Banner-News 8-4-22

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Gaston County’s

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Thursday, August 4, 2022


News from a neighbor! Volume 88 • Issue 31

Our Mission: Moms In Prayer International impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.

• Belmont • Cramerton • Lowell • McAdenville • Mount Holly • Stanley

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Belmont Community Garden on comeback trail By Alan Hodge

Plans are afoot to rejuvenate the downtown Belmont Community Garden. The garden is located on N. Main Street behind the row on businesses on the Stowe Park side. The garden dates to 2014 and is on a lot owned by Jonathan Taylor. The idea for a community garden was hatched when Taylor and some friends were sitting around relaxing. The concept that was fleshed out involved creating a community garden, then renting 50 square foot raised bed plots in it for $50 a year. The garden flourished for several years, literally and figuratively speaking. However, a variety of challenges

arose, not the least of which was water, and the garden shriveled to just a few operational beds. Enter Ryan Murphy. He’s the director of sustainability and event coordinator at Honeycomb Café’ just up the street from the garden at 31 N. Main. Murphy is also schooled in the ways of growing things. He graduated from Clemson University in 2019 with a BA in Agriculture. In 2021 he earned a MA in Plant and Environmental Science. The garden drew Murphy like a magnet. “I have a passion for agriculture,” Murphy said. Murphy and Taylor connected, and a deal was struck See GARDEN, Page 5 Students from Belmont Middle School Art Club pitched in and painted rain barrels for the Belmont Community Garden. Brianna Beaver (center) is their teacher. Photo by Alan Hodge

City of Mount Holly announces Brian Reagan as new Police Chief By Mary Blomquist Brian Reagan will officially begin his new role as Police Chief of the City of Mount Holly on August 1. Reagan has served as Deputy Chief of Police for the past eight years. “We are excited that Brian Reagan is stepping into this role as Chief of Police for our City,” says Mayor Bryan Hough. “He has a significant amount of experience, a passion for Brian Reagan service, and a clear vision on how to support his department while also supporting the community.” See CHIEF, Page 4

Take the Banner-News along on Summer Vacation...

Rapid progress being made on new Belmont Parks and Rec. building By Alan Hodge

Work on the new Parks and Rec. facility for Belmont is moving forward at a prodigious rate. Last week saw employees from Edifice General Contractors and other companies continue working like beavers at the site on E. Catawba St. in front of the CityWorks building. The new building will be two stories high and have 45,000 sq. ft. of space. It will feature basketball courts, a media room for gaming, an exercise studio, a kitchen, a kids play area, and a large lobby. It will also feature a walking track, an exercise room, a catering kitchen, and a lounge. The second floor will have a balcony with sweeping views of the Catawba River and Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park across the road. A recent visit to the job site showed the building’s structural steel skeleton completed. The section nearest Catawba St. is See PROGRESS, Page 6

Belmont Parks and Rec. director Zip Stowe, project manager Andrew Simonds and Sheba The Wonder Dog are all pleased at how well progress on the new building is coming along. Photo by Alan Hodge

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R ECOLLECTIONS Don’t bug me Earlier today, I tried to sit on the porch and sip a so-dee pop and a yellow jacket sniffed it and wanted some so he “ran me off’. Tried to sit on the deck and eat a peanut butter cracker and a shoot fly (I substituted shoot for the real word to keep it clean) kept diving down and licking the goodie so I had to come in. Tried to pick some termaters from the garden and some sort of ant bit me on the arm which produced a stinging sensation and red welt and I had to come in the house. You think the house is bugless? Got up the other night to visit the restroom for a sip of water and there reposing in the sink was a dead palmetto bug. What, some of you’uns may wonder, is a palmetto bug? It is like a roach on steroids and size-wise about like the butt end of a ceegar or your thumb. To go off on a tangent, many years ago Sharon and I had a close encounter of the palmetto bug kind at Kure Beach. We stayed at an oceanfront hotel room and I left the sliding glass door open to enjoy the swishing and swooshing and thudding and whisper of the surf. I had left a box of Krispy Kreme donuts on the top of the dresser. In the wee hours of the night, I got up and flicked on the light and much to my astonishment saw a platoon of palmetto bugs in the donut box eating the deliciously glazed treats as fast as their mandibles could work. Well, when the light hit them, those rascals bailed out of the box and scurried to a hole in the screen door and disappeared into the salty air night. When they were leaving the box, they looked like paratroopers jumping out of an aircraft. Regular cockroaches are something else I have intimate…..well, personal…well…practical knowledge of. Once when I was a kid we lived in a house where German cockroaches were present. Achtung! Those schweinhunders would come out at night and run rampant. Once I felt one crawl across my face as


R EFLECTIONS Get off the fence!

I was half in and half out of the Land of Nod. You could get up at night and flick on the light and see them inverted on the ceiling. Finally, my mom called an exter- Alan Hodge minator, and he took Banner-News Editor his squirt gun of poison and sprayed it all over the house and the German cockroaches were soon kaput but we coughed and wheezed for a week from the fumes. Oh, down the street at the abode of my pal at the time Brutus, he opened a kitchen cabinet door one day where his mom Magel had left a pie and the cockroaches were holding high carnival on it in heavy masses. I read somewhere that if you took all the insects on the planet, their total weight would be more than the weight of all humans. That’s a lot of bugs. I had a friend in my youth named Marty Edwards. These days he lives in the wilds of Cherryville (hey, Marty!). He was a combat veteran of Vietnam but scared stiff of spiders. Show Marty a spider and he would freak out. I worked with a guy named Reid Bullock at UPS who had a bug phobia. Once, some person with a twisted mind put a bug in Reid’s coffee cup and when Reid lifted it up and the bug hit his lips/nose region he took off running and did not stop for a considerable distance. I am not scared of bugs. I just hate them… all except for the beautiful butterflies in my garden. I know that they all have a purpose and were created by an entity or higher power or personage or something with a lot more sense than me…but for too many species it seems their main purpose is to drive humans buggy much to their own creepy, crawly, delight.

Rev. Trent Rankin Salvation Church, Gastonia, NC

When I was a kid, I can remember playing with friends near my house. There was a field nearby that had a fence around it. The fence was electrified to keep the animals penned in. I remember testing the fence to see how much it would shock us. I can still remember how that felt! One thing about that fence, you certainly wouldn’t want to sit on it! As people, it’s easy to sit on the fence. It can be comfortable, and a lot less trouble than taking a side. However, as God’s people, we aren’t called to remain on the fence. God desires faithful Christians on fire for Him. In Revelation 3:14-22, Jesus spoke to the church of Laodicea. Even though this was one of the great early churches of the faith, they had a problem. Jesus said they were neither cold, nor hot. They were lukewarm. Like lukewarm water, Jesus said He would spit them out of His mouth. They saw themselves as having everything they needed, yet Jesus knew they were lacking. He called on them to repent and to change their ways. Jesus reminded them that He was knocking on their door, waiting to come in. If we were to look at our lives, rating ourselves, how

Post P Scholarship awarded to Gaston Christian School grad Post P of the Travelers Protective Association of America recently presented its annual scholarship to Karissa Smith, a 2022 graduate of Gaston Christian School. Karissa was chosen to receive the $500 scholarship for her academic achievement, outstanding character, community service involvement, and exemplification of the three cardinal virtues of TPA - TRUTH, PATRIOTISM, AND ALTRUISM. She will be attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Travelers Protective Association of America promotes safety, with a special focus on child safety, and is widely known for its “WATCH THAT CHILD” and “MAKE SAFETY FIRST and MAKE IT LAST” ongoing campaigns as well as for its C.H.A.D. (Children Have an Identity) project. The stickers provide child identification and are used on carseats, bookbags, bike helmets, skateboards, etc. TPA is also a leader in providing a wide range of community service both locally and nationally.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

would we rate in our walk with Jesus? Would we be lukewarm as well? Sometimes as people and churches we can find ourselves on the fence. We love God, worship from time to time, tithe some, and occasionally read the Bible. However, Jesus isn’t the top priority. He isn’t truly Lord of our lives. Perhaps we go through the motions, doing what we have always been doing, yet Jesus is not the main focus. We are sitting on the fence. Jesus called on the Laodiceans to repent. He wanted them to correct their focus and get serious about Him again. We need repentance too. It’s time to refocus

on Jesus. It is time again to see Jesus as sovereign in our lives, Rev. Trent Rankin and our churches. We can achieve noting in our lives or our churches without Jesus as our head. In a time with so many in need of God, so much at stake, it is time for Christians to come down from the fence. No more lukewarm people. Christians living for Jesus every day can change their families, churches, and their communities with Jesus. He is standing, knocking at our doors, ready to come in.

Creating memories with dignity & respect 101 Oak Grove St. Mt. Holly, NC 28120



Jennifer Rider Hall 704-524-5873

Phone 704-827-8526 Office: 503 N. Lafayette St. Shelby • NC 28150

4,000 copies published every Thursday and available free throughout the Montcross area at over 70 locations. Alan Hodge - Editor

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Greg Ledford - Display Advertising

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Mike Marlow - Distribution Banner News publisher and its advertisers are not responsible or liable for misprints, typographical errors, misinformation herein contained. We reserve the right to edit, reject or accept any articles, advertisements, or information to be printed in this publication. We will provide ad proofs for pre-paid ads or ads that are placed by established clients. , INC No proofs may leave our premises without “Creating Business For People” payment and permission and are copyright by Community First Media. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. No individual or business is permitted to place or attach any flyer, poster or any type of advertisement of any kind to our boxes or on our racks. CANCELLATION OR CORRECTION DEADLINE: The cancellation deadline is the same as the order deadline because much of our cost is involved in the production of the ad itself. If you have to cancel an ad after deadline, it may be necessary to charge for the time and materials we’ve already spent on preparing the ad. Display & Classified Deadline is Friday at 12 Noon. APPROVAL: All content is accepted subject to approval by the publisher. ERRORS: We want your ad to be accurate and correct, and normally there will be no errors. However, should there be an error and it is our fault, we will give you a correction letter and return (or give credit) for the actual space occupied by the incorrect item. Of course you should notify us of the error, before the ad runs a second time. COPIES: One Free copy of Banner News is available per household. Additional copies are available at our office for a $1.00 charge per issue.

a publication of

Pictured- Post P’s Secretary David Payseur presenting the $500 check to Karissa Smith, with her mom, Shelly Smith, and Scholarship Committee member Linda Payseur participating. Additionally, Post P helps fund the Association’s national fund for the hearing impaired. The Scholarship Trust awarded $62,375 to 89 recipients during the 2021

grant period. TPA is a 132-year-old fraternal, benefit organization that continues to grow both locally and nationally in its membership and its many

services. For more information on the Travelers Protective Association/Post P, membership, safety projects, etc., contact David Payseur, Secretary, at 704/865-3005.


The Banner News /

Thursday, August 4, 2022

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Habitat For Humanity of Gaston County launches “House That Faith Built” campaign Habitat for Humanity of Gaston County launches its “House That Faith Built” campaign – a faith-based effort to raise $150,000 for the construction of one home within its forthcoming Dixon Village. This home sponsorship is part of a larger goal to raise $1.2 million for eight Habitat homes in the innovative neighborhood. Habitat is currently developing the 7.5acre community in North Belmont. Two-thirds of its 28 homes will provide af-

fordable workforce housing for Habitat families and essential workers – hometown heroes such as teachers, firefighters, police officers and healthcare employees – and one-third for market-rate homebuyers. This mixed-income neighborhood will be the first of its kind in the greater Charlotte region and meets a growing need for affordable housing in Gaston County. The “House That Faith Built” campaign will unite members of the faith

South Point High Class of 1972 South Point High School class of 1972 50 year reunion is coming. Friday Oct. 21, 2022 - South Point High School Football Game (Lineberger Stadium). Saturday Oct. 22, 2022 - Lunch in the park. Kevin Loftin Park. Noon - 4:00 pm. BBQ dinner (pork, chicken, fixings). $25.00 per person. Saturday Oct. 22, 2022 6:00 pm - Social after party. TBD More info to come. Reach out to: Beth Bass Hollars 704- 689-0698; Phyllis Davie Mack 704- 345-0785; Danny Clawson 704-860-5528; Audie Murphy 704-578-2167; Mickey Lineberger 704-6169769 or Beth Bass Hollars on facebook.

Check us out online @

community to reach out to a neighbor in need by providing a home sponsorship for a Habitat family in the Dixon Village neighborhood. Said Kay Peninger, executive director for Habitat Gaston, “Our theme of ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ will bring

us together to put God’s love into action by building a home with an affordable mortgage for a family.” Added Rev. Ray Hardee, Habitat board and House That Faith Built committee member, “It does take a village to build a village. We

County’s 7th confirmed rabies case of 2022 On Friday, July 22, 2022 at 11:42 am, Gaston County Police Animal Care and Enforcement was notified of a positive rabies specimen that was sent to the North Carolina State Lab by Carolina Wildlife, an area wildlife rehabilitator. On Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 7:30 am, a raccoon, appearing to be sick, was located by a resident in the 1000 block of Brookwood Drive, Stanley, NC. The resident captured the raccoon and transported it to Carolina Wildlife Conservation Center the same day. After examining the animal, Carolina Wildlife determined that the raccoon needed to be euthanized and tested for rabies.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL PICNIC Belmont Moose Lodge 122 Robert Russell Rd. Belmont, NC 28012 (704) 825-3721 Saturday, August 6th 2PM TO 5PM

First 100 kids get a free backpack full of school supplies $2.50 lunch: Hot Dog, Chips and a drink KIDS EAT FREE Featuring: Y Belmont First Responders with emergency vehicles! Y SafeSurf® - Child ID with Fingerprints and internet safety advice for parents

Carolina Wildlife sent a rabies specimen to the North Carolina State Lab on Thursday, July 21, 2022. The raccoon tested positive for rabies. Animal Care and Enforcement completed a neighborhood canvas in the 1000 block of Brookwood Drive, Stanley, NC to notify the community of the positive rabies result and to verify rabies vaccinations for family animals in the area. Gaston County Animal Care and Enforcement also notified the Gaston County Department Health and Human Services. The Gaston County Police Animal Care and Enforcement stresses the importance of having an up-to-date rabies vaccination for all of your pets. By keeping your pet’s current on their rabies vaccines, you are protecting them from contracting the disease from wildlife and spreading the disease to your family and other animals, and people in the community. Furthermore, it is important to never handle or transport sick wildlife. The animal could have rabies. Gaston County residents should contact Gaston County Police Animal Care and Enforcement to capture and transport sick wildlife. This represents the seventh confirmed rabies case in Gaston County this year.

pray together to our heavenly Father that He will help us make a difference with people who want to make a difference at a time that makes a difference.” The campaign’s goal is partnership with 15,000 people of faith to raise the full $150,000 needed for the Habitat home. Interested donors can contribute by texting HGFAITH to

44321 or mailing a check to Habitat for Humanity of Gaston County, Inc. at 1840 E Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC 28054 with the memo HGFAITH. Gifts are also accepted online at (please add the word HGFAITH in the comments so the dollars are designated for this campaign).

Belmont Rotary installs president Whitney Norton (left) accepted the gavel as president of Belmont Rotary Club from outgoing president Seth Sherrin at a recent meeting. Norton told members the club will focus this year on service to senior citizens in need, informing students and others to help combat a growing drug problem in the county and increasing club visibility. Sherrin was presented a plaque in appreciation for two years of service as president during the COVID pandemic. In its 97th year and preparing for a centennial celebration in 2025, Belmont Rotary is the second oldest Rotary club in Gaston County. Weekly lunch meetings and programs on topics of local interest are on Wednesdays,12:30 1:30, at Home2 Suites by Hilton in Belmont. Guests interested in learning more about Rotary are welcome.

Gaston County Police Night Out On Tuesday, August 9th, neighborhoods throughout Gaston County are being invited to join forces with the Gaston County Police Department for Gaston County’s 8th Annual National Night Out. Residents are invited to spend the evening outside with neighbors and police at Biggerstaff Park located at 1303 Dallas Cherryville Hwy, Dallas NC to celebrate this free community event from 6PM to 9PM. The event is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime efforts, strengthen police-community partnerships, and send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. This year’s event will feature, live music, free hotdogs, chips, drinks, snow cones, popcorn, and more. The event will also include K-9 demonstrations, pony rides, free fingerprinting for Child I.D. kits, free games and prizes, a fire smoke house, emergency vehicle displays, and booths featuring child safety information and much more. The Gaston County Police Department

will showcase a static display of its specialized unit police vehicles on site. Officers will be on hand to speak and answer questions for attendees about their roles in each of the specialized units within the department. Those scheduled to be present include patrol officers, K-9 officers, and members of the Bomb Team, Marine Unit, Crime Scene, Negotiators, members of the Emergency Response Team (ERT), and Animal Care & Enforcement. Public safety officials from other local police departments, fire departments, and rescue squads will be on hand as well. In addition, there will also be numerous non-profit agencies and organizations attending, that will be providing free resources and information to guests attending this year’s event. Headlining this year’s event will country music cover band Tim Hall and Buffalo Country. So come prepared to eat, dance and have an AMAZING time. For more information, please contact Officer C.E. Owens with the Gaston County Police Department at 704-862-6286 or

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Thursday, August 4, 2022







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Isolated Thunderstorms

Partly Cloudy

Isolated Thunderstorms

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PM Thunderstorms

as well as his professional and educational background, demonstrates his readiness to take on the position of Police Chief. He is a dedicated law enforcement professional who has earned the respect of his fellow officers. This is an exciting next step for our City.” “I look forward to strengthening the bonds that

already exist between my community and the Mount Holly Police Department, and, as Chief of Police, I will also strive to build new ones,” says Chief Brian Reagan. ”I want to thank everyone for this opportunity, and I look forward to working with you all to keep Mount Holly safe and beautiful.”

CHIEF From Page 1

Mt. Holly mayor Bryan Hough swears in Brian Reagan as new police chief. Reagan replaces Don Roper who retired July 28. Photo by Alan Hodge

Gaston County secures state grant to expand broadband to underserved areas vider awarded a grant had to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program, which offers a $30 per month discount on high-speed internet service for eligible low-income households. More information is available at Gaston County was one of a dozen counties awarded money for broadband expansion. In total, the state awarded more than $23.4 million in grants, which will help provide new broadband internet service to nearly 7,000 households and 374 businesses across the state, according to a release from the Governor’s Office. More than 300 applications were submitted for this round of GREAT

grant funding. The $741,846.85 from the state comes from American Rescue Plan Act funding, and requires a local contribution of $130,914.15, which will be split between the County, through federal ARPA funding, and Spectrum Southeast, LLC.

Crystal Creek Stables of Mount Holly “Learn Safety & Trust with Horses, Ride with Passion”

Crystal Giles Carter Western Riding Instructor/Owner

Western Horseback Riding Lessons, Spring/Summer/ Winter Camps, Onsite Lesson Parties 210 Glenn Drive, Mount Holly, NC 28120 704-913-4710, cell RSVP

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704-487-8114 •



THE MAN OF MAGIC HAWLEY MAGIC Friday, August 19th 8:00 PM Tickets Available

New in-person strength training workshop for seniors Beginning in September, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, in partnership with the Common Ground in Stanley, will offer its newest workshop designed to help older adults improve their strength and mobility, as well as build healthy eating habits. LIFT, which stands for “Lifelong Improvements Through Fitness Together” is a national program sponsored by Virginia Cooperative Extension and consists of 16 sessions. Each session will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, September 27 through November 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All sessions will be at the Common Ground, located at 5481 Hickory Grove Rd., Stanley, NC. Facilitators in-

clude Linda J. Minges and Macrae Walters. “This workshop makes such a difference in the lives of participants,” said Minges, a program instructor. “Participants find they have more energy for everyday tasks, enjoy connecting with others, plus build healthy habits such as eating more fruits and vegetables.” There is no charge for the course, but registration is required. To register or for more information, contact Linda J. Minges, with North Carolina Cooperative Extension, at linda_minges@ncsu. edu or 704-922-2127. The registration deadline is September 6, and group size is limited.


Saturday, August 20th 8:00 PM Tickets Available

JAMES GREGORY Friday, September 23rd 8:00 PM Tickets Available

PAM TILLIS Saturday, September 24th 8:00 PM Tickets Available

MENTION DISCOUNT CODE 9911 For A 10% Ticket Discount When Ordering Online Or In Person.


The North Carolina Department of Information Technology’s Division of Broadband and Digital Equity recently announced Gaston County as a recipient of nearly $750,000 to expand broadband internet access to underserved portions of the area. The funds are part of the Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) grant, and will allow for broadband service to be extended to 178 households and businesses in rural portions of Gaston County. The County will partner with Spectrum Southeast, LLC, to provide the service. Any internet service pro-

As a life-long resident of Belmont and Mount Holly, Chief Brian Reagan has a desire to see the community he was raised in grow and flourish. Chief Reagan has called Mount Holly home for over twenty years, and has a desire for Mount Holly to remain safe while keeping its smalltown charm. Chief Reagan was called to serve as a police officer 21 years ago at the Mount Holly Police Department, where he has remained for the entirety of his career. Over the course of his illustrious career, he has served on the Patrol Division as a Patrol Officer, K-9 handler, and Patrol Sergeant; the Investigations Division, as a Detective; and Administration, as the Deputy Chief of Police. Chief Reagan has a formal education from Gaston College and Western Carolina University. He has also attended various training courses dealing with multiple facets of law enforcement to earn his Intermediate and Advanced Law Enforcement Certificates from the North Carolina Department of Justice. City Manager Miles Braswell says, “Brian Reagan’s performance and experience over the past 21 years,

Thursday, August 4, 2022

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Ryan Murphy is planning on bringing the Belmont Community Garden back up to speed. Ryan Murphy giving Belmont Middle School Art Club students an agricultural lesson.

GARDEN From Page 1

to let Murphy work at getting the garden going again as a 501 c3 non-profit. “I want to bring back the garden’s energy,” Murphy said. One of the first things that needed looking after in a garden refurbishment is making sure the remaining beds have enough water. The original large cistern is still in place, but water containers were needed closer to the crops. Murphy arranged for students in the Belmont Middle School Art Club to paint 55-gallon plastic water storage barrels in Picking peppers. fanciful and colorful designs. The outcome not only gives the garden a festive look, but A cornucopia from the Belmont Community Garden. it will also water the plants via solar powered pumps and rate volunteers in the near Besides the garden, Murhoses. future as we continue to build phy is also working to es“The barrels are the first out the community aspect tablish a farmer’s market in step in fixing the water issue,” of the garden,” he said. “We Belmont. said Murphy. planted our summer crop in “The focus will be on local For now, the garden will May and may flip some of the produce and natural prodnot be open to the public, but beds for a fall crop in Septem- ucts,” he said. “I am looking that could come in the future. ber. For now, the garden is for a possible location.” “I am working to get insur- harvesting produce to sell to According to Murphy, a ance,” Murphy said. “Hope- Heirloom Restaurant to gen- potential schedule would have fully by next spring we can erate monies to expand the the market open on Thursday offer garden memberships garden. Beginning next year, once a month from 3:30pmwith around twenty rented our hope is to be working with 7pm during September, Ocbeds.” a community organization that tober, and November. There Murphy described other serves underprivileged mem- would be twenty to thirty vengarden goings on. bers of our community so that dors. 10% of harvest from the Com“The city is helping and “I have been tending the munity Garden is donated to it’s very exciting,” Murphy garden, but hope to incorpo- those in need.” said. Murphy explains tomato harvesting.

The colorful rain barrels painted by the Belmont Middle School Art Club.

Tomatoes in the garden.

Photos by Alan Hodge

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Belmont Parks and Rec. building project scenes.

Zip Stowe takes a minute to pose in front of the work site.

PROGRESS From Page 1

called “Pad A” and the walls and ceiling are up. Interior walls are being framed in. The larger structure, “Pad B”, nearest CityWorks has the framework done and concrete floor in place. Parks and Rec. director Zip Stowe explained the situation. “Slab A will have the multipurpose room, lounge, gaming room, offices, event room, and outdoor balcony,” Stowe said. “Slab B will have

the basketball courts, indoor soccer area, and walking track.” According to Stowe, furniture is already being ordered. “It will be coming from a variety of sources,” he said. Project superintendent Andrew Simonds is on the job every day and seems pleased with the progress so far. It’s been going really well,” Simonds said. A tentative date for open-

These architectural renderings give a good idea of how the building will look when completed early next year.




ing has been set. “We are looking at a ribbon cutting on May 4, 2023.” Stowe said. According to Stowe, Belmont is the only town in our area without its own structure where things like basketball games can be held. What currently serves the city as a parks and rec. place is the decades old J. Paul Ford Center on Woodrow Ave., but the city’s needs have far outgrown that one medium sized building. Just a few of the activities the new center can host includes pickle ball, gymnastics, cheerleading, karate, movies, ping pong, dance, badminton, classes of various types and many, many more. Folks will be able to rent space in the building for meetings, weddings, birthday parties, and that sort of thing. Stowe sees the new center not only as a boon to the local activities scene, but as an economic driver as well. “The center will be a place where we can hold events such as basketball tournaments and invite as many as fifty teams,” he said. ‘This will bring people to Belmont who will shop, stay in local hotels, and eat in local restaurants. It will be a big boost economically.”

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Photos by Alan Hodge

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Page 7

Rowing & Robotics Summer Camp was a hit A group of kids recently attended the Entrepreneurial Mindset Summer Camp Row-

Our eclectic music mix is the perfect backdrop for your sun-day fun days!

ing & Robotics. This was a G.E.M. Class camp sponsored by The Community Policing

Project and Techworks Gaston. The camp proved to be exciting as it brought together

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kids, community and police to learn team building with an “Entrepreneurial Mindset”. The camp included all level robotic builds, robotic competitions, and exciting field trips. Also included was the “Entrepreneurial Mindset” training through “G.E.M.” class, which stands for “Growth Entrepreneur

Mindset,” which exercised the mind. This was a fourweek camp with rowing in the morning androbotics in the afternoon. The rowing portion was held at the Belmont Rowing Center while therobotics portion will be held at Techworks Gaston. The camp ran from June 14-July 7. The camp was a partner-

ship of three non-profits; The Community Policing Project, Techworks Gaston & Belmont Rowing Center in an effort to provide opportunity for All kids and prepare them for success with an Entrepreneurial Mindset and Innovative approaches. The camp also met the STEAM/STEM education model.

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Banner News Fellowship & Faith

Church Directory Centterview Centerview erview w Baptist Church Church Acme Rd •Belmont, NC

Mt. Holly Church of God 208 Rankin Ave. 704-827-8596

Mt. Sinai Baptist Church 339 S. Hawthorne St. 704-827-4320

New Covenant United Methodist 14514 Lucian Riverbend Hwy. 704-827-4468

New Providence Baptist Church 1104 Old NC 27 Hwy. 704-827-0822

New Saint Paul Holiness Church 1529 Old Hwy. 27 Rd. 704-827-5851

North Main Baptist Church

826 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-2999

Ridgeview Baptist Church 105 Pine Rd. 704-827-3856

River of Life Full Gospel Church

6014 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-7959

1120 Charlotte Ave. 704-530-5174

Henry’s Chapel Ame Zion Church

Second Baptist Church

151 Henry Chapel Rd 704-825-0711

Containers/Trailers Sales & Storage Rental

704-867-2317 BELMONT Alexander Memorial Baptist Church 208 South Main Street 704-825-3216

Brotherhood/Sisterhood WNCC UMC 120 Park Street 704-825-1333

Catawba Heights Baptist Church 311 Belmont Road 704-827-8474

Christ Church Presbyterian Church 901 Catawba Street 704-461-8614

Core Church 2316 Acme Rd. 704-822-8033

CrossFix Ministries 6131 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-879-4499

Crossroads Church 101 Beaty Rd. 704-827-8381

Centerview Baptist Church 2300 Acme Road 704-827-2061

East Belmont Baptist Church 501 Catawba Street 704-825-5780

204 Lincoln St. 704-825-8342

Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter 216 N. Main St. 704-825-2483

Message of Love Church 306 Pearl Beaty Dr. 704-827-6500

Mount Moriah Baptist Church 110 Lincoln St. 704-825-2046

Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist 212 South Street 704-825-7269

New Hope Presbyterian Church 4357 S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-1697

New Life Baptist Church 201 Oak Trail 704-822-6195

New Mills Chapel Fire Baptized 104 Morning Glory Ave. 704-825-5457

O’Conner Grove Church Ame Zion 613 N. Main Street 704-825-5576

Park Street United Methodist 120 Park Street 704-825-8480

Power of the Spirit Church

320 E. Catawba Street 704- 825-8845

Queen Of The Apostles Catholic Church

Ebenezer United Methodist Church 120 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road 704-827-3366

Exodus Church 6325 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-755-5034

First Baptist Church 23 N. Central Avenue 704-825-3758

First Foursquare Gospel Church 8 Elizabeth Street 704-825-5811

First Presbyterian Church 102 S. Central Ave 704-825-3357

First Presbyterian-Belmont 112 S. Central Ave 704-829-0668

First United Methodist Church of Belmont 807 South Point Road 704-825-2106

Fresh Anointing Church of God 71 McAdenville Road 704-825-7283

Friendship Baptist Church 5008 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-3276

Gaston Christian Church

1117 Old NC Hwy 27 704-827-8826

Loves Chapel Presbyterian Church

East Belmont Church Of God

909 Edgemont Ave 704-825-5346

Shiloh AME Zion Methodist

455 Sacco St. 704-825-6007

118 School Street 704-827-7071

East Belmont Free Will Baptist

740 Rankin Ave. 704-827-5181

Hood Memorial AME Zion Church

503 N. Main Street 704-825-9600

Sanctuary of Praise Ministries 124 Georgia Belle Ave. 704-579-7823

South Point Baptist Church 124 Horsley Ave. 704-825-9516

South Point Freewill Baptist 297 Gaither Rd. 704-825-8045

South Point United Methodist 510 South Point Church Rd. 704-825-4019

Springwood Freewill Baptist 826 Stanley-Spencer Mtn. Rd. 704-827-7801

St. Marks United Methodist Church 701 Secrest Ave. 704-825-8175

The Pointe 6700 Wilkinson Blvd 704-825-1709

Unity Baptist Church 1005 Catawba St. 704-825-8730

Upper Room United Pentecostal

210 Park Street, Belmont NC

704-825-9861 Burge Memorial Methodist Church 312 W. Glendale Ave. 704-827-2726

Catawba Heights Church of God 122 Tomberlin Rd. 704-827-4225

CBC-Memorial Apostolic 230 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-0968

Chapel Baptist Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-5526

Community Christian Fellowship 2560 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-5881

St. Anthony of Padua Traditional Catholic Church

Cramerton Free Will Baptist

154 N. Main St. 704-824-3831

Cramerton Temple of God Church East Wilkinson Blvd. 704-824-5319

First Baptist Church 235 8th Ave. 704-824-1991

Life Church 501 Cramer Mountain Rd. 704-824-4286

Riverside Baptist Church 171 S. Main St. 704-824-7785

West Cramerton United Methodist Church 207 Lowell Ave. 704-824-4213

108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd. 704-827-8676


St. Paul FHB Church

The Barn at Sandcastle Farm 155 Sandcastle Rd.

1529 Old Hwy 27 Rd. 704-827-5851

Gateway Cowboy Church

Tuckaseege Baptist Church


511 Tuckaseege Rd. 704-827-4301

Amazing Grace Baptist Church

Way of the Cross Baptist Church 238 Lanier Ave. 704-827-8111

Wesley Chapel Holiness Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-1993

Westview Presbyterian Church 1020 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-2026

Cornerstone Family Worship


709 Rankin Ave. 704-671-8640

Bethlehem Church

7280 Sifford Rd. 704-827-6277

Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran 203 S. Main St. 704-263-2621

Community Pentecostal Center 320 Ralph Handsel Blvd. 704-263-8731

First United Methodist Church 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-263-2691

First Presbyterian Church

Covenant United Methodist

3100 Bethlehem Church St. 704-823-5050

512 Old Mount Holly Rd. 704-263-4275

110 Underwood Dr. 704-820-0603

Carolina Community Baptist

Gold Hill Missionary Baptist Church

604 Martha Ave 704-824-2872

7447 Old Plank Rd. 704-827-7966

Center Baptist Church

New Faith Baptist Church

S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-4121

1224 Mayberry Rd. 704-263-0249

Epic Church

New Life Baptist Church

100 Indian Walk 704-671-4652

527 N. Buckoak St. 704-263-4647

Family Worship Center 1013 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-7656

Finish Line Christian Center 1792, 108 N. Main St. 704-980-285-8334

First Baptist Church-Mt. Holly 300 S. Main St. 704-827-2481

First Free Will Baptist Church 841 Noles Dr. 704-827-7461

First Presbyterian Church

Lowell Church of God 804 W. First Street 704-824-3383

Lowell Free Will Baptist Church 3010 Lowell Rd. 704-824-9389

133 S. Main St. 704-827-0521

Lowell Smyre United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church

201 N. Main St. 704-824-8814

140 N. Main St. 704-827-4855

Goshen Free Will Baptist Church 1300 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-3076

Grace Baptist Church 300 Westland Farm Rd. 704-827-8600

Hickory Grove Baptist Church 3717 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-827-3939

Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s Witnesses 1736 Kelly Rd. 704-263-0199

Lighthouse Full Gospel Church 530 N. Hawthorne St. 704-827-1442

Living Witness Ministries 541 Costner St. 704-827-0004

Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 120 Branch St. 704-824-4535

First Baptist Church of Lowell

Bethel Baptist Church

Morningside Missionary Church

Roper Street 704-601-5146

NC Highway 273 704-827-9846

711 Morningside Dr. 704-822-9142

324 N. Main St. 704-263-4041

Stanley Pentecostal Holiness Church 113 E. Parkwood St. 704-263-2131

Trinity Full Gospel Church

5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-524-0555

New Life Church

Welcome Baptist Church

128 Robbins St. 704-824-1356

811 Mauney Rd.

Presbyterian Church of Lowell


207 E. 1st St. 704-824-3807

Restoration Church 1800 Spencer Mountain Rd. 704-824-5250

Woodlawn Baptist Church


Goshen Presbyterian Church

Stanley Church of God

United In Action of Stanley

110 S. Main St. 704-827-4751


2920 Dallas-Stanley Highway 704-263-4426

317 W. 1st St. 704-824-1213

Will of God Church

1951 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-9224

Springfield Memorial Baptist Church

First Baptist Church

1101 N. Main St. 704-824-4261

Macedonia Baptist Church

2717 Dallas/Stanley Hwy. 704-263-4406

303 Sunset Dr. 704-263-9765

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

5339 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-8252

Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church

400 W. 1st St. 704-824-1215

1405 Armstrong Ford Rd. 704-825-0604 513 Woodlawn Ave. 704-827-5185

151 8th Ave. 704-824-3889

Cramer Memorial United Methodist Church

Revival Tabernacle of Mt. Holly

Grace Wesleyan Church

Cramerton Independent Presbyterian Church

Redemption Hill Church 804 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-820-0954

124 Georgia Belle Ave 980-925-0433


416 Woodlawn Ave. 704-824-1745

Restoration & Deliverance

Sanctuary of Praise Ministries

300 E. Wesleyan Dr. 704-824-1073

1304 N. Main St. 704-827-6141

Employees of

McAdenville Wesleyan Church

Lakeview Baptist Church 143 Church St. 704-824-5380

McAdenville Baptist Church 192 Main St. 704-824-2740

Bright Light Baptist Church 112 White Jenkins Rd. 704-681-2017 Don’t see your church listed? Email us today at

For information on getting your business listed here call 704-825-0580

Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Banner News /

Page 9

Winning words: Harry Adams explains his success By Kathy Blake Harry Adams started a girls AAU basketball league in Mount Holly in 1995. He was coaching at Mount Holly Junior High and wanted some of his athletes to play at the next rung, so he combined some of his team with girls a friend coached in Charlotte. Someone donated jerseys. “I wasn’t aware how much it cost. We just jumped into it,” he says. The team played a Regionals in North Wilkesboro, the first step toward the state tournament in Raleigh and national championships. It didn’t go well: “I talked to a guy who ran the Wilkes Diamonds program, and he explained that this is a whole different level.” Adams wasn’t going to let history repeat. He found gyms to practice in – Mount Holly and Stanley schools, the Mount Holly city gym and, through a friend, Temple Baptist Church in Gastonia. He reworked his program and coached AAU for 25 years. He won three national championships. Along the way, he also coached girls basketball at Mount Holly and Stanley middle schools, varsity girls at Gaston Day and Gaston Christian, and basketball, baseball and football at Mount Holly Junior High. Now, at age 71, his work as a coach and his contributions to the town have Adams being honored in the Mount Holly Sports Hall of Fame with the Community Spirit Award. “It’s really humbling. In my life, you never think something like this could happen and you never know when you start how things will work out, how God will make it work out,” he says, “but you do what you do, and that’s where my heart was.” Adams sees his athletes as people first, ballplayers second. “If you can look in a mirror and say ‘I did my best,’ that’s good enough for me as a coach. I was able to win with a lot of kids with that presentation, and I was genuine with it. And that’s the winning piece, when they know you’re real,” he says. “Kids are smart and they can see through the fluff, but when you come in the gym every day and they see you’re the same person, they will play their hearts out for you.” Actions may speak louder than words, but words can be influential and powerful. Listen to some philosophies from Adams. On coaching: “It’s something that I think has to be a God-given gift to work with kids like that because you have to be committed and you have to give up a lot in order to do it. I got gratitude out of seeing kids get better. They come out and try to get a grasp of what’s going on, but if they work hard they can get better. Oh, they may not be the best, but if you love what you do, you can get better.” On being a leader: “Everybody who came into our program, I sat with the parent and the child and said this is a team organization, and all our players are not on the same level but we play as a team. If you have any questions, don’t ask anyone else, ask me. I tell them that so there wouldn’t be any junk, and I was able to be successful. I know how things can be when you deal with kids, so everything went through me. You want to blame someone? Blame me. And it works.” On players who aren’t their team’s best: “It’s a learning tool for them. Be patient. Great athletes are easy to coach, but when a kid comes along who isn’t that great, it’s a lesson. I pride myself in trying to get that kid to grow as an athlete and as a person. You don’t just throw that kid out and get someone better to play, you develop that kid.” On player mistakes and last-second losses: “I can’t tell you how many times, in a critical game… A kid knows when they should have done something and it didn’t work out, and you have to let them know it’s not the end of the world and that’s not what this is about. You have to leave it where it is, because there’s another game tomorrow

Harry Adams and you might hit the winning shot. This is a team thing. No one’s going to blame you because you missed the last shot. That’s not what defines you.” On education: “You can’t play for me unless you have an A-B average. Education is important. If you don’t have grades, you can’t go anywhere with a sport. I put that out in front of my parents and my kids, and a lot of parents didn’t like it, but I think education is important. Only a very small percentage become professional athletes.” One season, he says a team missed going to a championship because of a missed layup: “In that split second, when you find out it didn’t happen, you think it’s going to stay with you until next year when you come back. But you have to take that, along with the glorious parts, and learn from it. We didn’t play win-at-all-costs. It’s about winning and learning about life. That’s the important part. Because, after basketball there is life. When basketball is over, you have to start living life.” His AAU team was headed to Tampa for the National Championships in 2006 when Adams hurt his back doing landscaping at his home. His son took him to a doctor, who told Adams not to get on the airplane. “I coached from a chair the whole time, and we won the national championship that year. I was in the chair, and the kid hit the winning shot, and I came out of that chair and was jumping up and down. It was one of the highlights of my career, seeing those kids win on a big stage. It was just the adrenaline that got me up. My assistant coach, he was 6-foot-7 and I’m 5-foot 6, and he set me right back down. For a group of girls from a small town to go down there, where people didn’t give them a chance .. and we won.” Adams graduated from Mount Holly High in 1971. He and his wife, Rita, have two sons, Marquis and Terrell, and he coached them when they played youth basketball and football, in addition to his work with AAU and schools. This July, he retired. Some former players still come visit him. He says he gets wedding invitations, and baby announcements, in the mail. “It’s a real blessing,” he says, “when you see the kids again and they acknowledge what you did for them. It’s so gratifying. You can’t put a price on it.” Harry Adams 1995-2020: Mount Holly Stars AAU girls basketball 2005: 11-Under AAU Division II National Champion 2006: 11-Under USSA National Champion 2007: 12-Under USSA National Champion Public schools:

2011-2012: Gaston Day School (24-3) 2010-2011: Gaston Day School (14-8) 2008: Gaston Christian School (12-2) 2003-2004: Stanley Middle School (2004 – 12-0, county champions)

The 2022 Mount Holly Sports Hall of Fame banquet will be held on August 20 at the Mount Holly Municipal Complex at 6pm. Doors open at 5. Tickets are available at Moose’s Pharmacy and David’s Detailin, and online at

Gaston County Schools: Back-to-School Orientation and Open House List Schools will conduct orientation/open house programs to prepare students for the beginning of a new school year. If you have a question about orientation, please contact your child’s school. BannerNews area schools are: ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Belmont Central Elementary Sunday, August 14 Second Grade Orientation 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday, August 15 Meet-the-Teacher Orientation Last Name L-Z, 4:15 - 5:30 p.m. Last Name A-K, 6:15 - 7:30 p.m. Catawba Heights Elementary Monday, August 15 Drop-in Orientation Kindergarten, 4:00 p.m. First and Second Grade, 4:30 p.m. Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade, 5:00 p.m. Kiser Elementary Tuesday, August 9 Third Grade Orientation, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 14 Drop-in Orientation Fourth and Fifth Grade, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Lowell Elementary Monday, August 15 Drop-in Orientation (All Grade Levels), 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. McAdenville Elementary Monday, August 15 Meet the Teacher Orientation (All Grade Levels) 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. New Hope Elementary Monday, August 15 Open House Kindergarten Parent Meeting, 2:00-3:00 p.m. Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade, 4:00-5:00 pm First Grade, Second Grade, 5:00 - 6:00pm North Belmont Elementary Monday, August 15 Drop-in Orientation (All Grade Levels) 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Page Primary Monday, August 15 Open House Last Names A-K, 4:30 - 5:45 p.m. Last Names L-Z, 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. Pinewood Elementary Monday, August 15 Open House Last Name A-L, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Last Name M-Z, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Rankin Elementary Sunday, August 14 Kindergarten Orientation Last Name A-K, 2:00 p.m. Last Name L-Z, 3:30 p.m. Monday, August 15

Drop-in Orientation (All Grade Levels) 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Springfield Elementary Wednesday, August 10 Kindergarten Orientation, 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 11 First Grade and Second Grade Orientation, 5:00 p.m. MIDDLE SCHOOLS Belmont Middle Thursday, August 11 Sixth Grade Camp, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Thursday, August 11 Seventh and Eighth Grade Drop-in Open House, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Cramerton Middle Thursday, August 11 Camp Cramerton for Sixth Graders, 9:00 11:00 a.m. Parent Meeting, 10:30 a.m. Seventh Grade and Eighth Grade Open House, 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 15 Sixth Grade Open House, 6:00 p.m. Holbrook Middle Thursday, August 4 Sixth Grade Orientation, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Thursday, August 11 Drop-in Open House, 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. Mount Holly Middle Thursday, August 11 Sixth Grade Orientation, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Open House, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Stanley Middle Sunday, August 7 Sixth Grade Blue Devil Dash, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Thursday, August 11 Sixth Grade Orientation, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Monday, August 15 Drop-in Open House / Schedule Pick-up, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. HIGH SCHOOLS Stuart W. Cramer High Thursday, August 11 Ninth Grade Camp, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. Monday, August 15 Open House, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. East Gaston High Thursday, August 11 Ninth Grade Camp, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Drop-in Open House, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Tenth Grade, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Eleventh Grade, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Twelfth Grade, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.. South Point High Thursday, August 11 Ninth Grade Orientation, 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Drop-in Open House, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

King of the Ring: Nichols excels in Golden Gloves By Kathy Blake If Robert Nichols Jr. hadn’t been outside his house with some friends that day. .. If T.L. McManus hadn’t driven by… If they didn’t happen to be just up the road from the Jaycee Building.. A Golden Gloves success story would not have happened. “T.L. McManus was the coach, and he was riding through the neighborhood, and he asked a group of us if we wanted to box,” Nichols says. “So me and two of my brothers and a friend who lived close by, we all went down and tried out. So that’s how we got started.” Nichols was 17, a heavyweight at 175 pounds. “It went very well,” he says. “I only lost one match.” He became the Mount Holly Golden Gloves novice heavyweight champion, from 1968 through 1970, which secured his place in the Mount Holly Sports Hall of Fame. The Jaycees, he says, supplied the gloves and equipment, and a little traveling money when McManus would take the crew to away bouts. Nichols says he didn’t wear headgear: “I thought it was distracting,” he says, “and I wasn’t planning on getting hit in the head that many times anyway.” But there was an issue, once, with shoes. “There was one incident in Gastonia when the fighter before me, he got knocked out and I was in the dressing room waiting for him to come back because I had to wear the same boxing shoes he had on,” he says. “I had to wait until they took his shoes off so I could put them on and fight.” Boxing matches started on Thursday nights and continued through Saturday. “In order to make it to those fi-

nals, you had to fight two times, maybe three times, and if someone didn’t want to fight me, I automatically would go to the finals,” he says. “It was very seldom I’d have to fight all three fights.” He won the Saturday night finals 22 times. An article in the Gaston Gazette on January 31, 1969, said: “One of the most pleasant surprises for Mount Holly veteran coach T.L. McManus has been the performance of heavyweight Robert Nichols. Nichols had very little experience, was in his first year of fighting, yet won the Mount Holly Golden Gloves. Last night, he beat a veteran fighter in Charlotte’s Jack Hefner. Nichols got in his share of strong punches, and stayed away from Hefner’s dynamic to cop the victory. Robert punched his way into the finals and will meet the winner of tonight’s bout between Gastonia’s Steve Carpenter and S.C.’s Howard Jones.” A newspaper article from February 10, 1969 said: “Robert Nichols of Mount Holly, in his first year of boxing, captured the novice heavyweight title, beating Jack Hefner of Charlotte. Nichols swept to titles on three consecutive weekends in Mount Holly, Gastonia and Charlotte. “ “I won all my [Novice] bouts leading up to the Golden Glove championship, where all the fighters who had made it would participate. I only lost one,” he says. “I’m thinking I aged out of Novice during our last fights, because they were in January and February, so I think I aged out into the Open division when I turned 18.” Nichols, who turned 71 on February 8, says something else happened about 1970 that pulled at him like a rope in tug-of-war, each side try-

Robert Nichols Jr. ing to muscle him in a different direction. Nichols’ faith in the Lord is an indispensable part of his life. Nichols is Robert Sr. and Ossie Nichols’ oldest of eight children. He grew up in a Christian home, a close-knit family. He was a junior deacon and youth leader at their Pentecostal church. A pastor learned of Nichols’ passion for boxing. “Their rules were very strict, and the pastor told me I shouldn’t be boxing. I’m a born-again believer, and I listened to him,” Nichols says. “He was our pastor for 13 years, and then we got another pastor and he told me there was nothing wrong with it. So I went back to boxing.” By then, Nichols was in his 30s. He and his wife Naomi married in 1971. They have a daughter and two sons. “I came back because of

the love I had for the game, and if I’d have had my way about it, I never would have stopped. But I was trying to be obedient to the pastor,” he says. “It hurt my career, because I was looking for ways to be a top contender of the heavyweight boxing profession, so after all those years I lost, I stepped back into the ring and found out I still had it.” He competed in the Open division and boxed for a club in Gastonia awhile, “But my roots are in Mount Holly.” Away from the ring, NichRobert Nichols Jr. - Mount Holly Golden Gloves novice heavyols worked 29 ½ years for weight champion. Clariant Corporation as a maintenance mechanic and chemical operator and took Lord. I’m sure she’s pleased, thank the committee for early retirement at age 55. but it’s sad she’s not here choosing me. I was really When Nichols got the call anymore. blown away, and I’d like to from the Hall of Fame about “I had the privilege to box thank each and every one for his induction, he was with his with some of the greatest men their outpouring of support wife at the restaurant their in Mount Holly, and T.L. Mc- for this little hometown boy.” daughter owns on Mount Manus took us around and I ROBERT NICHOLS JR. Holly-Huntersville Road. learned a lot under his leaderGolden Gloves novice “Actually, I was speech- ship.” heavyweight champion: less, and tears started running The Nichols have 15 1968-1970 down my face and I told my grandchildren. Athleticism 22 Finals victories wife, and she started jump- is in the family. One grandThe 2022 Mount Holly ing up and down in the res- son, Jaylen, is a 6-foot-5, 322 Sports Hall of Fame banquet taurant, praising the Lord,” pound scholarship offensive will be held on August 20 at he says. “The reason I started lineman for the University the Mount Holly Municipal crying is that I lost my mother of South Carolina. Cameron, Complex at 6pm. Doors open two years ago, and she would a senior 6-foot-2, 283 pound at 5. Tickets are available at have loved to participate in offensive guard has a full Moose’s Pharmacy and Dathis. But to be absent from the scholarship to Navy. vid’s Detailin, and online at body is to be present with the “I’d definitely like to

Abbey announces Women’s Volleyball schedule

Gobbel signs with LA Angels Belmont Abbey shortstop Ben Gobbel signed an undrafted free agent contract with the Los Angeles Angels on Friday. He becomes the latest Crusader to sign with a Major League team and the first since Matt McGarry did so with the New York Yankees organization in 2018. Gobbel finished the 2022 season leading the Crusaders batting average (.371), hits

(78), runs batted in (71) and home runs (16). In addition, he also led the team with 13 stolen bases on 16 attempts. He had also earned several accolades including a Conference Carolinas All-Conference first team selection and spots on three All-Southeast Region teams including the D2CCA, NCBWA and ABCA. Belmont Abbey photo

Three in-season tournaments and a home date against 2021 South Atlantic Conference co-champion Wingate highlight the 2022 Belmont Abbey Women’s Volleyball schedule, Head Coach Toni Fox has announced. The Crusaders also play 17 Conference Carolinas matches before the league tournament in November. “I am excited about the schedule that we will play in 2022,” Fox said. “As in year’s past, we will face some of the region’s top teams at three September tournaments, then turn our attention to a competitive Conference Carolinas slate. We have a talented group of first years to incorporate into our culture, and are excited to see everyone back on campus in August. The team has been working hard in the offseason with the goal of a successful season.” The campaign begins with back-to-back weekend tournaments -- August 26-27 at

Union (Tenn.) and Sept. 2-3 at Rollins with the season opener against Texas Woman’s that first Friday. After the home opener against Lander on Sept. 7, the Crusaders travel to Charleston, W.Va. for the UC Invitational on Sept. 9-10. Conference Carolinas play begins on Sept. 16 with the first of six straight home matches. Barton visits the Wheeler Center for Hawaiian Night. Other special home events include blackout against UNC Pembroke on Sept. 20, the Raise the Red match vs. Erskine on Sept. 23 and 80’s Night vs. North Greenville on Oct. 8. Senior Day will be held Oct. 22 against Francis Marion. The league tournament begins with firstround matches on Nov. 5 with the top six teams competing in the final three rounds Nov. 11-13 at Pembroke, N.C. Belmont Abbey story/photo

The Banner News /

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Where’s there’s water there’s mud.

Ashe Jenkins cute as pie.

Page 11

Parks and Rec. employees Alex Godette and Scott Gowdy.

Mom Mia Jenkins tries out hula hoop.

Carrie and Matthew Allen and Dash the dog.

Kieran, Rowan, and Sydney hoola hooping.

Grownups were enjoying the park too. From left- Tammy ProctorHarris, Birgit Marrino, Dorothee Kulifay.

Fire truck tours.

The fire hose in action.

Frisbee golf fans Pippa, Wakefield, and Teddy Lynn.

Kathryn, Tobias, and Kayla Griggs having fun and a popsicle.

Belmont Parks and Rec. and Belmont Fire Dept. teamed up last Saturday for a fun time at Stowe Park. Kids enjoyed games and a cooling blast of water from the fire hose. Here are some sights at the fun in the sun event. Photos by Alan Hodge

The Banner News /

Page 12

Ashley Mahboub

Daisy Lopez

Emily Rollins

Joshua Crouch

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Justin Larter

Logan Crisp

Rylee-Grace Burgis

Albert G. Myers Scholarship winners announced Congratulations to the following Gaston County Schools high school seniors who are recipients of the Albert G. Myers Scholarship. Rylee-Grace Burgis, Cherryville High School Logan Crisp, Stuart W. Cramer High School

Joshua Crouch, Stuart W. Cramer High School Justin Larter, East Gaston High School Emily Rollins, Gaston Early College Daisy Lopez, Hunter Huss High School Ashley Mahboub, Hunter Huss High School

The scholarship is for $20,000 over four years to be used at the school of the student’s choice. The scholarships have been awarded for more than 50 years and are named for the late Albert G. Myers Sr., a prominent business leader and philanthropist for many years in Gastonia.

Students sign ‘letters of intent’ to work for local companies Six seniors in the Class of 2022 walked across the graduation stage in June to receive their high school diploma and already had a new job waiting for them. The students participated in the Gaston County Schools Career Signing Day ceremony on June 16. The event, which is similar to career signing events that typically involve college athletes, was a time for the students to be recognized for their achievements and to signify their intent to work for one of three local companies. The Career Signing Day is organized by Gaston County Schools’ Career and Technical Education program. During the ceremony, the students “signed” for jobs with GSM Services, Dixon Valve, and Joffie Contracting Services. Each student was given a Certificate of Achievement, which was signed alongside a representative from each company. Through the Career and Technical Education program, students gain valuable knowledge in a particular career field and have

opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials, which gives them an advantage as they enter the workforce after high school. All middle schools and high schools in Gaston County Schools offer Career and Technical Education classes. Click here for an article about Career and Technical Education expanding to include fifth graders. Below is a list of the companies and students who participated in the Career Signing Day: GSM Services Francisco Baez, Stuart W. Cramer High School Sean Brabham, Stuart W. Cramer High School Dixon Valve Cameron Owens, North Gaston High School Joffie Contracting Services Mohammad Antonio Gonzales Hernandez, Forestview High School Antonio Esparza, Forestview High School Luis Esteban, Forestview High School

Summer is here and the Gaston Christian School varsity boys basketball team took a chance to cool off with some boating at Belmont Rowing Center. It was a great day on the Catawba River.

Check us out at: Bill Bostick 704-813-6262

Bill Bostick Photography

Pictured: Francisco Baez, Sean Brabham, Cameron Owens, Mohammad Antonio Gonzales Hernandez, Antonio Esparza, and Luis Esteban.

The Banner News /

Thursday, August 4, 2022

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It’s time to collect school supplies in Gaston County Pencils, notebooks, and crayons – oh my! It’s that time of year for school supplies. Now through Friday, August 5, Gaston County Schools is collecting school supplies at 17 locations across Gaston County. The supplies will be distributed to students in need to help them be successful in the upcoming academic year, which begins on Wednesday, August 17. Suggested donations include No. 2 pencils, packs of colored pencils, 24-pack crayons, notebooks (composition or spiral), folders (pocket or prongs), tissues, Ziploc bags, and earbuds for computers. The 17 collection sites include Gastonia area fire stations and branches of the Gaston County Public Library as well as the Gaston County Schools Central Office, 943 Osceola Street, Gastonia. Donations can be dropped off at any of the locations during business/operational hours. Libraries Gaston County Public Library - Main, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia Gaston County Public Library - Union Road, 5800 Union


Road, Gastonia Gaston County Public Library - Belmont, 125 N. Central Avenue, Belmont Gaston County Public Library - Bessemer City, 207 N. 12th Street, Bessemer City Gaston County Public Library - Mount Holly, 245 W. Catawba Avenue, Mount Holly Gaston County Public Library - Cherryville, 605 E. Main Street, Cherryville Gaston County Public Library - TECH@Lowell, 203 McAdenville Road, Lowell Gaston County Public Library - Stanley, 205 N. Peterson Street, Stanley Gastonia Fire Stations Fire Station #1, 260 N. Myrtle School Road, Gastonia Fire Station #2, 510 New Way Drive, Gastonia Fire Station #3, 717 Wellons Drive, Gastonia Fire Station #4, 900 Armstrong Park Road, Gastonia Fire Station #5, 900 Hudson Blvd., Gastonia Fire Station #6, 1335 E. Ozark Avenue, Gastonia Fire Station #7, 3811 Gaston Day School Road, Gastonia Fire Station #8, 613 Carson Road, Gastonia Other Gaston County Schools Central Office, 943 Osceola Street, Gastonia For more information, call the Gaston County Schools Business and Community Partnerships Office, (704) 866-6329.

LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GASTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS Having qualified on 20th day of May, 2022 as Administrator of the Estate of BLANCHE LORRAINE TALLEY; AKA, BLANCHE LORRAINE MCCLEARY TALLEY, deceased, of Gaston County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, Brenton S. Begley, Administrator, on or before the 27th of October, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said estate to please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day of July, 2022. Brenton S. Begley, Administrator Estate of: Blanche Lorraine Talley; aka, Blanche Lorraine McCleary Talley 233 E Graham Street Shelby, NC 28150 CE (7/27, 8/03, 10 & 17/2022) BN (7/28, 8/04, 11 & 18/2022)

National Network Classified Ads Reader Advisory: the National Trade Associations we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

CLUES ACROSS 1. Female parent 5. NY city 10. Israeli diplomat Abba 14. Surrounded by 15. Car part 16. Simple aquatic plant 17. Tough skin of fruit 18. Finnish lake 19. Composition 20. Very willing 22. One and only 23. Cluster cups 24. Famed Hollywood director 27. Score perfectly 30. Important lawyers 31. Undivided 32. Part of the foot 35. Spun by spiders 37. Married woman 38. Reagan’s Secretary of State 39. Instruments 40. The A-Team drove one 41. Short-tailed marten 42. Oil organization 43. Predecessor to the EU 44. “Hotel California” rockers 45. Color at the end of the spectrum 46. Actress Ryan 47. Digital audiotape 48. Expression of creative skill 49. Scientiwc instrument 52. Dog-__: marked for later 55. Israeli city __ Aviv 56. Fencing sword 60. Turkish title 61. Wise individuals 63. Cold wind 64. Popular type of shoe 65. The territory occupied by a nation 66. Tattle 67. Chop up 68. Actress Zellweger 69. Romanian city CLUES DOWN 1. Female of a horse 2. Bowwn 3. Chinese dynasty 4. Small venomous snake 5. Global news agency 6. Common fractions 7. American state

8. Tired 9. Boxing’s GOAT 10. Made less severe 11. A group of countries in special alliance 12. God of wre (Hindu) 13. Northeast Indian ethnic group 21. Anchor ropes 23. They __ 25. Apprehend 26. Autonomic nervous system 27. A theatrical performer 28. 2-door car 29. Partner to yowed 32. Pair of small hand drums 33 Former Houston footballer 34. Discharge 36. Former women’s branch of the military 37. Partner to cheese 38. Witch 40. Live in a dull way 41. Satiswes 43. Snakelike wsh 44. Consume 46. Type of student 47. Erase 49. Instruct 50. Girl’s given name 51. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation 52. Every one of two or more things 53. Indian city 54. Greek letters 57. Weapon 58. Geological times 59. Cycle in physics 61. Soviet Socialist Republic 62. Witness

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The Banner News /

Page 14

Thursday, August 4, 2022

CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047




1980 SHELBY HIGH CLASS REUNION. SHS Class of 1980 is having our 42nd reunion of Oct 1, 2022 at the Don Gibson Theatre. Social hour begins at 6:30 with dinner and dancing to follow. Meal will consist of chicken, barbecue, sides, desserts and drinks. Cash bar available with DJ to provide music.$50 per person and $90 per couple..Please respond by September 15th. Payment may be made to Pam Blanton Williams, 1615 Wesson Rd, Shelby, NC 28152 or through paypal @PamelaWilliams911. Any questions please contact Pam Blanton Williams 704-6922472 or Lynn McCarver Hicks 704-284-3303

NOW OPEN. COME SEE US. Ross Consignment, llc. 127 West Main Street, Rutherfordton. 828447-6971

WESTVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH JOB OPPORTUNITY. Westview Baptist Church is seeking a parttime Administrative Assistant. This person must be dependable and above reproach in all areas. Primary duties will include producing a newsletter weekly, recording all church finances, and assisting staff when needed. Reliable computer skills are necessary. Competitive compensation and hours will be discussed during the interview. Please submit resumes to by August 5, 2022.


COINS * COINS * COINS. We Buy & Sell Coins. “Coin Collector Supplies.” JAKE’S KNIVES & COLLECTIBLES. 1008 South Lafayette Street, Shelby. Call 704600-6996 (980) 295-5568

GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. Visit our NEW LOCATION .....Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. We’re located at 104 Oliver Ave. (behind El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Boiling Springs), Shelby 704-297-0102 or 704-297-0103


MWP LANDSCAPIMG AND HAULING. Let MWP take care of your service needs. Bush hogging, Land clearing, Fallen tree debris cleanup, Demolition, Hauling and more. Call for more information and a free estimate. (877) 416-9752

JIM’S PAINTING SERVICES. Exterior painting only. We also stain decks. Free estimates. You will be pleased with our work. We have references. 828-287-9272. (828) 429-7511

TRENT’S HANDYMAN SERVICES. Will do any small handyman projects. From changing light fixtures to pressure washing and yard clean up!! Need something painted? I’ve got you! Give me a call or text. Quality work at its best!! (828) 695-7768 GRAVEL $170/TON. Miscellaneous junk removal, Trenching excavator, $75/hr, $50/unload. Firewood, tree-trimming except over house. Estimate, 864-4909803 complaints or problems.

SHS CLASS OF 1977 REUNION. Shelby High Class of ‘77 will hold their 45th reunion on Saturday, Oct. 22nd at Izzi Q Barbecue located at 127 W. Marion St., in Uptown Shelby. $25 per person and that’s all inclusive; venue, food and music. Desserts by Betsy Lutz McPherson. Checks can be mailed to Donna Blanton Rash at 1045 Allison Dr., Shelby NC 28150

EXPERIENCED CARE GIVER. I will care for your elderly or disabled in Cleveland County area. Excellent references. Call for info. 70-435-3315.

WILL CLEAN HOUSES AND BUSINESSES. Worked 15 years in hotel housekeeping. Reasonable rates. Call for details. (704) 419-9016 bmcvene@att. net


ONE ON ONE CARE is hiring for full/part time in the group homes for 2nd shift. Transport experience recommended not required. Hrs are 2p-11p weekdays and 8p-8a weekends. Apply in person at 203 Lee St. Shelby

SHS 50TH REUNION Shelby High Class of 1972, 50th Reunion, October 8, 2022. For more information, contact or call (704) 418-2712

EMPLOYMENT VENDING ROUTE DRIVER/ MERCHANDISER POSITION. Part time Position available (approximately 24 hours per week). Vending Route Driver/Merchandiser position available for Snack, Beverage Route, in the Shelby NC area. The right candidate will be motivated, a self-starter and customer service oriented. Duties include, loading box truck with beverages and snacks, driving to accounts, filling and servicing vending machines. Vending machine service includes, collecting money, rotating products. The role is approximately 20% driving and 80% stocking, moving, loading product. Regular and repeated lifting, sliding, pushing, pulling of 40lbs is required. • Base pay starts at 11/hr. Weekends off! Clean driving record required. Employees must consent to background check and drug screening. Please call 704-466-3241 between the hours of 9am until 4pm Monday thru Thursday or e-mail

ON-LINE RESELLERS STOCK UP! with no limits on quantities:Electronics with values to $39.95 ALL ONLY $1.99! (savings to 95% off retail). Side door sale, next to Mighty Dollar FOREST CITY Saturday August 6th, 9am5pm, CASH ONLY. $$$$$$FALL, SCHOOL, HALLOWEEN & CHRISTMAS all arriving at SIDE DOOR sale, Saturday, August 6th, 9am-5pm, CASH ONLY. Next to Mighty Dollar Forest City. All 70-95% off retail. Door busters: 6 to 10 pack adult & children socks only $2.99, Backpacks $2.99.


UNARMED SECURITY. A SERVICES GROUP is seeking Unarmed Security Guards to work in the Shelby area. We are looking for qualified applicants who want to work parttime in a commercial retail environment. Get your steps in all while you get paid. If interested call or email (864) 432-3678

NEW! SOUL’S HARBOR MINISTRIES BIBLE STUDY @ Manor on Main 226 S. Main St. Mount Holly, NC 28120. Additional events: Youth rallies, game nights, prayer nights! harbor4u. com We can’t wait to meet you! (704) 812-8026 office@harbor4u. com ANNOUNCING OUR NEW OFFICE LOCATION. The SALVATION ARMY of Cleveland & Rutherford County’s Office is now located at 310 West Dixon Blvd., Shelby, NC 28152. Phone (704) 482-0375

CARPENTER/HANDY MAN to remodel rentals. Pay based on experience. 336-225-1050.


LOOKING FOR PART-TIME DRIVERS. In Cleveland County Area. Must be 21 years or older and have good driving record and be able to pass drug test and background check. Great opportunity for retirees. 704-466-5189

EB MOBILE MECHANIC. I will come to you to repair any car, lawnmower or tractor. Honest & reliable. (704) 300-2332

AFFORDABLE HOME SOLUTIONS NC. Roofing, vinyl siding, painting, window replacement, leaf blaster pro gutter protection. Free estimate. 828-405-2303. (828) 405-2303

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW COMPANY SEEKING BRAND PARTNERS New company launch - August 1, 2022. Get positioned now! Our company has partnered with a major manufacturing company resulting in a BRAND NEW COMPANY... We will launch an online marketplace featuring liquid nutraceuticals using cutting-edge nanotechnology that provides superior absorption... as well as... a line of bath, body, and home care products using the highest quality, clean, green, toxin-free ingredients. The company has also acquired the Exclusive Rights to a proven product that helped launch a well-known Billion $ brand. I know some of the principals involved... this is the REAL DEAL... this will make waves in the industry. This is a personal invitation to join us NOW before the masses find out... we are positioning people NOW. This is your chance to get ‘first mover advantage’, since we have the unique ability to position people on our team now … BEFORE the official company launch. For a sneak peak and more info, go to tour/#100820. You can either watch it happen or be part of it. I would rather you be part of it! (919) 229-5229 robin.


Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon


SHIPMAN’S MASONRY- 48 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Brick, Block & Stone, Outside Fireplaces, Foundations, Underpinnings. “Free Estimates”. 1st Quality Work! (863) 532-1587 RETIRED GENERAL CONTRACTOR AVAILABLE. “SPECIALIZING IN DECKS” Repairs and New Construction. Rutherford/Cleveland County areas. Contact Bob at (828) 476-6058


READY, SET, LEARN! PRESCHOOL. Hi families! I’ve recently started an in-home, small group private preschool or mom’s morning out program for little ones ages 18 months to 4 years old in Cleveland County. Our in-home preschool program is unique. We aren’t your traditional family child care program but we also are not a center preschool program. We are the best of both worlds…a small, close knit, home-like environment that offers rich, hands on, educational opportunities for preschool aged children to help prepare them for kindergarten success & beyond. If you’re looking for a half-day preschool, we’d love to have your little one join us At Ready, Set, Learn! Preschool to get a head start on “learning to love and loving to learn”. (704) 974-3288 RSLPreschool2022@gmail. com

CALL US FIRST. Pressure Washing, Deck Restoring, Handyman Services, Hot Water Tanks, Minor Repairs, Much More! Over 25 years Exp, Honest Dependable, Call 704-6924449 TRIPLE D PAINTING, LLC. All your painting needs. Free estimates. Over 25 yrs experience! Facial board replacement available!!! Making your home, building or business look new again. (704) 418-5736 COPPERHEAD ROAD LAWN AND FIELD. Give us a call for prompt friendly service. Offering lawn care and field services (light tractor work, soil sampling and analysis) at reasonable prices. Standard lawn package: (mowing, trimming, blowing off driveways and porches.) (704) 692-0662 PAINTING SERVICES. Over 25 years experience, affordable prices. Professional results. References available. Free estimates. Charles, or leave message. (704) 435-8062. YARD BUDDY. Outdoor work such as trimming bushes, small trees, spraying weeds, gutter cleaning. General property clean-up. No grass cutting or leaves. Serving Shelby & Cleveland County. (980) 295-0750

YARD SALES CLEVELAND COUNTY MULTIPLE FAMILY YARD SALE. August 6th. 7am to 12pm. Items including: Home decor, fishing equipment, boys bike and nerf gun collection, pottery, clothing, art, books and much more. 1615 Wesson Rd, Shelby, NC 28152 ESTATE AND YARD/BAKE SALE CORNERSTONE CHURCH OF GOD, 202 MARGRACE RD., KINGS MOUNTAIN NC. SAT AUG 6TH, FROM 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM, ESTATE ITEMS AND YARD AND BAKE SALE HELD INDOORS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL. (704) 689-4430 CORN ER STO N EC O G 2 016 @ GMAIL.COM 3 DAY MOVING ESTATE SALE. Fri., Aug 5th & Sat., Aug. 6th 2022 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and Sun. Aug. 7th 1:00 pm 5:00 pm. Household Items, Yard Tools, Furniture & MUCH MUCH MORE! At 916 Sarratt Dr., Shelby, NC 28152

McDOWELL COUNTY GIGANTIC SIDEWALK YARD SALE. Sat., August 6, 7:30am until. Over 60 participating merchants and individuals. Historic Downtown Marion Business District. Marion, NC 28752

RUTHERFORD COUNTY BARN ESTATE SALE. Thursday, Aug. 4th, 2022 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM; Friday, Aug. 5th, 2022 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM; Saturday, Aug. 6th, 2022 from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Tools, hardware, sleds, some vintage/antique items. Rain or shine, in the barn. 180 Kentucky Street, Spindale, NC 28160 BIG MOVING SALE FRI., AUG. 5th, 2022 from 8:00 AM until Sat Aug 6th, 2022 from 8:00 AM until. 2142 US Hwy 74 business, Ellenboro, NC 28040. Moving Sale, Kids Stuff, Furniture, Much More! MOVING SALE JULY 28-AUGUST 6. Walk behind weedeater, full 20lb. propane tank $25, drill press, LOTS more! Call 321-5015563. 142 Vanity Lane, Ellenboro, NC 28040


NEW HOPE PRESCHOOL IS REOPENING! First Day of School: Tuesday, September 6th. Preschool every Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 9:00 - 12:00. Welcoming All 3 and 4 Year old children to come share a wonderful year of learning, growing, and fun! Registration Fee: $50 Monthly Tuition: $175 New Hope Baptist Church, Earl, NC. Email or call for more information! (803) 389-3282

UNIQUE ANTIQUE STATION. Farm House Decor, Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage Toys, Hot Wheels, Jewelry, MORE. Tuesday-Saturday 11am-4pm. 985 US 74 Business Hwy., Ellenboro. Find us on FB. 828-382-0075.

YARD SALES CLEVELAND COUNTY 3 DAY MOVING ESTATE SALE. Fri., Aug 5th & Sat., Aug. 6th 2022 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and Sun. Aug. 7th 1:00 pm 5:00 pm. Household Items, Yard Tools, Furniture & MUCH MUCH MORE! At 916 Sarratt Dr., Shelby, NC 28152 2 DAYS YARD SALE. Fri, August 5th & Sat, August 6th. Both days 7 am-Until. 401-1 Holman Dr, Shelby, NC 28150

SOLID WOOD DRESSER W/ MIRROR. Victorian Style Dresser with Mirror. Solid wood in good condition. $125.00 Pick-up only. (704) 692-4765

FOR SALE ROUGH CUT PINE LUMBER FOR SALE. 1”x8”x12’, $5.50; 1”x6”x12’, $4.50. Call (980) 2419010 Continued To Page 15 Continued to Page 15

The Banner News /

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Page 15

CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 Continued Page 14 Continued From from Page 14

FOR SALE STEEL CARPORTS & GARAGES. 12 wide, 18, 20, 22, 24 & 30 wides on display. Large onsite display. J Johnson Sales Forest City 2690 Hwy 221 South. Thursday - Friday 10-5 Saturday 10-12. Ph.(828) 245-5895






TOOLS & COLLECTIBLES DOLLS for sale. Great price. Call 704-434-7833 for more information.

TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. 704-434-6389, (704) 473-0867

WANT TO BUY. ATV’s, Pop-Up Campers and Small Travel Trailers. Call 828-429-3935.

LAB PUPPIES. 4 male 2 female black pure bred lab retriever puppies. 4 weeks old. $700. Taking deposits (704) 472-7903 chadmc@bellsouth. net

2004 CHEVROLET IMPALA Second Owner! Cold Air & Hot Heat. Automatic. Tires Like New! $2000 call (336) 997-8425

LIFT CHAIR FOR SALE. In good condition. $200. Call: 704-4821363.

STORAGE BUILDINGS NEW, USED, REPO’S. LARGE SELECTION! CASH or RENT TO OWN. NO CREDIT CHECK! J Johnson Sales 2690 Hwy 221 South, Forest City Thursday - Friday 10-5 Saturday 10-12 (828) 245-5895

GASTON MEMORIAL PARK 2 PLOTS Veterans Section near main entrance, 2 grave plot fronts on road, $8000. Approximate GPS location 35.249,-81.143 veteranplot@

USED CAMPER TOPS: BUY/ SALE/TRADE. Various sizes and styles. (828) 980-0881 LADDER RACK: Fits 8 ft. Dodge pickup bed. Welded, one piece construction. $400. Jackson Corbin 828-980-1823.

USED CAMPER TOPS: BUY/ SALE/TRADE. Various sizes and styles. (828) 980-0881 ZERO TURN LAWN MOWER. 48 inch, commercial, Kohler motor, good condition, $1500 OBO. 828-657-4445. Leave voicemail if no answer.

DRIVE COLBALT 195lbs cap. Delivered, training, tech warranty. Call Scooterman John 704 951 4224 or Mike (704) 438-1292 CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Summer Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704-477-9119 or 704-472-9367.

BAR STOOLS. 2- SADDLE SEAT BAR STOOLS with Stainless Steel Frames and Swivel Pedestals in good condition. Pick-Up or Will Deliver. (704) 692-4765 ALL TRAILERS CASH, FINANCE, CREDIT CARDS or RENT TO OWN. J Johnson Sales Forest City, NC. Thursday - Friday 10-5, Saturday 10-12. Ph. (828) 245-5895 JAZZY MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIR. ELITE HD Holds 300lbs and up. Colors are red and black. $850. New Chair, Great condition. (704) 860-4584 RENT TO OWN TRAILERS. ENCLOSED, DUMP, GOOSENECK, CAR HAULERS. Thursdays - Fridays 10-5, Sat. 10-12. J Johnson Sales, inc. (828) 245-5895

4 WHEEL SCOOTER $725.00. Pride 4 wheel Scooter, breaks down into 3 pieces, 35 lbs or less. Delivered & Tech warranty. Call Scooterman John 704-9514224 or Mike 704-438-1292. Wt limit 225 lbs mobilityservices07@ MOVING SALE. Beautiful Oak China cabinet with table and 6 chairs. $500 for both or will sell separately. Oak Corner China Hutch $300. 704-477-6114. ALL POOL EQUIPMENT AND chemicals for 24 ft. above ground pool, except pool and liner. $200.00 for all. 828-980-2493. RIDING/PUSH MOWERS, GARDEN TILLERS, GO-KARTS, MINI-BIKES. Ready to mow. All in excellent condition. Can deliver, 30+ years experience in repair work. 828-980-0853, 704-4769383. TWO PEAVY COLUMN PA SPEAKERS. Each with four 10 speakers. Fully functional. In excellent condition! $225.00. (704) 524-8761

BOATS 18” BAYLINER BOAT. Walk through windshield, Mercury 120HP outboard. With trailer. $3500. (828) 429-6185

DOG KENNELS & DOG HOUSES. Dog kennels 10x10x6, 10x20x6, Dog Houses 8x12, 10x16 Delivered & Installed Available. J Johnson Sales Thursday & Friday 10-5 Saturday 10-2. Ph. (828) 245-5895 KIMBALL 452 WALNUT CONSOLE PIANO for Sale: Kimball 452 Walnut Console Piano with Bench Seat. Very Good Condition. Pick Up Only. (704) 6924765 LEWIS FARMS NOW HAVE ALL types of produce. Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, peppers, cantaloupes, etc. 704-4720940. Hwy. 18 North, 1/2 mile above Fallston. PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788


WANT TO BUY CARS, TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006


ALL METAL GARAGES. Big Discounts! Zero down. Call for more details. 828-382-0455. NEW USED REPO BUILDINGS. Thursday - Friday 10-5 Sat. 10-12 J Johnson Sales 2690 US Hwy 221 South, Forest City, NC (828) 245-5895

Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon

LEXINGTON SOLID WOOD BEDROOM FURNITURE for Sale: 6 pc. solid wood bedroom furniture. Includes 2- night stands, Queen Size Head/Foot Board and frame, Dresser with Mirror and Chest. Pick-Up or will deliver. (704) 692-4765 wilcurb@ 2 PIECE SECTIONAL SOFA. Off white fabric, excellent for LR, sunroom or vintage decor $475. 3 piece set glass tables $300. Large canvas hanging picture, approx 3’x5’ $50. (704) 734-7136 SEASONED FIREWOOD. Small bundles stretch wrapped $5 each. Will deliver 15 miles outside Cherryville. $40 minimum for delivery. 704-538-3081, (704) 435-3970

FOOD GRADE TOTES. $100. #2 Soap Totes $75. Solid Top Plastic Barrels $10. Plastic Feed Barrels $20. (828) 327-4782 METAL ROOFING IN STOCK! Thursday - Friday 10-5 Saturday 10-12. J Johnson Sales (828) 245-5895


TOY POODLES AVAILABLE. CKC registered. $1,200 ea. Call 828-289-8844. SPAYED & NEUTERED GENTLE CATS. Free to good homes. 3 year old white male, 1.5 year old dark female, 1.5 yard old orange male. (704) 473-8517

WE BUY JUNK VEHICLES WE BUY JUNK CARS, TRUCKS AND VANS, PAYING CASH!!!! (704) 487-5244 WANT TO BUY: STAMP COLLECTIONS and accumulations of same. Call 828-652-9425 or cell 954-614-2562. CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-6926767, (704) 487-0228 I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197

2 MISSING PITBULLS Missing since 6-22-2022. I live in Harris, NC but they were spotted near HWY 74 around the Facebook Data Center. I’m not sure if someone picked them up or they kept going. Female Rednose Pitbull - Microchipped - No collar on when she went missing. White on her chest. Blue tattoo from being fixed. Male Merle Bully that is mostly Gray with black spots and white chest and white front legs. - Microchipped and has also been fixed!! They are out there somewhere and they need their medicine also. No questions asked, just want my babies home ASAP! REWARD!!! (828) 429-4094 DOBERMAN PUPPIES Black and Tan Doberman pups. CKC registered will be ready to go August 20th. Call or txt 828817-2851 (828) 817-2851 2 FEMALE GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES. Born 4-28-22, dewormed, 2nd shots, $400 each. Labradoodle puppies born 6-16-22, dewormed, will have 1st shots, $500ea. Ready to go 7-30-22. Henry Miller; 1608 Walls Church Road, Ellenboro.

1996 FORD F-150 197,600 miles. $5000, 5.0 V8 RUNS GREAT NEW OIL PUMP, RADIATOR, CONDENSOR AND MORE. OVERSIZE TIRES & WHEELS 5 SPEED MANUAL GREAT TRUCK FOR WORK OR PLAY (704) 770-8600 Kenny@ 2003 BUICK LESABRE, NICE MAROON EXTERIOR. Looks good. Great air. Good condition. 98,000 miles. $6,500 or best offer. (704) 942-4788

CKC: GOLDEN-RETRIEVER PUPPIES OF ENGLISH-BLOODLINES. Born: May 10th, 2022. Veterinary Exams and Vaccinations: June 23rd, 2022. Health-Guarantee, Veterinary-Records, CKC-Registration, and food accustomed to eating. Adoption Fee: $1500. (704) 740-8456


PREPPERS SPECIAL $9500 FIRM. Never be homeless! 828453-0828. SCENIC RIDGE COUNTRY CAMPGROUND. Cherryville, NC. Cabins. RV Spots, Daily Weekly, Monthly, Seasonal Sites. (704) 435-0938


WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-2891488.

USED C-PAP MACHINE. If you have a used C-PAP machine you are willing to sell, call Jim at 704560-6602.

221 FARMERS MARKET/ FLOCK SWAP and Small Animals. 221S across from Timken. Saturdays 8am-12. Buyers/ sellers welcome. $5 setup. Info: 828-305-1409, 828-863-4074.

PULLETS READY FOR PRODUCTION. 5 Sapphire Gems & 5 Brahamas. $15 each. Call 704692-7451

DANNY’S AUTOWERKS. Buying used or junk cars. Competitive prices. Call Danny 828-2893081 or Jimmy 828-289-1175.


DUCKLINGS FOR SALE. White Star Hybrid Laying Ducks. Call 704-689-3495. Please call before 9 pm.

FULL BLOOD HOUND PUPPIES FOR SALE. $400 neg, no papers, wormed and first shots. Born 6-14-22. We have four left, two females and two males For more information please call or text (252) 521-1197 AUSSIES. BEAUTIFUL & HEALTHY AUSSIES, MALES. Working stock. Dew claws removed. Parents standard size. UTD on shots & worming. $600 (980) 234-1744 pat.smith107@

2009 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500. 93,000 miles, $13000, very clean. Minor exterior blemishes. 2WD. Small V8. 1 owner. (843) 858-6854 TANWOODY2@ GMAIL.COM

AUSSIES Beautiful & healthy Aussies, males. Working stock. Dew claws removed. Parents standard size. UTD on shots & worming. $600 (980) 234-1744 pat.smith107@aol. com AUSTRALIAN SHEPERD FEMALE PUPPIES for sale. Born on Mother’s Day. $300 or best offer. Call or text Andy, 828234-2984

WANT TO BUY USED UTV (utility vehicle) w/2 wheel drive, rear wheel drive. Also handyman with a chainsaw available. 828-248-2184.

VACATIONS SCENIC RIDGE COUNTRY CAMGROUND. Cherryville, NC. Cabins. RV Spots, Daily Weekly, Monthly, Seasonal Sites. (704) 435-0938 OCEAN LAKES MYRTLE BEACH. Cottage N34. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den, kitchen, dining, covered deck, near country store. Call Dorcas, 803-718-2659.


RABBITS: SILVER FOX/REX MIX and Silver Fox/something fuzzy mix. Asking $20 each. Healthy and soft! Several to choose from. (828) 775-0804


GERMAN ROTTWEILER PUPS. CKC registered, 8 wks old. Parents on site. Shots and deworming up-to-date. $800 each. 803-222-6730.


9 HOGS FOR SALE. 3 male, 6 pregnant females. 400-600 lbs each. $350 each or take all for $300 ea. (704) 308-4721 GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES. Multigenerational F1B, CKC, 1 male and 1 female, current shots, 4 months old, non shed, $400 (828) 607-1541

CLEVELAND COUNTY 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH DUPLEX. Rent $975, Deposit $975, Application Fee $25. 107-1 Oak Drive, Lawndale, NC 28090. 704-2144180. 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH MOBILE HOME. On private lot. NO PETS. Call for info (704) 466-9984 Continued Page 16 16 Continued To to Page

The Banner News /

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Stanley Coolin’ Out Concert scenes... The Town of Stanley and the Parks and Recreation Department puts on an outstanding Coolin’ Out Concerts on Main on July 16. Music was provided by Jim Quick and Coastline who drew a huge crowd of revelers. Here are scenes from the jaunty jamboree. Photos by Bill Ward

C A R E E R S . G R E E N H E C K . C O M

LOVE WHERE YOU WORK! Continued From from Page Continued Page 15 15







BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM HOME. IN KINGS MOUNTAIN. Great Neighborhood. Separate 2 Car Garage. (No Pets) $1500 month. Call (704) 473-5240

2&3 BEDROOM TOWN HOMES. Townhomes located in Shelby, NC. We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list. Rent is based on income (and some expenses are deducted). Please visit us today at Laurel Hill Apartments 1526 Eaves Rd., Shelby NC or call for more information 704-487-1114. Equal Housing Opportunity.

3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH DOUBLEWIDE.. Rent $1250, Deposit $1250, Application Fee $25. 124 Deer Meadow Lane, Lawndale, NC 28090. 704-214-4180. 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH DOUBLEWIDE. Rent $1500, deposit $1500, application fee $25. 2175 Wiggins Lane, Kings Mountain, NC 28086. 704-214-4180. LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE HAS 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, (704) 482-7723 OUTSIDE CITY OF KINGS MOUNTAIN. Nice 2 bedroom 1 bath mobile home on large lot. No pets or smoking. References required. No texts please. 704418-3790 MOBILE HOMES & APARTMENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417 2 AND 3 BEDROOM MOBILE homes for rent in Shelby. $650$850. Call (828) 234-8147

2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, 704739-0259. HOME FOR RENT IN SHELBY. NC. 2 bedroom 1 bath renting at $1,025.00 per month. Call Today. (704) 554-8861 frontdesk@

FOR LEASE- OFFICE SPACE. Over 800 s.f. breakroom included. Brand new HVAC, brand new flooring, and ground level entry. $1,250 per month including water. 112 E. Dixon Blvd., Suite 2, Shelby, NC 28152, (704) 9231698 MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. $200 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. (704) 473-4299



HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, (704) 487-6354

RUTHERFORD COUNTY 2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $550 per month. 828382-0475.

Last Thurs of every month 2pm-4pm KVS


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K I N G S M O U N TA I N , N C 2 8 0 8 6

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