm House Decor, Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage Toys, Jewelry and MORE. Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-4pm. 985 US 74 Business Hwy., Ellenboro. Find us on FB. 828-382-0075.
FOR SALE Great Deal! Duncan Kiln 31 inches Tall Outside 22 inches Top Inside 17x19 call 704-487-7715
WOOD FOR SALE Sale wood for $100.00, worth $300.00. Some has to be cut. 704-9744247. SYRUP CANE MILL. 3 Yard Vacs. Horse Drawn Pan. Call for info. (704) 931-0335 ONE CEMETERY PLOT in Boiling Springs for sale. $700.00 negotiable. 980-2898841 JOHN DEERE RIDING MOWER. 42” riding mower. Good condition. $250. (704) 4737726 USED CAMPER TOPS: BUY/ SALE/TRADE. Various sizes and styles. 828-980-0881. CAMPFIRE WOOD BUNDLES FOR SALE. Seasoned wood, stretch wrapped. Similar size to convenience stores/ home centers. $4.50 per bundle. (704) 435-3970 RIDING/PUSH MOWERS, GARDEN TILLERS, GOKARTS, MINI-BIKES. Ready to mow. All in excellent condition. Can deliver, 30+ years experience in repair work. 828980-0853, 704-476-9383. FOR SALE Great Deal! Carolina Panther Season Tickets Available 2 Seats in Section 202 Lower Level 10 Games Total $2500.00 828-429-2963
PROPANE GRILL. Master Forge propane 5-burner grill with rotisserie and side burner. Manual ignite. $100. Call John @ (704) 473-7726 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Long wheelbase load, Full loaded. $70.00/load. Delivered. 864492-4793 or 803-627-9408.
DALE EARNHART SR. SOUVENIRS for sale. 704-4660401, (704) 487-9653 DOLL COLLECTORS! Very rare German made 1911 (year) Shilling Doll. Excellent condition. $450. (704) 434-0848 NEW POWER LIFT RECLINER Paid $736. at Laughlin’s Furniture in Shelby. Sell for $500.00 Never used, grey catnapper. 828-748-7973.
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788 TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. (704) 434-6389 ACEPHATE FIRE ANT KILLER. Works great! $12.99. Call 828-287-3272. NEW CANNING JARS with Lids & Seals. $17.67 per case. Call 828-287-3272. PROPANE GRILL TANKS REFILLED. Only $10.99. Call 828287-3272. UTILITY BUILDINGS, STORAGE BUILDINGS. Steel, Wood, Vinyl. Some fully insulated, 1 to 2 day delivery if buy from stock. Cash or low down payment with monthly payments. No credit ok. J. Johnson Sales INC. 828245-5895. 16X40 OR TWO STORY BUILDINGS BUILT ON SITE. 1 DAY INSTALL. J. Johnson Sales INC. 828-245-5895. FLAG POLES, FLAGS IN STOCK. Pickup or we deliver and install available. J. Johnson Sales INC, Forest City. Call 828-245-5895. DEER CORN. SHELLED, 50lbs, $10.05. 828-287-3272. CARPORTS, GARAGES, BUILDINGS, RV, BOAT COVERS IN STOCK. Areas largest on site display. Best selection, quality price. J. Johnson Sales, Inc. 2690 Hwy. 221S., Forest City. 828-245-5895. HAVE A TRAILER NOT USING? SELL IT! J. Johnson Sales INC. Buy, Sale, Trade trailers. Must have title. Call 828-245-5895.
LOST & FOUND LOST! POCKET BOOK TAKEN FROM CAR. South Shelby Area. Reward offered for return. (704) 466-3627
WANT TO BUY WANT TO BUY R-S Central yearbooks. 75 and older. Call 828-748-9774 DANNY’S AUTOWERKS. Buying used or junk cars. Competitive prices. Call Danny 828-289-3081 or Jimmy 828289-1175. INTERESTED IN ZERO TURN MOWER. I’m interested in buying a zero turn lawn mower. (No Kohler Engines) Call 704-3008201 WANT TO BUY. ATV’s, PopUp Campers and Small Travel Trailers. Call 828-429-3935. NEED TO SELL YOUR HOUSE? I PURCHASE UNWANTED RENTAL PROPERTY AND/OR STARTER HOMES. MUST BE PRICED TO SELL! “QUICK CLOSINGS”! Call 704472-0006.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
The Banner News /
Page 15
To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 WANT TO BUY
WANT TO BUY: STAMP COLLECTIONS and accumulations of same. Call 828-6529425 or 954-614-2562.
FREE TO A GOOD HOME. Two Border Collie-Blue Heeler, 2 year old dogs, in need of a loving home with wide open space. Finn (boy) and Rey (girl) are two sweet and lovable litter mates. Rey is smaller and has some back leg issues. Finn is very active. They are great family dogs. They come together as a bonded pair. (704) 915-8886
AKC REGISTERED LABRADORS. Chocolate AKC Registered Labradors for sale. Vet checked, 1st shots and papers in hand. $800.00 (828) 3456215
WE BUY JUNK VEHICLES. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR VEHICLES RUNNING OR NOT, MUST HAVE A TITLE OR ID. (704) 487-5244 CRESTMIDDLE@AOL.COM LOOKING FOR A MEDIUM SIZE USED TRACTOR AND BUSH HOG. Prefer John Deere. 704-466-0401, (704) 487-9653 WANT TO BUY CARS, TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006 CASH FOR YOUR CAR running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-692-6767, (704) 487-0228 I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197 WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.
FARM & GARDEN 12 ROUND BALES COASTAL HAY. 4.5’ bales. $35 each. Hwy 221 south of Chesnee, left of Cow Bridge Road. (864) 7069738
COCKA- POO PUPS. Cockapoo Pups born June 6. Parents on site, tails docked, declawed. Will weigh 15 to 25 pounds, Very tempermental, $900.00 each 828305-2181 or 980-622-3058 CHICKENS, TURKEYS, PIGS, FOR SALE Roosters and Hens for sale. Ameraucana, True Blue, Black Copper Marans, Red Sexlinks, and White Leghorns. Born March 2020. Also, have some soon to be laying, born April 21st, 2021. And some born May 23rd, 2021. Hens $15. Roosters $8. Turkeys. 1 White Broad Breasted hen $35. 1 Red Bourbon Tom 1 year old $50, 2 Spanish black poults born March 9th, 2021 $50. Each. 2 Bronz Broad breasted poults born March 9th, 2021 $50. Each. 2 Red Bourbon poults born April 27th, 2021 $25 each. 1 Red Bourbon poult born May 29th, 2021 $25. 2 Chester White/ Duroc pregnant (gilts) pigs born approximately April 2020, due approximately 1st of September. $500 each. 1 Durok boar 8 weeks old $100. Also have Homemade well built Chicken houses/tractors. Pictures available. 828 691 3025 (828) 6913025
2015 GMC YUKON XL DENALI. 4x4, Pearl White, 94,000 miles, Leather, Sunroof, 20” Alloys, Heated & Cooled Seats, $38,900. “Top of the Line!” Call (704) 482-0441
2007 BUICK LACROSSE V-6, At, All Pwr, local Forest City car, 160k miles, $4800, call 828-980-8461
CAMPERS FREE 5TH WHEEL. Not livable. Good for scrap and tires. (704) 750-4081 2014 CEDAR CREEK SILVERBACK 5th wheel, 33 ft., 3 slides, great condition. $32,000. 864-237-5359
GUINEAS KEETS BABIES AND BANTAMS. Guineas Keets Babies $5.00. Bantams Babies $2.00 for sale. One to two weeks old. (704) 476-9943
HOUSE FOR SALE 3 BR, 1 BA, 2 car garage, Front screened in porch on 1/2 acre lot. Come and see. 148 Hicks Road in Grover. 980-291-3515
MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT. Mobile Homes for Rent in Kings Mountain, NC. 2 bedrooms renting at $795.00 per month. Call Today. (704) 554-8861 frontdesk@
2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, 704-739-0259. LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, (704) 482-7723
RUTHERFORD COUNTY 1/2 ACRE LOT UNRESTRICTED!! Near TIEC, $15,000. Call 864-909-1035 or visit: www.
2019 KAWASAKI NINJA 600 ZX-6R. Excellent condition, only 400 miles! $10,800 firm. 704-692-8029.
VACATIONS OCEAN LAKE BEACH HOUSE 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Also pullout couch, golf cart. Weeks and weekends. 704472-5182 OCEAN LAKES MYRTLE BEACH. Cottage N34. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den, kitchen, dining, covered deck, near country store. Call Dorcas, 803-7182659, (803) 635-9831
APARTMENT FOR RENT. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $500, Deposit $500. Application Fee $25. 1321 S. Lafayette St, Apt H, Shelby NC (704) 4724666
HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, (704) 487-6354
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. $190 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. Visit us online at Oakwood Rentals, Shelby. Call (704) 473-4299
1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES. Shelby, NC. We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list. Rent is based on income (and some expenses are deducted). Call or visit us today, Laurel Hill Apartments 704-487-1114. Equal Housing Opportunity.
NICE 2BR, 2BA MOBILE HOME FOR RENT (Off Old Post Road in Cherryville). Fridge & Stove included. $675/mth + $400 deposit. Greg - 704-472-6555 or Tim - 704473-5744.
RUTHERFORD COUNTY 2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $500 per month. 828-382-0475.
MOBILE HOMES & APARTMENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417
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1986 MINNIE WINNIE $1820 20 ft. Class C, 5.7L engine, sleep 4-6 pers, 81k miles, info at, non smoker owner. (910) 448-2081
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1984 FLEETWOOD PACE ARROW MOTOR HOME. 30 FT., 85,987 miles. $8,995 firm. Never be homeless! 828-4530828.
MOTORCYCLES & ATVS 2004 BMW RT 1150 Hard bags, 86K miles, blue. (704) 538-8625
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HEDGEHOGS AND SUGAR GLIDERS HOME. Male and female are available for both babies. Contact us if interested and for more info (915) 201-5269 deanwillson8@
2012 PUMA 26’ TRAVEL TRAILER. Clean like new, new AC, new skylights, 4 new tires, slide out, queen bed, TV incl, Tow and set up equipment incl., $15,000. Call 828-475-9807 or (704) 538-5637 nancyh47@
CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES 9 adorable pure Chihuahua puppies for sale. $200 ea. Variety of colors. 6 to 8 wks old. Parents on site. No papers. Dewormed. Text if interested (704) 860-7379 lacyorlucy@
PUG PUPPIES. AKC Pug Puppies, Fawn, Shots, Wormed, and Starter Kit. $800 each. Ready now. (828) 413-5399
NEW 2021 SUZUKI DR 650 DUAL SPORT MOTORCYCLE. Asking $4,500. Mint condition, warranty transferable. Call 864-279-7840. Inman, SC.
1993 FORD F-150 CARGO VAN for Sale. 60,000 actual miles. 6 cylinder, AT, AC, new tires, Excellent condition. $5,950.00. 704-487-0550 or 704-678-3954.
NEW SOUTHERN 5 FT. BUSH HOG. $1,250. 828-287-3272.
AKC CHOCOLATE AND BLACK PUPS. Big and blocky pups will be 8 weeks old on August 28th. Will have first vaccination and dewormed weekly. Pups come from proven retriever waterfowl and upland bloodlines. Our pups get lots of socialization. They come with a 1 year health guarantee, 30 days free pet insurance, health records and going home package. Like us on Facebook at Harkey’s Labrador Retrievers for videos and pictures of parents and pups. Both sire and dam have wonderful temperaments. $800 each. (704) 4724695
Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon
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The Banner News /
Thursday, August 12, 2021